The Morning St ar. UV WM. , II. HERNABD. I V. UUSHKD DAILY KXCKPT MONDAYS. K.ATIS OF 8TTUCMPTIOH. IS ASVA3TCX. -' one Year, (by Mall) Port Paid, $7 sis Months. M" .. vo Three Months, - - ; 3 00 Tnvo Months, J 1 M One Month, " " " 75 To Ctt of the City, i ,mhm are t nTm three months in advance. fj-tered at the Post Offloe at Wilmington, N. C. as Seoond Class Matter. MORNING EDITION. f;irctlon Tnctdar, Norember 7th, 1882 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOB BSFBXSKHTATOT AT LAKGK: RISDEX TYLER BEXXETT, of Anton. FOR 8UPBIXI CO CRT JUDOK : THOMAS SUFFIX, of Orange. fob jusexs: ,., pi. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Washington. j, Z)i--.'. FREDERICK PHILLIPS, of Edgecombe. :ii :. ALLMA XD A. McKOY, of Sampson. '. pis JAMES C. MacRAE, of .Cumberland, th Dis.JOHX A. GILMER, of Guilford. Xf, pi WILLIAM M. SHIPP, of Meckienbvrg. fob solicitors: l! Di-. -JOHX H. BLOUXT, of Perquivuins. 07 p,. -WILLIAM C. BOWEX, of XortAatnpfon. A Pis. -SWIFT GALLOWAY, of Greene. v. pis. TOIIX D. McIYER, of Moore. yh Di.. FRED' K X. S TR UD WICK, of Orange. Ml puFRAXE J. OSBORXE,of MeeUenbttrg. Note Solicitors are voted for by Districts. Tlu' other nominees will be voted for through out thi' State. OUTLINES. In ihc Senate reports were made from committees for reducing revenue taxation anil for river and harbor improvements ; the 4 Hons considered the Naval Appropriation hill, and adopted the amendments agreed to .in committee of the Whole; a bitter per sonal debate took place between Messrs. Robeson, of New- York, and Whitthorne, of Tennessee. The Egyptian Ministry re fuse to abandon the work on the fortifica tions of Alexandria, aud the bombardment of the city by the .Enelish fleet, under Ad mind Seymour, is momentarily expected- A vessel arrived at Boston, yesterday, from Matanzas, with two yellow fever cases osi board. The Greenbackers and In dependent of Alabama have nominated a State ticket, which it is thought will be en dorsed by the Republican Convention in session at Montgomery; the colored element largely predominates In the latter Conven tion. The latest reports from Alexan dria are to the effect that Admiral Seymour yesterday sent- an ultimatum to the Egyp tian authorities demanding a cessation of work on the fortifications, and that it has been stopped for the present. The French Cabinet have directed Admiral Con rad to remain passive, in connection with the threatened bombardment of Alexandria by the English fleet, but at the same time wishes the Egyptians to understand that France does not oppose the action of Eng land. . The Tariff Commission met in Washington yesterday, but did nothing ex cept make acquaintances with each other, and pay their respects to President Arthur and Secretary Folger. The reported resignation of Minister Lowell is officially denied. It is reported that Guiteau's body has been removed from its temporary burial place andtaken to the National Medical MuseunvSrbre it wtll be made a skeleton. The Republicans of Arkan sas nominated Col. W. D. Slack, by a c- clamation, as their Candidate for Governor. New York markets: Money 2&4 per -eut. ; cotton nominal at 12lHc; southern fairly active and firm at $5 2o800: wheat, ungraded red 1 16rl 33; corn. No. 2 while 95c; rosin easier at $2 002 10; spirits turpentine active and hiedier at 4o45c. It is s.iid that the Independent movement in Georgia is a dead fail ure. The Emperors of Austria and Ger many are to meet soon.' What's np this time? The Louisville Courier-Journal is now one of the handsomest eight page papers that come to this office. Baltimore is going to have an other "Oriole." It is to bo hope! it will not prove as big a flash as the first one proved. The Sotnh Carolina Democrats left nothing to chance. They adopted the Republican plan of gerrymander ing and have secured six of the seven members of the House. . I can't help seeking official pap; I can't help seeking official pap. Every other year, you see. Does so fasicnate me That I keep seeking official pap. The eh&rus of a hungry Libera? s eamjxiign song. The Chinese question woi going to smash up the Radical party on the Pacific so- fast H'Tho Oregon elec tion showed the smash was oi the other sido. The Radieal vote was never so large" before. There is ranch difference of opin ion in South Carolina as to who will be the Democratic, candidate for Qoj vernor. Tillman, Kennedy, Brat to on, Wallace, Rutledge, Harlee, It is. Thompson, kandvpossibiy otn ers, are urged for the place. ? ' , We have but little doubt that an extra session of the Legislature wil be called. This opinion is based on in formation, received from Raleigh. We presume'tne Necessary marehinery for electing Congressional Repre- sentati ve-at-large next November will J be provided; and that the State 'wiU. ie