. - ', .' - At 4 , f 1 I The MoriiingStaf BY VM. IL CEIlNAnD. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT v MONDAYS. RATES O BCASCMFWOir, IH 'btiXOB. , ie Year, (by Mall) Postage Paid, V, . . . $7 00 Six Montns, ; . , ; " 4W Three Months. " ' . 8 00 Two Months, " , " 1 60 One Month. " a " 75 To City Subscribers, delivered in. any part of the City, Piftmh Cum per week. Our City gents are noi auinonzea 10 ooueot ror more ' han tnree iuuhvub iu (uus. itered at the Post Office at Wilmington, NV. C, iu Second Class Matter. MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. Six mcu wero killed and eight or ten wounded by a collision' on the Alton Rail road. Mo. Helpers in two rolling mills nt Newport. Ky., havo struck "for Pittsburg wa?i s. Chicago bricklayers have struck for higher wasg. The British steamer Royal Welsh was pulled off the bar at Charleston S. C, uninjured Pope Harrow elected U. 8. Senator to succeed the late Benj. H. Hill, of Oa. ; A. H. Col quitt was elected for the full term. The Governor of Virginia commuted the death sentence of Mary Booth (colored) to imprisonment for life; she was to have been hanged Friday, for murder. Both houses of the Alabama Legislature organ ized ; the Governor's message deals almost entirely with State matters. Gen. Grant has an article in the North American Re. i i, if on tbe Fitz John Porter case; the find ing of the court martial, he says, was er roneous ami a great" wrong was done to Gen. Porter. A Paris - telegram says that President Grevy had apoplectic attacks mi Monday and Tuesday. .Fifteen out of eighteen business houses in the town of Kiverion, Neb., burned; loss $60,000 or more. A theft of about 30, 000 in diamonds has been discovered at the New Vork Custom House; it is believed the dia monds were abstracted before the package was placed on the steamer at Liverpool." Footeone of the men charged with at tempting to influence the Star Route jury, save himself up and was bailed. A dangerous counterfeit of the Bland silver dollar is being extensively circulated. A fever epidemic prevails at Providence. H 1 ; over 2,000 cases are reported. New York "markets: Money 63"per cent. ; eotion quiet at 1010 11 16c; southern limn quiet, active and steady at $4 655 oO: wheat, ungraded red 84c$l 15; corn, ungraded 7089c; rosin steady at $1 80 (Al 90; spirits turpentine dull at 534c. A stormy time is predicted in the C ongress when it meets. What about? Would not the Virginians have done better if they had run a straight out Democrat for Representative-at-Large? J The Baltimore Stm his' got new presses, new type, and is -enlarged. It says the expenditures recently made amount to more than $75,000. Representative Carlisle has an nounced himself as a candidate for the Speakership of the uext House. He is in time. lie is from Kentucky. Howard Carroll has been heard from. The young editor was only beaten somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 votes. Stand aside young man. The Congressional vote in Mary land outside of Baltimore was, Re publican, 51,058; Democratic, 50, 04& Republican majority 1,014. Hancock's majority in 1880 was 5,857.' . . -V " $149,600 of Confederate bonds was bought in Charleston recently for $12.50 per $1,000. Newspapers will be cheaper for placing under carpets, if they were bought for that purpose. . Dr. Curry says the Peabody Fund's income for 1882 is less than it has been. Very little of tbe fund, he says, can be given in aid of schools. The training of teachers is' now the main end of the Peabody Trustees. The Democrats lost a Representa tive in Florida, another in Louisiana, two in Maryland, two in Virginia, two or more in North Garolinaaone or move in Mississippi. But they raked them in ali through the North. Then what was their loss was bar gain. Senator Bayard thinks the Repub lican party has been disintegrated by the recent elections. He thinks the Democrats will come into power, lie dealt 4tarifllaxation" some heavy blows in a reeent interview. He has been cl assed aniong tbeprdtecUooists. Calhonn is to have 50,000 raon uinfint. The" fnnds ' vere collected before the war and are safe. The monument is in process of construc tion in Rome, Italy. When will North Carolina ever erect a monu ment in honor of one of her own sons? The able theatrical critic of the New York Times says of Mrs.. Lang try's Rosalind : , . "It is nnt. nossible to write manv words upon Mrs. Langtry's performance 5of 'Itosa lind, chiefly because this performance ex cites no thought. It leaves 1n one's :mind ... - - uie areary consciousness oi someuung iu tile nnd wanted. Manv tiresome perform ances of "As You Like It" have been witnessed here durinir late years, but tne most depressing of these performances was oenainly witnessed iMt nigui. "11, m. 1 VOL. 