The Morning Star. BY ffM. II.' ' ilERN Alt J: r BUSHED DAILY '&XCEPT MONDAYS. 09 ITtMUmOI, V AOTA.MCX. ,Ue Year, (by Malt Pnatage Pfc!d,- S7 00 Months, . , - " " , 4 00 rnree Months. - . M " 8 00 rwoMontha. t ...160 ae Month. - . - 55 i4T To City Subscriber, deltrered In any part , ,f the City, fnui Cmrre per week. Oar City feats are not authorised a eolleot for more hia three month In dTtto.-.v ... :tered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, ' MORNINGr EDITION, asaeooaa uass Matter. A railroad depot, freight house and other iiuildings burned at Pensacola; loss $25, (XH). A Republican Senatorial caucus at Washington dissed the advisability of ;ilmndouiog the Tariff bill now before Con gress; it was finally determined to go on another day with it. n.Six new names :u!ded to the list of victims of the mining disaster at Braidwood, TXL, making the killed SO in all. - A negro man hung i.v a posse of citizens at Tillersburg. Ind., Springfield, Mo., a young wife shot her l,.; - tbree months old baby through the head iriil then shot herself dead. A panic i:i : charity school in New York city, iMiii by an alarm of fire; fourteen chil .Ik ii c rushed to death on the stair-case and many others more or less injured. cen P. T. Moore, who commanded the Firs' Virginia regiment in the Confederate rvii-e .n uuu rwcumuuu, ... :.i : n: -1 j v ':). The Senate passed the Tariff hiil. A locomotive jumped the track ;i Louis and smashed a stove foundry; tvr persons hurt, one fatally. An i. ' -urge at St. Charles, Mo., crushed a M i ument tug. swept away the river im- .mints, car works and did other dam- Dorman B. Eaton, of New W-.k. -Inn. M. Gregory, of Illinois, and . P Thomas, of Ohio, -have been nomi , for Civil Service Commission- itv New York markets : Money 4 ; per .-nt. ; eoUon quiet at 10 3-16S10 7-1 i-v : southern flour quiet and firmly held nt $i ?5? 40; corn, ungraded 6775c; . - n firm .it $1 6."l 70; spirits turpen- :ic dull at 53 Jc. Tin King of Bavaria has umler :tken to have the son of Wagner, vt'irfried, educated. Tlie oldest living ex-Lr. S. Senator i-i .Indo John King, of Augusta, Gi. He served from 1834 to 1838. h is now proposed by one of our changes to swap off Dorsey and P.rady and in their places put Bob lnSersoll, Brewster and Hazen. Good iW that ! The Louisville Courier-Journal it is published the names of those liv iit in tho city who sustained loss by v tl(X)d in the Ohio. Tlic list would three columns of the Star if one line was given to each name. llerr Steinitz on last Thursday , . . . . . I ning played against the twenty- -vtMi oest ciiesN players in iew York and the result after eight hours was six draws and one defeat, the latter being by Eugene Blackmnr. ... t - T The DeLong investigation has re sulted in his full vindication. There was nothing wrong in the Jeannette or her equipment. No blame can be attached to the management of' the expedition or to the conduct of any one in command. There is a new scarf pin named af ter the immortal Gebhardt and called familiarly "Freddie." The Chicago Inter-Ocean thus describes it: "The design is a little gold jackass draw ing a cart, on which are spelling and copy books, and a choice assortment of gram nvtrs. ' He is said to be awfnlly mad. will whip somebody yet. He Senator Brown, of Georgia "Old Joe" introduced an amendment in the Senate to reduce the tax on whis key from 90 cents, the present tax, to 50 cents and he voted alone in the affirmative. Every other vote re corded jvas in the negative. Ran som and Vance were absent. Does this look like abolishing the tax, when only one Senator votes even for the reduction of the tax ? Let the Legislature of North Carolina in struct again. Somebody has been saying that there was no eloqaenoe in' the legis tive bodies of tne day. Surely he had not read. that choice extract in the New York Herald from the mem her from OnandagaV Here it is: r "Everybody iapitchin' into this bill like toad frogs into a willow swamp on a love ly evening in the balmy month of f une, when the pale light of the . full moon fills with phorphoreacent glory the thin, ethe rai, atmospheric air.;. That is fearfully gorgeous! Shall the South be-beaten, in that way? an a North Carolina Legislature al- lo w it? It is the opinion in Washington that the two big Star Route thieves, Horsey and Brady both prominent Republicans and Northerners at that will be convicted. Rerd ell's tell ing story is very damaging and docu mentary evidence is to be produced in the trial which cannot be possibly disputed. The Government bas been I VOL. XXXI.