iij WS. D. DEUSAhO Hi.ISilKU DAILY XXCXIT MoNlilfH titM U ST7B3CKITnOSl tM iuTAMOl , ywar. Or mil postag paki. at ,i months, " w ' 4 . iinso month. " ' ..... ... t i . Taonlli " 1 t To City 5iabbrltX3C, aelivered la ay part uf Ut- Fifteen vsnw wun. vntr vuy A(WU art eouec i f or mora than Ure aaath advance. iptcrcd at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C as second cla mUr. OUTLINE. Tua health officer of tho port uf Kty West, Fla., has been dismissed for refusing 10 tive clean bills of health; he reports that yellow fever exists in ihe city and supports h i statement by an affidavit from several pbysiciacs. Redmond the Souti (jn:iaa moonshiner, ws convicted on ten cvuuts. at Colambia, Thursday. "Vts.dent Garfield gained a little yesterday Kf trno.Mi, but the improvement was so 4 iht that it did not afford much encourage- nvut 10 his a'.tcodacts; the glandular well- bri ke aad was discharging through his r ht cir; but this failed to afford expected rel cf; the chso cunlieuea lobe one of great graviiy acd dauger. Some of the r.huiches vt Washington, D C, recommend the gev.-ra! obajrvancj of Suoaay, the 28th day of fasting and prayer for the tec very of the President. - A brewery I'.nladelphia burned; loss $60,000. N'.-w Yoik ninikets: Money 36 per cent ; 1: , ;,.u uumioal at 12f12 cents; southern C ur quiei aud iu firm demand at $1 10 .50, wbcat l&2c lower, ungraded spring $1 111 -S; c rn llic tower, ungraded 63T2 ceul.; spirits turpentine held higher and qioted at 4Ji cs asked; rosin strong $2 iCKSS 15. Iho New York Herald knows nothing of the published changes in ,ti management and staff. liumor credits Mr. Alex. II. Ste phen with being very busy over a ,, .Iy to ex-l'resident Davis's work. While Richmond is crying out ater, water!" Philadelphia is hold u iii proboscis over the slinking O'Dj naimte Uossa says he and his c.jiifederates ''mean baisness now" tnij l ti w British nhips must go down i.r ' iil. Il in predicted by some of the cal iLors that the grain crops of the 1'i.iied States will fall short 200,OOoy 000 bushels. Others are more hope- lui. Dr. 1. Goolrick, of Waohiugton I'iiy, an old army surgeon of large t ipt-nence, eays he has no doubt the 1" fluent is suffering from blood ""PUll . I'wo yellow fever cases in quaran tine at Now York, and many others su 'peeled. Yellow fever is now epidemic iu all of the West Indies. Luk out. One of the most interesting and foientific thieves of modern times is i.'aj.t. V. H. IJowgate, late of the Sual Service. His work is now I'eiuij inspeoled. liichmond, Va., has resolved to Ii3vn a steam pump capable of sup plying 0,000,000 gallons daily of water. The Council have appropri ated S0,000 for the purpose. Attorney General MacVeagh has rendered a decision that reverses one made by his predecessor, Devens, relative to rank in the army. This decision concerns quite a number of orticern. The Columbia Register pays a good deal of attention to cotton and cotton statistics. It estimates the orop of 1881 at $352,800,000. This is some $27,000,000 more than the crop of 1880. U. S. Grant is do longer "the reat national mendicant."" lie is re ported as having made a quarter of a million lately m Wall Street specu lations. His friend Jay Gould whis pered in his ear. The lialeigh Observer says: "Col. Jooes has been longer in the harness than any other editor of a daily pa per in the State." If the Observer refers to continuous service in the position named it is in error. The new cotton crop is variously estimated at from 5,700,000 to 7, uoo.000 bales.. Suppose we average these estimates, and call it 0,30,000 bales. We are inclined to believe, however, that tho latter is a fall esti mate. Senator Lamar, the ablest man in Mississippi, and one of the ablest in the United States, is going to take the stump and will visit every coun ty in the Stale. They are trying to beat him for the U. S. Senate and to remand Mississippi into the keeping of the Radicals who came near ruin ing it forever. Mr. Lamar means to prevent such a sad calamity. ' He Is a power. His health, howerer, is feeble and he may cot hold out. - mm ":f . IB ,1 . . kit j i VOL. XXVIIl. NO. 135. We learu from a Proclamation