The Morning-Star BY Wffl. U." BERNARD. 414 'UUUSH3D DAILY EJD CKPT MONDAYS. RATE -OF 8UA8CBXPTIO: or ADVANOX. T one Vear, Oy Mall) Postage $7 00 six Montns, Three Months, " Two Months, " " 4 00 2 00 1 50 75 j3f? to mtv suDsoribers, delivered In any part of the City, Fifteen Cents per week. OnrCity Agents are not authorized to collect for more rhan three months in advanoe. Snared at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class Matter. MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. Henry Barst, a furniture dealer of Peters burg. Va., committed suicide by hacking his head to pieces with a chisel. Noah Mitchell, jewelry manufacturer of Net? York city, failed with liabilities over $100,- 000. The new city government of New , r , . . . x" (if' Mm nil term n it artminiotmtinn o ffood financial showing. The Con irrwisiinal Wvs and Means committPP Ha- cidecl that nothing could be done until re- ports were received from the Tariff Com- mission and adjourned to December 5tb.- The Postmaster General decides that communications reproduced by hectograph are not mailable as circulars. Thos. B. .Morton, a supposed check-raiser, wanted in Memphis, has been arrested in Atlanta. Jas. Burton and W. L. Thorpe, brothers-in-law, of Somerville, Tenn., quarrelled; Thorpe afterwards shot and killed Burton while the latter was laving billiards. A man named Cook shot a Miss Austin, of Muhlenburg Co., Ky. , to whom he had been paying atten tion, and then shot himself; both died within five minutes. Wm. A. Rus sell, of Baltimore county, Md., was killed bv one of two burglars whom he caught in his store. James A. Cowardin, foun der and editor of the Richmond (Va.) Dis patch, is dead. A boiler explosion on a Louisiana plantation killed the engineer and fatally hurt two negroes. At a fire at Providence, R. I., the operatives em ployed in the burning building leaped from the windows; two women were killed and six others received fatal injuries. New York markets: Money 610 per cent. ; cotton dull and easier at 10f10 13-16c; southern flour steady at $4 506 75 ; wheat, ungraded red 83c$l 15; corn, ungraded T689c; rosin steady at $1 801 90; spirits turpentine quiet and firm at 54c. Foreign importations at New York continue very heavy. John Sullivan is to fight Tom Alien for So, 000 aside. The railroads are now at war and you can ride from St. Paul, Minn., to Chicago, 111., for $1. The Radicals boasted that they would carry North Carolina by 30,000 majority, and they have begun again their old game of brag. They say, never you mind, we will elect our man for President in 1884. Blaine is said to be aging rapid- ly. His face is puffy, his chops hang low, and the elasticity has gone out of his walk no little. He says he is , , . . t i t not looking to the Presidency. Lo- rran. it is announced, savs he. too. is not aspiring. xne recent ngui in jiaiyiauu ws against bossism, and was, therefore, not strictly a. Republican victory. 1 here was an uprising or trie voters cratic politicians, as we learn from a stron ? Baltimore Democrat. There is one writer for the press who has been captured by the Lang try. He writes for the Charleston Neics ami Courier from New York. He thinks her face and manners charming:. He does not say much in favor of the acting, however. Bob Ingersoll thinks Tecuraseh Sherman is the man for the Radicals in 1S84. It is not at all improbable that he will be the man, and if nom inated he- will be a hard man to beat. If elected, he cannot be worse than Grant was, and we prefer him to "Piegan" Sheridan, "Secor" Robe son, or Jay Hawk Hnbbell. Fantastical Brewster has issued an other war bulletin from his Depart- ditions; Surry circuit Jor the year, 55 pro- f T . 7nc,w,r,tnr, Jr fessions. 