The Morning BV wn. u. behnaitd. k. isUSP DAILY KXCSPT MONDAYS. vAaf. iby Mail) Porta rM. Mont ,'jr- To Oty suoaonter, ourerea id uj pLTl f ti,e ontKnHmd taonlWt tnrnM ja tbrec months ';onHi at wesond cLuJMjSf11 .- , rTVTlVri TTFITTTOTM )K'lu 111 VT iLixlv;il. ....i.,.,TueIr,NemlerTUi,188a r. i - DEMOCRATIC STATE TICXET. yoi K EPltEKNTATTVTS IN CONGRESS. FiiK THX BTiTI AT LA BOX: TYLER BEXXETT, qf Anton. FOG THS THIRD DISTRICT ; i (IART0X J. OREEX, & Cumberland. FOR SUFUal COUBT jttdsi : T ffO if AS XUfJTIX, tf Orang. for jots8: , JAMES E. SHEPHEBD, cf Beaufort. ,. -FREDERICK PHILIPS, of Edgecombe. .liLJr.iA") .4. McKOY, of Satnpeon. - JAMES C. MacRAJS, of Cumberland. JOILY A. GILMER, of Gvilford. .WILLIAM M. SHIPP, Of Mecklenburg. for solicitors: -JOIIX H. BLOUXT, oferquimane. , - WILLIAM C. B0WEX,of XorOiamplon. . -SWIFT GALLOWAY, of Greene. ..-JAMES D. McITER, qf Moore. . - FRED'K X. STRUDWICK. of Orange. . -FRAXK I. OSBORXK, of Mecklenburg. t- Solicitors are roted for by Districts. :!ut nominees will be roted for throujrh- . State. OUTLINES. Letich papers comment nnTav-orably utionof the British in occupying vii-z ('Anal. Two persons were i l l two seriously injured by a rail- In. C- T!.-- out : ..ili.-io i at Wiisliington, N. J. iJ.irhuul munler trial yesterday the ( li irjo'l the jury strongly against j uii' i -oner. aud counsel for defence took ,:i. ruintK iiiuku uus own T I.-" 1 . T1" . 1 1. 1 1 sen' uv i to lf liauged at Dublin, Ireland, for m :ri!'T Delaware Democrats n-nu:!:i:'.-1 .'h:is. C. Stockly for Governor. .-in 1 ( r. Love for Congressman. F f; ' 1 ir n - crises and four deaths from wi! ; ' !" ;it Brownsville, Texas, since ii: r. ; ri; :it MaUmoras there were nine le:i:li yesterday. The stockholders of the .Memphis & Charleston R. R. rejected x pi losition to consolidate with the East Ttiines-ee, Virginia & Georgia R. R. The British are putting more heavy guns iu:" position at Ramleh; the Khedive has issue.) another decree, directing the authorise- 1 1 .lin'v Gen. Wolseley, who. he says, : iu ii rized to restore order in Egypt; th. Hmrlisli occupy both banks of th s.:e Canal at Tartora. Neu V.n k m irkets: Money 62 per cent. ; e. 't!' !) !eady ut 1313 5-lGc; southern flou ;: ?1 9lH$7 73: wheal, ungraded red I ' .5. 1 13i; corn higher, ungraded 83 VA steady at $1 801 95; spirits ta-: -nti:ie firmer at 45c. S. ! uor Hill's last audible words wuv, '-Almost home." Atrestamong th- redeemed. .f ;-t as we supposed. The rakish iking piratical craft was not bought f. r -old Cock Eyes" at all. The Baltimore Sun is beginning to M ike love to Arthur. What has he to merit such devotion! Trance is not pleased at the action the British in the matter of the uez Canal. The French papers unite in condemnation. During- the 6rst seven months of 181 the total export of breadstuffs was $131,957,684. For the first seven months of 18S2 they fell to $81, loii, 715. A shocking story comes from Nash ville, Tennesse. David Hughes, wealthy, seduced his step-daughter, Mary l'ayne, and then hired an ex penitentiary convict to marry her. H.ui"; him! The Macon (Ga.) Telegraph says "Lilliput now furnish?s Georgia with most of her statesmen." Swrift's country has a contract to supply the Mongrels in North Carolina with its representative men. . , f ,. r ; . i dear llnDbell misseu a Dig tliiiiL' wiipn lin failed tocet the 2 r. ".r cont. blackmail from the New "i k Custom House. It would have amounted to the anng sum of $48, "'" !. -2. A frreat deal of wickedness "oul.l have amount. been dono with that The fight in Maine is waxing very w arm. Dozens of men of both par- ties from a distance arc to take a linn.l. Thpr .;a mn nrnhihiHt v "1 lliat Plaisted will be re-elected. The 1' 1'iihlicans to some extent are dis fativtio.l with the nomination of Col. ilohiu for Governor. (' neral G. K. Warren died of a broken heart cansed by tbe' bad j treatment of "Pegan" Sheridan, the marauder of the North. Warren's family are in great financial distress. T It Would Kio o ri j.l-i ! nA mm Aat. tf tl marauder had to provide for thpm ti, -3 t . i-r an v v uiaiuuti . I Ml 'r Garnet Joseph Wolseley was 1 bom ii. Ti i r..l,i: t. a I t it u .u He has seen service in the Burmese, Chinese and Ashantee wars. . T7nT-V.tW..V XTrv v I 7 the way; England beats the whole world iri eettinff tiD fiahte wkh wpaV 1 -W11 w?ak.