3?l The Morning Star, or AD Tisnioi One Square One Day. . " TwoSys, l rm rl BV WM. h! bERXARD, V m i nrre iajv, " jpcr Days,. One Week... mmH VBLISHKD DAILY EX CRPT- MONDAYS. mm ratss or u ascrbptiow,- ih advance. Three Week. On Month. ' Two Month. one Year, (by Mail) Postage Paid, $7 00 Sis Montns, M - 4 w Three Months, " " " 2 00 r-o Months, 3 1 00 " " Three Month. Six Months,. " " 0eTeer77.. . Tine Month, " TO est" To ouv buDscnuers, delivered m any Dart (bF Ootrtreot Advertlsaaaiits team et Uonately low rates. of the City, Fifths Cjxn per week. Our City VOL. XXX. NO. 57. WILMINGTON, N. C.s SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1882. WHOLE NO. 4606 4 j-euts are noi autuomiea to couect lor more Ten lines solid Nonpereil type mm&.-J mv- ' . m r , w- v ? mmm , v mm mm mm mm . . vbhhhbv 1 '; bbbbbbs- ...... -2.: m I , TATTIiTi ioTAK. lVlUJrilMiMjr I Id ut 11 00 8! ! 1 Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as necoaa usss MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. Two members of Clara Louise Kellogg's C oncert Company were drowned Friday in Lake Spofford, New Hampshire. The acreage of wheat iu the Northwest is 80 per cent, less than last year, but promises a large yield. The crop of American cotton iu sight is 5,225,069 bales. Four frame buildings burned at Augusta, Georgia. Pullman Palace car shed and shop at New Orleans, Louisiana, burned ; loss $75,000, fully insured. Employes fit the National Capital have re ceived circulars from the Republican Con gressional Campaign Committee, notifying them of an assessment of 2 per cent, on salaries, to be used as a campaign fund next fall The Postofflce Department has ordered a general observance of Decoration day by postmasters. A Supreme Court decree lias been issued divorcing Mrs. Sprague from ber husband. There were 23 deaths from yellow fever at Havana last week ; the disease is increasing. A 7'),000 tire at Portland, Oregon, and an fsj.000 blaze at Wilmington, Delaware. The Ministry of Egypt resigned. The custodian of plates and dies at the United States Treasury has been dismissed by Secretary Folger for lack of vigilance; a 10,000 plate is missing. New York markets: Money 23 percent.; cotton quiet and steady at 12i12fc; southern dour dull and unchanged at $5 658 25; wheat, cash lots higher and strong, No. 2 spring $1 32; corn, ungraded 7883ic; rosin steady at $2 272 30; spirits tur pentiue firm and quiet at 4c4c. Guiteau don't "bank" on the court in banc any longer. For affix in yesterday's reference to the name of a church read prefix. Norfolk was carried by the Ma honites. Mayor Lamb was re-elected. He is our Fort Fisher man. The Independent cyclone that is sweeping over Pennsylvania is knocking down a good many Stal wart fences. Randall, Kenna, Carlisle and Black burn are the captains who are to lead for six hours each during the dead lock. Calkins is bossing the other side. At Albany, N. Y., the Arthur crowd have begnn their crusatb?. Al ready two officials have been ousted to make room for Stalwarts and more are to follow. Go it. Gen. Chalmers and Col. Hodgson .ire engaged in a word duel. The lat ter in his letter says: "Isefuse to con ciliate him, and I defy? his utmost venom. He was an imbecile in war and is an imbecile in peace." There is but little doubt that the Malleys will be cleared. The prose cution did not prove its case. The poor girl probably took her own life through remorse. The scoundrel that drove her to it ought to have his ears clipped and his back striped and be put in the penitentiary for life. THE CITY. NEW ADVEKTISEJIENTS. Munsox Perfection. Give us Your Voice. J. G. Burr To tax-payers. Yates Pianos and organs. Bridgers & Co. Groceries. S. G. Xorthrop Honey taffy. Txo. J. Hedrick New arrival. B. A. Smith & Co. Furniture. Giles fc Murchison Fruit jars. M. S. Willard Life insurance. Otterbourg