toft " JV- WFiaat-' .. 'HIS noEiiniG STAR. RaTES off fluovuurlsiAo. U' Wa.'lt.Ulilt.NA.UIvTT, UtUU&USD UAILT EZCX-TT UOHUA YtL roil A " I1 ?T. WJSil uTH or wncumw w naJK; iU year, (by u9 Tontaea pikC i . . . . . . . - " 11 1 " r- ........ . . . lnnthi L'".' 1 . . ...... . iii 4 O ruree moniaa, - -. - 4 & . . . . eixaumtha,.'i.'(.w-' ..... ...... 0 ( M ? 'One vearx'.;v efl t , 3rCtotect AdTertlcmenU,' taken at projf ueaaiow'tatea;.. '.f J Ten HneS Mild Nonparrtl type make on aqnarc To City Sbtribea, OeflmwdU aaypart of the xxyin; No. 102. . Wilmington: ; g;: .Wednesday; iuly 20.; isst. its tf WHOLE 'NO. 4344 tot Mucraaa m fouecs ror acio tM taiM e advance. " " - , : the 4 ' . r,.t 9 .-J-, ',7A V"" r ' .'7 T ' " " " -------- 'r'?."' ' 1,? ' ""- f"" ?:' i,W ,. . ..t.,, J VOL Entered at the Pest Office at Wilmington, N. CL- OtTTLINK. ) -" ' 1 Tbe Weitxag'OperA ' HottM JboUdioK. at Syracuse, N. Y., destroyed by Ore; lose up wards of $300,000; p&rUy iasared. . Tko Tnlnt PAnvmillntv .1 Ilk... balloted ones yesterday wi&oai effect; Ltpaam received 6Sofibe 72 ?otee neee sry to a choice A negro- wlro'com mitted ao outrage oa a wbiteSroGoac,' Wa' taken from Harfreesboro, Teaa. jiff, by-a mob and hanged. W. Jaddacott, a. prominent merchant of Kiogttoa, De Solo Pariah, La., was murdered aod hit store) robbed; two negroes have bee a arrested oa suspicion. Lest igbt'e official bolle u u sys tnt President Garfield passed an excellent day, and the afternoon fever wil: less than on any day since he was .shot. "Tue Revolutionary Congress" (Social ist) met in Ladon yesterday; about 700 were present; delegates frees , America Switzerland. Ireland, France ud Qarminy made speeches; the Socialist Ckogrese,pc bibited at Zarich, is sitting secretly lo Lob dun . The business men of Baltimore, . Md-. have mde arrangementa for a grand festival u b htlJ ia thl city ta October uc-xt. to celebrate tbe opening of new water wut ks. Two or three prominent mesa bcri of tbe Virginia atraigbtoat Republicans i.ave cume out in favor of a fusion with tbe M shone f actios. There are two huudred delegates present t the National lucatioual Coovenliou in aeealoo at AU liMt, Qa.; thirty Hi tea are represent ed; q lite a number of papers were read and beveral addtesaes delivered yesterdaj-. New York markets: Hooey 2&3i lr cnt; ctttou quiet al 11 ll-l(Vll 15-16 idii; southern ilour qoitt at 15 25Q? 60; wueat tic better, ungraded spring $1 03 &l 33 1; era ilc bet'er, ungraded 44 56 it-; -r pint turpentine ateadyat 42 J 42 J cis; rutn Utm at S3 USO U7y. Charleston sweated on Sunday with tbe thermometer at 98 degrees. To deaths whilst surf bathing on, the Atlantic coast are reported. thua far this season. ; t$.; List week there were 91 failure ia the United States. Of these 15 were in the South. Thus far the number of immigrants who have arrived at the port of New York this month ia 19,340. According to the New Tork papers Lipbam will be eleoted certainly. At Albany it U conceded as almost assured. Total number of deaths by lock jw in Baltimore caused by toy pie lots, ia 1G. New York has had 6, Itjolit-Hter has had some also, and Washington 4. , There is a deficiency iu tbe balaooe hiitci of the Universal Life Insurance Company, of New York, of $834,016. So aayb the Superintendent ot the Insurance of the State of New York. The Charleston Bagging Factory" trebled it capital in three years.T'Thia is success worth talking aboutvf'A uew factory building is completed :and a large warehouse is in course of construction. Roll on tbe ball. ivtl rights do not prevail at Long Brancb.New seems. Colored people have to pay ten cents if they enter the pier pavilions. The ne groea are indignant and demand tbe enforcement of tbe civil rights law. The -election of Miller is said to have been the work mainly of V. P. Arthur. The Administration organa are praising bim. Blaine fixed up the plan, it is alleged, with Arthur. Cockling is to become a sort of po litical outcast. So the talk is. Some of the Conklingltes are very indignant at the election of Warner, Miller to the Senate. But the star of Lord Roflooe ia setting probably., and the indignation will vot be heed ed. By the way, Miller is no im provement ; on Piatt, He is repre-;'. senled aa a rather vulgar specimen of the machine politician. The tremendous iron trade Pennsylvania is in an uncommonly healthy condition. Manufacturera are very busy and cheerful. The trade outlook ia thought to be batter than ever before. . There