- .tribes or nations. , He is considered .1 l i t . . ues- nwsn living UeneraL ;Me J.. is not the first' Irishman who stood at fKn n. n v . , . . the bead. The Duke of Wellington Was an Irishmaii. ' T i it ' O federate of Mobile, was assaulted in Mulberry rtreet near the Police head- 4uarters oy a ioi or rumans in open day. He thus describes the attack of one ruffian: "He then hit me three blows in the face, while four or five other men attacked me from behind, cutting my head open and trying to stab me in the back. Fortunately kuiib giauceu on ana aid not penetrate the flesh. I would have been murdered had not the Irish women and children of the neighborhood come to my rescue with stones and bricks, ; and even a little girl of eleven years of age put a knife in my hand, as I had nothing but a slight cane to defend myself with. After the fight, which lasted nve minutes, l felt so overcome with grati- tude to those who came to mv assistance that I distributed about $30 in-silver amontr them." The attack was caused by the Colonel's having attempted to rescue i, AfK;i; i a young Mobihan the night before from the clutches of some thieves. Amnntr thp rPf Prinr-Atrl Hrncr Among tne aetenorated drugs SO id in Philadelphia are atropia, salycihc and laudanum. Some druggists make citrate of "magnesia of Epsom salts. The Philadelphia Press says: "The use of citrate made of Epsom salts, after a case of typhoid fever, has been known to result fatally, the salts causing irritation, which the magnesia would not have done. Citric acid is the only expen sive drug in the citrate of magnesia, and it is sometimes replaced by fast money makers with tartaric acid and oil of lemon. There is some danger in the use of calomel, as un der certain conditions it turns to corrosive sublimate. Under the influence of light it may form a kind of sulphate of mercury, v. Tv. ; : i . . fj ." " " ..!r."r.piu iu us cuctu na tut; uuiiusivr; suuiiLuaie. Representative Singleton was de feated for renomination in Illinois, lie has been a Democrat. He is announced as an Independent Re publican. He must have heard of Gen. Chambers, of the "shoe-string" District, in Mississippi, and of Mr. L. C. Edwards, of Granville, a few weeks ago Democratic candidate for the nomination for Judge, but de feated, and now the Radical candi- 3 . r .i -p. -i I datevfor the same. Evil examples do a deal ot injury. -it I " . I lne special U. S. Marsha.!., ap- 1 pointed in 1880 by the Radicals to secure an unfair and corrupt electron, have never been paid for their very valuable (?) and patriotic (?) services. Rads needed them but there were no funds with which to. them. At" last they are to be paid, and $75,000 is the sum needed to meet this useless raide on the Treas ury. . Spirits Turpentine. Rev Dr. Craven is much im proved. Charlotte indorsed Maj. Dowd for the U. S. House. David M. Vance is to be the local editor of the new Charlotte daily. Warrenton Gazette: Col. Ed wards had many friends in this county and they grieve at his political shamelessness. Greensboro State, Rep. : If the managers had not demoralized us with Democrats to vote for, we would not need any unusual movements to "cement" the party. Charlotte Observer: Mr. R. Y. McAden gave a ball to the employes of his cotton factory at Lowell, last night, and it is described as bavin? been an immense affair, attended by about 100 couples and as many spectators. States ville Landmark : The "Liberal" Congressional District Conven tion has been called to meet at Yadkinville on the 30th inst. The same delegates will meet there the same day without disguise in tg Republican Convention. Asheville Citizen: The New- port Sentijnel says the North Carolina Divi sion is doing an enormous business. All the trains, both east and west, are loaded down with passengers and freight. This is only a forecast of what is to be the outcome of the great railroad scheme which is to connect before long the Atlantic coast with the far northwest. Shelby Aurora : One day last week 1,500 pounds a two horse wagon load of roots and herbs were shipped from Shelby to New York. To-day another taniy and catnip will be made by Wallace Bros.. Statesville. Ten days ago 1,500 iu "VTrvxr "Vvlr TKrots ot i rruvi frnm IHJUUUO ill Aivn O. VA la. nviw duijvuiwmi this depot. Goldsboro Messenger: Dr. Sea well is able to be out again. . A pri vate letter from Norfolk says that Judge Eure will shortly embark in the commis sion business in that city. That old "Democratic veteran. Col. Beni. Askew, of Jones county, was oh Thursday nominated for tbe 8enate. by the counties of Jones, Carteret and Onslow. Montgomery