: THE MORKTNG STAB, the oldest daily news paper in North Carolina, is publishpd daily, exoept Monday, at $700 per year, f 00, lor six months, $2 25 for three months. $1 04 for,, one month, to mail subscribers. Delivered: to city subscribers; at the rate of 15 cents per .week; for any period from one week to one year,',t thr wwwitt.v 5taw la ihHshi every Friday , morning at $1 SO per year, $i 00 for bIx months, 50 r cejiis tor luree muiiLus. ADVERTISING RATES 0AiXYne snuare : One day, $1 00 ; two days, $1 Itr, three days. 8 50 ; . four days, $3 00 ; five days, S SO ; one week, $400; two weeks, $6 50: three weeks $a 50.j one Jnvpttth, $1000 ; two months, $17 00 ; three oatteL $200 ; six months, $40 00 ; twelve months, f6d0. 'Ten lines of solid Nonpareil type wmknmtg!mB5?mr AIL announcements of Fairs, Festivals Balls, Hops, Pic-NieS, Society Meetings, Political Meet ings, Ac, will be charged regular advertising rates. Notices under head fcf ."City Items" cefttspw line for first Insertion, and 15 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. No advertisements inserted in Local Column t any price. Advertisements inserted once a week in Daily will be charged $100 per square for each insertion. Every other day, three fourths of daily rate Twice a week, two thirds of daily rate. Notices of Marriage or Death, Tribute of Re; spect. Resolutions of Thanks, e., are charrea for as ordinary advertisements, but only half rates when paid for strictly in advance. At this rate 50 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Marriage or Death. Advertteemejits to follow reading matfer.'orTto occupy any special place, will be charged extra according to the position desired. a rirortWtnents on which no specified number of insertions is marked will be continued "till for bid," at the option of the publisher, and charged up to the date of discontinuance. Advertisements discontinued before the time contracted for has expired, charged transient ates for time actually published. Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements one dollar per square for each insertion. An extra charge will be made for double-column or triple-column advertisements. "Advertisements kept under the head of "New Advertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. All announcements and recommendations tof candidates for office, whether in the shape of sommunications or otherwise, will be charged as advertisements. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft Postal Money Order, Express, or to Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. Communications, unless they contain impor tant news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted ; and, if accept able in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to ex ceed their space or ad vertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra charge at transient rates. Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. Known parties, or strangers with proper reference, may pay monthly or quar terly, according to contract. Advertfsera should always specify the issue or issues they desire to advertise in. Where no Is sue is named the advertisement will be inserted in the Dairy. -Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement is in, the proprietor will only be responsible for the mailing of the paper to his ad dress. The Morning Star. By WILLIAM H. BERNARD. WILMINGTON, Ar. C. Wednesday Morning, Jan. 18, 1882 an absurd criticism. John Ruskin is one of the greatest writers of the nineteenth century. He is doubtless one of the ten or twelve greatest prose writers of Great Britain. But as he has grown older he has become more eccentric than ever in his opinions and utter ances. Some time ago he wrote an eloquent criticism upon Wordsworth, one of the greatest of the nineteenth century poets, and one of the greatest of the second rank after Milton. Mr. Ruskin made him altogether a verv commonplace sort of writer, and de nied him but little if any genius. After thai absurd literary escapade we were prepared for any other heresy in letters he might choose to espouse. His latest is his attack upon the