35 additions; Brunswick circuit at ment of J ustice in Washington, it Patmosg 16 additions; for the year 150 ad is dated the 31st of October, and is ditions; Iredell circuit, 72 professions; Uw- addressed to U. S. District Attorney Melton, of South Carolina. The circular is declared by the Charles ton JTews and Courier to be "full of menace and impudence." The election laws are to be made an ex cuse for constant Federal supervision, and unsworn statements are to be sufficient. The Baltimore American takes a just view of the Chalmers matter in this paragraph: "There exists no power any where to alter a oanoi, even inougn casi unuex a unaumc 1 11 il a J ! Vr A To admit that anv such power CXietS WOUIQ I lead to far greater evils than it would cure. It was decided by the Electoral Commis sion that even Congress could not go be hind the returns: still less could it go be hind the ballots. Chalmers has, of course, a strong equitable claim in contesting his seat in Congress, but a Democratic commit tee of elections will not be likely to count the 'Chambless' vote for Chalmers. " The American is s Republican pa per and a correct opinion in a ques-, tion of this sort is, therefore, the more remarkable. 1HE VOL. XXXI. NO. 52. Mr. James A. Cowardin, founder and senior editor of the Dispatch, died in Richmond, yesterday, in his 72d year. We had known Mr. Co wardin from our earliest boyhood and always had a high admiration for his conscientious devotion to his chosen profession. Honest and sincere in his convictions, he always battled for the right, but never permitted partisan prejudice to warp his judgment or em- I L JO bl"Gr hlS heart- Nearly a11 the old Richmond journalists have now passed away. John Hampden Plea sants and his brother, Hugh R., the Ritchies, John M. Daniel, Alex. Mose- ley, Robert Ridgway, Edward Wm. Johnstonj "William Muscoe Semple, John Hampden Chamberlayne, and James A. Cowardin all dead. What a brilliant galaxy they formed. Democratic Governor-elect Patti- son, of Pennsylvania, declines the ase of the military at public cost when be is inaugurated. He pro poses to return to the simplicity and econonw ot other davs. It costs many thousands, says the Philadel- Times, to inaugurate the Republican Governors. "Mr. Pattison writes: "To my mind the solemness of the act is marred by the intrusion of such needless and inopportune display. 1 he sooner we return to simplicity and democratic good sense in these matters the better better for the people and better for the officers. Be sides, I am resolutely determined that, so far as I can control the matter, my inaugu ration as Governor shall not cost the people of Pennsylvania one dollar. Why should it ? They derive no benefit from such scenes and the money spent thereon is wasted. The Western Associated Press and the New York Associated Press have consolidated with Charles A. Dana, of the New York Swi, as President. Spirits Turpentine. Galloway's maj'ority for Solici tor is 2,499. The negro boy Cox, on trial for murder in Wayne, has been acquitted. Bishop Merrill will preside at the Northern Methodist Conference to con vene in Winston, N. C, January 21st, 1883. The Methodists are beginning to discuss who shall be the successor of the late Dr. Craven as President of Trinity College. Gen. Scales was elected two years ago by 2,003 majority. He is elected this year by 2,590 an increase of 587 votes. The friends of ex-Representative Yeates will be glad to learn that he has re- covered entirelv from the recent mental at tack that sent him to the asylum. Gastonia Gazette: We are pleased to learn that Mr. C. J. Lineberger naa satisfactorily arranged with his credi- tors and on luesday last the Lawrence ana Woodlawu factories resumed operations. Raleierh Visitor : The cotton f X wn Aftf f rn XT TVIllttf Tl? 1 iV 1 1 T7DQ about five miles east of this city, was en- tirely destroyed by fire about 5 o'clock this Tfae signal Corps station at Cape natteras, N. C, reports that a life boat twenty-six feet 1-nT noinioH orliitp nftmpd Rottprrlnm wn found on the beach 'near Station 18, on the 8th inst-. y a native. lireenville isenecto-r : 1 acre will be a meeting in the Court House, in Vireenvine, on oaiuruay, rmveuiuer vom, for the purpose of takin? some steps to wards building a railroad from some point on the W. & W. R. R., to Greenville. Roxboro JVews : On Monday evening, about 4 o'clock, we discovered a crowd gathered in front of our office, and upon ascertaining the cause, we learned "that an altercation had taken place between John Farrar and Buck Locke, both