u THe'Mci One Square One Diy, Two Dys,.,..., i. Three Lavs....:... U. 4 it Lli W Star- -'.r-c-vi- K r PCBLISHXD sp .daily. iczjt Mondays; One Year, (by Mail) Postal p&iV Ut lfruntttM. - - . u ADVUfC. . " f $7 TO .a as Three Martha, 1 w wmvM Agents are ot authorized to eaUeot X?JLCUt thanthre mont in nr) couect for more Entered at the Post Office, at WUmtmrton. r as Second. CUsa Mait? W' c- Capt. Proctor, 7 of Petersburg V' .o been arrested chargthieing about to" ngni a uuei wiui wiling Wilcox; the latter was not arrested. ;Marvin, the bigamist . uas secured Jamuel H- PugB; Tor course!.1 - Preskieit Aittrtw was! sworn Into office by Chief Justice JWalte; atthe Capitol yes terday; after the ceremony., he fe a brief address, in which he announced that there was no occasion, for aj extra session of Con gress. - - Monday next, the 2Cth Inst; is nxnamendedyla Ob served. bylftpeoplethtJniiBd States as a day of humiliation ainourning for the late President. A floral tribute from Queen Victoria was received; atih Capitol yesterday and.jdac'ieV6f.' late President. - MrKXbMeEaty; sister of President Arthur, is spoke! as' ' 5? 'probable mistress of the "White House u-;'r the new sSlnistraticai; CTha New. . ' ' wea'and deninj'' opens October SthTUiiibits "are 'JfcfcMt large quantitiea. A. $200,000 fe in bt. a. f-----Tlie body of the late PxttSi dent, showing sign of decomposine, the fid of the casket has been closed .the fataTfeui let t in the possession of Private Secretary ' Brown, to be used in evidence at the trial of Quiteau. The Wisconsin Republicans in State Covention declare faith in Presi dent Arthur, denounce polygamy, oppose ""n (Trail roads, and ask legislation by ibongress relative to counting the electoral vote. Germany, Austria and Russia have rvojionetl negotiations relative no the extntdition of criminals .who attempt the Tfve of sovereigns, New York ; mar- ked: 3Ioney 46 per cent; cotton steady at 1 l&124c. ; southern flour firm at Q 25 S 75; wheat, ungraded spring $1 221 $4; corn i5;c. higher, ungraded 657afc. ; rosin firm and quiet at $3 42J2 50 ; spirits turpentine quiet at 53c. ; Lemons are very high. They fetch from $10 to $11.50 a box in. New York. "Lemon-ade all" has ceased to be the cry. All the theatrical managers in New York close their places of amusement, as a token of respect for the martyred President, on Tuesday. The 'President's daughter Mary, upon taking her final leave of her dying father, fell fainting to the floor. She fell on her .face and ret I ceived a severe srash. iVrrv " ' mm t, v -. -Seiwtrt?5yanl sajTt the Cabinet' shonM resio-n. lie says such a course is proper and according to custom. He eoes not think, however, that Arthur will make any changes for the present. AVe have received .the Oxford Literary and Educational Monthly by J. C. Horner and J. H. Mills. It is not very large, but it contains in structive reading that will do good. Price $1 a year. Here is a special of some interest, from-AVashington to the "Baltimore' American, Republican organ : ' ' Regarding the next Cabinet it is thought; here that at least Secretaries Windom and Lincoln and Postmaster General James will remain in the new Cabinet if any change la ' made. The feeling here is that ex-Senator Conkling will not be tendered the position of Secretary of State, and that he would refuse it if it were offered him." Chester Allan Arthur was born in Fairfield, Franklin county, Vermont, October 5th, 1830. Fairfield is very near the Canada line. It was thought for some tfme that he wa3 a Canadian, and was born at Meggs's Corners. His father was named William, and was a Baptist preacher 'and school teacher. : The Virginia duellists eluded the; Richmond ooliee. : Gen. Wise drove g to Ashland in. a buggy and there; took the cars. Capt. George I Wise, MrCrlect, tried to reach the . . . "a grounds in time to take his brother place, but failed. Thus ends a Wood-:: less duel. It is well that it is s6 But why should Gen. Peyton Wise so branfTLewis as to provoke ; a dttel and then throw away his fire ? Ift Pie had been killed how could that have vindicated . anybody : or any xhmg ? . ' " . There was much uneasiness m ,Vaal,m.n TV,QaJaTr over T- i . 