'It ATM OV ADTEBTISinar Y Od flqnaf On Day r ----- - . Two Day. Three Darv ' -1 1 00 1 T f M t 00 M 4 00 6 M to 10 00 18 00 M 00 40 00 x rrrar iit,.,..v Flvs Psrs, One Week Two Weeks, Three Weeks, On Month Two Months, Three Month, fill Months. H' BUSHED DAILY KXCEPT MONDAYS. RATE OV SUA8CRIPTION, IX A.DVANCX. J 1 no Year, (by MaU) Postage Paid, $7 00 Six Months ' ' " " 4 00 Three Months, " " " 2 00 Is;ilt? . Two Months, " 1 50 i )ne Month, .! 75 .rt One Year, W IW To City Subscribers, delivered in any part ' Contract Advert Uemeats taken at propor- of the City, Fifteen Cmers per week. Our City VOL. XXXI. NO. 23. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1882. WHOLE NO. 4728 "rT,; : Agents ar not authorized to eollect for more than three months in advance, A Via ilUVI auuu avujivu J Mia W Wsw - v The Mofiiing Star. 15V WIfl. II?' BERNARD. Star i Entered at the Post office ai Wilmington, n. c, a3 Second Class Matter. MORNING EDITION. KletUon Tuesday, November 7 tb, 1882 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. FOB THE STATE AT LA11GE: A'.smV TYLER BENNETT, ofAtison. FOK THE TI1IKD DISTRICT WHARTOX J. GREEX, of Cumberland. FOR SITRKME COURT JUDGE : THOMAS RUFFIX, of (hange. for judges: si ;..-. A. VEX F. SHEPHERD, of lleavfmt. :, ,.. -FREDERICK riilLirX, Qf Edgecombe. ,i Ii.. ALLMAXD A. McKOY, of Sampson. Vh Din. -JAMES C. MacRAf, of Cumberland. 'h !.. JOirX A. GILMER, of Guilford. 17', ! is. WILLIAM M. SIIIPP, oj Mecklenburg. for solicitors: '. i-. -JOIIX II. HLOUXT, of Peiqvimans. I !.. WILLIAM C. BOWEX, of Xorthamplon. .;.. SWIFT GALLOWAY, of Greene. . i", ;.-: JAMES I). McIYER, of Moore. li. FRED' K X. STRUDWICK. of Grange. .", ;.- -ERAXK I. OSBORXE, of Mecklenburg. Xi.tk. -Solicitors aro voted for by Districts. I'll.' other nominees will be voted for through- mi:i t ho Stat.e. OUTLINES. Ni lh(! Doniocratic candidate in the l-.rlfih District of Ohio, was elected ly t,ii lunjorily over Hart, Republican. 1 1: Cniml Division Sons of Temperance .if Virginia is in session at Petersburg. Tin- National C-olton Planters' Associ- ;i..n is in session at Little Rock, Ark., with l!. K Elite's from all the cotton States. Ti.' American Gaslight Association, with i vjni scntativos of all the gas companies in tin l ni led States, is in session at Pittsburg, I'. i A large flouring mill burned at mnii.i, .Minn.; loss awu.uuu. ine .! i postoliice at New York sold for G50,- i. iu. Turkey announces readiness to negotiate a settlement of the Egyptian iie.-tion. There was only one new ,-nse of yellow fever at Brownsville yester- .1 ty. The Brotherhood of Locomo- Engineers is in session at Louisville, ICy. ; 200 delegates arc present. New York markets: Money .r2. per e. nt. ; cotton easy at llill 7-16c; south- Mi tloui tirm at $4 707 00; wheat, iniL'iMiled spring 8ocf;l 15; corn, No. 2 n .-I, .her 7n.i80ic; rosin unchanged at !0("l 1)7 ; spirits turpentine higher and ;iii :il V)('2v"iGc. It is no lunger "voluntary" black mail now. It is down with vour "J iht cent or "git. The Norfolk Landmark is so well . ilr..i:i.eil ly advertisers it has been e. l!le lied to enlarge. Our felicita- Tin- Baltimore tSun building is ip.w lighted with Edison's electric Limps. They give full satisfaction atnl the light is pure and brilliant. Maud Prescott, an actress, is suing the American News Company for de famation of character, laying the l images at $20,000. Some ugly tilings about her have come out on the trial. Blaine sent frrcetincr to the regular straight-out Republicans in Virginia ami tells them to stick to their or ganization. What word docs he send to the true-blues of the Old North State ? A year or so ago the Northern pa pers reported Mrs. Abraham Lincoln as very poor. She left an estate , rth 72,00, and her wardrobe was almost, equal to that of Queen Eliza he! h of England "in ye olden time." I lev. Thomas Guard, pastor of the h and elegant Mount Vernon n .Methodist Episcopal church in Balti- more, is dead in his 57th year. He was one of the leading men in the Northern Methodist Church. He was horn in Galway, Ireland. A writer in the North Carolina I'i-i .:'n-'an says there is no blaok- ui trur chalk in iNorth Carolina. 