Or ADVKRTIIINIJt Star. One Square One Day . 1 " TwoDaym, 1 f " " TtirM Dmya, t to For Day, I 00 F1r Days, Om Week, 4 90 Two Weeka, 0 00 Three Weefi, 8 00 One Moot. 10 09 Two Month. 10 00 Thr Montha, 900 Six Months, 40 0i One Year 00 OP W Contract Advertisement taken O propor BY WH. Hi BERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY j EXCEPT MONDAYS. rates or suAScBn-rioN, in advxnck. One Year, (by Mail; Postage Paid, $7 00 Six Months, " " 4 00 Three Months, " " " 2 00 Two Months, " 1 1 60 One Month, " 75 0T" To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the City. Fijtkeh Cents per week. Our City vol. XXX. NO. 51. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1882. WHOLE NO. 4600 tlonately low rate. Vents are not autnorizea to collect for more than three months in advance. The Morning Star. The Morning Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. The National Cotton Exchange has re solved to discontinue the monthly crop and acreage reports prepared by local ex changes; they have been found to be unre liable. The Tennessee Legislature passed the State Debt bill, prepared by a committee after a conference with bond holders. The total crop of American cotton iu sight is 5,222,506 bales. Paul Boytou performed the feat of shooting James river rapids at Richmond, Va. The branch house of A. T. Stewart & Co., at .Chicago, 111., closed yesterday. The loss by the recent fire at Leadvillc, Col., is $300,000; it is feared that fifteeu lives were lost, -t Gov. Churchill, of Ark., has been iuvestigated, as ex-State Treasurer; the deficit foots up $114,829. The Episcopal Council of Virginia ad journed sine die, after appointing a com mittee to examine the question of Diocesan division. Between 10,000 and 15,000 persons were at the Mecklenburg anniver sary celebration at Charlotte; military were present from South Carolina and Virginia; Senators Vance, Hansom and Bayard took part in the ceremonies. French gun boats guard the Suez canal ; Austria and Germany ask information concerning the Anglo-French expedition to Egypt. A ufteen-year-old girl shot and killehcr father near Muscatjne, la. An unsuc cessful attempt was made to rob a National bask at Hope Valley, R. I. ; the burglars es caped. The Southern General Assembly meet at Lexington, Ky., next year. Two men killed and two fatally injured by an explosion in a Pennsylvania coal mine. New York markets: Money 23 per cent.; cotton dull and easier at 1212ic; southern flour fairly active and steady at $5 6o8 12i; wheat, ungraded red $1 17 1 47; corn, ungraded 81 rosin steady at $2 252 30 ; spirits turpentine Ann at 47-fcgi 48c. Custis L.-North has just swindled some of the New Jersey banks out of 1 2,000. Thirty thousand is the number of foreign immigrants received in New York last week. When I and Natt meet them in battle ar ray, It will be get up and get out o' the fray. Col. Johnston's Sleep-talk. A syndicate has been formed in Philadelphia that proposes to furnish gas at sixty-seven cents a thousand cubic feet. Within twenty-four hours last week 104 vessels arrived at the port of New York, and of these 63 were from foreign countries. Loubat, the terrible duellist of New York, has not been beard from. He killed sixteen men in his sleep. Too much Liruburger with his lager. The Greenback lunacy is prevail ing in Pennsylvania. Thomas A. Armstrong lias been nominated for Governor with a full State ticket. The fiat has gone forth that green backs shall be as thick as leaves if Thomas's arm is strong enough to turn the machine. The total immigration for April is officially announced at 104,274. The following are the countries: England and Wales, 9,415; Ireland, '11,832; Scotland, 2,878; Austria, 2,161; Bel gium, 83; Denmark, 2,269; France, 565; Germany, 36,582; Hungary, 504; Italy, 6,420; Netherlands, 2,499; Norway, 3,569; Russia, 744; Poland, 340; Sweden, 8,072; Switzerland, 1,762; Dominion of Canada, 11,540; China, 2,571; and from all other countries, 468. We heard a singularly gifted Me thodist preacher make this criticism moe than twenty years ago upon Bishop H. H. Kavenaugh, of Ken tucky, who