ia a very "healthy tariff that is a wonderful promoter of the iron Interests. But what about the texisi .ff milliona of people who are not interested in the iron trade? - u - We mentioned how Victoria W.cod hull stood in New York. She ia de scribed by the 'Philadelphia Press aa an "ex-female stock-brother and free lover and the diroreed .irife pf , a no torioua bully and blacUeg." f;It litbe daughter of this notorious' -woman who is to be the "danghtertin-lw,ofi SootIjt?dajBreatet ooble and sister- iaf lw ftftwr Queen tof a nglind'i daughter ytihe lUh prc per diwgmt. if rtr Dr. Booke, 4 Medical Saperioien dent of the London Asylum' for; ;he Insane, sava Gniteau & not tnaana bttt a ?moraV diou? He khnlfd fine it: t; o"WWn a man fa born deficient In mental facaliiea we oAlt him a fooL If be . ia :tou!Iy destiLuta ot Hbeae faQUlties'we call bim an idiot.-When ft man is' defioient. in moral' qaalitiei be U criminal in nature iif not in -deed, if be ia totally . destitute of moral qoAlities JbQ. ia a moral; idiot.71 Ha i aayt such diooyw riiay cpextit with a blgh degree of intellectuality. He says a Amoral idiot" bas no feel log1 of affection and no cocsoienoe. He feela no dlacraoe. He thinka Qoiteau ongbt tobe-kUledi Heeays: "He should be killed not as a nan' ishment 'for his crime, for tie ia inca pable of understanding that be baa committed a crime. Bat be should be killed ee a protection to societr iUled jaat aa yew -Would k'dl a wild beast or a rattlesnake. Yon would not kill a mad dog in punishment for being mad and biting some one you woald kilt.him in order to insure the general safety. He says he has no respect for life and no com pa notion is, in a word," a wua beast wan intellect. : This is aboal ibe aubaieooe of what Dr Bucke said. Another comet, the third of tbe year, has made its appearanoe and will be visible, possibly, to the naked eye. Mr. Schaebeerle, of Ann Har bor, is the discoverer of the netr one. Tbe following ia interesting. Prof. SFift dlsowvered a comet oa May lat laa e; w eoopyjf rojjr ihwrra : ProfiiyWnaaked whether he thought science would be a gainer by the appearance of ao many comets ao near together, answered by saying that hie comet of May 1st and EnckaV comet were too faint for specVroecopio observation, but that the comet which is now in the ricin ity of the north star has yielded rich store of ia formation concerning ita composition through the speetroeoope and ita appearance in the camera. If the present oomet should increaae in size it waa possible that the obtenra tions made upon, the laat comet would be confirmed by meanaof the spec troscope, and this would be a great gain Ur science. "In answer to the question, Axe all comets alike F Professor Swift said : (That is something which no as tronomer has yet been able to find oat, but it is expected that if through tbe spectroscope the' comets yield common spectra, they are of oommon composition. The great oomet,which was analysed by means of the spec troaoope, revealed hydrocarbon ra por.'J! .... .. . , . . , s VVhee-Veondr predioU that July would Wmajtad w1t!D intense beat indrfnTftfit Wnrtntbefarsj close up to tbe facts. 'Yea is a trump any how. Now young man give us some other sort. . Here is what be says for July from the 17th inst: For week commencing Sunday, 17 lb, high winds; cooler wet, and stormy weather; acme vary heavy rain storms in both Ontario and Qua Dee 20 tb; another period of excessive heat on 23d, 24th, and 25tht with ae vere wind atormav . A decided ceol to oold change on the 27tb, 28th, and 29th, with showery weather and se vere storms, chiefly a the West." Waabiogton is ia luck again. It baa another strictly first-class scandal. This lime it is k ireaitby, distinguished ex-General of tbe U. S. Army and a prett petite, young widow. "The injured -wifc'Wde a raid, captured a bundle of important letters, sundry photograph,. diowbiUt tbe guilty pair were out strolling. The wife was forious. There will be possibly another divorce case. Fashionable socle t)T,: in.lbe ;cepHel of . ihe Union epjeart ot trnl to be stirred but to, tbe nilxed-"'""V -:'K ! ' ' " u The Presiuentia so much improved that ' eome of the ? physipiaaa pro nounce him out of . dangdr. He is table to Uke nourishment without any sort of difficulty. He will be able .before many days, ; we 'auppose," ib give some attention to the; duties of bis office. .He will enter opoo bis datleF WiXb far' more or tbe aympatby aad resMa of, thA people