1 here is some in Kansas. He says: "True chalk is a sediment from a deep "" an, and the present soil of North Caro- iii i lias never felt the weight of such an eeean." The New York Times,Rep., thinks that, the next House will be Demo cratic and probably the next Senate vill he anti-Republican. The Phil adelphia Times, Ind., thinks the House will be Democratic and the Senate anti-Democratic. It is dangerous out in Kentucky for a mirriod Kdv to walk with an a man led lady to waiK witn an ''hi beau and do a little flirting. At ii,, -i . r i i he ( e rmantown fair-grounds George Conner sdint ami killod fJnororo Tnsnn "i" promenading twice with Ins wite. fl(r. C. had been gallanting Mrs. ('. nrAl.ni.h, nrt cMln,, mALi l.oVo 1 J " s "'curred. The victory .in Ohio for the Dem ocrats in gaining so many members of the U. S. House will appear the I p-reater when it is remembered tbat S1"". the Radicals had previously gerry mandered the State in llieir own in terests. If this had not Deen aone the probability is the Democrats would have had three others. We do not attach the greatest im portance to everything sent from Raleigh to the New York Times. A special of the 16th professes to give the reason why Hubbs withdrew. It says there was danger of a loss to the State ticket from "swapping" if both O'llara and Hubbs continued in the field. Here follows what will probably be news to the gentleman named. It savs: "It was also understood that the Demo crats had already had printed in Washing ton tickets with the name on them of Henry G.Williams.of Wilson county.f or Congress, and that these tickets were to be in the hands of trusty men on election day, and were to be voted by every Democrat who came to the polls. The vote in that case between the two Republican candidates would have been so close that Willliams would have, been elected." O'Hara would have beaten Hubbs, and that had more to do with the backing down than anything else, we have no doubt. Henry Ward Beechcr has an agent who arranges his lectures when he goes out to gather in tiie spoils. His name is Pond, and from his own account he must be the very slough of de-Pond about which we read in Bunyan's immortal Pilgrimage. Pond sought a matrimonial alliance and now he seeks a release. He is ad vised to use " Pond's Extract," to be found with all well-regulated drug- CD O rrtato Trwl nloinf lTrnlir co " What can a man expect who married into a family composed of a mother and two daughters, with eight husbands five di vorces, and one suicide? Poor fellow, what a fool he was to seek a home in that direction. You made one grand mistake when you sent General Leach into our dee- strict to stir up the faithful. They have not forgotten1 the ugly things he has said about white men becom ing niggers. One more toot from his big brass horn will be worth a hundred votes in the Albemarle coun try to Louis Latham and the Demo cratic State ticket. Send me a dim- my john ot your yest , l am a T powerful dry. Sain Carrow to Dr. Jfott. We are indebted to Messrs. La tham, Alexander & Co., Bankers and Cotton Commission Merchants, New York, for a copy of their handsome annual publication entitled Cotton Movement and Fluctuation, 187o to 1882. This is the nintircdition, and it is fully up to its predecessors, which is praise enough. Those en- oraorpfl in t.hn rott.on t.rado will find it. do - both useful and interesting. C.rA T""prcrh thr lpndinir T?pnnllir,nn in "- - - 1 k North Carolina, is now under a heavy fire from Stalwart batteries. His crime con sists in standing up for his party as against the Mahoneizing experiment. Wasfttngton J'ost. Keogh is not alone. lie is in com pany with hundreds, we might say thousands, of the best men in his party. The Mongrel Combination is very distasteful to all true-blue Radi cals who do not hold Federal offices. THE STATE CAMPAIGN. Rowan Radicals nominated - Dr. J. G. Ramsev for the Senate. Geo. A. Bineham for the House. Hon. M. W. Ransom delivered an able speech at Jacksonville last Tuesday, to a large audience. New Berne Journal. During Jim Harris' speech Saturday it was observed by some that Col. Cowlsshad the national colors at half mast over the mint building. Charlotte Observer. Gen.' Scales notified Col. Winston of his f wo1 had not heard from in reply. r Milton Chron icle. The crop of "Independents" for county offices promises to be the largest you ever "seed in .North Carolina since tiie war. -Thos. C. Oaklev announces himself an Independent candidate for the Legislature from Orange and Durham counties. Ra leigh Farmer and Mechanic. Charles N. B. Evans, Esq., the venerable editor of the Milton Chronicle and Demo cratic nominee for the Senate, is unable by reason of severe domestic affliction to make a canvass of the District. He has issued a spirited address to the voters. Give