br ittorninxi tar. . p. w. .. V as ii not saiu 07 soma great sage Phut life ia ao unwritten page ? Wo writs put, fate, aod wbeupld KejG( Or death comes on . . . . . , .1 We drop the pen,i -; 1? -r-1 . . ' . '. " -' c ;.l For gooa or HI, irOHl Uay ia aYi , Ech deed we do, each, wotd Wc any, , Makes its impress opou the Which moulds tbe minds Of other laieh..' A 1.. I H rnr anla and wnritit at-., uilu . S.iwn o'er the DaSt. whence fiinlretirtHa 1 S;r i up, to form oar wbett or weed? ; Sj reap weVhen. 1 .4. i I Argoy. , UIJTIIKN ITKltl. - senator ueorge says mat' me jufeti of his colleague, Senator Lamar. would he "a calamity not only to Missis sippi, but to the whole Sooth. The coming" -event has been chr a u tied "Tha Baltimore October (Jele- broiion of 1881," and tbe grand parade ia to' be cslied "loo unul rfoceMiQn.? J. VVofford TckerrLL.'D.,f- S.ofoui. t U , baa beea elected a delegate . .... V.n...tiul I Wr.u. , 1 I 11 C A u ujxju rvu uuu l.u,g v. ism, which will meet in London,. England. Cork trees are being sacoeesfoU y is. il .n Georgia. Tbe cork on sou&of. a ; r-i int iu is nieauy mica, enougn iur oset Jm t,iipiKr.-d the trees cad be successfully raised in iii .'1 it 1 le Sou mem Stales. ' - - The suueriotondent of the Now ( ). : u Atuii reports tbal he, will.ldnriag iu ui vmirnt of 1 be cotton and sugar cane c o, 1 ui ut fnim New Orleans 8,(X)0,QOO 1.. 10 uoo.OOO 8!aUard dollars. . - The New Orleans Democrat c xiipliius that "a ttn-Jency has beenthown liit-iv t paint houses f a Itrown, dark yel low. r rome Kmure color. ar m ! u;ne wooden huu-es out of ten in New O .i; 'tie white." An Atlanta firm owdh a bed' ..! tn-toiy which turntrd out 75 000 bd .'1 enr and will make 125,000- ilu- n. 'ir prest-nt yenr. Ibe faciuiy. is at .o ! ii. Tenoej-seK. Twele mlfsraew are k ii n -U". toad and tweniy-flfe men . are k pi mi At lauta to handle the bedsteads. , TVINBaYic3S- "1 li-rc are. five hundred, men in N 'Y. k i;H4 h worth $3. 000, 000 or more. An ;iiui-frand ballot-box, adopt- ! in H-'s n, iKister8 Ihe ballots as they ii:,.p .t. ii kq automatic stamper marks :i, in. A giil opened a barbershop at It mer. 111., and closed it in a month, hav- itr nlready married one of tbe men whom t-tir abaved. There it a good deal of human i.:ure in clothes-wringers. An Altoona trirl bad her band badly squeezed by one. Philadelphia JSetM. The invested capital in coal m in- in tbe United States is worth $150, 0 ) (KX s ainst $50,000,000 in 1870 an in c "f !9- pr cent. Tha ouipdt has in-c- s i imin 15.55)6.257 toos ia 1870 to 27,- 413 320 'n9 in 1880 a gain of 75 percent. Tlieite figures tell tbe tale of the failure of coil mining to pay a profit. Tr.rc was a young cke named Deveaux, Wh a l)icyc!e-rilioe would geauz; But h Boon cangbt a cropper - (A c-per not proper) And louml that bis cake was all Jeaui. S ui Tii'inbkkin purchased a yacht .V -I liMuflf a Qne sailor ho thacht; Lint he capsized one dny i . ills; miditof 'he bay, A 'd "drowned" right tbtie on the r Hi III. SomerviUe (Mass ) JottrnaL PHIIA1,. General llazen nays that in an Iudian tiktht ia 1.S5D ho received a wound j let I ke the President's. It in now slated that, the dean- M) ( V'et-tmiit.itr ha Ix-tu Hoed to ihe I! v. Henry MootnKu liu'U r, head-Diaater ui Hatrow tfchfKl, who will pr fcably r c. pt Sittinir Bull han named one of t.,-i twins "Toe War Ia Over." His daugh i-'. be-Who-Qlances-al-YoQ-as-Bbe- Wnik-," is furteen years old and a very ii ivr ii l. Great has been the circumstance that surrounded tbe recent extraction of a ir ulilesomts tooth that belonged to the :S!i.n of l'criia. Uis entire court waa ii i Hiit to witoess the awlul spectacle, and lining the same day he received no fewer itmn :,(XX) ducats aa preeents of coogratUH ! it ion Dean Stanley waa a great admi rer of Biet tlarle's wuik. and during f rt-nt conversation with that gen tie man he c d. half lauiiboglv. yet witb earnestness. 'l ilo not wtni you to be in a hurry to quit tins world. Mr. Ilarte. but. if you die ne t-re me, I g jall certainly put you in Weat- m iiHier Abosy. DRAS1ATIC NOTCJI. John McCalloueh ' sail for1 America on tbe 6th of September. Sol Smith Russell begins his te tson at Grand Rspidt, Mich., oa tbe 23 J. Jananachek has added "Winter's Tale" aod "Henry VII L" to her repertoire. sod will play in them tbe coming winter When Sarah Bernhardt entered ou ber London engagement the reserved the right of selecting one member of the company, and every one eappOEed this be her sister Jeanne. Bui it proved t be 0:10 M. Augclo, who played with ber. in ibis coualry. A young lady who is engaged as leaOintr suDDort wim a prominent legiw- " Vtp a m i . . mate star, says the lie w loiKiinwis n member of one of the oldest aod most opted families of Alabama, and yet sbe will not allow of tbe fact being made public, pre- frrnog to earn her reputation by her merits and not bv her social connections. - How !