- The MoraiHpKf ENGLAND AND AMERICA. ; James Abrun Garfield. BORN, NOVEMBER 19, 1831. pi ED, PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES, 8EPTEMI5ER19, 1 881 . Silence were besCif h&ad iv hind, "TYf Like friends, sea-snnderediJoptesJtoef; But words must wing from land to land The utterance of the heart's regret. Though harsh on ears that Sorrow thralls K "cii Sympathy's low accent falls. ; f 1 S.iit leagues that part us check oo whit What knows not bounds of time or space, Tue homestead feeling that must knit World-scattered kin in speech and race. Xone like ourselves may well bemoan Columbia's sorrow: 'tis "our own. V sorrow of the nobler sort, Which love and pride make pure and fair ; . irriff that is not misery's sport, A p;iin that bows not to despair; Beginning not in courtly woe, 1 ' ' Toeml in pageantry ana show. -: 4 The great republic's foremost son. Struck foully, falls; but they who mourn Br:ive life cut short, good work half done, Yet trust that from beyond death's bourne That blameless memory's gifts may be Peace, concord, civic purity. Scarce known of us till struck for death. He stirred us by his valiant fight With mortal pain. With bated breathy We waited tidings mom' and nigtiE; J The hope that's nursed by strong desire. Though shaken often, will not tire. And now ttur sables type, in truth, A more than ceremonial pain. We semi, court, cottage, age. and youth. From open hearts, across the main, Our sympathy it never swerved To wife he loved, to land he served! London Punch. OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. There is no question in the mind of any reasonable man that there was doubt, delay and halting on the part of the Richmond & Danville authorities about carrying out their contract in good faith and building the Pucktown branch of the Western North. Carolina Railroad. There was evident slug gishness and indifference in the field of ac tion. This was the situation previous to the Andrews and Vance controversy. But to-dav the scene is changed. Even daylight is not long enough, and one of Edison's elec tric lights now shines to lengthen it out in the mountain wilds of Western North Caro lina. Where is the spur that quickened this steed. We think Senator Vance wears it. Call it a drawn battle on paper, if you please, but in the situation on the field of action wo think Vance has the victor. 0f''.''' T'lrchlight. Wnv is n t the Harlowe Creek Canal opi-ii' d as a great national highway of com merce and a main avenue to and from the sea to a splendid system of inland naviga tion '.' Hmply because nobody has asked it. Xo'.v and then a desultory newspaper correspondent, or sleepy editor of an occa sional ;):;;trr. has referred to the matter and set forth the benefits and advantages of the scheme, lint no organized effort, that we are aware of, has ever been made to induce a c lagressional appropriation for the pur pose i if uniting the waters of the lower Xivi.se river and Beaufort haibor. Keic POLITICAL POIN TS. When President Arthur gets to Xev York he ought to try and determine vciiich Republican party he belongs to. The count rv would like to know. Phil. Times, I ml The Boston Herald, Ind. Rep., seriously inquires: "Is the appointment of a postmaster at Lynchburg, whom the Ben ate refused to confirm, a justifiable act on the part of the President? " Mr. Wendeii Phillips recently wrote to a friend in Iowa: "I do not forget that President Arthur was one of our New York counsel in the fugitive-slave cases, and I predict he will make a good Presi dent." Mahone informs a Washington newspaper correspondent that TfS has suc ceeded in obtaining the "resources, of success-' during his three-days' delay in3Tash ington. These resources were gathered in the departments through the instrumentali ty of Senators Edmunds and Hoar and Commissioner Rauni. PhU. Tttnes, Ind. BB ASIATIC NOTES. Mr. Augustin Daly is said to possess more of "the ability to recognize failure" than nnr other manager in the country The Australians take kindly to Lorn" Pomeroy's antics, and she has al ready made over $40,000 out of the miners and ranchmen. Mr. John MeCuUjsgh bought recently, for $5,000. a tragedy called "Mem noa." from its author, Mr. Guy Carleton, of Xew Orleans. Marie Columbier, the compan ion of Sarah Bernhardt, in her book gives the cash results of the American tour. Sa rah earned $177,560 in 166 representa tions. Out of this Jarrett took $19300; expenses amounted to $30,600 ; heil credi tors and lawyers in Paris took $77,200;'and she brought home with