J V; The Morning Star. BY WE fl! ' BERNARD. TnT ii ii T A TT V :CKPT MONDAYS. 1'aTBS OF SUASCRIPTION, IN ADVANCK. One Year, (by Mai!) Postage Paid, $7 00 sit Months, 4 00 Three Months, Two Months, a oo 1 M One Montn 75 r- To City Subscribers, delivered in any part -t-he City, fi Asents are not authorized to collect for more than tnree mum.uo m ouvauw. Entered at tho Post Office at WUnimgton, N. C, as !secona uiass matter. HORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. Messrs. Page, Horr and Reagan, of the committee on Commerce, made speeches in the House in favor of the Mississippi ap propriation ; good words for the South from llivir. E.vGoveruer Dennison, of Ohio, is dead. The steamer Pera sunk by an iceberg off Cape Race, and ileven men are Flipper's sentence of dismissal is approved by the President. other fiend to his long home; this time in Kentucky. An old feud in Texas be- t ween two families (McNutt and Coggins) results in a tight with Winchester rifles, in which one was killed and several wounded. Messrs. Windom and Beck spoke to the House on the Whiskey bill, the former in opposition aud the latter in favor of the measure. - A non-union workman is b ully beaten by strikers at Cleveland, Ohio," iveland.Ohio," Egyptian af- 1 will probably die. - fairs re still n have lent Cairo, re still in a muddle; all Europeans and the Eastern Cable Co. haw decided to change their plans. Ninety kegrocs were arrested in South Carolina yesterday for intimidating voters, and the Supervisor of Registration was also arrested for obstructing registration. The Private Secretary of Bishop Gilraour, of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, was forcibly ejected from a newspaper office, yesterday, which created a sensation. New York markets: Money 2 3 per cent.; cotton easy at 12 3-1612 7-16c; southern flour dull and easier at $5 40 SCO; wheat, ungraded red $1 201 44; coin, ungraded 76477ic; rosin firm and more active at $2 152 22; spirits turpen tine very strong at 4647c. The Florida orange crop will be lisdit. We prefer them yellow. Proctor Knott has the inside track for the Democratic nomination for the Kentucky Gubernatorial Chair. It is now said that Jonas has had another sober thought and will not unite with the Rads. Sensible Jo nas. Aiss Lacoste, now of Baltimore, but formerly of New Orleans, is the real author of "Somebody's Dar ling.' England reports the death of We may as Anderson at 107. supjioe there was a r;eord, as such things are looked after in that coun- trv. I; oral stuns have been subscribed the relief of the Patrick coun Mifterers. The prospect for I u tv next crop is very good, we are glad to h arn. Anthony, of Rhode Island Planta ion, is happy again. He succeeds limself as United States Senator for six years. Wood tor $30,000 more ot people's earnings. Mr. Henry" Fleming in his defense to Miss Livingston's action gives her a desperate name and says the suit is simply for blackmail. bail place and is the She lives in a mother of a clnl- i he Kansas wheat crop is safe, flic estimated average is 18 bushels an acre. Crop estimated at 25,000, OOu bushels. Rye acreage 300 per ceiit.Jncrea.sc. Corn acreage, increase - per cent. A New Y'ork policeman clubbed severely two Russian Jews because they complained of ill usage by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Societies. A ew i ork policeman would club any "body or any thing, even gand dadilv or dad. Charlotte Female Institute had 177 matriculates for the year just ended. Of these 1: 50 were from this State, oix States were represented. The catalogue printed at Raleigh by TJz zell and Gatling is a beautiful speci men of the typographical art and fully equal to the best Northern speci mens. 1 he Washington Post satisfies it slf that the next House will give llle Democrats 21 majority the ame as claimed by the Philadelphia Vw and N. Y. Times for the Re publicans. They all -know as much about the elections to come off a;i Ven nor does about the weather u next Christmas. It is all guessing. The University Monthly for Jun has been received. It contains an Cresting sketch of the late Judge George W. Brooks. It concludes thus : KVHCo?xtin2 hy events, he was the first L J -raL Judge that North Carolina has had, wt?i k r19 Peculiar sphere and the times in ho , acted- we wel1 may apply to him Rewords of the poet: He was a man take him for all in all, e ne er shall look upon his like again." The I V(iXj vCXjV """NC J 7 Mr. J. A. Long was nominated by mongrels at Raleigh but he is out in a card declining any such very pe culiar honor as the nomination im plied. He says in Raleigh News- Observer : 4'1 had never a thought of such a thing, nor had any one directly or indirectly men tioned or hinted it to me, and since it was made 1 have respectfully declined to accept the nomination. I do not vrovose to board the vessel of the enemy in order to try to scuttle my own ship. I do propose to stay on board and help beat bacfc the assaults of