HATES OV ADVIIHTIRINOl One Sqoara Out Day..... ..v...... I f " Two Dara..... W... f T ........... -' row jr ....... Mrs Dart,...., On V . " Two Wfka,... " Tbr Wa,.. Ons Month.... " Two Months..., Tor Montlta.. SlxMoBlha,.... I M 4 W M W M 14 M M M 0 M M. Year, tby Mall) Postage Paid, $7 00 Months, " " " 4 00 i Months, Three Months, fwo Months, " 3 00 1 so ne Monm, 75 - OmIw, w Contract A4rwrtWsnU Uken at iwrfor ;-T.atri f the Cr. Subscribers, delivered In any part 'irru Cnrrs tr week. Our CItv VOL. XXXI. NO. 105. WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1883. WHOLK NO. 4810 he Morning Star. ;jv w.n. ii!'beilaki). : i , i S 1 1 EUD ALLY KXCKPT MONDAYS. MORNLXG tlonately low ratM. Ten Una oUd KouparvU In om Nri NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l ...kn are not toiaoniea to ooueci ior mora umlh three month In advance. j"terd at the Post Offioe at WUmiagton, N. C, a3 Second Out Matter. MORNING EDITION: OVTLIKES. The mandamus case of Chalmers vr. My en was tried at Jackson, Miss.; a verdict w is given for the plaintiff, and an appeal tbon taken to the Supreme Court. Tin; London Times, on recent events in France, says that if. French statesmen con tinu to be wanting, the republic will go hincilong to ruin. Pope Leo has ap pointed Mgr. Northrop to the vacant See of C'h ulcston. S. C, in succession to the late P shop Lynch. Ex-Empress Eugenie has returned to London; she was notified !u the French Government that her pre-sc-oCA in France was not desirable; the Or-i-ins Princes agree to their expulsion; the poliii. tl panic at Paris is unabated; the C i!i::(.t is virtually defuuet; a military pro n mc i uiunto is freely talked of; fund hold ers ::rc throwing their stocks on the mar- Iv.-t TLe N. C. Legislature has ex- . tu'.eU for two years the act providing for tl,.- - ttlcment of the State debt. Two v.--n.-s murdered II. Tl. Rudd in his store it, Walker county, Ga. ; they were captured , i i ii . :it ( hattanoopa. lenn. In liv ell couuty., Va.. two white men were taken from jail by masked men; it is be ;i. ii they were lynched by persons whom had swindled out of about $18,000 .. tii f cattle. The Princess Louise , ...irktd for Bermuda; the Marquis of L.r;:e left for Canada; all Charleston turn , ,1 out to ?ee them and the German artillery 5inl a salute. Southern Pacific Rail- ro-i'l officials think that the recent accident on that road was caused by an ut tempt to r, b the train. -Part of the town of Wiikesbarre. Pa., is sinking into a coal mine which uuderlies it. New York ii:irkets: .Money 34. percent.; cotton t aily at 10 3 1610 7-16 cents; southern r!.-ur steady at $4 306 85; wheat, un graded red $1 01$1 16; corn, ungraded l-V' TiV: msiu firm and quiet at $1 60 1 tiTj: spirits turpentine dull and weak at t o is a report that the city trea i Savannah is a defaulter. The Langtry played to a i:iM' in Memphis and was i ..irteuusly treated. large very Fnnre seems to be getting in a ln.l av. The London Time thinks the ixreat want is true statesmanship. There i- a panic and a Ministerial r i s i There is talk of appointing Gen. Jo Johnston as one of the Commis- . . t T -v . - C , ! 1 " M.niers ot ine lisirici oi toiumuia. It is said Grant, Cameron and other influential Republicans favor it. Koi Eytinge's name is pronounced Httiucr. She gave great satisfaction in Richmond, as she always does, for she is really a fine artist, and her snpport "was very eood," says the Mate. There is thought to he some doubt as to the Senatorial complex ion after March 4th. Mr. Randall writes to his paper, the Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle : "Talking with Ben Perley Poore, the veteran journalist, I called his attention to tbe "mortuary statistical prouaomues in volving about fifteen Republican Senators who are under the check of Democratic Governors and Legislatures. He admitted t b:it it was