The Morniirg"5tar i 7 - - .. t r.f V "V TT' t f i T i uatbi or AJrKnxisiMJi ?i WW. U. BERNAUD. - . ! B LISH KD DAILY EXCEPT ONDAYS. rates or flVaacrurnoM,-n-.&VAjrcx. tu Year, (if MaU FOsta PW4, Js 7 00 Six Months. .,- - f'iA 4 00 Three Months. M " J ll. 8 00 Two Month. , . 1 60 ime Month. " T " 75 To City Subscribers, delivered In any Dart of the City, Fiptbw Czhts per week. Our City Amenta are taut authorized to oolleot for more man three months in advanoe. Srercd at the Post Office at WflinlnfCton,"N. C, as Second Class Matter. MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. The steamer Winton, with grain from the Black Sea, foundered off the coast of France; thirty persons were drowned. The grand jury of the TJ. 8. Court at Salt L:ike were unable to find indictments for bisaruy, on account of the local prejudice. An express train from St. Louis wrecked near Union Station. Mo. ; many persons were injured but none fatally. Six business houses burned at Henderson, Tenn.; loss 20,000. At Denton's Mill, Ark., two men we.e fatally injured in a stabbing af ray. Mrs. Michael Caffvey was bnrned to death at Newark, N. J., bv falling on a stove while in a fit. Arrests have been made at Cincinnati of the managers and performers of the Coliseum Theatre for giving performances m Sunday. Capt. Hopkins, U. S. Navy, lias been dismissed the service for deserting his post at the Pensacola Navy Yard during the epidemic. Three new cases of yellow tever reported at Pen sacola. Fla., in a family thai returned eleven (lavs ago. Pittsburg iron men say i.hat handsome profit can' be had from steel rails at $40 per ton; the ouJ.cry made by ibe trade in the West is for the purpose if lnlluencing prices of labor and to pre war a reduction of duty on imported rails. X. Y. markets: Money 72o per cent. ; cotton dull at 10 9-1610fc; southern flour dull and weak at $4 505 25; wheat, un graded red 83c$l 10; corn, ungraded 55 (91)0; rosin firm at $1 801 90; spirits turpentine dull and weak at 53ic. Yui. Pitt Kellogg is a Jew and his real name is Loventhal. The London iMitcet says that a moderate qse of tobacco is not in jurious. It is now positively asserted that Mahone and hit set voted thousands of negroes on fraudulent tax receipts. Very likelv. Fifty contests ia the next House is the number estimated. Let the Dem ocrats resolve that no contestant shall receive pay who is unsuccessful. Judging from the price of turkeys they are roosting high. They have probably heard of the Governor's proclamation appointing a day of thanksgiving. Thurlow Weed, one of the leading editors and most sagacious and in fluential ,of the New York politicians in the past, died yesterday. He was more than 80 years of age we think, lie was a Republican. iov. Stephens is playing havoc with the laws of Georgia. He has already pardoned jf,wenty-five crimi nals. The courts 'would do well to close Mp.' What's the use with.sjich a willing one-mari power. Internal revenue and the tariff tax are the two - subjects to engage the attention of the Congress. The Treasury Department will favor a reduction of the internal revenue. Of course. But what about the tariff ? . Bulldozer Chalmers appeals to the courts for redress of grievances. The Commissioner of returns of Tate county has sent an amended return showing that the votes were cast for J. R Chalmers and not J. R. Cham bliss. Professsor Henry Draper, who died Sunday, was a native of Virginia. On Monday we copied an entertain ing account of a banquet' he gave last week when there were some wonderful displays of the electric light. Emperor William, of Germany, is the purchaser of the rare manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton recently sold, and a mournful howl is sent up by the London Timls on the occa sion thereof. Germany outwitted England. The new Irish League seems to be popular. Ten thousand people at tended the meeting held at Enniskil len, Ireland, on 20th inst. The Pope expresses himself as horrified at the Irish outrages, and charges the Hishops to use their utmost exertions to suppress crime. Although Cleveland got such a tremendous majority over 194,000 he received but 14,000 more votes than Tilden received, although the population in 1876 was but 4,78Q,740 against 5,262,872 in 1882. Tens of thousands of Democrats did not vote clearly, as some 30,000 Republicans voted for Cleveland. 81 VOL. XXXI.