is now eighty-two years of age: "The first half hour," said be, "you wish he had never begun, and the last half hour that he would never stop." He was slow to get off, speaking extempore always, but when he attained his full momentum he was tremendous, an orator of the rarest powers. He is still an "old man eloquent," and his voice is said tobe strong and resonant still. Rockingham South : Tom Mil ler, colored, was brought to town and lodged in jail last Wednesday, charged with entering the house of a colored man and stealing a quantity of clothing and meat. A white man, Bailey, was also lodged in jail the same day charged with the larceny of a gun. Richmond county now has fourteen prisoners in charge awaiting trial at the ensuing term of the Superior Court nine being in the jail here, and five in Wadesboro jail. There are over 140 cases on the civil docket, and upward of eighty on the criminal docket. " BLACK-DRAUGHT " cures costrvenesa and Sick-Headache. For sale by J. O. Munds. THE CITY". NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Stationery. Loan us Your Ear. Otterbourg Spring suits. M. M. Katz Summer goods. Standard Family Medicines. Daniel O'Connor For rent. Bridgers & Co. Low prices. J. C. Munds New perfumery. D. A. Smith & Co. Furniture. Giles & Murchison Fruit jars. Brown & Roddick Specialties. Harrison & Allen Straw hats. J. H. Hardin Patent medicines. City Treasurer Bonds for sale. Heinsberoer First class organs. G. "W. Williams & Co. Groceries. F. M. King & Co. New lot lamps. Wm. H. Green Pel's corn solvent. C. C. Morse Sound houses for sale. S. G. Northrop Aspinwall bananas. Munson Balbriggan undershirts, etc. Parker & Taylor Golden Harvests. Crapon & Pickett Fancy groceries. Altapfer, Price & Co. Sashes, &c. W.E. Springer & Co. Grain cradles. P. H. Hayden Saddles, harness, etc. J. H. Mallard Trunks, satchels, etc. A. David Boys and children's clothing. Festival Ladies First Baptist Church. Stmr. Passport Moonlight excursion. J. E. Lippitt & Co. To old customers. Notice Lot owners Bellevue Cemetery. Local Dots. Sunday after Ascension. Day's length 14 hours and 13 minutes. The receipts of cotton yester day only footed up 6 bales. An immense crowd went down to the camp meeting yesterday on the steamer Vesta. The first green corn of the season was in market yesterday. It was raised in a garden in Brooklyn. A festival will be given at Ran- Kin Mall, Wednesday evening, Dy tne ladies of the First Baptist church. Those who want to replant cot ton are troubled to get the necessary seed, which have nearly all been used for fertil izing purposes. Mr. E. A. Oldham's office busi ness required his attention last evening, hence his inability to be present at the Opera House to deliver the prizes. Rev. J. B. Taylor, of the First Baptist church, has returned and will fill his pulpit this morningatll o'clock. Rev. W. T. Jones will preach at night. The Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church and their parents and friends had a very pleasant excursion down the river on the steamer Passport yesterday. Mr. Fred. B. Rice, son of the late L. E. Rice, left last evening for Wash ington City, where he is to stand an exami nation preparatory to ' entering the U. S. Revenue Marine service. The only case for the considera tion of Mayor Smith yesterday morning was that of Scipio Hill, whose thirst for the "ardent" seems as unquenchable as the fires of Vesuvius. He was locked up until 3 P.M., and then discharged. We learn that the $5,000 bene fit in the American Legion of Honor on the life of the late John W. Stranss has been received by the officers of Clarendon Council, in this city, and will be paid over to the beneficiaries immediately. Mr. T. B. Kingsbury, of this city, has been invited by the Methodists of Halifax county to pronounce a eulogy on the life and character of the late Rev. Thomas G. Lowe, who was one of the greatest pulpit orators of the, Sputh, and was a native of that county. "The eulogy will be delivered on the 24th of June next, at the new church just erected at Hay woods, in sight of Mr. Lowe's birthplace, and where