. 4f nrmnif ' 5 fittrf J ; iLANEQITa J , wnwaAuuiw,;! I MISCELLANEOUS. -i. j: MISCELLAKEOUS. P J RAILROAD LINESr I , II d. V t - - i . . . . i ' . .: . ... . . I . . , i , . -.. i i - ..rilK t.NFlNISHKD PKAYBH. i. ..'A iff I . sw I lay" say it, darling; " linnet! the linv lira I of my daughter, kneeling, bending r" ! i) Vr tier ioiueu uuci na. ik, a u to eleep to sleep." she mmpaoiwl,; iul me cony ueu. uruppeu iowj . pry the Lord," I gently added;. -You can say it all. I know.' ; l'rHy Uie I.rrd" the words came faintly; i.;,;i!UT still "My soul to kerp;v ' i L I iu ii ibc- tired head fairly noddtii, Vnil ilic clitld wai fast aalewit. tint ili dewy eyes half opened be n I clasped her to my brct, ' Vu,l the dear voico softly whisperrti. .U-iuiun, Gd knows all ihe rest.' , ,) i the truiting. sweet confidiim r ibe child bean! Woo l1 that I i t, us ini.tit trust my Heavenly Rihei, H- wli.' hears my fblest cry. Tanker iSlalcsnvin. ,lfcLI.Ml! ini!tCKLLNY. A colored thoclogical seminary. ,s t,i !. cit.nt)i!sneJ at A.llaula. i. Uishop J. C. Talbot, D. D., of 1 untir -as ktf'Ju11 ttcovenng froto bis lr,. riiK; of parstyei?. '- An article by ihe late "Dean S .tnioy i "'lie August number of Macmil '..Slijizti.DQ Tbo VVestininster (Jon f .v .,ii i! Faith, i ilw last work to which ) -.1! ii i-v '-ui bin pt. Uish-ip L. N. Ilolsoy, corored, . t Vuira-"-. h is giiua a representative of k. .ml l -ih.Hli8t Episcopal fjbarcb in i -i i i'c; Meinodist Ecameaic! i i c i ti'('h tuerls io London. The British Met hodisu Episcopal , h !tn-.tl r ly io Canada, has vtHel : , .: .t iim-im witu the African Met ho - .! t. ;-co;m iii-c'i the United Saiea i r u vi-ii i3 tiiJ fr4 nl 63d aiogti i;i-!n; Liiiljfiliii, nfir some ia ,, !, ' . j urn ui En ,, it:p.Kls tbtt lite , i :ij c 'niii!ii of ihe iMniment is nut . T'i ij, l ' hni tii'M i- I'tijte Knin l v tii i!ivj;u;-.-o iii (be Ondi 1 u nf the I'.i tins l.iy every episcopal con j,,mi"ii Mt W'esiruiuster Ahiy cm r, w:th h f.irintl proles' of iln- dr;uV, , ,: I JuWD from rued fl?al usi;r, ni;tiQt .I- on ol the bisuiipx m hin . l i .lem'liii. after which irl:intnai y ii... ii uuieily roceet l- tk fbe , - jnt-ii u di ia the service. l it Key. VV alter Danoan, pas- ; of 'h- Sco'ch churches. as i'j-pendcil y h s Presbytery e for Ihe pm i.' .:ni ! n wimon. The suspension was i hi e; id :i;h?, and waen it was past a I .rg- niim'r of his pirinbioners look flight w jcu it ws aucouuced that the offending i'.istur about io resume his duties. The death is annonnced of Mr. !l ru e Moood. who was foity years a hs',t uf the Reformed Church, and bon rnry C'iHtrmn if the Marseilles Protestant r i-tory. lie had the ift of eloquence, , i i i- h unu uf large heatt and coinprc h .- .etnin l. His sermons were remarka- 'i clearness of style and commuuica iv - nrmili T:ie tleceased pistor win a ' '..wi'i-r of ttte Legion of Hunor. H w,- :nuc'i I; i vel and esteemed by the i' "i-.ui v.- iinaiUDitU'8 of Fiance. 1 1 is proposed to raise the Lord M.v .r :.( Dublin salary from $10,000 io f.'OlK.T) (.'oiioresftuan Hendrick B. Wi.iii. . r .Viikeebtrre, Pa., who hna been v i I for "fcvernl wetk, in ladually M . k I l - ( 'ol. Cash, the duelist, ha pub- ! pamphlet, which is creating a vny ! .1 flir ihriiiigbotil ihe S'ule of Su'h i .i.i. 1 1 irimani, the Nihilist, poares s . i bir.l. Ua isa't naed to a free a., i- mid i' doesn't quite agree with i .i - l rc-k!yn Artjvi !' bagajje taken by the ' a i, I'. n ci; nri.1 Princess of Gel many s .'..: suite to Norris CtPlle in Eogland, ! net rly eit hi li:8 - Tii- eldeht son of the King of Duke of Sparta, a boy stf-u: lf ive yeitrs of age, gives tviileuce ( -x iaoriiiDaiy literary abililieM. - The grave of General Braddock, il-r-vn! near Pmsburg in 1755. is a few e- ei-t of Uninntown. Fayette County, le old National pike. There is do in "oiturot or 6loue. . The Ilev. George W. VVillianiB, i ii. tnher of the Ohio Legisiature, is a ,fti"- A veir ago he was suing a (Jolum-i-ii'.i'-l f ir refusing TO board him on nut of ins color. Now h Columbus ii i' I k- per t suing Williams for failing ! a tioird bill. THIXkLI,G. The Jfation-is the unkindest of 'Sal!. Ii c:l s Oscar Wilde "a lyric par -" Hetter call bim an unspanked spank. Olive Logan, iu a recent lecture, a - : "Whenever I see a pretty girt I i" citisp her in my arms." "do do c " siiuu ed the boya in the galleiy. A reformed lawyer ia driving a 'i'.-i e-ir io KmsasCity. N- 0. Picayune. 1- u- ..n a brief route? Phil. Bulletin. 