THE I10RI7IITG UTAH. if y WH. H. DEOai Altl) t fU BUS HBO DAILY KXCXPT MONDAT8. kates o amaoiarTiov n aptamox jim year, (by mafl) postage paid,v . . J. , iU months, " . .17..... puree months, " - - X 8ft 6 month .1 00 To City Sabeexfbara, dt&nnl Is anv &rt of the my, Fifteen Genu oer week, Oar City Agents are ki authorised to collect for aaorethaa three months n advance. Kntered at the Poet Office at Wllmtngtoa, N. C, mm eeooaia-rissa matter. J ; - The Goyernor of Ohio suggest! general day or thanksgiriDg to view of the recoyery of the President. The Episcopal bfchop of the Pittsburg (P ) Diocesa ia dead. Eighty-three burial permits is sued hi Chicago Saturday; the excessive heat is credited with the unusual mortality. Congressman Wright, of PenMylraoia, is dangerously UL Thirteen deltas in Cincinnati Saturday, from congestion of the brain, caused by the heat; thermome ter 104 degrees and upwards; in CoTington, Ey., there were four fatal cases' of sun stroke. Fifty persona are' reported killed by the falling roof of 'a church ia San Mateo, Mexico. The Sultan of Turkey will commute the death aentence of th a alleged murderers of Abdul Aziz and banian them from the country. ; The first bale of cotton for the season of 1881 wm brought to Glveatoo, Texas, Batur day, and waa sold on the Exchange for $835. For the week ending the 8th inst., there were 23 deaths from yellow fever at Havana. The PaU Matt QazetU pre- d c.s a financial crisis in the United States in ibe not remote future. Capt. 8. 8. Lire killed a negro with a knife who at tacked him with a pistol, near Acquia Creek, Vs., Saturday; a coroner's Terdict justified the killing. The body of L. K. Pub, ooe of the surveying party mur dered by Indians, has been found by Mexi can scouts; he was a sou of ex-Senator PuKb. The condition of President Garfield continues favorable; he bad more fever yesterday afternoon, but no especial importance was attached to it by the sur- gaons New York markets : Money 34 per cent; cotton steady at llllf i eats; southern flour steady at 15 257 75; wheal better; ungraded red 89 1 264; corn fairly active, ungraded 4956f eta; spirits' turpentine dull and weak at 41 cents; rosin steady at $2 052 10. New York dry goods market firm. The Norfolk Virginian spells the name of the assassin differently from all papers we have seen. Richmond is supplied with ice at 40 cents for 100 pounds. 25 pounds cost 15 cents. Less than 25 pounds is sold at the rates of 80 cents a hundred. Lorillard competed for both the New Market and New Castle stakes and got neither. The good lack seems to have deserted the American Btandard. McNamara, the Massachusetts lunatic who believed it to be his re ligious duty to shoot Secretary Blaine, has spent three years in the San Francisco asylum. Guiteau had a wife once. She ob tained a divorce on a very indelicate plea. She is married again and lives at Denver, Colorado. She says he was dreadfully cruel to her. The Richmond State classifies the Louisville Courier-Journal with the "hysterical press" and accuses it of Laving "editorial jim-jams." That what's the matter. Too much wateif ."in his'n." ? Mr. Davis persists in regarding Gen. Sidney Johnston as the greatest soldier of the Confederacy. History will not so write it, we apprehend. It is certain the American people do not so hold. For the week ending yesterday the heat. in Wilmington was as follows: July 5, 93 degrees; 6, 95; 7, 90; 8, 91; 9, 90; 10, 86; 11, 86. No other town or city as far South can show as mild a record. Two comets are visible plainly ia California. One in the northern and one in the southern heavens. This seems to confirm the statement that a southern comet had been disco ver d in South America bat some weeks since. We see that Father Ryan is to leoture at several places in Virginia. He has never filled his aDDointment vet in Wilminarton. When he trots j a a , to Virginia he ought to take this. place in his way. Wilmington will be glad to hear him. Griscom completed his forty-third day on Sunday at 12 M. He was in good plight although be had lost two pounds in the last 24 hoars Volil loss 49 pounds. His time is up 45 days to-day at 12 M. He has laid in his stock of provisions. . , i i Jay Gould and (his set have cap tured the New York Elevated Rail road. Jay is as