OBiTU. D .in uly ahe broke the rose-bad from its reeo and wiry item, - . i full of bidden beauty's prom lie.1 61- the r.r.miae cf a eem. VVbile iu petal ecaca , unfold iog rioUvit; deeper llnU withto-- 4-,vjvJT Of ibe bush of crimson gry that to-mor row miiMH wM r J gXXX Wi Df. and crue? Tha io pluck it wMi " .-v . v 1 U I le uofalflUctf? rpU- , , I bat leader fuIiyuciY opIo'iNfrT hi promise uofaiaUctf ? K . 1 1 v ! oaiuht ever held, t . F..r it promise is ire beauty; pleasure summit ne'er is gained. Hopj'a froitioo palia Jn ; piperita-, qoJy pr t-id while uoaltetoeri. Nev York It thane US KELIGIOUS ItllSCBLLAMY. Dr. Dudley, AseisUut Bishop of Kentucky, is tQ preach funeral, cerr moo lO-asy io memory w isca,i 3 BOiey.rBA i Margaret's church, Westminster. Dean Stanley's last words werei. I bave labored acaidat many frailties and much weakness to make YYeal minster A,b- bey. iu a trulyliberal spirit, the great Genu of rdiK'ous aad aaliooal lue- Tb Ret.FtlherRudoIbb, until f, w montha agpaslof of St Michael's tV.bulic church aTmejrONoTlarrtt uojuced bis tows, aad was United in mar nr last Thursday evening to Miss Maggie JLCartlr, a loimtr housekeeper of the p f'rbiiil ruaideoce. m Bishop Talbot, of the Indiana i ), cese of the Protestant Episcopal Church, .ns s tuck with paralysis on Monday night inle on hi) way to Indianapolis from M,cb:tto- The case ia not cooaidered criti cal, although bis eotira right aid is affected be is oot able to speak distinctly. 1 "Gum log" preachers is a ttrtn u e l iii i bo M. E. (J inference to designate , ,:!- of uaptipular preachers that no i mmunity wan s They are "bard stock" pin i nre g ocialiy put off on some moua-i,..- c -mmunity. wheie they get' a salary r- k it fncu $50 to $200 j far Oglethorpe Echo Uev. Dr. Conkling, of New V ik t'i;y. (no relation to Hoscoe that wo k r w of) baa a wealthy lady in his parish wli-i ir:t-niy paid the expecsea of a trip to E'i pe fur himself and wife, and made biru it present of a $70,000 buu nrd gave bii wife $100,000 io govern rami b-pdon (heir leiurr. - Mr. M. J. O'Farrell, of New V .ik, wbiise appointment as first Bishop ..f the 1 t:ese of Trenton, N. J., was re-ct- v il fr- m Ktime Ibe other day, is a pro f.,im1 M4 holar sod liogutsM- He tat be mas i ' i f ii' z"n different languages and ia p. rlmps one of tbe beat Celtic scholars ia lh'- country In a North Carolina Sunday a h.wil itn imperfectly educated colored per .io wiii ssked buw the Israelites expreaeed Hicir joy after having crossed the Red Sea ? He replied: "I reckon dey shot off de big guns and hollered." The rest of the imper fectly educated colored persons nodded as t :nt to this doctrine. The capacity of the largest cburcb buildings in the world is as follows: S' Pet Rome. 54 000 persons; Milan VhetlrI. 37.000; St. Paul's, London. 35. Otn); Siphia's, TToostaotinople, 23.000; N .i.e I)1me. Paris. 21.000; Pisa QathedraV St. Mark's. Venice, 7.000; 8pur gr..i '8 Tabernacle. 7.000; Tal mage's Taber uac!' . Brooklyn. 4,50a A cable dispatch to the New Y-irk Freeman' Journal announet-s that the D'ocese of Newark has been divided, and uf Rr-v W. Wiiije. the pastor of Si. Via c i'i'-. in Madison, has been appointed a lii-Lop. A new Diocese has been erected cl ed ibe Diocese of Trenton, and the Rev M. J. O'Farrell, pastor of St. Peter's church. Barclay stieet, this city, has been appoiated Bishop of Trenton. l'KKM)AL. Somebody has discovered a stri kiog resemblance between the writing of Ctmles J. Quiteau and the mythical "Harry L Moiey " Senator Bayard's Wilmington reaideuce was once the home of Myra Clark Gtnies. sod it was from there that ber fain- us elopement was made. Kit Carsoo's grave at Taos, N. M . is unmarked by stooe or monument. The grave mounds of the fsmoos scout and hia Indian wlfs are two low gravel heaps In h ilesolate cemetery. Dean Stanley is said to have written a letter to Boston after bis return to which no one coold decipher. Tbe band-writiog of Rafas Choste and Hor-icc Greeley were almost plsin when compared to it. -Wm. nmo. He tbeir lands. Kvi (been Penn was a very honest would doi rob tbe Indians of Not a bit of it. He honorably noaoraoiy i bread and I several pounds of me jack koives for tbe teriitory of Penn sylvania. Such honesty cannot be admiredt B-tion Poet. On Saturday the wife of SHmC. H owell, a well-to-do farmer living near Pine Bluff. N. Y., eloped with John Decker, tbe bired msn. Mrs. Howell had packed her trunk preparatory to starting on a visit, and tbe