he first united with the Methodists. The Fire Alarm. The firemen say that it will be difficult now to distinguish the ringing of the city bell for market hours, etc., from the sound ing of an alarm of fire, and it seems to be the general impression that it would be best to dispense with the ringing of the bell al together except when rung by the electric alarm in case of fire. Speaking of the electric alarm, by the way, it was thought certain at first that the city would have to be at the expense of importing a skilled workman from the North to put up the ap paratus and get it in proper position for working, but it was discovered when not too late that a Wilmington mechanic could do the work just as well and effectually as any Northern importation! Clinton and Point Caswell Railroad. , The committees to solicit subscriptions for the proposed Clinton and Point Caswell Railroad are still engaged in efforts to secure the necessary amoiint, and expect on Mon day and Tuesday to call on such of our business men of means as have not already been interviewed. It is not proposed to slight any by not giving them a chance to identify themselves with the enterprise. It is expected that the committees will con clude their labors in the early part of this coming week, when it is hoped the company will be enabled to effect an organization. The beauties of the face of women ate often obscured by tormenting humors, easily got rid of by using Dr. C. W. Ben son's Skin Cure. It heals eruptions of the skin or scalp and renders the cuticle smooth and fair. An excellent toilet dressing, t The "Wilmington Light Infantry An nl versary Celebration Target Shoot ing Competitive Drill, &c. Yesterday, the 20th inst., being the anni versary of the Wilmington Light Infantry, the company met at their armory in the basement of the City Hall building, at 7 o'clock; A. M., in pursuance to orders, and marched to Hilton, where they had target practice, shooting for the annual prize, a gold medal, which was won by Private George McDuffie, who will wear it until the next anniversary. At the conclusion of the shooting the company returned to the armory and disbanded. The prize drill at the Opera House last night was witnessed by a good sized crowd and was a very interesting and creditable affair. Messrs. John C. James, H. C. Mc Queen and F. A. Lord were the judges selected, and these gentlemen after atten tively watching the movements and motions of the contestants gradually dismissed all save Sergeant B. W.. Dunham and Cor poral George Harriss, Jr. Between these two gentlemen the competition was exceed ingly close and it was only after several trials and careful consideration that the prize was awarded Sergeant Dunham. Hon. A. M. Waddell presented the prizes in a very graceful g and appropriate speech of a few minutes, duration and was replied to by Private W. B. McKoy, on behalf of the recipients and the company. The prizes were : A gold badge to Private George McDuffie, the best shot, and a silver cake basket to Orderly Sergeant B. W. Dunham, best drilled member. This concluded the regular programme, but the members had quietly arranged an addition thereto and called upon Col. Waddell to present to Captain John L. Cantwell, the com mandant, a beautiful gold-headed cane, as a token of their appreciation of his ef forts in the company's behalf. Capt. Cant well, in accepting, thanked the donors most heartily and assured them of his apprecia tion of their action. The company were then marched to their armory, where refreshments were served and the celebration of the day most pleas antly ended. We are glad to note the suc cess of the entire affair, believing that it is bound to create an increased interest in the organization and redound to its benefit. Those mysterious Disappearances. We alluded a few weeks ago to the fact that Mr. J. H. Alford. a citizen of the Caintuck section, in Pender county, bad come to this city in the early part of March, a flat load of wood having been towed down for him by the steamer John Dawson, and that he was last seen on the wharf foot of Princess street, since