i . 1 ,' , 7 " , ' i S ta Pg v 5 11; life 'r- fjS III III a ffv IH mo CO D&Wly tu th sa i i- liw-t tMtUUous u a perfect Hair Rettorer mad iuiint f"r4t$cleantiu&and!i-0AiitttarMh Si- vcr r;uis to lsSore GnSy or Faded Hair t.incr, Buclm, jJUiulrako. Stillinaria and j many of the best medicines known are hterecom- :s'.ctl intoamericicof such varied and effective ivwfrs, asto jraketh.e Greatest tUood Punfier&the Best Health and Strength Restorer Ever fjsed. Iran -j; Pynev-ii i. RlienmntiSTri, Heeples'mess, - u i-j.es of iho hi oiiuich, ilowels Limes. Liver. - i -ii 7 y i - ' ' ' K jv-i L-ys, nnu mi r cm i.e vompiamts. l! y :i nre v:u-:raj z'.yy wuh Consumption or .--.v ci-e ise, use i-e n c t"-c!:iy. Jt w jurelv jhtjv.u. loriicntbcr! it i i lar superior to liitiers. g ! . . I -1 V l V . . U ' - ' 1 VlllWj II UU11U5 5 r.p :he system without intoxicating. 50c and$l g ;. ata!l dealers in dmjjs N one genuine without g sic: ..f.ircofHi cox & C ...N Y. Send Jor circular LAil' t-'.W.Mi Id liLli.Mi THE iKJLLAR SIZE. si nwiT tnth sa chtu - ' my 30 Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY . YOUflQ OR OLD, 9 from RciivotJs Dsbtutt, TTTHO are snfferlni V Lost Vitaijxt, Iacx or Mkkvx Fokck ajto v moR. Wasttsq W KAKHESSE3, and ail those diseases of a Hebsoxaiv Natttks resulting from Abtjsm and "Tueb Causes. Speedy relief and complete resto ration of Health, vigor and SIajthood Guaranteed. The grandest discovery of the Nineteenth. Century, end at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC 8F.17 CO.. MARSHALL, MICH, iiUi: 8 Deod&Wly $u th sat STARCH POLISH, i-j-Ap important dis covery, by which every Jamily may --give their linen ai beautiful fin ish peculiar to firte laundry work. :itkvniipCrnip DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale, iTVholesale and Retail, by ADRIAN & VOLLERS, P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. and J. C. STEVENSON. ;i 6 Deod&Wly tu th sa dec 24 The Bad and Worthless NEVER IMITATED OR COLTNTERFEIT- Kl). This is especially true of a famfly medicine, 1:1 ! it is positive proof that the remedy imitated i- of 1 hi; highest value. As soon as it had been ! and proved by the whole world that Hop Bite rs was the purest, best and most valuable fr .ily rw- licineon earth, mar.y imitations sprung it, uud beiran to steal the notices. in which the .rt-s and people of the country had expressed 1 he merits of H. Ii. and in everyway trying toin 'iace snffering invalids to use their stuff instead. Xi.t-ctinjr to make money on the credit and good name of H. B. Many others started nostrums put ui. in similar style to IUB., with variously devis- 1 names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops' wore used in a way to induce people to beh&ve Thuv were the same as Hop Bitters. All such pre tender! remedies orcares, no matter what their t vie or name is. and especially those with the wr.rd "Hop"' or "Hops" in their name or in any w;i v eonnected with them or their name, are imi tations or counterfeits. Bewareof them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop Bit-f-rs. with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on ' he white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imita tions or counterfeits. o-t 3 Deod&Wly tu th sat nrm oct 3 OLIVE BUTTER AN ABSOLUTELY PURE VEGETABLE OIL. I'OK COOKING PURPOSES IS BETTER THAN I.ARD. FULLY EQUAL TO BUTTER, AND COSTS MUCn LESS THAN EITHER. E POUND OF OLIVE BUTTER , WILL DO THE WORK OF TWO POUNDS OF LARD. TRY IT AND REALIZE ITS GREAT MERITS. Manufactured only by WASHINGTON BUTCHEE'S SONS. PHILADELPHIA: FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS . -ieod39t tuthsa dec 39 (BEFORE - AND AFTER. DOBBINS' ; "ir aim ui iri?s ! J. B. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wilmington, N. C. Fire, Marine aiFLife Companies. Airgreg-ate Capital Represented Over f 100,000,000 1e 11 tf I 11IC iVlUIlilllg THE LITTLE BANANjC PEEL. . ROBERT J. BTJRDETTK. , Likf a bar of the beaten gold rieleam in the finmmpr'a win I am little 4-know, but I tbink'l can throw -ix man mat win weign a ton. I send out no challenges bold, I blow me no vaunting horn, But foolish is he who treadeth on me; He'll wish he had ne'er been born. l.ike' the flower of the field vain man Qoeth fortS At t.r hiwit rt A But when he shall feel my grip on his heel uine me siuDDie ne laaetn away; For I lift him hich nn in th air. With his heels where his head ought to be; With a down-c6ming crash he maketh his UIU3U, And I know he's clear gone upon me. I am scorned by the man who buys me; I am modest and nnipt. nrl mwt Though my talents are few, yet the work tuat a uu Has oft made the cellar doors creak. I'm a blood-red republican borfi, And a nihilist fearless I be; Though the head wear a crown, I would hring its pride down, If it set its proud heel upon me. Harper's. POLITICAL POINTS. ( I Bad one of the largest fnneralt on record, anyhow. Folger. "' r . "To what do you consider the ttemocratic' viotory in Indiana attributa ble?" "Votes! Votes!" From an Inter tiew with Senator Voorhees. The necessity for immediate re duction of revenues is. emphasized by the unmistakable ' declaration of the people against liberal expenditures for public works. Wash. Post, Bern. r- .. - Although the President is in Washington the Cabinet has not vet been pulled together. It takes a little time.how ever, to recover from a thing like that of last