took tbe trunk and about $000 of her husband's money and fled. She was fol lowed as far as Middletown, where tha pair took an Erie train for the West. Mr. Howell will make no attempt to follow them, bat will begin proceedings for a di vorce at once. POLITICAL rUINTI. Jay Gould bought the Nevada Central Railroad on Friday. Next 1 This is the most ferocious and atrocious epoch ia oar history. Subsidy and perfidy go band in hand. Not only haa the press been subsidized, but tbe peo ple also have obviously been bought New York lribunct Sep. Never before has a public ser vant been made so strong by a conspiracy tbat looked to nothiag leas than hia death. It is for Mr. Garfield to decide whether be will disappoint this esroest public expecta tion . lorney'i Proffrem, lad. Don. Let the dead, past bury its dead, ad let the new North, the new South, tbe new East and the new West, reunited in tbe bonds of fraternal good will, . be gov erned as one nation, for tbe material good f the whole and the glory of its undivided civil zation. QaUetton Nee$, Dem. The shot fired at the head of the National Government In tbe person of President" GarfleI3, ba .oaerremarkable effect, wilcn has nc beetftufficiently recognizedvdrniaisfered aihocs: which addenly femteffrtbe renawedinship of the North and South sf tmrts of one nation and one people. 2feta York lima, 20i iiep. . "t a aa Mr. Epb. Moserf evwell known attorney f Shoals. Iod.. had been confined to hia room with severe rbeumstlsm. St. Jacobs, Oil was ssedtlhe third application relieved him from all pain. . - aaa a sai i t Children warned not to take what doesn't belong to them, espe cially the measles and small-pox." PMla tdphia Chrwicla-Berald. ' ' r ' :io fraiaaai oa.aaxl raaoeancoded by them fbr Dt. f iHii- cy? a u.VVmaat nil. Catvaitcattlla avaial Ftv' Itserraa 7fT PT kw a, Xqi at nflcaaaarjr. , , f-Hsoaaa uree moatns ao I MnntUi . HjLKTKB'a I BOW Tninr!. mum lha ul. aa of Da. EUktu's TIC OI BUST inMOl WM tMW IU Irfriu WU ho knew Its vlrtiM. we tnnj irt freaem qeuntr to saeh an ex Wmftovii azeeadlastY boxdeaaoiiM to A racaUoa of a monUi did not sj1t m modi lie, bat on too eootrarr. was followed bv extent tome. uec, bat on -the eootrarr. was followed by In eitamii prostratloa and. aVnMiy chills. At this Unit Ilxfu the aaa of yoarOoa Towic, from which I realised almost tmmodiata and wonderful t raanKa tltm old nera-w atajuai aatd I tkt - eitama proatnuoa and aVnUi. chills. At tola rawanaM oM aaeisx rataraad aatd I focwtUat , fly aMoMaoowaa aat erihaUj abatexCl hara aaed three botuea of ChTOjncKlnc ailnr I hava doaa twloe the labor that I rrar did tn the , amo Om darin aay Illness, and with doable the. 1 - With tholraaqaUnerra and vlcor of body,- haa come also aeleameas of thooaht nerer before, Troy, O., Jan. Z, 1878. Bastoc r'hHMTin Chorea. er Ssk by DrsgjWj as4 6aral DssIenEvwywhwa sa w fr una DH. JOY'S ELEnrniD DEVICES i aad Trial ara fwmi IdSMbc from Ksasiaia Sfnaili anaasa. 6 cat ami DiHaillajN I naa a J Mssva Totoa or Vigor, or any diaeaaa rasolUnc from Abuses aad OrHrm CAOaxs. or mr t r aJBicted with Rheama tlam. Neuralrta. faraiTaia. Bsinai Difficoluea. Kidney or liTer Troubles, Lame Back, and other IHieaayaof tbm -rltalalraaoa.' Also wok xj trou bled with Diseases peculiar to their sex. - epaedj aaUef and eaarapiete raatorattoa to health roarmaiaad. - Taw at Save aMaly -aUectrtei Tle a AMttaaets that hare eror aeai maauaiii S ataxua, acaaaaUSVe arlar llia Their taorottah aiBcieficai has been prao- ocauy proa-eawitn wiaanmaM i i n and- tbey harwJtha Uscfevsaai i aMaifhrntAaBaaateariBeataaea i iinn i i r a hi ii I i nil as- once an 1 1 gliilin nil Influ iimbHiiii fin ft ililinas rim i3Q i HU, Chicago, Dl. Je 8 DeodJkWIy- 'sa we fr tRO IJlfiRS are highly Tetxruuu ivucdTjf diseases requiring & .certain. ?o4. cf&cxcnt toaic; especially" Indigestion, ljspcpsla, Inter miitcrit Fevers, Want of Appe tite, Loss of 'Strcngrtn, Xack of Iincry, etc ; Eriua ike blood. irtjt&cna Cu. wnuclca, and gita new life to the smw. They act like a charm on the . digvxlive organs, runoving all ds peptic ; symptoms, such as lasting the food, belcJung, heat ia the ttontaeh, ktaribum, etc Tha ! ony Iron Preparation that trill not blacken . the teeth or gire headache. Write for the ABC Boot, 3 pages amusing And nseful reading, tent free. BROWN CnFTESnCAIi CJOMPANY, Baltimore. Hd. jaa S9 OAWly . gsa-ryairkl -sol oioa?. A SURE Fri?;FmB- Complaxioiis. Positlre relief and Imiuniilty from coni$leXftar Wemishes