The Mommg-bjar; t'pq &r K..I3HKD DAILY , EXCEPT s MONDAYS. c ifrtff:r xzrx .'.Ufcfof - ) J1 " ' ' A V w War, (by Matt) Postage Paid......... fj-o f-:? I H 41 ?11 11 f v; -f'-l V. r -iijiir ''Mffo'i Vk'H'M. if 'li ,1 Di" .MLATia OF AATEUTIMIf Cil On Sqiwr Iy, . .. . ,', , . ,, , , , . . , T If i " " .Two Kntii... M .. ... On Mwth . i 1M ' i ?'i S'-i"'r-,it.Q 1 xi-O" 'f't ,Jf . . M.mttl: m. 1 DM Subscribers dellveredn. 'IT, Knwrvd at the Post Ofltoe e WRmlngtaa, N- O, sntc second CUa Hitter. t city Suociiora aeuvereaTa. any part citv. rrrraxw CDm NrirNk. OwrClty Jnr arts not authorised. tj oollect. for more ColMiitt Florence -Parker Miss f sing little yUlago of Pamlico,, aa4W. loss. Itti'tti i ; i;f: TinnlTin wu i whiUt falling heaviest oa himself wJU ,l I -L TTf , f i VTVl TMTTTTrkTVr I ".r":;:..r "T N 1C I "It by; tbe enure conntyTJ; to loss is be MOKMiNiT iiAAlVJN. crapbMaiaru . .. -CTTF ITEMS. " On Tmi . Ten Mni foI14 KoapTtfl tjv tk mm him t , vpW AbYKRTTsiKN7TV''7: DEMOCRATIC .STATE TICKET. I.,K K E PRE&KNTATTVTCS DT QOKQRKSS. . tor tbx arin It iiiin: " :i ;;;Py TYLER SSXSXTT, ' if A urn. FOR THX THTM DHTKJCt J 1 : 1 'vi i; in RTOS J. OESSX, tf CSimberiamL FOR SCPRIM COCBT JVTOM Z rHOHAS SUFFIX, y Or?. rom mwn: . - JAMES jS. SBJEFMSRD, o BecatforL -FREDERICK PHILIPS, Edgtxmix. MLXAXD A. McKOT, Sampto. -JAlfES C. MaeRAK, Cvmbmlond. ,o irx a. omtSR, p oMorL XVIL LI AX Jf. SHIPP. df KtdUenimrg. tor 8ojJcrroB: -JOHN H. SZ0U2FFI qf Pfgniman. - WILLIAM C. BOWXX, &E6rtXampUm. -SHIFT GALLOWAY, & One.. f Tarboro wade: Gus d Hyman left town Wednesday evening at 4 o'clock. He stopped at- a settlement ' about seven muesn rtom nere. Known as uostownjitosi ' get -'a? drink; "While there he fiot into ai Suarret with Ned - Jones, about v Hyman ogging J ones' hogs. Hyman called Jones a a d liar, whereupon hetwas strack by : Jones; Hyman then: drew razor and cut Jones from his left ear-: to his Adam's ap- WbcarV,- anwSF4T.e-.haVe' an I was arrested Thursday morning and lodged; in lau. . . . ',vv inv'. ;J Orecnsbbro oorrespondent pro pounds this inqry': "How did the term Tar Heel' originate and becdnseffo1 be ptlled3d 'North? Caro- r WKfT;' AUTKBTISBltnEPnrs. -''JC. lffTs-Toilef articles.5-'-. WK. H$ GKEkTnrnip' seed. ' ' f fGKAND RKGAiA-Wednesclay. : ' " I MtwspH74j3races and : suspenders1.' : r ilL A, ? W?tAHiwtife :insirance. ' i HBiNSBERSER-Ladies' satchels, '&c Continued Cost Salo ! Benefit of. Commerce and Agriculture. I Ckixuhxtxd Eiicrao-Voi.Tiio Bklw a6 rLo- COTXOlV-BBtT BtJI.l.KXTW. I oawk on trial for thlrtr dayi to men I ,f. . i, ijjT .m--? I SPS?,? oW)who are afflicted with Herroaa 1 Themeteorolorfcal bbMrraflotiii in tw. I 2?Sffi ?5raeeln wer nI complete re-J.lllllllP Q - v rnA table are not those taken onl7 at the oblnti tXXZtJPEW .A(L4"M VUIIIOUII Oi !n - I " . ' . AT named, bnt are Intended to cover the entire cot ton belt.' The'ftirarei fsVtlm(nrkaii. far pie, cover the average temperatures and rainfall, at Wilmington, , Korenoe, CfoeraW, Charlotte. CogJicTTMenageries fir sale WiTt Texas. The observations are taken at 5 P.M., bat uv put renuu tt nmingtoB umu airer nuamgut, trial is allowed. 43 Ufarkct f tret Malaria.- Chilli and Ferer, and Btllona attaokai -"' :':r-L iitji-O" i-f! . r . ijeauiort Telephone: The. sea i -1 U ' -' li,-. 'I opt? n.teie,, - , : , . . . cause of the- naval stores produced; I, various .crews . have repaired to. their re. j 'Sunday night wasquite "fallish'." T' ! ' iidV.i VeLf it: lii.1 I srjective'stations.,.'- Mr. H. W. Hibbs. n w - . .. Ana xsoara qi .uau ana positively enred with Emory's standard Core 1 , most obstinate, Iong-etandiiig cases,' sajrar. I coated: eaniilnir nn irrlntnv ttM4m I V inMf Wiva'irW iK :irlfJi specUTC stations., -MMW.Httbs, soldiery (of- the State- gionfied it and same Sound, was in town on Mondav last, Mr. H. is ensrasred in cultivatinsr wa- I termelons, and planted this -season about T!if out t!.e State. t-L'LA Ji2i:. '-" xt. ;;termeli lurueu iMnto; a Wfe 01 ; nonor. o itwenty acres. He has sold about 15.000 in :SoIdiers 'ever 'had' the' sticking quali- I -New York and Baltimore, obtaining fair, .'