- r X. i ' 1 rhe'MbmWStaH1 9 I . t V .1 t i 5-1 3 lis VMD'O t?3kfn Day.. hV.m .o.nti J J.9tr;vi"' ' " 1 X. , . 1' i l.r 1 "VI -v ' J . K I D. DERNAIID. PUBUSHKD DAILY KXCKPT MONDAYS. nm O BOASCHIPTIOH. HC ADVaXCB. - One Year, (by Mali Post Paid. ....... 00 . Six Months. ; ,j w Three Months, .;, .-..... 85 One Month,. " " Ta Otty Subsorlberm, 4ellTered la any part arise Citys FiraK Cunts per week. Our City Azents are not authorized to oolleot for more than three monthnadn;ji Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class Matter Judge AflTocate (General Swain declares that the receat eoort martial of Oadet Whittaker was illegallj constituted. -AttornejL'GlHieTal Brewster ljjasstjmed V charge of the , Department of Justice; the prosecution in the Star Route cases will be gin work in about two weeks, and expect to lead off with ex-Senator Dorsey add his connection with the seirice. ; -A $30, 000 fire at Marshall, Texas. Three, brothers named Mclii-ald, in , jail . at-jftraham, Texas, for imtfderi' made a" desperate at tempt to escape, killing one ofBcer and wounding another; in an affray that fol-; lowed with citizens, tha three McDonalds were killed : while several , citizens - were wounded. - --Gibbons, suspected of kill ing his children and of setting fire, to his house, near Ashland, Ky., has turned np with overwhelming proof of his innocence. Nearly one hundred persons were more or less severely injured by the falling build ing at Suanesville, O, ; two were killed and . three fatally burned. : In the. Guiteau case, yesterday, counaeHor the prosecution announced the. close of evidence for the government; Scoville desired to introduce new witnesses for the defence, and will submit a motion to that effect to-day. The supposed murderers of the Gibbons children, at Ashland, Ky., have been ar rested; a lynching was expected. Banking house of Enoch Littlefield, at Kane, HI., suspended. "W". E. Graham was taken from jail at - Ellsworth, Ks., and hanged by a mob for murder and robbery. A freight engine blew up near Thomaa- ville, Ga., killing the engineer and scalding the fireman. Thermometer from 10 to 15 degrees below zero in New Hampshire, Monday night. rNew York markets: Money 6 per ent. and -Jc per diem; cotton quiet at,Hi12 3-1 6c ; southern flour un changed and dull; wheat c lower, un graded red $1 891 43; corn firmer, un graded 6572c; rosin firm at $2 35g 45; pirit turpentine firmer at 55c bid. A negro killed another at Walhalla, S. C, because they disputed over the price of a piece of pie. This week no operation in rice and naval stores have been reported in the Charleston News and Courier. New Yorkerected last year. 2,421 buildings at a cost of $47,784,670. Over $18,000,000 was spent on fine dwellings. " Timothy Howe is damned with the faintest of all possible praise by the organs of his party. Arthur's Cabi net promises to be a very weak con-' cern. New York city suffered from 391 J BY TTM. mercantile failures durino- 1881, a- Ir- John Gumming, died in London, sale of the Cape Fear Yadkin Valley Rail . 0 & T .i , , t-, -!-., -, road is not Groins to ' 'ban out" much. Whv gregatmg $1 1,130,933 actual assets In tbis country Rev. Br. Alexander the commissionlrs would talk about selling $3.902,096.,. There were 471 in 1880 I " " I aggregating $12,963,841 1 The theatrical season in the North does not appear to be very prosper ous. The old Chesnut Street Thea tre has been forced to close because the manager was losing money. George William Curtis welcomed recently Mr. Arthur as a cohtborer in the civil service reform business. He now says Arthur is hurting bis party by ignoring the true reformers. It is said that the exodus in Edge field county, South Carolina, will as sume large dimensions, and the News and Courier reports the estimates of negroes concerned . at from 1,500 to 7,000. - :- . - - Henry Irving, the most successful of living English players, has scored a decided; tit in the "Two Roses" in the character of Digby Grant. . It is pronounced his most perfect per sonation. The "Eviction" troupe have come to grief at Lynn, Mais. Penniless and hungry they are roaming the ( streets. We suppose about one-half of the companies that 'organize pay their way. ' . Mr. Lester Wallack opened his new and elegant theatre in New York Monday night. - The sale of tickets exceeaedfSyOOO 'The play is The School for Scandal," one of the hest of the old plays.. J udge-Advocate General Swaim takes advantage of some technical de-' feet and rtroiiminftAfl adfit Whit taker's trial void. So he : did not clip his own ears, Gen. Swaim, do you say? The cadets did not. Who did? ' V "-'.:::: : The latest rumor in connection th the Cabinet, is that Secretary Lincoln will be r e tained in the War department, Secretary Hunt in the Nvy DepartInbJlst:-iSar f California, has the best showing for the Interior J1iirtoen;:": It would not be difficult to make a great improvement on aU three:-b . - ! - - - - - - - :.. - - - t - - - - ... . " - - VOL. XXIX:-N0. 