mi fui famul lit B-f mfmm ya TTorr iiiaf-wmiiin ha ihumi q & poil Jjaljau delicate and , iiarTif arucie.cwia py arng- gist3 emyirnere.' -: -It tepata th most brilliant aUdl!X-111co tints, and the clo sest scrntiny cannot detect its nse. All unsightly discolora tiocs, errrptlons,' ring marks under the eyessalTowiiesseTed nesSe niqjuie83andllie flush of JfetigDr and excitement are at once dispelled by the Hag nolia Balnu It Js the OSd iiicomparable Cosmetic JyS lm nrm Patent Cotton Press. ,sas: OSDs works with saf anwaat of power, and onVn- in ooeTitlon: wul Mek bales from 800 to apoa:taawksateam power- j orsrkaad.fartinforaatlon,aia ; ti c; BAST, BJJLBT 00.t . JeltCltSoaWIt WDmlngtJn, S. C , A ; r - " fe) ) i iiWbuctric I S ; Si Wo: DE. : Belts, Bsaoa. ate. 1 fefTV I : OJTAT l) t III. Vt-r . a . -r 1 ' ' I I I . - I 5 1 ' 1 ' I I ". I . aar-Onr quouviona, it anonid-bo underfltooa, re eat that jwholosle - prices geaeisily, I) BAfcuij , aasaaa orders higher pnees lave to be charged.' t ' puinmu... ...... BACXN--MorthCaroUma. ' 00 O t.M)i BtdoB,M. Q. choice, V ...... - Wostera nmokfid r ELaas.v;. J.Jwi- ... 11 o --.ll.-Ci-Ji 14 i 7 .'Dry .Baited.- - BMaefl ay;i.L t- Bhooldara .v-ii i..s u V-Bi WaW SA&HKUs- ennu xvoasixineu Second Hand, each.'.;.'.-..'. ITS o-i eor a iw: Wa Nw r.w i - New Oltr.- aaeX . . ' ' . l . ..... CO. oo- O l0 aovm; si T50 u (CO .30 n 14 OS su it ii iv worm uaroaaa, fa as 4: so aonaaBj W mt. 8Si 11! UANii. perp. m aW.... aSai atina, a...i.;;..:. Tallow Adamaa Hi H Q CH gffK-Northam factory si 14 O umjsj. cream w s.....:.. ai.t. ak ' 00 O MO IB; aua v aya. v B "asr t 5 AW, W - S.iirivwNtMkM r.aFM aa av CXJHN MJAIp S3 .basheUa saczsJ Ki. 8llf OOTTON bdla.J.-.'j. J IX)MiTICS 8hetlrig.4-4.w yd) vara, iranaui SGrOS A l-Oft f 10; ,', oar: a H6; li es 5 o. at : KSfl Jtackeral,No.l, VbL i; . Mackeral. K.ttlbi: r 8 68 9 Oft MO. a. at v Dbl..-.-... MaoaoToVMo. S, aj bbL.... atnllets. BbnU... .; ..,( - 4 50. O 7 W 5 00' fj : I lii , .09 O 1 00 J tOO O 4 00 , 5 o , - a no .- rora Dois..i..-.....; H. C. Herring, So, V keg...": 1 Ferufn (roaaoJTo. 1, S00B M 86150 87 00 & it 00 O 60 00 OM00 40og Do. 1 Loboa, " - . BaOe'b.'s.Xtioflphata, , Carolina rertulser, " rroan4 Boae . - , '.,.' BoasMaai, - now, r HavasaaQoanc, . M Ooaaplete Manor' - Whann's PnosphataT -WandoPhosphato,. -Berger BoU's Phosnh. --stxcollenaaOotton rertillaer FLOUB yine. bbl corbbi:::::: ysjoauy v bbi...... CaiQlla-Kitra, a bl - is-amuy, w Dot.. ax.FaaaUfcsakbi.. slctb Q&AJN Corn, la store, la eaga, Corn, cargo, v oasnei, in dui uorn, vargo, w paanjwuagB Oora,nUxed naabelja bags. Oats, V aoanei Red Rasa Proofs.. ..... PaaavOow. baaaal.,...., flmaa Oreen. 9 B HAlaaaierBv'loVmS. Wastara. 100 a Hortasiver. v ion aa HOOP IKON a) ton.. . . LARO Northern, ... North Carolina, 9 . LTMK bbl LrjMRXa Crrr BrmaxSA Ship BtnU.resawecjp Jt rt.. Booxh Bom Plank. 9U ft... O 30 00 O 16 00, O18P0 O MOO WeaUndlaCargoaaooordlng toqnallty, Jt fi...V...... nvaasBiirioonTia. aeaataoea.. Bcaatllng ana ttoaraa,. com' moil. Mtt........M.... iir.aaas5a-3f cp KTabsakdsl New crop Cuba, Dhls V gal. Porto Blco,bbi1s..; DDIS). 8yrap,bla, as galM.. NAIia-Oat. lOi bakts, sj keg.. una aTavoaaaa, v gai. Xattd, W gai. iAnaeed, V gal..... ttOIM.f ni................. Tar, per gal ... Deck and HDar.aer gal.. POULTRY CalcStins.liTerown spring... Taraeya PatAKTJTB-V baahel POT ATOata woet, V baahel. ' Irish, a) inch PORK Northern, City Mess... Prime, bbl Bams. 9 bbl KlCT-CaroUn, B Bong h, 9 bean Bfl Country, 9 ...... citr. a BOPS... SALT Alain, bashol urerpooL, vsaec; Llabon,.fJ sack aiaerlcan. fj sack . BUeAR Cuba, . 1 otto iUCO, as a a uosoe, v w B M . O B MZ.C- Crushed. 4AP Noctbara, BBINaia-Coiitraet, m Oommon, VX. CyproasSaps K,... Croraas Hearts at at. BTAVXS W. O. BbL, X js. o. una., m TALLOW avT. TlhtBJS-jShlpylng, X Kxtra ShlDDlns- auuraas,! . MJlllr7V . Onmmoa MM... InXarloetoOrdmarr. SJ M.... WBT8KKT Nortiaern, sjgal. HorthCtaomuL 9ril WXXL UnwaahedV j waanea. a Barry Wool rimJoTIITQTOIf OHBI n Izcaaaxe (sight) on New York, X dlsctt Boston, ..2 " Philadelphia, jtf western cities, x - IxehiBM 30 davs 1 W cent. BankofNew Hanover Stock 100 75 140 yrratHatlonal Baaky. .. avasaaunanouo. H. C Bonds OldXx-Coapoa - do. ronaingises is Do. 1868 IS Do. New 4's. 88 Do. BpeeialTsx 4 Do. to N.C. Railroad.... 93 W.A.W. aTLBowdetaBefQoldlntt.llS Carolina Central B. R. Bonds, 6fc..lC5 WU-CoL Ang. K.R. " 1Q6 Iflrmlngteti City Boads, new 9t. . .100 . - r a ma irm New Hanover County.... 