week. Phil. Times, Ind. . Until we have some mightier issue than the slops of patronage and the bitten "apples of office, we cannot resume business at the old stand with any hope of success. Wash. Republican, Stalwart. It is said that Folger has been, made the scapegoat of his party. '" -The load he has to carry, however, is too heavy for one man. i here are enough sins to go round the -administration family. Several scapegoats are necessary to pack them all off. Cincinnati Commercial, Rev. TWINKLINGS. It is estimated that there iare about 22,000 houses in New York each containing from four to forty families,, and 8,000 more with two to three families each. "What are you always thinking about, Ida?" "I'm always thinking about nothing, auntie. I never think about any thing, unless I happen to think of some thing to think about." Ball dresses will come quite-low tbjs season. London Queen. Don't go off now. and order a half dozen: the above statement does not refer to the price. Cin cinri'iti Saturday Night. Hamlet, of the Sun, speaks to day of a journalism which "bends the sup ple hinges of the knee that thrift may fol low fawning." Hamlet, as Shakespeare pictures him, speaks of those who "crook the pregnant hinges of the knee, where thrift may follow fawning." The revised version is not an improvement. Importance of the Legislature : "Cheer up. Don," said the venerable head of the house, passing the bottle of Monon gahela to his despondent son. "Father," returned the Senator, "mere isn t a cneer in me. we ve even losttne Legislature. "But why do you lay any stress on the loss of the Legislature ?" "Because," replied Don, "I had intended to petition it to change my name. " Brooklyn Eagle. PERSONAL. The Duke of Newcastle is visit ing Boston. Capt. Eads, of jetty fame, has arrived from Europe. Ex-Gov. Anthony of Kansas, commands an army of 2,000 laborers, who are building a railroad from El Paso to Chi huahua, Mexico. The "Father of the British ( army is lien, weorgc. jnacuonaia, now tu his ninety-ninth year, with sound health and faculties- unimpaired. -- President Arthur treated him self to a novelty yesterday in a visit to the White House. He must nave round some familiar things which the lapse of time has ; not impaired. Philadelphia Times. a The will of John C. Hamilton, son of Alexander Hamilton, was admitted to probate in New York yesterday. Mr. . - . . i n i 1 1 Hamilton was worm several minion uouars. His . daughters. Charlotte, Adelaide and Alice, receive all the large beque&s.1 - . Louis Kossuth, the patriot, writes that unless the governments of Europe cease to drain the1 life-Tfeat of the people to ; sustain the armies "the tottering structure of social organization cannot long escape the catastrophe of an almighty smasu FASHION NOTES. Venetian point lace? is the rnost elegant garniture for velvet dresses. Terra-cotta silk handkerchiefs; are worn in the outside pocket -of cloth reumgoips. .... As the fashion for untrimmed tight sleeves has come, in, over-cuffs of wnite linen are again worn. - '' Low frocks of cashmere are re vived for little eirls. and are worn over white embroidered guimpes. ' ' The newest wiaDS are Dadded on the shoulders to elevate them in the way that dress1 sleeve are raised. ' . " Soft round felt hats, with .Al pine crown and narrow ibrim, are. trimmed : with cock's feathers, a small head of a cock, and folds of Yelfet thecolor of the, felt. Red cashmere pelisses for little t girls are pleated from the peck downed at the waist with a belt .ribbon, and have a pelerine cape so long that it nearly conceals , the garment under it. ' The climax of the fancy for red ; shades is found "in traberry-re1J yelviet ; mantle, trimmed witn .TurKisn emoroiuery of many color and chenille hinge that em bodies all these, colors. M 1 ' BriKnt IMeae, Utabetea. Rflwaw of t Ka stuff that nretends to cure these diseases or other serious Kidney, Uri- nary or ijivci uusctxoco, no mcj for a time and make you ten times worse I .h.ni'9 vnt rfiv sniftiv on Hon Bitters. the only wtoM ' ttat wlfl vxelY' ;and :$et- manentty cure yoi u uv moves the cause of disease bo effectually that it never returns. t a illorlitfal Novelty. Ladies prefer Tjlorestbt;CpIogne because they fln4thl 'Lasting combination of exqui site perfumes a delightful novelty. f FROMxTATE SPRIHft.AST -TEHH XTATJ7RES GREJTREMIY diseaaAa nf ih Rtytrminli TtAvnla t fo-o VtAiam Ae. It to especially adapted to Clerks, tovalids, Ladies, and an persona of sedentary habits. De m&nd daily inoteaslng. Shipping fo" all, parts of the United States at the rate of 2.D00 barrela per year. PRICE, .$5.00 per barrel and $6.00 per case of two dozen quart bottlesdelivered In Depot at uornsiown, i-enn. xerms casn. JTKKlCiJiX RATS REFERENCESOUR PATRONS: ' wm. u. Bernard, Dr. w. G. Thomas, R. W. nwiLa. tjsoar rearsau, in-, j. v. Jttunds, D. L oa 9?