a broad margin of uncertainty, but added that tbe future must determine upon which side the Lord would be next December." The Democrats in the House will insist upon a consideration of tbe to- l:.oL-o bill before the tariff bill is ta- kon in hand. The Washington cor- r-ondent of the Richmond Dis- tt'Ji writes: If anything is done for tobacco it will U. done through the Senate tariff bill. So f ir the Senate has Voted for twelve cents, but the tobacco men hope, if action is taken, to secure a reduction-to eight cents." Thev are much dissatisfied with the proposed duty on sugar, anil say it is practically prohibitory. It is said the party lash has to be used sharply in "Washington to keep the Republican members all in line, as some seem much inclined to go af ter a low tariff. There are several Western members who are ready for a holt. Mr. J. R. Randall writes to tbe Augusta Chronicle concerning the outlook as follows : "The Republican leaders-know that they cannot carry the next Presidential election, unless the protected industries, with Their prodigious capital and huge army of work iogmen, can be assured that they will fare better under the existing order of things political than under a Democratic adminis tration, with ka free-trade shibboleth. The Western men are to beplnmply told that the fat will be all in the fire unless the par ty stands as a unit for the Eastern money power and its mammoth monopolies. This kind of argument is expeoted to be irresis tible." Mr. W. B. Lee, well known throughout this section Of the country, left for Texas on December 18th, with bis fam ily, eleven in all. Bobetonian. L. A- Smith, Esq., Newberne, N. a, ys: "I know Brown's Iron Bitters to be a good remedy for malarial troubles." f Spirits Turpentine. Rhea is billed for Charlotte on" the 9th of July. The old town academy at Char lotte is burnt Rutherford has a man six feet ten inches tall. He is said to be the tallest in the State. Charlotte Observer : There were thirteen fertilizer drummers at the Central Sunday, and thirty-five commercial men representing other lines, making in all forty-eight drummers at this hotel in one day. New Berno Journal: In New Berne, though we have but one dealer, the price of coal is kept down to $6.25. Died, on Monday morning last, at 3 o'clock A. M., Frank J. Fulford, in the 29th year of his age. Greensboro Patriot: Ben Ellis, a negro man who has been confined in jail at Lexington for train robbery, escaped Saturday night by removing the brick .from the fire place in his cell, and letting himself to the ground by means of a rope made from his blankets. The report ed case of small-pox at Warm Springs ter minated fatally. The victim was a small boy. Raleigh Visitor: During the sieei oi last luesuay the Itev. Joseph II Wheeler fell, and sustained injuries which have kept him confined to his room ever since. Thos. Roseboro, colored, from Iredell county, made his escape from the "penitentiary yesterday morning. He was a cook. Out of 256. men conducting the mercantile business in this city in the year 1873, there are only 37 of that number en gaged in business now. Charlotta Journal: The esti mate of unpicked cotton in the county has grown to 1,000 bales, a greater part of which will probably never be gathered. A serious affray occurred at the R. & D. freight depot yesterday between Cal. Phifer and one of Mr. Edward's drivers, which resulted in Phifer's being struck deaf by a blow over the left ' ear with an iron bar in the hands of the driver. There is now some talk in Charlotte of organizing a Board of Trade, the object of which shall be to encourage the establish ment of new enterprises in and around the city. .Winston-Salem dots: A little sou of Albert Brindle was shot through the hand by the" discharge of a pistol. Waughtown is a very flourishing village two miles from Salem. Raleigh Netos- Observer : His friends and the public generally will be pleased to hear of the reappointment of Mr. T. C. Harris to his old place in charge of the Geological Museum. Died, at Selma, N.C, Mr. John A. Waddell, of typho-malarial fever, after an illness of twenty-nine days. Mr. Waddell was a very clever gentleman and was a son of Mr. Maurice Q. Waddell. For some weeks there had been runiorj that the firm of W. T. Blackwell & Co. was to be dissolved, Mr. Blackwell withdrawing after disposing of his interest. A week aso we published the fact that the sale had been made, but were in error in saying that Mr. Blackwell I nr o rn.itn .v, ri..v. w.-ii I reserved a royalty on the Durham bull brand. It was an actual sale of his entire interest in the business, the purchasers be ing Mr. S. H. Austin, Jr., of Chicago, who represents as a partner the firm of M. E. McDowell & Co., and Mr. Julian S. Carr. of the old firm of W. T. Black well & Co. The amount paid for the in terest of Mr. Blackwell was about $300,000. This includes the trade mark, the famous "Durham Bull." as well as all the interest of Mr. B. in the firm, the factory, &c. Mr. Blackwell engages -not to enter into the manufacture of smoking tobacco. The new firm is a stock company, the name being the. Blackwell Durham Tobacco Company, and is composed of Mr. Carr. who holds half the stock, or $250,000, and Messrs McDowell & Co., and Mr. Austin, who hold the other $250,000. making the total stock $500,000. TZEEEIE CIT NEW ADVKHTISEJIENTJl. C. E. McClcek Telephones. Mcnsos Dress suits very low. Comic Valenttnes At Harris'. R. M. McIxttre Great bargains. Worth & Worth Cuba molasses. SkATTNG Rink Music and dancing. Masonic Meeting St. John's Lodge. Hall & Pearsall Cuba molasses. G. R French & Sons Boots and shoep. NoriCE-Cargo consignees Der Wanderer L. Vollers Bird seed, groceries, etc. The Christian .Association oftlie Pront Street Methodist Cbnrch. Quite an interesting meeting of the above organization was held at the Front Street Methodist Church on Tuesday evening last Besides the transaction of the usual busi ness of the Association, and the delivery of an able address upon "Words" by Capt. Robert Smith Radcliffe, the following offi cers for the ensuing year were elected : ; President Thos. E. Davis. Vice President Wm. M. Poisson. Secretary W. H, Shaw. Treasurer Mrs. W. M. Parker. Visiting Committee Miss Annie Davis, Miss Eliza Williams and Mrs. Sallie O. Poisson. Tbe Ebenezer Chareh Trouble. The Ebenezer (colored) Baptist Church is said to be in a state of siege, the friends of Parson White and those who are endeav oring to get him to vacate his pastorate of the church, both endeavoring to gain pos session to the exclusion of the other. In fact, we understand that a delegation from each 'of the two factions remains constantly in the building, night and day, reliefs be ing supplied at stated intervals. How the representatives of the' two factions pass the time we have not understood, but they cer tainly have plenty of leisure on their hands for social converse, or otherwise. Painful Accident. Quite a painful .Accident happened to CoL J. Wilder Atkinson on Tuesday after noon. He was riding on Third street, and had reached a point nearly opposite Mr. Edward Kidder's residence, when the bug gy body suddenly became detached from sylvania; for the ' necessary material to ob the front axle and dropped to the ground, viate the difficulty,, operations had Xo be throwing Col. Atkinson out and causing a very painful injury to his left shoulder which has since confined him to his room and caused him much inconvenience. local Dou. Receipts of cotton yesterday 810 bales. ' ' Work is progressing on Mr. J. W. Taylor's mill. Yesterday was a lovely day, O, the glorious, glad sunshine! Femininity was out in force yesterday enjoying the bright sunshine. We noticed a large number of people from the country