0ku.wm ' 'ji ii m ii ft ' WlZ2mr&?02tt lT. C.: . Fbidat. MoMrnrH ; jtUy ' 1881. THE LATEST NEWS. Vj TROMALL FARTS 07 THZ WORLD rlleS PBE1IDBNT. DECIDED IMPROVEMENT IN THB pa tient's condition healthy and fbsb discharge of pus thb WOUND COMMENCED HEALING THE BURGXONS GRATIFIED AT THB PRO GRESS 01 THX CASK. By Telegraph to the Morning SUr.) OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion, Joly 28, 8 A. M. Toe President rested well daring the night, and no rigor or febrile disturbance baa oc curred since the bulletin of yesterday eve ning. This morning the improvement of his general condition is distinctly perceptU ble. He appears refreshed by the night a rest, and expresses himself cheerfully as to his condition. Pulse 93, temperature 83.4, respiration 18. (Signed) P. H. Hamilton, D. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes, J. J. Woodward, Robt. Rkybubn. unofficial bulletin. Executive Mansion, July 23, 11 A. 1L CoL Rockwell says the President is deci dedly better this morning than he has been at anytime since wounded; that at the morning dressing there was a free and healthy discharge of pus from the wound, and that a portion of the original wound above the incision was observed to have commenced healing. The surgeons, after "n on lta.irm. concluded that the remove) of the heavy carpet which now covers the floor of the President's chamber would be beneficial, and, considering the brightness p thM Ha- with the nerfectlv fresh and dry atmosphere, together with the favorable condition or tne pattern, u was aeciueu u make the change at once. The surgeons maintain that the carpet absorbs the impus rities of-the atmosphere which almost inn variably exist 10 a mora ur ic oritnt in sick chamber, and th it is a receptacle for the secretion of dust, etc. The President's bed was carefully re movedjrom his own room to tbe room im-mrfitl- across the hall, where he is now testing quietly. After the carpet of the sick chamber is taken up tne noors win do carefully dusted and a fire kindled in the rratA for lhit nnrtMM of securiDe thorough ventilation. The President will not be taVn hark fnr several honra. For the DUX pose of deadening tbe sound of footsteps upon the floor strips of carpet will be placed in theunost frequented parts of tbe room, it is considered that -this arrange mni wiu render the chamber much more refreshing to the patient, and that it will henceforth be deciaeaiy more comionaoie. Had it been practicable the surgeons say thv would have ordered the. chancre to be made before. The attending surgeons that tha president naa not looted so well aince he was wounded as be does this morning, that he is delighted with tne change which is being made in his room and feels greatly reiresnea. official bulletin. Executive Mansion, July 23, 12.80 P. M. The President bore the dressing of bis wound this morning with less fatigue than hitherto. It appears well and is discharg ing sufficiently. Shortly afterwards his bed was rolled into an adjoining room, while that occupied till now is being thoroughly cleansed and put in order. His pulse is now 94, temperature 93.4, respira tion 13 (Signed) D. W. Bliss, J. K. Barnes, v r Robt. Retbubn. Frank Hamilton. Washisgton, July 23. The following baa been sent: Lowell,Minister, London: At 1 o'clock P. M. tbe President a condition is very en couraging. Everything has gone well with him aince my dispatch of last night. Blaine, Secretary. official bulletin. Executive Mansion, J nly 23, 7 P. M. Tbe President has passed a pleasant day and has taken nourishment with apparent relish. His temperature continued norma until about 5 o'clock, when a moderate afternoon rise occurred which, however. gives the patient but slight discomfort and causes no anxiety. At present his pulse is 104, temperature 100.5, respiration 20. (Signed) F. H. Hamilton, D. W. Bliss, J. J. Woodward, J. K. Barnes, Robt. Retbubn. unofficial bulletin. Executive Mansion, July 28, 11.80 P. M The slight febrile rise, which first be came noticeable about 5 o'clock this after noon, reached a maximum at the evesiog examination, when the President's pulse stood at 104 the temperature being 100-5. Soon after that lime both pulse aod temperature began to fall, and at the present hour the patient's fever bas nearly disappeared and he is resting quietly. No reason is assigned by the attending sur geons for tbe reappearance of febrile symptoms, after an interval of more than SO hours of normal temperature. Tbe circumstance, however, causes do a a easiness since the fever has almost subsided, aod the slight fever in the evening has been a feature of the President'scase every day, except yesterday, for two