merits of George Eliot, and especially of her masterly work, "The Mill on The Floss," one of the most original and striking of the great novelist's works so fresh, so graphic, so rich in delineation of character, and in descriptions of natural scenery, and withal so beautiful and unique and full of concentrated power. Mr. Rnskin denies it all merit and makqs it one of the most absurd and paltry of works. Hear this pugnacious and. gifted old man as he mocks: "The 'Mill on the Floss' is perhaps the most striking instance extant of this study of cutaneous disease. There is not a single person in the book of the smallest im portance to anybody in the world but them selves, or whose qualities deserved so much as a line of printer's type in their description. There is no girl alive, fairly clever, half 'educated, and unluckily related, whose life -lias not at least as much in it as Maggie's, to be described and to be pitied. Tom is a clumsy and cruellout, with the making of better things in him (and the same may be said of nearly every Englingman. at present smoking and elbowing his way through the ugly world his blunders have contribu ted to the making of ;) while the rest of the characters are simply the sweepings out of a Pentonville omnibus." , This is very absurd swrely Bui Ruskin is not always so bad a Critic He has been writing,a series of pa pers on "Fiction, Fonl ahd Fair," in one of which the above onslaught on George Eliot occurs. Tke.burden.4f the discussion is Walter Scott, and that greatest of all novelists was never so ably, so penetratingly, so sympathetically treated befarl. He places the great Scotchman above all writers. For doing this we for give his failure to appreciate Words wcAMjhJCp oirjherFkM1 The worst critic who ever lived was Samuel Johnson. His judgments were genrfflly a1PwrtB as wrong could be He has bo rival in this re- 9i-mnWUiiMmg the ;bMtAeiry., men of , our, century JohnsonV rfiWa are laughed at ix tinuaU?.; miMf -deserve it rictyy. -Both-Jobjiaoft-And. Ruskin, argeat tnateddjy crotchet too of te. --'. . , -v. .... , . ' r A- navy is needed. The United. States must have on if it takes t&i yearn to build it. Grant's Secretary of the Kavy,?Secor' Robeson, wasted more than seventy-five million dollars i ,i vino- bia term M oftfte. as wA havf seen it mentioneofotr it wght a complete Wyin rll ibaijf forj 40,-' 000,000, but if the estimate is mat now it -will swell to at least $60,000, 000 before the job is done with: This leUtfw. Rbon ;fe.rawi!mWber or three onamUtees in thfiviloua jaoi.AhftrnHghi.Kj ly, Appropriations, Naval lAffairs and Expenditures in the Naval Depart ment. He-'isil iffce-MRr1'tdn5e trnstea "with" pwfct thalfmliy',atfect the navy very materially and not to its good, if we, may judge by hise- cord. The American Register thus refers to this New Jersey corrup tionist: ' 'As Secretary of the Navy he squandered many millions of dollars, And when ha re tired from tjie Cabinet, left us a navy that is the shame of America, and the laughing stock of the world. We do not pretend to say that the honorable gentteman was, or is, a, rogue, but we affirm that he has acquired a most unsavory reputation one that should make even a harlot blush. CKNTENARIAITS. "The "Wilmington Star says it would be safe to bet that there was not a manor woman in the State 105 years old; ' The Stab would lose its bet There is a negro man now livingih Rockingham county, who sold inRaleigh in March, 1838, to the father of Dr. Hay, of Winston, and the bill of sale given at the time gave his age as 55, making him now 109. years old. As it was not usual to represent slich property as older than it really was, wc take it that it is good documentary proof that old uncle George is as old, if not older than he repre sents himself." Winston Sentinel. We have many times at length given our reasons for disbelieving the thousands of wild reports con cerning very old people in theAmer ican newspapers. The proper evi dence is lacking. Wc would not lose our bet on the evidence given by the Sentinel. He was represented to be 55 years old at a certain date. This would prove