of the Governor in the Raleigh Ifews- Ob&erver ihtLl 212,194 votes "were polled in the election on August 4,1881. Of these 48.0G1 were for prohibition; 164,133 were against prohibit too majority against pro hibition-116,072. Lieutenant Commander Brown, of the United States torpedo ram Alarm, reports to the Navy Department that the trials have been . satisfactory entirely, and it has been demonstrated that a vessel of considerable size can be steered and propelled by a screw alone, without a rudder, that it can carry guns of tho largest size, whioh oan be aimed with, precision and cer tainty. He says the Alarm is the most formidable vessel in our navy. Mr. Tom Keogh, of Greensboro, has just returned from Washington, t WV ft ana represents Dr. miss as saying to him that'khe had not had any hope of tho President's recovery in ton days. The New York Star says that while "the President lies fighting for his life, somebody at his bedside is telegraphing his sufferings to stock speculators to mako money out of his miseries. Who is it?. There is one kind of experiment that is repeatod often aod is very dangerous. It is to try the fun of pouring kerosene oil on fire. The test has been made a hundred or two times by chamber maids and house wives, and with the precise result every lime, there was a funerail afterwards. The last noticed hap pened at Burlington, Vt., on the 24tb Next. When we wero told that the glan dular swelling in the President's head had broken and was discharging through the ear we thought we dis covered one gleam of hope : bnt when tho quartette of doctors in formed us that pas was discharging through the "right external auditory mealna" wo gave up in otter despair. Tb oolored men of New York are beseiging Mayor Grace for an ap pointment on the police. The Phila delphia example is catching. The Mayor is a Democrat and possibly he may take a notion to appoint one or two. The Itcpablicans never did that way. iiThe greatest political disturbance to whioh Philadelphia was ever snb jeoted waa that given by Mayor King, Democrat, when he appointed a negro as a policeman. The Re publicans of the "city of brotherly love regard the Mayor as a disturber of the peace. It is said a large number of doctors scattered throughout the country believe that the President has been suffering from an attack of malarial fever. That opinion has not existed among those of the White House. KNIGHT FEioitOB. 8KCOND DAY' SKSSI0K OF THH 6 SAND LODGE. (.Italcifch Nuws-Obaerver lie port.) The State Medical Examiner, Dr. W. J. II. Bellamy, submitted his re port, which was ordered to be printed in tho proceedings of the Grand Lodge. Special order was taken up at 10 o'clock, being the report of the com mittee on revised constitution for the Grand Lodge. After various amend ments and changes, the report was adopted as a whole. The most im portant changes made were constitu ting biennial sessions of the Grand Lodge instead of annual; that the reports of Grand officers be submitted iu print to the Grand Lodge. AFTERNOON SESSION. l ite special order, the election of officers, was taken - np, resulting in the choice of the following : J. M. Spraggins, Tarboro, Grand Dictator; Dr. U. P. Lewis, Lumber ton, Grand Vice Dictator; J. T. Le Grand, Rockingham, Grand Assistant Dictator; Kev. L. A. Bikle, Mt. Pleasant, Grand; Chaplain; P. C. Carl too, Statesville, Grand Reporter; S. C. Scofield, Davidson College; Grand Treasurer; N. Jaoobi, Wil mington, Grand Guide; D. CogdelL Goldaboro, Grand Guardian; C. A. Sherwood, Raleigh, Grand Sentinel; J. W. Gudger, Bakersville; J. C. Kennedy, Klnston; A. W. Moye, Greenville, Grand Trustees. Representatives tcri the Supreme Lodge -Dr. W. II. H. UoM, Golds boro; Tbeo. F. Klutta, Salisbury. Alternates J. D.Jajlor, Wilming ton; S. J. Pemberton, Albemarle. The per capita tax for subordinate lodges was fixed at $1 per annum. ; Greensboro was selected .jm the place for the next meeting of tbe HIP ?IOSMH ; WILMINGTON, Grand Lodge, and the second Tues day in August,' 1883, as the time. It should be remembered that in fu ture the sessions will be biennial. The officers , elect' were duly in stalled by Past Grand Dictator Kluttx. The