'XXXI: NO. 47. BENNETT AND DOCKER T. The annexed -special telegram to the Stab from Raleigh seems to re move all reasonable doubt as to the election of Col. Bennett. We are Satisfied that he has received majori ties both in Hyde" and Watauga counties, and that nothing but some serious error against him in the un official returns will make his major ity in the State less than' 400 to 500. Special Stat Telegram. Ralkioh, Nov. 15, 8:00 P. M. Graham county gives 152 majority for Bennett. His majority in the State ia 117, with Hyde and Watauga to hear i from. Watauga reported 125 from Statesville. and 200 from Charlotte for Bennett. Hyde county reported from Washington .close, and 150 majority for Bennett from Eliza beth City. Clear out of the woods. TO REGISTERS OP DEEDS. If you have not already done so, please send us the full official vote of your county for Bennett and Dock- ery and for Ruffin and Folk. We need the returns from many coun ties to complete our election table. Madame Modjeska played Rosa lind very successfully in English in Philadelphia to a very large audi ence. According to the Times it was a very piquant, witty, artistic, beau tiful piece, of acting. Madame Ja nauschek played Marie Antoinette to an immense audience at tjie Arch Street Theatre. Her acting was of course thoroughly good. Mrs. Lang try appeared in New York on Mon day night before a great audience as Rosalind. Her acting was peon The Times' 8 correspondent writes: "No one believed that she could bring to the part any mental or professional novelty of guise or interpretation, and, to do the lady instice, no pretence that she could was put forward by her manipulators. Mrs. Langtry is an anomaly and her appearance on the staee is a singularity. We all agree that the country abounds with prettier and more attractive women, while to write or her acting would be an unforgivable ab surdity. To deny that she is a social sen sation would be equally silly." The receipts last week were $19,- 000. Oscar Wilder was on hand, and annoyed the company by his ridicu lous eonduct. . The Southern States are invited to make an exhibit of their resources, agricultural, mineral, manufacturing, &c, at the Annual Fair of the New England Manufacturers' and Me chanics' Institute, to be held at Bos ton in September, 1883. Let the next Legislature take the matter in hand and see to it that North Caroli na makes the best showing possible. Capt. Page McCarty is to be the Washington correspondent of the Richmond State. Glad to hear it. We will draw on the Crptain during the coming sessiou. He is a clever literary Virginian who is said to have written a clever book recently. Lafferty says so, and we believe in Laffertv. Thjs looks like business. A special from Antwerp reads: "Henrr M Ht.n.nlpv'a steamer . Harkawav. loft- vortantov fnr t.hn' 0.nnirn river, laden arith anr-K on flflanrtmPTlt OI ITOods as will enable him to .establish a solid trade with tne native Kings; -:i ne steamer aiso cameu a number of sheep for acclimatization and a spWtinn nf TCurrmeaii cereals. Mr. Stanlev has gone to Nice to recruit his health. He will return t? Ainca,eany in iot. The United Stal;es;lave taken care of themselves "during the last four months. 1 The;accldentii' President and his Cabinet of third rate politi cians have been-devoting their time and energy to State politics. Arthur has got back to Washington where he is almost a stranger. Geh. Roger A. Pryor, in a pub lished letter, rather gushes over Ben Butler's election arid ' pronounces the frequent accusations against him "shameless calumnies.'1 This may be what the lawyers term a Pryori rea soning. - Ex-United States Senator Wal lace, of Pennsylvania, feels confi dent the Democrats will win in 1884. That .depend upon how much good "horse sense" they manifest from now until the next Presidential elec tion. ' . ' OuarterlT Meeting. Wilmington District, Methodist Episcopal CJnurcn, ooutn rounn iwuuu v11' puooth at. Piirriiefi November 18 aAd 19 ; Cokesbury, at Bethany, November 25 and 26. Pnhm-io Miaoion November 26 and 27. vvunnu --.