85. 11 .1 " 18S1 was not a satisfactory yea 18S1 was not a satisfactory yea for Baltimore. Its bommeree fell off xman m Indiaua--?-at on time the lead very greatly the following figures ing RepuoHcan-ja. now toting ,"with show, which we copy from the Ga- the Democrats, fitXe is' Tbatpixfr favor zette: -.a. - , "of a tariff 'forrrevenui and against "The value"off foreign imports for the the, national ?banilc He .says the year was $10255,495. Against $18,6433 for 1880, 'a decrease of" $3,385,758. The eptablioan party continues o xist actoiistm:tttt$WWi Opon the bltmders -and; follies of the $73,894106? 1880; decrease, $18,567,443. . r.t Sfr. . - :VFIotirBd meal exports foihlSSl . were 340,syi barrels ana ey.ijyy sacks nonr, 7,'o barrels mealrMr1880Tthe; riports were 400,937 barrtllSirrotr sarto tfloTir4and 7,896 barrelS'Tnerhe-ujxports of grain were 19,$22.0dfr bishels wfeeafc 12,661.600 bushels conay 7504 bushels oats. . In, 1880 they amounted to 38,801,156 bushels wheat, . 14,789,915 bushels corn and 21,835 bushels of$6Tei"?a9the year were 410,728 bags, and inl8043r,435 bags. Sales aggregated 398,594 bags, against 446,873 bags. . 5Sftl;. were received and 144.839 bales exported. UID TOW JBW,wW UCUCO VI VU.IIVU . TJT , J AAA 1 1 h wtw I 3 a Hie number f- vessels arriruig atthis port in 1881 was 1,324, and the number, clearing Was 1,164. The total tonnage en. termgilj223,etonsr of which 83,634 was American," and l,lS9,824 wasf oreign. : "The total receipts at tho customiiouse were $3,280,064,94,. ajpiinst $3,812,484.43 in 1880." 'r' - i . 1 fThe Charleston ffewa and Courier a paper of marked ability, enter prise and attractiveness has changed hands the price paid being $100,000. It is to be published hereafter y a company. In Mondays .issue is announced "When a firmly established, money-making newspaper passes into the hands of a company, it depends no longeron anyidngle life, and is in position to contmue its -development under successive managers from generation to generation. -This is the mean ing of the reorganization of the News and Courier. Ah a newspaper, it had long ceased to be an experiment. - The income of the IfetM and Courier' in 1881 was nearly thrice as large as the income of the News in 1868. The News and Courier has triumphed over legitimate and illegiti mate opposition, compelling the respect .of enemies and enlarging constantly the circle of those who had confidence in the rectitude of its purposes. There .shall be no step backward. In policy, the News and Courier will be American, not sectional, regarding always the indestructibility of the States as the sure guaranty of the indis solubility of the Union." Among the noted dead of 1881, we omitted several names that es caped us. France lost the celebrated scholar Littre, and Emile Girardin. America lost " John W. Forney, Thomas A. Scott. Gov. William Beach Lawrence, and in literature, James T. Fields, Dr. Josiah Gilbert Holland, and Sidney Lanier, the last - being a Georgian by birth. In Eng land, the Methodists lost their greatest man, Rev. William Morley Punshon. The oncefamous Scotch Presbyterian olivine and writer on theV' prophecies, H. Vinton, Bishop Kerfoot, Episcb- I . I palian, and 'Bishop Haven, Metho dist, passed away. We have received the new-Baltimore paper, the 7mes. It is a two cents paper, is about the size of the Gazette, and makes a good start as to appearance, ability, fcc. W. B. Hazleton is editor and proprietor. In politics, we understand, it is to be what is called independent. The ed itor is a Republican. By the way, we are glad really to see it .stated that the Gazette will not cease to be published, as was announced, but 11 continue to fly the Democratic flag under increased facilities and with renewed vigor. Guiteau says he hopes to have an other trial and secure an acquittal. He said, however, that he did not believe that the Government had established its case. He is a very smart crank, and knows what he is about. His poor brother-in-law has suffered