-v.J-Jfci?I7)wn' p- 8- Dewolie, Dr. T. c. Smith, D. P. Hutchison, J. 8. Spencer & 3o., J. w. Wadsworth, of Charlotte; Dr. Jno A. . Boyd, HiL ' iraS'rV wuupoD, a. u.z wnx. u. Jones, Thos. P. Smith, George W. Mcjver, Charlestoni - Similar lists could be added from all over the South. Ourpatrons endorse it la the . strongest language. Read a few: " Mai OP dunnhnll Wallam: Atlanta da . "Tlf oil the springs of Vu-ginia and Tennessee, I consider me late jpsom' tne most wondernu, and the properties of the water the most yalnable.".' C. W. Anderson, Savannah, Ga.: "For all com plaints incident to malarial localities, I con sider the water unequaled." J. S. Carr, Durham. N. CL: "I think it the finest water to be found anywhere." H. A. Barnard, Marshall. N. C.: "I have pa tronized Tate Water for more than fifteen years and was cured by it of dyspepsia, liver complaint and kidney disease. Hf daughter .was'cuasn penecuy weu ana sonna or a broken and hope- James Creeswell. Esq.; Greenwood, S. C. mil iuuj ana earnesuy impressea tnerc is no other mineral water on this continent whose healing qualities wtil compare with, Tate Spring Geo. Smith, (of the Commercial Cotton " Press.) New Orleans: "I have used the Tate Water for 1 A. : A 9 1 a . . m ... vuc lout eint years, ana nna it retains ail its qualities ror any period." (M..H. Churen, of N. 0., endorses in nearly the same language). "I have found Tate Water of great benefit, and superior to manyotner waters l bare used." Dr. .J. S. WeathertT. . Montgomery. Ala.: know of no mineral water fci the United Stales inai nas tne same vutues or tms water." Mrs. Gov. A. S, Marks, Winchester, Tenn.: vits fine shipping qualities make it a blessing to Buf fering Jiumanity." J. M. Scudebaker, South Bend, Ind.: "I believe there is no spring in America that contains the healing qualities that Tate. Spring does." J. H.-McAroy, (President. Bemis & McAvoy Brewing Co.,) Chicago, 111.: "I have it continu ally bn dramrht innv house, havinir hnmmA al most a family, necessity:? , -' Geo. Bullen, (of Geo. Bullen & Co.,) Chicago, III,: "It is the most pleasant and effective water I have found anywhere, and you can count me amone your regular patrons fpr it.'4' Large forty page pamphlet containing analysis, and full information on all points, mailed free to any address. Leave orders with . J. C. MUNDS, Wilmington, N. C" or address . TOMLINSON& RAGSDALE, Proprietors, nov 7 tf Tate Spring. East Tenu. Ready for Instant Use end, Txnmdrousfy cheap. Wbercrrer Oold adds beauty. It iimtantlv Hvu a imft.. oA. ... Bold, no matter where appli Si. ah exjonwTeiy nsea by Manufacturer", Painters, Qildera, &c4n pUoe of Gold Loaf. FOR LADIES- RUBY'S ROYAL GILDING is Invaluabla fhr On.n- nfo Hovszhold Ornammtts, Kbaxks, Corsicjch PAnrrnfo, to. Most fashionable articles are more than doubled In value by the mereat touch of Gold. Any One Can Use It. A CaxxL'a Ha ix, Br kh im Evxbt Box. TTTK COST Ig TRIFLIrTQ. .SOLD 1 X. JACOBI, 10 S.Tront Street. G. A. PECK, 25 S. Front Street, S. JEWETT, 27 X. Frpnt Street. P. HEIXSBERGER, 39 Market Street, And all Paint Dealers and Druggists. N. Y. Chemical Co., X. Y., Circular free, nov 14 eodlm tu th sat Wag ax-rtaaoa la carina Oimmattut ta Bill. Sklai i ilTeiirtw aaealally ieO if an cimUfio priacipUa, wltk aate aad aaramMdlea. Oait r vrita for L4at af Qaaa ttnai to ba aaawarad by taoaa'Sjalriac traataaaat by maU. (TiriMiaaariMari BatMraaa.li4 thatrilriM, aa4 aw iialtilaf ta Utli aJlaaa, UhMttomJ Aailnaaa. PB. BOTS, 1 & 8th 8C, St, Laala, Urn ESTABLISHED OVEK TlKTf TEABS. TO Uiii Of JLV Wa wm send rm.to a Plain seated BaralerM. "Dr. OHTrBCHIXJL'8CILaBB.A.TEI rKXBCalT TlOlfl" for tha DMdT Ifarvaoa and Phyaioal SabUity. Oosfnaloa of Ideai . Loat Vitality SaaDondaaer. of Ideaa; and th whe ola train of dia- OFdora bcouarht on br IndiaaratloB and iTnaaa Any lruKglat haa th inrredlonta. Aoaraaa vk. jaiiuu m vq, . r - 130 Weat Sixth St.. CTgHSurvA.TV METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! Kott Bxcitiag Booklmed. COOpigei. 150 IHnitriticms! BomAUns misriaaof hiirh and low 1 ife In Ame ric a'l great cities ; fashion's follies nnd frivolities ; behind the scenes ; tricks of pretty deceivers ; cityVrricb and poor ; lascivious corrnption at Washington; rain of inaocew alrDi ; old hoarr-headed Sinners by gas-light ; bewitching sirens a victims ; Voudon and Mormon horrors ; Btaxt liner Revelations 1 Price 2J0. Illnst'd circulars free. Outfits 75c Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH'O CO. ST. iiOTJIS. yrt. CHIOAQO.II1. ATI.AJTTA.Qe. HARRIS REM IEDY COsa 8 missoitbi. I WTm ChaaUata aad Bala Prop's at ( PROf .HARRIS' PA8TD1E REMEDY 1 I frOBaServoas and Pbvaieal DabU- nt a ana etaers who soOsr VI "7t rnmmn ngnsawtina ana 1 their Btsnv gloomy eonasqaeneei. The Baawdy is pat np In boxes. Be. X (luting a month), Ba. o. aKaaoagh to efleat a oara, snlaaa la aavare eeaaaj U i SoTl tlBstiogtaree months, 91. Seat by mail in plain wrappers. DlrartimteIlagaeMpaayeaeiiaax. Pamphlet deacri. htng this Usaa and awdaef ears sent aasa en application. RELIABLE SELF-CUBE favorite . ararl utlnn tif on. nf th most noted and successful specialists in the TJ. 8. (bow retired) for the cure of jrrvum MtMMtUt Mtomt arwsa, WanA-iia- and Jeegy. Bent In plain sealed envelopeVve. Druggists can fUl It, AddraM OR. WARD 4 CQL. Uwdna. Ma. june 2D D&Wly ' ta th sa la Beeswax. S BUYERS OP THIS . ARTICLE WE PAY J i PULL MARKET PRICE, landed in Boston, quali ty and weights guaranteed by shipper. TiO cnarge ior commission or carung. Address W. H. BOWDLEAR & CO., 105 Milk St., Boston. Mass. jocfl0eod6m ... tu th sat ENCOURAGE HOM' INSTITUTIONS. Secnrity Against Fire. The Mir toMHoie lnsnrance Co. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE PO licles at fair rates on all classes of Insurable property. All I losses are" nremotlr adjusted and paid. The 'Home" is rapt il galnuisln public favor, and arrne eals with .confidence to insurers ot property in North' Carolina, Agents in all parts of the State. .j utirs uATMit, x-resiaent, W. S. PRIMROSE. Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, Agents, eep 26 tf Wilmington, N. C. Fresh Arrivals OF QOFFEE, CHEESE, SUGAR, MOl.Ait3, ? . ' FLOUR, MEATS, CASE GOODS, &c, &c, &c, AT LOW PRICES BY HALL & PEARS ALL. Jn6V4 D&W tf MEM A . v jwMfiT?iijiwiiwi' r '! mm!mmmmmmmm ThCr.locmr.gStar pTJBlHElJDAlXYAira WEEKLY -" aterii)tlOH3alfis---In Alrance, DAILY STAR. One Tear, postage paid, ' Six Months, ... " Three Months " ' ' Two Months, - " " One Mocth, " WEEKLY STAR, One Year, postage paid. . " " Six Months, " . . " Three Months " . . .17 00 . 4 00 . 2 00 . 1 60 75 -1 SO 00 50 NOTICES OF THE PEESS : The Stab is decidedly one of the best papers in the State, as bright and newsy as ever. Long life to it. Salem r. ; The WHmlngton Stab has entered on its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. vnartotu vemocrat. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year.' As a daily journal of news it stands 'up nea., ixmcora tcegtster. "The WUmingtofl 8tah has entered its twenty- axtn volume. There is no Detter paper puDiisned in ine state. jnotr J xanc. The Wilmington Stab has entered upoa its thir- a . i.. , . .1 i . , .i liLU year. il us uue ui uiq uesi papers in luo 8ta.te.Warrnto7. Oazt-tU. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year, it has become one oi tne Leaning papers. or tne soutn. uxrora uorauuiu. . The Wilmington Stab Is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news and typograpicai appearance cannot De beaten. Jackson Reporter. The Wilmington Stab Is one of the very best pa pers in the South, in every department from typo graphy up to editorial aoimy ana independence. PtlertmrgiVa.) Index-Appeal. W a like the Stab because it is uioroughly relia ble, candid, fearless, and so weu and aoiy edited, newsy, spicy, and in fact a perfect newspaper. Long may the Stab twinkle. ML Airy Visitor. Altnough at the head of the press in this State in all that makes a paper vaiuaoie to tne reader, still it continues to improve. It is a Stab of the first magnitude. May its . lustre never wane. The Free WW Baptist. "The Wilmington (N. C.) Mohninq Stab is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we dft not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (secular) paper published in the South. Richmond (Va.) Rdiqious Herald. The Wilmington Stab as now entered upon Its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South and, as a North Carolinian, we are proud of it. Tarooro Southerner. The Stab is so well and favorably known in this section of the State, that we can say nothing of which its thousands of readers do not already know. It is in every respect one of the best dai lies in the South. Robtsonian. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dallies south of the Potomac. The system in the get up of the pa per surpasses them all. Tarboro Southerner. The Wilmington Stab has entered on its twelfth year, it Is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to Its city. toNcrth Carolina and to North Carolina journalism. Charlotte Observer. The Wilmington Stab is now taking the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has be gides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity is not surprising since it is so deserving. Ctarlot'e voeerver. The Times cannot say a wtird too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has lust reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State j) re ss and is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to it. Reids vUie Times. Whv in tt that all the narjers with the name of Star are such bright little journals? The Wilming ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred- ArinV-ahnnr Altar New York Star, for examDle. There must be something in a name after all.. Richmond O a.) state. The Wllmineton Stab, we are pleased to notice. still continues on the high road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the verv best of our exchanges, ana consider it the peer o'f any journal published in the South. Oxford tree Lance The Mobxins Stab, one of the best dallies we know, and as a newspaper, In our opinion, the verv best: has entered noon its twelfth year. In every particular the Stab comes fully up to the mark as the principle daily in our chief commei cial city. Long may it twinkle. Alamance Oiean- The Wilmington Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin ues on the road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newsDBDers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other Of our exchanges, and its editorial de aartment is conducted with much ability. Mot oanCon -Blade. Hnmble in its beginnings, as was inseparable from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a newspa per it has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate selection ana judicious arrangement, ana we are proud to rank it among our most accepta ble exchanges. HiUsboro Recorder. The Wilmington Mobnino Stab has entered np! on the thirteenth year of its existence, and we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able buccess of the Stab is due to its strict attenj Uon to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful. ly too) is that it always has the news, and this Is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the pa per is all that the term of "good newspaper" im plies, and its corps of editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral Influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may Its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more happy years of usefulness- Ootdsboro Mestexotr. -AT- Sclmtte's Restaurant You CAN 'GET THE BKST THE MARKET affords, neatly and nicely served, at any hour of the day and night. Special attention paid to the wants of business men. Full Meals or Lunches to be had at rea sonable prices and at any minute. Patronage solicited. F. A. SCHUTTE, Proprietor, Granite Row. Front Street. 