-' '" i. vV : j 'i j 'a I pricea.f or them. He raised on.t'Qjpaj"' ties mnr hiorrilir n ovolnnoH than I :v!.v ' j i jr-STV, those 'glreh to thecS.ue of the Bouth I portion of his crop is harvested and; Dy JN ortn-arouna 1 here, were more I .storms may destroy his corn or 5 worms eaV JAXXSD. MelYER, Mbore. n --'rr.AWA iV' Ktr 0no I his cotton, he will be able to exist on his 1 -frk&K X. 8TRUDWICK. Ortmg. I ; -. ' I own resources,: Variety m cfpp raising ai: -frajtk 1. osborste, of Mecklenburg, .thousands, than ny.jOtlier ttate fur- ways pays. ; ;. : . . Solicitors are voted for by iMstrtcta. I nfaVu) 'iTr-Vl. " b-'aUW -mr,-A -i I- ttt her nominees win be voted f6r throujrh- --yM,. vf csansoury watchman: JbiDerai- Maih 1 for the immortal Tar Heels I I s rebellion, - desertion and office hunt ing, carried on .by disaffected Democrats and encouraged by Mott - and the revenue but transacted no business of public impor-i OUTLINES. I jrjte brighsunsi j uTo tcbeer.and gladden, all. around , ! And drivethe dampnesstrom the ground ( j Little Bocj:, , ; ---Walter Shaw, a colored bovi. was I arrested and committed to the guard house;' 'yesterday afternoon; by a ;kpepial. poycef man, charged with disorderly conduct at the Wilmington &. Weldon depot.' - - " f AVERAGE: : " Dl8TMCT8- 'Max; .L Ifin. "Ram t - " . f. Temp Temp. Fatt Wilmington .. . 84 6i , , . 00 ' Charleston .84 67 .00 Augusta'...,,.. ,85 68 ,01 iSavahnahi'.. " 85 70 .31 !AtlaniaV.'.V. ,85; .67 .00 Montgomery,. . u ;; 85 . 70 .17 Mobile;;;;:..,. , '86 71, .83 New;OrJeans;;; .',. 88 ; ; 71 :84 Galvesfbn,i.... 91 ' ' ' 66 .01 Vicksburg,.'.. . ' 87 . 71 .04 Little Rock,... 90 . 63 .04 Memphis..;:. , ,89 66 .16 , - mild and efficient, certain ta their , action and unruxusa mau eases; tney ecectuaily cleanse the pjvvm, ana rive new me ana (one to, tbe body. I XJVerCkmnlamtthAii nnnal -tint . trara.r. M I I Ml box will have a wonderful effect on the worst vase, i ney are I clans, and sold b oo cent , ooxes. Emory's Uttte Cathartic Pm. pest ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co.114 Nassau Street, New York. f 7 W1NQ TO prR JXILCTLX TO ttCCUU AM- other Store to remove to wh0 oor prsMat Mm4 WaseW FriIrM and rmovated, Ve wtU en tlauefo . . wonaerrai effect on the worst I rni. ' " r, rnvM Thirty IDcljb Longer ! Emory's little Cathartic Pills. I . - The following are the indications for to-. day; H -:', (irlii returns of the late election in Al:i!i;una show a Democratic majority, on a two-thirds rote, of 47,037. and theLegis- larsjelv Democratic. - South Atlantic and Gulf States, easterly to southerly winds, local rains, partly cloudy weather, lower barometer and nearly Cn ia "I- -P A -ri'fria '' "I'TOO , vu r. , , ffanff. - Miss Fisher's new-book will ao- greatest of English naval officers,.! pear, so the Messrs. Appleton say, about the !!r,,e Befxtttf. WriRhteviiie To-Mor- j stationary temperature "hXolcW n;.Avi A.rA I iwm oi next montn. - itocKy ttiver i ; i , JMeison, captnrea or aestroyea most t mine, recently discovered, is reported very ' The Carolina Yacht Club, reports o the Mat.trte.Coru. - of the French fleet that had taken I rich in fine gpld. . It is said that $2,000 in 1 Unntrarv nntwithstjmlini wfli im their I Wesley Mitchell, colored, was arraigned the Malissa was ''-" i - . - . . . i ore nas neen lakrti oni in ten nava umnA.ii ,i r t..; -trfir?- j :, n-,oA Pr.rt Raid and Tamallf ftondav Napoleon to Kgvpt. lie forced his Ih .n hirtv hv aT.,; PW"M totto.'nbdersfte atoiceB tod ,rB yesteraay, on . : . i i I shins in Wvoan, tlio TtVonkh a-nA tVii I onlv ficted with it has rifivfir riftfin n. T)pm. I direction of the Seaside Park Hot! fJnm- I charge of assault and battery upon , , , Pl ,s0(, to merchant vessels a recon- land The tattle ' was fouirnt in He has suffered himself to hehon-, pany, over the! Wrighteville IcOurse to-! MitchelL Defendant submitted and UiMd.tecd to merchant yesseis a recon i iana. ine battle was tougnt in pred hy the Pmocrats.. .His fate jviy b . . t : I wuiiary uiuvumeui uimer iu un- i and bans himself . Tt bhnnfi.rtKY '-'Wf. :H tt . iv.trii . I f ij r fwi in n tr nro rromon t .:T:..' ..... . cK-i.,r. t.. , t3h. Aboukir isa small town twelve i l 11 l I UiMi umi io nfc -'vs v auiacj uc I . nis the report of anU-Christian distur- miles from Alexandria, and -situated binvrnar-sne ret uses to permit I o "ie jay ot mat name. nave an impression, but no history