redifltricted, but hot to take effect VOL. XXX. NO. 90. until the. Congressional election of 1884. The killing of Maj. Blair by Capt. Haile appears to have been purely a personal affair. Blair was killed instantly while advancing upon TT mi . . v naiie. ine negroes gatnered in Camden as if they meant to mob Haile, who has been bailed in the sum of $5,000 by Judge Kershaw. Maj. Blair was the son of the late Gen. James Blair, who served in the U. S. House for eight years, and kill ed himself in Washington. The News and Courier says of him: "He was well educated, and devoted a naturally strong intellect to scientific re searches. He was for many years the edi tor of the Camden Journal', and was regard ed as a writer of considerable ability. Du ring the war he was an officer in Nelson's battalion, Hagood's brigade. After serving creditably for two years, he was forced by ill health to retire. "Mai.- Blair was recklessly brave, and disposed to be aggressive in act and word. The letters he wrote during his canvass for Governor and during the present year were bitterly abusive, and it is a matter of sur prise that a collision between Blair and some one of those whom he assailed had not taken place before." Capt. Haile married in this State. Affairs grow worse in Ireland and the British Government is steadily tightening the rein and developing into despotic rule towards that af flicted and wronged country. The Philadelphia Times notes the follow- ng contrast: "It is a coincidence that will Drobablv have attracted attention in Ireland as well as in America that on the day we celebrate as the anniversary-of American indepen dence the" British Parliament was occupied with measures; for the subjugation of Ire land that are really harsher than those which provoked the American colonists into rebellion. If the Declaration of Inde pendence were read to the Irish it would seem but a mild expression of their griev ances." Louisianians are proverbially ex travagant. The Governor gets $10, 000 a year, his private secretary $4,400, and his porter $2,000. He has also allowed him $3,000 for ex ecutive office expenses, $1,000 for travelling expenses, $8,000 for offer ing rewards and $1,200 for rents of dwellings. In other words the Go vernor's office taxes the people $27,600. The other officers are paid proportionately high. Judges re ceive $8,000. The whole thing is got op on the most extravagant and anti-republican plan. The condition of affairs at Alex andria, ?gypt, is very threatening. Owing to the course of the natives in fortifying Admiral Seymour, of the British navy, gave notice that he would bombard the city unless there was a cessation in the operations. This was unheeded at first, but an ultimatum,, sent yesterday, put a stop to the work for the present. The French Admiral will remain passive for the present, but the Egyptians are notified that the government is not opposed to the position assumed by England. A day or two will bring matters to a crisis. Spirits Turpentine. Small apple crop, but a large peach crop in Catawba, Aaron Whittaker, of Surry county, sold 1,556 pounds of (tobacco) at Winston for $911.14 an average of $58.55. Judge Gilmer received 258$ votes in the Judicial Convention at Dur ham, and Mr. L. C. Edward, of Granville, received 157J. A picnic will be -given at Tea chey's, Duplin county, on the 18th. Music, dancing, and good things to eat will be among the attractions. The Stab's paragraph, the first that appeared in the State; concerning Christian Reid's last novel, "Irene," is on its travels "daddy less," Dr. Closs is very low. Dr. Col lins; his physcian, says his death is not far distant. "His many friends throughout the State will regret this announcement. Durham Plant: The stand of cotton is bad, but what there is looks well. James Jackson! a fifteen-vear-old son of Jack Jackson, was drowned in Red- J mond's pond Sunday, afternoon. Concord Sun: The blackberry season is at hand, and a full 'crop is re ported. Adam, a small colored boy bound to Edward Stirewalt, made three at tetfipts -to poison the family last week. "-"Raleigh Advocate : The many friends of Rev. W. W. Albea will be glad to learn that his son, Eugene, who was so severely hurt very recently, has improved fconiiderably and returned to his fathers in Wilton, N. C. Elizabeth City. Falcon: A tre mendous sea-turtle was' shipped North to day by Flora & Brockett. , He measured four feet nine inches, from tip to tail, two feet" sir inches across and weighed 289 pounds, He was captured at Hatteras. -r- The. "Honorables" are coming to the front again and as thick as black berries. "Hon." Cuffy Mayo still lives, we believe.: as does "Hon." Wilson Cary, of de archives of gravity" memory. Hum buggery still -lives andi honors are cheap. Rah! i - .