How DB. C. "W. BENSON'S Celery and Chamomile Pill Ihiildnp the Nervous System and positively cure Su a Hc;idacho. Xervous Headache. Neuralgia. , M Vi u.-ms. Sloep'essness and Dyspepsia. It has Ihv'.'. proved that they successfully ward xff all ,lun-r -r of Paralysis, Apoplexy aud sudden death. Their effect upon the Nervous System is some tl,i:--r wonderful. and t litre is no wonder that thousands of people avail themselves of such a valuable remedy, w hile it may be found, in these iav i f Nervous Disease. The simplicity and pu ritvoi' these Pills are at once in their favor, as tliev il- not physic. Kmnviies that have not walked for two years :,:1vr K-en fully restored by these Pills and of eases of Nervous Weakness ierfeetly , ured. while the cases of Sick and Nervous Head ; lie :iuil Neuralgia that they have cured are in-numei-al'ie en eh year and add to their popularity. 1 i'.uh h raunot be said in their favor,for while iiiev i-uiv these terrible Nervous Diseases, they :io improve the general health, and especially ike e iiipiexion and' skin, and invariably improve the digestion. Sold by al! druggists. Price, 50 cents a lox ;v;i.'!. :w North Kutaw Street, Baltimore, Md. i;v m:ii!. t'o boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2.50, ai'v address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, g INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, a DISEASES OfrHAIR AND SCALP. p' SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and I TENDER ITCHINCSonallpartaof the i . body. It makes the skin white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing in THE WOBLD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. ; AU first class druggists have it. Prioefl. per package. ( HAS. X. CRITTENTON, 113 Fulton St., New Vork fit v. sole aprent for Dr. C. W. Benson's rem-.-ilios. to wham all orders should be addressed, oet i:i PooditWlm we fr su nrm I " aie. Wholesale and Retail, by ADRIAN vVoLLEH"!. P. L. BRIDGERS fc CO. and J. ('. TKVKNSON. dec 24 3m a dies Do you. want a pure, bloom ing Complexion! If so, a Tpw applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM mil grat ify you to your heart's .con tent. It does away with Shal lowness, Redness, Pimples, blotches, and all diseases and rn perfections of the skin. It overcomes the Unshed appear zm of heat, fatigue and ex : itment. It males a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY; and so natural, gradual, mi perfect are its effects, hat it is impossible to detect its application. William Read & Sons, 13 Faneuil Hall Square, Boston, Agents for ti e ar u i w e W. & C. SCOTT & SONS Breech Loaders. 1 'unified by us to Bojrardus ffrho has shot one "ver 60,000 times). Miles Johnson, and most of the clubs. 'w on hand some damaged and second-hand 'Hies very low. Some of highest grade. end stamp for Circulars and Second Hand u"t. jan 31 6w BABBITT METAL! 1000 Founds OLD T" FOR SALE In Large or Small Lots. AT THE ; , - rt 5 ,s o oi i 13 . o n, ZZj x i s S i 8 -S i I1 S a 3 ? .C i J:;'-wS)5uO C .a & IMPRESSIONS. T I. I.E JARDIN. The lily's withered cbalice falls P Around its tod of dusty gold, And from the beech trees on the wold The last wood-pigeon coos and calls. The gaudy leonine sunflower Hangs black and barren on its stalk. And down the windy garden walk The dead leaves scatter hour by hour. Pale privet-petals white as milk ! Are blown into a snowy mass ; The roses lie upon the grass Like little shreds of crimson silk, II. LA MEIt. A white mist drifts across the shrouds. A wild moon in this wintry sky Gleams like an angry lion's eye Out of a mane of-tawny clouds. 1 The muffled steersman at the wheel Is but a shadow in the gloom; And in the throbbing engine room Leap the long rods of polished steel. The shattered storm has left its trace Upon this huge and heaving dome, For the thin threads of yellow foam Flont on the waves like raveled lace. Oscar Wilde in Our Continent. RELIGIO US TOLERA TIOX A T WABSA W. Rev. J. X. Stallings, Editor Brief Men- tion. We see that some writers in some of the religious papers of the State are criticising quite sharply the Star for the article it wrote upon the in stallation of Northrop, a Romish prelate, to be Bishop of North Care Una. We read the article with a great deal of interest. And, except the references to the Romish oli garchy and her officials by the names which she and they arrogate to them selves, which weunderstooil to be entirely conventional and prompted by politeness, we saw nothing at all objectionable. The article has been sharply criti cised because the editor commanded