---NO. 53. The Washington Correspondent of the Boston Post savs the Radicals are hard up for an issue. Arthur's efforts to make a Radical party of character. in the South are a dismal failure. He says: "He is beginning, not to repent that he has made the attempt, but to discover that he has made a mistake in trying to build up the disreputable elements of the South at the expense of its good citizens. The administration is not very haonv over the Mahone movement, or - the coalition in North Carolina, or that with Chalmers. The President himself and Secretary Fol ger have come to regard the rag-tag and bob-tail of Southern politics, who have been dragged into the Republican party, mainly by the efforts of such politicians as William E. Chandler and Frank Hatton as a serious load. Mr. Folger has never had any sympathy with this brace of patriots. and it the general impression that Secretary Frelinghuysen has agreed with him, and now Mr. Arthur is coming to the same mind. His misfortune is that he has been bred in a very low-tone school of politics, and he believes that elections are always won by bargains and trades." He is anxious to get rid of any bad impressions made in the North by the unholy coalition with Chal mers, Cash, Leach, Mahone and fel lows of that cheap stripe. But it is too late. It cannot be done. The Northern Republicans of the better class are disgusted and say so. The Macon Telegraph knows how to hit hard and often. It has no iking for either Stephens or Colquitt. Of the latter it says: "Knowing him to be. morally unfit for any position of honor or trust, and intel lectually unequal to the responsible duties of the Senatorsnip, -there was no possible platform upon which he might have been placed that could possibly have induced our support. The following is respectfully sub mitted to those Democrats who stayed at home and came near letting' the Radicals capture the State. Says the Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle: "The Republicans expect to carry the Virginia and North Carolina electoral votes in 1884 by a judicious expenditure of mo ney. . They argue, from recent events, that a comparatively small sum will effect the object." BAPTIST STATE TION. CONVRN- Raleigh News-Observer's Report Con densed. Waekenton, Nov. 17, 1882. The Convention was called to or-, der by the President. Dr. J. L. M. Curry spoke with great force on the subject of education, to a large crowd. At 7:30 o'clock the Convention heard Rev. J. S. Tichener, D. D., on Home Missions. November 18. Dr. Huf ham read the report on pe riodicals, recommending the Biblical Recorder, Foreign Mission Journal and Kind Words. Mr. F. Marshall spoke for the Wake Forest Student. Rev. R. H. Marsh for the Or phan's Friend. What the Recorder is to the Baptists the Orphan's Fiend is to the Orphan Asylum. We can't gt along without a. cheap weekly organ for the institution. On the report on Ministereal Edu cation Prof. Taylor, Col. Heck, Rev. Messrs. Gwaltaey, Pnrifoy, Tiche ner, Nelson, -and Davis spoke. AFTERNOON SESSION. Dr. W. A. Nelson offered a reso-. lution reconiHoding the female col leges of the denomination in. the State, and urging the brethren to educate their, daughters. . . r. Rev: R. D. Mailory, President of -Shelby Baptist Female College earnestly spoke of his college. Rev. R. R. Savage spoke for the Chowan Baptfc--Female 'Institute. The property, connected - with this school and worth about $40,000, ".1 the property of the denomination. Mr. F. P. Hobgood spdke encour agingly of Oxford Female Seminary. Oxford is the most desirable situa tion for a female school in the State. Spirits Turpentine. It is now in order to nominate Speaker for the House. Tpot out your man. Don't be modest. Mr. E. W. Herndpn, who ran as an Independent candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court in Buncombe and was elected, declares he won't give up his Dem ocracy. Durham Plant: Hussey & Hub bard made an assignment last week for the benefit of their creditors. Their indebted ness is said to be $3,000 and "it is thought they will be able to pay out in full. N. C. Presbyterian : We noted in our last issue the reception by Mecklen burg Presbytery of Rev. J. M. McLain, of r the Associate Reformed Synod. l ne friends of Rev. Dr. Evander McNair will be gratified to learn that, he is Tapidly im proving. The bones of his arm are knitting. He walks about the room and is very cheer ful. His intense suffering has been borne most patiently. New Berne ' Jburrtdl: Corn tumbled yesterday from 8Q cents per bushel to 55. Mr. E. R. Stamps, Chairman of the