at hand ' DIED, ! MILLER. In this eity, vesterday, Aurnst tlst, at 4 o'clock P. M., ANNIE K8TELLE, eldest daughter of P. C. and Annie Miller, aced one jrait von uiuuLui ana iwenty-rour qars. The funeral will take "place this (Tnesday) after-1 noon, at za o'clock, . from the , residenoe, eorner Fourth and Nun streets, to the Lutheran Church, and thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend. ... j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Grand Eegatta ! On Wednesday, August 23df At tie Sea-Side Part Hotel. . OPEN TO ALL COMERS. Cash Prizes will be awarded under the rules of the Sea-Side Park Company. ; Boats will report promptly at 12.80 P. M. TUoe takes place at 1 o'clock. At night a GRIND BOP. Music furnished by the Harpers full band, aug 23 St the t-xportation of mules for British service in Kjyp;. The strike at the Pan- h.m lie coal mines. (Penn.) has "ended, the laborers going to work at the reduction ; the struggle lasted four and a half months; the strikers lost in wages $250,000. The first bale of new cotton from Missis-' sippi has been received at New Orleans. V plot has been discovered among the ii'',Ti of Choctaw county, Ala., to nias saer' the whites; a number of the conspi rators were arrested and the ring-leader was hung in the presence of a large num ber if citizens; the other prisoners are still in jail. Three men, who had been mivsing for three days from Jit. Pulaski, Ills . were found near that place, blind folded, with their throats cut froraearto ear The French government cau tion-i De Lesscps concerning the British oc-. eapuLion of the Suez Canal. An in cn'ase of yellow fever cases is .reported a: Brownsville, Texas; the. Governor of the State asks for government aid. New York markets: Money 42i percent.; cotton quiet at 13 l-1313jc; southern rt-nr quiet at $4 907 73; wheat, ungraded red $1 (X)l 14; corn higher, ungraded 83 vJ?e; rosin steady at $1 80i 95; spirits dull again and lower at 44J45c. to verify it, that. the. French army left by Napoleon when be returned to France was defeated by the Eng lish General Abercrombie. But of this we: are not certain, , ... . called up inly ' I I er o onarge oi assault ana oat- New Berne Jir&mal; We learn enter d contest for the prizes to be awar- J uPn Jane ana judgment was. that CoL John N. Whitford will, in a few. J ded under the rules of the Seaside Park suspended on the payment of costs, days, announce himself as the candidate of I Company and it is believed thev will be i Ivinia Hill was : then' arraigned on a joined by two or.three others. , i ; peace warrant sworn out by Jane Bennett, The boats are to report promptly at 12.30 I and was relQh-ed to pay the costs and give P. M., and. the race will take place at hond in thesum of f 25 to keep the peace surplus ovtcr twkt.vh non a ior iwemy-nve aays. There is ssid to be very great suf fering and destitution among some of the 'Pennsylvania striking miners. Some of them ; have, been forced to seek the coal pits to avoid starvation. Many are on the eve of- starvation. There is no work and no! bread. One suffering mother, said to her hus band, "For GodV sake, for my sake, for the children's sake, go to work." A wife failing to induce her hus band to return to work, committed suicide. the true Democracy of the Ninth Senato rial district, composed of Jones, Carteret and Onslow, having received the majority vote in convention on -the 16th day. of Au gust at Pollocksville. The O'Hara men are pushing the Hubbs faction to the wall, on the new convention call of Gen. Estes. The Enterprise publishes: a card from J. C. L. Harris, Secretary of the Republican State Executive Committee stating the call of Gen. Estes is noi the act of the State committee. ' The Lodge The Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of N. Y. 4 PS. WINSTON PRESIDENT. ASSETS OVER NINETY-FIVE MILLION DOLLS. 