Star : We print this week in full, Maj. Dowd's letter to W. J, B8t concerning the building of the Midland Railroad through our county. As wo tntori lAAt week, we have been assured that the propel route will be surveyed at early day. vve musi use every cu-ori. to thta nMII. TOr II w iait IU UUIB WBBTO Rnnmed to live in sweet obscurity for many lone years. tf lontrm flnnuirer: Lvdia Hos- kins is a colored girl, about 14 years of age, SSltwi with Jere Hart in Chowan county. Jere got his gun to shoot a hawk, on Wed- ' ' ' " li.Tiftl1.i il til i i - - I - 1 1,1 " 11,111 11 I , , WILMINGTON, I nesSay last, nnd air he was going out of his d2Pl offthe foot of. Lydfe She isnow doing welt The Rephblicans of Chowan eounty l Held tneir convention &bout two weelta aero. . vi fci-Ui-;W I nut out a ticket headed' bv E. H. 8ut- i wua I 4011 or tIie Legislaturei On': Saturday Jast ' taose opposed to nis norxunauon met in; what thefcalleda mass meeting and nomi- nated John A. Welch for the House. ' ' r There was ;a- big .fire at Rock- I auKUOLU illUUUtT. Al) 111 JLkUST j sells warehouse, and .burned the., .entire SZSZlFoVSS&SZi place were all burned ; some' Of their goods wcic Bttvcu uu ,uii iiavc luauruuue, uui id is' not -'known how' much. It took hard work to save the Court House and other buildings in rear. There was no damage east of Russell's. : . ; f Oar Jihcolntoir correspondent -"wires" us under date of the 22n4, inst. : Democrats nominated: For, Senate. A.' P. Brevard; House, W, ;L. Crouse, Sheriff, S. H. Lowe; Clerk, V. A. McBee: Register of Deeds, Capt Q, A, : Ramsaur; Coronert J. P. Anthony, Sr. After the Convention ad journed a large crowd asssembled to hear the speaking. CoL..Bennett made the ablest and most effective speech heard in this sec tion for years, literally skinning the Mon- I S1?1 861 present, viz: Dockery, lNforment, Jonnston and a tew others r the same stripe. "Kurnel" Johnston was especially peeled. It was a good day for us and a bad one for our opponents. An Anson correspondent (E. R. L.) writes us that the Democrats nomi- naled William A. Liles for the House. He was a Captain of Company "C" Fourteenth Regiment, sheriff Hardison was renomi nalea- Mr- MCLAUCniin Was nominated for Clerk of Court M rjonnedffe for nated. Mr. McLauchlin was nominated for Register of Deeds, Ed. D. Gaddy for UtePandood aTev make"" Olof the Judges says Mr. McLauchlin "is the best Superior Court Clerk in the State." By the accidental discharge of his gun, a well known colored man of Lilesville was killed. Billy Marshall was his name; he was about sixty years of age and a blacksmith by trade. A white man named Jones had a fracas with a negro named Jim Harris at Charlotte. At night a crowd of negroes at tacked Jones and very badly used him. Brave darkies! The Observer says: A shower of rocks came through the window, and about the same time the mob broke open the back door and entered, firing their pistols. About eleven shots were fired into the room. The crowd found Jones under the bed and dragged him out, giving him a severe beating at the same time. He at last managed to break from them and fled. Mis body is black and blue witn bruises, his head badly cut up, and one of his feet lac erated. His condition is not serious, but his wounds are painful. Reidsville Times : Bennett is a good and true man. What he says he'll do or as he vows die trying, That's his grit. True he has proven so far a most unequal speaker. In Raleigh almost a failure, but down east lashing like a storm king, and again in the sudden calm of rea son and truth, like a sea at rest, the people in crowds anchoring to him. Then at Fay etteville another flat. But from there to Durham where he fairly roused the woods, uuraam wnere lie imriy rouseu uie woous, lawyerSf farmerg. mechanics all agree that Bennett at Durham was glorious. Kignt .i n i i ..1 irom lucre to vireeusuoro wuere anoiuer A 1. ; T).. 