penitentary board ol directors, ac companied by Mr. F. . M. Simmons, ex amined the Quaker Bridge road yesterday, and from there went, to Trenton, where the Trenton and Core Cree road commences. He expresses himself as well pleased with the outlook and things he can send down about fifty convicts the first of December. Greensboro Patriot : "Coolee mee " is a tale of Southern life, written by Miss Annie E. Johns, of Rockingham county, North Carolina. The gifted author I MEr:;:Mlo H ttllt! i & '?:i'ji'v.J ' '' "I : WILMMNrN. is a daughter .of Bishop . Johns; and was partly educated in ureensboro at Ede worth. We do hot . believe that the eiauuu m mis estate ior ongressman-av large was authorized by law, and It is now intimated that the State, returning board win reruse to canvass the vote, but refer the uitter to. the Legislature. Fortunately me next House is overwneimingiy nemo cratic. , , r Charlotte Journal: v Died, at his residence in this city last1 night at 10. 10 o dock, Jffr.'W. U. Asburr, of pneumonia. Intelligence from Statesvilte confirms the statement of the Journal tew days ago mat Mai. uobbins- would contest the Congressional result in the 7th District be fore the State canvassers on the ground of irregularities in Davie county - The funeral services of MK Wm. QUI took place irom tne uatnoite cburcn yesterday after noon. Mr. Giil died on Sunday at the resi dence of Mr. W. D. Stone in" Mecbanics- ville, from septicaemia, induced remotely from mashing his finger severely some weeks ago,- at the Mecklenburg i Iron Works. - Asheville Citizen : It is a sin gular fact that in Gaston, a county with forty-five distilleries and probably the largest whiskey interest directly opposed to prohibition, every candidate -elected was a supporter of the prohibition act, or at least such is asserted to be the case. - A lit tle hamlet of Silver Springs, at the west end of the French Broad bridge, grows apace Judge Henry tells us he could rent fifty tenements if he had them ready. Tbay are occupied as fast as built. Mr. Benjamin Grymes,- the well-known drug gist, we are very sorry to say, is very sickk suffering with Bright's disease. Out side of Mott's immediate personal influence, the corruptest radical political machine ex ists in Burke; and as the record shows, Mr. Pearson sustains a painfully close relation ship with it. For its crushing defeat the Democracy must be congratulated. Charlotte Observer: Bishop H. P. Northrop will preach at St. James church near Concord, next Sunday. In the event that the canvassing board to assem ble m Kateigu -on the 30th Inst., declares Col. Bennett eleeted, ' as Congressman:at Large from the State of North Carolina, it may be set down as a fact that Col. Dockc- ry will contest for the place, first before the' canvassing board, and failing there, be for a Congress itself. As a result of the revival which has been in progress atTryon street Methodist church in this city for the past week, forty-six persons connected themselves with the church last Sunday, and there was an additional accession of nineteen members last night, making a total of si xly flye., Six new large brick stores have been erected in StaUsvule during tne past build ing season, and. the old 'burg begins to put oh metropolitan airs. It is now gen erally conceded that if Col. R. F. Armheld had been re-nominated for Congress Dr. York would not have run against him, and there would have been no Liberal victory in the seventh district. A national bank with a capital of fifty thousand dol lars is shortly to be established in States viHe. The project is being worked up by Mr. W. J. Coste, who heads the list with $10,000. The rece:it fire in Statesville was a perfect Godsend to the town, in burning up the dilapidated as well as anti quated rookery which stood on the public square. Raleigh Ve?- Observer : About a year ago the dwelling house of Mr. John Earp, near Dunnsville. was destroyed by fire, eaused. by the explosion of a Are cracker. Early yesterday morning his saw mill, grist mill and cotton gin, all-connected with each other and operated by water power; were found to be on fire and were entirely destroyed, causing quite a heavy loss. The fire bears every mark of the work of an incendiary. : ; In North r. Carolina there are fifteen ratienal banks; with a capital of .$2,501,000, and a surplus fund of 1474.956.. The individual deposits amount to $3,889,789, and other deposits to i $190,840. The loans and discounts re-1 $4.738,012.. Probably, adding the business. d of the State and private banks, toe loans- and discounts would reach $6,000,000. 