nothing in a court. How is it that among the tens of thousands of Methodist preachers but one is known to have attained to the age of 100? How is it that not one of the British Peerage ever reached the age of 100? How is it that no English, European or Ameri can life insurance company ever paid a policy on a lile that had reached 100 years? When you find people reported to be 100 and upwards you may hesitate long to credit it until you have seen good and sufficient evidence to estab lish the fact beyond reasonable ques tion. They will turn out in nearly all cases like that fellow who came to New York from Europe nnd was feted because he was 115 years pld and was so hale and hearty. It was shown afterwards that he was but 86 years of age. He had been a soldier in the British army and his age was a matter of record. We believe no reports that are not substantiated by indisputable records as to birth. It is true our bump of credulity is not extremely large. If the l69 years of the Rocking ham negro can be proved so as to bear the utmost scrutiny, then Bar num would give him, we- have no doubt, $10j,000 to exhibit him for a few months. We would be willing to pay at the door to see any mortal who was really 109 years old. .We have seen a half dozen or more who claimed to be much beyond the 100th year, but there was no proper record no evidence to justify the claim. There is an old negro in Wilming ton who says he will be two hundred years old at his uext birthday. . A gentleman ? tells us of one who is either living now or was living a few years ago who assured him he remem bered well when Christopher Colum bus came over the ocean in search of new worlds, and that he saw him when he landed down about Bald Head or some other point not very distant from the mouth of the "rag ingGape Fean" Of course neither our friend nor ourselves pretend to avouch the truth of the old darkey's yarn. The old -fellow was about as hear the truth; however, 'as ' ,the 'bd negroes get generally when they tell of their, age J'; 'i. The Repi&5?j$a$S -seekers and. office-holder from North ; Caroiipa, hare been very numerous latterly in' Washington . Where the carcass of office is the vultures and the scaven gers will gathen .Tbe following from the Aittri&6w Register shows1 how the hunglry fellows had 'gatherftlj from every seetibn bf our-State'tb see what their share of the spoils' shall be: tunda of the Ebbitt House last; iWedoafflXyj evening, . Passing.thrpugh a crowd, we Ob served five gentlemen lalag; against 'a ol-; umn engaged in convereatieorwhen. .jrcry respectableleokmg'lored m&& joTtfedhe1 throng, i There was , general hand-shakihg with tbejiewlytarrivea delegate, when one' of the pale-f aces-exel aimed with great unc- true, the outlook hiozA wianW; the jdld NortfcSirttiihfcHW Radicalism this year Js noeof ihe -brightest. ce, with commendable find out more about tQ corrti the Sixt Dlstrictot ifrth Uarouaa- Senator rv a tbkt erk he introduced rejlu4y7Vi tion or inquiry, a urn on' irre-ngnt, and let the country know whether the abuses of -the officials are asrepre sented pVg is! W kmWamPoVA and unfartBfuldAilln 6ffifclals, and it ism mm Mt'mm mi overhauled in -their wickedness and . m'S ? LIS i A rascality, when they are guilty. ; We like, well directed zeai,--4ind,;we are not disposed; totshMd:ciimr.mMblio officials, whatever the; dollar they wear. By all - niearts 3et the delfn-; uehcies, abiises; corruptions and ex travagances, if there be such, in the; Sixths District, be probed to the I bottom. , .. The Jjouisville !tmriet-JaiirticU- the leading Democratic paper iir itS' :secti6ti-h4s this to say of thfiicheTnel of abolishing the internal revenue 1 which is such a favorite with the! Raleigh "organ:" - "Specious argumaitearo made1 by diaaaa goguesthat the tobacco tax is pla by the producer, but this is utterly, untenable. The farmers of Kentucky' bring-their to bacco to market; they nerwj meet a reve nue collector; they pay ao. taat upon their produee: and they have-. soM their rtobacco at higher prices" sihee'the tax has been im posed than before. This is the? whole test. The statistics of