- uhar 1 KverT farmer in America la.or snouia oe, n.teie8led in 6U Jacobs UiL r " . Mosauitoes - M-.-K.'s.? mdk and smile their sweetest amile on yoa, we would ad rise you to sleep not unprotected lrom yoar eoaaiaa, aa the loss of bloed which taey will m-rmj-t in mulilfnilffl r th1r entertainment. Will cortaiary weaken yea. GO to B8HKSNDS MUN HUK. H. K mv. Mark at and A Hta.. WUmiaatOD. N. O., and buy one of those kandaanae Moeqalto neis. a larae stock or ruruiture ior aaio. an u Pnre water. - . . --. "r j ' ' .'-X f " "A'Xi OUR DRIVE ear. atmolac WELLS ARB THE CuXAP- atmDleat and surest sources of pure eater ananlv to he had nndar around. . . . a asexk. Cbey com aau as macn aa open weua ana are iiw icvu all the ejections common te them. Can be put Ceea aoywhere, reqalrtBg the labor of two men one 10 two hours. (Send for rpoeial tthjsttuted Circular j aa pneca. . . T. V. KING A CO.," " g) . I V ir JIU Ni a-Jla ajasF IT I prewrfstion of Protoxide ef IrotvT'PwivlM. - firt nV th Paosnha'ea.. aeseeiaff 'trlth th. p iS5?tabl Aromattce. Endorsed by the Medical I "n, n J Jnyndby them for y- CkrBlleCliIUa mad Vmw ltn mnaai ij m Jr. Barter Iedjow C; St lonii. 'JOalaweararecelYlngdaOy: ' : , ,.."- vtwrnaMKHM three noon tha ajrvl bena tbe ff f DbuJOabtkbss Ibox Tomctpon tba ad. mju immuiwuo inewm virtue. I was fetiaa from general debiutv n nick that myTbor waa exceed lnir bard enaome tome. a yacauon or a month did not gire km macb re Uer -m tte eoatraxy. waa followed by ln creaaed proatratloa and alnklitr chllla. At thla um3 1 Dtjran tne ase or your iaox Tome, from 1 " r. anaeu aiamt jmmeuata ana woaderral- nara nsed torea hoUlMoffhoTmnp n n 1 1 ii... jIam a. . - i.w . v. a oaame time daring my Ulneaa. and with doable tha . . A II. . o WVUV . . U.R 1U.IT 1IIMI 11 1 f 1 111 wnA ease, with the tranquil nerre and vUrorof body, baa come alao a ' or thanvht kam enjoyed. If tbe Tonic baa not done the work, I luaow not what. A (rive it the credit, fc-v I Uot mefally yoor. Troy, O., Jan. 2,1878. Pastor dulatlaa Chorch. or Sale by Draggtets and General Dealers Everwbtie ; eePeeiWly TRIAL fat' ita,is7a WE WILL SEN D OH 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro-Voltaic Appliances suffering frrnn TfrrrnnaWrailTnrawrw. Clrn erml lebtliry.- toss of nerre force or vliror. or any disease ramlting from Abuses and Othsb Caimsk, or-to-aua mm afflicted with Rhenma- tism. Neuralxia, JParalysla. gpinal Difficolties, Klditey or Juiver Troublea, : Lame Back, -Sup-turua, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Alan womeit troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. 8teedv relief and eomnlete ' restoration to htfillh Kuaranteed. Ttie are ibe onlv Klertrle ABBliauaees ttuat -Marre ever bon eonstraeted anen neientlfienrim- tleti. Their thorouRh efficacy has been prac tiitUly proven with the most womleriul aiircMM, and they lamve tle bigbeai endanipiiata fronaiMe4ieil and eien aifie imd, nnd from tanndreal wlao Inave een anlcailjr naaH rndlrHlIy carett by their use. SfcTMl at ooe for Illustrated Pamnhlet. elvinar all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BZLT CO., XarahaU. Kick. je8DeodiWly cawefr IRON BETTERS are highly recommended for all iiseases requiring a certain and efficient toaicj especially Iudig-ction, Dyspepsia, Inter mi ttcnt Fevers Want of Appe tite, Loss of StrengthZaiclc of Energy, etc. Enrkhcp ihe blood, strengthens Cie muscles, end glees new life to tie nerrvx, Tcy act'Cfes a charm on the digw'.iye organs, removing alldspeptie eymptonasucli fts biMy ike food, helekiwfr hmt in. the stomach, heartburn, etc, The only Iron Prvparotion that will not blacken the teeth or headaelte. Write for the ABC liook, 32 pages amusing and useful reading, sent free. BROWN CHJSMICAIj COMPANY, ; i " ? lSaUixnaa-e.: lid. ? - Jan 39 DAWly arm -j -. Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion ? If - so, a few applfcatferasrof Pagan's MAGNOIIArBAiairtni grat liy yo tf joinr heart's con tenU :Uj9 W S1 loiraess, ediiess Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases And !mperfectlm6f the skin. It overcomes therflnsned appear ance of heaVfhttoa and ex citement. It mates a ladyof THIRTY appearlmt TWEN TY; d so natnral gradual, anof perfect are: Its effects, that it is ImpossiWe ta detect its application I 1 T M S fti. as 81m arm' ....... . . . . . - . N OBTH OAHOLIN&i BLlDKN COUNTY. . IN SUPKK10B COTJBT - . -. - , j Porter, dee'd. t wm I KnrAm POrter!3aSwI t POKejl l Publication. r 1 w. ix. roner ana owera. This action Is brought by the Plaintiff, aa the Ad ministrator of W. IL Porter, deceased, against the above named DefendanU and others, heirs at law of said W. n . Porter, to obtain a license to sell Ike real estate of said W7 H. P(rter, situated In Bladen 1 deceased: ana k