MRTtYDIi L PINICH&M, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Ig a PoeitiTS Cmre for all thoie Painful Complaint and WnVndlP' oeoniBtB to our best female population. It will cure entirely (he -worst foam of Female Oonw plaints, all ovarian trouble, Inflammation and Utoera t!on, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to the Change of life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there la checked very speed U y by Its use. It removes falntneas, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures-Bloating, lleadaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of beartng down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints) of either sax this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. FINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM porXD is prepared at SS3 and 835 'Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price 91- Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for Jther. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Sand for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this toper. No family should be without LYDIA E. rTNKHAaPB LIVER PELLS. They cure constipation, blUonan and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. Sold by all Dr nggiata. -ffifi ti-: is DeodftW tu th sa nrm ASK the recovered Dyspeptics, Bilious Snfferers, Victims of Fever and Ague, the Mercurial Diseased Patient, how they re covered health, cheer ful spirits and good, appetite hey will tell you iy takiujr SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. Fr DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic . Depre s si. .n f Spirits. SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, dee., &.-., IT HAS NO EQUAL. This unrivalled Southern Remedy Is warranted not to contain a single particle of Merci-ey or any injurious mineral substance, bat is PURELY VEGETABLE, If von feel drowsy, debilitated, have frequent licndaehe. mouth tastes badly, poor appetite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid li ver or "biliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as to take SPinONS LITER REGULATOR, t is -riven with safety and the happiest results to tiw most delicate infant. It takes the place of quinine and bitters of every kind. It is the cheap est, purest and best family medicine in the world, . J.- Beware of counterfeits. Take '.only the genuine. In white wrapper, with red Z in front, prepared by J. II. ZEILIN fie C. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. iv 19 De.xlAWlv tn th sa nrm AN OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all "who frill take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm ! oss and always reliable article. Sc!d by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish, removes Sale lowness, Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects are Immediate and so natural that no human being can detect its application. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital, Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fond, $1,000,000 $300,000 $50,000 DIRECTORS : C. M. STEDMAN W. I. GORE. G. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MeRAE, H. VOLLERS, B R. BRIDGERS, J- W. ATKINSON, ISAAC BATES, JAS. A. LEAK, P. RHEDSTEL K. B. BORDEN, CIIAS. M. STEDMAN. President 0 ISAAC BATES, Vice President. 3-D. Wallace. Cashier. ausr20-U Commercial Hotel, WILIttlNGTON, N. C. SCHL.OSS, - - Proprietor, - FIRST CLA88 IN EVERT RESPECT. JET-FIRST CLASS BAR and BILLIARD SA LOON attached. ap 26 tf Notice. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1882 Frei-ht Train will leave Newbern at 3,30 P. M. inSdLof 4 A- M- as at present. Train, on and after same date, will leave Goldsbono at 830 A. SL, Instead of 7 P.M., as at present. This Train will connect with N. C. freight Train, from Raleigh, whjeb arrives at Goldsboro at 7.35 A. M, -No change in Mail or Passenger Trains. J. B. YATES, Chief Engineer and Gen'l Manager, a-P 5 tf Midland N. C. Railway Co. At tte Old Stand, Ho, 8 Front St., A LARGE LOT OP NEW TRUNKS, TRAVEL , LING BAGS and Satchels, Lap Dusters, very handsome. A foil stock of Harness of all kinds, aaaies and Bridles, and everything pertaining io a. baddle and Harness Establishment. Manu facturing and Repairing done at short notice and satisfaction guaranteed. W21 J. H. MALLARD. The MoitEifif Slar. OUR DEAD SINGER-LONGFELLOW. On many a saddened hearth the evening nre Btynsjpderi the chjren's hqtir draws That joyous hour his song made doubly dear, And tender memories touch the faltering He sings no more on earth; our vain desire Acues for the voice we