him a rousing vote. He is too honest to bo bought. Wnshino-ton (N. CA letter of the 13th in the Raleigh Observer: Gov. Vance spoke to over 1,000 voters at Gatesvilie on Monaay, &nd tQ j crowda at Coiumbia, Swan Quarter and Yeatesville. His speeches are great efforts evarybody pleased, and no 5'" , ,it i w tn Martin to-morrow, and close Tuesdav at SlirnAwnll The news from Ohio is simDlv Hnnerh Liberalism is nlaved out here. La- tham's election is sure. The Democratic party of Stokes was nnv(,,in h-tter trim than at nresent. The nrosnects are the Democratic ticket will be elected by an increased majority. Gov. Jarvis evidently has his eye on the Senator ship. His friends are being nominated right and left for the Legislature. The fight between the Straightouts and the Coalitionists is waxing-warmer daily; and the chances of Dockery and Folk are growing beautifully less. We cannot speak of distant localities, but cook wili lead ' York in Jiowan, Yadkin and Forsyth. Cook, indeed is the man to fear.' If York withdraws Coofrwill push Robbins a little, just a little- but as the matter now stands, whew! 'In Yad kin county the straight Republicans have nominated a county . ticket. There are three tickets in the field in Yadkin. . So it is or soon will be all over the State. The thin? has busted ! The Coalitionists in Guilford are bent on having some fun if they do no more. 1 heir resolutions en dorsing Isaac Young for United States Sen ator were really witty. Winston Leader. Col. Wm. Johnston, it is said, ran in his earlier days for the Legislature "from Lincoln county and Was elected. We next hear of him as the secession candidate for Governor against Zeb. Vance, the people's candidate. No one has been able yet to compute the exact majority by which the Colonel was left at home. Yor some years he ran the C.'C. and A., the Hamburg. and the A, T. and O. railroads, until the stockholders of said roads elected others in his stead. He ran for the State Conven tion against Dr. Kerr, Republican, and was badly beaten. He was elected Mayor of Charlotte once, over Wm. ir. Davidson and once over F. A. McNlneh. He was de feated for Maj'or by R. B. Smith. He was defeated before the Congressional Nomina ting Convention by Walter L. Steele. He was defeated two years later at the same con vention by the same man: was defeated two years later before the same convention by Maior C. Dowd. He was defeated for the presidency of the Commercial Bank by Col. Frank Coxe. He was defeated a year later by K. M. White for the same office. He was defeated at the last election for Mayor by F. S. DeWolfe, and he will be defeated again this year for Congress by Major Dowd. He may well be termed the greatest runner and poorest catcher North Carolina has ever known. Charlotte Jour nal. Spirits Turpentine. Miss Mary Ellington, of Oxford, is dead. ltev. Dr. JUcJNair who was so seriously hurt is improving. ur. trrissom is to lecture in Granville, his old home. J. M. iTroughton fc Co., of Ra leigh have made an assignment. Milton Chronicle: Mr. Jas. II. Guiin, of Yanceyville, died on Monday. The Farmer and Mechanic is distributing its premiums to its subscribers. Mr. J. W. Floyd, local editor of the liobexonmn, and a promising young lawyer, is dead. A negro attempted to rob Mr. Jno. P. Hunter near Charlotte, but a small ritlc made him depart. Patrick Dollm, an aged and reputably connected citizen of Raleigh was probably drugged and robbed at Charlotte of $175. The Williamston Times is be fore us. It is a well filled 24 column pa per and editorially is up to the maik. W. Z. Morton, Jr., editor. Our best wishes attend the new enterprise. The Henderson Gold Leaf says that in a group of ten gentlemen, sitting in front of J. R. Young's drug store, no less than five, half the crowd, had lost a leg, cither in battle or by accident. Winston Leader : Miss Lillie Leigh who died of typhoid fever, near Thomasville, was the leading person in the suit brought againt the Salem corporation for injuries sustained by a fall. New Berne Jbttrnal: The stockholders in the new" steamboat compa ny for Trent river met in Trenton on Sat urday. No permanent organization was effected, although about $3,500 in stock, wc learn, has been taken. Raleigh Recorder: Rev. A. G. McManaway has received a call to the Bap tist church in Oxford. The Baptist church at Scotland Neck averaged $52 per member in its gift to benevolence the last associational year. Dr. Eaton tells the readers of the Examiner that Dr. Prit