bad as was said of the Confederates the second year of the war : snow them a battery of six guns and they would take it at a yell. Jay , capture i all the railroads , he fastens his eye upon. 3 ' NO. 95. We regret to see it stated as a faot that president Garfield has thought; nimseu m aaoger or assassination; Miss Francis E. Willard, according to the Boston Advertiser, said that the President's mother was afraid for his safety daring the campaign, and the President said to Mi$s W soon after his inauguration, referring to his mother's fears: "I presume it is true that any man who has been put forward as, the chief executive of a nation, whether he be a King or a President, is a target so conspicuous that he has a sort of fascination for a certain class of men with homicidal tendencies." Immediately after he added, thoughtfully and seriously, these prophetio words : "I presume personally oocupying the position I do, I am in daily danger of assassi nation." Mr. George W. Cable's last story a uovellette is entitled Madame Delphine. Tho South has no writer of fiction comparable to the New Orleans novelist. His workmanship is of a very high order. He is a mas ter. Among Northern novelists there is but one who is his equal, possibly his superior. We cm of course refer only, to Nathaniel Hawthorne. Mr. Cable is an original writer. He has more genius than Kennedy, Simms, and the whole tribe of Southern story writers combined. He is an artist of a high order. The big papers have about run aground on the subject of Guiteau and now they are discussing all sorts of conundrums growing out of the shooting; such as is Guiteau guilty of two offences in shootinc; twice or must he be tried for only one offence, and is President Garfield qualified to discharge his duties within the mean ing of the Constitution. A President is not allowed to get sick, say some of the Solomons. The following fine lines are going the rounds but without the authorship They are applied very appropriately to the President and the American people: "Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee; Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears. Our faith, triumphant o'er our fears. Are all with thee, are all with thee." They are by that great poet, Al fred Tennyson. Gen. Meade, who commanded the Federals at Gettysburg, was shot in a previous battle very much as Presi dent Garfield was; the ball, in his case, passing, through the liver. He lived for ten years. At his death a post mortem examination was made ' and the faot was established clearly. Gen. Meade died .from pneumonia. There are several similar cases of this kind 4 . . I . IThfli tScathern Eefe;proper are 3,245 officials in the U. S. Trea sury Department. The South is en titled to ai -'4 at 1,200. They have in faot but 485. : In other words the South fails to get ite proportion. L deedy it haa but little over one-third it is entitled to. Here is an evil to be corrected; ' Here iA what stirred Conkling on last Wednesday: " 'Ibqpr&ars of " Fifth Avenue Taenty-third street and Fifth Avenue: - Gentlemen, We will hang Conk ling fc Co. to-night at 9 sharp. 'Fours right, forward. V Coidttbb.' " Owing to wrong punctuation in our leader of Sunday, an extract from the Times is attributed to the Charleston News. Tho latter commented upon a remark of -the priner to the effect that . f 'the -relation-of the -United tats Jiad become, too, vastl &o., for Warrentea Gazeets. Hon. A. S. Me'irhnori spoke on pro bibition in Greensboro the other mgiiU ,: ...-, . ;''; New Bernlan. ; The ahti-Prohihition Convention, whioh assembled at Bayboro, in Pam Uca Ooaotf DnHhe 2nd llnat., : called together by far the largest gathering j evt3Uaed in .Pfico. It was estimated, that more than 700 peo ple were TJTMetrt; ; being more ; than three-quarters. ot Us voting strength. Greensboro Patriot, i Some days ego we ttated;that not a pingtexionniyioJNorth Carolina would .vote-tora Phfb6n unless it be Chathim.' Last evetung we re cmvedAleitei sUUDg that Chatham 'wotild voW against Prohibition by a I I .o lit lit; i i 1 I v . I n i n i iri j I I : 1 ' 1 1 i 1 1 Jk : V - r. , ? I 7 . 1 I 1 1 I 1 ,'l I J WILMINGTONi N. C; TUESDAY. majority of 60a. - - Eighty thou sand majority' against Prohibition .'mark the prediction." 