- r TomhRrn of , the Quarterlv Conferences are requestedlo be present; i R. (X Bttrtok, V " - ' ; .Presidinff- Elder. Constipation. SerwS kidney diseases are cured by Brown't Iron Bitters, which enriches the-blood, and strengthens -the wfrole ststem If ft: i '.I tv. -j" ; '-i WILMINGTON, THE STATE ELECTION. The following comprise the official (urns from the counties named, as contain ed in specials to the Star frotn the Registers of Deeds : Dake Ruffla T98, Polk 220; Bennett 183, Dockery 221. WASHiNGtON Ruffin 526, Folk 871 -.Bennett 525, Dockery 861. ' ' Clay Ruffin 299, Folk 136 ; Bennett 298, Dockery 165. Nobthamptom Ruffin 999, Folk 1748; Bennett 1197, Dockery 2085. The Repub lican Judicial nominees have about the' same majority as Folk has above given, ex. cept Darby, who, on account of an error in the name on the returns from one pre cinct, fejl-behind the ticket 426 votes. There were between six and seven hundred white men who did not go the polls. The Legislative vote stands: DemocOs, R. B. Peebles 1080, W: C. Bowed 1035; Republi cans, Geo. H. Parker, 1054, Geo. A. Park er 210, Geo. Nl dtker 415 (all intended for Geo. H. Parker): Wiley Baker, col., 1677. Register of Deeds, W.- J. ROgers. Dem., 1343rfl. R. Deloatch, Rep., 1604. Sampson Bennett 2066, Dockery 1634; Green 2072, Canaday 1493. Yadkin. Ruffin 764, Folk. 730;Bennet 794, Dockery 814. Spirits Turpentine. The Weldon Fair is in full blast. New Berne wants a Fair. It has many fair ones already. The Oxford Torchlight has en larged its borders. Our felicitations. Henderson ville Herald: About 100 colored laborers passed through Hen- dexsonville, en route to the phosphate mines near Charleston, to-day. ' The Winston Leader : The ed itor of the Stanly Oleaner-h&sn't been mar ried a month, yet he says : ' 'Young men, don't pay the minister over $10." Charlotte Journal: The Char lotte Bicycle Club will leave the city to morrow afternoon at 2.30 for Columbia, to enter the bicycle contests at the South Car- uiiuu owiLc x air. Durham Riant : Mr. C. A. Mil ler died at his residence on Thursday morn ing, November 2d, after a long and painful illness of three months; also Josephine Mil ler, aged thirteen. years, after an illness from typhoid pneumonia of three weeks' duration. iV. C. Rresbyterian : At the recent, communion at 'Buffalo church, Moore county, the tirt Sabbath in Novem ber, seven were" addc to the church by examination, six of v horn were from the Sunday school. The cii arch is under the pastoral care of Rev. W ui. S. Lacy. Religious revivals reported in the Biblical Recorder: Red Bank, 3 addi tions; Old Fort, W professions; Mountain Grove, 12 additions; Pleasant Grove, 10 ad ditions ; McCade's Chapel, 6 additions; Olive Branch, 38 additions; Mt. Gilead. 23 addi tions. Charlotte Observer: John Pat- . terson, the armless man of Harnett, is on exhibition in the city. Being born without hands, he has trained his feet to do what his hands should have done. Capt. Bogardus, the famous rifle shootist, arrived at the Buford House last night. A protracted revival of religion is in progress at the Tryon Street Methodist Church. -Greensboro Patriot: John W. Freeman, Esq., died at the residence of Dr. Foulk's in this county Sunday evening about 4 o'clock, of inflamation of the stomach. In- the death of, Mr. Freeman Guilford loses one of its most enterprising, worthy and public spirited citizens. The official vote gives Scales 2,601 majorU ty in the district, which will do as a starter in the gubernatorial race. , Raleigh Recorder : Rev. N. R. Pittman writes: " Delegates from the churches in Anson county will meet ir Wadesboro, on the 8th of December, to or ganize the Anson Association." The Western Baptist Convention met in its twenty-sixth annual session on 2nd Inst., with the church in Burnsville, Yancey county, and organized bv electing the fol lowing officer: D. B. Nelson, President. A