The Morning Star. BY WM. h!'bERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY fecCEPT MONDAYS. bates or stuA9CBiPTiON, in advance. One Tear, (by Mail) Postage Paid, $7 00 Six Months. " " " 4 00 Three Months, " 2 00 Two Months, " ; 1 50 One Month, " . ' 75 To City bu Dscnoers, delivered in any part of the City, Fiitkkit Cents per week. Our City crents are noi autuonzeo 10 collect lor more than three months in advance. Kntered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class Matter. MORNING EDITION, OVTLINES. The Episcopal Convention of Alabama is in session at Montgomery; Bishop Quintard, of Tennessee, delivered the semi-annual address. A bill appropriating $150,000 to continue improvements on Charleston (S. C.) harbor passed the Senate yesterday. -The Lynch-Chalmers contested election case from Mississippi was debated in the House yesterday, but no action was taken; the Senate passed the Anti-Chinese bill as it came from the House; Senators Vance, Platte and McDill were appointed a com mittee to investigate affairs of the Sixth North Carolina Collection District. The steamship Nankin, for Liverpool, in ballast, run into in New York bay and sunk by the steamer George W. Clyde. Frank Crowley, alias McManus, of Boston, Massachusetts, was taken from jail at Minneapolis, Minnesota, by a mb, and hanged, for an outrage on a four-year old child. Moale, Armstrong & Co., of Baltimore, ask an extension from credi tors: liabilities $35,000. A wholesale tobacco house at Cleveland, Ohio, burned; loss about $100,000, partially insured. Three colored men hanged at Greenville, South Carolina, yesterday, for burning the Academy of Music at that place in 1879. The anti-Chinese Convention, at San Francisco, California, have resolved that the Chinese must go; will be removed by forceTTF necessary, until the country is rid of them. Professor Chittenden found over three grains of arsenic in Jennie Cramer's body. One hundred and ten business failures throughout the country for the past week; Southern States 30. Great suffering and destitution is reported on the coast of Labrador. The rail road from Augusta to Greenwood, South Carolina, was completed yesterday and the event celebrated with great rejoicing. New York markets : Money 33 per cent.; cotton quiet and steady atl2J15Hc; southern flour dull and weak at $5 57 8 50; wheat opened iic lower and heavy, ungraded red $1 191 46; corn opened f lc lower, ungraded 7882c; rosin dull and weak at $2 452 47i; spirits turpeutiue higher and firm at 6060c. The Forestry Congress is in session in Cincinnati. Mr.Sterling E. Edmunds,who killed Dr. Lipscomb, at Danville, Va., was discharged on the grounds of self-defence. Mary Ann Snodgrass, aged 18, was drugged to death in Philadelphia. Another Jennie Cramer case, or worse. Guiteau is getting nerv ous. War den Crocker says he acts "like a badly scared individual." He has cause. Darwin was not a believer in Chris tianity, we believe. He neverthe less finds a burial in the Great Abbey. Longfellow wrote forty-two works, but many of thera were small. His total productiveness was far below the more prolific authors. Twenty-six Republicans voted in the Senate against the bill prohibit ing Chinese naturalization. The Dem ocrats are delighted over their Chinese record. Don't you forget there are 45,000 postoffices in the United States. The average increase is 150 yearly, but this year it is thought the increase will be 3,000. A woman in Louisa county, Vir ginia, attempted to poison three rivals with candy. They were made dreadfully sick and came near dying. Those concerned are of high connec tions. It is a singular coincidence that both of Georgia's Senators should be sick one, Hill, fatally we fear the other, Brown, in a declining condi tion. They are both able men, Hill os pecially so. If Arthur and his man Brewster about mid-summer, 1884, will begin to persecute the South again it will be a blessing, for it will keep the South solid and kill out Independent ism for four years to come. We hope A. & B. will try it. Stalwart Brewster is an immense dandjTmade up after a pattern fash ionable under the Nineteenth Dynas ty in Egypt. He dresses just like Rameses II., one of the recent mum mies discovered at Thebes. His vests have a sort of palm-leaf figure, whilst he wears the picture of an Egyptian temple on his shirt front. The colored Bishops of the African Methodist Church and of the Colored Methodist Church of America, have been holding a conference in Balti- The vol. xxx. NO. 33. more, looking to a uniting of the two bodies. Of the former church there were