1 tn - obedience to V call by "many citizens," an; Anti-Prohibition meet ins was held in the Court House on last Monday, j It was very liberally attended.; The State , Journal learris that Franklin- -will give 1,000 maionty afirist ' prohibition. : The county, from present indications, will " i J L!V!i! - 1 a certainly go against prouiumou, out we are- not prepared to say by what majonty.- j-Pi 4;:- . -Ckmcord Sun. C ;' ... James Harris, the colored orator, will make a speech in this . county sometime next week, we hear, against prohibition. Ine anti-prohibi- tionists held a meeting at the Shicn school house, in No. 5 township l&st Wednesday. John A. Gourley de livered an address of three hours. There was a crowd of about forty. Col. Leventhorp, who reoently made a visit to Dr. Mills, of this county, says that prohibition will be defeated by three votes to one in his county Caldwell. The prohibitionists have begun an active canvass in Warren county, and will continue it until the day of elec tion. Prohibition is the most un popular issue that ever came before the people; the colored people . are. solid against it; so are four-fifths of the whites. Fork and Fishing Creek , items: We do not suppose there is,' a neighborhood in the State more bitterly opposed to prohibition than this, nor do we suppose there is any neighborhood in the county where the evils of intemperance can be more plainly seen. -Vance county dots : Whiskey plentiful, li cense granted, to all good and re spectable men a free county, and all against the oppressive prohibition act. THB-.OIT .IfBW AOVBBTISBRIENTS. Muksok Alpaca sacks, etc. Pemxroxr Joiras Lost puppy. HKnfBBKBOJKB Pianos and organs. J. W. BoTJTHEBLAiro & Co. For hire. Excursion Wilmington Light Infantry. Local Dta. We are glad to learn that the condition .f Mr. John Dawson has very much improved. Mr. Richard Battle, of the Ra leigh Hfewi and Observer, gave ua a pleasant call yesterday afternoon. Don't forget the excursion down the river to morrow morning on the steamer Passport, under the management of Messrs. titrausa, Adrian and others. It will be a grand affair . The Wilmington Light Infantry advertise a family excursion down the river on the steamer Passport, Tuesday next, the occasion of the visit of the Sumter (S. C.) military to Smithville. Rev. J. B. Taylor, of the First Baptist church, delivered a discourse on temperance Sunday morning, based upon a part of. the 25th verse of the 24th chap ter of the Acts of the Apostles. The receipts of cotton at this port from the 1st to the 11th of July footed up 46bales, as against 129 for the corres ponding period last year, showing an in crease of 283 bales in favor of 1881. The German barque Hermann Behrtrt, was cleared from this port y ester day, for Bristol,- England, with 944 casks spirits turpentine aad 1,600 barrels of rosin, the shippers being Messrs.Patterson,Down-: ing & Co. t Rev. M. C. Turrentine, men tioned a few days since as being very sick up the Cspe Fear river, has since been re moved to the residence of his son, in this city. He is sufteriag from paralysis and his condition is thought to be serious. The countenance of the Regis trar of the Second Ward fairly beamed with satisfaction, yesterday morning, as the third applicant presented himself for enrollment on his books, and three more cents were added to bis prospective hank account. A v correspondents infer ms us that Capt. John W. Ellis deftvered a very ' fine speech at Sidney, Columbus county, on Saturday, July 2d, in honor of the "Glo rious Fourth," which carried hack the gray- haired veterans present to the good old times when patriotism was at its mil tide. Wllmiasitoa S.lsbt iBfancrr. . The following resolution was offered at the meeting of this Company at their armo ry yesterday evening:-,. , , - : BesohedjlhtAin order to ihow our unabat ed appreciation and esteem for. the ex-Fresi-dent of the late Confederate States,' the Chair he and is hereby directed to appoint a committee of one,' to address a letter to Horn Jefferson Davis requesting him to do nate a likeness of himself to this Company.of which he was, in 1585, elected an honora ry member. On mot iop, the resolution was adopted, and the Chair appointed Mr. E. A. Oldham (who presented the resolution) as the' com mittee to address Mr;pavis. .'