1 l ated rumora that car loaas of s from New York, Trenton j) . J., Philadelphia, - Baltimore anaf ther points, were coming & there lyncb Gniteau ulated all day, and, as a';result,thef epota were constantly surrounded; y crowds of people. There '"vrere pt least a thousand troops sutTpnnd ng the jail. It would have been mi- possible ;j.lynch'hinu ;,GatlmgJguns5 pomrnand all the prominent points I - I '-'-. iv-i-- STTOBN Ef AAf -N.- Fresident Arthvtagaiii :to4Vtlie oatK of nffice. this time in Washing ton. HeL promiaea to' eqniV? Qeb-? VinfielJ' Scott wnen .mejwur w just.:; peginnuig. : u C?C4.U wont to take the oath pt loyalty eyery dew days. The new. residen de livered a brief address.- - The main -point -was that Congress ;would not bfr'called' to meet : in' extra sion. The' Senate, we 'Suppose, witffp't be fHed,ithongh if Arthiiriiis to die there would vbe, no successor nn der. eCQnstitution anllyould 'beehabssi- The Democrats Iw-ould eiAe&fiijieSeMte; if Js to iueet soon and before .t NefrTork enatort "ar sworn 4n;ana tlt may explain-yhy; the" Senate, will not be moe:.. . j'Btrt is it a good mko z -ir oanisan new i,llfUSnetio4 Then such terests "are"ht stake? The calls on the people of th Scrttes to observe next Mo day; of humiliation and pra; tlThe country is in- that comlition to f be intereste4"in everythinglliat con 'cerns Pesident'Arthnr.- t he . . r. does; saysrand thinks may inKwr' tant,-. When; he -was abou to leave Ne York for .Washington Tues- iday" many- of tua old op nents in mocrats mswn ;parxy ana many toot: him by the hand d said a kink word to him. This as .very gratifying to the new sident. Some of Conkling,s adh ts say openly they wish the p; nt Cabi- net tacontinue. Conkling 3 personal yrgatny the New York Utmmerctal, pays; and it is significant aid encour- gng: "Gfeneral Garfield's adminirration was that which was indorsed by tie great ma jority of the American people! They de sire bo change; they wish his "views and his policies" to be carried out, though he is no longer here to direct them in person. Such loving regard and such faith were never' Shown before. That it is General Arthur's, desire to-carry out the wishes? of the,peo-. pie we have no doubt No where else : can General Arthur look for this advice, and lean so reliantly upon that given him, as on General Garfield'a Cabinet. The gentle men vrhoxapoaed it were, selected by the matelmld, and (he harmony with which thwlave I wodced, and the results they have accomplished, show, how wise, how dlscf rainiwas' the mind that chose them. If th.y should be Invited to remain in their present positkms it would be looked upon aa .aii earnest of the determination of the new President to continue the good work that has been begun." Dr. Hammond is vindicated in his opinion pf the President's case. He pronounced the swollen gland a most daagerous symptom,: When Bliss swore it was a small matter. For m six weeks he insisted that pyemia had set in, and long ago he declared that it would involve the President's hangs and other organs. When Bliss wa deceiving the public about the cough, Hammond said it was pro laced by blood-poison. Spirits Turpentine. There is not a railroad man in the United States who is not a "KurneL" Fact. See the papers. The editor of the Raleigh Far mer and Mechanic knows how to gather and serve up news. We draw on that pa per largely to-day, as we often do. t ' Iimnberton Jiobesonian: Little .Bobbie a six years old son of Dr. J. D. Croom, fell in a ditch while attempting to jump across, on yesterday morning, and broke his left arm at the wrist. The Board of Trade and Com mon Council of New Berne held a meeting on the reception of the intelligence that the President was dead. There was a general meeting of both races in the TownHalL John S. Long, the Mayor, made a most eloquent speech. Maj. John Hughes and John S. Hanix spoke. ; Raleigh Visitor: On the an nouncement of the death of the President the city bells were tolled, and the flag was displayed at half-mast from the cupola of the city hall. A gentleman in John ston county never takes his fishing tackle 'along when he goes fishing, He Just dives in the pond and generally comes up with a large chub in each hand and one in his Houthv The hosts of friends in this city and State will regret to hear that the Rev. A. A Boshammer is confined to his rcm,with'typhoid