, 1 , 2- r ' - - The Morning Star. BY Witt. Ill' BERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY 'EXCEPT MONDAYS. RATES OF SXTASOBZPTIOK. IN ADVAUCB. a?Saf aU) PosMte 12 Three Months, " " m Two Months, " ' . One Month, 75 ff TSJL Subscribers, delivered hi "any part Of the Cltv. Fnmirw rhrma no uronV nn. SSSXSTSiSffiSas? coUeot for more Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C a3 Second Class Matter. MORNING EDITION. Election Tuesday, November Ttlt, 188 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. FOB THE STATS AT LARGE! HIS DEN TYLER BENNETT, of Anson. FOB THE THIRD DISTRICT : WHARTON J. GREEN, of Cumberland. FOB 8UPRBMJS COUBT JUDGB : THOMAS RUFFIN, of Orange. fob judges: 1st Dis. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Beaufort, -id Dis. FREDERICK PHILIPS, of Edgecombe. 3d Dte. A LLMAND A. McKOT, of Sampson. 4th Dis. JAMES C. MacRAE, of Cumberland. 5th Dis. JOHN A. GILMER, of Guilford. Uh Dis. WILLIAM M. SHIPP, of Mecklenburg. fob solicitors: Is Dis. JOHN H. BLOUNT, of Perquimans. id Dis. WILLIAM C. BOWEN, of Northampton. Zd Dis. SWIFT GALLOWAY, of Greene. Uh Dis. JAMES D. McIVER, of Moore. 5th Dis. FRED' K N. STRUDWICK. of Orange. 6th Dis. FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. Note. Solicitors are voted for by Districts. The other nominees will be voted for through out the State. OUTLINES. The burning of the steamer R. E. Lee, it is believed by the officers of the boat, was the work of an incendiary. Jim Rhodes, the murderer of the Massie family, was taken from jail at Charlottesville, Va., by a mob and hung to a tree. Brophy, the Irish-American suspect, has been re leased. The Wilson-Walling wool manufactory at Milbury. Mass., has failed with liabilities of $91,000. C. M. Barnes, a New York Herald correspondent, shot and seriously wounded by a newspa per reporter at San Antonio, Texas. St. Louis workingmen nominated a full cit' ticket and endorsed the Greenback State ticket. A west-bound train on the Atchison & Santa Fe Railroad stopped b3r armed men and the express car robbed; nothing was taken from the passengers. John R. Bagges killed his wife and daughter, near Clarksburg, W. Va., while crazy from drink'. The yellow fever epidemic at Brownsville and Matamoras is virtually at an end; forty-five new cases and four deaths reported at Pensacola. Greece declines to renounce any of the ter ritory ceded to her by Turkey. A hurricane in Ireland Saturday did great damage at Limerick, Cork, and Newry; at Queenstown several vessels were wrecked. A passenger train wrecked on the Memphis & Charleston Railroad near Madi son, Ala. and several persons injured. Alice Simmons and her sou were struck iand killed by a train near Atlanta, Ga. Ninety-three officers of the U. S. Nuvy have been placed on waiting orders. New York markets: Money 720 per -rent.; cotton quiet at 11 7-16llfc; south ern flour steady and fairly active at $4 50 7 00; wheat, ungraded winter red 85c $1 07; corn, ungraded 6370c; rosin firm at $ 1 801 90; spirits turpentine firm at 46c. For some days Judge Lynch has been enjoying a recess. But he has opened Court and his first victim is in Virginia. A murderer was the victim. The last from Folger, who was nominated through fraud, is that he will not decline. May be Folger is not better after all than his asso ciates. The Democrats are beginning to entertain hopes of capturing Colo rado. Garfield only beat Hancock 2,803 votes and this year the Rads .are quarrelling among themselves. Miss Belle Jones has recovered $9, f000 damages of Mr. Irving Fuller, for breach of promise, at Laurens, S. C. He married the other woman. "You pays your money and you takes your choice." The yellow fever has about spent itself .at Matamoras and at Browns ville. This is very cheering news. But at Pensacola it is still prevailing alarmingly although it does not seem to.be so extremely fatal. The Rev. Dr. Deems, the distinguished preacher and lecturer of New York, will lecture in Danville next Tuesday night on "Nature and the Bible." Richmond State. He is to lecture at Raleigh Very oon. What about his coming to Wilmington ? Mr. S. A. Plummer, a prominent citizen and a leading merchant of Pe tersburg, Va., is dead. He was from Warren county, this State. At Norfolk, Va., another leading mer- W HarrelL is ' . .. dead. He, too, was a iNortn jaron nian, and was a native of Murf rees boro. Georgia votes to-morrow, and little Alex. Stephens will be the next too- vpmor. On the 10th Ohio elects minor State officers