which time not the slightest intimation had been had of his whereabouts. He is still missing and his wife and family think he has been drowned, but if such has been his fate it is very sin gular that nothing has been seen or heard of his body in all these days. The body alluded to some weeks ago as having been seen in the neighborhood of "Donalson," a few miles up the river, was there before Mr. Alford was missing. His whereabouts is certainly a great mystery. There is a somewhat remarkable coinci dence in the fact that about five weeks ago Ezekiel Blizzard, a white resident of Point Caswell, Pender county, suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from his home, having been seen, as far as is now known by his distressed family, over on the Cape Fear river, about fifteen miles from home. He is about 65 years of age, and a wife and two children patiently but sadly await some tidings of his whereabouts. A Little Child Severely Burned. A little daughter of Capt. J. W. Gallo way, of this city, about one year and three months old, met with quite an accident on Friday evening, about 7 o'clock. It seems that a fire had been built in the yard for the purpose of heating water for washing clothes, and that Mrs. Galloway and her servant, having occasion to go up-stairs for a few minutes, left a little son of Mr. and Mrs. G. , about six years old, in charge of the fire. In the meantime the little one alluded to was playing about the yard and accidentally came in contact with the fire, and the flames quickly enveloped him in its deadly embrace. Fortunately a neigh bor discovered the accident almost as it happened, and quickly jumping the fence, rolled the child in the sand.and by this and other means finally succeeded in ex tinguishing the fire. A physician was sumT moned and the child was found to be badly burned about the body and limbs, and one side of the face. At last accounts the ulti mate fate of the little sufferer was a matter of uncertainty, a great deal depending upon the amount of fire inhaled by the little one. District Conference. The Wilmington District Conference of Ho "M" V. rrhnrrh meets at 8alem Church. Cumberland county, on Thursday next, the Ltli inst. The delegates from this city are expected to go up on the steamer A. Jr. Hurt on Tuesday next. See fourth page for other local news NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tiencken Hall. T7NGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, NOT FOR "ONLY ONE NIGHT," but "FOR ALL TIME." Entertainment for Man and Beast. The finest, freshest and best selected stock of Staple and Faney Groceries, on exhibition, and for sale at the lowest prices. CRAPON A PICKETT, Tiencken Building, my21tf ISouth Front St, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Festival. rpHE LADIES OF THE FIRST BAPTIST Church will give a Festival at Rankin Hall, Wed nesday Evening, May 24th. Strawberries, Ice Cream and other delicacies will be served, my 21 It MOONLIGHT, LOVE AND MUSIC, JgXCURSION ON STEAMEH PASSPORT, FROM 8 P. M to 11.30 P. M., Tuesday, May 30th. Round Trip 60 cents. A limited number of tickets will be sold at Dyers . jno ucjteis soia at ijoat. my 21 It For Kent, TWO STORES, comer of 4th and ' I'M Brunswick Streets. Possession gi HMHsMvan immediately. For terms and particulars apply to 1 DANIEL O'CONNOR. my 21 It Princess St. bet. Front and 2d. For Sale, THREE COMFORTABLE HOUSES on GREENVILLE SOUND, very cheap. Also several Building Lots HUJOlUlIlg JUL. TT UibU D 1 OOIUOUMC. it tne nouses are not soia Dy uune 1 5th, they will be for Rent on very low terms. Apply to C. C. MORSE, my 21 It or D. O'CONNOR. Notice. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF BELLEVUE CE METERY, Mr.GEO. H. WARD,Iwill put Lots in order, and keep them in order, and do all work on Cemetery Grounds that Lot Owners may want done, at as low prices as possible. He is always on the Grounds. JNO. 8. McEACHERN, my 21 It Sec'y and Treas. OFFICE CLERK AND TREASURER. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. May 20th, 1882. City Bonds. J OFFER FOR SALE $40,000 OF CITY SIX PER CENT. COUPON BONDS, of the denomina tion of $1000, interest payable January and July each year, Bonds to mature in 1910. This Issue is authorized by an Act of the General As sembly, ratified March 11th, 1881, for the purpose of paying $60,000, falling due July 1st, 1882. No bid at less than par will be entertained. HENRY SAVAGE, Treasurer. my 21 It Review copy. Standard Family Medicines. " T A T. WORTHINGTON'S" CHOLERA MEDI- CINES, for Dysentery Diarrhoea, Summer Complaints, Cramps and all bowel troubles. DR BOYKTNS'S WORM KILLER." The surest and most reliable Vermifuge in use "EVERYBODY'S CATHARTIC PILLS,'' A gentle and certain cathartic no mercury acts on the liver and bowels. 'DR. HYLAND'S HEALING POWDERS," Good for Man and Beast. Send for Certificates. For sale by all Druggists and General Dealers, my 21 eod lm nac su we ft LOA US YOUR EAR AND WE WILL TELL YOU THAT THE NEW Furniture Store of BEHRENDS & MUNROE, S. E. corner Market and 2d sts., WUmington, N. C, has received a large assortment of Mosquito Nets, Rattan Rockers, Baby Carriages, Cornices, HT1.J aLJ r. TAy4 Trtvn Qatta PqfIap Gilt t Mirrors, Mattresses, Matting, Oil Cloths, Ward robes, Lounges, Hall Stands. Sideboards, Office and Library Furniture, Ac, Ac., Ac. We will further whisper to you, that they will sell extremely low for cash. Ask them no questions; compare and buy your Furniture where you can get the best article for the least money. my 21 tt Furniture. rlONSIDER WELL BEFORE PURCHASING I ttit, t. TJT T?'VTrFTTT717 arA Ka aiirA tn examine our stock and get our prices. We have the Stock, and CASH buyers will be agreeably surprised at the prices we will give them. Hair and Moss Mattresses of OUR OWN manufacture are ac knowledged to have no superiors. If you want to clean your old Furniture get our "Furniture ronsn, it is tne best. D, A. SMITH S, W., my 21 tf The Furniture Dealers. New Perfumery. JpiRE-FLY BOUQUET. 25 Cents per Bottle. For sale by , . JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist, 35 North Front St. my 21 It New Lot Lamps, F LY FANS, FREEZERS, nrrT trvra n a ttt TTTRS. TOILET SETS, Ac F. M. KING A CO. Sole Agents for Farmer Girl Cook Stove, my 21 tf BALBRIGGAN, FILET, PAUSE tttt and LISLE THREAD UNDERSHIRTS, Pepperell Jean Drawers, Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Colored Half-Hose, Balbriggan do. Silk Clocked; Hd'kfs, Collars, Cuffs, Ties and Suspenders, Full line Gents' Furnishing Goods. MUNSON, my 21 It Clothier and Merohant Tailor. Straw Hats ! New Shapes in Chips ! HARRISON A ALLEN, my 21 tf Hatters. Buy Tonr Ice froiW. E. Darts & Son. N OTICK HAVING SOLD OUR ICE HOUSE and business to Messrs. W. E. Davis A Son we ask for them the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us. February 18th, 1888. TtTr . nr my 7 3t su J. E. LIPPITT A CO. a LSBBBBBST MtHst I H NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P. L. Bridgers & Co WHILE THE CHARLOTTE PEOPLE arc rejoicing over the Declaration of Indepen dence, let us rejoice over the Exceedingly Low Price of Groceries. We are prepared to quote Groceries of all kinds AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CANNED V EGETABLES. CORN. BEANS, SUCCOTASH, PEAS, TOMATOES, Ac, Ac. CANNED FRUITS. PEACHES, PINEAPPLES, STRAWBERRIES, CHERRIES, PEARS, QUINCES. Ac, Ac. CANNED MEATS. DEVILLED HAM, TURKEY, CHICKEN A TONGUE, POTTED HAM, CORNED BEEF, SALMON, LOBSTER, Ac, Ac- CONDIMENTS, WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, WALNUT A TOMATO CATSUP, SALAD DRESSING, Ac, Ac. QUEEN OLIVES, In Quait. Pint and Half-Pint Jars. The very finest you can get. The Half-Pint Jars for 25c ; just the thing you want. ROYSTER'S CANDY Continues to be popular. IT MUST BE GOOD to meet with such favor. 