t HS MOKNING STAE; "'"""BiTBi of autantitiRfir ' t0 )4aare en iiii.sV .'V...';;'-..;;'i$l 0 tti a y win. ii. bumahp: ti i ' ii 1 j ' . ' : - - .is.- t , ti t .(.KI,1SUBI) DAILY BXCRPT MoNDAYn. RATES OT BCBSCB.IITIOK IK A.OVA.HCS .neyear. (by mail) postage paid, r iix months, aonU " " " 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the uv Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are " ; anthorlxed to collect for more than three months o advance. . Sntered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as eecona-ciaee maucr.j President Garfield's removal to Lorjg Brtoch was successfully accomplUhed; ex inordinary precautions were taken to pre- cont incident, and nothine occurred to distort tbe patient on his Journey; the ex- - . citemeot, however, resulted in a higher temperature and increased pulse at tbe evening examination; Dr. Hamilton thinks tbe removal will soon prove beneficial Squirrels are devastating cotton fields io Wbite county, Ark. Serious antN Jewish riois occurred in Pomerania Sun day. Tbe Freoch will not assume of ft,s ve operations in Tunis until October; i L tndrsn di-plch sy9 that M. Rouslan informs hia government tbat the Bey is 9upp"iiio ihe rebels under orders from Tuikey; be urges the occupation of Tunis xn.i ihe deposition of the Bey. New York mtikets: Mooey 46 percent, and i commi-sKiii ; ciiuod sieauy at izt(g-.izc cts; ,..uthca flour doll and DochaDged ti $6 23 c ... aa ..a i q-,, 7-:r"u"B' .I:.", I"'?' c.iru n!: lower, uugraueu onmuctc 3iiriu turpt-niine quiet and firm at 52$ 53 -; rosm rirmiT at $2 202 25$. The New York Sun sold 1,039,425 . 'UJt tiroiA- It l.aa rmt Kmt tn I copies iast week, it lias got back to iis old neures. Amc-rican gunn (Hoichkins) were ikhuI by tho French in the reduction i.f f;x. S'glad. Five hundred Tenneeseeans are at work in one river searching for pearls. I'hey are found in mussels. St-nalor Hill baa been compelled to n tiini i Philadelphia. Another op- t-rai oi was io have been performed on Moi.day. Ihe L.!eut. tjroraon wuo was wouujlexi in tho recent Indian tight wis born in North Carolina and removed to California when young. liepreseutative Dezandorf, of the Norfil( Va.) District, says ho is a m raiyhtout Republican and can not vole for Daniel, but that he will be -.i-c;nJ and tbe Democrats will carry liit- Legislature. Good. A .mhI jok- liichmond is nuf- t fiom a water famine. Tho W fiit-r Works render accouutsall the iino. This beats some gas compa n u-m that charge when the occupants oi the houses are out of town. Ajoob Khan has declared a holy war ngainst the English. He wants, however, to make peace with the Ameer. The Afghans are about as iroulileaome to the English as the Indians are to the United Slates. Suggestion to the Kaleigh Evening Visitor: Use more headings to your local news. Dou't put $o many paragraphs under the head of "City Visits." If this suggestion is adopted the Visitor will be more generally re.nl. It is an excellent local paper. Peter Delmonico was the first of the name to have a restaurant in Now York. There was another brother and a nephew in the business. Io 1833 Lorenzo, who has just died, be came a clerk under them. In 1842 he became a partner of his uncle Pe ter, and six years later bought him cut. It was Lorenzo who gave the restaurant a world-wide fame. The New York Sun goes for tbe finding of the coroner's jury in the Cramer case, and says it rendered "a senseless verdict." It says : "There certainly appears to be strong ground for suspicion that James Malley, Jr., possesses more knowledge of Miss Cramer's death than he has yet disclosed; but we have seen no evidence tbat he had any hand in it, or any reason to wish her death." There is another prominent Repub. lican who can not see tbe wisdom or honesty of 1 using with factions whose principles be opposes just to gain a victory over the Democrats. We refer to Judge R. J. Alcorn, of Mis sissippi. Like Gen. Wickham, he will not form a disreputable alliance. In the next election he will support the Democratic candidate for Governor, Gen. Lowry. Some of the Northern papers take the position tbat Jennie Cramer took her own life by poison. They do not credit the theory tbat James Malley destroyed her. They say he had no motive. Jennie had been reared badly, and she was pretty, vain, fool ish and fond of attention from the men. Bat why should she take faer own life? A girl of her sort would hardly destroy herself. So a motive is lacking. There is no proof to show tbat James Malley murdered her. VOL. XXVIII. NO. iSmnts Turpentine. - Dr. Thomas S. Sumrnerell, born in Southampton county. Va.. in 1835, died in Edentou. N.C.. August 28th. 1881, in the 47th year of hia age. Henderson Review: For the convenience of the young ladies attending In -, , - , cln ' wmumnnint to ariin?Xdaafw Oapt. Williams is running two trains daily over UIS roaa. x ?uv luat e8"8' WB"U bacco that be raised on aix acres of land. Shdby Aurora: Some Granville farmers have made f 600 to tbe acre star Washington Press: It is said that Pamlico county will raise about 75,000 bushels of rice tbts year. The cotton and corn is also better than at. any time since the war, and they have sweet potatoes 'till you can't repose that is if ypu eat too many at supper. Qreenvillo Mzpress: Saturday niffhL aboot o o'clock- Oant-J T Williama Vp1 mfn Mnn na h.rrnnm mnA gtrnoV Bob JohDaon.colored.twice on the head with a hickory etick, causing concussion of tbe hrain Hrai Mk frn c.nt W. nri the neo had a difficulty and the boy itrnckhim with a briek. rk.ik. . We are in i . . " formed that the guano companies have notified their agents in this place that they will expect them to settle promptly whether the farmers pay up or cot. This being tbe case there is no chance for tho farmer but -. a 1 10 oe presseo or mite toe men, irom wuom . . . tor .no,her year Salisbury Examiner'. The ac tual majority against prohibition is 118,955, But some precincts and Asbe county not having been properly returned, were of course not esumaiea in mating ouuae om . . . . . 1 A3 ciai vote. 1 wo coiorea men nan a ngbt in the old Mocksville road, near Mr. AcnecDaca a gin-nouse, last inesaay. une receiveu a severe cut in tne aoaomen. Tarboro Southerner: Peaches at n,.u Hnll.F . hn.h.l i u.ennihl. - The Tarboro, R. L. Myer, Greenville and Edgecombe compare favorably with steamboats on any small ilver, and they ply a profitable trade in freight and passengers. -Yankees can put ibis in tbeir pipes and smoke it. When tbe Ohio exoduster, liar well Hill, colored, and eight little children, reached Weldon on their return last week they got strapped and were suffering. Then it was Democrats and landowners who aub scribed the money for their relief. Charlotte Democrat; It should be giatifriog to tbe citizens of this commu ciiy to know that one of tbe thieves who have been entering nouses has been sbot,and that be will probably die from hia wounds. - Charlie liolt. son of Col. Thomas M. Holt, of Haw river, is now in a Northern establishment learning the trade of a ma chinist. We are pleased to make such' an announcement, aod ar alsj pleased to earn tium the boai of ihe btiop that Char lie vmII make a fits', class mechanic. In a j ar .r two he wi I be alile to ibks charge r nuc o' his f 'dories and tun it success fully. Charleston News and Courier; At Lincolnton. N. C, on last Saturday oiKht. Samuel citubbs, . while, while under ihe influence of whiskey, stole an engine ud tender oo the Chester & Lenoir Rail road, aod throwing open the valve came off in the direction of Chester. The engine was missed, and tbe fugitive was pursued aud overtaken two miles from Chester. Tbeeogino was at a standstill, steam run out, as little bad been left in the engine by tbe fireman When Stobbs was overtaken be was tbrowiog wood -on tbe tender with a view to firing up and renewing his journey. He was arrested aod taken io jaw. Charlotte Observer: Redmond, tbe famous moonshiner, passed through the cily yesterday going from Greenville to Albany, New York, to begin to serve out a sentence of ten years which he received at Greenville a few days since. D. M. Vance, reporter for the Observer, was fined $2.50 for an assault on Wm. Robinson, tbe assault being occasioned by language used by Robinson concerning a statement which appeared in in the Oburter a day or two since to tbe effect that Robinson was fined by tbe mayor for being drunk and down, when the correct statement should have been tbat Robmson was drunk and disor derly. ... Goldsboro Messenger: The old rates have been re-established on tbe North Carolina division of the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad and all business over the line of the Midland Railway. We have made farther inquiry into the matter of re ported increase in freight charges over tbe W. & W. Road, and find that While Some I of tbe higher classes, such as dry goods, have been slightly increased, which we re gret, there is at tbe same time a perceptible reduction in rates on cotton, bagging, ties, coal, ice, bulk meats, flour.coflee, sugar and necessaries of life generally, more than off setting the increase on tbe higher classes. Raleigh News- Observer: The white man Long, who was arrested on Saturday, charged with stealing $7 25 and a watch from one Hare, a negio, died early yesterday morning, io jail. The col lections of internal revenue in this district for tbe mouth of August were $101,930 76. Carthage, N. C, August 30, 1881. There is a belt of gray specular iron ore of an excellent quality outcropping between Cameron, on