eVS V"t 2 lav- :.f2 I MlBulIIAl4i:OTTa--:.. J-i v:m VWB01.ISSAl.lt PRICKS. . . ,.1 1 I L LU uig 4 VVUIUQ LBIUJ . . - I : . v ' ' Armed to coofrtjDt the threatening dart. Better man uui la so.cn DJgn besrt ; ,j And helpfuller than healing balm.' . Hi to live I WiUa power cool v Equipped to fill bis fttnetioagTC . Ta era an the knaves wh-i shame the State. pla.es teekioK pests of boot at ml . . .- : r Kqiil t either fate bell prove. ' itr; jtjjj May tleTen i nign run incline toe scalj Tbo way our prayer weald fain avail r Ta weight it to long life and love I London Punch t'OMTIt'AL r'vMW ia. cr th oae pieciooa consola'ion He bat never been accused or Jobbery or XuHVery We mSY DOt Bhare.lhrf Briliah . 7. . , . . v ew as t tbe expediency of interfering to .!.) me preaching of aasaaaioaliuo by-reckrt Icas hoiI irreeponsibie journalists, bat there wll be tui ue opinion as to tbe necessity , f iu tin' a stop tuuie soipmept or con rf-nlt-.i explwves !o vccao steamertijr. r limes. Rep. - The w2,000 briterVUee that was CMiurtd by the New Yoikv Tgistaro-waA vixcJ t a poor woman whose bosbod bad hero killed on toe stale capitol baildlng. h a nya an exchange, an act of charity lu'eudeii to cover op a mammae ocsins. dii.l ibis is the last tbe pablic will ever hear ,,f'b - Brad ley-Sessions matter. Bait. Qa Utli OIJ-rilfSKN ITEMS. - The new census of Columbus, t.k- ii ty oroer oi me city council, Kives a t p-ipul t iu of 11,272 within tbe , city. I'he city abd bUburtw tool up 19,203. uii ouoaay nigoi a nre in Tb-masville, Ga , destroyed tbe largest w: inu8rs in tbat piac-, several stores, and n'l.cn hundred bales of Ci tton. The loss Mi, tmch $150,000i mostly covered by in- S I!-' C The i-urvey ordered by Con- .-a- t" a cirinin the ctwt uf giving tbe J in.s iiTcr channel rb the depth of i i,u -five feci from this city to tbe sea wn- I egUD e.-terdsy morning It is under u,? nei.eral direction of Col. U. U. WbiU comb, wlb Air. t. t . Hargwvn lu lmme- ,li e clmrue ot tbe survey. Tbe ptr'y be- their work at the ship ucta. Richmond Diafxitch. A deaf aud dumb fod of Mr. I). liiel. .if Greene couoty, V.. was shot ..! k I - I by Ueory Waldion, colored. lew iitKiit-) ago. lbeyounjf mo was mis i-.krn for a burglar, and was challenged veml limes, but on account of bis io- flrinny could not, of course, bear or reply. Tbe colored man then firtd, being direc ed i.i (. so by Mrs- nerndoo, on wbose pre- minx the supposed burglar was. vMAL. - Mr. Ferdinand Lesseps has been el :ed President of tbe Geographical rr t i-iy of Paris. The Earl of Roseberry, at hie 1 hi siiiiit, remitted fifteen per cent, on the inn y. i a rents due nl Lady Day from the irii.i,.ti ou his estates at Mentmoie. The late Dean Stanley had much experience a a journalist. With Matthew Arnold and Fitzjames Stephen be was for several year one of tbe leading writers ot tbe I'aU. Mall Gazette. Mile. Alice Grevy, the daughter of the French President, has very nice eyes and a Valesquez face. Detroit Iree I'reta Has, ch? Ahem! Pass that Grevy lb a way, please. Toecb Strauta. An invitation has been extended i lion. Robert T. Lincoln to deliver tbe mldrefes at the" Stale agricultuial fair in Vermont. Having been Secretary of War t. h.ar months Mr. Lincoln is doubtless piepared to deliver a very able agricultural aildresa. Baltimore Gazette. lIl ASIATIC NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. VV. J. Florence wiii tx-iriQ tbeir American season at tbe U;iioe Tneatre, Boston, on September 5. Miss Emma Von Eisner, a sister or M.le. Litis, has made ber debut in con cert with marked success. Mies Genevive Ward is in Lon don She will return to New York in Sep tember, and is com'.emplatiog tbe purchase of uew play. Among those over wblcb xbe ia hesitating ia a dramatization of one of Miss Braddoa'a novels, and another is from a story by Hon. L.-wis Wingfield. -llossi, the Italian tragedian, who coming to America next winter, is 52 yeais old, one year Salvint's senior. He is thoroughly Italian ia appearance, not so ull as his rival; is raiber stout of late, with t full, rich voice, but not so flexible and musical as SaJviniV Tbey have studied iu tiie aame schools, and have inherited tbe Hme traditions. : T1TlNfiLIiG- There are about 5,000,000 peach i.e- in Delaware. The Brighton railroad tragedy has made revolvers selllike hot cakes in London. An Engliih rriter estimates the number of Americans now in Eogland at 40,000. . - ; . A California lawyer has re ceived a legacy of $100,000. aad a paper out there advise him to fight shy at bis f el low-profession als. ' r; "I shan't be gone long,n said F gg, as he started out the other evening to no to the "lodge;" 'Til come right back." "dee that yon come back right, also." re mused Mrs. J"., , sbjnificaatly Boston transcript ....