prices: settle the question that their ales have averaged; ; higher in- all markets since the internal, revenuesystem Was estublished thah vCT botef. The' re cords from the beginning of tb centory oh this point are indisputable, and will be free ly cited when necessary. It has. always been found that the agitation of ' the tax question is in jurious both to sellers of leaf and manufacturers, and this inconvenience will be attended with no . compensation to either class arising froiri cheapened prices for manufactured tobacco. " On Tth inst. he tax-payers of Burke county -aMembtedn in oorvTi tion at Morgantofn to consider the Western Railroad matters. The up shot of the convention was the pas sage of resolutions indorsing Senator VanCe's course and condemning the course of the owners of the Western North Carolina Railroad in refusing to pay the taxes due county arid State. It requests the State papers to copy the following : "Retolved, That it is the sense of the tax-payers of Burke county that what is known as the Best bill does, in plain En glish, require the owners of the Western North Carolina Railroad to pay State and county taxes on that part of their line lying in xur&e county. '."Besohxd, That we heartily endorse the action of the county commissioners in em ploying counsel to contest ne amntxmex empboa tram taxation made by the assignees of Best. CUItREXT COMMENT. ' This policy of "protecting" a half million of New England rich men, at the expense of forty-nine and and a half millions of other people, looks to ns like a good thing for the fewi but a little rough on the many. When maniifacturerB are few and weak,' it may be goext policy to pro tect them, bnt after they become rich and powerful, and able to stand alone, then let them take care of themselves. Give us a tariff for revenue, but none for protection. "Protection" is.in the interest of the few, is class legisla tion, is to xnakbstrong monopolies Land corporations stronger.- Tins? -we suspect, is not good Republican nor Democratic doctrinedn New Eng landy but we cannot? hjlp that.: Till the Sentinel becomes, convinced that a high protective tariff; is a good thing for the masses instead of only for the few, we will he opposed to it, no matter which political party may advocate it. O'sc&a Iowa) Henti net, -Rep. The 8tat4tnan is at man of eminent ability and integrity, versed in the science of govermnent,"and the art of govrnig A truly great' statesmmj is "gmdeditbyi elevated and enlarged views, and; devoted to the interest and welfare-of : his-cottntry, regardless of , sclfiib, sectional and partisan eonsid'.Ae'r is amsn of emihent ahihty, learning andJntegrity, who - is versed in the science of the; lawy especially: the civil and munibiUIiatr'ujm: the law of :'nktio. The itti&qii bne) de voted io .poHtic:.'irrdvw$b dabbles in.polittcaaidr-a partisan is the adherent i of paty br faction, who devote iitmTe1 to its adyenptajcipirrty instead of hi .conint'ryv . , A. :ema gogue one' who I femployB 8peeibus and .deCefntfarts;-'M 1 deceive and Jar prejudices, :nd . enjges, in nefa-, rious'andliup:pldkc . to gnll and mislead the -niultttnde.i AmeriA can Keghtei 'IeSrh It is desirable "to: havd dtfn With ;sys-i tern which has been bothnilWb and odious: jn lts wqrkihiarid;bUnen6biie:tO'thetpeo-i J)le, but we question the wisdom of throw- Bg;iawaviifcUridrBdi(aadJflWiTOiIliahb of Tevenue' , t)yT-x?ni suxraoninjowWht) ofr-the; band ,01 Congress. The extea1:Mve&ue syiitemtMSuiitoms dtlSes oiinsborts inu be aUy;modifikliand reduced, i:.!So; ihe rpotsei of ihe- Sejltef:fc.