-tNO. 128. warned to look out for the jury. We I kope tiie'big rascals will te put in the penitentiary for ten years and thel penitentiary for ten years tie thieves, for nine years and eleven months. . We believe in distributing favors according to merits The Philadelphia Times says again A 1 in its issue of the 19th let the inter nal revenue tax be abolished. Jess' so. But it won't be. "The Senate would not even reduce. The Times is one of those innocent Protective organs that are horrified at the enor mous taxes. But it lets the bat. out I ... . ... . 1 W ot tDe DaS tne tollowmg neat de- claration of principle: -. "Had the battle been made at the outset for the abolition of the Internal Revenue ; system, it would have succeededTand then the Tariff would have been fe for years to come. Now the Tariff k in peril." ; Hence these tears. "c """ aic DC- I i . " nr . . ou me laruz question, as is apparent from their discussions in the caucus, They are like the fellow, who had the bear by the paws as he stood hug- ging one side of a tree, bruin being on the other side. He "hollered" for help, and being asked what was the matter replied "He could not hold on and he was afraid to turn loose." Spirits Turpentine. The Gazette says 95,000 bushels of rice have been marketed in Washington. Shelby Aurora. Rev. Dr.'Nel- son has returned from Greensboro, where he held a revival at which seventy-five per sons were converted. Greensboro Patriot : From one fourth of an acre of ground, a Duplin farmer (Mr. Ransom Middleton, of War saw) has made 900 pounds of fine' "C" su gar. Smithfield Herald: J. T. Strick land, Esq., of Benton ville Township, made last year, with the help of his children, on the land of Thomas D. bneed, sq., twen- ty-eighl 400-pound bales of cotton. Washington Gazette: A reliable I vo wf XT n t tto T- r lAafl wa KaliAtra Vi a aaOaIi ft 1 jS&KfSir the amount caught two years ap. Jhefish- j thought the catch will not exceed 10,000 or The Criminal Court did not finally ad 15,000 barrels. - journ until yesterday, though the petit iury Goldsboro Messenger.' The Ex- was discharged on Monday and no cases press Office lot m this city was sold last I weeK to air. Asner iMwaras ior f d.pua lie Mwwhtf wvawnrf rW vKa Knattfl f Hi. I rectors held in Henderson ville, N. C Rev. XaVa ICTCUw UlCUUU VL 9UO uuaiu vra Ul" N. B. Cobb was unanimously elected to the presidency of Judson College. . - Scotland Neck Commonwealth; Dr. Parham and Mr. Bond, who have been engaged for two years in the cultivation of tuwvw Aide, Udic 1U(U a BXULLr&uK vi n vy f lhouaand pounds, and are preparing for tobacco here; have made a shipping of two other shipments soon. We learn that their j looacco is oi a superior quality. Monroe xpfi&s-Unirer : Ed- die, a thirteen-year old son of Mr. P. M. Cox. met with a severe accident a fewdays ago. He was engaged in running the cow out of the yard when she kicked him mtne I iace, uisiocaung ana iracsunng uw cum- ixne and lacerating the flesh considerably. Roxboro News: Two old idiotic negro women, inmates of the Person coun ty poor house, who were allowed the privi lege of going to the springs and sometimes to come to Roxboro, wandered off a short time ago. Not returning as usual search was made. Both were found dead one in the woods and the other had gone under a shelter. Hillsboro Observer : Rev. John Pogue died at his residence in Hillsboro, Sunday night, February 11th, jost as. the church bells were ringing for service. He was born in Wilkes -county, N. C; but went to Tennessee to live when quite young. - About ten years ago -himself and family moved to HUlsboro. He was in his 74th year. 3 Wadesboro