fhe MofniilgAStan. ' ". - ' - ' - r-f . '"-i"- t1-'-',',: " TV"A "?T.'.11.C . - - - .-a.i- -. . . i - - - - .--7---- - ----- - . , . - - - - - ., -, m ti- - i i Twim i jl.w;-- "Vf-.v -""-r.-f- . ' 1 ' - . .j . f--ii! i.- . '1 - II t: i nir tnvi !THini OM 8rr Otm It, ....... . . . fl 00 1 TO WW. II. BEUXAUD. pi f'.IJSHKD DAILY EXCKPT:JAONDAYS. X r TK-" or 9ITA8CWPTI01; IN A e Year, thy Mail) Potw Paid, rTK-" or 9ITA8CWPTI01; IN aDVAUCK. - o:, VnllthS, 111 ..4 00 9 25 riu-ee Months, I 00 ...tTn three monthgJndTOnggj KHtered at the Post Offloe at WiLmtnjcton, N. CL, as Second Clan Matter, a , OUTLiyJES, Tbc National Board of Health have pf-th-ially declared small-pox to -be epidemic in the United States. -A number of masked men took a suspected murderer from lail at Iron ton, Ohior and htinff him i tl court house yard. -Hon. Judah " . . . fi. - j P. nenjsmin. in a letter to S. L. M. Barlow, i i.. A of the late Confederate States -'government, ami that nothing can ever be recovered by bondholders. -A financial panic. ' pre- market is affected by it. -Jno. J, Thompson y. L'. Telegraph, office at Mobile, Ala., has been arrested and committed ton prison ju New York; he says the amount of his omhezzlcmeut is about $7,600. Bishop-. Quinlan. of the Catholic diocese of Ala bama, arrived from Europe yesterday. The Cumberland river continues to rise at Nashville. Tenn ; portions of the Memphis & Louisville railroad are submerged. Thirty-three cases of small-pox are report 0,1 at Portsmouth, Va. ; principally among ncTix-s. Dun's Mercantile Agency re- .Krts 177 failures for the past seven days; lifiv-seven oi wmcn were in me southern Suites. Scoville finished his argument in the ftniteau trial yesterday; Judge Cox annoiinml that he would permit Gui teau to speak, and the latter is pxpeeted to address Ue jury to-day. . N. Y. markets: Money 5& per cent. ; ootioneasyat 1212 5-16c; southern flour firm with a fair inquiry at $5 256 30; wheat opened lc higher, ungraded roil $1 -24(r6l"47: corn iic higher, ungraded fW?j.7Hc: rosin steady- at $3352 45: spi-rii- mriv ntiue quiet and unchanged. Kirypt has sent 1,2()0 to the Gar field fund. At last Chili and Bolivia have con elu.hd a treaty of peace. IlisJi protiMJtive- tariff men are Whv of jathcring in course. Washington. There is a rumor in Washington iliat one of the nitean jurors has hcen tampered with. Yennor says took out for a big storm between the' 20th ami 22d inst Ven are you guessing. ('mkling denies that he is out of polities permanently. He will be heard from yet, and so will Mr. Til-. ilon. Mr. Webster died at Marshfield. It was Mr. Money who proposed a Department of Agriculture with a Secretary. One "W. 1). Murphy sues William H. Knglish, of Indiana, for 1,180 for making certain campaign speech es in IJ-fftO. You have heard of Eng lish. The severe way Scoville scored the Stalwarts is the sensation of the season. Some say the Stalwarts are stung to madness because they de served much they caught. How is that ? j And. now the papers are saying that Scoville, Gnitean's lawyer, is a" "crank'" himself. Mrs. Scoville is dearly one, and one of the jurors is said to he. It is a cranky set. Turn the crank. The celebrated Dr. Lyon Playfaif, member of Parliament for Edin- i , . , . . , , liuro-h. rporarHa t.h Amfrian hih I " ' t - o j protective tariff as' a positive .hin drance to the OTowth of nianufactu res in the United States. The small-pox scare is exaggerated ready as to Richmond, Va Dr. Cabell, President of the Board of Health, reports since March 24th, 1881, 474 cases. He says there are but 71 cases in hospital now,. and in 'he Citv nrnnpr hut 11. I Mr. Archibald Forbes, the British war correspondent, had a dinner given him at Hartford, Conn., by ex Gov. Jewell. His lecture was at tended by all of the dignitaries and grat citizens, from the Governor . . w-y w wtinguished foreigner. Charleston a the honors nicely also to Mr. rorle,s. At the Webster centennial in Bos- ln speeches were made by Gov. Long, Robert C. Winthrop, Mayor Greene, of Boston; Gov. Bell, of New Hamn;. t., L tt. Franklin 1 a. Hn. Ma4al O. Wilder, Hon. Bion Bradbury,Charle8 Levi Woodbury, John Qnincy Adams, Jr., Leveritt Saltonstall and. United tes Senator Jones, ot Blorida. About 150 sat down to an elaborate banquet . -i BY VOL.1 IXXIX. NO. 100. ' Senator. iVajtce has introduced a bill on education which has been re ferred to the Conimittee on Educa tion. The ;Rtchmond Dispatch's spe cial says of: the bilh; . ., ."lathe preamble it saya that liquors