Northern man who has been hunting in South Carolina is crazy because he feared the negroes were about to kill him because be was a Northern man and a Republican, as we learn from the Charlotte Journal. His name is E. S. Hawks, and is from Ashfield, Mass. New Berne Journal: Ellis's rice mill is turning out twenty tierces per day. : Fifteen. hundred bushels of rice on board yesterday at $1.05 for the best. The Legislature will haye three colored Senators and fifteen members of the House. S. E. Koonce, Esq., is reelected Sheriff of J6nes county by a majority of 350. This speaks well for Mr. Koonce. Though a Democrat, he was very liberally supported by the Republicans, who voted for a man of merit, and not on political grounds. The Directors of the Atlantic & North Ca rolina Railroad had a conference on Satur day with Judge Carruth' and others, repre senting the Midland Railroad. It was agreed to give the Midland thirty days to wind up their business; and they, on their part, agreeing to . surrender . at the end of that time unless a reorganization could be effected and a new lease made. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C Muims-Druggisi. Wm. H. Green Druggist. Mukson For the holidays. Opeba House The Chanfraus. Harbison & Alien Knox's hats. R. M. McIntire Ladies' jackets, etc. Hall & Pearsall Mountain butter. Jos. B..BATCHELOB-Mortgagee's sale Personal. Mr. Isaac Bates and Miss Maria Louisa Reston were married last evening in St. Paul's' Episcopal Church, Rev. T. M. Ambler being the officiating clergyman, assisted by Rev. D. Morrelle. The church was literally crowded to overflowing, -and showed the high esteem in which the happy couple are held. - They started North on a bridal trip on the 9:30 P. M. train. Good lucfi, from the bottom of our heart, to our truest and best friend and his winsome bride. II XV T A XI N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1882. 1 lioeaj Dots... Receipts of cotton yesterday 860 bales, v - - . We wrote 'ia commission" not commissioner in alluding to the insanity case In our last. There was quite a heavy frost Tuesday night, and a thin . skin of ice formed in some instances. The Republican stand on the old Market House site was being taken down yesterday. It has served its purpose. - The mercury in the Stab office was down to 41 degrees yesterday morning at 6 o'clock, being the coldest of the season so far. There are some apple trees in Wilmington ' that have borne their second crop of apples and are now in bloom for the third time. We are in receipt of Branson's North Carolina: Almanac for 1883, publish ed at Raleigh: . It is a reliable and useful publication of its kind, Now-Leach and Folk can take up their yoke, and Johnston lead them where the Great High Priest of Profanity can have a decent swear. The German barque Michael, Capt. Marx, was cleared from this port for London, yesterday, by Messrs. Robinson & King,- with 3,838 barrels of rosin, valued at $5,848 We notice that Father Ryan lectured at Savannah Monday night on "Modern Civilization, "-and also reeited his poem, the "Conquered Banner." Now is the time to get him to fulfill his promise of lecturing here. In our reference to the highest vote cast in this county in the late election we were alluding only to county condidates. though we believe we did not siay so. Mr. Darby's friends claim that he received the highest vote, being 64 more than the Clerk of the Superior Court. Rumored Chance of Route for (he Southern Through Wall. The Charlotte Observer learns that the through Southern mail now carried over the Richmond & Danville line, will in all probability very shortly be taken from that line and given to the Coast Line, and carried by way of Wilmington, instead of Char lotte. Col. R. R. Bridgers, President of the Coast lane, it says, is making strenuous ef forts to secure the contract for transporting the through mail, and if he has not already succeeded, he is most certain to do so. Our cotemporary further states that it is claimed by some that the Richmond & Danville railroad does not desire to continue the con tract, and if it does, it has been failing too much lately to hope to keep it, and adds : ' During October the through Southern mail was left at Danville ten