loved so long to near In Dorian flute-notes breathing soft and clear, The sweet contralto that could never tire. Deafened with listening to a harsher strain, The Maenad's scream, the stark barba rian's cry. Still for those soothing, loving tones we sigh; rr Oh, for our vanished Orpheus once again ! The shadowy silence hears us call in vain ! His hps are hushed ; his song shall never die. Dr. Holmes in the June Atlantic. OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. In olden times a progressive civilized country was known bv its Dublic hisrhwava. and it was a generally accepted truth that where there were well kept public roads there was enlightenment, civilization and progress, Tim first work that Cse&ar, the "foremost man of all this earth," did after conquering a barberous country, was to set to work opening highways so that com merce could find an easy entrance. This was the first step, and so wise bas it been considered bytoe -people of all countries since that time that laWs have been enacted compelling the people to open roads and keep them in good repair. Wilson Ad vance. The convention must lay down a plat form upon which the party will have to stand and fight during the approaching campaign. The failure to call the Legisla ture together, which might have settled some distracting questions, will force the Democratic. State Convention of July 5th to declare itself boldly, squarely and un hesitatingly on some all-absorbing issues, which are now and will be foremost in the coming struggle. The county government question will have to be met and decided. A. quietus must be put upon the Prohibi tion agitation. The so-called Liberal (?) movement must be met and headed off. Oxford Free Lance. SOUTHERN ITEMS. William Puryear, of Lynch burg, who was shot by Andrew Elliott a short time ago, died in St. Vincent's hos pital Thursday night. Both were sporting men. Elliott is at large on bail. The Richmond W7iig states that the recent report of interviews between Governor Cameron and Secretaries Chan dler and Howe, of President Arthur's Cabi net, were without foundation and false. It also states that Governor Cameron charac terizes the report of the interviews as a ridiculous and stupid fiction. The largest stock raiser in the United States is W. B. Todhunter, of Texas. He branded 9,000 calves last spring, and has already marketed 6,000 beeves this season. He had 20,000 head of stock-cattle, and owns more than 100,000 acres of land. Mr. Todhunter owns 1.000 bulls and 300 saddlehorses ; employs fifty men, and puts up 2,500 tons of hay to guard against hard winters. He keeps 100 work-horses, and raises grai n enough to feed all his saddle and work stock. Besides his cattle he has 700 or 800 stock-horses, four jacks and fifty stallions. POLITICAL POINTS. Senator liahone is the Blanche Douglass of the Republican party. Cin cinnati Enquirer. "The American people have little to be proud of in connection with the affairs of the Freedman'sBank," thinks the Detroit Pott and Tribune, "but it is never theless clear that Congress ought not to as sume the payment of its losses." The Savannah News does not relish the idea of the Federal Government being at all concerned in educating the cit izens of the various States, but the South will have no objection to her share of- the proposed educational fund of $10,000,000 being distributed within her limits." Senator Mitchell's heroic appeal to arms brings to mind Bret Harte's cou plet: "Bean-pods rattle most when dry, And we always wink with our weakest I HP . it QT f T if -(jhtdnltaii&iqiii xirer. COTTON. New York Commercial Chronicle. New York, May 19. The move ment of m the" crop, as indicated by our telegrams from the South to night, is given, below. -Tor the week ending tnis evening- (May 19), the total receipts have reached 20, 864 bales, against 25,881 bales last week, 34,423 b.;les the previous week, and 33,606 bales three weeks since; making the total receipts since the 1st of September, 1881, 4,519,865 bales, against 0J4 44$ )gfeiiL f or tne same period of 1880-8 J,, showing a decrease since September i, 1881, of 368,583 bales. The exports for the week ending this evening reach a total of 53,705 bales, of which 28,201 were to Great Britain, 13,184 to France and 12,320 to the rest of tJle Continerit,wbile the stocks as made up this evening are now 483,763 bales. 