-- q i ' v Jl Newton Enterprise: It has been well' said r that they i will gain., nothing hy the accession of Mr. Polk. ,He has no mag netism; and while ;?ie is i" able : lawyer he is very unpopular, and," as a man, possesses Morning H very few qualities to commend him. Free trade and the peoples rights', should be the cry in our : next political - campaign. Let the watchword be down with the Radi cal tariff, and no class legislation in Con gress for the benefit of the -few at the ex pense of the ngLts of tne many. - Goldsboro Messenger: We re jrret to learn that our townsman, Colonel Wm. A. Allen, has tendered his resigna tion as chairman of the Inferior Court. He has filled the important position with ability and credit. There is to be a "pony penning at Core Banks, near Morehead. City, on the 10th mst. - -Air. Urew Barnes, an old and esteemed citizen of Great SwamD township, died Quite sud denly on Saturday last.' Mr. Benjamin Herring, a well known and respected citi zen of the New Hope Section, son of Abi Herring, died of heart disease on Sunday last -Capt. J. B. Whitaker thinks he will realize something like 200 bushels of tomatoes from his garden this season. It is not his intention to ship any. He will make them into pickles, preserves and catsup. Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic: The action of the late Republican Conven tion warrants the epigram that the Carolina Democrats are for a l-JTariff iot Revenue." while the North Carolina Republicans are "Kevenuers" for a Tariff. (Jol. (Jhas. C. Clark is frequently mentioned for the Presidency of Wake Forest College, and in the judgment of prominent Baptists will be offered the position, though we have ho idea he would accept it. One of the poems of Miss Anna Alexander Cameron, of Hillsboro, which originally appeared in Tourgee's Our Continent, has "been printed in the "patent sheets" of one of the "Unions:" consequently it will be read by the readers of 250 papers. Cadet Jno. C. Cantwell, of North Carolina, has been appointed Third Lieutenant in the Revenue Service. Capt. W. K. Mayo, of Nor folk, has been made a Commodore.- Capt. W. A. Kirkland succeeds Mayo in command of the Norfolk Navy Yard." N. C. Presbyterian : A Presby terian church was organized on the 17th and 18th of June, at a point about six miles southeast of Charlotte, N. C, with thirty eisrht members. C. H. Wolfe. J. Lee Camp bell and S. W. Alexander were elected elders, and P. C. Harkey and Wm. McCall deasons. Since the meeting of Presby tery in March sixty-two persons have united with the Burgaw Church, fifty-seven of whom were added on the fourth Sabbath in June. Through the kindness" of a friend we are enabled to give the names of the successful competitors for the medals of Davidson College. Philanthropic Society: Debater's medal, R. M. McKay, of South Ca rolina; essayist's medal, E. W. Smith, of North Caiolina; declaimer's medal, S. F. Telfair, of North Carolina. Eumenean Society: Debaters medal, C. Fraser, of Georgia; orator's medal, Z. A. Morris, of Horth Carolina; declaimer's medal, C. S. Bratton, of South Carolina. Raleigh News- Observer: At the Judicial Convention at Durham yester day. Judge J. A. Gilmer and Solicitor Fred. " N. otrudwicK were renominated .on the first ballot. A little darkey here has remarkable ability as a horseback rider, and daily on Fayetteville street. He stands up on his horse and is much at home in that position so unusual outside of a circus. He attracts much attention. Another little negro has remarkable flexi bility of body, is a regular contortionist, and like the first mentioned, will no doubt some day be under the canvas. The thirty-third annual meeting of the stock holders of the North Carolina Railroad Company will be held in his city on the 13th inst. Stockholders desiring to attend can get tickets for themselves and the im mediate members of their families (wife and children living under their roof),' by applying to the Secretary. We are informed that the rain storm was so severe and heavy yesterday afternoon that the "Shoo Fly" train from Goldsboro was stopped near Clayton and the engine was unable to move the train during the storm. The flashes of lightning were terrific. The cuts along the line were flooded with water to such an degree that the engine was com pelled to feel its way slowly. It is-feared that the rain storm did the crops along its course much damage. . . THE CIT"Y". NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. MtmDS Zoedone. M. 8. Willard Insurance. Muttsok Blue and black serges. Cronly & Mobris Auction sale. Harrison & Allen Chinese helmets. Our Colored Firemen. The members of Cape Fear No. 8 S. F. E. Company, colored, returned from their trip to Charlotte yesterday morning and were accorded a warm reception by their friends