times. The mail agents say that the Danville train will not wait on the .Virginia Midland five min utes and one of them says he has known the Midland train to arrive on one side of tbe river" while the Danville train was on the other aide, and yet it went on and left tbe mail car at the other end of the bridge. ' All these failures are brought to bear against the present line and the inducements of the other line, in the way of fast trips and quick delivery, makes the prospect of the fast mail going by that route look pretty cer tain." The IiUt Kenneth King. We find the following in the Raleigh News and Observer in reference to Dr. K. K. King, formerly of this city : "A friend writes us from New York: Dr. Kenneth K. King, one of the best known and most respected citizens of Ruth erf ord, N. J., died at his residence there last Wednesday, after a comparatively short illness, of consumption. Dr. King was a practicing physician, and one of the first councilmen elected when the borough of Rutherford was formed, and held the office of councilman at the time of his death. He held the office of coroner of the district in Bergen county, in which he resided, and was also a member of the American Legion of Honor. Dr. King leaves a wife and one child." ' ' . ' Vote for Senator. The following is the official vote for Sea ator from the 12th district, composed of New Hanover and Pender counties, as re turned by the Canvassers : Armstrong. Scott. New Hanover 1463 2594 Pender 982 1251 2.452 3845 2,452 Scott's majority, 1 , 893 The Same Text. It is a singular, but nevertheless true, that the same text (to-wit: Who is Thief Matthew; xxi 10) was being preached from at the same hour,, on. Sunday last, at the First-Baptist Church in Raleigh and the First Baptist Church In this city; Prof. Curr, the eminent Scottish divine and elo cutionist, offloiating in the former, and Re. Dr. Taylor in the latter. The Chanfraua. Those who have seen these celebrated artists say that a rare treat is in store for us.- Mr. Chanfrau is one of the greatest comedians in the country, and Mrs. Chan frau is certainly one of the finest emotional actresses on the stage. To-night they pre sent "London Assurance," Dion Bouci cault'a best comedy, in which both the Chanfraus will appear. A Sertmmace. There was a scrimmage-between two par ties on Market street, yesterday afternoon, and they were subsequently taken before the Mayor, who required them to pay a fine of $1 sad the costs, each. Weather Indications. The following are the indications for to day: For the South Atlantic 8tates, fair weather,- winds mostly northerly, stationary or higher temperature and pressure. United States Court The Railroad Case. Judge Dillon opeued the argument in the C. C. Railroad case in tho United Stttes Court yesterday morning, commencing about half past 10 o'clock and continuing his remarks until nearly 3 o'clock, present ing an able and exhaustive argument in !? half of the plaintiff. It is understood that Mr. Rohjnson. of New York, of counsel for the defendants, will lead off this morning in reply to the arguments set forth by Judge Dillon. Tho session will probably be prolonged until Friday evening, as some of the coun sel are of the opinion that more time will 'be required V) discuss the case fully. Bound Out. The colored waif, alluded to a few dnys ago as having been found on the porch of Edward Howard, colored, over the rail road, was. bound out yesterday, by Mr. VanAmringe, Clerk of the Superior Court and Judge of Probate, to Grace Alston, col ored, under the name of Plummer Young. THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at tha City Port Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 80 P. M- Northern through and way malls 5:40 A. M- Raleigh". 5:80 P. M. 5:40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied therefrom Including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:40 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 6:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. Railway( daily (except Sunday) 5:00 P.M. All points between Hamlet and Raleigh 5:00 P.M. Man for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 6:30 A. M. aDd 8:00 p.- M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston 6:30 A. M. aud 3:00 P. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P. M. Fayettevllle, via Lumberton, daUy, ex cept Sundays 5:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A. M. Smith ville malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 8:30 A. M. Malls for Easy Hfll, Town Creek. Shal lotte and Little River, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern thro' and way mails .7:30 and 8:00 A. M. Southern mails 7.80 A.M. Carolina Central Railroad 10:30 A. M. Malls collected from ntret boxes every day at 3:45 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. Ms to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 P. M. Money order and Re glutei Department open same as rtamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at genera delivery when stamp office ia closed. General delivery open from daylight to darr and on Sundays from 8:30 to 0:30 A. M. CITY ITEMS. PERSONAL! TO MEN ONLY ! The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dtk's Cklbbkatbd Electro-Voltaic Bklts and Elec tric Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No riak la incurred, aathirty days trial is allowed. Malaria. Chill and Fever, and Bilious attacks positively cured with Emory's Htandard Cure Pill an infallible remedy; never faU to cure tbe most obstinate, long-standing cases, sugar coated; causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain In their action and harmless in all cases; they effectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are un equaled. For Liver Complaint their equal is not known:, one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst caie. They are used and prescribed by Physi cians, and sold by Druggist everywhere. 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co.. 114 Nassau Street. New York. . THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses In the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never falling safety and success by millions of mothers and children. from the feeble infant of a week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the atomaob, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comtort to mother and child. We believe It the Best and Surest Remedy in the world, In all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRHCEA IN CHILDREN, whether arising from teething or any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless. the fac-slmile of CURTIS A PERKINS is on the out side wrapeer. Sod bv all Medicine Dealers. 2S cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. TILL. BE SOLD AT THE COURT HOUSE, in the City of Wilmington, on Monday, the 18th day of December, 1882. to the highest bidder, for cash, under a mortgage duly registered in the Register's Office of New HanoVer County, Book "T. I. L" pages 23, 84 and 5, the TRACT OF LAND described in the said mortgage by metes and bounds, on Greenfield Creek, south of the said City of Wilmington, and known as the Green field or McD-henny Pond, with tjie Mill situated thereon, and all the rights, privileges and appur tenances thereto belonging. THE NOBA ST. L. I. CO., Mortgagees. JOS. B. BATCHELOR, Attorney, nov 16 3Cd For The Holidays. UR CUTTER IS READY TO MEASURE YOU for NEW SUTTSi stylishly cut. trimmed and made for the HOLIDAYS. MUNSON. nov 16 It Merchant Tailor and Clothier. William H. Green, yfHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Dealer in Toilet Articles. Proprietary Medicines. Cigars, Tobacco, Garden Seed, Ac. .Ac., nov 16 tf MARKET STREET. Ladies' Jackets, Black and Colored. Children's Cloaks, Badima Silk Dolmans, NEW NECKWEAR, Ladles and Children. ELEGANT BALMORAL SKIRTS all grades. R..WWcIKTIRE. nov 1C tf t Knox's Silk Hats ! JATEST STIFF HATS : ' LADIES PLUSH AND SATIN HATS ! HARRISON A ALLEN, ffaor 1 tf Hatter. A n "Yv AK WHOLE NO. 4752 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Three Hisits Only ! Saturday Matinee ! Commencing Nov'r 16. THE FAMOUS ARTISTS, HENRIETTA and s CHANFRAU Recognised and saluted by the world as the very head of their brilliant art. and Tayleurc's Splendid Casts. THURSDAY EVENING A Dramatic Event. First appearance Jointly of these famous Artists In Boucfoault'a Oomedy, London Assurance. Lady Gay Spanker Sir flaroourt Courtley . . II. Cbanfraa F. S. Chanfrau FRIDAY EVENING Henrietta Chanfrau In Parted, ByCllftoh W. Tayleure of tbe Baltimore Bar. (who will on this occasion appear in his own play) Grace Shirley...... . H. Chanfrau. Dorscy Shirley C. V. Tayleure. 