the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad and the Union Home school. It is tbe extension of tbeBockhorn ore, and probably reaches across fffe State. Tbe strike of tbe outcrop points in tbe direction of tbe great Pee Dee River. Elizabeth City Economist: The body of tbe lamented Frank G. Hines, of Edenloo, was found on the beach, Wed nesday morning, one mile and a half below tbe place where he was drowned Monday morning. Tbe general impression is tbat be was struck by a shark while bathing in tbe surf. His body was taken to Edenton Thursday night for burial. Washing ton item: Tbe cool nights cause tbe cotton to sbed its leaves and turn yellow. High land rice is thought to be somewhat injuied by tbe dry weatber, but tbat on low land looks splendid. Bertie dot: Crops in this section are good. Cotton very, and our people generally healthy. Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic: Col. W. L. Ssunders and Justices Ashe and Ruffin of tbe Supreme Court will occupy rooms io tbe Agricultural Building, or National Hotel. The wing, devoted to Prof. Kerr's Geological. Entomological, Agricultural, etc., Museum is nearly ready for occupancy. Commissioner McGehee'a office was removed to the first floor, corner room, as soon as the property was pur chased. Ten dollars reward for in formation sufficient to convict the thief who stole a letter mailed to the Farmer 4 M$ chanic, by Mr. R. Ei Jones, of Goldsboro, enclosing five dollars. Address, in confi dence, if desired.tbe editor of this paper, or call any day between 10 and 2. Nashville News: Jim Greenlee who was tried at tbe present term of th 144. WILMINGTON, N. Superlor Court on a charge of rape and found guilty," was sentenced last Sat- nri!iltvJnriM MpXnr tn hn tianirp.ri thn I 28th day of October. An effort will be I made to hare hia sentence commuted to a I lifetime sentence iu the Penitentiary. I An agent ol a" large lumber farm of New SW5 T Runenmh(, navv(yvt Mt m-am.,,., Thi iiuuvUUlUe, AAMJ vvlwU AUU jujhuoUUi Aula timber conaista of ash, poplar and walnut. I .A DUtT of . fitrmu nntleman from I Phn..lnhl. or. nnrii,i In Doltla , . I '.w.iK""' m.w yivym w bw.mw mm mib S?if ."?.:?ra by settle in Henderson or Transylvania counties, Thn "Onldahnrn Mnnr r- DorUthanroeefldirura of a meeting held in that place composed of merchants and busi - nesa men. jur. cesi, or tae Jiaiana y. to give the State a North Carolina policy of railroads, a grand trunk line tbat would have for its object the bonding up of North Ca- fli aeaports, andafford the greatest pro- I teotion to tne estate ana people tie meant I W KtUIY UUl Uie GQDU1UOUS Ol UIS 1BB8Q OI me Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, and to l-f01"8, lo . f? j,, ?g to the freight policy of the Midland line, he "ia he would be guided by business principles did not propose to go into cat- W mV, W- tee mat ireignis over aia line Bnouia oe promptly forwarded, and all damage or loss l uo should be promptly made good Statesville Landmark'. Persons from this place who attended the camp meeting at Ball's Creek camp-ground, Ca tawba county, returned with the story of a tragedy which was enacted there last oat urday night, Pinkney Abernelhy losing his life at the hands of Joseph Blalock. Both men were under the influence of liouor. I Abernethv annlied to Blalock to hire hia mule to run after more liemor. and Blalock i agreed to let him have it for a stipulated I . . " ... price, and then withdrew bis consent, fear- I jog that the animal would be ridden too hard. The refusal of the mule aneered Abernetbv. and a auarrel ensued. A fizbt I followed, and Abernethy had struck Bla- IIUC&.IWU Uf lUUfO UIOWS WUCU IUO jaUCf drew a knife and rushed upon his antago nist, stabbing him In the left breast. Tbe wounded man ran a short distance when he fell to the earth. He was carried to the tent of a person who was camping on the grounds, where ne lingered five hours, when death occurred. The knife blade is said to have entered the heart. TJEE.IB CITY. NEW ADVEBS.TIsiBiaKNT. H. B. Ehjers For rent. Wanted Furnished house. Munson Merchant-tailoring goods. Cbonlt & Moukis Real estate Bale. Excursion To the Sound Thursday. S. G. Northrop Pears and bananas. Local uou Receipts of cotton yesterday 21G bales No oases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. Full moon this evening at 25 minutes past 11 o'clock. There was a colored excursion down the river yesterday on tbe steamer Pastport. Seventy-five pounds of beef were condemned and sent out of market yesterdsy. Prof. Agostini will leave for Atlanta on Friday evening, after the re turn of his last ezcunion for tbe season. Mayor Smith made his appear-1 ance at the City Hall yesterday morning. but his health is not so good as it might be. The Swedish barque