1to whether his stomach is ia order for a liveiy speech' to-day or a labored one to-morrow ? The man s the same and K. l . isennett is a man. The people can safely trust him- Newton Enterprise: Mr. Clay ton Stevenson, who lives in Concord con gregation, Iredell county, last Tuesday night heard a disturbance among his chick- j-n n A-ns-l talrin- Vila mm nan f Allt ff Ano without his knowledge, went out at another door about the same time. They met some where in the yard, and Mr. Stephenson, thinking her the thief, fired, hitting her in the side, from the effects of which she died in a few hours. David Propst, a citi zen of Conover, was walking through the woods on his farm and came across a very large snake. He stopped and watched the movements of the snake very closely, and shortly the reptile formed itself into the shape of a hoop, and struck a very large tree standing near him. The snake died shortly, and also the leaves of the tree soon sword of the snake from the tree and car ried it into town to . show for itself, and anybody can see itt that comes to Conover. TIEEniED CITY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Munson Children's suits. J. C. Mitnds Toilet articles. J. J. Hedrick Salem cassinieres. C. B. Wright New flour and meal. HEiNsnERGER Ladies' satchels, &c. in ore Church Case. In the cases of Eli Currie and George Franklin, charged with disturbing a con- gregation of persons assembled for reli gious worship, which were heard on Mon- j day, when decisions were reserved, Justice Gardner rendered judgment yesterday mornine. requiring the defendants to give I bond in the sum of $50 each for their ap pearance at the next term, of the Criminal Court. The same defendants had a preliminary examination yesterday, before Justice Gardner, charged with defacing and in juring the First (colored) Baptist Church by nailing strips across the doors to prevent certain parties from entering, and were re quired to give bond iu the sum of $50 each for their appearance at court. A Prisoner from Pender. A colored woman known by the name of Agnes Norwood was brought to this city J yesterday, in charge of Deputy Sheriff Croom, under a commitment from Justice JohnD. Powers, of Pender county, charged with setting fire to the woods, for which she was sentenced to pay the costs and be confined for twenty days in the county jail. She is said to be partially demented, or subject to crazy fits. Magistrate's, Court. Susan Wright, colored, was arraigned before Justice Gardner, yesterday, charged with wilful trespass. She was found guilty, and' required to pay one penny and the costs, in default of which she was sent to jail.; Dyspepsia, the) bug-bear of epicureans, will be relieved by Brawn's Iron Bitters.- f T i -a. ..... r- -.'-1 . .. r -, ' - i - i IB I aaaV - C.WBDNESI)4X i I Xoci Boiii Three days of 5lear. weather. - . J .. . i - Receipts" of cotton yesterday I "i:ij.f j 5 1 jmiy . oaies. r--Itas hoped lihe weather, will be propitious for the regatta to-day. '.r . : , " , ., !Pools on the regatta were be- mgsoiayesterday Dy two prommenin ater street crosiers..,, ,.it; ., .r-. . r j Mr. A. B. Cook is having erect M. ed ahandsome residence on Castle, between . Front and Second streets, south side. ' There, is an unmailable, letter remaining in the postofflce here, addressed to Miss: Emma .Wilson, Mayesyille, South 1 Carolina.' ; ' ' Capt. Walter Coney, formerly of this city, but now of Savannah,, arrived here yesterday morning, on a brief visit to his family, who . will join him in his new home about the firbt of Octoben -,The partnership of Sol. Bear & Bros, has been dissolved ' by mutual con sent, the f ormer being authorized to settle the business . of ' the firm. Mr, ' Sol.' Bear : will continue the wholesale and, notions' business at the old stand. v " " Several convicts from this coun ty and vicinity have recently been dis charged from the Penitentiary, including 1UU1UM t,ccvo, u w u.u, boro: James Soann. Paris Brown, and j otners whose names cannot be remembered. The excursion to the Blackfish Grounds yesterday, on the steamer Passport. proved a grand success. There was a good crowd, and the fishing was excellent from the "Rocks" to the Blackfish Grounds, all returning, home with as many fish as they knew what to; do With. As an evidence of the kind of, table Capt. Perry spreads, we must men tion that two of our citizens, who have been spending the summer at the Hotel Brunswick, have returned home with well developed cases of the gout, which they as cribe to "high living and plenty of it," The Young Catholic Friends' Society will have their family excursion to Smithville and the forts on the steamer Passport to-day, the boat to leave the wharf at 9 A. M. If you want to have a good time now is your chance. There will be refreshments and music for dancing. Mayor's Court. The Mayor had quite an interesting levee yesterday morning, taking it altogether. Walter Shaw violated the law by acting disorderly at the W. & W. R. R. depot on Monday. He was discharged. John Swinson