the learning and eloquence of Messrs. Gibbons and Keane and their manner of delivering their addresses. Now, every one who read the article must know that the Star was right upon that point. There can be no true eloquence with manuscript before the speaker. It is really strange that one cannot give an opinion upon a point of that kind without being ar raigned as favoring the monstrosities of the dreadful Beast, as Rome con fessedly is. Again, the opinion that these men proclaimed the gospel is more severe ly condemned, and the editor of the Star arraigned as ignorant, and as a new convert to Romanism. We certainly did not so understand him. Some of the Romish doc trines are 'eminently sound. No loubt the speakers selected such portions as all evangelical Protest ants belie ve,and Mr. Kingsbury, who is a-Baptist, and Mr. Bernard, who is an Episcopalian, could well say they preached the pure gospel, with out in any sense indorsing the Hein ous doctrines and practices of the Man of Sin. We did not understand our contemporary to commend Ro manism at all, but in giving an ac count of a passing occurrence to in dorse what it thought true in manner and matter. Surely a jonrnahst may commend anything he sees deserv ing, if it does come from those with whom he wholly ditfei's m other things, without being iected to such sharp criticism. take it that our contemporary is as strongly opposed to the Romish sys tem as its critics or the writer of this article. We write this not to defend the Star, which is amply able to defend itself ; but to express our own views. We believe in a just, broad and liberal spirit in dealing with all questions especially those of religions kind. It is simply ri diculous to hold out the idea that Romanism can ever predominate in this country. Protestantism, by which we mean all evangelical reli gious creeds opposed to Romanism, increases more than ten times more rapidly than Romanism. SO UTHERJTEMS. There is $1,500,000 worth of cotton stored in Atlanta. Willie Tilley, of Norfolk, seven teen years of age, was terribly shot recently by the accidental discharge of a shot-gun he;was loading. Fishburne, the South Carolina fire-eater, has made an apology to the Sen ate, and has been put under $3,000 bonds to keep the peace. The Piedmont Mills, in South Carolina, have recently received an order for 23,000 pieces of "Edinburgh Cheviots," and the amount to be paid for them will be 70,000. Charlotte Observer. Hon. John W. Daniel has been elected to the Presidency of the Virginia Savings Bank, of this city, vice A. M. Da vies, who declined to be a candidate be fore the Board for re-election. Lynchburg Letter. The Louisiana Supreme Court has rendered a decision that all the work of the New Orleans criminal conrt since the new constitution was adopted in 1879, in cluding the convictions of some murderers who have been hanged, is invalid because the law requires all cases to be allotted be tween the two judges by hazard, while nothing of the kind has been done. Mr. P. LV Etue, Kansas City; Mo. , one of the proprietors of the Commercial Indica tor, says he knows the St. Jacobs Oil to be a most valuable remedy for rheumatism. Last winter Mr. Etue says he had this dis ease in his left shoulder. The pain was ex cessive at times, and so severe while attacks lasted as to cause a strong desire ta have it speedily eradicated. After vainly resorting to several remedies for relief, without suc cess, he at last hit upon the Great German Remedy. He experienced decided and im mediate relief from its use, and was en tirely cured with the fourth application. Since thea he has entertained a very high respect for the curative powers of the Oil. This respect it not at all lessened by its; happy action in the case of his wife, who subsequently suffered with inflammatory rheumatism. She contracted the disease while visiting i Colorado. Upon arriving home the St. Jacobs Oil was used,4n ,CD junrtfcnrwith prescriptions for Internal adr ministration. and materially aided in her restoration to health. Blaine's genius is a self-evr&diit fact that asserts- itself at- overy sep f he way mrougu -nisaisTOry.' jvet- drtt. He rald. ' . 7 , ' -r Oscar spent a day ;at Niagara Fallsr and the world ..waits" wi& wjety to. learn, whether he wasdisappolntewith the uuuuui, as uii was wiin meiaaac. : -y.