present Bishops D. A. Payne, of Ohio; A. W, Waymon, of Mary land; J. P. Campbell, of Pennsylva nia; J. A. Shorter, of Ohio; T. M. D Ward and J. M. Brown, District of Columbia; R. H. Cane, of Texas; H M. Turner, of Georgia, and W. F Dickerson, of South Carolina. Of the latter church, Bishops W. H. Miles, of Kentucky; L. H. Halsey, of Georgia; I. Lane, of Tennessee, and Joseph Bebe, of North Carolina. Judge Lynch held court at Min neapolis yesterday. He had a grand jury numbering 60, who assembled at 2 o'clock A. M., went to the jail, found their man, and after he con fessed the horrible crime with which he was charged, hanged him to an oak tree. It may be best to await the slow process of the law and the chances of escape, but the people of this country seem to have made up their minds that the punishment for a certain class of crimes shall be both swift and terrible. In the Malley trial the undertaker testified as to the body of Jennie Cramer. There was no arsenic used in preserving the body for the au topsy. Samuel L. Marsden, who first saw the body floating at 5.20 A. M., Aug. 6, said he did not believe she was drowned. He had examined ten bodies that had been drowned and Jennie Cramer's showed none ot the peculiarities that marked these. Spirits Turpentine. Warsaw Brief Mention: Clark or Bobbins are as good as the best. We would be satisfied with either, our prefer ence being for Clark, because he is in the Second district, Henderson Gold Leaf : We do not know that Warren tobacco is any better than that raised in Granville, but we do know that a very fine grade of tobacco is made in Warren county. Kinston Free Press: Two of the survey corps employed by the Best Syndi cate were in town this week making ar rangements to begin the survey of the pro posed railroad from Kinston via Snow Hill to Greenville at an early date. Greensboro Neics : Mr. Wm. Huston, living near Mt. Pleasant, was thrown from his wagon last Friday and fatally injured. A hotel will be opened at Trinity College by the next commence ment. Dr. Craven was in town yesterday buying the furniture. Tarboro Southerner: A Superior Court has been held here and there was not a single trial for larceny ; no one goes to the penitentiary from this term of the court. There are only four occupants of the jail, and two of them were sentenced by the last inferior court. Crime is on the decrease. Winston Leader; In Septem ber last Messrs. Cox, Peel & Co. started their shuttle and spoke factory in our midst, and we are glad to know that the enterprise has proved a success. They have made five shipments since they began ope rations. The last one was made last week, and embraced 69,000 blocks and 64,000 buggy spokes. On these a reasonable pro fit was realized. Elizabeth City Carolinian : We have cheering reports from the most of our neighboring counties The farmers are all busy and the prospects are that large crops of corn, cotton and rice will be planted this season. From the best information we are able to obtain we think the fruit in East ern North Carolina has escaped serious in jury from the late cold spells. Neither the apples, plums, peaches or pears suffered any material damage. Greensboro Bugle: The North Carolina National is the title of a new National (or Greenback) paper, which will make its appearance on Thursday, May 4, 1882, with G. L. Greeson as managing editor. The plans of these gentlemen (the trustees) are not in a condition to be made public, still it is no breach of confi dence to say that they are quite confident that the college will not be sold on June 9th, as at present advertised. Elizabeth City Economist: A plan is on foot among our citizens to establish a National Bank in Elizabeth City. The fish have taken up the Chowan river this spring and the fisherman are doing well up there. The cotton factory of Windsor slumbers still. We hope soon to hear its hum again. It cast bread upon the waters which has already been found. It was the parent of the Fowler factory in Elizabeth City and others. "One story is good till another is told." The whale story, wherein one Jonah played an important part, has held the boards long enough. A modern adept now claims the honors. He writes to the Beidsville Times: "Mr. Henry Edmunds, of Charlotte county, Va., had a large red hound named Bose that one day caught a rabbit in the field where they were cutting wheat, and swallowed it without biting it. It killed the dog.. The rabbit scratched out." Winston Sentinel: The fruit crop in this section is still uninjured. Elder Richard Poindexter, of the Church of Christ, closed a