and John Foster, two white seamen who were arrested for being engaged in an altercation at a sailor board ing house on the wharf, on Monday night, were ordered to be kept locked up until called for by their captain. James Gilmartin, a seaman, charged with assaulting and trying to trip up a colored woman on the streets, Monday night, was ordered to be locked up in the city prison for five days. .Mary Eliza Lively, whose cheerful countenance is not a stranger to the habitues of the court room, was arraign ed for disorderly conduct. It seems that the police heard the report of a pistol, and upon investigation it was as certained that she discharged the weapon, whereupon she was arrested and locked up about 3 o'clock' yesterday morning. The evidence was conflicting, her own version f th tter fired the pistol to frighten away the intruder upon her premises in the person of one J. H. Cowan, colored, who appeared from his own testi mony to have been considerably mixed up in the affair. The excessive modesty of Mary Eliza, who seemed to fully realize the delicacjrbf her trying position, was an argument In her favor, and she was dis charged, while the unlucky Cowan was ordered to pay a fine of $5 or go below for ten days. This ended the first act. and as the curtain dropped upon the scene another actress appeared upon the stage in the person of Cowan's wife, who was so very pointed in her remarks to her Jxuant lord, as she gesticulated and flourished her fi ngers in a threatening manner in the neighbor- hood of his scalp, that Chief Brock finally deemed it necessary to interfere to prevent a disturbance in the court room. The a second act will come on later, and promises to be interesting and thoroughly sensa tional. - - - Submitted and then Appealed. A Colored woman named Mary Robinson was before Justice Millis, some weeks ago, on the charge of assault and battery. She submitted and judgment was rendered, When she craved an appeal. The case came up at the late term of the Criminal Court, and it was decided that it was not legally before the Court, whereupon it was t,ov n t-h tho fondant giving bond with security for her appear ance before Justice Millis yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock; but both parties failed to put in their appearance, and now -another writ will have to be issued fo secure the at- tendance? of the principal and surety. Band Maabed. ... John Rann, a son. of Mr. Thomas Rann, had his right hand badly mashed yesterday afternoon by getting it caught in the gear ing of the machinery. He was taken to his home on Second -street, near Dock, and a surgeon summoned to look after his inju ries. It was not thought that any bones were broken. The report that the ship St. Joseph, sauea irom jjoraeauz. ou; tu xuux inst? loi WUmuigton, U., was an error. AUGUST 23, 1882.; . t . - War Department, SIaal Serrlee, 17, lvtoonrjeiegrama andIteports for u Axtgust-22; 18825 P.M. The meteoroloelcal observations' Riren la this table are not those 'taken only at the oolnts named, bat are intended to cover the entire eot- j ?? oeit. The fi(rare for Wilmlnjrton. for exam- cover the average ; temperatures and rainfall waderoTDerto &roV Weldon af Bails bury. So of Galveston, which is the district, centre of eighteen towns in the cotton region of Texas. The observations are taken at 5 P.M., bat do not reach Wilmlmrton until after midnight. : . " ;:-'v I AVERAGE. " Districts. Max.' I Min"Rain Temp Temp. FaU. WUmington... 86 61 .00 Charleston..... 85 60 . 00 Augusta. ...... 86 ,64 .00 Savannah 86 67 . 00 Atlanta 86 64 . 00 Montgomery.. 86 70 . 08 Mobile..: 86 71 .12 New. Orleans w . 89 70 .08 Galveston 01 71 .00 Vicksburg. . . . w 89 71 .01 Little Rock. . . . 89 66 . 08 Memphis...... 87 69 .06 The following are the indications for to day - South Atlantic and Gulf States, easterly to southerly winds, light rains, partly cloudy and slightlywarmer weather, station ary tr lower barometer. The Regatta To-Day and Dall To Nlgnt. From present indications there will be a large attendance at Wrightsville Sound to day, to witness the regatta under the aus pices of the Seaside Park Hotel Company. The contest for the prize will no doubt be a spirited one, and the spectators will be proportionately interested and pleased. As stated in our last, the regatta will be open to all, and the prizes will be awarded under the rules of the Seaside Park Com pany, the boats to report promptly at 12.30 P. M., and the race to commence at 