on our streets yes terday. Valentines are now in order, and some of the show windows are full of them. Mr. N. F. Thompson, formerly of this city, but now of Savannah, was on the streets yesterday. There was only one case for Mayor Smith's consideration yesterday morning, and that was continued over on account of the- illness of the prosecuting witness. The skating rink, corner of Eighth and Princess streets, will be en- j livened this evening by some excellent music, and there is to be both skating and dancing. In the article in reference to the Southern Ore Company's Works, in our last, the names "J. Reno" and "J. II Thorpe" should have been J. Beno and J. H. Sharpe. District Attorney Robinson is here for the purpose of taking the neces sary preliminary steps towards ejecting the alleged "squatters" from the govern ment property here, &qown as the Marine Hospital property. Ttae State Guard and tbe military Con- vcntlon In Raleigh The Military Convention,- which was held in response to a call from the Wil- ""usiuu J. : . t :.. t . . i. t l to secure assistance ror.ine ctaie uuara from the Legislature now in session, met in Raleigh on Tuesday. We condense from the News and Observer. The attendance was large, nearly every company in the State, white and colored, being represented. Capt. John L. Cantwell, cf the W. L. 1. was called to the chair, who briefly address ed the Convention. A committee on per manent organization was appointed, which reported the following permanent officers: President, Gen. Johnstone Jones; vice presidents, Capt A. J. Ellington, of Reids- ville; Maj. E. F. McRae. of Shoe Heeljsec- retaries, Capt. Thos. Parker, of Salisbury; . . I u. r-. r. Dmiiuanu n. ii. twoerts, rsa- leigh. Gen. Jones, on taking the chair, made a strong speech in advocacy of State aid for the Guard. Several other gentle men followed Gen. Jones, and the Observer says the speech of Sergeant Fremont, of the W. L. I., was excellent.. Capt. Nash offered resolutions'as follows: Whereas, A well-regulated militia is re quired by the constitution of the State of North Carolina, 'and is essential to the best interests of the State, and an annual legisla tive aopropriation is necessary for the proper maintenance of the same. Resolved, That we memorialize the Leg islature now in session to the following ef fect; that the militia laws be amended as hereafter stated: 1. To provide for an annual encampment of tbe Guard for a period ofsix days. 2. A grant to each company of $5 per an num for each active member thereof to be made, said sum to be paid into the treasury of the company to constitute a fund for the rent Of armory and other necessary ex penses. 3. That there be attached to the office of the Adjutant General a reasonable compen sation. The resolutions were adopted. An amendment offered by Mr. F. M. Fremont that provision be made for the stationery, &c., of the brigade and regimental head quarters was adoptad. On motion of Col. A. H. Worth, a com mittee of fifteen was appointed to prepare a memorial to the Legislature. Capt. Cantwell, . Col. H. P. Jones and Maj. E. F. McRae, were appointed a com mittee to wait on the Governor and request his presence at the hall. The Governor appeared and made some remarks in his usual good taste and with vigor, in -the course of which he said the State Guard was a necessity. The delegation from the Light Infantry. of this city, consisting of Capt. J. L. Cantwell. Lt. W. C. Jones, Ensign F. M. Fremont, .Corp. W. B. McKoy, and pri vates Iredell Meares, W. L. DeRosset. Jr., and O. P. Meares, Jr., returned Tuesday night, and report that they have no doubt that their mission and tbe efforts of the convention will ultimately prove a suc cess. RIVER AND MARINE. The steamship Gulf Stream, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Schr. Fanny, Lowry, cleared-at Balti more for this port on the 22nd