1 Sunday morning at 10. o clock Jesws Stewart a negro lad nineteen years of age, killed himself acckfajntly at his home on Lenoir, street, .,le ween r Dawson and Mc Dowell. He had been away from Raleigh three weeks at work and with paffc .of his earnings had purchased a tweflty-tstfo. cali bre revolver: He. was showing this to a girl in a room and pointed it at her, aud was about to pull the trigger, when she seized the: pistol' and 'looked "at It, saying that two barrels Kvere loatfed. fie then de Ubetatefy took"Be;p!tol, placed the muzzle' wffhin a fcrw incheVof tfis left breast and pulled the trigger. 'sayirig a second before, I'fmPacc it can't .buit. " At the report ho relrag-inpt a wrndrjw urn. He soon died. ox?r VKW .ajp.y)H1tEITlBNT. - . A. :VT1D CliTHg.": ' " J.'OMtrsDs Druggist. . r Harrison ALK4it8. A: Siikhsb-A-iarTr escape. -M1so--fOTerc4ts,' ttfsrs, etc. . li.'.t& t'-ARSAii-IIuliet roe,. SwijW-RGXKMFor Ubliday9. Jfce. J. HDRfCK-CbHar nd glorcs. Ice and frost reported yesterday morning. -.Weather deJightflry pleasant yesterday. ... Receipts tf eottbn yesterday 1,193 bales. Wood was selling yesterday at $4.80 per cpr4or common ash. , Country dealers were asking 30. cents per dozen for' eggs -yesterday. The mercury in the Star office was down to 32T degrees yesterday morn ing at 6.30 o'clock. It went up to-62 du ring the day, rind down to 46 again at 6 . P. M. Thievery is said to be rampant in the neighborhood of the city, and the operators have a -"den" in the vicinity of the County PooT.Jreuse. which" they use as their headquarters. Excltine opt CnaueeeMfal Ctaae. A "section" of the Wilmington Fox Club had a fine chase in; the "Eagle's Nest" neighborhood, in the vicinity of the Sounds yesterday morning, but after sundry and various hair-breafltb eeeapes, which nerved them to desperation, his foxship finally made his escape and the disappointed' sportsmen returned to the city minus their gamo. I Ml C., THtjRSD AY, NOVEMBER 23, 1882. Weather InIatkt. (; j The following are the indications for to- . For the South Atlantic States, fair weather, 'variable winds, stationary or high er temperaturt and pressure. .Joint Service for Thanksgiving. It is understood that the Methodist, Lu- ,t&ran," Baptist and Presbyterian con grega- L . ' " . T"l A uons will' BOlQ service iqgeuier in me r rom Street Methodist "Church on Thanksgiving 'IJay. It is proposed that the collection on that occasion shall be for the Oxford Orphan Asylum; .The. HeU-XHtt Annual Confe rence, tne BaDtlst State Convention and tho tesbyterian Synod of North Carolina have - -J- J an recommenaeu . ooueciions in meir a a , , .1 . ? . 1 churches for this object, and this is a good time for the churches of the city to act upon the suggestion. This is a cause very dear to many in this city, by whom the care of the orphans is regaroea as a sacred trust, and will pet oui people respond cheerfully aad send up such a collection as will show oir thankfulness foK the mercies of the year? We hope so. t. Te Ravages off Ha Cholera In Pen der. We stated some weeks ago that the hog cholera was prevailing to a considerable ex tent in Caintuck Township, Pender county, and that many, hogs had died of the dis ease. Mr. A. L. Pridgeh, of that section, who was in the city yesterday, reports that the plague is still raging, and that up to Saturday last his father.Mr.W. S. Pridgen, had lost a total of one hundred and five hogs from the disease, while his own loss footed up fiftyfour, and the other neigh bors losing proportionately. A remedy is now being used with some effect, and it is hoped that the ravages af the plague may soon be stayed. Vessel Sold at Auction. The Italian brig Gerymma C, which put in at this port in distress some weeks ago, loaded with logwood and bound for Trieste, Austria, and which was subsequently con demned by a board of .survey and ordered to be sold for the benefit of all concerned, was put up at auction yesterday and bid off by Mr. Jftmes Spruut for $825. Messrs. Cronly & Morris being the auctioneers. We understand that it is the intent of Mr. Sprubt to have the vessel thoroughly over hauled and repaired and made into a first- class ship. Dr. arty. Definite- information has been received from Rev. Dr. J. J. Lafferty, of the Rich mond Christian Advocate, io the effect that he will deliver U promised lectures in this city on Thursday, November 30tb, and Fri day, December 1st. The reputation Dr. Lafferty has achieved in this department of literature is sufficient to insure him a full house on bdth occasions. The humorous vein which seems to predominate in his na ture is bound to attract, while, at the same .time, it is not of a natwrtfto lower his stan dard of Christian piety . -Te.tlolJ. , We examined yestrdy a very hand somely exeouiad. eopj of .resolutions, in closed la. an- ekveant. gilt ;lratac, - passed at the- fifteb-U .aAUaV s6awai of the M. W. DfetrtaJmi Lodge f oi iI.0. B. B., tela ai. RichnioBd, JatUeyri4th, 25lh and 6th, 1383, expressire t he respect of the Oratod TA&fr f or Mr. l.