are now taxed bv thTTnitfst.tM .w.a tn nni,;; IT stat-ttat U 4 rtirTw a thrthia Vrt,vi !.iad81?1 alcle a)Lnu : a. 1 1 a, m iiuuini rkiu i iin z t n f a awi mi a of conshmption 5Sfflfctetb 5Sa: tion, and that it is neither practicable, nor l PinwiiPTiT Yr ami tm t no I ! mrwfl MtatAa sv poses, or to interfere in their domestic af fairs, so fat as to superintend and direct the education of their children. He therefore DroDOSes to abolish all taxes ' nnv ittitvwaH I repeal all laws and frtajf lawrpzoviding taxes, lhe following concerning the Jen- nie Cramer mnxder case we find in phia Ledger; "It will be shown that there has been a f;reat deal of clever detective work per ormed in this -city , during the - past six weeks ; and that the .'startling developments' which the public have been promised by the New Haven authorities, will have refe rence to events that transDired in this citv. connecting directly, as if by an unbroken chain of circumstances, with the tragedy in Connecticut, f Additional counsel for the Malleys, I understand, have been engaged here, and this morning there were over tures to a well-known Cedar street lawyer, to look; after the interests of Blanche ine xsortnern papei-fl need not ex- aggerate the supposed disaffection in North Carolina among the Demo crats. The extent is not yet known and will not be for months, but the damage that threatens now is not serious. The party will be strength- enerl mtW tHa.r aonaA K-. ..vwuv ting rid of political barnacles. As long as only disappointed politicians are among the Mahone deserters there is no damage beyond so many votes. If the masses are true the politicians can be managed easily. Louis P. Smith, of Chicago, aged 20, is a brave young man. He caught I three men robbing a residence. He sent his younger brother to the front to ring the bell, whilst he stationed himself in the rear. He bagged two, killing one, and fired at the third. That will do for one night's work.' Spirits Turpentine. Louisburg Times: The railroad surveyors of the new road being located by the Richmond & Danville Railroad, have -reached Louisburg. and will take a direct course for Raleigh. There are about twelve men in the 'gang," and it looks to Us like we are goiug to have a railroad. The Orphan's Friend says that the total number of orphans admitted into the Orphan Asylum to December 1st, 1881, was 528; number reported last year 138; admitted since last report 50, making 188 present during the year. Adopted during the year 4, died 1, dismissed 43; leaving on the roll 140. . The Scientific American of Jan uary 14th, in an article on "New Inven tions," contains the following : " Improve ments . in that class of cotton-sweeps or shovel-plows in which a guide-plate extend ing into the soil deeper than, the point of the plow is arranged in the rear of it, has been patented by Mr. John Brantly, of Lil lington, N. C Fayetteville Examiner: Col. Wm. Johnston and'ex-Speaker Chas. Price have been on to Washington to see the President. They want to be the Mahones of North Carolina, according to the Wash- ington correspondent of the Charlotte Observer. Each wishes to ; become a candi- date for Congress, one in Dowd's and the other in Armfield's district. Kinston JmhrnaXr The number of bales of cotton sold in Kinston since the 1st of September has already reached 7,866. Mr. P. S: Erwin, of Pink Hill town ship, has a big hog. He lacks only an inch or two of measuring seven feet in length; he is six feet around and three feet and six iuuu.es iiiku, auu kwu juuca itiitauv uucoa i. It. onn jo jo r 1 3 1 1 uiiu w weigu ouv. K New Berne 2?ews: Yance seems to stand firm in his opposition to monopoly. The Durham Tobacco Plaid, which appears to have become monopolized, reads the Sen ator quite a lecture on his invasion of State's Rights by introducing' in the Senate peti tions against railroad discrimination and monopoly. , Brother tf rem does not know, perhaps, that Congress has constitutional A cial digpatc-h from Abbe. vme, South Carolixia, to the .Charleston jUIit anA TPrnni VoITav ThulrA fVm- pany was held at ADDevuie, juonaay mgat, to consider a proposition: from Messrs. Child & Oliver of-New York, to construct the entire Hne Of that road from Edgefield Courthouse to :the North Carolina line through Eastafoe Gap.' A contract was closed with these parties, the conditions of which are that they are to commence on the 1st of September next and complete the en tire road bv the 31st of December, 1884. The contract was entered into after a