committee on the State of the Order, the committee ou Returns and the committee on Laws, made reports on various matters referred to them. Thesfflreporta were adopted. The Grand Dictator appointed as hnance committee M. Bellamy, Wu mington; W. G. Bnnson, Newbern; S. G. Dodson, Greensboro. The salary of the Grand Treasurer was fixed at $50 per annum. The Grand Lodge having disposed of all the business before it, was olosed in due form, to meet in Greens boro ki August, 1883. THE BANQUET. At 8.30 o'clock the Grand Lodge sat down to a supper, given by Oak City Lodge, of this city, at Metro politan Hall. Quite a number of prominent gentlemen, invited guests, Bat down with the Knights and par took of their hospitality. There were several speeches during the evening. Among the speakers were Col. C7 R. Jones and Capt. S. A. Ashe. bipirits Turpentine J. E. Peterson has been elected Captain of the Goldaboro Rifles. The other officers now are T. H. Bain, 1st Lieutenant; R. G. Powell, 2d Lieu tenant, and D. W. Galloway, Jr. 2d Lieutenant. Warren ton Gazette: A party of United States surveyors was at the hotel here last Sunday. "We under stand they are making a survey of the Roanoke, and report that the river from above Clarksville down can be made navigable, partly by canal. Their report will be made to the next Congress. We greeted Mr. J. B. Hussey when it was announced that he would take control of the Greensboro JPa- triot. The last number bears marks all through of a practiced hand. Mr. H. has talents, tact, industry, expe rience aud ambition, and he will make the Patriot better than it ever was. Our best wishes attend him. Raleigh Visitor: Mr. Edward O'Daniel, residing near Mr. G. T. Stronach's, in this county, was seri ously, if ndtmortally, mjuxed by the running away of a mule on Monday afternoon last. In the forage market yesterday fodder sold for $1 40 per hundred, instead of $1 10, as stated in yesterday's issue; fodder brought $1 50 to-day; hay from 40 to 60 cents, as to quality; oats 80 to 90 cents; straw 40 to 50 cents. Statesville American; The farmer will act wisely who will put in a full seeding of Winter oats -and wheat for the next crop. Oats should be put in from this time to the mid dle of September, earlier the better, and wheat in due time. By all means plow the ground well and harrow fine, and then sow with a drill for wheat, if possible. We regret to announce the death of Rev. Alfred Carson, of Taylorsville, which sad event occurred at his residence, at 10 o'clock, Thursday night of last week. Greensboro Patriot: Capital. 1 labor and education is what North Carolina most needs. A gentle man who has travelled through partB of Forsyth and Yadkin counties says that in the East Bend, Winston and Flint Hill sections the corn crop is almost a complete failure. A good wheat crop has been harvested. The title to the Conrad Hill gold mine known, here as the Old More head mine is in dispute. Mr. J. F. McKee, the manager of tbe company now operating the mine, makes a spirited defense of his title. He as serts a fee simple. The mine is be ing developed and proves to be very valuable property. The Mt. Pleasant Manufacturing Company, composed of solid and enterprising business men, oommenoed operations on the lth inst. The factory is lo cated at Mt Pleasant, in this county, and supplied with the best and latest improved machinery. The enter prise has abundant capital behind it, and I promises to be successtui ana profitable. Only warps are manu factured at present. Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic: We are pleased to learn that Dr. Carmer. formerly of Raleigh, now of Norfolk, is doing very well with his Granville county "(Jdenneimer Sauce," which is being sold in large quantities. Gen. Clingman thinks Garfield should call Vice President Arthur to his bedside and delegate to him the powers of President. It would be a bad precedent to set. The time might come when a Presi dent would dodge his duty by going off and leaving the V. P. in charge. The- collections from the street boxes are no longer made twioe dai ly. One collection only is made, at about 9 A. M., in time for the North" era mail on the Raleigh 6s Gaston