chard "is taking a strong hold of the Broadway people, and is building up a large congregation." This is just as we expected. Raleigh fVews- Observer: There are many race horses, runners and trotters, in the stalls at the State Fair. They come from New York, Virginia, South Carolina and from many points in this State, such as Raleigh, Tarboro, Charlotte, Weldon, Win ston, Wilson, &c. The display of cattle will attract general attention. Mr. John Norwood, the veteran breeder, of Hillsboro, makes 13 entries, and blooded stock, of the choicest breeds, is also shown by Sir. Wil liam Grimes, Dr. R. H. Lewis, W. C. Stronach, Dr. James McKee, R. S. Tucker, C. II. Dozicr, of Tarboro, J. A. Williams, of Fayetteville, Stronach & Belo, &c. Winston Sentinel: It gives us pleasure this week to announce that work has commenced upon the foundation of our new and first steam grist mill, which will be erected on the corner of Third and Chestnut streets.- The building will be 40 by 54 feet, of brick, four stories high and equipped, when completed, with the most improved machinery. A very interesting protracted meeting has just closed at Enon Baptist church, Yadkin county, conducted by the Pastor, Rev. C. C. Haymore, assisted by Rev. H. A. Brown, of this place. Seventeen persons united themselves with the church. Miss Lilly Leigh, a daughter of A. D. V. Leigh, and the young lady who sustained painful inju ries upon thcstreet8 of Salem a few years since, died near Thomasville, North Caro lina, en last Sunday, after a protracted ill ness of typhoid fever. Her age was 20 years. TZHTIE CITY". NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MrjNsoN Collars and cuffs. J. C. Munds Toilet soaps, etc Opera House John A. Stevens. A. & I. SimrER Elegant clothing. A. David Suits for cotton workers. Harrison & Allen New style hats. J. C. Stevenson & Co. Brooklyn grocery Registration. Registration in the First Ward, up to Tuesday night footed up as follows: 1st division, 34 whites, 237 colored; 2nd divis ion, 48 whites, 290 colored; 3rd division, 15 whites, 134 colored. Total, -97 whites, 661 colored. m m That feeling of languor and debility that follows yhysical exertion removed by using Brown's Iron Bitters. f Local Dot. - A few gjapes.are yet coming in Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,671 bales. The moon enters her first quar ter to-day. Col. Green speaks at Faison's next Tuesday. No cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. A new dwelling is going up on Seventh, between Church and Castle streets. The weather yesterday felt any thing else but fallish. At noon the Star thermometer registered 78 degrees. Mr. John A. Stevens will ap pear at the Opera House next Monday and Tuesday evenings in "Unknown" on "Pas sion's Slave." Many of the apple trees are blooming, and some of the Wilmington pear trees have half-grown pears on them, of the second crop. Mr. L. Tate Bowden has been appointed Chief Clerk in the postoffice in this city, and has entered upon the dis charge of his duties. A dealer on Market street is credited with the importation of a litter of kittens, which were found in a box re ceived from New York. At last accounts they were alive and "doing as well as could be expected. " Thanks for a complimentary ticket, through Mr. Wm. Alderman, Secre tary, to the 20th annual Fair of the Cum berland County Agricultural Society, to be held at Fayetteville on the21et, 22nd, 23rd and 24th of November, 1882. The Buckeye State has done and spoken, And the Radical ring is broken; The State from which poor Garfield hailed Holds the Radical hosts impaled, And now Chet. Arthur don't you see ? Can "hang his harp on the willow-lrce." The Campaign Speaking In Wilming ton and ,1a the Townships of the County, As will be seen by an announcement from Mr. J. G. Boney, Chm. of the Demo cratic Executive Committee, in another column, we are to have an address from Gen. E. W. Moise, of Sumter, S. C, on Monday "night next, the 23rd inst; one from Senator Ransom on Friday night, Oct. 27th, and one from Hon. J. W. Shackel ford on Friday night, Nov. 3rd. These speeches will all be delivered from the Third Street Democratic Stand, commenc ing at 8 o'clock. The voters of Cape Fear, Harnett. Ma sonboro, and Federal Point Townships, in this county, will be addressed by John D. Stanford, Esq., and others, at Castle Hayne at 11 A. M. on Tuesday, Oct. 31st; at Ma comber's Store at 11 A. M., on Wednesday, Nov. 1st, and at or near the Fowler place at 11 A M. on