tremendously in his efforts to defend the ungrateful-fellow. A Washington special- of January f 1st says he came to that city looking fresh and vigorous, but he now looks wretchedly. It is settled now. The leading pa pers in the North have been saying that Adeline Patti was the greatest living singer. Not at all, ; Mr. Max Strakosch avers. He , pronounces Gerster her Auperior as a. singer, and incomparably a better actress. s jHe says Patti may have been the great-' est inger but she is not: now. It is necessary to add that Max is Gers ter's manager. Ahl U .Riqhraorfd, Va., prospered, ia 1881. In the item of , manufactures lpne there were employed 720 more liands than inJBSOi There was $2,330,000 more capital invested last year tnan 1 the vear . before, and- the sales ei:- ceded hbsSofr-rthe iwfeyious "veuM . - - i It. T01F 1 amounted to; $32,900,000 ri ihcrease J Mil"; i of ( nearly a cmra more ,uu 4uring,188Qv,v: ! If 4 l(QN;0TOSfe' u . i' . 1. l ' 1 i. . '. ' I l ' ... ' HI i '..' ' 1 1 1 1 .. j 1 1 1 1 1 1 . George .W.JuIIap about the ablest J --George iVV". J ulian about the ablest cuiwiauc 1-, xma m wiy uvm 4.1.. J ft ' ' Mr.i Blaine declares that lid will not be a candidate for, the Presiden cy in 1884, but iT nominated will ac cept,. He says he has.no intention of 1 goingTintq any such fight as he had rnade4n:i880 l and8T6; and if th toH tmt, L : .- Kqwrleametv hirxi it must come. because th$ publioan party of the Nation would'have it so. (... . - -r - -- : - -1 : -. -- .- Spirits Txirpentiiie. Raleigh is enjoying 'fine sleigh- mg. --f Accordtne: to'thdbest Ene-lUh authorities Sir "Walter Raleigh's name is i. '1.1 a . . . . . . . upvii wunout me i mus xvaiegn. ' " The weekly State papers have taken a holiday and we are without oUr usual exchanges. This explains the barren ly n ess 01 unsjiepartment just nowe V&ifh iWmior?mi6 JBuiDerin- deni fit HealthLyacn9tf jbfc children in me graaea scnool to-morrow at 10 o'clock. ' During the month of De cember . the Register of Deeds issued 91 marriage licenses 39 to white and 52 to colored people. '--Stateaville Landmark: A friend ano subscriber in Surry writes us that three years ago Aaron w mtaker bought, for $70, forty aeres of mountain land in that coun ty, and the -first year he raised on a part of MtoTjacco crop which; netted him $400. t year he sold his crop fox $1,300, and this year it will yield hlni $1,500; The same correspondent tells us of a Surry county merchant who goes to Winston, forty-five miles, to buy his goods, riding bareback on a mule. He is fifty years of age and never rode on a saddle in his life. Goldsboro JHessenger: Edgar Holt, a little son of Henry Holt of Prince-. ton, was accidentally shot in the abdomen by a pistol on Christmas eve. At last ac counts he was in a critical rondition. On and after this day all complimentary or deadhead papers from this office ; will be discontinued. Ministers will be-charged half price. We propose; to iniprovethe pa per, and our plans for the ensuing year are such as will necessitate a large increase of expenses and consequently the strictest economy in tne management or our aSairs. Mt. .Airv JYetcs;- A: nromment I Nortn Carolina Kepubucan about four years agu www 10 tt asningion strongly oacKea for the office of Commissioner of A eri cul ture. He failed to get it. He. next applied ior appointment as warden of the jail at Washington and failed again. After one or two more failures he sought appointment on tne ponce, and again iailed. le is now a messenger in one of the departments and as happy as any office-holder can be. He is persistent, but not more so than the ave rage .north Carolina Republican politician. ----From what we can learn several of our most prominent citizens are fearful that the this important railroad to a man or com- mnv nhn Vihto nnfhirnr ti rmt. im tta a guarantee of good faith. r is somethintr we cannot understand. This road wHi be completed soon. There is no doubt about that. Men of means are ready and anxious to finish the road to Mt. Airy. THECITT. 1 1 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MunsoK--Bill delivery. E. Kiddeb & Son Wanted. J. C. Munds Mineral waters. Opera House Yokes family. J. H. Hardin Peas and onion sets.' J. A. Spresoeb Shingles, bricks, etc. . Fhkkch & Nokment Land at auction. French & Norment Saw mill at a'ct'n. meeting; or Metltodlst District Stewards.