r.. a MORNING BTAtl. t' ( - RAXES OIT AVEBXISJiriO.- I One Sauare onedy;Ui,;.JiV:."..w;.';.A-$l 0 W.n. II. UIiItAttl. 7 1 I two aays,..........,,.., 1 70 HireeaayB,.i.i;......,...;.iIi:: " I Wi it ' . ' jj,t ,r 3 fi'l ihui 'nT ! ? i'ir if , ' ;ii ISI!SI UAILY EXCEPT UOMI aVh. RATK or SUMCrllPTlOB LM lUTUKt ,i ptouiaB. 4 y . .r.vmontfta, j J5 ,;f , fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agentaare .athorfacd to collect for more Uutn thrM eantha To Lniy oujt iui, ucuihvu u uj part or the Irtorcd at the Post Office at WilmiEgtoo, N. C, OUTLINE. T'aree bills of indictment were found Hnast Marrio, the binamist and forger ; bis trial will begia at Kicbmond, Virginia, this week. Qaiteau is thought to be engaged in writing his reflection on his crime and the President's death ; it is the opinion that he cannot be convicted of murder under (he laws of the District of I Columbia. Remaikable demonstra tes of sympathy iu the death of Preai- tlcui Qirfield are reportej from Europe ; i ho iella of Pans and of churches in many places in Eagland ware toiled. Sab- cr:i:ions to tbe fund for Mrs. Garfield atiKiunt lo 1210,901. The aoniTeraary in th4l cltv veelBrdav r, :?b.'ated in tnt city yeeieraay. N-.A- York stock market feverish and flue i using, with h decline in pricts Ibe uu'upay upon iho body of the late iVii 1 j t: t GirtlelJ showed the immediate , -,uie of .ie-ttli to be secjndary hemorrhage. New Yvik markets: Money 48 per .-I ; c f.-.-.-A steady at 1112 cents; , uibtMit Muiir firm aud quitt at $3 25 s :.; wUrai l2c higher and rather more ;jii;rBJcU nd $1 221 48; Corn 1 ii , ussier and more aeuve, closing strong; ii -ihiii'ti Dvxajjt kcuik; spirus lurptuuao ,, til. r ami stroog al 352f cen'.s; roein ri,:i nt 2 42i2 50. (. iirisiianey'd young wife, so badly J r. atf d as she alleges, has written a , . i rirhiT lo the veuerable sinner. .. ioi in. t-nuaaeipnia tmes , ,i (ien. Albert. Pike wa. living, now in New ork attending a i-i I i fi;'i meciing or some Kina. w I l i r, -.re sixty thousand boatmeu t, - . ' I forming a party among them- seivuH io voie lor no caouiuaies wno i ot favor "free canals.' lit-ftjrring to President Arthur yes rerday we are mado to express a hope tbat lie "may grow in righte outness." We have no sort of ob-j.-t;iion to that, but in fact we wrofe "n:y he govern" etc. Arihur has i errand ouDortunitv. I ir ii i : . j 1 1 i, i i v 1 1 1 no improve u.r ue csu uja&a i I LI I J . I . I a very accepLao.e rremueui, s , wills it. But will ho so will? i UT ...Ml I l.-T II I II H(l. t3 Will " I Y J I . . I nun a uoou cuiiuou. i I ). fund forMrs. Garfie dl an at cl-.ildreii can be raised easily now. ! in- Piiiladelohia Times thinks a half . . i i t. t . .u I iiiiiiifi: hnouui De securea. n buouiu i - . I l.'f 1M voluntary eill Ol me peuuio i u.. " m i not an appropriation uy vuu- roe. I Ihe country is failed with wander- x i;i ' "cranKs or lunauca. w n tno i . . , , a iiiv tne rre8iueni uiea a wen-uresseu i sirant;er at Liong Lrancn sent me u - following to Col. Rockwell: 'One who brings the power of the Lord Jesu Christ with him wants to pray for the President. (Signed) "James Irwik Wilkt." lie tried to fores himself by the k'uard but was stopped. This is the third crazy fellow who has turned up at Long Branch in a week. "Father" McNamara, of whom our renders have heard often, is capable "i many surprises. He was unfrocked whiUt in charge of the Raleigh Catholic Church, by Bishop Gibbons, now Archbishop. He turned up in New York two or three years ago as the founder of the Irish Catholio Church. Well, he has become a Baptist, was baptized by Rev. Dr. Fulton at the Brooklyn Rink recently, then appeared at the Pastors' Con ference and made a short address. The Virginians are working up the matter of the Blair letters verv tho- I roughly. It is not another edition of the Morey swindle, for they are not forgeries. LieuL-Gov. Walker, Gen. Terrv. and others well acauainted ......u ot .u. I w.u.Uia.rs wriung say tue are genuine, experts in nana-wnuog so declare. The expression "Honor I won't bay a breakfast" is fastened I upon him. Hundreds heard him use