Intelligencer: Mr. F. A. Vollmer has returned from his Northern trip, and brings with him twenty-three im migrants, who will be followed by two hun dred more during the present year. In ad dition to these, Mr. Vollmer has interested lumbermen and capitalists, representing be tween $1,600,000 and $1,800,000, who are looking this way with eyes of favor. Beaufort Telephone : Fresh fish are scarcer in Beaufort than is usual at any season of the year. We are indebted to the Rev. E. M. Forbes for the informa tion that Dr. Mayo, the great friend and promoter of public education, will be in New Berne on or about the 6th of March, and that he may be expected to lecture also in Beaufort while in this part of the State. Salem Press:. C. .A. f Hope, of the Salem Iron Works, has a fine specimen of a banana tree, how in bloom, and is quite a curiosity. The trunk springs up to the heizht of about six. feet and -is of a oronze coior auu Kraceiui as a utuui. ... .. - , . , In speaking of the authorship of -Cousin Wlth readings and recitations which af- Sally Diflard," respecting.: Which there is forded great enjoyment and elicited marked some controversy, "we beheve the Wilming- commendation. His programme last night tonSTABis abouJcorrect. was fullv "equal to former ones ami was eights-Observer: There equally well presented are npw. at the University 210 students, jaw with a prospect of more. Washington's Blaltop Northrop and the See of birthday is to be observed with speeches, Charleston. SSSilJSJ'HSSS Baltimore Bun -moaooe. tha, Arc., make about the sale of the Cape Fear and bishop Gibbons, of Baltimore, has received Yadkin Valley Railroad without guarantee from Rome an official communication an- ortt:wtnv;;.TbSwtot noUncing.-the appointment. f Bet. H. we ourselves have suggested. Here is-a - - - r . J , road with . 47 miles already-built and , 100 Pmckney Northrop to the See of Charles graded, all ready for the -iron,- which will ton, retaining administration of the Vicarate eostjwy. $4,000 per -; mile A: mortpgejof of 33-0 Carolina. This will necessitate $15,000 per mile .-on the road already built t. , ... . ' , Will give money enough to Iron 100 tallies the removal of the residence of the Bishop of graded roao. Not" a copy of the to. Charlestons Ti ? map has been sent to any newspaper in or t . m, m- -.' out of the tataby the Board of Agricul- jnalstrate'e Court. ' ' tureC 4 The department is conducted under K d Jjamej- colored, had a hekring be- the superintendence Qf the General Assem- " V ,-. ' . . blr and therefore all its recent publications fore Justice Millis, yesterday, charged with have been laid upon the desks of its mem- bera. The reports 01 the Experiment bta- sent to every newspaper in the State as eon-, tainlng information of interest to the peo- pie. im The President yesterday nominated, to. be Civil Service Commissioners, Dorman B. Eaton, of New Xork, John M. Gregory, of niinolsaAd Leroy D Thomas, of Qhto. . ' r J " - " ' : . . r,. . . : J.. O. Box b.;,l. , , . ;i .;. ,. --'Ej.- JsTlwaKSPertilizersiV; ' MTjirsoKbur nclicierl .: TmmttfetfSYi- W; E. Peschati. - vy armer; an; pleasant : yesier- - day? jrceceipts at cotton (yesteraay footed up 503 bales. - t - There was eonsiderabler ice in exbosed localities vesterdav morWihff. ' ' i 'a- a -r xuw uu.jr uu Ux.s I and must tberefore-at leasts large pro of drunkenness for the Mayors considera- of 0. attendin. private won yesieraay morinn. . - , There is an unmailable letterVin the City FostofHce' addressed to Lavinia Brown. Blacketville, S. C. ine the thermometer in the Stab office ree- I i . , istered 84ilegreea and at 6 P. M. it was up to 53. . The Danish, barque Aurorita, Captain Thomsen; was cleared from this" port for Liverpool, yesterday, with 2,087 DaI r cotton, weighing l,U07,d6 pouna? and valued at $100,600. Weather Indication. The following are the indications for to day: : "J . For the Middle Atlantic . States, partly cloudy weather with occasional snow or rain in the northern portion; southwest to I northwest winds, falling, followed by rising I barometer, slight rise, followed by falling I temperature. For the South Atlantic States, fair weather, winds shifting to south and west, stationary or slight rise in temperature in the nprthern portions, lower, followed by rising barometer. For the Gulf States, fair weather, light variable winds and slight changes in tem.