meeting at Old Muddy Creek meeting house, last evening, with thirty-six additions to the church. The series of meetings at the Baptist Church this week have been of unusual in terest. A number have professed faith in Christ, and there have been several appli cations for membership by the ordinance of baptism. Fayetteyille Examiner: We re gret to learn that on Tuesday, the 18th inst. , one of Mr. John Blue's distilleries, located near Blue's Crossing, was destroyed by fire, together with sheds, barrels and a consider able amount of raw material on the yard. The accident was due to a defect in the ket tle. Last week a mad dog is reported to have invaded the quiet precincts of Eliza bethtown. He bit sixteen dogs and eight geese, says our informant, after which he was killed. Morning WILMINGTON, The University has been pre sented with 200 specimens of woods by Professor C. S. Sargent, special agent for the tenth census of the United States on Forestry. Many iron ores, minerals, coals from Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama, and tropical fruits from Florida were obtained at the Atlanta Exposition. The Agricul tural and Industrial Museum, and the De partment of Physics have been enriched re cently with specimens of glass, ap paratus, &c. New Berne Journal: Mr. G N. Ives received a. roe shad a few days ago which weighed 1 pounds. He says it was the largest he had ever seen in this market. - Superintendent J . H. Jnulls, of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, is in the city buying potatoes, corn and fish for his family which numbers one hundred and thirty-five. Couldn't have found a better place in North Carolina, for since we have strolled around these streets, by ways and docks, potatoes, fish and corn were to be found in abundance. Pittsboro Record: We are in formed by Mr. Thomas N. Womble, of Gulf township, that Mr. Nat. Lloyd was plowing in his field, a few days ago, and found a bunch of "black-snake root," which he picked up, and soon thereafter seeing a black snake coiled up, he dropped the bunch of roots on it. Immediately the snake gave two or three blows with its mouth, and, turnine on its bacK, its mouth turned "wrong-side outwards," and in a few seconds died. We much regret to learn that in some portidns of this county the growing wheat is badly injured by the rust and some kind ot ny. bo great is tne injury to some few fields that their owners will plow the wheat under and plant corn and cotton. Weldon News: On Wednesday night of last week as Capt. Slocum's train was approaching Mt. Olive, some persons threw four or five stones at one of the pas senger cars, breaking two or three windows ; fortunately no one was injured. We learn that the cold has not injured the fruit; but that the trees both apple and peach, are unusually full. On Sun-" day morning last, while Capt. R. E. Mose ley was sitting in his store, about eight miles from here, he dropped his cane, and upon attempting to pick it up found that he was helpless. It was an attack of paral ysis. He became unconscious and remained so until Tuesday night, when he became better. This is the third attack of the kind he has had, and it is the most severe, one side being entirely useless. Raleigh News- Observer: Adam Hill, colored, from Union county, was one of a gang of convicts employed at the pen itentiary farm, that is he was such yester day, but to-day he breathes free air, having in some way contrived to make his escape. He is black, about 2o years ot age, and is under a ten years' sentence for larceny. Granville items; On the 7th inst. Bog. Har ris, colored, took a mule from the stable of William Gregory, near Wilhamsboro, and on Saturday, while he was trying to sell the animal in Louisburg, Sheriff H. C. Kear ney's suspicions were aroused, so he arrest ed the negro, and the Oxford court gave him five years' board at the penitentiary. Bill Johnson, colored, got six years at the same institution for making an assault on a Mrs. Allen. Elizabeth City, April 26. Sixty members of the press are pre sent. The editors are much gratified with the fisheries at- Avoca and the country. All well. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. A. SciiuTTE Lost cows. J. C. Munds Sozodont, etc. J. C. Stevenson Don't forget. Cronxy & Morris Auction sale. Munson Gents' undershirts, etc. Cronxy & Morris Nails at auction. Cronly & Morris Cotton at auction. Cronly & Morris Underwriters' sale. Local Dots. The receipts of cotton yester day footed up 126 bales. The wharf in front of the Cus tom House is being repaired. There were no cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. We are requested to state that Rev. W. I. Hull will preach at Bethany church to-morrow (Sunday) at 11 A M. The market hours on and after May 1st, to October 1st, will be from day break to 10 o'clock ; closing at that hour. The railroad officials state that the quantity of -fruit and vegetables passing through from the South is not as extensive as last year, so far. Several of the sufferers from the recent tornado, which played such havoc in this and the surrounding counties, were here yesterday soliciting aid. The Greek brig Elias, Capt. Autrico, arrived here last evening from Boston, con signed to Mr. C. P. Mebane. It is a rare thing for a vessel of this nationality to be seen in this section of the country. The schooner Mary ,E. Van Cleaf, Capt. Thorndike, was cleared from this port for St. John's, Porto Bico, yester day, by Messrs. Edward Kidder & Son, with 168,411 feet of lumber, valued at $2,693.40. Wilmington Market Company. An adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington Market Company was held at the hall of the company yesterday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, when a Board of Directors was elected, as follows: C. H. Robinson, H. A. Burr, S. P. Collier, L. Vollers, Alfred Martin. The newly elected Board will meet on Tuesday afternoon next, at the hall of, the company, when the officers for the ensuing year will probably be elected. Got Married. A correspondent informs us of the mar riage, on the morning of the 17th inst., in Pender county, of Mr. A. Hanning, aged 84 years, and Mrs. Martha Wilson, aged 77 years. The youthful couple have our kindest wishes for a happy and prosperous career; but we hope the "old folks" had been fully advised of the step. An enricher of the blood and purifier of the system ; cures lassitude and lack of en- N. C. SATUEDAY, APRIL 29, 1882. Tne Port or Wilmington The New York Maritime Register of April 19th has an editorial in reference to this port, a portion of which we reproduce, as follows: "Among the ports on our South Atlantic seaboard none seem more prosperous man Wilmington, N. C. Already the principal seaport of North Carolina, it gives promise of assuming a prominent position in the ranks of our principal ports. Its trade in naval stores has made it famous, but now other products are exported thence in in creasing Quantities. Its character as a sea port has been materially benefited by the im nrovements made at the bar and the mouth . . a 1 1 1 . of the river, and the oenents wuicn nave ac crued therefrom are demonstrated by the fact that the marine assurance rates for that port are as low as for any port south of it. The article then refers to the largely in creased business for the past year, as demon strated by the published statistics, much of which it auotes. and then continues: "Rail way combinations have overlooked this port to a great extent, but the advantages which are to be found in its neighborhood will well repay enterprise. The back country wants developing. This is being done probably on a small scale every year, but there needs to be more railroads and small manufactories started. As we said above, the port itself has been improved, and the Government is -not yet through with its work at the mouth of the river. 4t is reported that recently a vessel drawing 18 feet went to sea over the main bar and one drawing 15 feet was loaded at the wharf of the city. It is said that 16 feet of water from Wilmington to the sea will probably be obtained before the next cotton season These few facts show that Wilmington has a bright future, and it is certain that her advantages must tempt capital to seize upon the trade which she certainly offers to the enterprising Tne Lumber Business. The lumber business has become one of the most important articles of trade and export among the numerous industries which are giving Wilmington her rightful place among the prosperous and thriving com mercial cities on the Atlantic coast. Be sides the large amount turned out by the various mills here, of which there are six, owned respectively by Messrs. Edward Kid der & Son, Jas. II. Chad bourn & Co., Northrop & Cumming, J. W. Taylor, Parsley & Wiggins and A. Y. Wilson, all in lull blast, we note tne arrival oy rail of large quantities from the numer ous mills located on the W.t C. & A. R. R., and the Carolina Central Rail road, for shipment to both foreign and coastwise ports. We noticed a long train of freight cars laden with lumber at the depot yesterday morning, which had just come in on the former road. Reckless Swearing. James