-; We-find mentioned in a New York, daily tha case of Mr. rjohir BUdggs; Self kuown citiain of Omaha, Neb., who bad tieen terribly tafiicted vntb acute rheama-, t'-ni i0 tbe back,, and ,wbo waa rescued : rorn its elutehea by tba ate of Su Jaobba 'l. after vainly trying very many other mean. '"- - ' ; ' " ' U6tice TO ALL WHOIC XT MAX COUCKS3I, 1 laatl hava a TfrstXIaaa A No- 1 X3ar- rlaC Fain tor. Tkna wiaaitt ' tn km. ltlrCarrUg,BncCT orPhastea painted, will do eil to pre as a tnil We gaaraatae aatlaf actios 'towprite. Oa Tblrd. between Market aad Frin- o 81eeU. ' . - - : Jy4U " " P. H. HATDKN. ' r- t ... - y The Caindeit Journal j PiMMed Ssery Tkmndcit, at Qmdsn, B. O. 18 raj OLDX3T-X3TA BTJSTTTO PAPJCB Q hweoojity,aiidhaaanextenaiTecircalatioa Itcar-tarBw Merchants Of WOaatogtoa Ta deafr WaMaalaaa. far Adrertiir, the eaatry m Whlc !UdrtUte,aiBeoauaeuwWtli cttyTJysteara IwbU and Aaraata Railroad. - . . I i J5 . auiflatpbior '-V At'- KM THAM A'HaV. 1 i yTf aU)tor,agra)0atota-: " ' '. . -. - rr : : - . " . - i ' ' -- -, - - - lLfci;llf MWUtedT with 5 pSSIT?10" Endorsed by the Medical - 7 r-yr yv;iw ja accessary. , . -iMBlatUrta if ThePr.Iarierlejjate' Cd, St Loik The following It one of the yery many testimo nials we ax it&Ivlnjc daily: y J Cflr-Soin threa months in I beran tha ; IiS?J&!?Jy Mend ,w knew lu virtue. I mi r Mrareruirfrom reneral debllitv to anrK r uTt.nt -"that mrlabor wm exceed lagly bardauoma to ma. A rac&Uon of a month did not giro me much 5 UeA bnt on the contrarj-. wma followed by in. prostration and alnUnr chills. At thl too I beiran the ue of your Box Toirro, ton w a iruiHuwaonimiiiwuw ana wondernu liiar?w ftarmaaeaUy abated. I J ( tnree DoUle of the Tonic Since ninx HAnavaaonerincatbaUoorUiatXeverdldintha uJB?.u.n"ny Ulpaaa, and with doable the eae. With the tranqnU nerve and Tlsorofbody. has coma alo a elearneM of thonriit never before VZtk wUWr. JeriS. Troy, O., Jan. X, 1378. PaitorH-tt QimyT), (or Sale by Dreggtsts and General Dealers Everywbo JegPaodAWly nwefr arm SO! DAVS TRIAL Q .... . . ii u aMix,is7s WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. t. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances .aufferln- from. XervaotWaaJuieneg, Gea- w-m imnuiy, wn of nerve xorce or vigor, or any rliaeaso resaltlng from Abuses and Othkk Cauhes, or to snaw afflicted with Rhenma tism. Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Trouble,'" Lame Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also wok km troubled with diseases peculSur to their sex. SDCedv relict and mninletn wctrtraHnn fn liealth euaranteed. These are tla onlr rtrim AppUaaeea lHai bw enr wnatrnctl npon neim tl fie t rtn- eipl Their thoroo turh n efficacy has been prao- Ucaiiy proven with the naa wetderftil aey lsaw the blsrnest a from Mf dlwil and uien. Hale men, and from hnndreita aha Itatve DMseaa iilekly atnt rndfeally eared by their aiae. Sehd at nnnvlnr Plnnfmtivl nTriT1o rfirncr all information free Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall. Xicb, Ja8DeedAWl7 sawefr a TRUE TOfliD. IEON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Pcvcrs, Want of Appe tite, .Loss of Strength, Iack. of Encrg-y, etc Enriches the Hood, strengthens the muscles, and fficcs new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the i digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic eyiuploms, soch. as bitting the food, belching, ' hat in the afomscA, heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken ! the teeth or give headache. Write for the ' ABC Book, 33 pages amosing and useful reading, sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL. COMPANY, . Baltimore. Md. JaazSDAWlT' ana 31 A Frfcte Posltlre relief and imcrcnity from' complexlonal blerulsbes may De ioiman iiaean'B jaag- nolla BsdmrAdmez& And tuelSOldDTdriv:- gists e&yWherie' vt:r:: Itimpartathoinostbrilllxnt end lifttots, and the clo sest scrntinj; cannot detect its use. All rmslghf Jy discolora tions, cnrptTcras, rin niarts under the ejes0v7ness,red ness, rongbnS3f and;flflnsh of ltigneandCAXlteniirixst are at once dispelled : by thS pjig. nolia Balm. ,,V' It Is the one incomparable Cosmetic. lr ti nrm salem Academy, SAUSSI IV. C. 'pHlS INSTITUTION1 COMMENDS ITSKLF TO the p&ftlltfas a notably pleaaanand safe home and high claes school fox girls and young women. It baa daring the patfew years been greatly im proved. Ju tcB8Lno AnaxxsaaiEaTs hare been reaaodeled and it standard advanced. It now or fers all the advantages of trfmiiay Jnstitationa of the hiftMaaarade. rA 1rra moahe of laatracaora ia empioyea . ana psi n r a ringTnatraction ia i It offers a iliaral Bhgliah. or Kngllah and flaaslrsl coarse for stadaaUoa. and under Ua new administration, aaa alrtady grarl n atad (with dlplo guVfoor very pryalglaa cUu lbs Doawvio a, aa axiB aaava:of tha 'Academy "have latterly bean w adapted to seeme to its resident pupil tha largest measure of comfort and eaaven ience. kixht rfidteileachars are eaatlauaUy In charge, and gtveayglai aUectkai to-' tba coUavatfon 11 SB nrvranUAA irofniTrfflaTtJ os oorreoi jnanners jana. naoit in . erowina; siria yatematMh aed enfigbteucdnyalci.curuire and earaof bealtlf re-proinlaeot reatwaf in the lsa ptomeatavreeerftlv ierfectefl - .