; ; JI?KI(I$aXBS : Alf NOUNC3EOTEJrr. -" ' THE MORNING STAR,7tie oldest dally news i a per in North Carolina, is published daily, except Monday, at $7 00 per year, $4 00 for six months, $2 85 for three months, $l O0 tor one month, to mail subscribers. Delivered to city subscribers at the rate of 15 cents per week for any period from one week to one year. j iTHK WEEKLY STAB la published every Friday morning at $1 50 per year, $1 00 for six months, 60 cents for three months.; - i i AD VERTISENO RATES' (D AIL T). One square one day, f 1 00r two days,i 7&: tnreeaays, skou ; four days, $300; five days, $3 50; one week, $400; two weeks, $6 50 ; three weeks $8 50; one month, $1000; two months, $17 00; three months, $94 00;: six months, $40 00; twelve months, $00 GQ. -i Ten 'ATI anhmracements of Fair.' Festfv&lsP Balls.' Bops, Pio-Nies, Society Meetings, Political Meet ings, Ac, will be charged regular advertising rates. 'Notices under head of "C5ty Items" 30 cents per ime for first insertion, and 15 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. : No advertisements inserted in Local Column at any price, i ; I Advertisements inserted once a week in Daily will be charged $1 00 per square for each insertion'. Bvery other day, three fourths of daily rate. Twice a week, two thirds of daily rate. ; Notices of Marriage or Death. Tribute of Re spect, Resolutions of Thanks, fcc, are charged for as ordinary advertisements, but only half rates when paid for strictly in advance. At this rate 50 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Marriage or Death. Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will be charged extra. : according to the position desired. Advertisements on which no specified number of insertions is marked will be continued 'till for bid," at the option of the publisher, and charged up to the date of discontinuance. Advertisements discontinued "before the time contracted for has expired, charged transient tes for time actually published. . Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements jne dollar per square for each insertion. An extra charge will be made for double-column or triple-column advertisements. f Advertisements kept under the head" of "New Advertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. J All announcements and recommendations of candidates for office, whether in the shape of innvmunloJitinnR or otherwise, will be chareed as J A-t " placed oyer a nation of whites is the. j most oiamning curse . to wmcu maiig- nant victors yeraoomea tue fraiH quished.? f Gddiiare 'reland $ thjsj cur8el : . A rl H ' Bemiitances must be made by Check, Draft. Postal Money Order, Express, or in Registered fitter. ' On v nih rmita.nua will hA fit t.fm risk of t.h -nnhlifihAT- Communications, unless they eontain bnpor- tf real interest, are not wanted : and. If accept Khle in everv other wav. thev will tnvn.'rlAhlv no iably rithhe sverv other wav. thev rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to ex ceed their space -or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra charge at transient rates. Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. Known parties, or strangers . with proper reference, may pay monthly or quar terly, according to contract. Advertisers should always specify the issue or issues they desire to advertise in. Where no is sue Is named t.h u1vprtnsmnt. will he Inserted in the Daily. Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement is in, the proprietor will only be responsible for the mailing of the paper to his ad dress. t The Morning Star. - By WILLIAM H. BERNARD. ' , WILMINGTON, N. C. 4 - ; . Saturday Morning, Jan. 7, 1882. KARL DERBY AND IRELAND. Earl Derby is not happy in his comparison in his recent speech. He points to the way the North dealt with the South in the war of the States as the way for England to deal with Ireland. The cases are not parallel. The two Governments are ?not the same. Is Ireland the equal of England, under the Government - as it is ? Who will say so ? Is Ire land endeavoring to withdraw, peace- t ablv if it can. but otherwise at. t.Ti ; cannon's mouth ? The South eleven independent, sovereign Common : wealths the equal every way of the i NorthernStates, sought to withdraw, holding that, according to the Con : stitution, it had a right to do so. j The argument will be found in Bled ; soe's masterly work, in Stephens's ; history and Jefferson Davis's able volumes. Lord Derby would do well to read up. But we are not surprised at his ignorance of the whole subject . .when he reads, doubtless, only what 1 the North has written. The historical nitea ui mat section are eitner wilful blunderers or ignorant preten ders. They do not tell the truth about the causes of the war, the events of the war or the results of the war. They falsify the facts and conceal mucli that ought to be known There is scarcely an exception , to this sweeping charge. The Northern papers the best of them never tell the truth when they write of the war. If they have the necessary information they withhold it purposely from their readers. That the South under the constitution had the right to secede is just as plain to the honest student of history as that the thirteen colonies obtained their independence of Great Britain. Earl Derby has just such an understand ing of the contest as he has received from the ex parte statements of un truthful historians and unfair partisan writers for the public journals. Hence his very ridiculous compari son in his recent speech at Liverpool. He proposes to whip Ireland first and then to deal with it in the lamb like style with which the triumphant Nnrtrr! Tim me ueieatea south. As sincere friends of Ireland we mustxpress the wish that no war of devastation shall be visited upon it, and that no hordes of hungry- and dilapidated English carpet-baggers shall come down upon it "like a wolf on the fold." May a kind Provi dence spare Ireland tho experiences, wrongs, numiliations, arid robberies THE DANGER OF IttOBlcAW Crime is increasing daily, and 1vnfihinM :arr r becoininff "more" fre- cjueni ylefjioH w not stop paroooiHg-nmwaiSy 'aaatf and Solicitors do 'hot ceaseW sign petitions the whole eoui-tf business will be brought into such utter eon-, tempt that people -will cease ta look for a proper punishment of .winfcv. The danger of banging; or arresting xl j T.- ,1 T L ' Lllc wiuujj man uiiuci o uugc -uy uyii o system cannot be overestimated. Jtt has happened in ..this country that under the mob system men h&ve been Dersecuted for opiriion's sake and not" for crime merely. Lawless outbreaks may occur when the offence is immorality or political opinion. The Philadelphia American notes and says: ' 'Joseph Smith was lynched at Itauvoo fnr t.TiA irimn f4 Ytenntr a. fSevrmrm anH tyipti were punished in this way during the anti- t i ae . t. ? stiavcxy aiutuuu lur tuts uaxeiictj ui JJCiiig Abolitionists. In fact, any act which ex cites popular feeling in a very high degree may cause these lawless outbreaks in a com munity in which the principle of respect for law is not of the strongest. This time, it is a. hantpr in TTanRAS wnn has haA a narrow escape from a violent" death; The "man is banixupt, hut popular suspicion stigmatized perty from his creditors, Thereupon he was seized and kept for days in illegal custody, being constantly threatened with the halter if he did not confess. Such a story is dis graceful to the State and its authorities." jThe Stab deprecates a resort to lynching in all cases where the crime can be punished bylaw. It is better to give sconntirels a trial by jury, but if the Court is corrupt or incapable then it is time enough for the other court that of Judge Lynch to in terfere. If you begin to take the law into your own hands the danger is that it will be abused by punishing the innocent or punishing men who make themselves odious simply. But say what the papers may the South ern people will