in the city. They participated in the firemen's tournament on the 4th, and propose letting the public know the result from their stand-point at a future time. They report the trip to have "been a very pleasant one, and state that they were kindly received and nicely treated by the Chief of the Fire Department. . Temperance Exeonion, The Independent Order of Rechabites of this city will give an excursion down the river on Thursday, -the 18th inst., on thp steamer : Passport, which they intend to make one of the "most enjoyable of the season. To this end they are already making the necessary arrangements, which will in clude music for dancing refreshments, etc. ' Further particulars by advertisement hereafter. - Knliz;1ita of Pythias, At " the regular meeting of Germauia Lodge No. 4, K. of P., held last evening, the following officers were duly installed s . P. C. John Haar." Jr. C. C.' H. Wentzensen. V. C John Rullfs. P. C. F. Vonkampen. v M. at A -E. W. Doscher. I. G. J. D. Stelljes Q. G. H.,Hiatzelt .... . . magUtrat e'a Court, ; Remus Thomas. : colored, was arraigned before justice. Millis, yesterday, charged with assault and battery upon Geo. Wil liams. Defendant was found guilty and or dered to pay ;one penny, and the costs. Is your scalp full of dry. husky scales and little pimples?. Dr.: Benson's Skin Cure will cleanse your scalp and remove all scales and tenderness within six days. Try ft Js ia the -best head-dressing ever nseaUii i$i per package, at alt druggists, f WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, Local Dots. Watermelons are-becoming quite plentiful in market. Only three bales of cotton were received at this port yesterday. There were no . cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. The weather has been quite cool for theseasoh for the past two days and nights. Mr. T. F. Bagley is putting up a handsome residence on the northeast cor ner of Second and Ann streets. The annual excursion of. St, George and St. Andrew's Society will take place on the steamer Passport on the 11th instant. The quarantine regulations are now in full force. If you don't believe it ask C. P. M. or R. E. H. Dr. Curtis is on the watch-tower. The case of John Johnson, co lored, charged with highway robbery, will take place before Justice Millis this after noon, at 5 o'clock. ' A meeting of the stockholders of the Seaside Park Improvement Compa ny of Wrightsville Sound will be held at the office of E. G. Barker &Co., to-day, for organization. Mr. Robert R. Bellamy, of this city, was graduated at the late Commence ment of Davidson College and has returned home. We learn that he contemplates fol lowing the business of a druggist. Oscar Wilde in Wilmington. To-morrow night this noted English lec turer will treat the literary public of Wil mington to one of his entertaining dis courses, his theme being "Decorative Art. Alluding to his expected visit to Charles ton, the News and Courier said "Charles ton's reputation for culture and apprecia tion of literaiy merit warrants him in ex pecting a large and fashionable audience. Despite the flings of unappreciative North ern critics Mr. Wilde is a gentleman, a man of education and a poet of no mean ability, and as such he has met with flatter ing receptions throughout his Southern tour." Mr. Wilde's present lecture, the second he has prepared in this country, is said to be devoted to what may be called the practical application of his theory to every day home life, being the principles of aesthetic art as applied generally to the wide range of art ornamention, and has met with universal success wherever deliv ered. The lecturer usually wears a suit consisting of dark velvet coat and knee breeches, with a profusion of lace around the neck, down the front and at the cuffs, ' and sports dark stockings and patent eather pumps. RIVER AND MARINE. The Schr. L. Sturdevant, D. W. Tol- son, master, of Philadelphia, is ashore on the beach near Myrtle Grove Sound, or about six miles north of Federal Point. She sailed from Philadelphia for this port June 25th, and experienced heavy weather, finally springing a leak, which was found to increase with such rapidity that, to save the lives of the officers and crew, Capt. Tolson determined to run the vessel ashore. She war' headed for the beach, which she struck at the noint named on the morning of Wednesday, the 5th inst. Her ' cargo consists of fifteen thousand brick and three tons of terra cptta pipe, the latter for the Clarendon Water Works Company. At last accounts the vessel was going to pieces and will prove a total loss, while it is probable that the cargo will share he same fate. The cargo is fully insured. If the present weather continues it is thought likely that the sails, rigging, anchors and chains may be saved. The Sturdevant