- XzcepUoaai facillile are offered for the study of Music. The result ,rifpractical work In its Mule LiepSKment; da-hartae pan few years, would war aatthAraaVima.toihadgHleat of .competent eritiea. In inTtUig cnttrpartsoa wir any-bther sim Ur isstUationla.thei eoatk.-A two fcrtbree year Oradnattss: Course (irHh (UplOau) fia quite lecent ly been tnttodnced. , . . . . r i ppeoalaitaattoa Ja-tTW5sal torrtha; tdvaataires now a2ao "Obtain able lnthe Pxpasrvmrr or Daaw is Am Pajarmoj waich ha.beaixagaaised and placed "m dilfffe br a lady of special ability and aaperior, xraiaiaf 4 A Jkiflh standard of axcaUence wubsmamtaloed and the bast methods observed i A variety of brancha of stadyi off ereL and fare--fal talitoa Umiaiauteeu. V . . , TfttmoeWlm - we fr so. , ;,Prteopal. -;..i.r-.:J, i1'"'.' y ft OLD NKWaPAPgRS. SUITABUt i. for Wrappinr aa4 fM paopoSesj OaabeattlSTABOinCBr .ai to TtffH AHY QUAHTJIT fWXyax quotations It should bo understood, Nnt tha, wholesale prices generally,- la making 09 xbuU order higher pnoe bare to be charged. ABTiaUB. ' .- v - ran BAQCimQ Gunny, . .... . Bauua--nortnvwoiinai ' ' - Hama,a9 (aew Shoulder, . Bldos,N.C. choice, h... ';Wastem.8iiinked-- : Ham.. .....,. ... ;- . Shoalders,.. M . Orv Salted- . 00 0 it o o '14' 1 80 1 90 Shouldara -... BAKKKT-epirlUTurpeatlae, 00 oecona nana, eaca-.i. ....... .175 00 00 SO T 60 ,00 : r.M -v S8 O o Ca New New ork, ach.. 1 W) - tl RRTPKB Wnmlwgtot SB M 960 Northern... i.. O 14 00 o o o 20 nonnenu m av..... 8 , .... 1 mM p aktf,.M 6 - Adamanone. V h ....... ; 11 CHKKBNortharn ractary f i;- 14 O t 00 r-s o 15 e v State, .. i COVVS2-ava. r BV.-.s - 14 38 - " w .. Laguayra: 9 S......... 1? IT CORN MAL tt .busheUn sacks COTTON TLBS m bdle .1 DOJOTICS Sheetinz.t-4, J jd 80 I 65 V T . I 00 00 18 CO 8 50 8 60 4 B0 tf 50 3 00 00 8 00 6 3 00 flflfl MackwelNolY,wibbX , No. 1, m Js" bbl .............. MackerelNav 1. mbL a lie & 30.00 a 10.00 0 00 No. , 9 MbU.,......;. . Mackerel, No. I, DDL...... a boo O 7 00 O 8 35 O TOO O. 400 atBiiets. m 0 dl,, do Pork bbls. .. H. C Herring, Boe,fJ keg, Dry Ood, y v.... ........ OI 9 Peravn euano,No. 1, XO0O hst O63 50 37 00 uo. o. a, . Do. Lobos, f. , Banh's,Phoephata, " CaroimaFartuxer, - GroandBoaa, M BoneMaal, Plour, , NavaaaaGuanc 51 ua 00 00 50 00 0 00 45 00 57 00 O45 00 Oomplete Manure Whann's Phosphata Wando Phosphate. Berger Buta's Phosph. u Xzeellenxa Cotton ParUllxer t? 87 00 o vo.oo rLOUB Pine, fS bbl Saer.Northenu V bbl.a..... trtrado. bW.... Family vddi...... mtrMin- arTlTa. hbl .. alitJS V GRAIN Oorn,la atora, la oa Corn, carso. buahel. in b Corn, Cargo, buahjtnbags Oorn,mlxedw bn she! ,m bag. uats, v Buaiiei. ...... ...... Red Roaa Proof.... Peaa,Oow, 9 buwnal HIDSa Qreon, 9 S...-. HAxlaatarnr V Vdo kti'imil Western; 100 , North River, 9 100 HOOP IRON a ton LARD Northern, North CaroUna,a ........ LTMX bbl LUMBXS Crrr SraAjrAawwo Ship Stuff, reeawed, Mft.. Rousr h Kde Plank. 9 X ft.. 18 00 15 00 O 3000 a is 00 WaatladlaCareoeeccotdlng toqsallty, 9UrL.... j IS 00 18 00 IS 00 CO 00 00 00 35 00 40 ai8M a 33 00 uraaeearioormx, aemaonea.. gfflwiB and Boaxaa, corn. O o o a 0 0 a a o a 15 00 89 43 43 46 : 37 i 39 80 3 35 1 13 145 10a 18 30 33 SO 85 135 70 1100 KOLASasa New CD JCuba, hhd New crop ouna, Dtu 9 gau. Porto Bico,hhda... M bbls.. ........ luuSoue, hada, ay gal.. bbla,f gal.... blftt V Kawlao-aa a U,10d bafy keg... S3 NAI 000 11 1 10 90 15 GILS Kerosene, Lard, Koala. iar, 13 ........ Deck and Bpar.per sal 00 00 a a POULTRY -CnlctslivejEpwn 44 Bprmg... 33 Turkeys PXAWTTTS at bushel 75 40 a 40 O 00 a POTATOXS Sweat, 9 bushel. . . Irish, V lnn PORK Northern. City 1C 00 O 19 00 00 00 O15 00 0000 a 14 00 xa 1 85 a 140 Prime. 9 Ramp, 9 bbl HICK Carolina, 9 Roogh, 9 bush ... BAGfl--Country, 9 City, V ROPR SALT Alnm, 9 bushel 10 1x0 143fO 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 0 o 0 o 10 o xo 1 0 10XO IX a 75 80 00 75 uverpooi, vsacav Lisbon, 9 sack..... American, V sack. ....... TJGAR Cnba, 9 rortOKico. m a vxmee, w a. ak O 9 KX.C V Crashed. 9"9) XC)AP Northern, 9 SILTNGLES Conlract, 9 M... 10 10 9 o a 6V 5 00 3 00 450 00 13 00 10 00 5 IS 00 ISM 6 60 650 4 50 0 00 1 00 1 00 30 35 10 a o TOO 380 6 00 7 BO I WBlmOB. V M. CypreaaSapaV M,.. VIP'eas nearta 9 Ja. .... .... BTAvXtl W. O. BnL, 9 M ... B. O. Hnduft K....-...... t alio w-hTbT: . . TLMBMR Shipping. f M Euprbfeirr:::::::::: MmPa5rM.... Common Mill..... . ... a 15 00 O00 00 O.