hang the rascals who commit rape upon white women. Death, sure and swift, is the penalty for that crime. to crime, impairs the safety of human hf ef and o property, and ; works uijr w a ) jb w n vr 111 . iitfSf' uu w u unci - , ik'tf specify or elaBorateft DjowV wi4.u Buouune-man power. question,- though if is inevitable" that parties snouta enaeavor w pui mem " i lea-uxnii thpopuiaKfide Jn-sa,ny 4uHc -cdntrtfv ersy( Thi Btrengthpf , the Jopiadeiiarandia.ihis ddse is CnV dicaed W thb f aft that the M Representative Orth made a state ment which shows how short a lease bn h bho'rs7h"a' ;ve" most Soliictans7 Thev oblalt pce nyaryecrlbj Kgewbbieg!Cwa presently. Ho.w ver spmacp .generaiyoi ine, proxegsipnai ; politician i:hQ?e grub comeaby f? ular f f dvor. i- Mr. f: Orth: ; has ben itf the Hbuse f 6r fgtt&a4bbe are hut two ; otbeyPpBblicans1 who the. :? Congress. He . made another statement, c that; holds-; out but; little cpmfo-khowMg that the chief legis lation of the country is done through' Committees, f. He said wjth ; ; on'e : ex-; ceptioa he was the only member of his party in the House who. Kid ever ' served as chairman of a committee. . The new Republican chairmen 'are green hands and the mikV of them will prove failures we have no doubt to the detriment of the country. Dr. HV: M. Miller, ex-United States Senator from Georgia, a man of genuine eloquence, as we can bear witness, is a pronounced Iridepen det. We are afraid he is what you might call a disappointed politician. He ig exerting himself to break; ujp the grand old party whose banner he upheld and for whom we onoe heard him make a very impressive and ani mated speech. He thinks Dr. Fel ton, a recent convert from Democra cy to Republicanism, will be the In dependent Pftndidte, Tourgee is right, and he knows what he is mj ing when be declares that this Inde pendent movement in the South so called is Republicanism,and nothing else. ALMANACS. We have received so many Alma nacs for 1882 that we cannot under take to mention all. Three we may mention. .The New Orleans Demo crat sends a beautifully printed and illustrated Almanac, containing a hundred pages, we suppose, but they are not numbered. Messrs. Edwards, Broughton & Co., of Raleigh, send' us a neatly printed "North Carolina Baptist Al manac," edited by Rev. C?T. Bailey, and calculated by Prof. W. G. Sim mons, of Wake Forest College. It will prove useful and interesting to Baptists. The Baltimore Sun Almanac, like the previous issues, is tasteful, use ful and all compact with information. It contains seventy-five closely print ed pages. The Atlanta Constitution has a very deserved contempt for those self-appointed patriots who are try ing to save the country, Georgia is threatened more than any other Southern State, we apprehend, with a Mahone movement. The Constitu tion says: There has been much said in the North ern press and in the South about the effect of the snccess of General Mahone in Vir finis on the Indenendenta nf nther fttntoa there is scarcely a 8tate in the South that has not one or two cheap heroes who are willing to be used as Mahones. They are just about as useful, too, in politics, as a bung would be to a cooper who was in a hurry to make a barrel' The regular Democrats in the New York Legislature insist upon Mr. Jacobs as temporary President of the Senate. Kelly says he will none of J acobs, but will agree to the regular nominees for Speaker and Clerk of the House. On this issue a split seems inevitable. What a wise set are those ( New York Democrats. What difference can it make to the interests of the people or party whether Jacobs is temporary Presi dent or not? 