PflBt!r-' ::xrT? m w uA MAa vrra unwav ann -m n ruria. sua uvm aver ,-1 Thi. mma Rum.. Porter and J. H. Porter are wererore Rqaaw l"irrri iA .nnar before theOaak-Of tbe wnperU Ceurt of 1 Bladen county, a bis wuw r.v. J on Monday.. Uie A da a fcpber. iwi. ana wu Avuuaji w - . . - all i SO DSYr ALLOWED. fire, Marine aid life Contiaiiies. Ordered. That this notice be published once a week for six weeks. consecutively in Tha Morning frrSL a iawa4pSSs4Ji US 15tty ol WU mlngton. Kv0i-rflj wkareof I hare hereunto J 8bal Vset my band, and affixed the seal of ray , 1 office, thla tha 2 1th day of July, A.D. 1681. v"A."arBTavaanl(i Clerk Superior Court of Bladen County Wanted li000;Menf .4iitAK .. Xu BUY BUGGIES, CARTS, WAGONS, HAH iv I !A . SadaleaiCoDax Hanea, Blind Bridles, c i 'Bestgooas Ina We-tprlces: .1AIA .ii. S. f..'v-'.-y'. GKBHABDT k 00. H . il . 1 1 f f " i., i t., 1 l?IlIOKS, - x.r,f wnottEiaivB I pyVur qn"oWioniKinDiildbouadferBtooi,rep, eat tie wholeaale 'prices' enenlly. In'.maklna U ftatall orders higher price have to be charged, amTieuaa 1 I I loxevriiitf . j 0 . A ' 110 , - 0 O 12 w ilt' O - 14 .'W-00'- & A 93 ' ;.rS0-Or 8J.iV IU 50 ' 9 50 ' i ' -OO - 14 00 I15aa SO,; lijfS' " is : 10 S ; 14 o 14 , 00 .au 15 -14 tii Stt-o i-'ss ; 8ACXN North Carolina, s- western umoaea .,jr- . Hams.. iirtuUiiMn Sides, 9 b ... . . . - tsnoaiaera,. urr saitea BW a;ii cnouiuerB r.u .-....i. BARKKI-SpIrltflTnrpentlna, : AnmiH TTiinrf ' - . i ' 'Hew New Terkv each. ! Mew Cltv each. ... BKSSWAZ a) S..,...... BKIOTSWlljniBgt,: 9 M. i - nonnoro.1 ....-.... ..... . . SQTTiuir-iStorta carolmay . cApsu::r- Tallow, 9 -..i.v.....'. Adamantine. fi ....... CH HBHS Northern Factory OORNSAIaehcraVftcke WJTTOW Tllil WDU10..M... ;1 63 O 3 00 1 d 7i O. !' It ' T15 . 1ft U0 fcft 20 00 's .a no 10 00 KQQ8... ISfl Mackerel. No. J.e bbL. I D0.1.V M DDI 1 Mackerel, No, 8tthi.., 18 60 4J. 9 CO jia ao thK . f Wa I 4 50 as o 00 r 50-O 1 00 BLOiietS. 0D1 s 00 tars S5 " 00 o too-j S 00 O 4 00 6 0 ao fora ddu.... N. C Herring, Koe, ft keg... Dry Cod. ........... TgVTfT.lta'RH . reravnuaanoto. i,auuu au 67 50 O 68 50 36-10 & 37 00 00 & 51 00 00 00 O 60 00 45 00-O 50 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 t 45 00 00 00 67 00 40 00 45 00 00 00 67 00 00 00 O 70 00 00 00 O 70 00 60 00 O 00 00 B5 90 0 00 0 00 5 CO 6 25 5 75 5(0 1 00 7 50 9 00 io. . 7'. Do. Lobes, Baogh's. Phosphate, ' Carolina fertilizer, Ground Bone. Bone Meal, Flour, NayaaaaQoanc, u Oomplete Manure " Whannns Phoephate Wando Phosphate. - Bersrer A Bute's Phosnh. " rr XxeaUensa Cotton' Fartiilxer rbOUK Fine. V bhl..M.M,.... Super. Northern. V bbl Kxtrado. 14 atbbl.M.. Family vddi...... City Mills sxtra, 9 DDI... - iFamily, 9 bbl. Sx.Family. bbl. 6 00 6 25 6 50 11 72XO ' - 63a. '660 61 58 00 1 25 4tO 10 1 25 60 6 CO 675 13 75 64 "67 65 60 00 1 40 il 141 1 43 1 25 nr nw ' ma k O&AJN Xrn,Va6tore"in oan. Corn, cargo, 9 bushel, in bulk Corn, Cargo, 9 bush.iinbagB uorn, x&Lxeu W oububjvLu uagi Oats, V buahel BedBusa Proof.... . Peas. Cow. baehel....... HID US -Green, 9 a ... Dry, v b HAY Eastern, V 100 &s western, y iuu - di... o inn 1 0 1 15 iWMA a AW ..... HOOP IBON ton LABD Northern, V to 0 00 85 09 11 00 Nona uaroiina, v 9 LTM8-1 bbl.... f .1 00 1 10 IS 00 15 00 13 00 18 00 I 25 LUMBSB Citt SnaxBawxD BhlpBtas,resawea, JU rt RoniFh Bdze Plank. 1M ft. G SO 00 16 00 18 03 22 00 WeatIwdlaCrgoes,aorrrr11rg . to quality, van Dreesea Flooring, seasoned., fntimg and Boards, com mon. S M ft. ....... . . 13 00 ro 0J 00 00 25 00 40 000 11 1 10 90 15 00 00 23 15 00 KOXiABSSS New cp tCuba,hhds New crop Cuba, bbls gal.. 89 O o o o 43 45 8 27 29 80 3 25 12 145 100 18 20 23 SO 25 1 25 70 100 Porto Bicojihda I bbla.. Sugar House, hhds, V gal.. . " bbls, gal.... . ..i. ma .mi BJIS JUWl.T a KAILS Cut, lOd Da OILS Kerosene, V kog. unseed, v kq. ........ ...... 1 Boeln, gat Tar, peral Deck and tipar.per gal PODLTKT CnickenslTerownj spring... Turkeys 13 75 40 40 00 PXA1TOTB V Duahel POTATOES aweet, 9 bushel. . . Irtsh, V taeh POBK Northern, City Mess 83 1C 00 19 03 00 00 15 00 00 00 14 00 ?XO . 7 86 1 40 Prime, V Bums. W bl....... Carolina, w ft Boueh. W buan BAGS Coon try, f) . City, BOPS SALT Alum, 9 bushel . 1 l 14XO 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 10 x 8 9 lCfe 5 5 00 3 00 4 50 00 IX 1 22 75 80 P0 75 Liverpool, ?saex, Lisbon, 9 sack American. sack 8XJGAB Cuba, 9 S ieortoKieo, 90 A Oofiee, 9 & B " 9 to O 9 Xx. c 9 to 10 ia 9 9 11 6. 7 00 230 5 00 v.uiiiifO, .... .... - - SOAP Northern, 9 to tsaxcuusn uon tract, v n. oommon, w Ji..... .......... CypressSap8 9 M, Cv-dtbbs Hearts W H. 7 50 15 00 00 00 6 13 00 14 50 17 50 6 50 BTAVSS W.O.BbL,9M B. O Hhd.,9 M TALLOW 9 TIMBKB Shipping, 9 M IS CO 10 00 5 13 00 13 00 6 50 5 50 4 50 jEXtra snipping Mill Prime, 9 M Mill Fair, M ... Common Mm....' Inferior to Ordinary . V M.... 6 00 4 00 0 00 WH1HKKY Northern, 9 gal. 1 00 500 1 00 S 50 20 23 15 Q S3 10 15 norm vagmiTia, y gat.. WOOL Unwashed, 9 to . wasnoa. m Burry Wool wiiimiNcrroif iionbi aabkei Kzehange (sight) on New York, .......... XdisCt. Malhmnrn V Boston, X " Philadelphia, X " Western Cities. X M Kxehanee 30 days 1 V cent. BankofNew. Hanover Stock... 