her a check on the Credit Lyonnais for $42,400. SO UTEEHN ITEMS. The Herdie coach becomes this week one of the established institutions of New Orleans. r ' A Northern lady, resident at Yorktown, says whiskey wa3 the best bond of fraternity "between the Northern and Southern troops there. If Daniel should carry Virginia, tke Republicans will wish Mahone had died of cholera infantum or been killed during the war. Augusta Chronicle. r A "Georgia Cornel's1 Dijv at the Atlanta Fair would make even the newspaper correspondent blush, remember ing that the Georgia'Cblonerslanguageand uniform do not go beyond a shirt collar and pair of spurs. Baltimore American. TWINKLINGS. The first case tried under "the Irish Land act resulted in a reduction of 81 1-5 per cent, in the tenant's lent charge. The Land court in Ireland ; are dirtatened with an excess of business. This js not precisely the answer Paroell expected from his no-rent programme, Baltimore American. You never hear of a defaulting editor, never. Of course, there is very little 10 default, barring paste vbutwBty$oo!i naturally to' an editfcrffl'QrnikMgter. T. Commercial Advertber. ' ' . . 'I sprained my ankle sometime ago, and fullered seriously froni the pain and awell 'Jg. writes Mr. Geor Stevens, Peabodv. iUaSS . "aa a loot 1 un4 'fit : TanAVyi Oil. Th ree applications cijred me Rifely," -,-v ; IN AIY $UANTITT, prawn qeBjraKOTKRBii. f Y f 1 1 J LYDIA E. PINICHAM'8 la a Positive Cnre far all ikm Flafkil Coaplalata ul Wafaiaa' MwaaMttMrfeMttail BylmUn. It win our entirely the wont form of Female Ooiv. platnta, ell ovarian trouble, Inflammation and TJloera tion, XaJlins and Dltplacententf , and the eonaeqiient ' Bplnal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to the Chan re of life. It will dUaolTe and expel tumors from the uterus in an early atageof deTelopment. The tendency to can cerous hnmora there la checked very speedily by Its use. It remorea falntneaa, flatulency, destroy all eraTlna; for stimulants, and reUeree weakness of the stomach. It cures. Bloating. Bandaches, ;KerTona Prostration, Qeleral Debility, fiteepteesDess, Depression and Indi (estion. That f eeUn(f of bearins; down, cansins; pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cored by Its use. It wfll at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that goTorn the female system. Tor the cure of Sidney Complaints of either sex tola Ctoptnmd Si unsurpassed f LTBtA E. TPINKn A.1T8 TEOETABLB COX POCXDis prepared at US and 235 Western Avenue, T . " Price L Six bottles for $6. Sent by mail In the form of pOls, also In the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Hrs. Pinkhain freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address aa above. Jfestfas fM Juper. Ho family should be without LTDIA E. PUvKHAlTl LIVEK PTLL8. They euro constipation, biliousness and torpidity of the Uxor. SS cents per box. - Sold by all Dins; cists. Tt oct 18 Deod&W tu th sa nnn ONE OF TIDE PEA80KABLE PLEASURES Of life, a properly cooked meal, affords little or no present en toymen t, and much subeeauent tor ture t-a confirmed dyspeptic. But when chronic indigestion is comDattea witn Hostetter s Stom ach Bitters.the food is eaten with relish.and most important of all, is assimilated by and nourishes the system. Use this errand tonic and corrective also to remedy constipation, biliousness, rheuma tism, fever and ague, For sale by all Dru twists and Dealers generally. nov 1 DeodJfcWly tn th sa nnn PRRSCHlCr:,') hV rnYsiciAxa. pared ftomH it fruiu ! J Prepared I tropical and plants. A Ielicions and Re freshing Fruit Serves tlie Purpose of Pills and Dis agreeable Purgative Medicines. TBAnM FRUIT HXATIVE is the best preparutiuu in tU world for Constipation, Bili oasnens;. Headache: Piles, and all kindred Com plaint. It acts gently, effectively, and is deli cious to Uke. Cleansing the system thoroughly, it imparts. vteof to mind and body, and dispels Melancholy, Hypochondria, &c. One trial eon niuiet. isseet in brnx4l tin boxes only. PRICED and 60 Ctt SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. mh 5 DeoettWT lu t ;3a-' ' ' recoMian. nJeJ lor a!i clisca.sea requiring a certain eflicirijl toiiic; especially Indigestion- Iyspepsia, Iuter mittc::t Fcvi-i- , Vfiint of Appe tite. Lss of Strength, Lack of 1 Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the mn&-: s, and rjices new life to the itei'ves. They act like a charm on the digesti ve organs, removing all d speptic symptoms, sncli -j Outing the food, belcMng, heat in the t'omaeh, heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that mill not blacken the teeth or ffive headacie. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pages amusing and ust-ful reading, sent free. BItOWX CfTFMICAti COMPANY. Baltimore. Aid. jan 29 D&Wly Atkinson & Manning s Insurance Rooms, Wllmlsi&rtoff, N. C. Fire, Marina aiiTLife Coippios, Aggregate Capital Represented Over $100,000,000 je 11 tf Cucumber Pumps. "jQTTRABLE, .CPNIT micaL) - - Kr sale Sy 1 " GILES & MUBCfflSON, oct 80 tf S ad 0 MnrchisonjBlocK;. f ,1 3rvOarqiiotatioria it 'Aotild: tfji understood, -represent the wholesale prices V feenerallr. J; In "making np small orders higher prices have to be charged. I ..'-' ABTIOIiXS. ' , . PBICE8. BAGOmo Otrnnv .' 10W 11 Standard..... H BACON North Carolina. ' Hams, p a..,....... 00 ' Shoulders,' 9 ft".:..... 00 Sides, choice, 9 . . 00 & Western Smokmc Hams, W B.. 16 Sides, 9 lb . . . . . ....... . . : . . 12 Shonlderv-W V.'jti. O' Ibt Salted Sides, U.. 106 - Shoulders, $ lb 0 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each 1 75 New New York, each . 0 00 New City, each. ......... 0 00 BEESWAX lb... t.:. 20 a 13 10. 16 17 12 10 11 1 85 2 00 1 90 ! 22 9 60 14 00 25 82 25 12 15 BMCKS WTlmiogton, M w... 7 50 Northern. . ....,.. ...... . 0 00 BUTTER North Carolina, $ fl: 20 Northern, w V. 22 CANDLES 3i lb Sperm 18 Tallow Adamantine, 11 CHEESE $ lb Northern Fact y 14 . ;7'Biry,Crflam.Jul;t.i..i.u.- 15 State , 10 COFFEE lb Java.. 36 Lagnyra. 15 Bio..,.,.... 11 CORN MEAL bush in sacks, 1 10 COTTON TIES $ bundle.. 165 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4A, yd 7 Yarns, bunch 1 00 EGGS dozen 22 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbl. . . 18 00 Mackerel, No. 1, $ half bbl.. 8 50 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl 8 60 Mackerel, No. 2, $ half bbl. . 4 50 Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. ... 6 50 Mullets $ bbl 4 75 Mullets, Pork bbls 0 00 N. C. Roe Herring, $ keg 3 00 Dry Cod, lb 5 FERTILIZERS $ 2,009 pounds, Peruvian Guano, No. 1 57 50 No. 2 36 00 Lobos 00 00 Baugh's Phosphate 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer 4500 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour 0000 Navassa Guano 40 00 Complete Manure 00 00 1 1! 14 28 17 15 1 12 2 00 . 1 10 25 20 00 10 00 9 00 5 00 7 00 5 00 7 00 4 00 9 62 50 37 00 51 00 60 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 5 50 6 00 7 50 10 00 6 50 8 50 9 00 13 1 02 00 1 00 1 00 65 90 1 25 11 1 25 1 25 1 15 85 00 13 14 1 50 Wbann's Phosphate 00 00 wando Phosphate ou Berger & Butz's Phosphate. . 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 55 00 00 00 FLOUR bbl Fine 0 00 .Northern super ouu Extra 6 ou O 75 Family 7 City Mills Extra 6 Family " Extra Family GLUE $ B GRAIN bushel. Corn, from store, to bags Corn, cargo, In bulk Corn, cargo. In bags Corn, Mixed, in bags. Oats Red Rust Proof Oats Cow Peas 1 HIDES ft Green Dry HAY 100 lbs Eastern Western 1 North River 1 HOOP IRON Ton. 80 LARD lb Northern North Carolina LIME 38 barrel 1 LUMBER City Sawed M ft. Ship Stuff, resnwed 18 Rough Edge Plank 15 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality 13 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 Scantling and Boards, com'n 12 MOLASSES gallon. New Crop Cuba, in hbds " in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds 00 00 50 11 92J4 00 95 00 60 87 20 4 10 00 20 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 80 00 16 00 00 18 00 00 22 00 00 15 00 00 oo oo oo 25 00 40 00 11 10 90 15 00 00 28 75 60 75 00 00 00 00 39 42 45 48 27 29 80 3 50 12 1 45 1 00 18 20 22 30 25 1 25 1 30 1 00 80 21 00 15 CO 14 00 m DDIS Sugar House, in hhds. p " in bbls.. SAILS Keg Cut, 10d basis.. 0 wiLS gallon Kerosene Lard 1 Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown Spring Hirkeys PKAXUTS bushel POTATOES bushel Sweet . . irSsh PORK bbl. City Mess 20 Prime 00 rtauttp 00 BICE Carolina, lb L . Romgh, bushel SAGS lb Country City ROPE H SALT V sack Alum Liverpool, Lisbon. American SUGAR lb Cuba Porto ESoo SKA Coffee &iB- - -c " 7 85 8 1) 00 00 0 0 0 8 9 10 5 00 00 50 00 00 00 5 00 JQ0 50 50 50 00 c Crushed SOAP ft Northern SHINGLES M Contract 5 Common 2 Cypress Saps 4 Cypress Hearts. 0 STAVES M W. O. Barrel.. . . 12 R. O. Hogshead 00 TALLOW lb TIMBER M feet SJMpping. . 12 Extra. Shipping 13 Mill Prime 6 Mill Fair 5 Common Mill 4 Inferior to Ordinary 0 WHISKEY gallon Northern 1 North Carolina 1 WOOL ft Washed. Unwashed Burry 20 10 nriz.snxGTON moirer market. Exchange (sight) on New York H discount. Baltimore Boston Philadelphia... Western Cities Exchange, 30 days, 1 eent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 100 First National Bank Stock. 