6 yc 97tf W.W. Railroad Stock 100 ITortk Carolina B.B. M 100 WlLOas Light Co. - .60 Wilmington Cotton Mills ,..100 Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital SI, 000,000. Cash Capital paid In 300,000. Snrpltu Fond $50,000. DIRECIORS. JOHN DAWSON a M. BTKDJCAN Q. W. WILLIAM 8, ISAAC BATXS, DONALD McRAS J AS. A. LXAX H. VOLLKRS P. RHKIN8TKIN, B, B, BBTDOKR8 B. B. BOBDXN J. W. ATKINSON CHAH. X. HTKDMAN, PreeldenL ISAAC BATBS, Vice President ' s. D. Waxiaos. Cashier angSO-tf AtMnspn & Hanning's " Insnranco Jlooms, BANK OF NX W HANOVXB BUILDINQ, Wilmington, 17. O Fire, HariiiB: afPlife Compaiies.; Agrcate Capital Bepreeented Over $100,000.0001.. ALL ABOUT TesternlTortliCarolina If yon want to know all abootthe "Garden Spot" of us Donu, aona i a epocuaeu copy w.uw iCiideiaWAt ; Her aid. r Itfal a TWCJT1-XTOHT TOLUXN WBEBXY, fall of tatereatureadttur matter, and devoted to the interests of Western North Carolina. . , . . Addreos " . -. - " . .t .i p; x , fjNJLJCPZNDXNT HZBALDy HenoexBonvllls. . C y. 1 " " I T I' I. . T h eLl o r ni n friBiar I - . . .- aUT"I w'- PtTBLISHED DAILY AITD WEEKLY DAILY STAR, One Tear,"postag paid,.-. ;;'..7.00 Six sfohthS ' ' ' u - . 1: 4 00 5 35 ..Three Months" " .... One Month " . ... I 00 -- J - - - . .. . 1 - -. j j r - -. . . - - ...... . . . , ... ... .. ..y. : -, : i V7BBELY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 60 ; .. " . Six Months. " . , 100 Three Months ' 50 ;:t.H-' i ' Li': Notices of tte . Press . , "ThSTABU deaMdedlv one of the bet; papers in ioiL Solent Press. ; ; 'I Ja '....-. ' The Wumlngton Stab has entered on its twelfth ysarv-as good a paper .a . any people should want. CiarlotU Democrat itr ; - - - .-t :i-,tZu v - ! - ' ' ' . The WQialngton Stab has entered on its twelfth m - 4. .-lill. Irmrntl nf ntAhda "HD ' ' The WUmlngton Stab haa entered Its twenty-: fifth volume. There ia no better paper published to-theState.-2aolr'2V8i.i.-:--'-' v .fn The Wltoineton Stab has enfered npan its thir teenth year.-; It Is one of the best papers in the SUte.--rFomnton QnutUY f The whrnbigton Stab has entered Its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers ef the Sonihuf-OsBbrxi TorchliaU.. . - ; i " The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers In the State, but for freshness ot news and typographical appearance cannot be best en Jactton Bevorter. perfl in the South, In every department from typog raphy op to editorial ability at d independence. We like the Stab because It is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, aad In fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the Stab twinkle. JH. Airy Visitor. Although at the head of the press in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to Improve. It is a Stab of the first msgnltade. May Its lustre never wane. u m xree WOlBaDtUL The Wilmington (N. C) Moshirs Stab Is a mo di mnmaner. Indeed, we think we dd not exag gerate its merits when we say it Is the newsiest (sec ular) paperpnbliehed in the South. Biehmond(Va.) jimcunujuerma. ... - Tha WTlmlneton Stab has now entered anon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers m the South, and. as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tardoro somherner. ": Tha Rvm la no well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing of which ita thonaanda of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dailies ia the South. BoMsonian. Tha wnmlnffton Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It Is a most excellent newspaper, well edited4 a eompendiam of all the news of the day, and an honor to its ctty, to North Carolina and to North fjamntia iMiw.Hn Hhj&irtiji Observer. ' mat nunNlMiit kMnimit Rm ho MumnTeted its twenty-eeeond volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Tnsm..A ' TK. ...tom tit IKa flmfc nn tif the natier sarpassesthem alL ' Tarboro SouOierner. flut Ttrnmrn eannat sav a word too food for the WUmfoptn Rvia. It haa 1osi reached, one of its many bfithdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and Is sought after by the peo ple. Long and prosperous life to t.