and members of theU. S. House, and West Virginia ' O I elects Judge of Supreme Court of ATioala a T,Aonslatnre and TT S etteville. The tev Xj. matiinnon, or uon Appeals, a legislature ana u. d. rf-cted moderator, and the Rev. Representatives. Iowa does not vote, j. a. Ramsay and Rev. W. Davis tempo aS stated by the Wwhfegta. Post, VL4 on that day. 1 VOL. XXXI. NO. 9. The Star has not given much con sideration to Mr. W. J. Best and his projects for a Year or more. In the Midland route an unexpected opposi tion to him has been developed, and the lease of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad is declared for feited. The property will be taken charge of by the Board of Directors. What all this portends we do not pretend to understand. "AN EXCELLENT PAPER.' Marion (S. C.) Merchant and Farmer. The earliest news we get is from ine Wilmington Morning star, wmch has iust entered upon its six teenth year. The Star is an excel lent paper and deserves the patronage oi an wno wisn to Keep abreast ot me times. THE STATECAMPAIGN. The Statesville Landmark compliments the speech of Hon. J. J. Davis at Eale If ?11 -W -9 -mm . 0 miiis, in ireaeii county. Hon. W. T. Dortch is nominated for the Senate from Wayne and Duplin, and F.M. Aycock and Willis T. Brogden for the tiouse irom vvayne. This looks like the Wayne Democrats saw victory ahead. The Wilmington Stab condemns the at- athy of the Democrats in that section in not organizing. And, mark our words, this same apathy is existing to a very great ex tent in ViO OnA PAnmiODiAnnl Ttintmt Jxew jserne journal. From what we can learn Judge Ruffin win De votea ior in urange Dy Uemocrats. Republicans and Liberals. If we are not mistaken this gentleman will sweep old Or ange with a rousing majority. HtUsboro Recorder. Another Richmond m the field. Amos Ragan announces himself an independent- itepuDiican candidate for sheriff. Winston, the Greenback crank, will be en dorsed to-morrow by the Republican con vention for Congress. Ball's efforts to se cure the nomination have been ridiculously aDomve. jno one man can cope with the rievenue machine that dominates this dis trict. Goldsboro, Sept. 28. Recent developments in tne ilubbs-O Jiara contest for Congress in this district invests the race with considerable interest. Hubbs will not withdraw from the contest, but will fight it through to the bitter end. The scheme now on foot is to trade off Dockery in the interest of Hubbs. The split in the Republican party here is thought to be be yond repair. Lot Humphrey is conspicu ous among O Mara s supporters, Oreens- boro Patriot. Col. Johnston has often tried his luck be fore the people and has fared badly. His chances this time are no better, fie will run merely to be beaten. Hon. A. S. Merrimon will speak at Cary next Satur day. George Lane, a negro from Ra leigh, was called on by the negroes. He said he was no candidate, but appeared as a representative of the Republican party, that was a fight between the negro and the white man, and that while he liked Gen. Cox personally, he preferred that Mr. Deve- reux 8nouid go to i;ongress oecause he (Mr. Devereux) "had a nigger's feelings and a Liberal's principles." General Ransom's speech at Marion was capital. The General has just-finished an extended canvass in the west. He will next go into the Cape Fear section, while Senator Vance will be in the Albemarle section. Bennett.m the meanwhile, will be in Robbins district. The Liberal party in Beaufort county is reported to be completely broken up. W. F. Pool declared in a speech at Wash ington a few days ago that he was a simon- pure Republican, not a Liberal, and that he did pot want anyone to vote for him under the impression that he was a Liberal. We alsb learn that the Republicans will nominate a straightout Republican ticket in Beaufort county. The Republicans muet be badly scared. They have had a committee, consisting of George C. Gor ham. Judge Settle and Col. Canaday, to go to New York and wait on the President, asking him to express his approbation of the Liberal movement. The President yielded to the pressure, as might have been expected. Raleigh News-Observer. Spirits Turpentine. The Supreme Court met yester- day. The Durham Recorder has com pleted its sixty one years. A good old age and worthily worn Now for another sixty one and our best wishes. Durham Recorder : The Mayor replenished the town treasury $125,000, by fines imposed during the month of Septem ber. If sixteen drams make an ounce several of the