-- The stewards of Wilmington District, M. E. Church, met yesterday, at 11 o'clock a. n, .at Front Street Church parsonage, Rev. Rebert O Burton PEinal4nn; . The salary of Xh.Q VtAngMxT the year was fixed at $1,500, and this amount, together with the Conference fund, the Mis sionary fund and the Bishop's fund, was apportioned to the various charges in the District upon a basis which has heretofore been established. The meeting then adjourned. We noticed, in the rooms of the Produce Exchange ' yesterday, a neatly executed map, drawn by Mr. JL A, Colvin, ot Pen der county, showmg 'the routes of the'roads now in existence and those lately projected in this section' of the State, and especially the proposed line fromPoint Caswell to CIMtbni io connecf iwidi WUmtngtoft by steamers; its rival, the projected road from Clinton to LaGrange, connecting with the Midland road; the proposed line from Wil son to Florence, etc. ; Afienltrl.;;:-t ) ' Pi t " We noticed in front of Messrs. Wt E., Springer & Co.'s store, yesterday,1 one' off 'the 1 sbmewhat celebrated seed cotton cleaners, manufactured at Atlanta, and of ' which special mention was made by Direc tor General Kimball, of the Exposition, in his opening remarks, as well as by various correspondents. ; It has been purchsued by ex-judge RuBsell for his plantation in Brunswick. inTor cnrt. There were oniy 'two cases before the TtS mormng; one for , nait. and hatterv and the Other for ' dlfij . T . i- .... c '.g 1 ofcostaaud the latter, was aiscnargea on tprombe 11 A 4 J t . JfO? . t iuejwui xur r to-oay. minutes ' Vi magisterial circles lately.' . W to . -iTbe. receipts i of '! cotton at , this port yesterday were 773 bales.' f The Board of "Managers of - the t. ) . . Woauce jcnange, nave ; a , meeung a. o'clock to-day. . f . The Ulmrods who w6nt" inid' the woods on Monday found it too cold to do much shooting. :i . ;Weh.ear of snow in most "every direction, but ; Wilmington was visited by only a few scattermg flakes. - 41 .' J' - - ,v ! i'l lWthe.wstf6K''.lie. last Wo.. or... tluee V F Hi JX J. XL J U O'Ei Full . moon this monungiat 44 I days, but no disasters have been heard of ' "'. , 1 1' V T T . . . - "I:"' T" '" ' J'-. .1 . '.-Ill . ' . . . I f '"'. - - ; - t . - . --, . I . ; A UllUJiX I UAI1 111.1 1 1 - nu.i tnU.l j J Walter Jones., Lrr Johnson, Sarah ''A ill? T jUUwViVU : V VAVt-WI a.vruK the port of Wilmington for , "the year just ;ciosed aggregated 5,7,482: ; ,; . ; - Mr. Joseph B. Aaron returned aight mhis home in Now . York, last night where he has been to celebrate his 21st birthday.' ' . .'' There was a very heavy frost in this aectionon6y ;Tught and plenty of ice. Some of considerable thickness was to be seen yesterday morning. o -o n uv.M;.r''' )rldaM&m,'''Andew--Stewart,' Carrie -Rev. R. O., Burton, Presiding, 1... i1BMfliefl gtatzer. Council Sim- Elder of the District, was here yesterday. He holds quarterly meeting at Smithville on' next Saturday and Sunday. - It is Mr. George Harper who was appointed School Committeeman of District No. 5, in Harnett Township," by the Board of Education, and not George Hooper, as stated in our last. - The German barque. Prospero, Capt. Krentien, was cleared from Ham burg for this port, yesterday,- by -Messrs. Paterson, Downing Sb Co., with' 3,465 bar rels of rosin, valued at $8,604 36: r. The reduction of Messrs. N. Giles A Co'stax assessment mentioned m the proceedings of the County Commis sioners, in our last issue, should have been $20,000 td $16,000, Instead of $10,000, as it incorrectly appeared. The thermometer in the Stab office at 6.30 yesterday morning registered as low as 24 degrees, being three degrees colder than Monday morning. By 1 p. m., however, the mercury was up to 86, with indications of further moderation. Miss Hattie R. Harrington, of Brooklyn, N. Y., a neice of Messrs. C. H. and F. G. Robinson, has been here on a visit, and left for her home Monday even- ing. it was tne young iaay s nrst ejouin ern trip, and she was delighted with her experience. Oailjr Weather Bnlletia. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations named, at. 3 P. M. yesterday, Washington mean time; and also the amount of rainfall in inches for the twenty-four hours ending daily at 8 P. M., except Tuesday, when it is 48 hours, as furnished by the Signal Officer of this city. These observations, it should be un derstood, are taken at the same moment of time at all the stations named. Temp. Rainfal. Weather. Clear. Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Fair ' Fair Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Atlanta 44 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .60 .00 v .DO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Augusta.. 