fever. : Charlotte Observer: Governor Vauce': returned to the city last night from Asheville via Spartanburg, the trains on the . Western North Carolina road not having yet resumed their through runs on account r the wasnoutavv governor vance saia last night to a reporter of the Oteenei that Dr. Worth had not signed the grant of exten skurof tune at the meeting of the commis 'sioners In Asheville. -In the confusion lBciaent to circus aay tne uoserver nee - wtaA t arf'Qf a Via a nnmha ft Ti-vlin son's showmen, accompanied by the. band, visited in a body ;the tffave cf John King,;? the anhnal trainer, killed .last fall by the elephant 'Chief .r. . o Statesvllle" American : Deputy Collector, J. Pr Sullivan .and .two or three jother revenue officials the latter part of Au gust, ia Xad'tin -county, captured "a-barreL; of braadyfrom one ohoresv'on tne.puDuc; road, that bad not ' been -faxpaicV At the , tune a considerable scrimniage .ensued be tween Shores: and hM frieds on one; .41 and the offlclak on the Other, ttWch t&uX. fed in Shores recapturing the. brandy taking it to a place of seclusion at thehOuse; of one Hudspeth; As revenue officials ar. keen upon the scent, the hiding-place of the WILMINGT0NiiNl: C:;tFRIDAY; SEPTEMBER 23,-!18Qi; ' ' ' ' , I DiocKaae" was soon discovered underrtte m ui ttu nvay ana taken away, . : " - r .J- Raleigh News- Observer : A'a; mceung oi tne ;uoard iof Trustees of, the J., r a-iit UCiU lere yesterday; Mr. J qsepn Austin Holmes, of Laurens,-S.'C, was elect ea to nil the chair of titlfim onr) VotnMii ilistory. 5 The selection is an admirable iner ju.r.:oLounes stuttieor at Cornell University, where he graduated with distinction i-r -The public meeting last'evenuigwasaa hn mense one The speeches were admirable, and jwthing was left nnsaid.ilt was wprthy of the distmguished, speakers, of : theiaudi- ence and of Raleigh. 'The city Vihealth maianal and intermittent fevers; dyntery; etc. j are the prevauing troubles. : Launnburg JEerpris Mr Effle McLaurin, wife-of the late"Joitt Mo Laurin, died at her residence a' -few- miles from town; yesterday morning, at- an ad vanced age. She was a native of Scotland. -The round house, contiguous to the R. R. Shops, has been compkted, and has the capacity, for housing ten large Engines. In rear of this house is an Immense iron turn-table, 4.entirely, new. A.eantiful new express coach -was coupled, to the fast mail train at this depot on Thursday last. It was built in the shops, here,, ana is a creditable piece of workmanship, f . An epidemic ol sore eyes is prevalent in this community,' and blue, goggles are common facial ornaments. - -Ed. Sparklin and Strauthra French,-both colored, were found, guilty: jn Mecklenburg Superior Court last week of selling liquor without .license, and were sentenced to two : months - inv prisonment or pay a fine of $100 each. On Monday last, about noon, Clai borne King, colored, an attache of the railroad shops here, attempted to jump on the tender of an engine In motion, and, missing the step, his right foot was caught, under one of the wheels of the engine and all the skin and flesh, torn, from the bottom of the foot, exposing the bones from the heel to the toes. Sixteen ""persons were arrested in this townfon Saturday for violations of town ordinancea-f-seven white men and nine negroes. .The-fines ranged from five to ten dollars and costs, and ag gregated . ninety-odd dollars?!' We learn- from Mr. T. J Qowanj, "who came from Lilesville 8aturdWnlgh.fc that Dr. T. Jackson, a physician and druggist of Anson county, met with a very painful accident at the cotton gin of a Mr.- Henry ,r oh Friday evening, which resulted in v his death on Saturday. Dr. Jackson was standing near the gin while it was in operation,, and dis covering a mote on one-, of the saws, at tempted to take it therefrom, when his sleeve was caught by the teeth of one of the saws, and his arm drawn . into the mill up to the ; shoulder. . When extricated the member was literally cut to pieces and the bones broken into small fragments. Sur gical aid was I immediately summoned and the arm amputatedbut the shock was too severe for human endurance, aud the Doc tor died on i Saturday moraine-about 2, O'clock. 