inst. Nor. barque Iheodor, Einersen, sailed from - for this port on the 16th inst. Nor. barque Atlantic, Knudscn, sailed from Liverpool for this port on the 22nd inst. The steamer Wave, from Fayetteville, arrived last night. Reports tha river falling slightly ... Both of the steam dredges employed on the lower Cape Fear improvement have been broken down, including the new one the Vim just constructed, and as the contractors had to send to Pittsburg, Penn temporarily suspended.; The articles of machinery ordered have arrived and were expected to be taken down the rf verves? terday.. Weatner Indication. The following are the indications forto day: For the Middle Atlantic States, cloudy weather, with light rain or snow, warm southerly veering to westerly winds, falling followed by rising barometer. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, fair weather, winds mostly south westerly, stationary or lower pressure. For the West Gulf States, warm fair weather, winds mostly southerly, station ary or lower pressure. For the Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain or snow, warm southwest veering to cold northwest winds, followed by rising ba rometer. Amniementi Ahead. Rose Eytinge will have a large house. judging from, the number of seats sold on the first day. Baker & Farroo, Monday night, will amuse a large crowd of pleasure seekers. Rbca is expected next month, no arrangements yet having been made. The '"New Southern Humpty Dumpty Co.," under good management, will give a good performance on the 8th of February. Mil ton Nobles will appear on April 3rd and 4th. We are pleased to learn that a fine orchestra has been regularly engaged at the Opera House. Fire and Loss of Life. The dwelling of Lewis Simmons, (col ored) on Masonboro Sound, was destroyed by fire Monday last, and one of his . chil dren, a little girl about seven years old, was burned to death.. Simmons and his wife were absent from home at the time, at work, leaving their family of four small children in the house. The latter caught fire from the burning clothing of the child that lost her life, and was consumed with everything in it. The three other children escaped in jury. ' Magistrate's Court. Ella Davis, colored, was arraigned before Justice Millis, yesterday, charged with as sault and battery upon Amanda Wprtham, also colored. "Defendant was found guilty and jndgment was suspended on the pay ment of costs. . THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 8:00 P. M Northern through and way mails 5:40 A. M Raleigh 5:00 P. M.6 5.W A. M. Maus for the in. (J. Kaiiroaa, ana routes supplied therefrom including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:40 A. M. Southern mails for all noints South. daily 630 A. M. and 8KXh V. M. western mails (u. v. Kaiiwayi aauy AH points between Hamlet and Raleigh 5:00 P. M Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail- (except Sunday) 5:00 P. M, road 6:3 i A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston. 6:30 A. M. aud S.-00 P. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear aver, Tuesaays ana imaays i.-oa r. M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton. daily, ex cept sunaays asw F. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices, Tuesdays and .Fridays 6.-O0 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 8:30 A.M. Mails for Easy HQ1, Town Creek, Shal- lotte and Little River, Tuesdays and Fridays. 6:00 A. M Wrightsville daily at .. 8,30 A. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern thro' and way mails .7:30 and 8:00 A. M. Southern mails 7.30 A.M. Carolina Central Railroad 9:45 A.M. Mails collected f rom street boxes every day at 8:30 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:15 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. CITY ITEMS. PERSONAL! TO MEN ONLY! Thi Voltaic Bklt Co.. Marshall. Mich., will send Dr. Dye's C KLKB HATED EXKCTBO-YOLTAIO &KLTS AND ELEC TRIC Appijancks on trial for thirty days to men (youog or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, cruaranteeunr suoedv and conmlete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No risk Is incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothine Syrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the- United States; and has been used for thirty years with never falling safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of a week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comtort to mother and chUd. We believe it the Best and Surest Remedy in the world, in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRHCEA IN CHILDREN, whether arisintr from teething or any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None srenuine unless.the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the out side wrapper. -Sold bv all Medicine Dealers. 25 cenfs a bottle. DIED, MONTGOMERY In this citv. on the 24th inst.. at 1 P. M., WINNIE, Infant daughter of Wiliiam and Charlotte C. Montgomery, aged 4 months and 22 days. Funeral services at parents' residence, on 7th, between Market and Dock streets, this (Thurs day) afternoon, at 2jJ o'clock, thence to Bellevue Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances of the fa mily are respectfully invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS'. ST. JOHN'S HALL, WILMINGTON, N. C. 25th .'an., 1883. rpHE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF ST. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 1. A. F. & A. M "will do neia xms (rnursaay) isvening, at o-oiock INDS, jan 25 It Secr'y. mVSIC AND SKATES. THERE WILL BE SOME EXCELLENT MUSIC at the Ska tin tr Rink, corner Riirhth and Prin cess Streets, Thursday night, 25th inst. Skating until 10.30, and after that Dancing. Admission for Gentlemen, 50c. No charge for juaaies, wno are cordially invited. hchloss & hardwiujk; jan 25 It proprietors. One Cent QOMIC VALENTINES At HARRIS' NEWS' & CIGAR STORE. BEST FIVE and TEN CENT CIGAR ever sold ta Wilmington. jan 25 tf We Are Making piNE dress sum Asp usrNis.3 surrs of IMPORTED fabrics VERY LOW. It costa NOTHING to look and price at MUNSON'B. Merchant Tailor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TELEPHONES. Private Lines BUILT, EQUIPPED WITH TELEPHONES, AND RENTED. Apply to the Manager of the nearest TKLE PHONE EXCHANGE, or to , C. E. McCLUER, Sup"t, jan25 2w s Richmond, Va. Notice to Cargo Consignees. THE HOLDERS OF BELLS OP LADING FOR Cargo Kainit, per German Bri DER WAN DERER, Capt. P. Struebinsr4 will take notice that the said Vessel is ready to discharge, and that her Lay Days will commence to-morrow morn ing, the 26th inst. E. PESCHAU & WESTERM ANN, jan 25 3t Agents Ger. Brig Der Wandeier. Best Line in the State ! "yE CARRY A GREATER VARIETY AND BETTER ASSORTMENT of BOOTS AND SHOES than any house in the State. Buyers will find it to their advantage to exam ine our lines before purchasing. Geo. R. French & Sons, 39 N. FRONT ST. Linen Sheeting. piLI.OW-CASE LINEN, COTTON SHEETING all widths, TABLE DAMASK, NAPKINS, &c Will be sold at GREAT BARGAINS. TOWELS we ask especial attention. CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, TIDIES a good assortment at low figures. I3It is our purpose to increase our already good trade by making prices as low as possible. R. HI. McIXTIRE. jan 25 tf NEW CROP Cuba IVJolasses! ARRIVED TO-DAY. ORDERS SOLICITED. A LL- OE I KAKnA LL jan 20 DAW tf Bird Seed, Gi erman bologna, beef tongue, sugar I" Cured Hams and Strips. Souce, Tripe and Pig Feet, Mixed Pickles by the gallon, Zwieback, Cakes and Crackers, Baker's German and Vanilla Chocolate, Coco, fresh Buckwheat, Graham and Rye Flour, and a full line of Family Groceries.for sale at bottom prices. L. VOLLERS. jan 25 tf 20 A 38 8outh Front St. 500 