8ATURDAY MATINEE Ladles' day.--Cheap Brtcea. First performance In this olty of C. W. Tayleure' celebrated play (expressly adapted for Mrs. Chanfrau). The New East Lynne. Lady Ia belle Henrietta Chanfrau. Archibald Carlyle C. W. Tayleure. Original Anthor of the original East Lynne. SATURDAY NIGHT FIRST TIME HERE OF Kit. the Arkansas Traveller, By Edward 8pencer A C. W. Tayleure. "The best American Comic Drama of Its class." A7 York Herald. Witnessed by one million of auditors at Booth's, WsJlack's and all first-class theatres. It has realized Mr. Chanfrau over $10,000. Kit Redding F. 8. Chanfrau. Pricks. Evening, 75o and fiOo. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. Matinee, 25c. Children 16o. Doors open at quarter past 7. Begins at 8. MATINEE commences at 2 o'clock. nov 16 It JAMES C. MUNDS, DRUGGIST, AND DEALER IN FANCY GOODS A TOILET ARTICLES, novl6 It 35 NORTH FRONT ST. Mountain Butter ! Some small Kits just arrived. Kegs Bright MULLETS, JQQ Bbls Refined SUGARS. 2Q0 Bags COFFEE. 1000 Bbl8Good flour- . HALT, MOLASSES, BAGGING and TIES. HAL & PEARSALL. nor 10 DAW tf The JBest WOOLEN GOODS SOLD 18 THE SALEM CAH SIMERE, A nice kind of KERSEY for Boys, at 50 certts per vard. Alargesupplv just received from tho Salem. N. C. Factory. novlStf JNO.J. HEDRIfK. Gold Pens. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS IN LARGE variety from the best manufacturers In the country, ilust received one Show-Case full of the above goods, in (iokl. Sliver, PearL Ivory and Rubber. You ran always find something here if yon wish to make a present or boy for yonrtf. Pianos and Organs, "yiOLlNS AND GUITARS. Sold for Cosh or on the Monthly Installment Plan, nt HEINSBEROER'S nov 15 tf Live Book and Music Store. For Rent, STORE, corner of Chesnut and North Water Streets, Apply to JULIUS HAMSON- sept 12 tf 43 Market St. it yiLL SEPARATE YOU FROM ONLY A small portion of your earnings tbo purchase of a "FARMER GIRL" COOK, or a cheerful n EAT ING STOVE. Large stock and great variety at nov 12 ts F. M. KING A CO'S. Patricio. Patricio. rpHE FINEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER SOLD In Wilmington. Try one and you will smoke them always. A large lot just received at oct 2 tf KA8PROWIC2'. Country M ERCHAXTS AND EVERY BODY CAN OET suited In quality and prices from the large stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at tbe New Saddlery and Trunk House of H. M. BOWDKN A CO Nc. 49 Market St. PsVManufacture and Repair. nov 12 tf No Liquors, B UT A 8TOCK OF A NO. 1 FRESH GROCERIES will be kept at our store, No. 46 Market Street, All goods sold by ns will be as represented. GOOD GOODS AND SMALL PROFITS will be our motto. Give us a trla and be convinced. nov 7 tf R. J. SCARBOROUGH A CO. Drugs and Medicines. LL THE LATEST PREPARATIONS, PZR- fumery. Toilet and Fancy Articles. COMPETENT PHARMACISTS at each of my two Stores. Pre scrtptions carefully compounded. F. C. MILLER, , j Corner 4th and nanover St. mv 14 tf tnonm 1 Comer 4th and Nun 8U. Our Clothing ND FURNISHING DEPARTMENTS ARE attracting deserved attention, and we keep a class of goods not found in cay other city store. Expect to find here the best of everything in Clothes and Underwear for Men and Boys; also Men and Boys' Hats. Our motto Is ' Strict Economy In expenses;" tbe savings go to our easterners. "See our Men's Suits (all Wool), at $10, $11. 12.B0, $15 and 18; Boys Suits from V4-50 up: Overcoats from $2 m to $25.00; alj of which we offer 20 per cent, less than usual retail prices. Satisfy yourselves by an ex amination. A. DAVID. nov 12 tf . Tbe Clothier. Sketches M Texas SifllBfs. LSO, ARKANSAW TRAVELER, containing a Legend of the French Broad, by Mr. Edward A. Oldham, of Wilmington, at HARRIS' NEWS A CIGAR STORE. Best Five Cent agar on the market. novl4tf BAlXSOriDTEnTIIINOl t One Square One Day $1 W t 4 'V Two Days. ..'.. .'... t. ........ I W ' r - ?, . Three Days.. ;.'. 5 ... ;rf .FourDaya ? -100 Five Pay,........; . S to , " One Week........ 400 - " TWO) Weeks, M " " Three Weeks, tM - One Month.......... 