1 P. M. The following boats have entered for the race The yacht Glide, Capt. Clayton Giles. The yacht Contest, Capt. Hardy Fennell. The yacht Frolic, Captain John J. Fowler. The yacht Bessie Lee, Commodore O. A. Wiggins. The yacht Lizzie, Captain Walter Par sley. There will be two prizes, one for the winner and one for the second best, which will be presented to the fortunate ones at the Seaside Park Hotel immediately after the race: At night there will be a hop at the Sea side Park Hotel, and a gay time is anticipa ted, while the attendance is expected to be very large RIVER AND MARINE. Steamer Benefactor, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Schooner Vineyard, Rosebrooks, cleared from Baltimore for this port on the 19th inst. 1 The steamship Regulator, Capt. Doane, arrived here "from New York yesterday. The Gulf Stream will sail on Thursday for New York. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in ttce City Post Office, un called for, Wednesday, August 23d : ; A Lillio Anderson, Savinia V Albert. B Sylvia Bryant, Sarah Bones, Melvina Beguin, R W Barrows, Kate Bowden, Joseph Bryant, H Brown, J H Berry, Har riet Brown. Edny Barnes, Archy Brown, R F Battle, Wm B Bogart. C Minnie E Carter, M-E Cleapor, 2; John C Carteret, Jane E Costin, W A Cobb, 2; Mary M Corbett, Qus Cobb, Het tie Cooper (or Ruther), Robert Costin, J W Clark, Elizabeth Coll well, 2; C T Cowles. D H S Dunning, Amanda Dunn, Ben nett, Dunn, Maud Davis, Nedam Dudley, Vinnia Durant, York Dooley. Hi Samuel o .Everett, Washington Emer son, Eatie Easton, Henry Edens, Birdie Etheridge. F Marie Fuller, Annie Fisher. AliceY Frost, Charley Freeman, K A Fitzgerald. 0 Patience Green, Joseph Gilmore, J J Geyer, Hester Gorsh, Howard Greentree, 2; R H Grant, Mary Green, David J Grier, S D Ganus, 2; Annie Graddie, Alice P Gar rell, Ann Gleason. . H A M Hill, Eliza Herring, H J Her ring, Ellen Hill, George B Houowne, John F Hawkins, H T Hughes, 2; John W Hawkins, J M Hewlett, J W Hewlett, Wil liam Howard, SHill, Stephen Hill, Mattie Haskett, 2; Mary E Harriss, F J Harden. 0wen jacoDS) jQn Johnson, C S Johnston! Cora James, Cora Johnson, Clinton R J Frank Jones, W C Jones, W T Jones, j0?- , m iv m k tt i e Mtiei a i . a. ai r r i rrtn Knott, Jr, Jas J Kine, Dr E P Kinesley. U. T AAA AX T IV. UUOig AJ AaCJUl. J VliU 1 L Bryant Lavington, H Lavetti, B La vetti, J G Love, John Lane. Isaac Lane.Mc Eachern Lovell. M Enoch Morriss, Harriet Montague, Wm A McKenzie, Jas. E Moore, John Minis, John W McCarson, John Mitchell, Richard Madden, Rebecca Monroe, Sarah Morriss, Sarah McMillan, SE Murray, Sally Millers. N Claiborne Newkirk. P-Laura Purgsan, W W Price, S T otts, Jerry Patterson. Jerry .Farmer. R Laura Richardson. Marv A Rutland. Maggie Roberson, S Richardson, Fannie ttODinson, jonn nenry oe, jas rucnaiu- son, Martin F Rouse, Nek Rouse, Caroline Richardson, Ftmme Kuark. 8 C E Stono, Adeline Stearns, Amelia Swett, Mary Simson, Margaret Smith, Mag crie Stanford, John Saulter, J D Sanders, J H Sykes, G W Smith, Henry Spear, Lucy n . i t, i , a t ttsa s o ..1. sr Dmiin. raenei oanaers, v lciona omiin yt). T W B Tavlor (2).Wm Thomnson.Tom Toler, Hattie Taylor, Caroline Tate, Toney Thomas. ' W Conyar & Watklns, Elsie White, George Wheeler, Emma Walker, Edward R Wert, Elijah Williams, Hester Wingate, Hagar Whealdin, J W Right, J R Wil liams, Jacob Winslow, Mary Wilson, Mal lory Williams, MoUie Wheeler, O P Wietus, R W Williams Randall Walker, Ruth Wel ltogtonJ2, T H Waldron, Celia Wortham, Saflie White. Y Wiley Yarborough. Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. If not called for within thirty days, they Wia be sent to I meiau mr omcB, nsw, u ,, r , . ; , . WHOLE NO. 4679 A Prisoner DUenarced. We stated a few days since that one the; Mary Iiowis, colored had been arrested on the charge of being implicated in the re cent case in which it was alleged that one Jim Brown, bf South Carolina, had lost upwards of 70 from having, his pocket fpicked. She : was held for investigation, bat the prosecutor failed to appear, and Jt was stated yesterday morning that Brown left on Monday evening's train for his home in South Carolina,, whereupon the defen dant was discharged by Justice Mill is. be fore whom the case was to have been heard. An unpleasant catalogue constantly be ing printed, in which human Infirmity la specified as headache, nervousness, dyspep sia, neuralgia, paralysis and ague, can be entirely expunged from the records, by the use of Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. f CITY ITEMS. PERSONAL! TO MEN ONI.T I Thi Voltaic Bklt Co., Marshall, Mich., will aend Da PtiV lZLXBKATKB itUtCTBO-VOLTAIC UKLTS AMU UK trio ArruANCBS on trial for thlrtr dura to tnnn (yonnir or old) who are afflicted with Norroa ueDuiry. JebUiry. Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind rod troubles, rnaranteeiiur sjioedy and oomtlt re storation of health and manly vljror. AddroM la above. N. B. No trial is allowed. rt famine inourrea, as thirty days' Malaria. Chills and Fever, and Billons attacks positively cured with Emory's Standard Core Puis an Infallible remedy; never fall to cure the most ODstinate, lonff-standlnc caes, snirar coated; canning no griping or parrtnjr; they are mild and efficient, certain m their action and harmless in all cases; they effectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are un equaled. For Liver Complaint their equal is not known: one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physi cians, and sold by DrugginUi everywhere. S3 and 60 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic PtUa, best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cnre Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. A BRIGHT BANGOR BARBER. Wm. M. Mar tin, an Intelligent young colored man, a resident of Bangor, Mich., came to this city for the pur pose of collecting f 15,000 from tho Louisiana State Lottery Company, due htm as the holder of one-fifth of ticket No. 85.008, Class U, which won the capital prize of 175,000 in the drawing of July 11th. He had been Investing in lottery tickets at intervals during a year, and had once before struck it for $100. He presented his ticket, he said, and was given a check on the New Orleans National Bank for the full amount, and the funds he invested In two bills of exchange on New York. He proposed to enlarge and refit his bar- olarge of his ber she ion with a Dortlon of bis monev. but bad a portion money, but had not decided on the investment of the remainder. He, however, remarked, "I will oertalnly put It to a good use." New Orleans Times-Democrat, July id. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Is tbe prescription of one of the beet Female Physicians and Nurses in the 'United States, and has been used for thirty years with never falling safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of a week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, aad gives rest, health and comtort to mother and child. We believe It the Best and Surest Remedy in tbe world, la all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRliCEA IN' CHILDREN, whether arising from teethmg or any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine un leas; the fac-slmUe of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the out side wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 26 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Regatta ! On Wednesday, August 23d, At tie Sea-Side Part Hotel. OPEN TO ALL COMERS. Cash Prizes will be awarded under tbe rules of the Sea-Side Park Company. Boats will report promptly at 12.90 P. M. Race takes place at 1 o'clock. t At night a GRAND HOP. Music furnished by the Harpers full band. oug tB St Boys and Children's Spits. 'yyE ARE OFFERING BALANCE OF STOCK at a GREAT BARGAIN. MUNSON. aug 23 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. For Early Fall. JUST FROM THE FACTORY ALL TOE DIF ferent grades of SALEM CASSIMERES. Home desirable styles for Boys' School Clothing. Bold at Faetory prices, au 23 tf JNO. 3. HEDRTCX. Toilet Articles. fiOLOG EXTRACTS. POWDER. TOOTH. Nail and Hair Brushes, and a full line of Pure Drugs and Medicines, For sale by JAMES C. MUND8. Druggist, SS North Front St. aug 23 It Ladles' Satchels and Foctet Boob, jyADE OF TnE BEST MOROCCO LEATHER, Seal Skin and Velvet. A large assortment Just received at IIETNSBEROER'S. JLANK BOOKS, Paper and Envelopes, Beautiful Box-Paper. Visiting Cards, Ac, Ac. A new stock Just In at HEINSBERGER'8 Live Book and Music Store. aug 23 tf C. B. 'WRIGHT IS GRINDING HSTo"7- Flour FROM nViniOA "MattT WriAnt f " AND THE BEST HEAL IN NORTH CAROLINA, AT Cape Fear Mills. Patricio. Patricio. rpHE FINEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER SOLD in Wilmington. Try one and yod will smoke them always. A large lot just received at lygQtf KABPROWICZ'. Wagonette for the Sound fYS AND AFTER THURSDAT, 15TH INST. wagonette wUl be run to and frem tbe Sound, leaving WUmtarton, corner Seoond and Prtnoeas nwHt at f. jb. 