-i It is asserted" that -tb sKost in full uniform -of Alexariacr. lET&aiit appearing night ; after ufgWw&ellfar'of the CatbedfaRff W- Peters, TOeljcV lice1 have been ordered tg f ot wm- b - Some pf the stndents of the In diana College dressed up a gawky, long haired comrade as Oscar Wilde, accompa nied mm on a lecturing -visit -to Crawford vine, and dined, with an assthetiq villager; The Princess Jeanne Bonaparte, daughter of the late Prince Pierre, will soon be married to Count Christian Ville- neuve Escrapon, receiving a dowry of $400,000 from the fortune brought to her Drotner, rnnce Koland, by ms marriage with the daughter of M. Blanc, the great gaming-table proprietor. A new cotton factory is soon to be erected in Norfolk. All the stock has been taken. For the Cure of Coughs, Colls, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Croup, InfiuU enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and fbrthe re-J lief of consumptive persons m advan-j ced stages of the Disease. For Sale nov 15 D&W6m hoc or frm 3 R O SAD All S THE GREAT SOUTHERN HE iuEDl for the cure of Scrofula. Syphi- uis. Scrofulous Taint, Rheumatism. White Swelling, tiout. Goitre. Bronchitis, Con sumption, Nervous Debility, Malaria, and tali diseases arising from an impure con kiition of the BLOOD, SKIN or SCALP. DtOSADALIS Cures Scrofula. IR0SADALIS Cures Rheumatism. EOSABALIS Cures Syphilis. EOSABALIS Cures malaria. R0SADALIS Cures Nervous Debility. R0SADALIS Cures Eruptions. IROSADALIS rtias its inprredients pub ished on every package. Show it to your physician, and he will tell you it Is composed of the (strongest alteratlves that ;exlst, and U an Excellent BLOOD PITR1F1EK. ROSADALIS is sold by all Druggists. feb 10 D&WGm 30 DAYS TRIAL IS, 1876 WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, BR, DYE?S otro-VoItaic Appliances fl'i-rini from Nervous Weakness, Geit - ii liability, loss of nerve force or vigor, .-.i,v .liscast; resulting from Abuses Riid Othkk i r-:.s. .r to any one afflicted with Rhenma :i Xrumlgia, Tiintlysis Spinal Difficulties, I.kv or Liver Troubles, Lntiie Bock, Riv . . :ii'l ' ih'. r Diseasen of t!-- ''tiil Organs, -i. troubled with uki... peculiar to 'ct.Mly relief Jind complete restorntion to !:.: u;iranteud. Tneoe nre the only .?- Appliances that nave ever ix-on eoicwl rneletl upon Keientific prln i'!-s. Their tliorougfi efficacy has been pnie !;:;.! jjioveu with the most Wonderful y.ivvsH. ami they have the hijfhest "UjiorMeiiienf m from mexiieal aid weten l lie iuen.n!l from liimtielt who have ! i. qtiiclily nt radit-ally eiirett by iair .-,. vei!.i :!., ii'.'i fin Ilhistmti'd Punt jihloi, giving all ;nalio'.l K", VOLTAIC X'EI T CO.. Marshall. Mich. je 8 Deod&Wly su we fr A POSITIVE CUBE! Without Medicines. ALLAN'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOUGIES. Patented October 1G, 1876. One box No. 1 will cure any case in four days or less. . No. 2 will cure the most obstinate case, no mat ter of how long standing. No nauseous doses of cubebs, copabia or oil of sandalwood, that are certain to produce dyspep sia by destroying the coatings of the stomach. Price $1 50. Sold by all druggists or mailedon receipt of price. For further particulars send for circular. P. O. Box 1.533. J. C. ALLAN CO., 83 John Street, New York. feb 9 codgm tu th fr Peruvian Guano. J Direct Importation. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS TO THE TRADE PERUVIAN GUANO IMPORTED DIRECT FROM THE DEPOSITS, of the usual standard and qua lity. I For particulars and prices, apply to JT. M. HI KT ADO, 63 Pino Street. New York (Successor to IIOBSON, HURT ADO & CO.) r jan 25 eod3m we fr su EMPIRE PLASTER MILLS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Gypsum. WE ARE NOW" PREPARED TO. DELIVER frmfl QRQUJ?D STOVA SCOTIA QYPBUM, at low rates; in larpe or small lots, feb 5 tf J. R. BLOSSOM & EVANS. 'Our quotations,' it should be tlfcdferfltood, represent" the wholesale irlce9 gerterafljr. . In making op small orders higher prices have to be charged; AUTOCUES. .'- ' " PIUCES. : BAGGING Gunny "Standard BACON North Carolina, Hams, $ lb..... Shoulders. $) lb Sides, choice, $t 0 '.. Wk8Tkrn Smoked Hams, ft Sides, lb Shoulders. ft. 00 14 00 & 10 00 &. 16 15 10 - 00 11 0 im 10K 0 8Mi Dbt Satted Sides, ft Shoulders, ft BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. secona liana, eacn i vs (to 1 no New New York, each 1 90 & 2 00, New Citv. each 0 00 a i 90 BEESWAX ft 00 20 BRICKS Wilmington, p 750 950 Northern J. : 0 00 ta 14 00 BUTTER North Carolina, ft 20 30 JNortnern, wxt so i CANDLES 3? ft Sperm 18 35 25 12 15 1 .15V 14 28 xaiiow n4 Adamantine 12 ( CHEESE J ft Northern Fact'y 14 Dairy, Cream io State 10 COFFEE ft Jara 18 jjaguyra ia Rio 10 en 14 14 00 75 CORN MEAL 39 bush., in sacks. Qn&fa 1 COTTON TLES bundle....... 