-.l perature. For the Tennessee and Ohio Valley, gen erally fair weather, variable winds, mostly from southwest to northwest, stationary or 8ijffnt fall in temrerature. and in the Ohio VaUey higher arotneter The Crlmlna, court. were heard. The time oi the Court yester- day wa8 mostly occupietl in looking after r and adjusting costs in cases already tried, principally church cases. The Grand Jury remained in session a good portion of the day and a large num ber of bills'were found, principally for sell ing liquor to minors, selling liquor on Sun- - days and illegal voting, all of which had their origination in the Grand Jury room anJ Rt the of tneir labors Solicitor Moore, in thepres- , . . - eace of lhfi Court, spoke in very com- plimentary terms of the faithful man- Der in which they had performed their du- .. . , fha fnrvrnan hnA 5n formed him that each individual member of the jury had seemed to realize to the fullest extent the obligation upon him to discbarge his duty without fear, favor or affection, or reward or hope of re wa nl. The class of offences referred to above have not heretofore claimed the attention of our grand juries. Fox Ch on the Street. There was quite ad exciting time in the. eastern part. of the city" Monday night, caused by a detachment of the Wilmington Fox Club, with about thirty dogs, under the charge of John McKoy, starting a fox in what is known as. "Noble's Neck" and chasing him into the city limits. The di rection of the fox was down Red Cross to Fourth, out Fourth to ' Market, up Market to Eighth, out Eighth to Mulberry, down Mulberry to ' Seventh, out Seventh to Red Cross, down -Red Cross to Fifth, and out Fifth to Walnut, where it succumbed. The moon shone brightly and the chase was an interesting andexciting one, causing a gen eral rush to the doors-and windows to see what it all meant. Prof. Headet - Rather a small audience greeted Prof. Willouehby Reade at the Hall of the Li brary Association last night. It was an ap precialfve one, however, and heartily en joyed the evening's entertainment. Prof. T?AflA hna hp.rfttnfrr favnrftfl our mihlin -assault and battery upon W. H. McQuinn, w weeas, ago., eienuan iouuu guilty and sentenced .to pay a "fine of $5 and the costs. " ' : . . ... Mr. J: C. McIughlm.Wolfesville, N. C, says :,VBrown's Iron Bitters cured me" of vertigo nnd consumption. - ' ' ,t :- gur schools. Xlae Ntfm'ber . of Children Attending Public and Private School, &c. ' . ..a. , v -i ..I- , The ,I(aleigb JVw ana-Observer, auuduig .t '"k t,. 1- to the enrollment f public school children in this city, saysA '$te. presume that there must be many private schools in, Wilming-' ton.". Our cotemporary can, safely bet . on .that.,-. The school census shows the total number of school children from . 6 to. 21' years of ageia Wilmington to be 5,068, of which 1,952 are white, and 3.116 colored. r q there are a total of 950 enrolled in I the public schools, of which 375 are white. I and 575 .colored. From this" statement it wiU be seen .that there, are 1,577 ; white J children net enrolled in the public, schoojs, schools. . Of the colored children there are J 2,541 not enrolled, '-and it is estimated that about 600 of these are attending private schools. , , The school facilities in Wilmington, both public and private, are hardly excelled by any other city of the same size in the Uni ted States, at least in the preparatory de- niLrfmpnb and if tnv rtf nur o'hildrftn fail to secure a fair education it will not be for the lack of an opportunity. 