Railroad. The carrier is a colored man, Henry Scott, who succeeded ! Alex. Striohland, who was so long the carrier. The pay. for this ser vice, says the Postmaeter, is suffi cient to secure collections twioe daily. Daily Observer. This is a urious statement by Mr. Posmaster Nichols. If the young darkey won't do tbe work for the pay, why N. C, SATURDAY. remove the old darkey who was doing it? Now, we happen to know that the very considerable sum of f 550 has been added to the pay of the xta leigh postoffice within a short time past, to insure better accommoda tions for the publio; yet they are less than before? When Gov. Holden went to see Garfield he was met by the complaint that he did not employ negro clerks. Holden replied that he had a full corps of clerks, but if he had more pay he could very well em ploy another. Garfield at once or dered an additional allotment of $550 a year to the Raleigh office. Mr. t Nichols came in a few weeks after; and dispensed with a stamp clerk, thus increasing the time of mail dis tribution, and he now cuts off two collections from the lamp posts. What goes with the extra pay ? ar-HiJE city. NEW AD VRta'S'ISBIQl KNT". Mrs. Antonk Rush Notice. Heixsbergeb Stationery, etc. The Little Giant Gas Machine. H. H. Munson Travelling bags, etc. Chess, Cablet & Co Red Safety Oil Mrs. A. L. F. Steknken Sale continued Locl tool Receipts of cotton yesterday 10 bales The storm signal was displayed BgaiD yesterday Very little doing in magisterial circles yesterday. There were no cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morn'iDg Rev. J. B. Taylor, pastor of the First Biptiat church, returned home last nigbt. Tho rioe crop of this immediate section now promises, a very larpe yield. and of fine quality too. We had the pleasure of a call yesterday from Mr. Theodore Hobgood, editor and proprietor of tbe Toianot Some. The grain mills in this city are running nigbt and day to supply the de mand upon tbe market for mel and other articles turned out by Iberu. There was a fiue rain here yes terday afternoon, which Betmcd to be the wind up of tbe gale of wind that baa been prevailing and threatening for tho past day or two. The wind yesterday morning swept the dust through tbe streets in clouds, to the intense aunoyance of pedestrians, who welcomed the timely shower which came and put a stop to tbe antics of "rude Boreas " We believe there is an appro priation of 120,000 available for the im provement of the Cape Fear river above Wilmington. Why is not advantage taken of the present low stage of water to begin the work ? Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy and Messrs. N. JacobU J. D. Taylor and Mars den Bellamy, who have been in attendance upon tbe session of tbe Grand Lodge of Knights of Honor at Raleigh, returned Thursday nigbt. We are informed that the Agent of the Wilmington & Wekloa . s Railroad at Teachey'a, Duplin couaty, has shipped thus far this season 169 bales of . vanilla or "dog tongue" to the northern markets. The bales are as largo as cotton bales. We saw yesterday a curiosity in tbe shape of two eggs joined together a la the Siamese Twins, which were laid on a pump (instead of a softer nest) by a hen belonging to Mr. J. Sternberger. The shell of one was rather pliant, but that of tbe otber nearly hard. A Scrimmiee. Lewis Green and J. II. Giles, both col ored, were arrested yesterday morning on tbe charge of disorderly conduct. Oflacer Stone says he was in the neighborhood of Front and Market streets, when he noticed Green running in the direction of Second street and Giles in pursuit with a rock in his hand. The officer followed -them up Market to Second and down Second to Dock, soon after turning into which latter street they were overtaken and carried to the guard house. Green said that Giles struck him and then ran,- and frm the language the former used it was natural to suppose that he was in a very bad humor. Fire at WrlffUiBVille. Tho kitchen on the premises of Mr. Howell Cobb, formerly of this city but now or uatawDa county,- iocau uu Wrightaville Sound, was destroyed by fire on Thursday morning, about half-past 10 o'clock. Tbe dwelling was unoccupied, but a colored man