- 16 O 13 00 14 60 31& tt.6 0.4 a 61 lBfertertoOrdmary.fi M. wuuiavxx Mcruerrvw gat. O 9 60 a is a. . 8 o is wuuir-unvasaaa, Washed, w Burry Wool wTliaDCIIf GTOR MOIIB1 BiRKKI waxbange (sight) on New York, .... . ..... X diact. Boston.....! ..3a' . Philadelphia, X Weatem Cities. JaT Rxehanra SO dav r t cent. Bank ofNew Hanover Stock.. . FiretNatlonal Bank,. - - - . , 100 75 140 nBTamvuiouwi. ........... N.C. Bonds OldRX-Qoapop. , . . .13 ; Do. FmndlnglSM.. .13 DO. " 1000... ........ 1 Do. New 4's..... 88 Do. Special Taxi.. ......... 4 . - Do. to N. C. Railroad.... ......93 . W. A. W. fLB,BondsT fe (Gold Int). 116 Carolina Central B. R Beatda, 6 .. 1 C5 WD. CoL'J Aug. R. R. ; vu..v...l06 Wllmlngten CwBaada, new fJo. . . 100 .r?wi, . ,'ae......loo New Hanover County... .8 c......... 97)4 WW. Railroad Stock ....100 - North Carolina B.B, .......;i00 W1L Gas Light O0-.U M....M.,.50 - Wllmlnxton Cotton Mm M........100 . """"""""""lr""M'""r7rTT7Trr! Bank of ITeirHw Antborlzed Capital 1,000,000 Csulk Capital paid Id v300f0OO; Surplus Fund 50,0OO. DIREC1 OR8. ; JOHN DAWBON G.W.WILLIAMS. a M. STSDMAN ISAAC BATES vJAS. A. LXAK DONALD MoRAB H. VOLLERS R. B. BRIDGSRS J.;wATKTNSt5 F. RHEINSTEIN, fL B. BORDEN r. h : Tii 'J- i CHA9. M tfT;EiMAM, rresldent' ISAAC BATES, Vice President B D. Waixaob. Cashier . . 1 ' aog30-U Atkinson & nahiimj's Insnranoo Booms, BANK OF NSWBaNOVER'BUXXJINQ j , WllawM-& 1; RrsjMaiiie'ajii pWanles. , Aggregate Capital Represerr btresfltrted i Over' $100,000.0001 WeteninorthCiliiia It yoa want to know aUabont the-Qarden BpoV'of ., tne pqntiyaram im.paicagea copy oijne i . It li'a TWENTYGTLUMW WEEKLY. rail of lntereettax reading, matter, and devoted to ' tta interests or 'Western ortn. varouna. IffDEPDai' T.T" I 86 CO I 00 00 00 ta 45 00 O 0000 00 00 O 0000 o I 40 00 J 00 00 I 00 00 100 00 Q 70 00 60 00 O 00 00 65 90.0 6000 000 OI 435 6 00 O 6 35 650 S 17 00 7 50 5 I 00 6 00 n (660 6 35 Q to HQ IS 73XO ! 75 63atQ t 64 68 aO ; 67 64C l 65 68 O ' 60 00 00 1 35 O 1 40 iV-2 1 1! 1 35 a 1 43 1 80 O 140 1 15 O 1 35 80 00 Q 85 09 00 a : lltf 9 00 S l ix 1 10 a 1 36 imwn. w gat... 9 ral. BeadersoBVillB, N. C. - rev The orningStar IOB? PRIWT IR1G t'f f PUBLISHED DAILY AITD WEEKLY HJt II Sfllscriptioii Rates Ib Hum DALLY STAR. One Tear, postage paid, f 7 " Six Months " ...... 4 Three Months" S " One Month " 100 WRJEKLT STAR. One, Tear postage paid, (1 50 Six Months. " 1 00 Three Mouth " ; 50 Notices of the Press: The Stab is decidedly one of the beat: paper in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to It Salem Press. ; The wnmlnfirton Stxb' has entered on its twelfth Year as rood a naner as any people should want. (MarioiU Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered oa Its twelfth year. As a oaiiy journal or news 11 buuub - uy head.mameor( Register. TYin wrtmfntmi Star has entered Its twenty- fifth volume. "There Is no better paper published In the SUte. Lenoir TfWte. The Wllmlneton Stab has entered upen its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers u the state. irarrarwOT traswts 1 The Wilmington Stab has entered Its thirteenth year. It has become one or ine leading papers 01 the South. Oxford TorcAUoM. The Wllmlneton Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers In the State, but for freshness of news and typographical appearance cannot be beat- tax-Jaexson reporter. The wnaotarton Stab Is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department nom typog raphy up to editorial ability aid independence. Petersburg .Va.) Index-Appeal. We like the Stab because it Is thoroughly relia ble, candid, I ear lee, ana so weu ana amy nuwu, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Look mar the Btab twinkle. Mi. Air Visitor. Aitnirh at the head of tha nress in this State In all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to Improve. It is a Stab of the flrst magnitude. May its lustre never wane. The Free WmBavOsL The WHminrton (N. C.) Mobxxxb Stab Is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say itia the newsiest (sec ular) paper published in the Bouth.RicAmond(Va.) ReiuAous Herald. The WiTmincton Stab has now entered npon Its thirteenth ve&r and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers m the South, and, aa a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarbon Bosanerner. The Stab Is so well and favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing of which Its thousand of readers do not already know. It i in every respect one of the best dailies to the Booth. Robesonian. The WQmmston Stab baa entered on Its twelfth year. It Is a moat excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium of all the new of tha day, and an honor to ita dtr. to North Carolina and to North Carollim Journalism. Chorions uoserver. That magnificent