the enemy, and if the ship goes down, I propose to go down with the ship." Well done Mr. Long. He is not to be bought with an office. The Charlotte Observer, in its ac count of the killing of the negro child, an account of which we pub- lished,who was cut in two by a train, gives this as from the engineer: ' w "A shudder ran through the engineer when he picked up the head and body of the child, and the sensations he experienced when it broke into a cry were indescribable, He nastily laid it upon the ground, when it uttered the most agonizing screams for full two minutes before it gave a gasp and died. It was a strange experience to hear a dis membered body crying, and was well calcu lated to make the witnesses shudder." Most of the Southern Democratic papers that have come to hand approve the make- 'up of the Tariff Commission. Baltimore American, Hep. We have a pretty large exchange and we have not seen any indorse ment of the Arthur appointments among Southern Democratic papers, with one New Orleans exception. To the contrary they denounce it warmly. The paragraph yesterday concern ing the Republican nominations was based entirely upon the .regular dis patches, as the writer kaiew of no other. Hence the remark that "we are not surprised at anything but the nomination of Col. Folk" had no reference to those who had been nominated by the Mott-Johnston combination side show but who had declined. Spirits Turpentine. Miss Mary, daughter of Maj. A. M. Lewis, of Raleigh, is dead, and Mrs. Lewis is very sick. Eleven D. D.'s made thus far iii North Carolina within a fortnight, and the returns not half in. Asheville Citizen : J ack Halli burton, of the Morgan ton Blade, jumped through the ' 'Liberal" hoop last week clear into the lap of Republicanism. Postoffi.ee Inspector Col. Thos. B. Long has arrested John Headon, post master of Hertford, charging him with em bezzling $2,000 of money order funds. New Berne Journal: Kinston items: Corn 95 cents per bushel; eggs 12 cents per dozen ; chickens (grown) 50 cents per pair; chickens (spring) 30 cents per pair; butter (country) 30 cents per pound. Mr. H. I. McDuffie has sold the Laurinburg Enterprise to Mr. J. C. Troy. The paper under the new manage ment will advocate the Radical nominations just made at Raleigh. It calls itself "Lib eral," and talks of "Bourbon Democracy." Beaufort Telephone: It is the imperative duty of the Commissioners of Navigation, and on behalf of the people we call upou them to investigate the con duct of certain pilots who have, during the last two months, either through ignorance or carelessness or both, so needlessly in jured the reputation of Beaufort harbor. Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic: We regret to know that Bro. W. M. Utley, of the Daily Evening Visitor, on Thursday suffered the loss of another little child, aged 2i months. He has general sympathies. Judge A. A. McKoy says he will neither seek nor refuse a re nomination This is the true ground for a Judge to take. The Guilfordians have appointed committees, and set on foot ex tensive preparations for the Fruit Fair, August 9th and 10th. Raleigh Farmer & Mechanic : Col. Folk is a handsome, black bearded man of 52, and has a great deal of vim particularly in looking out for number one. Col. George Nathaniel Folk is a native of Isle of Wight county, Virginia, but has re sided in North Carolina since 1853. Lewis F. Churchill, of Rutherford. He was not a member of the White Brother hood, or Klan, and rendered himself so un popular in those days that his "Democracy" has been very "watery" ever since; not withstanding his familiarity with the "Kevenooers, and the prevalence ot un taxed "corn" in that region. He is a native of New England. Wake county Re publican nominations: Senator, Thos. R. Purnell; Commissioners, E. M. Bledsoe, James H. Harris, John O. Harrison, and James A. Temple. Grensboro Prtriot: The great need of North Carolina is a majority of dog law statesmen in the next Legislature. The State is safe enough but her sheep are not. Lenoir, June 12. The Lenoir Topic will publish an interview to-morrow with Col. Geo. N. Folk touching his nomi nation as Supreme court Judge by the Anti-Prohibition convention. He is reported as both declini jg and accepting the nomina tion. He has written a letter to Dr. Mott to that effect, declaring in equivocal lan guage an unqualified endorsement of the .Liberal movement. (Jol. a oik has no personal following in this county, and his acquisition to the new movement means just one vote. Everybody acknowledges his ability as a lawyer, but there are other elements that go to make up the judicial character which he does not possess. C. Raleigh News- Observer: Dr. Crenshaw informs us that the cotton in his section of the county looks quite well. The soil is clay. Peaches are being shipped north in quantities. North Carolina will this year make her biggest fruit shipping record., A grand excursion will be given from Durham to Goldsboro, Tuesday