75 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 32 Funding, 1866 13 Funding, 1868 12 New 4s 88 Special Tax 4 to N. C. Railroad.... 93 W. & W. R. R. Bonds, 7 c (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds. 6 c 105 Wilminirlon. Col. & Augusta R. R. J Bonds 106 Wilmington City Bonds, (New) 6 o 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 97H Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina R. R. Stock 100 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 100 The Best Paper. Try It. BEAUTIFULLY LLLUSTEATED. 35th YEAR. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, Erinted in the most beautiful style, PROFUSELY LLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing tbe newest inventions and the most recent advances In the Arts and Sclenees ; in cluding New and Interesting Facts In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home Health, Progress, Social, Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, $8.20 per year, $1.60 half year, which fn inirlM nostRiw. - Ttlsrwrant to A cents. Sintrle co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by Postal Order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. PATENTS. Messrs. MmwrCo. ar In connection with the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and Foreign Patents: have had 35 years experience, and now have the largest establishment m toe world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special Inotice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICANof all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee, By the immense circulation thus given public attention Is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales and introduction often easi ly effected Any person who has made a new disovery or in vention, can ascertain, r jueb of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Munn & Co. We also Bend tbsv our Hand Book about the Patent Lawf, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, arid how procured, with hints for procuring advances on Inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning Patents. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F & 7th, Sts., Waahington.D. C. nov 1 tf . The Marion Star, THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pee Dep . section, one of the wealthiest andmostprosperooatotbaJtat, offers to Com mission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufac turers, and to thoss jwho- havff doted the plan of selling by sampteraB excenBeaium of com munication with a large and Influential class of merchants, mechanics, planters and naval store men, whose patronage is worth solicitation. Ad vertisements and Business Cards inserted on libe- raltenD?- Address THE STAR, se 22 tf Marlon, S. C. Steam Printing House, MORNING STAR BUILDING, PRINCESS STREET. MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. : ' FINE BOOK, NEWSPAPER & MERCANTILE PRINTING AND BINDING, CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO, THEATRICAL POSTERS, PROGRAMMES dk TICKETS, INSURANCE PRINTING, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, DODGERS. STEAMSHIP. STEAMBOA T AND RAILROAD WORK EXECUTED IN QUICKER TIME AND BETTER STYLE THAN BY ANY OTHER OFFICE IN WILMINGTON. FIRST CLASS WORK AND LOW PRICES. THE MORNING STAR STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET. WILMING TON, N. C. ORDERS B Y MAIL PROMPTL Y A T TENDED TO AND WORK SENT TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STA TES, C. O. D. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THE SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARGER ONES. NOW READY' THE NEW EDITION OF WORCESTER'S QAURTO DICTIONARY, WITH SUPPLEMENT, Library Sheep, $10. W1 tars. Readers and Students of all classes will find it superior to any other Dictionary. n questions of Orthography and Pronunciation it is unrivalled. E egarded by Scholars in both America and Eng- lanu as me ajanuitru Auuiunij. C E ontains thousands of words not to bo found in any other Dictionary. xcels all other works in the completeness of its vocabulary. S upplementary to the general vocabulary are valuable Articles, Lasts, Kuies, lames, etc. T"; e Pronunciation. Etymology and Definition of over 115,000 words are correctly given. Embraces 2,058 royal quarto pages, with over 1,100 illustrations and four illuminated plates. Recommended in the strongest terms by the most competent