The Morning Star. . by wSThTbeHnajid. Pi" B USHED DAILY EXCEPT' MONDAYS. . : ratss of sTjjvscairTiojc, nr advahcx. ., n u.mihrfiMPilil MM One i ear, vuj wouu . 7, .... .. "w w " ;r 75 Subscribers, delivered in any part weec. uurmty mi Months. Three Months, Two Months, One Moniu. .MORMNGf , 1 1 TAR rr To city Subscriber, delri of the City, Pimn Cwrrs per vents are not authorized to than three months In advance. collect -for more VOL. XXX. NO, Ul. WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1882. WHOLE NO. 4690 snared at the Post Offioe at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class Matter. .r lUTKaOr ADTKUTIIlXlil One Square One fHr..... ....... ........... tt " " Two lr...... I t " " Three Derv.. fM " Of 4 w7ei tseaese- ee a J M " One vmy.. Htm Two onths..,.. ...... , M as " Three Months, J. M M " m ma MoctLa, ea a " y" One Tear, MM fw-Contract AdrertiseianU uaea at prvpor ttooately low rates. Tea Bass solid Nonpareil typa Make one fcraar DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN CONQRESS. FOB THE STATI AT ULBfiX: EISDEX TYLER BENNETT, of Anion TOR THK THIRD DISTRICT I WHARTON J. GREEN, Cumberland. FOR SUTRIKI COCRT JTTDQ I TH0XA8 RUFFIN, of Orange FOR JtTDGBS: t IH.. J A XES E. SHEPHERD, qf Btavfort. l m. -FREDERICK PHILIPS, Qf Edfftcomb. It Di. ALL MA XD A. McKOY, of Sampon. XthDU.-JAXES C. MacRAE, of Cumberland. Uh Pit -JOHX A. OILXER, of Guilford. VhDU.-WILLIAX M. SHIPP, of Mecklenburg. for solicitors: is: pis -JOHX H. BLOUNT, of Petqvimans. 2J n,..-iriLLIAJf C. BO WEN, of Northampton, 1.1 IHsSiVIFT GALLOWAY, of Greet. Ath Pis.JAJfES D. XcITER, of Moore. vA .. FRED' A" -V. STRUDWICK. of Orange. C"S ri. FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. -,te. Solicitors are voted for by Districts. The other nominees will be voted for throufjh. ,mt the State. OUTLINES. Tlic W. U. Telegraph Office at Baltimore, Mil., was damaged to the extent of several thousand dollars by fire on Sunday. Twenty cases of small-pox at Paterson, N. J. , Sunday. Memphis has received its first bale of new cotton. The British rifle team has arrived at New York. Great destitution is reported at Brownsville; The Richmond papers contain the I ton has renewed bis lease of the property, rati s a rf the fmnTila v.snn I but of this we are not so certain. . ; . MORiNliNVT JiUlll(JJN. of the Whig, and C. O'B. Cowardin. New Berne Journal: : Mr. W. E. Election Tueaday, November 7ti, 188 I or lIie -Lnspatch.. rhe TKAii accused I tween Hancock and O&ven, has made a Jeed or 'irust to A.. W. JHelson for the one of the Massey gang a traitor- ing revival at Beach Grove, conducted by defending himself and his'f ellows ! " ReI- Lomley, closed on Friday night m, .. , . with 15 conversions and 11 accessions to ine IHspatch replied, telling the the chnrch. During the month of Whiff that its insinuation was "as fii ,Tere ten itermente 4 cbil- . 1 dren and 6 adults. On yesterday three false as it was malicious' and "that hoys from James City, Charles Canon, th. Dispatch b.rcHMU and ac StSSSfSSSSSjgS:S!SS& countable for every word and for T?red Maler, on South Front Street, and every line uttered; and, if the fact be fS SVSff, uuuoiea, ine AJtspatcn can De found Greensboro Patriot: Attorney and responsibly personified at any General Tom Kenan has been making time." Elam next publishes a letter addressed to the JHspatch, pro nouncing the author of the article in the Dispatch ua liar and a scoun drel." Mr. Cowardin replies, charg ing that Elam considered himself COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D. O'Connor For rent. M. M. Katz New goods. Mtjnson White vests, etc. Heinsbkrger New music. M.' S. WrxiiABD Insurance. J. C Mtjnds Toilet articles. - Box 793 Book-keeper wanted. J. F. Manning Geneva award. Cronly & Morris Auction sale. J. S. Frink Turpentine land for sale Democratic votes in Cleveland county. He passed through this morning with a linen duster and a palm leaf fan en route to the east, where he will open the campaign next week. It is said that one hundred thousand copies of Spelman's State Journal are to be issued as a Democratic campaign document York has a personal fol lowing in tne mountain counties, and whilst Wfi An nnt nrmrphpnrl "RnViKina'a An te ii i . i . . " caueu a liar, ana tneretore avenges I ieat, tne race will be close and exciting, himself bv savins vou are another if?". 