-ndt.Hk4l'toi retn-hs rjreiit.plethdrib 'Cfnditi6Q very' lonrf;3'Andwe: shall vhif ttvtAiiUrL Iral hundred i millions l mix &daey than . one thing'we think t'he pepplexio notwant, andwift not iterates agaj?; is! Vm. .nisyesiacpmi 0mm conenlwiftbaek; by belougiog t&ifhe grtfalrdirpras of;he gtf&altff .'tmcUistood now fn the beginnine Jhat Jte.jeill have no more; with 6r. Bnll's Cough Syrnp. f ' POLITICAL .appej It JBXi 3fith . T !J 4. A .V.nr na "OllltPAIl'S Pre- Arthur as "Quiteau's Pre sident," what a shout would go up from the great rgasof moral sentiment inthcoua-. hm nbnnt mnrJp nn hia mind to discouraireafiee-eek-i L ing,jon thpart of ths American; people. lUla 18 a rawer new wca j but men who go through 'so mtiny changesi as he has duripg two or three years are lia 'bVe' to'get-new-ideaa PhUadetpAfa Time, Ind. ?"ivn - f--..J " r .urj.W'pB.f Seriator Edmunds, according to ,a Washington, correspondent receatly put the fdlldwing question td Senator Hill, of. CreVna HHl?iXwhat do wo two believe in nowadays anyhow f ' Towhich the Geor-: gia Senator replied: "Why,; you belieye in the higher-law, while we stick to th Ubnsti-) tutioar j agk . v sagacious states- man what he thought the best course an presenjfqr the Democratic leaders to pur sue.1 Tie answered, with 'significant bJunt ness: "Lay on their bellies and keep qui;" He added, however, that he despaired of their doing aaything ; of the'kind. Wah irifften tetter to the Avguata Chronicle. ,. PM&sonAjl. Blatherskite is one of' the Other words besides Blackburn and Barbridge that - can be spelled with abigB. Phil Time, Trid. The President is abbfit to hitch another spatf of horses to his carriage, mak ing one of the finest four in hand - in the country. He is not imbued with repubji- can simplicity Register. Mrs. Myr s Glarlr Oaitf es 1 has parted' with some of her land instead of in stituting j law-suit for its acquisition.: She recently sold a valuable lot on Massachu setts ave'ttue, Washington, for $17,017 50 cashi - When Whitelaw Reid paid somebody to steal the Tilden cipher dis patch it was boasted of by him in his news paper as a great piece of enterprise. Now, when somebody steals his dispatch on Gar field to John Hay, that is denounced by him as most disgraceful and odious thievery. Bradford Era. Greensboro Patriot: It is only 527 miles frtnn Greensboro to Cincinnati by the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley route. Peter M. Wilson, who has been a close observer, says the Atlanta Exposition will do the work for us. It is -the opinion- of Mr. Wilson that the Exposition has taught the State her value. It is reported that the associated railways 01 Worth Cnro lina and Virginia contemplate reducing all passenger rates, at an early day. to three cents per mile. Mr. Chas. H. Martin, who took has been elected tutor of languages in Wake Forest College. He is u native Carolinian, we think. By Par the Greatest CUCCKSS FX ANY CLOSING OUT SALE WE HAVE EVER KNOWN. One more chance. What we have left of our Winter (Joods will be sold REGARDLESS OP PRICE. We do net believe in carrying stock from season to season, therefore we offer our Roods at prices wrum cannot ran to sen. A few (.Odd) Suits, Coats, Pants, Vests. A fewYrvereoats and Ulsters. All these goods win De sow at less man lui m uust. A. DAVID, janlotf The Clothier, ijii... .I. .11. -i ,i.(Ui ' f "- ii j ' ' , t WE NEVEK SlitEPf HAVING RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK : of Furniture : that-: ever came to . N.- C. , the jvew Furniture Store of BEH RENDS & MUN ROB, S. S. Cor.- Market and ' ad ts., Wflmtajr ton, N. . C, jjow offers the same,. Wholesale and Retail, lower thanyou can buy the same (roods in New York. Our W alnut Ftinilture hi solid Wal nut, not White Pine veneered with Walnut inside and ouUide. They never have sold this stuff and warn you to look oat for it. Jan 15 tf Pldtir; Ploir. Flour. 2jQ 3hfa Bow White FIfOUBj ; 125 JBblp!B,llt3r 4o Bbte&eUKiUs do 125 BbwaAMt1" do For sale by : jan 15 tf K-KRCHNEK C ALDER BROS. Fawder Shot, Caps. 2QQ KgS Orlehtal POWDER, Usand M 25Q "Ba SOT aU sfees - Q 5?a8es'CAPSr W. P., G. D. and 'Musket, t. . .. Fpr sale by. f , jan 15 tf KERCHNER & CA1PEH BROS. Bolts-DIiriSE, Fancy (ratih- . JQQ Bops SOpi,'' , " ' jQ Bojes CANDLES, ' 200 J0?' :; ' Boxes STARCH, 0 Cases LTE," ' i! " 100 11 'orsalehy , Jaii iS'tf i. Sample lwrffclfflttgntittaao6gtCTgf sora flf m i'.kui 30 .Purmture. MARRIAGE IS CONDUCIVE TOr, HAPPINESS and helps t.hftir,qLtcade; consequently our as iBWABD! em to mtrrarnSed, ! alwsTS remsm to, uDty hemfieivea-witn good. .and ,iD HflT.Afl CTYim All 7q ,wt O tiT ttan1. earner-anoj W J5 tf D" J A M f ft vs.. ... .: - Quinsy, Sore TMi SwMuigf vifidj , Sprains, Burns andiScafds, General tiwiny Pains, 7Dj . ; feoth EarmdH6uduck9tFtesMf9t anrf Ears, ai&WmhlifrPttfaf andyicfiejt. '1 . i . lujAQoaOlljM! ieoy.1 riflinjr-oauay1 lnrwiilv'pain t (Vtita.'anA evrV one etifferlnr' uive cueap ana ponuve prooi w na .actions in Eleven Languages. . ' i J T4LL DBTJGOI8T8 AST) JHttXEB2r TH , MEDI0LNE. A. VOGI2LER S3 CO., JelOD&Wlv t ' . . . . . 