Frithiof, Capt, Botin, was cleared from this port for London, yesterday, by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, with 1,200 casks spirits tur pentine and 3,750 barrels of rosin. Mr. Don. MoRae returned yes- I terday from a Bomewhat extended trip to I the western part of the State, and reports the weather "red hot and still heating," and tbat tbe crops are burning up. We are requested by Mrs. Q. n Rflrnhelm PrfifliHnt ami Mrs. T.. P. B v. PrpBi,flnt tn ..... lhpre will be a meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union this (Wednesday) af ternoon, at 5i o'clock, at Hook & Ladder Hall. Fm.nMMiAinfnrmat.irm wfi would slate that tbe scale of depreciation fixed by the government for coins with holes in them is.A8 follows: Silver dollars with boles in them are worth only 85 cents; half-dollars, 35 cents; quartern-dollars, 18 cents; dimes, Scents. Uojast Discrimination Against oar Port. A meeting of tbe Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday to take into considera tion the recent action of tbe Board of Un- derwriters, at their meeting in New York, on the 26th of August, to adopt new rates of Insurance for Southern cities, in which it is claimed that there is an UDjuBt discrim ination against this city, as compared with Savannah, Charleston, Norfolk, and other Southern ports. A committee; consisting of A. H. YanBokkelen, Esq., President of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. R. E. Cal der, President of the Produce Exchange; Capt. D. R. Murchison, Col. Roger Moore, and Messrs. James Sprunt, R. E. Heide and E. Peschau, was appointed to confer with the Board of Underwriters and secure, if possible, the removal of tbia UDjust and uncalled-for discrimination against our port. Tbe committee will meet at the Produce Exchange to-day at 12 M. Unmailable Illatter. The following is the unmailable matter remaining in the city postofBce up to this date : E. J. Carter, Farmers' Turnout, Brunswick county, N. C. "WINE OF CARDUI" makeB rosy cheeks and clear comploxiona. t For sale by J. C. Munds. ING C., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1881. tHB PBBSIDBNT. PRAYERS FOB HIS RECOVERY IN THE YABIOUS CHURCHES YESTERDAY ; PRAYERS ON THE STEAMER PASS PORT, AC. "Services were held in nearly all '.he churches of the city, yesterday, in response to the proclamations of Governor Jarvis I ,r . , ... ... I DUU JU.IVUI OUlllU, SOU Ilia ftllGUUBQCC WU fair. In the churches where no services were held tbe omission was owing to the absence of the pastors, or from some other caae rather than an intentional disregard I of the recommendation alluded to. Du 1 ring the interval from 10 to 12 o'clock, de- aignated as tbe hours in which the services and Payers in the President's behalf were I to be held, business was almost altogether eusDenderl. mnnr of the stores and other busi ' honae. 5neiadinff bar rooms, be- I . - I "& " t.-R much the resemblance of Sunday And while prayers were aacendiog to . . ........... "e?a "om l"18 behalf, the stricken President was being borne, with all the care and solicitude pos- i :.! i .. m ..j .im !,U1 lu uuul,in " from the malarial impregnated surround- logs, amid which he has suffered and languished so long, to the cool and pleasant shades of Long Branch, where it is hoped that, fanned by tbe inspiring and health- giving breezes of "Old Ocean," be may soon be restored to his friends and country in all the vigor and strength which characterized him ere the hand of the assassin had at tempted his life. Iu this connection we would state that the congregation of the Chesnut Street (colored) Presbyterian church, of which Rev. D. J. Sanders is pastor, having ar- ranged to go on an excursion down the river, in lieu of a service of prayer for the recovery of the President in their church, held Buch a service on board of tbe Bteamer Passport immediately after leaving the "Rocks" on their way down. A Grand Aggregation or Talent. "Four splendid hall shows in one" is an announcement that will be bailed with en- thusiasm by amusement goers, and Antho ny, Ellis & Hathawdy'a Majestic Consoli dated Aggregation, which has created so decided a furore, will receive a bearty welt come here. Lovers of pantomime will be delighted to know that Ravel's newly hatched "Hnmpty Dumpty" troupe, with tbe great Grimaldi as clown, constitutes a leading feature, and this company is the most complete pantomime troupe in this country. Every one will be eager to see the beautiful Sadwah, a veritable East Ins dian princess and fire worshipper, who has but recently arrived in this country from the Orient. Her songs and specialties once beard and seen are never to be forgotten The musical attractions of the consolida tion are superb, and the specialty artists are well known