The Moriiing Star. BV WM. H. I1ERNARD. ; BLISU KD DAILY ' EXCEPT MONDAYS. iurr or vasoRimoir, u adtaxcb. , Year, (by Powtae Paid $7 00 . s Mouths, " " 4 00 I hree Months, " " " 8 00 rv. Months. J "J I 60 ;ie Month, T 75 - r To City Snbaoribers, delivered In any part . .f the City, Firranf Cmmr per week. Oar City vnts are not authorized to oolleot for more i hia three month In advance. Citered as ;n rosa mno as tt umingvon, IX. l., as Second Class Matter. .r,nTTTn "nTVTmTAXT I .UUltrNllXUT JlJailWrM. OUTLINES. Total net receipts of cotton since Szptem- Ik r, 4,633,048 bales. Citizens at river towns in the lower Mississippi ralley are .v:uiied to be prepared for a great flood du ring the coming week. At Louisville, Ky . Thursday night, the river was rising u the rate of a foot an hour, and more rain . i .3 r. v a . i m. thiv:ueucu; uticvu uuusca uuaira orer ue f.ills: there is much sickness among the sufferers : contributions for their aid uiiDunt to 20,000. At Cincinnati the :I, is recedin.?. but is still an inch above the highest previous flood, in 1832. At Lawrenceburg it is estimated that 200 ! uses were washed away or overturned, :ii,.t 3,000 people driven from their homes. - Business failures for the week 254; Sn.tlieru States 54. A decree has Uvu eutereii in the Circuit Court, Rich mond. Va., for the resale of the Washing ion .fc Western Railroad. The tax ( :;.-eUr of Ijrtwrence county, Ala., was robbetl by a highwayman of $3,300. The Mississippi river is rising at the rat of ; n inches per day at Memphis, and is wit hi a two feet seven inches of the danger line: planters are preparing for the worst. At New Albany, Ind., the loss from iKhxI is estimated at over $1,000,000; I.J ) houses have been washed awav o.OOO people are homeless. NV.v York markets: Money 34 per . . : cotton quiet atl0il0i cents; south . ! tlour tinu anil quiet at $5 407 40; wheat, ungraded red $1 071 27; corn, murratled 7lhS5c; rosin firm ; spirils tur j., r.:iw steady at 53154c. l'rineeton College has again sus- jk ii Iel a number of students. Henry Irving, the greatest English actor, is to appear in New York the tirt of May next. Savannah is credited, jnstly or un judy, with being the highest taxed ( it v in the Union. It is now manifest in Washington that Billee Mahone is not the absorb ing national issue. The lien Ilill monument hangs fire. !. than $4,000 has been raised. Savannah alone ought to raise that ll 111. ti-n. Roger A. Prior is to deliver .tii al dress on the 2Cth of February, m New York, before the Irish Con tV.Ieration of America. 1 he false indictment against the Baltimore jrlass-workers, brought by, the bosses, has been kicked eourt as it deserved to be. out of The flood at Louisville is on the increase, and the damage is greater hourly. There is already much suf tfring and sickness and the dangers thicken. After to-day there are but thirteen working days left to the Legislature and very much remains to be done. Can it be done and will it be clone within the Constitutional limit ? Many sheriffs in the State receive less than $300 annually in fees. And yet there is a constant cry, let us make more counties. There are many more now than sonnd economy would authorize. There are fourteen members in the Gladstone Ministry, of whom 7 art- Peers aud 7 Commoners. Mr. Gladstone is- the oldest, being 73. Karl Selborne is 71, and Earl Gran viiU' is 68. High morality! In one shoe shop at Lynn, Massachusetts, there are thirty women, all of whom have been married and all of whom have been divorced. They can all read and write, doubtless. Senator Morgan went strongly for certain Senators who were largely interested in mining and the man ufacturing industries who sat in the O ... Senate just to vote money out of other people's pockets into their own. Among these is Dayis, of West Vir ginia, who owns a coal mine. The Langtry's husband is a dread ful fellow. Ilis agent in Ireland wrote to him that the tenants threat ened to kill him if lower rents were not given. Langtry, from his Jersey home wrote : "Dear Sir: You may say to ray tenants that any