:HJS IIOEUHIG UTAH. ' 1 1 rt'J V- Jt " ;AA'- ; Lie VtJ-'vf ii fk,'i.uQi bait t.ol nrih'4 rzraM: Ooo Bare J.-f.iM..-.,.-vi is wax. 11, -L "WW; " " W IIMH M Am, 'ft. , , i , . ",! J, . al sUi f - ,.uBU(tHID DAILY EXCEPT MOMllAiH. atzs or imounnrn by.lxo- . monU. " - . 4 ; hrwe month, " . 4 .,..... 3 36 ,,eaocU r -v. - 100 To cn.y Beberfb-ra, aU"-er-dln uyputef the ... FiftMOwapwwMk. VnOtr Amuvt l0 1 lathcrl to eoiteci for more tkuthm oath o advance. - intered it tha. Post Offlea at Wilmington, N C. as seoond-claas matter. ' -f OUTLlNBfe. j. W. Simootoo, General Agent uf tha. Associated Press for sixteen 'Veers past; b a reaigaed his position ; J. C Hues too, Lpb don Agent of the Association, hs beesV ppointed to succeed him. -TLo Got eroor of Missouri wWl issue reward of $50,000 for the arrest of the men who rubbed the Rook Island train at Winstois,. io ibat Slate. A hotel and a railroat) depot burned at Conej Island ; loss 35000T A Mississippi river steamer, loaded with railroad iron and supplies, sunk and will prove a total loss. The Catholic Arcbbishop of Toledo. Primate of Spain, ures ail Csibolics to combine and witli force auJ arms, if necessary, restore tha iccDiKir! power of the Pope of Rome ; the r.iio Mioister at Madrid protests and the jmDiab (joveroiaeot will remonstrate with be Piimate. Another plot ataiaat the. life uf the Csar of Russia baa been dls covered sod many arrests have been made t. St. i'etersburg. The disclosure cl the discovery of infernal machines at LJ erp.Kl wit premature and has destroyed ibe cbitnce f detecting the sender or con s uure. Tne sale of the Sprague Company's profM-rly at As gusts, Maine, v,. k place yesterday ; the cotton mills, etc., w, re l ogbi by Boston parlies for $380,000. 1 tie resignation of Senator-elect Miller, ciire(-8Din from tLe Slate of Mew V..i k, Lus been filed at Albauy. The I'.r 3t-,oufac:urera' Association mat at -ntai'-kfa yesterday, and was addreascd by WaiLtr Miller, Benator-elct from New Y ik. Twenty-five deatLs from jel- ..w fever at Havana for the week ending lie i'iSJ iot. President Gaifieldacoa- , i i ii i 11 o'clock last night was reported M, ..fi f .voiahlo ; hre attendants, though not ,-Hr vt-i from aoxiely, were mors bopefal. N. Yrk markets: Money 243 per ccui.; c uu quiet and firm at 1112 els; g utberu liuur steady and barely active at $3 2o7 62t; wheat lfc: higher, closing Drm. ungraded spring 84cfl 23; corn & sha le easier, ungraded 4553centa; spirits itir-Ksouoe dull and weak at 4 If cents; rosio $2 0?T2 10. Senator Hill is reported as impro ving. It is thought be will be con valescent in a few days. TliHf)t train that carried Dr. Ilamikon and A?dsv from Philadel phia to Washington made 55 mileaji the hoar. The Chicago Inter-Ocean refers to Mr. Julian S. Carr, of Chapel Hill, as "Colonel." A sufficient cause for an aciiou for damages. A Washington merchant was fined for Helling a toy pistol. This ia bet liter ihau being ebot with ono and ilien dying of the lock-jaw. Out of eight living U. S. Supreme Court Judges there ia but one Demo crci Judge Field, of California. It i a Kepublican Court when party issues areap. Tun infernal machines are said to hive been shipped from New York to Eogland. The Liverpool police deny ihat any have been seized, and insist that it ia a eanard of the first onler. Here is a sad little romance end ing in a tragedy. It is very brief, but none the less toochiog: "Clbvkland, Ohio, July 25. The bodies of H. M. Loobary and Miss Jessie Edwards, who went rowing on ihe lake on Thursday evening, have been recovered. Mr. Lochary and Miss Edwards were engaged to be married." In life united in heart; in death not separated. Twenty years ago it was deemed a great achievement if a horse eould make a mile in 2.17. Only one or two had ever accomplished it. Now people are very much disappointed if a horse cannot do better than Van der bill' Maud S. did last Saturday at Chicago, when she made it in 2.1 1 and 2 11, instead of. 2.10 4 4 and -1C, which latter time she had pre viously reached. American people are sometimes very unreasonable. Judge Robertson, now Collector at New York, baa lost gronnd by his recent course. The New York Sun saya : " Mr. Robertson has held on to his eai in the State Senate in flagrant disregard of the prohibition of the Constitution, on the flimsy pretext that he bad not yet acoepled his Fed eral appointment. But in substance "d fact, be had accepted it; tmd his peo disregard of his constitutional obligations has greatly impaired his former standing." Dr. Agnew says the location of the ballet is as much a mystery now as ever. He says the recent pus was formed by the broken rib and not by the bullet. He holds that the Ut vu scathed, and thinks it possible - i r . . av. - a m. m. ' jw&. LB i i i j. ' i . m. a r 3 ftFi Taai . s m sb t- aa ' sbhsb - - '.