1 o'clock, P. M. - At night there will be a hop at the Seaside-Park Hotel, the music to be furnished by a full band of Italian harpers. The whole affair is being conducted in a manner calculated to inspire such, a glow (O'Hara paper) says the Bread and Batter j 0f enthusiasm in the hearts of the fun-Iov- Bngade, the Hubbs crowd, are suffering ,. , .... f f fh. h,,i2n7,,. tw 1DS portion of the community that we may expect to see a large crowds present on the Conk ling is to test against him about attempting to bribe Gov. Cornell in the Courts.. Two papers will be arraigned for ma lieimis libel. Mrs. Eliza J. Hardy, aged 38, died in Baltimore county, Md., last week, caused by fright. The American says : "Last week two tramps called at the resi dence after dusk and asked for aid. Mrs. Hardy was alone at the timet and did not the charge j see them at firat, but when she. turned her i ace ana saw mem dui a iew ieei away from her, with their unkempt hair, un shaven faces, and ragged clothing, she was greatly frightened, and the, shock tocher nerves was such that she fainted. Several members of the family soon 'came to her as sistance, and she was conveyed to her bed." Did you ever see such a slip-up as I :im having all around? The Dem ocrats must have waxed the floor. I must chalk my number thirteens. Mott to JTke Young in confidence. Dr. Bartley, chemist of the Brook lyn Health Department, has reported against thejuse of milk from swill-fed cow s. He says there is certain death in it. Two children have died from its effect. The "Jersey :Lily" is being adver tised magnificently and without cost. American papers copy a London let ter that would make thi;ee or four columns of the Star and it is all about the reputed beauty who is to act Ho8cdind in America. The American newspaper men are on tiptoe to see her in that costume. It is very hard to imagine why. from an attack of the hyackaphupus. That is a new name for the ancient malady called "big bead.,". Rockingham . Spirit: We are sorry to learn that Rev. Joseph W. Shack ford, Principal of the Richmond Academy for the last year or more, has decided to return to his Virginia home on account of the health of himself and family. He has made a very acceptable instructor. The ptotracted meeting that is being con ducted at Mt. Pleasant by Rev. Dr. Pharr we are glad to know, is being productive of much good, there being quite a number of penitents and several conversions. We regret to learn from Mr. Caserly. superin tendent, that fully 50,000 bricks were de stroyed by the recent rams at Capt. Behrens' brick yard in this vicinity. ' Fwo ne groes, who live in the lower end of the county, became engaged in a ! difficulty some time ago. which resulted in one of them being -shot through the arm. .The shooter is in jail. Greensboro Patriot: Clingman is authority for the report that the "JAb-, era!" movement is an idiotic failure. He gave expression to this opinion after hear ing Jones and Price at the Morganton mass meeting. An Ethiopian cannot change his color nor a leopard his skin, but my God! fellow citizens, how quick- a white man becomes a nigger when he joins the RadicaTpnrty. Leach as a Hancock elector in 1880. The colored man, Price, bore off the honors at the speaking last night. They all say he made the speech of the evening. Toung made a fine impres sion. Interrogated at the depot this morn iner he said he was sure he made a rood im pression, and made many vbtes for "Lib- Jane Bennett, charged wifh assault and battery Upon Lavinia Hill, Was required to pay the costs, when she appealed from the judgment of the Court and was required to enter into bond in the sum of $25 for her appearance at the Criminal Court. The bond was given and the defendant was dis charged from custody. interesting occasion. Sunday Service. Rev. J. B. Taylor. D. D., filled his pul pit in the First Baptist Church on Sunday morning, for the first time in three or four weeks, during which time he Was absent on I ored, Was in the midst of quite a lively his usual summer vacation. He had a good 1 scrimmage with a colored woman on Front Mayor's Court. There Was only one case for the Mayor's consideration. yesterday morning, but that was of a character to take the place of two or three ordinary ones. Peter Smith, col- Issues every desirable form of Life and Endow ment Insurance Policies and grants Annuities. - Its Policies contain liberal provisions In regard to travel, non-forfeiture, suicide. Ac. The Mutual Life is the oldest Life Insurance Co. in the United States, the larrest In thn worM and its rates are 15 per cent, lower than any oth er Life Insurance Co; For information as