Special invitation. Brown & Roddick Special sale. City Treasurer Bonds for sale. J- H. Hardtn Flavoring extracts. Heinsberger Pianos and organs. G. W. Williams & Co. Groceries. W. & W. R. R. Excursion tickets. J. C. Muxds Cigars and cigarettes. W. E. Davis & Son Kennebec ice. Wm. H. Green Pel's corn solvent. Croxly & Morris Lots at auction. Report Condition First Nat. Bank. Harrison & Allek Leading styles. Geo. A. Peck Hose, hose reels, etc. Hart, Bailey & Co. Backus motor. Crauon' & PicketTt Something new. Ai.taffer, Price & Co. Sashes, &c. W.E. Springer & Co. Grain cradles. P- H. Hayden Saddles, harness, etc. R Bradley Sound cottages for rent. W., C. & A. R. R. Excursion tickets. J- H. Mallard Trunks, saddles, etc. Parker & Taylor Refrigerators, etc. Croxly & Morris Auction real estate. Croxly & Morris Auction real estate. .John A. White Dyeing and cleansing. A. David Boys and children's clothing. F. M. King & Co. Farmer Girl stoves. H. M. Bowden & Co. Trunks, harness. Kerchner & Calder Bros. Batting, Klue, hay, corn, flour, etc. DECLINR OTP MA "NT Tprvn,ia Wonlr. ness, Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debil lJ, Cured bv W-rfls' Health Rpnpwpr ". I1- Depot J. C. Munds, WUmington. f Local Dots. To-day is Whit Sunday. The Criminal Court meets to morrow. Mr. Thomas Monk is said to be very sick. Rev. V, J. Millis will preach at the Fifth Street M. E. Church this (Sunday) evening. Rev. W. T. Jones will preach at the First Baptist Church to-day, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Taylor, being absent. The Register of Deeds only is sued one marriage license during the past week, and that was for a white couple. There will be no services at St. Paul's (Lutheran) church to-day, the pastor being in attendance upon the General Synod. We learn that the steamer Vesta got ashore down the river yesterday and caused the camp meeting folks some trouble. The Minnehaha, Capt. Bisbee's boat, got aground soon after leaving Bos ton, Mass., for this port, and had to put back for repairs. The Star-lights and the Moon- beams-on-the lake two juvenile base ball clubs played a match yesterday. The atter were the winners. There will be baptism by im mersion at the foot of Princess street this afternoon, at 5 o'clock, Rev. A. M. Con way, of the First (colored) Baptist- church, officiating. Rev. C. M. Payne will fill the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church this afternoon, at 6 o'clock, Dr. Wilson F not having returned from the General As sembly. The ladies of the Dorcas Socie ty of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church will give a lawn party at the par sonage on Wednesday evening, commenc ing at 5 o'clock. No interments in Oakdale, Belle vue and St. Thomas' Catholic Cemeteries during the past week. In Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery there were three inter ments, all adults. The only case for the considera tion of the Mayor yesterday morning was that of a small colored boy, named Albert Walker, accused of playing ball on the street. He was discharged. Section 19 of the act establish ing the State Guard provides that the inju ring, selling or secreting any arms or mili tary property shall be punishable by either flue or imprisonment, or both. Sue Langdon, the old colored woman referred to as having been badly injured by a fall at the camp meeting last week, was still alive at last accounts, but she was not expected to recover. The barque Glacier, Capt. Crowley, was cleared from this port for Point-a-Petre, Gaudeloupe, yesterday, by Messrs, Northrop & Cumming, with 196, 356 feet lumber and 50,000 shingles. In consequence of the absence of the pastor, . who is in attendance upon the session of the District Conference, there will be no morning or evening services at the Front Street Methodist Church to-day. A correspondent of the Raleigh News and Observer, writing from Williams ton, Martin county, mentions hearing a very fine sermon from Dr. Watson, of this city, and also one from the Bishop, at the consecration of St. Martin's church at that place recently. See fourth page for other local newe. " BLACK-DRAUGHT " makes chills and fever impossible. For sale bv J. C. Munds. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Bent, FOB THE SUMMER, AT WRIGHTS "VTLLE SOTJND, TWO COTTAGES, large rooms, and Kitchen attached. my 28 It E- BRADLEY. sssB iimHk mm Notice. JAPIES' KID GLOVES BEAUTIFULLY Cleansed. Laces, Ribbons, and Children's Arti cles Dyed in all the Late Fashionable Colors, or Cleaned. . JOHN A. WHITE, my 28 It Office in B. F. White's Store. Ice. Kennebec Ice. yTE HAVE RECEIVED THE TWO FINEST CARGOES OF 0 KENNEBEC ICE ! ever brought to this elty. Clear as a crystal and free from snow. Special attention paid to orders from the country. Packing is a specialty, my 28 It W. E. DAVIS & SON. Hose, Hose Reels. &c. TUBBER HOSE, SUITABLE FOR STREET sprinkling, conducting water, &c. Every foot sold guaranteed to stand any test that the best will stand sold in this market. Prices very low at GEORGE A. PECK'S, my 28 tf 28 South Front St. New Arrival OF TABLE LINEN GOODS. BARGAINS IN Turkey Red and White Damasks, Doylas and Napkins. Handsome Colored Border and Mourn ing Handkerchiefs. In Dress Goods Department thirity pieces Lace Bunting, at 12 cents per yard; Ulster Linens, Embroidered Swiss Lace, Striped Bern Pique. Also another instalment of Ecru Lawns. ,L., , my 28 tf JNO. J. HEDRTCK. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Wilmington, N. C. May 28th, 1882. pXCURSION TICKET ARRANGEMENTS FOR season of 1882, to the SUMMER RESORTS of Vir ginia and Western North Carolina. Commencing June 1, 1882, ROUND TRIP TICKETS to all the Summer Resorts reached by this Line will be on sale at Union Depot Ticket Office, Wilmington. Good to return until October 31st. For Tickets, Time-cards. Tourist -guides and all information call on Ticket Agent or the under signed, A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. my28 3t WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA ;& AUGUSTA R. R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Wilmington, N. C, May 28th, 1882. XCURSION TICKET ARRANGEMENTS FOR season of 1882, to0he SUMMER RESORTS of Upper South Carolina and North Georgia. Commencing June 1st, 1882, ROUND-TRIP TICKETS to all the Summer Resorts reached by this Line will be on sale at Union Depot Ticket Office, Wilmington. Good to return until Oc tober 31st. For Tickets, Time-cards, Tourist-guides and al information call on Ticket Agent or the under signed, A. POPE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. my 28 3t Moonlight Excursion ! Tuesday, May 30th. Under the auspices and for the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association. MUSIC AND REFRESHMENTS. Steamer PASSPORT will leave Market Dock at 734 o'clock P, M., returning at 11 o'clock. Tickets limited. For sale at Dyers'. Price, round trip, 50c. Positively no ticket sold at Boat. my 23 3t tu sun tu Variety. OUR STOCK EMBRACES ALL VARIETIES of Furniture. We have handsome Suits of solid Walnut inside and outside, or Pine in the middle and Walnut outside and inside, or Walnut in the middle and Pine outside and inside, or Ash, Maple and Poplar. Our desire is to keep a complete stock, enabling us to please the taste of all. Call and see our fine Cylinder Secretaries; they are a perfect gem. Another supply of Mos quito Nets .Baby Carriages unsurpassed. Trade is good. Why? because we sell the right kind of Goods at low prices. D. A. SMITH & CO., my 28 tf The Furniture Dealers. SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SDN, JpRESH SHRIMPS IN CANS, THE FIRST EVER offered in this market. Best TEAS in the city for the money, and the Boss FIVE