visitors to the circus last Saturday, must have weighed a ton before thev went to bed. Raleigh News- Observer: Hon. C. R. Thomas, of New Berne, has present ed to the University Law School fifty-five volumes. All of the books are valuable standard works. The receipts for the last cotton week were fairly heavy consid ering the lateness of theseason.foritis fully three weeks later than usual. They amount ed to 1,676 bales against 2,441 bales for the corresponding week last season, a decreaee of 765 bales. The total receipts from Sep tember 1st to date are 2,887 bales, against 6,905 bales to the same date last year, a de crease of 4,518 bales. Mr. A. P.Yates, a young man about 21 years of age, died of typhoid fever at his home at Apex. He had for two years been at school at Apex, and entered Wake Forest College at the be ginning of the present term. . Mayor W. H. Dodd was out on the streets yester day for the first time in several weeks, he having been sick at home. Messrs. F. & H. Fries, of Salem, N. C, who propose to make an exhibitiod of Forsyth county.in the way of relics, curiosities, minerals, man ufactured goods and machinery, have suc- ceeded in gathering a large and varied lot. Thirty drummers' licenses were issued from the State Treasury during September. At the meeting ot the stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, held on Thursday, at Morehead. we learn that a committee was appointed who re ported the Midland lease forfeited, and further action was postponed to an ad- jouraed meeting in Goldsboro, November 10. A letter irom Asheville, 10. A letter from Asheville, dated rTVinrnr?o' la ns fnllnwra- Thn Sxmrwl of North Carolina met in the Presbyterian Church, at b.du ociock last night The aavmnn TXT a a nrAanhaH Vtt tho loaf Moderator, Rev. Dr. H. G. Hill, of Fay- tendance; also a large number of visitors. WILMINGTON, rp -TZZ--p-l Q-J-rjl-y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mtjnson Nobby suits. J. C. Mttnds Toilet soaps. Kaspbowicz Patricio cigars. Cronly & Morris Crockery. J. B. Dosher Card of thanks. J. A. Springer Coal, wood, etc. Cronly & Morris Furniture sale. J. L. Woostkk Commissioner's sale. Local Dots. Sheriff , Manning has retarned home after a prolonged absence for the benefit of his health. The Daily Review office has been removed to the Shrier building, south side of Market street. Only two trivial cases for the Mayor's Court, which were discharged without a formal trial. The fire alarm in the first Pres byterian Church steeple will be tested this morning between 8 and 10 o'clock. Don't halloo fire. The Fourth Ward Democratic Club are to meet at the Court House to night for reorganization. Good speakers are expected to be present. Mrs. Sarah Hilbert, the mother of Mr. Thomas H. Smith, of this city, died at Bumworth, Lancashire, England, on the 11th of September, in the 75th year of her age. Don't forget the Democratic mass meeting in the Fifth Ward to-morrow night. The meeting will be held at "The Oaks', and a number of speakers will be present and entertain the crowd. The comet was not seen to ad vantage on Saturday and Sunday morning on account of a thick haze, but made a brilliant appearance again yesterday morn ing. At the sounds, where the view was entirely unobstructed, the sight is repre sented to have been a grand one. Criminal Court. This tribunal met in this city yesterday, Hon. O. P. Meares presiding, and Mr.. Soli citor B. R. Moore prosecuting for the State. The following comprise the grand jury : E. G. Whitney, Foreman; P. R. Fowler, Andrew Hill, A. J. Hill, W. E. Craig, W. H. Bradley, T. J. Mott, A. Shrier, A. Moseley, H. B. Sholar, C. Schulken, De- Witt C. Love, Benjamiu Farrow, James W. Barnes, Stephen Bowen, S. Behrends, Joseph Bryant. D. W. Trask. The follqwing cases were disposed of du ring the day: State vs. Eliza Jones, charged with false pretence. Defendant submitted and judg ment was suspended upon the payment of costs. State vs. Fred. Brown, Sarah Brown and Delia Ross, charged with abduction. Case on trial. Charles Wesley Warren Turns Up Again. A letter was received by Postmaster Brink, a day or two ago.from the editor of a newspaper at Newyago, Michigan, enquir ing into the history and antecedents of one L. H. Copeland, who he says may proba bly have been known here by the name of Warren. The writer adds that it is re ported there that Warren alias Copeland was connected with some disreputable transactions here, in which women were the sufferers, and that the people there