Mclntire, colored, bad a hearing before Justice Gardner, yesterday, on the charge of assault and battery, in that he went before a magistrate and made affida vit to the effect that one English Owens, colored, had not listed his taxes, when it was subsequently proven by the said Oweus that he had listed his taxes and fully com plied with the law in that respect. At the close of the testimony Justice Gardner an nounced that he would reserve his decision until to-day. It is said that there are other cases against the defendant for reckless swearing, and thus putting men to unnecessary incon venience and trouble. Fire In Pender Countf. A barn belonging to the Messrs. West- brook Bros., near Rocky Point, Pender county, was destroyed by fire a night or two since, together with its contents, con sisting of fifteen hundred bushels of pea nuts. The loss is estimated at $2,500, to cover which there was insurance on the barn to the extent of $500 and on the pea nuts $1,500. The origin of the Are is a mystery; but it is the general impression, we hear, that the barn was first robbed and then set on fire. Guano Monkeys. Mr. Edward Bryson, who keeps a boardyJ ing house on Nutt street, has on exhibition in his back yard two animals known as gu ano monkeys, which are said to be peculiar to Navassa Island, where much of the ma terial for fertilizers is obtained. They have very little the appearance of mon keys, reminding one more of young alliga tors. They are apparently twins, and one of them is quite ferocious. Mr. B. says they have not, eaten anything in two weeks. Masonboro Turnpike. A meeting of the friends of the Mason- boro Branch Turnpike was held at the Bank of New Hanover yesterday evening. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Geo. A. Peck, W. L. Smith, Jr.. and Dr. W. W. Harris, was appointed to obtain esti mates as to the cost of completion and to decide upon the best plan for constructing the road. Another meeting will probably be held the coming week, when it is ex pected the committee will be ready to report. Special Term ot tne Criminal Court Hon. O. P. Meares, Judge of the Crimi nal Court, has issued bis proclamation con vening said Court in special session on Monday, the 29th of May, in consequence of the fact that the Superior Court for this county will convene on the let Monday in June, being the fifth day of the month, which would he the regular time for the meeting of the Criminal Court. Tne Care, Precision, Neatness ana Perfection exhibited by the very appear ance of Simmons Liver Regulator proves that it is the best prepared medicine in the market, fully carrying out the motto: "Purissima et Optima" (purest and best). Sta War Department, Signal Service. I . S. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BELT BULLETIN. April 28, 18825 P. M. The meteorological observations given In this table are not those taken only at the points named, bat are Intended to cover the entire cot ton belt. The figures for Wilmington, for exam ple, cover the average temperatures and rainfall at Wilmington, Florence, Cheraw, Charlotte, Wadesboro, Lnmberton, Goldsboro, Weldon and Salisbury. So of Galveston, which is the district centre of eighteen towns in the cotton region of Texas. The observations are taken at 5 P.M., but do not reach Wilmington until after midnight. AVERAGE. Districts. Max. Min. Rain Temp Temp. Fall. Wilmington... 75 52 . 06 Charleston 78 62 .11 Augusta 79 58 . .00 Savannah 82 63 . 00 Atlanta 80 56 . 00 Montgomery . . 81 57 .14 Mobile 81 61 .71 New Orleans.. 87 64 . 00 Galveston 89 67 . 03 Vicksburg 83 63 .28 Little Rock 78 58 . 69 Memphis 75 49 . 02 The following are the indications for to day: Middle Atlantic States, fair weather, southwest to northwest winds, stationary or higher barometer and stationary or lower temperature. South Atlantic States, fair weather, stationary barometer and tempera ture, variable winds. Gulf States, fair weather and variable winds, stationary or higher barometer and lower temperature Tennessee and the Ohio Valley and the lower Lake region, clearing weather, north westerly winds, higher barometer and lower temperature. Test of nose Under tne Direction of the Chief of tne Fire Department. One thousand feet of new hose were tested yesterday afternoon; five hundred feet of which belong to the Cape Fear en gine. The engine was located at the river foot of Dock street, and started with five hundred feet of hose, while two hundred and fifty feet were attached to the hydrant corner of Dock and Front streets. The signal was given, and the Water Works had a stream one-half