1 1 i Nevralsia, Sprains, Pain in the .Back ami Side. There is nothing: more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed- and the -disease cured use of Perry Dfevts PAirTKilJer. Thfe'!,ttXed7Us-bt l4tflieiap foiniGW or Petroleum product that must be kep! away from fire or heat to avoid danger f explbefoa,' pod la it an -antriea : eJpri ment that may do znore barm thanood Palrt kitlor has heea in constant ;U8 for forty years, and the uMvereal testhaQay from all parts of the world la, It pever f nils. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instaataaeoorty. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it Is safe, tn the hands of the most ineiperlenced. The record of cures by the use of p Kru.gB would fill volumes. The following" extracts from letters received show wha those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Ow&tonna, Uthn aaya: Aboot a year tinea tay wife bacauw auMect jo severe ninRiDR inm cmmiram. t vpr apeedily reUve4 Cbarlec Home. writea from the Sallori' I had Oiree rears with nenralirta ' of tbeabnnach. Xhedoetor xnital save up my aaaa. in . despair. I t yonr Pai.v Kn.T.Ka. and K five ma immediate mliefc I ha-va nniiMd mv atraothand am now able to follow my uanal Q. H. WaxworttL Sac-, Me., writea : I experienced immediate relief from paia in the side by tbs use of your Pact Kt,.t E. York says ; . I nave used yoor Path for raeumatlsm, and have reoeired ftrmX benefit Barton seaman says : Hmje nsed Pau TCrr.T.ira for thirty years; and nava found it a ncer.yailmg remeay for -rheumatism and lamefiesa. Mr. Surdttt wribeBi lKn1V.fai!' relief ipoaaeaotrbenmittiain. Phil. GUbexlr.-Sonierset; Pa,, writes ? Prom actual use I know your Pant Xrt.ua ia the beat madiclna 1 can get All druggista keep Pain Enxnv Its prlca ts bo low that it is within: the react, of all, and. it wiiisave many times hs cost In doctor bills. iUhv4 SOo.andmi.oa a bottle. PERttY DAVIS AOHi Prvpifeton, Provrdfttto. R I. nov l Di&W3m nrm Proposals for Fuel. UNITED STATES ENGINEER'S OFFICE, 70 Saratoga Stkkxt, BALrmoas, Md January 10, 1888. jpROPOSALS FOR FUEL, for use on the Im provement of the Capo Fear River, N. C, will be received until noon of February 10, 1883, and opened Immediately thereafter: , Blank forms, specifications and iaformatioa can be had on application to this, omoe, or of Mr. Henry Bacon, Wilmington, N. C WM; P. CRAIGHIIX, janllUc Lieut. Col. of Kngineen. r ? THE UNDERSIGNED having, on the 18th dSy of Decemben AJ D. 1881; qualified before the Probate Court of .New Hanover County, as Ad ministrator on the Estate.of Zebulon Latimer, deceased, hereby (fives notioe td all persons In debted to the said decedent to 'make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the said decedent to exhibit the same to the un der8inieI"on 6r hefore thS" I5th"dafTf Decem bervJETTJ. 388 WILLIAM TfMKfcjpmTrt : . de 14oa6w Ijfft ot ZlLatierJ deoA. Han3 Braaf Mtt 'Shatiiifir: loou, JPRONT STREET, NEXT NORTH OFMr. R. M, Mclntire's. Skilled VTbrkmen. Polit attention. Patronage solicited. ' : BROWN & PEARSON, jan C lw Proprietors. FERTILIZER 150 Toti . Agricultural Salt. JOQ TONS trVERPOOL and FINE TABLE SALT. WiBards. :.jan!2 f Cliri&tmas latillinery. NOTBEH ASSORTMENT OF ELEGANT MIL- ttNSarr- b' Express, ' F'africy doods andT Em- bro'ldery: designs'' ne'W "and' aesirahle,' Just ' In. Lames please come early to have Christmas ordjrs filled to satisfaction. MhieryfandFancs. Goods epartments are always full of Stylish Articles. -A large assort menfl of; Ladles arul:. Child ra's JUnaerwear. , , Ifespeetftilly. dec ii'tt ' r ; so ' ' Exchange Corner. ir i. Jim .i Lime; imer ri-'):...'- 1 500 arrels of Lame, i- ..1. ij'i i.