the expression in a public speech, be fore ho reproduced his dishonorable saying in print. The following ooncerns the re ported Virginia duellists. We copy from the Richmond Dispatch: "General Peyton Wise is a nephew of the late Henry A. Wise and bro ther of Hon. George D. Wise, mem ber of Congress from this district, and is in the commission business and tobacco trade here. "Mr. L. L Lewis is the United States attorney for this district, and i a half-brother of John F. Lewis, Esq., who is tbe United States Mar shal for the Western District of Vir ginia, and the candidate for Lieut. Governor on the Coalition ticket," r I TVV-r I " V t T 1 ItX" ThenewPwaidenVia fall six feet ntffh ferOAiiirioriM.ra arith kn tton j chop WhUkW I He mri.a . Vir- gioia lady, nd.weteiybopftbath o uvt uuirivauij -10 iuo ouaiu. x no rv asningion Jrest, says: l-:i . a. j 11111 a. a w a. v iiim hiiiihiuiiiiii a. 1 a. f 1 n bar Lieut. roio ootnmander of the steamship Central America, which waa lost with about four hundred livea in 1857. : Lieut. Uerndon. it will be reoblleoted. stood bv hishin to the last, and went down with her. The Herndon family ia one of the beat in Virginia, and Mr. Arthur's Southerh . oonnep-' tiona are such that hia sympathies are naturally broad and non-sectional, By this marriage he has a . sod, now p fully grown, but Mrs. Arthur died about a year before her husband was nominated for tbe Vice-Presidency. President Arthur should' call an ex-I tra session ot the Senate at onoe to eleot a President thereof. In case of his own death there would be no suc cessor as mattera now stand. The Philadelphia 7imes Bays: He may deem it necessary to con-1 vene Congress, but the earliest reas-1 sembling of the Senate ia a supreme I necessity, to enable that body to elect I tueuw. iu. is penoa m we "ovi i vav tuu uauuu w uou iJAbt ivvioui i mnA A' , .1n . v VtA T u TT"1 V deot of the Senate shall be Anthony or Bavard. a Reonblican or a Demr I crat, is a matter of insignifioanoe when weicrhed in Lhfl HaalA aorainat tha I , ... . . I t....j v. , s,0.u- nAiiainilllir nt I hn aA.laa aavwvAaaM , " . B W"UUUI tt lawful Executive." I I It is a matter of taste. The Phila- oeiptna Js4dgert ladepenuentrtepub I lioan, the Philadelphia North Amer- I ican, the oldest Republican paper in . . . . . . the country, the Baltimore American, an able Republican paper, published I forty miles from the Capital, have no I lark linpa rn o-rnroa- avmriBthtr nrl I . J - r. i I eurruw tor tue ueatu ot tue xrreat- ueui. iu vasDiogton roM, xat- i timore &un. Kiohmoud Dispatch I - & ..wvw- : n trioa? -i n vn 9 r'.iar juiirrr mfLH- i . . , ... A m Ya n I haua n r mnn m i n It nao " "'"6 "uw" Papers that avoid the inverted rules liu lint an nanniMA mwr A a thAaA I 1 fvo.o.uv. v w M m v.t tti,7 I - i j - I "w - - i ,ntr nf i..ta I About twenty years ago the mur- I dered President wrote a ooem on I i mpmorv. We ?ive tho conolndinor I - lines that in the light of tbe tragio I - - end seem DroDhetic: I I And. wanoermg tnence along the rolling a mlow ot my former self I uuaiog irom cunaooou up io man s estate, i The path or youth winds down through I minv a nla I aou u u uuu& ui uuuj umu iujh, From out whose darkness comes no ray of lUEbS. 1 Save that a phantom dance o'er tbe gulf I A.oa DecKoaa towsxo me rerge. Again uie 1 T 1 " ! . V, -, v. .V I ijuubi iuciuuiiuh nuoin wo auHUvavuta f4U. v 1 And thus ia light and shade, saashiae and I gloom, I ooiruw sou joj, ioe mo-pain leaaa nocg. 1 Raleigh held a public meeting con- I t...,;.;.i M " f ujootuot ne,s I made by the Governor, Col. T. C. I Fuller, Capt. I. J. Young, R. H. I Battle, C. L. Harris, Rev. Dr. Skin-1 a UniAan TnA M.mAt, I kjuumi.iv &i Lrr 1 1 in Kll III M 1 1 j u t,u Liin . I-J . -J - A I rf -- I KU1U 1U UYB UBTB lUi WtJOK. lrULU WIS he wu married to a dauehter of I Kf.r irn'. ;nfl ; 'fn,io Wm. Lewis Herndon. the he-1 .A:w tit C T ' ' a 1 rrr t I brought to the penitentiary yester James II. Harris, colored, W. R. dftv &om Mecklenburg county. Henry and James A. Doyle. Reso- j lutions of sympathy, &c, were I Anft, -a adOpted! I and Courier fiom Richmond, Va., . . - . I