1e 13 tf The Best Paper. Try It. I BE ATJTITTJLLY ILLUSTRATED. THE . SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, Erinted in the most beautiful style. PROFUSELY LLUSTRATED WITH SPLENDID KNGRAV INGS, representing tbe newest inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences r in cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, tne Home, xieaitn, rrogress, eociai. Science. Natural History. Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminept writers in an departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms. 43.20 per year. $1.60 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Agents. Single co pies, 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit Dy r-ostai uraer w jnuan ac vv., ruuinucu, oi Park Row, New York. "T A VrrnCf In connection with the xii.XXill O. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Messrs. Monk & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents; have had 85 years experience, and now have the largest establishment in tne world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special Inotice is made in theSCIENTIFIC AMERICAN of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. . By the immense circulation thus given public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales and introduction often easi ly effected Any person who has made a new disovery or in vention, can ascertain, ran op chabob, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Muwit& Co. We also send'PBxx our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for proouring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning Patents. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F A 7th, Sts. Washington,D. C. nov l tr The Biblical Recorder PUBLISHED BY Edtfards, Broughton Ac Co. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. C. S. FARRISS, Associate Editor. Organ of North Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Tear. EVERY B APTISTHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. Only SS.OO per Tear. Address dec 88 tf BIBLICAL RECORDER, Raleigh. N. C. WHOLESALE PRICES. M Our quotations. It should be tmdeTrtood, represent the wholesale prices jreneraliy. la making np small orders higher prices have to be uusnroa. - ABTIGLBS. BAGGING Gunny Standard...... . BACON North Carolina, Hams, ft D Shoulders, ft t . ." Sides, choice, ft t WisTBBx Shokxd Hams, V t . . Sides, ft lb Shoulders, ft Dbt SAiran Sides, ft t Shoulders, 1 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each New New York, each New City, each BEESWAX f lb BRICKS Wilmington, ft M Northern BUTTER North Carolina, ft tt. Northern, ft lb CANDLES fl lb Sperm Tallow Adamantine, ; CHEESE ft Tb Northern Fact'y Dairy, Cream State COFFEE ft lb Java Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL ft bush., in sacks, Virginia Meal.... COTTON TIES ft bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, ft yd Yarns, ft bunch. ...... 7i'.. EGG8 fj dozen. FISH Mackerel, No. 1, ft bbl. . . Mackerel, No. 1, ft half bbl.. Mackerel, No. 2, ft BbT Mackerel, No. 2, ft half bbl . . MackereL No. 8. a bbi 16$ 18 15 17 16 16 00 is 15 IS 4l i8a is a 10 1 80 1 00 0 00 00 7 60 0 00 18 25 18 1 90 2 00 1 SO 25 50 14 00 SO 35 25 12 is 15 14. 15 10 18 13 10 96 1 10 ,50 1 00 U0 16 00 8 50 9 60 5 00 14 28 14 14 1! 5 10 25 20 00 10 00 10 oo 5 50 9 00 4 ?S 8 50 4 00 8 50 Mullets, bbl 4 00 Muuets, roritDbis 7 oo N. C. Roe Herring, ft keg. . 3 00 5 ury uoa, v.") RTILIZERS ft 2,000 pounds. 10 fert: French's Carbonate offLime 7 00. 8 50 57 50 86 00 7 60 9 00 French's AgrioulturaliLhne Peruvian Guano. No. 1 M" CNo. 2 50 87 00 "I3i"eSaiLobos. Bangn's Phosphate. ..... Carolina Fertilizer.. t... Ground Bone Bone Meal . Bone Flour Navassa Guano Complete Manure . . , Whann's Phosphate Wando PhosDhate 00 & 51 00 00-'ft 6000 4540. Q 60 00 & 40 00 49 W Berger A Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer. 55 00 JTLiOUK ft DDI rine Northern super Extra Family City Mills Super Family Extra Family .... GLUE ft lb GRAIN ft bushel. uorn, from store, Dags.wnite Corn, cargo, in bulk. " Corn, cargo, inbags. Corn, cargo. Mixed, in bags. Oats, from store . Cow Peas HIDES ft lb Green Dry: HAY ft 100 Jt Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON Ton 8 500 LAKDV- Nortnern North Carolina LIME ft barrel LUMBER City Sawed f) M ft. snip stun, resawed Rough Edge Plank West India Cargoes, aeeord lmrto auaiitv 18 00 15 00 X 00 16 00 13 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 ) 44 I 46 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . 18 00 Scantling and Boards, com'n 12 00 MOLASSES ft gallon. New Crop Cuba, in hhds 00 " in bbls 43 Porto Rico, in hhds 00 " in bbls 00 Sugar House, in hhds 00 in bbls 00 Syrup, in bbls 40 NAILS W Keg- Cut, lOd basis. . 3 75 OILS S gallon Kerosene . 