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"GftrJtems". cents per line for first insertion, and cents per line for. each subsequent inSertfoni" .---;-- No advertisenientflWeited In Local Column at ... aay.pricpeHa tp? 'f. )S j" AJ ilV jr"f.'-; Advertisements inserted once a week hi Daily, . . wule-ohargd $lWperseaareforeaehinsertion. Every other day, three fourths of daMC. fate! ; Twice a weeaHwtf thirds of daily rate. -.l :, Notices of Marriage or , Death. 'Tribute of Re spect, Besolutions of Thanks, 4c, are chareea for as erdmary advertisements, tout only half rates when paid for strictly in advance. At this rate 60 cents will pay for a simple, announcement ef. Marriage or Death. , , j Advertisements i toTouowreading-inatteT, ortq. eceupy any special place, will be charged extra aeeording to the position desired. ;y , - 'f Advertisements on which no speofiled number;, o? insertions is marked will be continued "till for bid," at the option of the publisher, and charged up to the date m4touanqe. Advertisementsdjsodntmued before the time contracted for rhas erpired; charged transient ates for time actually published. -fi , ' - Amusement, Auetkm and Official advertisements one dollar per square for each insertion. : , ! ' y An "erbai charge be made for double-column .tripleltunaadvertisements. All announcements and : recommendations ,of :- caadidates Jor office, whether in the shape of , - A.linwTtM will lut nhftrimn Mti - Re'miltances mnst be made by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, Express, ;or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher; - i Ctommunkjatlons;i-tim,e9BAthey contain impor-, tant news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects Of real interest, are not wantedVand, if vaoeept able in every other way they 'win Invariably be rejected if the reai name of the autln is withheld. " .: CoriixactWverirs wfflnotbe anowedto ex- " ceed their space or advertise any tiling foreign to their regular business without extra charge -at transient rates. . Pa'ymenis for transient advertisements must be' made in advance. Known-parties, or strangers, with proper reference, may pay monthly or quar-: terly, according to contract. Advertisers should always specify the issue pr issues they desie4Kivertise in. Where no I sue is named the advertisement will be inserted in the Daily. ' Where an advertiser contracts for the paperto be sent to him during-the time Ms AdverUftAnent into. Che oronristor will onlv be responsible for the mailing of the paper to his ad- 9 Br WILLIAM H. BEBITABD. WL Wednesday Mobning, Jan. -4, 1882, SOME ERRORS NOTED. .The New York Tribune contained recently a long account of North Carolina's' display at Atlanta that was written in a spirit of kindness and laudation, but was full of errors of one lurid or another. An edito rial also based upon the Atlanta let ter, was" marked with the same im perfection. We will take time to point out briefly some of these er rors. We are pleased to see that a paper which is inimical 0 the South, or nothing, has agreed to give its readers an 'account' of the exhibit made by our State, even though tlie account is erroneous or colored too highly, it may be. 'It is a mistake to suppose that North Carolina stands third as a cot ton producingtate. It is about seventh or eighth in fact. It is very doubtful if there "are more small " holdings'' in North 'Carolina than ; in Georgia. ; 'It is a mistake to say that the small farmers raise '"mostbf the food they consume, and whatk cotton, they make counts as" profit!" "It Ys 'lto" be regretted that this cannot be affirmed generally, but the tens of thousands of mortgages annually' recorded in our State show conclusively that this is not so, al though it applies to a. great many. It is not triietha "more than eighty cotton factories, great and small" are now running.?. There are not more than sixty, and not so many as that unless we count those in course of. erection. Whether its statement as to the vineyard? in the State is cor rectar aiot we-?cannot speak defi niteryr It "says; there' are six of a ' hundred acres of more, besides other hundreds. ' Th following does ' injustice io North Carolina in another direction. We quote what is said of naval stores : .'Commisgfoner McGehee gave mean in t Btnee-of the 'transfer of an important in- - dustry that . ought not to be omitted from this letter. He was asked why turpentine and rasin were' notamdngthe exhibits, ' 'and replicih ?Ours is the Taf Heel State no longer. - That distinction. I am sorry to . say, belongs to, Georgia, Our pine forests are practically exhausted,'- and Georgia is the great producer of naval stores.'" s:Mt- ScGeige would jponsultihe naval stores market of Wilmington- the largest iA the ' wwld he would find .that although there has been - some redaction m the- business there is still a veryvencouraging amount of business done, and 4 quite enough to prejnt theve s wepingemark he - jditeil-'hWe'jDiOp'the rations in cotton and naval stores for ; tfcWty'-dtrrinthV laWtWo years: ; 'iTotalexrrUlor A.j : Bpirita turpentine f485,19bls. 1 . Crude turpentinirv; 58,388 ,1 Total jBxperts bales.' casks a draper to worth tJ&rouna, u published aauy, except 'W'Monday. at trflOper-year, $4 00 for six months, - :a 25 for three months. ST lio ' to one. month. to Morning Star ine "ipTar f if' 't4 .-i 2M t'.'t .. - Crude tontentmexr;i iviwti a.a.vt: bane's letter, because of ; its informa- tion to tnose notjostea as to ine re-j ippjie. the principle -that x isjhe pqblic flnnr and Tir'rWLTof Nofth" Caro- interest thot- .ch titles shouli not te open lina. ? Tens of thousands of'Kdrth ern- ers Will! read hat .the fUbue ,hska said..;;it wilrdo gooa altnougirn correct in every particular. ' , The Stab referred, weyerq times to th, last!. Wet w Wttei V Henry I Jam.cs J.rbjwjauseTfe is";lpr mos arUSUC Ol ail nviUKvmeiiuau . w tijucua NathameVHawtborntlie most per, felWteraH!a?aM aWoSafl meii canstautbors. eVaboration,proJjdly vP hi: last. n? ' 5.M pat. ' "tr.-wk i'The thft6ry( (,Tlie r leading wridiald;. and -papers have all badr their; jsayj pt Tgaelphia diierican- -of , ttte J 31st ultand we reproduce a few; see'ncjer because of their justness and -.beqause they seveahone great decect to vdrih1 we bado referred. t sys 'yj I , 'It is not a comfortable thought; that the. most perfect artist in! American'! fiction .at present is a writer whose influence ia, de Cidedly morbid and unwholesome " f Jr. JanieaJs cynicism is not fierce at all, '- bat! it is worse, it is hopelessly , despondept.it expresses a profound, contemptuous disbe lief ia man, In his: sinisV .powers,: i and. ; de servings. It is the last retreat of pessiniism, and its centre is the Idea that the only real good bf lifejB the surrendering ".-of iC iThe Portrait of a Lady;' while it is JkfrwsJames's rnastrpiece in a literary $ sense,'; brings the essentials of his character as a : writer: into' bolder view than ever. -It is one ..of . the most '' disheartening books ever writ ten. ,: . If such work as, this under review were simply useless, there might not be much to say;, but ; it is hurtful. ;It paralyzes; it nndermines faith.:The heroine, of the novel, after recklessly i, wasting her youth, marries a selfish creature of the type of .George "EliotV Qr&ndc&urtj aid the book ends with-an intimation that she. may 'seek, conmensation with a lover for the wretched- iuess of. a mistaken marriage. 1 The story, is told at mtertninable length; but that is . the plain gist of it." - ' , . , : Halifax county owed twenty-six thousand dollars and county orders were worth about one-fourth of their par value, sometimies evenless, under Racal:.irufe.;jiSince-;the new' order of things county orders are . worth dollar for dollar, ana the; .Board or Commissioners have the debt under con trol. The difference is plain to ali who live in the. county. weidon JXew. What is said of Halifax applies to a dozen . or - twenty other cxmnties. There are those who are clamoring to have the county ' -governments placed again under the control of the nesrroes. . In Granville a wooden fence around the court house cost some $600. Some eighteen ' paupers cost the people nearly Or quite $250 each, and we heard" one of the most intelligent magistrates say that he could have boarded Jthe whjqle num ber at the Yarborough House, at Ra leigh, for what Radical Commis sioners made them cost the people io keep them at the county poor house. To return the . eastern counties into the keeping of .the.