threats to shoot you will never in timidate me." . -- Referring to what we said about the Legislature electing- persons of of its body to the Railroad Commis sion, the New Berne Journal says: "Very true, but a man's 'fitness' for a re sponsible position nowadays is generally measured by the amount of work he has done for the party. Is it 'strangely im modest' for magistrates to elect county com missioners from their own body f This is not prophecy but an accomplished fact." rp - " , ,'1 VOL. XXXI. NO. 125. The Washington Star has a long account of a duel that occurred near Washington in 1846, between two North Carolinians Dr; David John- 'son, brother of the late Dr. Charles EL Johnson, ot Raleigh, and Mr.' Thos. F. Jones, a prominent lawyer of the Murfreesboro country. John- son was killed at the first fire. It grew out of a. domestic scandal. We well remember when it occurred.' Jones was in the Legislature at one time and was a man of talents: The account says: Mr. Jones and his party were arrested ' on the field by constables from Washington A coroner's jury was empaneled, and a long harangue was made by a village law yer. The jury brought in a verdict of wil ful murder, and committed the parties to jail. Judge Dorsey was sent for, and im mediately appeared and took cognizance of the case. He at onee released the witness on bail, and discharged the second and surgeon. At the meeting of the court two months afterward the grand jury refused to find a bill of indictment, and Mr. Jones returned to his home." During the late canvass the Star showed that according to the census of 1880, there were soma 69,000 elec tors in the State who did not exer cise their right to vote. The Pitts boro Record says the largest vote ever cast in that county was for President in 1880, when 4,090 was the total. The census of the pre ceding Jane called for 4,862. So there were about 800 voters who stayed at home. This has been the case generally since the war. The State would go Democratic by 30,- 000 majority if all men would vote. Spirits Turpentine. The Clinton Caucasian has in creased considerably its reading matter. Mr.' Bradford Jenkins and Mr. Douglas Faucett, of Halifax, are dead of pneumonia. New Berne Journal: We be lieve one acre planted in oysters will yield far more actual profit than five will in cot ton or corn. Weldon Nercs : The Dortch bill reflects the opinion of a large number of white people who think that they should not be made to support both white and col ored schools equally. Clinton Caucassian : Judge McKov will ride his own circuit this Spring, beginning at Nash next Monday. ' Court week and fighting ia Clinton. Our hopes have departed. Sampson man hood will assert itself. It cannot be sup pressed. We regret that sickness pre vented John D. Kerr, Esq., Solicitor of the weet . However, he was ably substituted by O. A. Allen, Esq., Solicitor of Duplin mierior uoun. Greensboro Patriot: The Legis lature is loaded down with frivolous local legislation. A majority of the members in both branches are qew and inexperienced. Scott, of Rockingham, has struck the "bull's eye" square in the centre again: "No more State railroads. No more white Democratic elephants." We are in-. formed that the sale of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Kailroad under the fcenate bill will lose the Democratic party 3,000 votes in the upper Yadkin Valley. We are also informed that the bill for the relief of the Western North Carolina Railroad will cost the Democratic party 5,000 votes Goldsboro Messenger: We are glad to know that the Rev. Theodore Whitfield. D. D., of SpartansbUrg, a C, has accepted the eall tendered him bv the Baptist congregation of this city, and" will take charge about the first of March. Reports come from Trenton that every family that can is moving out to escape, - if possible, the ravages of small-pox. Mr. Scarborough pronounces it to be of a very malignant type. It is rumored that -there are two cases in the country a few miles be low Trenton, but this report lacks confirma tion. We gather these facts from