4JDrS Jackson was an aged gentle-: nuui aaa ana oeen a successiuu pujmcptEi Raleigh Farmer and Jifecfianiet. ' The New Berne News is richt. The 'Ve hement attacks upon Gov, Vance : make "strange reading in Jn ortii Uarolma. " it would be much fairer to turn the guns on those who backed the original transfer by Best, which 'led to . the .present trouble. Statistics show. that North Carolina has fewer "Deaths" in ratio to her population than any Southern State, except the nest of mountains called jby the Yankees) ' 'West Vfrginia," and there is no doubt that in the number of "Births" she leads all the other States of the ".Original Thirteen," if not the whole Union,! In some aspects the railroad controversy is very unfortu nate. But it will at .least inform ana arouse the people, -In accordance with a resolution of the last -convention, Bishop Lyman has appointed Rev. Will. S. By num and Rev. - Geo. Dame as Evangelists for the' State of North Carolina. They will be paid from the Diocesan Fund, and will travel under the direction of the Bishop, seeking the scattered sheep and sowing Episcopal seed as occasion oners. It is a good thing. Col. W. H. S, Burgwyn, a tar-heel Bal- timorean, made 74 points out of 75, at a 600 yards shooting match last, week. Miss Ina McCall has a pressing offer from Steele Mackaye to make another Northern tour at an increased salary. The Rutherford county railroad commissioners have been in vited by Capt V. Q. Johnson to visit Wil mington, and are going October 4th. They want the C. C. R. R. extended to Ruther ford, and ought to have it.; One little fact for Durham: The sales of revenue stamps for stamping tobacco were $32,245 in August of last year. In August of this year they werer $81,000, or more than twice as great. - l no long aeaa-ioca. ueiweeu the half -dosed "Wet" and "Dry; Aldermen of Charlotte was broken on Saturday night, by Alderman-Hutchinson voting with the 'Wets." So Charlotte is open to tne nuids. There was a very amusing picture in one of the Illustrated papers. It repre sented Vice President Arthur with one eye and one-half his face dripping with tears as he hoped 'the dear President is not so oaa as repeated," hut . the other side was grin ning, and Win King ai. warn anu mixhaux, whn attori in the shade with hats on, and carpetbags in hand, ready to start for Wash ington when called. Alas ! and now they come j. ..i The Granville Free Lanes last year noted the tparrisge pf Charles Beasley, an old colored man, who has been married seven times,' and nas naamiy-nve cimureu, of whom forty-seven are livmg. It is on m -arl-nA that blows into nobody's win dow 1 The Trustees of 'Rockingham Insti-. tute; or Academy, were arxmi w sena nonn for a teacheTi'but on seeing the unpleasant consequences of Mrs. Helen Campbells brieflenn in the South, they decided to trv nearer home, and have now the services oMisa Lttcy Phillips the accomplished daughter of Prof ..Charles Phillips. Good ! THE j!" HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OL. Haab Torrent. , Yatks School books. Mayor's notice to draymen. ; Worth & Worth -Fresh lime. - Adrian & Voixers groceries. iBROWH & RonmcR A bargain. -R. M. McIimRR--Iry goods, etc. P. Ctjkminq & Co Oats, corn, etc. J. C. STBVENSOir New buckwheat, etc, Hor to the Dead Preatdent. The halls of the ' Howard Relief No. 1 aid Cape Fear No. 3 Steam Fire Engine Companies have their flags at half -mast as a token of respect to the late President Garfield. 3 We also notice that St. James' Church nd the Jewish Temple of Israel are draped with the emblems of mourning. BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costiveness. ; Md Siek-Heatiache. rh " For sale by J, C Mtnros.' ? Beceipta. ofcotton .at4hia, port yesterday 453 bales. ;!-. :& The fish market was very well ,ti, : - ? --i (!... , ...hi. i ; '. supplied yesterday. New moon this morning at 40 minutes past 6 o'clock. T , !i , -i"VVind and rain is predicted by the almanacs for to-day, and. to-morrow., . - The work xf painting the tin roofs at' the County Poor 'House will com mence to-day. ; , ' , The Walker internal revenue case was still under investigation at last accounts.