fa The MoramgWf. UN BEST. .it ,1 7 FRANCES RIDLEY HAVEHGAL. ' 1 - our heart is restless till it rest In Thee." ,S. A& gwttine. - j ' There is a strange, wild wail around, a Wail: of deep unrest, ; ; moaning in the mus3jrjth eclpncon-. VihJ a mocking' twitter here and there, with mall notes shrill and thin .- .-. Ami deep low shuddering groans' that rise. IiOin giuum nuuiu. Vml still thc-wbirdiU fSolses the harmo- nios of God, : '1 Vial st'ftl the waiters wander through; his f ,ir binds rich and broad- Grave thought-explorers swell the cry of (lull 1)1 ouu uauiucaa jnuu, nd careless feet among the flowers trip to the dismal strain. ' They may wander as they will in the hope less search for truth. They may squander in t&e&vest alLtkefresli liess of their youth", 5 : ? 1 J They may wrestle with the nightmares of sin's unresting sleep, They may cast a futile plummet in the "heart's unfathomed deep; But the- wait and wail and wander in vain and still in vain, Thou 2h they glory in the dimness and are proud of every pain; For a life of Titan struggle is but one sub lime mistake, ill O While the spelWreato- is upon thein, and they cannot, will not wake. Awake. 0 thou that sleepest! The Deliv erer is near. Arise, go forth to meet Him! Bow down, for he is here! Ye shall count your true existence from this rirst aud blessed tryst, Tor He waitetb to reveal Himself, the very God in Christ. For the soul is never satisfied, the life is in complete. Ami the symphonlesrof sorrow find no ca dence calm and sweet. And the earth-lights never lead us beyond the fhadows grim, Aud t lie htie heart never resteth till it find eth rest in Him. RELIGIOUS. "Pete Ilyacinthe's discourse on President Garfield was so great a success that he was compelled to repeat it on the Sunday following its first delivery," says a foreign telegram. There are 80,000 Methodists in Iowa, aud in that State they build churches at the rate of one every two .weeks. One of the ministers, who was recently arraign ed before his conference, promised never to 20 to u circus again in his life. Bishop Simpson, nf the Metho dist Episcopal Church - after an absence abroad of nearly six months, will leave Europe November 3rd, on the steamship Citv of Berliu, and will probably arrive in Philadelphia ten or twelve days later. The Jresbyteria&t&a,yaL? ;i'The largest addition made to any Presbyterian church in the United States last year was made to the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Rev. Dr. Tal mage's. The whole number was s-y. The entire number of communicants in that church is 2,471. The Rev. Ir. Cuyler, in speak niiot' the Christian workers and philan thropists of London, says: "They are all achieving blessed results, but the single sreatest power in London is Charles H. Spurgeon, with his mighty pulpit and his staff of trained laborers." Rev. Dr. Burns, principal of the Wesley an Female College at Hamilton, Ontario, has created some, excitement by publishing a letter expressing sympathy with the Rev. Dr. Thomas, against whom charges of heresy have been sustained. It is said that similar charges will be instituted against Dr. Burns. At the meeting yesterday of the Council of the Ne . York City University,, the Rev. Dr. John Hall was unanimously elected Chancellor to succeed Dr. Howard C'rosbv, resigned.! A eotnmittec, consisting i.f Dr". Crosby, Dr. Geo. H. Moore, A. J. Vanderpoel, Dr. Chas. F. Deems, and the Rev. S. M. Hamilton, was appointed to wait upon Dr. Hall to-day. While rector of St. James' Epis copal Church, Philadelphia, the Rev. Mar shall T. Meiggs stole from the church fund and a widow's estate, and finely ijfeconcled with a month's salary in advance. He now writes back to his friends that he evidently mistook his fitness for the ministry, and has gone into profitable mercantile employ ment abroad, whence he will soon send money to pay all claims. Harrison is a revivalist, known as - the boy preacher," and is working with success iu 'San Francisco. The Virginia City Chronide says that he has ' a striking way "of jumping down from the pulpit and placing his foot on the altar rail, as if about to spring over at the obdurate sinners' in the congregation;" and "he paces the pulpit like a caged lion," and "raises his voice to a scream and then drops it to a whisper." Bishop Pierce, worn to a tot tering frame, barely strong enough to sup port that head -of 'Jove, presided in the Conference. Excessive labor and disease hav e mutilated the noble form and untuned the melodious voice. In 1837 -the "Hon. Alex. Stevens, of Georgia, said on the ears to some of us returning from the Eliza beth City Conference, that George F. Pierce was the greatest orator then in America. We were still thrilling.with the eloquence of the Sunday sermon, and there was no dissent to the Congressman's dictum. The Bishop is hushed befomthe great con gregation, but the aroma of his piety in private is as the odor of flowers and as bracing to all as the morning air of Octo ber. Richmond Christian Advocate, T tVINKLINGS. A gamecock fought to be good eating. Does not the poet say "the bravest are the tenderest? " Boston Courier. The Louisville Courier-Journal says: "The 'code' seems to be W harmless as it is idiotic, and fortunately ft U not as Popular as it was." Arithmetical -If a dime with a. hole in it is worth five cents, a-dime with two holes in it ought to be wottluten cents. Kentucky State Journal. Tourgee's "Fool's Errand' in a ramatized form has been presented in Philadelphia. It proves a "flat failure. Political plays can never be made success ful, as, of rieht, they should hot be. Wh. Post. Cordiality -Boston Transcript. A North Carolina man wel comed his fourth pair of twins with the re Jk : "Now, this is two utterly d d two wo! ' Profanity and aesthetic culture won't worth a cent; bufe I&ftwjfc Jan could ot help it Detroit Free Press. ' Conductor W. S. Rathburn, f the TLake saore Railroad, residmgia;lJetnitiHich., cured by St. Jacebft. Oil.Jof -Terv se ere ca.se of rheumatisin.1,, Stfwai rjghted Kn its prompt actios and isfluenoe "I am veryiglad "ave met you, sir," said .Brown, pouieiy. Are you? " replied Fogg; "here s a note you may be glad to meet also.'' Brown wasn't so powerfully glad to meet it, but he Had to." RnHi 7Vn.AwW - - DR. C:rWV BENS&N, o;iriMOBE, Md. We Rive above correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surf eon, who has made a .lifelong study of Nervous Diseases and the Diseases of the Skin, and. he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on : those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his praotioo ho discovered what -tiow are renowned in medical Sractie, pzi: a combination of Celery and Chamomile in itef shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recommended by them. ' It is not a patent medicine, It is the result of fcis own experience in practice. They are a sure ctre for the folio wing- special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all Intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure siek headache, nervous headachedySpeptic headache, neural gia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and ner vousness, asd vrill dure any case. Sold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot. 196 North Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Md. oy man, iwo ooxes tor i, or six boxes for 2.5u, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE 3 - I Warranted to Cure K OIKMA , TKTTER8, HUMOKS, g INFLAMMATION INiLK CRUST, ALU ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISKASES OF HAIR AND SCALP. o 5 SCROFULA ULCIRS, PJMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartaof do liody. . It Tny Uis skia white, aoft and nmooth.; tiicitm tea aad Aeoklea. and is tb BEST toilet drwlim in THZ WOBXJX. nKnt1jr put np, two boUea in on peokaca. onTtsjattng of both, internal tod tetania! treatment. ArMhuaid7aggistahTit. Frloetl-parpaekaca. J. W. CONOLEY, Agent, Wflmington, N. C. oct 10 Deod&Wlm we fr su nrm mON -IHTi'I'KS are ' highly recoHiai. nJi-tfYuf :i'r .liseas:s requiring a cerliuu vnd Rfii. i ..j, t;j?o; es2)ecially Indi'tioii, I .vyjei.suv, Inter mittent V. - , Want of Appc Uti I, .;s x i-s-tigrth, Xjuck of lliCi:y -etc. fturu-.c ihe blood, Mixttg'f!' inus;ua, I'tid yli e new life to the Jtci'fs. Tliev a. t !jl;c a vharm on the digestive organs, r- i:tving ill dspeptic syioptoms, siieb ?u Ut.-u-'mj the food, belching, heal in the- Mvauu-h, hcort'jurn, etc. The only Iron Prtp,u-ulit;n. that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Write for the ABC Hook. 32 jKiges amusing and osfcful reading, setU free. BJIOWX CHEMICAL CXIPANY. Baltimore. Md. jan 29 DAWly nrm SO DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Tsi.. - S 4m 11,1870 ni . L L SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, -oMflHalc Appliances ... ;.' c--nTi XrrvoimWfwknwafD, Gfn :it lelllity, Ia-M of nerVe force or vigor, ..i itistaA; resultini; from ABUSES and Othkb . . t-:. or Io'hmv one afflicted with Rheuma- Neamlia. Paralysis, Spinai Difficulties, .