- w a 1 ar w . .-' .1 J v- that some ehaag msiy take place in tbd looitibVbf tie tilit!et:An tbcesa may form aroand the bullet. We canrtot iell anything about it just now.. ' JusiicB Nathan Clifford;': just dead, was jbor vy ben Jntio Clifford uru commia- """-i .?'t,p,'"-al V uanip bell. When be died he was. if is f 9 ouTnu no una onuivea an nis assooiatea in the Sunreme Court: smri 1asVM in. i i r-"" .-T" i. 7r : aeea, oar one or tero survivors of all the fifty aid m pro Jddges tn the Dis triet sjonrta whose commissions, like his, bear thesignaiure of -Mr. Pierce. He wc very Industrious. The New York Time says : MIn the aummer 'of . i . Bevenlv-fiflh vear. h trvnt nn tion.t devoted himself r no tha arrara rtf h-V jEXZC p Judge's I busin r ...... v MUKV During those months he I wrote ipny equity opinions, each one I involving the examination of from . 1 a J a I fcWW uuusxt IO seven nunarea paces I f T.; . j- d ia New HamDihiraia 1803. I churchi FrldsVsiion4nrofljllheld E ; wa.'; toemrktoithVbtfanh qt!deaUi WW Q- r rrr?"J' ''-V,V-0'"u.uuJlrJaorle here will have a tournament' on ne wrote twenty-two opinions. In joov ue iwusa ivo vpiumes or united I State Uirouil Court reports. I Aside fronvhUdttttesi as Judee. .v.-".". v..u r,paiauuo I ,was in connection with the Electoral Commission, of which be was a mem nnnVanPi hPl onf the liencb and President because of the I seniority of his commission. To- I gether with the minority of seven he voted in favor of kca v no nlinnrt I evidence and going-keyond the re-1 MS wwwwwrwww turns to determine Electoral qnalifi-1 vsnuua. iu bw ompaouy as Jtrreai-1 UOUk Ul IUU VOmmtSSlOU Ue aiU an r i i i . tSX ZA M nonoTame man fc r"""" I mere was notning ot tne JO Uraa- I i i . .u . .ii. j m.T I n T t -V P Iiampsbire Jurist. I Edison1, phonograph has been lost .ioht nf hnt it i. nn oa Kf, eight Of, but it IS not dead. Mr. I Bentley, of Philadelphia, saya it will I ... e used one of these days in conneo- ion with the telephone. It will lake down what the other receives. He said to a' Philadelphia Times report er : "Edison, when be invented the a-' w m A S J nisuvww awtu aw wliu it and brintnnj? it to a statre of use- I fulness, had. aa was a. habit with him. I thrown St said and taken no some-1 w - m m thini? else. But Ediaon had not for-1 gotten it, and some days when he was I in the humoT for it he would take the I controlled by the telephone. It was I elear that one belonged to the other. I The rinciDle was there, and all it I wanted was a master-hand to develop K w it." There is a curious error in the 10 mo Oxford. edilion of ihe Revision. It ocenTBjiaX Orintho iii: 6. We noticed: it sometime sq And intenaea I mantioBiaiff xli? has bean oointea I menitonisjga. is. nasi oeen poiniea i ouity twooftmf jrmhtnJBXXangetvi It reads: "What then, is AUo.? 1 phonograph up where he had left off I cents a-bushel, and later there was a sale I aifat with it, and by a few touches produce )". Z't I ti and what is Paul? Ministers through I the grave to witness the sight After J cursion to come off to-day under the man whom ye Lord benevedr.nd each as dn?dSirw the gave to hi in.' The word Lord has been dropped in 'making up the . . . , , " . I form, aud inserted a line ahead of its proper place: it should come in after I 'each as the.' , M I I o .- ,...t.-L. Oooaiorcieo'SjiNiBus urouiiava iu ww ai F w be a civil service reformer who would please the late Hayes set perfectly, Ha made a soeech at Albany in whih he' tlauDed the blood v-shirt and I which e flsppea the bloody ""a aaiu iosi, uiapuoiug hu i ouiai oatrouaize in this great State of New York" was "an inferior portion of the . . . . . CT m I iii8u uu.j .w...6 r- . v., K.h rtntwr iionni f i nt nnfxn m rwiniinr. ' l it nvArthAlAM a dutv. and one " T :V 7(7 v ' ,i. - which he hoped his collegue and him-1 self would be able to disoh marge satis- . & 1 faoioriiy. Nice Lapham I he . Charleston Jietoe at,. CourierA tea -by .'the correspondent, of , that I paper wfarrtutei i te W6d Mrrimis; it! sava II. W: Grady' .' wrote his account j n.. u k:. mr,A m.xrm it I of Gettysburg .for bim and says it waa "an excellent piece of work." It . . , - . . ui u.i thinks the last article makes him "ri- 1. 