lived In the kitcbea. He built a fire that morning and afterwards fastened up tha kitchen and went fishing in the Sound, and it was during bis absence that the building caught fire and was de stroyed. The neighbors arrived at Ihe scene in time to save the dwelling, but fob late to do anything for the kitchen. The stomach being the chief organ of di gestion, is subject to a variety of troubles, brought about during the spring and sum mer months by the coneumption of impro per articles of food, impure water ana other things. When a man's stomach is out of order he becomes an exceedingly un happy creature, and doctor's bills ' roll in with a regularity that is positively dreadful. All this is unnecessary. If the victim would inquire of any respectable druggist, fie would learn that In Perk Davis Pain Killer, a remedy of forty years' standing. he bas a certain, safe aod in . all ordinary caess an instantaneous curefor diarrhoea, Hvaenterv. cholera. cramDS. and other af fections oi the stomach. t AUGUST 27. 1881. Dally weatiier Railettn. ,, The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at 3.00 P. M. yesterday. Washington mean time, and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty four hours ending daily at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, as furnished by ihe Signal Officer of this city : Temp. Rain fall. Weather.- Atlanta.... 83 .00 Clear Augustc 86 .GO Fair Charleston 79 .02 Cloudy Charlotte.... 82 .00 Clear Corsica n a 9tt 00 Fair Galveston 90 .00 Fair Havana 8 .00 Fair Indianola........ 89 .00 Haze Jacksonville...... 83 .00 Cloudy Key West. 89 .03 Fair Montgomery 89 .CO Clear PuntaRassa 84 .83 Fair Savannah. 78 .00 Cloudy Wilmington 81 .00 Cloudy Cedar Keys 86 .00 Fair PortEacs 85 .00 Clear Pensacola 89 .00 Clear The following are the Indications Tor the South Atlantic States to-day: Cloudy, raioy weather; variable winds mostly from northeast to northwest, lower temperature and low pressure. UnmaZlablelfllas ler. The following is tho unmailable matter remaining in tbe city postoffice up to this date : One white envelope, no address; Mrs. Martha Thornton, Harrison square, Mass. ; Mrs. Adaline Monroe, Bladenborougb, N. C; Mrs. Jane Harrison, Simpson's Turnout, S. C; Edward Tucker, No. 3 Stand Hope Place. I HIVBHANOnAKINE. German barque Elite Metzler, Dahms, hence, arrived at Stettin on tbe 21bI mst. Tbe Schr. W. B. Mackie. Capt. Dow ling, which was cleared from this port for Port-au-Prince, Hayti, on lhe22d inst.,with a cargo of 196,400 feet of lumber and 25,000 shingles, by Messrs. . Kidder & Sons, re turned to this port yesterday in a leaky condition. Capt. DowliDg reports that he encountered a storm on Tuesday night, the 23d inst., just in the western edge of the Gulf Stream, and that the sea was very high, to give some idea of which it may be mentioned that an anchor suspended under the bow of the vessel was washed from its position and landed on deck. Part of the cargo of lumber was washed overboard and the vessel sprung a leak, when the captain put .back to this port, entering the bar Thursday night. A survey was held yesterday and it was or dered that the vessel discharge cargo fcr repairs. Tbe freight was covered by in surance with Messrs Atkinson & Manning. Tbe vessel wasconsigned to Messrs E. G. Barker & Co. Capt. A. H. Worth, of tbe steamer A, P. Hurt, arrived here from Fayetteville yesterday by rail. He reports that ho left Spring Garden, about four miles this side of Fayetteville, the nearest navigable point, on Monday last at 10.20 o'clock A. M., in his boat, with a flat in tow ; got down the river fourteen miles and then trans ferred his freight, consisting of about 225 casks of spirits turpentine, to the mat, put a crew on her, and she came down, as far as Willis' Creek, some dis tance beyond Elizabethtown, when he (Capt. Worth) left and travelled serosa the country to the C C. Railroad and boarded a train for this city. The fiat with the freight was expected to reach here in about two days. The steamer North. State, Capt. Green, which left Wilmington on Friday of last week, has been lying ever since at Cypre8sCreek.seventymile8 above this city. Herff reight was transferred