Nov. 1st magistrate's Court. James Gilmatian was arraigned before Justice Millis, yesterday morning, on the charge of assault and battery upon Fannie McDonald, colored, and judgment was suspended, the defendant being required to pay the costs, in default of which he was committed to the Sheriff. Mary Lewis, colored, charged with as sault and battery on Walter Scott, a color ed boy, who ought to have been treated better in consideration of his name, if for nothing less, was required to pay the costs on a suspension of judgment. Cleaning Up Deserters. On last Monday a week ago the captain of one of the vessels in port went to Justice Gardner and complained that three of his men had deserted and could not be found. The necessary steps were immediately taken to secure their arrest and incarceration, and bince that time as many as fourteen sailors have been arrested and committed to the county jail, under warrants issued by Jus tice Gardner; two being taken yesterday morning. There is now, we understand, not a single deserter at large in this city. Big Crops. Mr. T. J. Cowan, formerly of this city, but now a resident of Hamlet, informs us that he never saw such crops as arc to be found all through the country in that sec tion. Poor, and apparently worthless sand hills, on which formerly it was almost impossible to raise even so much as a "dis turbance," are now bristling with tall corn BtaiKS on wnicn are banging as nne ears oi . . ... . . I mrn oo nan v fnnn onrmhr Th I ""J " trouble up that way. he says, will be to find Storage room for the immense crops. I - - - i ITIethodlst Quarterly Meeting at Smith' vllle. Rev. K. O. Burton, Presiding Llder of the District, held his fourth quarterly meet ing for the Smithville Station last week. A correspondent informs us that he stands very high there, that his piety and zeal are held in great reverence, and that it is a mat ter for earnest congratulation that such a man was placed in charge of the District. The Rev. Mr. North is also very popular with his charge, who would gladly welcome his return to them by Conference. . Sudden. Death. A correspondent at Clyde. South Caro lina, informs us that Mr. Jesse F. Blood worth died there very suddenly on Tues day, the 10th inst., of congestion of the liver. He was formerly well known in this city and the adjacent country, having many friends, to whom the announcement of his death will be sad intelligence. War Department, Signal Service, JL. S. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BELT BULLETIN. Oct. 18, 18825 P.M; The meteorological observations given In this table are not those taken only at the points named, but are intended to cover the entire cot ton belt. The fitrares for Wllmlneton. for exam ple, cover the average temperatures and rainfall at Wilmington, Florence, Cheraw, Charlotte. Wadesboro, Lumberton, Goldsboro. Weldon and Salisbury. So of Galveston, whioh is the district centre of eighteen towns In the cotton region of Texas. The observations are taken at 5 P.M., but do not reach W ilmington until after midnight. AVERAGE. Districts. 1Iax Min Temp Temp. Fall. Wilmington . . . 82 56 .00 Charleston 84 56 ,00 Augusta....... 81 59 .00 Savannah &5 61 .00 Atlanta 78 63 .11 Montgomery . . &5 63 .02 Mobile 83 65 .33 New Orleans . . 82 69 .29 Galveston 70 58 .97 Vicksburg 75 64 1.36 Little Rock 62 53 .13 Memphis 61 58 .42 The following are the indications for to day: For the South Atlantic States, local rains and cooler, partly cloudy weather, variable winds, mostly from north to west, with stationary or higher barometer. Literary Treats In Store for 17s. Our readers will be glad to learn that Dr. J. J. Lafferty, the scholarly editor of the Richmond Christian Advocate, whose repu tation for ability is national, and whose genuine wit glows and scintillates in every line he writes and in every sentence he ut ters, will deliver two lectures here between the 6th and 11th of November. The first in order, we understand, will be on the subject of "Old Times and New," than which it would be difficult to find a theme more fruitful of pleasant and entertaining reflections; and the second will be de voted to a subject no less attrac tive and which he has designated "Ele ments of success Luck. Pluck and Policy." There was a time when Wilmington had a reputation which was not calculated to inspire that confidence of success which i3 so encouraging to the average lecturer. Is it any wonder that a great change has been wrought among our people in this