1 50 1 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 44, yd 7 Yarns. W bunch 1 00 66 1 10 20 EGGS W dozen. 16 I'ISH Mackerel, No. l, w odi... its uo a ao oo Macfcerei. No. l. w nan ddi. . do 10 00 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, W bbl 9 CO AiacKerei, no. 2, ft nait ddi. Mackerel, No. 3, $ bbi. . Mullets, bbU.. Mullets, Porkbbls N. C. Roe Herring, keg. . . Dry Cod. ft.; 00 5 50 8 50 3 00 7 00 3 00 5 57 50 36 00 9 00 3 50 8 50 4 00 9 FERTILIZERS 2,000 pounds, .reruvian uuano, no. l No. 2 Lobos 62 50 37 00 51 00 GO 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 CO 00 60 00 5 50 6 00 7 50 10 00 00 00 Baugh's Phosphate 00 00 -Carolina Fertilizer 45 00 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navassa Guano 40 00 Complete Manure 00 00 Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Berger & Butz's Phosphate. . 00 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 55 00 FLOUR bbl Fine 0 00 Northern super u w Kxtra 6 50 Family. City Mills Extra 6 00 0 50 8 50 9 00 f amuy ' Extra Family 00 50 11 & .GLUE lb 13 97 8ti 90 87 07 00 25 11 35 25 UKAis-w Dusnei. Corn, from store, in bags Corn, cargo, in bulk Corn, cargo, in bags Corn, cargo, Mixed, in bags. Oats Red Rust Proof Oats Cow Peas 90 85 87VS 85 65 95 20 4 10 30 20 00 HIDES ft Green Dry HAY 100 fts Eastern western North River...:. 15 HOOP LRON Ton LARD ft Northern 80 00 12 00 1 10 18 00 15 00 85 00 14 ? 1 50 20 00 16 00 !8 00 22 00 15 00 North Carolina LIME barrel LUMBER City Sawed M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed Rough Edge Wank West India Careoes, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . 18 00 Scantlinir and Boards, com'n 13 00 MOLASSES irallon. ew crop Cuba, w nnus in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds " " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds " in bbls Syrup, in bbls 00 40 00 0-. 43 00 45 00 48 27 30 00 29 40 80 0 00 3 85 It 12 1 10 1 45 90 1 00 15 18 00 20 00 22 38 30 12Jgl 25 75 1 25 1 80 1 65 60 75 4 00 4 25 30 00 21 00 NAILS V Keg Cut, lOd basis.. OILS gallon Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin ' Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chic kens, live, grown spring... Turkeys . . PEANUTS bushel POTATOES bushel Sweet . . Irish, per bbl PORK S bbl. City Mes Prime Rump 00 00 10 00 15 00 RICE-Carolina, ft Routrli, bushel RAGS $ ft Country city ROPE ft SALT sack Alum Liverpool, Lisbon American SUGAR V ft Cuba Porto Rico. . A Coffee B- - C " ExC Crushed ' SOAP "ft Northern SHINGLES M Contract common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES M W. O. Barrel. . . . R. C. Hogshead TALLOW ft TIMBER M feet Shipping. . txtra Jsuippmg Mill Prime Mill Fair Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY W gallon Northern Nortn Carolina WOOL ft Washed inwasnea Burrv Exchange (triirht) on New York J4 discount. Baltimore..-. H . Boston " , Philadelphia W Western Cities... Z Exchange. 30 days. 1 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 107 First National Bank Stock. 75 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 32 ranaing, wee vz. Funding, 1868 12 New 4s 88 Special Tax 4 to N.O, Railroad..., 03 W. & W. R. R. Bauds. 7 ttc. (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina Central R, R. Bondi, 6 c 105 Wilmington, CoL & Augusta R. R. Bonds ... 106 Wilmington City Bonds, (New) 6 o 100 " " 80 100 New Hanover County Bonds, Gc 97Hs Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina R. R. Stock 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 100 The Best Paper. Try It. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 3tli YEAR, THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THE aciENTTFIC AMERICAN is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper, qf Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID ENGRAV INGS, representing toe newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences ; in cluding New and. Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, tne Home, Health, Progress, social, Science. Natural History. Geology. . Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms. S3 .20 per year. SL60 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, lv cents, ;&oia Dy an jxewsaeaiers. nemii ostal Order to MUNN & CO.. Publishers, 37 Park Row, NewuYork, TJ A IH tjUIDCfci ,Ja connection with the XMl X ixLt 10 . SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. Minra & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents-, ha vehtid 35years experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in e SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN of all Inventions patented through this Agency, wtth top nme ana residence of the Patentee, By the immense circulation thus given public attention-Is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales and introduction of ten easi ly effected Any person who has made a new disoveryor in vention, can ascertain: frke of. charge, whether a patent can probablynDe obtained, by writing to Mukk fc Co. We also send nait our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address tor tne paper, or concerning raients. MUNN b CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F & 7th, Sts., Washington.D. C. nvltr The Harion Star, THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN the Pee Ded section, one of the wealthiest and most prosperous in the -State, offers to. Com mission and wholesale Merchants and Manufac turenr, and to'those who have, adopted the plan of selling by sample, an excellent medium f com munication with a large and influential class of merchants, mechanics, planters and naval store men: whose patronage to worth solicitation. Ad verttsejaents-and BusineM Cprds Inserted tm libe ral teiw.- Addfeg9 TtHE STAR, ge 25 tf Marion, 8. C. 17 00 4J4 8 95 1 15 14j 23 00 75 " 00 85 00 t, 00 00 75 0 00 0 dr. 00 0 04 V4 10 . 8 9 9 Co- UKi lOWrf. 1 1 5 C4 5 00 7 00 2 00 2 50 4 50 0i 5 00 0 00 7 50 18 QQ IS 00 00 55 10 00 5 C 12 00 J3 00 13 00 14 80 6 50 7 50 5 50 6 50 4 50 5 00 0 00 4 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 2 50 25 32 20 23 10 15 The MsyHirtStar PUBUSfi Dally ahd weekly Subscription Rates-In Airaiice. DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid, $7 00 ' Six Months, ' ' 4 00 Three Months" " 2 25 " One Mocth, " " 1 00 WEEKLY STAR, One Year, postage paid. . . .$1 50 " SixMonths, " " .... 1 00 Three Months " 50 NOTICES 0FTHE PRESS: The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in tne state, as Dngnt ana newsy as ever. ixng we to it. acuem ires. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. unanwie jjtmocrat. The Wilmington Star has entered on its twelfth year. As a daily journal of news it stands riup oeaa. uoncora negater. The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty- fifth volume. There is no better paper published in 'me state. Lenoir uopte. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir teenth year. It is one of the best papers in the State. Warrenton Gazette. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papers of ino soutn. wrjora wiorcM,Qnx. The Wilmington Stab is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news and typograpical appearance cannot be beaten. Jackson Reporter. The Wilmington Stab is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typo- grapny up to eaitoruu aouity ana lnaepenaence. jviereovrg i a.) maex-Appeai. We like the Stab because it is thoroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so well and ably edited, newsy, spicy, ana in fact a perfect newspap Long may tne stab twinkle. Mt. Airy Visitor. Although at the head of the press in this' State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader. still it continues to Improve. It is a Stab of the first magnitude. May its lustre never wane. "j he f ree WMJiaptvitT "The Wilmington (N. C.) Morxino Stab is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newtUM (secular) paper published in the South. Hicfitnond I a.) Religious aetata. The Wilmington Star has now entered uuon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarboro Southerner. The Star is so well and favorably known in this section of the State, that we can say nothing of wnicn us tnousanus or reaaers ao not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dai lies in the South. liobemniun. The Wilmington Star has entered on its twelfth year, it is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day. and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to ?iortn Carolina journalism. vnanoiie voeervtr. That magnificent beaming Star has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of tne Potomac. Tne system in tne get up of tne pa per surpasses them all. Tarbotv Southerner. The Timeg cannot sav a word too good for the Wilmington Star. It has just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and Is sought after bv the people. Long and prosperous life to it. Rtldtt riUe Times. Whv is it that all the oaners with the name of Star are such bright little journals f The Wilming ton IN. C.) Star, the Washington Mar. the Fred ericksburg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be something in a name after aft. IttchmOHd (Uo.) State. The Wilmington Star, we are pleased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Star very highly, regarding it as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it the peer of any Journal published m the houth.