neammz Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It Is one of the most brilliant, erudite sad sparkling dallies south of the Potomac. . The system In the get up of the paper surpasses them sSLTarborffSoutXerner. The Timet cannot say a word too rood for the Wilmington Stab. It has just, reached one of Ita many birthday y birthdays, Aa a awapaper it la aravoate 1 the State press and is sourht after by the peo withU ple. - Long and prosperous me to . jtetarotue ale. -Long and proa porous Whvtait that all the Daoers with the name of Star are such brishtlltUe lournals T The Wilming ton (N. O.) Stab, the Wasbrngton Star, Fredericks burg Star, New York Star, for. example. There must be something in a name after all -RicAmand iVa state. The Wilmmrton Stab, we are pleased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. ? We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as oae of the very beat of our exchangee, and consider it the peer of any Journal published in the South. Od (ordFree Lance. Tba wnmmffton Stab Is now taxlnz the resalar midnight Assoriated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount W ita reading matter . tThe Stab is an exealleat paper, its prosperity ia not surprtsing since it Is so deserving. Charlotts Ob Thb MoBBxas Stab, one of the beatdallles we know, and aa a newspaper, iu our opinion, the very best, ha entered xpon ita twelfth year. ; In every particular the Btab eomeafallyap to thamark as the principal daily m our chief commercial city. Leagiaay it twlnklaA&nBaao CTaaaar. The WHmlnston Stab aas enteaed upoa its 11th volume, and we are pleased to notice etui contiaues on the roaa to success, we esteem tne btab very highly, regarding It a one of thavery beataewrpa nera that cornea, to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of oar exchangee, and its editorial department is eon- ouctott waa mnxaaMaij.-TarmwoJww awaoav 1 Bumble m Its DegtnnlngB; as was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck or fortune tnac snded the coUanse of the Southern Uonrederacy. the Stab has steadily waxed" until it now .beams j respienaent m tne nui giow oi a eonsxanuy ongac eninr Droeoerity. As s newspaper it has few eaual. and no snperlor, for appropriate selection andiju nieioa arrangement, and we are preod tef rank It among'our inot acceptable exchangee. Hillsboro Mseeraer,--.. :i vV;-.: .. : , : . . I The Wmnmston Mobhibb Btab has entered upon the thirteenth vear of Its existence, and we take this ppportunity to eongratalate It npon It prospe rity ana aeeervea popuiamy. im rnawaama sue eess of the Stasis dae ta Its .strict attention to. hnnineas..' The bdaat of the Stab riizhtfoIlT . teo). 1 thatlt always has tha hews.'aad this t thd frst tausr m journalism, ajsnarwiaar tae paper' ibt au that Iha term of "good newattaaeT lmpaas;and its corps of editors and reporters ace Oorougiov ,odu- oateo. newspaper men. Jaay tne nrauimni, awnu Inaoeneeof tne Btab never -be retardeo; and may its eeniaL eBtenrisinff moarietor enlov manVJnore happy years of nwefpiafla. flWdafc rrr THE JXALEIGn ii.. Christian Edited and Published by RIiACK & EEIIL BaldjiUC Of about 69)00 Mettiedlsts In Rorta .... , .. . - -. a . Carolina, and has the largest cirenlatlon'of any pa per in the Statat, It gives the -markets, scalar and religions news, Is a weekly, eight page, reilgious, fanillv newspaper. Only S3.00 per annnm. Sab- aerJbeat oaee. :-- . - -. '.-wm - Advertising rates liberal. jaa4tf l ml mm jw . "W - . The Mil ftniTl Prfi frfrflHSL . ! V ; T '.; Ag PuUithed. Sabtrdayt eAltootfoir.Q. ifi na rtfiiwTaTWtr rmh sad bar aa exteiisivexdrculatlon- among .the Mer chants, Famers and all clSBses of businass menln It offers to the Merchants of Wllininrton de sirable medium : for advertising their , business throughout western north-Carolina. ' - .;. v Liberal terms wiu oe auowea on yeany aaver - ' i - - i i . dreas, . The Central Froiedta a WEEEXY RELIGIOUS AND A paper and the Organ f the Methodist tans vnnrcn m -aor jiaurogn yaa--p bnsbOro. N, ctiwr-i a& :ittt tr - Terms, xs od per aimum. in advance. .. Tba eiiri&Hitv or ita loe&tirm. the number ana ae tlvityotfis argents, and thsconrtantlymereaaingde mand xori among tne more oua etaaaaa-oi raaoer in' various aecflons. sive the CENTRAI, peculiar elalm UDOn the riatsonacreof the advertisTna buolie. jxwBUVoryraorablewCoBaiatyow eata. aaa awajBBniHox -ca l.. :7S I ' Qreensaero, N.C ! fliindrieo.' 2y KQ: 8AJCKS LnrERPOOLSALT, . Bbis BPA4nBB? BBOWlfe' i3M 3ales COTTON' YARN, j-iL'i ;T: ' - aO Carload Prime White CORN.' r ' ' - rorBaiaiow ior caaa. - ,. , .- , ; . Bih37tf - 1 G. BONEY A SONS, LYNBWS nnsBOB at MISCELLANEOUS. JL. -j i - THE nOEIIIUG STAR Steam Printing House,' JtOXNWQ STJLB BUILDING, -rSlNCE33 8TEKBT. 