.. . "Warn Hoanaj Hair. HOW TO FBSSEEVS AlTD'SKaUTL? X IT. - Many persons abuse this delicate and beautiful ornament by burning' it with al eriMXc juashes and plastexiag it with grease,; which has no affinity for the skin, and is not . absorbed. -BtnRNsrrs Coooaikb, a compound of Cocpanut Oil, etc., is unrival led as a pressing for the hair 4s readily absorbed, and is peculiarly ( adapted to US various conditions,, preventiog .ltafaUiug off and promoting il healthful growth.? ' ' Housekeepers shoeld insist uposrobtia ing BuBSin's FijYOBia ExmAcrrsjbr fhf are the best.' t mti't fit tWitV " t . 1 ..1- IV COUNTYj connissioRBRs: Abstraet o ProeseAlpa; lsi, -Bfaalar ,,,.:Soien.,s, , ,,.:.i'i"-sw?i l The Board met in regular monthly ses sion yesterday afternoon at 21 . a'clock ; present, BL A. agg, Chairman, a'n Com missioners Roger Moore, B. G.. Worth, E. L. Pearce and James A. Montgomery. The following changes were made in poll-holders for the ensuing August election : First Ward, . Upper Division-rHarry Thomas in place of J. O. Nixon. First Ward. ' Lower Division John H. Brown in place of Jas. A. Lowrey. Second Ward Wash. McNeill in- place of Chas. Mallett, Sr. ' . ' Application of J. M. McGowab, for license to retail spirituous liquots. to com mence July 1st. The Treasurer submitted bis monthly re port for June, as follows: Balance on hand $ 22,314 06 m a a i opeciai iuna, snowing oaiance dueTreasurer 589 37 School Fund, showing balance en hand 7,925 81 The Register submitted his report fdr fees received from marriage licenses for the month of June, exhibiting his receipt from the Treasurer for $28 80. ' The Chairman stated to the Board that the Finance Committee, to which the same had been referred, awarded the contract for tinning the Poor. House to Messrs, Parker & Taylor at the sum of $350, and the con tract for building an addition to the Court House to Messrs. B. D. Morrill & Son st the sum of $2,297.00. There being no constable in Harnett Township, and no application before the Board from a resident of the Township to fill the vacancy, and the application of Nicholas Carr being supported by a recom mendation from citizens of the Township, it is ordered that Nicholas Carr be ap pointed to fill the vacancy. It was ordered by the Board that Judy Burg win be allowed to list her taxes in Cape Fear Township. The Board proceeded to draw a venire of jurors to serve as such at the August term of the Criminal Court: Coleman Twining, George W. Harper, Wm. A. French, W. T. Eilera, H. W. Ford, E. J. Eagan, W. A. Eokle, Wiley T. Johnson, John Leitgen, T. J. Herring, Benj. Farrow, Sr., J. G. Wright, J. W. Duls, 8imon F. Craig, W. W. Cempen. A. Shrier, J. H. Hicks, T. A. Watson, J. Weill, J. C. Borneman, Samuel G. Nor throp, C. H. Alexander, R. F. Langdon, J. G. Skipper, James F. Mosely, Jr., Ephriam Bishop, P. Heinsberger, C. F. W. Bissin ger, David Pratt, Henry P. West It was ordered that the contractor to build and keep in repair the bridge across Smith's Creek, known as Little Bridge, be notified that said bridge is reported to be out of repair and that unless the contractor snail forthwith repair the same, the Board will cause the necessary repairs to be nade and for their outlay in making such repairs will hold the said contractor and his sure ties responsible, and. will alsj otherwise proceed to cause a prosecution to be insti tuted against the defaulting parties. The Board then adjourned to the, first Monday in August, at 2 o'clock. Wllnalaatoa Dlstnet Cferea. The Wilmington District Conference of the Methodist E. Church met at Eliza bethtown, Bladen county, on Thtujsday last, and was organized at 9 o'clock3 4- Mi by calling ori Bev.Ur. Burkhead to 'pre side and Rev. J. L. Keene td act aa Sec retary. Conference ordered that a Committee of one be appointed on each important inter est of the Church, and the same were, desJ ignated as follows: . i On the Spiritual 8tate of the Church: Rev. Mr. Ivey, of Sampson. us. o the r. Hull, of Oa Education Rev. A. D. Belts, Duplin Circuity On Sunday Schools Rev.. Mr TopsaH Circuit. On Church Literature Rev.. Mr Garden, oj Whiteville Circuit. t ?' On Missions Rev. T. Page Rksaud, of WUmugton. v - -1 - The reports from the Various charges in dicated a decided improvement upon last year. ' Services were