at large t tbaai be bad " wbe&: be; took the oatb of bfiloe on Maroh 4th. i TLcrtilxarff Times: The wheat crop loat'harveaud la this county, is a small one, I but we learh that the qc!i is vary good. TERRIBLE LOSS OFIT2l Millions "of rata, mtee,;cat;:bd-btigv; roachealose their lives- by eolhsioa wHlx f 'Rough on Rata." Sold by druggistf, J5CJ ... .f ?;?.The new, North Carolina State library affords room for 60,000 volumes, I&tejnk Gov; Reid ia graduallT UatfoTir2i His mind Is clear. and the dliiculty he experienced in utter ance has vanished.1 "He now walks about with ease.:-Tb.e N. O. Local Ministers' Uooference (twelfth annual session) will con vena atRdckisg&am, ;Rfc?ond county, on Thtrsdiyi Jr!y 21i K, Ii. Abernethy. D. u.. BwZZs&ii i rauonw Secretary. The minlatera f and? vLitora'wflt get tickets on most ot ua roaaa at reaucea rates. . ren hMlra-::!ed Ih ralkltbd.TJelvolr, Pac tolua ajid GreeotUlqu townships 1 this week ana ne says "crops or ail amas are netier tbanXnan ever-seen them at this season of the year.? - r In 8wift CreekTown-. ehlp, near FtttaaaKiUrMr.Orphvfiland laiormt ua there m aa 3 -.organized hand or desperados who are terrorizing the citizens by breaking Into houses and committing an sorts or depraaatlona. -r New Berne Wttt Shell: Daring the thunder storm of yesterday morning the lightning struck the residence of Solomon Reddick. situated in the "bottom" opposite jonnaoira unurca oa bouui irront street. Thaatrnka descended noon the chimnev. which, together ; with tae fireplace. In the lower , room it demolished, ana seriously stuanea tfeaaica'a wire ana three cnuaren, who fortunately, however, " soon recovered. The kitchen attached to a house in the northwestern 'pert 3 of .the city was also struck, but sustained no further damage than the partial destruction ot the chimney. Concord Sun: The number of deaths n this county is distressing. A good deal of altk&esv pirall Cholera infan tum is carryiates the chUdren; while the old people-are dying" from various causes. The Qeimaas who were released from anarsntiae eamn a week or two szo. have sealed down' to work and are proving them selves useful citizens. The men are break ing stoae to macadamize Depot street and the women do washing.-' They understand how to work and do It well. The new hrickchureh buildia? for the colored peo- ee, ad joining the seminary on Depot street, rapidly being fiaished. It will be quite styliah find attractive. Charlotte Observer: They tell of an enetneer oa the Air-Line who saw a fire ia a brickkiln some distance ahead of him. whea-aDProaching Qastonia one nieht last week; and thinking it another train he re vexsea nu engine ana ran Dace to Jboweii before atODDioz. The small pox case at Ooeeord coat the R. A D. Railroad Com pany ahoatf 1,200, tbe county $160, and the tows $185. Borne of our bicyclists are practicing with the Intention of eaiex- -- - . . i IV. Ot.l. H 1 1 1 Til 11 1 1 r tut Mv iw m uiu umw Fair.- A $90 Columbian is the prize offered for the contestant who makes the greatest spesdV .r Rsppfta from various sections tend to show that the rain of Fridsy was pxelty general throughout the country. Statesville Eandmark: Rev. Mr. HcGQvary arrived here Wednesday morn lag, on a visit to Iris family. Just before the war this gentleman-went toSiamas a miaaionary of the Presbyterian Church, and has labored in this mission field ever sinoe and with great eoocessi -Mr. Alex. Hoover, of Chambersburg township, was thrown from a buggy near Bethesda church, sad painfully iojared- An agent,, who ia. in a position to know, in forms ua that eight hundred tons of com mercial fertilizer for cotton were sold at : this place and need for the present crop. This was applied to not lees man tmrty-aix hundred .acres of; ground. . and with ' the present indications will produce eighteen 450-pound bales of cotton. Oa the basis of Cotton 'at 10 'cents, per pound it will Uke $38,000 to pay for this quantity of' guano. It Is estimated that 'this la an increase of at least 60 per cent.1 in the use ot fertilizer over last season. - Hr. Butler Wilson realized $10. $20.. $35 and $4Q per hundred for a load of to oacco markeiea mesaay. a. sirs. Andrews, aged about 40 rears, who died near Bparta, Alleghany 'county, committed suicide on toe 24 inst, oy aangma ne had for soma time been a victim of mental aberration and It is supposed that it was In such a fit that she took her life. The big hail and rain storm of two weeks ago was