1 n mv. K;m talir "annhft- a, rv. morion 1 ou uv iuo uaiuuu v A . give our opinion on the second page : Snrcreon General Barnes takes a somewhat gloomy opinion of ths President actual ' condition. He -. . bavji navAf Vnnwn I says the people have never hnn lanaratalv be was wounded. I . . v-nrt nnm that I But we are gUd to know now mat u.m .v.Jii'11 . Sa - oiwatlv imDroved 1 thinkST-' nongsireevs oommunioawo 1 cburch, while preaching a Prohibition ser- " w"' ,K 1 a n nA m rr lnA him I rs threshing machlnlhU summer, re stnee Saurdmy and Sunday,, and his "jiafni.Mcidmtv town caseis eVery way more hopeful. 1 WILMINGTONi GKSim!f( Spmts turpentine datesTuiB jLf07KU7H(7-At: a. ouiiu or Air. 4. o, iursnirsi uti wcaaiiup m sr . - .'v.. ' . ' a . V-l 1 per, ana soon aiea. -a:nere;aresuBpicion8 of Dc4aonlae and the rtoaac bjM hecn sent tnf!hanal Hill tat xa.Tha.2?.yr : :L EdehtQtfCiWoh lke J ordaD, an Irishman, was found dead-on the porch I of the northero .entrancfl ftt the Cathfilic I well, a colored mineral the Kudisill mine. la imv nn n las iaaasrTBBr wni . ja a. kww lira wsjlhtuiiwi i ansrnoon. me oeaaesitnrng is unar- IotteT Mecklenburg Mopum,ents As- r . negro barned Andrew WjW I itsms attempted to rob j. u. liaypss near i winstoiu. ue 11? a yery seyere I wow on the Head., lie men fled, was pur 1 raed by Mr. jfiizzeil, captured ii iod jailed. Hanging for highway robbery -will begtii after awniie., : no w, v, r ..sr, Leaksvilld Gazette'. A furious storm of wind and hail atrnek tho vicinity or Jtcomn and r elham last Bandar evening. doing considerable damage, r -idrk is iroaaa. me sumua ass am sum ou me i w win vwfcw r mvubw f . - - --- . - I. 1 . Monroe Jsnquirer: Since our I laat tnaru vmrtirnia. nf thavermnl have ; ben I to be a . petriQed, duck! head. SJLSSJSfffiX favored with good MlnsY8Un the outlook UlUIDU H1U1 KUUU IIUU. UtUI UiD UUUWk I tor cotton and corn crops is not st all i promising, as tne plant in ootn cases is very prooaismg, muph Tcr7 '"ff" .JSSSJSSJSSJSZ small generally. Plenty of rain from now im wall fMkatva tnaiiM am rvl Aav K1 0 a I W AAn UU. HUI UUIWUD lUOUiO SB IVUlKUiJ lOU .VVVi . :,. At ?5JWwijii.Ti iaiifcou wwwnc.-iAiiB nuiereu election day in Augusts Money makes the man.- the warn or it the fellow, in tne estimation ox Shailowpated numskulls. ?m ""P!!6" D7 H!!?!!?0-1 blown down. r , Raleigh Observer: Three priso ners two negroes and a white man all eocted of laceny at the late termof the Greene county Inferior Court were brought -P lo Pn yesterday. Tbe sales in TSSlMZ: . II JTrr:" V wrBITaMsl muni IHU aMiLUAL I i rk.,Wttt rw, . Ti,a nr.YiA- , VAtii. .nri T2rrn1r.:nfc ao matter now not tne weather or now agUI UIO UlUUCl UUUUt, vr - UUW WULU IrMriinlmMt A villain hA Ami fatT; raUrorain. or plfrurtionl on the track. ousht to be iiune to the xieaiw we wnea cangnw uat am aucn po I qean wiui in uw way swawwr. - . - i ! -Greensboro Patriot: We are reliablv informed that a eentleman of means I and fine bnaineaa canacitr desires to build I and put in operation in Greensboro a No. 1 blmd factory, if proper eneour- hiH, lJ3r- Willis I Bikes, of this county, sowed four bushels n WH. I. or .11 Mm Kt.K V.A has just tuteshed eighty-seven bushels or nice, clean wheat; being 21f bushels to one sown. Snow Hill Advocate: There is an oak tree atandine abont one and a half miles from town, which measures 17 feet I around. Tne top covers an area of 4,490 I anuarv xect or ai iuuuo vacua. oiautDi SS Ml wa w aaw vv avaww wwa wa naaivai measures 80 feet across, 27.feet in circnm ?ren covering an area of 4,555 square rnar tutib SMiwaiPi n aa 1 rr i m mraa ft n surnn t n IT."