the 20th inst., under the auspices of the Methodist Sunday school. Yesterday the case of the United States vs. Dolly Bur- WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1882. gess and Gaston George, charged with hav mg m tueir possession counterreit suver nTna ami with niuwino-thA sm who triv in the United States District Court. Both defendants were found guilty m no less than three counts of the indictment. They passed the coins on merchants and others at Apex and vicinity principally. Goldsboro Messenger: The New Berne District Conference is to convene in Beaufort, June 22d. A $185 bicycle is among the possessions of a Goldsboro man. Mr. W. S. Farmer is the owner. The 28th general annual meeting of the stock holders of the A. & N. C. R R. Co. will be held at Morehead City on Thursday, June 9th. We are requested to announce that J. C. Scarborough, State Superinten dent of Public Instruction, will lecture be fore the Goldsboro Normal School at the Opera House this (Thursday) evening, at 8 o clock, on the subject of education. Tarhorn oorrfarvnTinfnrf flnr onttnti croTva are looking poorlv: in some places in the r r county they have-been replanted twice. Gen countvthef havebeenrenlanted twice. Gen- erally the corn and other crops and the fruit are doing well. There have of late been manv unnecessary delavs and irremi larities in the mails in Eastern Carolina, and we are pleased to learn that through the in fluence of Senator Ransom, Col.T. B. Long has been instructed to make a thorough overhauling of the several railroads and postofflces in North Carolina. Weldon News: The cotton crop is reported to be in a bad condition The stand is poor and the cool weather has seriously retarded its growth. The storm last week did no general damage, but in several places the crop was injured We learn that besides indictments already found, the Federal Court at Kaleigh, has at this term found indictments against the in spectors of the election of 1880 at Cale donia, Palmyra and Roseneath townships in this countv. What grounds there are for these indictments we do not know The Supreme Court having sustained the ruling of Judge Bennett, in reopening tbe bids tor the canal property, it will be resold on the first Monday in August, as we are informed by Mr. iiul, the receiver. In this Congressional District the fol lowing are candidates for the Republican nomination: J. hi. O Uara, endorsed by Halifax and Northampton counties; O. Hubbs, endorsed by Warren, Lenoir and probably Craven; L. W. Humphrey, en dorsed by Wayne and Greene; G. W. Stan ton, endorsed by Wilson county. This leaves the counties of Edgecombe and Jones uncommitted to Any candidate. We are requested to repeat the notice here tofore given that the ceremony of laying the corner stone at Haywood's church will be performed on June 24th. The corner stone will be laid with Masonic honors by Halifax L)Odge assisted by other lodges in the county. At the same time Mr. T. B. Kingsbury will pronounce a eulogy on the lite and character of Kev. Thomas li. Lowe. Charlotte Uoserver: Ihe spring 1 . . V f ITS! bULLU Ul U1C UOI1CU UWICQ VUUlfc was convened in this citv vesterdav morn- I ing. His Honor, Judge Dick, presiding.and Col. John N. Staples acting as solicitor. mi 1 . i TV T-l T7, 1 r a. I me xjr. duuu r . uaruy, 01 01. Louis, was, at the time of his death, the oldest member of the bar in that citv. He was born in North Carolina in the vear 1803, and emigrated with his father to Mis- o.,-; iqic xxrA-if r. Xf.t rv. iH'r tr. Omo o.ti.ftnn, rangement with the Greenback party in v. v. wumu w uvuiv ovuiv ouuioiuvvutj cei this state take it in and make a sort of triple alliance? It is true there is not much of it but that will make it all the easier to capture. The north bound mail and express yesterday evening was a genuine peach train. Besides its usual number of cars there were attached three regular fruit cars, filled to the roof with peaches. We are informed that Mr. John Bar- rier has been appointed steward of North Carolina College, at Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, and he has agreed to furnish board to students at seven dollars per month. The suit which has been pending in the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, against the Air-Line railroad company, by the widow of J. Whisnant. the engineer who was killed in an accident on that road in December, 1880, has been compromised, Mrs. Whisnant agreeing to accept $6,250 and withdraw her suit against the compa ny. In this same accident Ned Stroud, colored, and Charles Sellers, white, em ployes on the train, were killed, and suits against the company by their relatives are now pending for $5,000 and $10,000 dam ages, respectively. THE CITT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mukson For warm weather. Wm. H. Green Soda water, etc. J. H. Hardin Flavoring extracts. H. M. Bowden &Co. Good news. J. C. Munds Cigars and cigarettes. Magistrates' Court. Mary Borden, colored, was