-Juey or LiTer Troubles Lame Back, Rirp ..r. .st uiut ihtr Difeases of he Vital Organs. a ! wo em troubled with dieou: peculiar to iiicirsrx. Sjxicdy relief and complete restoration to h'tltu jruantateed. These are tbe only Kfe-rtrl Appliances tbat nave ever btn eonatrneted upon Mlentlfleprln- - eii1-a. Their thorougn efficacy has been prac ti.nlly proven with the most wnnderfnl -itic'ut1 .and they tiave the bighoat .;i:lir.tTirnl! from jmedical and seien l litr nteM,k(t from 1mI rtl who have ,lM5ir ui-4ly rihI nxlirnlly rnred by Send Bt once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giving aU information free.' Address, -' VOLTAIC BELT CO., XarvhaU. Xicb je 8 DeodAWly sn we ft Is a preparation of Protoxide of Iron, Peruvian Bark an4 Che-Phosphatt', nssoclatel with the Vegetable Arsmatics. Endorsed by the Medical Prui'ession. and recommended by tlieni for Dya pepaia. Cienernl lcblll(y. Female lla aae. WartorvitlttyairTna Praa iratton, Convalescence from Fevers and t'broKie I'Ji I II aitd Fever. It serves' every purpose where a'Toxic is necessary. Miuafactured by The Dr. Barter Medicine Co., St Lonis.- The foHowlnfr Is one of tne very many testimo uials we are reoefviuit daUy: Otntlemen:-Some three months atfo I began the use of I)u. JIAKTKB'S litos Tonic, upon the ad vice of uiatik friwjdf who knew its virtues. I was suffering fruurirenflrai debility to such an extent that my labor was exceedingly burdensome tome. A fr3&iaskjfM oianth Ud not five me much re lief, lint on the contrary, wa followed by in ctwiud nmctnitlnn stnti lnkingr cldlls. At this time I be(fir-the nse of your IbOX TORIC, from wincn i reauzeir almost immeauie auu wuuucnui results.. Theoldeuergy returned and 1 found that my aatfrwfcfotw wM mrt permanently abated. I Imvs used turss battles of theToNiC Since using It I have done twice tbe labor that I ever did in the sam iJtne during my illness, and with double the ease. With the tranquil nerve and vigor of body, , haa come also a clearness of thought never before enjoyed.' If tlw Tome has not done the work, I . know not wbat. I give It the credit. Most gratefully yours, J; P. WATSON Troy, O., Jan. 2, 1878. ' Pastor Christian Church. .f $ale bjr Pfugglrt u4 General Dealers Everrwba Je8Deod&Wly suwefr nrm Atkinson&rlilanniiiff's !. Insnpance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BTTILDING, .... :, ' . - : WMsntnfcTn, W. C. FiruHiiugl jomtanies. ." " -:. .- z J Aggregate Capital Bppreente4 QTgF ?JpO?OW,000 frOur quotations, it should be understood represents the 'wholesale 'priees- generally; j In mating up small orders higher prices have io be charged- ' ; ' 1 i ; ' ABTIi TRICES. BAGOINO Gunny :: Standard.., BACON North Carolina, Hams, B.... ... Shoulders, ip lb . ; . ; : . . . - Sides, ehoice, J4-.. Western 8 KOKKD-Hams, H lb.. Sides, fr hi; 7!7.:. . . . . Shoulders, lb. ... Dbt 8altei Sides, f lb. r. . v Shoulders, fr- a -.r, . . ... ; 4 . BAKSELS Spirits Turpentine, Second.Hand, each.. v. .i..,.. . New New York, each New Ctty, ieaeh h.A . . .- BEESWAX $ lb , BMCEWljningtoi,-ff J : Northern. ...... .'t .". .c. BUTTER North Carolina, fi B; Northern, B...... ......... CANDLES lb Sperm Tallow , Adamantine ; CHEESE f li Northern FactY Dairy.Cream. .... .. . .... .... . State ,.. COFFEE f lb Java Laguyra Rio..-., CORN MEAL f bush., in sacks, COTTON TIES fl bundle. ...77. DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd Yarns, f) bunch. ..... j . EGGS f dozen. FISH Mackerel, 6. 1, f bbl . . . Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl.. Mackerel, No. 2, bbl. Mackerel, No. 2, W half bbl. . Mackerel, No. 3, bbl ... . Mullets, m bbl Mullets, Pork bbls N. C. Roe Herring, f keg. . . . Dry Cod, fj Vi.... ............ FERTILIZERS fJ 2,000 pounds, Peruvian Guano, No. 1 . . . k . . " No. 2 Lobos Baugh's Phosphate Carolina Fertilizer . : Ground Bone i.i. . . i .- Bone Meal Bone Flour Navassa Guano Complete Manure - Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate Berger & Butz's Phosphate . . ' Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer, FLOUR f) bbl Fine Northern Super ' " ' Extra Family City Mills Extra Family... Extra Family GLUE lb GRAIN $ bushel. Corn, from store, in bags Corn, cargo, in bulk Corn, cargo, in bags Corn, Mixed, in bags Oats Red Rust Proof Oats Cow Peas HIDES fi lb Green Dry HAY $ 100 lbs Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON $ Ton. LARD Jb Northern. . . North. Carolina LIME barreL LUMBER City Sawed fr M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed Rough Edse Plank 00 00 ' 00 16 12 0 & 10 i 10 16 IT- & 11 9 1 75 0 00 a SO 7 60 iO 00 20 : 22 18 1 85 3 00 1 90 22 9 50 14 00 1 net . (a 82 25 12 15 llM 11 & 14 : 15 10 26 . 