11 no ijoubt still considers himself a con v ai. er . N. Y. Com. Advertiser. - The bulletin of July 30th of the N iii.insr Board of Health is foil of mr I'H'is Hitniltoo, lierrauda, is credited wni, a-i stinual death rate of 3.1 per 1.C00, w'ole Acapa'co, Mexico, shows a rate of "lie promised to cleave to her, nd wueo i bey went to the theatre and be 1 ume hick between the acts with a piece cork in his whiskers, she knew from the firauce he exhaled that be clove." Cincinnati Enquirer. ftOirrilEKN ITEMS. J. . Glenn, at one time District C erk of UoDzales coaoty. Texas, while on iu - in I Jo, io a slate of intoxication, was 'tien up by wolves and buzzards. New 0r'ean Picayune. George Washington, a son of 'je late Col. John A. Washington, of Mount Vernon, ig a railroad engineer, and has been i i Mexico recently, but ill health makes it n-ceiisary for bim to return (o the banks of be Potomac. A whole neighborhood took off iu coat in Floyd county the other day and L'lned in an internecine war, in which me hundred shots were fired. One man carried off seven bullet holes in his clothes. LouUville Courier Journal. W. W. Henry, Jr., a great i?rDdson of Patrick Henry, ha been ad mitted to the bar of Charlotte county, Va. U is father practiced law for maoy years In the same county, but for the last three or four years has lived in Richmond. King" Kennedy. A.. J. Kennedy, Esq., fire manbal or New Haren, Conn., recom mends 8L Jacobs Oil a a specific cure for iheumaiic pain. It proved so in his case. "T" - ff a -a MWM-sMa-WM.i.MssMMnt'sn ' Jv? OMrnUtfeiife from ftm thrD Chill. mm piVe" ItrS gaattfitefatrtJ jm It. Hirtef leaiclac Co, StW MiSSW TerT mn7 teatlmo-tfntltmrn:--Some thre months axo I hnii ttm i . m 2 "T? menaa who knew Ita vlrfuea. I wu 11 eI- nut on the contrarr. wu followed ii. Ume 1 tx-frmn the use of your rHOwavwTT wS which IrUatlJmlnwoSdS mf imum fotcw was not . permjurentlv ab&ted r h.Vf """f J0"1?" ?f SiS!c StocelialiJ a,MLtwlce U?Ubor tnatl erer did bTthe SS? "wttH". Bly 11 ?es' with double the eaa. V 1th the IranquU nerre and Tlxor of body kuow uot -what. I rlv it th . ivmv ua odi none me wort i KDlL lri.IMk.. 1 - "tot. O., Jan. S, 1378. Pastor Christian Chnreh. . WATSOV. br Sala by Druggists snd General Dealers Everywbei jBOijeoqgw.iT Bttwa ft arm 30 DSYS TRIAL Immm II. 1A WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Elecfrd-Volfaic Appliances Rufforlni; from NrToas)Weftstnesses, Gen erI iM-billty, loss ol nerve force or vigor, r any disease resulting from Abuses and Othkb JA.usa, or to any ti afflicted with Rhenma ifcrn, iieurelfirta, ParaivKis, Spinal Difficulties, Kiduev or Jiver Troubles,- Lanto Back, Kup lutvs, And othec Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also won fm tronbled with dlaccscs eculiar to theirs. . -SPfedr relief and -roraplpto restoration to hcHilh a ua ran teed. TtkCM r tbe wljr K '" -r; Appllanc UuUHave eTer, btaeoMaBld wniotm wtlgsiUSieprio l Their thorough efficacy baa been prao tunny proven with, the ana wonderful HMfcns, and tfcrey onvo "the niftiest piisinmwltf from'pif d leal and arien iie nien,and from )ndrlM. WIw hiv en quickly mxuI rHetlcttlly cureU. by ahrir mm. Send at once for Ilhistrttted Psmphlct giving all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO, KarshaS. Kieh. je8DeodWly snwefr mON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tolic especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appe tite, Loss of Strength, Lock of Energy, ete. EaricJica ihe blood, strengthens the m uscliK, and gicea new Ufa to the wntA Thcj act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as listing tie food, belching, heat tit 0e atom.ieh, heartburn, ete. The only Iron Preparation that vrill not blacken tie teeth or give headache. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pages amusing and. useful reading, sent free. BROWN CHEMICAIi OOMPANV, . Baltimore. McL Jan S9 DAWly Do yon rrant a pure, bloom ing Complexion 1 If so, a few applications of Hagan's MA(xA0IJA BAEH Trill grat ify you to your heart's .con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Bedness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases And imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. Itmatesaladyof THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. aa 8 lm nrm GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front Street. Fresh. Family Groceries. EVERY WEEK, OF THB CHOICJS3T 8KIKCT10N and ALWAT8 1 THB LOWEST PRICKS, At QSO. MYEB8. jell tf Hos 11 and 13 South Front St. SEED RICE. 1000 Bushels BKST LOWLAND, 500 do. WHITK UPLAND, For sal by t; - ' mhiatf . ' WOKTH M WORTH. I fcsr Our qoatanona, it snonld be understood iol sent the wholesale prices generally. making op snail orders higher prices bave to be charged. f ;,..raiea. BAQQINQ Qnnny. ...... Standard...'