dated the 20th inst., says the duel was fought four miles from Warrenton, I . . in that State. Lewis fired aud missed, I a w;.a than GraA in tha oir m. I . UD 1 duelll8t8 were expaoUd to return to Richmond at onoel I - ! ' -- - - csrM rira 'rtirTjeTltllie Ran,w . . . h . , .ttemotinir trt a niatnl from tha hands of a I drunken roogh -named John John- J ston. ! I -N.w Biro. Jfi: Mr. J. J, Kicey, le.m, wiUgo to WUmiog. ton to-day to erect tbe litesavmg station below tbat city, under the contract of,Mr.3Umaon. I Gastoni' Gazette: Bob. Hunter, a negro employed by Mr. J. W. Robinsonsecuon master al Garibaldi, committed, an outrage on a little ne gro girl only nine years old,last week, near Garibaldi. He has fled. Lenoir Topic: A heavy ram fell in portions of this county last Sun day. A worm, known in this section as the "army worm," has made its appearance in various por tions of Wilkes, Alexander, Burke and Caldwell counties. It differs from tha army worm of the West, yet it is very destructive to the grasa and fodder fields. NO! I57.;lk WILMINGTON, ! Salisbury Watchnian: Mr. Chas SidesJ of L this CyioinitV, was thrown fSSSSJi wa8 1 maiQiy ia uie jisos ox bus neos. - ,1 im.-iwo,;uavjivn3o . ..wKuatautB, roo&ea . out .ninety penny weigms 01 , HUlsboro" Observer:' tWe have I had several "showers of rain smee our I last.issue., , -r: A tobacco barn be I longing tr J as. Roberts, Jr. m Lit- I tie River Township. was destroyed D7 fire st Saturday morn'mg before a7 "Loss about $200. Mrs. H H. Stray horn is dead. She was appointed postmistress at Hillaboro dnnng he second term of Geo I ::.: . Grant's administration, and made a good and faithful publio servant, and waa always prompt in the discharge Ioi ner auues. Weldon Hews: We learn that the fast mail going north and the through freight collided on the Wil mington road, near Dudley Station. It seems that the freight was going on the side trade, and, when half way on. the mail came along at the of forty miles an hour, and before the air-brakes could stoD the train. the ensrine struck a freight car and telesooDed it. Tha eaine waa badlv damaged, and five freight oars were broken up. Hie - freight engine Drought the passengers on. JNone ot lub uaBBQDErers were id i ureu. F.! seiB ML Airy -Tost: A few days :r:irt:nJ """Tm Z "A ""5 searching for catUe, and on coming r r 1---. ou iouna nimseixiaoe. w lace wiin a huge bear. The animal, instead of - , fleeing, turned upon Mr. Smith, and .a r n ha mnli V. n Oran A mi V. n-an- DreaenM of iod M. Smith feigned death and dropped, dragging the animal with him. The bear pro- 1Y reasonea inai nis vicum I was now safe, and he might go for his AnS haL ftomnftn t A. feagt. At any rate he molested Mr. Smith no further, and when the wounded man lOOXed Up xSrUin WOS nOWhere IO be seen. Mr- Smith found that his w&8 badl y hurt by a bit e and he was otherwise iniured. but still had strength enoaeh to waiK.. ana he . ww uvuw . www , -rm. i: i bdbou possiuie. i uvu uuar uib uwu lc hnnsih,.hflr wbji hecrri bonndintr through the brush, andhad but a raw l vr r Tflonh" ' hlfl V l 1 1 m . j w w - when Mr. Smith tell exhausted within . i -j . Liia uwu uourwajf. . -i-T : , ITT . X,""D1" ' VI ' "v learn that Mr. Chas. Jones, son of ' . . . ' . . n , ftn s'irfRV - mt. h ih. nnninn nf uwuiug j u.uS " -j hi horde. Mr. Jno. H. VY aJ- on, rormeriy a resiueut oi t,nis city, aatnr1ir laat at thA rpi- , ... J t- ttt.i aence or nis uncie, uar. xea vv auuu, in this oounty , of typhoid fever. We learn that on Saturday night aoi a uuwicu wau uj wg uu James Burroughs, who lives near Mr. -a t Tn ' :J :i Sidney Bagwell's residence, six miles fOUfcU 01 V10 iui,,o in a moBi uravaiuuuiuer. vui iuiui- mant says there is little hope of her recovery, isurrouehs has run away. ikOVOUMV IU1CD nuitc suou uhuxw -nr A j VY. ii. XXOliana, TY . J.. iixeoaer auu Joseph J. Adams went to Mr. JNestor Ranch's residence, in St. Marv s Towrnahin. and broke into his house and then assaulted Mr. Bunch. They made their escape and eluded the tha ltw till Satnrdav last. whenthey were captured by DePuty Sheriff H. A. Barber, ot Johnston