the New Berne Journal. The authorities of Trenton are using efforts to stamp out the horrible disease. Fayettcville Observer: The re tirement of Mr. Benjamin from the prac tice of his profession recalls the fact that he lived in Fayetteville during his boy hood. On-Saturday, the 10th inst., the body of a man, identified as that of E. V. Hawleyr - reported drowned on the night of the 18th of December was found floating in Cape Fear river. , - Cast week, as Hon.Keinp P. - Battle and the Rev. John Huske were returning from Raleigh,' and while they were seated in the carriage, at the depot at Chapel Hill, the horses, in the temporary absence of the river, dashed off and the gentlemen were thrown out We are glad to learn that . . . . it i a altnougn potn were painiuny oruiseu, neither was seriously hurt. Charlotte Observer: The ques tion of thjs electric light for Charlotte will no doubt bo revived again. Mr. John . Rimer, a workman at Liddell's machine shops, met with a very painful accident resterday afternoon, having his hand bad y lacerated by a band saw with which he was working. The saw split Mr. Rimer's hand between the first and second fingers. Mr. W. J. ' Hay ward, Assistant Attor ney General of the United States, arrived at theBuford House in this city several days ago. The object of his visit here, as stated to several friends, is to inquire into supposed election frauds, which are alleged to have beeu committed in this city at the last election. W " do J not know what grounds Mr. Hayward has lor his investi gation, and we do not believe that he knows himself. .v ... - Raleigh News-Observer: Attor ney General Kenan has .completed his part of the work on the 87th N. C. Reports. The volume is now in the hands of the binders, and will be issued in about two weeks. The health of the city con tinues good. -( Not a single case of a 'con tagious disease exists." James P. Saw yer, of Buncombe county, has been appoint ed a Director of the W. N. C. Insane Asy lum, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. J. C. Walker, of Wilmington. -The argument in the A. & N. C. R. R. Co. against the Midland N. C. R. R. occupied the entire time of the Superior Court yester day The forty-fifth anniversary of the literary societies of Wake Forest College HE MOKNING BTAR WIBMINOTONa will be held to-day. i-Many nersons f rora aherifE in the. State was present in Raleigh yesteraay, either in person or by accredited proxy, and we . wait: with apprehension to hear, whether the criminals took advantage of their absence. : Sheriff Hughes, of Orange J county, -presided, i . and x in his absence, Sheriff v,Gran1Mm,!;vof rWayne county.! The object of the consultation was to see TaVfaCat1 otATVl ' fih VaA . tflVDtl tTaTOTr1a - tnO j regulation of the Fee bill; and a conclusion was LieacheoL Notwithstandinsr the : fact that some sheriffs in North Carolina receive in fees less than three hundred dollars a year, there will be no movement for any considerable increase, 'but merely, for a more equitable - adjustment. Ln Mr. ; Oaksmith's suits against Mr. Best, the Bos ton syndicate, &c. under which certain in junctions were granted by Judge MacRae, at Wilmington, in .December, notice were srved on the plaintiff of a motion to dis- ive or modify said injunctions returnable store Judge Juacitae atf ayettevme on the 15th of February. We learn that doubts are being entertained whether Judge Mac Rae has jurisdiction, the motions have been abandoned and the injunction consequently remains in force. Pittsborb Record : On last Saturday a young woman, daughter of the late. Bur well Ellington, was found dead in a creek near her residence in Oakland township. . As it is proposed that the Legislature shall elect these Commissioners, we would urge that body to use the utmost caution and prudence in their choice. The Owners, of the Western North Caroli na railroad are endeavoring to secure the passage of a bill through the Legislature to relieve them from complying with their contract with the State. We sincerely hope that the Legislature will not pass the