'rti.A -naOrtiaa Ka-id viArll wif.k raih -other in their formal 'declarations in recognizing and promising to meet .jtrPFof esmon8 of this Tki nare--apt to bejdelnsiyebpt when ,theyjeome from MM siae JtheV: ffbrdsome not be dealt with in ' p'artteatt'Spirit . fgfiin,t450 ;ahd any attempt to go t jfaV in putting ?thetao under nrestrictioriH would! be li$pyifa$fx6 defeat HhctioW ihkt fbugnti'tb r O rf tnm vvl X alt i 4- ti -v-nmr - net Njt Times itev, -. V-a --' I ' OITR SXAM! COJrrEHIIRABIES. ' Theefenees in, Aihsoniicountyi are 'Jo-day iwbrtbi more than the stock-thiee times as much; at the loWest calculation, They have, tohOTftTlftilvH vllH7- VPftir , TlwflAftm-mal raJ'- ':. pairs , amount; in about! three yearsr toi the- ari enormous tax upon the people,- and f or : it' there ; is ;no return no recompense. It is only; a precaution that one man must take to insure his Drnnertv from destmntiin hvi "the property of another. -Is such a state of affairs ust and right? Wadethoto Intm gencWr . : ;p"Spea1cifff of the producttonrofwlne in -this section,- he aysh -iA Germarf, Froe liche by name, . to whom, w gave the pre-: wine, told me that he could make 2,000 gali lans to the acre of this wine as easily as he could 400 gallons in Germany, and that he could sell it for twenty-five cents a gallon at a profit." And further he" says : "Col. YVftarton Green, who has a vineyard of ISO acres neais Fayettevllle, told me that he had realized nearly $4,000 last year from four acres of the older part of hjs vineyard." General CHngman estimate- that "North Carolina eould spare jJQ. 000 square miles of land for the cultivation of grapes (two and a half times the area devoted to that indus try in France) and still have enough left for other necessary productions. Not a doubt of it. Here in Cumberland county one or two hundred thousand acres can be spared to grape culture without detriment tq our ptl4er industrial pursuits. Fayette- Of the thirty-five prisoners in the Clarksville (Arkansas) jail, eleven are charged with murder in the first degree. Judsre R. W. Huches. nf t.Ke Eastern District of Virginia, is mentioned as me Minor 01 a new iteaajuster organ that will be started in Lynchburg on February 1. j3 1 f' & fe ; w-iifiSk-. ft r Jf .v. fl-?.. .- 32 1LARKET STREET. ! f4 - - - j - - - -- i ! p' . QAJLL AT EOSKNTHAL'S AND EXAMINE THE Shoes for the Gentlemen. Boota .for. tbe Hen. . . .... : ' " Boots for 'tie Boya. ' J Shoes for the If bae.:. : : Shoes for the Babies. : Boots and Shoes for the Million. : ,A11 at the lowest prices. Gents1 Fine Iland-Made fiboes a Speoiaky. Paiiiiljr ' - - - .3; , . - 6roceries BVKItY VKkk ' : ' ' .... ' OF THE ClipnrEST SELECTTONs THE LOWEST ruiCRH. mi lilUAsU m, misf) mm I oct 80 tf C. BOSENTHAL, 82 Market Street. Backachffi'Soteness pf Hi CheMj Goaf, Quinsy , Sore Throat, Swellings and , Sprains, Burns and $caase .'I V Gwfd Bodily Pains, Tc Ear and tieatfach) Frosted Feet and Ears, and aft other Pains v and Aches. reparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as ; , "wre, vimpZe and clieap External Remedy. ;f entails but the-comparatively rlfline outlay t'rnta, and every one suffering with pain i ATe tiheap and poritive proof of its claims. . : i octforts fa Eleven Languages. .3- i LL PBtTagtSTS AST) DEALEE8 IS MEDIOTNIS. ; i, VOGEIER Ac CO., Je 10 D&WlT UttUlntnr-f, Itfd., TT. S. JL Lb well Hachine Shop, .Lowell, Mass. MAlTOFACTUBERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON HACHIHEHY Of most Approved Patterns and with Recent ImproTements. Paper Machinery ALSO TtJBBINE WHEELS Shafting and Gearing, Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevator, dc.. PLAN8 FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS C. L. HILDRETH, Snpt, LOWELL, MASS. mhStf WM. A. BURKE, Treas., 23 Stfte Street, Boston. One of the drawbacks of married life is -the sickness of the little ones. For a cold or cough you cannot find a better remedy than Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Nearly all physicians prescribe it, and no family should be without it. f HORNER SCHOOL, Not only has Gen. Grant done a decent and just act, although after nineteen years of cruel wrong, in justifying the action of the gallant and capable Gen. Fitz John Porter, but he asks President Arthur to do what he