15 11 1 10 165 7 & & I 28 17 : 15 .2 00 7H 1 10 25 20 00 10 00 9 00 5 00 7 00 5 00 7 00 4 00 9 1 00 22 . 16 00 8 50 8 60 4 50 6 50 4 75 0 00 ;3 00 5 57 60 86 00 00 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 0 00 0 00. e so 7 75 6 00 00 50 11 62 50 37 00 51 00 too 00 50 00 40 00 43 00 M 57 00 45 00 & 67 00 & 70 00 & 70 00 60 00 60 00 5 50 6 00 7 50 & 10 00 6 50 8 50 9 00 13 1 02J4 00 1 00 1 00 65 90 1 25 6 11 1 25 1 25 1 15 85 00 14 1 50 00 & 95 & 00 60 mm 20 4 10 00 1 20 1 00 80 00 00 00 1 10 18 00 15-00 20 00 16 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . Scantling and Boards, com'n 13 00 18 00 18 00 22 00 12 00 & 15 00 jwuLASsiss $i gauon, New Crop Cuba, in hhds " in bbls Porto RiCO; in-hd3. " in bbls. Sugar House, in hhds -? " in bbls Syrup, in bbls NAILS $ Keg Cut, lOd basis.. OILS gallon Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring... Turkeys PEANUTS fl bushel POTATOES $ bushel Sweet . . Irish 00 00 00 00 25 00 40 0 00 11 1 10 90 15 00 00 28 12 39 42 45 48 27 29 80 3 50 12 1 45 1 00 18 20 22 30 25 1 25" 1 302 1 00 80 21 00 15 00 14 00 75 60 75 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 PORK bbl. City Mess Prime Rump RICE Carolina, lb Rough, f) bushel RAGS fl lb Country City ROPE lb SALT f? sack Alum Liverpool, Lisbon. American SUGAR lb Cuba Porto Rico A Coffee B ' C " Ex C Crushed SOAP S lb Northern SHINGLES f M Contract Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES M W. O. Barrel.. . . R. O. Hogshead TALLOW TIMBER S M feet Shipping.. Extra Shipping Mill Prime Mill Fair Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY f! gallon Northern North Carolina WOOL $ lb-r-Washed Unwashed Burry : 7 8 85 1 50 1! ;s 14 22 00 75 00 80 00 00 00 75 0 00 0 00 0 10$ 9?4 10 8 9 9 9 10J 11 5 6J4 5 00 7 00 2 00 2 50 4 50 5 00 0 00 7 50 12 00 18 00 00 00 10 00 5 6 12 00 13 00 13 00 14 50 6 50 7 60 5 50 6 50 4 50 5 00 0 00 4 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 2 50 25 32 20 23 10 15 WILMINGTON HONEY MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York M discount. Baltimore Boston Philadelphia.... Western Cities..' ZZBxchnnge, 30 days, 1 ft cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 100 First National Bank Stock 75 Navassa Gnano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex -Coupons 82 Funding, 1806 12 Funding, 1868 12 New 4s 88 Special Tax 4 to N.C. Railroad.... 93 W. & W. R. R. Bonds, 7 f?o. (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 fc 105 Wilmington, Col. & Augusta R. R, Bonds ... 106 Wilmington City Bonds, (New) 6 f)c 100 ' " " 8c 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 f)c 97$ Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina R. R. Stock 100 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock. 100 The Best Paper. Try It. BEAUTIFULLY LLLUSTKATED. 35th YEAR. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THE SCIENTIFIC- AMERICAN is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, E tinted in the most beautiful style, PROFU8ELY LLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing tbe newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Progress, Social, Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent writers m all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientiflo American. Terms, $3.20 per year, $1.60 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to. Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by Postal Order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. TO Ml l,TffrT1 C! In connection with the Jt IX X III XH X D. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. -Must & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents: have had 85 years experience, and now nave the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special Inotice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By ibe immense circulation thus given public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales and introduction often easi ly effected Any person who has made a new disovery or In vention, can ascertain, free op charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Munk & Co. We also send frek our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or oonoetTimg Patents. MUNN & CO., 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F & 7th, Sts., Washington,D. C. nov 1 tf The JHarion Star, THE OLDEST- NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and most prosperous in the State, offers to Com mission and: Wholesale Merchants .and' Manufac turers, and to those who have adopted the plan of selling by sample, an excellent medium of com munication with a large and influential class of merchants, tneohanlcs, planters and naval store Tnen, whose patronage is worth soHoitation. Ad vertisements and Business Cards inserted on libe- ralterm8 Address THE STAR ae 22 tf Marion, S. C. JOB-Faifwirac. to i 1 i: - ,r., Jt . " - f ' - ' 4 THE nOENniG STAE . 