- V Micks, of this city, and of thanks -for the "able, zealous and conscientious performance of his du ties, etc., 'isyfDed by M. if Solomon. Presi dent, antfL. B. Wolfe, Secretary. The resolutions are very complimentary to the former presiding officer. of the Grand Lodge. An Island at Auction. The market for islands was not very strong yesterday, and only the largest sort were found to be at all saleable. For in stance. "Big Island," about nine or ten miles, down the river, was put up at auc tion aad knocked down-by Messrs. Cronly & Mqmsanctionears, to Mr. I'rCaah" for $355. Tho market dosed weak, with a downward tendency.' mayor's Court. Two colored uw-viduals charged with fighting, but who claimed to be "skylark ing, " comprised , the only case for the con sideration of the Mayor yesterday morning, and they were let off on the payment of $1 each and costs. Petition for Pardon. A petition for the pardon of J. M. Col tier, convicted of forgery at the late term r of the Criminal Court in tbia city and sen tenced to five years in the Penitentiary, is in circulation here, and is being numerons ly signed. .Lost OVerboard. One of our "Water street commission mar chants had the misfortune to lose over board, near the foot of Princess street, yesj lerday, the sum of $4Q in money, and it had not been recovered at last accounts. RIVER AND IttARINK. The steamship America, Capt. Howe, ar rived here from Philadelphia yesterday, and is now lying at Mr, A. Y. Wilson's mill. The steamer haa bees purchased by Mr. Wilson,' who will use her in the coast wise lumber trade, loading her for Phila- ( delphia, New York, Baltimore or whichever port he may deem it expedient or necessary to ship lumber to at the time being, with the understanding that she will take what ever return freight may bo offered. She is of 782 tons burthen and is . regarded as a staunch vessel. Mr. Wibon already has a cargo of lumber cut and ready for her, and it is expected that she will leave with her first load on Sunday morning next. Capt. Ed. Burriss piloted her in. Quarterly Ieetlns. Wilmington District, Methodist Episcopal Church, South Fourth Round (in part) : Bethany, November 25 and 20. Cohario Mission, November 20 and 27. Members of the Quarterly Conferences are requested to bo present. R. O. Bttbton, Presidinp Elder. Indigestion, dyspepsia, heart-barn, nau- sea, etc Bitters. curec d by using Brown s Iron THE ITI AILS. The malla oloeo and arrive at the Ctty Poet .1 Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mall, fast. . . . . . I Northern thmiicrh nd wnvmnlla 8:00 P. M 5:40 A. M I .... . RalelRh i JdO P. M.t 5M A. M Maila for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied therefrom Including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:40 A. M Southern mails for all point South. daily 6:30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M ooici 11 V. xuiunari uauv (except Sunday) 6:00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Raleigh 5:00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 6:3 1 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Mails for do hits between Florence and Charleston 6:80 A. M. aud 8.-00 P. M. Favettevule, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P. M. Fayettevllle, via Lumberton. daily, ex cept Sundays 5:00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices. Tuesdays and Fridays 6.