bill. The Moore - Gazette in"its last issue boasts of a fiddle in that county that is 112 years old, but that is an infant when com pared with a veteran violin in this county, now owned by Mr. James Moore of this place. Mr. Moore's fiddle was brought to America many years ago by Commodore W. E. Boudinot, of. this place, to whom, while an officer in the United States navy, it was given in 1843, at Cape Town in Af rica. The violin Was repaired in 1742 (141 years ago), as is shown by an inscription on it, and the gentleman, who gave it to Commodore Boudinot, assured him that it was made in 1642, nearly two and a half centuries ago ! The Legislature has very properly pass ed a bill, which has been enrolled and ratified, amending the law in relation to the assignment of a widow's dower. It provides for the appointment of three com missioners to lay oil the dower of a widow instead of five as heretofore. There fore whatever legislation is contemplated must be hurried up. It will not do to give up another night session in order to go to the theatre, as was done last Monday night, when the "Dizzy Blondes" visited Raleigh We begin to fear that the necessary busi ness has not been pushed as it should have been. Gold Hill,, N. C, Jan. 13, 1883. Register Deeds, Chatham county, N. C. : Sir. A man by the name of James Odem, or Ottmoe, fell into a shaft here and broke his neck last Sunday night. He was drunk at the time. He is said to be a na tive of your county. TZECIE CITY". NEW ADVKKTISKJTIKNXS. Mukson Children's clothing. Wm. H. Gkekji Veeetable seed. E. P. Covington Oleomargarine. Heinsbkrger Pianos and organs. S. G. Northrop Fruit, confectionery. Local Dots. Receipts of cotton yesterday 322 bales. No cases for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. Some of the peach trees in the city are in full bloom. Regular April showers and spring weather yesterday. A great many small buildings are being erected in the outskirts of the city. The days are exactly eleven j hours long, to-day having gained in length I one hour and ten minutes: We hear that the names of the magistrates recommended for appointment from this county were setft to Raleigh Thursday night. We learn that some of those en gaged in brickbatting j houses Wednesday night are to be profeeCUtedtheir-names hav ing been ascertained. ' . Mr. S. A. - Currio has a hand some iron fence in course of construction around his residence on the northeast cor ner "of Seventh and Market streets. Elders P,D. "Gold and B. Greenwood arc expected to preach at the Primitive Baptist Church, on Castle, be tween Fifth and Sixth streets, to-day and to-morrow atll o'clock A. M. The British Irist Capt. Adams, was cleared from this port yesterday by Messrs. Northrop & Cumming, for .Point a Petre,.; Gaudaioupe, with 130,207 feet lumber and 66,550 shingles, valued at $2, 510.12. Unmallable matter. The following uhmailable matter re mains in the city postofflce: Mr. J, H. Wheeler, care of Cotton Mill, Greenville. 8. C. ; Mary J. Council, Ra leigh, N. C. ; Mr. Smyth, 503 Piatt street, opposite President street, Baltimore, Md. ; Mr. Robert Finke, care of Mr.. Simmons, Georgetown, S. C. ; John Fonville, care of Pompy Smith, Congleton, N. C: Runaway.. .v . --;.,: .. Yesterday afternoon, about 1- o'clock, -a horse attached to a country cart, which was standing at the intersection of Seventh and Market street took-fright arid ran away. Reaching ithe vicinity of Seventh and Dock streets the vehicle collided with a tree and was capsized and Jaadly smashed, while the: contentS'Werescattered pretty promiscu ously.about the street. Nobody hurt. . ,.i,T7T"7Zr" .4- ,. , Mr. Morris Tutrell, Murfreesboro, N. C, says:' ''Brown's Iron Bitters restored my wife from feeble health to strength." N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1883. FIBE'SDOINOS. Deiitr action of a Large Warehouse and 20)000 Sack of Salt Loss Covered by Insurance.. Yesterday-afternoon, about half-past'4 o'clock, the alarm was sounded for fire in the sixth fire district, which comprises that I portion of the city on the west