CENT CIGAR Largest display and finest FANCY CAKES in the city. PICKLES, only Ten Cents a dozen, at CRAPON & PICKETT'S, my 28 tf 16 & 18 South Front St. Leading Styles ! JjANCY STRAWS ! FRENCH MANILLAS ! HARRISON & ALLEN, my 28 tf Hattefs. Perfection TN STYLE, FIT AND GENERAL MAKE-UP OF X SUITS in our MERCHANT TAILORING DE PARTMENT, is the VERDICT GIVEN us by the WILMINGTON PUBLIC. Our Stock is FIRST CLAS8 in every particular. SPECIAL FOREIGN FABRICS always on hand. Leave your orders now. MUNSON, my28.lt Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Grain Cradles. GRANT'S SOUTHERN PATERN FIVE Finger Grain Cradles, the best that are made; they cost more money, but are by far the cheap est to the consumer. We also have the CHEAP VT.TMHT CRADLE: don't like to handle such goods, but have them for those that want a cheap article. WM. E. SPRINGER & CO., Successors to Jno. Dawson & Co., my 28 tf 19, 21 & 23 Market St P. H. Hayden, QARRIAGE, BUGGY AND WAGON MAKER. Saddles, Harness, Whips and Collars always on hand. A new lot of Carriages and Harness just arrived, and others to arrive soon. Come and examine them on 3d, between Market and Prin cess Sts. - my28tf J. H. Mallard, AT THE OLD STAND, FRONT STREET, CON TINUES in person to wait upon patrons with a full and well selected stock of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Lap Robes, &c, &c . . &c . Prices always as low as the lowest; J. H. MALLARD, my 28 tf No- 8 Front St. Flavoring Extracts. pURE EXTRACTS OF .VANILLA, LEMON, Strawberry, Almond, Pineapple, Orange, Banana, &c, for sale by J. H. HARDIN, Druggist, my 28 tf New Market. New AND STYLISH TRUNKS, SATCHELS, Traveling Bags of almost every variety; Buggy, CarrlageVWagon, Single and Double Har ness; Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Ac. We guran tee best goods for the same money. Repairing promptly done. H. M. B(e CO my 28 tf 46 Jlet sweet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE CLERK AND TREASURER. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. May 27th, 1882. City Bonds. T OFFER FOR SALE $40,000 OF CITY SIX PER CENT. BONDS, of the denomination of $1,000, interest payable January and July of each yearBonds to mature in 1910. This issue is authorized by an Act of the General Assem bly, ratified March 11, 1881, for the purpose of paying $60,000 falling due July 1st, 1882. No bid at less than par will be entertained. HENRY SAVAGE, my 28 It Treasurer, To Tax-Payers. J WILL BE AT THE MAYOR'S OFFICE, IN the City Hall, from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 3 to C P. M., during the first twenty working days in June, commencing on THURSDAY, JUNE 1, to receive the TAX LISTS FOR THE CITY, STATE AND COUNTY. Tax-Payers will please hand in their Lists at as early a day as possible. J. G. BURR, my 28 It Assessor. Report of the Condition OF rpHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMING TON, at Wilmington, in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business, May 19th, 1882. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 8 611.489 30 Overdrafts 9,852 60 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 50.000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. . . 44,137 40 Due from approved reserve agents 24,371 15 Due from other National Banks 17l644 76 Due from State Banks and Bankers... 250 84 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 91,317 22 Current expenses and taxes paid 9.484 62 Bills of other Banks. 23,344 00 Fractional currencv (mcludine nickels) 324 19 Specie 96,249 00 Legal tender notes 10,647 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasury (5 per cent, of circulation) 2,stx) w Total $991,361 98 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 250,000 00 Surplus fund 35,316 74 Undivided profits 53.688 47 National Bank notes outstanding 44,990 00 Dividends unpaid 2,662 00 Individual deposits subject to check. 