colored, when Farrar stabbd Locke, completely dis embowelling him. It has been thrown by some one into the following couplet "A moral, sensible and well bred man Will not affront me and no other can," Wilmington Star. . Cowper was the "some one" who threw the sentiment into the couplet. Conversa tion, line 193. Lexington Dispatch. xne IOUOWlUL-ievivais aic ic- portea in ttaieigu jiavocaie: ror me y on Pittsboro circuit, over 80 professions ; Mt. Pleasant circuit for the vear, 86 profes sions; Chapel Hill, 65 professions, 55 ad hame circuit, 4o proiessions, no aaumons. Milton Chronicle: We are un fettered by "promises" even as to our vote for U. S. Senator. But the gifted and courtly Ransom is our choice .against the field and we regret that we cannot vote to elect Zeb Vance over again 1 We would doubly elect him if we could. Something-must be done for sheep in the State. It was only last Friday night they came near killing a whole flock of sheep for 'Squire J. O. Bradsher. of Person. Winston Sentinel : On the 6th day of January, 1883, our time-honored sister town of Salem will have reached the age of 117 years, the first tree having been corner of Dock and Front streets, yester felled on that day, in the year 1766, for the Aav nftprnoon nnrl hrolrA n. crlnsu nut nf ft erection of the ' first building. In Dobson. Surrv. N. C on the night ot the 11th of November, 1882, Colonel H. M. w.,1(,h hothw1 h i, W at thfl advanced " " T ' ; i w,;i, age of 78 vears and 7 days. Col. Waugh has been a prominent figure in the politics of Surry for many years, and has repre sented the county in the Legislature a num ber of times. Miss Lucy Caudle, of Lexington, N. C, aged 23 years, died on the 6th inst., from injuries sustained by the explosion of an oil can while igniting a fire with kerosene oil some three weeks previous. Another warning. Goldsboro Messenger: Fayette ville, N. C. Nov. 10, 1882. Hon. J. W. Rhftokelford. Richlands, N. C: My Dear Sir AcceDt my sincere thanks and that of the party throughout tne jLuainct nun me WILMINGTON, State for the noble and generous way in which you and your county have responded to the call of Democracy and Constitution al government, it's the admiration of every one. God bless you and Onslow. YouVs most truly, W. J. Green. The large aweinnff house on the farm of Col. John r. Cobb, in Indian BDnnflrs. was destroved by fire Wednesday last, together with most or tne personal eflects stored in the house. The fire was accidental. The building was one of the best constructed in the county. costing originally nearlv $10,000. Mr. S. D. Pool, who occupied the house at the time, lost most of his furniture. Col. Cobb is insured to the amount of $2,400. in the Liverpool, .London and Globe company. THE CITY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. Mtjxds Druggist. O. Ditson Minstrel songs. P. H.IIayden Just in time. Mitnson Fine diagonal suits. F. II. Darby Aasignee'-s sale. At Harris' Blanche Douglas. Cronly & Morris Auction sale. Local Don. Wood scarce and high. Thanksgiving one week off to- morrow. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,826 bales. Rain and snow is predicted for to-morrow. The off-shore storm signal was flying yesterday. The snn set clear yesterday af- ternoon, which is said to be a certain indi cation of good weather. A northeast storm prevailed all of Monday night, and yesterday the weather was cold and rainy. The young folks are beginning to save up their dimes for Christmas, which will be a month off Saturday. . Judge Dillon, who was here in the Carolina Central Railroad case, rcgis eredin Washington on Saturday. The magistrates have had very little to do lately, people generally having been on their good behavior since the elec tion. Mary Davis, the insane colored woman, mentioned several times in this column recently, is to be taken to the Golds boro Asylum to-day. Yesterday morning, the same as on the morning previous, there was only one case of "drunk and dovn" to claim the Mayor's consideration. The ladies of St. Paul's Episco pal church are requested to meet at the rectory this morning at 11 o'clock. The young ladies are particularly