00 00 MOST TUOROVQULY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY, FINE ROOK, NEWSPAPER t MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, -CHEAP FOR CA&B. also - ;f--. THEATRICAL POSTERS. PROGRAMMES A TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTINGS BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. STEAMSHIPi STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME) AND BETTER STYLE THAN B J ANY OTHER0FFICE IA WILMINGTON.: , FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET. WILMINGTON, N.C. ORDERS BY MALL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANY. PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 2 HA SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. LIBERAL OFFERS I FOB 1881. TWO YEARS FOS.THE PRICE OF OHE THE REPRINTS OF THE BRITISH QUARTERLY, (Evangelical), L0ND0N QUARTERLY, (Conservative),. EDINBURGH, (Whig), AND WESTMINSTER, (Liberal), REVIEWS. AND Blacit ootl's mmgl Magazine, Present the BEST FOREIGN PERIODICALS n; convenient form and WITHOUT ABRIDGMENT OR ALTERATION. TERMS 9F8UBSCRIPTION (Including Postage Blackwood or any one Review.... $4 00 per annum. Blackwood and any one Review.. 7 00 Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " Blackwood and three Reviews.... 13 00 Any twoRevIews..'r.Y.i..j...... 7 00 -Aa.ffaiep Baflswa.. 10 00 " The,onrBevlewB..t .ai 00 " Blackwood and the four Reviews. 15. 00 " These are about HALF THE PRICES charged by the English Publishers. .. Circulars giving the Contents of the Periodicals for the year 1380, and many other particulars, may b had on application. PREMITIMS. Ne w Bubscribers may have the nnmhers for 1S80 and 1881 at the price of one year'a anbscrlptton only. r " .V;C : '' - To any subscriber, new or old. we 'will furnish the Periodicals for 1879 at half price. AU orders to be sent to the publication office. To secure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Sccatt PublisMng Co., i-- : 41 BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK: The BcBst Paper. Beailifallyll - The Scientiiic American. nrWt SU1KNT1F10 AMERICAN Is a large First- JL Class. weekly Newspaper or gixtemAr area printed in the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY I 1 MrtVA'jaa.XgAr vr XX a. DruaiWii auujvo. i - 1 INQS. representing tbe newest Inventions and tbe It most recent advances lathe Arts and Sciences ; ln- ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID - JtatiKA V- eluding New and Interesting Facts In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Borne, Mealta, Progress, 8ocial Bdeneex - Naturai ; History.' ueoiogy, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters In all departments of Science, will be found In the Scientific American. .. ' - ' ' ' - . Terms, $3.30 per year, $L60 half year, which ln udes postage." Discount to Agents. Single co- alofl. Ill rTrnTni riTTiTi TrTii nurnrninrii'- xusnutvy poatalordar toMUNN- CO.. Publlahers, 87 Park Row, New York, i -a. HAT K I J-A Hri RryfESriFmA AMERICAN f American I .TSSt 4 nA Derates Patents, have had 35 vears' experience. and now have the largest ' establishment in the, orid.-1. Patents are oblamedonthe best terms. ;A" Special aotice is made WtheBCXENTIFIOjIMXRl GANialHirvsntio&eoaiita .i&avkiKXhA&amed-eaiaefie Ly thaiamansoeircuiaiioB taun-gtve&, paDucras-i gnngHaJIWIiwiwaKiw'vi-uiB un iawut, andsalesbr lntrbdctionoftenesally effected. . : s aVWPetsonowno oatsiaw aw oiscoyery or m yention,can ascertain; xbbb oohabb, whether a patent earn rfprebably be obtained, by writing to Moxb A Co. -We also send xbxb our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, CaveatBi Trade Marks, their aoBt, . and how procured, with hints fat procuring advance on mventipns. 4 Addresa for the Paper, or concerning Patents, y 1 MUNN CO. 87 Park Row, New York. I . Branch Office, cor. F. 7th Bts. Washington. D.C 3 9j0fS tt--Jf --. : :: kessfllBaeaCol Jysttf GERHARDT A CO. : RAILROAD LINES. RMBROM): CO. :j ' Ornox of QawaaioraaurTawoaav. -' - ' ' ' ' -'- Wilmington; N. O, May 13, 1881 - ato. -a)., AV:r ; Cuansre or Schedule.' . . rTH AND - ATTRR -MAY-15T5,- 1S81, AT .J .40 AM.. PaaaemTer Trains Aa -the Wllmlne- ton waidoa icauroaa wiu ran as rouows: - Day Wail and Bxpreaa Trains, xally No. 4T Nortb and 48 sontU. . Leave WQmlncrtonl Front SL Denot. at ' 6:40 A. M' Arrive at Weldon 13:50 P. M. Leave Weldon . 8:80 P. M. Arrive at Wilmlngtxm, Front St. Depot, 9:45 P. M. Fast - tbboqb Mail abb Passxhoxb'- Tbaiss , DAH.X No. 43 Nobth ana 40 boot a, : - Leave WOmlngtoa, Front St. Depot, at 6.35 P. M. Arrive atWeldon...... ........ 1.35 A. M. Leave Weldon.... 6wl5 P. M. Arrive at WIlmlngton, Front St Depot, 1JU5 P. ' Train No. 40 South will ' Stoo only at Rocky Mount. Wilson, Goidsboro ana .Maenoua. . - v . Train on T&rboro Branch Road .leave Rocky BTonnt for Tarhoro at 7.40 P.M. Daily. and Tues day. ThnrBdav and Saturday at'5.00 A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 9.50 A. M. Dally, and .Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 80 r. M. t ,: Train No.-47 makes close connection at wei- dOB for all points North daily.. All rail via Richmond, anddaily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train bio. 4S runs dailv and maxea Close con nection for aU points North via Richmond and Washington. - . All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and hare Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. . . joun y. DIVJHJS, General Sup't. , A. POFK, Gen'l Passenger Asrent. myl5-U General Sup' ts Office, WIIBIINGTON, COX.VITXBLA J AD- ousxa a. b. coaiPANr. WILMINGTON. N. C Ky J3. 1881. Change olj Schedule. AN ANO AFTER MAY 15TH. 1881, AT 1.05 J P. 1 . M.. the following Passenger Schedule will bo run on this road: NIGHT BXjPBESS TRAINS (Dally) Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington. , Leave Florence Arrive at O. C A A. Junction Arrive at Columbia. 10:05 P.M. 3:40 A.M. 5:45 A. M. 6:00 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:00 P. M. Leave C. C. &A. Junction.. 10:30 P. M. Leave Florence. S:0OA.M. Arrive at Wilmington b:xu A. M. Nisht Matxi axo Passxnsbb Train, Dailt. No. , 40 WXST, AHD DAT MATX. AND PaSSKHSBB TBAIB, NO. 48 AABT, Leave Wilmington at. 11:45 P.M. Arrive at Florence. 3:15 A. M. Leave Florence l :05 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6.05 P. M. TrainNo. 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemlneton. Whiteville. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Colombia, and all noints on G. ft C. R. R.. C C A A. R. R. Stations. Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night isxpress, ' Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta oa train 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington; if jam r. uiviaa. Gen'l Snp't. A. FOPS, Gen'l Passenger Agent. myl5-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO, ' OrI0BGXBXBAI.8 - Wilmington, N. C, June 4, 1881. Change of Schedule. VN AND AFTER JUNE 5, 1881. the following J Schedule will be operated oa this Bauroaa: PASSKNGKR, MAIL AND XXPRSSS TRAIN: Daily except Sundays. t i. fissK St. 9 145 ...6:45 P.M. iTnv.j.u..t tt.rm a XT a 1 uito vuMiviw n.......... ...... w.w nO. X. r urfltnlnonn f P. M. . Trains Koa. I and 3 stot at reealar station s only. and pointa designated in the Company's Time Ta- Theae train make close connectiOB at Charlotte with train No. 3 and 4 f er Cleveland Springs and all points on Shelby Division. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT 1 Leave iWllminaton at....... ...,5:30P.M. No.fi. Arrive at HamMtat ....136 A.M. 1 . -. onariotte at o:uv m. aa.. 1 Leavo Charlotte at.. 7:30 P. M No. 6. V Arrive at Camlet at 1:28 A.M. I M Wilmington at... ......v:su a. m. No. 5 Train ia Dailv except Sunday, but no con nection to Raleigh on Saturday. ... no. 0 Tram is iauy except Baiaruay. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. St I AJDBTw VUSUAVVVO, a T ems9.1rA ; 7:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. 6:00 A.M. ......... 9:80 A.M. y I ItOBf BUtMVMta Ha4-f Arrive at Charlotte... 1 Trains Nob. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except a above. ThrourJh Sleeping Cara between Raleigh .and Charlotte.-'' Trains no. l ana x make connection ax vnar tone with A., T. A O. R.R., arriving at 8tatesyille same, evenlnsr. and connectinsr then with W. N. C. R.R. for Asaeville and all pofate on W. N. C. R.R. Trains No . 8 and 4 connect closely with Chester I Jt Lenore, at Llncolnton, i- .. . V IVBXIBWa, , J 7-tf General Superintendent' . ; CLYDE'S New York and VTihiiington " Steamship Line. The Steamer BtNETACT OR, Capt. JONES, WILL SAIL NSW YORK, saMstrdbaraiySO. s-SWppers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertiaed.JEl ' For Freight Kusagenients apply to THOBIAS S. BOND, Sunerlatendent ' ' . Wilmington, K. a Tbeo, , a. Ker, Freight Agent, . , .7Z; .,,.;MeW.Yorkn.;; ClrwWo., Geral Agents, 1 j dec,.: ji Broadway, New York. E NCeURAGX HOME OISTITUTIONB. i- e . . . . . jt - f. , a aaiisnuu jaw - '' This cWpsay ebnibnaes to write PelMes, at fa ; rates, on all classes' of Insurahleproperty, H ; A r i ' AfllOiaAa HOMS " is rapidly growing In public favor, and erthCMCav JitKU. rAfiroiapw.,if"iiii..'4 ikirmmmm: tsazl . . ' .WPmlnftnB. H. C. 1 1 maM'KM - isMaMiMaaj I : "t 7 tonreo, cor. of State SL, Chicago, I WUlaen pnM aay addtw, VuSt A BAND CATALOCUE, ' for 1881. lMvani. KO XasraTten of . "Kot MjtaHfcStalb and Usui fSb? AS Bu4 OatftH Bfkim aUtatoki aaw -Mfctada iMtncUon uj Ximiimt for A mat aaaaiateeaa U etwieaJtaaaaK CTBE BBOVn COTTOH QUO Cleans the Seod better, rune Itchter, trlns taster and oosta leas money than arty ' other Qln In the market. " The brush is adjuetabte and It has drlv- ; inc pulley:arKt belt at toti ends. Every machine mads or the Dost material ana fully and legally guaranteed. M.. Price List bf GIITS, Feeder and Coadeaaer. VS. ' 'JJ . ft M i St - I 4aalV . j . j f.f ;'.' B Jjri "1' M,.awwMi"Bmav-iipBai ay -ess MaaaauV B, - . - - 1 Prioo with 1 Frico with Prieesof Srft.t i . i Self tu"- Gins. Feeder , Feeder and I Condennwh Oondenaer. SO saw $75 00 . fl0 0" 1250 35 " 87 60 110 00 14i 60 40 " 100 00 139 M - 1(16 00 46 US 60 14 00 .170 60 60 " 126 00 100 00 ' 186 00 60 110 00 180 00 .220 00 W " 160 00 800 00 Kit 00 . 