was quite an old vessel, having been built at Wilmington, Del., in 1861, and registered 123 tons. She was owned by James Wallace and others, of Philadelphia. Since writing the above we haye seen Mr. R. H. Beery, just from the wreck, who re ports that she commenced going to pieces yesterday at 12 o'clock, and that when he left she had been completely broken up. The cargo is a total loss. The sails and rigging have been stripped from the spars. -r Capt. Keilsen, of the Norwegian brig Hardi, which arrived here on Wednesday, reports having spoken, on June 17th in latitude 32, longitude 63.45, the schooner W. G. Warren, of Plymouth, Nova Scotia, bound to a port in the West Indies. Capt. Neilsen lso reports that on the 21st of June, in latitude 47, longitude 33.. just af ter a severe northwest storm,, passed through a number of casks of spirits tur pentine, the casks, being new and bright looking, with heads-painted red.- Alarm of Fire. 1 . . The kitchen attached to the residence of Mrs. Shotar. corner of Fifth and Ann streets, caught fire yesterday morning, about half-past 10 o'clock, and the alarm was sounded, calling the department out,' but they were turned back with the infor mation that the fire was out. The damage, was very slight.. .. Remarkable- for overcoming diseases caused by impure water, decaying vegeta tion, etc., is Brown's Iron Bitters., f VSS- increase of cost of whole tickets for the monthly drawings, which havo gone from itwo dollars to., five dollars apiece. A single dollar sent to m.a. or sent may onngyou pjwi w mj may briagyoa 75,p00. One reason for tte change was tte fact that the inanageww fenvFor fortW im vl 4AwnMl TATflT.lfIN 1)1 I LA ITCKlAUliir UOT 1 DauDhln. New Orleans, La., and be sure to do so 1 bfifore .Tnlv 11tJi nfiTt. r ?: : WHY THINGS GO UP. If yon will multiply 30.000 and $10,000 by ai,you will have the result JULY 7, 1882; War. Department, Signal Service, 17 8. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit oi Commerce ana Agriculture. COTTON-BELT BULLETIN. July 6, 18825 P. Ml The meteorological observations Riven In this taoie are not tnose taken 0017 at tne points named, bat are intended to cover the entire cot ton belt. The fitrarea for wilmintrton. for exam ple, cover the average temperatures and rainfall at Wilmington, iriorenoe, uneraw, unanotto, Wadesboro, Lumberton, Goldsboro, We Id on and Salisbury. So of Galveston, which is the district centre of eighteen towns in the cotton rerion of Texas. The observations are taken at 5 P.M., bat ao not reacn wuraington antu alter mtanignt. AVERAGE. Districts. Max. Min. ' Rain Temp Temp. FalL WUmington... 83 56 . 00 Charleston 84 58 .00 Augusta 84 61 .00 Savannah 89 64 . 00 Atlanta 82 53 .00 Montgomery . . 865" 56 .00 Mobile 88 57 .00 New Orleans . . ' 88 66 .00 Galveston.....'. 90 67 . 00 Vicksburg 85 59 . 00 Little Rock 83 54 .00 Memphis...... 94 57' .00 The following are the indications for to day: South Atlantic States, fair weather. variable winds, mostly southerly, with sta tionary or higher temperature and pressure. Eor the Star. CHAR LOTTE FEMALE INSTITUTE. This has been called the age of progress, and it is pleasant to note that the fair city of Charlotte is not behind her neighbors in manifesting the spirit of improvement. The most careless observer may see here, from year to year, the multiplied evidences of advance, not only ra the variety and extent of the business enterprises and manufacto ries, but in the homes, which bear the im press of comfort and thrift and refined adornment. That she keeps abreast of the times in her schools also, was illustrated in a marked manner by the recent commencement exer cises of the "Charlotte Female Institute.' Amid difficulties that would have dauuted many others, the present principal, Rev. Wm. K. Atkinson, has kept in view the highest ideal of a school, which should be first or all Christian in spirit, then thorough in scholarship, and at the same time not neclectful of the exace and accomplish ments which serve to finish and round into perfect symmetry woman's character. He has spared neither trouble nor expense in procuring teachers fitted to carry out his plans. Some of. them are endeared to North Carolinians by the ties of kindred and association, and have been known and loved for years as among the best educators in the State; others bring to their work the culture obtained at the North or in Europe. It is the testimony of those wno have a personal knowledge of their character and methods that the teaching in this school is done faithfully and conscientiously and in accordance with the highest standards of the day. From a personal inspection of some of the examination papers the writer can bear witness to the thoroughness of the scholarship required, and the fact that the teachers