jHOGSHEADS! NEW CROP Cuba Molasses! NOW LANDING, Ex-Brig Antelope, direct from Matanzas, for sale low. ORDERS SOLICITED, jan 25 tf WORTH & WORTH Garden Seed ! Garden Seed ! JEW CROP ! JUST RECEIVED, Plant Reliable Seed from a Reliable House, Avoid Commissioned Seeds. These points must be held strictly in view to insure success in Vege table Gardening. WILLIAM H. GRKEN, jan 13 tf Druggist, Market St. One Week JONGER FOR BARGAIN SEEKERS TO GET A chance at the GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE for the coming week. We have still another re duction. To close out is our aim and close out we will. Hundreds have been benefited by our enterprise inconsequence of this GREAT SALE. We can be styled the benefactors of the public (and to ourselves). Reductions in every depart ment from 25 to 40 per cent. You surely should not miss it. A. DAVID, Olothier, Merchant Tailor and Furnisher, jan 21 tf 3000 THREE THOUSAND 3000 BOXES Manufactured Tobacco Consisting of Our well known and popular brands of PLUG TWIST and SMOKING TOBACCO, Manufactured this Summer and for sale at BOT TOM PRICES. We would call special attention to our CHEAP BRANDS, which we claim to be FAR SUPERIOR to other low grades sold in this market. MEADOWS & KIDDER, Proprietors deel9tf CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS. 1883. New Year.. 1883. J OFFER TO THE NEW YEAR'S TRADE THE following GOODS ALL FRESH STOCK : 1WB Bbls FLOUR, "The Pride," Alt Mt. Hope and Bob White f rif Lbs. Suear-Cured HAMS. JLUUU STRIPS and SHOULDERS, 30 Bbls sugak, uranmated A, Extra C, Cases CANNED GOODS, all kinds, 150 2 QQ Lbs GILT EDGE BUTTER, fg Lbs OLEOMARGARINE, uvv ti i" Bags COFFEE. Java. 0J Laguayra and Rio, And a complete stock of all other GROCERIES. I roast COFFEE every day exoept Saturday Java, Laguayra and Rio, and. allow large mar gins to dealers. If you desire to. purchase your family supplies to best advantage, for the ensuing year, buy of me. My Goods are certainly the cheapest In the market, quality being considered. Come and see if it is not so. J. C, Stevenson, , dec'2ft tf ' MARKET STREET. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At Auction. FINE BLACK MARE. PH.ETON AND HAR NESS, for sale at 10 o'clock, on SATURDAY. 2Tth inst., at Old Market. CROXLY Jc MORRIS, jan 84 4t Auctioneer. Sale at Auction. WILL BE SOLD. AT THE COURT HOUSE Door, on MONDAY. February 5th, IKK), al 12 Q'ol'k M.. Sixteen One Thousand Dollar Bonds of the Florida Railroad Company, A good oppor tunity for investment in Florida lands, aa each Bond entitles the holder to a number of acres of land. W. B. McKOY, Adm'r jan24 3w of Bonnet Flnnnor. Julius Samson. Another Great Bargain We offer a lino uf color of A LI.-WOOL. DOrBLE-WIDTH $2.50 IMI-oltT ED VIENNA LAMES' CLOTH. AtSl.3J5Per Yard. WE ARE CLOSING Oi'T REGARDLESS OF COST H'K LINKS OP BLANKETS, COMFOUTE1W, 4 I. O A US, DRESS GOODS, CA SSI MERES, SHAWLS And in fact all Goods, to make loom for our Spring Stock of Dry Goods, while the weather is still seasonable for heavy goods. SPECIAL BARGAIN, 11-4 Blanket for 81.35. JULIUS SAMSON. 43 Market St. jan 14 tf Important Claim! TE CLALM THAT THE BEST BLACK WAL T T NUT srows in Indiana and Mlrblo-an nrd mai rnrniDure can oe manufactured cheapest where Walnut grows. The New Furniture More I having connections with tbe largest Manufac enabled to and will undersell atf. We claim their designs are the newest and the workmanship of their Furniture superior to the Northern Mann facturers. Examine their stock and prioos and convince yourself of these facta. Jan 1 1 t f Patricio. Patricio. rjHE FINEST FIVE CKNT CIOAK KVKK SOLD In Wilmington Tjpr one and you wlil amok them alwayn. A large lot .lust received at oct 19 tf KASPROWICZ . "Princess Louise" JjMRE SET, SOLID BRASS, Also the "Lorne Lamp" and Fluting Iron. Her Highness was pleased to aee. For sale at jan 21 tf