4- '4 Steam Printing House, HOB NINO STAB BUILDING, ; 5 PRINCESS STBEET. j MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER A MERCANTILE A PBINTIN0 AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH. ' .'. '' ' ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES A TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, DODGERS. STEAMSHIP. STEAMBOA T AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME AND BETTER STYLE THAN B Y ANY O THER OFFICE IN WILMINGTON.. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES. THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES, C. 0. D. .. .- : SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THE SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. NOW READY THE NEW EDITION OF WORCESTER'S QADRTO DICTIONARY, WITH SUPPLEMENT, Library Sheep, $10. Writers. Readers and Students of all classes will find it superior o any other Dictionary. On questions of Orthography and Pronunciation it is unrivalled. Regarded by Scholars in both America and Eng land as the Standard Authority. Contains thousands of words not to be found in any other Dictionary. Excels all other works in the completeness of its vocabulary- Supplementary to the general vocabulary are valuable Articles, Lists, Rules, Tables, etc. Fllhe Pronunciation, Etymology and Definition of i over 115,000 words are correctly given. Embraces 2.058 royal quarto pages, with over 1,100 illustrations and four illuminated plates. Recommended in the strongest terms by the most competent judges as the best Dictiona- ry of the English Language. Students of all classes will find the special addi tional matter of great value and practical use. Decidedly the most satisfactory and reliable work of Its kind. r lustrations are introduced liberally throughout the work. Challenge comparison with any work of like cha racter. The Supplement places it in advance of all other similar works. Is Independent of all sects, parties, and idiosyn crasies of every kind. Omits nothing that is essential to a Standard Unabridged Dictionary. TtTew Words to the extent of thousands can be Xl found explained only in its pages. A vocabulary of Synonymes of 35,000 words is a feature of the new edition. Reviewers have uniformly commended the new edition in tbe highest terms. You are invited to examine and test the work at any Bookstore. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, PHILADELPHIA. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital, Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fond, $1,000,000 $300,000 $50,000 DIRECTORS : JOHN DAW80N, C. M. STEDMAN, G. W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC BATES, DONALD McRAE, JAS. A. LEAB, H. VOLLERS, F. RH EINSTEIN, R. R. BRTDGERS, E. B. BORDEN, J. W. ATKINSON, CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 8. D. Wallace, Cashier. aug 20-tf LoweU Machine Shop, Lowell; Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON mCHINEBY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. Pape r Mch i n e ry ALSO TURBINE WHEELS. Shafting aud Gearing, Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevators, &c PLANS FOR COTTON AND .PAPER MILLS C. L. HELDRETH, Sup't, LOWELL, MASS. i ; . WM. A, BURKE, Treas., mh 8 tf 28 State Street, Boston. pNCOURAQE HOME INSTTTUTIONS. Security Against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOJTIK INSURANCE COMPANY, - RALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to write Policies at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals,' with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina. - Agents in all parts of the State. -JOHN GATLXNG. President , W. S. PRIMROSE Secretary. . ; , , ; TKTNSON &9MQ?G, AoENTfl,' aug l-2m Wilmington, N, C, TfieFopiace; . ' :f Purchasers, Dealers .and Consumers to OBTAIN" THEIR. 