county, who brought them to this city and put them in 3 ail. - Raleigh News-Observer: Six convicts, all colored save one, were There are now in operation here two female collegee, a male soqooj, a graded school and three primary ?ul .11 A.t,:D mrh ahnnt. R15 iBUUWta an iui " nnmlss hud a university, a normal ecnooi ana lour graaeu nflorrriM. -writh 1.075 DUDllfl. lhen . ft7Atvftlfla damb nd blind in vaawav w gtitutions for whites and negroes, with250 pupils. The total number of snholara. ia thna about wniou iJll. - amiiw bib raavn ui aun n 1 a u cation of the new Second Baptist Church is the next event, and the . - . ceremony will be witnessed oy one 01 lithe laaripest audiences ever seen u rnh is now com- Dieted- and the interior pre- annta a beautiful appearance. The fifty-seventh annual session of the l. v. jj. Degan iuvubj Ctooinn.t. TaMrtW . .7,: among the representatives from this State. CITY. NBW ABVKH'JflSBIHKNTr. 8. G Noxroo?--SiCB:le pears. Mukson Order department. L. T. Bbatxx Trustee's notice. ;. Habbxson JLllkh porrect styles . Kucarkka Oaxxb Bbos. Rice bird powder, meal, flour, baoon, etc. Daiir ireatiKMr.naiieunv ; The-following are tbe indications for the South Atlantic Slates to-day: ; Pair weather, easterly winds, stationary barooaefier and stationary or higher tem- peraturv. N. 'C- THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22; 1881. Another off-day in magistrates row. i Ha cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. . ' ReoeipXs of cottoh ay this port yesterday, 533 bales. According to Turner's Almanac autumn commences to-day. ' - The article of . spirits turpentine has again gone up to 50 ceors, after drop ping to 49. Messrs. Kirk wood and Hewes, Governmect Steamboat Insptctors, are here on official business. There was a runaway and smash- up of a buggy la the neighborhood of Third and Princess streets, Tuesday night, and a Mr. Pickett, of Kocky Point, who was in the vehicle, had his bead cut pretty badly, but not seriously. We notice, in addition to those mentioned in our last, that . Messrs. H. H. Munson, R. M. Mclntire and D. Newman & Son have draped tha front of their stores iu mourning, and Justice T. M. Gardner has also draped the front of his office. WllmlnKtoa IilKbt Infantry . At a regular meeting of the Wilmington Light Infantry, held at their armory Tues day night, the following changes and pro-, motions took place: 1st Lieutenant Wm.J. Gordon resigned, and 2d Lieutenant R. H. Beery was promoted to the vacaney, while Jr. 2d Lieutenant Geo. W. Doyle was pro moted to the office of 2d Lieutenant, vacated by the promotion of Lieut. Beery. The office of Jr. 2d Lieutenant will be filled at tbe next meeting of tbe company. The Light Infantry expect to carry thir ty five men to Yorktowo . The knapsacks, haversacks and other necessary equipments for the trip have been shipped from Raleigh and were expected to reach here last night or to-day. The company, we are glad lo learn, is gradually increasing its membership. Proposed Public lUTeetlns:. We learn from Mayor Smith that it is his intention to call a public meeting of citi zens, to assemble at the Opera House on Monday next, the day on which tbe re mains of the late President Garfield will be interred, to give expression to the senti ments of this entire community, without regard to political or other distinctions, at the great loss tbe country has sustained in the death of our President at the hands of a villainous assassin ; and that he will also recommend a general suspension of busi ness daring tbe hours devoted to the obse quies. Axrieuliural Pairs. We acknowledge, with tbe compliments of L. M. Long, Secretary, the reception of a complimentary ticket to the twelfth an nual exhibition of the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society, at Weldon, N. C, October 31st, and November 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1881. We also acknowledge an invitation, through Mr. Wm. J. Griffin, Secretary, to tbe eighth annual Fair of the Albemarle Agricultural Society, at Elizabeth City, November 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1881. naclatratea