weeks. The patient was moved back to his own room about 5 o'clock this afternoon. noano!i vengbahce. MURDER OF BISHOP SMITH THE EX POSES OF THE MOUNTAIN MEADOW MASSACRE. By Telegraph to the Morning; Star. J Chicago, Joly 28 A special from San Francisco says: "News bas been received here that Bishop Phillip Klingen Smithy at oae time of high standing and influence in tbe Mormon Church, and exposer of the Mountain Meadow massacre and a partici pant therein, is dead. His body was found to prospect hole In Sonora, Mexico, under circumstances indicating murder. Bishop ttmlih bas died as he expected. After con victing John D. Lee of the Mountain Meadow massacre be said, 'I think the Church will kill ma sooner or later. It is only a question or time.' After returning from the trial, by order of the Church bis wife left him, 'and he started South aod lived in Arizona. Id that Territory two at tempts were made to kill him." FimnctiL. .NEW YORK. STOCK MARKET FIRM AND HIGHER. (By Telegraph to the Morning; Star. New York, July 28. 11 A. M. The stock, market opened firm and generally higher, and -continued strong up to this hour. The improvement from the closing quotations Of yesterday ranges from to 14 per cent. "Northern Pacifies." Northwest, Western .UniosvKew Jersey Central and St. Paul leadingnhe upward movement. Speculition was fairly sctlve'aod the deal- lags were on a large scale. 7 4 ' y Charles Chriatisa Bruhns, an eminent German astronomer, is dead. j AFQ H Ajt 1ST A l3f ADvYcES &EFHAT OF .TH3 ARM 6 THB AJaBBf HRBA ENED INTKEUFTltfctJjf THB ARABS and x PAitic nc tukis --the Liver; POOL INFElli" itACSINESINTli UATION Ofr AN ALQIBXANINSUBSiO TION THE LAND BILL ABYSSIBIAK OUTRAGES ETC. ''kTi IBy able to' tM'finW8tar.1 London, July 28. The Glcba says: "We are officially .informed .that a report has reached! the Indian Office representing that the army of th Ameer of Afghanistan bas beeif completely defeated by the forces under- Ayoob ' Kharr. The' same' Journal learns from, another .source that serious troubles hsve arisen in consequence of the defeat, of the Ameer, and that tbe Indian government ' is greatly . concerned j at 'the gravity of the situation. A-Bombay dispatch 'says that a battle waalought yesterday between" the 'Ameer and Ayoob Khan, daring-which onefot the Ameer's regiments deserted and: went over to the enemy. Thereupon the remsindeT of tbe Ameer's troops fled, leaving their guns on the field. The Viceroy of India telegraphs that the Ameer of Afghaistan " has been to tally defeated at Karezo. All. his bag gage and eighteen guns were taken. A Khelat regiment deserted ' to Ayoob Khan, The Ameer's Generals fled towards CabuL "Sirdor Shsm Suddin is still st Candahar with 400 Cabulese and: some police. In the House of Commons tonight Mr. Gladstone, replying to Sir Stafford North cote, read a telegram confirming theteport of tbe defeat of the Ameer. He stated there was sn Anglo-Indian force in the neighborhood of Candahar. Paris. July 28. A telegram from. Tunis announces that 1,500 Arabs advanced to Radeuss, six kilometres from Golettaj Four Europeans and three Arabs - have been murdered on the road to Tunis. There is great excitement and the Bey has ordered the removal of the bridge of boats between Goletta and Radeuss. A detachment of French troops is making a recocnoisance. Tbe dispatch says that Arabs can be seen within four miles of Tunis. There is (treat alarm; many shops are closed. Tunis, July 23. The Arabs left this vi- cinitv snd the panic suosiaea; out me greatest anxiety prevails concerning the safety of European s in the interior, The this morning, ssjs: "Sir Wm. Harcourt, Home Secretary, received the first warning concerning the infernal m chines from Dublin. A Paris correspondent of the Standard savs: "A disDateh from Alexandria, Egypt, announces that the French Catholic Bishop of Msssua and four missionaries who were on a tour of inspection of the Catholic missionary stations in Abyssinia, were captured by the natives, who pillaged and burned the church ana mission nouse. robbed tbe prisoners of their clothes and sent them into the interior." A Paris correspondent of the 2mu says that the true reason for hastening tbe date of the eenersl elections is that Algeria sent a confidential report to Paris to tbe effect that a serious insurrection might be expected to break out in September. A great enort would then have to be made and a form! dable army Isent to Africa. Perhaps the mobilization f tho army would even be necessary. In short, it would be needful to uke raDid and decisive steps which might csuse uneasiness among the electors This report made the government alter the date of the