- r.wwC?:ir bat it t , Elixabeth City Economist: Flax aeed went ud on Saturday moraine to 107 I asaa SfSya Sjassl ; nuj 1 ssisusvaar aa sa aasvwaaf a passengers came over on the steamers en I Wednesday The neat of Wednesday as intense, the thermometer rescuing iw. Camden items: These latter rains have greatly benefited the crops. Crops are looking well: Cotton not so forward as usual. Health generally good. Toisnot Sunny Home: Last Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, being the time designated by Ellis Pratt (who had been fasting and praying for mqre lb an a week. saying that the spirit of God was at work m Wna) for he wrrectton. of the body of . -hnipil tthn advaneiiri I age of 65 Jesrs. near BatUeboro, during g"," Uve homes thinking it a strange thing that "Uncle Buncombe" didn't arise. I - Tha lrtti I uuawwimwAiww ub vuk I drouln ntd prevailed in this locality, I came to an ending last Wednesday, with a I . HUM 11IIIIHII. WWnJ auu n.uu, 1 - . in . . r I thunder very neavy. me mux asm oi ui 8. Tays wu much injured, some 80 feet I 2LKJ2? nowi .. . r n ta of 0ol tnd on tne nm Bjdes were badly washed. Some damage was done to the ... mMtuWMi. asd stars of X j. Molt, but not material from overflows from baaements.. The rain fas quite local, anu me uetiicsi &uunu ner wnce tne war- Winston Zeader; Miss Mariah NaiL the smallest woman in this country, 7 -rrr. . nx 1 : z ona visit to vviosion. duo .jlvbs . in i JUOCUVllie. one is ou years utu, w idcotb i high and weighs 50 pounds. Gentle- mB ttom Hjgn point and New Garden were in Winston last week prospecting with a view to locating a shuttle f astory in this place or vicinity. -7- The Sentinel, of this place, publishes the fact, furnished I by G. A Griffith, that on the 10th of July I Rev. Solomon . Lea, of the Methodist faned unui whUkey wuadmmisterecL Winston Sentinel: On last Sat- ur day night the valuable grist and saw mUl of Messrs. Albert & Aqullla Jones, near Weat yadkin county, was destroyed by fire. The property was almost new ana valued at $3,000, There was a small insu "o0TC J Scarcely a week ago Marv. the eldest daughter of Rev. P.. H. Jhnaon.wenttoJUonavaw.s taken sick, and "on Saturday last died. At Yadkin county Inferior Court. last three white, women of Questionable character, charged wttbr retailing liquor without license,; were arraigned ' tried, convicted and committed to jail in default of the payment of flues and costs. The residence of J. W, Jones, .raq.. at MUKsbo, Yadkin county, was destroyed Je on 0 iught ct the.fi 4nst. the nlrtienlars. asa learn-them-arev that a lamp in the bands of Mrs. Jones, exploded. Jgjgj to the dwellioa ,Mr. AWifeifiiier. who is travelling with Bafk- last Prldsy. His right nana was caugnt aaw th9. machine, and his thumb and first Sneer itarn on ana nis. nana. lacerated to sucnr an i sunerec. deemed It necesssrt to nmndbite i a a i uie larger, riofuon oitnf palm. I " ' ' a-T..Ja-:t-) , , NEW AnVBHTISHIREN rs JoijTja pAicsoii-i-Fbr rent. MtsrsoK Tieai sbVes, etc. . . STKVKJJ8pirT-Eemovalf .. H. (G-ajsi4KrrTurnip seed,, etc. , Habbisqjs & Axijeic Straw bats, ... Bbowii & Roddick -Dake of Argyle. J. W. 8otnnssiAHD & Oo Foi1 blre - ExctiBflioii Ladies Ft. St. L E, Chnsch Fosrro-a'lU-St. Thomas4 Ch. excursion. TwBmAHCK Lectubk Wm. It Hubter Local uota. ..v.--..- v -'Receipts of cotton yesterday 30 bales. :--.Tbe German barque Japan was cleared from this port for Bio da Janeiro, ;S; A., yesterday, by Messrs. - Parsley & I Wiggins, with 206,887 feet of lumber. wuu auwnw i cnriositv vesieraav in me snaoe oi wuat We learn that Hon. D. L. Rue fcl ; . .. hiace-and Mai. J. C. McRse. of F.tetteviile. will deliver addresses on Tmhihllinn In lhta citv on Mondav nfoht next. Mr. Wo. R. Hunter will de liver another lecture on temperance at the corner of Fifth sad - Caslle streets this (Thnrsdsy) evening, July 28th, commenc ing at 8 o'clock. I The Anon Quartette, assisted the bestmusicai talent in the ciiy. wWl 1 1 f .. i; 1 1- yF ... v-- -t- CJTJZ: L Z i vwa w. fvw imu u.v u-iv. t0 I : If Health Officer Scharff is con- I yinced of any one thing more than another, ., ... :, ! invaalio.la I "" k hornet's nest when the hornet is at home, I thnnh h. nhmiij mMiik it tnr a iMri thanffine in a tree. - - j -.The heavy rain yesterday morn- nv ftnoArii iha atreata in soma loealitiaa. Lj...li' faCl.-.i. ... 