-RidsvilU 7mn WhT ia it that an the nepers with the name ef Star are such bright little Joarnals f The Wilming ton (N. C.) stab, the Washington Star, Freder icks hnro star: New York Star, for example. There mast be something in a name after all Richmond The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding Use one of the very best of oar exchanges, and consider it the peer or any journal published in the Sooth. Ox- ford JTrse Lance. Tha WDml-nctTm Stab Is now takine the reealar miTinigiit a nrimtmA Dimi reports, and has besides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not nrrpriaingthiee It Is so deaerring. Carfo Ob- Thb MoBHnra Stab, one of the best dailies we know, and aa a newsnaDer. moor opinion, the very .beat, has entered apoa Its twelfth year. In every particular tne stab comes rouy op to toe mars; aa the principal daily in oar chief commercial city. Leag may it twinxie. juitmumoe meaner. Tha Wnmlneton Stab has entered noon its 13th volume, and we are pleased to notice stffl continues on the road to success. "We esteem the 8tab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa pers that comes to this office Ita news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of oar exchanges, and Its editorial department ia con ducted with much ability. Jforoon&m Blade. Humble to Ita beginnings, m was mseparahle from an enterprise began amid tne wrecK er lortunetnai attended the eollanee of the Southern Confederacy. the Stab has steadily waxed" until it now beams resplendent ia the foil glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity, as a newspaper n nao iew eqrnuu, and no anoerior. for aDDroDriate selection and la- di clous arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among oar most acceptable exchanges. EUleboro Jteeoraer. Tha Wilmington Vommra Stab has entered anon the thirteenth year' of Its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon Its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable suc cess of the Stab is -doe to ita strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully tee). Is that it always haa the news, and this is the first thing In Journalism. Otherwise the paper is all that the term of "good newspaper" implies, and Ita corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral tnnueneeof the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Qcldtbon Msstenaer. THE RALEIGH Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK & EEID Bal6M. N. C Is the organ of about 69,000 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest circdlationlof any pa per in the State, It gives the markets, secular and religions news. . Ia a weekly, eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only $3.00 per annum. Sub- ScnDO a once. Advertising rates HberaL lansttr The Lincoln Progress : Piibli Saturdays ailifnN. 0. IB the only papers published in Lincoln county and has aa extensive circulation among the Mer fhfntji. Farmers and all classes of business men ia the state. - . It offers to tha Merchants of Wllmlncton a te rirahla medium foe : advertising their business throughout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms win be allowed on yearly adver tisements ' Subscrtotion 'price, f3 00 per annum ' scdreas . r u. jlbuawis. Sditor and Proprietor, The Cehtral Protestant ,;.-: - AWXXBXY RKLIGIOUS AND FAMTLYNEWS. naneraadtheOmnof the Methodist Protes tent Church In North Carolina, Is published at Terms, as 00 per annam, in advance. The eligibility of ita location, the number and ac ttvity of its agents,- and the constantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers In vsruras seeaons, give uesvauM Aiuu peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the advertising public "Terms very favorable. Consult your business inter eats, and addrese the editor . . jL,-'.. i - , f;. - J. L MICHATJX, Greenabero, N. C ; Swdriess 275Q iJVEBUPpOLSALT, r-r . as Bbls 8PANI8H BROWNg. ... 0 Bales CrTON,TABN,' SO Carloads Prime White CORN, r For sals low for cash. ' r mh 37 tf -, -., Q. BONXY A SONS. lOBiplRJTirAlC ni, oT XS jo tJL lsMQR2II2f&.j8TAJt MU1LDXNCUC -. " PRltfCIBSS STREET. : ; 1 MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING f ! - , OFFICE UT THE CITY. FINE BOQJuJiElYSFAPER d, MERCANTILE PRINTING' MND r BINDING, 4 CHEAP FOE CASHl , ; i ALSO, ':: ' -c-:'- : THEATRICAL POSTERS PROGRAMMES TICKETS. INSURANCE PRINT1N&. : ' BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS nil J :" ' 1 CAItDs: DOpQ r : - ..... . 1 . i 1 iasi am aw , 1, STEAMSHIP, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK JSXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME , : AND, BETTER STYLE THANB Tf : ; : ! ANY OTHEBOFFICE IN IL FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAB STEAM PRINTING ' HOTTSE, P&NCESS STREET,' WILMTNGTON.N. C. 