11 LArd i 10 Linseed 0 Rosin 15 Tar 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 28 Spring... .15 Turkeys 75 PEANUTS W bushel 75 POTATOES bushel Sweet . . 60 Irish, oer bbl. 3 50 PORK" bbl. City Mess 24 00 mme is uu Rumo 17 00 RICK Carolina, ft ft. 45 Rough, bush itael. RAGS ft lb Country. nty ROPE tt ft. SALT ft sack Alum. Liverpool, uu Lisbon. 00 American 00 SUGAR W lb Cuba 0 Porto Kico . . o A Coffee 0 B- "' 94 C " 8 Crushed . . . 10U 80AP-fl Jb Northern 5 SHINGLES ft M Contract 5 00 xmmon 4 UU Cypress 8aps 4 50 Cvoress Hearts 000 STAVES ft M W. O. Barrel.. . . 12 00 K. o. uogsnead . uu oo TALLOW ft 5 TIMBER M feet Shipping.. 12 00 Fine Shipping 14 00 Extra do 13 00 J Mill Prime 7 00 Mill Fair S 0O Common Mill 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary - 0 00 WHISKEY ft gallon Northern 1 00 . Nortn Carolina l uu e& WOOL ft lb Washed 26 Unwashed 21 Burrv 10 WIXIIIINCiTON ItlOrlEV MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York M discount. Baltimore Boston Philadelphia.... Western Cities. Exchange. 30 days. 1 tt cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock. 107 First National Bank Stock 75 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 32 mndmg, ite iss Funding, 1868 12 New 4s 88 Special Tax.. 4 to N C. Railroad.... 93 W. A W. R. R. Bonds, 7 Wo. (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 o ; . . . 105 Wilmington, Col. & Augusta H K. Bonds . . . luo Wilmington City Bonds, (New) 6 c 100 r " ". 6c 100 New Hanover County Bonds. 6 flc 500 Wilmington A Weldon-R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina R. R. Stock 80 Wilminirton Gas Lieht Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 100 WORCESTE R 1 S QADRTO DICTIONARY- WITH SUPPLEMENT, Library Sheep, $10. Writers. Readers and Students of an classes will find It superior to any other Dictionary. On questions of Orthography and Pronunciation it is unrivalled. Regarded by Scholars In both America and Eng land as the Standard Authority. Contains thousands of words not to be found In any other Dictionary. Excels all other works in the completeness of Its vocabulary. . Supplementary to the general vocabulary are valuable Articles, Lists, Rules, Tables, etc. rnhe Pronunciation. Etymology and Definition of JL over 115,000 words are .correctly given. Embraces 2,058 royal quarto pages, with over 1,100 illustrations ana fourOhxminated plates. Recommended in the strongest terms by the most competent Judges as the best Dlctlona- ry of the English Language. Students of all classes will find the special addi tional matter of great value and practical use. Decidedly the most satisfactory and reliable work of its kind. r lustrations are introduced liberally throughout the work. Challenge comparison with any work of like cha racter. The Supplement places it in advance of all other similar works. Is Independent 6f all sects, parties, and ldiosyn cracies of every kind. Omits nothing that is essential to a Standard Unabridged Dictionary. New Words to the extent of thousands can be found explained only in Its page. A Vocabulary of Synonym of 35,000 words la a feature of the new edition. Ee viewers have uniformly commended the new edition in the highest terms. Yen are invited to examine and est the work at any Bookstore. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. J. R LIPPIKCOTT & CO., PuMiiheri, PHTLADELPnTA. rno oo JO 00 & 57 00 40 00 & 45 00 00 00 S 67 00 00 OO 70 00 oo oo a 70 oo 60 00 60 00 00 62 & 00 0 00 6 00 6 50 7 50 7 75 a 10 00 5 25 5 55 6 00 a 6 25 00 7 00 V. 13 02r 95 HO 82J4 55 H 57v 80 85 4 m 10 11 1 15 1 26 1 20 1 25 1 00 QH 1 15 90 00 IVrVA 14H 00 14 1 10 1 50 i Wttntliff l-f-ii, ' r rrr -Pi:.-. -a-i..:.. .- . xvuxjj.uau. uu, Owr op GsaX'SirpniMTiirDBirtl 1 1 WDinlncton, N. C Nov. L, 1883. f ChjoigV of Bchedule. rS AND AFTER NOV. 5, MRS, AT 6.40 A. M., w naaenger Trains oa tne Wilmington at wai- aon Kauroaa will ma as follows: Iay Mall aal KxpreM Trains, Dally Na. 4T North an4 48 Soath. Leave Wilmington. Front St. Depot, at 6.40 A. M. Arrive ar weiaon 12.40 r. M. Leave Weldon a so P. V. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 9.30 P. M. Fast Thboitoh Matt, a yd PAKiiBaTaAtp:s Daily No. 43 ortr and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front 8t. Depot, at 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Weldon M0 A, M. Leave Weldon 6 10 P. M. Arrive at Wlhnlngton,rront St. Depot, 10.55 P. M. Matl axd Pamzxssr Tbaiks Daii.t No. 43 NODTH AXD 42 80LTH. Leave Wilmington .'. 9.30 P. M. Arrive at Weldon Leave weldon . Arrive at Wilmington : 4.00A. M. 1.80 A, VI. 7 02 A. M. T.-ain No. -40 South will bVod only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Ieare Rocky mount ior Tarowro at iv i. and 7. in r. m. Dally. ueturning. leave Tartxiro at 9.0u A. M. and B v. M. Dauy. rrain on oootlana rseck. Branch lload leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 6.30 P. M. Return ing leaves Scotland Neck at 10 A. M.lDallv. Train No. 47 makes close cunctkn at Weldon for all point Nrth Dally. All rail via Richmond, and dauv exceDt Sunday via kit Line. I rrraln No. 43 runs dafiy and make eloae eon- liowiua tuc bui ruinw nurw v u luanmona aula . I ,, . . J . . , I . , , i a . Washington. 'No, 47 makes oloae connection for Tarboro. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Hleepors auacnea. JOHN F. DIVTNE. General Sup'U T. M. EMERSON, lien 1 Pafwerurer Aa-ent. oj nov 8 tf WILMINGTON, COL'HBIA & AUGOSTA Bailroad Co. Orrica op OgjcrRAL Sry'T, I Wllmlngten, N. C, Nov. 1st, 1882. 