0 I On Thursday, notwithppding the reports of snow in Norb Cerolina, there was a fair business With prices 9 to 13 points lower, owibj largely, it was stated, to the numerous stop orders acted upon. To-day there was some reccvery oii a demand to cover' contracts, but a dull business and a quiet closing. Qcfen on the spot has been more fff offered, and on Wednesday pri declined 1 -1 6c. To-day the market was quiet, middling uplands closirig at 12c. "During the early part of last October, I had a severe attack of rheumatism in my right knee," says Mr. J. C. Connor, of the Royal Opera House, Toronto, -Qanada. "I used many so-called rheumatic remedies without receiving 'ahy' apparent benefit. Observing that St. Jacobs, Oil was being constantly -recommended by many of the leading members of our profession, I de cided to give it a trial. From the first ap plication! commenced to improve, and be fore I had used two-thirds of a bottle I was Strike Your Golden IJarps ! Q&l.l JlEAN STKffiB FOB A "GOLDEN HARVEST'' COOK STOVE. The BEST IN MARr KET for the saoney. Sold only by my21tf PARKER & TAYLOR. RHililllTI8Ri ffadfalgla, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of theGhest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Too .h, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Pars, aha all other Pains ' aha Aches. '.-nriBation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as rv-, , simple and clt-eag External Remedy. J wjipjla bat the comparatively r ifling- outlay t' ';uts, and every one suffering with pain aii i , v o cheap and positive proof of its claims. ' riret-iinr.s in Eleven Languages. i. 1 3T ALL DStJG&lgTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., Zftiltittitff, Mil., XT. S. A. JolOD&Wlv A Never -Failing Core for Burns, Scalds, Braises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After fbrty years of trial, Perry JJ avis' fain IVlller stands unrivaled It is safe ! It acts immediately ! It never fails ! Editor of the St. John CN.B.) News, says: In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc., it is the most effectual remedy we know of. i No family should he vrtthout a bottle of It xor a sintrie nour. From the Cincinnati Dlsnatch : W'e have seen its magic effects, and brunt it to De a eooa aracie. From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia : After long years of use, I am satisfied It is positively emcxew as a neanng remeay ior wounas, Druises, ana sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : It is a panacea for all Druises and bums. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me Immediate roller. R. Lewis says: In forty years' use it never has failed me W. W. Ltrm. Nlchorville. N. Y.. savs : I use your fAm mi rrequentiy. it relieves pain and soreness, and healsvroands mre mane. J. W. Dee says : jfor scaias ana trurns it nas no equal. PERRY DA VIS' PAI3C KTTT.ER Is not new untried remedy. For forty years it lias been in constant use; and those who nave used it the longest are us best Jriend. Its success is entirely because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come ana gone, -while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more hiehry valued than ever before. Every family should have a oouie Tcaay jot use. aiucn pain ana neavy doctors bills may often be saved by prompt u cation or tne rain aiuer. uruax moei idttes, it is verfeeUg safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it T7ill prove its value. Your druggist has it at S5c.,30c. and Sl.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVI8 & SON, Proprietors, Rroyioafioa, R. I I feb 1 P&W2m arm Popular Monthly Drawing of the In the City of Louisville, on Wednesday. May 3182 These drawings occur monthly (Sundays ex. nHp niwiri si on a of an act of the General AawttWy of Keotuoky. M t M, Tne L mtea states iir un uoarv on jbhuu oab rendered the following decisions: 1st THAT THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRI BUTION COMPANY IS LEGAL. 2d. ITS DRAWINGS AvJ FA1K. v The ComDany has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of Prizes for THE MAY DRAWING: 1 Priee..; ..$80,000 100 Prizes $106 each $10,000 1 Prize 10,000 300 Prizes 50 each 10,000 1 ttH ROO ROO Prizes 20 each 12.000 10 Prizes $1060 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 20 Prizes 500 10,000 9 Prizes $300 each, Approximation mzes, z,uu 9 Prizes 300 eaoh, ' 1.800 9 Prizes 100 each, " 00 1 960 Prize.- ; ( i - i $112,400 Whole Tickets. 82. Half Tickets, $1. 27 ' Tickets. $50. 