week's negotiations in Abbeville, Judge Cothran actmg aslegal adser XISSm contract -twith the Aiken, Trenton and i l!Xigeneid iauroao, wmcn is to . iorm pari of a thrcnigh line to the Kentucky system I rtf rnwis. IJharlotte Ubaeneir.: B&etetib tfr Observer : The Govemor'J runcirmet yesterday' to con- w Mf ?TiSrSl?J3r Hnntiura 1-cn.iirruui c eienTBiiu ixinsixiiu- tion Company. The contract entered into b7 WSwife uie owe.?, inu. hjikucv Rose, on the 23d of rnihoV IfiAl wdo . I read by the Attomey.General, "who advised . the CouncUthatheeon executed. iThe following resolutions were adopd irlesolved, That the contract for lhr-H -a1- -1 A .' I :( 3- 't -tT, - , !. II I ,X 1 1 ''-rr-' - I . , ' M-4T., T?ILMINGTONi N. C, 'SATURDAY; the sale of the State's stock iri the Cape Fear ess xadKln. valley Itallroad Company, exe cuted by George M. Rose, chairman of the State Commissioners, and Charles Wendell, President of the New York : & , South ern Railroad -and - Telegraph Construc tion Company, is herebyapproved. Re- solTed, That said contract be endorsed: f&&" tF"? 5"" iae.,conncu,,:oi IMe. ereDyproveftne foregoiiig con MT'tiwwwtt8tiTrtodcfc CabeiFear CandJ YadkinVallevmrflrniui i . -. - . . . . ZIX I v ley Railroad Company, tq be by him laid before the stockholders of said company. -We learn that Dr. C. W. Dabney, State vyucuui ! ouu. itrecror 01 uie juxpenment oianon, nas appomvea Mat. J? raUK B. Dan-; cy, of Tarborofto theivacancy?'jcreated in me corps 01 assistant enenusts oy the resig nation of Mr. Brusmann. 'of JTew YTbrk. the Canedo contract,- and now' it is for the railroad company to-nold its meeting ac- cording to the tenor of the agreement. We understand that President Gray . will Issue ms caii once. Goldsboro Messenger: "We learn that Mr. J.W. Loftin, whose house was destroyed by fire recently ui Duplin county, was lusureu io iue amouni oi $7oU. We regret to learn that, owing to a disa greement on the part of the publishers, the Greenville Express has been temporarily suspended. Mr. Which ard hopes to be able soon to resume its publication. The 20th N. C. Regiment reunion at Faisons last week proved a very pleasant occasion. The negro Jerrv Cox. who turned State's evidence in the Worley murder trial' m iuio, io uuw iu j mi ai xnasavuieror tne muraer oi me wnite woman' at Battleboro, parneuiars of & which, were - given in this irbmer h. trwlr"'fvr turn ami rvvf TV.w I ston wantsQto go,to Congress and would like f or Mr. Arthur to help him. He will be more effectually buned than Zeb. Vance buried him in the Gubernatorial race of 1862; and as for Price well, the poor fel: low ieeis naaiy, necause he is no longer ap preciated by the Democrats of his section. A his will be a bad year for Independents. Snow "Hill corresnondent: Prof. W. ju uargrave, wnose death you announced " y oi your. paper, as naving occurred m our villaee on the morning of the 6th inst was one of the most learned f0?115? . gentlemen or not only extent of information he had few eouals. wan wwmw www Va. duo vvuvu. IU VAliCbJ UIU m a He was a mathematician of (extraordinary powers. He spoke French with the ease and grace of a native born Frenchman, was a splendid Latin and Greek scholar, and was well acquainted with Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Chemistry, med- jg ffSftff (We knew him a man of genuine talents and accomplishments. He wrote well, and even aspired to versification. He left one or more books in manuscript. -Stab.) New Berne News: The Nor folk papers give currency to the rumor that John Robinson., of the "Silent Syndicate." has bought out the Old Donunfon Steam ship Company, for the Bay lane. Seaboard & Roanoke, Raleigh & Gaston, Raleigh & Augusta and Carolina Central Railroads, constituting the "Seaboard Inland Air- Line." There is some reason in the rumor. Maj. Robinson controls some five hundred miles of railway, beside the Bay Line of steamers, and his railway traffic centering at Norfolk and Wilmington, requires a sieainsuip line unuer nis own control, n such an arrangement as this should go into effect, the New York steamers of the Sea board -'Inland Air-Line would run with regularity and frequency to Wilmington in I connection with the Carolina Central Rail- war, as well as to Norfolk in connec tion with the Seaboard & Roanoke rail road, and prove quite an acquisition to the commerce of Wilmington. We believe that a reduction of, the whisky tax to' -fifty cents a gallon, 'will in great measure stop the system of blockading. At 11 -T i j nm WariXrn7hYU