acknowledges he ought to have done whilst President. The letter of Maj. Gen. Alfred A. Terry, who was of the Schofield board of inquiry, will be read with interest. It is manly though late. He admits he had done Gen. Porter great injustice. The files of the Star show a - half dozen or more editorials in vindication of Gen. Porter. We take pride in tbe record. All we contended for is at this late day confirmed amply by Generals Grant and Terry. Gen. Porter was a Democrat, and was victimized therefor. That is about the size of it. For nineteen long years a brave and true soldier has been resting under an infamous, charge, and has been wronged cru elly by being dismissed from the army. He ought to be restored with all of his back pay attached. that the Souih has known ! 1 Jtfayjno ignorant, f " superstitious, degraded race be ever placed " over the Irish to control andeggar them if they tfffWSand in the agomes -isgreaf revolution. To oaa enough. To have ' a' subject raw inferior 1 hi" everjr particular, Mr. Orth, of . Indiana, has intro duced a bill in the House to change the manner of appointing the com mittees. He makes the point that the one-man power is always danger ous and-in conflict with the princi ples of a republican government." True as words of Holy Writ, The Star has said that very thing many, many times. No man living is fit to be entrusted L with such despotic ' powers. Mr. Orth complains of the way tbe one-man power is exercised v "tpmuog oi ine iouse com mittees. The Stab has been warring against the one-man power, and will continueto lllinst iti because it interferes with the due operations of Uw reverses the verdict i of courts, Jkds : out hoesfcsaf etyt to crimi nals, f urnishesinducementB therebv The New York banks are in gene ral good health according to the re port of Superintendent Hepburn. The private banks, subject to no examina tions, do half the business, according to a statement quoted by tbe New York Times. That paper adds: "Thlfl fifA.tPTTIPnt.wU1 ho QUPnrotnrr persons, and it Will suggest the propriety of both relieving the 'regular banks' from their unjust burdens and c bringing the 'private banking interest' under a proper regulation auu supervision. THE PERIODICALS. . N. C. Home Magazine for December con tains a good deal of matter, original and selected. It has an over-supply of trashv stories. It contains departments devoted to mining, fashions, farming and the house hold. Published by Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McLaughlin, Salisbury. Price $1 a year. Blackwood' 8 Edinburgh Magazine for De cember is an interesting number. The ar ticles are The Fixed Period, Part III; A Few French Novels; The i Adventures of a War Correspondent; Decoys and Decoying; The Boers at Home Jottings from the Transvaal; The fieeret of the Stradivarius ; Words of Wisdom from oethe; The Ca nonization of Cobden. i If limited to one magazine we should say give us Blackwood. Price $4 a year. The Leonard Scott Pub lishing Company. V . ii dBMh 1 CURRENT COMidtElTT. The tariff imposes a duty of OXFORD,N.C. THE NEXT SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL WILL J- begin the Second Monday in January. For circular, friving terms aad other particu lars, apply to the principals. decDatawswnu J' &A C' UOER Lynch School, Hlgli Point, N. C. , MAJ. WM. BINGnAM LYNCH, A. M. REV. J. B. RICHARDSON. A. M. The senior proprietor, for fifteen years a pro prietor of the Bingham School , established the Lynch School to reduce the expenses of a tho rough education to lowest rates. No Military. Spring Session begins January J8th. For terms address . MAJ. W. B. LYNCH uoo i ( uoaws w lm sa For Sale, rpWENTY i THOUSAND TONS FERTILIZERS1' embracing ACID PHOSPHATE, DISSOLVED BONES, A.M3IONIATED FERTILIZERS, and GERMAN POTASH SALTS (KAEMTT). I am prepared to offer o the Wholesale and Re teU Trade, the above, at different Ports, both lwriuwiu ooum, at prices u compete with other Manufacturers. Special