100 First National Bank... 75 navaMauuanooo. " iw 0. Bonds Oldsx-Coupon 33 Do. Funding 1866 12 Do. " 1868... 12 Do. Hew 4'B. 88 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N. C. Bailroad 93 W. . W. && Bonds 7 e (Gold Int) . 1 1 6 Carolina Central B. B. Bonds, 69c. 1(5 Wil. CoL A Aug. R. R. " 106 Wilmington city uenas, new bvc.iuu 8 9e 100 Few Hanover County... .6 9c 9T W.W. Railroad Stock 100 North Carolina R. K. " 100 WlLGaaLlEhtOo. . t .,.60 Wumlmrton Cotton Mills 100 Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital Sl,0OO,0O0. Casb Capital paid In $300,000 Surplus Fond $50,000. DIREG1 OB8. JOHN DAWSON C. M. STBDMAN ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LBAK ja. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD McBAK H. VOLLEKS H. R. BRIDOEBS F. RHKINSTEIN, BL B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. B. D. WAXxaos. Cashier aug 30-tf Atkinson ) Hanning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wllmlntf n N. C. . 1 i te Capital Represented Over 1100,000,0001 ALL ABOUT West em ITortli Carolina If yoa want to know an ahonftheGarden Spot" of U douiu, aeua ivi a rycv.iuHut ua.uio ; " uis a TWENTkEIQB4X)LCMgr WEEKLY, full of interesting feading matter, and devcted to: the mhereata of .western Norttxolina,. .j,,.,, - XX 1 f Tmv . f INDEPENDENT HERALD, 4 HenderBonville, N. C. Ind . MISCELLANEOUS." The horning Star PUBLISHED DAILY AHD WEEKLY , Subscription Rates In Alliance - DAILY STAR, One Tear, postage paid,.. ....$7 00. -' ' 1 -','fst Months :- ''ivCW- ' ! Three Months ''- "" Kl.;.t 3 25 - . .One 'Month N V00 WEEKLY" STAR,' One, Year postage paid, $1 50 Three Months ' 50 . 1 i Notices of the; Press ; mv. a. .. jMniiiv raw nf the h?at : nsoers in khe State, as brtjrht and newsy as ever. Long life to it. Salem Pre. ..- . , . . n . i A ... tM.mii TnO WUmmgton otak nas enter uu w jyear as pood a paper as any people should, want. i m,tt: -nrtiTmiTiotAn ktati haa entered on Its twelfth 'year. As a daily journal of news it stands "up The Wllmlnffton Stab has entered its twenty- fifth volume. There is no better, paper published in the State, Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered' upon its thir teenth year. It is one of the nest papers m me The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth veer. It has Become one ei uie hhuuub tne Doutu. vxruri iwwii - tnv. Tminn4n Bamtavnl: nnlv oneof the best edited papers In the State, but for freshness of news ana rypograpmca. iimiw ea.. Jackson Reporter. . , m.. tmi i4-A. g.i, la nnn nt fh a vArv best na pers in the Soutb, in every department from typog- rannv ud 10 eanornu uuu; m.4jvpmv.. in., u, kaMnu tf. fa thnmnchlv rollft- ,hle, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, ana in ibge iiowooii. may tho Btab twinkle. ML Airy Visitor. ' Altnougn DlulB ueaa ui uic "i All that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve, is a di ui kuo " magnitude. May its lastre never wane. The Free WiUBaDUsU - PheWnmlncton (N. C.) Mobuiko Stab is amo- - - I.Juul tea fhltiV SA Ha lint ATft9. aerate Its merits when we say it is the newsiest (sec ular) paperpubliehed in tbe South. BichtnondtTa.) Jldiaiow Herald. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon Its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the nest conauccea ana eaueu yturtsn iu uio ouuiu, and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro southerner. mv.a.tnl. aA fawinhlv ImAvn In t.hln section of the State that we can say nothing of wmcn its anonBauuB 01 iiuivic uu uu ncujr It is in every respect one of the beat dailies la the South. Booesonian. The Wflmtnston Rtak haa entered on Its twelfth mnr. Tt ta a most excellent newsDaoer. weU edited a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina lournalism. Charlotte Observer. That ap-nmwnt beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. It is one of the moet brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The svstem In the eet up of the paper surpasses them aSL Tarboro Southerner. The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington 8tab. It has just reached one or its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long ana prosperous life to it Beidsville uvnes. Whv fx it that all the oaners with the name of Star are such bright little Journals t The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington 8tar Fredexlckfl burg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be eomethlng In a name after all Biehmond (Fa.) state., ' t The