Obserttr. The former tries to oin the lat- ter down, but he is too much like the Ir ishman's flea, and always was: You can't put your finger on him, for his columns can prove any position on any subject. The monopoly organs are trotting out Tom Holt for Governor rather early. The Col onel is president of the North Carolina Railroad Company, and is, or was, a live monopolist. -It is rumored that Capt. Octavius Coke, chairman of the State Ex- ecutive committee, alarmed at the defec- tion in ranks, desires to call a meeting of "his committee, but that a nortion of the committee is divided and split up on the monopoly question. , A correspondent from Stonewall, of the 18th, writes: Mr. Joseph M. Cabo, ex-sheriff of Pamlico county, died last night about 11 o'clock, of pneumonia, and to-day, at 12 M., Mrs. Virginia Cabo, wife of the above deceased, died of heart disease, aggravated by the shock of her husband's death. - The re mains of both are now lying in the same room. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MtBONPresh goods. Found Pair of spectacles. Caution Notice Crew Zingu. O. Ditson & Co. Music books. Hectob Turner Land for sale. l: Csonly & MoRRisAdmr's sale. " 3T. C. Munds Patent medicines, etc. Worth & Worth New crop molasses. J. G. Wright Administrator's notice. Cronly & Morris Horses at auction. ' a- Out or Trouble and Into It Again. Charlotte Green, one of the young col ored women who "were arrested a few days since on the charge of stealing a pocket book containing $55 from a South Carolina darkey, but who was released upon cxami- nation, attempted the same night to pass a five dollar bill and was rearrested by Officer Another examination was there- upon had before Justice McQuigg, when it was shown that the defendant had admitted that she took the five dollar bill out of the poeket-book. She was ordered to give bond in tii sum of $100 for her appearance b- !rimim default of whichshwas sent to keep com- nnwim. .... . "-' f HORSFORD IIORSFORD'S ACH PHOSPHATE- r XV'a a Haf rt Phosphate, is an excellent adjuvant in ma- tn'rhstjonaenev'-and uebil- htnal troubles, m despondency ana uepu ity it has beneficial effects. ' t Iioeal Doss.' ' ' The, -receipts of cotton yester day footed Up 464 bales. t The last ' Visitor contains an amusing description of a yacht race in the streets of Raleigh a burlesque. ' There was .only one... case of drunkenness and disorderly conduct for the Mayor's consideration yesterday morning. which contributed $5 to the city finances. The .German barque Ctoarfes, Capt. Langhoff r was cleared from this port for Stettin, Germany, yesterday, by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co.; with 2,985 barrels of rosin, valued at $7,233.58. - . . "We are glad to learn that Judge French rested ' better Thursday night than any night since .the commencement of his illness, and his condition yesterday was, if anything, slightly improved. Dallr Weather Bulletin. ' The following are the indications for to day: For the Middle States, partly cloudy weather, occasional light rains or snow, winds mostly from southeast to southwest, rising temperature, and lower barometer. For the South Atlantic and Gulf . States, Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, light rains. followed by partly cloudy and warmer weather, easterly to southerly winds, shift ing to westerly in the Ohio Valley, and steady or slowly falling barometer. An Alleged Watch Stealer Sent on for Trial. A white man named Thomas Murphy, who was arrested in this city on the 10th instant, charged with stealing a watch from a party belonging in Bladen county, and who has since been confined in the county jail, had a preliminary examination this morning, the case being removed, upon affidavit, from the jurisdiction of the com mitting magistrate and transferred to Jus tice Millis. The investigation took place in the Court House, and a large number of 1 , j t , , a r i wunMUUMi wrv wmti a iiim wii.iilm r the State, however, settled the question, so far as binding over was concerned. He swore that the defendant was in the back room of a saloon where the prosecutor was lying asleep ; he (witness) had a suspicion thai defendant meant mischief, and so he looked cautious ly through a glass in the door and saw Murphy when he cut the guard and took the prosecutor's watch. It was also in evi dence that the guard was severed, and por tions of it were exhibited in court. Murphy, who formerly belonged to Coup's circus, was ordered to give bond in the sum of $200 