not, after all, an unmixed evil. It quite abated the great caterpillar plague, from which we had been suffering for several weeks preceding. Cotton in this cofcn tv ia small but healthy. Cora, where well worked, baa not been materially! damaged. The gardens have been burned "up, it is quite true, but all in all the agricultural sit. nation nas oeen mucn worse. ins winter oats crop in this county turned out elL The spring crop is rather indinsreni. Mr. Ii. BlrmaJK who lives near town. hauled up his wheat and put it in his barn. Thursday of last week he heard in the loft the chirping- of young chickens, and re moving a part of the wheat, found about three xeet oeiow tne top a nen-a nest wnn eleven eggs, four of which bad hatched. This was ia the morning, and in the after noon he went hack ana ioana mat two more of the eggs had hatched, making six chickens which had been brought into the world without the good offices of any hen. Goldaboro Messenger :. Hon. R. R Bridgers, President of the W. & W. Rail road, 1n company with Capt. Joh h F. ' Di Yine, Superintendent, and Capt John Barry, Road Master, visited he. ih- Q rounds on Thursday for the purpose laying off the site for the new warenouse, option p- forms, guano warehouses,' &cj Our city merchants will be pleased to learil that the' work will he begun shortly. (The ware-, house is to be a spacious building, 40 by 200 feet, with solid rock foundations The cotton platform will afford storage for over 1.200 bales of cotton, and there is-to be a sufficient number of side tracks to sceem- date several freight irsins anarouiapawcay About a mile beyond tne narmempor tloavof the towaiha stprm nqulte severe, i 'andestrdje3snjnft fr crops ana nouses, resciiea. a b wraw wMnnroofed and the wife of KltOamerof! cokred,,lvhowas(iit, so severely staanad that at first sue waa reponea aesa, oui bus rAAmri6dJ am i tha shack. Several other houses were unroofed andsocea ginerally flattened. .r.3Phr,eaat wiBgoUhe more House was struck," and the' tin roof of that portion of the building tonuna&j for SgdW fld! and for IXsssA uenry f xiee uo-! wnojocpu . pled the east comer store on w ainus street, the workmen engageditt replacing the tin; ware naeble to complete the job during the : day, and at nigHt found f the j roof, pretty much uncovered and the ..Interior exposed the night. Messrs. Lee & Cc's dsmsge to I to the . torrents of rain that fell during merchandise will probably jreSch $1,000, aadfciitheyi muadidf taemteivea., com- nelled tA femora to thh Dav COrUer.i I which roeertv ! owned bv the ' firaw OnThursdsy night last, aaMr. BeCaJth Ellis was leaving 1 the Gross 1 Roads, ltd go home, when within a mile of ihe town, he was shot at by two parties ambuahedin the fence (fcornar sSTer4.1argMrzedahPt Um$ effect in hiahat and ecalpt fortttnatsly do ing: no lerfoue damage. - .Mr:! Ellis claims to liavs recogalzedhlsv wealdbe-assassins. anai.awore posve( ium ja rcpiorea man named Allen Thomas did the shooting. The other party he. thinks was W. Ji Carr hut Ellis would not swear as to him. The pat ties naa a searing oeiore Justice pe ton, when Carr was discharged and the negro commuted Jail in default of bail. '" ' JfK W A,0 VBBTtSttmBIVTS. f' ;'; Attention Land Leaguers , f . Hoknsb BcHOOir Oxford, N.j3. Halt, & Praksat J-Ray and corn. ? j. W. Soura2sAin& C9. or hire . : Cbonz.7 & Mobszs For rent or lease. , i Pn?BZT(eR-rDf. Wm. Weluj Brown. IB. P. McDoueAix Carrisge marlufac'y. Local Osu. y ' Receipts of cottbn yesterday 1 1 bales. - No cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. ; :'" The monthly meeting of the Land Leaguers will be held at the usual place thia evening. . The address -of the Rev. Qeo Patterson, D. D., for the month of August, will be "University of the South, Sewanee, Franklin county, Tennessee." Some of tbe finest watermelons we have seen this season were brought here y esterdayff rom the plantation of Mr. Samuel Davis, City Agent of the Star. Dr. Wm. Welles Brown, of Boston, -said to be a very able colored speaker, will deliver an address on Prohi bition in front of tbe City Hall this even ing. The brig Chattanooga was cleared from this port yesterdsy for St. John's, Porto Rico, by Messrs- Colville & Co., with 128,541 feet of lumber and 4,000 shingles. . t The prob. and anti-prob. cauldron is beginning to boil in earnest. There were several pretty warm discussions on tbe streets yesterday, particularly among the colored people. Sheriff Disooll, of