.:.. lOJiO' 00 Q 0 b 0 ,V " O ioko L 0 Of BACON North Carolina, ., Uams.fr S(new)... Shoulders, fj B ! ,Bide,N.achoicc.l v10 ttx 14 10 . 8 10 8itf r esiern smosoa Hams....... Bides, 9 ft. . I Bnoaidcra,... ! Dry Baited: : ahooldera ...... .,!J..,-.; am k n n i Mpuiwrnrpeaune, ; SecondHind, each... ........ ; New New York, each BKICK8 WBmlngtci a) U '. Northern.. . . w ...... .... .. BCTTKK North CaroUaa, ft. i Tallow, w ft...,.:......;" I Adamantine, fi ft 175 00. -00 90 O o o o 1 80 1 90 1 W 9 50 14 00 " T '60" I 30 15 2S o o o 30 83 35 .38 11 10 O 13 11 45 14 33 IS CH K BB Northern Factory ft 14 O .mury, creams ............ ! State, ft.... ..I..; COJtrKft Java. ft ; aio.n . Laguavra. ft... 00 10 a o .36 13XQ 15 O COKN JtBAL t?.bajshel,la s&cs COTTON TES8 bdle '5 oii:8o . O 3 00 l no a ' is ta 20 oo - tSt 10 00 O 9 00 1 05 7 1 00 It IS 00 DOJtKSTICS Sheeting.4-4. $ yd vara, v oonco.. ...... ...... FISH kackoroi,' iio. Y.'tf bbC : No. 1, V bbl Mackerel, No. t, 9 bbl : No.a,3-bbl lUckerel, No.S.f) bbl Mullets. Jbbl do Porkbbls : N.C. Herring, Koe, V keg.. . Dry Cod, ? & y&KTlLllSRS 8 50 8 60 50 50 00 00 00 6 aft O G O O O 5 00 7 00 835 700 4 00 9 Foruv'n Uaano.No. 1, 3000 fts 57 50 36 CO 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 65 90 0 00 625 6 60 .7 50 6 00 6 25 6 50 62 50 37 00 O 61 00 O 60 00 O 60 00 840 00 45 00 O 67 00 O 45 00 O 67 00 O 70 00 O 70 00 O 00 00 O 60 00 io. o. 8, Do. Lobos, " Baagh's. Phosphate, " Carolina Fertiliser, (irotmd Boae, Bone Meal, " Floor, " NavassaQaano, " Oomplete Manore Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, - Borger A Bata's Pboepb. ; Kxcellenza Cotton Fertilizer FLOUB Fine, 9 bbl O 5 00 Boper. Northern. 9 bbl o o 6 75 7 00 900 jExrraao. v ddi...... Famtly " fbbl City Mills Xxtra, f) bbl iFamily, V bbl... xx. Family, fi bbl... o o o 6 50 6 CO 6 75 13 f 75 64 67 65 60 00 1 40 if 14) 1 41 1 25 86 09 I 1 22 30 00 16 00 18 00 33 00 15 00 39 42 45 8 37 29 80 3 35 13 145 100 18 30 32 30 25 1 25 70 1100 GLUK ft 11 G11A1N Corn, In store, In nags. 72VO Corn, cargo, v nnsnei, in nou Oorn, Cargo, 9 hush,.ui bags Oom, mixed bnsheljnbaga. 66 0 6XO oats, 9 ananei , KedKnss Proof.... Peas. Cow. ft bosha! ....... 58 00 25 4 10 25 SO 15 o o O o a o s o o o o o o a o o o o o o a o o o o o ei o H1UKS Green, 9 ft Dry, 9 HAT Sastero, 9 100 Bs western, v iuu ..-.... North River. 100 tt . .. . tfOOP IKON 9 ton.. . . 60 00 00 00 1 10 18 00 15 00 IS 00 18 00 13 00 ro 00 00 00 35 00 40 000 11 1 10 90 15 00 00 33 i.akii norcnorn, y ....... North Carolina, ft UMS9 bbl LUMBXa Citt BnixBiWKD- Bhip Stos.resawed, 9 M ft Bough Kdge Plank, M ft. WestlndiaCargoe, according toqnaiity, M.n Dreesea Flooring, seasoned., gtmtimg and Boards, com- MOLASSKS New cp )Cnba,nhd8 u.uu . .......... . ... New crop Cuba, DWS 9 gal.. Porto KicouuiB DDIS Sugar House, hnds, 9 gal.. . " hhtl a H oral STTHD.iblS. SJ gal., NAILS Cat. lOd basis. 9 keg. OILS Kerosene, 9 gal. Lard, 9 gal ... Linseed, 9 gal Boris, V gal Tar, per gal Deck and Spar, per gal POULTKY Chlcaenfl,nverown spring. Turkeys 13 O 75 Pakttts aj Doahel 40 40 00 1C 00 00 00 o POTATOES tiwoet, ft bashol. o a Iriah. m tobb 83 POKK Northern, City Mess... O 19 00 O 15 00 O 14 00 Prima, 9 hbl Bums. bol 00 00 H1CS Carolina, 9 ft 5xa 7 Bough. V busn 85 O ixa 14XO 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 & 40 BAGS Gonutry. ft . IX IX 23 75 80 (H) 75 City. BOPK SALT Alum, 9 bushel uverpooi, ysacx, Lisbon, V sack....M American, fj sack.... 8UGAB Cuba, 9ft 0 0 o rortoitico, V ft A CoSoo, ft B 9 ft O V ft Kx.C '9 Crushed, fi ft 10 10V 10 9 9 11 6 700 3 30 6 00 7 50 8 9 10 6 a SOAP Northern, ft ft SHINGLES Contract, 9 M... 5 00 3 00 4 60 00 13 CO 10 00 5 13 00 13 00 o uommon, y m CypreasSaps ft M, Cmrees Hearts H. o BTAVBS W.O.BbL.VH... O 15 00 00 00 O 6 .18 00 O 14 50 17 50 B.O Hhd.. M TaUiUW 9 TUf-BHB Shipping, 9 M Extra Shipping MlllPrlme, M Mill Fair, fjlc..... Common Mill Tnfaflnr tA rMI.. B W 6 50 50 60 00 00 00 30 35 10 O 6 60 o o 5 00 400 600 S 60 S3 33 15 WHISKEY Northern, W gal! noru uaromia, ft gai. wwii unwaanea, y m wasnea. ft Burry Wool riK.BHNOXOIf nOREl 0ARKE7 Exchange (sight) on New York, . dlsct. H.lhmnn . IS Boston, " Philadelphia, " Western Cities. X " Exchange 30 days 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 100 First National Bank, 76 navassauuanouo. " hu