arraigned be fore Justice Millis, charged with assault and battery upon David Price, colored, submitted and judgment was suspended upon the payment of costs. David Price was next arraigned on the charge of committing assault and battery upon Mary Borden, and the same judgment was rendered in his case. Thomas Currie had a hearing on the charge of assault and battery upon Sophia Jones, colored, and judgment was sus- pended upon the payment of costs M. J. Gibbons had a hearing before another Magistrate on the charge of com mitting assault and battery upon Capt. Thos. Morrison, and was required to pay a fine of $10 and the costs. mayor's Court. David Price and Mary Borden, both colored, were arraigned before His Honor, yesterday morning on the charge of acting disorderly and pugnaciously on North Water street Wednesday night, the parties having come to blows, though no damage was done. Price was ordered to pay a fine of $2. but the woman was discharged. Not Substantiated. Primus DeLeon, colored, was before Jus tice Millis yesterday on the charge of steal ing a quantity of wood from the lands of J. W. D. Waddell, colored, living a few miles below this city. The evidence on the part of the State was not deemed suflScient to convict and the case against defendant was dismissed. A trial package of " BLACK-ORAUGHT" frte of charge. For sale bv J. C. Mukds. Morning - t.oeai Dots. rpho onpinta of cotton vp-?t,pr 1 he receipts OI COUOn yeSter day footed up only 4 bales. This section was visited by a fine shower of rain yesterday. A large private party went down on the steamer Passport yesterday. Ex cursions are very fashionable, Up to yesterday afternoon only 196 dog badges had been sold. Canines are not valued as highly as they used to be. Yesterday was about the warm est day of the season, the thermometer in the Stab office registering as high as 86 degrees. Somebody suggested the idea a -i OO a r ,.r, th wm J-! mJ?? net! and raming it on. wnon Muse a chance? steamer Minnehaha is progressing, and she will ha rnoiiT to Koan n hpr trirQ hv tnc first ...j o- j of next week. It is hoped the blackfish and sheephead excursionists will have a good time for their frolic to-day. Thev were disappointed the last trip. The Wilmington delegates to the Republican State Convention have re turned home, well satisfied we presume with the little farce they have been enact- I ing at Raleigh We accidentally discovered yes- terday that there was a "Humpty Dumpty and Specialty Company" training in this city for the coming season, and composed of Wilmington boys. A young man was going through the streets yesterday with a snake alter nately in his hand, in his pocket and in his hat, and he handled the reptile with as much sangfroid as if it had been a kitten A Big Excursion from tne Up-Country to Wilmington and tne Sea Snore. Arrangements nave neen pence tea, we understand, for a big excusion f rsia Shelby and intervening points on the Carolina Central Railroad to Wilmington, which is to come off on the 26th inst. It is expect ed that the most of the party, which will include quite a number of merchants, will remain here about a week, spending a good I W nortion of the time at Smithville and on I 4.1., -.J would be a good thing for Wilming I ton if we could have more such excur i,:i u w i. '"Ui" " - - 7""" t0 our up-country friends. We are glad to I hear, in this connection, that Mr. B. L. I Trrv of th. FTntAi ttninQwioir i offArinr I J " e lnauccmeuts to attract travel in mis airec- tion, and that Col. Robinson, President of the C. C Road is inclined to second any efforts to that end. Fate of Two Enterprising Dealers In Brass and Iron. Frank Mott alias Frank Baker, colored, who was arrested on Wednesday last, charged with stealing brass from the ship yard of Capt. S. W. Skinner, had a pre liminary examination before Justice Millis yesterday. From the evidence it seems that he stole one piece of brass and sold it, which was valued at $20, to say nothing of other articles of the same nature taken. Defendant was ordered to give a justified bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. Alex. Johnson, colored, arrested for steal ing a valuable piece of iron from the same premises as above, also had a preliminary hearing yesterday, and, in default of a justified bond in the sum of $50, was sent " to keep company with his friend Baker. Fire in tne Country. Mr. John D. Mints, living in Columbus county , about three miles from Brinkley's Depot, had the misfortune to lose his kitch en and smoke house by fire yesterday morn ing. Mr. Mints awoke between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock and discovered them in a light blaze. In addition to the build ings, JH.r. m. lost an his provisions ana kitchen furniture, not having so much as a pound of the former left, or anything to cook it in or cat it on. In the early part of the night he had taken a lot of honey and that was also lost. Mr. Wm. Mints, his brother, living in this