- uxtora tree Lance. The Wilmington Star is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be sides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since it is so deserving. Chatiotte viewer. The MoHNisa Star, one of the best dailies we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best, has entered upon its twelfth year. In every particular the Star comes fully up to the mark as the principle daily in our chief commer cial city. Long may it twinkle. Alamance Glean er. The Wilmington Star has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Star very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and Its editorial de aartment is conducted with much ability. Mor fauon Jihvlt. This Q-reat Specific Cure that loathsome disease. SYPHILIS, Whether in its Primary, Secondary or Tertiary stage. Remove all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures Scrofula. Old Sores. Rheumatism. Eczema, Cartarrh, or any Blood Disease Hear the Witnesses. CurcN when Hot Spring Fa 11 Malvern, Ark., May S, 1881. We have cases in our town who lived at Hot Springs, and were finally cured with 8. S. S. McCakmom & Mcbrt. Memphis, Tenn., May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,206 bottles of S. S. 8. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a postive specific. 8. Mansitexd & Co. Louisville, Ky., May 13, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. Fxnitxr. Dallas, Texas, May 14, 1881. I have seen S. S. S. used in the primary, second ary and tertiary stages, and in each with the most wonderful e(f eot. leave seen It stop the hair from falling out in a very sbort time. I advise all suf ferers to take it and be cured. W. H. Patterson, Druggists. Washington, D. C, May 12, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine we have ever sold. Scheixer & Stevens, Druggist. Denver, Col.. May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of S. S. 8. L. MxtSSETKB. Richmond, Va., May 11, 1881. You can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk, & Co. Perry, Ga., October, 1880. We have known Swift's S. Specific used in a great number of cases, many of them old and obsti nate, and have never known or heard of a failure to make a permanent cure when taken properly. II. L. DKNNARD. ElJ WaRBKX, W. D. Nottingham, W.m. Bbuksok, Moore & Tcttle, T. M. BtmrEB, Sheriff. I am acquainted with the gentlemen whose sig natures appear to the foregoing. They are men of high character and standing. A. H. Colquitt Governor of Georgia IS tfO HU9IBIJO. Jf you doubt, oome and we cure you, or cnarge you nothing. Write for-partioulars. Ask any lead ing drug house in the U. S. as to our character. 81,000 Reward will be paid to any chemist who will find on analysis 100 bottles S. S. S., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any min eral substance. SWIFT 8PECLFIC CO., Sold by druggists everywhere. Atlanta, Ga. Write for particulars and copy of little book. ' 'Message to the Unfortunate.'' "Price of large or regular size reduced to $1.75 per bottle, and sjnflUstae. holdtns; &lf the quantity, fori! .00. ... ' ' For further information cu or write for the little book. W. BL GREEN, Wholesale and Retail Agent, jy 9 oawly . su Wilmington, N. O. Wilmineton &l Weldon Railroad Co, 1 OrricE or Gkx'l,4$utmuntkjdknt, t Wilmington. N. C, .Tan. SO, 1883. i Change of Schedule. jj ON AND AFTER JAN. 23D, 1882, AT 1J A. M., f Passenger Trains on the Wilmington Wel- don Railroad will run as follows: i Day ITIall aud Expres Trmlns, Dally; No. 47 North and 48 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 0.40 A. Arrive at Weldon 12.50 P. Leave Weldon. S.87 P. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9.55 P. Fast Through Mailaxd PAssnsoKRTnAissDAiir No. 43 North and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6.15 P. M. Arrive at Weldon 1.15 A. M. Leave Weldon. C.15 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 10.50 P. M. Dat Mail asd Passkxoer, Daily, No. 45 North and 42 South. Leave Wilmington Front St. Depot at 1.00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at 0:00 p. M. Leave Weldon 1.80 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7.00 A. M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Rooky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trams on Tarboro Branch Roaa l-eavo Kocxy Mount for Tarboro at 12 M. and 7.15 T. M. Dally. Returning, leave Tarboro at 0.00 A. M. and 3 P. M. DaUy Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond and ashington. Noe. 47 and 45 make close connec tion for Tarboro. All trams run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and hfevo Iitllman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't . A. POPE, Gon'l Passenger Agent. I f jan 20 tf WILMINGTON, COL'MBIA & ADGOSTA Railroad Co. Oftick or Gknekal Sct't, I Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 20, 1882. Change of Schedule. ON .AND AFTER JANU M.. the following Pa JANUARY 23. 