-00 A. M. Smitnville malls, by steamboat, dally (exoept Sundays) 7. .: 8:30 A. M. lays) HUl, Town Creek. Shal- Maus tor Jtasy mil. Town Creek, Shal- lotte and Little River, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern thro' and way mails .7:30 and 8:00 A. M. Southern mails 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 100 A. M. Malls collected f rom street boxes every day at 3:45 P. M. Stamp Offioe open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 P. M. Money order and Rejrlster Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale In' small quantities at genera delivery when stamp office is closed. .General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9;80 A. M. CITY ITEM8. PERSONAL ! TO MEN ONLY : Th ommio Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich., will send Dr. DtM CXLEBKATKD ELKCTBO-VOLTAIO BEIT A WD ElEO- tbio Arri.iANo.t8 on trial for thirty days to men (younsr or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility. Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. o risK U incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. Malaria. Chills and Fever, and Bilious attacks positively cured with Emory s Standard Cure nils an infallible remedy; never fall to cure the most obstinate, long-standing oases, sugar- coated: canslng no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain hi their action and harmless in all cases; they effectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequaled. For uver uompiamt their equal is not known; one bax will have a wonderful effeot on the worst case. Tuey are used and prescribed by Physi cians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, 26 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartio Pills, best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co.. 114 Nassau Street. New York. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick" child suffering and crying with the excru ciating pain of cutting teeth If so, go at once anJ gt-t a Dottle of Mlt.s. winslows SOOTH ING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend unon ft : there is no mistake about It. There Is not a mother on earth who has ever iued it who will not tell yon at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child. operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use iu all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best.female unysiciaiis anu nurses in tne u nuea Diaie. noia everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hats ! Hats! O TIFF AND SOFT HATS FANCY STYLES FOR CHILDREN HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters nov 23 tf Now TURN IN ON OVERCOATS. ULSTERS AND JL ULSTERETTES for Boys, Youths and Men. Business Suits for cold weather. Gents Under wear, Furnishing Goods in abundance. MUNSON, nov 23 It Clothier and Furnisher. Gloves and Collars. JH GLOVES, Black, Colored and Opera. French Linen GLOVES, Feather Edge, Embroidered and Lace ClOL- LARS. New and cheap, nov 23 tf JNO. J. HEDRICK. JAMES C. MUNDS, DRUGGIST, AND DEALER IN FANCY GOODS fc TOILET ARTICLES, ncrrM It 35 NORTH FRONT ST. A Narrow Escape ! GENTLEMAN, WHILE CROSSING THE river yesterday, accidentally tell overboard, and would have drowned, but his life was saved by having on a pair of those CELEBRATED SHOES sold only by SHEIEE, 28 MARKET -9TRBET. THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING, I A3I NOW MAKING A LARGE Dis play of a well assorted stock from London, Pa rif. Vienna and American markets The seletlon will be appreciated by the most refined tastes. Elegant Show-Cases are filled with the most beautiful articles. Parties can now call and make selections be fore the rush. A cordial Invitation is extended to all at UKINSBERGER 9 noT 23 tf Live Book and Music Store. Notice. ISH A LL PROCEED FROM THIS DATE TO SELL at Cost, for Cash, all that large and splendid assortment of Trunks. Valises, 8addlery. Har ness, etc, now in the 8toro No. 8 South Front street, where business was lately carried on by Mr. J. H. Mallard. F. H. DARBY, 11 ov r 3t assignee. Just in Time F)R THE SEASON, A FINE LOT OF PATENT Horse Blankets and other styles for sale low. sK g Princess streets- nov 22 tf P. H. HA YD EN. TAB. WHOLE NO: 4758 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Advantage Taken QFTHE EXTREME DULL BUSINESS NOBTH I hare just returned home after harta bought A VERY LARGE STOCK of Mod's, Youths, Boys and Children's CLOTTIINQ. comprising the latest m uvKKiAiAiT). uainai'iKa ana nuit at a Baring of at least TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT.,' which benefit I offer to my patrons; and can safe ly say will offer for the balance of the season, at Retail, roods at prices, which other merchants A. DAVID. nor 28 tf Merchant Tailor and Clothier. A Few Packages of i . . s . .. . CHOICE MULLET ROE VVIUI. ALL J JJUJU A IXKJJU For sal? by HALL k PEA RS ALL. noviH DAW tf Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. IR. "W". PBICE, Manufacturer and Dealer In BUILDING MATERIAL ! OF ALL KINDS Ornamental Wood Work and Stair Wort A SPECIALTY. WILMINGTON, Ni C. oct 8 DJtWtf Patricio. Patricio. 