city, also bad about $25 worth of furniture in the kitchen that was destroyed. There was no insurance on the property burned, which was valued at abour $200, About to Fight a Duel. The Greensboro Patriot has, under the above head, the following blood-curdling item of some interest to people hereabouts : "Passengers on the Charlotte train this morning brought rumors of an expected hostile meeting between Jones, of the Char lotte Observer, and W. P. Canaday, of the Wilmington Post. Jones is the challenging party. The casus belli is an editorial in the Post charging Jones with being 'a liar, a thief and a coward.' We are reluctant to believe that any gore will be shed, though both combatants have brilliant fighting re cords. Jones has been blown up on a steamboat, slung-shotted, shot at, caned, bludgeoned, clubbed and mauled, and is still a fine specimen of physical manhood. " Democratic Committee Meeting- A meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee was called for last night, but it was finally postponed until this evening, when it will be held at the office of the Chairman and the time for the meeting of the County Convention will be fixed upon. ..Paralvtic strokes, heart disease, and. kid ney affections, prevented by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters. f OPERA. HOUSE. Soiree and Concert for tne Benefit of the Benevolent Society. The concert and soiree at the Opera House this evening bids fair to be intensely enjoyable. Prof. VanLaer will be assisted in the entertainment by the Arion Society and Prof. G. M. Hobbs, the violinist. The following gives a practical and sensible view of the coming treat and the important ends to be subserved by it: Wilmington, N. C. June 15, 1882. Editob Stab. To-night (Friday) Prof. VanLaer gives one of his fine concerts. The eause for which it is given and the as surance of a fine entertainment should be a guarantee for a crowded house. Prof. VanLaer and his assistants have kindly ten- I dered their time and talents in the interest I... - . v..... m 9? e Por . of our Clt7- An tni3 c.u7 OI 30,000 inhabitants there are belonging to I the Ladies' Benevolent Society forty mem 1 veis- Think of it; only forty who feel an I interest in mis worK ior tnc sunenng poor; Why should there not be 4,000? I understand that in the treasury there I . - . .'. . ai a time, wnen sicknfiAs mnat hefn. I many who will need assistance or suffer "Will ,-,, i i r ttt: l : teke ma matter close home to their warm hearts and let a liberal spirit be the outflow? The tide of fortune turns; sickness and re verses may be ours ; will we not, whilst we can, open our purses and each pour at least a little into the treasury of the Society that tn wants of the nnnr tnftv m At V anrl in doing this, how it will make glad the heart of the President of this Society, Mrs. Ken nedv.who in her advanced vears and feeble ness is ever looking after the wants of the poor, if you can do no more, give twenty- ve cents and go'to the concert. Let the I hnncp hp full A trauAlnnir trnim or t uj ontir " " " - " . . ' J five cents admission would nil tne house and take your money away.and you be less high ly entertained. Then go to the concert to night. And you men of means, can't you send in your check to Mrs. Kennedy for an aiiiuuui say, just, wuai whxcwux uictaies r Will you do it ? It will be a profitable in vestment. 1 RAVEIJ.EH. Tbe Lutheran Lawn Party. The second and psrhaps the last lawn party that the Lutherans of our city will give this summer, was given last night. It came so soon after the first one of three weeks ago. because the wife of the pastor, who is the President of the Dorcas Society, will leave for her home in Pennsylvania, next week, to be gone some three months, and the members desired her presence in the entertainment. The grounds, the vestry room of the church and the parsonage were all ablaze with various forms of light, to which some Chinese lanterns lent a beauti ful effect. A constant flow of young and old came to patronize the ladies in their efforts to raise money. All appeared much pleased, everything passed off plea santly, and the party was a financial success. After having for several hours partaken of food and delicacies, vocal and instrumen tal music was enjoyed till a late hour. Many present regretted that Mrs. A. Has- hagen would leave for Germany last night, and thus sever the pleasant relations of her lnnrr memhp.rshin with the Dorcas ftocietv. The success of last night will no doubt en courage the ladies to make attempts in en tertaining the public in other ways in the near future. Mr. Darby's Nomination. The Observer has stated upon the au thority of the Wilmington Star, that Mr. Frank Darby, of the Cape Fear District had declined to accept tne nomination as candidate for Judge, tendered him by the anti-probibition convention, and we now state upon the authority of Mr. 1 nomas tf. Devereux, of Raleigh, that Mr. Darby has not declined. Col. Wm. Johnston yester day