'ovuruiujf, am duouu a Tfel9tf T. I. BOUTHXELAKD. 11ATM OJF ADYEUTItlNUt On Sonar On Day,. ...,....,,. ... f I C Fnor Itiyiviit-tio..'"."!". I rtT rr... . A TW0 Wk4,, 4 0 ThrWtU, i. .......,.. M .Two llntlh,.,..,,,,.,.!. tS M Thr MnntUa..... .t P4 tt W ModUm,. On Tsar, M et Contract adnrtU iiwu uk at prop donatory low rate. " - -v. Tea Bo oud Roaparkil ty aiaa M or NEW ADVKRTISKMKNTa , Continued Cost Salo ! AT Julius Samson's, 43 ITInrkct Mrret. QWISG TO OlB FAILUU TO BECT7&K An other Store to remove to whtl r pnat etaa was being repaired and rennratd. wtU r Uuu for Thirty Days Longer I TO EJL AT COST ! AT COST ! AT COST ! FOB cifxtlD CASH OJCLT t ktas to rrdace stock before parking p Wm will offer EftrKCI A L UVDUCKMKTrT to purchaarrs on oar BARGAIN TABLE! A variety ot 0Mda win be display aot aheolutnly rgard!M of nosi An saj)tfrkia Is solicited. Jt'lMI ft RASIIOK. angSOtf 41 Harhrt MrMt. Wholesale1 Wholesale! rpilK LA HO EST. MOST COMIUrTE AXD WT adapted fmx'K OF ClTTHIM FOR nor WTWY TRADE to be found this able of Nrw Tora GOODS MANUFACTURED under our own tupervlako enel ea to all cheap as any Northern !Iom, glln rorrart styles and slzra to suit the trade An lata lne -tlon of our stork la aollHld A PAVm. au 80 tf Manufacturer and Wk"leaJe UulbU. Turnip and Cabbage Seed. J HAVE ON HANP FKEMl AXD BEUAIIl.K Turnip and Cabbage IM. Alao a varlrtf of other VegeUble arrd, all of wbtrh I will aWl low tO clOM OUt, J. D. HARD IN, Prugrtot. New Maraet, au tf DREADFUL! TERRIFIC!! AWFUL!!! gnoT, cut. hawed, no mi), rr 5itKn. Nailed. Talked. Glued. Riveted. nltd and Fastened by Tools bought of an 90 tf GEO A. FECK. Lost or Mislaid. QHECK No, 1771, OF M. M. KATZ, ON FIttT National Bank, payable to my ardor for IM I herewith oautlon the puhllo rooeltlng IU same, as payment haa btwn stimMHl auSOSt A MEN CO R II ETT. Bock Lime. IJYR BUILDING PrRPOftK. ft. X FEB nARREU CAR LOAD LOTS tl.lf KK HHI. Address FRENCH KttfHI . Ko. ky r.lnl. N C. or O. G. PAKKLKT. it., Jyttf su we fr nar Wilmington, K '. Turnip Seed. Turnip Seed. IRESn AND IMPROVED ITPlK K. ALL VAIU etle used In Uita seoOon fur Sumroer and Fall aowlnf CABBAGE HEED for Wlntr and FaH WILLIAM II. UMUIt, au 23 tf Market fctrMt. Menageries for Sale. WE HAVE A FIRHT CLAMn UK I OF MEMA OEKJEN. whloh w are offering rb Get our flffuma on tp4e and Fanev UmeaHne heit or baying. Whllo we do not olata to bare hm lanmat stock. w will you prtoaa ao U Ual you will think we are arillnir ot at km) Try m au a tf t RArx)j a nTirn Ti;i.i:iiiAiM i GRAND R A F1IH. MICH . AUG. irm. . To the New Furniture Htore of HE1IREWD A M UN ROE, H. K oorner Market and and It H. WUmlngton. J. C: I hare mad arrangwmenta with tbe largaat manufacturera of Furniture Hi tbe Weot and will supply us with their prortacia The A. 1 Ur a Southern outlet. Pla k w alnot and oO-T Lumber Is more plent if al. SeUr and rWtvr here than In the North, a Uita la thm mala Iwr of the lumber country. Tbelr gMla are of bttar oualltr, and as they me,n to f .m hm lalriMtae- tlon or tbelr go. xl , tbey aara lrt It to oar t tlon bow to do It. I therefore Inatroet yo to undersell all' letraah be your obwt au sou w Mi lvnOE Rodiers' Poctet and TaMe Cutlery. -yE nAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR FALL Import order of this old and reliable brand c( Cutlery. If you wiah lb genuine tindgera gonAa at bottom pnoe call cm gileh a Mnirrrwow. Ra Murchtao Hio. k. auSO tf School Books, gCHOOL SUPPLIES, LADY'S HAND HATTO. ELS, Specie Purses and a handeome line Fancy Stationery. autf C W. TATEJT IKMiK "TORE For Sale, QNESET OF IlUTLKB'H DOURLE RETORT Crude Roaln Ga Oenerator, oapabl t( gwas rating I feet of Gaa In II hovr, wtth gaama. ter holding too feeC and aw Tanks all la m4 order. AUo one Woodeo Tank, atiaetty , gallons. Apply to Jy 23 tf EDWARD E TDD EE A HON. For Salo, QNE OOOD SECOND HAND TUatFENTINE STILL, Twenty Barrel capacity ; on II ALL COTTON GIN (SO Haw) and FREAK, ahsknai aw. aug 18 tf HALL A r EAR ALL. Hats ! Hats ! Umbrellas ! 1UKXX901I ALLEN, , BaUare. aug 0 tf ''" '- " ; . 'i - - ' ,- si v'r .'. , . - ' ' . " :- " - - ' " .--,-..-"'-':"'; "-" ,- . , -':-.- t ' ' - -. .-. - . ' . '1 . m .v V . 4. 1 ..'V ... . . - - - f, . - i.-' -, ." . I .' "ii t - '- ' "H - - . " -I - V -i. ' ... r ... -Jt. 'j ' . . - -'..- 1. -a-. - . ..s. . . - v- ' . i. i..1. - rt.: . . . -s; . .. ' -1 . .... . 1 . .... it'. -

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