225?!S! . J C7af 7 7 tionist and will make the fieht on that is sue if Bobbins will permit it. Greensboro Patriot : Thousands of people were at Asheboro, Tuesday, to hear Gen. Scales, inclement and disagreea ble as the weather was. The people seemed to hang on to every word he said, and on 1 3 1 f A. . . A. 1 Wo f tr, aor. l,o k u . V auoweu mm 10 stop upon tne conamon .6.v.v tnatne would speak again during the week. mills Manufactunno- Company is m I luesaay nignt JDr. .worth and Solicitor financial trouble. These mills were and adds: "If this manner of obtain ing redress for an insult be satisfac tory to him, we certainly have no to object." No fight so far. Local Dou. Build more houses quick! Receipts of cotton yesterday 23 bales. The Almanac predicts changea ble weather for to-day. Mr. Theodore Hobgood, of the Toisnot Sunny Home, was in to see us yes terday. The Board of Managers of the Produce Exchange have a meeting at 11 o'clock to-day. The Cape Fear No. 3 S. F. E. Company (colored) were out with their ngine for practice yesterday afternoon, using their hew and handsome hose reel for the first time. The business is to be continued, we learn, under new management. Captain James Barron Hope, editor of the Norfolk Landmark, declines to be a Democratic candidate for the United States House. Sensible. He is already "a biger man" than the built on the old site of the Rockfish cotton factory, near Fayetteville, chiefly by Northern men. They the fever continues to increase; seventy new started, we hear, with a heavy debt. ca-M?s ami four dcatns reported Sunday; at Matamoras there were seven deaths. Another conspiracy to massacre Europeans in Alexandria has been discovered; the Arabs continue entrenching near Aboukir, and cavalry are reconnoitering the British outposts: English soldiers at Meks arc suf fering from dysentery, caused by bad water. Fifty persons were killed and many iajuretl by a railroad accident in Germany. There are rumors of a duel between Geu. Chalmers and Van H. Manning, of Mississippi, growing out of a political de bate at Holly Springs Saturday. No new cases of yellow fever have occurred at Pensacola, Fla., within the last two days; of the seven sick two are likely to die. New York markets: Money 510 per cent. ; cotton quiet at 12 13-1513ic; southern flaur steady and quiet, $4 907 50; wheat, ungraded red 8oc$l 10; corn, ungraded Jc ;rosin dull and lower at $1 75 1 85 ; spirits turpentine firm at 42g43c. Strudwick occupied the boards. Dr. Worth spoke an hour or more, making a plain, tell ing and comprehensive speech on North Carolina finances and the State's general prosperity under Democratic rule. He was followed by Capt. Strudwick in a stirring speech on county government. At a late hour the meeting adjourned to Wednesday night, when speeches were made by Gen. Scales, Col. Jim Morehead, Col. John Sta ples and Sam Bradshaw. Charlotte Journal: "If the peo ple demand a change, in the: system of county government can't they effect it with out joining the Radical party ?" Vance. "The people voted for the Constitu tional amendment authorizing the Legisla ture to establish the present system, of countv covernment bv 30.000 maioritv. ordinary Representative. How many wile1qTijlen ?,ot l7-000- &ndl got of New York, was sold there for 16i cents - A resident of the Fifth Ward informs us that there have been ten dwel lings built in the compass of two blocks in that ward, within the past twelve months. The alligator shot on Saturday rose to the surface yesterday about where he sank, and at last accounts was drifting with the current. He was not as long as at first reported, being only about eight feet and a half. The first bale of new crop North Carolina cotton, which was sold here to Mr. A. H. Greene for 15 cents, and was by him shipped to Messrs. Rountree & Co., of them could take his chair and keep his paper up to its present standard ? 