there to a flat for Fayetteville, and tbe Horth Slate was taking on a cargo of rosin for this place at White Hall and will probably reach here to-day. There is scarcely any water In the Upper Cape Fear and no improvement has been noted. We visited yesterday the Swed. baique FriOiiof, Capt. Aug. Borin, which arrived here recently from Havre, France. She registers 545 tons, and is the first iron sail ing; ship ever built in Sweden. She was constructed at Sodertam, a seaport near Stockholm, and is of iioa throughout, ex cept her decks. Her dimensions are 175 feet in length, 30 feet in width of beam and 15 f ee.t iacdepth of hold, with a capacity for 6,000 barrels of rosin. She is decidedly one of tbe handsomest and neatest ships we ever boarded; is provided with all the mod ern conveniences for purposes of naviga tion, and has handsome and well fur nished rooms for the accommodation of officers. In fact, bath outside and in, she is : a model of strength 'and beauty, and we do not blame Capt Borin for the just pride he displays in his noble craft She is also a very fast sailer, as may.be inferred from the fact that she came over in forty-one days, with a head wind all the way, except about two hours, during which, Bhe made the distance from the Frying Pan Shoals Light Ship to the Cape Fear river. She is about ten years old, and is consigned to Messrs. Alex. Spruht & Son, at whose wharf she is now Ivine. It.4a regretted that she did not ar rive, here in tbe proper season to take on a cargo of cotton instead of rosin, it is ex pected, however, that she will be here again before tbe cotton season ends. BURNETT'S .MDOCOAINE A Lady's Hair Saved by its Use Bnrnett's Cocoa ihe will keep the hair in a strong and healthy condition by stimulating the roots of the hair an&restoring the natural action upon which its. growth depends. Twenty years ago a single pottle saved a lady's hair in a des" perate case where every other treatment had failed? and since- that early success thousand of cases of Baldness, Dandruff, Loss of Hair and Irritation of the Scalp have yielded to this remedy. The superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists in their perfect purity ana at strengtn. - - . -1 WHOLE NO. 4376 ts BiiecbroeK monument. The monument to tbe lamented. Wm Ellerbrock, who lost his life during tbe fire at the corner of Front and Dock streets, has been completed by Mr. Jno. Maunder and will be put in position in a few days. It is twelve feel high and bears tbe following in scription: "The citizens of Wilmineton. tho several Fire Companies and the Christian Associa tion of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church have erected this monument to the memory of Capt. Wm. A. Ellerbrock, a native of Hamburg, Germany, who lost bis me in aoing service ai a nre corner oi J? root and Dock streets, April lltb. 1880. Aged 24 years and 24 days." On the reverse side oi the dye is a dog in a crouching position ana just aDove it tbe following inscription: "j-auniui unto ueath." 1 no Barbae Glacier. Messrs. L. Hansen & Co., of this city. yesterday purchased the interest of Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co. in tho barque Glacier Messrs. Hansen & Co. inform us that the barque in question will be kept here and run in the Wilmington trade. Capt. Small takes leave of the Qlacier, but his successor has not yet been named. The vessel was formerly owned by Messrs. Barker & Co and Hansen & Co., jointly. DOH'T DIE IN THE HOUSE Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, uies, auis, insects. 10c per DOX. f CITY ITJKIBW. .