'W... . JS W Mulberry; ou Chesnu between Seventh and Kiffhth. and Chain ul between Second an lOJ nd Eighth, and Chesnut, between Second d Third streets, where there were minis urerivers OsaaUtlasi HaJ. J" C Bill. A rather discouraging telegram was re ceived in this city . Tuesday night aa to the condition of Msj. Jss. C. Hill, formerly of this city, but now fn the employment of the .. v . t ? j . Richmond, who received severe injuries by a fall from a window in that city, on Satur a. . T last; but we sregiaa tp learntnat a later telegram renortonkn-better. Dr. J. 0- Walker, abrother-inaw.ot the injured tentleman, left this city for Richmond last seems that Msj. Hill was in the act of ... difficult to hoist, when ft was projected up- wards so suddenly and unexpectedly (hat 1 le was precipitated through the window to the pavement below, a distance of twelve feet. ; foateneaniBt KxewraB Ta-osy. ine excursion wnicu was to nave taaen place on the Steamer Pattport yesterday, Under the auspices of St' Thomas' Catholic Church, was postponed on account of the . ..i t bot aQ arraoKementJuu been made wbere- P" "f ladies or si. 'A nomas; wuispreaq a spienam lnnchcon for the refreshment of the inne man. mvaBwa. . . Mr. ja. Jf. Manning, accompsniea oy nis ttieQ. q DeDQW. who wsa with Mr. H. C. Depew. wh , . . . Wm 0Q h Ugt viai arf jyed here on tha sieamship Benefactor yesterday, and will probaDiy gpend tn6 balance of the summer here. Mr. Manning (a son of Capt. E. W. Manninjg, ot this city) and Mr. Depew were iln Mfthn,a Qpera Company last season, and are expected to attach themselves to the same troupe when the coming theatrical season opens. jaaafatrate'a Conrs. ; . Tm. h. : " r 7, T " r fore Justice Mill is on the charge of making an assault upon Wo. Pbrnney,1 colored. diflmii the cost of the prosecu- . tor j James Robinson, colored, was arralgaed op r a peace warrant s Granger, also colored, n WsWslt& pay the costs and enter4bpn&; sum of $25 - to keep ih)M0k da vs.: !'jfi'2wv The ladies of tbb.mMMS Church are to give a pleasant excursion to Smithville, the Forts, and other places of interest down ths river, on Tuesday next, the 24 of August, and intend to spare no pains in the effort to mske it One of the most eajoyable hd f tirsiye of the sea son. The Paesport will lekve her wbarf at 8 o'clock. i ::i ' . niataaxev Ooaiantaitstl ves, la the treatment of lung and : bronchial diseases the liver is often implicated to such an extent that hepatic,: remedy :- becomes necessary In effecting, a curs of the lungs. In the treatment ot such case 'I; prescribe Bimmoas Liver Regulator with entire satis faction. zf.H-ltftg. SiEPHKirsojj. M. DjV'r-. t;; '; : ',' '","lo:-.?OwenaboroKyv Genuine prepared only by J. 1L Zellin & 008 rT Daiirwcatner naiieiin. " i 1 '''.:!i ! The following; will showl the .stateoj the thermometer let- the stations- -, nameddt 8.00. P. Mryesterday;- Washington mean time, Snd also- the kmount. ot rainfall' in inches for, the tweuty fourrhours, endng daily at 3: p. Mrt except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, as'f Urnisbed by the Signal w uicer 01 mis ciiy ; - ' r '-ovimp. BWnfslL Weather1. Atlanta. . AugustCi. Charleston. . Charlotte...,.,.. Corsicana........ Galveston.....'... 84 .03 Fair 86 - 83. 84 98 91 88 94; 89 93 87 .04 .00 .00. .00 .90 00 .00 .07 .00 .17 : 2 93 .00 .00 .00. Clear Fair jair 'Haze Havana Clondy Indiania.. Cloudy Jacksonville...... . Key West...:.;: Montgomery. . Punta Rassa....t Savsbnah........ - Wilmington...,,,. Cedar Keys. ..... .' PdrtEads.......;; Pensacola Jb'air. Fair ,. Fair-? i Clear 1 79 1 77. 99 88 : Cloudy? : lt ram Fair Cloudy 85 Cloudy The following are the Indications for the South Atlantic States to-day s ; ? : Local rains iollowed by clearing weather. variable, winds, tj stationary pr higher ba rometer aud temperature. Heavy jRalna.' ' This section was visited by heavy rains yesterday morning, and; from what we can understand, it is probable that they were very general Passengers on the C O. road report that the rain commenced at Charlotte Tuesday evening, and from there to Wilmiogton and from Raleigh to Hamlet the fall had been by no means slight. If is to be hoped that the suffering crops in the western counties have Bhared in the re freshing showers to a beneficial extent, and that the rainfall has been sufficient in the regions penetrated by the tributaries to the Cape Fear to materially improve naviga tion and give the steamers some showing: ' Peraonal. Mr. S, P. Collier has been tendered, and we learn has accepted, the office of Assis tant General Freight and Passenger Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Emerson. Mr. Col Her has been for several years past Ticket Agent and Chief Clerk in the General Super intendent'a office here, and has proven him self a courteous and competent officer. His