received this dispatch, which he re quests us to pubush : Raleigh N. C, June 18th, 1882. Col. Wm. Johnston, Charlotte, N. C. Darbv does not decline our nomination for Judge. Thomas P. Devereux. . " - lo iT"8" T , -UUI1UK I hno hnnn ootn hir VI r I lorhtr htmon r Mao is it Frank? Charlotte Observer of the Uh. The Star said in its issue of the 9th inst: We are clad to announce, bv authority, that Mr. Frank H. Darbv will not accent . ; T - - j - the nomination for Judge of the Fourth Judicial District tendered him by the Coa- lition Ponvpntion at Raleitrb We have lition convention at Kaieign. we nave never for a moment doubted that this would be Mr. Darby's conclusion. r - - . . ... Mr. Darby authorized this statement at that time and being interrogated yesterday repeated it, and added that neither would he accept the Republican nomination and endorsement. Vandals Cutting up an Engl ne Hose What Could Have Been Their Mo tive? The discovery was made yesterday morn- inor thnt the rmo-inp hoiTOP Of the KrOOklVTl I hand engine company, located on Bruns- nrinlr ht-roAn Ri-rth and Seventh streets I had been broken open and the hose of the company, comprising about five hundred feet had cut up int0 small piece8( rendering it perfectly worthless. No idea can be formed as to the cause of this out rageous act of vandalism, as none of the mutilated hose was carried off. That the deed was perpetrated with some malicious intent, however, there can be no doubt. It is not certain whether the building was broken into on Tuesday or Wednesday night, but the deed was perpetrated on one of those nights. RI VER AND MARINE. - The Swedish barque Cometen, Hallen- gren, hence for Riga, Russia, arrived at Elsinore on the 8th. The schooner Bessie E. Dickinson, Dickinson, sailed from Bath, Me., for this port on the 9th inst. The schooner Fred. C. Holden cleared from Calais for Red Beach on the 12th inst., to load for this port. " BLACK-DRAUGHT " cures costivenen and Sick-Headache. For sale by J. C. Mtjnds. i WHOLE NO. 4622 War, Department, Signal Service, I . 9. Army. TWIalr, f TCkm- w-. "V, , V. , . . . Bcgefit of Ownmerce and Agriculture. COTTOS:BKLT BULLBTIlf. I j Junk 15, 1882 5 P.M. The neteoroloeJcal observations (riven in tola table re not tkoae taken only at the point h named, bnt are Upended to cover the entire cot ton beat. The fipures for Wilmington, for exam ple, coyer the average temperatures and rainfall at Wugnington, tJlorence, Cheraw, charlotte. Wade oro, LumBerton, Goldsboro. Weldon and Saltebtry- 8o of "Galveston, which Is the district centre of eighteen towns In the ootton region of Texas. The observations are taken at 5 P.M., bnt do not reach WllwUwrton until after midnight. i r AVERAGE. Districts. ISBI A Max. Min. Temp. Rain Fall. .10 .17 .05 .00 .27 .00 .00 .00 .00 .04 .09 .11 Temp Wilmjgton . Chark iton Augusta 94 93 1)4 05 9'2 95 100 91 m 96 95 94 66 fitt 70 68 r.9 72 78 72 73 69 71 Savannah Atlanta . . Montgomery . t Mobile New Orleans . I Galves W . e Little fMck . . Memphis The'M'kvwlnanru day: f SonH Atlantic States, fair weather, south tc west wfeids, continued high U rn i . . . hi, gbt I r Zi J baromer. Foreign Shipments. The . allowing comprise the foreign ship ments Q-om this port yesterday . The Nor wegian)arque uEolu, Capt. Krogb, for Antwefj), by Messrs. PatersoD, Downing fc Co., wiji 750 ca&a of spirits turpentine, and 1,3V) barrcifc of rosin, valued at $17, I 636.82;fcnd the Norwegian brig Qauttan, CaDt Weibve. Xor Belfast. Ireland, with 2 " ' ! 500 casks spirits; turpentine and 1,561 bar rels of osin, vfued at $16,100. Total valuatic a of foreign exporls for tbe day, $38,786,2. AS scurf and tartar disappear lonijnouth aud teeth, though dark and And all becomes fresh, pure and clear If we but SOftDDONT apply. That mfeic washVall now confess Gives twthe mouSh new loveliness. CITY ITEIHS. PERSONAL ! TMTEN ONLY 'Twit vni.Tiip Belt Co., Marshal!1 jRlch., will send Dr. Drs's Celkbra? id Eicrb-Voltaic Belts and Elec tric Appuances on . rial for thirty days to men (youm? oft old) Who-are afflicted with Nervous Jbillty. lost VitalEr and Manhood, and kindred troubles, 4ruarantehltr a Deed v and comnlnta re storation jf health Ma manly vhror. Address as above, af. B. No fik Is Incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. MRS. VtTNSLOW HOOTOmtl HVRTTP Rev Sylvanus Cobb thusj srHei tbe " Bowton Christian Freeman" : We wdjfcld by no means recommend any kind Of medicine which we did not know to be goodTCbarticuIady for infants. But of Mrs. WinslowTj Soothing Syrup .we can speak from knowledaS ; in our Mm family It has proved a blessing indeed, by firing an infant troubled with cone patna quiet sis jp, ana its parents unbroken rest at nif at. Mosty&rents can appreciate these Dte88ing8.iiere is an article which works to yhnaS bh Sords tbfwant! bVTe'rfectly and the lte.eherukawakes as "brlKht i lection, aaa wnica 4s harmless ; for as a but thine iti ton." An . auruur sbe pi during fee process of teething Its value Is incalculable We have f have irean ently heard mothers they w"bld not be without it from the birth qf the chile till it had finished with the teething siege, on ajy consideration whatever Sold by aR druggist.' 