a minute before the engine, the Water Works throwing through a H-inch nozzle and the engine through a 1-inch nozzle; the result was that the Water Works threw a stream tweDty feet further than the engine. The Water Works then added two hundred and fifty feet of hose, making it the same length of that attached to the engine, when both engine and water works threw a stream over the New Market House steeple, to the entire satisfaction of the Chief of the Fire De partment and others interested. A sort of informal test was next had with two hundred and fifty feet of hose each, the water works using a 1-inch noz zle and the Cape Fear a 1-inch nozzle, when the latter threw a stream ten feet further than the former. The test of the hose was entirely satis factory. Claim for Salvage. A preliminary hearing was had in the U. S. Court in New Berne on Wednesday in the case of certain claimants for salvage for assisting the Norwegian barque Ouldbringa, which went ashore in Beaufort harbor some weeks since, laden with steel rails for the Midland Railway. Messrs. Clark & Clark appeared for the schooner American Eagle and the steam-tug Blanclie, both of this port, the former of which claims $500 and the latter $1,500, while the Baker Wreck ing Company of Norfolk claim $6,000. Counsel for the barque intimated that there would be no serious contest except in the case of the Baker Company, and on motion of defendants the various suits were con solidated. The matter was then referred to Commissioner T. J. Hamilton to take testimony and report to the Court. It was expected that the case would come to a final hearing in a few days. The Cotton from the Barque August. The cotton which was removed from the German barque August, after her recent narrow escape from destruction by fire, has' been sold to parties in New York and Phil adelphia, and is being shipped by rail to those ports, where it will be properly over hauled and find its way into the manu factories. RIVER AND MARINE. Steamship Oulf Stream, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. The steamer D. MureTUson reached her wharf at 10 o'clock last night. Capt. Smith, who was quite sick last Wednesday, well enough to be on deck. He reports the river in good boating order, with about feet of water on the shoals at Fayette- ville. Women that have been pronounced in curable by the best physicians in the coun trv. have been completely cured of female weakness by thpuseof Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lost or Strayed, T ROM MY PLACE on WMQHTBYILLE SOUND, one medium size red and white COW, and a black and brown colored COW. with brass tips on horns. A suitable reward will be paid for their return or Information that will lead to their re covery. ap29tf F. A. SCHUTTE GENTS' FILET UNDERSHIRTS, Balbriggan do. Gause Merino do. Jean Drawers, Laundrled and TJmaundried White Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Half Hose. Scarfs, Shields, Ties, Suspenders, Lisle Gloves. MUNSON, ap S It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. WHOLE NO. 4582 CITT TEHS. ON TIHRTY DAYS' Dye's Electro-Voltaic Appliances on trial for and older persons who RIAL. We will send Dr. Belts and other. Electric fcirty days to young men afflicted witn Nervous Debility. Lost Vitality, (to., jruaranteelnir speedy relief and complete hood. Also for Rh restora tion of vljror and man Rheumatism i. Neurahrla. Paraly- sis. Liver and Kidney many other diseases. fflmculties. Ruptures, and aiustrated pampniet sent, free. Address Voltaic JeltCo.. Marshall. Mich. MOTHERS t MOTHERS ! MOTHERS 'Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering aim crying with the excru ciating pain of cutting ileeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of MHB. WIN8LOWS SOOTH ING 8YRTJP. It wUl rilieve the poor litUe suf ferer Immediately depend upon it : there is no mistake about it. Them is not a mother on earth who has ever used it wht will not tell you at once that it will regulate th bowels and give rest to the mother, and reUefland health to the child, operating like magic.