requested to attend. A colored man, sick and desti tute, and who says he belongs on one of the sounds, was taken care of at the station house Monday nieht and yesterday sent to the City Hospital. There were quite a number of Baltimorcans and others in the city j'ester day, in attendance upon the railroad meet' ings. They were all expected to leave for thdr hQmes j eveniljff . The Board of Directors of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company, at their meeting yesterday, declared a semi annual dividend of 3 per- cent , payable on or after the 15th of January, ensuing. A scrimmage occurred between two colored men at the foot of Market street, yesterday afternoon, .but after a tum ble in the mud, and a few mutual pound ings they were separated and adjourned to get a "smile." City Improvements. But few of our citizens rfeally have any idea of the amount of improvement that has been going on in some portions of Wil mington right recently In order to be come fully acquainted with it one must take a stroll, particularly through those sec tions bordering on the suburban. Not only have a great number of new dwellings been erected, many of them neat and handsome cottages, but a great many of the buildings Viotto hMin pnl-i r rrnr 1 nnH t i tirir i c im I Xnnth t;H fnt ia that , ... . time past, which has a powerful effect in rejuvenating things and giving a city a healthy and prosperous appearance. Prisoners In the County Jail. There are at present only twelve prisoners in the county jail, of which five are from Pender and one a United States prisoner, in for costs. There are really, at the present writing, only three Criminal Court cases in jail, and but for the fact that there are quite a number of continuances to be dis posed of there would be a very light docket for the approaching term, commencing next Mondav. A FIgbt, bnt Nobody Hurt. Two Qolored men got into a fight at the J - BUU" O'ltolu to the guard house, where they were recog- J k xr nizeu ivi men FF-"1"L"-C ucivic via j vi Smith this morning. There was nobody hurt. Unmallable Matter. The following is the unmailable matter remaining in the city postoffice : Mrs. Mollie F. Bryant, New Milford; E. M. Kermon, Oregon Mills, South Creek; W. M. Jackson, Hampshire, Va. Indigestion, dyspepsia, heart-burn, nau- sea, etc cured by using urowns iron t. jjihoto. N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1882. OUR RAILROADS. Annual meetings of Stockholder or the Wilmington & Weldon and Wil mington, Colombia & Augusta Rail' road Election' of Officers, Submis sion of Reports, &c. The Stockholders of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company met at the Company's office in this city j'esterday at 11 o'clock. On motion of Col. R. R. Bridgers, Col. H. B. Short was appointed Chairman, and J. W. Thompson Secretary. B. F. Newcomer and J. W, Thompson were appointed a committee to verify prox ies. The committee reported 9,432 shares re presented in person, and 5,847 by proxy, making a total of 15,279 shares, whereupon the meeting was declared duly organized. The President sent his annual report and submitted the reports of the Superinten dent, Treasurer and Auditor, which were received and adopted. Col. J. W. Atkinson read the report of J the Auditing Committee, which was re ceived, and, on motion, that part of the re port referring to the construction of a vault for the security of the books and papers was referred to a committee consisting of the President, Superintendent and Dr. A. J. DeRosset and Donald MacRae, with power to act. On motion of B. F. Newcomer it was re solved that any propositions which may be made to this Company to build branch roads shall be referred to the Board of Directors with power to act. The meeting then proceeded to the elec tion of a President, and Uoi. ti. it. Bridgers was unanimously re elected. The old Board of Directors were unani mously re-elected, as follows: W. T. Wal ters, B. F. Newcomer, S. M. Shoemaker and H. Walters, of Baltimore; II. B. Plant, of New York; A. J. ReRosset and Donald MacRae, of Wilmington ; E. B. Borden, of Goldsboro; W. H. Willard, of Raleigh, and George Howard, of Tarboro. Col. J. W. Atkinson, A. Branch and D. G. Worth were reelected Auditing Commit tee. The time for the next annual -meeting of the stockholders of the Company was fixed for the first Tuesday after the Third Mon day in November, 1883. The meeting then adjourned. The Directors met directly after the ad journment of the stockholders aud elected B. F. Newcomer Vice President and J. W. Thompson Secretary and Treasury. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD. The stockholders- of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad Company met in annual session yesterday at 13 o'clock, at the office of the Company in this city. On motion of Col. R. R. Bridgers, Col. H. B. Short was called to the chair and J. W. Thompson requested to act as Secre tary. B. F. Newcomer, Geo. C. Jenkins and J. W. Thompson were appointed a com mittee to verify proxies. The committee reported 2,077 shares rep resented in person and 4,831 represented by proxy, making a total of 6,908 shares, whereupon the meeting was declared duly organized. The President read his annual report and submitted the reports of the other officers, which, on motion, were received and adopted. Hon. R. R. Bridgers was then unani mously reelected President The old Board of Directors was also re elected, as follows: W. T. Walters, S. M. Shoemaker, B. F. Newcomer. George C. Jenkins, Enoch Pratt, J'. D. Cameron, George S. Brown, H. B. Plant, R. . R. Bridgers, H. B, Short. The time of the next annual meeting was fixed for the first Tuesday after the third Monday in November, 1883. The meeting then adjourned. After the adjournment of the stock holders' meeting the directors met and elected W. T. Walters as Vice President, anil T W Thnmnonn u Q ftpfrrotarv and,r The steamer Hurt, which was here yesterday, reports a rise of three inches ia the river up to the time she left Fayetteville Monday morning. THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive- at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 8:00 P. M Northern through and way mails 5:40 A. M. Raleigh 5:80 P. M. 5:0 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied therefrom Including S iO A M uv V wau, Cfc Ll . . . . . . . - Southern mails for all points South, daily 6:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. western maus tj. u. Kauwayt aauy (except Sunday) 5:00 p. M. Ill points between Hamlet and Raleigh 5:00 P. M. Mau for Cheraw and Darlington Rail- road :30 A. M. and 8.-00 P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston 6:30 A. M. and 90 P. M. Fayettevule, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P. M. Fayetteville, viaLumberton. daily, ex cept Sundays 5:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A. M. Smithville malls, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A.M. Mails for Easy Hfll, Town Creek, Shal- lotte and Little River. Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern thro' and way mails .7:30 and 8:00 A. M. Southern mails 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 10:30 A. M. Mails collected f rom street boxes every day at 8:45 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 -M., and from 2 to 5:30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at genera delivery when stamp office Is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on 8undays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Ml Weather Indications. The following are the indications for to day: For the South Atlantic States, local rains, followed by clearing weather, winds mostly northwesterly, stationary or higher tempera ture and higher pressure. "Furnished .Rooms" at tbe Opera House. The performance at the Opera Honw last night is designated by some as first class and by others as a very unsatisfactory entertainment. There was a large audi ence, and "it Jis safe to say that expecta tions by the majority, of a pleasant and en joyable evening, were disappointed. The steamship Guff Stream, Capt. Ingrahara, arrived from New York yester day. Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District, Methodist Episcopal Church, South Fourth Round (in part): Cokesbury, at Bethany, November 25 and 26. Coharie Mission, November 26 and 27. - Members of the Quarterly Conferences arc requested to be present. R. O. Burton, Presidinir Elder. CITY ITEMS. PERSONAL: TO MEN ONLY Tint Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dti'i Cklebkatbd Elkctro-Voltaic Belt and Elko tric Appliances on trial for thirty day to men (young: or old) who are afflicted with Nervoo Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re- storation of health an id wanly vtsror. Aaarcsa as above. N. B. No risk is Incurred, as thirty days above. N. B. : trial Is allowed. Malaria. Chills and Fever, and Bilious attacks positively cured with Emory s Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy; never fall to cure the most obstinate, long-standing cases, sugar coated; causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain - in their action and harmless in all oases; they effectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequaled. Kor Liver Complaint their equal is not knowrx one bars will have a wonderful effect on the worst caje. They are used and prescribed by Physi cians, and sold by Druggists everywhere. 20 ana SO cent boxes. Kmory's Little Cathartio Pills, best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co.. 114 Nassau Street. New York. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS '. MOTHERS : Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excru ciating pain of cutting teeth f If so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately lcpend upon it : there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use hi all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a brittle. TUE TALE THAT TELLS. At the 1 !Hh Grand Monthly Drawing of The Louisiana State Lot tery at New Orleans, on Tuesday (always Tues day), Oct. 10th, le, the wheel again revolved, ana no shadow of suspicion .'is to fairness rests where Gen'ls G. T. Beauregard of La., and Juhal A. Early of Va.. have the sole supervision of tbo distribution as they do every month. Names of many Winners are withheld from the public at their reouest. Ticket No. 35,19.- drew the first capital prize of 75,000 (a princely gift), sold In nttns at one dollar eaon, sent to n. a. uaupnin. New Orlean. Ii Two-fifths, drawing $;),000. was held bv John ( Danes ueuss, a thrifty (ier- man farmer of Acension Parish, La.; Gwynn Har ris. No. (k-9 "F" Street, Health Office Inspector. fof tvLZl another fifth. The second capital prize of $25,000 VI tu ill I ir c ill fi 1 1 u i ojiyi til luiun lis n v. 49.753, one-fifth held by Sam. Hobson. a travelling salesman of Memphis, Tenn.; another to a party at Crawfordsville, Tenn., and so on. Ticket No. 39,354 drew the third capital, $10,000, was held in Chicago, 111. Nos. 14,962 and 68,736 drew the fourth capital prizes, two of $6,000 each sold in fifths one to F. Sancan. the proprietor of the Thibodeavr (La ) Xrntintl ; one to . C. Hunting ton, "New York City. etc. Spaco cannot be given except for a few brilliant examples of those who ventured and won next : DIED, SAVAGE In this city, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Melton, on tbe evening of The ISth inst , Mrs. TABITOA SAVAGE, aged 79 years. Past her sufferings, past her pain. Cease to weep for tears are vain. Calm the tumult of thy breast; She that suffered is at rest. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. I SHALL PROCEED FROM THIS DATE TO SELL at Cost, for Cash, all that large and splendid assortment of Trunks Valines, Saddlery, liar ness, etc., now in the Store No. 8 South Front street, where business was lately carried on by Mr. J. H . Mallard. F. H. DARBY, nov 22 3t Assignee. Just in Time FOR THE SEASON, A FINE LOT OF PATENT Horse Blankets and other styles for sale low. Also a large stock of Carriages. Phaetons and Buggies, aDd Saddles, Harness, Collars and every thing in the line of business at mv Carriage and 1 Harness Factory, on 3rd. between Market and irincess streets. nov u w v. ii. uaiuiit. THOSE FINE DIAGONAL SOITS II ANDSOMELY LINED WITH SATIN AND SILK, tastefully cut, and well made, oftentimes met on the street and worn by Stylish Gentlemen are the handiwork of MINSON'S