'till I I Change of Schedule. iVN AND AFTER NOV. 5TH. 1882. AT 6.40 A. J M.. the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Dally) No. 48 Weat aad 47 Kaat. Leave Wilmington 9.50 P. M. Leave Florence 8.55 A. M. Arrive at C, C. A A. Junction. . 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 10.00 P. M. T h -WT- r ft . A Ih.aii. inonti w Leave Florence 1.50 A. M. v . , . a. n . w Mill 1,1 v ' il . ii.w . jn . Arrive at WUmlngton 6.20 A. M. Nienr Maix. axd PAHSENera Tbain, Daily, No. 40 West, a to Day Mail a to Pai-f.kr Tbaib, No. 43 east. Leave Wilmington 11. 10 P. M. Arrive at Florence 8.45 A.M. Leave Florence . 12.55 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 5.25 P. M. Mail and Passinoer Train Haii.v Noa. 42 Wm in 45 Kat Leave Wilmington 7.25 A. M. Arrive at Florence ... 11.80A.M. Leave Florence 4.50 p. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 9 0ft P. M. Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stot only at Flemlns-ton. Whltevllle. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia and all oolnts on O. A C. R. R.. C. A. R R Stations. Aiken Junction. and all point beyond, should take 48 Night Ex press Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and ror Augusta on Train Ail trains ran solid between (lia,rleton ad WUmlngton. JOHN F. DIVINE, Oen'l Hup'U T. M. EMERSON, Oen'l Pawenger Agent, nov 8 tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Oppics op Gkhsbal SrrgnnrTSTOtirr, Wilmington. N. C. Nov. T2, 182. 1 Change of Schedule ON AND AFTER NOV R 13, 1882. THE FOI lowing Schedulewillbeorx!rte(i on this Rail road: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TItAIN: DAILY. no. i. v. r.".1"" .6 15 P. M. . .7.40 A- M. 7.55 P. M. 9.00 A. M. 1 Ajnvc av iiani7ave at No. 2. Arrive at Wilmington at. Tvo fvisi Vna 1 anA O mi -t- r m 1 a. atallAPia m. a aa tu o ai va. bbi va rj fc-r sa, n- suini niaiivita only, and Points designated In the Company's Time Table. Train No. 1 Dally exeept Sunday. uo. jno. x no do Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays- Leave Charlotte ATrtve at Shelby Leave Shelby AiTi-e at Charlotte. . 8.20 A. M. .12.20 P. M. . 1.40 P. Ml 5.40 P. M Trains No. 1 and 2 make close -connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trams to and from RaJelib. and at Charlotte with 8helby Division Train. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and CharioUe. Train No. 1 makea connection at Charlotte with A., T. A O. R.R., for Stalesvtlle, connecting there with W. N. C. R. R. for all points on said Road. Train No. 1 makes connection at Charlotte with Atlanta and all points beyond. v. V- JOHNSON, nov 12-tf Oeneral Sunermtendent New York and Wilniington Steamship Line. i - STEALERS , BAIL FROM1 NEW WILL YORK EverylWEDNESDAY andJSATUPDAY at 8 o'clock P. M. REGULATOR ...Saturday, Nov 11th. BENEFACTOR.. Wednesday. Nov 15th GULF STREAM Saturday. Nov. 18th. LA TOR. Wednesday. Nov. 2!1. BEN. FACTOR .....Saturday. Nov. 2Mb. GULF STREAM......... Wednesday. Nov. 29th. i t BTThroiuh Bills Lading and Lowest Throus-h Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina, ror Jroighc oc rossafe appijco t TIIOTf AB E. BONIS. f r SnjrtateBderu,' ' WBuAtagton, N. C. Theo. Ci. Ecep, Freight Agent, New York. W. P. Clyde A General Agents, ' nov4-tf . r 38 Broadway. New York. The Lincoln Progress, Published Saturdays at Llncolnton, N. C. IS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN LINCOLN County, and haa an extensive circulation among the Merctoants, Farmers and all - classes of busi ness men In the State. It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a de sirable medium for advertising their business throughout Western North Carolina. Liberal terms will be allowed on yearly adver tlsementa. Subscription price $2 00 per annum 1 advance. Address r. ii. ijsuajxb. Editor and Proprietor. T tP 1111 T)ia!.LsraoitG;s pniFi The ' 0 VTell-THed. 'WoaderftiL Health llenewing Eemedies. StroBfla Pactorsvl 1111 Insure hertr an petite, good dlfeaUon. regularity of lh Uwl. A sure remedy fop Colds and RhemttattSflS. A pre clous boon to deltoate female, aoothlng and bra. ctnjr tb nrvoa syatem. and firing vigor and health la every fibre of the Kody. i attpanarva) fUaiatly rUI for the Llvar. a speedy cur for Liver (Complaint, Kerala ting th Bowels, Purifying the Blood, ( learning from Ma larial Taint. A perfect rare for Mck lleadache. Ouawtlpatlon mud DyspetMrta. hold by letkdlng droggists. Fer rtrmlmr and almanacs, wttto fall particular, address Box oro. New York City. I CUflG FITS! Wkaa aa aay caira aa pm ami i .v ir a tlraa aaa thaa aaa Utaas rara ntnia lta mniMla aain. j a a r pira gftasf. ( s rant ariLSrsv aarraal ay er PALLXM0 tlCMM BaS a III. taa rvmady va rare tna aaa raaaa. p"" fall U a raaana lev ai a- la ll a asoa fnr a Iraailaa aal a Praa auntla ef vf laraillUa ram Ir. a t-iyrm.. aa4 Paat OfKaa. It eaata f" aotlilns fnv a trial, un4 I a IB rave r. Adaraas It 11. U. BOOT, tt IW1 Be Tata. mi r IYIEAIM YOU. W;r srMrK Em PI ala. 1st ii a r Ue a arlia mrf baa! Q i lb world. woo m Ihiatrsjiton, PP.. handaotne hliwttnrs, al aaany yi is Susan f'.onil In o othrr Bible. Mll ai alcht. Alaa. Ki(inathB Illsuwy f th TJ. B . eoanal wVka Ihn praont admlnlalrmtlpn. Ifyoajwanl iessaia r.u.'