-14 THE MORNING STAB can always be had at the ionowme piaces in tie city : The Porcell House. bui kcwi outuu. ana me biaiuisco. WICKED van nr.HT?QVKTj xr, Washington. D. C. writes : "I believe it to he all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or other pab- jiv mm w uo icu into giving testimonials to quacK unburn ur vuu sums cauea medicines, out when a really meritorious article made of valuable remedies juiuwu to au, last ail pnyaiciana nee and trust in daily, we Should freelv enmramfl it. cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bitters for believing they have no equal for family nse. not be without them." New York Baptist V bww uiejr mio uuue me ana my rnenas. nrmiv ,muy nse. I wul Baptist Weekly. THB FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OB- THE NURSERY. The following is an extract from a latter written to the "German Reformed Messen ger." at Chambersbnrgh, Fa. : A BENEFACTRESS. Just open- the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American iriorenca xnignungale or the Nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our "Susy" to Bay, "A blessing en Mrs. Winslow," for helping her to survive and escape the griping, eolicking and teeth- Ingsiege. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SY RUP relieves the child from pain, and cures dvsen- ano aiarrnoea. it sonens the gums, reduces tion. cures Wind COlic. and carriea thA in fant safely through the teething nenod. It ner- f orma precisely what it professes to perform, every we had the power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all aggists. 35 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. ALL PERSGNSIARE HEREBY WARNED NOT to lease, rent, or trade for the premises, being about 43 Acres, In Masonboro Township, New Han over County, adjoining the lands of Messrs, James Hewitt and Christopher Redd, belonging to the un dersigned, as no one has any authority to make any tamiract oi anv nature concerning tna a&tn nrc.miflea except the undersigned alone. aa zc MRS. ANTONE RUSH. Q.ENTS TRAVELLING BAGS, SHAWL STRAPS COMPLETE LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. H. H. MUNSON, Clothier and Merchant Tailor. an S7 It Stationery. gCHOOL BOOKS A COMPLETE STOCK AL- wayson hand. SCHOOL STATIONERY A Specialty. Inks. Pens, Pencils, Writing Paper, Pen Holders, Crayon, Ac, 4a, 4c. HEAD QUARTKnn&CLIO OL BOOKS ADOP- TED BY THB STATBSOARD OF EDUCATION. A full Isupply always on hsnd. LIBERAL DIS COUNT TO TEACHERS, At HEINoBEKGER 3 aug 37 tf Live Book and Music Store. Use Chess, Carley & Co's Bed Safety Oil. JT IS THB PUREST AND SAFEST BURNING OIL IN USB. Every gallon is eold tinder a guarantee that it will stand a high nre test, The light will be clear and brilliant, equal to gas, if proper attention is given to lanro and bnrnerc. The color is beautiful and very attractive, while every family can regard it as a talisman of safety. The price will be so near the cost of ordinary oil that it should be universally used. It is absolutely SAFE IN ANY LAMP. race, 35 Cents per gallon at retalL We have the best of Famllv and bhlnrjln? Pans. which we are selling at bottom prices. re Bure to try our RED SAFETY OIL. CHESS. CARLEY & CO., Manufacturers. For sale by P. L. BRIDGBRS 4 CO., Front Street. City. J. C. STEVENSON, Market Street, City, an 37 St Economy is Wealth. THB LITTLE GIANT GAS MACHINE is one of the wonders of the Nineteenth Century. It will furnish you tbe most brilliant Gas light ever produced, and makes a thoroughly fixed Gas, as good in winter as iu Summer, and can be furnished for one fourth of the cost of anything of the kind ever invent ft heretofore. It can be made to sup ply any number of lights desired, producing a uni form pressure at every point. It requires no more attention than an oil Lamp, and 1a a thousand times safer. Upon the arrival of the Agent, a cordial In vitation is extended to all to be present at the Pur -cell Bouse, when tho wonderful machine will be exhibited, and all Information cheerfully' given, with a view to selling County Rights for the State. . LITTLE GIANT GAS MACHINE ' MANUFACTURING COMPANY, fau8Ttf of Baltimore City. ..- B1TBI Or ArJVSJllTiaiNa. 14 ' thKdai,.. 1 s to rwitdajri.ri.... busit,,., ;gj s no five dara,kitt ..... ... J60 one mt&ttiin .vt . 4 Ot Tjreweeki(liiv.... ......... ... ih TLreeweks,.... .4.. ........ , s u Oee month,...;. .. lit IN Two months. l 44 I? 4 " Three months. six months,.. One year, ........ .... 