Jefferson county, Georgia, is expected to arrive here this morning to identify the jrisoner ar rested on suspicion of being Obadiab Ross, charged with murder. Don't forget the proposed fam ily excursion to Smithville and the forts to morrow, under the auspices of the ladies of the Fifth Street M. E. Church. Their ex cursions are always enjoyable ones. The Pcutport will leave her wharf at 8 o'clock. Tate Cava well nejawaaeait. Col. J. C. Moses, of Kinston, who is travelling in the interest of the Caswell Memorial Association, is in the city and will be glad to receive any contributions to the. Caswell Monument, fund .which our citizens may be disposed to make. The object ia view is to secure the erection of a suitable monument .over the remains of Richard Caswell, the first Ghveraor of JNortb Carolina, at Kinston, and! CoL Moses is the authorized Agent of the Association formed to further the success of this worthy object. Other towns and cities are con tributing quite liberally, and Wilmington should not be behind in recognizing tee importance of keeping alive and green in the memories of .the pasaing.generationsthe names and virtues of the distinguished sons of our Statewho i have-passed on before us liatlremd Ira lax. Boas. y The" two oaigoea" of Iron for the Cape reai &YadkW Valley Railroad, which ar rived here1 recently on the Norwegiau barques Botterk and Orrsa, from Newport, Eng, have, we uderstand, been placed in bond. In other wbrds it is held in respon sible) hands to await the payment of tbe ne ceaiary Import duties to the govenuneat. The: iron is qw being-; lshded add will doubtless be forwarded to its destination at am early, day. . Them sis two of three more cargoes on the way which will likewise be bonded on ita arrival. It is expected that there will be some six or eight cargoes alto gether. Joe Johnson, a colored seaman, who says he came here on the achoooer TP? JET. KnigTU, was arraigned bef or q one of the Justices of the Peace, yesterday j. niorning, on ' the charge of assault 'and itteryi It seems mat ho got into a qarrel.arith' tie proprier tore .of a'ColBred sailer boardinjg house on the WBerf Mdndav nighty and flourished a knife ana afterwards an axe; in a very. threatenbg inMner, hut, doing no partjur lar .daae.Defen ordered . to pafone fKnttybttd lbje;cla twfl cases, indaftuU of which be wtt sint to jail. tv . u. at . si. . 1 . t.. TV e arorequeaveu oy sixtv. xm j. ovtit eim, President,, and Mrs. L, P. Rotiiweil,! Vice President, to state that there will be a xaeetiss of theWexaen'a ifJhratiantTem Dock itaessv thlalwnesday) afternoon, at ilZfcBsM oth;tpad yesterday State thithfr Messrs. Love's distillery, lo eated4 Arnm and $tSWWttatipns, was in process;oFd$- f f ,i ft KpfMf1 No particulars aa to amount of loss. Ainh atMMitvatiM.; dresson temperance rat Smithville t o-mor- ex .curplplboat from thlsciqr-' i- niX.IT AJRT. ' ' ABSTVAJ . 07 THE SUMTBB MIUTa.Er VISITOBS---BXCTJBSION; BOWBT THK The Sumter (Sl' CVright Tcfantry, Capt W." Rr belear commanding, arrived t here on' the 6301 W., C. & A. R. B. yesterday momiag, and were met at the depot by the Wilmington Light. Infantry, under com' maad of Capt- John L. Canlwell, who est corted them to their armory in the City Hall building. Here our Sumter friends tested awhile from their fatiguing tide and were served with refreshments; after which, at ' 'about 8.80 o'clock,: the company re formed in line and were . escorted to the f opt of Market street,, w here both compa aias and a large number of citizens and via itoraembarked on , the steamer- Passport for Smithville and. the, forts bilow. The Sumter Company had with them about, 34 rank and ' file, and the whole number of Visitors, civic and military, I aggregates about 85. - The officers are as follows : Captain, W. R. Delgar ; 1st Liettecant, R. D. Jjee Senior 2d Lieutenant, A. J. Aued ; Junior 2d Lieutenant, Marion Sanders ; Orderly Sergeant, C.E. Bartlette. Among others accompanying the excur sionists are Generals E. W.ltoise and G. Richardson. - There waa a large crowd ready to embark oh the Bteamer Pcmport, and some had to be ruled out, officials from the Custom House being present to prevent the boat from being overloaded. A few who were crowded out, including General Richard son, who arrived late, took passage on tbe steamer Elizabeth. Tbe Passport returned late in the after noon, with the Wilmington Light Infantry, a few of the visiting military who will go down again to-day and a number of other excursionists. They report that the exenr sion passed off very pleasantly to all con cerned. All but a few of the visiting mili tary stepped at Smithville, where they ex pect to remain about tea days or two weeks. . Daily weatsier Huiieun. . The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at 3.