-: from Commissioner lilcQuigg's court f ' Ji : " - Sergeant Davis, : of the police iorce, was on me war-pain, yesieruay aiicr delinquent draymen, who. are behind with their license tax. ?: New River oysters have com menced comingj in. They are later this season than usual, on account of the con tinued warm weather. Mf. Marsden Bellamy is to take the office formerly and for many years oc cupied by the late Maj. F.-D. Poisson, and Justice E, D. Hall is to take the office va cated by Mr. Bellamy. TheWOmington Light Infantry received their knapsacks, haversacks, can teens' and other equipments for the York town trip yesterday. The tents will be furnished by the United States. There is considerable complaint about the failure to enforce the ordinance against fast driving. The streets, some venture to suggest, were not intended as race tracks, on which to try the metal of "fiery, untamed steeds Vv The only case for. the Mayor's Court yesterday morning, was that of t wo colored individuals, chargedjwith an affray on the streets, who contribttted $5 feach to the city treasury, and departed for "new fields and pastures green. " The Augusta Chronicle and Constitutionalist of Sunday last says : ' 'We learn that CoL S. L. Fremont, assistant engineer in charge of improvements at Sa vannah, has been transferred to Fernan dina, and Capt. D. B. Greene, who has ; been on duty at Charleston, has been or- dered to Savannah. ; Rice birds are getting fat and plentiful. These delicious little pests don't get killed every time you hear the report of a gun in the fields. Those on duty to mind the crops as a general thing only use pow der to frighten the depredators. Those who make it a business to hunt the birds for the market are the only ones usually who blot out their little lives. Alluding to the sermon of Rev. C. M.' Payne, of the Second Presbyterian church, of this city, at Shoe -Heel on Sun day last, a correspondent of the Robesonian says : "In a clear and logical style he taught the duty, the matter and the manner of prayer. Mr. Payne has added fresh laurels to his already well merited reputa tion as a man and preacher among our people, and we trust he will visit us again at some future time." . Dally Weather Bulletin. The f oTlowing will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at 3 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time; and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty-four hours ending daily at 8 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, as furnished by the Signal Officer of this city: Temp. Rainfall. Weather. Atlanta 81 .00 Fair Charleston ... . 84 .00 Clear Charlotte 83 .00 Fair Corsicana , 84 .00 Fair Galveston 82 .09 Cloudy Indianola 84 .00 Fair Jacksonville 84 .00 Lt rain Key West 83 .00 Cloudy Montgomery. ..... 86 .00 Clear New Orleans 84 .00 Clear Punta Rassa...... 86 .00 Thret'g Savannah 83 .00 Sm'ky Pensacola 84 .00 Clear Cedar Keys 84 .05 Clear The following are the indications for the South Atlantic States to-day : , Fair weather, easterly winds, stationary or higher barometer and temperature. Our Birthday. Our ' 'Twtnxler" comes before its many readers this morning with new heart and new hopes. Of course, we would not boast of our new clothes; but we cannot resist the temptation to say that we feel just a little bit proud of . the nice, bright sheet which we send out this morning. The Mornxnq Star hopes it may do more hereafter than it has done heretofore for the people who have so well sustained it in the past. We trust "ye Local" will be pardoned for these Vfew scattering remarks;" but we do love this "Twinkler," and on an occa sion like this we must say a word. Itlajclatrate'a Court. ' Dora Williams, colored, was arraigned before Justice Gardner, yesterday, charged with committing assault and battery upon Nancy Wright, also colored. Defendant submitted, and. was required to pay one penny and the costs, j- syv $ The same defendant was arraignea on a peace warrant sworn but by Nancy Wright, and the same was dismissed at the cost , of the prosecutor. -. 'RbUGH 6N:RATS,TM thing de-? aired, found at; last. ; Ask druggist tor Rough oh Rats. " It clears 'but fats, mice. . roaches, flies, bedbugs. 