10 00 " Two Mouths. 10 00 " " . Three Months, 04 00 " Six Months, 0 0o - One Year, 00 T Contract AdvertlaemeaU takea at propor Uonately'low rates. , . ' Ton line solid Nonpareil type max one square ALL THE STYLES! WE OFFER BOOTS " and SHOES For Gents, Ladles, Vtasea, Boys and Children, AT VKUV CLOSE miCEK I COME AND 8KB. Gex). R. French & Sons W N. FRONT ST. The Mutual Lift Insurance Company, Of New Vork. Assets over $95,000,000 M S WILLARD. Agent, Wilmington, N. C, Water Strwet, Between Cbesnut and Mulberry, nov 3 tf In Full Blast! JOW THAT TTTE SEASON ILAS OPENED WE have filled our counters with the Choicest Iat terns in MENS. BOYS and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, from which we are offering bar- f rains. Never before In the annals of the day tare we had so large and varied a stock to select from, and we kaow that should you call on us It will repay .your trouble tenfold, ho come and give us a fair trial and convince yourselves that we mean business. Yours respectfully, A. A I. SHRIER. Reliable. Clothiers, nov in.tr 84 Market St. Bituminous and Anthracite Coal, JN FULL SUPPLY AT BOTTOM FIGURES, At the old stand, nov 14 tf J. A. SPRINOER. Julius Samson. NEW FALL STOCKlF DRY GOODS. yyE HAVE JUST OPENED THE HAND SOMEST LINE OF Rhatoi Silk Dolmas and Circulars Ever shown In Wilmington, ranging from $30 00 to $fl0.e0. Also full line of Idle' CLOAKS. ULSTERS, JACKETS nnd DOLMAS Plushes and Silks. Handsome Line of SILK PLUSHES In all shade. Black aud Colored DRKHH SILKS. - Trimming Silks snd Satins In every shade snd color. Cashmeres. Complete New Stock of Black and Colored Cashmeres. FIFTY DIFFERENT pieces Colored Cashmeres in the LATEST SUA DEM. Special Bargains In ALL-LIN EN DAMASK TOWE1.8. We call attention to our ladles and Misses' HOSE. Large, assortment of Blsck Silk and Fancy Checks and Stripes. Cheapest and best t-VOO BLANKET In town. We have placed our last season's Dress Goods on tbo counter and will sell them at a bargain re gardless of cost, Ifcsldcs many other odds and ends too numerous to mention. JULIUS KAMRON, oct 39 tf 4S Market l. Novelties in Candies ! DONT FORGET WHEN DOWN TOWN TO CALL IN AT E. J. MOORE & CO'S And see tbe NICE G(M)DS made this week to tlrkla the palates of the fas- tldlons. Walnut Cream. Plum I'uddlng Candy, Vanilla and chocolate Cream Caramels, new Imjerlal Taffy. Buttercups, style Burnt Almonds, Cream Almonds, Chocolate Cocoanut, Cream Coeosnuts, Cream Mints, Crcsm Wlntergreens, And a large variety of Plain and Fancy Goods. Pears. Bananas, Oranges, Grapes, Lemons. Ap pies. Nuts. Raisins, Currants, Citron, Coooanuts.' Do you feel sick and want to be tempted, come. Are you well, apd want to be satisfied, then also come to i:. j. jioori: a. co;m, nov S tf (Vr. Market and Front. Temptation ! QLKOPATRA TO MARK ANTHONY Dear Darling Ilovsl Iord PLEASE bny me a eomplete outfit of NEW HARDWARE from UltU. A. rjKK. He couldn't resist. aepitl tf "They Are the Best I Eier Eat " -yy AS THE REMARK MADE BY ONE OK OUR customers, when asked his opinion of OUR Crack ers, Plain ami Fancy Cakes. Can Shrimps some' thing new and nice, and to be found only at our new store. The best Flour (all grades), and the best selected stock of Groceries to be found In the State, wholesale and retail. CRA PON A PICKETT. 18 and is South Front Street Latest News. rpH08E CARRIAGES, PH ACTONS AND BUG GIES have arrived. Also, a large lot of Harness, Saddles and Bridles. ' Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere at my Carriage sad Har ness Factory, on Third, between Market and Pita oess Streets. nov 12 tf P. IL HAT DEN 3000 THREE THOUSAND 3000 BOXES Manufactured Tobacco Consisting of Our well known and popular brands of PLUO TW 1ST and SMOKINU TOBACCO, Manufactured this Summer and for sale at HOT TOM TRICES. We would call special attention to our CHEAP BRANDS. whU-h we claim to be FAR SUPERIOR to other low grades sold In this market. M aAiSJn 9 St UVUKH. PronrleoTs TOBACCO WOKS. ct7 tf CATE FXAR EAT CUTTERS AND STUFTKRS, For sale by GILES A MUfiCBlSOlf. n A 4ft Murchlsca Bloek. nov 3 tf if : . '' h, i 1 1' if w t i. t V, 4 V i : ' '4. i V ta 47 i - -ii t. ( aiM 'II 'i 'a; i v 0 3 I K I t- i - rr 1 M f

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