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty-four hoers ending daily at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, as furnished by the Signa Officer of this city : Temp. Rain f alL Weather. Atlanta 86 .00 Cloudy Augusta 94 t.00 Fair Charleston 87 .00 Clear Charlotte 86 .00 Clear , Corsicana 100 .00 Fair Galveston 95 .00 Fair Havana. 81 .00 Fair Indianola 93 .10 Fair Jacksonville 83 .09 Cloudy Key West 94 .00 Clear Montgomery 91 .00 Th'tng PuaURaaaa 87 .00 Fair Bavannab 90 .00 Cloudy Wilmington .. 87 O0 Fair Cedar Keys 86 - ,0 Th'tng PortEads 80 3.88 iLtraia Pensacola... 87 .00 Cloudy The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Fair weather, winds moBtly southerly, stationary or higher barometerend tern peratnre. am ai Tiie Yacht Usee Yeaterdaf. A challenge race between the yachts SesiUu and Glide took place at Wright sville , Sound yesterday afternoon, and was wit nessed by quite a large crowd of spectators. : The wind blew a good steady ereeze from the southeast, and all conditions for tbe race were favorable. The BetUeat waa sailed by Capt. J. P. Cowaa and the Glide by Capt. Clayton Giles. The following is the record of the race, from which it will be seen the Glide was victorious by five minutes: Start. Finish, h. m. s. b. m. s. Glide 3 27 5 19 Restless 3 27 5 3 24 Tbe judges selected by the captains of the two yachts were Misses Mary Cowan, Roberta French and Mrs. L. H. DeRosset, and their decisions on tbej questions sub mitted for their judgment evidenced con siderable nautical knowledge antl were gen erally admitted to have been most impar tially rendered. The captain of ihe Besileu challenged the CftsWsoon after the race was over to try it again, '.and they will race over the eame course again this afternoon. Attti-ProMMiion newtiaa. We learh thst there was a meeting: held at the truck house of the First Ward iSuck et Company; Monday night, in the interest of Aeti-Prohlbition, with James Howe In the chair. Speeches were made and the ' Chairman, James Howe, and Emanuel finchdrs were appointed delegates to the f AtfthProhlbitloh Convention, which m9ets afthe CitfHall tosday. Cbaraed witb an.Affrar. A. L.' Brown r and Balem Beastey,' bioth colored,: were arrested by Officers Gordon and Skipper, yesterday afternoon, rand lodged in the guard house, charged with engaging in an affray. Brown 'subsequently gave bond In the sum of $50 or his ap pearance before Mayor Smith this morning. aatl-PraltlhluoiUata. . . . ' A convention of Anti-prohibitionists i called 10 meet at the City Hall thla'after noon at 8 O'clock; and to-night a mass meet-' ing wilt be held on Market atreet, atthoi aiteof the old market. Col. I. J. Young, of Raleigh N., O.,- and . ether prominent speakers will address tbe meeting. ,luear. llasiiaiaiv.'. "" ; ;o --i '. ' During .'the," prievalence of the severe) thunder storm on Sunday afternoon Mrs., i WMrackTvbH ltsdg nd 'instaDtry 1 UUed.. Bhel Infant in hei arms at the time, which: is reported to have escapea "ItrVBB SITD HI A BIN IV ---- "-ii" 'nit "S-lil k. v i..,. rrnii UH4US vurtn, ucuvc, b.iijcu um ' yesterday " 1 - 'lSr When the ateamer d. P. Hurt Mi FayeUeville there had been a rise of four eeen inches in the trivet. Sod a further im proyetBent waa expected. , . - 1 .i -T-The aharpie Jbg&Moor arrived here from Wrightavdle Sound Monday evening. Capt. Brinkley reports that be had a pretty rough passage and that ln . atteeapting lo enter what is known as j6oro Cake'' Inlet the boat carried away her rudder, but it was subsequently recovered and placed in position. The bont wiligo to BmitbTllle to look for bjuslaess, and may be need to seme advantege by the 8umterfiOyS. '' ' nn or LBriEB. Remaining m 'the City Post Office, July 20. 