Wllmlnsrton Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding It as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the Deer of any journal published In the South. Ox ford Free Lance, The WUmhurton Stab Is now takinir the raraiar midnteht Associated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab ia an excellent paper. Its prosperity ia not surprising cince it is so deserving. CharfotU Ob server. Thx MoBsrjra Stab, ene of the best dailies we know, and aa a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best, has entered unon its twelfth year. In every particular the Stab comes fully up to the mark as the principal daily in our chief commercial city; : ieng may it twnxue. juamancs tntaaer. The Wllmlneton Stab has entered upon Its 13th volume, and we are pleased to notice still continues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very . highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa pers that comes to this office. Its news columns are alwavs a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial department Is con Q acted witn mncn anility. Msrgamon xaaus- Humhle In ftateslnnlnes, aa was Inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the eoUaose of the Southern Confederacy. the Stab has steadily 4 -waxed" until It now beams resplendent in tne ruu glow or a constantly ongnt ening prosperity. As a nswspapsr it has few equals, and no superior, for appropriate selection and Ju diciosB arrangement, and we are proud to rank It among our most acceptable exchanges. HUisboro Becoraer. ' The WHmlneton Momrnra Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable suc cess of the Stab is due to Its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (riebtfuliy too). is that It alwavs haa the news, end 'this la the first thing in journalism, otherwise tne paper is au. that the term or "rood newsDaoer". implies, ana its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. may tne neannrni, moral Influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Ootdsboro Messenger. THEKALEIGB Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK &REID Ram S. C , Is the organ of about 69,000 Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest clrculation.of any pa ner in the State. It inves the markets. Becalar and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only S3 .00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. -AdvertlBimt rates liberal. Ian 34 tf The Lincoln Progress Published Saturdays at Unoolnton, N. O. IS the only paper published In Lincoln county and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Farmers and all classes of business men in the State. It offers to the Merchants of Wllmlngtoh -a de sirable medium ror advertising weir nusiness throuffhout Western North Carolina. : ' Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements ' BunscrtDtton price, oo per annum man i- - '(idreaa . v H. DxLANK. . Editor and Proprietor. The Central Protestant ' a "WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS-' jcX paper and the Organ of the Methodist notes taut .Church in North Carolina, is published at totreensDoro,(. u. -.. .... Terms, S3 00 per annum, in advance. -The elisribllitv of Its location, the number and ae tivlty of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand iont among tne more Bona classes -yi seaaere In various sections,' give the CENTRAC peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the adverttsTng public. Terms very ravoranie. consult your on sinews inter eats, ana address the editor . ' QreensBero,N.C Sundries. SACKS LIVKRPOOIVSALT, 2750 ' ' ' Bales CO PTON YABN, " " ' 1.l (i.ln.H.Mma White (KlItlY.' I 1 For sale low for cash." mhSTftf N -- 0. BONEY ft SONS. JOB'P&irdTlfJG, THE 1 K0ENING STAS Steam Printing House, - J ORNWaSTAR BUILDING, tat t-' x-' 111087 THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED T<fTlNQ j : : "1 rij aa '- ' - ! 1 also, i'suu, TILEA TMWAL FOSTERS.. PROGRAMMES .& " BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. ... , STEAMSHIPi STSAMBOA T AND BA1LB0AD WORK EXECUTED IN QUI OKEB . TlMftl AND BETTER STYLE TRAN BJ ANY OTEBBOFFIGE JA WILMINGTON.: FIRST CLASS WORK, AND, LOW PRICES THE MQRNING STAB STEAM PRINTING 0 HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET, . WILMING TON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO AN? PAST ; OF THE UNITED STATES, m C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 7 Hi SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. a LIBERAL OFFERS ! FOE 1881. TWO YEARS FOR.THE PRICE OF OHE THE REPRINTS OP THE BEITISH QUARTERLY, (Evangelical), LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative), EDINBURGH, (Whig). AND WESTMINSTER, (Liberal), k REVIEWS. AND BlaciwM's EWnrgu Magazine, Present the BEST FOREIGN PEHIODICALS n convenient form and WITHOUT ABRIDGMENT OR ALTERATION. TERMS F SUBSCRIPTION (Including Postage.) Blackwood or any one Review $4 00 per annum. Blackwood and any one Review. . 