Conn. Belle Hall, colored, bad a bearing before Jastice Hall, yesterdayv charged with com mitting assault and battery upon . Polly Kornegay, also colored. -Defendant found guilty and required to pay newpenny and tbe costs. . . v -.v l The same defendant was arraigned; on a peace warrant sworn out by Polly Korne gay, and was required to pay the costs and give bond in the sum of $50 to kvep the peace for sixty days. LIST OF LBTTBB8. Remaining in the City Post Office, September 22, 1881, unclaimed : A Elkamah Allen, Armecy Arthur. B Stephen Baker, W.T Bawtwell, W H Burr, R K Bryan, Primus Bowens, Martha Bowens, Lucy Bishop, J L Barlow, P A Bishop, Dudley Bunting, A Bfadly. O H H Carter, John Cowan, Jennie Cramble, Laura A Cutlar, Pattie A Carlton, Sarah Cooper. . w D Tilmond Dixou, Louisa Dickson, F J Daniel, Edward Duke, Bones Dangberty, Amos Davane; Alex DeLong. ' ' E Autrey Evans, Julia Evart. F M A Flowers. Q Anner Grady, Hamilton Green, Georgia Gardner, Naney Geayland. - H Ann E Hall, Mary L Hicks, Mary Howard, Robert Hallett, Bailie Howard, Laura J Holmes." J Alice Jennings, Abraham Jones, 'An nie Jones, Lilliam K Johnson, Mamervah Jones, Mose Jacobs,' Patience Joyner,J Sophia Jackson, Warrock Moller Jeffres. K Annah Bella: Kelley, Soloman Kin ley. , LW Brooks Long, Charles Lassiter, H ic Tar.h. H Lofton. M James Meares, John Moses, Julia Penny Morgan, John E Meaddox, John E Maddox, Moses A More, Melvinah McKoy, Maggie MHtOn, Rebecca Murphyi Thomas McKoy, Thomas H Manjohn, Alice Mc Neil, Daniel McLean, Daniel Manly D McKoy, George MeRay, Eddie Monk, Henry Moale, Harry Morriss. . N John Nicholson, T S Newton. . . . P Bailie Purdie, Capt E L Pearce, Ed ward Poole, John Piver, Elizabeth A Pet- R--Snaan Robersun, Mariah Romatree, Laura Rice, ! Kate Richardson 2, JJRosen thall, Hattie Robinson: . Edward Raine, J r, J O Roberson, Annie Richardson. . S--Archie blmmons, A T Bykes, Albert Stockton.; Sarah .Bcurlock, Cittophet ; SandenvLaney Shines, GeorgeRoda Saint, Robert D Summerfleld, Levinah Bhera. - T-EO Taylor. .-. W-M J WalkerVEllen Washington, 80 san Williams, Maddie Williams, 'J A. Wright, Hannah : Wright, Enoch Wilkins, Fred WiJIiama, P,H Wright Bristo Wad rfnlt Jamea Wallace. - iiKv.w-u:-; persons cailing for letters in the above Ust will please ) say i advertised.'' If not caUedforwithlnthirtyoysthywai besent to thePead Lelxjmce. ; -.-.ip Wilmington, New Hanover Co. , N C. r IX.'.8 Comnalaalener'a: genrt '-: s i The case of D .alk?r, of Soeeti's: Perry, Onslow county, charged with illicit: distilling abdiother violations of the Intf r nal Revenue laws; the bearing v of which was commenced before U.8. Commissioner McQuigg on (Tuesday, had a further hear- I. ing yesterday, but,; the testimony aot being all in, Vas again, continued until this more- ing, at io'b'cioiijk.' V :. . - . ,aiTW " MiyjSR AHD RIAaiNEE. y ; ' -- The steamer 2)v JrurcAjon, which ar rived late last evepipg, ..after : a : somewhat prolonged absence, reports about 24 or 25 Inches of water pp the shoals and the river still falling. ; ; " . i Messre. "Cprnehus'jSmith .and Walker Newton, two Bald Head pilots, left on the 9th of September' for Boston, for the pur pose of purchasing k new pilot boat, and considerable apprehension has very natur ally been felt relative to their safety. Capt. Doane, of the steamship Regulator, which arrived here yesterday, states that the two pilots were in New York on Saturday last with their new pilot boat, and desired to be reported. The boat, We understand, is a very fine one, costing nearly $5,000. The friends of the parties will be glad to hear that they are safe. Attention, ttaiiroad men ! I suffered for more than a year with indN gestion. I was very bilious, occasionally having a dumb chili, followed by fevers, which prostrated me. I took Simmons Liver Regulator and am a well man. A. H. HIGHTOWER, f Conductor C. R..R. Co. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive &t the City Post Office as follows: CliOSB. Northern through mails, fast, 5:80 P.M. Northern through and way mails........ 5:40 A.M. Raleigh.. 