to rates, .fee, address M. 8. WILLARD. Life, Fire, Marine and Accident Insurance Ajrent, aug 28 tf , Wilmington, N. C. Ladies' Satchels an Pocket Boots, jyjADB OF TEE BEST MOROCCO LEATHER Seal Skin and Velvet. A large assortment Just received at irEINSBETtaER'S. TO BELL AT COST ! AT COST ! AT COST ! FOR CASTI AKD CASH OXLT t So as to irduoe to be for foktaf mp. We , wlU offer ESPECIAL INDCCKM EMTb ! , . to rinaaeni oa our BARGAIN TABLE ! A Variety of Oom1s will he display a4 sOd absolutely mgardUss ut ooa Aa sasslnatloa Is solicited. juLirs MJtio, aug SO tf 41 MarluM Mrwt. Wholesale f Wholesale 1 rpHELAKUEHT. MOKT (XjUlUm AHltUKJIT adapted STOCK OF CL0TUI50 FOB WXTKT TRADE to be found UU aids mt Xcw Tors. GOODS MANUFACTURED ander or own mtpmrrUkm enabbw m in sail as Cheap as any Northern DgM, ftur mmwi stylos andaiMS to salt Ute UsxU. Am saaktua- tlon of our Vtock U solk lted. ( . L .J l.' . - tVIti. au SO tf Manafarturrr and Wh4ate CUtikUr. Turnip and Cabbage' Bcod. J HAVE ON HAND ITlEMI AND UXtABLS Turn other to close out. Ipand Oahhac t4. Also a varXy rf r Vcsriabls ad. all of whu-h I win mH low anaotf KewWaAM DREADFUL! TERRIFIC!! AWFUL!!! gnOT, CUT. SAWED, BORED. rCWOttED. NaQed, Tacked. dud, TtjTtd. twltMl snd Fastened by Tools tmuctit of ant ao tf quo A. MWt Ti:i,i:niAi i congregation. At night he went to hear Rev. Mr. Rjcaud, of the Fifth Street M. E. - - . - - Church, preach a sermon on the Trinity, when, the latter "being a Httle unwell, he was pressed into sqrvice and preached an excellent sermon for our Methodist friends, who were well pleased, t . Rev. Mr. Ricaud will preach his sermon on the Trinity next Sunday morning. Revi-Mr. Payne, of the Second Presby terian Church, who has been absent in the western part of the State, also ministered to his congregation on Sunday.. Rev. Mr. Craig preached at the Fifth Street Church on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Wilson, of the First Presbyte rian Church, being absent, Rev. Mr. Payne filled his pulpit on Sunday evening. Charged with tbe Embezzlement or , Chareh Funds. The case of 8. G. Jenkins, colored, , charged with embezzling funds belonging j Colonel Frank G. Ruffin has left tlu- Mabone set and is out in a five coliunn letter in which he deals Maljone some very sharp blows. Ev.-n the Wiia admits that Rnffiiiis t7 a LTi ntleman. ennor prophesies severe storms along the Atlantic Coast in the vi cinity of Charleston or slightly far ther North, towards the end of An gust. September will openjtormy. Let us watch and wait. Paris has the poorest, dirtiest look ing dailies of any great city. Ihere j finest crop of tobacco ever seen. The are toy and they die almost daily. l&SilEttl&tZXSSt. One. La Petit Journal, has a circula- I It will be the one now at the Atlantic Hotel tion of 500,000 copies -daily, which I Weathers, W. B.rt Shelton. S. Chadwick, ana uie two omerios, Italians. x rom the Enquirer we see that the Republicans in Chowan are very : much mixed. The nomination of the negro Sutton for the Legislature was so distasteful to some of the Republicans that they got out a second ticket. Mr. H. A. Gudger, who has for some years so well filled the position of Principal , of the Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, and the. Blind in this city, has received a deserved compliment in being chosen president , of the Association of In structors of the Blind in the United States and Canada. , The association is now in , session - ; at - janesvuie, w iscon- the 16th inst. editor of . the Chatham that Judge Ruffin's to the First (colored! Bantist Church, of eralism" ading,5after a pause "if your tnig dty wWle acting as treasurer of the people believe half the lies I told 'em." . JJockery failed to raise an old fashion- I uhiui "ciiuK uciuicuue ui 7incess street magistrates yesterday m the Court House. Quite a large number of witnesses were summoned to testify in the case, and the interest taken in it was mani- From nresent indica-1 . . . f - tions the section otthe country tributary to thronged the room during the progress Oxford and Henderson will -produce' the I of the investigation. At the close of the ed yell to-day. There were huge icebergs floating about, and long gaps between the applause. Blaleigh News-Observer: The health of the city is remarkably good, say the physicians. street Saturday night, and the parties were as busy as they could be hurling bricks and '?cuss words" at each other, when Officer Everett'came along and took Peter under his wing, the woman in the meantime mak ing good her .escape. The irate Peter didn't like for his "rights" to be interfered with in such a summary manner and commenced a vigorous resistance, which lasted until he was landed into the cell. In view of this ntther extraordinary and unnecessary dis play of vitality and pure "cussedness" he was required to fork over $10 or go below for twenty days, ' A Valuable Campaign Document. : By request, H. A. Bagg, Esq., Chairman of the Board - of Commissioners for the county of Hew Hanover, has prepared a detailed statement of the financial condition of the county, at the same time drawing a comparison between the government of the county under Republican administration for the four years of 1874,-1875, 1876 and 1877, and under Democratic administration for the four years of 1878, 1879, 1880 and 188L It has been " prepared with much care, necessitating no little labor on Mr. Baggs part fend will prove a very valuable campaign document. It deserves to be ex tensively circulated, and we are glad to know that steps looking to this end have already been taken. JLANK BOOKS, Paper and Envelopes, Beautiful Box-Paper, Visiting Cards, Ac, Ac. A new stock Just in at UEINSBEKGER'S aug 22 tf Live Book and Music Store. We Snffolt Shoulder Brace, J3ATENT ELLIPTIC NEW STYLE SUSPENDER Ch. Guyot Suspenders (Imported). MUNSON, aug 22 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. i Turnip Seed; Turnip Seed. FRESH AND IMPROVED STOCK. ALL VARI eties nsed in this section for Summer and Fall sowing. CABBAGE SEED for Winter and Fall crops. SB GRAND RAPIDS. MICH., AVO. I ml. IM. To the New Furniture Ktont of HEIIKKxnil A M UN ROE, S. K. ourner. Mark aad Bnd UM Wilmington, N. C: I have made arranimaU with Uw larr! manufacturers of Purutturw In U Wt ati4 Uy will supply us with Lbeir pfwxloota. rty owtra a Southern outlet. Black Walnut snd other Lumber Is more rleutlful. beltar aad ibeetr here than In the North, as this ta the main dm of the lum!r oountry . Tlwlr rood are of atter quality, and as they mean to foerm U Intmdar tloo of their rooAM, tbey hare left It to oar on tlon how to do It. I therefore IrwiU-oct fm (a undersell all: let cash be your vblt. auSOtf W. MOIXOt au22tf Drurrist. Market Street. Menageries for Sale. WE HAVE A FIRST CLASS LINE OF MENA GERIES, which we are offering cheap. Get our figures on Staple and Fancy Groceries before buying. While we do not claim to have the largest stock, we will give you prices so low that you wui mini we are selling out at cost Try us. CRAPON A PICKETT 8. an 22 tf Toilet Articles. EXTRACTS. POWDER. TOOTH Nail and Hair Brushes, and a full line of Pure Drugs and Medicines, For sale by JAMES C. MTTND8, Druggist. aug 22 It 85 North Front Ht. i-OLOG: . m -m . beats the world. Uthers nave a cir culation of from 80,000 to 100,000, as we learn from Mr. Fulton's last interesting letter from Paris in the Baltimore American. ' ;The following4 Senators attended the funeral' of the late'; Senator Ben Hill at Atlanta: Mesers. Lamar of Mississippi, Beck, of Kehtucky, Mor- They do say that I throw the nicest balls of soap-suds and J make the gn ?.of AJabmajButler ;ofj South sin, hayinr , met , on mo,t irresistible sngar-hdusemolasses Carolina, Johnston of Virgjnia, Pen, SftfS examination the defendant, . Jenkins, was required to give bond and security jn the sum of $100 for his appearance at tbe next term of the Criminal Court, which was readily furnished and he was discharged from custody. Marsden Bellamy. Esq., appeared for the State and John L. Holmes, Esq., for the defence. i- The Drowned Man. ' It seems that no attention was paid to the remains of the drowned man which were discovered drifting in the river just above the Navassa Guano Works a week or so ago, and which were tied up by order of r Col. Grafflin ; to await the action of the proper authorities, and finally the hands at the factory, pursuant .to instructions,, pro- fDeeclipq nf on xr f fha .ammiVnofB I dleton ot' Vhio, ana tjongressmen name was not