re spect, when wc come to consider the great improvement in these latter years in the quality of fare which has been presented to tempt our literary appetites ? It is not known definitely under what auspices the lectures will be delivered. We can only say that Dr. Lafferty has signified his intention in a private letter to a ecntlc man of this city, to visit us for that pur pose between the dates mentioned. Death of an Aged Lady. Mrs. Mary L. Smith, widow of the late William Smith, and mother of Hon. Wm. L. Smith, Mayor of this city, died last night, after a short illness, at her residence in this city, at the advauced age of eighty- two years. The funeral will lake place to day, from the residence of her son, on Chesnut street, corner of Second. Special ITIeetlng. A special meeting of the Young Men's Democratic Club will be held at the City Court Room this evening, at half past 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. Those who have not registered should do so at once. Remember an en tirely new registration is required in the First and Fifth Wards. RIVER AND ITIARINE. Sw. barque Bravo, Froberg, cleared at Savannah for this port on the 16th inst. The river has again fallen, since the rise last week, to about twenty inches of low water. So we learn from Capt. John D. Smith, of the steamer D. Murchison. Capt. Levi Hart, of the wrecked schooner Robbie L. Foster, which went ashore on Frying Pan Shoals last week, left for Philadelphia last evening. His home is at St. George's, Maine. The vari ous captains in port, together with a few of the merchants, made him up a purse of $50 before leaving, to meet his immediate decessities. Capt. Hart desires us to re turn his sincere thanks to the citizens of Wilmington for the many kind favors re ceived by himself and crew since landing here. Some of the crew, we learn, have shipped on the steamship Regulator. NEW YORK STATE MAY BE CARRIED BY THE DEMOCRATS, but their victory and gain will be of little value as compared to the owner of the lucky ticket which will draw the 30,000 prize In the Commonwealth Distribution Co.'s .1 uthUh tat., nlan. In T tavJTI a It xr III an IULi 11111 vommo U l ' V i ill u u t ...v., 7 Tuesday, Oct. 81st. For tickets or Information Bouress k. m. Jjoaruman, uouner-oouruai IJUWU- lng, Louisville, Ky. i Malaria. Chills and Fever, and Bilious" attacks positively cureu wnu r.uiu i y a omuuttru tunj Pills an infallible remedy; never rail to cure the most obstinate, long-standing cases, sugar- coated; causing no griping or purging; they are I, j i i i . . i i . i i . i harmless In all cases; they effectually cleanse the svstem. and give-new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequaled Liver Complaint their eaual Is not known ror nown; one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst caje. They are used and prescribed by Physi cians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, 85 and 90 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartio Pills, best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co.. 114 Nassau Street. New York. DIED. SMITH. In this cltv. on the night of the 18th Inst., aped 82 yean, Mrs. MARY LINCOLN, widow of the late W m. tsmitn and mother or lion, w m. L. Smith. The funeral will take place from the residence of her son, corner of Second and Chesnut streets, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. KNOWLES. Of typhoid pneumonia, on the 17th Inst., Mrs. MARY KNOWLES, aged 50 years. The funeral will take place this (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock, from the residence of Capt. John Barry, on Sixth street, between Red Cross and Campbell. Friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Democratic Speaking. The voters of Wilmington will be ad- dressed by Gen. E. W. Moisc, of Sumter, S. C, on Monday night, October 23, at 8 o'clock, at the Third street stand. By Senator M. W. Ransom, on Friday night. October 27, at 8 o'clock, at the Third street stand. By Hon. John W. Shackelford, on Fri day night, November 3, at 8 o'clock, nt the Third street stand. TLc voters of Cape Fear. Harnett, Ma- sonboro and Federal Point Townships will be addressed by John D. Stanford, of Duplin, and others, as follows: At Castlo Hayne, at 11 o'clock A. M., on luesday. October 31. At McCumber's Btore, at 11 o'clock A. M.. on Wednesday, November 1. At or near John J. Fowler's place, on Masonboro Sound, at 11 o clock A. M., on Thursday, November 2. G. J. Boney. Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. Fir. Shackelford's Appointments. Hon. John W. Shackelford will address the people nt the following times and places: Newport, Carteret county, Friday, Octo ber 'A). Snatchctt, Duplin county, Monday, Oc tober 23. Warsaw, Duplin county, Tuesday, Oc tober 24. Leesburg, Pender county, Wednesday, October 25. Taylor's Bridge, Sampson county, Thurs- I day, October 26. Sarecta, Duplin co , Friday Oct. 27th. Other appointments will be announced in a few days. Lusirict democratic papers please copy. V. V. KtCHARDSO, D&Wtf. Chairman Dem. Ex. Com, Col. Green's Appointments. Col. Wharton J. Green, Democratic candidate for Congress, will address his fellow-citizens as follows: Carthage, Moore, October 20tb, 12 M. Manly, Moore, October 21st, 12 M. V. V. RicnABDsoN, D tf Wit Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District, Methodist Episcopal Church, South b ourth Round (in part) : Duplin, at Richlands, October 21 and 22. Onslow, at Queen's Creek, October 28 and 29. Clinton, at Clinton, November 4 and 5. Bladen, at Cypress Creek, November 11 and 12. Elizabeth, at Purdies, November 18 and 19. Cokesbury, at Bethany, November 25 and 26. Coharie Mission, November 26 and 27. Members of the Quarterly Conferences are requested to be present. K. O. Burton, Presiding Elder. CITY ITEMS. ARABI PASHA MAY BE HANGED, and those wno neglect During a tioket in the next Grand Drawing of the Commonwealth Distribution Co. Oct. Slst, will feel like deserving some severe punishment for their negligence w hen they might have had mu.ooo for only 2 Invested. Delav not. but send your order for tickets to R. M. Hoard man, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky. PERSONAL! TO MEN ONLY! The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dn. Dti'h Celebrated Elkctko-Voli aic Belts and Elec tric Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are amicted with Nervous Debility. Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No risk la Incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTniNO SYRl'P. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes the " Boston Christian tYeeman : we would ny no means recommend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for infants. But or Mrs. VV insiow s Soothing fcyrup .we can speak from knowledge; In our own family it has proved a blessing indeed, by giving an Infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and Its parents unbroken rest at night. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works tope fectlon, and which Is harmless ; for the slee or the sleep which it affords the Infant Is perfectly natural. and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a but ton." And during the process of teething Its value Is Incalculable. V e have frequently heard thers say they would not be without It from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 20 cents a bottle- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hats ! Hats ! JyTBW STYLES ! IX) W PRICES : HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. oct 19 tf WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF COL LARS and CUFFS In the city. Among them may be found the Vernon, Bcrmls, Pedestrian, Manhattan, Kenilworth. Compeer, Economist, Il.nnonl Vfnmnna P-. T1 1, a H M fit. n A In.. ka, Buckstone, Sultan, Florence, Gladstone, Ply mouth, Columbia, Iroquois, Keokuk. Chieo, Mel ville. Rival, Franklin. Exeter, Roman. Tuscola, Cambridge, Wakefield, Richelieu, Capulet, Mon- laHir Ph.HMoa. imnf.l nnr) tClnnn. All tt the above are at ilUNSON'S, Gents' Furnisher. Colgate's TOILET SOAPS (INCLUDING SEVERAL NEW Styles). Extracts and Toilet WaterR, For sale by JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist, oct 19 It 35 North Front St. Expressly Made for the Cotton Trade. rpnOSE WORKING IN COTTON SHOULD call and soc our celebrated Suits, made of the best imported Scoth Suitlnps, for workers In eotton. ALSO EXAMINE Our Justly celebrated Bottlo Green KNICKER BOCKERS, for dress, tho prettiest and most sty lish Garment yet exhibited. A. DAVID. The Clothier. oct 19 tf We Are Receiving Daily LEG A NT STOCKS OF CLOTHING FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN, In tho LATEST STYLES AND FABRICS. Our basis Is, "Small Profits, Best Goods and Lowest Prices." Everybody Is welcome to come. It costs no thing to examine our goods and learn prices. Wc Know we can save you money by calling on us. A. & I. SIIRIER. Clothiers, 54 Market Street. oct 19 "it Thy Are tiie Best I E?er Eat ii YyASTHKEEMARK MADE BY ONE OF OUR customers, when asked his opinion of OUR Crack ers, Plain and Fancy Cakes. Can Shrimps some thing new and nice, and to be found only at our new store. The best Flour (all grades), and tho best selected stock of Groceries to be found in tho State, wholesale and retail. - 16 and 18 South Front Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -13T?"P A TIOTTQT? A 1V iV j. W UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION f Monday V Tiicaday, Oct. 33, 21, The dUtlngulshod American Author and Actor, JOHN A. STEVENS, In his own Dramatic Creation, UNKNOWN, AND PASSIONS' SLAVE, Supported by his own unequalled Company. specially selected In London and New lorn. No extra charge for itMwirvra Heats. lopuiar Prices trc. noc. 7So. Hale of Keserred Seats com mences at Dyers' Fridsy morning, thsu oc 1W1 BROOKLYN GROCERY J. C, Stevenson & Co. J JAVE JUST FINISHED PAINTING. REPAIR- Ing and beautifying their Store, and now offer In the pul.llc a COMPLETE HTOCK of Family Groceries Of the choicest kind. Our store Is the cleanest and prettiest Grocery In tho city, without excep tion. We sell the best Flour In the city. "Tho Urldo." Our Coffees are roasted dally under our own supervision. The best Sugars nro soM at the lowest prices. We sell the Fresh Candles made every ilrtf of Confectioner s "A" Sugar, by K. J. Moore A Co., and warranted free ot any adulteration. Fresh Oatmeal. Rye Flour, N. Roe Herrings New Mackerel, Sugar-Cured Hams, Strips and Shoulders. All Goods warranted FRESH nnd THE BEST, oct 1U tf J. ('. STEVENSON A. (X). School Books gCHOOL SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Old School Books will bo taken In exchange for new ones, at HEINSBERGER'H Pianos and Organs, QHEAP FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY IN STALMENT PLAN, at HEINSBERGER'S oct IS tf Live Book and Music Store. Peruvian Cuano. 200 Tons Genuine Lobos Guano! DIRECT IMPORTATION. EXPECTED DAILY, and for sale by Chas. E. Smith & Co. oct 17 DAWtf School Booh ! Scbool Books ! ! CM'"1I AS ARE USED BY ALL THE SCHOOLS. Musical Instruments. Illank Hooks and Sta tloncry. a large stook. nt oct 1.1 tf YATES' HOOK STORE. Patricio. Patricio. rpHB FINEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER HOLD In Wilmington. Try one and you will smoke them always. A large lot Just received at oct 2 if KASPROWtCZV Beeswax. S BUYERS OF THIS ARTICLE WE PAY FULL MARKET PRICE, landed In Boston, auall ty and weights guaranteed by shipper. o charge tor commission or carting. Address w. II. HOWDLKAK A CO., 105 Milk St . Boston. Mass. oct 10 eodCm tu th sat Charcoal. Y SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR SALE AT THE CAROLINA OIL WORKS, at 92. OO per Cart Ixad (ten bnrreln) delivered. o-t 14 tf HANSEN A SMITH. To the Ladies. RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE LADIES that I offer my stock of MILLINERY GOODS for sale at a sacrifice and regardless of cost, in order to change business. Variety Store. 42 Market Street. oct 15 tf L. FLANAGAN. Hair Brushes, Combs. rpOILET CASES, Soaps, Fancy Articles. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes. &c. .ceo, cigan For snlo b He oy WILLIAM IL GREEN, Druggist. oct : tf Razors ! JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER LOT OF OUR Own Brand of Razors "KENILWORTH." Every Razor WARRANTED. These Razors are Import ed and sold by us only. OILKH A MURCHISON, oct 15 tf 88 A 40 Murchison Block. . . . t Country JERCHANTS AND EVERY BODY CAN GET suited In oualltv and Prices from the larro stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at the New Saddlery and Trunk House of H. M. BOWDKN A CO.. Nc. 40 Market St. rJT"Manufacture and Repair. oct 15 tf Cook Stoves ! J J EATING STOVES ! Ail Kinds at Lowest Prices ! Send for Illustrated Cataloguo. oct 15 tf F. M. KING A CO. Cubeb Cigarettes, PERUVIAN CHILL CURE. KLUTTZ'8 CHILL L Cure. AVer's Ague Curs. Green's Aroe Con queror. India Cholagogue for Chills and Fever, and a large line of other I "a tent Medicines ut J. H. HARDIN'S, Drug and Heed Store. oct 15 tf New Market. Drugs and Medicines. JL THE LATEST PREPARATIONS, PER- fumery. Toilet and Fancy Articles. COMPETENT PHARMACISTS at each of mr two Stores. Prs scriptlons carefully compounded. r. j. MILLCK, ntnma J Corner 4th and Hanover 8t, mv 14 tf I Corner 4th and Nub BU. i A : 'VI'". , j .". a' ..l. t. BSVaSi ' Jr. fc : le-'. .1 w r -', '(( i: If. r J

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