offers will be made to Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the Back and Ride. There U nothing more painful than theae diseases) but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. remedy la not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away; from Are er heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experl ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, It never f ai Is. It not only effects a permanent euro, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe in the hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Paw Kount would All volumes. The following extrauts from letters received show wha those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About yaar since my wife bscarns subject tojejere suffering- from rheumatism. Our rasortwaato tbe Paix Khucb, which speedily "Si, ffiir18 1116 gaUor' I hmd been mfflMiwI Hn .. atweatminster Ucplt&l gye up my cue m strengtt, and am now able to foltowmy A HAPPY NEW YEAE I TO OUR MANY :e-Tie, ousts, who bestowed such LIBEEAL PATRONAGE ! upon us tho year past, AND WHOSE FUTURE ORDERS WILL 1BE PROMPTLY FILLED At Our Wholesale Grocery, at tbe s Southeast Corner of Front and Dock Streets. Adrian & Vollers. Jan 1 tf PURCELL HOUSE UNDER MEW MANAGEMENT, ' Wilmington, i. v B. 1,. Perry, t. . todytu'"' Insurance Iloom, BANK OF NEW HANOVER Iini'iwv WUmiagu.n, N. ( . fire, Marine and Life Com AffteCIl.nt.,, ()V(.r lwjft (i; Fire Insurance. JIVERPOOL & LONDON A GLoi'.K (,K AsseU over Ho.ooo.ao oo Agricultural, of New Turk--Awu , VlnrlnU Flro A Marino, of R, hmiin(1 AjKietn over pm.aio no Rochester Ocnuan. of New York. Amc-U $.V)1,07 00 Merchant, A Mwhanlr.f Kl. hm.,,,,1 Axwti, -no Columbus Insurance A HunkmcC, .of MUu.,,,,, AHeU iay,.4( KT. octtfNO H' " Bank of New Hanover. Author-Lied. Capital. Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Pond, 1,000,000 1300,000 S50.001 gIS? New River Mullets. fin tft UK wvUa. i T zrT ti -. ... aside by the use of your Paw Ktt.i.itb E. York says: sad have received great benefit meet the views of large buyers. Address, , PERRY M. DaLEON Manufacturer and Importer Fertilizers, a - W Broadway, N. Y. Southern QfQce. 1(M Bay Street, Savannah, Qa. sept 16 eod4m fr su tu STtcl, PEIIS Sample box, different styles of Perry's fenortaial by inafl, on receipt of 26fcen Ivlson, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., YORK. your Pain En.ua for rheumatisni. Barton 8eaman antra Hsye used Pain Killxk for thirty years, Mr. Burditt writes : n'!iit?.g1v Uef m cswof rhexmistlsm. PliU. irabert, Somerset, Pa., writes: . iwe, I know your Pa Kiuii is the best medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Ktllkb, its price Is so low that it is within the reach of all, and It wiu save many times Its cost In doctor bills. SJfe SOc and 9LOO a bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietor, Providence, R. . nov 1 DiWSm nrm Oats. Oats. Oats. 2000 BUsrT REDRTTsTpRoF and BLACK SEED OATS. Low figures in car lots. PRESTON CUMMTNG A CO Millers and Grain and Peanut Dealers Jan 1 tf A Xmas Present for All. JJ LEG ANT CELLULOID SETS. SPLENDID Florence and other Mirrors. Nice Wall-pockets for Combs and Brushes, Mcllhenny's Improved Farina, Hoyt's, Forest Flowerv and other Cele brated Cologne Waters. Hair Brushes and Combs in rreat variety. A complete line of Toilet Soaps, Powders, Puff Boxes, o. Handkerchief Extracts .of various kinds, and an endless variety of Nice Little Presents for Xmas, all of which will be sold at reduced prices by m JOHN K. McILHENNY, , 1Q Druggist and Pharmacist, dec 18 tf Cor. M&rkfit. anH Vmn a. Sugar, Goflfee, Flour. 4Q Bbls C and Ex C SUGAR, 100 Ba?S COrFEE a11 grades, 1 90A Bbls FLOUR, aU grades, JIM V J jan 5 tf 0 Bbls. NEW MULLETS, 300 Doz LAROE ROK For sale by HALL & PEARSALL, oct 88 DAW tf DIIIECTORH : W.LGORK. c. M.tTKUm G. W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC BATIS. DONALD McRAE JA8. A. LEAK. H. VOLLERH, F RIIKINnn R. R. BR IDG ERA, K. B. lkJUDK. J. W. ATKINSON, CIIA8. M. 8TEDMAN, IT.llm ISAAC BATES, Vice lYr.ldent. 