55 Tickets, $100 Remit Money by Bank Draft in Letter, or send umo nnW-T MKVll BY REGISTERED by LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of j5 and upward, by Express, can De sent, av ur MAN. (Cotirier-Journal Building,) LOUISVILLE, Ky., or R. M. BOARDMAN, 309 Broadway, . X. ap 29 eod&w tu th sa DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, An important dis covery, by which every family may give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale, "Wholesale and Retail, by ADRIAN & VOLLERS, P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. and J. C. STEVENSON. tu th sa ap 6 Deod&Wly Grain Cradles. GRANT'S SOUTHERN PATERN FIVE Finger Grain Cradles, the best that are made; they cost more money, but are by far the cheap est to the consumer. We also have the CHEAP FLIMSY CRADLE; don't like to handle such goods, but have them for those that want a cheap article. SPRINGER & CO., . ; ; - Successors to Jno. Dawson & Co., my. 21 tf 19, 21 23 Market St New JLACK SPANISH LACE, SASH RIBBONS, Lisle Thread and Laoe Gloves, Lace Collars and Tie's; Warners's Health, Abdominal and Nursing C(myei4tf JNO. J. HEDRTCK. DAWPX PAIM nj mm WHOLESALE PRICES. Our quotations, it should be understood, represent the wholesale prices generally. In mairitig up small orders higher prices have to be charged. . . ARTICLES. PRICES. BAGGING Gunny lOW Standard 10J& BACON North Carolina, Hams, lb 00 Shoulders, B 00 Sides, choice, tt 00 Western Smoked Hams, $ t. . 15 Sides, ttv... iSMfo Shoulders, lb.. 0 Dby Salted Sides, tb 11 Shoulders, ? 0 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each 1 75 New New York, each 1 90 New City, each 000 BEESWAX 20 BRICKS Wilmington, M 7 50 Northern - 0 00 BUTTER North Carolina, B 20 Northern, lb 25 g CANDLES lb Sperm 18 Tallow 1134 Adamantine, 12 CHEESE fi Northern Fact 'y 14 liauy, cream 10 State 10 COFFEE lb-Java 18 Laguyra 13 Rio 10 CORN MEAL bush., in sacks, 1 07 COTTON TIES bundle 1 50 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd 7 Yarns, bunch 1 00 EGGS dozen 00 FISH Mackerel, No. 1. bbl. . . 16 00 Mackerel, No. 1 , half bbl . . 8 50 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl ...... , 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. . 5 00 Mackerel, No. 3, bbi. . 8 50 Mullets, bbl 8 00 Mullets, Pork bbls 7 00 N. C. Roe Herring, keg. ... 3 00 Dry Cod, ft 5 FERTILIZERS 2,00 J pounds, Peruvian Guano, No. 1 57 50 " No. 2 36 00 " Lobos...... 00 00 Baugh's Phosphate 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer 46 00 Ground Bone .... 00 00 Bone Meal. . . 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navassa Guano 46 60 Complete Manure : . . . 00 00 Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Berger & Butzs Phosphate . . 00 00 Exeellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 55 00 FLOUR bbl Fine 0 00 Northern Super 0 00 111 62 50 a 37 oo 51 00 60 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 8 46 00 lis 70 00 60 00 & 60 00 5 50 6 00 7 50 Extra Family City Mills Extra (.' Family ' Ektra Family glue ib :.; GRAIN bushel. Corn, from store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, " Com, cargo, in bags, " Corn, cargo. Mixed, in bags. Oats, from store Cow Peas 10 HIDES Jb Green Dry. . HAY 100 lbs Eastern 1 Western l North River 1 HOOP IRON Ton 80 00 LAKD lb Northern 12 North Carolina LIME barrel 10 LUMBER City Sawed M ft Ship stuff, resawea is uu Rough Edge Plank , . . . . 15 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . 18 00 Scantline and Boards, cora'n 12 00 20 00 16 00 !S 00 28 00 15 00 MOLASSES gallon, SewC'ropuuDa, innnas oo " in bbls 43 Porto Rico, in hhds. 00 " In bbls 00 Sncar House, in hhds 00 In bbls 00 Svrun. in bbls 40 NAILS Keg Cut, lOd basis.. 0 00 OILS gallon Kerosene 11 Lard l 10 Linseed 00 Rosin 15 Tar 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown ' 88 DpiUl... Turkeys 7B PEANUTS bushel 1 30 POTATOES $ bushel Sweet . . 60 insn. per bbl 4 w PORK bbl. City Mess 21 00 Prune it ou RumD 17 00 18 00 m 8 RICE Carolina, lb 4 Koueb. bushel w em i is RAGS S Country li 1? City IttKk 15 ropk $ b. um s SALT sack Alum 00 75 Liverpool, 00. 85 Lisbon. 00 00 American 00 75 SUGAR lb Cuba 0 tfh 00 Porto Klco 0 O 00 A Coffee 0 & 10$ b ' y$m io C " 8 9 BxC 9 (it. 9? Crushed 10V4& 11 SOAP R Northern 5 & GJ. SHINGLES M Contract 5 00 7 00 common a oo s$ a so Cypress Saps 450 & 500 Cypress Hearts 000 St 750 STAVES M W. O. Barrel. . . . 1 00 18 00 R. O. Hoashead 00 00 10 00 a 6 & 1100 15 25 2 14 00 2 8 50 700 6 00 4 00 5 00 TALLOW lb 5 TIMBER M feet Shipping. . 18 00 Fine Shipping 14 00 Extra do 18 CO Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 6 50 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 WHISKEY gallon Northern 1 00 North Carolina 100 6t 250 WOOL lb Washed 25 6 26 unwasiieci so m aa Burrv 10 & 15 WILMINGTON JIONET MARKET. Exchange (sierht) on New York. H discount Baltimore Boston Philadelphia.. . . Western Cities. change, 30 days, 1 cent. or JNew Hanover BtooK 107 First National Rank Stock 75- Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina BondsOld Ex-Coupons 88 Funding, 1866 12 Funding, 1868 18 New 4s 88 Special Tax 4 to N.C. Railroad.... 