side of the Cape Fear river. The flames were soon discovered issuing ' f Jom the roof of the warehouse belonging to Mr. A. A. Willard The 'steamer "A. Adrian" happened to be the only engine ready for the emergency at the moment, the horses of the "Little Giant'- and the "Cape Fear" being engaged in hauling for the streets. AH were quickly on hand, however, , but con siderable delay was experienced, . in j getting the "Adrian"- ffie only steamer sent over on a fiat, but when that was ac complished the little Nyce had her. in the vicinity of the fire in very short order. In the meantime) however, the flames had gained such headway that very little could be done except to save adjoining property. In fact the fire had pretty much done its work. The frequent explosions in the building at one stage of the conflagration had a demoralizing effect in some instances, particularly in the case of a business man, holding forth in the. neighborhpod of Mul berry and Water streets, who was4iurry- ing in the direction of the wharf, but com menced a rapid backward movement when told that the explosives were powder cans and that the magazine was close by. The warehouse was stored with about fifteen to twenty thousand sacks of salt, the property of Mr. Willard, and it is thought that the loss on the warehouse and con tents will aggregate about $15,000, which is fully covered by insurance in floating poli cies. The Are was thought to have originated from a spark from the smokestack of a steamer which had left the wharf but a few moments before the flames were discovered. Tne Board of County Commissioners Visit oar Graded School. In response to an invitation from Mr. Noble, who has charge of the Graded Schools of this city, the Board of County Commissioners visited the Schools yester day, accompanied by some other gentlemen, in a body, and witnessed the present modes of teaching. They were greatly impressed with the order, quietness and neatness of the pupils, both white and colored, as well as the evident competency of the teachers, all of whom appear to be interested in the truly good work in which they are engaged. If our citizens would take the time to visit these Schools, they could not fail to be greatly pleased, and all those engaged in the laborious work of teaching would ,be encouraged and feel that their work in the interest of the rising generation is appre ciated. The employment of Mr. Noble as gene ral supervisor of all the graded schools of the city has proved a move in the right di rection. Visitors, as we understand, are welcome at all times, and so perfect is the order may enter the room and you will scarcely be noticed, each one being intent upon his or her duties. Criminal Court. The following cases were disposed of in this Court yesterday : State vs. Jerre Lanier, charged with em bezzlement Defendant found guilty. Motion in arrest of judgment; motion over ruled, and defendant sentenced to four years' imprisonment in the State Peniten tiary State vs. Wm. James, charged with as sault and battery. Defendant submits. State vs. Thomas Dunn and George San ders, charged with assault and battery. Cases consolidated. Defendants found guilty. State vs. Levi McKoy and Kitty Moore, charged with larceny. Case on trial. In the case of Marina Johnson, charged with, larceny, on trial Thursday evening, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and in the case of James Eagles, charged, with assault and battery, the same verdict was returned. Tne "Grand Aggregation" Onee more The grand Bear Aggregation, with its flaming chariots, magnificent array of ani mals, with gorgeous trappings, and brilliant retinue of performers and retainers in daz zling costumes, which departed from the city on Thursday afternoon, attracting such universal attention and admiration all along the line of march, returned very unex pectedly yesterday afternoon, proceeded to the foot of Market street and were ferried across the river into Brunswick county, with all the pomp and ceremony befitting the occosion and the grandeur of the com pany. Tne Carolina Central