8. D. Wallace, Cashier. aQ( & f JNCOURAGE HOME INSTITTTlc rS'H Security Against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOITIK INSIJltANCK COIIM. V, RALEIGH. N. C. ThL Company continues to write )o!.ii!i falr rates, on all clasaex of Insarahli- profK-ri ....A.'""0" re Promptly adJusUnl Hnd j.nld HOME" is rapidly rrowing In public fmcr appeals, with confldenm;, to Insurrr of pr..ii In North Carolina. r Afrents in all parts of tho Stale at JOHN GATMNO, 1'rm.l.lcnl W. 8. PRIMI NK, Hooretary PULASKI COWPKK, SutKTvlH..r ATKINSON A MANNIN(i, Akp.t au l-2m WUmlnirtoB. N c THE M0ZAET SALOON! - Everybody Says 'The Old Reliable !" J)ISPENSES ONLY THE FINEST WINES AND AH the Novelties In Liquid Refreshments put on sale promptly. Polite and attentive Aaaiatantji tn v.it nn ..o rons. ' J. H.'Mamm A Co.'s Extra Dry Champarne and Heldseick A Co.'s celebrated Dry Monopole Champairne, as well as Bass A Co.'s Pale Ale and wuumesa- ionaon stout iorter, my own Importa tion, alwavs on hand. Durin the season tbe best New River Oysters served raw, or prepared in any style by compe tent caterers, can be had. Pool and Billiard Rooms up stairs. Give me a call. Y" ATES HAS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT and the prettiest CHRISTMAS (HK)I)S In town dec 18 tf YATKS' IKXK STORK. dec 7tf JOHN HAAR Jr., Proprietor. For sale by KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS. Jy 29 2tawly tu fr WILMINGTON & WELDON, B. R. CO., ; Office of Secretary and Treasurer, Wilmingrton, N. C, Deo. 84,1881. Teal, Bacon, Bice. 400 Bas wterGroand"v"A- At. Boxes Smoked and D. S, SLDIS, 3Q Bbls choice RICE, , For sale bv' . i jan 8 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. SCHUTTE'S CAFE, No. 3 GRANITE ROW, FROST STREET. HPHE UNDTCRSTflVTrn TTi Mmvn i c . -L IONABIRKTAimAOT a. ai. prepared to furnish Meals at all hours of the day "P c1,00, at nhrht. Special arranemBU made for Board by the day, week or month. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LA- .ALS ?rant hM. bee." needed v.ViSTi.MU ptwiHwo io Buppiytbe want. M3le ? PP"ed with the IbEST of this and other markets, and Game and other Delica cies in season. J35TMeai!L!,lt Private residenoes by wa-ron dellv1edhha Whereb F. A. BC'H'IJ'ITK .tNw2- SSF"?'8 SEASIDE PARKPHOTEL, ft618 open round for Transient and Permanent Boarders, nov 23 tf Bice! Bice! Bice! PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS WILL NOTICE twenty-eifirht dollars rier ton steel rails -manufactured in Europe, and this duty is "prohibitory, few or none beino; imported.' If these rails could be imported, duty free, they luiiwsuou w-ine raiiroaus at thirty-two dollars er ton. "Motr if they are imported at all, they are sold J.W sixty uuuars per ton, of which twenty-eight dollars go into the Treasury-of theTJnited States. The Ameri can manufacturer sells his rails at th. same price, and as he riavs nr A n the twenty-eight dollars which the uovernmeni aoes - not get goes into his pockets, and thus increases the cosi, oi railways.; ; lnis is a good thing5 for the manufacturer, but the HwxnaiQ or tne people is none the less. AmerUcmJist&yJjem. thatf the J. railroad rtiom this ouumti '. uvf, oe maqe a -party DIVIDEND OF THREE PER CENT. ON THE Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Weldon Pall- road Company will be paid on and after the44th January, 1882. to all who are Stockholders' of re cord on the Books of th Company on the 31st instant ?. W., THOMPSON J 7 ' dec 25 td Review copyi, Sec'y and Treas Corn, Oats, Hay. 300 BagS Whlte aDd 141x64 CORN. 2QQ Bags Black Mix. OATS, O Car Loads choice TIMOTHY HAY. : , in small bales, For sale by Jan frtf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS tl. aiaiway8 Prepared, to pay the best mar- v- vc iw nra, or will Ben on COI now ki:aiy the new edition or WORCESTER'S qaorto mwum WITH SUPPLEMENT, Library Mi cop, $10. Writers, Iatipm