93 W. & W. R. R. Bonds, 7 c. (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds. 6 c 105 Wilmington, Col. & Augusta R. R, Bonds ... 106 Wilmington City Bonds, (New) 6 c 100 8c 100 New Hanover Conntv Bonds. 8 c 97V6 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina B. R. Stock 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 WilnuuKton Cotton Mills Stock 100 Ros. ADALXS GREAT SOUTHERN DT fbr the ram of Serof , Scrofulous Taint, Rheu te STreRing, Gout, Goitre, uronchius. nervous ie k and all diseases arising impure condition of the BLOOD, SKIN, or SCALP. Ir CURES SCROFULA. ROSAD D Cares Rheum a tism. ROSADALIS Cures Malaria. ICures Xervous Debility. lOSADALi: Ingredients publiehed on every eTl EowTnolyourpBystelm, and tell you It i ompom asm :Booarpeu8rlferriBt',U1U"S"" ROSADALIS la ly ffl ?rnggl8ta. rfeb 10 D&W6m 1 6 50 7 75 U 00 Si 6 50 00 7 00 50 7 50 13 4 18 1 OSJft 1 10 1 00 1 01 1 00 1 05 95 96 OO 70 1 50 1 60 LS if 30 Cgi 1 35 20 1 25 OO fk 1 15 85 00 13U 00 1u 14 a i bo Mjonsumption. Ibilitr. Malari Si from an Cures Syphilis. The ItlomingStar PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Snbscription Rates In Advance. DAILY STAR, One Tear, ppstage paid, M Six Monttta,- " ... . . " Three Montlib" " " One Mocth, " " WEEKLY STAR, One Yearrposaage paid . . . " SIx MontliB, " " ... Three Months " " .$7 00 . 4 00 . 2 25 . 1 00 $1 SO . 1 00 50 HOTICES 0FTHE PRESS : The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in the State, as bright and no-rosy as ever. Long life to it. Salem Tress. ; . The "Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. unanam Democrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. As a daily Journal of mews it stands "up neaa. uoncora Tteqister. The Wilmington Stab has entered its twenty- mtn volume. Tnere is no Doner paper puoiisneo In me State. Lenoir Topic. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its thir- teentn year, it is one ot tne nest papers m tne State. Warrenton Gazette. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of tlie leading papers of tne noutri.uxrora iwcutant. The Wilmington Stab is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news arid typograpical appearance cannot be beaten. Jackson Reporter. The Wilminirton Stab is one of the very best wi- pere in the South, in every department from typo- grapny up to editorial abimjf ana lnaepenaence. Tvtersovrg ( Va.) Tnaex-Appeal, g We like the Stab because itjte uioroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so waeil and aoiy edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a ferreot newspaper. .Long may tne stab iwimtie. mi- Airy ymurr. Altnouffh at the head of the aress in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to the reader. still it continues to Improve. It is a Stab of the first magnitude. May Its lusjtre never wane. Tit Fre Will Jiaptut. "The Wilmington (N. C.) Mobino Stab is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say? it is the newsust (secular) paper published in thesSouth. Richmond ( Va.) Religious Herald. jfe The Wilminirton Stab has Hois' entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty -fiftti volume. One Of the best conducted and edited; jjapera in the South and, as a North uaroiiman, were proua or it. Tarboro Southerner. The Stab is so well and favof&bly known in this section of the State, that we cn say nothing of which its thousands of readfirs do not already know. It is In every respect dhe of the best dai lies in the South. Rdbewniau. s The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year, it is a most excellent newspaper, wen ed ited, a compendium of all the. news of the day. and un honor to Its city, to Nctrth Carolina and to North Carolina journal ism. Khariotte Observer. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed Its twenty-second volume. R is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the Potomac. The system in the get up of the pa per surpasses them all. Tarifyro teulhirner. The WUmiagtoa. 8TAa 1a now taking the regular miuuisnt Associated iTeaa reports, ano nas oe- sides increased the amount oflts reading matter. The 8tab U an excellent paper Its prosperity is not surprising since it is so reserving. Chariot's Observer. The Times cannot say a wdrd too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has Juit reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is nought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to it. Jceuls ville Times. 