1882, AT 7.20 A 'asenger Schedule will: De run on tnis roaci NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally)! Not. 48 Wtit and 47 East. Leave Wilmington 10.15 P. M. Leavo Florence 2.20 A. M.I Arrive at C, C. s A. Junction 5.55 A. M.r Arrive at Columbia 6.10 A. MJ Leave Columbia 10.00 P. M.i T AttrA r1 A- A Tn,iti-n 1 n Oft t XT': Leave Florence 2.00 A. m!I Arrive at Wilmington 0.20 A. M Nioht Mail and Passenger Thai. Daily, No. 4fl 3 West, and Day Mail and Pafnger Trains No. 43 East. . i Leave Wilmington.. 11.05 P. Mj Arrive at Florence 2.47 A. M, Leave Florence 1.25 P. Mi Arrive at Wilmington 5.50 P. Mi -r . .. . T . . jii n-... . r t . Leave Wilmington 7.20 A Mil Arrive at Florence 11.40 P. Mil Leave Florence 5.55 A. MJ Arrive at Wilmington 11.40 A. M4 Trains 43 and 42 etop at all Stations. ; i No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton. Whitevlllei Fair Bluff and Marion. J Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. a C. R. R., O., & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken .lunctioni and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Kx? press. ; Separate Pullman Sleepers lor Charleston and for Augusta on Train 47. 1 1 All trains run solid between Charleston arid it-1 . i . VT II.UIIIIOIJ. . j JOnN F. DIVINE, ; i Gen'l Sup't.; i A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. j i jan20tf - ?f CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD C0. OrncE Wilmington, Change of Schedule. AND AFTER JAN. 1. 1882. THE FOLLOW- ing Schedule will he operated on thli iall- road: PASSENGEH. MAIL AND DAILY. EXPKESS TUAjjs": ( Leave Wilmington at H.20 P.: It. I Arrive at Charlotte at 5.50 A. M. No. 1. I Leave Charlotte at 10.10 pjif. ( Arrive at Wilmington at 7.32 A.jil. No. Trams Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and Points designated iu the Company's Time Table. 1 i 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT.. ; Dally except Sunday. j . i Leave Wilmington at -NO- 3- I Airive atCharlotte at 5.40 A.j 8. .7.55 P. I Leave Charlotte at 4.15 AjM No. C. f Arrive at Wilmington at 5.55 p SnELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. i . .. 8.00 A Jjw. . ..12.00 Mi Leave Charlotte . . . . Arrive at Shelby Leave Shelby Arrive at Charlotte . i.OO P. 5.00 P. if- Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection (at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Ralegh, and at Charlotte with Shelby Division Train, j i Through Sleeping Cars between Wllmingjton and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. j j Train No. 1 makes connection at Charlotte with A., T. & O. R.R., for Statesville, connecting tb4re with W. N. C. R. R. for all points on said Koadt Trains Nos. 1 and 5 make connection at Char lotte with A. &, C. R. R, for Spartanburg. Greten vllle, Athens, Atlanta and all points beyond. H Train No. 6 makes close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R, R. for points Norths Train No. 2 makes close connection with W C. & A. R. R. ! 3 V. Q. JOHNSON, deo 81-tf General Superintendent. New York and Wilmington Steamship Co. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YGtlK Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock P. M. BENEFACTOR Thursday, REGULATOR Saturday, GULF STREAM Saturday, 3 January 26. Januarjfi 28. Februaff 4. BENEFACTOR .WedneMay, Fcbruasalf 8. REGULATOR Saturday, Kebruaif 11. "Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in SMrth and South Carolina. For Freight Engagements apply to ? THOMAS E. BOND, s Superintendent, WUmlngton, "Sib. Theo. . Kicer, Freight Agent, New lork. W. J Olvde A: Co. General Agents. jan 37-tf 5 Broadway, New York T7r VTTT A "d GEOROIA.-FoOj -T LUIUL'A formation about f& tlbcae States read the 8 AVANNAIL MORNrNp CCF-Wt' WEEKLY (mammoth eight pg-at) wft Daily $10 a rear. The beat papers t the Hwtih, Sample copies 5 rents. Addreia, - Y an 19 tf .1. , "KSTTLL, ftaTaDnah,.qr OF OENER-VL SvrERI?TENIENT. i j N. C, Jan. 1. 