-.pref mderatirig negro voters is not only si icidal and disastrous, but is immoral and iniqui tous. There is not a community in the North that would submit to such a state of things. Suppose the mojst ignorant and degradecUpart of the population of Boston-or Philadelphia in control of . the finances how lorlg before bankruptcy would en$ue, or a small revoluiion. would break out ? Mr. Samuel Morley, MJ JZ., hkar oeen visiting tne unitea otates. ie has returned home, and at Bristol quite recently he made . art address giving his constituents an account 6f what he saw and his impressionls.; We may note two or hree things he said. One'wW that saw or heard f but very few rich people who had grown rich as the result of regular business by a long pursuance of a given line of effort. But all nearly were rich by ? speculation, i Another remark' was the fact that ! so many very, rich men were made so "by 'the action of protective tariffs.'" Ver!y likely. The many in this country are oppressed for the benefit of the few. The FtiU Moll gazette reports him as saying: - . - "He was glad to find thiit there was a f rowing ' demand ( for a redaced tariff, here was a- very, .strong party in -New York iarfavor of free trade, and ,the ques tion was creatine a very strone f eeline on this ground, that at least- three-fourths, or' perhaps seven-eighths of the people vho were interested. 'in Jagriculture and Ltbe in terests of those who were gaininir bv the tariff, - Were so infinitesimal iri comparison with the larger number who were made to ly nigh duties on the importation of for-1 gn goods; that the time, ne believed, was not far distant when there would be a verv . large reduction, and he hoped a final remo val, of this Impediment to the true growth of the States.' 7 . .,, - , . Mrs: Myra Clark - Gaines has lost. iier. sums jt against ine cixy oi sxew Orleans. The brave , little j 'woman had never lost Tb.opej or, abated her enorw to win Dut tne sstipf erne uourr of- ;the lUmted, States, has f decided adversely to her claims. The amount 4 at' Btake ,wasvery large'"; Th e Philip Qelvhi&JAmericaii says. lt ' !' The present holders acquired their titles under a'will of the former ewher which was admitted to probate and for some thirty years TOTegartefcas iilafc7tli and tes-toment.- This discovery of a .'econd wUl 3??bsapfIthe claim put rorward by ana ti resomen ess character $hd 'ftnet,3move ment i)f this very notable nqyel, , The,jjast discission have !HrrJ-is the Mrs. Gaines The courts of the State and the Sirpreme iDourt of the United . States rrtipot- '- .jfrf Han thftTP. rvteit nn nrn the w'.; even Jhe- lapse of-" mi .t aot have kufilced to estop the clai i. " But, wbi blicoticyTiM been given fth inten tion to nave the will rejoghizSnrand . no nrntuct (too fwuin antlH tho Ht.fl.tA .nil st rtA Tthat"forn)erly secured in "tbeEirgKsir twnrrtS' . i . .. . , r a, i. he? f abataearlyfnbd f emaJesllea jSonheassassin Gni- ftean"5inrvW" asiirigtdn.i-ldurlflg- xia either sa"degYe of f T prurUfi't'curiositythail iVrceAsulrabje,''. or a "sympathyeswith-i villainy thatiis di8grace?Su?,VfasWngtoii ' soci1 ety is composedof psVcolenaerits Vibw that you'iieed hot";"vvohder at! J .t-J y ) any unseemly aemonstrauons t t "ia .siz:viV- i run. r I iii iJi-jtLti ..Atilst two Mormon "p&agtfd:i$ts have been roughly handled ro JLojndon. Meii Whoo abiut dist'ributingm'oray plagues shoulo; be equeicnea aa a nuin sance. We ate pleased.toiotxhat of corraptioni - 4 a i. ' ' lEW3BIOMClEi ' , I ,t The Eclectic MagaJkni for January is in exceptional nmber'pf' one .of tne best pf piiblicatiohs made! up of; judicious selec tions from the foreign periodicalT bHea-. tions. Some of ;6rrVg icfes are the following Naseby and Torktowp, iy rrof i'Goldwin Smith Alive ' idftiety Dead: Some Pa8sages in the. .Ife, 6f a French Convict; Outr,tronomers. "Eioyl,. hf Richard 'JL -Trpctorj Despair : A Dra matic onbloguW J Al:'!ysoti ; SneepHnWng.itlMi: 'jUowtodn.,- by the Ear) of Dunraven; German Student Life, by 1; aynesf Io' Victis, (by W. W. Story ; City tife in the TJniil Statesyi a Non-Resident American: Kith and Kini a novel; by Jessie "otiieilt oliapters xxix- xxxia; Hrfifi. irnysicaiAevoiuiiu.(.wi wo Nineteenth Century, by F.'