conducted as follows: ! On Thursdsy morning, by Rev. Mr, Ivey. On Thursday evening, by Rev. ilti Hull; on Friday morning by Rev. ifr. jCar den, and on Friday evening by . Mr. Crisp, of tbe Cokesbury CircuiL Thej at tendance . was : good the preaching j was more than ordinary, .and, the weather j was exceedingly sultry.; Our informant states that he had heard of weltering in human gore, but on these occasion the people literally weltered in human sweat. Conference was expected to adjourn Saturday night, though the delegates have Tn spMkipc xaat niaiLt. i The Rev. J. C. Price, colored spoke tin favor of Prohibition at the Old Market House stand last night, to a good sized crowd of both whites and blacks. The speaker was listened to attentively and made ,. an ' exceedingly creditable . speech from JiiS standpoint, ;His ; remarks were. addressed principally to' the negroea of , whom there were not a great many present, and created a very favorable impression; upon his auditors. He introduced nothing especially new or striking in his argument, but his ' iangnsge was well chosen, 1 his reasoning plausible and his detivery-exeeU lent! There was little of enthusiasin mani fested in the commencement of the speech, but latterly the crof d . were more denjoa strativs, and upon his concluding the cbeerv log waaheSrtyandproloSged. ' - ' . ... The locUze and summer nonse in Qakdale Cemetery are undergoing necS: sty repairs. ' - i , v- - aw- - a . ;fi - .i I,- (I JULY 12. 1881. BOARD OF AbORKHRN. f Sjrnopal or Proceedlns In ReKOlar ; The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session yesterday afternoon; pre sent, His Honor Mayor Smith, and Alder men Bowden, Huggins, Worth, Northrop, Cbadbourn, Samson sod Willis. : The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved: ? A communication from the Board of Audit and ? Finance was read, approving the lease of the Opera House to E. J. Pen nypacker; also, amending the tax. levieeon job printing; also, approving Jbe recom mendation of the Finance Committee from the Board of Aldermen for a uniform for the police; also, concurring in the levy of a tax of five dollars per month-on 'each and every boss stevedore making a contract to load or discharge vessels; also, announcing Messrs. Giles, Jones and Calder a commit tee from the Board - to confer with com mittees from the Board of Aldermen and the Wilmington Market Company in refe rence to a communication"addre8sed to the respective Boards by the Market Company. The Finance Committee made the fol lowing reportB, viz: It is recommended by the Finance Committee, and concurred in by the Board of Audit and Finance, that no increase of compensation be made at this time to the police force of the city. In stead thereof it was recommended by the Finance Committee and agreed to by the Board of Audit and Finance, that a sum mer uniform be furnished; but, after further consideration, we advise that as the sum mer is now so far advanced, a winter uni form be substituted, and that this commit tee be authorized, with the concurrence of the Board of Audit and Finance, to adver tise for bids and enter into contract for the same. Also, recommending that the peti tion of S. W. Holden, asking to be relieved from the license tax levied on "Plumbers and Gas Fitters," be not granted ; also, re commending, as regards the petition of W L. DeRosset, Jr., that the tax ordin ance be amended so as to provide that where not more than two compositors are employed the tax be $1 per month, and when in excess of two compositors the tax be, S3 per month. It is also recommended by the Finance Committee and . concurred in by the Board of Audit and Finance, that the Opera House be leased to E. J. Penny packer for five years at an annual rental of $600, payable quarterly; he to put the same in thorough repair, as stipulated, and to turn it over to the city in like good condi tion -at the expiration of the lease. The committee further recommended that an annual examination of the premises be made under theirection of the Board of Aldermen, to see that the contract is fully carried oat on the part of the lessee. The contract or lease has been ordered to be drawn up by the City Attorney. All of the reports from the Finance Committee were adopted. The committee on Fire Department