.ry send for terata. rlroalara, aao. Adraa wsldis trow, ta wrocsTH ctaaiSiTV a, HOMES! HOMES FOR FAEMEBSiHECHANICS! iiohf: ron ktkrt onhii Lands for Sale on Ten Yean' Credit Lands for Clearing' Oar as forty arm and we will deed yon twenty of the cleared. We own or can control more than 300,000 rr at c;oor xi,tiiii;ni:i i.am tn Kastern Arkannaa or Western Mtaalnair.pl Tbeae land. If cleared, will make TEN Tll'A SAND CXIMFORTABLJ. HOMES, Tlieee lanrl we will ell m tracts to miH Mir chaser on TEN YEARS' CREDIT. A"ry man can kar JJuim (f he wont. ens. Ilnntatlons. Farms or T1mlere Lands will br exchanged for good tnerrhandla or wall -eeua red notes, or for laiprovrd City fYoiierly. JAlKn aV ( O. For tmrtWulara ndrlrraa DK. T. m. JACKS, Ilrlcaia, Ark. corjsur.iPTioN. I have apoattlve rvatadv fbra)a 4am dkaaaaa i hy iu las Uinw.sniai of raaas of IM vorst SIM aa4 of lmK andins have baea csr4. laitaail an atnf . ay fai'a In tu eineayy. i.at I will aai TWO aoTTI.B paaa K.MhaT .nil a Vil.CASl.aTKlATIS ea ILL Slaves, a aer aaffarar. Olve K a araa an p. A aadraaa. l.a. T. A. UOVM. m Pearl Su. Maw Tots nov.l lmDsW UNITED STATES MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION, 409 Broadway, N. Y. INIJRR S 4,000 AecMent Inanranor. fSS.Vti WeelLly Indemnity ACiAIXJiT Membentliln fee. 94. ami ' l.i i A ,t U - Attllllwl aico)ar and arplloatloSj Wank. European permit. i;. U. 1 KKT i of Koger. I'eel at Co.), rrellenl. J. R. PITCHER, SecreUry 8end for a ulcture of Mm. Law'Tut: mailed free. udlM III Win OO YOU WAXT AX ACiKXCl' f HILL'S MANTJALrvf book In America, and wanted everywhere to fax 111 IR the million bow to do tbe rirht thing at ItiatlpK time In MPCIAl, and lil'SlNICSM I.IFK. Tlie original, beet olajMl6d. moat teautlfully II Instmted and complete form rxK.li In the world. Hend for clrrnlars of the new edition. Hole Agents. HAIIIIvak DILLOK, 9. Park PUor. New York. tV"Ak any Agent to show ymi HILL'S MAN UAL tn th sat del 1 lm A Word to Our Readers When vou read of medicine that w ill mre all dlKoawn, lewrr of It. for errry et-lentlflc physi cian on art h knows how fallnt lotia aurb state mcnU are. sut wlirn you lead f a medkltie comtxinnded t.v'a rrirular i.tivslclan and sarsron of high atendlng. that r-llma to enre only it tain rtJucaou. and lu.Tilnln s high Proof that It d's this, you can anfvlv try It and with the aaauratu-e that It will cure you DH V It. MTtlMK. late ;hrU Isn ami surgtn of the I'.hA , bat t.in'-cd iK-fore the public a rr-pratlon called . which no doiihl is the greatest scientific i.rriHi ration yet illa-.v-red for the cure of ityatiepal. In all Its forms, and refers to thnnaends of ladles and gentlemen of the tilghoet reapoctal.UHy that have been curvl of caaca tirt.noonced Incnrat.le by the best physicians In the ootintry. Th fol lowing references should lm aufhclent to oonvlncr the most acritlcal. Mr Albert Howard of the Howard Watch and dock (V . 114 Trerhont street, Boston; Prank (. hmlnlL. busUira manager Heading Iron Works. lU alliig, J'a ; M'hmvi Tbomtwon. 1'hurlow, Pa., p. A W. R. R : Miss Kate H NTllard. Seminole. H V : (apt Oeo. M. Weymouth. Havannalc (, ; 1r renoe H. Connerat, Savannah. Oa. Tbey fnmlsh the leet of references from every Wale In tbr Union when required. Write then at fl 1-rrsru 8U. I-blladelphU. Pa All flrst olaas dniggiats have It jnh25,)w,T tnh IS Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital. 'Caah Capital paid in. Surplus Fond, $1,000,000 S300.000 S50.00( DI RECTO HU W. I. GORE, f G. W. WILLI AM 8, IHAAC BATPJ. JAH A LEAK. f. RHE1NtTEI E B. BORDEN. DONALD MrRAK. H. VOLLERK. R. R. BRIDOERK. 3. W. ATEIN80N. mA. M. HTEDMAN Prestdstil ISAAC BATES. Vic lYesldenl. 8. D. Wallace. Cashier. ana-sar Lowell Machine Shop, Lowell, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF K'EKT DJaHCIilPTfON OF COTTON MACHINERY Of most Approved Pattern and with Raoenl IniroTement. Paper Machinery ALSO TURBINE WHEELS. Shafting and Gearing, Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevators, Ac PLANS FOR OOTTON AND PAPER M1I.1J. C. L. niLDRETn, Sept. LOWELL, MARS. WM. A. RrHII Tmu . mh I tf SN Htat HtrweU Boelon The Marion Star. THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLIrtnED TN tbe Pe Dee eotlon, on of U weaJthleet And rooet proapeyoaa in th Htate, offer to Ones 'mission and Whoieaale Merohant ah 4 Maaufar tnrers, and to tboae who have adorrtAl th nlan of selling by sample, an eaoellent medium of eom municatlon with a large and Influential class of merchants, mechanic, planters and naval store men. whose patronage I worth solicitation. Ad vert lc ra cnta and Buslne Cards tnaertd oa likw ral terms. AddPM THE BTAsL 29tf Marlon KC . The Central Protestant I a iiifvrviviinintnri nmsi'tifrv aii ai.. A .WEEKLY RELlGIOCrl AND FA.VTLY KXWI naoer and lb Orraa cf th Met hod tat Prut a tantChnrch In North Carolina, Is pahliabra at Greensboro, N. C ' Terms, f 3 oo per annnm. in ad vane. Th eligibility of tt location, tb itaksr and activity of Its agent, and the constantly Increas ing demand ror It among tbe more solid elaaae of reader in various eetlona. give tb CENTRAL PROTESTANT peoollar oaaisaa upoa th patron age of the advertising pnbli. Term vary ravor- ble. (nnit your buslneaf tntereet, aad addrea th editor e, L. MICTUUX. Oreensboro N. C -.! . : t . . i. ,' 4 . ii - "-it " f 't-S i "V "la .1 i I Htj, -m 4 r .f 1 t.4 IT .aa vi ' 4 . 'r i 1 1 i- f vOr 4 r-H 4-' i 4 . 4 t

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