'pHK FINEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER HOLD in Wilmington. Try one and you will smoke them always. A large lot Just received at octatf KASPROWICZ. ALL THE STYLES! WE OFFER BOOTS and SHOES For Gent. Ladles, Misses. Roys and Childrrn, AT VnitY CLOSE PUK I S J ME AND SEE Geo. It. French & Sons 38 N. FRONT ST Corn Cure. lALLAND GET A BOTTLE OK OTIS BROTH ERS' NEVER PAILING CORN ( I RE. Corns. Bunions and Callouses removed easily, oulrklr and rertalnly. No pain For sale by J. II. I.AIUHN. nov 17 tf Druggist. New Market. It "YY"ILL SEPARATE YOU FHOM ONLY A small portion of your earnings the purchase of a "FARMER GIRL" COOK, or a cheerful HEAT INO STOVE, Large stock and great variety at nov 12 is r . jm . KIMJ Jt CO H. William H. Green, "YYIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. Dealor in Toilet Articles Proprietary Medicines. Cigars, Tobacco, Garden Seed, Ac nov 16 tf MARKET STREET. Notice. 'yy'ILL BE SOLD AT TnE COURT HOUSE. In the City of Wilmington, on Monday, the lth day of December, 182. to the highest bidder, for cash, under a mortgage duly registered In the Register's Office of New Hanover County, Book "I. I. I." pages 23,24 and av the TRACT Or LAND described In tho said mortgage by metes and bounds, on Greenfield Creek, sonth of the ssld City of Wilmington, and known as the Green field or Mcllhenny Pond, with the Mill situated thereon, and all the rights, privileges and appur tenances thereto belonging. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE fQ LIFE INSURANCE CO.. Mortgagee JOH. B. BATCHELOR, Attorney. nor 16 80d 203,71 1,71.1.17 HAS BEEN RECEIVED IN CASH BY THE VU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE (X). of New York. from its organization in 1844 to January, 1HK.' 9175,362,953.31 Has been returned to tho people In cash by the same Company during the same period. 100,000,000.00 And over will be the cash assets of tho Company on January 1st, 1883. 1. It is the oidttt Life Insurance ( o, in the country- 3. It is tbe larfftAi lho insurance to. in tnis world. 3. Its rates of premiums are Unrr than any other Co. 4. It has no ntoekholder$ to claim any part of lu profits. .it a. rtll.LAKI). Agent, nov 21 tf Wilmington. N C. 3000 THREE THOUSAND 3000 BOIES Manufactured Tobacco Consisting of Our well known and popular brands of PLUG TWIST and SMOKING TOBACCO. Manufactured this Summer and for sale at BOT TOM PRICES. We would call specUl attention to onr cnKAP BRANDS, which we claim to be FAR SUPERIOR to other low grades sold In this market. Proprieora CAPE FEAR TOBA(CO WORKS. Ct 7 tf COAL AND WOOD ! y'D DON'T YOU FORGET IT, That SPRINGER 8 is THE place of ALL PLACES to get your novSltf COAL. AND WOOD. Turner's N. C. -Almanacs, 1883. FULL STOCK OF COMMERCIAL AND School Stationery. Musical Instruments. Al bums, Gold Pens, OUt. Ebony and Velret Picture Frames and Easels, Steel Engravings, Ac., AO An Elegant Line or Juvenile Bookr nov 19 tf C. W. YATES. JKAT-CUTTERS AND STUTTERS, For sale by giles a irrjRcmsoN, nov 5U 38 A 40 Xorohlaoa Biook. Om Sqaar Ot Iy . f 1 Of Twt I toy. ... in - 7r lra tts ror Imya,. . FIr Para, 1 . M " OmMmIi, W Twt Vwki, .. I Thnm Wfeka. W One Month. 10 OC Two Month. ! W rbrM NrintlM, MM MX Mootha, ' Ona Taar, 0 Ountract Adrfr(lstsanU lak M proor Uonataly Uw ratea. Ten lines aoltd XonparvO type make om aqaarr NKW AI) VEItTISKMKNTS. CHARLESTON Music Festival ! Nov'r 27, 2S,J20, 1882. DURING INDUKTRIAL EXHIBITION or AGIU CULTURAL SOCIETY Of OUTU CAROIJNA One Hundred and rtftf Hlngrral AND A Grand Orchestra of Fifty Performer ! 4- I W!"The Ornateat Mq ileal Event evr wtlnr d in tbe South (ienrral Admlaslon f 1. Reserved Koala 1 C4 Railroad Fare T)irri Cents a Mile for the Round Trip, rood for Ten Days, nov IN kk11 sat tu th Tate Water FROM TATE SPRING, EAST TENN. 'I N A TURK'S GREAT REMEDY ma DVurKPHIA. disease's nt th Momarh. IViwr-U, IJrir, Kldmy, Ac. It Is rtxv-UI)r adarrtod i ( lrrk. Invaliiln. Iadls. and all iKTBoris of MAalrntarv hablls Ic mnrt dally Inemaalng. ShtMln to all of the Uultod Htalos at lhi tm of I.(m larrl tx-r yrar I'ltK K. Il (iMHTturn-linil Mi ir cbm of t wn lo7t- ijusrl iKittli-Hi. d'-llvrtwl In f-Mi m Morristown. Inn Trn. fash rKKIGIIT K Al I. to WUmlngi4in, N (' . 