5:40 A.M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at. 5:40 A: M. Southern mails for all points South, daily . . . .7 :45 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) y :00 A. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington Railroad 7 :45 r. M. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston, a. . . . 7:45 P. M. Fayetteville,andofficeBon Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays LOOP M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.... 9.-00 A. M. Wrightsville.daily except Sun- ays o:o0 A. M Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices, Mondays and Thursdays..; 6:00 A M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Mondays and Thurs days 6:00 A.M. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, ednes- davs and Fridays. 5:00 A. M. OPENVOB DXIJVBBY. Northern through and way mails. . 7:30 A.. AL Southern mails 7:00 P. M. and 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. ... 4 .-00 P. M. Wrightsville 6:30 p. m. Mails collected irom street noxes every day at 4.00 P. M. Stamps lor sale in small quantities at ge neral delivery when stamp office is closed General delivery open from 5:30 A.M. to 7:00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30A.M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M. and from 2 to 5 :30 P.M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. BRAIN AND NERVE. Wells' Health Recewer, greatest remedy on earth for im potence, leanness, sexual debility; &c- $1 at druggists. Depot, J. C. Munds, Wil mington, t CITY ITaSBBft. THE MORNING STAR can always be had at the following places In the city : The Puree 11 House, Harris ' news stand, ana tne umoe. MBS. WINSLOWS SOOTHINQ 8TBTJP. Bev. Sylvanas Cobb thua writes in the "Boston Christian Freeman" : We would by no means recommend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be kxi parucuuiriy ror mTanm. urn or an. wina w'a Soothing syrup we can speak from knowl edge; m ear. own ramiiyit aaa proyea a Dies sing indeed. :bv riTlne an Infant troabled with colic pains, quiet Bleep, and its parents unbroken rest at Mgnv. noflt p arenas can appreciate tneee DieaauigB. Here is an article which works to perfection, and which la harmless; for the Bleep which it affords the Infant la perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright aa a button." And daring the process of teething its Value la incalculable. We haTe frequeirtlyi heard mothers say they would net be without it from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any considera tion whatever. - gold by ail druggists as cents a bottle."" - " ' . ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. AS TRUSTEE OF JOHN M. KOB1NBON 1 offer hia entire stock of HATS. GENTS' FDB- NISHIira GOODS, TRUNKS, Ac, at reduced prices, i Those wishing ts purchase will do well to call and examine, as X Intend to close the same at once. 1 T. BJSATTX, - sept 82 lOfc, -, , Trufl tee for J . ML. itoDlnaon. Sickle Pears. ANOXaSB FINK LOT OF FSARq BSU1VU, ...... . .. - i . . , . contistlng of . 8ickle Xiaarence and Duchess. Apples, Oranges, and Fresh Home-made Cocoanut, peanut, wamur,asaouiervauaiea musno, , At- 8. G. KOBTHBOP'B sept 23 tt Fruit and Confectionery Stores. "lORRBCT iBTYLBS ANQ . YOUR MONEY'S WORTH, Go to the old City Hatters, ' '., HARRISON ALLEN. .sept22jtf - Oni-Mep Departient Is filling Rapidly. new force from New York expected' tc-day. Large stock 'of Tm Dorted end bemeatle SuitingB, Fiae Trimmings, GeateelFltai&c.tat .cJ?-Llh -y ' , auaoun 0, aept 13 It : " Clothier and Merchant Tailon. , J f Best Mtet-Meal ia tne City.?' andteaaf inrniaa lAfwj- wmwi! p?:rrr'' sept 18 tf Peanut neater r ." av " 'It WHbLE NO. 4938 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 7: For Benl;, A nWKLIJKO on the sonthwset cor ner of Second and Mnlbeiry sib. Apply for further partlcolara to sept 8 tf , . L. VOLLKBS. j Rice Bid Powder, OA A KBQS JUST BSCSIVJBD ' AUU at $4 CO par Keg. 'v '" '- - For Bale by -'' sept S3 tf KKBCHNXK CALDKB BROS. Heal and Corn. 5QQ Bashela Water Ground MEAL. 2000 BushelBOBN VOr sale by sept 22 tf KKECHNBK & CALDXS BROS. Flour, 1000 ?rreU FL9UB aU grada. For sale by KSBCHNSB & CALDKK BBOS. sept 23 tf Bacon. 