for his appearance at the February term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. More Feminine Csmslldates for the Penitentiary. A young colored woman named Barak Hanes, living at the house of one Cass Hoop er, north of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail road, left home for a short time Tuesday niffht, and. upon returning, found that the , r " T . " 7 & sence, anu ner irunK, connuamgn yuauuiy of clothing and five dollars in money, had been stolen and carried away. Search war rants were issued and placed in the hands of Officer J. W. Whitney, on Wednesday,and the trunk, with part of the clothing, was subsequently recovered at the house of one Beetta Usher, colored, about the distance of a block from the house from which it was stolen. The Usher girl, when arrested, charged Hannah Lewis, -another colored girl, with bringing the trunk to her house, while Hannah Lewis, declared that Beetta Usher and herself went to Hooper's house together and together captured and bore away the trunk. The precious pair had' a preliminary ex amination before Justice 'McQuigg, who required them to enter into bond in the sum Of $100 each for their appearance before j the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which they were lodged in jail. The Demands Upon n. Garfield. A gentleman of this city, . having noticed the suggestion of theJWashington iW.as-it appeared in our last issue, to the effect that Mrs. Garfield might s be induced to give of her abundance in aid of. a certain worthy charity, has shown us a private letter from a member of the late President's family. which shows that Mrs. Garfield has been subjected to almost constant importunities for aid, of one sort or another, ever since her husband's death and that, while she is disposed to do all ther rood she can in a quiet way,' it would be ah'e'ffort of no little magnitude for her to ' attempt to meet one- tenth of the demands upon her. It i hoped the suggestion : ot Coh Waddell may be carried out, and a handsome- subscription secured in Washington for tiie' benefit of Mrs. Sneeden. It would be better still, however, if a special pension could be ob tained from Congress to meet his case. By the way, since the above Was written we learn that Mr. Sneeden has a petition, already quite numerously signed, asking for an appointment as messenger in teTreasu ry Department at Washington; and ; it is thouit very hkely he will get the position. The Late Hlgkway Relsrrf - . r We hear that eveiy; possible effort is be ing made to capture and identify the author w uicwguvouum yuuajje ivuiiMw, :ju5i i uojrunuuia uuairui oi we cay.ou vteu- nesday. Aaserwars; ole riven iti THTrtiiwft tioAAt i. t-.fw. liner I of the two guns, under the circumstances, was one of. the most daring thJghwar rob beries ever perpetrated ih this section, and i ; t the successpfthief, if,, he, hf eap turedandWoto?slier4h ciin'aJbiD of like charaWpet the experlmen- . ; JANUARY 211882. OPERA iSOUSJE. ; XheTwro Orphans. ' Pauline Markham and 'the fclfth Avenue Company gave a very fair presentation of a portion of a this : play at' the Opera House last night to a crowded house, the most of whom, were undoubtedly attracted by curi osity to see the famous burlesque actress in her ' hew departure. The scenery was es peclauy good and had the company not cut the play so ' mercilessly, in order to get off on the, early Southern train, the per formance .would, undoubtedly have given more satisfaction. - ' -'. ,i iit i. . i ia-a The sire Thursday Night. We learn that there Was no insurance on the building, belonging to Mr. N. R. Fowler, on Second street, burned Thursday night. Mr. Northrop's loss on furniture is about $500 ; insurance $400. The wearing apparel of his family was entirely destroyed. The fire is supposed to have originated from a defective ciiimney. Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Waccamaw Miss., at Pine Log.. Jan. 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville Jan. 28-29 Elizabeth, at Elizabeth town Feb. 4- 5 Bladen, at Windsor. . .Feb 11-12 Clinton, at, Johnson's Chapel. . ..Feb. 18-10 Cokesbury, at Bethany Feb. 25-26 Coharie Miss., Wesley Chapel, March 4- 5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel. . . .March 11-12 Onslow,' at Lebanon March 18-19 The District Stewards will meet on the 3rd of January at the personage of Front street Church, m Wilmington, at 11 o clock A. Al. K. O. UtTBTON, Presidinr Elder. The poor sufferer that has been dosin? himself with so-called Troches and thereby upset his stomach without curing the trou blesome cough, should take our advice and use at once Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and get well. ' THE ItgAILS. . The mailt dose and arrive at the f'itr Post CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 5:30 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5:40 A. M. Kaleigb : ; . .5:40 A. M.e 7:30 P. M. JnaiLs ror tne jn. v. Jtaiirooa, ana routes supplied therefrom inolnding Southern mails for ail points South. daily 8:00 P. M.