made a report recommending the removal of the firealarm bell to a belfry to be erected on the City Hall building, and submitted a plan for said belfry. On motion of Alderman Chadbourn the whole matter was referred back to the committee; and they were instructed to in vite plans and specifications for the erec tion of .a belfry and bids for the building of the same and the removal of the1 fire- alarm bell to the City Hall building. Petition from S. Bluutentbal, to erect a two-story wooden Store with tin roof and bake oven on Fourth, between Chesnut and Mulberry streets, was referred to the committee oa Fire Department with power to. act. . ... The Sanitary Committee on the commu nication of F. M. James reported progress. The same committee was granted further : time on the communication received from Dr. Thomas F. Wood . Petition for a sidewalk in front of the United States Marine Hospital was referred tp the Chief of Police , and action in re gard to a street lamp in front of the same was deferred for further consideration. Aldermen Huggins and Northrop, of the special committee to whom Was referred the matter of the city Clock, made a report recommending giving the contract to J. L. Winner, he being the lowest nidder. The committee on Streets and Wharves were empowered to have the bridges on Fourth and Sixth streets repaired. The. Mayor recommended that the Board do not appoint a Standard Keeper. Adop ted. . The Special Committee to whom was re ferred the communication of the Wilming ton Market Company reported progress. , On motion; the report of the Chief of the Fire Department relative to repairs to ; the Cape Fear Engine was referred to the. Com mittee on Fire Department with power to wet. ' 1 '' . ' -;: ; : The Con tract for painting and calcimining Lthe City Hall was awarded to Geo. Irvin at his bid of $460. On motion, the ordinance adopted by the ,Bosrd'eeat'T.'2n'd, 1881, rel- tive to trading on; Sunday, was amended by inserting at its conclusion the words, . "in the.xsity of Wilmington, N; C." ; i j Alderman. Worth, moved, .that.: the. ,-com- manieaUonof the MayTor felaU ve to the re moval of the building of .Jncu A. Barker, oaifiixth and Nun streets; W referred to the' Committee on Streets and Wnarves, to examine the premises and -report at next meetlntfi-;t-l:r;i ' , ' j Aldermantiuggl hft iioVedf ;1o;- amend so i V.jOrv V 'l.-;J -T' 'i it f 1 i Ihft'Bpard and rwrtf tlhn from a Peuiion irom Mr. John S. McEachern, for the city t3 pay mat ins COmmillea wuuiu . unve, jjuwet tu wtfwifewaVct ss A AK, , - -; - WHOtE NO. 4337 damages to his goods by the overflow of drama during the rain of July 1st, 1881 On motion, the petition was referred to the Committee on Finance A petition from the Trustees of Pine Forest Cemetery for improvement to Red uros s street, was referred to the Chief of Police to attend to at some future time. Dr. Thomas F. Wood appeared before the Board and stated that he came at the request of a committee . from . the Board of Health to make a statement of the manner in which be thought the sanitary condition of the city could be improved by the re-, moval of the garbage in a manner different from that at present employed. . A communication from sundry citizens, who paid the assessment for laying a pave ment on Front street, was referred to the Committee on Finance. A petition for a lamp in front of the Second Baptist Church was referred to the Committee on Lights. Adjourned. Mayor's Court. The first case called was Caroline Wal ters, colored, charged with disorderly conduct over the railroad Saturday night. She was released upon the payment of $1. Hannah Sneed, colored, was arraigned for acting disorderly in the neighborhood of Second and Market streets, Saturday night, and was ordered to pay a fine of $2.50 or go below for five days. Wm. Eelsey, who said he was from tho ould country," was the next case for in vestigation. He -was charged with roam ing about the Btreets at night, picking a quarrel with a night watchman and acting otherwise disorderly. The Mayor wanted to know why he didn't apply to the station house for a lodging, and he answered, "Be jabbers, and I thought It was warrum enough outside." The accused then wanted to know "what sort of a free counthry this is, where men are allowed to go about the streets at night with shticks in their hands, interfering with dacentpeople." As soon as His Honor got a chance to put in a word edgewise he ordered judgment to be suspended on condition that the defendant should leave the city within twenty-four hours. This he very willingly consented to do, pretending to be very anxious to get out of a place where a man of his standing is allowed such few principles. DallrWeatber Bulletin. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at 3.00 P. M. yesterday, Jgashington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty-four hours ending daily at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when it s 48 hours, as furnished by the Signa Officer of this city : Temp. Rain fall. Weather. Cloudy Fair iClear Fair Cloudy Fair Clear Th'tng Fair Fair Fair Cloudy Fair Fair Fair Clear Clear Atlanta 92 .00 88 .00, 87 .60 80 .00 95 .00 91 .00 80 .20 84 .17 93 .00 84 .00 102 .00 77 .04 88 .12 86 .00 85 .18 86 .00 90 .13 Augustn. Charleston Charlotte Corsicana... Galveston Havana.. Indianoia Jacksonville Key West Punta Rassa Savannah. Wilminarton Cedar Keys. ..... rortJfiacs Pensacola The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Partly cloudy weather and possibly local rains, easterly winds, stationary barometer and temperature. The Chief Signal Officer furnishes the following : The rainfall for the past week in the cotton belt averages about as follows: i South Atlantio States. .62 in . Eastern Gulf States .51 Western Gulf States .59 Ohio. Valley and Tennessee .01 Average lor the district. .48 " Weekly comparative meteorological re port for week' ending July 10, 1880 and 1881, this city : ' Highest temperature 96 95 Lowest do. ........ 71 i 62 Range of do. 25 S3 Total rainfall, inches 39 .64 On six days during the present week the thermometer was above 90. -r- The river still continues low, but the boats manage to go through with a little hauling. There is now, about twenty-feur inches of water on the shoals just this side of Fayetteville, so the Wave reports. CITY 1TJSBK. AROXAHCX OFT A POOH YOUNO MAN. A reporter ot the Philadelphia Record recently ought out a young German aegar maker In that city named Delaware X. Wenzeue, of No. 869 North th atreet, and found him with $6,000 in greenbacks, preparatory to opening a bank ac- count aad going into business for himself on the river front. This came from expending on dollar for a half ticket ia the May drawing of the Louisi ana State Lottery. ? There will be over $110. (XX) dis tributed in like manner July 13th. ; A venture often wins. THB' YLOSKRCB NIGHT1N GALB OS" THE NUK8EB Y. The following u an extract from a latter written to ta "uerrnan Kerormea aessen- ger." at Chambersbnrgn, ra.: A BKNBF ACTRB8SJ. J ust open the door for her, and Mrs. Window will prove the American Florence are so sure "A bli arrive and escape the griping, collcking and teeth g andti :LINO luff sieffe. - MB8. WTNSLO SOOT. SY- KUP relieves the child from pain, and cares dyeea- tery and diarrboaa.. It sortens the gums, reducea ff't"nf l"""- . cum nuiu iauui ww uunxc vuv m- fant safely through the teething period.: It per fonns precisely what it profeasea to perform, every part or it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Winalow knew her only through the preparation of her "Soething Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the power we would make her, as she la, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by an druggists. 15 cents a bottle. - , ' . s . . '.-. 9IKD; .. , -. ; BARCLAY. Near Folkton, Anson co., N. C . faly H. 18a, attar jaotraeted illnees, KATB M . BARCLAY, wife of K. J. Barclay, and daughter of- James aad Julia . Cameron, ia the 81st year ofher;age. ; x , ; , ' Thd friends and acquaintancea of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wtttfaaaso; are reapectfully mvited to 4 atteoo toe xanenu or ine rormer irom tneir . lata g Fifth Street between Ann and Hun, this (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. I, rates otr, ADVcnrisina. One gun oneflay;..,.;:.; 00 1 thread--- RA Threeweeks.;.;..!.. s BS ' ' . OaemoBth,...,....f io 00 " J Twoinontha,.....;;,...... . M 00 1 f Three atha,.,,.,,.ir S4 00 . fix months...... 