15c. boxes. . . J; C;- MtmDS, ' Wilmington, N: C; Roth-Hathaanhy or the - Jewish New Year S642 Arm."' " The festival bearing this name 'will be ushered in by .thelsratesflua:evenfng. It is the beginning of the civil year; that of the ecclesiastical year being, in accordance with Exodus XI,; , 2, .'the first day ; of the first month of the, months of the .year" known in the Hebrew almanac by the name of Nissan, and corponding-'with parts of March and April. ' The- Rosh-Hashanah, with; the single "exception' of the fast of Atonement,' is the most rsolemn festival in the annual cycle, i it being celebrated as "a memorial of sounding the cornet, a holy convocation" (Leviticus XXni., 24X pre paratory to the day? of l Atonement, which follows it nine 'days -'later';' hence the' ser vices in the synagogues .and . temples, on that occasion, are of a very solemn character.5- ' i-if'-'f S.O "a.:; X.i.lUrio.ll In this city, the Israelites1 will inaugurate their New Tear this, evening at 6 o'clock, when the services will be held and a ser mon delivered by -Rabbi S. Mendelsohn, at the Temple, corner, Fourth and Market streets, and to-morrow (Saturday) morning, at 10 o'clock. Held for Larceny. Frederick Hill, colored, had a hearing before one of our magistrates, on Wednes day evening, charged with the larceny of a pair of. pants, the property of a young gen tleman ion the wharf. He was ordered to give bond, with good security, in the sum of . $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. Seized with Sadden Illness, A colored man who gave his name as Bu chanan Stocks was taken very sick on the wharf yesterday and was carried to the sta tion house on a dray, where he received pro per medical attention at the hands of the city physician. RIVER AND MARINE. The British ocean steamer Bamea-. more, Capt. Trenery, cleared from Balti more for this port on the 20tiv to load cotton, and should be here to-day. The steam-tug Mary Shaw, Capt. Meier, from Baltimore for Mobile, put in at this port yesterday for fuel, and was coal ing at Messrs. Fowler & Morrison's wharf. She will-probably leave for her destination to-day. The schooner Bessie, Capt. Brady, one of the oyster sharpies built here some months since for a Mr. Thomas, and intend ed for the oyster business in Chesapeake Bay, arrived here from Georgetown, D. C, eta New Berne, with a cargo of Coal for Messrs. Fowler & Morrison. She left Bal timore July 8th, but sprung a leak and had to put in at New Berne for repairs. A gentleman who visited the wreck of the ship La Louisiana, on Frying Pah Shoals, Wednesday, says the vessel has not commenced breaking up. The lumber is being gradually removed, and it looks as if a good thingmay be made out of her by Messrs Watson & Eckel, who purchased the wreck, as the anchors, chains, spars and rigging are to a great extent "come-at-able" and susceptible of being profitably utilized. A few years ago the senior of the firm was nothing but a poor printer," and now he is part owner of a large ship! "WINE OF CARDUI " for Ladies only. For sale by J. C. Mckds. CITY ITEMS. THE MORNING STAR can always be had at the following places in the city : The Purcell House, Harris' News Stand, and the Stab Office. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes the "Boston Christian Freeman " : We would by no means recommend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for infants. But of Mrs. W inflow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge ; in our own family it has proved a blessing Indeed, by giving an infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and its parents unbroken rest at night. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works to per fection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant is perfectly natural. and the little cherub awakes, as "bright as a but ton." value mothers sav thev the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething si i, on amy ' consideration whatever. oid by au ruggists. 20 cents a bottle. For Rent, i i A DWELLING ON THE EAST side of Seventh, between Chesnut and Mulberry streets, containing Eight Booms, Gas, Water, a Large Lot, Ac. Apply to ' H. HAAB. sept 23 tf School Books, JEW AND SECOND HAND, AT REDUCED PRICES, AT ' YATES', sept 23 tf Notice to Draymen. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLEDYTO TUB FOL- lowing ordinance: "Any Truck, Wagon, Diay or Cart found in use within the city limits without the registered number on each side, shall be sub. ject to seizure by the Chief of Police, and the owner thereof shall be subject to-a fine of ! Five Dollars for each and eveiy day the same 1 is used without ttoe prepaytnent of the monthly, tax, or without : being numbered.' EveTy vehicle used for transporting goods or produce; for hire or for private use, is Bubject to the above tax and penalty," ; v, WM.L, SMITH, . sept 23 It (Review copy) - Mayor. ' -ft and GEORGIA;-i-For ml . formation - about these fitftteiread the SAVANNAH MOHNING 'NEWS. WEEKLY (mammoth eijht pAge sheet) $2 a year; uaiiy $iu a year, me nest papers ui meouaui, Samnle eoniaa ft center . Address. -j- au lis tl J. u. jgsTuo savannau, wa. '-mmSly i i.J 1 ( iZ'WbiMiO DRY , GOODS r si AND A RE BEING RECEIVED X STEAMER AND Rail. The prices will be as low. or lower than i , i i-l - '- .! i .-,1 : : .- . .ever before. --i . v t; :' Respectfully, . . ' H. ncIHTIBE septa tf ' !" " '' '" ' . . , ' - r '." . ' A Bargain. Brown , & Boddick ARE OFFERING A SMALL LOT OF CAMEL'S Hair Jackets, beautifully trimmed, for 15 00;. the regular price is $15 00. Just suitable for this season, sept 23 tf BROWN & RODDICK. - The Place FOR Purchasers, Dealers and Consumers to OBTAIN THEIR S UPPLIESl IS AT THE LARGE WHOLESALE GROCERY OF Adrian & Vollers, - At South East Corner Front and Dock 8ts. Call or Order direct, as oar inducements are greater than at any other establishment in the city, and in our stock may be found everything in the Grocery Line that a dealer or consumer needs. " sept 23 tf New. Buckwheat JUST RECEIVED BY STEAMER TO-DAY best quality. Fresh Ground from this year's crop Fresh Apples and Cabbages. Extra Cream Cheese and Gilt Edge Butter. New Large No. 1 Mackerel at retail. Fat No. 2 Mackerel, 6 for 25 cents. No. 1 Mackerel, in Kits, $1 00. No. 2 Mackerel, in Kits, 75 cents. North Carolina Roe Herring. Bunker Hill Pickles, in Buckets. A very choice article of English Breakfast Tea, at 75 cets per pound. New Uncanvassed Hams and Strips. Large assortment of Fresh Candies. Call and see and price, and I am satisfied you will buy. J. C. Stevenson, sept 23 tf Market Street. Lime. Lime. 1500 Bbls. Fresh Lime JUSU RECEIVED, AND , 1 For sale by sept 23 tf WORTH WORTH. Bed Bust Proof Oatti. 10,000 Bushels Prime White CORN. 2,000 " Mixed corn;: 5,000 " Feed OATS, 1,000 " Red Bust Proof OATS, 500 " - "Best Bolted MEAL in 'the city," (our make(, Special figures for car load lots. PRESTON GUMMING & CO,, Millers and Grain and Peanut Dealers. sept 23 tf .. .. . SOMETHING v ENTtRELT M. THE OBG-ANINA! COME AND HEAR IT. " Any one can play it. These" Instruments are bo' constructed that no- amount of shaking up will disarrange the mechanism', which Is very simple and always positive In ltB fiction. ' ' For -sale at vHEENSBERGER'S, sept 21 tf Live Book: and Music Store. Bice! Sice! Bice! TINTERS A3XD MERCHANTS WILLNOTICE A that we are always pre to oav the best mar- sell eo commission any shipments they mayentrust to us. ket price for Kioe, or BI8HOFF A CO.; . Charleston, S. C. j i i i ; i ) t- ; I. ' ' sept 20 8m For Bent,1 That desirable STORE on Water Sii next to' sbutfaeast' corner Ches nut. Also, several Rooms: oyer store 45 Market St:, suitable for storage or outer, purposes.; ; . , . a 1. ? T.itTrr AddIt to i TTTT TTTO B 1 1tCIST ' . ' sept 4eodtf Market St imh R. R. Opurses of Study -English, ScientifiO; and. yiaaoeai. ' Htuaenta preparea ior u. . xoaTai aoa Military Academies and the best American Col-, leges. "A thorough Chemical department: " Bead ing taught by s brst-olasa Elocutionist. , Penman-. hip bra Professor, master of the beautiea of the art.- A home like- department for little boy. ; 14 tntriiAtw.' Jncncm SooBTLxaa (Yale College) A.'. M?t Principal, ConcprdvUle, Del. oa, Pa. au-8m sfili IlifAPLEWOOir- IKSlTf UTiS for 'young ladles 1x1 and gentlemen, 18 miles west of Philadelphia, located on the Philadelnhla';' Baltimore Central l :-i x r ) 3 ( ) 3D 4 k ) 6 6J 8 W 10 (X) lr v Si ( tfM.'' One Week . ' " Two Weeks,... ..,'?. Three Weeks,.',,....,' - f-jfti 4 . One Month,. .... Two- Months,. . f Three Montha,i.j......,.. t ,(:ii. !rKOne Xear.!fc,..s.;.;.,..i,, w 00 CST" Contract Advertisements taken at propor- Y tionatety low rates. ; I I . 