6ne great advantage in our public or ffraded schools is the fact that none but good teachers are selected, and in securing them reference is not only had to their edu cational acquirements, but to the qualifica-. tiohs necessary to maintain good dis cipline and, at the same time make the schools pleasant and popular with the Children. Our school committee men are men who take an ear nest interest in the schools, make it their object to visit them frequently and do all they can to encourage and stimulate those in charge of them in the performance of thei arduous duties. Our graded schools are also fortunate in having secured the services of such a man as Prof. Noble to supervise them, as he has shown himself not onl experienced and sire and ambition to make them second to none on the score of efficiency. RIVER AND91ABINE. Steamboatmen report evidences of a big freshet in the Cape Fear. The river mmnimrl rJa mnrn; .kn,t AaoxUf, "'"6. """"" 2 o clock, and from that hour to the time the steamer Gov. Worth left Fayetteville, at 2 P. M. on that day, the depth had in creased at the rate of two feet per hour. The freshet was entirely unexpected, as it was not known that there had been any very heavy rains in the up-country. " So rapid was the rise that about two hundred sacks of guano, which had been put out on the landing at Fayetteville, were submerged before it could be removed Monday morn- rag, up to the time tne steamer iett x ay etteville there had been a rise of about twenty-five feet, and there were then no in dications of an abatement in the freshet. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the. City Postoffice, Wed nesday, February 21st : A Henry Asgill, Eveline Allen, John Austin. B -Amanda Bartley, Bryan Barlow, Capt B R Bragg, Carrie F Brown, Eliza Bell, Harmon Bland, Isaac Bras well, Rev W P Blake. C Frank M Colburn, Emma Call, Jas Irving Costin, John Conrad, P M Craig, Sandy Covington, Katy Cowens. D Miss Reg David, Geo Davis, colored, David Daniels. E Alex Ellison, D K F Everitt. Corne lius Evans, Silvia Evans, Rosie Evans. F W E Faison, Exum Flowers, 2; Emma Faison, D B Fulton. G E H Garriss. George Garf ord, Hester Ann Gibbons, Sylvia .Green, Lewis Gray, Owen Gooding,, T S Gordon. H A H Harriss, 2; Julia Harriss, Ann Maria Hankins, A G Hill. Alice Hall, Cor ney Harris, C J Haynes, Elizabeth Hall, Jerey Holt, Katie Holmes,-Amanda Hill, M Hamilton, Maria Howard. J Chas R Jones, Henry James, Maria Johnson. K Prank Kerr, Jas S Kelley. L Joe Lucas, Lizzie Leonard, F P Lowe. M--G"C Mummert. C W McClammy, Jr, E F McNeil, Eugene McKenzie Hnry McAlister, Hannah McMillan, J H Martin, Larimia Miller, Katie McLeod, Lena Mor riss, Lida Merrick, Robert Morriss, Sarah Mahn, Thos D Murray, Wm Maden, Julia Moseley. N L P Nelson, Annie Nichols. O Geo Owens, A G Oden. P A B Potter; Annie Pearsall. D S Parker, Geo Peamon, Mr Pearson, John Filyaw, Louisa Price, Samuel Pratt, S C -Price., Wm Pickney. R Robert Ranger. O D Raleigh, Carrie V Robinson, M E Regan, 2; Martha Russ, Robt B Bobbins, 2; RK Register. S Mary F Spaarer. Maria. Simmons, Georgiana Swann, Daniel Sanders, Robt W Sanders, Ben Satterthwaite, Albert San--ders, Alice Smith. T Annie Toomer, 2; Capt Eugene Treworgy, Edward Tatnall, Charlotte Tor rence, Bishop J Thompson . , W Charlotte - Watters. Adam Wensel, .Jacob J Williams, Jane Watson, S 9 Woody, Thos Walton, r 7 Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. If not called for within thirty days, they will be sent to the' Dead Letter 'Office, WashingtonrD. C. v : E. R. Brink.. P M. - Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. Quarterly OTeetlnge , : , Conclusion of the First Round Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, south: Whitevflle, at Shifoh,r Feb. 24th and 25th. - - , w, r.; , Waccamaw Mission, Feb. 27th. -Fair Bluff Mission, March 1st. Bladen, at Centre, March 3rd and 4th. Clinton, at Andrew's Chapel, March 10th and 11th. . . :' . -. Cokesbury, atiHaU, March 17th and 18ULc,f ...4 .s - '.n- ,m . ' i r' ' i ; Newton Grove Mission, March -21st.- ; Point Caswell Mission, at Providence, -March 27th, '1.. .-.". .--.v-:..- ; f- .: ItoBT. O. Burton. P. E. 'The malls close and ' arrive at the T3ty Post Offic as follows; . r 1 CZX)SE. I Northern through malls; fast ..v....:. 8X) P. M". I Northern, throturh and, wav mails 6:40 A.M. Jieigiw. , ..,,.60. ja. 5:10 a. m. Malta tor the NT a Bauroad, and routes supplied therefrom including sotm UsMits' Soith. 