-R Conder;. On flieTonnatfon of the Tails of Comets, by M. Faye ; TheGeyserref the Yellw Stone, by ftotfJmi 5jeLiterary No tices; Foreign Literary Notes; Science aid Art; Miscellany. This being the com mencement of a ney i( volume it' 'Offers a favorable time for new subscriptions,, and as a further inducement the publisher wil sendio; all aubscriljers renrittipg thelf sub scriptions directly to the office a beautiful large steel engraving of "Marguerite, which is alone worth the subscription price for the year. Published by E. B. Pelton, 25 Bond street, New York. Terms, $5 per year; single copy,'. 45; cents; trial sub scription for three months, $1. , The paper by Prof. Goldwin Smith is able and striking,' bht he does not do justice to the South. Ha refers . to the late John C. Calhoun as a "demagogue." ; This is non sense. No one was less akin to a dema gogue or deserves less such a stigma. There are othfer betrayals of ignoiance. Our Little One for January shows steady improvement The illustrations are choice and the reading is well adapted to the little ones of :the nursery. Price $1.50 a year. Rossell Publishing Co., 149 A Tremont street. , Boston. . , . Ai Soriie and AWoad tae -SttaxiaTy conx tains articles Xrbni Ziteua Cocke, Mrs. Mary B." Clarke, . Hugh F. - Murray," and other NortnCarblihlanwriters. This humber ap pears tq,be as good as tnose that have pre- jeded. We are pleased to learn that the editors are much encouraged. The sub scrlption ust is mcreasing .steadily. ; Price $3 a year. Published at Charlotte, N. C. .stMi':-:i ii'tFot thStar.S TBUB PKV1X'STRA1IPII0 OROUND. ? 11 'Gtjet- CftArrmM C N. C, i'- ; . J-Dec: i30, 1881. JB.IHTOB TAlt:r--AS tne ' C5TA.R IS good at shedding: light on inany things that are dark and mysterious, and numbering' amxnig its many read ers antiquarians and scientists of no mean abilities,' I wbb, through its olnmfisto-inake-publio "flooaethirtg that has intfewsted as well .as, puzzled ia&1' .'In this . county, about r three miles from the Randolph line, is a piace tnats jias:xeeii? Known to the oldest inhabitant and his grand parents asrthe Grotjitd."?' I will give. a description as nearly vas ' posible.a ' woods and "surroimdedi Xfy :giant trees, : pnncioay red ' qakv anc". short lf; pines, -is; a circle about tweh ty:fitre f?et in diametef, 'as' perfect as tthough : drawn . -with " compaBses, m circiei oerag marKea oy a pathlas; clean - cut. as though used every day"; through the centre anoth er path," equally as'cleaa about one degree to the east of north 'and south ; no paths to or froinand none except cow-paths in the;neighborhood. The soil of the. country is re4 clay,thickly strewn with. rocks,rand no grass ex cept'c some sbdrt ' scrub blades- that struggle rather unsuccessfully i for sustenance. . . JThjasoil 'within the circle ' is " sandr, mixed J witbT clay, and.jCK)veredLwltht a.- thick srrowth of long iDtegrdqst (not andther bunch of which arrows within eicrhi milrm of the-place arhich;irevercrosses thV path that 1 marks " the circle, and lihouglf large utreesp have igrown "and roitfal tOxtne ground iat thaiJedo-e bf thelotnot; on haa;Venturedj to, in trude within the ririsr. The natfv liaVe all of them Alsaperstitious dread of 'tbef'place, and it was with difficulty;) I sncceeded inigetting one of them to visittne" piaxre'iwtn'lDaefor-thelbur' Tiotejg diBfosUirrfjaftef get ting down aBbuv tbree feeCanirfind- ing nothing; he warso impressed "vith .traneraattnraioiiihat'h'r'' mseu io go any lurcner. r i, r j In rrtipot- '- Han thftrp. rififin. nn nrn ate (Of at least Ihero is one p!aee;j(rhere tpe, remissariey 6frluHt and;olitical doc- trines that are ull &f? danger; are not repecte5 (n heit ,opprdamation;i in "W. W; reaaing xne oniy tnrng can find as a comparison for, my Devil s Tramping k Ground, are the fabled f"irya,fooi Inland and-iene pla 'lalNoryayf ' Sifan' bf y urtaders, can gi orj use, w4y-tL will hav-ttie eSfcJt- OfgI ing to the world that the old North State is not deficient in curiosities. i -1JC u rl n L11K UtJllcCWUXi . L rviuruuv I-., -'Thfesn1' tatfguf'by'nthkr example; IsJ that there is andean m axitrojTreejraiiiim in theSouthern Sutes but twp parties-rhee NationatDemocmic'rtyawd the BaditaJ.' party. When theejare-drawnj,,!". tihe fikfrmifihinc