N.C. Bonds OldKx-Coupon 33 Do. Funding 1866 ....12 Do. " 1863 13 Do. New 4'S. 88 Do. Special Tax 4 Do. to N. C. Railroad 93 W. A. W. fi-R. Bonds 7 Jc (Gold Int) .116 CaroUna Central B. R. Bonds, 6yc..l(5 W 1J. UOL. B AUg. Ii. tf. 106 Wilmington City Bonds, new 6 yc. .100 " " 8e 100 New Hanover County. ...6 9c 97jtf W. W. Railroad Stock 100 North Carolina K. R. " 100 WU. Gas Light Co. ,.60 Wilmington Cotton Mills ioo Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital SI ,000,000. Cash Capital paid in $300,000 Surplus Fund 950,000. DIRECZ ORS. JOHN DAWSON C. M. 8TEDMAN G, W. WILLI AM 3, ISAAC BATES, DONALD McBAB J AS. A. LEAK H. YOLLBRS F. RUBINSTEIN, B. R. BRIDGKRS B. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON . CHA8. M. 8TEDMAN, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 8. D. WaixAox. Cashier aug 50-tf Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NSW HANOVER BUILDING, Wllmlncton. N.C Fire, Marine ' aiF"Life Coiganies. regate Capital Represented Over $100,000,000! 11-tf ALL ABOUT Western-North Carolina If yon wan t to know all about the "Garden Spot" of the South, send for a specimen copy othe Independent Herald. It is a TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMN WEEKLY, full of interesting reading matter, and devcted to the interests of Western North-Carolina. . Address 1 - INDEPENDENT HERALD, . Henderson ville, N. C. I . - - ' - : - I .' ; 1 ; . I .1 fi . i . . .' ) i I' I T i I . ! t .! . l i !- ,. . , t r . ITheKldrriingStar 3fc iSi'f ,r;'i PUBLISHED DALLY ANB WEEKLY ; Snuscription RatesIn Linm DAILY STAR, One Ycaripostage paid,.. ....$7 00 " Six Months " " 4 00 " Three Months" ..... 3 25 ' One Month " " .... 100 WREKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, f 1 50 " Six Months, " 100 Three Months " 50 Notices of the Press: I The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to it. Salem Press. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. Charlotte Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth Sear. As a daily Journal of news it stands "up ead." Concord Begister. The Wilmington Stab has . entered its twenty fifth volume. There is no better paper published In the State. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington' Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year, ft is one of the best papers in the State . Warrenton Gazette ! The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers of the South. Oxford TorchUaht. The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the beet edited papers tax the Stat, but for freshness of news and typographical appearance cannot be beat-(sd.- Jackson Reporter. ' The Wilmington Stab is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typog raphy up to editorial ability aid independence. Petersburg (Fa) Index-Appeal. We like the Stab because it Is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, and In fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the Stab twinkle. JR. Airy Visitor. Although at the head of the press in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first magnitude. May its lastre never wane. The Free WW Baptist. The Wilmington (N. C.) Mobnino Stab is a mo del newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate Its merits when we say it is the newsiest (sec ular) paper publiehcd in the tioath.JHcAmond(.Va.) BeiUnoue Herald. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers m the South, and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro Southerner. The Stab Is so well and-favorably known in this section of the State that we can say nothing of which Its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dailies in the South. Booesonian. The Wilmington Stab had entered on its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well edited a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina iournalism. Chariolle Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkHng dailies sonthrof the Potomac. The system in the get up of the paper surpasses them alL Tarboro Southerner. The Times cannot ssy a word too good for the WilmJnerten Stab. It has just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it ! a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the peo ple. Long and prosperous life to it Beidsville ivne. Why is it that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little journals T The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, Fredericks bars Star. New York Star, tot example. There must be something in a name after all Bichmond iVa.jstau. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice. still sontinues on the high road to success. We es teem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any journal published in the South. Ox ford Free Lance, The Wflmington Stab Is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has besides increased the amount of Us reading matter. The St as is an excellent naDer. Its Drosneritv is not surprising eince it is so deserving. Vhxariotte Ob server. Thb MoBiraro Stab, one of the best dailies we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best, has entered unon its twelfth year. In every particular the Stab comes fully up to the mark as the principal daily in our cnier commercial city. Leag may it twinkle. Alamance Gleaner. 9 The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 13th volume, and we are pleased to notice stul continues on the road to Buccess. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspa pers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial department Is con ducted with much ability . Morganton Blade. Humble In Its beginnings, as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of fortune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily '-waxed" until It now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly bright ening prosperity. As a newspaper it has few equals, and no superior, for appropriate selection and ju dicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank it among our moat acceptable exchanges. UiUsOoro Becorder. The Wilmington Mobhuni Stab has entered upon the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prospe rity and deserved popularity. The remarkable suc cess of the Stab is due to its strict attention to business. The boast of the Stab (rightfully too), is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the paper Is all that the term of "good newspaper" implies, and Its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly edu cated newspaper men. May the healthful, moral influence of the Stab never be retarded, and may its genial, enterprising proprietor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness. Ooldsdoro Messenger. XII E RAUGICSIl Christian Advocate, Edited and Published by BLACK & REID Raleigh. H. C Is the organ of about 68,000 Methodists In North Carolina, and has the largest circulation. of any pa per in the State. It gives the markets, secalar and religious news. Is a weekly, eight page, religious, family newspaper. Only $3 ,00 per annum. Sub scribe at once. Advertising rates liberal. Ian 34 tf The Lincoln Progress Published Saturday at Lincolntcm, 2V. C IS the only paper published in Lincoln count and has an extensive circulation among the Mer. chants. Farmers and all classes of business men In theState. It oners to the Merchants of WUroinpton a de sirable medium for advertising their business throughout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements Suhscriotion price, $2 00 per annum In - ' tndreos v h. DxLANK. Editor and Proprietor. The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NE WS paper and the Onran ef the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is . published at Jreensboro, N. C. . i " . Terms, t3 00 per f?TiTit( in advance The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tlvity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advorthCng public, kerms very favorable. Consult your business inter eats, and address the editor - . ' J. L. MICHAUX, Greensboro. N. C Sundries. BACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, 2750 35 Bbls SPANISH BROWN, SO Oar loads Prime White CORN. For sale low for cash. mh27tf Q. BONSY ft SONS. JOB PRIWTfWc; 1 " i i II rjtti i ' t ... THE MORNING STAR , 'Steam' Printing House, MORNING STAR BUILDING; PftiNCESS STIiE8T. MOST, THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THIS CITY FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER t MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH. . , ALSO, . . . . THEA TRICALl POSTERS, iPBOGBAMMES; A TICKETS, INSURANCE FEINTING. -1 BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS CARDS. DODGERS. STEAMSHIPi STEAMS OA T AND RAILS OAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME AND BETTER STYLE THAN Blr -t-. ANY OTHER OFFICE IN WILMINGTON. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES THE MORNING STAB STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PBLNCESS STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANY. PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. O.D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH 1 Uh SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES- LIBERAL OFFERS 1 FOR 1881. TWO YEABSFOEif HE PRICE OF OK thh: reprints of THE BRITISH QUARTERLY, . (Evangelical), LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative), EDINBURGH, (Whig), AND WESTMINSTER, (Liberal), REVIEWS, AND Blaetwoou's Edinliurgli Magazine, Present the BEST FOREIGN PERIODICALS : ia convenient form and WITHOUT ABRIDGME1 IT OR ALTERATION. TERMS 8F SUBSCRIPTION (Including PostagO Blackwood or any one Review $4 CO per annum. Blackwood aru? any one Review.. 7 00 " Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " Blackwood and three Reviews 13 00 " Any two Reviews 7 00 " Any three Reviews 10 00 The four Reviews 12 00 . " Blaekwood and the four Reviews. 15 00 " These are about HALF THE PKICES charged by the English Publishers. Circulars giving the Contents of the Periodicals for the year 1380, and many other particulars, may be had on application . PREMIUMS. Ne w subscribers may have the numbers for 1880 and 1831 at the price of one year's subscription only. To any subscriber, new or old, we will furnish the Periodicals for 1879 at half price. All orders to be sent to the publication office. To secure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co -, 41 BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK. The Best Paper. Try It. Beautifully Illustrated. 35 til TEAR. The Scientific American. rpHB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large Flrst X Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages printed In the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing the newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social Science, Natural - History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms. $3.30 per year, $1.60 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park ROw.NewYorkv n A fllTAlKTrTlCt In connection with the JtiL XXllXi X Ot SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. Motto A Co.. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have bad 85 years' experience, and, now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN of all Inventions patented through this Agen cy, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public at tention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. . Any person who has made a new discovery or In vention, can ascertain, rail or chabsz, whether a Satent can probably be obtained, by writing to CtrH & Co. We also send rnxx our Hand Book, about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hinte f or procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., 87 Park Bow, New York. Branch. Office, cor. F. &7th Sts., Washington. JG bov 2 tr To my friends and Patrons fTXkSO AFTER JUNK 1ST MY SHOP HOTJRS V J will be ehanzed as follows : Shoo opens rat 5 30 A. M. and closes at 8.00 P. M. (except Satur days), thus affording my journeymen an .opportu nity to enjoy the recreation due to every one during the warm season. During Shop Hours we may al ways be rouna as our posts prepared ror Dusiness I my39tr Bespecuuny, a. v. rtmsLrmtST. ilmingtonT & Weldon - Omoi ov &Btt, SnwEBorrxTOBirf, i WUmlngton, N.;C. May lS, 18SV I Cbange of Schedule; ON '' AND fkFTKR MAT'l5Tff, : 1S81, ' AT 6.40 Ai M., Passenger- Trains en the Wilming ton Weldon Railroad will run as follows:' Day JHtaU and Express Tialna. JDnllr r-Nos. 47 Itbrttt and 4$ souito. .. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6:40 A, M Arriveat Weldon 12:50 P. M. Leave Weldon . . .v 8:30 P. M Anna at Wilmington, Front St. Depot,. 9:45 P. M. Fast Tbbouok Mao. anb Pabsbnokb Tracts , Daily Nos. 48 Nobth and 40 Soot a. Leave Wflmington, Front St. Depot, at 6.35 P. M. Arrive at Weldon 1.25 A. M. Leave Weldon ...... 6.15 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front SI Depot, 11.25 P. M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 7.40 P.M. Daily, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at;5.0O A. M. Return ing, leave Tarboro at 9.60 A. M. Daily, and .Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 SO P: M. Train No. 47 makes -close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. . Train No. 43 runs daily andmaxes close con nection for aU points North via Richmond and Washington. . All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington,, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached.' ' '. " ' JOHN F. DIVINE, General Snp't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. myl5-tf General Snp'ts Office, wriimXNGTON, COLU9IB1JI . AIL GTJ8TA R. O. COMPANY WILMINGTON, N. C. Kay 13. 