'The great American Swell" is is the part Chet Arthur is now play ins; successfully. A duel between Representative Manning and Gen. Chalmers, in Mis sissippi, is thought to be on hand, if they have not already fought. Man ning gave Chalmers' record a severe overhauling at Holly Springs. A challenge is thought to have passed and the two principals failed to at tend one of their political appointments. At this time there are 46,450 post masters in the United States and not one is. elected by the people.- They are all appointed. Charles R. Jones has returned to his first love. Vance converted him. Old Adam Forepangh owns 167 houses in Philadelphia, and yet he prefers the nomadic life and to camp out under a big tent. The Baltimore Sun is charged with endeavoring to break up the Dem ocratic party. It will hardly succeed even in its own bailiwick. Brads tree? s publishes a statement of the wheat crop of the United States. The figures are 526,400,000 bushels. Of this the South produces but 48,500,000 bushels. There is no doubt now that Blaine is backing up the Virginia straight outs in their fight against Mahone. Fulkerson admits it and says that he makes the statement on the best authority. This is a good sign for the country. The campaign has opened well in South Carolina. In Pickens county, on the 2d of September, speeches were made by Col. Thompson, Mr. Sheppard, Col. Lipscomb, Col. Aiken, Col. E. B. Murray, of Anderson, and Col. B. W. Edwards, of Darlington. It is noticeable that the yellow fe ver has not been as fatal as it was some years at other places. Of 1,113 cases reported thns far there have been 66 deaths. There is great des titution reported at Brownsville, and it is on the increase. The riot at Dublin on Sunday night was of a most disorderly and fatal kind. Several prominent citizens were killed. It was announced on Saturday that the police " strike was about ended and the Government would reinstate the dismissed men Spirits TtLrpentine. Fresh oysters at Raleigh. We congratulate the editors of the Beaufort Telephone upon completing their first volume and giving so useful and high toned a paper to their patrons. Whiteville Enterprise: We have been watching closely and looking in every section of Columbus county for a Liberal, but we can't find him; we don't think he is here. Columbus is clinging to principle. New Berne Nut Shell: Rev. S. M. Thorpe, of New York, is in our city on his way to Hyde, where he is to be rector of the church near Lake Landing. Mrs Thorpe is with him. i-On last Wednes day Mr. James Willis, of Morehead, caught 2,400 mullets in a little gill net and sold them to Thomas Daniels, Esq., for $48. A streak of luck now and then. - Wilson Advance : A feeling of pity rather than resentment, we are sure, filled the heart of every Democrat who heard Leach in Wilson. His speech was so incoherent his gesticulations so wild and startling, and his postures so ridiculous, that a sense of mortification excluded every feeling of merriment. Stonewall Enterprise: The har mony which prevails among Democrats in .Pamlico county is such as will -insure the triumphant election of the Democratic ticket by larger majorities than ever before. All things considered the little damage done to corn and cotton will be more than offset by the good done to rice by the wet weather. We have already announced that Prof. Gore succeeds Prof. Grandy at the University. Dr. Battle writes us : 'Prof. Gore has achieved highdistinction as an accomplished expert in his depart ment. He graduated with first honors at Richmond College, attained the degree of Civil Engineer at the University of Virginia, then won a Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University." Charlotte Journal: There will be a grand Democratic rally in Monroe on the 20th of September. Cols. Bennett and Waddell, Malors Dowd and Bobbins, and other distinguished speakers have, been in vited lo be present. A probably fatal affray took place Wednesday afternoon in Crab Orchard, on the plantation of Esquire Wm. McCombs, ten miles from town, du ring which John Dulin, white, was struck just below the left eye with a stone thrown by Dallas Wallace, colored, and his skull fractured. Beaufort Telephone: ligence wa9 received in the city yesterday that