rMiilfj) in a fierht between these'" 'twrsforeesl.adThe people ol North -Carolina ; see tnisandnyiU horougniyf onaersjtanp:. Mahone and fiia lieutenants 'are noW'&reUu'1 -ine,' f ullbloilcjalftii 4Jd canserfS- ttive Tpeople o, iVirginia, who supportied thawt k4 tH a Waa vhnt cfha 'Kfeta'lnhrf rfir tQ be readjusted will doabttessquitVthatM ; ,f: The national rrevennar Argreajtejithku the nation needs for 'alr piirposes, arfdTin. view ui uuii xuci, it uj-qmic -pruouuid iai . this aiteruativewill be preseni,edf viz : a re ductlon of the tariff fir thenrelndval of tax on whisked aad itbhaeco. .iStwh the case, a RVfllemRtifi;iaffort k. lein!T bv Northern manufacturers to hood the S&itlj Into : adtdCBinig -the'doctrine bf protecuon. 1SinceHtbe.,nvuiuCacturang! m-. tei-ests of tlus secUorihave. begun to assume such importaiice'as to- attract -attentidh in manufactuimj circles,, thimQUopelists of the North are trying to create the impn - sion that a' protective- tariff1 la necessary jto case, even if the interests of manuf aclurors was the only thing to be considered. ?" will i SO UTBEBN ITEMS. i All th : eiMr Virginia t nels and maiora wh.o Mvereoentlj engaged S paper-wad duelling have been restored to , e privHege8?6f einzenship;' NoW'theJre; duel proper, but it cannot.be ehargd that a Virginia duel is barbarous. Atlanta Can ' HUuttonill ..,u:' .Tr -1 J - I :i:h The Charleston Neuto &tCtourwr reports the Camperdoan.MiUs tasjdiaYijig used up 5,000 bales of cotton, manufac tured between $350,000 and $400,000 wort br of goods, and declared a 13 per cent, 'difi dendf or the year. Tbeame authority says that the Piedmont Manufacturing Cbmpapy is about to erect twentyicotrges for its' .employes. .o5.. .tr- General Butlerfs treatments bf. General Beauregard's, wife in :New .Orleans during the war must be Charged to his credit. 'Her house was guardea, and she was no .molested in any4way& uenerai Butler called to see her. In the course bf the interview he alluded to bef '"bravd'unt miscuided husbandj" : Mrs. Beauregard im- mediately rose android him. slie could riof remain w near one woru 01 criticism on uer husband's conduct. Gen; Butler prompfly apologized. wamtngton rmt. r r POLITICAL POINTS. By bullet and in (spite of ballotJ General Grant has. evidently got his third term after all. Denver iribune, ftep, I John Kelly is skirmishing cliji- .1 1- . ' A. . j T , . I 1 t geouy aor piace at Airaay, oat nis gups seem to be loaded to the -muzzle, withaatv dust. PA i. Timea, Ind. ,( . r Guiteau has announce himself as a candidate for the Republican nomina tion in 1884. If he is permitted to li ve un til then the Courier-Journal sees no reason for his not getting it. ' On tbwbolv as regards Cop -.gress, the people are very mircir ltfthecon dition of mind oi that sagacious nresideht of the General Assembly of the. Church bf ocoiiauu, wno opeoeu 11s meeung oy pray- ing that "no great harm might oe done. ironaencc ourncu, xsep. c Lord Beaconsfield's vcbifch it Hugbenden has been magniflqently decb- . i i.: rr- f , .. dows nave been erected and the chan wall has been covered wlth'Tlcn' paintin or evangelists; propnets-and angels. We have heard both Democrats anid Tte- publicans say that there is nothing bettfer tora Cough than Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; tnis oia rename remedy never rails to cure a Cough or-Cold at once, and may be ob tained at any drug store for 25 cents, a ' bot tle. ,! .-. - ..;y:u':rui) Apples; Apples. i f Bbls APPLES. Baldwin's Northern r I HI nttr f hnlne Vs.rirtt.lM tn nn4nmi ana neadav's Steamer. . . ! " :TV ea- At low fisrares bv M . . 1 janl tf KEBGUNER & CALDSB BBOSj Salt. OKAA Rami I.TVERPOOT. SAT.T SALT, ,. . in brkrhi 1 OOUU tafbrighiHieir'sac: ror sale low by . , . KERCH-NEB & CALDER BROi ' Janltf Hour; ; Flbiirr Flew Qq Bbls Beauty , ' Ao . ; M- QpBbls Bell Milto . da; ' Jan 1 tf j -; f KERCQNER- CALUKB BROS. Sundries, v, ' ii,.' -( A A Boxes and Bkts Ausorted: r- -v 1UU r-f8tiaa4 LamD CANDIES. Bojms andsBbls Fsiwy:CAkESrji . -! iyBoxe CHEESE, MeetedCram Boxes BOAP,- ' .r I - (7 e Boxes and Half Boxes'Sobi; i ' Boxes and Half Boxes CANDLES, I QQ Cases POTASHtnd LTft, ., Jan 1 tf KERCBNBR A CALdeS BROsi AWOBB,, i .. . rjio the Vrrsss; havjn&obtatjstid a lasoe of BEHRENDS A JTMNROKL -S. Tf.. fVir Korlrnt. and 2d Sts..' WflmhurtonT-N.' C.i'dBlrm tn -ulli the same lam for cash. r AbIc them . ao ouesttons "but examine their goods and prices; Cash ,1s their object, I ni v ; r-vra.