and HtodrnU of all rlw UI find it RUpcrir to any other IMct lunar; On questions of Orthography and Pronunitil" it is anrl vailed. Eenrded by Soholani in both Anu'rlraaxid liiir land as the Standard Authority . Contains thousand of wjrd not to bo found In any other Dictionary. TJIxcels all othor works In the comph-loncM nf IU vocaouiary. Supplementary to tho reneral vocabulary w valuable Articles, Lists, Rules, Tallies, rtr The Ironunolation, Ktyrooiocy and Iw-flnlllon nf over HS.OrjO words are comH'tly irlven. Embraces 2,0(58 royal quart pa-es. with vrr 1.100 illustrations and four lllumlnsted plf Recommended in the stronret terms by the moot competent Jtidires sji the iwst I (let Ion. ry of the English LaruruiMrn. Students of all classes will And the siktIsI ddl tlonal matte'1 of great ralue and pnw-tleal u Decidedly the muU aaUsfacUtry snd rellsMr' work of Its kind. r lustrations are intrrKlurod liberally t)imu-ti"ul the work. Challerure comparison with any work of llkr ohs racter. The 8upplorocnt places It In ad vanre of n other similar works. Ts Independent of all socU. psrtlos, snd ldlr" shipments they snayenUust to-vs. WW. v v v yt W VI J . .... ' , --m-s- III I US IlslltilSr l USal. BJ f.TrVV- II LlJa.1 M SB, ' AAinvnleisrlfvM I wv a ... Vvuuiivu U17 1 , j unaoriairea iicvionarr sept 90 Cm RY BISCHOFF A CO., Beef! Beef! TO THINK: ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EiRLY , ; J, Blinils, BRACKETS, JCOULDINa, ;LCMBER, Ac, Ac. Jan 1 , ALTAFFER. PRICE A CO. For the Hewi Year's RADEJ WE ARE REEIVrNG. iBX EYKRY teame many ijptJbds td itfup o s5ckbf ware, Tinware an. Croekery. CaUd wensif in need of any goods m theeSamelf " Jan 1 tf - : - SKaV06"' ! Janitr 88 A 40 Murchlson Block. Salt. Fish. 2000 "VERPOOL SALT, QQ Bbls choice MILErs 2 Half Bbls No. ft MACKEREL, . , . For sale by Jan 5 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS.B 0 YOU LIKE GOOD BEEF? Then come tn TU rtatnly rely on getting the Also, aU lovers of FINE VEAL will do well vxi m x ucbusjb, inursaays ana Saturdays. . W. W. CA1IPRK OT 15 tf Citizens' Market. N A E ew Words to the extent of thousand can w found explained only in Its patres vocabulary of Synontmes of 8noo word. I fen turn of the new edition. evlewers have uniformly commenil-d the new i edition in -the highest terms. . rou are Invited to examine and test uie w. , at any Bookstore. FOR SALE BY ALL ROOKHKIXEim J. A UPPIHCOTT & CO., Publisher!, PHILADELPHIA. THE LANDMARK XT' stock of Hardware of every description. A WORD 0 fhJSSi00011-, We ara Prepared to make 210,,? Prices. Gaarantee goods and prices in all instances, " WM. E. SPRINGER A OO. . , Successors to Jno. Dawson A Co., Jan 1 tf 19, 81 A S3 Market ku Powder. Powder. I A A KEGS ALL GRADES - - A w w For sale by deo4 tf HAZARD POWDER, : , W1LLARDS, . NortA WsAer Street. lilSINQ OTTA AARGE AlSjl?011 credit, the new FurnitiQ Stow? -fe12 MUNKOE, 8. JJ. Co Market--l8,te'"wdnlln?toniN- - desires toSi the same low for jasn, Ask than no craestfons their object; " jsjitf ;1 AA-BnihetoOOTTOir SEED, , i dec 4jtf i WILtARDS,; . North Water Street. PUBLISHED AT STATES VILLE, IREDELL CO . N ( Leading Newspaper In Western North Carolina. It Is the only Democratic Paper published J" Iredell County one of the lanrt and wealth w-" nonntiea in th Rtat mnA hu attained s IsT local ctrcnlatlon than any paper ever hereMort published in the county. Its clrmUMnn In 11nr Wllkea AslV rhany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is Urpr that of any two papers tn the Htate emhlned,."" to rapidly aoqb4n a stronf foothold In Konrrt"' Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburit Itlat)uinnlnnrfn XPmmtmnt North Csrnlln that employs a lUouusCisrtwis At- , thus keep constantly before the peopl- '""1 this system a rapidly increasing circulation is result, making tne Lakdhask. jT THE BEST ADYXBTtSINO MEDIUM T5 WP" ERN NORTH CAROLINA. Addresa WLAIfDM,RS"c

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