- It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasaat to the taste, and is the prescription of one or Be oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere, iso cents bottle. HOME qfTESTIONS. TO THE SICK AMD DEBILITATED. Is It worth while to eld ure Denal torture evorv night from wakefulness! Inability to sleep, ner- vous prostration, bc. when you can be lmmedl- ateiy relieved and able a remedy as permanently cured by so agree- SAMARITW NERVINE. Does it pay to be co pelled, by debility and languor, to abandon acflve business when brain. nerve and muscle can braced un and the whole system can be restored a course of o a healthy condition by SAMARITAN NERVINE. You nervous dyspe otft s. why approach the dln sltlve disrust for all that ner table dally with a pfsitive Is savory and delicious when a vigorous appetite for even the plainest fold is created by the use or NERVINE. SAMARiTit Is it wise to live in thfc bright world as though it were a dungeon, conmantly miserable and dis contented, when the wirst case of epilepsy, ner vousness or hypochondla is cured in ninety days by such a pleasant ana wholesome an exnuer- ant as SAMARITAJn NERVINE. Can it be possible thai any person of a nervous temperament will run mhe risk of apoplexy or paralysis wnen ne cans tone and regulate tne nervous centres with SAMARnV NERVINE. Is it not a species of oral Insanity for any merchant, mechanic, without the best kno rmer or traveler to be antidote against disease. SAMARITAfl NERVINE. Considering the harrtasing and depressing na- ture of the functional derangements to which woman Is subject, is it invalid of the feebler ot astonishing that any should hesitate to seek the certain relief affordfcd in such cases by the general operation of SAMARITAN NERVINE These are questions d of the political dogma! deeper Interest than any of the day, and those wnom tney concern something more than are invited to give them asasslng thought. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. See Auction Sales THIS DAY (SATURfAY), OF COTTON 7TT at 10 A.M. WRECKED mAeRIALS. at 11 A. M. SPIRIT CASKS at 11 A. M. NAILS J at 11 A. M. 3 CRONLY A MORRIS, ap 39 It Auctioneers. Sozpdont, O RIENTAL PASTE, CASHMERE BO quet; Rose, Brown Windsor, Elder Flower and other Soaps; Chevalier's Life. for the Hair, Foa sale by i a m am f MI V1K 1 t, ap 29 It 86 North Front St. Don't Forget ! Butter ! TTAS BEEN DECLWING ABOUT ONE CENT 11 per day for twelve ys. You will find that I have kept up with the; decline. MARTIN'S GILT EDGE is better than er before. Call on me and get THE BEST at LOWEST PRICES. N. C . HAMS, SIDES? and SHOULDERS, SUGAR-CURED HAH 8 and STRIPS. The BRIDE FLOUII never falls to give satis- faction. J A TI Kg C. STEVENSON, ap29 tf MARKET STREET. Dentistry. AM DOING PLATE IWoRK, USING CELLU- loid and Rubber as a Bfpe Plate. Terms For Celluloid. T- $ 00 " Rubber, j SB 00 Satisfaction guaranteed. J.H. DURHAM, Dentist, ap 28 lm Prinoefc St., bet. Front and 8d. Ship Notice. Allpersdas are hereby cautioned against haiboring or trusting any of the crew the British Barque "AS PIRANT, ' I Capt. Stonehouse, as no debts of jlieir contracting will be paid by Mfcter or I'ATJUCWM, DOWJilMU & CO, ap 28 3t Consignees. Medical Society St te of North Carolina. MEETING OF THE MED THic 29TH ANNUAL! ICAL SOCIETY OM NORTH CAROLINA will be held in Concord, on She oth day of May, 1882. Chairmen of Sooietii are requested o report progress at the earliest day possible. Authors or Volunteer papers will please make tbe titles of such papers known to the President of tbe Bool ety not later than the ftst Saturday In April. Tbe failure to announce Uh title does not exclude the Daoer. Tne local Commit . . . nounce throuarh the of Arrangements will an- retary tbe details or their F. WOOD, M. D., Pres't. plans. THOM Lt. JUL1K PICOT, V., Sec ry. State Board of Medical Examiners. THE NORTH CAROIMNA BOARD OF EXAMI NERS will meet lnfconoord on the 8th day of May, 1882, and remain k session, day by day, un til all candidates are examined. For further in formation address tbeSecretary. H. T. BAHNSON, M. D., Sec y, Salem, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF HEALTH will meet in conjoint session with the State Medical Society, on tn morning of the 10th of May, 1882 M. WHITEHEAD, M. D., Pres't THOMAS F, WOOD, ft. D., Sec'rv. ap 27 3t 27 29 m 2 Review copy. Flowers. A CONSIGNMENT 5JU8T RECEIVED FROM IV tbe Petersburg Murscry. Call early and make vour selections At I . JJtWKTTTS, - 27 N. Front St.. Upholstering, Paperangmg and Awning Ma- king by i Spring Fi the best talent, "hades with cord or xtures. apzsir Silks, Laces. Neckwear, JUST W TO-DAY. NEW Bill T T O NS ! ULSTERS, in Lof Linen and Mohair: A large assortment, all sizes. STRAW MATTINGS ! LADIES' TRUNKS sizes, 92, 34 and 90 Respectfully. p 28 tf U M. McINTIRE AS Mil One Square One Day, fi r " Two Days, in Three Days f to " Four Day. a r - Fire Days, Sir One Week Off " TwoWesia. 