8 tTPPZIESt IS AT THE LARGE WHOLES ALE GROCERY OF ' At South East Comer Front and Dock Sts . , Call or order direct,, as our iadnoements arsl greater than at any other establishment in the pity, and in pur stock may be found: everythtoif s c the Grocery line that a dealer or consumer needs. ' ' sept 88 tf ' 250 Hhds. 250 , STBICTLY PRIME i ' .. Porto Rico Molasses, For sale by iUiams ftUiirchispiu SOHUTTE'S :- u J TTrtghtiTlIIe (nid, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE . RECEPTION OF GUESTS. The Table is supplied with the produots of the Sound and Sea. Transient and regular , Boarders taken at rea sonable rates. jeStf F. A. SCHUTTE, Proprietor. GEORGE MYERS, 11 &, 13 South Front Street. Fresh Family - Groceries EVERY WEEK, OF THE CHOICEST SELECTIONS and ALWAYS THE LOWEST PRICES, At GEO. MYERS, sept 12 tf No, ll and 13 South Front st. Lime. Lime. 1500 Bbls, Fresh Lime JUSH RECEIVED, AND For sale by sept 23 tf WORTH A WORTH. North Carolina House. JOHN D. STELLJES, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer and Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. MEALS AT ALL HOURS DAY AND NIGHT. Corner Second and Princess Sts. oct4tf P U KQMZfL CHOUSE, UNDER NES1 MANAGEMENT, WUmiugton, N. C. B. 1... Perry, Proprietor. First Class in all its appointments. Terms $2.50 to $8.00 per day. " n leh 8 tf Call and See! DUTCH HERRING, M. SARDINES, CANDIES, full assortment of Cakes and Crackers, Lim berger and Swiss Cheese, Sausage, Cassin, Ap ples, Carrots, Parsnips. Beets, Cabbage, Garlic A full line of Coffees, Teas and Sugar: best Fam ily Flour, Gilt Edge Butter. Will sell t lowest market price, at 28 and 88 Sooth Front Street, oct 19 tf L.-VOLLERS. New Biver HuUets. JgQ Bbls. NEW MULLETS, QQ Dos. LARGE ROE, For sale by HALL & PEARS ALL. oct 28 DAW tf THENOBWA1 MUSICAL ALBUM. By FORESTER and ANDEE.80N. A collection of weird, strange, and yet strangely le rana c trl noveltv that will delieht krversof what is wild. rtcgx&nd romantio in legend -and, song.. y Price GAnrn-D's Funeral Mabch. Fine portrait. 40 ots. E0BEKTTEAN2T ALBVU OF S01TO. Old and new.' Approved by the hjmself. A boos in whicn e'sen and English .words;'; 5. J rtnait songs. si Das,; fi.oo cio Herald or Praise. Fo nvwtitions $1: THE IDEAL. (7ScsBts). l- ajFsKsoN. Is the best Singing School bo author. Admirable i)a wide-awake, effectfvfe te ; anea iMS3 .restimr, imixi is a prao- tif.ftl and thorouirhuraSriaAr success lit an Ideal singing class will result from using the book. Sono Bells. Portjommoneohoolft, Emerxm. WoU. Oliver; urrsoir & co., Boston. C. H. DITSON A CO.. i E. DITSCfN CO.. ootid Bice LlMce llice ! pLANTERS AND MERCHANTS WTLL NOTICE tJint. -au ami alwa-nniwinarad tODA,v tkebestmar- : ket price for Bice, or will sell on.coinmiws1on ai Buipraenis taey aayeiKrHv w-ub.- ' 1 HENRYAISCHDFF, CO., sepfaoem - - ,-. .Cjuaarton. 8. C. TlT ATiTT i atwI OTCOROTA. For in -f lJI&LJJ.-UiTrim about these States read the S AY. ORNING NEWSf WEEKLY yeaiw JWI J n II.. IIT 1 tfostn. Sample w J. H. ESTLLL, SaTannah, Ga, master !-note-- r:gBncgie rchwiandoc eS32f eoni majnrnotn eignt page wj iTbbastnersin-xiie" 1741pP03Ild;oii ; EaflroadiCo; 1 5 , Orocx or GiiN'L, SxmBnrnEirDXNT ' - - WUmlngton, N.C., May 13 : : . a- J---. feci Change -o Schedule . ; v- . N AND AFTER MAY 15TH1881, AT4.40 A. M.n Passentrer Trains the Wilmington At Wei-' aon Eauroaq. wui run as rouows; - : j Day SIaJ4 m'4 Express JTtslIiis, Dally ; Nps,4TNrtlMUk4 4S SoMtb. ! Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6.40 A. M. K Atrit aVWeldon : , ... 18.60 P. M. .Leave Weldon. .. , -. . ; . ; . . . . . . 1 1 . . . .v 3.80 Pv M. Arrive al Wilmington, Front St. Depot, .9.45 P.- M.; Fast Thboush Mah. ak Passbmgsb Trajns Dartt . Nos. 49 Nosra and 40 South. . ' . i ru Leaye Wilmington; Front St. Depot, at 6.25 P. M. Arrive st Weldon. . ... . j 1.86 A. M. Leara Weldon... 8.16P. M. x Arriy? t Wilnilngton,Front St. Depots 31.25 P. M. 'Train Na 4 South , will stop, pnly at . Rooky Mounts Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. . --'-Trstosion-Tarboro- Branch Road Leave Rooky - Mount for TarbcToat7.40 P: M.-Daily, and Tues flai?. TbiizBdaT' and Sacurdas at 6 A Mv . iRetum- lnleAve-sTboroat 96 A..M. Daily, and'Mo-; say, vreanesoay ana masif at o. ju i-. m. ; .1: Aln.NAy' mjLAnlOflfuonniitvttkin At Weldo , for all pointsNorth Daily, AH tattyia RiQbjfiond, - andaally except aunday yia Bay une. . ; .Train No. 43 runs dafiv, aild makes, close con-. -neetien f or aH Points North via Richmond and .'JWaahinston. .-:."' .-:.