host of friends will be glad to bear of his promotion to an office which his ability and experience will enable him to fill most successfully; and the officials of the line have undoubtedly made an admirable ser lection. Petty Larceny A colored boy by the name of Tucker Townsecd, one of the "bag brigade," was 'arrested by Officer Grant, yesterday; on the charge of stealing .brasses from the rail road premises, he having caught the youth In the act. He was lodged in the guard house to await a bearing before Major Smith this morning. The CaaapaJsjsu A correspondent of the Stab writes that Hon. O. H. Dockery spoke at Shoe Heel on the 26th Lost, and on the same day at night atLsuricburg, in favor of. Anti-prohibition, and in reply to Judge Russell. Robeson county, he says, may be put down at 600 majority at the least for Anti-prohibition. BURNETT'S COCO AINE is renowned ASaFTJBS AND EFFECTIVE HAIR DRESSING IK EVERY QUARTER OF THE WOBD. For thirty years it has been a favorite with the J people anu & jeauer wiiu me uaue. j.uo name "CocoAiprE has become a valuable property. Burnett & Co. have established their aria right to its use in several suits at law, thus protecting the public and them selves from imposition. The superiority of Burnett's Jplavorinq Extracts consists in their perfect purity and great strength. t XttU nAlIiK. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSK. Northern through mails, fast. 5:30 P. M. Northern throueh and wav k .An a m Raleigh 5:40 A. M. Mails for the K. ,C. Railroad, and routes, supplied tnere from, including A. & N.- O. Railroad, at......... ..... 5:40 A.M. Southern mails for all "points :8outn. daily.. V..... 7:45 P. M. Westernmails(C. O. R'y)dsily : (exceDt Sunday)...... .. v; 9 m A. Jtt. Mail for, Cberaw & Darlington tKailroad. 7:40Zf. Jtt. Malls for points between Flo- ' rence and Charleston, a. . . . 7:45 P. M. ' FayetteviHendofficejonCape . Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays...:...,.;........., IrOOP M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except ' Sundays. ... 9:00 A. M. Wrightsville,daily except Sun : days... o:5)0 a. M. Onslow C. .H.. and interme- .. ; . diate offices, Mondays and ThnrsdsyiB;. ....... 6:00 A" M. Smithville mails. by steam- ' ' boat, daily (except bundays) o-SQ A. M. Mails for "Easy Hill, Town Creek, Bhallotte., and I4ttle ; . River, Mondays andThurs days. 1 t 6KK) A. M. and Black River t S) mm Chapel. Mondays, Wednes days and Fridaya......... 5:00 A. M. , OPEN FOR bELI VERT. V Northern - through and Way ' mails 7:30 A. M. Southern mails 7:00P. Mrand 7.80 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad....' 4t00 P. M. Wrightsville .. ...... ... . . . . . ... .6:30 p. m Mails couectedirom street boxes every day at 4.00 P. M.- ' 4 ' Generals delivery open from .5:30 A. M. to7QPM.,,and on Sundays from 8 i30 to 9:30A. M. ,.; i-.-.--.,- . Rt&tons for sale in small a a an titles at ce t neral dwvery whi stamp oitfee Is closed. btamp umce open iromoA.Ju to 12 jo., andfroma to50PJiL MoneyKtfder and RegisterPepartmeat open same as stamp QTJ ASTJUtLT liJSBJTINQft. for" fbe.WOaitttgtaBr' enscnetr or, ue jLeutoaist xs. vnuiwi, iuw-. TairdStoand 1 ' ' , . - wtdteTflle, at OThtteVffla.; i ... - Ar. 1S-14 Cokeabary. at Betbel. , ,v i Aag. IS 14 an.M jseinany... &g.ai- toa. at Baleau ..a. . a .U.v.iiAas. tO-Sl . Onslow. at Bwanebo.ro........ ...... .v Sept. 10 11 - Ooharie, a ATerayeboro.... '. iV bept. rresidlngBSder. .1 i tti it t1v "Yt?5 -1 1 .. toss t. . . ' ? ' it. ..... J.J' aa they teU ttelr ;awa: story byj tttfite certato mali sTHIRT' for thirtr'raars iritli neTersfJifn mutat-rnA cess, by BiOUona of mothers and children from the feeble Infant of one week old to the aatuV YIt cor-I recta acidity of thastoatach. relieves wind eouftrai golates the bowels, and styes resW haaltk and com Srmi A IN CHILDREN, nn hj noiur ana cmia . we be and Surest Remedy in the" Worl DYSESTEKTaad DIAKRHCEA Fan directiona foLiuinsr wui iccomMiT each hot- i101?JJ3ulS 18 on we oataiae wrapper. : sold -riEi;n-ffirBiaa,lvio-CICB,-!- LIP PITT. The fnneral of RANnoi.Pn aHmt- ed son of John s: and Athalla LippittTpoetponed from yesterday afternoon, will take place from St. John's Episcopal Church this (ThurBday) afternoon NEW1 'ADVERTISEMENTS. A i - .narrHa-k)K, N.C.t SSth July,-1881.' THE ' BEQUXAK MONTHLY MEETINQ OF X ST. JOHN'S LODflK. ta . 