presented to the judicial con- I cured a suitaoie box, and gave the poor J OI anJ 01 WW , campaigners, , ., . . ..:- ntinn. held at Hillsboro. that nominated ; t.tiV . Mockery ought .'to travel .with me fettibone ot Tennessee, aoa iJrnmm i Ker7. It is pot Inch's 'fback J Z.T Executive Committee of tbe . Dennett-Green Club. The following comprise the Executive Committee of the Central Bennett-Green Club, with Col E. D. Hall as Chairman : First Ward-J. W. Gerdts, Dan. Quinli van, Simon Sanders. Second Ward Roger Moore, Herbert Smith, J..D.. Smith. Third Ward J. C. Stedman, L. W. Mc Laurin, John Rulf. Fourth Ward-W. P. Oldham. M. S. Willard, Alex. Adrian. : 1 Fifth Ward Wesley Millis, J. D. H. Klander, W. H. Griffith. We are requested by Mr. R H. Pickett, Secretary, to state that there will be a meet ing of the Committee this (Tuesday) even ing, the 23d inst, at the office of Col. W. L.' Smith, on Princess street.. Lost or Mislaid, Central I 1 HECK No. 2778. OF M. H. KATZ. ON FIRST Rotors' Pocket and Table CotlcrM yya have just received orn rtx Import order of this old and ratable hrmi4 of Cutlery. If you wish the genuine lUxlr-rm goods at bottom prices call on oiles a sTitnii, SO 80 tf ' M A 0 MumhUofl KUir b. School Books, gCUCOL Rl'ITLIEH. LADT'S HAKT HATtTI ELS, Specie Pureos and a handsome line Fsary Stationery. auSOtf C W. TATEM' BOOK TM. For Salo, QNESET OF BUTLER'S DOCBL1 KITOIrT Crude Rnsln Gas ralor. oapaMe of ysae rating t.Ono fet of CMa In If hoara, with (Msm- tor boldlng fsjo feet, and new Tanks all ta r4 orner. aim one wooden Tank. oaaety ganons. Apply to jy nu oaiiaelty .00 EDWARn KTDDES A XT. National Bank, payable to my order for 190 herevi e, as auaust I herewith caution the public roccivtng the same, as payment nas oeen stopped. JAMES CORBETT. Family Excursion. HERE WILL BE A FAMILY EXCURSION, under the auspiqesof the YOUNO CATHO- ritlKJNU BUC'IJC 3SPORT. to Smiths nesday, August 23d, 1882. There H. C. Prempert. THE WELL KNOWN a Kit KAN would reepoetfully Inform bis friends and ratron that be Is araie oa mmnt tm bis Popular Eelar to Mcllhennys Drug PUre (Vim. ul se ne iNlahment. Market Ht . aest Wir awhile. Ike Young to Tom Cooper, "un-l-r the rose.'" V ' of Pennsylvania. Spirits Turpixtine. pay that is troubling him, but the paythat he has in expectancy, for it will always be in the future and never in the pocKet. - It seems Dr. Mott "has bitten off more than he can. chew;" his plan to sell out the Re- -lr. (Garland has received another '"vitation to a Ki- a.. w: u' vounor p-en " I . r " r. - jf ' l trouoie in every congressional aistrici ex- c0'nty, Mecklenburg, Va. A special toog kjogtlia t2?ew Bernmn.-MhoT, bs I perhaps th&dr and in that. Col, iJth, dated Lunenb Va ,-0 ,u i.. ;t duties of the'Teaeher." delivered rjefore the commg down from the mountains and car- j - "-"oj j rrfata rTormal School. He is ConntV Su-I rviner the sixth revenue district mto tbe llrst jiii ,,. j;- .-. .... . y , s , f r?Anirposinnl Ait&rint MUm fVimrrLftrirlpr ' the circumstances. The body is generally supposed to have been that of Henry Bryant, a "colored deck hand, .who was drowned f ronrthe steamer Wave some two the PASSPORT, to Smithville and the Forts, on Wed nesday. August 23d. 1882. There will be muslo for dancing. Refreshments will be furnished at city prioes. Tickets Adults CO cts; children under 14 years 26 cts. Boat leaves at 9 o'clock A. M. augl3t DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. No tice Is hereby given that the partnership late ly subsisting between Solomon Bear. Samuel Bear and Marcus Bear, under the firm name of Sol. Bear A Bros., was dissolved on tbe 17th day of August, 1882, by mutual consent. Solomon Bear is alone authorized to settle all debts due to and by the firm. Wilmington, N. C, 17th August, 1882. SOL. BEAR, SAMX BEAR. August 17, 1882. MARCUS BEAR. Disturbing a Religions Congregation. Eli Currie and George Franklin had a hearing before Justice Gardner, yesterday, Notice. HE UNDERSIGNED ,A8 SUCCESSOR OF SOL. mod Dispatch of the TheNe Birae Jwfctp&e ESEltTOSaX unenburg Courthouse,'; highly Jin John'.S.'Xong's lecture on 'The of the Repuhlicaa party appears: by his j the election of the foil "ut that no one believes that there w'll he a verdict of guilty. '1 -V': TvHntpndent Durham Recorder: The would- hd candidate for Conerress in the Charlotte Four vnnr, i a I District. C. R. Jones, the editor of the Ob- j vajf L VV LAV kW VT lilalvO sVoAJ I - , m, m t,w ' & v v . .'