wanted to know exactly ho,w the matter stands with reference to Warren, so that exact justice can be dealt out to him. It is not known what our wandering friend has been doing up in Michigan, but it is probable the inquiries alluded to are only the result of his previous record following him to that remote section, as it did here. Resigned Bis Position. Mr. J. A. Springer who has been con nected with the postoffice in this city, un der Col. E. R. Brink, for the past fourteen years, for the most of that time in the ca pacity of Assistant Postmaster, served his connection with it on the 1st inst., and will hereafter devote his entire time and atten tion to his coal and wood yard. As an attache of the postoffice, Mr. Springer was always an obliging and accommodating official. Tne Rice Crop. The work of threshing rice will com mence tnis weeK. two oi our largest planters said to us yesterday morning that there would be a full crop, and they esti mated that the product of tide-water rice in this immediate section for the present sea son would be from 125,000 to 150,000 bush els; the latter tfeing about the average be fore the war. Dr. Deems. The Lecture Committee of the Wilming ton Library Association have a letter from Dr. C. F. Deems, in response to the invita tion to lecture in this city at an early day, in which he states that his engagements are such that he cannot come now, but that he will visit us and comply with the rfquest of the committee after Christmas, in the early spring. Sporting on tbe Decline. One of our friends remarked to a promi nent hardware merchant yesterday that "hunting was not so coot in this vicinity as it used to was !" The fact was that the sportsman referred to had been in the rice fielda;all day and only brought home twelve half starved coots. Cotton Receipts. The receipts of cotton for the crop year commencing September 1st up to yesterday footed up 12,493 bales, as against 18,627 bales for the corresponding period last year, showing a decrease for 1882 of 6,134 bales. N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1882. HOARD OF ALDERMEN. Proceeding In Regular Session. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session yesterday afternoon, at 3 o'clock; present, Mayor W. L. Smith, and Aldermen Bowden, Huggins, Alderman, Worth, Northrop, Chadbourn, Sampson, Willis. The Committee on Public Buildings re ported progress on sale of Ninth street Bucket House. The Committee on Fire Department re ported that the electric alarm was working satisfactorily. The Mayor stated that complaint had been made to him that Mr. Wm. Latimer was encroaching on Northrop's alley with his walls. The City Surveyor had made a survey of the premises and submitted plans, showing that there was no encroachment by Mr. Latimer. The Committee on Public Buildings re ported having given the contract for repairs to the Little Giant Engine House to J. H. Hanby, at his bid of $225. The application of Chess, Carley '& Co. for license to sell petroleum oil, was referred to the Committee on Fire Department. The application of Howard Relief Fire Engine Company for repairs to their En gine House was received. A motion to refer the communication to the Committee on Public Buildings was lost. The report of the Chief of the Fire De partment was received and ordered on file In regard to the building in lot in rear of J. D. Steljes' saloon, reported by the Chief of the Fire Department as dangerous, on motion the Mayor was instructed to carry out the ordinances of the city relating to such cases. A communication, relative to the old Poor House being dangerous was referred to the Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Depart ment. Alderman Chadbourn, from the special committee on purchase of Market House, made a report relative to the purchase of the Wilmington Market House, which was adopted, the price to be paid being $30,000. The following protest was received and read: Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 4, 1882. We hereby enter our protest against the purchase of the Wilmington Market House Company 8 property by this Board of Al dermen, for the following reasons: 1st. We have been informed that one or two members of this Board are pecuniarily interested, either directly or indirectly, in the nrooertv: which, if so. in our opinion. would invalidate the purchase. Section 12 Apon arf nf tVio T (Ticlatu t-o nf tliia ft t n t n entitled an "Act to Incorporate the Inhab itants of the Town of Wilmington," reads as follows: "Be it further enacted, that no mayor or alderman shall directly or indi rectly become a contractor lor worfc to be done for the city of Wilmington, or be in terested in the sale to the city of any arti cles or property for the use of the city ; and any person herein offending shall forfeit and pay to the city two hundred dollars, and moreover be deemed guilty of a misde meanor." 