1 5r Lw.!."Si,A"uu,y eremng, ai o O'Ciocc l1t MIL. . . 'ii'L: rf. . Jj S3 It . . .. .Secretary. rTdfEAB' Hist.' THE LECTURE ' ON TJEMPEB. 'Oisi'tliahM-w.r stn' ' W.. rrT3? Ji ?e5?.?P?1?uPte1 by tte Storm, lLi. Hunter Die at the Comer m- uwrauw w miui. um wui uoreuue boo fTHTJKSDAY) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. .. . ; Excursion for Oomfort. j fEUr LADLES OF FRONT ST. M. I, CHURCH tTOTXeaaRXCl7SATON. on RtAArriAr PARHPnT'n SS!5iJL5?,2r; SmithTiile and the- Porte, on HBXT TUESDAY ' the id of nn.t r?S7i.. will be spared, to make the trip one of pleasure aa d fcbii iur uiune woo aeaire a aay out or the city. rare roc roona trip oo cts. . thsu Jy88St of Excursion, rpHE EXCURSION TO SMITHVILLE OF,XE8- terdsy was postponed en account of toe heavy u, but, through the kindness of Prof. AUQUS- TINI, whose Excursion takes, place TO-DAlX (THUBSDAI), ail in possession of Tickets, snd the publie generally, desirous pf .haying a pleasant time, will hare an opportunity on TO-DAY'3 EX-. CTJRSION, whan tha Xadies of St. Thomas' Church wui apreaa a Table of ample Luncheon and Be- iimmwiM, y . - : ly as It Duke of Argyle. B ro v n & Roddic k 45 Slarhet street. YY a HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT or the above GENTS' LINEN COLLARS (our New Style). Can give you all sizes from 14 to 19 uicaes. . BROWN A RODDICK, 45 Market St. ' P. S. We will remove to onr New Stars abnnt the 15th of September. . JyJ8tf- Tiinup Seed. Turnip Seed. -a-EW CROP, 1881 , AN0 ALL OTHER SEASON ABLE SEED, now in atere, and for aale Wholesale j uu ikuui. unisn pt mm win receiTe prompt limiuup. w tL, UtUUUN. . Wholesale Druggist. Jy8tf Market Street. Ppj: 8tore on Water - Street, next to corner of Chesnut: Warehouse under Rock spring uotei. ; aim several desirable Soama over mv BtAin. AH Msrlrnt Strpol pleasantlTBitaatedforBleeDini Rooms. iy he used for storage purposes, ' will be sated low.: For terms or other partlculara apply t JULIUS SAMSON, JyS7 t weaa inae , 8 Market St. : F)R HIRE Anything In our Una, . Carriages BueTdeS. Saddle Horses. Wseohs and Carts. . noarning oy awnuL-wwc, aay or smgie ieea, ac JAS. W. SOUTHERLAND A CO., Sjyt8tf .. Oposite-OperaHeuse.'. Straw Hats ! At Low Prices ! HARRISON A ALLEN, ;JyS8tf . City Hatters. QOL'D PERCALE TIBS, WHITE LAWN TIES, LISLE GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HALF HOSE,' ' ' . . . SHIRTS sad COLLARS, - At :" MUNSON'S, Jy281t 4othier and Merchant Tallor; A myXnTC " ywant aornethmgto sell XXVTXlill A O fast in aummer all the peo ple want prehts blswrite at once to the H saia Lamp Ca.. 567 Washiaeton Street. Boa- ton. Maes. Their new Lamp Burner with the asyae wieK Attachment maxes Kerosene lamps bum evenly. It has two small hand wheels. Instead of one, each wheel eoatrollinea corner, or one half the wick.. Sella at slant. - jnt ntv lamp. Terms tp agents, $3, $3 and $3 10 per doz. Retail price 85, D ana ou cents, sample sent to agents ior zo cue. jj si oawst tn 7 In the Market last week we found in style rhe Scarf a von find at our atore: The Hosiery and Underwear teat everybody bought uas juatrnjuie room ror motet And constantly ceming are atyleathat have won. r electee ana snown oy jiixa ss oua. . JySOtf Wfishiagton and Lee TJnivenity. EN. G. W. C. LEE,' PBBSrJSNT.---Thorou f instrustkm in LANGUAGES. XJTBBATU1 instrustkm in LANGUAGES, XITERATUKJC and SCIENCE, aad in the Professional Schools LAW imdENGWEERtNG. Healthful location . the Valley of VirginTa. Expenses for, nine montJ aad in tne rroiession&i scnoois or ation in months aeed not exceed f a1. .Seeslon opens September 1M88L For Catalogue address jy9eodtm. tnthsa. , Lexington. V a. rtt- Seed Peas rFLL BINDS, HAY mBSAUj anu LAttua tuteL WDB IM KiX IIHI, WW WU, WIT tomflguree, at O. F.Fkntf and Peari Hommy Mills. Jylstf Proprieter. .THIRTr YEARS' KXPERDSNCBPF. AN OLD ' ' -V.ti'u'KivpJ -yr-ty. Of '...:......: SSS" m -0 . STEVEN SON 6s ps 1 r mi - ,p:,., i. ' -.t i t i.r-.B as Wtsa anW 1 t Two weeks. "k . . " Tares weeks,;..:. t. i -J y ... Oa month . " atawr Cftfttwmwt A A mwtmm m Jiasia aaa sxa aAh a- . Ten lines saUd Nonpareil type make on sqaarr ErADVfiUTISKMENTS. 30 lE IVl O V A L ) REMOVAL! 