Merchant Tailoring Rooms, Front Street. nov 22 t f Blanche Douglas TJAS ARRIVED AND CAN BE FOUND AT HARRIS' News and Cigar Store. She is the best FIVE CENT CIGAR on the market. She will give you satisfaction, and if she don't, why try her again ! nov 22 tf JAMES C. MUNDS, DRUGGIST, AND DEALER IN FANCY GOODS & TOILET ARTICLES, nov22 it 35 NORTH FRONT ST. COAL AND WOOD ! ND DON'T YOU FORGET IT, That SPRINGER'S is THE place of ALL PLACES to get your nov21tf COAL AND WOOD. Tnrner's N. C, Almanacs, 1883. FULL STOCK OF COMMERCIAL AND School Stationery. Musical Instruments. Al bums, Gold Pens, Gilt. Ebony and Velvet Picture Frames and Easels, Steel Engravings, tc, Ac. An Elegant Line of Juvenile Books. nov 19 tf C W. YATK8. Hats ! T A TEST STYLES : Hats ! LADIES' NAPPED BEAVERS ! HARRISOIi A ALLEN, nov 10 tf Hatter. TAR WHOLE NO. 4757 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 51. CIIONL.Y, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. A UCTION SALES THIS DAY. WEDNESDAY. NOV. ED, 1W At foot ef Church Htret. Italian Brig GERONIMA C . at 11 o'rlock A M Within our Sales Room. BIG ISLAND and NO. 4 MARKET STREET. At 12 o'clock M. nov 22 It Tim MUSICAL -KrCCKfcK OF THE SEASON. MINSTREL SONGS OLD AND NEW. NparlvlOO of those world -fmon PLAN TATION HONOR and POPI LAH JH KLO- DIKA thai have inadn the fortune of Mlnntirl Troupes, and of whicn intson & Co bold thoco rvrt-ht of a larsr numtirr More true, original, pleasing mHodlos tnnv b found in this volume than in ny other extant. Of course Foster leads the van. and his OLD FOLK AT IIOTOK cannot be excelled. This statement, however. will be questioned by many who prrfcr OlD Kikti-ckt Ilooi. On. Stuaxsaii. Cld Dow That; (Ji.o t Nrn, Oi.n Das TrcnER, Ouirtn Ilni, Faiiewill, Dkah, Dixib Lahi, Or the more modern nonsense song of thi Ju bilee order. GosriL Hait. or Cnnr !(:.. I TBI MonWIJSO BT TBI BniOITT l.HJTTT, Or the truly beautiful Lilt Dai.r. Msik Bird, or Twinu(i Stars. Pr1c. $3 Boards, $2..) Cloth. $1 Fine Gilt Mailed anywhere for above price. OLIVER D1T80N & CO., Boston. C. H. DITRON A CO , nov 22 DAW tf Broadway, New York Wed hat Jo 10 Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. IB.. "W. PEICE , Manufacturer and Dealer in BUILDING MATERIAL ! OF ALL KINDS Ornamental Wood Wort and Siair Work A SPECIALTY WILJIINCTOt, !J C. Oct R DiWtf Patricio. Patricio. rpHE FINEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER HOLD in Wilmington. Try one and yon will amok them always A large lot urt received at oct2tf KASPROWICZ'. Furniture. "yyE ARE OFFERING INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS OK FURNITURE. Our i-tock Lh complete In all line. Home v-ry hand so mo Black Walnut and Ebony Cornier and Polos put in stock this week. Also Ico Lambre quins and Cnrtalns In thro good wo can give you decided bargain. D. A SMITH iOi, nov 19 tf The Furniture Dralors ALL THE STYLES ! WE OFFER BOOTS and SHOES ForOenfs. Ladloa, Misers. Boya and Oilldrrn. COME AND SEE Geo. E. French & 8ons N. FRONT ST Corn Cure. 1 ALL AND C.ET A DOTTLE OF OTIS BROTH ERS' NEVER FAILING CORN CURE. Corns. Bunions and Ca'loiim-s removed esl)y, gulr kly and certainly. No pain For sale bv J. 11. HARDIN, nov 17 tf Druggist. New Markrt. Florida Oranges. 4 LOT OF FIXR1DA ORANOES JUST HT. ceived. Sweet and Julrv. Alao, fine (od Ba nanas from Jamaica, large Yellow liauana from Aspinwall. and a few cheap Hunchm 1 ft fnm cargo of Schooner Julia Ellzafeth. FRESH CANDIKS mado to-day At S. (t NORTUROP'S nov 17 tf Fruit and Confectionery Store The Best "WOOLEN f'ODSSOLI) IS THE SALEM CAS SIM ERE. A nice kind of KERSEY for Royi. at VJ r out jxt yard. A large supply Just received from the Salem. N. C. Factory novlStf JNO .1 IIEDRICR It ,yy'ILL SKPARATE YOU FROM ONLY A small portion of your earnings the purchase of a "FARMER GIRL" COOK, or a cheerful HEAT INO STOVE. Ijtrge stork and great variety at nov 12 ts F M. KINO CO H William H.