GEO. A. PECK'S. Hats ! Hats ! Umbrellas ! HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatter. jan 21 tf Our Farmers ! THEY ARE WISE IN BUYING THE UN- x. RIVALLED "FARMER" COOK STOVE. It beata the best of all Cook Stoves In size, weight and It baking qualities. Kept only by PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. Jan 14 tf Kein Schwindel. rpHE REMAINING STOCK OF OUR MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND HOLIDAY SLIPPERS AT A GREAT REDUCTION. Call early and secure A BARGAIN. The famous BOOT AND SHOE COMPANY. DRYFOOS STERNDERC.ER, 45 MARKET STREET. dec 28 tf THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York. Aaaeta over $95,000,000. Surplus over 12,000,000. Rates 15 per cent, lower than any Mutual Life Insurance Company. For information as to forms of Polirie. Ac. apply to jan 21 tf M. S. WILLAKD, Agent. Marine Insurance, JpROVIDENCE-WASniNGTON INS. CO.. of Providence.. R. I. INCORPORATED 1799. Assets $1,007,364.21. Risks, Foreign and Coastwise, taken at loweat rates. JNO. W. GORDON A BRO.. Agents, jan 21 tf 34 North Wator St Country iYT " ' ual suited in quality and prloes from the large stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at tbe New 8addlery and xruns. uouse or H. M. BOWDKN A CO., . No. 49 Market At. Manufacture and Repair. Jan VI tf Wrapping Paper and Bags. jyjANILLA PAPER AND BAGS AT LOWEST xaarket prices. A large stock of Blank Books. Draft, Note, Re ceipt and Letter Books just received at jan n tf YATES' BOOK 8 TORE. OPERA HOUSE. KATI imAV, JAM'AIll tt7. TWO rKKroBMANCK MISS B08E EYTINGE. MATINEE For Ladk and Children. THE PRINCESS OF PARIS Admlwiloa ttc aa4 NOr. AT NIGfTT, b lart Union Pgur . FELICIA! Prlre 2V. .W and TV- Fnf K-ervrl ( T rilni. tuthfrMl jan r 4i Ko1 only by .foll.N 1YK A ho. Til'ni atrl IUt-r1aahrr Jan '4 if Pianos and Organs, JROM ALL THE IlET M A M TACl 1 likllK In the country. HOLD EoH ('AMI OH oJ TItf MONTni.Y INST.M.LMKNT PLAN, Al IIKINMIK.KUKH' Jan 24 If I. (vi. Hook Bnl Mustr KUht. Dissolution. ryiK KIKM OK R AfoV .t H K KIT I- Till. day dlwolvrd- Mr. It II l'i kelt rrtlrir.f. n.t Mr iim. M. irnprm nwinilnr all llatilim. uKi M rni, It II HCKKTT Jan Limy n. iw n no (f Flour. Flour. Flour. ;i.ll M-dal. Ilnt j v Hit. Home f nnifort. IIIjMbihI , l'or ir lnw iiy W WII.I.IAV- A i. J.iti '.'t tf Sugar. Sucrar. Sugar. 1. a.. N ni,1 hlrtl d. .1,. 100 Jmi 21 tf i U ll.t.U IAM it. Bacon, Coffee, Lard. nixr I) w f Ml)!. J-Q hrk l)..l HIiKiiKKfik ' I 1 J 00 " ' h"" ' l'A"1' For h1. 1"W by W W WII.I.IAMH 1 111 Ian 21 tf Crackers,Candy,Cheese l IIium and MM" ('HACK KIlN. I tl Bojut sHivtrrf ( hi: am nirrr.. 100 B""'" "n1 ,,ku ' AM,Y- For ! low I. U W WILLIAM A (XI jan 21 tf Groceries. Groceries. HA cox, H orn, st t. A I; cnrrrK. ni k. v. iaa .( . 7. i i a ckfus. c 4 v j CUFFS F. SOU A. for A sir I. YF. SXIFF. 7 on A f to '4'. A 7 AHl II. (A XM.F. X Ml.s. Hour lto V I.t F. nrxi.s. hh Arris i. nrrn W HAI'I'IXO 7 11 VA. II A I . OA Ts. AX I I (. l;F . II A UUISU. 7Fs. For 1p li) janSltf KKRv'HNKH A. CAI.hCrt HH(m 1883 Furniture. 1883 A NKW AHHORTV KNT OK Cumber, Parlor and DiDini-Roon FURNITURE, Reolvd thl month, and tw ) IiW (all and tiftraliMi PrWi and (Mrl" D. A AMITH A CY. Ian 21 U Tha rnmltui rtalt. WK ARKOFFKHINO HARMlNr. IN Ready-Made Clothing1 ! TO UFDt'CR (U K TfH K tfW mran what r my, and ah all want of CLOTHING to try ti and V wr 4m ixil pVre II o. A. A I. MIIKICR. RollabJ CkilaW-ra. Jan tl tf No 4 trat K. A xnw KTOCU ' OF SADDLES. BRTDLW TKt'WTta. Ar . Ar . Jut iwlved from tbe Mannfavterra. Part lea In need ef aay artw-le m tor hna wai4 do wen to rive aae a ran. as I ass mow a rwk-t of new tnrk. and srlllng at low prWM for Mannfa4artnjr and M-parln done t Mwirt riouoe. tmu at ine trtl n4ll nr i more oi Jan M tf J II WltliLh ffo. S Trodl W. i -r. i! St i . r f 1 it r. i 4 PI f 1 - g

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