5:40 A-M' .iM F. M. ; (exceptSunday).'... .......... 'CKWP. m. J Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail- road'.:::. I...i..A.aflA.M.iind 8:00 P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston. l'......:.v??.e0 A. M. and 8:00 P. M.' Fayette ville, .and offices on Cape year - Kirer, Tuesdays and Fridays. . . . 1:00 P. M. Fayette ville, TiaLumberton. daily! ex- , 1 eept Sundays.:..........:...... 5rfX) P. M. QnslowC. H. and Intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays. 6.-00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, dally (except SundayB) . : .-.v. 8:90 A. M. Mails for Easy Hul, Town Creek, Shal lots and Little Biver, Tuesdays and 1 Fridays , 6:00 A. M WrlghtsTllle daflyat:....... ........ .... 8,80 A. M ' OPEN FOB DELIVERY. ' Northern thro' and way mails .7:90 and 8:00 A. M. Southern mails,, 7.8 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9:45 A.M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 8:80P.M. .. , ; , 'stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery' open from daylight tp dark and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:15 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. , err? Items. PERSONAL I TO MEN ONLY1 Thb Voltaic en.? vo., Marshall, Mich., will. send Dr. Dti'i Cklbbbatbd Elxotbo-Voltxio Bzlts MB Elko tbto Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or 4d who are uffiicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. EL No risk la incurred, as thirty days trial Is allowed. ONE GQE AWAY FROM HTM WITHOUT "On the 26th December last. Mr. A tan ensler, of this city, sent $ Iff to M. A. Dauphin, president or tne Louisiana tate-lxttery Compa ny at New Orleans, La., with request that he for ward two tickets to him. In a week the two ticketswere received. Noe. 10.454 and 71 aat - On the Monday following the January drawing he received a message that Nq. 10,454 had drawn the first rrize of 75.000. Ha at nnn fnrvn11 thu ticket for payment, as it is subject to no commie- Bions. Mr. K. is shirty-eight years of age and Un- marriea, was oorn in Jtnox co., ind., and raised a farmer, is very upright, and withal a very cha-. ritable man; no one in wan? ever goes away from him without help. Odessa (La Fayette Co., Mo.) Herald, January 26th, 1888, NOTHING LIKS: IT. No medicine has ever been known in the South so effectual in the cure I of all those diseases arising from an impure con- thern Remedy for the cure of Scrofula, White Swellings, Rheumatism, Pimples, Blotches, Erup tions, v enereai sores ana Diseases, consumption, Groitre, Boils, Cancers, and all kindred diseases. ROSADAUS purines the system, brings color to the cheeks and restores the sufferer to a normal condition or health and vigor. It is asserted that the ordinarv cosmetins nned by ladiej are produotive of great, mischief. We believe this is so, and that a better means of se curing a beautiful comDlexion is to nse some rood blood medicine like ROSADALIS, the Great Sou- l?ern Kemeay, wmcn cleanses tne Diooo and I gives permanent beauty to the 8 Kin THE FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OF THE NURSERY. The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Reformed Messenger, at Chambersburgh, Perm. : A Bekmactbess. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the Nursery. Of this we are so sure, that we will from pain, andoures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces inflammation.cnreswind colic, and caraes the infant safely through the teething period. It performs precisely what it I rof esses to perform, every part, of it nothing ess. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know" her only through the preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the power .we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate Sale. rSE -HENNTNG'' WHARF PROPERTY WILL be offered for sale, at our Sales Rooms, South Water Street, on FRIDAY NEXT, 23d inst., at 12 o'clock M., when it will be positively sold to the highest bidder. CRONLY & MORRIS, fieb 21 2t ' we fr Auctioneers. 