in their highest grades look for and find their best scholars in the ranks of those who have been trained from the be ginning in the school itself is proof enough of success. On the 6th and 7th of June the doors of the Institute were thrown open to its friends and patrons. They were first invited to In spect the results of the year's work in the Art Department. In a large room was dis played a bewildering array of beautiful pic tures and fancy articles. The first object to attract the eye was an elegant mantel in the "Queen Anne" style, the tiles and panels exqusitely decorated by two of the young ladies, and the man tel, itself a work of art, made by a native wofkingm&n in Charlotte. Time wonld not suffice to mention each article separate ly. Among the pictures, which included drawings and mm tine of landscapes and figures, object drawings, a crayon portrait. - 0 o etc, two were especially attractive a copy of Fidelia Bridges "September and an "Ocean View." In a long row of deco rated table tops one was especially -ad mired, .on which was painted a graceful half-wreath of water lilies, so true to lite that it seemed possible to pick out one of the beauties, as it lay there with its leaved petals, mottled leaves, and thick, flexible stems. There were hand some screens, delicately painted china, plaques in variety, and dainty fancy articles --and all. from the lareest to the smallest. bore the impress of the highest culture and refinement. Too much praise cannot be accorded to the ladv. Miss U. A. Savacre. through whose effective teaching all this i . i i i ii i i ? r mi oeauiyuau ueen c&ueu iuiu me. iuusb who had seen her at work in the studio, who knew something of her methods, the mingled firmness and gentleness of her manner and the enthusiasm of her pupils, were not surprised that the results seemed so wonderful, Tuesday night the hall was crowded with those who assembled to witness the graduating exercises and hear the address by the Rev. Dr, Boggs. Six young ladies graduated, and received, beside their di ploma, each a gold medal as a memento of their school ' days, Thejr were also pre sented by the Principal with Bibles. Dr. ooggs address was a ciear ana origi nal exposition of the "woman Question. enlivened by wit and humor, and abound ing in earnest and eloquent passages. Two young ladies, graduates in instru mental 'music, performed with great skill very difficult pieces by celebrated com posers, and a graduate in vocal music ex hibited the most thorough training as she sang. with -sweet, bird-like" notes a "Scene and Aria from the Opera Hamlet." Seven vounff ladies recited in concert James Russel Lowell's beautiful poem de- jBcriptlve of a "Summer Storm." The mu sical ' accompaniment, composed oy in. Ridez. was universally admired, and .was Only another proof of this gentleman's ex traordinary talents aud culture for his art. His erood taste and udeuty to tne. nignest standard Were again manifested the follow ing. night,"-when the1 "Annual Concert" closed successinuy tne uommencement ex ercises of 1882. The people- of North Carolina should awake to the importance of supporting here, at home, educational institutions whieh shall command - tne - spontane- . a. M . 1 . J ous, involuntary . respecs oi i ne wonu. Tfa-nrv; ftffnrt to establish such institutions Bhoufd be encouraged, ano they before others, should be patronized. There are men all over the State who are . . rt w thair nhtMnm nh tady IasVfle at their very doors, . who are .aepioramy R.1" tritPTeJta: After a few vea rrr- r-- -jrj. -J:,f ITOiniTl IT la.L KIIHIX n BtllUUi UiCU UAUKUW10 I rate ve liberal, gubsoriptlo " , --w n An Anima aBrirt 1 Bajcu;,Mo6w """T v.-, v WHOLE NO. 4(9 work., the voices cultivated, the faces bright with intelligence, the whole being elevated and beautified. There are other pareuU. fully alive to the importance of education, who send their daughters, at a great expense, to a distance for their training, without giving a thought to the claims of the homo school, which should be patronized first. North Caroli na has within herself the elements of a glo rious future. Every year stranrers are be ing attracted by the unsurpassed grandeur and beauty 01 the mountain region, and the resources and climate of the whole State The fact that her own people arc being aroused more and more to her hhtb- est interests is not the least hopeful sign of tne times, uood speed to tne rood work ! t An Observkr THE JTIAILS. The mails close and arrlre at the City rost Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 4.40 P. M. Northern through and way malls 6:40 a. M. Raleigh 5:50 P. M et 5:10 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes sunnlled therefrom Including A V I' Ballmnf . f K ATI k W Southern maula for all points Sooth, daily 8:00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. Rallway( dally (except Sunday) 5:50 P. M. ill points between Hamlot and Raletf h 5:50 P. M. Mall for Cheraw and Darllnrton Kail- road BttlP.M Mails for points between Florence and Charleston.. 