favorites. Don't fail to enjoy this unique entertainment, which appears at the Opera House to-night and to-morrow afternoon and evening. Give Them Tobacco. It may be to some extent detrimental to health in some instances we know It to be bo to use tobacco, especially to an excess, but it nevertheless seems hard to shutdown I nn thfl hnhit in thn man of a flivnrtP.nt I . I fellow-creature who has been used to ft all hit life.. Superintendent Savage has, we understand, been furnishing the parish ioners at the County Poor House with to bacco at bis own expense, until recently, when, on account of tbe rise in the price of tbe necessaries of life, he was com- polled, In justice to himself, to cease this J gratuity, not specified in tbe contract. As I the expense of furnishing the aged and j indigent beneficiaries of the institution with the little consolation to be drawn from the I "weed" would be very slight probably j less than three dollars per month-it is to be hoped tbat our "County Fathers" will J consent to make an allowance for this I ntirnnse I " I magistrates courts. Charles Bowden, alias Cbarles Herring, a colored man apparently about 35 or 40 I vffsra nld wm hfifnrn .Inntire flardner ves I tardsv mnminir fthaurtri with an nsanlt I ... . . . . .. , . . 1 J ni " I wuu iDHsnt 10 commu a usuuiro upon a nine coiorea gin, oniy aooui nve or 1 six vears of aee. named Marv Pollock. b.,.i F..nAM.M. nnin nonnin WOn I witnesses in the case and the evidence seemed to be of a Very damaging character. , 6 jn.."v. I tbe sum 01 1UU for his appearance at tne next term of tbe Criminal Couit, in default of which he was committed to jail. M. Bellamy, Esq , appeared for the de fendant. PheobeJohnson, colored, was arraigned before Justice Millis on a peace warrant sworn out by Annie Wade, also colored, and defendant was required to pay tbe costs and give bond in the sum of (25 to keep the peace for sixty days. monttily mortuary Keport. From tbe report of Dr. J. C. Walker, Superintendent of Health, to the Board of Aldermen, we get the following statement of the number of deaths in this city for the month of August: While$.3 males and 4 females; 6 adults and 1 child. Total, 7. . ' Colored. 15 males and 5 females; 8 adults and 12 children. Total, 20. Total deaths, white and colored, 27. UIVBRAROIIIARIRB. Barque Lydia Peschau, hence, arrived at Qaeenstown yesterday. The following are the indications for the South Atlantic States to-day: Fair weather; easterly winds, shifting to southerly, and nearly stationary barometer and temperature. Daily weaiber Haiieun. The following will dhow the elate of the thermometer, at tbe stations named, at 3.00 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time, and also tbe amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty four hours ending daily at 3 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, a furnished by the Signal Officer of this city : Temp. Rain fall. Weather. Atlauta Augusta Charlotte. . . . Charleston. . . Corsicana Galveston.... Cloudy Clear Clear Fair Clear Clear Havana. . IndiaD.jia Cloudy Clear Clear Jacksonville... Key WeBt..... Cloudy Montgomery. .... 91 J?"air Fair Fair Fair Clear Clear fun la Kaaea Pensacola . . Cedar Keys. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining in the City Post Office, September 6, 1881, unclaimed : A W J Aarahbell. Jr. B Miss Isabella Brvant. Mia? Tillev I t. . . :. - aiacaman, jars Jteoecca uraoiey, airs i,ucy A Beasley, Bryant Harlow. James Brown. James F Biscount. C Miss Nellie W Carter (2). Miss Annie Carter, Mrs Elizabeth Chapman, Mrs Louisa I Caphart, Mrs Maria F Clifton, Mrs Martha A Cotton, Mrs Mariah Cbarles, Mrs Lucy Cannon, F M Coston, F D Capps (2). Tbos uouncii. D Miss Caroline Davis. Jackson Deal. T W Downing. F Mrs Annie Fisher. John R Franklin. Jessie VV Fulcber, James Farrar, J O Frazel, Albert Fenner. Q Mrs Goss, per Sandy Brown, Mrs M U (iuyer. a L. Uornta. Wm R Graves. 11 Mrs Anna M Hartley. Miss Jen net te Hall (2), Miss Mattie Hsskett, Miss Mittie I Herrion, Buck Holden, Annie Hankins, Washington Hines J David Jenkins, Edward Johnson L Mrs S Lucus, Miss Lucy Lewis, Geo Lieftridge, Green Landar .M Miss Marv McMillan. Mrs Holland Mitchell, Mrs Martha McKinsey, Dock Math 1(1 .lim Mr I Innnlii Kbv Mnapa A Moore. Viola D Murrell. Tom Moore. Robt McHoy. P Miss Susan Pierce, Mrs Anna Pope, John Pridgen, John H Parker, Andrew retersoni R Louisa Reaves. S Miss Hattie Slade, Mrs Caroline Sel lara, Mrs Julia Scarborough, J LSanford. G R Scott, Kedor Scead, Walter Smith, J w Stokes, Wiley Stokes, Albert Stockton. T Mrs Lizzy Thomas U Miss Marion Utes. W Miss Alice White, MiBS Annie Wood, George Wilson, David Wiggs, Henry C Williams, Adam Wallace Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." If not called for witbin thirty days they will be sent j to the Dead Letter Office Ed. R. Bbnk, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. THB ITX AILS. The mails close and arrive at the City xost Ufflce as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast, 5:30 P. M. Northern through and way . mails 5:40 A.M. Raleigh 5:40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:40 A.M. Southern mails for all points Soutb, daily 7:45 P. M. Western mails tU. U. K'y) daily (except Sunday). 