50c per pound. P. L. Bridgers & Co. mv21 tf Order Your Spring Suit FROM OTTERBOURQ, The Famous Clothier, OF WILMINGTON, N. C. J.) ARTIES IN THE COUNTRY WHO DESIRE to dress well, and have not the opportunity of selecting from large stoeks, can do no better than to write to OTTERBOURG for information re garding late styles and prices. It is a generally conceded fact all over this country that OTIERBOURG carries THE STOCK of the State, and Suits will be sent by C.O.D. Ex press, with privilege to examine before paying for them, (There can be no fairer terms In exist ence.) In ordering send your breast measure for coat and vest, and waist and lnseam measure for size of pants. Give some idea of color wanted; also Information regarding price. Bv all means say whether sack or frock coat is desired. For reference, write to any official in the city of Wilmington; then send a trial order to OTTERBOIIRG'S my 21 It MEN'S WEAR DEPOT. Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, - Hhds New Crop Porto Rico 10U MOLASSES, 100 BblS Refined SUGAKS- 411 grade8- Bags Prime RIO COFFEE, Bbis FLOUR, all grades, For sale low by G. W. WILLIAMS A CO. my 21 tf Hay, Rice Straw, Corn, Oats, 500 BalCS cholce Toothy HAY, 1QQ Bales RICE STRAW, 2500 PrIme Wnlte and Mtxed CORN, OKA Bags FEED OATS, For sale low by G. W. WILLIAMS ft CO. my 21 tf Nails, Hoop-Iron, Glue, Bungs, Kegs NAILS, jrj Tons HOOP-IRON, Bbls Distillers GLUE, OK do BUNG8, For sale low by G. W. WILLIAMS A CO. my 21 tf tFruit Jars ND PRESERVE TUMBLERS, ALL SIZES. For sale by GILES A MURCHISON, my 21 tf 38 A 40 Murchison Block. Stationery. JOTE AND LETTER PAPER, BILL AND Statement Heads, Se.mon Paper, Legal and Fools cap all put up In convenient tablets. LATEST STYLES In Ladles' and Gents' Sta tionery, at my 21 tf YATES' BOOK STORE. Strike Tour Golden Harps ! QHI I MEAN STRIKE FOR A "GOLDEN HARVEST" COOK STOVE. The BEST IN MAR KET for the money. Sold only by my 21 tf ' PARKER A TAYLOR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Summer Goods! AT . KATZ', 36 Market St. ! JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER 1XT OF DE8I RABI.E Dress Goods. NUN'S VEILING, LAWNS. RUNTIN(;s, CAM BRIC8, Ac, besides a Regular and Com pete Stock of SILKS. BROCADES, SURRA TS, Ac. Mourning Goods, A Complete Assortment Laces. The Best Variety ever brought to the city, selling VERY LOW. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF PARASOLS. FANS A WHITE GOODS. Embroideries Bought Twenty percent, below value. atd sold accordingly. New Stock of Misses and Ladic3' CORSETS. Ladles, Gents and Children's CAUSE MERINO UNDERWEAR A GREAT MANY SPECIALTIES SELLING AT BARGAINS AT m. m. katz', my 21 tf 36 MARKET STREET. Specialties for this Week. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front Street. QNE CASE CAMBRICS (WIDE) 8 cents per yard ; cannot be bought In the market less than 12V ct. They are a bargain certain. LOT l Is composed of DRESS GOODS carried over from last; season, which we are offering at T cents; regular price 1SV6 and 18 cents. LOT 2. A mixad Lot of DRESS GOODS which cost from 20 to 35 cents per yard. We are offering them on our counter this week for 124 cent. Call and examine, don't be bashful. DRESS GOODS. Our DRESS GOODS department contains more than twice onr usual assortment, and for novel ties we can safely state that we have got a sprink ling of ikostly everything that Is good and desir able. An inspection only can prove this. SUN-SHADES AND PARASOLS. We have a beautiful assortment at prices ranging from 1 Seta to $15.00. BROWN RODDICK, my 21 If Wholesale and Retail. BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. QUR '!rOCK BEING LARGER THAN WE want ai this season, we have determined to hasten their disposal by marking every garment down at least 25 per cent. They must go at any price, as we mean to make a clean sweep. Give us a call for a nice Suit of Men's Clothes at any price you want, and remember that though our business Is the largest in the state, ana a great many visit us dally, yet all are waited on politely ana patiently. Remember tne name, rememoertne place A. DAVID, The Clothier, my 21 tf Corner Front and Princess St. Aspinwall Bananas. ASHt ALL LOT OF VERY FINE ASPINWALL Bananas due to-dav bv Steamer, and will he opened to-morrow. Our Belfast Ginger Ale hold its ancient reputation a a aenciou ionic oever aze. eaual in brilliancy of color and delicacy and richness of flavor to the Celebrated Irish Ginger Ate. For sale At 8. G. NORTHROP'B my 21 