1881, unclaimed: A--W F Alexander, J H Aycock, John J Alexander, Jno Alexander. ' ; B G F Bason, Geo R Bates, David Bry ant. -.' : .. . CJaneCroekram, Marie Condor, A B Chase, Patience Craig. D Davis & Cocbram, Lizzie Dawson, J D DaviSjHenry Daniel. . E J W Eiaertor & Co. F Abdy Foster,. Ashley Fleming, John FFerrel. . , G Lewis Gay, Maggie 0 Guyer, Prince Garri8oa. :. H Pheby HaU, James Holen, Lizzie Hayes, Rindel HalC Martha Hawood, Tom Harris, B House, ease SJex Butler. Joseph HallH J Herring, Washington H High smith. J Catheren Jeffress, W J Jordan, C W Johnson, Carrie Justice, Moses Jacobs, AnoieL Johnson, A R Johnson. K Zach Koonce, Lizzie Kennedy. L Augustus Ligon, Laura Long, Flo rence Lane, Francis Lbften, Alex LUes. MEverlena McNeil, Hop Moore, James Moore, James A Moore, Levi Mcdamaay. M. Red McKensie, Annie Moore, D T Marable. O Rev Jacob Onslow. P E L Pearsaw, Rev. E L Pearsall, M F PowelL R J 8 Robinsoo.Thos Rick. J H Rhone, Col JM Ray. David Rane, Mary Kulkes, care John Hunter. 8 Christena Sanders, D J Sanders, Hes trie Swan. Thoa Sterling. T J Smith, Isaac Stocks, J W Sanders. Emanuel Solomon, Eliza Skipper, Ceasar Smith, Ann E Smith, Abe Smith. T W H Taylor, May TUton.Maggie Tay-x lor, Joseph Turner, Florence Tyson. JasWVick. Yf B W Williams. Emma B Wright, J L Weaver, Robert Whitfield, Mary Ann Williams, Dorata Williams. Y Harries York. SHIP LETTERS, August Olson, schr Wade Hampton. James Cole, schr Katie Ranger. E Ross, schr Edward Lorried. Johran Worthmao, barque Resolve. David . Evans, tugboat Dolphin. . Geo Sanders, schr Roseline. ; Edward Maxwell, BChr Caroline C Smith. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." If not called t or within thirty days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Ed. R Brink, P. M. Wilmiagton, New Hanover Co., N. C. CITY THB MOKNTXQ STAB eaa always be had at the fallowing places in the tales ' The Pnreell House, Harrie'News Btand. and the 8ta Office. NO H08PITAL NSEDKD. No hospital needed for Hop Bitters patients, nor large-salaried, talent ed puffers te tell what Hop Bitters will door cure. as they tell their owa storr br their 1 ana absolute cures at heme. New Tork Independent. A HAPPY HIT. A fortunate young red-haired farmer, aamed Alexander B. McCroaky, of Somer Tille, Tenn., ;drew $50,000 la the Jane drawing of the lionlstana State Ixtttery. He immediately col lected hia' aaeney from m. A., Dauphin, New Or leans, La., and renewed plowing, who will be the next 1 WHO IS MRS. W1NBL0W 1 As this question ia frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who for upwards of forty .years has untiringly deroted her time and talents as a Female Physician and none. wlnrlpsUv among chlldreir. Bhe has especially studied the coestitutlon and wants of this practical kaowfi cimas. axwL, aa a news or vim eson, ana cnowleuge btained la a lifetime spent as none and nhvsiclaa. aha has comoonnded a Sooth- hag 8ympfor children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and la moreover sore to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle Mrs. Winslow ia becoming world renowned aa a benefactor of the race; children certainly do ana up and bless her; especially ia this the case in thia city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are BAIX.T sold and used here. WeJhmkMra. Winslow bjt immmrtaHyai nnr name by this ia valuable arti cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use. and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. No mo ther has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she has given, it the bene fit of Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syrup. Try it. x then wow. Ladits' Visitor, New York city. Bold by all Druggists. 35 centa a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Attention Land Leaguers. JOTS MONTHLY MEETING OF THE LBAGUK will be held at their usual place. This Evening, at 8 etlock. All members are requested to attend. By order. ; ' r Jy SO It JAMES COBBETT, Sec'y. Dr .: T7m- Wells Brown, sNE OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED COL oredapeafcera,' and one. ot the most emlneat col ored saen in America, will address the people on rrohttitton, Ul frontof City Hall, to-nteht, at 8.80 o'clock. The opposition have declined to allow a division of time. Jy It rpHE UNDKBSIQNED, SURVIVING PARTNER ef MeOoagall A Williamson, begs leave to say that he win odntinneshfl bntlaess of Carriage Manufac taring, Eepeiilng. Morse-Shoeing, etc., at the old aaada cnesnat, -between Front and Water Sta. AUpenoaa indebted to tha old arm wUl settle .with tl undersigned, and all claims against the aame will .presented to htaa t ot payment. . Jy SO St JL P; McPOUQALL ROLLER StJSPENDEES, only SCc. ' Argcey SaispenderB, ' Beautiful Ties only 15c, Linea Handkerchiefs onry Hye, ", Handsome Bordered Hdkfs only 10c. Cheviot Sous emly fl'OS. ;, Lew prices pwauat' . JySO tt . Clothier and Merchant TaOor; i In the Market last week we found in style .: ; rbe Scats yoa Snd at ear atore; ' The Hosiery and Underwear that everybody oought mstanuy ceming are scyMtcuas nave won. : aawcaaanaaaaowa ay mcsatsa-oun. NEW - ADVERTISEMENTS. For Bent or Lease. 