80 " 180 00 S3 00 ' ' ' m 00 The above rrlccs aro for the maelilhos. boxed ready for shipment and delivered at our factory... Will name price dcllrered at any acaeatlhltf point, froa of fraUrht, if desired. KirfaMlshed ISO. at Oolnnnhna, OA, anOer. noma of E. T .Taylor & Co remorlmc In 1858 to New liondon, Ct., where the present Ira have atnoe carried on tho business. In additilon to our already anequanod facilities ire have erected another largo factory, thus doubling oar capacity of manufacture. Get your orders In at onoo and avoid a possibility of delay. Extra inducements to sarin overa Send for dnstrated pamphlet giving1 new teatlmonlala from hundroda of enterprising plantars. ., f i'OBsnii, Engines, and oomplete outfit furnished whenslesired. Address BROWN COTTON GIN CO., New Xondon, Conn. JOHN DAWSON A CO., Agent, aplODAWSm Wilmington, K.C. PREMIUM S A F ETY OIL. FOR SALE BY Adrian & Vollers, cor. Dock ft Front its. Agent for Wilmington and vicinity. my 14 DAW 6m MARBLE MONUMENTS AND , ; Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWK8T NEW YORK PRICKS. DESIGNS BENT BY MAIL; WORK PACKED AND SHLPPBD, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THB SOUTH. biohabd WA-ryiAN & co ST IiBfayette Plaee, New York. Wathan's Monumental Designs. In book form.foi sale to the Trade. dee4DAWtf Health is Wealth ! DR. B. O. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT: s specific fof Hysteria, txn valslons. Nervous Headache. Meatal Depression. Loss of Memory, Impotency, Premature Old Age, caused by-over-exertion, excesses, or over-lndal- gence, wnicn leaa to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Bach box con tains one month's treatment One dollar a box, or six bdxes for live dollars: sent by mall prepaid oa receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. , wuneacnoraer received oyasror six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written, guarantee to re tarn the money if the treatment doe not effect a cure. Guarantee Issued by WM. H. GREEN, Drug gist, (successor to Green es Flanner), Wilmington, N. C. Orders by mail will receive prompt atten tion. r - - - mhSS-DAW ly 8500Bewardl "TXTB WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR If. anv ease of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, Xn digestion. Constipation or Costive. ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compiled with .They are purely Vegetable; and never fall to give satisfaction. Bugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pilla. 35 eenta.' For sale by all Drug gists. ' Beware of counterfeits and Imitation a. Tba genuine manuracturea omy try tiuuM o. w bbi- ss CO., "The PU1 Makers, 181 A 18JW. Madison 8t. ChlcasoL- Free trial aackaee sent by mall pre paid on receipt of a 8 cent Btamp, , ; . . . max uaw-iy' z 1 r . : Hf A. STEPJaAH Jr. Attorney and Counellor at Law. ELLSaBETHTON,' BLADEN COUNTY, N. . Office Up stairs. In Brick Bulldlntv eccnDled by RlnalalACo. - - Special attention to Claims. Oolteetlens on sams of slOOand upwards made for Five Per Cent If without suit Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, 'Ac., a specialty.; .,. ,. ., . apa-DAWtf PRESCRIRTIOM FREE "Tutor the speedy Care of Bervoua Weakaess, Lost A' vitality, rrematar veoiiity, xiervoasaess. IteSi oadeaey, , voaf saioa vi larast atviiivs m n .w m . J . ' . t . . Society. Defe ctive aTsmery. aaa au vueraer broarht oa br Indiscreet ilablt aad Kxeease. Aay druggist has the larredieat. 8emt infuin SEALED EHYELOrE. ADDRESS UK.IViO. JHUUCO. 130 West Sixth St, OZfiOrJWATL OEP mh SDAWly - - . English ibjsh and gobdoh bstkrs. of the Choicest Breed, with gusranteed pedlgraea X us asuii.Dy -rre . e . i P. WELSH, novV SAWtf ' York. Pans. Look to Interest AND STOP AT MALLARD ; A BOWMfl'P, wharS the largeet aseortment f ' Harness. Bridles, Raddlea. Collar. Truaka.- Travellnff Ban ever brought to this cityre to be seen and bought for the least money; Try them and be convinced, s Manu Jaeturing and repairing' done - with neatness; and dispatch, iji.iii. ''';!.' 7JY34 tfAt-tv,- i ;;.V South FrontSt MANUFACTURED AT No. MAHKET ST., Wilmington, N. C - aaraateed Jrtriettfpan. and flavored with very best essential 0",.Jmfn Candiea,dA8odaWat Jy 10 tf -Fruit sad Confectionery Stores.