49 Charleston.. 46 Charlotte. 35 Galveston. 69 Havana 72 Indianola 73 Jacksnnrilla 54 Key West... C3 Montgomery. .... 53 '. Punta Rassa .. 61 Savannah 50 Wilniington 42 Cedar Keys 52 Port Eads 66 Pensacola... ..... 56 The following are) the indications for to day: ' i , Middle Atlantic States, increasing cloudi ness, followed by snow or rain, westerly winds shifting to north and east; lower tem perature in the northern portion and: Iteing followed by falling barometer.' South At lantic States,, winds shifting: t Northeast and southeast, increasing cloudiness, sta tionary or rising temperature and slight rise followed by falling barometer. Gulf, Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, easterly to southerly winds, partly cloudy weather andlightirainor-.snew, and slight rise in tern- . ii. -- . . perature followed by falling barometer on WoHniHy ... , . i , . ! Koimrd Heller Fire Engine Co. Ifo. 1.;, At a meeting of this company; held last night, the following omcers were elected: Foreman X. Adrian. ? 1st Asst. Foreman H. Hintze. 2nd Asst. Foreman M. Rathjen. Presidentr. X3tJ Oldenbuttel. i Vice President-,!. J. Stelljes. Rec Secretary F. C. Miller. Cor. Secretary-i-Ji O.L. Gieschen. Treasurer J. Haar, Jr. ' Chief Engineer W. Furlong. Asst. Engineer F. Martens. 1 v vWIflr 'pne) exception all the old (officers were unanimously re-elected. Art:'' NAtnre. ' ; - , The remains of a lady of Smithville were dWnadaysago hot aparticle 6t flesh : remained1; the bones, much Of the silk fabric In Which the; body was arrayed for' burial, about thirty years ago, was still in a state of perfect pretervaUo jA 4f -the lady in quei. tion rember.all about th dress inwhich, hfif AuntwM intflmtrl.;.:vA -.rn; r .-.u "' I - BLACKER AUGHT " makau chills and fever impossible, , , ixi sii t Fox sale by J..iMuhds. H la viJJ-fjo3' l,fl tJTuJsow. .rii I ovist! ol uci . . . . . ... .:r . , . " 1 i JANUARX1882." I ' . ' -iH mKfTfAflW,,,. . (f frwiwjuu been,. err heavr . I Kj" V tte WPost Office, un t ArTTarracy Anderson,, 2. 3t B, . Allen, , frSteman; bhaa W Hasett, Hen-, J7 BeU-ByjrdJfw-Bryant, Liztie Brown Morgan Byrne, Mamie Brown. ii i c-fB I, Clark, Dayid Chapman, W G Craifif. HCatherine ; Caitme. D G : Coneer. Neil or .Henry Chancy, John Caiman,? Mary Clifton. . ' v D-Lee Dickson. Mary E Drymid, Tena Dudley., t:,, .' , E J R Edwardsl - - F-Bruce Freeman, Rebecca Foster, ji Hr-Gaston N Hill. Jno Hale, Susan A Hali; Susie Hffl ' : JM-uanua una. s 1 . r; i . j ' .;.() 1 jj . K-Annie Kenneday, Arthur Kinney, Keene, JnnQ ging... . . L Ae4jaWthfLfttnb, John B Love, Jane Lukes. H L Leo: Lea D Lamb .Leonard, Hagar "Rhoda Mr. rick, John W Mclntire,, Hill Mnmford. E W Means,' Grace Miller, Mrs .AM Mc- N French Nornam, 1 P-Wm Pone. Silvia Pamlevi 'Bi-SarahReddy, ' A W Richards, James "Rodarers. H L Robinson. Elizabeth Rich ardson. . mons, -Heather heridan, Harriet Smith, J ,A, Sutton, Celia Amer Smith, P Simmons. T j E Thomas, Emma Turner, H A Taylor, Richard Tunsen. . 1 U!-Iflzzett Usher. . WWoodv.r Williams. Annie E Wil liams, R P Walker, Francis Waddell, Fan- mo .1. it uiixui . -Y Edwin Yarborough. : Persons calling for, the above letters will please say they are advertised.. If not called for within ten days, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. .ri.;r, : E. R. Brink. P. M. Quarterly meeting' Wilmington District, Methodist Episcopal Unurcn. South., , Topsail, at Union Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 SmithviHe, at Smithville. Jan. 7- 8 Brunswick, at Sharon. . ; . . .Jan. 14-15 Waccamaw Miss., at Pine Loe.. Jan. 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville. Jan. 28-29 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown Feb. 4- 5 Bladen, at Windsor. ..;;: Feb 11-12 Clintons at Johnson's Chapel. . ..Feb. 18-19 Cokesburv at Bethany Feb. 25-26 Coharie Miss. , Wesley Chapel, March 4- 5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon March 18V19 The District . Stewards will meet on the 3rd of January at the personage of Front Street Church, in Wilmington, at 11 o'clock A. M. . R. O. Burton, Presiding Elder. DONT DIE 5V" HE HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15c. per box. f CITY ITEMS. ON TTHRTY DAYS' TRIAL. We will send Dr. Dye's Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric ADDiiancee on trial tor thirty davs to vounar men and older persons who are afflicted with Nervous