Railroad Case. Hon. A. S. Seymour, writing to Mr. W. H. Shaw, of this city, the newly appointed Clerk of the District Court, gives this in formation in reference to the much talked of suit of Mathews vs. Carolina Central Railroad Company, on an application for a Receiver, heard before Judges Bond and Seymour, of the U. S. Court, in this city, in November last; "By this morning's mail I received a let ter from Judge Bond, denying the motion for a Receiver in the case of Mathews vs. the Carolina Central Railroad, which I will file with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, with my own views. Inform the lawyers." Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, is in town looking after the advertising and sale of his Celery and Chamomile Pills and Skin Cure. Both are well ; known and reliable articles. Read advertisement in another column. t Weather Indications. . The following are the indications for to day: For the Middle Atlantic States, threaten ing weather and rain, followed by clearing weatherly to westerly winds, rising tempe rature, followed on Saturday night by colder weather. i For the South Atlantic States, local rains, partly cloudy weather, winds shifting to southwest and northwest, lower Daronie terinthe northern portion, and stationary or lower .temperature. For the Gulf States, Tennessee and the Ohio Vallev. rain and snow and much colder weather, north to west winds, and higher barometer. Narrow Escape. The bears and their companions came near causing a serious accident on their way out of the city Thursday, afternoon. They had reached a point on Market street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, when a horse attached to a buggy, containing a gentleman, his wife and child, returning from the sound,, suddenly became aware of the proximity of the ugly brutes, when he commenced running and trying his best to run away. Ic the meantime falling across a ditch, breaking the shafts and one of the wheels of the vehicle. At the critical mo ment the gentleman told his wife and child to jump out, which feat they successfully accomplished and without injury to their persons. Meanwhile several passers-by had seized the horse and prevented him from doing further mischief. A Colored man Killed. Joseph Wright, a colored man, employed on the W. C. & A. R. R., was accidentally killed on Thursday afternoon last, while at work on a trestle at Pee Dee, S, C. ; a stick of timber falling upon him and crushing his skull. RIVER AND IT1 A It INK. '. Norwegian barque Betty, Pettersen, hence, arrived at Rotterdam February 13th. Schooner L. S. Levering, Gandy, cleared at Philadelphia for this port Febru ary 13th: m m m Tne Tale of tne False Teeth. False teeth may tell lies in a quiet way. But a real tooth tells the solemn truth when it sends its messages of pain through all the nerves and muscles of ths face. "I a . . m mm . V nave tne tootn-acne ! is tne almost auomie i howl. And the echo is, "Yes, and the . . , . , . TT7I . 1 ; I tootu-acne nas me i vv nen me pains oi neuralgia settle m a decayed tooth, some- thing must be done. Get Perry Davis's Fain Killer. CITY ITEMS. PERSONAL! TO MEN ONLY I Thb Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich., will send Dn. Dtb's CkCkbkatkd Electbo-Voltaic Belts and Elko- tbic Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with Nervous ueminy, loss vitality ana Mann 00a, ana aina 01 troubles, guaranteeing sucedy and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as above. . N. B. No risk Is Incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies and nries of a Riifferins' child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup was just the article needed., procured a supply ror tne child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child passed in suff ering.ana tne parents wttnout sieep. return- baby still suffering: and while contemplating an other sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties and left the father with the child. During her ab sence he administered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in .the morning oright and happy. The mother was delighted with the wonderful chancre, and al though at first offended at the deception prac ticed upon her, has continued to use tne syrup, and suAering crying babies and restless nights have disaDDeared. A single trial of the Svrun never yet failed to relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices 01 tne mother, sold oy au Druggists. : cents a ootue. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oleomargarine. 1 00 TUBS ON coNsiaNi,rENT' A FULL LINE OF HEAVY GROCERIES. For sale low for cash. . I feb 17 2t&25th E. P. COVINGTON. For To-Day. A FEW ORANGES, BANANAS AND GRAPE FRUIT left. Dr. Wilkes Morris says Grape Fruit is an excellent remedy for Dyspepsia, as for our Candy, our customers know that It is Fresh and Pure. If you are not strangers you know whore to find good Fruit and Confection- C7e At S. G. NORTHROP'S eb 17 tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Garden Peas, JgEANS, CORN, ONION SETS, CABBAGE SEED, SQUASH, Collard, Turnip, Beet Seed, &c, &o. For sale, Wholesale and Retail. WILLIAM H. GREEN, feb 17 tf Market street. Children's Clothing. gHORT PANTS A FEW SUITS, Four and Ten Years, CHEAP. BOYS' SUITS, Ten and Sixteen Years, SAME PRICE. MUNSON, feb 17 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Fertilizers. IBBS & CO.'S HIGH GRADE AMMONIATED PHOSPHATE, COTTON BRAND, . HIGH GRADE, ACID PHOSPHATE, GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT, For sale by E. J. POWERS, Successor to Chaa. E. Smith & Co. febl?D&Wtf Pianos and Organs, JpROM ALL THE BEST MANUFACTURERS in the country, SOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PLAN. ' At HELN BUERGER'S feb 17 tf Live Book and Music Stores. WHOLE NO. 4830 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Liyerpool aM London and Globe Ins. Co. Claims Paid in the United States, $31,229,000. Losses promptly adjusted and paid on reclp of proofs without discount, by . JNO. W. GORDON A BItO., Ajrenta. fob 16 tf Wllmlnjrton. N. C. -I Jfest LilLC ill tllG St&tO ! 'E CARRY A GREATER VARTETT AND BETTER ASSORTMENT of BOOTS AND SHOES than any house in the State. Buyers will find it to their advantage to exam ine our lines before purchasing. Geo. R. French & Sons, 39 N. FRONT 8T. Country Merchants a vtt ttt-tt-t t7a it w tjttvppo nrvTrniTT v will find a full stock and rood assortment of Hardware, riows, Castings, noes, liamet Axes. Back Bands, NalU. Shot, Collars Ilamet, i. Trace Chains, Hollow Ware, Ac Quality of goods and prices guaranteed. ill. XM- OM. V. I. Of fab 11 tf Successors to John Dawson A Co. Corn Cure. T IIAVE JTJST RECEIVED ANOTHER SUPPLY of the never-falling CORN-CTJRK. Corns. Bun Ions and Callouses removed easily, quickly and certainly. No pain. 15o per bottle or two for 2ftc J. U. UAKULN S Drug and Seed Store, feb 11 tf New Market, Early Days of Christianity T Y CANON FARRAR, D. D. In Lovell's Library. Price 30 rts. At HARRIS' NEWS DEPOT. feb 13 tf Julius Samson. , PREPARATORY TO TAKING- STOCK. WE ARE CLOSING OUT mi tii, , tl J lUe J? OllOWlIlff IxOOClS, REGARDLESS OF VALUE. FANCY DRESS PRINTS, at 6c, sold at 8c, FANCY DRESS GOODS, at 120c, sold at 40c & fiOc. PLUSH SATCHELS, at $ 2.09, sold at 3.60, WHITE KID GLOVES, at 25c. sold at $1.00, OOL'D do do at $1.00, sold at $1.73, SILK PLUSH, at $1.60 and $2.00. Special Bargains ! IN HAMBURG TRIMMINGS, CREAM LACES, LADIES and MISSES' HOSE, LINEN and H'MSTCD nANDK'FS. JULIUS 8AMSON, 43 Market St. feb 11 tf PURE CANDY JUST RECEIVED FROM EOTSTEE. BEST SOLD IN WILMINGTON. 50 Cents per I'ouud. CURE YOUR COUGH wrrn a bottle of Rock and Rye, The most popular medicine sold. SURE CURE. I WE have a large and well selected stock of 1 CIGARS that mnst be sold. "CHERRY RIPE," the best 5 cent CIGAR In Wilmington. LA CARONA, 3 for 25 cents. LA MIA, 10 cents straight. Come down and sample one and be convinced of what we say. P. L. Bridgers & Co. feb 11 D&Wtf Ward's White Lily Soap FOR laundry and Toilet Use. IT DOES AWAY WITH WASHBOARDS AND BOILERS AND CONTAINS NO ROSIN TO TURN THE FABRIC YELLOW. IT CAN BE USED EITHER IN HOT OR COLD WATER. R saves fuel, time and labor, and Is recom mended and endorsed bjOsotno of tho loading Chemists in the country. For salo by ADRIAN Ac VOLLERS, janSltf ' ' WholesaleJAgenU. II Plantation Bells, REDUCED PRICES. GILES X XURCmsUH, 38 4 40 Murchlson Block, feb 13 tf N. Front St. ItATlUI OF ADYEHTISINUi One Jqaare' One ry..'