'f ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANJr.PARI OF THE UNITED STATES, ; j- . C O.D.' ; SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THE SAME PROMPTNESS AS ' LARGER ONES. - LIBERAL OFFERS ! FOR 1881. I TWO YEARS F0R;THE PRICE -OF OP THE REPRINTS OF ; 1 THE BRITISH aUARTERLY, CEvangelical), LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative), EDINBURGH, (Whig), AND ; WESTMINSTER, (Liberal), REVIEWS. AND i Blactwood's Hagaiine, - i Present the BEST FORBION PERIODICALS n;a convenient form and WITHOUT ABRIDGMENT OR ALTBRATION. TERMS 0F SUBSCRIPTION ancludlng PosUge.) Blackwood or any one Review $4 CO per annum. Blackwood and any one Review.. 7 00 " Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " Blackwood and three Reviews. . . . 13 00 " Any two Reviews 7 00 . Any three Reviews .. 10 00 The four Reviews '. 13 00 " Blackwood and the four Reviews. 15 00 " These are about HALF THE PRICES charged by the English Publishers. Circulars giving the Contents of the Periodicals for the year 1380, and many other particulars, may be had on application. PREMIUMS. Ne w subscribers may have the numbers for 1880 and 18S1 at the price of one year's subscription only. . . To any subscriber, new or old, we will furnish the Periodicals for 1879 at half arice. All orders to be sent to the publication office. . To secure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 BARCLAY ST., NBW YORK. The Best Paper. Try It. Beantif ally Illiistrated. 35th YEAR, The Scientific American. rrVHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large Flrst I iiu WwM-v KTawanaoer of . Sixteen F sees printed in the most beautif ul style, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions ana tne most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Facta in Agriculture, Horticulture, the' Home, Health, Progress, Social Science, Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. - . - Terms, $8.30 per year, $1.60 half year, which In cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co nies. 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN A CO.. Publishers, 87 Park Row, New York. . . . . . Tl A HI T2UHQ connection with the jf JLJiiXX JL Da SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. Mum & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 85 years' experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made ra the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen- r, with the name and residence of the Patentee, y the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits or the new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily effected, Any person who has made a new discovery or in vention, can ascertain, nn or qhabsb. whether a S stent can probably be obtained, by writing to mnr Co. We also send rasa our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats; Trade Harks, their costs, and now procured, with hints fer procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN CO., 87 Park Sow, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. 7th stsvi Washington. D.O OLD NEWSPAPERS, BUJTABLB t - for Wrapping and other porposes Caa be hod at the STAB, OFFIjJ---. I ill 11 UiTThfngtdh fc T7cldon i .tJll. (4.41 1 U . .1' 1 1 i ?WrriQaranro Paa'i.BuraaurrauT. - ll -; o jWamtogtottrf N. C.May 13, 1881 , , -CManse OfScliednlc;. . ArkH Ajfu 1 After MAlBmnssi. at KJ .40 A.M., Passenger Trains en the Warning ton 4 waidon uauroad wii runas iouowst0.v ttav BTall asid. Srv'ms TralB. aIT Leave WUmlngton.'Froni St Depot, at 6:40 k Arrive at Weldon . .V. . : -V. . 13:50 P. SK Leave Weldon.... i.,. ...- 8:30 P. M. simt at Wilmington, Front St Depot, 9:45 P. M. Fast- Thbotjoh f Xul " abb -PAseaTrexB-.TBAiss i hJ;,DAlis--rNOVa3 Nobth and 40 Sooto. .-. i -Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 6.35 P.M. Aurive av Weldon ... . . . , . tM . . , l.5 A. M. Leave Weldon. .if.": v. :.'.,.:e.l5 P; M; Arrive at Wilmington, Front St Depot, 1LS3 P. M. TraW Nof Sooth -will stop only at Kockx aiouni, wuson, uoiosooro ana sugnaua. . - j 1 Trains, on, Tarboro- Branch Road leave Rocky Mount foe Tarboro at 7.40 P. M. Daily, and Tues- dair: Thnrsdav and 8atDxdavat!5.00 A. M.- Return-' lngt leave Tarboro at9.60 .A M. Daily, and .Mon day Wednesday and Priday at 880 P. JOV :-. ; -- Train No. 47. makes close Connection at: Wei don for . aa points North- daily. - All rail via Rlchmcmdi. and dailvteXeeDtBundav via Bar Line. ti Train 20743 runs daily . and nAxee ' close con nection . i or au points Jort0 -via, jtuenmona ana Washington. .' -- r - ; - AH trams run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have, Pullman Palace . Sleepers attached. . i. .. . JOITM W. T1TVHTR. M 'V,s;: ... -flniiMal SlA Ai POPE; Qenl Passenger Agent. -:;. myl5-tf , .