4U(ni jwr lix) jNtind REFERENCES -ol It PATItONN' Wm II IWrnard. Dr W j. Tltomss. R Hicks Onrar l'rarnall. Dr J ('. Muitda, I) L HiMsell. J. K. (latTPll. of Ullmlnglon: It II Jor dan A Co , J I. Itrown. F H IW (Jf. Dr T C Smith. D 1 Hutf hlor.. J H -itorr M 'n . J W Wadsworlh. of harlot t . Dr -fno A IW.vd. G W. Dsrgan. Darlington. . Wm II Juiin, Th I. Sinltb. t.orge W Mi Ivrr. 1isrl'ton. M. C. Similar lists could lc Mnl from all ormr tha South Our tat mm endorae 11 In th atrongoat langtiage Krail a l.w Major (amfrwll Wallaor. Atlanta, (.a " f all tbe aortnga of Vlrrlnta and TftineaK. I pmal1tr the' "I'atn Kim' th moat wonderful. ail tlt propert lea of tbe watertha ntoat valtiabla " ( . w Andrraon. Savannali. .a For all on, plalnta Incidt-nt to ait.ai4i ik ji itim. 1 nm aldrr tho atcr unenualcd " J H. Carr, Durham. N t ' I tMnk It the floaal water to bo found anywrwra " I A Barnard, Marahall. N "I hare ta tronlced Tat Water for mora than fifteen years and waa cured by It of dyefK-pata. Hver ctnplalil and kllney dlaeaar. My hit uiiim irmp ori.-t It wt II and sound of a broken and hope eaaljr ahattcred conalltutl'-n " Jariioa ('recawell, Kvi . (.rei wrMid , H ( "I am lully and eameatly Inipreaaml there la n.. ther mineral watr c.ti thia ronilnciit ). healing quallt lea will rotiipare It h Tat Hprlng water" (u. Smith. 'of the C.iminerelal C'otu.n preaa.i Now Orloana: ' I have ured tl.e late W atet lor he last rluhl rears, and find It retalna all Ma jualltlea for sny j.erlod " (M II Ciurch. of , endoraea In nearly the same langiiaei. Jamea Swann. (of Iritnan. Nwann o . ri y I have found Tate W ater of great lienrflt, aud utierlor to many other water I have u-d " Ir J. S Weatherlr. Montgomery. Ala "1 know of no mineral water In the I'nlt.d Walea that Iih the same tlrtuea of thla water " Mn (iov A H Marka. U n heater. I eiin ' It fine hli'iilni: otialltl. make It a hleaa'.nc to auf ferlng humanity " J. M Sdldehnker SM.iith IVend. Ind I believe there la no spring In Amerlr-a that eontalna the healing (jualltlea that Tnte sptlntr ) J II Mr.voy. i Preside!, t It.-mla A MeAvey I'.rewlng Co ,i t'hleitgo, l!l ' I have It cotitlnu ally on drnnght In in) )one. havlns Weecne al mo! a family neeelty lcn llullen. (of (,e.i H.illcn A Chl'ago. 111.: "It l the moat pleaiant arid effort Ivn ater 1 hare found aia where, and rou ran eount nie among your regular patron for It " Large forty pare pamphlet eot.talnlng analjal. and full Information oi. all pi Inta, mailed fro to any sddrea Leave orders with .1 C '.X .M,H. Wilmington. N ( ' , or sddrea TiiMI.lXMI.NA R(.SIALK. iTr.prtet. ra. nov 7 tf Tate hprlng. Kat T'tin tiii:iu'vi:iik. T7 44 mm rri K DVISED THEV TO MUV ON J)NG CREDIT 1 V and aell low for cah In compliance with alore advlre the new Furniture Store of HKII KENDS A MONROE M K (Vr Market and tnd Sa., Wllmlng1in. N f . offer the largest a toe k In thla State of 'hm1r, Parlor. Dining. Offjea Kitchen and Ubrarv Furniture. arpet. Oil Cloths. Wardrxiboa. IWvldlnji. Aa , Ar , Ar . at Wholesale and I etatl. Inrt than vr ( ah I their ohjeet. nor l tf C. B. WRIGHT !tii:ai., hoik, K, OAT, IM.illl. IIOIIW. IIAV. Cape Fear Mills. nov 13 tf The Battle is Oyer ! Tbe Enemy Rooted!! VND NOW LET US 1 x iK AROUND Til K OLD reliable North Carolina liarber. Ac. II C l'remert . la atlll at hi old trhka, w It h 1.1a two Flrat laas aaalatanta. Kttiart and Krana. at lo i Market street. net dor eaat of M llhenney'a Drugstore He would reie tfullr Invite all M numerou old and new friend and patrons. bo are dealroua of grttlng Flrat (laaa work done. (not only sea raptalna. eommert la I agent, roun try frienda and flienda from Mmlthrtllei, Imt all are reeetfnlly ro,utd Ui glre him a trial. Corns. Warta. Klngwonna and all other akin diseases attended to. and a rail Ira I cure guaran teed Meapretfully. , nov 1J tf II : rR KM PERT. Flour, Sugar, Coffee. 1000 ,,bI riot J1 T1dr I rQ Bbls fiUOAR. all grades 500 nr" ()PTKI1, rrJ- For sale low bv W. W WILLIAMS A CO nov 19 tf Salt, Bagging, Ties. 7500 8"rk,KA,T- -'""T0'1 x' r,nr 1000 ,ulf nIU DAfiINn- r:AWli Rdl New ARIIOW TIES For aaU Uw by U W. WILLI AMI A rr nov 19 tf Nails, Hoop-Iron, Glue. )!Q Keg NAILS. jq Tons noor IliON. r A nM Dlatlllrrs- (11. I E. For sale low by nov 13 tf it W. WILLIAM A CO. Yarn, Sheeting, Paper. I Baled RANDOLPH YARN, jl do do MIEKTINU. 200 R,''l,n' WRAI FAHCR. For aa.l low by nov 19 tf i W. WILLIAM H A CO. . I . f i J i Jo t ii i' S4 -a- li r i . 'I 4. T i i I f 1 "V ' t I i It 1 ; ii 4 i TP i :!'' ' V". r . '1 1

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