7 00 Blackwood and two Reviews, . ... 10 00 Blackwood and three Reviews .... 13 00 " Any two Reviews 7 00 " Any three Reviews 10 00 The four Reviews : 13 00 " Blackwood and the four Reviews. 15 00 " These are about HALF THE PRICES charged by the English Publishers. Circulars giving the Contents of the Periodicals for the year 1380, and many other particulars, may be had on application. PREMIUMS. w subscribers may have the numbers for 1880 and 1881 at tho price of one year's subscription Only. . ; To any subscriber, new or old, we will f urniKh- the Periodicals for 1879 at half price. AU orders to be sent to the publication office. To Becure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Scott lhlishing Co ., 41 BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK. The Best Paper. Beautifully Illustrated 35tll YEAR. The Scientific Ainerican. min kf'iieM'i'iifin AITRTITCAK ia a laree First ;X Class Weekly Newspaper of SbrteJPages printed in the most beautif ul style, PBOFUSELY INGS. representing tbe newest inventions and the - a . A ,a a.4 4aM4AaAaa 1n rTiOHI ieCeilli aSUVOXl All. VUtV IUW SjuuRVUMiv0 - Bortdciiltaree the Home, iiealth. Progress, Social - lT.t1 tll-ina-a l3oAlmVW A aTfWaTlATVmV fSUeilCe, AMIIRU SlinW. wvewaej tors irAU departments of bcience, will be found in 4. A AtAa - Hie DarauWvaamoiwau. - " V, v : Terms. per year, si.ou uau year, wuicu m eludes postage. Discoont to Agents. Single co- noatal order to MUNN CO.. Publishers, 87 Park ijow, new xorjfc. n i 5 ri A mTil'lTrriCr -In connection with the ; H A I Kj N 1 . stTiBNTiFio American m - vr i . S" a " -i. Messrs. Monh St Co. are Solicitors of American ana JTweigu jrajveuui, iiit imuo jon Mywiwii have the largest establishment in the . A a a ti OK naaaal dim iMialaaiej- world.' -Patents are obtained on the best terms.' A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI- Special nutlvo la uoug .u uvjji . in r.ii ti4uM nntimtiul thrnnah thla Amm. :.v. va .Mil. 4mA rtwncmpjm of tnn PtwntML By the immense circulation- thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, , ..l.h.lli.iftim.ufl fFflltAi1 ; Any person who has made a aew discovery or In- ulJT on aarartaln. raxn or ohabsb. whether a batent Can probably Tbe obtained, by writing to Mubx A Co. - We also send rasa our Hand Book about the Patent LawB, Patents, Caveats, Trade- ax..w- halv nut. id hoW erecliradi With hints far Drocuring advances on inventions. -Address for the Paper; OTeOTCernlngPateuts, 4 " MUNN 5 CO. st rarartow, ew xorx. Branch Office, cor. F. A 7th Sts., Waahington. D.C t BV V e sae To xnyllieMBaiidato .VTA ft UMIUU I ITMU lOTI MV HHlIF Hill UH -S i i hanavu aa fiulfflrn s Rhrni onnna at 6 80 A. M- and closes at 8.00 P. M. (except 8atur days), thus affording my journeymen, an .opportu nity f0 OUJVjr. UCO ncrauH wwnaf vuv .wwa the warm seaauB. - jiuuik dwi buuh tcv Hftj at' ftravs beTound at rmr- posts prepared for business mySOtf Respectfully, . fl, C. PBBMPBRT. RAILROAD LINES, r del RAILROAD GO. Omoi ov Gsar StmButTaanaav. ,i r- Wilmington, . C May 13, 188l'f .4 - 15 Vi'.S 5JHittii,or Scliednle.-: ' ON r AND g AFTER TffAY-'15TBi JS81. AT, S.4A A. M.t Passenirer . Trains en the Warning- ton Weldon Railroad will ran as follows: n - ' Day Mll mm KXpreaa Tralna, Uy . iIles 4 Hertjb sus 48 rKOoin., . Leave Wllmingtou, Front St. Depot, at 6. -40 A. M Arrive at Weldon . .. v.. i....' "130 Jr. M Leave Weldon............-,..,....... Arrive atWJmmgton, Front St Depot, 9:45 P. . Fast Jtmumaix ' MAni ahd , Passknkb.' .Tbaiks ! 1 Nos. 43 Nobth and 40 bonra. . ; iliaVtf wnmnigton, Front St." Depot, at f5 P. Arriveat Weldon.'... .......... Tmvk Wnlitnn LL:.i............ j....i 6.16 PiXw Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 11.25 P. M. , i Train No.. 40 South will atop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. . . i Tiw.4 . ,4 WnknrA RMIwh Pnnil loHTS HnfikV Mount for Tarboro at 7.40 P. M. Daily, and Tneax: U. m,aanii fiatnnl m tR fol A . AT. , Rtnrn- Cleave Tarboro at fl.60 A.JM. Daily, an4 Mon-. aayednesdayaild Friday at 8 80 T, M. " -ATain aoi-vt maaea eiose - eonmecaoa a w idaa for all points .North dally. ;f All rail' via; Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Lima.; ! Train" No. 43 runs dallv and maxea dose con nection for aU points North via Richmond and FWasMncton -. " -? .' ?. .r.v All - trains run solid hetwean Wamtngton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepera attached.' v ' - . . ; r- .-.: 1 - i'..,it- . General Sup't, . A. POPS, Gen'l Passenger Agent. my 15-tf ' , . General Snp'ts Office Wf SViBIINOTON, . GOIiUBipi. ft All- WILMINGTON. -N. C. gsy 13, 1881. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER MAY 15TH. 1881, AT 1.05 p. M.. the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: RIGHT EXPBE8S TRAINS (Delly)- Noi. 48 Weal and 47 JSaec. Leave Wilmington.. 10:05 P.M. Leave Florence... S.-40A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction 5:45 A. m. Arrive at Columbia 6:00 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:00 P. M. Leave C. C a A. Junction lo:so r. n. Leave Florence S:00A.M. Arriveat WUmington... 6:20 A.M. Nisht Mail ani Pabscnsxb Tbaik. Dau.t. No. 40 Wxst. Aim Dat mac asd Passkkoeb txaih. No. 43 East, Leave Wilminsrten at. 11:45 P.M. Arrive at Florence. 8:15 A. M. Leave Florence 1 :05 P. M. Arriveat Wilmington.. ... 6.05 P.M. TrainMO. a stops at an Biations. No. 40 stopa only at Flemington. Whitoville, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passemrera for Columbia, and all noints on G. OS C. It, B., C.,C. & A. B. B. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta oa train 47. All trams run solid between Charleston ana w u- mlngten. johxh jr. uivin. GenU Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent , my 15-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Ovnoa GxsxRAn Stri'BBisTsaiizn Wilmington, N. C, June 4, 1881. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 5,1881, the following Schedule will be operated on this Bailroad: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: ' Daily except Sundays r.a Wlliitiiifnii at 0.4S A. V. aO. 1. i Arritraat 'hrlnttfl at. 8:45 P. Ml -kt a 1 Leave Charlotte at PIO. 3. t m,t ar UMImlnrrtstn at ...6:00 A.M. ...8:35 P. M. ... . . V . W .. ' ' Ifa W U H. . Trains Noa. 1 and 3 aton at reealar stations only. and points designated in the Company's TimeTa- Die. : Thnaa 4-inlna malrn rloiut ronnectioB At Charlotte withtralas No. 8 and 4 fer Cleveland Springs and all points on Shelby Division. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT I Taih .Wtlmlnennn at -. .5:80 P. M. No. 5. Arrive at Hamlet at 1:36 A.M. Charlotte at b:oj a. ja. 1 T una nharlnftn at V;90P. M No. 6. Arrive at .Hamlet at 1 :86 A. M, I w wiunington as a. ja, Ur. K Train la Ttallv Mnt HnhltaT. hut SO C6)n. nection to Balsigh on Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. 1 1 Leave Charlotte. 7:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. aO. O. t ft-A a, Hlialln J ........... NTn k I Leave Shelby I,-4, f Arrive at Charlotte 6:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. in ... vrna K anf H m.lrit rlnu tvitinactton at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. f lDhn'.li Ulakamlnup Ilikt.WAAn HulftlfXh Ulll 4 u.uufi. a.wfj.u.fa v w - u Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 3 make connection at Charlotte with A., T. A O. R.R., arriving at Stetesyulesame axmlrnr anal vmnAr.t1ncr then With W. N. C R.R. for Aaheville and all pomta en W. N. C. R.R- Trains no. a anucounec. ciuseiy wuu vunm 6 Lenore, at Lin coin ton. T. . WBflBVHI e 7-tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and WUniingtoii Steamship Line. The Steamer BEN EF A'C TO R, CdptaJOWES, ' "FILL 8alIL IBOJt JfHW TORE, etaturdatr. July 10. -Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steaniars as airrertised.aSJEl : For Freight naagentents apply to ; XIIOBIAS B. BOND. . SuperiBtendent, ( Wilmington, N.C. Tbeo. O. Eer, Freight Agent, - New York.-. i '- . '. 'Xf . W. Clyde : ft Co.; Ocneral Agents, ! ' decStf S5 Broadway, Hew York. JNCOURAGK HOME INSTITUTIONS. Secuity against lire. THE NORTH f CAROLINA HOHE tWsiTjOAWCB 'TOMPAICI . . ; :Mjjara;k I f This Cempany eontmnes to wrtta PaMdos, c at fa rates, on au classes m iBBurawwv'"' MODert North CaroUnav-i u. '.. J J'L?- I IT; AsentsfaaU ertf O tna iHftaei . n. .1 j I JOHN GATLING,Preaiaea, - I W &PRIMBOSK8eersaAry.. r; V' - rmjjat OOWPBB, Supervlsoe, ' - ; a i w r.,,. A.TSXNS02I A MAMNXNQ. aSSST. Vi augl-tf ; ;: Wl'mln.rton. N. C. lii ."ssTSrKIiJ.'w! z"ULh ; 5 i art tana are promptly adlnsted sag, PSlSv Tat "HOMSlsrapMly rowing In pnbllc favor, aad ' au.aiiw. te insurers of 'property tr '--NEW- ADVICR'jCISKlIENTS. - 1. f ' "ri A' - . iciur "Tta nm.v a nor.n" haa sent Ihousaa premature graves.- A cold stops up the avenues of the system, and disease must result. Neglected, most violent remedies must be used to remove toe obstruction, : Taken timely, a few doses of . TARRANT'S SELTZER'.APERIEBT will carry off aaturally the cause of the suffering, and save days, months, or even years of ;ofXorUr. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST. . B0RDENT0WN FEMALE COLLEGE. .. f bobdentown, n, j w . , Graduatory Courses . In Clastics, Belles LsUrea and Music ; r-.-a m,,.-.