90 cents a bottle' St. Joseph SatuTojajr Democrat, Aug. 27, 1881. A 1 RIEND TO THE FRIENDLESS. Sorrow Shd sickness is the too common heri tage of humanity, and when we see how little is done to alleviate th miseries of the great mass of humanity we are almost oat of patience with life. Eve a where tb? Intentions are best, igno rance is pt ne to bidjthe afflicted "suffer and be strong," it jtead of "Ministering to the mind dis eased," oi laying a braid of healing on the poor lorcurea cway. Ah ! whan Act 3lenc.$nd Philanthropy, with love and sympfihy and sfc til, come to the aid of the stiff erere, vaey feel a' If the angel of anaunciatlon had drawr near. Samaritan Nervine JTeally is salvation to thou sands. I apeak from a full heart when V say It, for friendsvery near And dear to me have been restored to health anc happinese by means St it. "God blstka Dr. Richmond," said one of them to me the other day. "BTeel as I know the man mentionedjn Scripture must have felt when he rerusalenrto Jericho and fell amonir thieves, and when robbed and at the point of death, wacbe friended and restored to health hy tbe Good i imarltan." "Yes," hm continued, "that was exactly my condition. a- I had spent a fortune in doctor's bills and patent medicine. Everything I could hear of I tried, ro desperate was my situation, but I grew wonjl steadily, -ajitll some kind friend told f me of the Bamaritaa iiervuie. Since taking It I M!! Pv .. n iw buus uivuiiuosenioui uruui oi me oonen- cent nature of the nsjiedy, it to not strange that an editor,' always iplicltous for an aocurate knowledgi of what oauld benefit the world in nePaL sb nJd takfe earliest opportunity of visiting tht Jnventorind proprietor of the mcdi cine at the"world's Hileptlc Institute. o iuuujj utjvjsi ui uia cicksui UI I tin- office busUP engaged to superintending the gentle man wnos Dusiness is to attend to tne details of the immense corrsj bondenoe which is a natural result of hit wide-sprd reputation. spri vn or On making known titer wishes, he very kindly accompanied us in OUJT tour of Inspection through the magnificent buildifeg and grounds. Almost ate soon as entered the office our at tention wsl arrested fcy a wonderful collect Ion of photographs, nujpberlng somewhere In tbe thousands . All nations, ages and stations ware represented. The elegant eartt of the society leader was .side oy spe wun t ne picture or tbe humble arfisan: lunpcsnt childhood and withered humble artisan ; uinoctnt childhood and withered old age, ah wed mtaor counterfeit presentments the gratitude they coOld not speak: doctors, law n mlnlAnt nf hs Jmnwl inMInn lit piam mounrs oi rauiies. naugnty cnuuren 01 wealth, IM and poor nigh and low, black and white, all T ere reprat tnted. It reminded me of I tho mlia j t aitrm rf rope, only Instead of the crutches, bandages. u, suver and wax images of the recuiterated nUgrims. left before tbe sh uine of the mlnUBle workac Dr. Richmond has as test I moiMi th pictures. his deeply grateful pa You mu-x feel verjSbappy, doctor, when you 1 li A- a t .ti1VllOTtlw ' una aalH "Ah! ves.? said the -loctor pleasantlv. "but If I , - V , . . I . , , -' , i you like mArt GalkMy, what would you say to my LiDrarr- ne iwi m w w wn ireii susruueui, via we I fouowed, aacpecttng j)iuy to see perhaps one bookcase (Died witbwduBty tomes of abstract science. Instead, t he walls were lined with very handsome V)okaaf en containing over one hun dred thou and unto jcited testimonials from those whooAthe Nertvfte had cured. . "How wonderfully 1 drtunate as well as talented you are," we exclaimed in amazement. "The Nervine lnVvproved aBerfeot gold mhie.'' The docttr looked n us reproachful. "I am not one to underestimate the value of wealth." haanswered. "for I have known what it to to be without it, but what to the most col lossal f ortt, ie that waa ever ui the grasp of mor tal man In vomparisoifcto the good my remedy is doing? Picthre to yourself, if you can, what must be the feelttg of an eoJjeptic . Think of him with his dreadful disease 3b long pronounced Incu rable. He eannot take,part In tne studies, duties, employmei 'a, recreations or amusements of an ordinary fe iow being He Is an object of horror rather that, of pity tor his friends. His malady never stand still: it to Constant ly growing worse and more dreadful in .jail its phases. Last and .. .. jA.iS,l K,,f,.. nlm a rAm th. m f 1 1 nl.. wk "E-?J"- rtt.