1 - Xi3- S- 31,. RAWING TAKES PLACE TUESDAY, MARCH 1STH, TJcket One, Two aad Five Dol lars. For particulars address Post Office Box 272, Wil mington, N. C. '- - feb 2J tf "Qnr;al'eneh'rCntterl FROM "BHONNER'S a MEAN FROM CORK), holds his shears with- a steady hand at MTJN- SON'S MERCHANT T. RING ROOMS. Pat rons can here find a SPLENDID STOCK OF IM PORTED FABRICS which wflhbe made'up in an unrivalled manner by the 'Eureka nix cum a rout' method. - feb 21 It New Novels. MR. ISAAC, BY F. M. CRAWFORD; PORTISK, or by Passions . Rocked, a Novel, by the Du chess; The Colonel's Daughter, or Winning his Spurs, by Capt. Charles. King; Uncle Gabe Tuck er, by J. A. Macon; Heart of Steel, by Christian Reed; Anne, a Novel, by J. F. Woolson. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S. Albums. Pocketbooks, ALL KINDS AND SIZES. FINE RUSSIA LEA THER GOODS of every description. For sale at feb21tf HEINSBERGER'S. Mackerel and Olives. gQ HALF BBLS. NO. 9. AND 3 MACKEREL. To be sold oheap. HALF BARREL OLIVES, In bulk, at 50 cts a quart. All kinds Imported and Domestic PICKLES. Fresh CAKES and CRACKERS received weekly All grades' COFFEE Roasted Daily. " ' J. C. Steyeiison feb 80 tf 'Ts: ' . ' : MARKET STSKET. Drugs and Medicines. THE LATEST ' PREPARATIONS, PEB- fumery, Toilet and Fancy Artioles. COMPETENT PHARMACISTS. , Prescription s, oarefnlly com pounded. F, C. MILLER, f eb 13 tf Corner 4th and4 Hanover St. , NEW. ApyKRTIjgEMENTS. . ; 4mvedTo-Day. ProtP.K'JOHHNB,' Onr Hew Cutter. "YE HAVE 8ECXTEED , AT., A.. llaROE Ex pense, the-services of the above irentleman. He ha been for the past tveatr-three years rnstrmo tor and Manafflnff Cutter for the largeflt Mer chant Tauoring Uouse kr New York, and to the Inventor and Patentee of the justly celebrated RIALTO SYSTEM OF CUTTING now so. exten sively used throughout the oountry. For a ty Ush and Glove-fiUinc Garment call on the Pro- fensor. I A: DAVID. Leadfnjf Merchant Tailor and Clothier. renin tx Dissolntioh of Copartnerstip. rpHK COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST ing between the undersljraed, under the Arm name and style of D. A. SMITH A CO., was dis solved by mutual consent on the lith InaU Mr D. A. Smith assumes all liabilities, and all debts due the firmware parable to hlrn. (Slimed) ' D. A. SMITH. THOMAS C. CRAFT. February 20, 18t 8. febtf Fertilizers. QIBBS A CO.'S HIGH GRADE AMMONIATED PHOSPHATE. COTTON BRAND HIGH GRADE ACJD PHOSPHATE. GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT, For sale. by B. J. POWERS, Buocemor to Chas. E. Smith A Co. feb 17 DAWtf Fresh Arrivals. QEED POTATOES, IMP, 80UR KRAUT. SOUC'E KJ inpe and Fig's reet, Heer Tongue, Ilg HamiC, Lintels, Pearl Barley and Sago, Bay LeaTe. Oat MeaL Horseradish. French Prunes. HDllt Peas. Meal 1 5 , MeaL Horseradish, French Prunes. Split eas. Dried .English Peas. Beans, Dried Apple and Peaches, Beets, Carrots, Graham, Rye and Buck wheat Flour, and a full line of Famllr Groceries. at 88 A 28 South Front St. feb21tf L. VOLLER3. Ho Liquors, BUT A STOCK OF A NO. 1 FRESH GROCERIES will be kept at our store. Ho. 46 Harket Street All goods sold by us will be aa represented. JD GOODS AND SMALL PROFITS will be our motto. Give us a tria and be oonvtnced. dec 27tf R. J. SCARBOROUGH A CXI Oysters ! J"KW RIVER, STUMP SOUND.'and MYRTLE GROVE OY8TK RS. In any quantity. W. S. DAVIS A SON, Proprietors of the only regular established Jan 10 tf Fishery in tola Bute. Patricio. Patricio. fpiIE FINEST FIVE CENT CIGAR EVER SOLD in Wilmington. Try one and you will smoke them always. A large lot Jnst received at oot 19 tf KA8PROWl(;Z'. Mules & Horses for Sale QNE PAIR FINE LARGE MTLER AND TWO GOOD HORSES, For sale at low figures by J. A. SPRINGER. feb 18 tf Coal and Wood Yard . Hats ! Umbrellas ! HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatter. feb 18 tf Country , jyERCHANTS- AND EVERY BODY CAN GET suited In quality and prices from the large stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at ts New Saddlery and Trunk House or . H. M. bowbkn a uu., ' Nc. 49 Market St . aVManufacture and Repair. fee 18 tf Fresh & Beliable Seed, I KEEP ONLY FOESH AND