-. i,Jaalt '7 i ncH ttl j41 1 be prepared, to show an nnnsually large and well iRoomJFFBNJTOEEj A haadsomi loft ciflangea seiecteu bwjuk. oi vuamDer. parlor n.nn uiniTur- ana f aieni xwoatiis ieeivwr-,tO'qay:,'1Jj vsu" 1 want nrst-c'jass uoous call and se us --' ' j ri BM.LTU. ffi CO.. ,'.o us 9-y uieorvjw $ ungiu. . iheV will! obVxe rib, acd any i T-i' I . t ' K -i r IT til i . 11 ; .4 . . r j. V-''V r w - j J i r ' J;'liOiiW.JU-. J1 9- Li v ii i il l A: 1; rQjmsyySor4 ThroutjSmtUingti ' 711.1 . iTSlik".lifeal;r.i.'B':vC! .-paradai tn earth 'eitia) Sr. Jc6m 1 ;-ec tions In EevSH lAngnagea. : -MEDIOUTE. .--ii M.'-.l" I t, tit - I r. -' ' . " ! o Jffoiifi.v,' 'its Ins f i Ipfrikiii.Xi&i alii iffcijs'i It.. ; "-i yl aiii'ln iheijElyacK and Side. There Is nothing more pamra) than tbese diseases; bat tne pain can be removed and; ' thed1sease, cured by use' of Pfitry Davis', TWjT Tedy,t r6t f- cheap' Benzine i ' Petroleum pvdet that must Im kept) : .wy. fra fla B" best to nvold Aanr ; of explosion, norx la It aa an tried expert-j ' ment tht XfitLY do more hann than Kood. r Pain Killer liasbeea .pieoiistant nsej . far forty yearai aid the universal testunonr from ail, parts ot, world is, It never t aifSr. it not onlyjeffects a permaneht epre, bat It relievea rnam almost Jnittantaneonaly. , Bethy ; a purely vegetaol remedy, it Is sale in. the bands of the most Inexperienced. - The record 6f ""etres by the use 'of Pint ixiuik wooid llflT Wiluines. ' The touownigH ':itractg fi'letrs received sad whaj tnoao who nave tried It thfnir h' " ' i ' Ed CadY;0watoWa, Kliayt r r ' ; nr. About a yek vlnca my wif beoame obfeel . . , to fere aufferingr from tteevmatiara. Onr . raawijrMto the Paxw Kn.T.aa, which speedily Charlaa PowaQ TttM from the Bailors' ' Horns, London : '"-" IhMbwaffllthreTr-wlfhBiTteia ( tbeataeucn..XMdooSMe Hoarttal 1 rorr PikW despair. Itriadyoor :v up my caee tn 1 MSItf' mm im mediate aeliecV , l bare retnuoecL mrj h. and am now abla to fallow my acual ' trsiurth. oocupatlea. Saco.KeV.wrttwl': ' ? Iiiimwillale inllwf frrwn Minliit Q.'H.Wal 7 iv Tex flw friM hv tliA nM a vnn Pira K rr r wa - s. lorxaays: IavewedyqOTPAiiaxmicrrbennaiMsm,' and hare leoetved great beneAt, - . 'Barton Seaman says: ' - 1LL - and hare f onndl a nmr. jun um rui ior unnj ran Vawia xeueay ior , Mr. Bnrdltfc vrttat - rBeamaaaai miM lemeneea r. jntra wrnes I VncvcraO to cdve relief in . .VnMcroOa to give relief ineaaea of rhenmaaam. PhlL Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : Pram actual nae, I know yoar Pact STitt.sa is the beat medicine I caa g. .. r . .,- , All droggtets keep Panr Ktlldl Its price Is so low that it is wlthm the reach of an,! anflJtwltt save many Umeaits cost In dootonfr ; Wto: fc460e.and tx.oobottl& ' PERRY DAVIS A SON, f roprfetut, : Pr9vfdene0.1t. 1. novlDAWto arm Fori Sale, rpyrY jmdvrsAj tqn fertilizers" mbracinfr' i BONES, "n .T ' AMMONZATED. FERTTL1ZEBS, GERMAN POTASH SALTS (KAEMTT). I am Di-eoared to offer to the Wholesale and Re tail Trade, the above, at different Ports, both North and South, at prices to compete with other Jtanuiactarers. special offers will Special offers w be made to meet the views of Urgeibuyers. , , i j Address. . . - - ; PEEBY M. DkLEON Manufacturer and Importer Fertilizei-s, , ' ,.,.--'..t"T7fc Broadwav. N .V. Southern Office. . , ., - , , 1 104 Bay Street l ' , : " -septl8eod4m frsutu tS'F WILMINGTON it WELDON R. K. CO., j . t ; Oftoeof Seovetaryand Treasurer, ! 4 1 X': DIVIDEND OF THREE PEE' CENT. ON NTHB CapltalStock pf the Wllmmn A Weldon Padl- road Company will be paid on and after the 14th January, 1882. to al who are Stockholders of re cord on the' Books of the Company on the 81st instant. j. wj xauMJrTSOJM, , ft,'- , dec 25 td . Review xP7 j SoCy and. Treas flirt SI. A to. TO h:o,,t SASH. Ki'.K-'.:'' , PLEASE ORDEB EARLY. Sash, ' Doors, v Blinds; BRAeKSTS, MOULDING; LUMBER, to., to. H' " lt'i ; ; ' v.-l; .J'j.-: i.-j.'Sli'T' janl tf ALTAFFEE. PRICE &. CO. Oats. . OatS;l"J,i Oats.n j., y; f and BLACBVSESD OATS; LowflrtiresinoarlotsT.1 Ikxk .bisj&A reston:oomming-cO' ! I . . I .. . a . 