-j::ui-- - ! General Snp'ts Office. ft. WrLMINGTON,' COLCfflOlA 4e AV- - tfii WILMINGTON. N. C ay,13. B81. : Change of Schednlei ON AND AFTER MAY 15TH, 1881, AT 1.06 P. M., the fellowlBg Passenger Schedule -will baron "en, this roadt-V--; -; - : NIOHY EXPRESS TRAINS (Dalljr)- ' Noa. 48 West aad 47 East. Leave WUmlngton.. ... 10:06P.M. Leave Florence.... 3:40 A. M. Arrive at C.C. A A. Junction.; ' :4yAS. M. Arrive at-Columbia.......... 6:00A4 M. Leave Colombia.... 10:00 Pi M. Leave C. C. A A. Junction 10:30 P. M. Leave Florence. , S:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:30 A.M. Niht Matt, and Passknskb Tbaib. Daii.t. No. 40 WXBT, AXB DAT MAIL AND PASSSHOBB TbAiK, No. 43 East, . j Leave Wilmingten at. 11:45 P.M. Arrive at Florence. 3:15 A. M. Leave Florence.... . .... ..... 1:05 P. M. Arrive at WUmlngton ... 6.05 P. M. 'iTainoo. s stops at au stauona. No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton, WhitevUle, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Colombia; and all points on O. ft C. S.R., C, C. SA, R. R. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and tot Augusta on train 47. - All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. - - JOHN F. DIVINE. . Qen'l Suo't. ' - A. POPS, Qen'l Passenger Agent. myl5-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO; 3Wt- OMTOB QaOTBAI, Wilmington, N. C, June 4, 1881. Change of Schedule. 9 ON AND AFTER JUNE tf, 1881. the foliowing Schedule will be operated oa this Railroad: . PASSENUER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : Daily except Sundays M. , ) Leave Wilmington at. 9:45 A.M. f Arrive at Charlotte at.. 6:45 P. M. w l Leave Charlotte at 6:00 A. M. Iio'. r f Arrive at Wilmington at........ '8:35 P. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 3 stop at regular stations Only, and points designated in the Company's Time Ta ble. . ., These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains No. 8 and 4 fer Cleveland Springs and all points on Shelby Division. PAS3ENQER AND FREIGHT ) Leave (Wilmington at....... ....5:30 P. M. No.6.-Arrive at Hamlet at......... 1:36 A.M. .Charlotte at 8:00 A.M. I Leave Charlotte at.... .7:30 P. M No.6. Arrive atcHamlet at 1:26 A.M. ,: . Wilmington at 9:30 A.M. No. 6 Train is Dally except Bunday, bat no con nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train is Daily except Satarday . SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Wrt - (.Leave Charlotte.... 7:00P.M. No- f Arrive at Shelby.. 10:30 P. M. Vj a I Leave Shelby 6:00 A.M. oA-1 Arrive at Charlotte 8:80 A.M. Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh .and Charlotte. Trains No. I sad s maxe connection as cnariotte with A.. Tv A O. H.R.. arriving at Statesvillesame evening, and connecting then with W. N. O. R.R. for Asaevuie ana au points on w. . v. rt.rt. Trains No. 3 and 4 connect closely with Chester & Lenore, at Lincolnton. . V. Q. JOHNSON, Je 7-tf ' ' - General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer BENE PACT OR, Gapt. JONES, SAIL FROA .NBW YORK, satarday Jaiy 30. syShippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Ensgements apply to THOSIA8 B. BOND. - Superintendent, Wilmington, N.O. Tbeo. 3. Eger, Freight Agent, New York, W. P Clyde & Go.. General Agents, dec 9 tf 35 Broadway, New York. ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Secarity against Hre. THE NORTH CAROLINA UOtXB INSURANCE COHPANl "' RALEIGH. JS. tte Thta Osmpany continues to wnte Policies, at fa rates, on all els nuns of lnsaraMepreyeity. a iitoaawa rimiy adjusted and paid. The HOMB" is rapidly growing in public favor, and aTeals, wttft confidence, tomsurers ef property lr lf I"" . . . L.. m .v- - - ;WrlK'iawaioaww'-r.:5ijrto-;; - ., , PULASKI OOWPIBapervisoR--" -r? ATKIHBON MANNING, AeWTB, " , aag l-tf V , Wilntinaton. K C': ; TL-C-.taxaia all I i VaBBnlaauaBBBBBw; J ? vKonroe, ear. of Cte SL, Chlcsce, ) I WfflaapaaaMlasajaaJiaaj-tliafcraw r BAND CATALOOUS. F j V i AT a ajaataroiisemia, ouaa saai- --a x j IVB Bud- Oataav BfMii MaUrik afao aw : andaMak)(M acMMSata. f r ' t - . JyltwD&W A A t. --JB. -.I.n.,-X1ITBE1I. BPKIHGS...