relief and complete restoration of vigor and man hood. Also for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paraly sis, Liver and Kidney Difficulties, Ruptures, and many other diseases. Illustrated pamphlet sent free. Address Yoltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. NEW YEAR'S BRINGS GRAND RESOLUTIONS The idea of a thorough reformation commenc ing with a New Year in all affairs of life, is as old an idea as the world itself; and when the year closes a retrospective glance always tells of in tentions not carried out. To those who have thought it wise to delay an essay of fortune's fa Toritism by sending one or two dollars to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., in time for the 140th Drawing of the World-famed Louisiana State Lot tery before January 10th, the idea must come : "Delays are dangerous." MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. Ravi Bvlvanus Cobb thus writes the "Boston Christian Yeernaiv" i We womld by no means reoommend any una oi meaicine wnicn we aia not Know to be good particularly for infanta. Bat of Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge ; in our own family it has proved a blessing indeed, by giving an infant troubled with oolio pains, quiet sleep, and its parents unbroken rest at night. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here Is an article whioh works to per- lection, and. which is harmless ; for the sleet which It affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a but ton." -And during theprooese of teething its value Is incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be- without it from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any consideratien whatever. . Sold by all druggists. SO oents a bottle' MABRIED, GORE LEDFORD. In this city. at St. James' pal Church, on the 27th ult., A. A. Watson, D. D., ALBERT GORE and BESSIE TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a regular meeting of the Historical and Scientific) Society, held January Bd, 1883, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted: ; Whereas. It has , pleased God to take from amongst us our fellow member and friend, Mr. Henby Nutt. it is becoming in this Society to make due record of this sudden and sad event; therefore, it ia 1 ' L . Resolved. That in the death ot Mr. Henry Nutt the Scientific and Historical Society of Wflming- i ton has lost one oi its moi I members. yrho& regular I contributions navA added ton has lost one oi its most active ana emcient attendance and able greatly to the interest and Talue of our meetinca. whilst his fund of in formation in all that related to the Cape Fear District was large ana varied, ready always to be wavsl drawn upon by coy his friends fer facts and data. wnion tne; thermhrhl ht be In search of, whilst his genial nature and uniform urbanity stamped aim as a gentleman or refinement and culture, witn wnom . it was a privfiege to be acquainted. Resolved,. That the Secretary be instructed to reserve a pa; in our record book, on whioh snail be aa follows: 1TX XXMOXIAX. HENRY NUTT; Born- Died- and that the Secretary be also directed to convey to the family of 'the deceased our sincere and deep sympathy in their bereavement, and that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to them. and also a copy to tne Wilmington stab ana w 11- .llll.VVI.M.l"'. aassssav 1 1 as . ' DIED, BURGWLN.-k.At Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on the 1st of January, 1882, Mrs. MARY URG oa years, win or air. HQl Burgwta, formerly or tnU CttTi; i i V. U X NEW , ADJTOTISKMENTS. f A I hint to such CHOICE patrons as ours is sufficient. r . , , mtjnson, Jan 4 It S' .;!T .' "i- qotblerod Merchant TaDor. Fas and Onion Sets. I'fif-J-'! v'"i- .1 'WPif 1 B'sJMJUrsuv( ri ana.iviana, ttea. union pets, ior suie iow. ,; r Call and be convinced at o oi.iv tu, ', , " 7 , . J.- H. HARDIN'S Drug and Seed Store, !Ja4-tf - nae - New Market. jr .f.nil f ,Ji.,JtiJ1,fLV.iJ fl-'TIO f :':E502S r.m ' 1 1 . . . 1 . . . NEW-ApVmTEMEOTS.; . i'r - , I IJ , .. ...1. 4 , A P TOt Oiu Tnestoy,Va 10, First appearanoa la Wilmington of the world-re- nownea ana ramoai ,TTTTTiri i.fi 1 iftt -;r . - VICTORIA-' JTCS8rg, "Bl!S8tE, V.. TB3 and FAWDON... The (treat originators of all that' light elaaa of amaaemant sow so popular. Supported by a Co medy Company of rare excellence, In their origi nal, musical; aaltorlal, operatlo, traftoal, oomleal extravaganza, entitled: 1 . "The Belles of the Kitchen.w -The entertainment will 00 mm en oe with, a langhable Comedy, in which the Fokei Company will appear. : . . f The aale of aeata will commence on RatnrdsiV morning, Janaary 7th, at Dyer'. 