Mr. Tnos. K. Uain, or Urange county, had been found dead in his bed Wednes day morning. He was forty-five years of age. Ransom "And when gen tlemen such as Colonel Johnston join the Radicals.'" Johnston "Ihavn't joined the Radicals, sir." Ransom "Do you intend to vote for Dockery or for Bennett, sir ?" Johnston "1 shall vote for Dockery, sir." Music by the band. Asheville Citizen: As our paper goes to press so soon after the speaking we cannot give the points of Col. Bennett's speech ; but his discussion of the tariff and revenue laws and other points relied on by the revenue coalition crowds to deceive the people was straightforward, honest, unan swerable, effective. It was brilliant, witty, sarcastic, without abuse, argumentative, presenting reasons honest reasons why every white man who loves his country should stand by the Democratic party. Judge Bennett left for the East in the evening, to "kill the snakes wherever he can find 'em," leaving Senator Ransom to take care of the good people of Haywood to morrow, knowing them to be in good hands. He will return after a while and make a thorough canvass of the West. -CoL Dockery says the Republican party gave the people the homestead. It did nothing of the sort. It copied into the constitution of 1868 the enactment of the Legislature of 1866, composed of the honest white repre sentative men of the State. Raleigh News- Observer : Gov. T. J. Jarvis will speak at Beaufort, Thurs day, September the 7th, being the day of the County Democratic Convention. At Franklinton, yesterday, the Republican committee nominated Philemon B. Hawk ins and Nat Macon for the House. A lot of Liberals were nominated for the county offices. They found just enough of them to go around. The darkeys had no show. The total receipts of cotton for the year were 61,046 bales, against 76,728 bales last season; a decrease of 15,682 bales. Greensboro Female College, over which Rev. T. M. Jones so ably presides has opened . with very flattering pros pects, no less than eighty boarding pu pils in attendance during the first week. A private letter-from the West says that "Bennett's speech at Newton was a masterly effort and created great interest and left a strong impression. The bar from Lincolnton say that he used Up Dockery completely at that place." , Bennett asked Dockery to make some joint appointments with him, but Dockery has declined, Now, then, let Col. Bennett issue a public chal lenge to Col. Dockery, and let It be kept standing in all the papers of the State. Maior John Gatling will speak at Warren- ton next Tuesday. Governor Jarvis and Capt. Octavius Coke are also invited. The Republicans speak of nominating Col. W. F. Henderson for Congress in the Fifth District, against Gen. A. M. Scales. Leach to Dockery in 1880 r ' 'An Ethiopian cannot change his color nor a leopard his skin, but, my ' uoa I ieuow-citi-zens, how quick a white man becomes a nigger when he joins the : Radical party." Dockery to Leach in 1882: "Now you know how it is yourself, General." At Washington Gen. Leach and Capt. Price spoke under a sycamore tree and are reported to have had a splendid audience of seven white men and seventy-five colored brethern. mostly of the feminine gender. They are evidently making a tremendous im pression on the East. Washington news : A distinguished ex-Marshal of our State (S. T. Carrow) is said to have remarked, on Satur day, in his crisp, energetic way: "Well, by , when Jim Leach was here before he would not speak no me; now I suppose, -d, him, I will have to introduce him."' It was classed as "strict good middling. Juvenile Clreui. The small boy has become infected with the circus mania. The Grand Aggregation known as the "Juvenile Company," gave a successful performance yesterday afternoon at Mr. Blumenthal's, on Fourth, between Chcsnnt and Mulberry streets. Another grand performance will be given on the 14th. Admission, 5 cents. Solomon Sternberger and Aaron Blumenthal are the clowns, and Louis Weil Manager. Train ed dogs and mice are among the attrac tions. Hurrah for the boys! SpeaJcIn e at Bncaw. Hundreds of people assembled at Burgaw yesterday to listen to the speaking. Col. Green, Democratic candidate for Congress from this district, was introduced by Dr. W. T. Ennett. Col. Green's speech, we understand, made a good impression. Col. E. D. Hall, of this city, also spoke. After the speaking was over Col. Green was the recipient of a handsome bouquet from the ladies of Burgaw, presented to him by Dr. Satchwell. Proceeding In Regular Seaalen. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session yesterday afternoon. The Treasurer submitted his report, as follows: General fund, showing a balance on hand of. ,....$21,451 88 Special fund, showing a balance due the Treasurer of 148 93 School fund, showing a balance on hand of 10,040 49 The Register of Deeds submitted his re port for August and exhibited the Treas urer's receipt for the sum of $12.35. A communication was received from G. J. Bohey, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of New Hanover county, recommending one additional polling place in each of the First and Fifth Wards. Also a petition from S. H. Morton and others, from the First Ward, asking for an additional polling place in First Ward; and from T. C. Miller and others for addi tional polling places in the First and Fifth Wards ; whereupon the following order was made : All that part of the First Ward begin ning at the Cape Fear river and lying north of Bladen and Moore streets, to constitute the 1st Division of the First Ward all that part of the First Ward beginaing at the river and running with Campbell street to Fourth, down Fourth to Red Cross, out Red' Cross to Rankin, and out Rankin street to the city limits, to constitute the 2nd Division of the First Ward ; and all that part of the First Ward beginning at the intersection of Red Cross and Fifth streets, running south with Fifth to Wal nut street, east with Walnut to MacRae street, south with McRae to Mulberry street, east with Mulberry to Tenth street, south with Tenth to Dock street, and out Dock street to the city limits, to constitute the 3rd Division of the First Ward. All that part of the Fifth Ward west of Seventh street to constitute the 1st Division of the Fifth Ward; and all that part of the Fifth Ward east of Seventh street to con stitute the 2nd Division of the Fifth Ward. The Board revised the jury list for the ensuing year, and (he following good and lawful men were drawn as jurors for the next Criminal Court, to be held the first Monday in October; J. R. Fowler, Andrew Hill, A. J. Hill, W. E. Craigl E. G Polly, W. H. Bradley, E G. Whitney. T. J. Mote, DeWitt C. Love, Ben j. Farrow, Ste phen Bowen, James Bryant, C. H. Lege, B. It. Hoakins, L. J. Otterbourg, A. Shrier, Geo. Brooks, Abram Mosely, H. B. Sholar, C. Schulken, T. A. Shepard, Josiah Mer rett, Geo. Z. French, Jas. W. Barnes, John W. Hewlett, F. Behrends, Wm. Buchanan, S. W. Holden, W. D. French, D. W. Trask. C. Stephens, on application, was relieved from the payment of double tax. The Board then adjourned. Service, 17. War Department, Sigma S. Armr. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BELT BULLETIN. Sept. 4, 1882 5 P.M. The meteorological observations dren In thla table are not thane taken only at the point, named, bat are intended to cover the entire oot ton belt. The flfrnret for Wilmington, for exam ple, cover the a Tenure temperatnrea and rainfall at Wilmington, Florence, Cheraw, Charlotte. Wadesboro, Lamberton, Ooldsboro, Weld on and Salisbury. So of Galveston, which is the district centre of eighteen towns in the ootton region of Texas. The observations are taken at P.M., but ao not reacn Wilmington nnui arter miantcnt. NEW ADVKRTISKMKNTH. Xi Xj AND AVERAGE. Districts. Max Temp Temp. Fall. Wilmington..-. 90 69 .26 Charleston 90 68 .63 Augusta 91 71 .07 Savannah 93 71 .02 Atlanta 87 66 . 01 Montgomery . . 87 69 .00 Mobile 90 70 .00 New Orleans.. 91 73 .14 Galveston 89 66 . 04 Vicksburg 89 70 .00 Little Rock 88 57 .00 Memphis 86 61 .02 W INTEE G-OODSI The following are the indications for to day: South Atlantic States, fair weather, variable winds, stationary barometer and temperature. Tne Case of Alleged PerJ a rj Against a Colored Baptist Preacher. The case of Rev. A. M: Conway, pastor of the First (colored) Baptist Church, who had a preliminary examination before Jus tice McQuigg, on Thursday last, on the charge of false swearing in a statement he had made under oath before another tri bunal, in a case in which he was defendant, was again called, yesterday morning, when Justice McQuigg rendered a decision, re quiring the defendant to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. In doing so the magistrate remarked that it was not for him to say anything as to the guilt or inno cence of the defendant that was not bis province. It was only for him to decide whether there was sufficient evidence tof establish a probable cause for binding him over to a higher tribunal. This, in his opinion, was furnished in the testimony of the four witnesses of estab lished character who testified positively to seeing the defendant strikelCurrio, notwith standing a different state of facts had been sworn to by eight or nine other just as re spectable witnesses on the other side ; they having testified positively that Conway did not strike or touch Currie on the occasion referred to. In conclusion. Justice McQuigg strongly intimated that one side or the other would doubtless furnish material for more litigation of the same character. AT KI..RI. K A T Z apt ft tf 30 Market 8t. Puny, weak and sickly children need Brown's Iron Bitters. It will strengthen and invigorate them. f Turpentino Landa for Sale, yyrrn o?nt ml rriLu i to acrid PINC LAND, Aore Tewa Lrla Town Js BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Not Browned. The drowning of two white men, which was reported to have taken place in the breakers off Wrightsville beach, on Sunday last, was indefinitely postponed, neither of the parties looking yesterday as if they had ever enjoyed a very extended acquaintance with King Neptune's dominions. We sup pose, under the circumstances, they would not object to paying for the space set apart for their obituaries in to-day's issue of the Stab. Lightning. The dwelling house of Mr. J. W. Chil dress, at Summerville, Brunswick county, was struck by lightning on Sunday after- j the placing of oil lamps on the corner of Proceedings In Regular Monthly Ses sion. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session yesterday afternoon, at 3.30 o'clock; present, His Honor, Mayor Wm L. Smith, and Aldermen Bowden, Huggins, Worth, Alderman, Northrop, Chadbourn, Telfair, Sampson and Willis. The committee on Public Buildings was granted further time on the sale of the Ninth Street Bucket House and on repairs to the Little Giant Engine House. The committee on Fire Department, in the matter of ringing the fire alarm, re ported progress. Alderman Worth moved that the com mittee on Fire Department be authorized and directed to perfect some system of fire alarm, and if necessary, to dispense with the electric alarm. Adopted. The committee on Lights recommended DIED, oAmmun.-in mis city, on Monday rootnlu, I -ooa September 4th, at o'clk, rafter a short illness, I fbe C FANNY J. SAMPSON, relict of the late James I on LI xi. sampson. in ner rca year. The funeral will take place this (Tnesdayfafter noon, at 2)4 o'clock, at St. Stephen's A. M. K Chnrch. Friends and acquaintances are inrited. SI Mnlw, Two llorw. Two ItossW, Tlr VV f : ,mi ' oopen ana Tnrr Hn Tfeola Stock Merc hand U. Mnaklmane kk llmwln K and Kitchen rumltur. Said Lands are lonatwl In one hndr, ( e4 a half to all rulles from Jasper Os TIkmmM Acres of same still anhoiod. Tvrptit!n 'jn tlUery. Ktore-rfoaiM. PtabU. llmm' fc&Zit ana Keewienoe are In Town of Juiar IMUna uounty. tme bnadrM and stitytk Climate boaJtby. No tht Vniutn la from Savannah, eo. on Live OaK nranca of N. r and W RaUwsr. v. ru JOHN riUKa Address me at Jasper. Haailltnn On . m m tan- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction Sale. 'JHIS DAY (TUESDAY), SEPTEMBER 8, 1882, at 10 o'clock A. M., at onr Sales Rooms, Balance Stock Dry Goods and Notions. Sundry Articles of Furniture. CRONLY ft MORRIS, sept 5 It Auctioneers. Wanted, noon last and badly damaged. The light ning struck the northeast corner of the house, shattering and splintering boards and timbers, tearing carpets and breaking furniture in one of the rooms. No one was injured. Tne Last Sad Rite. The remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, who died on Saturday night last, from a stroke of -apoplexywere taken to Middle Sound, yesterday morning, for interment.'. Her funeral was preached on Sunday afternoon by Rev. T. Page Ricaud. Quite, a number of relatives and friends accompa nied the remains to the sound. Stealing Cotton. . j - A bale of new cotton was stolen from a warehouse on the wharf during the interval from Saturday evening until Monday morn ing. , ,No clue has as yet been' obtained as to the identity of the thief. trying to imitate the circus performers in turning somersaults, fell Upon his head and shoulder on Monday-afternoon and broke his collar bone. We expect to see our oil and guano factories, at no distant day, The following may throw light on develop into esteblislunente for the, manu- tue 8raan dog question. Mr. H. U. gnbstances, that shall compare favorably -Moore, of Kenansville, writes as fol- with, if not rival,, tte.amous Nayassa , ' Guano works in the vicinity of Wilmington. 1Qws: . . . - ; -r- . txt .1 (Jnarlotte usercer:, sjt. . a town in uermany callea I -nr fjna W nf thn Warm Bonnes expires this year ana a jaumoer 01 exuaor Mayor's Court. . Fanny Galloway, colored, wasi before Mayor Smith yesterday on the charge o.f - m ... .a. ' " asaaMi . -w .1 . -tt r- tt t- j-tt a . ,w, j. t - . . - ... . - Jones, a son of Mr. B. L. Jones, while uncertainties of political life and the very acting disorderly m the "Hollow" on Satur ttugn TniB remark Tery?fqreibly illustrates , the "There U Ffieins. There were a irreat many small queer positions in which such , political demagogues as James Madison Leach often find themselves. . Tfta Bnajr Bee It is a pleasant study of nature to stand bjr a beehive on a summer day " and watch the industrious' little creatures as they do their best in the honey business. Pleasant study Is, - however, suddenly changed to howling despair if a few bees happen to take a notion to stine the student of nature. Some bees stung Chief of Police H. A. day night, and was required to pay a fine of $2. :: : ' j- -f-" '. . i S'; RIVER AND 'mABIlSU Steamer hence, arrived at ( Hew xorK yesteraay, , The . steamship ' Cfulf Stream sails for New York to-morrow at 10 Ai Fourth -and Nixon, and Fourth and Taylor streets. Adopted. The special committee on the purchase of the Market House reported progress, and was granted further time, . A petition from G. M. Mnrrell and others, to suppress noises at certain places, was received and referred to the Chief of Police. A communication from Hook and Lad der Company No. 1, relative to the fire alarm, was referred to the committee on Fire Department. The Wilmington Light Infantry peti tioned for the use of the City Hall for a military ball, which was unanimously re fused ; the Mayor not voting. A petition of the. Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1 for repairs to their engine house, was received and read. Alderman Chadbourn moved, the Board of Audit and Finance concurring, that the repairs asked for by the company be granted, the cost not to exceed $225, and that the committee on Public Buildings have supervision of the repairs and the ;same be charged to Public Buildings. Adopted. ' ' : The report, of the Chief of the Fire De partment was received and ordered on file. AJderaan Huggins offered the following: ' . "TTT . I t J! ' A" a! 1 T - KTHKBiMis mucu MiHsnuMiamiuu mas peenj created among the people of this city con cerning the action of the .Board , at . their : : meeting held in August regarding the pur chase of the ' Wilmington' Market House Company's property rtheref ore ; Resolved, That before final action has been, had in the purchase of this property THOROUGHLY COMPETENT BOOK-KEEPER. No other need apply. Box 793, sept 5 It Post Offioe. GRAND FAMILY EXCURSION "jTJND.ER THE AUSPICES OF GERMANIA LODGE No. 4, K. of P to Smith vUle and the Forts, on the STEAMER PASSPORT, Wednesday, September 6th. Refreshments of all kinds served on board. Mnslobythe Italians. Fare for Adult (round trip) 50 Cents; Children under twelve years, ts cU. The Boat will remain at Caswell three hours. vviu leave wumington at v o'olock sharp. HA At sept 8tf 1R. JR. H, C. PREMPXKT, W. H. GERKEN, C. F. Voir KAM PEN, Committee. OFFICE TAX COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, September 1st, 1882. Taxes. 