1 1 jan j tf -: ! - iiUH"tifl-s.-jre Uiu V ' AtXmosu Present for i JJLSganI' rCEtribb 5s!b1ts7( splendid Flbrelnd olher M&orNioe aB-pociet . fprComte e-ruans?IIhennys Improved,. r WWWPtWT&P Wrerand other Cele- t r1 7birted.-.Cfrtegij J vHs4)fasbBflfaitdl. CoSflfis inAytrlAw-!-lA'ttKlAI tit Toilet Snftrva "Pnartiara Vnft TVvrAH. Mr.n . t 1 endless variety, of i Nioe Little - Presents) for xmasj au bf Which wlube sold at reduced prices by Jimi4!fr.)fh JOHN iKsKiMi ' ... -4 . DroggistandPharmao ist. r - V 1 (f.'J jL 1 fTTin ill ; : I entails bnf the compratively rifling: outfey i- -' - J-r7- r piSSpLFEB -1 "T36ot ! and - Shoesj Y 32 MARKET STREET. ALL AT ROSKNTIUX'S AND EXAMINE J!o't .vn'ioet jrorjfieMaa,frtjjJry io WJSlr yai BotfUr,if8Bys;y,-tTj v.T Shoes for the Babies. -.-vi 1 fol hiKBobttand,so7,fortta..MJjUoB. h .Gents' FmAHaad-Ma4f:.Sboes1apolalty' oci'Sitf '" ."q' 'Jrtw'(lfiri4rt8treed Itit7CUmchine;'.8h(Jp, COTTON IIACHHIEEYt nia fjtii. Lijc' ,i-vt. J ejvr JC' i ri -'j?!"frao lof.oiJT- .t..;-'rw sum-,. '-IHisftiiur t sind ' Gkaxintf,o Hydraulid i-yi-.t'fij.ot! 'saicp.R .t-H-iifi .n'V.;. ' Presses and Pumps, . v y - Elevators, ;&c. r ! PLANS J FOB COTTON AND Paper " mills ' 1 c. k hildketM, 61 KeTH. Stmt, ' " ; LpWiXU MASS, WM. A. BURKE, Treaa-' . ( 1 88 State Street, Boston. tohStf t rrr. "'.7:ir A HAPPY NEW , TO OUB MANY , t.GC lECD IKF S;, 1 . -. 'Ti in.i.i r rmr :.-j.'.!n'iiv who bestowed saoh, . , - r LIBERAL ' PATE0NA6E ! " i -' . - ' .4 " 'j '!y ., ;i- . ..... upon us tlie year past, " AND 'ifAdfj ' TQTftKR ORDeAS ; (WtLL Be" ' PROMPTLY FILIJBiD ' " ' Air Qvr Wholesale Grocery, "!' -!' . . - ; ' y t ? . ,-;i. j i . ... -attbe ..: : ,. . . '. I ''it; 1 'i''':?...' 1 SontheaevOorner of-Prewt ms4 Dock Stroeta. Adrian & V oilers. fan;tf . ,, ,. lewEiver Htillets. 150 BbU" NKW "l11,8' 300 0"" LAR0 R0K' Forsale by ' HALL & PEAR$ALL. oettt'D&Wtf ' r , THE MOZAET SALOON ! I Tlo Old llellable r DISPENSES 6NLY THE FINEST WINES AND LiqUpRS. j j,.-, .AH the Novelties tn Liquid Refreshments put On sale promptly. Polite and attentive Assistants to wait pat- ' 1 j. H. Mumm A Co.'i Extra Dry Champagne aad' Heidselck Co.'s .oelehrated Dry Mouopole Chwnpajme, as well as Baas A Co.'s Pale Ass aad Guinness' London Stoat Porter, my own imDorta- tion; alwavs on hand.. - Durmff the aflason-tbe best New Pdver Oysters served raw, or prepared in any style by com pa tent caterers, can be had. -r.-u " Pool and Bunard Rooms p stairs. . . Give me a call. . JOHN HAAR Jr Proprietor. deo7tf SOHUTTE'S OAFE? N6. 3 GRANITE ROW, ' "FTlb?aTr STKITEIT ' "' THE TINDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A FA8H IONABLS RESTAURANT ma above, and is prepared to furnish Meals at all hoars of the dav, up to 12 o'clock at nbrht. Special arransementa made for Board by the day, week or month. FIRST CtABSACCOinroDATIONS FOR LA DIBS ; " ir '.'.' ; n A First Class Restaurant Las long been needed in Wilmington, and I propose to supply the want. My Table will be supplied with the . BEST of this and other markets, and Game and oiber Delica cies in season. ( ' tyMeals" sent to Drivate residences brvuon fitted up with a heater, and whereby , they F. A., 8CHUTTE, N. B. 8CliUTTE'8 SEAHDDK i PARK HOTEL. at WrUchtsviUe, is open au the year round for Transient, and Permanent Boarders, nov 1H tf Eice ! ' Eice! Eicef ; ' J3LXNTERS AND ME3U3HANTSWTLL NOTICE that we are always pre; to pay the best mar-" Ket price ior tcioe, or seu on eonumssion any shipments they may entrust to us. HENRY BISCHOFF A CO., i sept SO 6m Charleston. S. C a . . jm m urn. ,n 1 ' - Beef! Beef ! . DO YOTJ LIKE GOOD " BEEF f '"Then ome to CAMPBN'S, at atiens' Market, for enauln weekv. You -can oertainly rely on (ettma;. the best. Atoo. an lovers of FINE VEAL will do well to oaa oa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, ' ' vnovWtf 1r ClttaettB Market. Ct'Hercl ; T7TLL FIND A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED . TT sioek of ; Hardware of everr description, some being bonsht. early last, fall, before tbe advanoes ooenrred.1 We are prepared to make the closest cash prices. Guarantee goods and prtceata all wwtanoes, i ; ' f. i -i .'"