2g Boxes Smoked SIDES, 2QQ Boxes Dry Belted SIDES. For sale by aept 23 tf KBRCHNER & CALDBR BR08. J. B. BROWN & GO'S BALTIMORE, MD., Famoas Brand of OLD BYE WHISKEY, "Harry Bassett," Can be had at retail at the PALMETTO SALOON of J. C. LONG CO., No. 32 South Front Street, aept 21 Stood Sol 3 Agents fer Wilmingto n SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. ' THE ORGANINA! COUK AND HEAR IT. Any one can play it. These Instruments are bo conetructed that no t mount of shaking up will disarrange the mechanism, which is very eimple and always positive in its action. For sale at HEINSBERGEB'S sept 21 tf Live Book and Music Store. ., NotwitMaHuiD tbe Gale y K ABE STILL RECEIVING AND SUNNING off oar stock of House Furnishing Goods to the satisfaction of close buyers. Call and examine. Pure White OIL se 18 tf PARKgR & TAYLOR. bLb 3a cLa NEXT DRAWING OF THE Louisiana State Lottery TAKES PLACE OCTOBER 1 1. PRIZES FROM $100 to $30,000. Price, Whole tickets. $2 00, Halves $1 00. Address Lock Box 273, sept 14 tf Wilmington, N. C. For Bent, That desirable STOBE on Water St., next to southeast corner Chesnat. Also, 1 several Booms, over Store 43 Market St., lanltable for storage or other purposes. Apply to JOLIUS SAMSON, sept 4 eodtf su we fr 43 Market St. Bice ! Bice ! Bice ! J3LANTER3 AND MERCHANTS WILL NOTICE that we are always prepared to pay the best mar ket price for Bice, or will sell on commisaion any shipments they may entrust to us. HENRY BISCHOFF CO., sept 20 6m Charleston, S. C. ' A SPIiBNDID OPPORTVSITx IO WIN A FORTUNE. TENTH GRAND DIS-; TRIBUTION, CLASS K, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, OCT. 11, 1881-137I flloiiili- ir Drawing. ' Loiiisiana State Lottery Company. ; Incorporated In 1858 for 25 yean by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fond of over $410,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution, adopted December 3d, A. D. 1879. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBEB DRAWINGS will take place monthly. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. Look at the following Distribution : CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000' .TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH HALF TICKETS. ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prise .$30,000 . 10,000 . 5,000 , 5,000 . 5.000 . 10,000 . 10.000 1 uapuairnse. 1 Capital Prize. 3 Prizes Of $2600... , 5 Prizes of 1000 .... 30 Prises of V 600 100 Prizes of 100 300 Prizes of 60. 600 Prizes of 30... 1000 Prizes of . ; 10..; APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 10,000 10,000 10,000 9 Atmrexlmatlon Prizes of $300. S.700 1,800 900 9 Annroximation Prizes of 300 - . ' 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. .... . m ! 1,857 Prizes, amounting to. .. $110,400 Responsible corresponding prominent points, to whom a ts wanted at all beral compensation win Depaxa. For farther information, write clearly, giving fall address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter or Money Order by mail. Addressed only to m. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Looisiana. orM. A. DAUPHIN, at NoC SIS BROADWAY, NEW YORn.. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings arenndei tha amnervifliofi- and manairement of GENEBALc G T. .UREGAaD ana J uoaju a. auu" NOTldB TO THE ' PUBLIC. The piiUio or CAUTIONKD AGAINST tj-txTWrii M ANT MONEY OR OBDEBS to HUHB3 ITnIacsjrbet. nw YOCITY autiorbud by the Louisiana Btrt Lottery Com ntateUMt Tickets. They arefiooOing the coun- ZJL - t'jJ. afnfm Tjdtenix aomnanv. and are J. . - m 4 m nrVMrVfflltMlaf INtMVlM ' . , ?lfcO Jfi " jYet;mtiiaM State Lottery Co. New Orleans, UJT 1M1 we sat 1 eei w""" Si! lSBBUlBvaal v ' ".--.m five .days,....; i,;,; 't M " ne "Bkf.'v?- s v 4 00 Two weoks,.v . v- ' 60" Three weeks, ,.. 8 60 " One month,...,, io 00 " Twomontha,.;......i. . n 00 Three montha,,. ............. -94 cs - Six months,. . ... . .. .v.. . 40 n Oneye,..i;..'