& 7:45 A. M. Western mails (C. C. Railwavf daily (except Sunday) 7:30 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Raleigh 730 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Barlinaton Rail road 8.-00 P. 2C.& 7:45 A. M. Mails ior points oetween Florence ana Charleston 8:00 P. M.A7:45A. M. fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear iaver, Tuesaays ana maays law p. si. Fayetteville via Lumberton. daily, ex cept Sundays 7S0 P. M. unsiow v. tl- ana mtermeaiate omces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00A.M. Smithvllle mails, by steamboat, daily (except unaays) 83a. a. Valla fn.vTrc.av II ul,' . Town Creek, Shal- lotte and Little River, Tuesdays and Fridays , 6:00 A. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls 750 A. M.k 90 A. M. Southern mails 7:00 P. M.fc 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Rauroad 8:30 A. M Malls collected f rom street boxes every dav at 40 P. M. Stamps for sale in small Quantities at renara.1 delivery wnen stamp omce is ciosea. General-delivery open from daylight to dark. and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. Al. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 5:15 P. JU. Money order and Register uepanment open same as stamp omce ON TIHRTY DAYS' TRIAL. We will send Dr. Dye's Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to young men and older persons who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, etc., guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of vigor and man hood. Also for Rheumatism. Neural tria. P&ralr sis. Liver and Kidney Difficulties. Ruptures, and many-other diseases. Ill nitrated pamphlet sent iree. Aaaress voltaic iseit uo., .Marshall, Mien. WHO IS MRS. - WINSLOW J As thJs Question is frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has unti- rmgiy aevotea ner tune ana taienta as a lemaie Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and w this numerous class, and. as a i this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained in a lifetime spent as a nurse and Dhfsiclan. she has compounded a Soothing Syrup for children teeth ing. -1( operates like magie giving rest and healthy and is, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In eonseauenoeor this article Mrs. Wim- low is Deoonung woria-renownea as a benefactor of her race: chudrea- certainlv do bisk vt and Diess ner; especially is tins tne case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are baiit sold and used here. , We think Mrs. winslow has Immortalized her name by this invaluable art! cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chil dren have been saved from an early grave by its titnelv vae. a.nd t.hnr. mtlHorta vet nnhnrn will share its benefits, and unite in calling ber bleaed. little one, in our opinion, until she has given le benefit of Mrs. Winslos Soothing Syrup. it. mothers rax rr xow. la York City. Sold by all druggists. SScts. a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEJVLENTS. Found. PAIR OF SPECTACLES. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying char ges. r , Inquire at jan212t STAR OFFICE. Ship ITotice All persons are hereby cautioned "J ' against harboring or trusting any of the crewortneunnsn Bngziiwu, debts .of their contracting will be paui uy jnusier or . E. 6. BARKER A CO., 'Vi r' Consignees. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the Estate or R. F. Evden. deceased, on the 18th day of January, 1888, in tne rreoate uourt or New Hanover countv. no- , tioe 'Is-hereby given to all persons indebted to cne-saut ityaen to maae immediate payment; ana all persons having claims against said estate will present them, for payment on or before the 21st day of January, 1883, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This SOth day of January, 1882. jan 21 oaw4w sa JOSH G. WRIGHT, Adm'r. i f ' Land .V Land for Sale i JR CASIT, OR ON REASONABLE TIME WITH good security, we will sell FIVE ' THOUSAND ACRES1 OF ' WELL TIMBERED SOUND' PINE LANDiying from two to seven miles from the :. .... .: ' . . Ui - ' R. A:. A,i R.R., between Manly and Blue's CTOSalDg, JWOOTe COUUty; ) " - - -" "I ,, For further particular' address H. McD. ROB- . T - r . TURNER, Camerop, N. C. jan212w Pfedh Goods; t.JPMMmiTP Wr- , i-ABimr DEPARTMENT TO-DAY. MtNSONi-- '' jan 21 it Clothier and Merchaat Tailor. ;1 "' jan 21, at NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS, . , -1 - '" -- 1 - r ' Horses at Auction. rjsms AY. SATURDAY, 21ST INSTANT, at 10 o'clock A. M., we will sell at Exchange Cotv ner, TWO A 1 HARNESS HORSES, extra size, young, sound and kind tn harness. - CRONLY MORRIS. janSllt Auctioneers. Administrator's Sale. ON FRIDAY NEXT. S7TH INST., at 10 o'eloe A. M.. we will sell, at the Restaurant of the late R. V, -Eyden, deo'd . (North Water 6treet all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, Bar Fix tures. Wines, Liquors, and every thing therein contained. By order of J. Oi Wright, Aatn'r. CRONLY fc MORRI8, JanSlSt tl, 82,27 Auctioneers. . Patent Hedicines, J3URE DRUGS AND FINE CHEHICALS, TOI LET SOAPS and PERFUMERY, For sale by JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggiat, Jan 21 It 86 North Front St. New Crop Molasses, J HOGSHEADS, TIERCES. PRIME ARTICLE. Now landing from British Brig Zlngn, from Matanzas. For sale by Jan 81 tf WORTH A WORTH. MALE VOICE CHOIR. Prlee-JUST OUT.) SO Cta. A new book of Sacred or "Oosnel flonn" tar Male voices, bv L. O. EMERSON. It la iTtnr comprehensive, finely edited and arranged book, with 81 good piece,, and 119 large pages. The music is of easy compass, In no way difficult a very satisfying book. Peters' Eclectic Piano Instrnctor. Has been used by hundreds of thousands of learn ers. A great success. merican Glee Boot .50). W. O. Pukimh Is an excellent and popular collection for social singing. Stainer and Barrett's Dictionary of Mn- vi TPFm? (S-0") a perfect encyclopedia ml I ul Hid. for reference. National Hymn and Tone Book i (40c.) Full of the very best tunes for opening and closing schools. Emerson's Vocal HetM. ($1.50) is tbeibest low-priced book for the purpose. Parlor-Organ Instruction Book. $ .50.) By A. N. Johnson. Is wonderfully easy, intere-tlng and thorough. UU.VJSK DITSON & CO., Boston. C. H. DTTSON & CO.. S43 Broadwav. New York J. E. DITSON A Co.. 1238 Chestnut St., Phlla. laaxi weqssatu 8. P. nOTTER eV Cd., EXPORTERS OF Bice and Naval Stores, Baltimore Wharf, Water St.. WILMINGTON, N.C. Kelly Building. Bay St.. SAVANNAH. OA. jan 15 lw Pearl Grits. 100 Barrels for TABLE USE. SOO Bales Best EASTERN HAY. 500O Bush. Prime White and Mixed CORN. 000 Bnsh. Black Seed, R.R.P. A Feed Oats, And the "Best Bolted Meal in the City." PRESTON CUMMINO A CO Millers and Grain and Peanut Dealers jan 19 tf "YTEGETABLE AND GARDEN SEED, CROP OF V 1881, NOW IN STOCK. The Quality of the Heed that I offer is unsur passed, being grown and gathered with the great est care. Especial attention has been riven to avoid anv mixture, which so much impairs the value of all eea. Pricks Guarantied as Low as the Lowest, WILLIAM II . GREEN. jan 18 tf Druggist, Market St. Net. TTOR THE LARGEST STOVE FOR THE LEA8T J? possible cent, send for the HARVEST COOK i. harvest to us in very truth. Then, for a rlp r and best of them all, up one side and down e other, get a "FARMER GIRL" COOK. These jan 15 tf F. M. KING A CO. GARDEN SEED, ONION SETS. OAT GRITS, BARLEY, CARRE wav. Cardemun and Anise Seed. Pearl Saro. Tapioco, German Bologna, Garlic Sausage, Saur Kraut. Anohovls. Mariwurte and Mnstard. Sar dines, a good assortment of Cakes and Craokers, Green and Roasted Coffee from lSVs to 23 cents, and iots of other goods at Bottom Prices, at 2o and 28 South Front Street. jan 11 tf L. VOLLERS. Good for Colds. IF YOU IIAVK A COLD TRY OUR PURE AND Fresh Home-Made HOREHOUND CANDY. made to-day from thn Horehound herb, and very soothing for Coughs and Colds. Also, at the same time and place, Fresh Coooanut, Peanut, Wal nut, Lemon, Mint and.Taffy Candy, .At B. U JNUKTUKOfS Jan 19 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Gnitean's Trial, F)R TnE ASSASSINATION OF OUR LATE President, is the leading topic of the day. but the Trial of the undersigned has been closed, and the general verdict is that his Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon Is second to none in the city. urve me a can. Respectfully, Ac, M. O. PREMPERT, dec 4 tl No. S. Front St. Eats ! Hats ! Silk Umbrellas ! HARRISON A ALLEN, jan 17 tf Hatters. Country merchants WILL FIND A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED stock of Hardware of every description. some being bought eariy last fall, before the I advances occurred. We are prepared to make 1 the closest cash prices. Guarantee goods ana f prices in an instances, . . I wat. jsm hi iunues ctco. I Successors to Jno. Dawaom A Cn 1 JanMtf IS. Market St. 1 HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD. TV. C. t rpflK W SESSION OFTHtH SCiHOOL WILL A begin the Second Monday bt January,. , I . Dnv rlltfililag ' iai mi mi fiiliaB 11 in ' i ats, appiy to tne pnnoipauh - . 4. tx. Z . U. UOJGER. dec 24 DStawAWlm . sat ran Two Wfk.. Two Month...... ,1 CQ t4' . .".f i OMX0WM.,-,f.tJ..,.'...Z.r. 00 0l OoaUmoi: AdrrtkMei)t Uk al profKir.. NEW ADVKRTIHKMEKTH. Just Eeceived. QNE OF THE LARGEST TOCKB Or ST A- TIONERY, such as . rih , . . I . . Copying PreMea, Coprtag nooks. Copyiag Cup. , , ' Blank Books : ( tnVoles Booki. ; WHs BedeltabU; rj . Robber Erasers, Lead fssclla, ac "ever broagai to the etty, at IIEIKSlIERbuitfl Jaa 90 U ., Lire Book, and Mualo Stora. Wanted, v COMPETENT NURSE. 1 ' . Apply to NO. 0. Jan 90 tf MarkM Mrert. Notice. x HE FIRM OF S. O. WOOTXN A CO., OF Whiteville, N. C, la Oil day dUwoiwl by the wiwarawai or o. i. v ooien. u. ,v. juans win continue the buftlnea. r . . O. WOOTKN. Jan SOW. .- o. W. EUU.NH. Wanted, rZX PLOUGHMEN, furnished wttk Ploughs and Teams, for wtrk oa Point Peter IUqo Plan tatlon. Jan 18 eodSt JOHN WILDRti ATKINSON. Fun ! Novelty ! RIFLE PRACTICE SIIOOTISG GALLERY, On Princess St., next to the corner of Set orul WILMIN(rrON. N. C. C O. CIWWFXL. Jan 17 8f th su Of PhlUdetphia. Pa. Oranges. Oranges. 4A 'hfifi ctba, swekt'and Ltsnot'H. JJ JJ for sale cheap to clone out. Thy are n)o, nl don't you forget It. uac ADRIAN A VOLI.KRH Jan tl tf La 3s La NEXT DRAWING OF TIIK Louisiana Hlnlc Loiirrj TAKES PLACE FEBRUARY 14. PRIZES PTloX $100 to 130,000, PrkMW Whole tickets, ft 00, Hal re f 1. Address Ix k Box 271. Jan 11 tf Wilmington. N. c AU Eight ! QnniSTMAS IS OVER AND EVERY THING IS quirt. I am now ready for regular business. W. YATES, Bookseller and Stationer. Jan 8 tf By Far the Greatest gUCCESSINANT CIXWINO OUT MALE WE HAVE EVER KNOWN. One more chance. What we have left of our Winter Good wUl he soM REGARDLESS OF PUCE. We do not believe In carrying stock from seesoa to season, therefore we offer our good at price which cannot fall to sell. A few (Odd) Suit. CoeU, Pants, VenU. A few Overcoats and Ulsters. All these goods will be sold at leas than CLOTH COST. A. DAVID. Jan 15 tf The CtothW. WE NEVER SLEEP ! HAVING RECEIVED THE LARGEST MTOCK of Furniture that ever came to Ji. ('., the new Furniture Store of B EH KEN DM MVS ROE, ?. E. Cor. Market and 1 Hts.. WUmtn. ton, N. C, now offers the same. Wholesale and Retail, lower than you oan buy the same roods tn New York. Our walnut Furniture ts sol ' Walnut Furniture l solid Wal- nut. not WliltePlne veneered wit h Walnut Inside and outside. They never have sold this stuff sml warn you to look out for it. jsn S tf BABBITT METAL! 1000 Pounds FOR SALK In Large or Small Lots. AT THE ,". A ' S-bao? Offioe. LtdcI Scliool, Hih Poiut, H. C, MAJ. WM. B INGRAM I.TNCII. A. If. , REV. J. B. RICHARDSON. A. M. , ... i i The senior proprietor, for fifteen years a pro- Erletor of the Blngnanv ftehool . atahDahed the yneh Sehoel to redoee the expense of a tho rough education to lowest rates. - No MxuttaJit. Hortn Beatdon berina Jinuirr tMh MAJ. W. R. LTNCn. deo 17DoawWlm WANTED. - MANUFACTURING. CONtXRN wants a busineu man In Wilmington and lit every city not already taken, .A few .hundred dollars necessary to pay for goods on delivery after or ders have been secured for the aaate; lUOiwr month profit guaranteed. The moat searching investigation solicited. A. 8. ARNOLD CO., 124 Broadway, New York. jan 17 AuOtlcr Hearr Mrfafit";1 ' 011525.3 STOVES, UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICED the "Hoaiaet-n Oak :'"vi tm ik time to get a Good Stove for a little money. Tin 4 no' low Ware, Pumps, Lamps, Lamp Uuraere and Chimneys always on hand, .Pure White Oil. j " i, ' , x a r n a i a i uun . I . ' .' T?.SW. MABRIAGK IS CONDUCIVE TO ,HAJlTNEMi and helps the Purnlture tntde; cofiaeoueaUy oar "Tom' .ays ha cant tell the bov to .top, as the ta calls oa aha to da.- lis edvhw tbeea jh"eii TTvtlui FvRNTTURE, selected from our larre- and head- i .m. . 7 . . A stock. New roods trr every bteaaaer and prioM lower than ever., - r i. a. irstrrfT a t ' anWtf , Famlture Deal era. mB1 . I ' " . ' 'V .a m .