'Ian 4 it wefrinta . E 101111015, UdpilOllalS. fflBilDdfllS dllfl 1 .... . im-uwsei. Tare wence ! ' TBAT ON THE 10TH DAT OF. JTANTJAKT, 1882, at Red Banks Depot, in Robeson eonnty, N. C, we will, as Attorneys for Willlamr Mar ehlaon, Mgrtgarees, sell at Public Aaetton, for. cash, 1203 ACRES OF LANS, known as the RID BANKS PLANTATION,' belonging to ,the estate of . n. i-ani,' aeeeasea, euu acres or wnion is cleared land tat a high state of ontivat1ont.and well adapted to . tne growtn of. ootton, ooraw.no- tatoes. peas, wheat, rye, oats and rice, and balance pine forest, with an lnexbaastlble soppl tne mix of timber. There are on said, f aria a new and ef- MnHv flnlaVlMl twA uul A hol nt rn rani I containing sixteen rooms, with dining room 'and kitchen attached, and all necessary oat houses In complete order, all built within the last twelve months at a cost of six thousand dollars. Also, a new. large and convenient Store House. 80 feet by 85, two stories high, finished in fine strle. A new Church and School House, a small er Store House, 40 by SO; a Blacksmith sbop,Coopt aHfrt atHrtrir. fwAlva am all fMrnail vyi 4, a - ble for tenants. A Water Grist and Raw Mill, mi new Cotton Gin. Two Tnrpentme Stllla and flx- Said Farm Is situated on Lumber Blrer and the Carolina Central Railway, sixteen miles west of uZvA LumDerton, ana six mues east or aboa is the business centre of a larre ootton and turpentine section, which business will completely controlled by tne purchaser, as the said ram covers all the land at said Depot ex cept that upon which the Railway Company's Warehouse stands. At the same time and plaoe, and upon the same terms, we will seu the balanoe of the Land be longing to said plantation, -containing about t,oe acres, in lots ox about 100 ana sua acres each ail of which is conveniently located, and suitable ior i arm ing purposes. - FRENCH NORMENT, . Attorneys for Williams A Harchlson, . Mortgageea New Steal Saw Mill for Sale. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE AND UPON the same terms, we will, as Attorners tor A. A W. McQueen, sell a Steam Saw 1U1L now situ ated upon said tract of land, but not belonging to tne same, or xs norse power stanaara engine, with boiler detached and all fixtures complete, wteiy purcnosea oi i airxni se Hons. FRENCH A NORFLKET, jan 4 It Attorneys for A. A W. MoQueea. Wanted, TWO OR THREE MULES AND PLOUGHMEN to plough about forty acres of Rice Land. Liberal compensation. Apply to jan 4 It EDWARD KIDDER A SONS. 100,000 8HWOLKS; 50,000 BWCK 1,000 ToMCOAL' 200 Cordj,WOOD' All for sale at lowest market prices by jan 4 tf J. A. SPRINGER. Deep Bock ND TATE EPSOM MINERAL WATERS. Pure Drugs and Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Articles, cigars ana mgaretts. For sale by JAMES C. MUNDS, Drugj gist. ant St.- jan 4 It 86 North Front Dissolution. THE FIRM OF HARDING JOHNSON A CO. IS X this day dissolved by mutual consent. 8. P. Shotter retiring. The assets and liabilities are assumed by Harding Johnson, who will sign liquidation. HARDING JOHNSON, in 8. r. BHOTTKK. Wilmington, N. C; Jan. 1, 188. jan 1 tf Even Poor Turkeys rjUSTE GOOD ROASTED IN ONE OF OUR COOK STOVES, and many have had a cheerful Christmas by the glow of our Heating 8toyes. "Our Dave" grunts, but the people have to be supplied, and out they go. A full stock of all kinds or goods In our line. Jan?tf - PARBTCRA TAYLOR Now Then, gOBER UP. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Resolve that the very next thing you bay will be a STOVE from jan 1 tf KING. Umbrellas ! TOADIES' FELT HATS I HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. deo29 tf BIRD SEED. QOUSE, TRLPE, PIGS' FEET, BEEF TONGUE, kj jr. ml Beet, J&raut, Holland Hen-Ins Ancho- vies, Llnsy Beans, Apple Butter.Barley, te.Rye. unts, is. w. and urant am Flour. Carre way Seed. Horseradish, and Sweet Ch ooolate. Prepared Cocoa, and a good stock of Family Groceries, at Bottom Prices, at 20 and ks soutn mront street. deo88tf L.VOLLKRS. Commencing Monday, Jan. 2. 