election, ss, ii in oeptemoer tne country is confronted with a serious Afri can campaign, the elections might be seri ously compromised and a formidable argu meat afforded to tne opposition. London.' Jnly 28. In the House of Com moos yesterday Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, Conservative, gave notice of bis intention to move.on the third reading of the Land bill, a resolution to tbe effect that the bill being the result of revolutionary agita tion, encoursres the repudiation of con tracts, is opposed to individual liberty.is cal culated to diminish tbe security of proper ty aod prosperity in Ireland, and to endan ger her union with Great Britain. It is un derstood that the notice was given without consultation with the Conservative leaders. n ex i co. A SCHEME TO READJUST THE NA TIONAL DEBT REPUDIATED BT THE GOVERNMENT IMMIGRANTS FEOM IT ALT . r IBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago. July 23. A special from . tbe City of Mexico says: "The government! has information that unauthorized parties id the United States and England are endeavoring to rorm a syndicate to readjust the national debt held in Eogland. Tbe scheme is a private speculation, and is repudiated by tbe President and the Secietary of the Treasury. City of Mexico, July 28 The Official journal aays that ow Italians will leave Liorna, Italy, tor Vera Cruz, to establish, a colony. Their expenses are paid by the Mexican government. Wisconsin. SHERIFF DOOLITTLB AND TWO OF HIS POSSE KILLED" BT THE WILLIAMS BROTHERS THE DESPERADOES ES CAPE. By Telegraph to tha Mornlxg Star, J Minneapolis, July -28 A Lake Cb t v dispatch Bays: "A gentleman just arrived irom the JSau Uane woods gives informa tion that a party headed, by Sheriff Doolit- tle came upon the Williams brothers yes terday and were fired upon by tbe latter. Tbe Sheriff and two others were killed, Tbe desperadoes 8csped;' " w " ''" ' f hb illdiarfa. r r ' " FAMILIES MASSACRED J BT THE MESCA LEBOS THE TRIBE IN ARMS. I By Telegraph to the Morning Star. DENVER. Jolr "59. .A Santa Fa noUl says that a party of aoldieTS arrived list :eA M . k ' a a : Digui i rum ion Diauion ana reported mat a diacatch was reeeivad frnm Mart am just as they left, stating .that those . Indians zella and Roman Chiquita, Chiefs, had lsft the Agency end -massacred two Mexican families living in Tularosa. No official in formation has yet been received. TBK TCBP. THE PERFORMANCE OF MAUD S. AT BELMONT PARK, PA. IBy Telegraph to the Hernia Star. Belmont Pabk Jul v 28 TVn thmaii4 people witnessed Maud S. attempt to beat hfcf record of 2.10. made at tPiimftni1 Th mare made the first mile io 2.13. these- cona in ana me third .la 3. IS Tnete three coDsccutiye IwaU are the fastest evr made by any hurse In the world. "Mr. Vao derbiH waa present and watehed the raoe irom me juage's stand, . r The. Denulv Colledor et iTuuAti BtktB that it s impossible by Ihe keenest. scrutiny lUBuiicBie -civucr - ueieci iQ8 persons Who ShiDDfid tha 4sfarBeL marhinoo n. In prevent future 'shrpments. Tbe steamboat authorities are on thealert and doing all in late ImDositioD'vv.,., .No Jiead-ach.e k cz feL who drink " WINE OFlCAi?niif KilO'v .iFoi'sale by 'otVLvsoa " WASkilAwiTON. ADYlgfifr yitOMT SOUTB! V AMKlitA--' A, ' IsalKCH ? ORDERED OB JlJTATTS; f FLOTTERS ? AT BOSTON-AND" NEW ;fTORK A OTEW UQHT ;:nOUSAT "GALVESTON. ;V rBr TelesraDh to the Momma Btar.l 'Wasbtngton, July 28. Senor Carrie, Charge d Affaires of the Argentine Repub lie, has received from the Miniaternnder date of Baenos Ayres, July 27th, the fol lowing cablegram relative to tbe final set tlement of tbe long , disputed boundary question between that Republic and Culli: ,The treaty has been signed with Chili, with tbe good offices of the United; States Ministers io both countries." , ; The 8ecretay.of ibe Treaury ftoday addressed a communication to the Collec tors of Customs at Boston and New York, from which ports the alleged infernal ma chines and combustibles which recently arrived at ..Liverpool were shipped The letters contained instructions to use every means to ascertain 'the name of the con signee of the packages. Tbe Secretary, during a conversation to-day, said that While it may be impossible to ascertain dU rectly the name of the person, be hopes to discover a clue which may lead to the de-. tection of the guilty one. . Notice has been given by the Light House Board that on and after August 15tb a fixed white light of the fourth order vtill be shown from the light bouse recently erected off Fort Point entrance to Qalyeslon harbor. ' SO Uril CAROLINA RAILIIOID. AUCTION SALS OF THE ROAD TO THB BONDHOLDERS. i IBy Telegraph to the Morning