(-' .,' I , - WM. E. SPRINGER A CO. . Suooessora to Jno. Dasrson A Co., Jan 1 tf ,...ww.A9.2l A 88 Market St. ; A W W UVlX ' Jk V WW "L4.-a. ' , KEGS iaXL' GRACES ' " HAZARD POWDER, Forsale by 1 WTLLAEDS, I North Water Street, ' T til.. Mil i I ll.'' r4x;7ei-oi r "Bosheis wyrrotoi), t,J-. 'iiFiilf.'if-; wtllabdV : ; "i ' 1 YEAR a i s - i- mm 11 c... .-'yn:i:i:?.-orT : u i 4 Family.;' 5rocerie8 .1 -t)FTK CllMCmTSJCLECn0S8 and ALV1T M TWesV PRICES ' ri9JI . J.-:t ..... -.QKO.llTriHi -epla:, , o.ai aad UBouli, p- PaCELfL HOUSE BJJU t "Picpry,';4 - If oprletor SWison:. "anning't U -AHUOK MEW lUNOVEH mm Tvraii jrjryEBPOOI. LdXlXtN A OLOHK OF ej,0 " amc bvV tn.om.on m Atbjuftttral, of New' Tork-Aaarta tl.tl.T 00 ' -VuTtuua xT Marine, of Richmond, "j Assets over Sfloo.OOO 00. Rochester Oenaan. of NewVort, fa ,.: . AssetJ fi01,W7 00. j Merchants A Mjohanloe, of RlrbraoDd ' ,. " Asset pmjBM 00. Cofcimbos Insnranee A BanlttnicOo., rf Hindwdimi ' 1 1 Assets !,$ S7. V . JNO. W. OClRDON A BRO , Aiwta. 0atf ; . 84 North Walrlit Bink of Hew Hanover. I Aiiliori2ed (Japijal $1,000,000 Cim Capital paid in, $300,000 Surplus Fond $50,00t JL Wt'OQRE, C. M. HTKDMAN ISAAC BATKW, JAH. A. LEAR. F. EHECMTXI. It B. DOKDXK, oiT. WTLLIAMS, DONALD McRAE, L tiL.dujais,l ', J.'JI. ATKINSON. ri .i. ' , CJ1A8M. STKDMAN. PreeldBt I',1 . ISAAC BATES,' Vlre Prealdeni. S D. Wixacz. CiAdder. anf sot -ry- : :. TjtjNcotrnAGK nonE ixsTrnrnojfs. Security. Against Fire. ;"! TXiGoitrn ca.rolina ' IIOITIR INSr RANCH COMPA. T, RALKIQH, N. C. !l3tts Compaiiy ocatlnnes to write PolirU fail rates, on all chwaes of Insurable nroprrtf J i rates, on all ll loaaes are r "BfitME: to rapkil loaaes are promptly adjusted and pi aid HitME': to rapkily rrowinr tn public farnr PMal". with oonnownce, to insurers of pnMM t nrth Carolina. ap in t WArTit la lfparta of the State V. 8. PRIMKOSK. KecreUry- SKI XWFK, wippmaor. , ATKJNSCTN A MANNING, Aaarra. 1-Sm WlbnmirtoB, K. c Everybody Says At' MTES HAS IE LARGEST ARSOHTMEXT aUUe prettiest ChRTSTM AS OOOns la town. JU 18 tf , ' . rj YATES1 BOOK 8TOIIX. Ill ..NO IV READY Tirfc NFW EDITION or A'. WORCESTER'S i ' QACItOlCTIOSlBT "VtriH'BUPPLEMEHT, ti ' UbPfvpy Steep, $10. Beadrs and StudenU of all claaaM wfll find it supe lor to any other Dictionary OjSfeST n questions of Orthofraphy and Pronunola TiVrarded by Scholars In both America sad Km JUr land as the tttandard Aothoritf. Vootahas thonarmda of wards ot to 'no1 -any other Duttionary. Eicoels all other works in the ooropW!""" vocabulary. , Supplementary to the enral rorabulary r . jraluable Arttcles, Lists, Roles, Tables, el rribe Pronunciation: Etymolocy And DeflnttU f lt oT9T 115,000 words are correctly siren. Ilmbrao1.0W toyat rK. ?"7? k 1,100 illustrations and four illuminated pu Tie JM tno i mvuiuiviiuvu - - - . 1 .... . mt tadaes as UM oea ,tf ry of tbe Euaiuh Lanmiaire. AtttdenU Of aWclaaaea wfll find th spectal I ldl ry tlonal matter of teat yalue and pracUcal uf IlecidAdly th moat satWaotory rrnan.r 1 work of lU klnd. IjfustraUonS ae Introduced llbrrally throub"ut the work. -m m . Challenire'oottiprison with aay work of Ilk cha Vraeter. ' J ' rHhe Sopplenlent plaoes It In advance of all wtb A.;. similar works. JOTw ktod Independent of all seota, parties, and ldfcr cracies of every kind. A nAttrn4bat- la eaaentlal to a Pianoar j Unabridjjed DlcUonary Tfew Words to the extent ot tbonaanda can AH founU explained only in Its pa H Tooabwiarv of Pymwymea of Si.OOO wordi b Ji feature of tbe new edition. CVH!won umw vl eaifcion I la Ue SUTueaa win. , i u are lnrlt at any Bookstore. . i j! . sort SALE BY ALL BOOKSKLLKHS. LTPPIKCOTT & CO., Publuhw h PHTLADELPHIA ' TH.E;LANDMARK. It ! MTTStl K1 AT ryATESVILLE, IREDELL CO.. N. C J' ... -IS THE XWiiiff Kewipaper ;Wettern Iort . s 'i , Carolina. it Is ttf ohly. DemweraUo rarr rWI Iw4ell Coonty-oae of the lanreat fJZ cosnties In the BUvte and baa attained J7Z local clronlstlow tkaaany saaw ever hrrruM published In the county. , , RSwsaa5K Bo rrr. Rowan and westeraMeoklenburjf. Jit) 3'U;1, u.Ja' P.-J1BS t U tbe only rjnpartn .V : tks system a rr pldljr lnevaasm csroulatw" -T g BEST APT ajri'lSINd tfTDIOM IN w Addrea,,1lf,:;rno 'C- Furniture Dealers.' oaexs ct w mi J1-1! w)Ct et and Front BU.' deO 4 tf Noi -If t K: 71

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