9-ao p if rBTtiiwvuni, uu unices on uape reav River, Fridays j3 Fayetteville, via Lumberton. dallr.ez'. IjOO P. M. cent Sundavs n-Kn n u Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays g.-flO w SmithvUle mails, by steamboat, dally (except Sunday ays) VillifnrHan Hni Tnm crv'-Y -8.30 A. M. lotte and Little River, Tuesdays and Todays 6:00 A. M OPEN FOR DRI.lVimv Northern through and way malls 7 J A M Southern mails 7S0A m' Carolina Central Railroad b'-SO a' m' Mails collected f rom street boxes every day at 8:45 P. M. Stamp Offloe open from 8 A. M. to 18 M..and from 2 to 6:8 P. M. Money order and Rerfstet Department open same as stamp offloe. Stamps for sale In small quantities at rencral delivery when stamp office Is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8:30 to 930 A. M. CITY ITEMS. PERSONAL ! TO MEN ONLY I Tm v. Bbl Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dn. Dts CZUBRATKD KLICTKO-Voi.TAIO Ull.TH urn It, ME TRIC Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility. Lost Vitality and Manhood, and klnHrod troubles, guaranteeing scedy and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as aoove. n. o risk is mourred, as thirty days i Malaria. Chills and Fever, and Rllloim ttk positively cured with Emory's Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy: never fall to cure the most obstinate, lone-standlnir can, an rr coated; causing no griping or purging; they are muu anu emcieni, certain in tneir artion and harmless In all oases; they effectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequaled. For Liver Comtilalnt their eoual Is not known; mm box will hare a wonderful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physi cians, and sold by Drturrfst everywhere. 85 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills. best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Care Co., 114 Nassau 8treet, New York. WHO IS MRS. WINSLOW ? A thin nnmlVm is frequently asked, we will simDly say that aha la a lady who for upwards of thirty years has unti ringly devote! her time and talents as a female Physician and nurse, principally among child rsn. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of uds numerous class, and, as a nnwJt of this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained In a lifetime spent as a nurse and Dhvstclan. she has compounded a Soothing Syrup for children teeth ing. It operates like magic gi Ting rest and health, and is, moreover, sure to rfrulat the bowels. In consequence of this artiole Mrs. Wins low is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children oertalnly do ains vr and bless her; especially Is this the cane In thk ctty. Vast quantities of the Soothing Hymn are daily sold and and here. We think Mrs. wlnalow baa immortalized her name by this Invaluable art I cle. and we sincerely believe thousands of chil dren have been saved from an early grave by Its timely ase, and that millions vet unborn will share its benefits, and unite in calling ber Mesaed. No Motrxb has discharged her duty to herunr ing little one, in our opinion, until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Try It, mothers tut rr now. Ladim' l.lrtW.New York City. Sold by all druggists. 85 eta a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Chinese Helmets ! French Manilla Hats ! HARRISON A ALLEN, natters. Jy7 tf Zoedone. NON-ALCOHOLIC SPARKLING PnOSFHA. TED IRON BEVERAGE, Price 25 cts a bolt. For sale by JAMES C. MUND8. Pharmacist. Jy 7 It K North Front St. JLUB AND BLACK SERGES, JUST IN BY EXPRESS. Elegant Light Casnlmere Suitings, Dark Mix Worsted Suitings, Made to measure at reasonable price. MUNSON. Jy 7 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Insurance. Mutual Life Insuranoe Co., of New York. Swiss Lloyds Marine Insurance Co., Aocident Insurance Co. of North America. Pamlico Insurance Banking Co., With aggregate assets of over NINETY-SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS. M. S. WTLLARD, Agent, Wilmington N. C. Arentii and Canvassers for the Accident Insn- ranoe Company of North America wanted oyer the State. J7 7tf NOTICE. Two-thirds of the Capital Stork of ' The Seaside Park Improvement Company rightsville Sound" baying been subscribed nd veouest having been made to me by E G. Barker, one of the subscribers to thtf Capital Stock of said proposed Corporation. 