1882. QUR GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE ' BALK. Unprecedented and unheard of bargains ' this week at the GIGANTIC CLOTHING S ALE of A. DAVID'S. Prices marked down as they were never marked down before, Thousands of dollars worth of Men's, Youth's, 6071' and Chil dren's Suits and Overcoats, which must be sold, let the prices be what thev may. Nothing has been held back J every garment marked down. A. DAVID, The Ctothiar. Jan ltf 10,000 praimes, Larga aii Sweet JU, ST RECEIVED, TO BE SOLD VERY VERY LOW. Call and get prices, but I don't, want you I to tell your neighbor how cheap they are, forthiy I 'ir&fT '.I will think I stole them. 'fc J11BM O. U'K V KNSONV V ' " Jan ltf MABJtET STREET, dJrfc' ?n-: -:--!!lV :'i 2 ( I iij" " " ........,. 1 w t Iev.,. ..... m.j. Wi, so ot 1 l 'mtraot Advertlsetnetits takaa at proper rVJJlowratea.X 'CrX'ivuf ' A V rir solid VoaparaQ type make oare. hlfimmmmmmmmmmmttamwmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm VaW ADVERlSlllEOTaT" "r '"rn is i i . . i ?J,at oclaeJlwV.VUia.l..4UK the W tahle, 'pn,ritnoee BUmCP9omiu the Ocauae, all ef tht c-"' " ' ' . ti'iRSKS. CARRTAOrS. BUOOrta.' ' erery thing therein eotaUlb4.v f blesate for ran tat lease. ,,,, !, M JW. can m examined opoa anpttoalkon. XX Notice. Tt JR. JNO. D, WnXlAXS HAS SOU OlaV Kt- terest the firm ol Williams A MaKOaUoa, wWU- mlnrton. and Vnrohison A Co.. ew fork, in th femiinlhg partners, and ties tnirobsied from TherA their interest In the firm of D. Winiams Corayetteviye, M. O. . - . '? - i. I. WlLUAMti, O. W. WIlXIAMfl.. JEannary 1, lf. W. F, bORTY t Notice. npHB ..FIRit OF WILLIAKS A UVZCJUkOX JL Will be disoontlnnad tramlili Tia Mrn 6f Murchlson A Oo sW York. wUl be aonUaaed. and the firm or P. R. siurchivn A Co. has been established at Wllmmrtmi ftn- th earryingoa a Oemmtaalon and Export tmslness In Ootton and K aral Btorea. " , - k. m. MTTRrHTarnr, D. R. KUKdUHON, . 0.,W. WlLLfAllS, January 1. test. Wl' T. SOREY. Notice. f R. HENRY C. McQCXEf HAS RKKN XTX mlUed as a partner b oar Arm froas this d January 1. latci. fj, R. JIU&CUiaMJN A O AD- aU. CO. Geo. W. Williams & Co. , 4 OtI0CE88OR8 TO WILLIAMS A HUROTSON. HTflk.t.-1-i. . . . T-A t, liujujuuini,. v. a larre stocs or run- stock of -(Is uooas on nanoviwblob will be sold at vei e bom at Tr-r i close yrw-ca ictt caan. or vo prompt paymg customers. Notice. 'JHE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OF THE LATE finppf ' WILLIAMS A MURCIIISON have been placed ia our hands for aoUeeUon, and all who are Indebted to that firm are earnestly requested to make settlements without delay. GEO. W. WILZJAMS A CO., , . ftoeeessora to jan8 1w Williams A MurohUon. J Garden Seed. Caries Seel. JKW CROP FOR 1S88. Largest Stock of Seed ever offered before by the undersigned. ' WILLIAM H. GRXKN, dec 28 tf Drngglat, Market St. To Arrive. 2QQ Tons No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, 300 60 LOBOS do do 20Q do KAINIT. criAS. s. sMrrn. dec SI w. Wilmington, N. C. L. S. L. NEXT DRAWING OF THE 1 Louisiana tate Lottery TAKES PICK JANUARY 10. PRIZES FROM 100 to 130,000. PHoa, Whole tiokeu, 00, Halves 1. Address Look Box m, deo 14 tf Wilmington. N. C. For the New Year's rj'RADE. WE ARE RECEIVING BT EVERY Steamer many roods to fill nn onr stork of Hard- I 'ware. Tinware and Crockery. OaU and aea us If in-neea 01 any gooa. in tbeee lines. . 1 ' ' wiiaiw m siun.HirHJH, 1 tf 88 A 40 Murchlson Block. i j- ; , . . f Honey VED 19 MONEY MADE. THE BEST II A R- . ' ' .. . L I 1 nesg. Bridles, Raddlea, Collars, Trunks and Travel ling Bags can be bought for tbe least moaey, at . t 'I J1AL.LJ.1UI 41 DOWIlgN'H, I ' No. S South Front Mreet Manufacturing and Repairing at short notice ianitf 18S2. (!. B. WEIGHT . TXriLL CONTINUE TO OFFER TO THE TRADE Zla asc to tbe public generally, flblTKD MEAL, PEARL HOMINY. FLOUR. HAY. OATS, an4everrthing in the Grain Una at lowest Age res. Ckrrespondenoe solicited. .v Cape Fear Flour and Pearl Hominy MUla. iian isa , ...... - 1 ? -.. ' 1 !' BABBITT METAL! i-1 1000 Pounds FOll SALE , In Largo or Small Lots, J? J. r l'KtATIE':', f ' S-baot?' Office. ("North Carolina Dhestniita. A v LOT OF NICE Cll BJJ'VN UTS just received 4. from 81 la bury to time. - - ' "Ctandlea of all kinds. Piot4daad Xfmmt tnla Ounres, Bananas, Malaga Grapes and AppU to almadanoa. ....,. , -.T . 3Ty pur Homo-Mads Coooa Oand r Inst AS I . a U. NORTUROP-S oWtf Fruit and Oowfeetlotry Stotaa 2" i " ' GttitO tltl'S Tlldl 7 1.. I'mn rrrw iMiffmum -lyon rmt abarhtnatictn of cub late Jr PrMideat, s tbe leading topic of tbe ear, tot l. a id bur , ti j Trial of the undersigned VI t xnai or toe unoennrned aaa aeea 1 ted has bei I iv genwai verdlet ta that kh Hhavtos t kk Mksvlaff a ieaamg Balooit la second to noae to lb atty. filve ue a calL 1 - - f ' a t . V f T B.O.FSKM7XST, No. S. Front si. ii . r