2. That before a debt of this magnitude is created, we believe the question should be submitted to the qualified voters of the city for their acceptance or rejection, and to sustain us in this position we submit the following clause in the Constitution of this State: Article VII, section 7: "No county, city, town, or other municipal corporation shall contract any debt, pledge its faith, or loan its credit, nor shall any tax be levied, or collected, by any officers of the same, ex cept for the necessary expenses thereof, un less by a vote of a majority of the qualified voters therein." 3. The location of this property is such that, in our opinion, it is objectionable to most of the people of the city. 4. The price placed upon the property, we believe, is far beyond its value. Respectfully, Jas. B. Huggins, L. H. Bowden, A. Alderman. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 2, 1882. After a careful examination of the law and the decisions of the Supreme Court, January term, 1876, page 758, and January term. 1874. page 14, I believe that the Board of Aldermen have the right to pur chase such property as may be necessary to the wants and convenience of the citizens of Wilmington without referring it to a vote of the people. I concur in the com plaints 3 and 4 of the protest, as to the lo cation and price of said property. W. L. Smith, Mayor. Alderman WortlTmoved that the Mayor be directed to take the necessary steps to wards completing the purchase of the Market House and take possession of the property. Adopted. The report of the Hospital Committee for the month of August was received. City part of expenses $60. Report ordered on file. The Board then adjourned. At a meeting of the Board of Audit and Finance, held subsequent to the above, the Board confirmed the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to the purchase of the Market House on the terms proposed, and Capt. W. R. Kenan was appointed a committee to prepare the matter relating to the purchase for publication. TJnmailable matter. The following is the unmailable matter remaining in the city postoffice : A package addressed to Miss Hannah McGowan, per A. D. McGowan, Warsaw, N. C; Gilbert H. Greene, per C. L. Minor; Miss Mamie Stevenson, Briton Neck, S. C. ; Henry E. Frankenberg, 79 Walker street, N. Y. ; Francis King, Edgecombe county, North Carolina. Supposed to be Drowned. A boat containing provisions, but with out any one manning her, war. picked up floating in the river below this city, and it is reported to belong to a colored man by the name of George Washington, who left here Saturday evening for Lis home, and has not since been heard of, and is sup posed to have been drowned. Star COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Abstract of Proceedings' In Regular Session. The Board met in regular session : present, H. A. Bagg, Esq., Chairman, and Commis- - ' doners B. G. Worth, Roger Moore, James A. Montgomery and hi. L. Pearce. The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of September, as follows : General fund, showing balance on hand $19,973.53 Special fund, showing a balance due the Treasurer of 467.87 Educational fund, showing a bal ance on hand of 9,930.10 And exhibited fifteen coupons of the de nomination of $15 each, and thirty coupons of the denomination of $3 each, which said coupons were destroyed in the presence of the Board. The Register submitted his report for the month of September, and exhibited a re ceipt for $19 paid into the treasury on ac count of marriage licenses. The following were granted permission to retail spirituous liquors for one year from date: Josephine Willett, A B. Cook, John D. Dosher, J. II. McGarrity & Co., Martin Ruthjen, J. H. Grotjen, H. E. Scott, F. W. Ortman. Application of A. B. Cook to have ap pointed Roderick McRae as special sur veyor to survey a piece of land in the city of Wilmington, N. C. was granted. The application of John H. Davis, to re duce his assessment, was granted. Application of Robert W- Lamb, for re mission of double tax, was granted on con dition that he pay within thirty days. It was ordered by the Board that