- Green, 'yyilOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUOOIST. Dealer in Toilet Articles Proprietary Medicines Cigars, Tobacco, Oardrn Seed. Ac Ar , novlOtf MARKET STREET THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING, Y"D 1 AM N'ow MAKING A LARGE Dis play of a wall assorted stock from London. Pa ris, Vienna and American market The selection will be appreciated by tbo moat refined tastes. Elegant Show Cases are filled beautiful articles. rlth tbe moat Parties can now call and make selection be fore the rush. A cordial invitation Is extended to all at HEINHRKROKK'S nov 19 tf Live Book and Music Store. Drugs and Medicines. A LL THE LATEST PREPARATIONS. PER- fumery. Toilet and Fancy Article COMPETENT PHARMACISTS at each of my two Store Pr criptlons carefully compounrled. F. C. MILLER. a. J Corner 4th and Hanover raj'H tf ttlon 1 Corner 4th and Nun Bt. ; Corner 4th and Hanover St aXATliS OV ADTEBTlllNUl OnoSqnar OMlkr,... M Two Iljr,. tl I n 1 M ... . M . ... M . I M 10 M M ... MM Tnrwe ler,. . rr iwr. rir rrv -o we.. . . Two Wia,. . Tbr W . CM Mnotiv. . Two Months.. TbrM Month. HUMonUuL o o " - One Tear 96 W Contra Atf vwrtlMNnmita Ukw al pop Uonatety low ralM. Ta Use adU4 rimiparwU type mk on qvarv NEW A I ) V E 1 tTI M KM KNTS. Royster's Candy! We are Still in Ifce Fielfl for Ycnr Patronage. BIOGtNH MAKE MUCH JCOl'E, lU'TTIJK MIOT Rr-ATTEn AND WONT RILL BOYSTER'S CANDY HT1LLI?THK Ah( KNDKNCV c nr. ri:it, iriu:ii. imnrn Than any Candy vrrr wild In Wllmlnrio Trull Hnr, Wnlntil Ten in, Nmothereit ( oron, Jitpnneae, Itiillclnrera, IVntmt Hnr, Frrah Corvianut. ( "Iioeolalr CYratna, lritu. Orang N raw lrn ' """a and liocolalr f'ar mU. Burnt Aloiniirli, ai.J tnn ulhrr varlilli FREM! KVKKY Wr.KK iui1 ruarai.trrd an to quality Mill a-llln at Vi ( P. L. Bridgers & Co. nr.T 13 IA Wtf i in, iii i.twvntw. I)VISED Til EM TO BUY I'lNi. CHKD1T and aril low for ah tn f om.Mtii'' Hli above ad vl tlio nrw Kiimll nrr Ktorw of ttr KKNDK A MONROE I K 'r Marart an1 Pt.d S . Wilmington. N ' . ntfrr tl Urtroat mttu a In thlMato of ctiamlMT. I'ail"f IMntti Ofti Kltclien and I.llirarr Kumltot. 'ar. oil ('lottia. W a rdr . w-lllriff A . A r , Ar. at Who)calo and i rtail. I"W! t han i vrr ( ttli la their ii.) I mn 1H tf No' More Delays ! NO MORE DISAPPOINTMENT 7K UAXT. PKWPr.CTFI' A ?( I( N'. FM r N'T M'l in(i'ii, nil inn bii i 'iu i . in urn ii imm Tallnrlng lrtittmrtit. artil n" we can tni1 thorti'h. ana t" ko,ji nji a rnh wr will irlre special prlroa thl work Having lit r t ut m d 'rom Oir Norili.wtn-ir wr purt haaoff cmr oriil t'k at r loeliig out titlr. wo fool cctifiilrnt wo can ma k' It to vi-r) ""d r'a Intoro.t f purchaac frum in U lillo nt lior aro ciniilalilrir f dull Imalnee. our, that k to a f w r i arnl aj j IkI Ive uh 11.. i . . I I ..1. III il.tH i "in nun ii '""i. piii miiihi inr ., anrl low price lie vrt iorttil1 dull trade A I A V I I n"T ',! t f Mr n i.-it 1 Tabor and l lothlor Chalk as a Fertilizer, "ViR rrtnr.N AM oi 1 II K JH.ST A Nil (IHLAPRMT h' tid for If iilar 1(1 ( II IH.ns , oct 24 tf an t ii f r It.-!.) I'ulnt, N C SHEIEE. Rubber Shoes. AT fllRIFR'S HI or. e-TOKK li.t W II. J. MKI) A (.rll ASSORTMENT Of IU'HnKU IJOOTS AND MIOKS. Now i. iho time to itt) them nov 19 tf C. B. WRIGHT i i.oi it, n:ui. ikhiinv, IIA1 . Capo Fear mills. tint M tf 'Tiicy Arc liic Best I E?cr Eat," T AS THE REMARK WAIr. BY 0;(iroDl riKlnmrm. when ak1 M oplrilon f OUR Ora k era. Ilaln and Kau ) r U ti bftmi nme thing new and nl o. ami o !. found ntl at onr new at'ire The ki Klonr lall radoi. and lha bet aoloctel etK k r.f r.'i Hi . to I r found In Hie htato, whol. ! and ' U ( R Alt in 4 rH'KKTT. K. and is ..,nth In tit For Rent, fTl!U. t ortn r i f (lieantit nl l!!lf I I Nnrili Water Mti Apply to .TUI.!t' HAMHON 4.-1 Market Kt aept H tf Flour, Sugar, Coffee. 1 ()()() U H- r"'lr. Bbla M'OAR. all gtad. ')00 C ' ('rrt K all grade. Kor aale low ti tt W W 1 1 1.1 A MM A CO nov 19 tf Salt, Bagging, Ties. 1000 nA(',,Nu '500 MU w A'!,"w T,K'' Fif !le low l a W WIM.UMa Jk CO nor 19 tf Nails, Hoop-Iron, Glue. j Q Tn Hoop IRON. :o Bll iM.t.ller f.I.I E. Tvr aale low hr W W W II. MA Ma A (VI nov 19 tf Yarn, Sheeting, Paper. Plea RANDOLPH YARN. j do do Mii rriNu '2()() ReaniaWRAP For aale low bv nov 19 tf u W WILLIAM" OO n a n I ... . i A ' i f i "- . i " IV L' .1 St . u. i 4- 4 Mta -.. , 4, r e . ; j. ,f tf'' m i. i 4.1 ''! ! i V ii I I i i i t e 'I