4U M .. K0 (Ml 9 Contract Advertisements taken, at jwp r Uonatcly low rates. Ten lines selid Nonpareil typo make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Sale QF THE REMAINDER OF TUB STOCK IN the store of Mra. A. L. F. 8T&ENKSX, cornor of Fourth and Harnett streets, will be continued Tills (SATURDAY) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, an 37 It A New Feature in the Family Grocery Trade. J HAVE PERFECTED ARRANGEMENTS BY which I will receive Dally, from first hands, a f ul supply or EGGS and CHICKENS, whenever they are to bo had from points contiguous to Wilming ton, bo that my customers may be sapplted at tho lowest market rates, and got thorn fresh, I rarel ever have an Egg or Chicken on hand 48 hours. Coffees Roasted Daily, all grade, and ground 4o order. Fresh assortment of Cakes and Crackers jast re ceivedthe largest variety in the.dty. Clean Store, Best Goods, Largs Stock to select from, prompt attention and delivery. J. V. 8TSVJSNBON, au 33 tf Market Street. Powder ! Powder ! O0Q Kegs KENTUCKY RIFLE POWDEE, BLASTING POWDER,' DUCKING POWDEB, RICE BIRD POWDER, For sale at an 81 tf WILLARD'S." Dundee Bagging. JpOR COTTON SHEETS. FIVE BALE -4, For eale at "WILLARD'S. au 33 tf Lost or Stolen, TWO:HOUNDS, answering the following desert p tion : Black aud Tan Bitch, medium In size. named "Belle" ; Red Bitch, with white face, nine months old, rather small in size, named ! 'A lice." A liberal reward will be paid for their recovery, or for information as to their whereabouts. L. P. THOMAS. At P. L. Brldgers 4 Co.'s, Wholesale au 25 3t and ReUil Grocers, Frent Street. Turpentine Farms. THERE IS A GOOD OPENING FOR TUR PENTINE FARMS along the line of the FlorMa Southern Railway from Palatka to Gainesville, thenca South. Address, for particulars. C. A. BOARD MA 55. Land Agent F. S. Rallwav, auS5 2w Palatka, Fla. Hats and Umbrellas ! HAH HI SON 4 ALLS. Hatters. au 35 tf For Rent. From the 1st ef October next, that large and commodious STORK. 8txfl feet, now occupied by Messrs. Lamb 4 a 111 iranneiee. ti Alio, tbe STORE, corner Princess and Water Streets, 30x10 feet, formerly occupied by the Produce Exchange. Apply at the office of the roauce n: an 24 tf HA. V ADOA. UUAMU CU. Sa Lb NEXT DRAWING OF THB Louisiana State Lottery TAKES PLACE 8EPTR 13. PRIZES FROM 100 to 130.000. Price. Whole tickets. 13 00. Halves $1 00. Address lock box m, am 13 tf ' Wilmington, N. C. Duke of Argyle. Brown & Roddick 45 market Street, -yB HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT of the above GENTS' LINEN COLLARS (our New Style). Can give you all sizes from 14 to 19 inches. BROWN 4 RODDICK. 45 Market St. P. 8. We will remove to our New Store about the Kth of September. Jy 38 tf School Book Depository. ALL THB BOOKS ADOPTED BY THB STATE Board of Education are en deposit at my Store. Teachers and Scholars will find it to their Interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. Large stock of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Fine Stationery Just received. Pianos and Organs alwajsoa hand. au 21 tf U. w. XATJUS. Sent. 1st.1 WE ARE MAKING A CHANGE. EVERYTHING IN OLD STORE TO BE SOLD. OPENING NEW AND STYLISH GOODS. OUR NEW STORE ON 8EPTBMBEB 1ST. au 31 tf DYER 4 SUN. Dissolution of ftpartnersliip. THB CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE IX lsting nuder the firm name and style of Joseph Sternberger 4 Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued in the name of Joseph Sternberger, who is alone author ized to settle up tne business or tne oia arm. dOBltrii BTJCKttBBHUlUf, an 33 lw SOL. BEAR 4 BROS. PUECELL HOUSE. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Wilmington, IV. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor First Class in all Its appointments. Terms ft B0 iebHU to $3.00 per day. . Wanted 1,000 Men1, rpo BUY BUGGIES, CARTS, WAGONS, OAK neee. Saddles, Collars, Uanee, Blind Bridles, Sc. Best goods and lowest price. an 31 tf GEBHAKDT 4 CO Our Fall Stock IS NOW COMPLETE. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find the prices of our Hardware, Tinware. Crockery the same as Northern Jobbers, and our selections adapted to the trade of this section. call upon us aoa examine gooos ana prices MUHCUIrON. au 14 tf 89 4 40 Marchisoa Block. Early Bartlett Pears. A rR& FIRST BARTLETT PEARS OF THE SKA-" son Just received by Steamship Benefactor. Also. Lemons, OraiicoaApsA c , au SI tf Fruit and Confectionery Store. r ai i

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