-. v.. . a Superior fae!llttes IS Music, Art. French and Ger. man.:;: i st- -r.T.i...i i-.i- ,5.i; k rWiia -v-A .Thorough inetmctiou In all departments. , . -.4 . , , Students trt ated with confidence and Tespccf . , - ( 'Manners and inorala carat ally guardedV J,TSe Oouege a hoxb foe Its students, i . fat: .1 (50 fcholarship and eleven other prises awarded., latTFor Catalogue sddrers ' - "atf 1 '4wDW-' I''s h r.i-i.ti3i3V!n ; r.r tis&BM7n'Cono:i'Giiij it (DJeanShoSeed tJettery rune IlKhtef , tttna , raster, and costs teas. money triao. -any-other CJri In the market. -vsw.jr Tho brush (e adjustable and It has drlv IriB pulley, and belt at both ends. Bvery machine Made of the best matorlal and fully andlosraliy viaranteed. 9 llgy'llit'i:::-. -"-fi.,: --"t-W Price List of GISg, Feeders and' CeadSasets. ; .i 2. .'.' ' I Ills -'. daio tat i jLrWi ' v. iVsrsa-j. , i' :J t?frTy"Tff3 iff" ililj " '1 Price wtth Pripo 'iTtU : f!la r PHeesoC !, Self .. oizea, . Gins. ' Fowler or . Faeder aad , - ' Oondonaer. ' Oondenarr. 30 saw T5 00 $100 00 1W -; 85 " 87 t0 m00 14 W 10 100 00 138 50 ' ., 1C6 00 " ' 118 10 00 171 W M " 125 00 1(10 00 16 00 60 " H0 00 W0 00 80 00 70 " 100 ML 800 00 868 00 80 " 180 00 838 00 S4 W i ii The above priocare for the niaeliinea boxed ready tor shipment and delivered at our factory. Win name price delivered at any aceeabfnto point, free of freight, tt desired. Established 1843, at Columbus, Oa., under same of K. T .Taylor & Co., removing in 18C8 to Kcw London, Ct, where, the present firm have since carried on tha business. In addltUon a oar already traoquallcd facilities wo have erected another large factory, thna alnng onr capacity of manufoctnre. Get your orders in at onoe and avoid a poaaUXllty of delay. Extra indwxmeitf to early buyr. Send for Illustrated pamphlet giving' new testlmonlala from hundreds of enterprising planters. , Presses, Engines, and oomplete outfit fumiahsd wasndesired. Addxeaa . . DEOWN COTTON GIN CO., Stew London, Conn. JOHN DAWSON A CO.. Agents, ap 10 DkW5m Wilmington, N. C. PREMIUM SAFETY OIL. FOB BALE BY . Adrian & Vollers, cor. Dock ft Front sts- Agents for Wilmington and vielalty. my 14 DAW 6m , MARBLE WOWU E DITS :" ' AND ' ' . Crave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW TORE PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED. AT OUR RISK, - TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICJTlAllD WATIIAN ft CO., St liafayette Place, New Vera. Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book form.f sale to the Trade. doe 4 DAWtf Health is Wealth ! DR. B. O. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT: a specific for Hysteria, Con vulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Impoteucy, . Premature old Age, caused by over-exert ton, excesses, or over-indulgence, which leads to- misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box con tains one month's' treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for live dollars; sent by . nvau prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each orderrscetved by as for six coxes, accompaniea wiw nve- auum, wo wiu send the purchaser our written guarantee to re turn the monev if the treatment noes not 'effects' cure. Guarantees issued by WM. H. GREEN. Drug gist, (successor to Green Planner), Wilmington, , n. a oraers ny mau wiu receive prompt am.;.: . -mhaB-DAWty tion. C500Eevar41 7 .t r, VJBBBWi nUDyspe raeiffnvs Af ,&MJS " it tic . ' f Siifig$ aaaaaaMaaaMMaaaaaaMaaja. im fieTStS WE WILL PAT THS ABOVE REWalBwbR any case of Liver Complaint, fjjap.uit a RAiulau-hn lndltreatien. Conatioatlon or r06sttB' ness we cannet cure with Wesf'S Vegetable; LlsefeXS, Pills, when the oJei"tios srtwicuv compneus.- a with. They are purely Vegetable,' and never fall . .. V fcavw "JssjliAPi swi"H. wa f , containing SO Pills, 35 centa. For sale by all Drug- .' gists, stevare or. eDuntexjeua.ana inunuuu.. jir genuine manufactured only by JOHN O, WEST A V 4 CO., "The Pill Makera,'' 181 188 W. Madison St, Chicago. Tree trial package sent by mall pre paid on recaipt of a 8 cent stamp. mh3DWlr; !" ;'": ' ' PRESCRIPTION FREE TJIor the speedy Curs ofHervons Wfakaess, Lost J: fltallty Prewatare Debility lervsesaesa, Pespoaaeaer, Coafuslea of Ideas, Averaloii te , Socletr, Defective .Meaaory. and; all Dtserders broaght oa by Iadlaereet llabita" and Exeessea, Any drurglst haa the lagredleats. 8fht m puis SEALED ENVELOPE. A0OBE88 PR.W.8. JAQUE8, 130 West Sixth St, (JDIOnraATl, 0EF mh 3 DAWly j . j n. A. 8TEDIIAII. Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. SLlZABETSTON,' BLADEN OOUNTT, N. .'..i',. -.1 '... ''t Office Up stairs, in lartck . Building, accuplee. y Blnaisistoo. . -. . i Special attention to Claims. Col 'eettens on sums t nf Sine and nnwarda caade for Five Per Cent. If without rait, Drawing Deads, Mortgage,-.!., a ' specialty. - r"M tn - " an o-ue vu :-.l High-Bred Dogs, ' in f.-., -1 .( lAGIalSB, IRISH lJMSDO.??r?R f the Cboleest Breed. wi irsrsiileea peelgreea, For sale by . 5. .I I fr,,-, A. P. WELSH, ! aovlBAWtf YorluPena. sat tf Wilmington, N. C.