...,.,!... II f - . 2 Twoln...... I . ' ,,,' Three Daya.. ...... . ; Four paya.,....- -4.' . FIT- Day,.. ......... i M ' On Week.... 4 " Two WmU, , M " Three Weeka, M One -Month, Two Monti. 1 " " Three Month,..... .... M P M fill Month, " On Tear,.... e OT Con tract AawrtlaroeaU takea at proper tkmataly low rataa. Tea Uae aoUd MeapareQ type aaak oae atrsar. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS. ODH STOCK OF SPRING EDITINGS JJA8 ARRIVED AND IS KOW II E APT MH INSPKCTIOJ. Elegant styles of 1 01 ported Ooods. We keep up with ths cbanrtnir vtyW We guarantee prices low as any. Wo guarantee pcrfort Suing garmrata. Wo guarantee satisfaction in tver mat Elegant Sulla for $28 Ml, mads to order. Fine Caaslmere Panta for $V0n, mad to order. JOHN ITER a MI. fob II tr Tailors and II sherd ahra PACIFIC GUANO. Just rcoelred and for aats, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, and DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE. We never ha to had the flrat ooni4alnt at tlx Fartlllzera not bringing a profltatU) em p. our Country Agents. feb8DAW7w ALIX. SPRUKT 1?C RUST PROOF. rpo ARRIVE ON MONDAY. A ('ABU)AI) Choloo RUST PROOP OATS fend orflera early and avoid the mull. 5 OO quarter and l.alf bal No 1 TIMtmtT HAY Just reoelred PRIME WHITE CORN arriving dally Sfe lal figures for car lota. C. B. WRIGHT In a Quiet Way WE ARE SKI.LINO TII AT CELEBRATED COOK STOVE 1 he "Oolden Harre " It ta a Superior Htovo. Alao the "Farmer" of euaal merit. Aa for the "Hoothem Oak," why we J" roll them nnt Cheap, Cheaper, ("heapf!. rf'KK WHITE OIL. feb 11 tf PA RK1CH A TATI H Fine Embroidery. L-SO A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF THE CHEATER GRADE ni.EACHED COTTON, SKA ISLAND UltOWN CrTTfN. HA. 9-4 and 10-4 KHEETINUH A large aupply Junt reoelred. and wr only aa toahow It and gtre the prices. WHITE FLANNEL Special attention to two grade ItougM elap, and will bo sold below value. CARPETS, LACE t-TRTAINH. OIL -UTH..e II. OT. OTrlTIIli:. feb 11 tf The Accident Insurance Company of North America. Head Office. 000 St. James Street. Montreal JANUARY lat, INK.!. Awwt" foriwvnrlty of Policyholder $0.ft4O M Deposited at Albany In V. M Honda ina.onouo Number of Pollrlra lanued dating the year ti.t Gain In Pollrtea over 1HKJ Gain In Prcinluma over IW f lOT.TOti t Total Lonaea paid to date, g.r.1. for over . $?&. 00 Tht Company haa never contested a Claim at Law. No other bunlneaa I tranaa-ted by tbla Company. M. 8. WILLARD, tienl Aet. fob 4 tf Wilmington. N C Hats ! Hats! Hots! Lowest Prices ! IIARKIMIN ALLEN. Ilatlr fob !.' if Bibles, T)UA YER BOOKS, HYMNAL. Ae Ac A complete line of DEVOTIONAL IMKKH Juat received at fcblStf YATES" IfcK fcToKE Seed Rice. Cnn (FIVE HUNDRED) nUSIIEIJI SEED RICE. For aala GEORGE W. KIDDER fob 1.1 tf Molasses. Salt, Bacon. 2QQHhdaCnbaandror1oRleoM01.Ar.srJi. For aale by feb 11 tf EERCTINER CAI.DER t.tU Flour, Sugar, Coffee. rQ Bhla C, Ex. C and Gran. SUGAR "7 r BagnCorrEE. all grade. Fur aa) by feb 11 tf EERCnNEn C ALDER IlROR Soap, Lye, Potash. 2QQ Doiea SOAP. , 2QQCaae. LTE, QQ Caaot Can and Hall POTASH. For aale by fob 11 tf KERCrrXER A CALDER Mtfm Farmer Girl QOOK STOVES Are sold only by T. M. KINO CO.. Wilmington. N C. fob 11 tf At Homo ! BEIIRENDS A MCTTROB CAW ALWAYS found at tba New Koroltur. lor, E. Ckmr. Market and M Rta. Wllmlngw. N. !.. bee they offer for aale the largeet, moat fabtnatl and beet aeleoted atock In lata a tat, at Max.U ale and Retail, ICtpercent. lower than any Imna In this State. fetollif Scotch Lump Coal! rpHIS 18 A PINE COAL FOR QUICK nntA IN GRATE. WOOD In foil anpT'ly -Redooed frloea. feb II If J. a anuNora. , t; ii i ,1 4 31 U 1 r i V 1 l 'i r a-i : f ii! 1 Si a. ' t ' i- ti i h. 1 . r ii , : 1. 1 1 . 1 1 l a. a v