182. j 1 i Mrnw a Tinr?iflnTan4iiTTrd TKE WORKS OF TOTE1 Cottier Company OF ST. LOUIS, MO Which were totally Destroyed by Hre on Mny 4 aud September SI, 1861, ARE REBUILT! Orders are solicited for Strictly Pore White Lead and Bed Lead, Cold-Preaaed and Pure Dark Castor OiL Raw and Doable Boiled Linseed 011. M. I M.I M. ? M. n uT TT UT!ny n. m wooixrr. auh Rr liable eiidrnoo V 1 JL U JXL tn. Uk given. and reference to cuml patient and phnlcUn. Srnd for my look on Th Habit and iu Cure. Frrr. II.1BIT C.L'ItK. $7 7 7 A YEAR and expenar to agents. Outfit free. Addrm P. O. VICKKRT. Avvvwrx. Ma. P i VDLTT TW tr advertln-ni. rAuirHLIjl G P. ROWELL 100 parr. ' H).. N. Y. SSr. feb U lmDAW THE MEW VIGT0H1 The Latest The Best THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. most complete LARGE ARM MACHINE Yet produced. ILLl'STRATEl) CIKCl'LARS SENT ON APPLICATION. Victor Sewing Machine Co., Middletown, Conn. Southern 0T.: j fo. V.. C!ia If i S' Qaltlmor. Uai i v de el3D&V8in MARBLE (VIOIMUIVIEIMTS AND Grave Stones. F1RST-'I.S.S WORK AT IX) WEST NKW YoK PKICEM. DESIGNS SENT BY MAIL. WOKK PACKED A ND SHIPPED. AT OVU RISK . TO ANY PAHT OF THK MOUTH. KK'IIARD WAT1IAN A CO., 5 7 Lafayette I'laee, New York Walhim's Monumental DfalgnH. iu book fonn for sale to the Trade. dec 4 DAW t(. Health is Wealth ! E. '. WWT'S NKIIVK AND BKAI.N TREATMENT : a tmrrlflo for Hvtrrl&. .u- vrusions. .-mtvous iieaciQcne, Menial itrprrwoinh Los of Memory, Impotewy, Premature Old Ag, caused by over exertion. pxrcei, or ovrr-lndul-gencc, wiilch leads to niLter)', decay and dca4h One box will cure recent mvi. Each box rtii tains oni month' i rt-atinoiit. One dollar a -t. or six brc for five dollara; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six kiiri to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxen, accompanied with five dollar, we will send the purchaser oar written guarantee to return the money if the treatment dun iiotHTrrt a cure. Guarautcc isHticd by WM. II. GKKKN, Drnggint, (surcfisrr to Onwn A. Flanner), Wil mington. N. C. Orders by mall will reoetv prompt attention. mh 8a DAW I ytg 8500 Reward! WE WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD )H any case of Liver Complaint, Dypep1a, Nick Headache, Indlgeatlon, Constipation or kwttve nens we cannot cure with West' Vegetable Liver Pills, when the direction are trictlr complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. iArgeboiea, containing 90 Pills. 25 ennta. For sale by all Drug gists. Beware oi counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CXt., "The Pill Makers," 181 A 1R3 W. Mad ison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a a rent stamp, mh 22 I) AW ly N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ELIZABETUTON. BLADEN COUNTY. N. V, Office Up slalrs, in Brick building occupied by Rlnaldl A oo. Special attention to Claims. Collections on sum of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent. If without milt. Drawing Deeds, Mort gages. Ac. a specialty. apa DAW tf PRESCRIPTION FREE Forth speedy 4'areof Kertees W , Lest Tltslltr, Prematare Debility, Herraasaass, Desnoadearr, ('4afasloa of Ideas. Aeeralea ta RarietT, UefVctUe Msanrr. all Disorder aroavhto bj ladlscreat HsMts aad kx . Aardragglst baa th lgrdleta. 8rsT m rum seauo tsvaofL Adowss DR.W. 3. J AQU E8, 130 Wait Slits BU, CI3CTHH1TI, OHia mh 2 DAWly High-Bred Dogs. Em NGLISH. IRlSn ANT) GORDON BETTKRN of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees For sale hy K. P. WEI.SH nov 7 DAWtf York. Pwn. The Biblical Recorder PUBLLSH1D BY Edwurd, IlrouRhlon Ac Co. RALEIGH. N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, KdUor. REV. II. HATCHER. Asaoclate Editor. Onan of North Carolina Baptists In It 14th Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. Only 2.00 par Tear. AddrcM dee 2H tf BIBLICAL RECORDER, Raleigh. N. C. Western North Carolina If you want to know all about the "Garden Spot' of the .South, send for a specimen oopy of tha Independent Herald, n u a twenty ETGrrr conxnut ' wnncLy. full of Interesting reading saatter, and dvota to the interesu of Western NarUj CaroUaa. Address INDEPENDENT IHTU.LD. UendaraoorlUa N. C Why nnltcau wai CotiTlctcd. H.C, r KMPEKT WOULD BE PLEASED TO inform hla many friends and the puUllogaa eralrr ander what circumstance ulbeu w eonvictad. If they wm call oo him at bts MaraoUt Shartog aud Hair Dresamg Baioon. No. fl S. mm treet, wbera Ihay can rat a Flrtt-Claaa Shave. Hair-Cut, Shampoo. Ac, and find aUta tMnlet nsnally fonml In a No. 1 Establishment, feb atf SB 1a o r- p 1 -vi y