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Grain Cradles. CI RiNT'S SOUTHERN PATERN FIVE T Fin ere r Grain Cradle.tbe beet that are made: they opst more money,but are by far the cheap est to the consumer. We also have the CHEAP FLIMSY CRADLE; don't like to handle such goods, but have them for those that want a oheap article. WM. E. SPRING! KK CO., Successors to Jno. Dawson A Co., my tf IB. 91 m Market 8t At the 0!i Stand, No, 8 Front St, A LARGE LOT OF NEW TRUNKS, TRAVEL 1Y LING BAGS and Satchel. Lap Dusters, very handsome. A mil stock or name 01 ui tunas. Saddles and Bridle, and everything pertaining to a Saddle and Harness Establishment. Manu facturing and Repairing done at short notice and satiafacflon guaranteed. my ai u P. H. Hayden, C ARRIAGE, BUGGY AND WAGON MAKER. Saddles. Harness, Whip and Collars always on hand. A new lot of Carriages and Harness Just arrived, and others to arrive soon. Come and examine them on 3d, between Market and Prin cess Sts. my 21 tf Ten line solid Nonpareil type make on qar. NEW ADVERTISKM KNT8. M. CEONL1, AieUraeer. BY CRONLY A MOBRIR Public Sale OF GERMAN BARQUE AUOTTHT Of HARTII. MH NET REGISTER TONft. AT WILMIM. TON. N. C. MONDAY. MAY , int. NOON jy" ILL BE SOLD. IN THE CITY OF WILMINO TON. N. C, at foot of Wilmington Cotton on, prM Company' Wharf, for account of t'nder writer", and for whom H mr rotiwrn. Iit ,rtl of Julio Lonnln, Mentor, on MONDAY, THE KD MAY, INK. at It o'cll. noon the GERMAN BARQUE AUOl'BT. OF BAHTII am NET REQIHTEK TONS. BUILT IN MOO. HKKETOFORK CLAUSING A 1 GERMAN LIXtVDS metal tautened, a she In now lying at fot of abore named Wharf, with one xet Hull. Chain. Cable. Anchor and Appurtrnanoe brloninr thereto, and a may be seen on homed of ... vessel. Term, Cash. For particular addre. JCLIT'H LONNIEH, Mter, orE. PEHCH&i: A WRNTERMANN. OotMignee, or CRONLY A MORRJH, my 1.1 tds Anetlon.'ft'i ft. kom.i . Aurllonrrr. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. Public Sale of Sails, &c. Wn.L BE SOLD. AT OtTI HALES ROOMS. South Water Street, on TUEMDAY. the ail) DAY OF MAY. at 11 o'clock A- M.. for account of Cnderwrlter. and for whom It may ooncem, by order of Jultti I. ni. Master of Germaii Hark AuguM. of Kartli. A LOT OF SAILS, damaged by flrr and wtcr. Term. Caah CKONLY MOKKIh. my 18 2t th un Auctioneer lEnT- T- Wilmington Commandery, No. Knlffbto Tempi, WILL GIVE AN EXCURSION TO SMITHY I LLt AND THE FORTS. On Thursday, May 25. Steamer PASSPORT will leave her dock at 8.30 A. M Ticket SOc; Children under twelve year. 856 my 10 3t tu w we First Class Organs. YOUR ADVANTAGES IN BUYING FROM IIEINSHERGCR 1st. You get a FIRST CLASS INSTRUMENT nl a very LOW PRICE. 3d You have a LARGE STOCK to eelect from. 8d. Yon mav try the Instrument BEFORE u purchase. 4th Every Inntnimi nt WARRANTED for HIX YEA RS. GIYK A ( ALL In-fore you send off to purclMic At lll.lltl IC.I It Ricbmonil's Samaritan Nerrioc, HROWN S IRON BITTERS, ( LARK S LIVED 1111. Simmon ' I.Ivor Wawtlclnn U ,.,.. , Safe Kidney and Liver "ure Kidney Wort, Mid large tocK or other Patent Mcllctne, at J. B. HARDIN'S Drug and Seed Store, my 21 tf New Market L. S. L. NEXT DRAWING OF THE Loulilans State Latter) TAKES PLACE JUNE I8TH. PHIZES FROM $10 to $100,000. Price. Whole ticket. $10 00. Halves $5; Fifth $2; Tenths $1. Addresw Iock Box 272, my 10 tf Wilmington. N c Bathing, 1882. BROWN & RODDICK. ft und 7 North Front Rtrect. BATHING TOWELS. FLANNELS SPECIALLY for Bathing Suits. Don't pot off until the lt minute. JAPANESE PARASOLS and FANS. Never be fore have we had a complete an anoortment. A novelty in JAP. DECORATED FEATHER FANS. We am confident we can ult anv one In want of the above article. my 7 tf BROWN A RODDICK PEL'S CORN SOLVENT WARRANTED TO CURE A CORN IN ZEgIbl5 Days IF USED AS DIRECTED OR MONET REFUNDED ! NO PAIN (Hi SORE TOKS ! ATTENDING ITS USE. For tale by W. H. GBEEN. AltafFer, Price & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALKM W Window RbmIbc and Blind, Doors, IrsBM, Msuslloa, lHoaJdlnf, Braeketa, dec. ALSO, MILL YARD AND OFFICE. my 81 tf Foot of Walnut St reet.

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