1881. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER MAY 15TH, 1881. AT 1.05 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will ho run on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) . Nos. 48 West mud 47 East. Leave WUmlngton 10:05 P. M. Leave Florence. 2:40 A.M. Arrive at C. C. 3b A. Junction. Arriveat Columbia.... Leave Columbia Leave C. C. & A. Junction... Leave Florence. .' Arrive at Wilmington 5:45 A. M. 6:00 A. M. 10:00 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 2:00 A. M. 6:20 A. M. NieHT MAm and Passkhsbr Teats,-Daily. No. 40 Wbst, and Dat Mail and Passxnsbb Tbaim, No. 43 East, Leave Wilmington at 11:45 P.M. Arrive at Florence. .. 3:15A.M. Leave Florence 1:05 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6.05 P. M. TrainNo. 43 stops at all Stations. ' No. 40 stops only at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair BluH and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. & C. R. R., C, C. & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken June tie, and all points beyond, should take 43 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on train 47. AU trains run solid between Charleston and Wil mington. JOHN F. DIV1N2. Gen'l Suu't. A. POPS, Gen'l Passenger Agent. myl5-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO, f Wilmington, N. C, Jane 4, 1861. Change of Schedule. O N AND AFTER JUNE 5, 1881, the following Schedule will be operated oa this Kanroad: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Daily except Sundays , Leave Wflmington at. 9:45 A.M. No ) Arrive at Charlotte at 6:45 P. M. , I Leave Charlotte at 6:00 A. M. No. A f ArrIve at Wilmington at -3:35 P. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 3 stop at regular stations only, and points designated in ihe Company's Time Ta ble. These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains No. 3 and 4 f er Cleveland Springs and all points on Shelby Division. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT ) Leave iWilmington at 5:30 P. M. No. 5. J-Arrive at Hamlet at 1 :26 A. M. S Charlotte at 8:00 A. M. ) Leave Charlotte at 7:30 P. M No. . Arrive atrHamlet at 1:36 A.M. Wflmington at 9:30 A.M. No. S Train Is Dally except Sunday, but no con -merlUnn to Raleigh on Saturday. fc Nn R Train ia Dailv except Saturday. I SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, .MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. It-, -a I Leave Charlotte. ... fArrivaal Hhelhv. 7:00 P. M. 10:30 PM. I Leave Shelby 6:00 A.M. f Arrive at Charlotte 9:30 A. M. Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh .and Charlotte. , Trams No. 1 and 3 make connection at Charlotte with A., T. & O. R.R., arriving at Btatesville same venlng, and connecting then, with W. N. C. B.R. for Asaeville and aU points on W. N. C. R.R. Trains No. 3 and 4 connect closely with Chester & Lenore, at Lincolnton. V. Q. JOHNSON, je ST-tf General Superintendent. CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, Ctept. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK, Saturday July 30. aBShlppen-.can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamereas advertised. For Freight .Engagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, Wflmington, N. C. XI ioo. . Steer, Freight Agent, New York. Or. P. Clyde Sc Ce, General Agents, dee 9 tf 85 Broadway, New York. jgNCOUBAGS HOME INSTITUTIONS- Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA home rasuRAHircE company7 . RALEIGH, N. a This Company continues to wnte Policies, at f rates, on all classes of Insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. Th HOM3B" is rapidly growing in public favor, aadl appeals, wtth confidence, to insurers of property in north Carolina. - Agent in all parts of the Stats. Mtl " JOHN QATLTNG. President. 1 W. 8.TRIMROSE, Secretary. 1 ; FULA8KI COWTER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, Aaxjrrs, augt-tf Wilmi irton. N. C I immmssaart II tawwj-f" 13?ll Mr Fa tT" "IT'S ONLY A COLD" has rent thousands to premature graves. A cold stops up the avenues of the system, and disease must result. Neglected, . most violent remedies must be used to remove the obstruction. ' Taken timely, a few doses of ! TARRANT'S, SELfZEB "APERIENT will carry off naturally the cause of the suffering, and save days, months; or even years of anffcTror, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST.. Li. B0EDENT0WN FEMALE COLLEGE, BQRDKNTOWNaN; J . Graduatcry Courses la Clajtics, HeUoa Lettres and Music; ' , " ' , Superior facilities la "Masic Art, French and Ger .man. . .