4 I' : Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one aqtiara. Bagging1 and Tica. v K 4 1000 iWkoX HU BAGGING .f 9 AAA Bundles New and P'cd TIES.... f 1 j : '.v i o W Bacon, ColfeeV;Sugai ! 200 X8 -mokd Qd Cry Salted. SIDES, '.' Bags COFFEE different gwUleal H, )Art SUGARS, 'GranuiateL VU t :,Vv &)J Standard A, Extra C an4C, 1000 bto: , i . 100 Chol? VBXT LARD, 17K Bblaand Boxes Freeh CAKES, KA Bdxea Aaaorted CANDY, ; : .1 fit it i'V Potash, Lye, Soda, 100 X 5 POTASH, , : ; 100 80X68 &XiA Ke" 8oda " ' , . ; . Boxes SOAP, ' ' 7S f.1 nd Boxe SNUFF, rTg Dozen BUCKBTSi '. ".' '150 Beam wppW paper, ''I Hoop Iron, Nails, Hay, Oati, Randolph Yarns and Sheetings, For sale low by sept 18 tf- WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. ZTotice. Black Hountain. JUST RECEIVED THE FIRST SHIPJCKltt & CLEBBATEBBB0SnrQ T0BAC CO . ' ' It is manufactured in Asheville; and baa r , the reputation of being the . r . FITTEST TOBAbcb ON; THE ' " MARKET LAY,, at anything like the price. 8 would. V?. do well to send for aatqYlea. For sale only by : . Jno. L. Boa hf, . Nos. 11 &. 13 sept 18 tf N. FatOklt 8U To ANOTHER FRESH SPIPMENT Of. - THE " Pride of the P;ajrtry " Is expected to arrive per next New York steamer, , Send in your orders early in order to secure, , while perfectly freshft tVj;r fv p .f- FINEST FAMILY SlUll sold in this marks,'. .."V.- 'I Jno. L. Boatwright; Won. 11 A 13 N. tjront St. sept 8 tf . :. F-t i Notice. AS TRUSTEE OF JOHN M. ROBINSON I... offer his entire stock of HATS, GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, -o.', i at redaoedf prices. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine, aa I intend to close the same at. once. ' -LiT. BEATTY, ' sept 22 lot Trustee for f, M. Robinson. . Sickle Pears. t-i.. NOTHER FINE LOT OF PEARS RECEIVED, ( 7 consisting of Sickle, Laurence and " Ducheaat' Apples, Oranges, and Fresh Home-made Coooannt. , Peanut, Walnut and other Candies on hand.. ' .' i At 8. G. NORTHKOPT9 . V." 1 sept 23 tf Fruit and Confectionary Storeal.. ' : FOB Correct styles and YOUR MONET8 WORTH, Go to the Old City Hatters, y HARRISON A ALLEN. - r u the Old sept 29 tf For Bciitiw . .. . .. .. -r . A DWELLING, (m the aouthweirt corner of Seoowt and Mulberry "kt1 V . ' ' ! -j'--. ... V .; ;v Apply for. further information to--ut , : sept 21 tf NEXT DRAWING OF THE - -y.- . . Louisiana State ..'jLottery $1$? TAKES FL ACE SEPTRIS.' PRIZES FROaC .V ": ln0 to 830.000. Price. Whole tickets.' f mm; Halves $100. .-.v-t-jj:: ' -i, " r . ' - 1 Address aug 13 tf WllmmgtoiC N. C. : ; ---.v t- :? '( Treniente MeMt .T THE MAMMOTH ClOjHINGTIOUSK.'- FaU ?i Weather followed by Fall Traded Everybody de,'f lighted with oar selections.; ' rtuii'l NO OLD PLUNDER SALMSD OFF FOR NEW.,-;.' -''. STOCK. . Our Styles areir own aeleetiona,'aBd , 1 out and made to please our patrons. No wonder U ; the MAMMOTH (CLOTHING H0U8K does allvelv , . ; trade.- Already one-third of our Fall Stock u -, . .' ' sold,-while others are waiting for- business to-Vrt -come along. ' The only way to tuooeed is to cheer ' V :. up. get up, fly around and go- for tt, Woit we (. " -Will for'a successful season. Dont forget lt. r r? A. DAVID,. Tf k sept.nltf Wholeaalit and RetaU Clothier. V . , .. rtTw ; i"t ' ,-, 'j.rT.t TJARLOR, CHAMBER,' T)INING ROOM, KIT-. -;, .: ' v x ooen ua umoe : jrurnuure, ait oi'ineiDan-n' make and latest design, to be sold low for cash at -i the New Furniture Store .f,V .-: . - . 5 a..s ' BEHBENDS A MUNROE, . .' , r .: ,.8. E. eor. Market and 2nd 8ta , ,A aept lltf - igV.;:).', v Wflmlagton, N. a,', ' iksuee yotje Eoiro nr tub hot:: Aciilttirai Clll of Kew iTord whether Fire ensues orwot. -Takes no mercantile . ASSETS 1st. Jau4a88i; l,2dl,Y31;;f s - V C i Insures against loes r damage by Lightning, p J, .. A. v ; nor manufaoturing risks, henee la not subject to. y . - - . neJ ,; - " i -.-. T t ' , cash, half 12 months note 6 ; oria. . un long wrm wi Strongest residence Imraraace Company In tie' ; ; , 4 . , - per eem. interest." ' r-v-'? r ....-. ; i . - JNO. , W. G3RION BBO.i Agenta, f 1. .,C:,; ' - on ouraStocKoi -U9usa,rurnisinng. uooaa tome .f r .;- aatisiacnon oi ctow payers.;- vau ana , exanuaoi t Pare White OIL Tr iif-' ' . Pare White OIL eptlStf 18 tf rff-PARKER A TATLCn. . .,' . . - . . l ,'. r' ' - "I ' - w J- 4 r. -; . V..V. ' si- ie,.(v ... ...... ,.-. . j -