-'Vi; ! li 'VJH !; FRESH ATTB 1ST 5U0P ORDER. j For Sale yi:j-," i'- ho I f t -? tr - la) WK1 ., PronuMioa on earth eeaaHJ . f.'. iiiM.iimnM and cheat) Kxteznai i&eii rfaf t-rtails bnt the coxttparailvely fwwaU- - AMfUtinJ IPRM le ter H( hoyc WORTH A WORTH. I? llTFots l and Shoes, 2 MAKZET STREET. QALL AT ROSENTHAL'S AND EXAMINE THE 1i4 Stc(Dl4cBootsad fhois. ) j( ) i' ' Shoes for the Gentlemen. ' Boots for the-Men. 1 Boots tat the Boys. ' Shoes for the Misses. Shoes for the Babies. , Boots and Shoes for the Million. AH at the lowest prices. Gents' Fhv Hand-Hade Shoes a Specialty, 0.' ROSENTHAL. oct SO tf 3B Market Ktreet. LoeUHlicltiiie Shop, Lowell, Mass. MANTJFACTtnRERS OF EVERY DESCRTPTION OF COTTOHrlMCHIITEET Of most Approvad Patterns tand with Recent Improvements. Paper Machinery ALSO TTTEBINE WHEELS Shafting and Oearing, Hydraulic Presses, and Pump, Elevators, &c PLANS FOR COTTON AND PAPER MILLS C. L. HILDRETH, Snp't, LOWELL, MASS. WM. A. BURKE, Treas., mh 9 tf 28 State Street, Boston. A ffftBffST NEW YEAE TO OUR MANY who bestowed soch LIBEEAL PATRONAGE.! upon us the year past, AND WHOSE FUTURE ORDERS WILL BF. PROMPTLY FILLED At Our Wholesale Grocery, rjc the Southeast Comer of Front and Dock Street. Adrian & Vollers. Jan 1 tf THE MOZART SALOON! TTc Old Reliable r DISPENSES ONLY THE FINEST WINKS AND uquoits. AH the Novelties in Liquid Refreshments put on sale promptly. Polite and attentive Assistants to wait on pat rons. J. II. Mumm & Co.'s Extra Dry Champagne and Heidseick Jt Co.'i celebrated Dry Monopolc Champagne, as well as Bass & Co.'s Pale Ale and Guinness' London Stout Porter, my own Importa tion, alwavs on hand. Daring the season the best New River Oysters served raw, or prepared in any style by compe tent caterers, can be had. Pool and Billiard Rooms up stairs. Give me a call. JOHN HAAR Jr., Proprietor. dec 7 tf SCmJTTE'S CAFE, No. 3 GRANITE ROW, FRONT STREET. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A FASH IONABLE TBE8TAURANT as above, and is prepared to furnish Meals at all hours of the day, op to lt-o-'clook at night; 8peo1al arrangements made for Board by the day, week or month. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LADIES.-. A First Class Restaurant hae long been neieded in Wilmington, and I propose to supply the want. My Table will be supplied with the BEST of this and other markets, and Game and other Delica cies in aeasen. df-Meala seat to private residences by wagon fitted up with a heater, and whereby tn n ey are aenverea not. F. A. SCHUTTK, JvB. SCHUTTE'S SEASIDE PARK HOTEL, 1 wngnisvme, is open au tne year round fo Transient and Permanent Boarders, nov W tf Wrlghtsvllle, is open all the year round for For Sale, rpWENTYlTHOUSAND TONS FERTILIZERS' embracing ACID PHOSPHATE, DISSOLVED BONES, AMMONIATED FERTILIZERS, and GERMAN POTASH SALTS (KAEMIT). I am prepared to offer to the Wholesale and Re tail Trade, thpj bove, at dllferent Ports, both North and South, at prices to compete with other Manufacturers. Fpeciar otrerwin be made to meettne views of large buyers. , , . 'Address. PERSY M. DaLEON Manufacturer and Importer Fertilisers, 57 Broadway, N. Y. Southern OfBce, 104 Barmreet, HavannahGa. setrtJleaUiti. 1 . J 1 40,900 I' ATHS FOR SALE LOW TO CLOSE CON3ION- LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HUtLDINQ MATERIAL, feiamme goods iand prices. ', , ALTAFFER, PRICE A CO JanI5 tf Mill; Tarda and JOflee foot Walnut 8t Special Notice. RECEIVED' 'A FINE LOTOBUGGIIM, CJ Phaetons aad Caartegea, which I offer for sale at reasonable price. 1 Ii woald advise -aU wo wish a gopd artiole to call and examine them be ton puwniashig elsewhere; at my Carriage and Harness Eestabllshmatit, eri Third, between Mar ket and Princess streets.- . .t . Kew iand Fine. Jii-. 1 ! ! I. 'T . ill 1 . . . I I t r 1 f '-!;Jt .1' . ' r i 1 f 1 KAsniotrsnz. - 1 jan 8 tf ri prvn 1 11 & 13 Souili rv Fresh ' FamDy Groceries KVKUr "WEEK, OF THE CHOICEST SELECTIONS and Al i Tntf LOWEST" PRICES. AU At geo. MV.KttK , sept 18 tf Nos. 11 and IS H,nih ), PURCELL HOUSE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. ' WILmlnslou, . . B. L.. Ierrj, roprUior tV&daya" nxt T, Atkinson & Manning s Insiirnnre Room, BANK OF NEW HANOVER HI II.IHN.. V Wilmington, N. Fire, Marine anF" Life Companies. Fire Insurance. -JIVERPOOL A INDf)N A f.l.on,; ,,K K. Assets ovrr fcao.om.tt! on Agricultural. f Ne York Aahh, Ji.ar,.