0 off Three Weeks, B B0 " OneMOTth 10 00 Tjro Months, JH 00 Three Months, MOO " 8!x Months, 40 0 " One Year woo aw Contract Advertisements taken at propor tlonately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squarn. AUCTION 8ALK8. H. CRONLY, AnctlMeer. BY CRONLY MORRM. Cotton at Auction. rpRTS DAY (SATURDAY), 2BTII INHTANT. at l ii, clock A.M , we will sell within yard. North side, foot of Orange Street, for and on armmit of all concerned, all of the LOOSE COTTON LANDED FROM GERMAN BARQUE AUOUHT, In lots to suit, to be paid for and deUrenwl Imme diately upon close of sale. Bring your currency with you. ap SB It H. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. Underwriters' Sale. rpniS DAY (SATURDAY), SBTII INHTANT. at 11 o'clock A. M., we will sell within the Wore and upon Wharf foot of Dock Htreet, under In spectlon of the Agent iff the Underwrite!-, for account of all concerned, the balance of 1 1 . 8AIL8, RIGGING, BLOCKS. WHEEL, and nil Ms te rials saved from Schr. Minnie, with ;i80 EMPTY SPIRIT TURPENTINE CASKS ap 29 It M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. 100 Kegs Nails at Auction. Underwriters' Sale. 'pilIS DAY (SATURDAY), 20T1I INSTANT. at 11 n'olnrk A M w. trill ...II U l.,l fcl 1. - - - - - . - ... "v . "ail, side, foot of Dock Htrret. undnr Innneetlon of tin- Agent 01 me i nnerwnters. ror account nf nil concerned. 100 KEGS NAILS. AHSORTKD SIZKS, In lots to nult. nn : II Newspaper Chases, &c. "yyiLL BE SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICKS lO HALF CIIAMLK. Suitable for Seven-column and Six column pn pern. Alo. a lot of SX)ND HAND COLUMN RULES, extra thick. Apply to nac WM. II BERNARD. ap 26 Gt For Sale, N OLD ENGINE. 4t$ HORSE POWER BOOK WALTER MARK A I .NO, Several IRON PULLEYS. In good condition Call at the STAR OFFICE, and make an offer. ap2C0t nsc WM H. BKRNARI) Rock Lime, IXR BUILDING PURPOSES, Freshly Burned, $1.85 per Bbl.. Delivered In Wll Also, AGRICULTURAL LIMB and CARBONATE OF I.IMK. FRENCH BROS., mh 26 lm su tu th aa nac Rocky Point, N. (' The Belle of Calvert Street JS THE BEST FIVE-CENT CIGAR IN THE CI TY. She guarantees satisfaction to all who try her. For sale at HARRIS' NEWS DEPOT AH of the latest Newspapers and Magazine on hand. ap7tf Ice ? Ice ! Ice ! T WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY THE CT A tlzens and the public generally, that I have laid in a FULL SUPPLY OF CHOICE ICE. and am now fully prepared to fill orders to all points on Railroads ana Rivers, and hope to secure a rea sonable share of patronage. B. H. J. AHRENS, Proprietor ap 98 5tAmy 7, 14 nac New Ice House For Sale, i The valuable and deslrnble Two situated on Fourth Street, next to the Koutheast corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, with Kit chen, Outhouses, Ac., belonging thereto The House contains seven rooms, gas fixture. Ac, and Is In first rate order. Possession enn be jrl ven by 1st of June next. Also, a desirable BUILDING LOT. on Found Street, near the oorner of Bladen Street Terms easy. For particulars apply to MRS. ANNA HASH AG KN. ap ' th nd Walnut Six pREMTUM Price list, men-s all wool Cheviot and Camlmere Business SulU at $10 00. 112 00, $18 50, $18 00, $14 00. $15 00 and $16 00 Men and Youths All-Wool Semi and Full Dress Salts of Diagonals, Bullocks. Piques, Worsted Meltons. Fnoe Imported Silk Mixed Caslinrre . Broadcloths, Ac, at $16 00, $16 60, $17 00. tlR Mi. $20 00. $21 V). $23 00. $2T. 00, $80 00,J 00, $85 Co OUR SATIN LTNHQRim-HEWI)lAMNAI. SUIT (FOR DRE88) arWTTB St, $M 60, $tt Ml Men and Youths' Fine Dress Pants. Light Me dlum and Dark Shades, cut and made with tlil season's style, viz: Narrow Cut, for onr trade only A. DAVID. ap 88 tf The Clothier Z-iIJsTEIsrS. BROWN & RODDICK. "yiTE WOULD RE8HECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the general public to our stock of LINEN DAMASKS, TOWELS, NAPKINS DOI LIES, Ac. We hare at no time since our first tart had so large a display, having given this particular department special attention. We can safely say that we can convince any one who is NOT PREJUDICED that our prices are equal to any house In the country, not even except In New York. CALL I CALL!! i M.I" ap 28 tf BROWN A RODDICK . M Hit aid Still a Healing. J HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE FINEST LOT OF Saddles, Harness and Buggias aver brought to this city, and now open for Inspect " foe sale cheap, at my Carriage Factory on Third, be tween Manet and Princess treete. ap 88 tf ' M. HA YD EN. L. 8. L. NEXT DRAWING OF THE Louisiana Wale Lottery rrVUESS PLACE MAY ffTH. PRIZES FROM X $100 to $80,000, Price, Whole tickets. $ 00, Halves $L Address Lock Box mt, ap Iff tf Wllmliurton, K. O. ATI

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