.i I terner, a few years ago ran.fof school com- vo, ncic iciuiuiu iivuj I DllHeeman.WIUlOUfc: uppusiuuu wnt touu. ac- Minn esota merry-making, on Friday; filled. "'L'llt. U-hon j,TWi A K.: 3 11 i ..-u6UCIcv ijt 'ue-of Panmco'a most enterprising ' dn - MT, A I ... ' . . . i i.L ,a . . 1 .1. ' Congressional district. Miles Commander,' Esq., was; undoubtedly the, choice- of the Republican Congressional convention that lately, assembled at Elizabeth City, 'but Dr. Mott appeared on the scene and gave orT ders to Commander not to run, and set up Mr. WaKer:R; ' PooleK f The Republicahs down there, we are ashamed to say, tamely ' The First Ward Democratic Club was Hall last night by following officers : T !J L TXT TT Om. Vice PresidenV-J. W. Henderson. , , -' Secretary and Treasurer D. H. Walsh, Jr. ; After speeches iy Capt-TWrn.' M. Parker, Mr. T, B. Kingsbury and others,, the Club adjourned to me"et next Tuesday night, the ' 29th instant, .a';.?-E- vf'i in the Court House, on the charge of dis- I bear bros., win continue the wholesale , I rRY noons and notion bttsttjehh. t turbing a congregation of persons 'assem bled for religious worship at the First (colored) Baptist Church. ' Mr. Jno.: L. Holmes appeared for the defendants. De cision reserved until this morning. . hr(: rom th Stone Wall Enterprise: Mr. Josh, I subqaitted to such dictation. 'It was shame t ' lJL UIimIIm'. Mnllt'linfftMwtotAi, I fill - V -- ''': J ' RIVER AND KIARINE. Barque Hjemmet sailed from Hamburg for this port on the 17th inst. , -fblp St. 'Jo&ph, Fales, sailed from Bordeaux for this poit on the 16th inst. The 'celebrated Vegetable1 Compound for females, which. ;Wrthin' a few: veafs. has made th name ot JVlra Jjydia Jii. jrinjuiam HORSFORDf?AC PHOSPHATE lr Ain) after TnxmsDAY.Jitrra m OVERVRKED PROFESSIONAL MEN lA - , DRY GOODS AND NOTION BUSINESS, at the old stand. No. 18 MARKET STREET, with the addition of a first rate stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, HATS and FURNISHING GOODS. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continu ance of patronage, confident from an experience of thirty years in the business of his ability to please. Respectfully. ' SOL. BEAR, aug 20 Im 18 Market Street 1 i ,i . Patricio. Patricio. rpHE FINEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER SOLD in Wilmington. Try one aad you will smoke them always. A large lot just received at "tyaotf, . . KASPROWiczy Wagonette for the Sounds IN8T. Hair Clippers, the oalr pair In Vnwm. ftalkafa. tlon guaranteed to the most faartldfeiae. aug 1 tf Cook Stoves QF ALL GRADES AND PRICE. VI CALL special attention to the "PAtVlrlL' Ifce "GOLDEN UARVEMT" aad fMLTliaKN OAK. Ton can be nlti at PARKER A T ATT TOU, ngaotf it au rrxxa rt. For Salo, QNE KX)D SECOND nAND TVRPXTrnNE STILL, Twenty Barrel capacity ; one H ALLY COTTON OIN (SO Saws) and Ml DM, alavsH aew. auglltf IIALL A PEA RA ALL. i ..ill - - - t- ,1,1 I, ,L, , , gjj mm Dividend Notico. rpHK DIRECTORS OF THE RANK OF JtTW HANOVER have deeUred a Semi Aaaaal WW iMe on the ma XA( K. Caahler. dend of FOUR PER CENT- reyaT Instant. a. t. WALLA t R. aug s ir Hats! Hats! Umbrellas ! aug U HARRIBON M ALLEN. " BattsM, Drive Wells nAVTNO A NEW FUMF, DESIONEn RPKCI ally for our Drive Wens, we are fe parw4 w guarantee tneta In e-very tnstanea. lutsw e dance to their lioAib.: Their I J uuiumg i t,, j ... mfjByau,. t.-- - - - a a . ; vu sa ,i a t rm ii iisiimi s v s r i nrn aAiiawon wvwr w-nr ksr m 'a names were WTlliam Hacked Jasper Mr. Dean wasthe founder of thenterprl- IxonBitfera. ;c . , . t FOR LVEK WORKED rTlOFESSIONAI.; ilJJCN. -' ,---0 . - . , . ; Z . . .. lunuiunuwn in rnrj mnjaM. IUMMM method Of equalizing the vital forces, and the Wagonette wftlbe ma to and from the gound, anvwhers. Send for Ulnstratt irsiar. Dr. Chas. ,T. mitcheU,.Cananoigua, .;i . r. m. rin a or. says'I cWtt brain Wprnervousenlrgy.'-' ' SATT . ever arreifed and removed. c. ,f feistr " ' T. t. BOtmsxBLAXD. Mbr ! .''. . . . , . . - ... , ' . ' ....-"' - " . ' , v . ,.. V . , . - - - - . -. . , ( , . m ' , - e