-.' .v':-.-3 '?-. ' i. -i;'- . : Thorough lnetruction lm all departments . Students treated with confidence and respect. Manners and, morals carefully guarded. : Tke College a aoxs forits itadenta. . . ; $50 echolarship and eleven other prises awarded. CffTFor Catalogue address . . , REV." WM; C. BOWEN, A." M., 'President : anl4wDW ' ' ' '": ' "' THil BRGVJIi C0TT011 GIIIJ Cleanstbe deed-better, runs lighter, sine ; faster, and -costs lesa money than any other Qlo In tbe market.' The brush Is adjustable and It haa driv ing pulley and belt at both ends. Bvery t machine made of trie best mutorlal and fully and legally guaranteed. . WUl'iMj'yilB 4tr s Prico List of GINS, Feeders and Condensate. Prico with Self Feeder or Condenser. Prleo with Self Feeder and Condenwr. Prloesof Gins. Sizes. 80 saw 35 " 40 " 45 " fiO " 60 " 70 " 80 " $ 75 00 87 fiO 100 00 113 CO 125 00 . H0 00 160 00 180 00 $100 00 116 00 132 Ml 14 00 1(10 00 180 00 808 00. SCO 00 $US ttJ 144 tti ICC 00 17D M lr, oo K.-O 00 oo 81 00 The above prices-are for the maeMne bosed ready for shipment and delivered at our factory. Win nocia price delivered at any accessible point, f res of freight, if desired. - Established 1843, at Columbus, Go., under name of K. T .Taylor & Co., removing in UG8 to New London, Ct, where the present firm have since carrlod on tho business. In addltllon to our already unequalled facilities wo have erected another larsra factory, thu doubling our capacity of manufacture. Get your orders in at onco and avoid a possibility of delay. Extra inducement to early buyer. Send for illustrated pamphlet giving new testimonials from hundreds of enterprising planters. Proa se, Bngines, and complete outfit furniahsd whensieslred. Address " BROWN COTTON GIN CO., New London, Conn. JOHN DAWSON A CO., Aeents, ap 10 DfcW5m Wilmington, N. C. PREMIUM S AFET Y O l L. FOR SALE BY Adrian & Vollers, cor. Dock & Front sts Agents for Wilmington and vicinity, my 14 D&W6m MABBLE EV3 O IM U Fd ENTS AND Grave Stones. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW TOR A PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK. TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. KIOHaBD AVAXIIAN Ac CO., ST Lafayette Place, New If or. Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book form.foi sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAWtf Health is Wealth ! DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT : a specific for Hysteria, Con vulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Impotency, Premature Old Arc, caused by over-exertion, excesses, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Bach box con tains one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by as for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re turn the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued by WM. H. GREEN. Drug gist, (successor to Green A Planner), Wilmington, N. C. Orders by mail will receive prompt atten tion; mh 33 DAW ly 8500 Reward I WE WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costive ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. Tbey are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 80 Pills, 35 cents. For sale Ay all D tug gists. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations, t-b genuine manufactured only by JOHN C-w'EST CO., "The Pill Makers' 181 A 188 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by maO pee paid on receipt of a 8 cent stamp, mh 33 DAW ly Despondency, Confusion or Ideas, ATsrsioa w Society, Dofectlre JTemory. and all Disorders brought on by Indiscreet Habits and Excesses. Aay druggist has the InWrjdlenU. 8f;t mpum 8EALE0 ENVELOPE. AD0RESS DR.W.S. JAQUE8. 130 West Sixth St, CDSCINHATL 0EV mh 3 DAWly S. A. STEDIIAII, Jr. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, . fSlZABSTHTON, BLADEN COUNTS, N. Ofiace Up stain. In Brick Bunding, ocupled by RktaMl A Co. r Bsecuvl attention to Claims. Col lections on sums OfiMOand upwards made for Five Per Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, ., a specialty. ,;ap6-pswtf High-Bred Dogs. English, hush and qordon setters, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by v K. P. WELSH, nov7 DAWtf Yora.Pen.' -SViTl B Is J H 1 11 m mm Ik I .-i.Si . "-IU.,.. mdpi PRESCRIPTION FREE for the speedy Care ofTfertreas Weakness, Loai 1 ri.-u. Uailin ll.kllltT. KiinniiMi. I; : '4, r I' r