-.,, VlrginU Fire A Marin,., of UU l,rn..,. Aswtn over $jion.(i) la, Roc1iost (ivrnum. of N. w V,k ' Awtn -V1.X7 00. Merchants A Mcrhanlcs.of l l,m..n,( AswtH 00. Columbus Insuranr,. Hunk inK , , . ,,f MUImmH,( Ansctw 3.aI.M HT ..fNO- W GOHlM,N """.Ac-flu 001 83 tf iti North wut(.r M Bank of New Hanover, Authorized Capital Cah Capital paid in, Surplus Fond $1,000,000 $300,000 $50,00( DIRECTORS w. I, ,;ohk. w. W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC HA. Ks D)NALI McKAJtV JAK. A LEAK H. VOLLERS. F ItHEINfTKI K. R. BRIIXiEKH. E H HoliPKN. J. W. ATKINSON, (HAS. M STEDMAN I'ri.lini ISAAC RATES. VW IT.-.I.I.T.I S. I). Wallack, Cashier. suiraM "P'NCOURAOE HOME INSTTTITTIONS Security Again t Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOUIK INSIUANI VOJiVA. V, RALEIGH, N. C. This Company, continues to write Po'!t fair rates, on all class; of lnraMn iriw rl All losses are promptly adjusted and taWI HOME" Is rnpldlv ffrowlnir In jmlillr tsvoi aM peals, wltn connlen,e, to Insnrrm of iimiH-i in North Carolina lAKents in nil parts 0 lh? Slsto JOHN UATMNfi, PrcHl.lct.t w. h. pRrwrrrwit, KerwTnt-y PULASKI (-XJWPER, lrrsor. ATKINSON A IANNIVi. At.ltNT. auK l-2m WllttilnKtdii, N (' Bice ! Bice ! Bice ! J PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS WILL N)II K that we are always pntparad Ut par the 1xhI niHi krt price for Rloe, or will mI1 on rommllin uny shipments they mav entmst to us. llENRY R1SCIIOFK i ( ' sept 20 fim Charleston. H NOW READY THE NEW EDITION or WORCESTER'S QAURTO DICTIONARY WITH SUPPLEMENT, Library Miocp, 10. Writers, Readers and Ktudeats of aU rlw will find It superior to any other rUrtlnn.irv On qucstlonsof Ortliairrapliy anil lYonum Ht i.i It is unrivalled. T egarded by Scholars In botto Amrrl ami Kn? jX land as the Standard Authority Contains thonsands of words not to hr fmin.1 In any other Dictionary Excels all other works In the rompl. t ti. f 1 1 . vocabulary. Supplementary to the fc-ennral TocaiHiinrr valuable Articles, Lists, Rules, TatW. etc The Pronunciation, Etymoloey sni Peflnltl"n of over 115,0o0 words are correctly iflven Embraces S,0Gfl royal quarto nnffes. with ..vrr 1.100 illustrations and four Illuminated pls- Recommended In the strongest tenn by H' most competent Jiidffos as the Ih-sI Kl. tl.ua ry of the Enluih Lantfuac. StudenU of all classes will find the sjhjcIhI h) tlonal matter of grvnt value and practical uw. Decidedly the most satlsfacUir' nd rellsM' work of It kind. Illustrations are introduced liberally throughout the work. Challcruro comparison with any work of like c) ractcr. The Supplement plnccs It In advance of nil "tlx ' similar works. Is Independent of all sects, parties, and ldi)" oracles of every kind. Omits nothing that is essential to a WsikIhpI ITnaoridired Dictionary. VTew Words to the extent of thonsands csn ! PI found explained only lnU pajres A vocabulary of Synosyms of Ki.ono wi feature of the new edition. Reviewers lkave uniformly commended the nrs edition Hi te hUjcbest terms , XTou are Invited to examine and test U" X at any Bookstore. FOR SALE BT ALL BOOKSELLERS J. B. LIPPINC0TT & C0.f Pabliihen. PHILADELPHIA. THE LANDMARK. PUBLISHED AT STATESVTLLE, IREDELL CO . N r IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western Sorth Carolina. It fe the only Democratic Pajer i;"1,,1,,'lrl," Iredell CoMnty one of the Unrest and r""' ,r counties In the State and has attained J,7, local circulation than any paper ever herein published in the county. It. .lOTnl-Mon In A1anW WilkcH. Al" ghanr, Yadkin, Davie and irwiell. to lrV" that of any two paper, in the State ft1'',' fhr is iwpMly aequlrlnit astronrtoojhold In For) Sqrry, Rowan and western y paper In Western North i an aVtcatiLAR CawvAssiwo Ak-7-.. .1 ' ...ti- iw.fnr the people thU JSZmi i :pkiif measinKrircuUllon result. maJtmg tne ... resuj.i. main mo sT oiko a a as - : R! NORTH CAROLINA. Address cT PMIWS"""'