1 Why is it that all the papers with the name of Star are such bright little jamais f The Wilming ton (Hi. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred ericksburg Star, New York Star, for example. There must be something in a name after all -Richmend Ya.) Stat. "' The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice, still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding It as one of the very best of our exchanges, and consider it tne peer ot any journal puoiisned in tne ssoutn. Oxford Free Zanet. The Moun'inq Star, one of the best dailies we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best, has entered upon its twelfth year. In every particular the Star comes fully up to the mark as the principle daily In our chief commer cial city. Long may It twinkle. Alamance Glean er. The Wilmington Stab has entered upon it 19th volume, and we are pleaaed to notice still contin ues on the road to sucoess. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial de aartment is conducted with much ability. ifor Oauton Blade. Humble in its beginnings, as was inseparable from aft enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Star has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a newspa per H has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate selection and judicious arrangement, and we are proud to rank It among our most accepta ble exchanges Iftllxlioro Recorder. The Wilmington Morning Stab has entered upj on the thirteentn year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab is due to its strict atten! tion to business. . The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the pa per is all that the term of "good newspaper" Im plies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more nappy years of usef ulness Goidsboro Messenaer. Cures SK PHI LIS in any stage, Catarrh, Eczema, Old Seres, Pimples, Boils, If yen doriM, lWe"as, and We will CUBE YOU, or oharge nothing 1 f Write for particulars, and a copy of little book "Message to the Unfortn nategnring." annrwnenDrogiststonr . standing. sFflOOOewalrcillfpoitoor 'mist tflao will jtnd on analysis ftf one hundred bottles & S.S.S. ofe particls of Mertmrp, Iodide of Fotas- sittm, or any Mineral evbstame. SWIFT SFEVIFIO VV., TTops, 5 (pan BOTTLE.) Price of Small Size, Large " Atlanta, Ga. - $1.00 - - - 1..TS For sale by W. H, GREEN, Retail, and by all Druggists, jy 8 DedexsA Wly at Wholesale and Gall On Us For QORN, MEAL, FLOUR, SIDES, SHOULDERS, SUGAR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, CRAOKEBS, SOAF,"PoTASH, LYE, Ac, Ac, AT BOTTOM PRICES. HALL & PEARSALL. apJ18 D&W tf 73 ? w a Ipmi I s S Pi I rA S SKIN "JSpj S p CUBES WHEN ALL )THER REM- eme to Wilminrftdn & Weldon Railroad Co. OyyioB of Gen'l, S WfhWngtorr, f SUPKIU NTCNDINT. If. ft, May H 18W. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER MAY 14, 18M, AT 8.87 A. M., Passenger Trains or the Wilmington St Wel don Railroad will run as follows: Day M ill and Cxpresi Train, i 1 No. 4T North and 48 So nth. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 0.40 a M. Arrive at Weldon 12.10 P. M Leave Weldon 8.87 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depef, 9.85 P. M. Fast Through Mail atcd Paotrnobr Trains Daily ? Nob. 48 Nortb and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St.. Depot, at 5.8ft P. M. Arrive a . Weldon igj A. M. Leave Weldon i 8.10 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 10.55 P. V. T.-aln jJo. 40 South win stop only at Rocky Monnt, Wilson, Gotdsboro and Magnolia. Trains n Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rockv Mount for Tarboro at 12 M. and 7. 15 P. M. Dally Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.00 A. M. and 8 P. M DaUy. Train So. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 43 runs daily and makes done con nection .'or all Points North via Richmond and Washington. No. 47 makes cloao counecLUm for Tarboro. All trains nm solid between Wilminrton and Washington, and have Pullman Ialaoe Sleeiers attached. JOIINF. DIVINE, Genera! Sup't. A. POPE, Oen'l Passenger Agent, my 14 tf WILMINGTON. CQL1BIA & AUGUSTA 1 Railroad Co. OmoE of Grmxral. Scf't, I Wilmington, N. C, May 14, 1882. ) Change of Schedule. rS AND AFTER MAY 14TII, 1888, AT 1.00 P. J M., the following Passenger Schedule will be run oa this road: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) Not. 4 8 AVoat and 47 East. Leave Wilmington. .10.15 P. M. Leave Florence 2J0A. M Arrive at C, C. & A. Junction 0.20 A. M Arrive at Columbia 0.40 A. M Leave Columbia 10.00 P. M t ........ , ' ' e. a r.,....;.... m on T u XC3CV7 V. V. Oj A. UU11VUUU IV. -W 1 . 1.1 Leave Florence 1.52 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8.80 A. M Night Mail and PAbskwger Train, Daily, No. 40 West, and Dat Mail and Pahsxnoer Train, No. 48 East. Leave Wilmington 11.10 P. M. Arrive at Florence . . 2.47 A. M. Leave Florence 1.00 r. M. Arrive at Wilmington 5.15 P. M. Train 48 stops at all Stations. No. 40Btop only at Flemlngton, Whitevlllc, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia and all points on (J. s C. R. R., C., A A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Kx press. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on Train 47. All trams run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. juhin r. mviiii, Gen'l Sup't. A. POPE. Gen'l Passenger Agent. I my 14 tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, N. C, April 8th, 1882. t Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER APRIL 9TH, 1882, TBK FOI lowing Schedulewill be operated on thl itail- road: PASSENGER, MAIL AND DAILY. EXPRESS TRAIN: , I Leave Wilmington at 5.46 P.M. 1 I Arrive at Charlotte at 7.40 A. M. a Leave Cliariotte at 7.5ft P. M. f Arrive at Wilmington at 9.60 A. M. No No. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and Points designated in the Company s Time Table. Train No. 1 Dally except Sunday. Do. No. a do . do Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIU EX PRESS AND FREIOnT. Daily except Sundays. Leave Charlotte a40A. M. Arrive at Shelby 12.40 P. M. Leave Shelby 1.40 P. M. Arrive at Ofearlotte 5.40 P. M. Trains' No. 1 and make close connection at Hamlet With It. A A. Trains to and from Raleigh, ad at Charlotte with Shelby Division Train. TnroUgQ Sleeping tars aeiween winuingum and Omtrlbtte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Train No. 1 connection at Charlotte with A., T. A O. B.R., for Statesvule, connecting there with W. N. C. R. B for all points on said Road. Train No. 1 maKes connection at unanotte wis n A. & C. R. R, foijSpartanburg. Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and all points Deyona. V. JUMU, ap 9-tf Qeneral Saperiatendent New York and Wilnungton Steamship Co. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. STEAMERS! WILL. SAIL FROM NEW YORK Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 8 o'clock P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday, May 6. GULF STREAM .... . Wednesday, May H. REGULATOR Saturday, May 13'. BENEFACTOR Saturday, May 20. rtrThrough Bills Ladtng and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina For Freight Engagements apply to;; THOTIAS K. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Theo. G. Beer, Freight Agent, New York. . J. Clyde 4c Co., General Agents, mh 21 - tf S5 Broadway, New York. PURCELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Wilmlntrtou, n. C. B. I.. Perry, Proprietor. First Class in all its appointment, to $3.00 per day. . Terms $2.80 feb 8 tf Twenty-FlTB Years Experience JN NCTRTH CAROLINA. H. C. PRKMPkkt, the oldest, most tellable and Praotloal German Barber and Perfumer, would respectfully Inform his numerous friends and patrons that be has taken his son to Partaership Business, and that, tn addition to their Popular Establishment, No. 0 J jjottth Front street, they have opened another First-class isstaDiisnment on iNortn Maraet tn., next door East of Mcflhenney's Drag Store, over which the Senior of the firm will preside. This is not the only establishment oi the kind, bat will be second to none, on Market street, or elsewhere in the city. Yery respectfully, mh 36 (f H. C. PREMPERT SON 53Bri(TKaBBaT:atti-iijJ The lalng o Moanlaln All-Healing Springs Co. Will open for the season of ISSt, on the 1Mb day of May. Thev have enlarge their hi lists to eoonm modate aw fruosU, andhare added every MM ment calculated to promote health and cotnfori Tlwse wonderhil Waters cure DjpptfMU. Hl-k Headacae, Constipation and all DaajKneDU ot the Digestive Organs. All Skin Diseases and t l oers of every ktnd Hcrofula, CaUrrh and all Kill tbLaie rattent wtiohad visits Ii3t Hiring .'