'il rjujB "OOXMERCtAL HOlgL," SITUATSO oa Market Btreet, la . - .- WIUUSGTON, M. C, Is tot rent or lease for oae er more ym. Ther are 41 rooms ia the hoose, and if opened by a com petent man agood' bosiness can be done. Tb "Bar alone can do enough to pay tUe rent Poe' mm lmmeaiaLeir.- - ror terms and partiealar a If to . CKONLY MORRIS, rf. Anetlonaerf. IjSOSt Stock and. Seal BtUte Brokers. HORNER SCHOOL, r r ; ,OIFOH0, N C. . ' A OLAB81CAU MATHSMATICAX. BCIBNTI J3l FIO, AND SCHOOU, W ITH M1LI4 H. HORN BR and J. C HORN SR. Prlnctnalf. TH V. JASMCKD, rn. D;, German. French, Geojrraj tny and Hlstorr. 3. 1. HALS. Commander or c4 deta. Mathematics and Natural Science. Tbentxt aeaakm wULbegia the lat Monday b Snguit, Frlc the aame aa heretofere. The bnildlng-a are new and cenunodions. and the best educational advan-t taxes In all the appointment of the school are pro4 Tided. Circulars containing testimonial! acd other1 partteiuars rnrnisnea on appiicauon. )y SOPaWlm - - Hay and Corn. Eastern Hay, White and Llixed Corn,1 For sale low by HALL & PEABSALL. Jy SO DAWtf F)K HIRK Anything in our line. Carriages Bugtrfes. Saddle Horses. Wseona and Carta. Boarding by month, week, day or single feed, at Jy 30 tf Opposite Opera Heaae. North American Keview, jPOR AUGUST, WITH JUDGE BRACK'S AND INGERSOLL'8 DISCUSSION. 100 covlEa davb been t, . ORDERED BY TELEGRAPH . All persons desiring a copy will please leave their names at HEINSBERGKR'S Jy 19 tf Live Book and Music Store. WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA, OPENS SEPTEMBER BOTH. 1861: ONE OF the FIRST SCHOOL8 VOR YOUNG LADIES IN THE UNITED STATESi Surroundings beau tiful. Climate unsurpassed. Pupils from seven teen States. - ' - TERMS AMONG THB BEST IN THE UNION. Board, Washing, English Coarse, Latin, German, French, Instrumental Mule, Ac , for Scholastic year, from Sept. to June, $238. For Catalogues write to Bit. WM. A. HARRIS, P.P.. President. Staunton, V a. tu th aa Jy 7 Deodlm W7t Family Excursion. TTHX LADIES OF BTH BTRBET M . S. CHURCH X will rive a Family Excursion onJThnrsday next. Slst Inst., on the Passport, to the Forts, Smithviile and the Black fish Grounds. Refreshments at city prices. Steamer leaves at 8 o'clock A. M. sharp. Tickets S5 and 60 cents; to be had at Heinsberger's and Yates Book Store. JylTStiuwe. Dr. f ortlMon's Cholera Meiicine. F)R DYSENTERY, DIARRHOS A. CHOLERA Morbus, Summer Complaint or Children, and all Painful Derangements of the Bowels, this old household remedy is the mott reliable. 'Every body's" Pills, the best, mildest and safest Cathartic. Good fer "Anybody" and "Everybody." For sale by all dealers. BOXKIN, C ARM BR St OO., Proprietors, Baltimore, Hd. Je 13 eodSm nac suwefr L. S. L. NEXT DRAWING OF TUB Louisiana State Lottery TAKES, PLACE AUGUSTS. PRIZES FROM $100 to $30,000. Price, Whole tickets. $S 09, Halves $1 oo. Address Lock Box ITS, Jy 18 tf Wilmington. N. C. To my friends and Patrons. ON ANO AFTER JUNE 1ST MY SHOP HOURS . will be changed , aa follows J Shop opens .at 5.80 A. M. and closes at 8. SO P. M. (except Batur-,' days), thus affording my Joorneymen an opportu-1 nil tn n1mr the recreation dne to every one darlnr " the warm season. During Shop Honrs we may al ways be found at our posts prepared for business. mySOtf Respectfully, fl. C PRBMPERT. Brovn Ct Roddick r i . !.,. , 45 Market 'Street, The Nobbiest Thing Out IS OUB :' "DUKE OF ARGtLE'UNEN1 COLLAR AND TIE COMBINED,' For which We 'arc the Sole agents in this city. Give as a caU. ! BROWN ' RODDICK, , ; . , . 45 Market SL Jy i tf Hay. '"SI Hay. w E ARB SELLING HAT, IN LOTS TO SUIT. - it ,f . i . t . VERY LOW. Parties wishing to buy would do well to call en us. JyHlw ROBTNBOy A KING. ' Corner Water and Orange sta. Do As We Do ! jgUY CHEAP AND SELL CHEAP. PAYCASH and get Cash. That's the way our Furniture goes. BBBBttdDS St 0H7NBOK, 8. B. Corner Market and Second Streets, Jyl7tf ' -: : 1 Wilmington, W. 0. 'j-i t Tap j ",t Seed Peas . v ? : y-vy ALL KINDS, HAY IN SMALL AND LABGE -Jsles; Oatsl Brag, 'Oralii'9 an kl'lleai at bot itnm aourBS at a .F. Floor and earl Hominy KUla. . , l,, ,0, fi. WRIGHT, Jytttf Proprleter.

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