-rrr;".!': "'''..SriS SmTcis. tempted toiurse Hevn and die. Why, It would bring tearsto your eatAtoread a letter I received to now attaka toha TNerrffieCT XT 'noZ fellow !r, iv'ffno That's the lnd of a tfclng to make a man feel happy. or AD One Sqaara One Day. " Two Days. Three Daya.. 1W Day. Fire Day. One Weak " Two Waeka, Three Waeka, . . " One Month. Two Month.. Three Mont he. . Six Month, One Tear II 00 M im ... woo in m M Id 40 T fW Contract AdrnrtlwrncnM taken at projxir tlonataly low rate. Tan ltaaa olid Nonpareil type make onm aqnare no8aw-in ini city, on xMreoar moi-nina, 16 lnrt., at B o'clock. Mm. M A Kl KM ARCANE ,A KMJSAIIKTI! WKKMKI.l.. widow .f.loiri Weasel!, born In Hoya, Province Hanover, Germa nyaea w years s months and an day The funeral will take place from the residence of her son, A. D. Weasel!, on 9d. between Market and Dock streets, this (Friday) afternoon, at o'clock, from thence to ft. Paul's K. Lutheran Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery Friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully requested to attend. Servant Of God, well done ! Praise be thy new employ. The hattle fought, the vie ctory won. Rest In thy Saviour's joy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Warm Weather QKT A LIGHT STRIPE COAT, ONLY Or. For a dnrable, economicsl SHIRT, gt the "KING"; only tl.OO. MITNHON. Je li Jt Clothier and Furnisher Smoke rpHR L'NICL'M "MATCH-LAW" CIUARKTTM and the El'RKKA CIGAR, Sold hy JAMRS c MI NUS. Pharmacist. Je 10 it 35 North Front Ht Soda Water, MINERAL WATERS, Ale. Igrsrw. Toliarco Chjnrett. Toilet Articles, tr . tr . For sale hy WILLIAM li . li K.I.N Market Steele Je ie tf Flavoring Extracts. JCRK EXTRACTS OK VANILLA. LEMON. Htrawlicrry. Almond. Pineapple. Oranye. Ilanana. Ac. for sale by H HARPIN. Druaclst. New Market je letr Good News. TIIK NEW SADDLERY AND THI NK HoCSE at No 40 Market street. Is the the hest roods for the least money at No. 40 Market street. Is the place to ft otlilnf old. eve rrthlnx new. M 11 J Jacobs is always on Trunks and Satchels. han d with the same smile lanre assortment The Blcelslor Harness still re pall H w Je 1 tf H M DEN A ' i Aspin wall Bananas. NOTHER SITPPLY OP THOSE CHOICE AS PINWALL BANANAS received Enjoy them while you may as the season is almost over For sale at 8. O. NOKTIinoI' S Je 2 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores The Arkansaw Traveller, rpHK BK8T HUMOROPH PAPER OF Tn AGE Price Five Cents. For sale at HARRIS' NEWS DEPOT Smoke the ' Belle of Calvert Street," the best Five Cent Cigar In the market Je t6 tf New Styles ! Straw Hats ! HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters, Je t5 tf Standard Family Medicines. IMI WORTHINOTON'8" CHOLERA M KIM INE.S. for Dvsenterv. l)lnrrhia. Summer 1J Complaints, Cramps and all bowel troubles "DR. BOYKIN8 S WORM KILLER ' The surest and most reliable Vermifuge In use "EVERYBODY'S CATHARTIC PILLS," A gentle and certain cathartic- no mercury acts on the liver and bowels "DR. HYLAND'S HEALING POWDERS. 1 for Man and Beast Send for Certificates. For sale by all Drugrtsts and General Dealers my 81 eod Im nac su we fr Wagonette for the Sound. QN AND AFTER THURSDAY, l.Vni rNUT tho Wagonette will be run to and frem the HounU. leaving w llmlnirton. corner Second atid IHiices streets, at 0 P Returning, leave the Hound st 7 A. M Je 13 tf T .1 SOUTH KRLAND For Smithville. 'T'HE STEAMER PASSPORT IS NOW MA JL king her Regular Trips for Mmlthvllle. leaving Wharf, foot of Market Street, at B AM escept on Saturdays, when she will leave Stntthvtlle st 7.80 A M and Wilmington nt 4.S0 P M I W HAHPEIt. Master and Agent Je 0 Im Scissors. JOEING AWARE OF THE FACT TH AT LADIES like good Scissors, we have secured the Agency for ROBERTS' RAZOR STEEL SCISSORS We have In stock a rood assortment of the above goods. Including; his Celebrated Button Hole Scissors. HAND BAGS AND POCKET BOOKS Those In want of such articles would do well to call on us, as we have a full line. We can suit any one. our prices ranging f mm cents to It 00 Don't forget to see those 12V cent DCNTINUS wnen visiting our store BROWN A RODDICK, ft A 7 North Front St Je 11 tf Rice Farm for Sale ! J WILL SELL THAT VALt ABLE RICE FARM, formerly owned by Col Henry N Howard, aad known as Haw Hill Plantation Situated near the month of Town Creek, In Bi unswlrk county, containing about K00 acres of Farm land, of i,u ... ., . , , , . . w u M li !. w IT" I- net- mi r '11 It 1 1 I- 1 1 1 I K II 1 1 , oi a vel .urflw. ,,h h-vv JuXmtM maA .t. irT1 -4,., f. .),,. , IiK-iislve ti cultivate than the river lands, while they are as productive as any to be found on tbe tape Fear River. Je 11 lm D L GOHK For Sale, rpWO TIMBER CARTS HI T LITTLE VSED. and three FINE MULES In No. 1 condition For terms, apply to N. V. MrMILLAN, Mulllns. 8. C, or to G. W. WILLIAMS A CO Je II Iw The Central Protestant A SLEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND PAMILT NEWS A paper and tbe Organ of the Methodist Protrs tant Church In North Carolina, to published at Oreenaboro. N. C. TeVma.lt 00 per annum. In advance TheelWbil.ty..f.,sl(K,,on. the numlK-r and ff 'V'Z . J "'.. - L" ilTr 7. STP. tirtolLrtton XvTl$r?f PROTESTANT peculiar claims npon the natron age f the ad vertlalng public Terms very favor bTe porul your bosinea. Interest, and addreM tbe editor Ortensboro N C