REEIAfiLE SEED, and am selling them cheaper than you can buy them, fronuany Northern tieed Houe. All varieties en band. Call at J. H. HARDIN'S Drug and Seed Store, feb 18 tf New Market, PACIFIC GUANO. Just received and for sale, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, and DISSOLVED BOHE PHOSPHATE. We never have had the first coraplalnt of these Fertilizers not bringing a profitable crop. See our Country Agents. feb 2 DAW7w ALEX. 8PRUNT A SON. Ward's White Lily Soap FOR Laundry and Toilet Use. IT DOES AWAY WITH WASHBOAEDS ANTJB0ILEE8 ' AND CONTAINS NO ROSIN TO TURN THE FABRIO YELLOW. IT CAN DE U&2D EITHER IV . . . ' ' " ' ' HOT OR COLO WATER. . It saves fuel, time and labor, and Is recom mended and endorsed- byOwme of the leading Chemists In the country. ' For sale by ' Adrian & tollers, . Jan2Itf i, ..WbolesalelAge&U.. . Patmer Girl ' QOOK STOVES Are sold only by t t . ' F. M. KING fc CO. feb 11 tf Wllmlnrtou, N. C. U1TEI OF ADTCIlTltinUi Ont 8qr One Iy.. ti 1 ti Two ir. TtrMlwn . brei ttxr rTaM.. ......... 9 9 ' J . F"Jt T ... J OM'it., ' Twe Wka,.M. M ..-. One JfoBth....'; M " Tm MoulL.... Um ? - . OmW, IT Onninflt UTMtUMMte U1M at fcrotKr- low rate. ''m' . , ' '' Ubm aoOd tfonpar! type Hit ou Qar : 1 s NEV AD VEKTIKMENTB. (1 The Cemotciy of the Sea." THURSDAY KIGIIT. I IHI. 9-1. Eov. F. W. E- Peschau ,, "t ' WILL LECTURE On the above nbject, at the Hall of the UMry AMOclatton, on THURSDAY FIGHT. ID ITfT. commencing at o'rloek. Admiaaloa 96 cents. ft-k ti n " MADE TO 0HDEE." yE ARB GOING TO DO THE trUHIHE IN Merchant TaUortn UiWi mtm, a4 as re alrvad j Ktarted In rood nhap. Our Pants Ma4e to ordr for $7..V), are fine aa naualljr m& tar ie OU Our Snlu for $ 00 are lent, an4 are (tie tt for the money ever offered. Ttem (e axt 4miH bat we romprte farorablr with ftmAj JMa4e Clothiog in prtoe (tlrlm lrUoh rood at a t-rlo almoat a low the ordinary Wf. m J .ffrol ta BeeOy Mede Ctothlny. 'Call and essratne onr KT.KGATvT UV. r JCIT1NGR, and rdr fmm JOUH Dvxn kO.. feb tf Tailor and Haberdaeher ' EMBROIDERY ! EMBROIDEnTT LL blinUI.Il REE THE NEW ftTTLtM. BLEACHED AKDtlKOWN fXTTTOlsa. 4-4, 5 4, 6 4. 8 4. 9 4 and 10 4. VIST mi AT KINK HKA ISLAM) HROWN CtrnvK To arrive Mon1ajr r Tirdaf, nW w FAWY MATTING. R. M. MrlKTIRI.. feb 18 U Clothing ! Clothing: ! THE BALANCE OF OVA HK OF Till AWn WlKfPR PlflTniKflf 1 uuu iiiiu niKiuu uuuiuiku . rT nx hold If you are In want OotTt for! We rn nt Vou In the Good and mk Hie PtVe tltt yi A A 1 M1KIRR. lirliaM CVtihtrr. . feb 1H U . No. M Msrtel W. Bice. Bice. Bice. 500 n"kh y" ' SEKn II" K For sale hy EEKCT1NKK A r ALU EH BUOm feb IS if Groceries. Groceries. II A COX, FLO IK SI' OA K. OK FEE. RK F, MOIAKSFH. SALT, CHACKKRH. CAMtT. HO AT, STARCH. (A Mil. Km. fUKKJifii SODA. VOTAhtl. nvxuM, wRAmxu rAtri: WRAmXU TWISF. 1 A i . RA UUIXU. TIZ. . Tor ) hy feb IS tf KEItmHER A C ALU KB MM- Seed Potatoes. I1MF PFKRI-IW" JTTATOK. For sale hy KERCIINER A CALPEIt MlOK feb IN tf Best Line in the State ! "I17E CARRY A GRKATEn VARIKTI' AXU f V BETTER ASSORTMENT of boots AND SHOKS than anjr houar In U Hll Bayer will And It to lhlr lrsniar " em Ine our line Ix-T'irr ptirrhaalng Geo. B. French & 8ons, SB y FRONT "T Country Merchants 4 ND WnOLRMALE BUTEKS GENERALLY. J. will find full alork end vtwmI eortmt Hardware, Ilowa. CaMlmta, ll. ltna. Aim, Bark Band. ?ll. ' bm, (V.lisr1 Trace Chain. Hollow Wr. Ae. oalMf r-r good and ptY gtiran4 r WM. a I1UJJER A CO , fh IS tf nw e ir to Jhn iHtm A CV Furniture. "EW AXTt LARGE ARRIVALS Of ftnTTAKK and other grede of rrnMTt'RE ll and amine. PrW IS FKR fTCNT LIWJ err nonne in the Slate feb IS tf I. A. SMITH A CO Flour, Sugar, CofTeo. 1 500 BbU rLorx' 200 mu sroR- a rr4Hi- 'AK( COFFEE. vr feb 1 tf For sal Jew V-T U. W. WILUAVIsW Molasses, Salt, Hay. 1 A A nhd and B.lyw 0"p OoU lUU tmll.O M11I.AMW. '.7K(f Beck HALT. 5 PTAA Bale HAY. Foraal kiwtr feb IS tf . W1UJAMI A CO Bacon, Lard, Bice. 100 BotM D 8 c wnr' 150 Tnf n4 Borkrt" rhokr la an. Of? BMsRICE. For sale lowVf u. w. wti,UAa a m. feb 18 tf XSaP Iy Potash. 100 BotMnAr' 150BowLT ' JQQ CaOanndBJI rOTAn. ' ' Fofsale Vw W feb 1 If U. W. WILLIAMS Am,