9:00 A. M. Mail for Cheraw s Darlington itailroad 7.451P. M. Mails for points between Flo- rence auu vyiiaxieawn, j.... jr. m. Vawaftainlla nnH r1W fra rn I'nnn Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1-00 P M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 9:00A.M. Wrightsville.daily except Sun days 8:30 A.M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and gmithville mails." by "steam- boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M. M?PsaJ.orH.Eafyt. Hm. own jft and Thur8: days 6:00 A. M. Wilmington and Black River ZFSXZ w open for " delivery. Northern through and way mails 7:30 A.M. Q.ntlini moSIa f ,rf TJ TUT J IV OA A ft DVUkWrlU UICMIO ff .W M, U.. OjUU . OV A. JI1. Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 4:00 P. M. WrightsTille 6:30 p. m. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4.00 P. M. Ht.Arrms for sale in small nnnntittAa at ore. neral delivery when stamp omce is closed ry 1 t-.on ucuciu ucurcjiy uycu xruiu u;4V&,lu, to 7:00 P. M.. and on Sundflvs from8:30tn g:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M. anciirom a ioo:aujr.m. Money order and 38ter open same as stamp TT A TXT A "NT TV TtTTtTlTTTI TTT 1 1 n . .!.. Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for im- potence, leanness, sexual debility, &c. $1 at druggists. Depot, J. C. Munds, Wil- mington. CITY 1TU9IS. common, Dandelion ous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitters does f It must do, xor wnec 01a ana young, ncn ana poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having been cored by it, we must believe and doubt no longer. See another column. Post. FORTUNE'S FAVORS TO AN IRISH LAD. The wheel of fortune turned most favorably for a poor lnsn laa, James u uonaan, wno came to Phi ladelphia two years ago in search of a fortune. He had seen the advertisement of The Louisiana State Lottery In the newspapers, and the thought occur red to him that he had better give it a trial. Accor dingly, on the 6th of July, he sent oneUollar te M. A. Dauphin, No. 313 Broadway, New York city, for the drawing of the 13th instant. In a few days he received the ticket No. 33,547. He received a tele gram at No. 88 N. Delaware avenue, where he is a barkeeper, that the ticket had drawn $5,000. and, as he held half ef it, that he was entitled to $2,600. Such a pile of money was indeed a fortune to him. He obtained It this week. Philadelphia Mercury, July 34. . ' RTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD RSB. Mrs. Winalow'a Soothine Svrno is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never-iailing safety and sac cess, by millions of mothers and children from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It cor rects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, re gulates the bowels, and give rest; health and com fort to mother and .childV We believe it the Beat and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRHCBA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or any other cause. Full directions for using will accompaay each bot tle. None Genuine unless the fac-aimileof CUR TIS Ss PERKINS is on the Outside wrapper.' Sold by ai; Medicine Dealers. 35 cents a bottle. 84 .00 90 .00 85 .00 88 .00 78 .03 90 .00 87 .06 8G .25 86 .00 90 .00 91 .00 81 .48 86 .00 85 .00 88 .00 92 .00 IS IT POSSIBLE that a remedy made of such I Eier -5b(1-j wagers, jr., u. uentenstein. . simDle Dlants aa Hons. Bnchn.Mandrake. I Jssq.,l. JA. Brown, sea.. Uen. W. U. Lewis, and Ac . mAka an TnnnV nri nnrh miraAl. I JOS. Zander. BSO . Of Tarboro: B. H. Bnnn. Km.. WHOLE NO. 4385 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. CLXONLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A KORRIS. DESIRABLE TWO STORY BRICK STORE, COM MODIOUS DWELLING WITH EXTENSIVE LOT. O WaDN,ISDAr' 8raKMBER MTH, 1881, at 13 O'clock M.. W8 will aall at Enhiua fVi.. that desirable Two Story Brick House, upon West biusv num. uura uuor bouui ex jtsarxet street, corner of Quince's Alter: That commedloiu Dwelling, twelve rooms, ex ten Sire Lot." 69x231 feet. aanthwMt InkmuMn. nn.ir with Second Street, west side or Second 331 feet i rum jjock street to unarcn Alley. Terms One fifth caah. halanm MIA An1 fwn hh mui uiunti scvurau vj Dona ana moruniire. M. . . j iT . . . , 