Star.) Charleston, July 28. The South Car olina Railroad, which at tbe time of Ha completion to. Hamburg io 1833 was the longest continuous railroad in the World, was sold to-dayat public auction, uSder a decree of tbe U. . Circuit Court. There were only two bidders, namely, the pur chasing committee, who represent nearly tbe wbole of tbe bonded debt below the first mortgage aod seven-eighths of the stock, and the Charleston syndicate, who had loaned money to tbe company n the security of its bonds. The only object of this syndicate was to bid eoougb to insure a fund sufficient to cover their claim. They ceased bidding, and the property was knocked down to W. U. Browney, for the purchasing committee, fur $1,275,000 over ami nhnvn iha first mortirasa debt of about three million dollars. There is no opposi tioo or objection to the sale, which will be onnflrmoH liv ihn nnurt in Snlembr or VMM. ... " J - r October. In the meantime there will be no changes in tbe management, and tbe Work of extending the tracus to toe water siae, m . J t J the reconstruction or water siae wens, sou . - m . k a - I til the relaying 01 ine roaa wuo sieeiraus wn an rn rniHI Thnra ia penerel aaliefac aa, "a"-y o tioo at tbe rebult, and tbe prospects of the road are considered onuiant. KLKcrrmu spskkh. The funeral of the late Justice Clifford . . . If- . J lOO a piaco ai i oruaua, mo., ycBieruny. Finn. Tnhn T Itaolpv PT.flnV. nf Mich! gan, died in San Francisco ou Wednesday last. Z. Judge Slack, of Indiana, who was struck by apoplexy, died in the hospital at ni cagO yesterday. Dr. Torek was instantly killed and bis wife and son seriously irjared oy a run away accident at Reading, Pa , yesterday James Reed, a private in Battery B, 5th U. o. Artillery, was mrown irora a wagon ran over and killed yesterday at Atlanta Georgia. A dispatch from Napa, Cal., announcea a boiler explosion on the farm or rv. i. Soead, instantly killing Willis Crowe, Geo. Piatt and U. Lavis. Tbe British ship Oriflsme, from London fnr Han TJ'ranrifiro hM heen hurned at Baa. The crew arrived at Wilmington, Cel., on an Italian oarque. A Nashville dianatch reuorla the assassi nation of James Goodman, in tbe eastern nart nf Oil pa cnuntv. Tenn.. and the arrest of W. W. Rea on euspicioo of being the murderer. Colonel John C. Bnrch. Secretary of the United Slates Senate, who has been ill for some time, with organic disease or tbe heart, died at bis residence in Washisgton yesterday. " BLACK-DRAUGHT " makes chills and fever impossible. t For sale by J. C. Munds. A SPE,KrfDlD OPPOBTCNITY jTO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAND DISi TRIBUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. AUGUST 8, 1881-135ila Moaitla- ly DrawiDK Louisiana State Lottery Compaq : IncorDorated in 1818 for 15 Tears br the Leelala tore for Educational and charitable porposes with' a capital or fl.COJ.UUO to which a reserve rone er over f4W,uuu naa aince neon aaaea. t By an overwhelming popular vote lta franchise waa made a part of the preient State UonaUtutioa adqptesl December Sd, a. D. 1870. J ' ITS UBANU SINGLE MUSUJut DitAWINUS will take place monthly. IT NEVER SCALES OB POSTPONES. Look at the following Distribution : CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DQLLAES UALr TICKETS. ONE DOLLAB. . LIST OVFEIZKB. I Capital Prlae EACH $30jM0 10400 1 CaptUlPrtee......... 1 Capital Prise S Prisea of $3000 , w nun 7 vw. ....... .... np nun 01 '-'aw.M.'.i.A.t..'. 100 Prisea of 100. rnw w( - w. ..... . 600 Prisea of SO....... 1000 Prizes of 10... APP&OXLHATION PHIZES: S 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 9 Approximation Prizea of 800 I a9 Approximatton Jtlaea of 100. . . .. . 1-SlPnses, amomtlnz to V.:.v.'... $110,400 . KOBponaibla torreepondlng Agents wanted at all promCaent POtote, to whom a lUMral compeaaatkm For rartner rarormaaon. write clearly, giving full Letter or Money Order by xaau. Addresaedontr to - - m-. tau a. Muriiirir' 4 . . :. New.:prleasa, lslaliuaa orM. A. DAUPHIN, ata-Njh.vsA i::- f-KA- t: t All out GrsAdSxtraordinarr Drawfnsra are aada the raperviaion and nuuiafement of GENERALS G T. BEAUREGARD and JtJBALA. BABLY ' ' . i: '; J- XQTIO& TO THKPUBLia3 S na'rAmM art AifWW OATOfONteTV Xftrwsl SENDiMU AUYhW? OBOSDBKS to NUNB8 A 83 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. nsy arejiooatng uu eomury vitA BOGUS CIMCJ AttS rurvortina to be of Tha Loultitm Staid JLt. lery Company, and or FRAUD ULKNTLY reprt ttnilna (Amaelve as A aentt of Ths LomitiaM&du Lottery Gmtpanyi They hm no aOhority to ZjkteA of Wt Company, and art not u agemu,-, y . , :u .; p jPrt. Louisiana State Lottery Cx. v New Orleans, La.. July 4, imu , - . , v 1 ?It ia.osaw4ww.v' iri"u-vmn- ? rnt TTi' -is-j.1 JItv . -r ' f Weekly Democratic Newsiupei - - Jr. ' - -' - . 1 v - 1 . . 1 ' . " Pmhlishedit . Terma $s.oo A year to advanceJ , Send fox a spa : cimencopy.l it. too 10,100 10, M0 10,000 10,000 10,000 i 3,t00 1,800 00 09MMERC1A W,I I II I N o:n f M A 1 r Kv tw STAR OFPXCB, Joly 28, 0 fM. SPIRITS TURPEIfTINE The - mar ket Opeasd flim - atl88 Cents per gallon with.salea reported of 800 casks at that pt ice, closing d nil. ", ; r; UOSLN Tbo .market wjas flim at f 175 for Strained and $1 80 for Good Strained, at which prict slots are taken as offered. TAU Sales of receipts reported at $3 $0 per bbl of 280 lbs., au advance i 25 cents on Usi repoiu. Market flim. . CRUDE -TURPENTINE The matket opened wettk and irregular at 1 2 80, with sales reported later in tbe day at at $2 65 for Yellow Pip au Virio. i- COTTON Market riim. with , small sales reported on a basis of 10$ ceois per lb for Middling. Tbe following were the quutalioua of. the day: Ordinary..... 7f cents fJ lb 7f ! 10 Iff Uood Ordinary. ...... Strict Good Ordinary Low Middling Middling Good Middling PEANUTS Matket firm, with sales on a basis of 3540cts for shelling stock, CO cts for Ordinary, 70 ceuls for Prime, 80 cents for Extra Prime, and 9095 cts for Fancy CORN Market steady, , with sales as of fered at 62iG3 cts for mixed and 64 cts for white, in bulk, 64J65 cts for mixed and 6667 cts for white, in bags, aod 72 cts for mixed and ?5?7J cts for white, from store. RKCEIPTK Collon Spirits turpuutiue ftosin. ........... Tar. Crude iurpentiutt. . 20 bales, 353 casks. 1.310 ibbls. a a . 10 " .880 " I ilMllt lUAHHIin. Illy Tetecraph.to the Morning Star financial. Haw Yokk, July 28. Noon Money firm at 3a3i per cent. Sterling exchange 4S2&484. State bonds dull. Govern ments quiet and Him. Eveuiog Money 23 per cent, bler- lins; exchange 4S3. Uovernmuote strong and higher; new Uvea lllf; oe four and a half per cents 114; new four per cents llQi. btate bonds dull. Ojmmeramt New Yobx, Joly 23 Noon. Cotton firm, with sales of 1,018 bales; middling uplauds 11 cents; Orleans 12 cts. Futures steady, witn sales at the following prices: July u.ot eeniB; August 11.00 cts; Septem ber 11.37 cents; October 10.78 cts; Novem ber 10.48 cents; December 10.48 cts. Flour quiet aod unchanged. Wheat fHc higher. Corn quiet. r ork weak at ft lb 25. Lard heavy at $12 20. Spirits turpentine 41 cts. neein $a uo. - jfreighls Arm. Evening Cotton Arm; middling uplands lit cents; middling Orleans 12 cents; sales 1,704 bales; consolidated net receipts 2,179 bales; exports to Great Britain. 1,062 bales; to France Goa bales; to tne Continent 816 bales. Southern flour steady and'auiet: common to fair extra $5 255 65; good to choice do 17 oo. Wheat hqo Detter, With moderate export business aod fair trade in options; ungraded sprins: 82catl 06: un graded red $1 081. 30; mixed winter $1 23Ql 23i; No. 2 red July 1 25fl 264 ; ao August i zc&i -an; ao September 1 27 i al Zoi. Corn atc better and more active. closing firmer; ungraded 4658 cts; No. 2 white b8f09 cents; No. 2 July 57Ka57tc: August 67ia57t cents ; September 68 sy cts. uau iitc better; no. 3, 454 cts. Coffee firm with moderate demand. Sugar dull snd unchanged; fair to good refining 7 1-lwaiic; renned lower; standard A Vic Molasses quiet and unchanged. Rice in moderate demand and steady. Spirits tur pentine dull and weak at 41 c Rosin quiet at $2 052 07 i. . Pork doll, heavy ana lower; new $is ao; miaaies quiet and very strong; long clear Vf cts; short 10 cts. Liard lower at ftia. Freights quiet. Cotton Net receipts 27 bales; gross bales. Futures closed firm, with sales of 74.000 bales at tbe following quotations: July ir.tw&u 5 cw; August Ii.y4ii.95 cents; September 1L3611.37 cts; October 10.70ia7l cenU; November 10.4910.60 cenU;.December 10.49Q10.50 cts; January 10. 61 10.63 cents; February 10.7310.74 cents; ttaxeh 10.86310. 87 cents; April 10.97 tuceats. BALrmoBJa, July 28- Flour steady; Bo ward' street -and western super $3 60 4 S5; extra $4 25Q5 25; family $5 506 ISO; city mills super 43 604 60; extra $4 75 5 25; family $6 757 00; Rio brands $6 50a6 62; Patspsco family .$7 25. Wheat southern .urmerj western, higher, firm and inactive"; southern red ft! Il 24; amber fl 28l: 26; No. 2 -western: winter red 00 spot:And July delivery 41 24f 1 24t; August crenvery $1 a4ai54i :Ber tember delrvery J fl zul! 27; . October delivery si foai ayf. corn southern rmV:,wwera ; steadyj . aomberh. white t62 ceuu; yciiow.,W cents, usts steady t south ern 40c 1 western white 4315c: mixed 41 Q4261 Pennsylvants 43c.- Provisions firm; mess ijorkr, $18 .5018 75 ;Bu.lk meats shoulaers and clear rih sides -t Dacked 7a lOir cts. :' BsBMhbnlderB 6i cents; clear rm:.naer - ivi cts; nams cents. L&rdWxefioea 12cts. -Coffee steady;- Rio cargoes, orxnnaryo xair, viicts. Su gar dull and weak v A sof t S cents. Whis key quiet tft 1 Uil 12. Freights un chansedi... I CaiCAOOvJnly 28. Flour firm. Wheat acUTflrm and WghefiiNp, 2! JDhicago Spring $1 19 cash and July; $1 19 August; f 1 15tl 15f September. Corn strong and .higher; 49f49iocaBb; 49ic July; 480, August; 48448fo .September. Oats active and a shade higher; 44 cash and July; 80c August; 28Jo September and October, i Pork 4oU, weak and lower at $13 10. Lard unsettled and lower at $11 85. Bulk ' meats easier shoulders $S 85; rib sides $9 25; clear sides $9 .35. . Whiskey steady and unchanged. . SL Liouis, July 2& Flour nominally unchanged i r Wheat higher; No. 2- red. fall $M3i3tl8J cashjfl 2lil 21f Septem ber; Corn ; higher ; 48i49e. cash; 48i 4916 September.,,, Oats highsr; . 404Uc casUi8fp AngttSL,; Pqrk;: easterr-jobbiug lots $1$ SOT CBulk meats qaiet-shoulders $6 45; rib sides $9 50. Bacon firm--sbould-err$7 75j- r'ib sides $1.;10J. Larffxobmt nally lower it$U 7f.r .Whiskey, steady at C.;;i.WrTUN nAKKBTS. iwy Tclesiraph to the Horning 8tar. July 28 GalVoaton, firm at ill cts net receipts lQQJbales; Jiorfolfe,, firm at It cts iief piirt W0' biUei.Mttmote; firm at 11 ll-iq ceotsnet; receipts. 218 bales; BostoiCquler si 1 If osfcjruHMnpiuaii aieaay at iif cts net receipts . 670 bales: SavadnalL buiet and steady wft b quotattons revised t 1 1 cts n et Mceipts 493ieJes; New Oxleiari; firm at 11 cents net receipts 833 bales;- Mobile firm krUinclsftet5.ip puuLeaMjr ; w -ceucs-r-nci receipts 00 bales ; Augusta, steadyit O cents net recelf til ,77ales; Charleston, quiet at 10 cts-nef wceltsJSOJbalea.-- lKHPOOI,Jnly.:--v28Nw active and firmer;?' up)anda 6-lUlrld : Ori leanretdi iitBtfWnttjo .WHtmeltWBXPor oa speculation telpts 6,i00 bSlei", . of1 whicb 4,950 v7tts American, upianas.1 m c, iuiy aeiiver 618-1CS0" 27-S2d; ' July and August de livery 0 13 16.32T82d; August M September-delivery 0 13-166 27 82 J; Sep tember and October delivery 60 13 32d; Octoberand November delivery 1 6 3 82d; November and December 61 83U 1 16d. Futures strong. 'V . - Long clear middles 44s 6J. ' 180 P, M Uplands 45 It -O lns- 8 13 16d) low middllogtiplanaa 6 7 16 1; good ordinary 5Jd; ordinary 5d; sales wet e 14,000 bales locsptculaiion and expir; uplands, I m c, August and Septemtjer delivery 6d; October and November delivery -Ct li ... 8 P. M. Uplands,: 1 m c July delivery 6d; July and August delivery 4 30 P. M Uplands, 1 m cr xSovtmbet and December delivery' 6 1 32d ; Sales of American cotton to dy 11,000 bales. . ,.. -.t, .'f . ' Z .Jg . 5 P M.tiaiMl 27-82d; July and August dviivety 6 27-82d; August and - September delivery 6 2?-32d. Futures barely steady. ' ; . . ; : J y London, July 27, 4 30 MSpfirits -turrnanen3ls-6dX;;iS:' . . For AimanaieJraiy 20: r -j , Suh (1868. . . . 4 . i . t 0O6 L- Sii kJIAU LWW ...... . . ........... . W AM.. High Water ISmithville). . . . . . 0.50 Even. (Wilmington.., 1.50 Morn. Day's Length...;.. 14h. OOra. c; ARRIVED, . Stmr Elizabeth. Wilkioitun, riiuiihvillt-, Joseph Uisbee. : : Steam yacht Passport, Harper, Smith" ville, master. cleared: Stmr John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caa Well, R P Paddison. Stmr '.Elisabeth, Wilkinson. Simtlivillef Joseph Bisbee. Steam yacht Passport, ilarpei, Srnith- tlle, master. itlAUINE DIRECTORY. las of veaaela la an P or wn . aaliiKSon. ff . C J a ly 29 . 1 8 8 1 . ThlsliBtdoea not embrace veseeia nuder SOtoua. BARQUES. Lya (Nor.), 252 tons, Biers Id sen. Heide & (Jo Sosteik (Nor.), 306 tons, Gutormseu. Heide & Co Liv (Ger.) 256 loos, Munseu, lieide & Co uuias. Dauphin (Hnytien), 109 tons. Morton. Northrop & Cumming Uri.ce ijotnrop. 141 tons, uranam. . EG Barker & Co Ceres (Nor.), 195 tons, Olsen, Heide & C Mary A Comery, 848 tone, Teiry, JW Taylor JSxpri si twer ). 2o tons. Fretwoisr. E Peschau & Wesiermann Brazuliao (Not.) 320 tons, Berge. CP Mebane SCH90NERS. Jos Souther, 380 tons. Watts. " ' J HChadbourn & Co Siam, tuns.' Bragg, Geo Harms & Co Mary Rear, 164 tons, Chad wick. Geo Harries & Co Francouie, 227 tons, Falker, E G Barker & Co John A Griffin, 405 tons, 1 Foster. Geo Harrisa & Co Florence N Tower, 175 tons, Adams, E G Barker & Co Notick. If the signal letters oi any res sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telegram. JOTOKTB CAROLINA. BLADKN COUNTY, IN SUP EEIOR COURT J. McK. Half or d. Adm'rof W. U '. McK. Mnlford, Adm'rof W. U. -v Porter, dee'd, ve. L 4ry A. Porter, 8amnel T. Porter, 1 J. H. Porter and otheis. - ) pi Vary Order for Publication. This action ia bioaght by tbe Plaintiff, as ibe Ad miniauator of W. H-. Porter, deceased, against the above named Defenaants and others, heirs at law of said W. H. Porter, to obtain a license to sell the real estate of said W. H. Porter, situated in Bladen voanty, to create aaseta 10 pay tne aeDta or said aeceaaea: ana n appearing UU tne uerendanta, Hamnel T. Porter and J. if. Porter, are non resi dents of thia 8Ut3. the aaid SAmntJ V. Fnrtpr and J. H. porter are therefore rcaaired and commanded to appear before tha Clerk or Aha Baperior Coort of Buraen eonty. t ou omce in Kuzaoetntown. M.U.. An VmI -lhA ftth Am-w r,f BMAmKA 1QQ1 answer or demur to the complaint filed in thia action. Or Judgment will be rendered (or the relief oemanaea in ue complaint. Ordered. That thia notice bo nnbllabed. nnrA a week for tlx weeks consecutively in The Morning ox., a newspaper pnoiunea in tne uity ol Wu mliurton. N. 0. - - I I . In tealimODT whereof I hava hmnatn i8KAi ;t my hand, end afnzed the aeal or my i offlce, thia the 3 Jth day of July, A.D.1681. H. A. BTKUBULN, Jr Clerk Supenor Conn of Bladen County! Jy2ioaw6w fr ;34TH Popular Monthly Drawing of the Gommonwealtli Dislritntion Company. In the dty of Louiarille. oa Saturday, July 30th, 1881. These drawmgaooess moatbiy Sundays except ed) under provWona of an Act of the Qeneral as. sembly of Leataokyr- iaeorporatinK the Newport x-riu uuK.Buu n trwapauer vw., approyea April , ltfTa. 18 A HPSCIaL ACT, AXU2 HAS M- The United BUtes Circukcoart ea March 81 ran dered the following decislona.: - 1st. THAT TUB COMMONWEALTH OlSTRI- BUTIUM UUMPANX IS AJtU Al. , - - - - ' tdriTS DRAWINGS ARB FAIR. The Company: has now on hand a large reserve THB JULY DRAWING. 1 Prise... ...tmooo W0Prias;looeahinrinn 1 Prize....... 10,000 S00 Prfaea 60 each 10,000 ; i rnaa.,4. . . o,uw wi maea au eacn li.ooo 10 Prises $1000 10,000 1,000 Prises 10 each 10,000 SOPriaea 600 10.000 dr - t 9 Prisea $300 each. Approximation Priaea, 3.TO0 fl Priaea 200 each. " i arm Prisea 100 each, - ''' aoo 1,960 Prises. - $lia.4C0 Whole Tickftta. A3. Half Tickets. Si . S7 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Lnttar. nr annri h Bzpreea. DON'T SEND BY RBGlbTBRBD LET TBR OR POaTOFFICB ORDBB. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address allordera toB, M. BOARBMAN, (CourierJonrnal Buildine.) LOUISVILLE. Kt.. orT. J. COMMBRFOKD, SOS Broadway, N. Y. 17 1 aoaw tu tn sa Clark's New Method for Beed Organs. Thia wonderfnHT Bnceeaaf nl book, atni aolla ly, year after year, and seems to be a permaneat success. A good taatruetlTe coarse, rery fine se lections and arrancementa of aaoA Kel Drain Maic,aceoaat .ror the favor in , which It la held. Price $S 60.- IN PRESS AND NEARLY READY : A new book for Choirs, 1, By ; A new book of Trios for By Female Veicej. . OPerkins AMATRTTB tivttvAitlVtTt AST ah ner's Band of Four,($l 00). with muaic for four to books, aaak$l-t5; - s THB mWiiriniant.tTVMic kn-.; tub AlMXWc; BILLBB TAYWB tOc; are' given imiwwrei x uie euuiuna ana wonaeruuiy cneap. it- (s ,1 CH Ag. H. D1TSON CCL4 t:J R DITSON CO . .. rlw,i I wibm au, rait JylSdA-wtf Wed A Bat a QHR!rJG;?ArjD;i:;G.ur.ipGR;"- im i JUSTt OPENED THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF ALL TUE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Dress Goods, Wliite; G G-loves,- Housekeeping Goods, Curtains Towels, Men and Boys' Wear, AND HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES TOO NUMEUOTJS TO mkn TION, ALL BOUGHT AT THE LATE Decline in Prices ! FOR EXTRAORDINARY GOOD BARGAIN CALL AT ap3 tf Finest FaippTeas ttmortBil. BEING SOMEWHAT FAMILIAR WITH THB SELECTION OF CHOICE TEAS, I flatter myself I have the most Select Assort ment of GUNPOWDERS, IMPERIALS. YOUNG HYSON, NATURAL JAPANS AND BLACK TEAS ever brougfet to Wilmington. These Teas are bought only from' the IMPORTERS, And are sot only genuine, but the very FINEST OF THEIR KIND. Send for Sample. JNO. L. BOATWRIGHT, 111S North Front St. Fresh Roasted, Fresh Ground Java, Laguayra and Rio Coffees, I grind my Coffees every hour duricg the day, bd can guarantee freshness. Jno. L. Boatwrielit, Xos. 11 & 13 N. Front St. jUtf REMOVAL. rown tt Roddick 4l market St. rpAKB GREAT PLEASURE IN INFORMING their patrons and the general public that they will occupy No. 1 NORTH FRONT STREET (formerly occupied by Boatwright McKoy), on or about September lEth. The same is now being thoroug h ly renovated, enlarged and fitted up as a FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS STORE. Previous to our removal we have determined to RBDUCB OUR STOCK, in order to avoid moving it, and will offer such BARGAINS that cannot fail to convince all that WE MEAN BUSINESS. ON MONDAY, JULY 18TH, And until further notice, ALL FANCY DRESS GOODS and PARASOLS AT COST. Patrons will please take notice that all Goods sold at such price are STRICTLY CASH. 45 market street. 1y 17 tf vj m & er '"" Com. Flour. Bacon. . JUSTBiCBIVBDANCIN BTOJUl 10 0 Q FLOUR, all grades 2 1 0'fl Smoked and Dry Salte&BtDBS. OKA Bags COFFEE, different grades. Extra Q and C; 100 Tubs Choice Jj.f Bbleand Boxes Freak CAKES; AjQ Boxes B!I POTASH, t :- J 200 : V 1 QQJBbJrea and Kegs SODA, : JQ Boxes SOAP, til A Half Bbl a. and Bases SNUFF. . , yDoaen BUCKETS, t Reams Wrapping PAPER, Hoop Iron, Nails, Hay, Oats, Randolph Yarns and Sheetings. For sale low by Jy 34 tf WILLIAMS A MUKCHISON. THE LiANDMARK, - FCBUBHXD AT Leading He Wapapr in T7esterii IT orth oell County one of th largest and wealthiest sous. Ilea in the 8tateand has attained larger loca , circulation than any paper ever heretofore published In the county; - --Jbt-:.v- .w,;.. ,. . . ;. . ... .... ) - . . ' . j It dmihHiMi t Atari "ijrTlir-a alii. ghany. Yadkin, Davis an&.IxedelV is larger than that of mit two nanera ta tha ' HtA , ninMul mA Is rapidly acodrlBastionir foothold in Forsyth, Surry, Bowaa, and wester6(ick It Is the only paper In Western North ttsMlina thus kept constantly before the people. Under thia BjrDiwa mnuuur laemawnaj arcuasou is tn result maklngthe 7taifTaBjC su-l ' :'- -. TaUBESTADVBBXlSTNOifZBPIIJiri ADDRBSft, md;vv ; i. A NDITX A&K. " imi mf cop;;i88i. npTjKNIP AND CABBAGB SEED (ALL VABIBt TIES), for sale Waolesala and 'Retail, at Xowest Mafkea Prtee, by "t'if iUi -1 Jt'H.' TLA3tiDTtr t-iVti.tj Jyt4tf Druggist and Beed Dealer, New Market; Villi DOL BvwAnaAoanuis dVlJ V ... .. .undar4 a: - Jt MOxesaseorteavAxtmc,-" - oqds, Laces, Hosiery, 36 Market Street. P. L. Bridgers & Co. THAT ELEGANT TOKAY WINE, Now used by the Preeident, Ia within tbe reach of all men. Prico $1 50 per gal. A Fr ah Snpp'y of ROYSTER'S CANDY Jaet Received. Call early and make your B3leciions BEST GILT EDGE BUTTEIt, SO Centii per Pound. A small lot of SPRINGFl'LD HAMS left; positively tbe laet of Ibe seiscu. OUR STUART'S RYK Is the Best Whiskey for the raocc-y in the Bute, unless it is the VIKOINIA OI.ADUe, Which defies ccmpetiliou. Give us a trial and you will not be dif appoint d. P. L. Bridgers & Co. Jyn if Forest and Stream. AND ROD AND GUN THB AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'H JOURNAL A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED To FIELD 8 PORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL UK TORY, FISH CULTURE, PBOTECTIOW OK GAME, PRESERVATION OP FORESTS. YACHTING AND BOATING, RIFLK PRACTICE. AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND tSTUl" This Is the only Journal in the Country thai ruiir supplies the wants and necessities of the GonUemsin' Sportsman. TERMS $4 00 a Year. Send for Biwcimei. Fens 4c Sreuuaa JLfufeistins 1o 111 FULTON BT.,(OuNo. 108.) 4 ,'. : - New York. Post OalpB Boat S8g. : v sent t7-a The UarionStar. npHB OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED 1M X the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and mostprosperona in the State, offers to Commissioi and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and te those who have adopted the plan of selling by sample,' an eaceUent nwdTsm' o eommunicatlon with a large and Influential class of merchants, mo chanies.planters and naval store men, whose pat ronage is worth solidution. . Advertisement u ri Business Cards inserted on liberal terms. ,. Address TUB NTAK, septSStf . station. H ' WILHIilGTON MERCHANTS WTiLf1ND THE LAUEINBUEQ ENTERPRISE THE BEST MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH TO ADVERTISE . AI.r. AND WINTER GOODS among the people of Robeson, Richmond and A n son counties, in North Carolina, snd In the border eonntiea of Smith fbimllnaTTh JCNTltKFKiSK has a large mad increasing circulation In the P" uee anauape jrear sections -or tnis staie; ubtiub nhtalsAit a Ibiva rtH latin In the latter dariVU tbe six months It was published In Payettevilie befow its: removal' to Lsaruburg, and tn the furme' vntnta tne last two montna. - - AdverUsemeata wiU be inserted v th moult. quarter and year at reasonable rates; Address M. t; HcDCFflE, DAWtf Lanrfaturx.N. Six Rice Hortars, jriTtt LIFT PESTLES5 ' . . AND GKERTNG COM r I. a a, Jet5oawW-k '-'Ut:T9lKi- Ow xv a AFTKR JTJNB 1ST mt shop H0UK . will be changed, as follows t Shop opens ' ad . IT: and rAaatm- at A OA P. If. excsDt- Hatur days), thus affording- my Joorseymen ao OPI" nliy td enjoy the recreation doe to every one d urine the warm soasca. - During Shop Hours ws aoay al ways be found at Our posts prepared for boainess. myssir uespectruuy, a. v. rniaw