188,760 81 Demand certificates of deposit 305,426 71 Due to other National Banks 29,055 74 Due to State Banks and Bankers 6,597 76 Notes and bills re-discounted 74,863 75 Total. $991,361 98 State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover: I, A. K. Walker, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. K. WALKER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of May, 1882. H. M. BOWDEN, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Alfred Martin, ) D. G. Worth, V Directors. E. E. Btjrbuss. ) my 28 It The Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of N. Y, ASSETS OVER NINETY-FIVE MILLION DOLLS. SURPLUS OVER TWELVE MILLION DOLLS. THE ANNUAL PREMIUM FOR AN LNSUR ance of $1,000 00, charged by the following Companies, for a person aged 40 years : MCTUAL UFA $26.61 Equitable 31.30 Connecticut Mutual 31.22 Mutual Benefit 30.84 New York Life 31.30 Anv information concerning Life Insurance gladly furnished upon application to M. a. WlXrLiAKJJ, Agem, my 28 tf Mutual Life Insurance Co. US BBS ui.iitiui'is'in Small Powers. rpHE BACKUS MOTOR IS SPECIALLY SUIT able where light power is wanted, such as Sew ing Machines, Store Elevators, Church Organs, Dental nse, Printing Offices, and all character of use from one-half to eight-horse power. HART, BAILEY & CO.. Agents, 'Plumbers and Machinists, my 28 oawtf su 16 & 17 So. Front St. Pianos and Organs. JY STOCK OF PIANOS AND ORGANS IS ALWAYS COMPLETE. I can sell you a PIANO or ORGAN as cheap as the Manufacturers themselves can, for cash or on the easy instalment plan, At HEItfSBERGER'S. Honey Taffy. TRY OUR HONEY TAFFY, MADE WITH FOW LER'S PURE HONEY, and you will say it is good. , ' . Every thing nice in the Candy line. Home-maae and Imported always on hand, At S. G. NORTHROP'S mv 28 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Smoke rpHE UNICTril. "MATCH-LESS" CIGARETTS and the EUREKA CIGAR, Sold by. JAMES C. MUNDS, - Pharmacist, my 28 It ' 85 NorthjTont St. Decker Bros' Pianos ARE UNRIVALLED IN TONE, TOUCH AND finigh. They are the finest Pianos ever in troduced here. Call and see What a strictly rat Class Piano is. GEO. WOOD'S ORGANS are well known as the Standard of American Organs. Cheap Organs of other makes, on easy rms mySStF YATES' BOOK STORE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL SALE. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front Street. JJAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE Northern markets, and having made extensive purchases, we take great pleasure in calling the very particular attention of all our patrons and friends to this special sale on MONDAY, MAY 29th, 1882. Every one who reads a newspaper is fully awaro that the firm of A. T. STEWART & CO. are about to retire from business, and are closing out their immense Stock. We made a SPECIAL TRIP NORTH for the purpose of looking over and selecting such goods as would-be suitable for this section of the country, and will exhibit a few of the results of said trip on the above date. GRAND DI8PLAY OF THE MOST DECIDED BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. Don't wait for further developments, but come at once. Our Store is crowded with goods and they must be sold. We would state to those residing out of town, that we will be most happy to forward Samples to any who really mean business, and they can rely that their Interests will be studied and every care taken in filling all favors sent. ONE PRICE TO ALL, whether in or out of the Store. WE HAVE SPACE TO ENUMERATE BUT FEW WOOL PACIFIC OPEN WORK BUNTING, all colors, 12 cents. PRINTED LAWNS, 6 cents. WIDE PRINTED CAMBRICS, 8 cents. GLOVES, just about half price. SHETLAND SHAWLS, from 50 cents to $2 60. beautiful imported goods. PRINT GOODS at less than 25 per cent, below former prices. LINEN DAMASKS, TOWELS, NAPKINS and DOILIES. Wholesale buyers can save money by giving us a call; the prices will convince any one who has any idea of the market value. BROWN & RODDICK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 5 and 7 North Front Street. my28tf A Special Invitation ! J8 EXTENDED TO ALL TO VISIT AND IN SPECT our immense stock of Stylish-Made Clothing ! and we assure you that our former efforts in se lecting and offering you the Finest and Nobbiest lines of MEN'S, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHIL DREN'S WEAR, have been far surpassed this Spring. We have always made it OUR AIM, in our business in this city, to suit the people both In QUALITY and PRICE; and as Clothing is made at the present as perfect as that from the Mer chant Tailor, it has been our pleasure to improve and select such Goods as we could recommend and guarantee. Commencing to-morrow, wo shall offer SPE CIAL BARGAINS in Men's Suits, Youths' Suits. Bovs' Suits and Children's Suits. In the former class an elegant line at $12.50, and in the latter Children's Sailor uSits at $1.75. Our reductions are BONA FIDE, and an examination will con vince all of the fact. Respectfully, OTTE RBOVBO, CLOTHIER. GIVE FS YOt R VOICE rUKS YOU ARE IN QUEST OF FT7RNI W ture, and you will find that the new Furni ture Store of BBHREND8 MUNROE, S. E. corner Market and 2d sts., Wilmington, N. C will endeavor to justify all confMenee you may put in them as being the most Reliable and Cheapest place to buy your Furniture. Dealers are invited to examine our Stock and Prices. We will undersell all. my tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P L Bridgers & Co. Are Von Awake and Alive to I Your Own Interests? - Or, do you still dream over the high prices of Groceries of the past, aud wonder why you are not enriched? WAKE UP, TIIEN, AND FIND THE PATH TO OUR STORE. It Is broad, well trodden, every one knows It, and will be glad to show you the way. LOW PRICES AND BEST GRADES OF GROCERIES. We have a large and well selected stock, and invite the attention of purchasers. ', SPLIT nERRING, FAT WELL FLAVORED MACKEREL, HAMS. SHOULDERS, STRIPS, DRIED BEEF, TONGUES, Ac. Ac. DRIED BEEF CHIPPED AS THIN AS PAPER. FINK FRENCn PRUNES, The largest and best Table Prunes sold In this market. THEY ARE VERY NICE, A source of much attraction In our Store Is the CANDY COUNTER. ROYSTER'S CANDY Is still ahead of all other Brands In point of Pu rity, Freshac?s and Popularity. Eighteen to Twenty Varieties. 40c per Pound. P. L. Bridgers & Co. mv28tf Batting, Glue, Hoop-Iron, JQQ Rolls COTTON BATTING, Barrels GLUE, 5000 nOOP raoN' For sale by my 28 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Hay, Corn, Oats. 00 Bale Choice TIMOTHY HAY. 10 000 Ba8 Whlt &nd Mlxed CORN. For sale by my 28 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Flour, Meal, Sice. 1200 Bbl rLOUR' aH Tade8 400 Bash Watcr"Ground mkal Bbls Carolina RICE, For sale by my 28 tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Bacon and Lard. Boxes D. S. SIDES, Boxes D. S. SHOULDERS, "k Buckets LARD, For sale by KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. mv 28 tf Flour. Flour. Flour. 1000 Bbls FLOUR, our choice Brands, Jack Frost, Queen of the Kitchen, Lucille, Home Csmfort, Highland. For sale low by my 28 tf G. W. WILLI A MS A CO. Bacon and Lrrd. y Boxes C. R SIDES, Q Boxes Smoked do f flA Buckets and Cans Choice LARD, For sale low by G. W. WILLIAMS A CO. my28tf il Molasses, Sugar, Coffee. 1 ft A Hhds and Bbls New Crop 1DU Porto Rico MOLASSES, J Bbls Refined SUGARS, all grades, OA A Sack RIO COFFEE, all grades. For sale low by g. w. Williams a co. my 28 tf Yarn, Sheeting, Hay. A Bales Randolph YARN, do do SHEETING, PC A A Bales Choice Timothy HAY. For sale low by G. W. WILLIAMS A CO. my 28 tf Fruit Jars ND PRESERVE TUMBLERS, ALL SIZES. For sale by GILES A MURCHISON, my 28 tf 88 A 40 Murchison Block. Altaffer, Price & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Window Sashes and Blinds, Doors, Frames, Mantles, Moulding, Brackets, dee. ALSO, MILL YARD AND OFFICE, my 28 tf Foot of Walnut Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VERY VALUABLE AND VEST DWDXaMIC REAL ESTATE IX BUMlTBHfl CENTRE AT AUCTION. H. IKOMV Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MOKJUS. -y-HO WILL SELL AT THEIR SALES ROOMS. on vmv ftfsrt rmt f IV n'nl.wk U that Valuable Two-Story KRicK HTORE, upon North Water, between Cbeanat and Mulberry Streets fronting feet, and running bark 7f feet to an alley leading Into chaanut Street. That Really Desirable Viuvmtf oe Route std of chesnut Street, between Front and Water, fronting 67 feet, with a depth upon Bast linn IW and udiiii Went Hldti Iftfl fwt. and now oocubled as a Carriage Factory by Messrs MoDougald Bmyttpt ID M. CRONLW, Anetloneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS Valuable House and Lot at Auction. QN WEDNESDAY NEXT, II HT mW., AT U o'olock M., we will sell at our Sales Room Um Large and Commodious HOUSE, B Rooms, Lot 00x146 feet, situated upon the South aide of Prln cess, betwoenJNInth and Tenth Streets Terms ttccomnxKlHtlnir. and md known sale. 98 81 say sn Bl. CBONLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLT A MORRIS Desirable Unimproved Lots at Auction. N WEDNESDAY NEXT. SIST INST.. AT U o'olock M . we will sell at our salt-. Rooms, l Very Desirable Unimproved LOTS, situated upon Eighth. Ninth and Queen Strata ALSO, That Two-Story HOUSE, Tin Roof. 7 Rooms. sltiistrd upon the Hotithrastrrn Intorerrtlon of Nun with Sixth Street. HI ay MR For Sale, rpnE MOST VALUABLE AND CONVENIENT- LY LOCATED PROPERTY ON Wrightsville Sound. I offer for sale my Place on WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, either as a whole of SIXTY ACRKN. with Throe Hundred and Ninety Five Feet water front, or In the original Flaming. Darts and Cut- lar tracts equal tblrda Dwelling House , Cottage, Eltrhen, Hrrranta' House. ELEGANT SHADE TREES, snd i Water. Premises shown and Information given by my 88 2t frl su CHA8 D MYERS. Last Week's gALEM MADE A BIO HOLE IN THAT LOT of BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, bat II only makes us more In the humor to clean up the balanoe. All must go. If at any price Our atock of FURNISH INO GOODS la ooat nlef e at Vi 4 nnv iH steaei bm Maayinatil a ml mil stock of THIN. LKJHT CLOTHINU for Mee'a wear la the largest In the State. Remember. It la the Volume and not the Proflta of our business that la large Big Business and Small Profit" go hand In hand. A DAVID. The Clothier, my 28 tf Comer Front and Prince aa St a. Standard Family Medicines. IAR WORTHrNCJTON'H" CHOCWLA MED1 ' CTNE8. for Dysentery. IMarrho-a. (tammn Complaints, Cramps and all bowel troubles. "DR. BOYKINS'S WORM KILLER." The surest and most reliable Vermifuge In use "EVERYBODY'S CATHARTIC PILLS," A gentle and certain cathartic- no mercury art on the liver and bowsla. "DR. nYLAND8 HEALING POWDERS." Good for Man and Beast Send for Certificates For aale by all Druggists and General Dealers my 81 cod 1m nac au we fr L. S. L. NEXT DRAWING OF TBI Louisiana State Lottery TAKES PLACE JUNK 18TH PRIZES FROM $10 to 1100,000. Price, Whole tickets, tic 00. X $10 to 1100.000. Price. 1 Halves $6: Fifths ft; Tenths Address Lock Box my 10 tf Wumlnst on N C PEL'S CORN SOLVENT WABSANTED TO CURE A CORN IN -ir- USED AS DIRECTED MONET REFUNDED t NO PAIN OR SORE TOES! ATTENDING ITS USE. Price 25 Obs. aale fey W. QBII1 Three-Fourths QF OUR ORDERS ARE FOR PARMER OIRL COOai htovis So.donlybT . Notice our GRANITE IRON WAMB. when down town. mysfU Climax Refrigerator. TCE CHESTS, WATER COOLERS AND THE n 1 U Pmri fin in HYiif Horn Oai Golden Harvest and Fanner CookJag Steven. genu tor pnow. ouiu wsy. my tf " " r Sooth Front St. 4 'a . 4 - i