1H. CBONLT, Auctioneer. BY CEONLY & MORRIS. THK BNTIHB FUROTTURB, FIXTURES, 4c. OF COMMERCIAL HOTEL AT AUCTION. ON TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1881, COM menclnsr at 10 ro'r.lrw.k. a. m va win an t ii 5wre"oB. io, su, -nana ui eoatu JTrontSt., Parlor, Dining Room, vnamoer iau setts), Office, Bar, Billiard and KltrhAn Fnrn'tnrA With everv thine aDnertaintap to ann hinnrinr tuucbu, just remuYea irom me commercial Hotel. Terms cash. Onen for insn-tinr HmtmW in For Bent, That desirable RESIDENCE, on Fifth, between Dock and Orange streets, eon- i uuiiing nve rooms, pantry and closet, doable kitchen, and a. wall nt mw r.m tne premises. Apply to apt 1 tf H. B. BILBR8. Wanted, FURNISHED OR FARTLY F.URNISHBD HOUSE, in a good neighborhoodfor three months. Address sept 7 It P. O. BOX 45. Fears and Bananas. DECEIVED TO-DAY BY STEAMSHIP BENE I FACTOR, another suddIv of those rhnm rmw. JLII Pears, large Yellow AspinwaU Bananas, extra large I rv.", At S. G. NORTHHnPS sept 7 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores TTT Til T-TA mi ttt i w e xixmuib hub w eeK ON OUR MERCHANT TAILORING TABLB8, an elegant assortment of English and Scotch Cassimeres, Castor Beavers, Broad Cloths, Doe- ouui. .iuuoiiuu worBieas tin isibce ftnn i :ninni uub jour DCitxuuuii.uuw. MUNSON, sept 7 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor; Excursion to the Sound. rjTHERB WILL BE AN EXCURSION TO THE I "seaside," on Thursday, Sept. 8th, i88i. The Oak Grove will be free for all. Music will be furnished by the Harpers; Amuse ment for all, such as sailing, fishing, bathing and dancing. Wagonettes will leave Corner 4th and Market at 8.80 A. M. and 6. SO P. M. Returning -leave the Eound at 4.30 and 11.30 P. M. Fare for the Round Trip 60 cents. sept 7 9t New Styles. TXTB INVITE SPECIAL INSPECTION OF OUR Extremely Large and Elegant Stock of CLOTHING manufactured for and under our own supervision. The very latest in SACK SUITS, taken from Fash ion Plato of '81 and '83, buttons extremely high, and slopes off to the hip. We have these in Fifty Different Patterns. The new LORD LORNE FROCK, Buttons Four, buttons extremely high, extra long waist and very bbwi bjutw j. nese we nave in uiotn ana uassimere. rancy suitings, worsteds. Corkscrew Diajmnala. something new, &c., Stc We challenge the market to oroduce another anr.h an array of New Style and Special Made Garments. A. DAVID, sept 1 tf Wholesale and Retail Clothier. Straw Goods ! yyrE akb CLOSING OUT , STRAW GOODS VERY CHEAP FULL LINE OF UMBRELLAS. HARRISON ALLEN, sept4 tf City Hatters. Corn. Oats- Hay. 5,000 Bush Prime White Corn, 8.000 Bosh Prime Mixed Corn, 8,000 Bush Feed and Seed Oats, 1,000 Bales Choice Timothy Hay, 1.000 Bush Best Bolted Meal (onr make). Lowest figures and special terms car load lots. rrUSBiXtH UUMMING CO.. Millers and Grain and sept 4 tf Peanut Dealer. Turpentine Farms. THERE IS A GOOD OPENING FOR TUR PENTINE FARMS alone the line of the Florida Bouinern fiauway rrom raiauta to oainesvuie. mence soatn. Address, ror particulars. V. A. BOAiU)MAM, Land Agent F. S. RaUwa J?ia. an 35 3w raiatka, -A- "JEj 'JL . Portrait Painting in Oil ani Crayon. MRS. DOSSEY BATTLE is prepared to paint Portraits in OU or Cravon at very reasonable rates ror tnat ciass 01 worx. Having ootained sev eral First Prian Medals from each of the American schools Cooper Institute and the Academy of De sign of New York she Dronoscs to erire aatisfac. tion In good likenesses, provided a sitting be given or good J References Hon. E. G. Reade, Dr; Richard H. Lewis. Raleigh: Hon. Kemo P. Battle. Chanel Hill : Hon. George Howard. Capt. Fred Philips, C. C. La- of Rocky Mount, and many others, who have her work. Her address is Tarboro. N. C. septStf Advance. TTHB NEW FURNITURE STORE OF BEH RBNDS St MUNROE. S. B. cor. Market and 2nd Sts.. Wilmington, N. C, expecting an advance m me price or jrurnuure sec area a large stock, and is now ready to dispose of the same at prices im possible to compete with by dealers wliO were com pelled to bny at the present advance prices. We would advise country merchants to give them call. sept4tf MAPLE WOOD INSTITUTE for young ladles and gentlemen, 18 miles west of Pnila.,;lcated on the Phila, & Bait. Central B. R. Courses of Study English, Scientific and Classical. Students prepared for U. s. Naval and Military Academies.and the best American Colleges. A thorough Chemical depart ment . Reading taught by a first class Elocutionist. Penmanship by a Professor, master of the beauties of the art. A home like department for little boys. 1 4 instructors. Joszfh 8hobtlxdsi (Y ale College) AM., Principal, Concerdville, Del CO., Pa. an 3 3m PUECELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Wilmington, N. C. B. JL. PERRY, Proprietor. First Class In all its appointments. Terms $3.50 to $3.00 per day. Ieb8tf iwodaya,.. .. , 1 It fear day a. ... - 800 - Ave day,.. ... ... a 60 One week... 4 00 " . " Twoweek,.4.. ... 6 60 " Three week, .' 8 60 " ' One month, io oo " Twomontna........... .. .17 no M " Three montha, 14 00 " Six months, ..40C " One year, no 00 ear Contract Advertisements taken at pro r tlonately low rates. . Ten lines selld Nonpareil type make one aqnare- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O PER A HOU S E. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, AND THURSDAY MATINEE, 8KPT. 7 & 8. ANTHOSY, ELLIS & HATflAWAY'S MAJESTIC CONSOLIDATED AGGREGATION. FOUR UNITED SHOWS. Ravel's Newly Hatched Hnmpty Dumpty. Miaco's Double Specialty and Novelty Company. The Great Parker-Ross International Mastodon Dog School. Oray Manning's MuBical Congress. Sadwah 1 Tbe East India Princess and Fire Wor shipper, Grand Grotesque Street Parade at 11.45 A. M. Seats at Dyers', 8. B. corner Front and Princess. Price of Admission, $1.00, 50 eta and 35 eta. Doors open at 7; Performance at 8 o'clock. Matinee at 3 o'clock. Thursday. 60 and 35 rent to all parts of the house. septs ot CHICAGO SCALE CO. 7001b. Cotton Bam and Frame. 1 45: 9.rTin TJLTaoam a Af A raw enn, The Uttle Detective, $3. Send for Price Ltst. sept o uomtxvvDm Season Closing. rjraS SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE IS NEAR its end, and what goods we have suited to this sea son we will sell at marvellaaely LOW PRICES. Fall iock cominzm. stoves or an grades, shapes and prices from i ww iw w. rure white uu. ausi u PARKER A TAYLOR. For Rent, From the 1st ef Octoaer next, that large and commodious 8TOKK, 31x60 feet, now occupied by Messrs. Lamb St rarmeiee. Alto, tbe STORE, corner Princess and Water Streets, 30x40 feet, formerly occupied by tbe -rosace jsxenange. Apply at tne omce or the an 24 tf NAVA88A GUANO CO. For Bent, That desirable STORE on Water St., ass III L next to southeast corner Checnut. Also, several Rooms, over Store 48 Market Bt, suitable for storage or other purposes. Apply IO J UlilUB H&H8UN, sept 4 eodtf bu we fr 43 Market St. Very Cheap! I THB REMAINING STOCK OF A CARPETS Will be closed out at REAL BARGAINS. MATTINGS AT LOW DOWN.PBICES. CORSETS, A large assortment, all sizes. . M. McINTIBE. Nothing to excel (for the price) tho "Turkish Bath Soap, by the gross, or six cakes for 39 cts. sept u La 3a La NEXT DRAWING OF THB Louisiana State Lottery TAKES PI.AOK SBPT'R 18. PRIZES FROM aiOOtO 30.000. Price. Whole tickets. 2 00. Halves $1 00. Address Lock Box 872, aa 13 tf Wilmington. N. C. Duke of Argyle. Brown He Roddick 45 market Street, -yB HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT of the above GENTS LINEN COLLARS (our New Style). Can give you all sises from 14 to 19 Inches. BROWN St RODDICK, 45 Market St. P. 8. We will remove to our New Store about the 15th of September. jy 38 tf Great Economy . rpo BUY YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS and STATIONERY of every variety and style, at HBINSBBRGER'S. Square and Upright Pianos. pHE WHEBLOCK PIANOS ARE SUPERIOR to all others In Tone. Durability and Finish. ror sale at . HKINSBERGER'S sept 4 tf Live Book and Music Store. F)R HIRE Anything la onr line. ' Carriages Buggies, Saddle Horses, Wagons and Carta. oarding by month, week, day or single feed, at JAS. W. SOUTHER LAND A CO.. jy 38 tf Oposite Opera House. Wm. E- Springer & Co.. SUCCESSORS TO JOHN DAWSON St CO., ARB now recerrroc their Fall and Winter Stock of HARDWARE, which has been bought from the manufacturers in person, where every advantage in bavins: eoods in person and for prompt cash nave been secured. AH we ask Is an examination of our stock and prices. 8CP14U 19. 31 and S3 Market St Look to Yonr Interest ND STOP AT MALLARD BOWDEN'S, L where the largest assortment of Harness. Bridles. Saddles, Collars, Trunks, Traveling Bags ever brousht to this citv.sre to be seen and bought f orthe least money. Try them and be convinced, Manu facturing and repairing done with neatness and dispatch. sept u no. 0 Bonw rroniBi. School Book Depository. ALL THB BOOKS ADOPTED BY THB STATB Board of Education are on deposit at my Store. Teachers and Scholars will find It to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. Large stock of Ladies' and Crentlemen's Fine Stationery just received. Pianos and Organs always on hand . sept 4 tf C. W. YATES. To my Friends and Patrons. ON AND AFTER JUNE 18T MY SHOP HOURS will be changed as follows : Shop opens ,at 6.80 A. M. and closes at 8.00 P. M. (except Satur days), thus affording my Journeymen an .opportu nity to enjoy the recreation das to every one during the warm season. Daring Shop Hoars wo may al ways be found at onr poets prepared jor business. mySStf Respectfully, u. 0. PREMPERT. ss:: i