'JUTE CITY TAX-BOOK FOB THE YEAR 1882 Is now In my hands for the collection of the Taxes. Prompt payment is requested, HENRY SAVAGE, sept 8 8t Review copy. Tax Collector. Pine Grove. rpms BEAUTTFLE PLACE IS SITUATE AT a tne mgnt Mile Post, on tne BheU Road from Wllmlnrton. N. C. Bight or Ten Rooms vacant. September is one of the most delightful months In the year on the Sound. An abundance of Pig fish. ED. WILSON MANNING, sept 1 St 18 6 .. Proprietor. Send lie a Leaf. rpHIS, IS THE LATEST SONQ BY DANES -a. - . . For Eent, STORK ON MA KBIT, irrtltK Water aad Front streets Ktore Corner of Market aad H.snad streets. Store on Market, between oooa4 and TVIrd streets. Also eereral Rooms satiable for fesaUtas Store and Dwelling earner Third and Mesa streets. Dwelling on Chenrat, bet wea Third aad Fnarta streets. Dwelling corner Httoond and A na sleeets Dwfilllna corner rrtnoesa and Fifth etrarta. Dwelling on rrtnooea, between Wlata aa4 Tenth streets. Dwelling on Sixth, between Dork aad Orange street. Dwelling corner With and Ana stre4a. Dwelling on Chesnul, between Third aad Fourth streeta. Dwelling on Second, bet wetn Ana and Nana streeta. Applf to sept 8 tf D. O OONNOB. LIFE INKlItAN:i:. Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Kew Torn . Assets over MS,QO0,0O0. MARIXE ILIIAN i:. Swiss Lloyd Marine aad Inland laearaaee On. Assets tl.l,000. ACCIDEVT iNHCUArVCi;. The Aocident lasaranoe Co. of Norta Aasertna. Asset MIT.OOO. FinjC INACUAM K rUeed In the beet English aad Amerteaa Cuss panies to any client at lowaat retee. M. K. WILLARD. Inenraaee Aswet, septBtf . Wilmington, W C. Toilet Articles. COLOGNE, EXTRA CTn. POWDER. TOCrTW, NeU and llalr Hrnshea, aad a faU llae ef rare irngi aaa sieaiciaes. septs H For sale by james c vnrDft. Irrst. M Borth Free M. JALANCE WHITE YXJITO, TX1T CHEAP, Do oa era snirrm. do Do. 8PRTNO and HUM VEX CI-OTniNn at a ftWgala. aftTYPjfrW sept tit Clothier and Merchant Talk. WrAwntn-BT ,rr ocrotiga. and those who have heard it think It as pleasing We are nersuaded that the ancient Her dogs there about one hundred and fifty .yf bids have been, made forlthe future Drew, f Burlington, Vermont. Bis cheek mes, with a the i subtle art a natural re-, -36x1 be submitted to tfce voters ot yearsaga Hence the name 'Pheiss' dog' tMa nAS famons rrronertv, Messrs. swelled to ft prodigious si and he sufl iw " : ---- - I- , jjl.ii- rt ,J. Uira VfTt m nntn AAmnanuf Hi HAm '. T-.4MiflL'K Hinlr-l TT -T ' .: ,T . 1 Av.-. Alderman Worth moved to laythereso. as any thing he has written, not excepting even "Silver Threads Among tne Gold." aad "Don't be Angry with me, Darling," both of which were Im mensely ponular, as this wlu be When tt known. STV.i:,7pi.,mw. fin end raisbviof dreadfully. Pekry Davis's Patn Ktlleb doctor compared wn mrs., L.yaia a. nn- HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE a A!..' hrfve offered to.-idve affordeoVipeedy relief. The weUing went ham,' of Lynn, Mass.' Herrne may hay e t. -n. t wk hlDOfoyeftTirneaseofe -r. . I nprty ..The Richmond WanVUie au- I to De on auty. "rwpio.uoSifuwu I " v vpYV. V rV -1 nAnk ".su, wnies; i nave nsea aayan- i ina rVkmnanv are also Diaaers idi iw ana.i oueh. mjys? t a4-44 a'";n i if""xxp . . "v.r- r ---j , tageously in impafred nervous supply." f I offer $160)00. -It isi4 that Dr. Howei- hand, ' beoomes Send in your orders to . HKINSBERGER'S Uve Book and Music store. Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable expound. - f : - The Board then adjourned, Pianos and Organs. A LAHGE STOCK. ' Ftr sale at ' "'' ' ' LEKX: most be a IleesUete. fl ililn with rtm in it J. K.. UAWfeftHS A CO, sent 8 St itonrrHova, a. C. Stylish Hats I , Silk Umbrellas I BARATHOM e A1XEX. septa U Bslteea, Drugs, Ilcdiciiics pOMBS, BRUSHES, aOAFa, , XZTaVACTl sept 5 tf - HEINSBEB3ERS. Proprietary Medlctnea, Oevra. 1garete. Te- nsoeo. Traseea, eargieai inatraaaea Ow c. ipr Mk by WILLIAM n.a lt-w Market aueet, sep I tf r

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