- FEMALE HIQH';SCH00L. Highest point R.sG. B. R., Property owned by PrincrpaL Noted for medicinal waters and pure air. Pleasant horns; practical achooL, Mathematics specially thorough. Good food.r Tuition, academic course, with Music and Board: not to ceed $110 per session zu weess.i uo - exams i sjpkkh au -GUST 4, 183L- Catalogue, sent on application to Principal, - ' - W.-Tii B ARNSH. mr ansWoV,is ICter, gins .taster,. and .costs leo8jVney..tharj any other Oln in the market. "'""-. -The brush Ia adjustable and tt Haa drlv wis puUey andJbeltAt botn enda. vKvery . maerilna made of tbe boat matorlal and iillt nnH .lAcynllw .unrontMirf. ' .7 a.f :,. -Price List fmrSfTsedors'and.CenO'easerg. ..UMUOTUM. . tM.i ia . ' . . . " Pribe wttU ' Prioa with ' M' Prioesof - -Self v Self: pizea. , Glna, . Feedor or . Feeder and .' " ' . Condenser. Oondenwr. 91 saw ' S 76 00 ' S160 00 SIM 85 " - 87 M . - 11 09, . , , . . 144 60 . iO " 100 00 138 60 K6 00 46 " ,113 60 1MO0. .,,170 60 60 " 126 00 100 00 . 195 (XI .60 " M0 00 0 00 ' S 00 70 " . 1C0 00 106 00 . BS300 80 " . 180 00 82 00 fcM CO The above piieeaere for the moclilnea boxod ready for shipment and deliysred at our factory. Will name price delivered at any ocooshible point, free of freight, if desired. Established 184S, at Columbus, Oa., under name of E. T .Taylor & Co., removing in 18E8 to New London, Ct , where the present firm havo atneu .eorrted. on the business. Ja addttilon to ear already nnequalled faculties we have erected another large tmdtary, thua doobllngoiu; capacity of nianufactnxe. Get your orders in at once and avoid a possibility of . delay. .Extra inducements to early buyer. Bend for 'flmstrated pamphlet giving new testimonial from ; hundreds of enterprising planters. ' Presses, Bnginea, and oomplete outfit famished whsnlesired. Addzeaa BROWN COTTON GIN CO., New London, Conn. JOHN DAWSON A CO., Agents, aplODAWfim - Wilmington, N. C. PREMIUM SAFET Y O I L . sis.. ( firl FOB, BALE BY Adrian & Vollers, cor. Dock & Front tta- Agents for Wilmington and vicinity, my 14 DfcW6m PRESCRIPTION FREE Forthespeedy Curs of aerroas Weakness, Lost Yitalltr. Premature Debility, Hervoasaess, rh Any druggist has the Ingredients. 8enT IN PUIK SEALED ENVELOPE. A00RE33 D R.W. S. JAQU ES, 130 West Sixth St, CLN0INH ATI, 0H1? mh 8 DAWly MARBLE r.i o n u r.i e w t s e;:: . . . . J. ( AND r. x-.. i Grave Stones. . - .... FIRST-CLASS WORE AT LOWEST NBW YORE PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD WATHAH & CO,, 47 Lafayette Place, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form, for sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf Health is Wealth ! DR. E. C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT : a specific for Hysteria. Con vulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Im potency. Premature Old Age, caused by over-exertion, excesses, or over-indul gence, wnicn leans to misery, decay ana aeatn. One box will core recent cases. Each box con tains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by aa for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our - written guarantee to re turn the money If the treatment does not 'effect a cure. Guarantees issued by WM. H. QRKEN, Drug gist, (successor to Green Planner), Wilmington, N. C Orders by mail will receive prompt atten tion. , . - mh Si DAW ly 0500 Reward! WE WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costlve ness we cannet care with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compiled with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 80 Pills, 15 cent. For sale by all Drug gists. : Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST as CO., "The Pill Makers,'' 181 A 183 W. Msdlsoa St,, Chicago. Free trial package sent by mall pre paid on reokipt of a 8 cent stamp. -mhSS DAWly ; H. A. 8TEDIIAII, Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. EL1XABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. Office Up stairs, in Brick Building, occupied by Rinaldl A Co. Special attention to Claims. Col lections on soma of $100 and upwards made for Five- Per Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, Ac. a specialty. - , . ao 6-DAWtr High-Bred Bogs En GLI8H, IRISH AND. GORDON BETTERS, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by- ' - X. P. WELSH, -nov7BAWtf . . York. Patin. Home Hade Candy, MANUFACTURED AT No. 87 MARKET ST. , Wilmington, N. C. Guaranteed atrtctly pore, and flavored with very best essential oils of Lemon, Peppermint, Nutmeg, Cinnamon; , Wintergreen, Sassafras, Ac. Fresh Taffy. Peanut and Oocoanut Jy 10 tf , r. ? . Pxmlt sad Conf ecjaonery Stores. ,. :a l ..-.?v- ir- a