.t Arkansas without relief, found It here last tms, son. The Waters hare a peculiarly beneficial ef fect upon Female Complaints, nnd many dllre hur cases were cured last season. The owner In tend to make thin the mom emnplete rTealth u sort In the United State Beside a Table d'lKile they will open a Keataureut. and visitors may suit tbclr tastes and their purses Kseuraion tlek ets will be inanod froso aO poinU so LlairV Moun tarn, the depot for thea Nprtn-a For furthr In formation address DR F. M (1ARRETT. Muhh ger, King's steantalw, N.O. DR. STRONG 8 PILLS ! The Old, Well-Trledt, Wonderful, Health Renewing Remedies. Strong's Pectoral Pill Insure healthy ap petite, good digestion, rern I aril y of the bowel A sure remedy for Colds and K&enmntlam A un clous boon to delicate females aoothlns nnd lrn clnK the nervous system, ana glrleg vhror and health in evcrr fibre of the ImmIt. Mrons; HaasUv Palls for the Liver A speed v euro for Liver omiJahit, Renlilln the Bowels. Purifvlnr 1h fllnnd 1mni4nir re.. 111 Mn lartal Taint. A perfect euro for Hlek ll da he. Constipation and IysioMta Sold by leadlnu druiTKlaU. For oiroulani and almanacs, with full particulars, aaarrss box nno. New York city satQA Per Week can bo made In say locsllt r. VOV Something entirely new for agent & outfit free J W. INGKAHAM A 0 tVnton Mu. A DVERTISUHS ! send for our Staler t ui .,r t ... XX eal Newspapovs. Geo. P. Uowell A Co . H apruoe St., in. y. X"APPI1"IT1B."-Tbe wlfs or husband All.'l tit tit Vt ill lifin- ltrlrrj.o 1 1 v , t. .eil....! Arfw.rnrn TfintwmmaTit Adaptation, probable endlnir'ka life, eto ; lliarar ter Analysis mane rroin answers to uu4MU.n mailed. Fee One Dollar. DELINEATOR, U.x 104, Brooklyn, N. Y. my 2 DA Win, EVE'S WANTED ! AGEWTH Eveiywhere tosellthi matchleas Immik for the mothers snrl dauKhters of America llnndretlo DAUGHTERS By MARION HARLAND Author ftf "Ommuml Sense in the fontokt." i Is now ready for sub 1 Hcrfbers. No mother or ' dauirliter, knolnr it I contents, will fall to J buy it. ap g.' D.twiiy) of thonsauda will ! sold, as every wudmh will w-ant H Terms, ote .of J. It. ANDKKMtN nnd H K A 1.1.1 &s. Chambers 81. TN. Y.v DYSPEPSIA CURED 1 I I ! XTJE (1REAT RCTKNTinc PRKTA RATION will A positively euro old chronic oases of Dyniep sla, I)ysjeptlc Flu, Dyspeptio VsrUkfe and -peptic Consumption, where every hrr known rnedie.lnn has failed to even give relief I refer to a few of the cases pronounced Incurable thnt have been cured with APF.PftlA: Mies Katie llofl man. KT'J Kandolph street, Phlladslphia. was n case of Dyspeptic Consumption; had not heeit out of her house for one year, or her room for six months; a living skeleton glvea up tn die by our most eminent physicians, but cured with four bottles of Apepsla. Matthew Robinson, No. WW 81st street, Philadelphia.- This was a verydanirr roue oase of Dyspepsia Vertigo of Ions standlttr. bat cured with only two bottlca of AepstH M H. A, Clark, firm Clark Bros. A Co.. Philadelphia, was an old chronic case of twenty years statu! Inr; paid out one thousand dollars: was pronoun ced incurable; but cured with three bottles of Apcpsia; been well over one year. Thousands of similar testimonials can be seen 'fit our om I refer with pleasure to the Ifollowlns refttlemen of Savannah, whose characters are . ble: Dr. J. tt. lialtlwanirsr, clarence a. Conn rat, ('apt. Ceorge M. Weymonth. lrlee f l p. r bottle. For sale by WILLIAM II iJKKKN hihI all Druggista. V. K, STONE, MI), mh 10 DAWly gl9 Ievanl St.. Phllsdelphis Native Mineral Water ! RMHBRID(.t:, YA. ALUM WATER CM'RKS DYSPEPSIA INDH;RrTTIN. TORPIII J LIVER, Clironlo Dhirrhu-a and Dymentet. Skin Diseases, Hcrofula, chronlr iTwumonla, rl It Is a powerful Alterstlvc Tonln and Is am i MALARIAL In Its effect Read eertlfleate frssi, eminent physicians In our pamphleta NO ARTIFICIAL WASKN OH HAI.TH. Bottled In Its natural state, direct from I lie Springs, wliii h are beautifully located hi Ito. k hridire county, Va . and are oHn for tits re ep tlon of visitors from June 1st to (K'tolspr lt. em b yenr; canncltr l.onn jruests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J. C Ml'NDH, WM U ORB EN, MCNDHBRoa . Dragirists. mh 1 1 fim Wllmlnatoa, N -. Lowell Machine Shop, Lowell, Mass. MANCFAtmiRBRH OF EVERY DBHCHI ITh N COTTON MACHINERY Of most Appmsad Patterns anil with IUeent Improvement Paper Machinery ALSO TURBINE WHEELS Shafting and Gearing, Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevators, Ac. PLANH FOR X)TTON AND PA Phi; Mil. I. C. L. lin.DRlCTH, Sup't. 1XWELL. MAMS VVM A. BrRKK. Treas., Htate ItlML Boston. mh Stf Hurlong Cotton Seed. 100 Bushels. UK MOST PROLIFIC COTTON NEED KNOW F r sale at Willards. tEORGE MYERS, 1 A 1.1 fcoulh Front Win- Fresh Family Groceries EVERY WEEK, OF THE CHOICEST SELECTIONS and ALWAYM THE LOWEST PRICES, At 0BO. MTKRS. sept IS tf Hoe, 11 aa4 IB Houth Front at. New Crop Molasses. noGsHicAD8' rg TIERCES. PRIM I a RTK'I.K Now landtac from Brit I BrlK Zlnjni. from WatAntas. For sale by lan 21 tf WORTH at WOpTH. i