S. S. Everett be allowed to list his tax for the year 1882. It was ordered that L. Brown be allowed to list $2,000 solvent credits. It was ordered that the estate of John Brown in Cape Fear Township be relieved of double tax. It was ordered that the assessment of the estate of J. T. Schonwald, in Cape Fear Township, be reduced, so that the assess ment be made $800 instead of $900. A petition to discontinue the road from the 7-mile post on the old plank road to Smith's creek, was not granted. A Stock Farm for Thoroughbred Cat tle. Mr. John F. Garrell is making prepara tions to establish a stock farm at his "Sans Souci," or Hill plantation, near this city, which is said to be peculiarly adapted to the purpose. Ills object is, we understand, to introduce and keep on hand a full and complete stock of gemiinc thoroughbreds. such as the Alderney, Jersey, short horn and Devon cattle, in order to supply what ever demand may exist for pure stock. He has a large acreage of excellent pastur age, which he has kept in order with an eye to the business upon which he is now about to embark. He says if they don't sell as rapidly as might reasonably be expected they will pay expenses in the mat ter of milk and butter which they will fur nish. Mr. Garrell, in company with Judge Russell, of this city, recently visited the fa mous (Jhinchdale stock farm of Judire Shields, in East Tennessee, the largest and finest stock farm in that State, and were much pleased and interested in what they saw. He devotes about 600 acres to his farm and has a large stock of thoroughbreds on hand, which he sells at prices ranging from $200 to $500 for calves (Jerseys) and from $500 to $1,000 for grown cattle; many of the milch cows giving sufficient milk to yield fifteen or sixteen pounds of butter per week. Mr G. says, however, that as good stock can be had in Pennsylvania at a consider able reduction on Judge Shields' figures, which are rather steep. Mr. Garrell proposes to have his farm supplied in time to enter fully upon the business by the first of the ensuing January and as there is said to be no other regular stock farm in the State where only genuine thoroughbreds are kept on hand, it is rea sonable to suppose that he will meet with success in his new and important venture. The Public Scboola. The public schools of this township were opened yesterday. The attendance was larger than usual ; every teacher was in her place at 9 o'clock in the morning, and in one hour the schools were under way. Great interest is shown by both parents and pupils. Education Is now within reach of every child in the township. The teachers are competent, while the means in the hands of the school committees enable them to offer eight months' schooling. All that is now lacking is to be encouraged by the presence of the citizens. We visited also the Tileston Normal In stitute, and found Miss Amy Bradley full of trouble, trying to make room for over three hundred new applicants- The building, however, was not made of India rubber, and reluctantly and with tears in her eyes, she was compelled to turn them off literally in droves. It was a pleasing sight to see the ltttle ones so eager to obtain an education. RIVER AND MARINE. Barque lima, Albrethsen, sailed from Algiers for this port on the 8th ult. Ger. barque Marie, Voss, cleared at Liverpool for this port on the 16th ult. Nor. barque Elinor, Birch, sailed from Liverpool on the 29th ult. for this port. Schr. J. W. Haigh, from Philadelphia for Hatteras, sunk in Ilatteras Inlet in the gale on the 28th ult., and the schr. Paragon, from Washington, N. C, went ashore on Ocracoke shoals on the 28th nit. also. Containing all the essentials of a true tonic, and sure to give satisfaction, is Brown s Iron Hitters. t WHOLE NO. 4714 War Depart eat, Signal Service, l. S. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BELT niTLLBTITV. Oct. 2, 1882 S P.M. The meteorolorlcal obnerraUona id Ten In this table are not tboae taken only at the point named, bat are Intended to cover the entire oot ton belt. The fijraret for WUmlnjrton. for exam ple, cover tbe average temperatures and rainfall at Wilmington, Florence, Cheraw, Charlotte. Wad en boro, Lomberton. Ooldnboro. Wcldon and Salisbury. So of Oalveaton. which U the district centre of eighteen to win in the cotton rrrlon of Texas. Tbe obnerratlona are taken at B P.M., bat do not reach Wilmington until after midnight. AVERAGE. Districts. Max MIn Rain Temp Temp. Fall. Wilmington ... 79 r0 .01 Charleston 83 57 . 00 Augusta . 