18 AGAIN AT 111 OLD STAND: Vi '' : " O n , KI ark et St r e e t (H?) w- Where he will be glad to senra- hls friends and customers with ; thb choicrst and cbkapbst qrocebiis TnE'jsiAEKBT. '. . '.77 V' Be la folly equipped with a large Stock and every convenience for aerrinz them in the VERT DKST ; POSSIBLE .8TTLK . Jywtr J. C. STEVENSON. A Thorough OonvictiOD.. jJT OAS BiCOMti A THOBOUQli CONVIO . ftion in the minds of most people that the WHEB- LOCK PIANOS and STAB PARLOR OROANH re the most desirable Instmmenta. la the marked 16- I da?- I?L e i Important poiats of TONE, TOUCH I rrhev are almost unireraallT Drof erred and aaed h t u u ... " iniwh... f . tk.Mwi.hl. MnMwt4M4 f V. . . V. a .Ka. idiaa-cne dcbe. I) No pains spared to show yo my stock. Call ana maae yoar eeiccuon j ! At HEINSBEBGER'a ! y 27 tf Live Book andi Music Store. Our Stock , - - ygTAY, EASTERN, AND SMALL BALES TIM OTHY, is complete, as well as P. W. sad Mixed l'orn, oats, wheat uran and reed or ailkmds. PRESTON CUMMIN A CO.. ' . MlllAra nA tlrmin .nil jy S7 tf . .:.- v . - - Peanut Dealers. . i ' i V i ' . ' ) . 'ii I -i i i it. ini i 1 tyf9P$$ A207 MA?B AT MANUFACTURERb', PRICKS, Foe sale bj. : ' KERCHNKB A CALDEU BROS. 1 1 Jr 24 tr Sail's Cotton Gins. Q.INS OF ABOVE MAKff, For sale by. Jy'34tf KEBCHNEB A CALDER BROS. Corn, Meal and Hay. 2QQQ Bush White and Yellow CORN, 8 0 0 MEAL, 2 Q Q 6(1,68 No-1 TIMOTHY HAY. For sale by jy H tf KERCHNKB A CALDER BROS. Flour. Flour, Flour. 1 1AAA Bbls FLOUR, all grades. For sale by i jy M tf KBRCHNER A CALDER BROS. La 3a.. .L. . . NEXT DRAWING : OF THE -; Lionlslana State .Lottery TAKES PLACE AUGUST . PRIZES' FROM SlOOto S30.000. Price. Whole tickets. S3 00, Halves $1 00 :: Aaurcss iioca box ts, JyiS tf m Wilmington, N. C. A; NOTHER DIRECT IMPORTATION ' OF j Crockery lust received by German Bark Jaaan. A large invoice of C. O. and White Granite Ware. Tnw is anotuer or our large ' aireci xmporx-Tipas,' . and being bought in the dull season at oCuom fimraa farthe eaah. and -with wrr low fratchta'M from Liverpool to this port, we are able to compete with tae cheapest northern roooera. to snow that we mean business tnis jrau we win duplicate any-prices that can bo obtained from any Hoare in the United States without excepton. Give as a trial and save 10 per cent, in freight.. . jy io tr uu,ii k auitUBiwa. Notice. TO ALL WHOM IT MA Y CONCERN, i that I have a First-Class a No. 1 Oar- iriaee Painter. Those wishine to have their Carriage, Buggy or Fhteten . painted, ' win do , well to give us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction at low prices. On Third, between Market aAdPrta- ceas Streets. JyMtf -i P. H.HAYDEN. For Salel. T THB NSW FURNITURE STORE OF BEH- RBNDS A MUNROE, S. &. Uor. Msrket A Sd ' Bits., Wilmington, a large aaaortment of Marble Top. Wood 'rop, TipTop- jrurnuure, Mmngeai jrar lSr Setts,. Mattresaes, Mosquito Mets, Wardrobes, Top; Wood' Tables. Bideboards. Ac. Ac. Ao.. Wholesale 1 and retail low for cash. Take due notice thereof and govern yourself accordingly. , ' t- JjJU tf THE HYGEI A HOTEL, Old Point Cemfort, Va. w -. . SITUATED' ONE HUNDRED YARDS FROM Fort Monroe . Open all the year. Equal to any Hotel in tha United States aa a Suxxma Raaosr. Bend for circular describing hygienic advanteges, AC r t : HARRISON PHCEBUS, my 36 3m . , Propnetar. t - Tn mwi.i. OUR DRIVE WELLS. ARB THE .JCHBAP eat. aimnlest - and surest sources of pare water aupply to be aad under ground. JThey cost half as much as open wells and are free from all the objections common to them. Can be pat dawn anywhere, requiring the labor of two men one to two nours. uena ior apecnu liiuauatea vuaumr . and prices. nm jy 34 tf- Wilmington, N. C. To All WE EXTEND AN INVITATION TU HX.AM lneour extensive stock of FASHION ABLE FUBNITUKBV Doaaing, au.rreases, xe. we are offering inducements to purchaser., and guarantee satisfaction in PRICES. ),. ' ' D. A. SMITH A CO.. i . Furniture DeaJera Jyl4tf t t 48 No. Front Sf, . Your Interestr GIVE U A CALL BEFORE YOxfl PUBCHABB ' School Book and School C tationeryi I have a . full supply of Text Books adapted by the State Board Holders, Ink, Crayon, Ac, Ac Pianos aad Organs hmhi nf loinMTinn. : mud . ni.imn . rnanin nai. ncauon. . xuw own. ohiih! , .) of the very best' make always on band; ; We waat ' your patronage and will do all we can to make htiklndaa mlfttiona Dleaaant. nt; Jy84tf YATES BOOK STORE ' OUJ iTBWSFAPEES,MBTjrrABLB .' V rfl (, r ; for Wrsppinff and otaar tmirposee . Caaba had st the STAB OFFiCEr; sHrvil

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