judges as the best Dictiona- ry of the English Language. Students of all classes will find the special addi tional matter of great value and practical use. Decidedly the most satisfactory and reliable work of its kind. Illustrations are introduced liberally throughout the work. Challenge comparison with any work of like cha racter. The Supplement places it In advance of all other Bimilar works. Is independent of all sects, parties, and idiosyn c nicies of every kind. Qmits nothing that is essential to a Standard Unabridged Dictionary. New Words to the extent of thousands can be found explained only in its pages. A vocabulary of Synonymes of 35,000 words Is a feature of the new edition. R eviewers have uniformly commended the new edition in the nignest terms. m are invited to examine ana test tne wort at any Bookstore. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. J. B. UPPIUCOTT & CO., Publishers, PHILADELPHIA. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital, Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Pond, $1,000,000 $300,000 $50,000 DIRECTORS JOHN DAWSON, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD McRAE, H. VOLLERS, R. R. BRLDGERS, C. M. STEDMAN, ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAB, F. RHEIN8TEIN, E. B. BORDEN, J. W. ATKINSON, CHAS. M. STEDMAN, President. ISAAC BATES, Vice President. S. D. Wallace, Cashier. augSO-tf Lowell Machine Shop. Lowell, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON, MACHINERY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent Improvements. er IVJtaphiniery ALSO TURBINE WHEELS. Shafting and Gearing, Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevators, &c. PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS C. L. HILDRETH, Sup't, LOWELL, MASS. WM. A. BURKE, Treas., mh 8 tf 23 State Street, Boston. JNCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security Against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to write Policies at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" is wildly growing in public favor, and appeals, with oonndenoe; to insurers of property In North Carolina-n ..,- . ES'" Agents m all parts of the State. JOHSf OATLING, President. ; W.PRIMROSEVSeoretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. : ; ATKINSON & MANNING Agknts, aug l-2m Wilmington, N. C. FOR; Purchasers, Dealers and Consumers to OBTAIN THEIR SUPPLIES I IS AT THE LARGE WHOLESALE GROCERY OF -i Adrian & Vollers, At South East Corner Front and Dock Sts Call or order direct, as our Inducements are greater than at any other establishment in the city, and In our stock may be found everything the Grocery Line that a dealer or consumer needs. sept 23 tf Porto Rico Molasses. 250 Hhds. 250 STRICTLY PRIME Porto Rico Molasses, For sale by Williams & IZurchison. jy21 tf SCHUTTES Sea-Side Park Hotel, Wr Ights vil le Sound, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF GUESTS. The Table is supplied with the produots of the Sound and Sea. Transient and regular Boarders taken at rea sonable rates. je8tf F. A. SCHUTTE, Proprietor. GEORGE MYERS, 11 & 13 South Front Street. Fresh Family Groceries EVERY WEEK, OF THE CHOICEST. SELECTIONS and ALWAYS THE LOWEST PRICES, At GEO. MYERS, sept 13 tf Nos. 11 and 13 South Front st. STILL AHEAD! THE NEW FURNITURE STORE -OF BEH RENDS & MUNROE, S. E. Cor. Market and 2d Sts., Wilmington, N. C. They Jkeep the Largest Stock at Lowest Prices. They do not sell fine Furniture veneeTed with Walnut outside and iu 6ide; never have sold it and never will sell it. Their Walnut Furniture is solid Walnut honest work. The cheapest place to buy your Furniture, Wholesale or Retail. oct 30 tf North Carolina House. JOHN D. STELLJES, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer and Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. MEALS AT ALL HOURS DAY AND NIGHT. Corner Second and Princess Sts. oct 4 tf PURCELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Wilmington, N. C. B. L.. Perry, Proprietor. First Class In all its appointments. Terms S2.50 to S3.00 per day. f eb 8 tf Call and See ! DUTCH HERRING, M. SARDINES, CANDIES, full assortment of Cakes and Crackers, Lim berger and Swiss Cheese, Sausage, Cassin, Ap ples, Carrots, Parsnips. Beets, Cabbage, Garlic A full line of Coffees, Teas and Sugar: best Fam ily Flour, Gilt Edge Butter. Will sell at lowest market price, at 26 and 28 South Front Street. oct 19 tf L. VOLLERS. Wm. E. Springer & Co., SUCCESSORS TO JNO. DAWSON & CO., carry one of the largest stocks of Hardware in the State. They guarantee to sell First Class Goods as low as any House in the country. An examina tion of their stock Is all they ask. Successors to Jno. Dawson & Co., oct 30 tf 19, 21 & 83 Market St. Stoves ! Stoves ! PRICES SAWED CLOSE OFF FOR A BIG trade. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and price list. Tinware wholesale. Try a bottle "Lustro," said to be the best thing made for cleaning Silverware, Nickel, Ac. F. M. KING & CO., oct 8Q tf Wilmington, N. C. Now Don't Forget rpHAT I HAVE FULL STOCK OF HARNESS Saddles, Bridles and everything In my line on hand, at low prices and of best quality. Also Carriages, Buggies, Carts and Drays. Blacksmlth lng, herseehoelng and woodwork done at short notice, at Carriage: Factory on Third, between Market and Princess streets. oct.86tf J P. H. HA YD EN. Investment Securities Savings Banks, Insurance Companies, Trustees, and Investors generally, are invited to correspond with us regarding Bonds they may desire to buy, sell or exchange. Municipal Bonds, Water Works Com pany Loans, and desirable Railroad Se curities always on band. J. K. LEWIS Ac CO., Bankers, sept9D&W lm 74 Cedar St., New York. High-Bred Dogs E, NTOT.TSTT. TRISTT AND GORDON SETTERS. of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. For sale ny "' E. P.WELSH nov7D&Wtf York, Penn. For the wpeeily Care of Karroo Weakness, fcost VltiUltr, Premartr DeWUtf.TleCTdiffsess, DespoadeaejMjUaalsstsK fIdeav Arls to Society, DcfeetlTe Memory, and all Disorders bronsht on r Iii4UereetHsWts aadlExessftss. Any drsggist bas the Jmjkrwiiests 8wr w pum 8EALE0 ENVELOPE. ADDRESS Pljfc.W-3. JAQU ES. 130 West Sixft 8t, CIHOnrSAfL; OEBSk mh2D&Wly Looi&lp latent A ND STQF AT MA&ARB ipSSS J. where the largest assortoegt of arns, Bridles, Saddles, Collars. Trunks, Travelling Bags ever brought to 'this- city'are bought for the least iaoiieyv Try them convinoed. r JnniacratlaaMl repairmg done with neatness and, dispatohr; octaotf No. 8 South Front Street. PRESCRIPTION FREE WuiningtSt1 Weldon! , Eailroadc Co i - - Ofticb or Gtar SuyKttiwTENDgjrr, r. 5 nl .--. .!? ;t ? Chang? , of Schedule.: N-ILNBArnER NOVi THV186i, AT8.4D A. M., .assei ir Trains on tne Wilmington. & Wei doal run aa follows:'; , : ;; - '. Kay mall and Express Trains, Dally Nos. 47 North and 48 South. : '. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6.4a A. M. ' Arrive at Weldon. 12.60 P. M. ' Leave Weldon.; 8.66 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 10.20 P. M. Fast Through Maxlakd Passknoxr TnAXira DAitv Nos. 48 Nobth and 40 South' Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 6.85 P, M. Arrive at Weldon 1.25 A. M. LeavWeldon.v; 6.15 P: M. Arrive at Wilmlngton,Front St. Depot, 11.25 P. M. Dat Mail and Passkhsxb, Dailt, No. 45 North and 42 South. , Leave Wilmington Front St. Depot at 2.55 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at 10.15 P. M. Leave' Weldon 1.85 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8.15 A. M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Rooky ! . r t-ttjj A if ..TI ' Trains on Tarboro Branch Road; (Lfeave -Rooky Mount'for Tarboro at 7.40 P. M. Dally, and Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 5 A. M.' Return ing, leave Tarboro at 9.50 A. M. Daily,' and Mon day," Wednesday and Friday at 8.80 P. M. Train. No. -47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and dairy except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. AH trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent, nov 4 tf WILMINGTON, COL'HBIA & ADSDSTA Railroafl Co, OrricK or Gkctebax Sut't, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 4, 1881. f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV. 6TH, 1881, AT 10.40 P. M., the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS XXtAINS (Dally) Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington 10.40 P. M. Leave Florence 8.20 A. M. Arrive at C, 0, A A. Junction 6.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia . 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 10.00 P. M. Leave CV, C. & A. Junction 10.20 P. M. Leave Florenoe 2.00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6.20 A. M. Night Mail amp Passbngeb Train, Daily, No. 40 West, and Day Mail and Passenger Train, No. 43 East. Leave Wilmington 11.45 P. M. Arrive at Florence 3.15 A. M. Leare Florenoe 1.05 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington. 