82 63 .00 Savannah 83 03 .01 Atlanta . 81 61 .01 Montgomery . . 81 01 .00 Mobile 83 C7 .01 New Orleans . . 84 . 01 Galveston i . Vicksburg 83 G3 .00 Little Rock 84 61 .WS Memphis 84 64 .12 The following are the indications for to day: South Atlantic Statcfl, partly cloudy weather and local rains, northeast to south east winds, stationary or lower baromolcr, and slight changes in temperature. TIovIdk Day. A large number of our citizens changed their places of residence yesterday, and not a few their places of business. The street were full of drays loaded with furniture. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CARD OF THANKS. I deMre In behalf of my self and the balance of tbe Crew of the Fry ing Pan Shoals Light Ship, to return thanks to Capt, Gabrlelson, of the Revenue Cutter Colfax, for oourtesles extended to us; to congratulate t he service upon having such a faithful, efficient and gallant commander, and hope that the service and the country may long profit by hl aeaman ship and abUity. J. II. OOHHEK. Master Frying Pan Shoals Light Ship September 28, 1862. wt J It' Coal and Wood, BRICK AND SHINOLKS. 100,000 SHINGLES. 50,000 BRICK. l.OOO Tons COAL 200 Cords WCK)D. At Bottom Prices, by J. A SPRINGER, oct 8 tf North Water St Colgate's ILET SOAPS (INCLUDING SEVERAL NHW Stvlea), Extracts and Toilet Watem, For sale by JAMS C. MTTNDS. Druggist, oct8 It V North Front St. EN S NOBHY HACK SUITS. Men's 8. B. Cntaway Suit. Youths' Five Button Straight Sack Sulu. Bl'k Diagonal and Tricot Frock Suit. Our stock of Ready Made Clothing Is nicciy made and very stylish and reasonable In price MUNSON. oct 3 It Merchant Tailor Patricio. Patricio. rpHE FINEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER SOLI) In Wilmington. Try one and yon will smoko them always. A large lot Just received at oct 2 tf KASPROWICZ". CommlnRloncr'a Sale of Ileal Da late under Decree of Foreclo sure. JY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A Judgment and decree of Foreclosure, rendered at the June Term, 18X2, of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, State of North Carolina. In a certain civil action pending In said Court be tween The Bank of New Hanover. Plaintiff, and Alfred A. Moffltt and others. Defendants, the un dersigned, John L. Wooster. Commissioner ap pointed under said Judgment and decree, will sell, by publlo auction, fer cash, to the hlgheat bidder, at the Court House door. In the City of Wilmington, in the Connty and State aforesaid, on TUESDAY, the 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1882, at 18 M., the following THREE PIECES, LOTS OR PARCELS OF LAND, situate In the City of Wilmington aforesaid, and bounded and de scribed as follows, viz : The First Piece, commencing at a point one hundred and ninety-seven (197) feet from the northeast corner of Market ana Boundary (now Fifth) Streets, thence northwardly with the line of Fifth Street fifty (50) feet, thence eastward ly two hundred (200) feet, thence southwardly fifty (50) feet, and thence westwardly two hundred (200) feet to the Beginning. The Second Piece being the eastern half of the lot designated on the old or original plan of aald City as No. 85 under B, and by the present plan as No. 2 on Block No. 142, measuring sixty -six AA) feet on Fifth 8treef(formerly known as liounda ry Street), and also on lta western end, and one hundred and sixty-five (165) feet on Its northern and southern sides respectively, being bounded on the east by Fifth Street, and lying between Dock and Orange Streets. The Third Piece. Berlnnlns on Fifth Street, at the southeast corner of the piece of land last be fore described, thence running westwardly with the line of said piece of land one hundred and sixty-five (165) feet; thence southwardly parallel with Mfth Street twenty-two (22) feet; thence eastwardly parallel with the first line one hun dred and sixty-five (185) feet to Fifth Street, and thence northwardly with aald Street to the Be ginning. JOHN L. WOOSTER. Com'r, This 8d day October, P2. Joct S tds Democrats fY THE FOURTH WARD ARE REQUESTED n A. V. n -!.. f . . T) T 1 nl..t.l WCTfc ri iuu Vviijr wuii jupiui, i urmiBj 1114(111, October 3rd, at 8 o clock for reorganlr-atlon ot the Ward Club. Good speakers will be present. W. P. OLDHAM. oct 1 2t IPresident. Democratic Rally. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE voters of the Fifth Ward at the Oaks, corner of Fifth and Castle streets, Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock. Speeches will be made by Meaaars J C. Davis, A. G Kicauu ana J no. v. iteuamy, jt J W. MILLI8. Vice President Fifth Ward Club oct 1 8t For Sheriff. T THE SOLICITATION OF MANY FRIENDS I hereby announce myself an Independent can didate for the SHERIFFALTY OF NEW HANO VER COUNTY, sep 20 Dim Wit ELIJAH HEWLETT. Baker Wanted. FTRST-CLA8S BAKES CAN OBTAIN steady employment at good wages, by addressing HENRY ARCHBELL, oct 1 8t Kins ton, N. C. For Bent, 8TORK, oomer of Chesnut and North Water Streets. Apply to JULIUS SAMSON. sept 13 tt 43 Market St. UATKS OW ADTRBTUIROl ti w I tt t t I ' I M 4 no Ml - " Two ira, 7Tirea irv ' " " Four Daya, " " Flva tmr, " - Ona Wek, . M " Two Waeka, " Thre Wka - two MnMk:. ;.;;;. i )0 OS) Terr Months, M on Ml MniitU, won On Tear, 0 op tW Oontiwt Adrwrtlaamanta takaa at mvwk hr10 ... . iwn uow knm nonpareil iypa mmmm nx aaaaea NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Furniture at Auction. pARLon AND CHAMBER KETTK IW SLACK Watnot and Marhl. Fin Ptdehnard. rtarvrv. and (fennU Aaaorlment of llnah4d 41 at our BaJea Honma. tbla daf fT1r), UNA M. C'RONLT A WoHRia. rt I It AartUnwra We Are Opening . yND ARKANOINO 0 ( HA TEH CROCKERY. Nolloe ot Auction Hal In To Mormv'i taana CRONLY MOKRIA, ocisil A(U Auction Sale of Steamer. JY VIRTUE OF A POWER OF HALE CON talned In a certain Mortgajra, &mlad by Jo arph RUbey to tho undernlgned, whlah Btortrar U dulr rev.rdd In the renorda of lha CnM4 htate Cnntorn lloaae at WUmlnrton, N. C, I will exjoo to ale, at IuhlW A not Urn, tm RATV M I)AY. th 7TH PAY OF OCTOBKli, J. at II o'clock In Um momln. at the Wharf In frt.nl of J. H Neff'a KU.re In ih (Itr of Wilmington, tha HTKAMKH "MINNEHAHA,'' together with bar Tackle. Apparel and Furniture. alla. Anchor, Chain. Hoata. ami Flitnrea to aald Mamr I longing, to aatUfy M Mortgage Term, at time of OhcaR T. EARLR. aep 55 t f Mortgage For Sale, QNK TURPENTINE DISTILLERY IN (KKI order. SO barrel capacity; m good Dip rurrel., good act Tnnentlne Tool. an1 Vhpt Toola. good Sj.lrlU llouan. Glue Shelter, Vor Wiop and good Still Shelter. with una more ynar'i loaan on lot ami 10 Shantlc; good Store Iloaae to rent A very dealrable place to ae grod, and lha he! place In South f Georgia for Truck Farming About 12 cropa Round Tlmler can )m put and 14 cropa old Iloxe. can be rented Term very reaaonabU. Apply to TIIOH F. MOORE, oct 1 lw Oiialey. No IM4 H F A W My, t Wanted, Y GOOP. BORER. ENERGETIC TOUNG MAN. who mnana luninct.wllh $.OUO or f 4,000 napltal to take an Intercut In a TiirtMntlno bualtxMta I hare the very tot location In South Georgia For further particulars apply to Til OS F Moo HE. oct I 1w Ou.ley. No. lr.Cj H F A W Ry., Oa lVR PATENTED ' LONG TOP YLLAH v The Nobbiest ever made JOHN DYER A HON. Tailor, arxl Hatmrdaabera. oct 1 tf Wllmlngion. N c Shoes! Shoes! F ALL DF-RCRllTKiNK. AT THE Rcl Front Sboc Store, No. 32 Market St. Complete assortment of Fine Shoe, for Iwllea, Men. Misses. Oithlrcn and Infant. lYIres are reasonable Give me a call and yon will le convinced. ISAA' oct Itf L GHKKNKWALD The Annual Premium FOR AN INSURANCE OF SI.OOO, Charged by the following named Companies fr a person aged 40 yean MUTUAL LIKE OF NEW YORK t.l Connecticut Mutual It n Euultahle , if M Mutual Benefit . an M4 New York Life g) The Mutual Ufe Insurance t'tnany. of New York. Is the largest Insurance Comany In tbe World, and the oldest Life Insurance Comtany In the United States H Issue, every desirable form of Life Insurance policy Kor other In formation apply to M S WII.LARD. A rent Mutual Life Insurance Company, of N Y tx t 1 tf Wilmington. N. C CARPETS, rB ARK NOW PREPARED TO SHOW A TT good assortment of tbe ahora (ooda In great variety, and It may aa well be boTM In mind that for the HAM K H HIS) we cannot ea sily be undersold. At all event It la a pleasure to show the stock In this and all otaer detri ments, and you may draw your own ooncloalotia. it. in. iririvrim:. oct 1 if Hats! Hats! Leading Styles ! HARRISON A ALLEN. HattOTS oct 1 tf School Books. (iCIIOOL SUPPLIES OF EVERY DEsw-RIPnoif. Old School Books will be taken In exchange for new ones, at HEKEltOER'ft. Pianos and Organs, HBAP FOR CASH OR ON Till EASY !J- HTALMENT PLAN, at nEinaitERUCR Lira Rook and Music tor. oct 1 tf Fire-irons, Sbo.els, Toms. WE HAVE IN STOCK A FV1J. UNI (f Fire Dogs. Hhovela, Tonga. Flra Irrm a land a. Coal Uoda, Coal Hbovela, Ac which wa are sell ing at very low prloea. Call and exanlna oar stock before buying- eiaewnens oilkk h Mtntenwojt, oct I tf M A 40 Marchlaxsa Block. 1 s .1 w i I