.rf.L.....v;...vj. i i0 63aV" Contract AdTCrtisemenU taken at pror r ttonatalylow rates. . . - ; . Ten lines selld NonplueU type make one equar c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA-HOUSE. HIGHEST STANDABD OF COMEDY, The llluetrlous American Comedian ," Mr. John E, Owens, . With a Brilliant Comedy Company, locladiog the Leading Light Comedian,- MR. CHARLES VANDENHOFF, Will appear on MONDAY, SB PT. 26th, In Tom Taylor's Modern Comedy of THE VICTIMS! and the Laaghable Comic Drama of SOLON SHINGLE ! The same Star and Company will give an entirely different performance on TUESDAY, which will conclude their engagement here. The sale of Seats .will commence on Tha raday . septal W 1 ,. . . .. . . . ( Notice. "Black mountain.'' JCST RECEIVED THE FIRST SHIPMENT of this CELEBRATED SMOKING TOBACCO. It is manufactured in Atherille, and has tha reputation of being the FINEST TOBACCO ON THE MARKET TO-DAY at anything like the price. Smokers would do well to Bond for sampler. For sale only by Jno. Is. Boatwrieht, Xob. 11 & 13 N. Front St. se 18 tf TO AKRIVB. NOTHER FRESH SHIPMENT OF THE "Pride of the Pantry" Is expected to arrive per next New York steamer. bend in year orders early In order to secure, while perfectly fresh, the FINEST FAMILY FLOUR sold in this market. Jno. L. Boatwright, Nog. 11 & 13 IV. Front fct. sel8tf yTANTED. MANUFACTURING CONCERN wants a business man in Wilmington and in ever city (not already taken;) . A few hundred dollars necessary to pay ror gooda on delivery arier ordera have been securod for the same: also rxr month profit guaranteed. The most searching investiga tion solicited. A. S. ARNOLD CO., 119S Broad way, ew xora. sept loot INSURE YOUR HOMES IV THE Asrictnral Ins. Co., of New Tort ESTABLISHED 1853. . ASSETS 1st Jan., 1881, $1,261,731. Insures against loss or damage by Lightning, whether Fire ensues or not. Takes no mercantile nor manufacturing risks; hence is not subject to loss by sweeping ares. . Strongest residence Insurance Company in the world. On long term risks takes premium half each, half 12 months noto with 0 per cent. Interest. nu, w. uujuwh puu.j Agents, sept 18 tf t4 North Water St. SCHUTTE'S SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL, Wrlglitsvlllc Sound, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF GUESTS. The Table is supplied with the products cf the Sound a id Sea. Transient and regular boarder a taken at reasona ble rates. Je 8 tf F. A. SCHUTTS, Proprietor. Candy! Candy! KQ VARIETIES FANCY GOODS. BOUGHT low, and can be soli so as to allow a good margin to dealers. Attractive styles and fresh. Also, fal line of fresh goods for retailing Chocolates. Cara mels, 4c. Cresh EGGS and CHICKENS received dally on consignment, and my customers supplied at the Two and three times a week I receive consign ments of PRKSH MOUNTAIN BUTTER, and re tail It at 26 cents per pound. COFFEES, all grades. Boasted rally under my own supervision. Everybody is delighted with "THB BRIDE" FLOUR. It makes the whitest and sweetest bread ever known in this market. J. C. STEVENSON, Market Street. ept 16 tf FTJBNTTTJBE. PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM. KIT chen and Office Faraitnre. all of the beet make and latest design, to be Bold low for cash at the New Furniture store. BSHBENDS A MUNROE, S. S. cor. Market and 2nd SU., sept 11 tf Wilmington. N. C. . TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE OBDEB EARLY. Sash. Doors, Blinds, BRACKETS, MOULDING. LUMBER, Ac,, C. aept 18 tf ALTAFFEB, PRICE Co. Treffleaflons Eicitement jT THE MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE Fall Weather followed by Fall Trade. Everybody de lighted with oar selections. NO OLD PLUNDER PALMED OFF FOR NE W STOCK. Oar Styles are oar own dectionf.i and cat and made to please ear patron a No wobder toe ItAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE doee a ttvdy eAlreedyW.third of onr Fall Stock la eofcf. while otS?a wsij f bualnej- torme ator, The only way to aacceed ia to cheer B, get op, fly iSindand go for it. Work we will for a success ful season. Toont forget It. -j' ' - sept 18 tf 1 Wholesale and BeadlClotnler.;

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