6.05 P. M. Mail and Passenqebb Dailt, 42 West, 45 East. Leave Wilmington 8.35 A.M. Arrive at Florence 12.45 A. M. Leave Florence 6.45 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 12.00 M. Trains 43 and 42 stop at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. & C. R. R., C., & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Ex press. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on Train 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent, nov 4-tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Office of General Superintendent, 1 Wilmington, N. C, June 4, 1881. ) Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JUNE 5, 1881, THE FOLLOW Ing Schedule will be operated on this Rail road: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Dally except Sundays. w, 1 (Leave Wilmington at 9,45 A.M. f Arrive at Charlotte at 6,45 P. M. -Kr 0 (.Leave Charlotte at 6.00 A.M. NO- f Arrive at Wilmington at 3.25 P. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular, stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time Table. These trains make close connection at Char lotte with trains No. 3 and 4 for Cleveland Springs and all points on Shelby Division. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. 1 Leave Wilmington at 5.30 P. M. No. 5. Arrive at Hamlet at 1.26 A. M. ) " Wilmington at 8.00 A.M. 1 Leave Charlotte at 7.80 P. M. No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at 1.26 A. M. ) " Wilmington at 9.30 A.M. No. 5 Train is Daily except Sunday, but no con nection to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train is Daily except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. o i Leave Charlotte 7.00 P. M wo-8- f Arrive at Shelby 10.80 P. M kt, A (Leave Shelby 6.00 A. M J10, 4- ( Arrive A Charlotte 9.8o A. M Trains No. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet.to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte with A., T. & O. R. R., arriving at Statesville same evening, and connecting then with W. N. C. R. R. for Ashevule and all points on W. N. Cj R.R. Trains No. 3 and 4 connect closely with Chester & Lenoir, at Lincolnton. V. Q. JOHNSON, je7-tf General Superintendent. New York and Wilmington Steamship Co. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. STEAHEBS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 8 o'clock P. M. GULF STREAM Wednesday, November 2. BENEFACTOR Saturday, November 5, REGULATOR Wednesday, November 9, GULF STREAM Saturday, November 12. BENEFACTOR Wednesday, November 16. REGULATOR Saturday, November 19. BENEFACTOR Wednesday, November taTThrough Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to ajnd from points in North and South Carolina- For Freight Engagements Apply to THOMAS EPOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Theor e. Eger, Freight Agent, l : v. . - New York. W. I. Clyde 3c Co., General Agents, nov 2-tf 85 Broadway, New York. I Bert v Metlvot4lt, . Paper , In the Bright Independent, , Beligion and ' " ConBervative. ,TJVfeh o d! i s FOR rT,T, ; ; S -r f. ; - Published WEEKliTT sit t & MnrTsiy St., NEW.TORK. No other paper of Its size and character so oheap. 20 to 24 pages m each number,' and only TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. Tboike inbscrlblrisr Widsifj'ifOW Unr 1 8851 will rlve kkVsirWr the xemt of yey IWBik j , rt BeiD. TSL "WheeleryXLwJ., w- Editor. BevDaelCnAjteg Editor. Assisted by ah able staff of oontributbrs. Specimen Copies Sent Free on Applle ' ' tlon 13yin sending funds for subscriptions; remit by Draft. Check. P.O-Money Order or Registfd Letter. Good oanvassers wanted everywhere, to whom tne highest cash commissions will be paid. Address H. W. DOVGIiAS, Pabllvnu. . No. lgjgnrray St.. Nw Yprfc. TO THE PEOPLE OF THE -SOUTE KINGS MOUNTAIN and Its IIEBOBS. A History of the Battle, Oct. 7, 17S0, and the events which led to It, after two years spent In preparation, Is now published and ready Tor de livery. The author,- Ltmak O. Draper, : LLi. D., has spent 40 years In gathering materials for this work, which abounds in stirring- recitals , of ad ventures and hair-breadth escapes, alike Interest ing to old and young. The descendants -of such men as Campbell, Shelby, Sevier, Cleveland, Lacey, Williams, Hambrlght, McDowell, Winston, Hammond, and their offioers, now living by the thousands throughout the South,- will welcome this permanent record of' that glorious, event which turned the tide of the Revolution The work contains 612 pages, on fine paper, beautlf ullv bound, with seven steel portraits of the Heroes, and numerous wood outs, with index of 5,000 re ferences. Price, 4. Sent post-paid on receipt of price, or may be had of Agents in every county. PETER G. THOMSON. Publisher, No. 179 Vine Streeti Cincinnati, O. Agents wanted for unassigned territory. Send for terms, circulars and sample, copy. . . 