40 00 " One year,..;, .i.;;;.;;;,;. o 00 iar"Co&tract Advertisements taken at proper tlonately low rates. . Ten aneaseM Nocparen type make one square. NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS. SECOND BBAHIJ FAMILY EICDES'OH Wilmibgton: Light Infantry, STKAMKR PASSPOHT, TUXSDAY, JULY 19TH, TheoccasionSof 1 ' " THB VISIT OF ; THB SUMTBK MXlirABY. The best of oreer wIU be. preserved. No spirit nous liquors allowed on board. Refreshment at city prices. Music by the Harpers.: - Sfwt.rrr5vt.?JexcIud objectionsbla person. Tickets 5Cc: Children and Servants S6c; to be had " at News Stands and Book Stores. .Oranmlttee-Thos. C. Jamea, F. t: Ifeares, Id "fv,01411"' r:Thmas, H. H. Beery. JylSSt U IT Family Excursion QN WEDNESDAY, JULY 23TH, ON THB BTSAMBB FABSPOBT. This Excursion will tv nn1 tha Messrs. John W. Strauss. Alexander Adrian, H. A. Qlamyer, Joha Haar. Jr., J. W. Oerdu and C. Yon A&inp6ix The Boat will stop at the Tarlons points on the River, the Forts, and ge to See. , The Committee reserve- the right to exclude all objectionable persons. . mo spirituous liquors allowed on board. Befreshmenu at city prices. A String Band' will furnish Music, The Boat will leave at 8jf o'clock. uw, iunma uiu Dervenis oc: te oe naa of the Commlltee and on board, a t ueview copy it Lost or Stolen, . HANDSOMB BLACK ' SETTEE PUPPY, about five months old. A reward of Five Dollars will be paid for bis return. Jy.l23t PBMBBOKB JONES. Pianos and Organs. "QUALITY OF TONE IS THB CHIEF THINO in a Musical Instrument; the fundamental ex- cellence; of more value than all others. An In- svmment which produces tones of an inferior qua lity. CANNOT BE UOODr whatever its other ex. cellence a. Though a defective quality may some- umeo piease be bjbc irom us mere novelty, it will soon become offensive. Unless the tone be pure, smooth, and really good, it cannot continue to please. Warranted for fivo years. No pains spared to show you my stock. uau ana mane your selections at HBINSBEBQER'S Jy 18 tf Live Book and Music Store. We Have SOME VERY NICE ALP ACC A SACKS, Men's eiwss, fer $8 03, ' -v A few pairs BOYS' PANTS, all wool, at $1 60. A few BOYS' SUITS $5 00 and upward. MUNSON. Clothier and Merchant Tailor. JyWlt F)R HIRE Anything In our line. Carriages, Buggies, Saddle Horses, Wagons and Carts. Boarding by month, week, day or single feed, at JAS. W. SOUTHBRLAND A CO., Jy 13 tf Opposite Opera House. This Week, BARGAINS Unprecedented. AT A. DAVID'S, The Clothier. jy 10 tf rovn Ct Roddick . 45 market Street, The Hobbiest Thing Out IS OUR "DUKE OF ARGYLB" LINEN COLLAR AND TIB COMBINED, For which we are the Sole Agents in this city. GiveusacalL r BROWN RODDICK, 45 Market St. Jyl tf s. s. s. M ELLIN'S INFANT'S FOOD, Dukehart's Extract Malt and Hops, Cu ratine. Kidney Wort, -West's Liver Pills, Ac ' J. H. HARDIN. Prescription Druggist, jy 10 tr ...New Market. rpHOSE IN WANT OF THB CELEBRATED A Brown Cotton Gins should send in their orders at once; time is now fuU short. Guaranteed to be the best and cheapest Gin made- u - .. t WM. B. SPRINGER A CO, Successors to JohaBawson Co., jy lOtf -, 19. 81 and 88 Market St. House FiiniisMng Goods. WI KEEP ON HAND A 'LARGE 'ANI WELL selected stock of these goods.: Wood and Willow Ware. Tin Ware at wholesale and retail. Bepainng done at short notice. Drive Pumps put down i mac Don ittom figures, PARKER A TAYLOR, 18 South Front St. lTlOtf Poi: ; Sale- HE SCHOONER ROSA L, GUMMING, TORM- V. ( ' erly the property of Henry .Davis, deceased, , PRESTON CUMMING CO., .. : , MUlers and Grain and ' . . . ;i Peanut Dealers. We Call Attention rjx THB LARGEST STOCK OF. TINS AND Plain FURNITURE In this city, atrtanof the latest designs and lowest prices. ' i i D. 'Av SMITH & CO., ' Jy 10 tf : f. 43 North Front St rrr -,; ' w anted i,uuu .men, fJM BUY BUGGIES, ;CARTS,: WAGONS. flAR ness; Saddles, Collars, Hanea, Blind Bridtos. c ; Best goods and toweet prices. JylOtf GBRHARDT CO. !i7 TO ALL WHOM IT MAI Wvun( !!, i-nj St-:.iM&' '1K, -; that I have a First-Ciaas a wo. z uar rlage Painter. Those wishing; to- have their Carriage, Buggy or Pbaston jielntodwiu ia well to give oa a trial. We guarantee aatiafaction at low prices. On Third between Market and Prin cess Streets. f: liU'sr, f jylOtf P.H,HAYDEN. .T-. fMllllTl . ;. "., ' ! na ' - one week,i.)i.i.,k.,;iu....- -4 00 w ". v. ' T weftks,... . . . . ; . . . . .. y S 50".