1 hereby call a meeting of said proposed Corporators and Sub scribers, to beheld at the office of said E. G Bar ker, in the City of WUmlnrton, on Friday, the 7th day of July. 1882. - a VamAMRINOE, uierK Bupenoruoun new lurawrer v. BthJolv, 1882. t White Bronze. THE MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO. HAVE tabllnhed an ArencV In this city for ths por- pose of giving everybody tba chanoe of retting aent for their dear ones something u id cheap; something that acid cannot 4 a a Monument rableand mage. je si tr M. Front St. EThe Person Coiinty News, Published at ROXBOBO, N. C wniTAKEIl fc GIDDOXf, - Editors and Proprietors. : Ths NEWS has the largest clreulatkoa of any naoer nubllshed or circulated In the fins tobacco . . . febtfU ' . IUTE1 OV ASTKATIklRCi On Sqnar On Ty. " " Tworttrt........ ....... " , Three Dan,... " v roantara ) M OuVhl ; Two rkt. M M ThrM Vm.,m, t - Otm foaU i W . Two Mmabi, II " Tkr MnatbA, U t (li VobUx, ,7 , " OnoTMr.v , 90 tie 1 ES!SKt; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, . i i t.-J sjssss sgg-x, rsra.'Mrg Sundries at Auction. fills DAT (FRIDAY). 7TII IXSTAJTT, AT It a. sr1k A . M . wa will aII at oar M1m IUmmm. fcoath Watr Htrwt. nowMthoid and Klts-h! rurfillara, 100 Pair Assorted ftbn. 1000 Pounds Haeoa. , choSly Monr. Jy7Jt A stton er W1LMISOTOK WXLDON ft. (n , Omci OFKKCrY A TRKAsmiP, WIUHJCOTO. n v.. Jsly V. w DIVIDEND Of THREE PER CEWT . OK tho Capital M"rk of ! Wllmlna-tfea a W44 Railroad Company, haa n rierUrad, sfaU on and after )bo IWfc lrl The Bonks for th .f punt k Itl lie cloaed ffora th 10th to thm )Mh kiirt " j w. TinmrwiN. IT 1 St Hrtary and Trrvr Piano Fortes. yiiEEivK' "qnAiiK and munn n ANOfl are Flral Haas InXmmrata rt'LLY W A HRA NTKt) At lir.IHtRirH s J L'NCII I1AKKKT. Woik Haakata ( rwjit hU. tlaM ruil flat. Jr.. At THE LIVE MK rrouE Jy otf First National Bant of WilmiEEton, N.C. DIVIDEND (If TflKtE AND A It A l.V rwt CENT, haa be-n doHarod by lb Hoard f Dim tors of this Dank, pavahl" nn Ibr rsb Inat. A K WAIAtll. jy 1st - ( aakb r Hock Lime. TTVtR BUILDING ruitronK, I ti.Bi rtn tuttrtrt ( AR LOAD ITH$ l-KM HBI. AdirMB ritKNiii nitna.. lOx ky I'ott.t. N I tir ( (J I'AIUiLKT. ir . y t tf an we tr nar WIlmlnc-loM. N ' Wagonette for the Sound. QN AND AFTER Til I'UNDAY, JBTft !"T. the Wagonette will be run to and frm IK MounA, leaylng Wllnjlnioru rvornr Sxobd arid frUu-M streets, st 0 P m Rrturtitrig. leave t. a.nni1 at 7 A.M. JelStf T J rXiUTHEKI.A ! Gonts' Furniishng Goods. BROWN RODDICK, A nnd T or l!i IVonl slrrrl. CARRY IY FAR T1IK X.AUnKuT A l cheanmit stork of aM. In thl rllr. Tt nfWMt atyl-a In tJftiU' Nef-kwear WmiU' tm incr I'nil'nri'tr, Nummr .'an I m i-r onr own msnufacturv. (rni Ktiylkah aa1 Trt-tw a Hiry THE EK.IIMIK PATKM MinT tlx lt rta1. the Ytfut fit tin and th bat rrni I rWl In ! omntry. l.'0ah. HIIOWN A troMiK-K, Jy S ft A A 7 North lfmt at J. H. Mallard. VT THE OLD HTANH. riW)VT PTh T K r. n TIM'Kn In eean to watt nim iatrtM H h a full and well arlootm) (M k of Kld l-a. tr-lna. Ilarnmat, Tranka. Trsrrltbg Ir. I p 4 !. Ar , Ar , Ac. IYte a) way a lw aa lh iwt 1 II MAU.AIU). Is tf No s rrmi HI Furniture. ii1 it Ml (l rpnE REHT AOWTFT STnnt OF W ID 1 BLACK WALNUT Ft'RMTUKE v reMIM ed In thla city, now for aal at our Warwmome Cottage Furniture of rrrrj SMvriMt" Mu. qnlto Nrta. in aold thla wwk at rMa'l. bat a mw apply Jast In enaMa as Um1 all lmut0i thm oomtng wwek Msttrwaa. Ppring Nda an4 tiat tan Furniture. Al aaaonablgK4 st hot torn prices. D A SMITH A tti . Jy tf The Fur-nit ur alrs MEAL. MEAL. t ROUND DAILY. ANI NllJi USDKTt AH ABSOLUTE GUA ftANTRK of v,a!Mr in ery renvrt to BET WATKH UIH Jt Or.l.a mn- llolted on IhU l.a.U. an1 f r I.M R TlflNOIN THE (iRAIN IJNE . II. sVIlIC.IIT, JeSStf ( ArS FRAN RILL. Keep Cool. JY DRINKING OUR COOLING REVfRAGn. Hoda Watrr. Olngrr Ale. MeiU aa Mead. ari tilla, (1rT7 Boo nor, Nutmrc Mk VMm. , At u N-oirniK" ) Je 80 If Fm It and VontrnvMummn Hiurea. Wanted, TRAVELLING MAN, wTTH EirERJElsCIt In the baalneaa, to trarel In Nurt and Aowtti Ciar otlna for an old awUbUaa4 hnmm tm hm FwrtD iarr Trade. AddrMa with rfrwane in "FEJOlLlZEUa," F, (I. Je tt lw . Baltimore, MA. ' New Goods. Now Goods, JEW UNE IN ALPACA CVHTR. At J AC A Dastors, Unrn Costa, IJnea PtMrtes, ftlwe tM Brows Kerge Nulla, Drap D'fcs alls iFnw-k ad Sack.) i NEW tn SUITS EACH RETT Blue Middlesex FlaMMd. at III tm. nine Mlddleaei YaW.t (V4h. st l OOL 1 SEW rCRNTaillNG iiOn - HEW Latst In Scarf t, 1W RAW. fV4lars SJ Caffs, White aad IVreale afcirts. t'PMierwas. I Tain and Faoey Brare4 iieoMrtob U HandkerehWa, ic . Ae. Hmw Uoeof Tranka. wtth ratrttl Lawks; Tra ye(hg Bag. arhla. , At a. lias iv Irltf cwtbssrandr Patent Hedicincs. &cj IoRnt7R rnuCNOTirrxTNti rTjirnaut. r-s. each, or two for ar; ry i Itarfca, - Taood'a Rasaaiitaa Vterrlnaw Ik4r Afw0 l taha. Tmn Bitters, and a larga stnt k l mj. l teat MadW-daiia. T"t)a ArUi-laa . f aiu at J. U. UAlLUlA't Drag aad ad , Jflti rw Rtarwi,' tho I f W 1 1 1 . --'in T-'. - v - 7 - '