-'. i ' xrams run soua Dex ween v limingxon ana ; n, ana nave jtTunnan TiTuace ajeepers JOHN F. DIVINE, - . General Sup't. ' A. POPE, Gen'l Passdhger Agent. mylS tf ' ' ' Eaaaft Co. Offics of Gemerai, Sitp't, I Wilmington, N. C, May 13,'.1881. . J .'MS CJiage oi Pohedule. ON AND AFTER MAY 15TH, 1881, AT 1,05 "P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will, be run oh this road: - s - - NIGHT . EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) Not. 48 West and 4T East. Leave WUminton. : . 10.15 P. M. Leave FJorenoe... 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C, C. & A. Junction 6.45 A. M. Arrive at.Oolnmbia 6.00 A. M. Leave Columbia 10.00 P. M. Leave 0,13: & A. Junction ..10.30 P. M. Leave Florence 8.00 A. M. Arrivs at Wilmington. 6.20 A. M. Nzskt ICin. add Passiitokb Train, Daily, No. 40 ' WasT. Aim Dat Maii. and Passxnssb Train, T?o:43East. Leave Wilmington 11.45 P. M. Arrive atrFlorence . 3.15 A. M. Leave Korenoe. 1.05 P. M: Arrivs at Wflmington 6.05 P. M . Tram No. 43 stops at all Stations. No 40 stops only at Flemington, White ville Fair Bluff and Marion. C. R. R., C., & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction ana au points oeyona, sneuia tasie vs jNignt nx-. press. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and lor Augusta on Train 47. All trains run solid between Charleston Wilmington. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent, my 15-tf - CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. JT Omci oy General Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C, June 4, 1881. Cbnge of.Scliedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 6, 1881, THE FOLLOW Ing Sohedule will be operated on this Rail road: ' ' : y PASSENGER, MALL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Daily except Sundays. , J Leave Wilmington at 9.45 A.M. "a f Arrive at Charlotte at 6.45 P. M. Vn 9 I Leave Charlotte at 6.00 A.M. J Arrive at Wilmington at .3.25 P. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. These trains make close connection at Char lotte with trains No. 3 and 4 for Cleveland Springs and all points on Shelby Division. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. ) Leave Wilmington at ...5.30 P. M. No. 5, AmvejBBamTetat .1.26 A. M. ) " ' . Wflmington at ..8.00 A. M. ) Leave Charlotte at 7.30 P. M. No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at. 1.26 A. M. ) " ;: Wilmington at 9.30 A.M. No. 5 Train is Daily except Sunday, but no con nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. " Train, is Jjafly except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX , yRKSS ANJXFREIGHT. u a I Leave Charlotte 7.00 P. M f ArrrvS-at Shelby 10.80 P. M' A I Leave fihelby 6.00 A. M no--1 Arrtva B Charlotte 9.8oA. M Trains No. 5 and 6 make elose connection at Hamlet 16 and from Raleigh, except as above. Tbroueh Sleeping Cars between Ralehrh and Chartotte, . Trains Nos. 1 and 8 make connection at Char totte with A., I1. & O. R, R arriving at Statesville same reiunr,-and' connecting then; with W. N. C R. R. foTAaheville and all points on W. N. CJ R.R. Trains No. 8 and 4 oonneot closely with Chester 4 Lenoir, at Lincolnton. V. Q. JOHNSON, Je7-tf General Superintendent. New York and Wilmingtoii Steamship Co. SELILWEEKLY LINE. STEAMEES WILL SAIL FROM: NEW YORK Every. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, ot 8 o'clock P. M. GULF. STREAM Wednesday, October 12. BENEFACTOR Saturday, October 15. 1 REGULATOR Wednesday, October 19. GULF STREAK Saturday, October 22. .BENEFACTOR Wednesday, October 26. REGULATOR ..Saturday, . October 29. . t-Throngh Bills Lading and Lowest Th T Rates guaranteed to and from points in North ;F6r Freight Engagements apply to THOMASE.BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Tfceo. eEcr, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde Sc Co., General Agents, ootjl-tf' ' ,J,85J8ioadway, New York. IT. ASppDpflLlf, Jr., :Attox7,jiidC : ELIZABETHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. C, . 'W.-8fc-r4- - - Of; Offloe Ud sl&lra. it Brick tMW ooonnled bv . Itlnaldl Co. - jU t1 - I npeouu arxenuon w uaims. usueonons oa I sums or iioo ana upwards maae tor Jnve fed hisrif without snlt Drawing Deeds. Mort, gages, c, a specialty, apa u&w tf 3B CL in f in ww if w rr ti 4 Q. STEW ADYERTISEMENpr r si - : nsmDALLE d in " WTTXTAW KJTABB 4b" CO. 1 Nos. 20 sad SOS Wast Baltimore Street, BsJUmora. : . A toad, breath may result from acidity of the stomach or from billiousness. In eitheroase a few.dosesof ". . . ::t': TARRANTS SEL TZER APERIENT, administered according to directions, will sup plant this unpleasant oompanion with a sweet and healthful one. It is a saline correetivev -specially suitable for warm weather, and leaves the system strong to do its work of recuperation." 'SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BATABDTATLOB, Poot anrl Trav - sBsrv said: "I take ffreat pleasure in reoommend .hig to, parents the.AoAQeMy of .. Mr Swrthin C fShortlldge." ,,j . f..T., Hon. FEllANDO WOOD, M. c., said (1861)r "I cheerfully oonsentto the use of my Hame arf ref erehce t My boys will return to you (lor their fourth yean after their vacation." For new Illustrated Circular address 8WITHIN C. SHORTLXDGE, : A., M., Hahtabd Univihsitt Graduate, Media, Pa.', 12 miles, from hlla. BinMIMHATESIALSiSK ot plaster; made also, inco Carpets, and Run. Samples per mail, " Vf. H. FAY, Camden, N. JT 1 i . i . .'.lit i 1 1 - $ "T ' T - YEAR and expenses to J M I agents. Outfit free .t Address P. O. VICKERY, AvensTA, Ms. Newspaper Advertising Bureau,10 Spruce St.,1?. Y oct44wDAW 5. Agents wanted for Life A BOmnlete. TaitnTmhistorv froW cradle Co arrave. by the emment bJOgrapher, Col. Conwell,' Intro duction by His Excellency, John D, Long. Gover nor of Massachusetts. .Books all ready for deliv ery. An elegantly illustrated volume.. Endorsed edition. Liberal terms. Agents taksiorders for from 20 to 50 copies da)ly, CniteUs any other book ten to one. r Agents never made money so fast. The book sens itself. Experience not ne cessary. Failure unknown. All make immense profits. Private terms free. GEORGE 9TLNSON & Co., Portland. Maine. - oct 20 DJfcWlm PREMIUM S A F E T Y O I L fC FOR SALE BY Adrian & Vollers, Cor. Front & Book. Agenw for Wilmington and vicinity, my 14 D&W6m MARBLE JMiJLKi JEW T S - AND "r - FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. . RICHARD WITHIN dc CO., 57 LafSayette Place, New Torlc. Wathan's Monumental Designs, In book form for sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAW tf. Health i ealth ! DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT : a speoiflo for Hysteria, Con vulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Impotency, Premature Old Age, caused by over exertion, excesses or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and xleath. One box will cure recent cases. Eaoh box con tains one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued by WM. H. GREEN, Druggist, (successor to Green St Planner), Wil mington, N.C. Orders by mall will receive prompt attention. - mh 22 DAW ly 8500 Eeward ! WE WILL- PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Siok Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costive ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, .when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 80 Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Drug gists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., "The Pill Makers," 181 & 188 W. Mad ison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on reoeipt of a 8 cent stamp, mh 22 DAWly PRESCRIPTION FREE tv. Mn recti re emorr bronirht on J I md lucres t Hsbita sad Kseesses. Any druggist has the iarredieats. 8T in ruw SEALED ENVELOPE. ADDRESS PH.W. 8. J AQU E3, 130 Wert Slxti8t, OmCSWlIATI, OHia mh 2 D&Wly Investment Securities Ssvinirs Banks, Insurance Companies, Trustees, and Investors generally, are Invited to correspond with us regarding Bonds they may desire to buy, sell or exchange. . , , , , Municipal Bonds, Waterworks Com pany Loans, aad desirable Railroad Se curities always on hand. . J. BE. life WIS 4e CO., Bankers, sept9DAW lm 74 Cedar St., New York. High-Bred Dog?. English, Irish and qokdokT settees, of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale by E. P. WELSH York, Penn. nov 7 D&Wtf Fire Insiorancei JIVERPOOL & LONDON 3s GLOBE OF ENG., Assets over (80,000,000 00. ? Agricultural, of New York Assets $161,781 00 Virginia Fire & Marine, of Richmond, Assets oyer $600,000 00. Rochester German, of( NewT6rk, Asseto $501,68? 00. Merchants A Mechanics, of Rlohmond, . . Assets $323,584 00. . . - i ,;,-. Columbus Insurance St Banking Coof Mississippi, : li'"-' Assets $23049 KiC-ift:-: , : JNO. W. GORDON Ss BEO Arents, - pot2atf - . 24 werth water Bt, OHIOAGOSGAIiBCO. VJttnt Vttyw 1lAm imA ' Vntm. S45: g TSgTog Wagon' Scales, $40; s-Tos, $60; The Littler Detective, $3. Send for Pries List. 8ept6D3m&W6m ' and il mm . v I s mn$m Frtnepeeiy Career flerrcn weasssss, iost .Vitality Pramatsre Debility, Herrossiess, Detpendener, CoursBios of Ideas, Averslos to Roeiatv. Defeetirs Memorr sad all Disorders

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