5,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE LIFE OF GARFIELD ! His early life and career as soldier and states man; his election and administration; his ass&sii nation; his heroic struggle for life; wonderful medical treatment; blood-poisoning; removal to Elberon; death, eto. Profutely illustrated Splen did portrait of Garfield,: his wife, and mother; scene of the shooting; the sick-chamber Gulteau In his cell: the surgeons, and the Cabinet. 'The only complete and authentic work. 'There is '-ei for tune for agents first in the field with thi book.,: Out fit 50c. Speak quick. Address HUBBARD- BfiOH., 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. ANOTHER BOOM FOB AGENTS. : THE HARK TWHF NE BOOK AN. PAUPER Will outsell all his previous works, and offers you the best chance of your life to' make money rapidly. Old agents will aotproinptly, and soc.ure choice territory, and we advise you to do the same. Outfits now ready. Send ai once for circu lars and terms to DOUGLASS BROS., Pubs., Pnllsu, Pa. PLATS! PLAIS! PLAYS! PLATS ! For Reading Clubs, for Amateur TheatricalsTem perance Plavs, Dra wing-Room Playg,-Falry Plays, Ethiopian Plays, Guide Books, Speakers,; Panto mimes, Tableaux, Lights. Magnesium lights, . Col ored Fire, Burnt Cork, Theatrical Face Prepara tions, Jarley's Wax Works, Wigs, Beards, Mous taches, Costumes, Charades, and Paper Soenery. New Catalogues sent f ree,oontalning full descrip tion and prices. 8AMIIBL FRENCH & SON, 3 8 E. 1 4th St., New Tork. 7y A YEAR and expenses to agents. Outfit free. Address P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Mb. Newspaper Advertising Bureau.10 Spruoe 8t.,N.Y nov 1 4wDAW f it Tl TJITX'T T Agents wanted for Life XJj3iJi XJUJaJJ of President Garfield. A complete, faithful history from cradle to grave , by the eminent biographer, Col. Conwell. Intro duction by His Excellency, John D. Long. Gover nor of Massachusetts. Books all ready for deliv ery. An elegantly illustrated volume. Endorsed edition. Liberal terms. Agents take orders for from 20 to 60 copies da)ly. Outsells any other book ten to one. Agents never made money so fast. The book sells itself. Experience not ne cessary. Failure unknown. All make Immense profits. Private terms free. GEORGE STINSON & Co.. Portland. Maine. oct 20 DAWlm PREMIUM SAFETY OIL . FOR SALE BY Adrian & Vollers, Cor. Front & Dock. Agents for Wilmington and vicinity, my 14 D&W6m MARBLE KIOIM U K! EIMTS AND Grave Stones. FTRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWE8T NEW YORK PRICES. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WORK PACKED AND SHOPPED. AT OUH RISK, TO ANY PART OF THE SOUTH. RICHARD WAIHA5 & CO., 57 Lafayette Place, New Tork. Wathan's Monumental Designs, in book form for sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAW tf. Health is Wealth! DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT : a specific for Hysteria, Con vulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Impotency, Premature Old Age, caused by over exertion, excesses, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each - box eon tains one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order' received by ms for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees tossed by WM. H. GREEN, Druggist, (suooeaaor to Green & Planner), Wil mington, N. C. Orders by mail will receive rrompt attention. mh 88 DAW ly $500 Reward ! WE WILL PAY THE ABOVE! REWARD FOR any case of Liver. Complaint, Dyspepsia, Slok Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Ccstlve ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly oomplled with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 80 Pills. 25 cents. For sale by all Drug gists. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C WEST & CO,, "The Pill Makers, "181 St 188 W; Mad ison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent . by matt prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. -. mh29D&Wly : TJVT -T3TTi A and GEORGIA. Forine J? JLjJ1LXJJ. formation -about thes States read the SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS WEEKLY (mammoth eight page sheet) $2 a year. Daily $10 a yeajv The best papers to the South. Sample copies 5 cents. Address, ftuTtf J. H, ESTILL, Savannah, Q. Alss 6ALAR Y4uoi.h. JU1 EXPENSES sdTaaord. W AGKH. prOTiptly paJd. SLOAN drCo. SO0 oorsu M. Cincinnati. , J: