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Amusement, Auction and Official adTertlsements one dollar per square for eaca insertion. An extra charjro wQl be made for double-column or triple-column adrertlsements. AdTertlsements kept nnder the bead of "New AdTertlsements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. AH announcements and recommendations of candidates for office, whether to the shape of communications or otherwise, will be charged as advertisement. Payments for transient advertisements must b made in advance. Known parties, or strangers maae m aarance, aoiown parties, or nnuw i with proper reference, may pay monthly or quar- terty, according to oon tract. Communications, unless they contain Impor tant news, or discuss briefly ana property suoje of real Interest, are not wanted : and, if aooe; a.M in m-rnmrr othar WIT. thev will inTariablT rejeoted if the real name oi the author is withheld Remittances must be made by Check, Draft Postal Money Order, Express, or to Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be. at the risk of the publisher. Contract adTertlsers will not be allowed to ex oeed their space or adrertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra charge at transient rates. Adrertisen should always specify the Issue or ssues they desire to adrertise to. Where no is sue is named the adrertisement wQl be Inserted n the Daily. Where an adrertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement is in, the proprietor will only be responsible for the mailing ef the paper to his ad- drees. The Morning Star. By WILLIAM II. BEBN1BD. WILMINGTON', N. C. Fridat Evxntkg, March 2, 1883 EVENING EDITION. DEMAND AND FCI.FII.nENT. When the Congress met in its pre sent session the Philadelphia 7Ves, Republican organ, laid down what it thought it should do before adjourn ment. Six things were to be done: First, to reduce the taxes by abo lishing the tax on tobacco, beer, ciga rettes, bank cheques, Arc. upon eve rything save spirits. The Congress has had thus far too much sense to thus play into the hands of the high Protectionists. Second, the tariff must be revised. The whole time of the friends of the Press has been spent in endeavoring to increase the tax under the tariff. If the Democrats had been silent or had allowed it the country would have been saddled with a higher tariff than the war tariff under which the country has been struggling for twenty-one years. Third, to retrench expenditures and cut off jobbery. The chief end of Republican reformers seems to be to watch the River and Harbor ap propriations and prevent the South from receiving a few millions that are much needed upon works of na tional importance. The reduction of expenses will never occur under Rad ical rule unless they are driven to it by the goads of the Democrats. Fourth, reform in the civil service. A bill has been passed looking to this end. How it will work what good it will accomplish will be ascertained in the future. We do not expect any big thing from ft. How can a party as thoroughly rotten as the Republican party, is become "civil service reformers." Satan re-1 proving sin would be as fall of en couragement for moral reformation as the corruptest of all parties es saying to play the role of reformers in the civil service of the country. Look at the statements made by Mr. Henry George, in the North Ameri can Review, on the methods resorted to in electing Garfield and Arthur, and then remembering the villainies practised in 1876 when Tilden and the Democrats were literally robbed of the Presidency, and then say if you can repose the slightest confi dence in any reforms that Republi cans may write about or attempt. h if th, to secure a greater accounta bility in inter-State corporations. This means managing the railroad system of the country. But nothing has been attempted. The Press says of this matter: - "It needs to be most judiciously treated. But the public relations of the railroad and other corporations by which , the business of the country is transacted are constantly becoming of higher importance and de mand the best thought of the nation." The sixth and last idea was to ksT : forward better - men. 1 With , Arthur the' Presidential Chair, with Chandler in his Cabinet, with Keifer in the Speaker's Chair, with Billi Mahone dictating Unas to tht uartV in power, - with Robeson and Page and men ofthat stamp th e, leaders, with editors ready to&efen all that tne paroy aoes uu vr y corrupt from hcid to tpot, n wii exceedinelv d'imcnirlo" Tmng"f6 Wril better' men:" Look at some of the Republican Senators elect are they "befter 'men"! than? Kose d is. w a nlfteed ? vH avveruy.-. If the country i ever has genuine, rrh Tpfnrm it must come from without thq Republican n,r Th ;-Dmnocrats i can , ,do jvj. -y avast deal towards hastening and perfecting reform, but they must hava lfn Viands themselves. As 1C V Vay . lone as they eiect such men ib-office. as many that could bo namedmen who form rings, for plunder, and who- rob States at willthen they cannot do 4heir duty in the matter of politi- cal reform. Just in proportion as you educate the public conscience as vou elevate morally the electors or the- land, will " be the determination to have "better-men" will be the strength of the demand for purer methods in politics and sounder prin ciples. The Protectionists in the North are very busy. They are sending . . j mnnfii OXJ jq wagon lOadS tneir QOCUmeniS in favor of high protection. They know that the ignorance' and credu lity of man are very great and they hope to make the Southern people come tn view the matter thus: that, it is highly beneficial to fifty million people not engaged in manufacturing to pay hundreds of millions of dol lars yearly to some three or four hun dred thousand people who are thus engaged that the latter may live in extreme luxury and count their for tunes by hundreds of thousands and by millions of dollars; that it is high ly moral to take ten, twenty or a hundred dollars annually, out of any man's pocket not manufacturing and put it without his consent in the pocket of the manufacturers. The dangerous'habit of carrying pistols- id being illustrated constantly. Accidents occur resulting in the se rious wounding or the killing of some unfortunate people to whom life is .very dear. As announced by telegraph yesterday a person named Douglass has just gone to his grave through this reprehensible practice. He was killed at- the theatre by a shot fired from a pistol that had fallen from another man's pocket. This sort -of an accident has hap pened time and again. If men are afraid to go to public places without being armed then they ought not to go. ine custom oi wearing con cealed weapons is not to. be justified in any civilized community. Is it not about time for the men in the United States "to disarm?" War is over for the present. The Democratic Senators were so disgusted at the conference sell-out that after Beck and Bayard declined none of them would act on such a fraudulent committee. The Presi dent of the Senate was driven to the necessity of trying to fill the places of Beck and Bayard with two such small Radical chunks as Mahone and McDill. We think it probably best for the country that -this humbug conference committee Was started. Every member but one is a high Protectionist. It is a packed con cern-. Whatever they may do will be an offence to, the people. The hour of reckoning is in the future, and it will come. A gentleman asked recently for information as to who King Cophetna was, who figures in one . of jTenny- son s minor poems. We -confessed our ignorance. Since then we have been on the search and have ascer tained the following: He was an African monarch of the imaginary or mythical; kind. He is supposed to have married a beggar maid, and Tennyson followed the tradition. Shakespeare refers to it in several places, as in these lines: Youne Adam Cupid, he-ihat shot trim When King- Cophetua - loved -the beggar raaia. ; In Percy's "Reliqus" the original song is given. We have had another pleasant ex hibition of Northern manners in the Congress. Read what that jfellow Van Voorhis said of Page, of Cali fornia, and then' admire if you can the style of the man. It is. manifest that since the South' has ceased to be the controlling element in the-Con-gress that vulgarity predominates. There' no-more geriiemanly manners among jthe .Kprthern mem- bers unifJOit tablished that no man can insult another; in de bate without lample:: apologyjor;per sonal chastisement ting in the ascendant. - Three hundred women will start f rem here this Week for New Hampshire, where they-Will Jbe'em ployed in a cotton, Jf actory, The Board of Guardians has voted 50, to wards i furnishing, the emigrants with, ant i Threi'remits "are in order; first wuy iiupurii turcc uuuuiu wuuicu ur to New -England where? there are now already - tens of thousands -of old maids ? Thefinmbcsr Qfifenjle'i i much-exceed svthatuqf ;vthe s analeae4tt that land 'TBighT moral ideas."- Second why has the British Board of liuardians been so generous r aw get ting these three hundred females off SS to iumian ifiiem . -wiLu.ttur-' .-, ,uuw. Third, last, and mtimp6rtaBtwh;: are three hundred British females brought to New . England to crowd out three hnndred native feniaies who r i a rrri "23 , r need neip ny- , tuis inuui v w "cheap foreign labor .Theixpla-, New England bo8sw ; can get the British lasses or spinsters for a ;little less than he has to pay the women at bomei - He i a Protectioqis a4 re wishes to protect his own interests. John.Goode, ' the man who made an attack upon Queen Victoria, soon after she came to the thronf), in November 1837, has just died .in an English Lunatic Asylum at Broad moor. He has been in confinement for nearly 46 years nearly one generation' and a half. lie was a Captain in the Hussars." The London Times gives this account of him:. "Brought before the authorities, he de clared that he was the son of George IV. and Queen Caroline, was born in Monta- gueplaoew Blackheath. and' was entitled to the throne of England. Upon, every other subject unconnected with the royal - family he spoke in a most rational manner, but when the Queen's name was mentioned he became exceedingly violent He died rest ing under the same delusion." So "Ktirnel? Tom Keogh is the fortunate fellow and 4ie gets the V. S. Marshalship for the Western Dis trict of North Carolina. We are sur prised at this. He was so little in harmony with his party and had so little confidence iu the "Liberal" job of last year that we thought some of the "old panel" who had gone the "whole hog" would have obtained the favor of the Administration. BuJ doubtless the "KurnelV has "pented hisself," and henceforth he will go as the Administration goes. A new and wonderful antiseptic has been discovered. With it meats of all kinds and game can be so per fectiy preservert that epicures can not possibly tell the difference be tween them after being kept a week or a month and meats or game just killed. In New Haven a considerable number of eminent men of science dined upon long killed meats, etc., and were unable to distinguish them from fresh food. CURRENT COMMENT. The negro misconstrues the frantic efforts which white men are making to educate his race. His idea is that social and political race equal ity is to be the outcome of it. He accepts the interest taken by the whites in his advancement as a con pession of all he claims in the matter of equality a concession - that is to. be put in operation whenever his in tellectual status shall justify it. Will this warning be heeded by those who apparently look upon the educational advancement of the negro las the chief end for which our government was founds.? Macon xa. Tele graph. ' . The probability, is that the person who was behind Mr. Chan dler in this Gorringe business is John Roach, ship- builder. Captain Gor ringe was negotiating for the pur chase of a shi and was backed by a number of 'capitalists. Afraid pf business rivalry, Mr. Roach, it is suggested, induced the Secretary to annoy and hamper Captain Gorringe. But he could not head off the oppo sition shipyard. Captain Gorringe has left the navy and taken posses sion of his yafd.- Troy Jress, Detn. WASHINGTON POST SPLINTERS. ' The pig iron and woollen men have bulldozed Congress as effectually as the bankers bulldozed Mr. Hayes two years ago. f . -, v -. ,"-'4" Democratic' capital sufficient for a successful 'campaign hair already been piled up by, the Republican managers in the Senate and Rouse. The warming up that- the Re publican leaders got in 1883 was but a trifle compared with. the dressing down that a betrayed people' will give them in 1884. The protective theory has suf fered more damaze from the follv of its friends in the ; last few; days, than- could have been inflicted by its enemies in as many years. ' An Unrtralled Balr Dreealnc ... Producing as Rieli ind tfiMi'AppeafaPtef. ajNaturvA and cheapest Hair Dressing kills dandruff . allays irritation; and promotes aJ vigorous and healthy growth oilthe hair.: NJcUier eomvouiidirodvtkssuJtgsy.v VORING EXTRACTS ; consists yMthsir perfect purity and great ttrenoth.' They: are warrauteu xree xrpm tne poisonous oils ana acids which enter into the. .composition ' of many oi inejactiwous iruit navors now in the market. T x - - . f ' gtetanW-ofte Parker's Hair Balaam, r an-W! uso removes aii imtaaon nd dandruff. . Vf THE LATEST. NEWS. rOH ALL PARClOF C HE T0E1D. z Mr. Edntanai Chosen by tne Republl ;;eu Caaent Pvldlnt pro-tem.--j, Noiatlon Confirmed Tariff Con ? ferenoe JinmInelieatn a Compfete - icy leiefrrapn cotas Mormutc ovf.i WAsmKOTow. MM .Th3" Rephbli-i can members of the Senate "held a caucus this morning and selected Mr. Edmunds as their candidate for , president- pro; Utmi to succeed Mr. 'Davis. 'There was no. opposi-? tion: ' '..-r---r ' ; ; ; - Before ad journing, at tola morniag,'. the 8enate confirmed the followins- nprni nations: , Dormaa, B. Eaten, ' JonhM. Gregorr.IieroyHDt'Thornan, W beGivU Service Commissiohera; Jas.: E. DeCarri-, caste, copsuliAt .Corruna v Wm.; G-. Malone, ; collector of customs. Petersburg. Va. 1 f and M .IAt U1C -tn ine. and forthwith sent their report to the Government printing oflice,'' in order to ' be able to present it to both1' Houses Of ; Con-': gre88 in atorinted form before adjournment to-day. The report , will recommend, thel adoption of, the Senate bill;with very tew' changes of' general importance, except in the metal schedule, in which: the' commit--tee recommend somet increase of rates, especially ia.jxgx,ftttfyjUBte:i,fhe Committee make hq change from the .rates proposed by the Senate bill for Cotton ties, wire,trods, or fot any other important arti- cics.whicn.have been; subjects oi contro versy, in the metal schedule. The Confer- e.nw CnmmittA 'rnnmrnenil nnlv orifi change m the sugar schedule namely, an, j increase to ,Zf cents ' per pound on sugars, graded above No. 13. and not above No. 16 D. S. The Senate fixed this duty , at 2$' cents perpound. ' Some minor' changesvof classification are made in the cotton sched ule, but none of the rates. The only change in the woolen schedule is to increase the duty of 45 cents per pound, and 40 per cent.,, ad valorem upon women's eloaks. , FINANCIAL. . Nrw Vork Stock BImrket Lower and Weak. By Telegraph to the Mornln Star, ' Nkw Yokk, March 2, 11 A. Ml the stock market opened at a decline of M&l per cent from yesterday's losing prices, the latter for Omaha preferred. During the greater part of the past hour the market has been weak, and a further decline of ii per cent, was recorded, in which Denver & Rio Grande, Michigan Central, 'Union -Pa-cfic and Wabash preferred were, the .most prominent. At 11 o'clock there was a slight rally. RERPAHLOR. The way into her parlor is "up a winding stair;" Gay Japanese umbrellas are fastened here and there, And fans and peacock feathers hang with a careless air. The door is . low and curtained. I enter. Overhead Glistens a gilded cobweb; with "reverence I tread Upon a Turkish prayer-rug in blue, old gold and red. i A stand is set with dishes, fashioned in years ago; Blue platters on the mantel, and by the fire's glow A screen, whose crimson poppies are nod ding in. a row. 'My lady greets me smiling, the violets, bring Fill all the little parlor with happy thoughts of spring; Shadows dance on the ceiling-I hope no one will ring, r The Century. List, maiden, though you're keen of wit, And though of many charms possessed, You'll never, never, make a hit Unless with pearly teeth you're blest. Unless upon your toilet stand. Your SOZODONTS kept close tor hand, f Remember This. JF YOU ARE SICK HOP BITTERS WILL surclv aid Nature in making yon well when all else fails. . If you are ooetive or dyspeptic, or are suffering from any other 'of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault If you re main UL for Hop Bitters is a sovereign remedy In all such complaints. If you are wasting away With any form.of Kid ney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sickness Ner vousness, you will find a "Balm in Gilead" ta the use of Hop Bitters. If vou are a frequenter, or a resident of a mlas matio district, barricade your system against the" scounre of all countries malarial, enidemic. bilious; and intermittent, f even by the use of Hop Bitters. If yoa have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, pains and acbea, and feel miserable gen-1 erally. Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health, and comfort. In short thev cure all Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver Nerves, Kidneys, Blight's Disease. $500 will be paid, for a case they will not cure or help. -' v . That poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health, by a few bottles bf Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. .Will you let them suffer? . oct a DeodAWly ' tuthsat nrm octS- Peaqlx and Honey. FINK BERAG? POR THB . THIRSTY, and an excellent remeiSy for Coughs, Colds, Ac ."' . . , pop -HESITATE - any LONGER, young man but come around and set that CANDY YOU PROMISED HER, ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' .' . ' ' ' : ,: Royster's Purest Best, 50 Cent" per Pound, A Si EXCELLENT BREAKFAST FISH, ?9 it-- Extra KelPlrf tod Juicy. Tm fpbunCtis and Klts.? i P. li. Bridgers & Go. - Fertilizers QJbs, 4 iCa's Bra? grabs , .u , AMMONTATED PHOSPHATE, COTTORAD.,, ,tl f;iv!i. -'-nMM - ,i&Qi!L ACID PHOSPHATE, i OBNUIWE GERMAN KAINIT, . , For sale by B. J. POWERS, , - SoooeMorto feb ir DAWtf ChM; Xv Smith Co. ' iuq iwmerence vemnnuee on me iu ixvw 77.Trrr:- ". . : Tariff bUi:reachedf complete agree-; QMMEBCIAK KW 1 1 IVll Njp;i1 ON M ARKS ' ? ' AR TP'FTfJE. March 2. 4'MI, V'SPITjTSCXJRPJJNTINE--T)ie taajket y..... J '.t JSi.;i. nllSta, .With sales reported of 50 casks at quotations. -ROSIN Market firm at $1 85 for strained and. ti: 40, fot Qood Strained," wlthisaleViepotted.lofvW bbls Good, ''Strained at quotations; y v., p.-.-TAR Market steady at $1 .60 per bbh.of 280 lbs with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE-rMarket steady! t $1 75j for.ard and; f3, 00 per ijbbl. for Soft. , Sales at quotations, .j t s,r :'.t , t , POTTON Sales reported of 150 hales on; afbasis 'of 8ic per1 tt'.1 for MMdling7 Market steady. The following were the- official quotations :r f Good Ordinary . , .. . 8 S-16 cents $ lb 16 " Good Ordinary . .. 6 cents lt Low Middling.. . . 7f " ' ' Middling... jv;f.,..8i " " JJEEAiS-Markt quiet,, and steady a 7580 cents for Ordinary, 8590 cents for Prime and 95c$l 00 per bushel for ';PaiHiy;.-"-'-'f . i: : ' KKCEIPTS. Cotton ...... 334 bales Spirits. Turpentine 68 casks " Rosin 768 " bbls Tar. ...... t 518 bbls Grille Turpentine, 295 bbls . OOITIKSTIC JTIARKKTR. (By Telegraph to the Morning star.l . 1 'FtnancidL -' Nbw York, March 2. -Noon. Money dull but steady at 66 per cent, . Sterling exchange 481 148C" State bonds generally neglected. V - Governments irregular. , Oommerctal. Cotton .quiet,, with, sales to-day of. 209 bales; middling -uplands 10 316c; Orleans 10 .7-1 6c. Futures steady, with "sales to-, day at the following quotations: March 10.23c; r April 10.31c; May 10.43c; June 10. 57c ; July 10. 70c ; August 10. 81c. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat openedic bet ter,, but afterwards lost the advance and de clined a trifle. - Corn quiet and a shade easier. Pork firm and quiet at 19 50&19 75. Lard firm at $11 67f Spirits turpentine 5H52c Rosin $1 6otl 70. Freights steady. FOREIGN MAKKFT!!. fBy Cable to ine Morning 8tar.l Liverpool, March 2 Noon. Cotton easier; uplands 5 9-lGd; Orleans 5 ll-16d; sales to-day 8,000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export; receipts 8,450 bales,- all of which were American. Up lands,! m c, March delivery 5 36'645 35-64d ; March and April delivery 5 37-64, 5 36-64 and 5 35-64"d; April and May delivery 5 41-64, 5 40-64 and 5 39-64d; May and June delivery 6 43 645 42-64d ; June and July delivery 5 47-645 46 64d ; July and August delivery 5 51-645 50-64d ; August and Sep tember delivery 5 54-64d ; September and October delivery 5 50 64d. Futures flat. Sales, for the week were 41,500 bales, of which 39,000 bales were American ; specu lation 1.870 bales; export 4,600 bales; ac tual export 7,800 bales; import 79,008 voo.uuu Daies, oi wnicu uo,uw are-American ; afloat 292,000 bales, of which 204,000 bales are American. 1.30 P. M. The price of Texas cotton has been reduced 1-1 6d. Sales of cotton to day include 6,600 bales American. Breadstuffs quiet. Wheat California average white 9s 8d9s 6d; club 9s 7d9s lOd ; red western spring 8s 9d9a 3d ; red winter 9s 4d9s 8d. Corn new mixed 6s 7d. Peas 7s 9d. 3 P. M. The market at Manchester for Jams and fabrics dull and lower, especially or yarns. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE In Sick Headache. Dr. N. S. Read, Chi cago, says: "1 ttnns it is a remeay or me highest value in many forms of mental and nervous exhaustion, attended by sick head ache, dyspepsia and diminished vitality." f Turpentine Stills. -We ace stfil manofaoturinE at Payetteville, N. C. and Savannah. Ga., our improved SEAMLESS TDRiPENTINE STILLS which rive better satisfaction than any Still now In use. Having enlarged our workshops and sup plied them with new and Improved tools, we feel warranted in saying that we are better prepared promptness and dispatch. We invite all Dartiea in In want of any thine. In this line to call and ex amine our work. , We have 1Q; Second-Hand Stills, From ten to twenty-five barrels capacity. These Stills are supplied with new Worms. We have always on hand a large assortment ot- , Still Bottoms, , Extra Worms, from flye tp seven-feet diameter: a large lot OI secona-aanu vi vum wiu u, Collars from 23 to 88 Inches: Still Doors and Grate ra;?nyeaa Bars; in fact we carry a larger siock or uvrrji ErREPAfRrNG through the country prompt ly attended to. V'-.' Call oil br'address . . , , , . ' PAYETTEVILLE, N! C, or 'dec 16 3m sat tu 7 '8AVAKNAH. Qa. Country jyERCHAiiTS AKD .EVERY BODY CAN GET suited In Quality and prices from the large stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at theNew Saddlery and tarManuf acture and Repair. 7 ' ' ' f b K i i unnn juaomi'.L...... iu i WHOLESALE FRIGES. : tSfOnr oaotatlons. It thould be understood, represent. Ilia whoiaeale prtoes jrenerally. la tnaklni? up amall orders higher prtoee hare to be telt&nred ..--.. - rate. BAGGING Gunny t Standard j. ... .. . . 'BAOON- North CeroUiU, uuu,o Shoulders, 9 t.'. Sides, oholoe. V t..-. WsrsRif Smokbo Hamn, ft B . Biaes, w x les. ' r Jsnouiacrs w . . . W . ... s r. .4 A. Shoulders. B "BARttKLSBpiriU Terpentiae .. iseoojia nana, eaca.. ...... .. New.Kew ork; each. u: ...ii 1 NewCTty, each... ............ BEKSWXX V a.v..-.(.k..... j BKICKS Wllmliyrton, fM " Korthern;t..i..j.'.. ..... ,. . BUTT KB North Carolina, V, Northern, ffr fi... ...... CANDLES Sperm J TaUow ; ; . . .t. . . , . Adamantine. . , CKKESBwW tt Northern VuaVj Dairy, Cream : v state;;.;...;.;.; COFFES fl Java..; tAgajn Rio , :.; CORN J(EAL bosh., in eaoka, VirrlnlaMeal... COTTON TEES ft bundle....... DOMESTICSSheetlng, 4 4, 9 yd Tama, V bunch EGGS W dozen. vtsu MaaIta.aI -Ua i as kki Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl . . 8 60 Mackerel, No. 8, bbl -0 0 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl . 5 00 Mackerel, No. 8, V bbt. . 8 60 Mullets, bbl . . .. 4 00 MuUeta, Pork bbls 7 00 N. C. Roe Herrinir, V keg. ... S 00 Dry Cod, 9.t:,.. ............ 8 FERTILIZERS V 3,000 pounds. French' Carbonate of Lime 7 00 French's Agricultural Lime 8 60 Peruvian Guano, No. 1... .... 67 60 " No. 8 89 00 " . " Lobofl. 00 00 Baugh's Phosphate 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer 45 00 . Ground Bone 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navassa Guano . 40 00 iit 48 00 Complete Manure. oo oo Whann's Phosohate . . oo oo oo oo Wando Phosphate. Berger & Butz's Phosphate .. 00 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 64 00 FLOUR ft bbl Fine 0 00 Northern Super 0 00 Extra 8 60 Family. 60 City Mills 8uper 5 00 .ramuy 75 Q Extra Family ... 00 a GLUE- lb i: 3 GRAIN 9 bushe). Corn, from store, bags, white 784a Corn, cargo, in bulk, " 00 a Corn, cargo. In bags. " 05 0 Corn, cargo, Mixed, In bags. 00 & Oats, from store 05 o Cow Peas 85 Q HIDES V B Green 4 a Dry 10 6 II 1 10 1 05 90 90 00 144 14 1 60 jo 00 15 00 HAT V 100 Bs Eastern........ M Weetern 95 North River HO HOOP IRON 9 Ton. 8 500 LiARD 4B North -Northern l4a Carolina. oo LIME W barreL. 1 10 LUMBER CltT 8wed M ft Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 . Kougb iuige rianx. .- 15 oo West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . IS 00 Scantling and Boards, ootn'n 12 00 MOLASSES gallon. O 18 00 Hi 00 15 00 New Crop Cuba, in hhds in bbls Porto Rico, In hhds "in bbls Sugar House, tn hhds In bbls . Syrup, in bbls NAILS V Keg-Cut, lOd -basis. OILS W gallon Kerosene Lard Linseed Roeln . Tar Deck and Spar . . . . POULTRY Chickens, live, grown Spring. . . Turkeys PEANUTS 9 bushel POTATOES bushel Sweet .. Irish, per bbl 8 50 PORK bbl. City. Mess 30 00 nun is w RumD 17 00 RICE-carollna, Jt 4H& BAGS V tt Country city ROPE lb SALT 9 sack Alum. Liverpool, Lisbon American SUGAR 9 lb Cuba. . . Porto Rico A Coffe B " O " . . . .- KxC Crushed SOAP 9 8 Northern 14 so a 75 a oo g oo a o a SA SO 00 75 00 o o 00 10 9 11 7 00 5 50 6 00 T 50 18 00 o a 9 O iona 5 a. 8HXNGLES 9 H Contract 100 O t.xmmon i oo Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts. 0 00 STAVES MW. O. BarreL... IS 00 R. O. Hoeshead . 10 00 IS so 15. TALLOW 9 TIMBER 19 M f et Shippm . Fine SitiDvinjr s IS 00 14 00 fixtra do IS 00 14 00 Mill Prime T 00 O S 00 Mill Pair OO" O 8 SO Common MU1 4 00 O 00 Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 Q 400 WHISKET 9 xallon Northern I 00 a S 00 North Carolina 100 O SSO WOOL 9 1 Washed Q M Unwashed si a 85 Burrv 10 a 15 AFTER Bectrie Appliance are test 30 Dart Trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y0DSIO- OK OLD, ii r ho ars mrsrtnff rroaa jraafoea vbsutt. YY Lost Vitautt, Lack or fiaara Foara ask Ttnni. Wunw W of a Fkbsorai. HATvaa remalUiMr from Aavaaa and Drnu CATTBca. SDeerfT re1e aad aiaia ratioo of Hkai.tb, viooa and KAao6 Oo AaAirrBBSv. Thu maiM dlaoorcrr of Ik Hlwtowta OahirT. Bead at once for Uloatratod Pamphtot tn Addraaa YOLTAIC HIT C8..MAMIHAU, MICH, aujr 8 Deod&Wlv tuthsat aurt IJtt naVAV U m a MV aaMi. ww aw MfwwaBM trmtn mwm i mnmj tot tto cm W 4wnf n th ywiMI'l mm, Waiwuy 4MIlr thtmm Mlnwi lum vhM. UmcklttHrtiMMWtllwilikaiaftate. Thm a HUUlltUOkMnMi. Tn W mm Wa tmm M, w4 . iMdi nf nm iti 1nVl tT Wn ft mtmntttn, UcapMitr, tek ct Vlfw, SmUMT-b Sw. mry Hnlln W tkmm ti4 bcmiHAkftwhtOilH TM. I W a o ( t u eon, v mam M win Mill wi vim. For drcuiancmrimM ftall lw 11 tai cm ISCTBJC BAXT CO, I0 W mminmfu K, Chap, U eo S eodly tn th sat dee 6 EU ROPE! ! Cook's Grand Kxenralone leave fw York: April 86th, June 1st, Jane 18th and June sot h, 1883. Psseage lick eta by all Atlantic steamers. Special faculties for seenrmg sree41 kertks. Xoarlat tieketa for rine. roanit tieKets for mdinauai tra- velers in Europe, by all routes, at reduced rates. . . Cook's Exenrstonlst, with Kaps and foil partkrulars. by mail 10 eenU. A ddrem XIIOS. COOK Jc SON. feb 18 4m aatstr ' 861 Breeawy, W.T. Beeswax A S BUYERS OP TUTS ARTICLE WE WILL PAY 3 1 CETSrrS PER LB.; landed ta Boston,qual ity and weights guaranteed by shipper. Sq charge for oommhwfonor eartlng. 109. MUk 8t, Boetod, Mass. ootlO aodOm 1 tataeat 00 O 16 oo S it IS S 19 I6u5 ie - 11 - 1UV4 '8a-1 a- I 7W El 1 73 tM Q 100 0 oo a i do 1 00 r -1 M 7 60 $ V 60 00 O 14 00 18 O .86 O 85 18 O . iy5 . 15 10 & , 14 18 S SS 1 $ 14 6 14 ,-76-4 SO 80 $ 85 1 60 S 1 75 7 TU l oo S i io 15 & 174 A W M OA AA wiM tmt w 10 00 00 Q 40 49 & 42 00 a 45 00 S 48 00 & 28 oo 9 an 40 a so oo a 4 oo 12 a is I 10 O 1 45 0 Q 1 00 i5 a is oo a so oo a a 85 $ 87H 15 & SO 73 CI 1 25 75 a 1 10 00 Q 80 O S 75 81 00 ft 17 00 2 18 00 8 1 05 1 - - a. i ' - .1 Failing ! That i what a fjreat many pcopJc arc dom ..TheyoloaXlcnow. just what is the matter, but they luc a combination of paint ami ache, and each month they prow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Brown's Ikon Hitters, and this by ran and thorough assimilation with the blood purifici and enriches it, and rich, tron(: blood flowing to every p in of the system repairs th wasted tissues, drives mt disease and gives health and strength This is why Rhown's Ikon Hitikks will cuic kidncy and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dysjnrpsia. m d.i ria, intermittent fevers. t. o S Tat Si , li.ii.i N. l, ill, I wai a Ktrat mi Hen r fi i , Dyjix-pva, and ft -., week could cat nothing m, was growtng rakci i .. day. I tried Ur , i I Bitter, and am ha t I now have a gK p. and am getting droi-i Brown's Ikon Bit mi is not a drink and doe w contain whiskey It is p: only prcparatKin of li i that causes no injunou fcct-S. Get the g(nu;i, Don't be imjoscd on u1; imitations. TO 00 84 apSSBAWIy lw nrm Ml P TJECELL HOUSE. UNDXR HKW MANAGEM KM Wllmtnclon, V i . II. L. I'crrr, lropri( (.. Plnrt Class la all Ha appnlBUaoata o SS 00 per dav U ' PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. Hurra, 1774. Holla. PATKNT POI.I.KH riA F C. A. Gambnll Mannfactnrui Cciwnv NO K2 r)MMETICK f Til K in BALTIMORE. CI) Tne ralnabl alimfmtal pmprti f Man .hi. and Vlnrinta Wbat bar Ion l"rn r- .tri' r by writer on food pmdoota By the application of thMdra Iinllri h.k m C. A. Oamhrill Manafartorina (Vimpnti ! dur.lnr. with this whrat. Flour uniii!'-'l I" oombuiationa for Ilrrad and lllwiilt " rin arlvinc beaatlTul color, anosual motaturv ail tlnrUre lichnea nf tat Patapeno Suprlatlr la tb ladlnc e rn l . t'i tapero Family the RfU Ak your in.i f' tbem or any of the Cxeanf 'a wrll known '' dard brand. n" J. H. PARKER, Commission Merchant. 140 PEARL BTUrrT, xnw Yonu. QONSICiNMENTH OF fXiTT Na i STORKS. RICE and hwlTHEKN ITflr r. cited. Executes orders for tbo purr h atl ' TUTURE CONTRAtTS In lb Ooiu.ii i r koeExchaturaa. I'11' AT Schutte's Restaurant YOU CAN GET THE BKjrr THE V M. I afford, neatly and nWly arrrod. at anr " the day and nlithL 8peclal attention paid to lh wu f men. Pull Meals or Lunches to be hl ' " ' sonabl prtoee and at aay mloatm Patr-oti" sollotted. 1e II it T. A. mUTTTK. Oranlte Row. Tmnl Wri 3000 THREE THOOSAHD 3000 BOXER Manufactured Tobacco Onaalstinc of Our wen taowi and pnwilar braeea of M 1 TV, 1ST and HMOKIHiU TBACXXJ. Manufartured Ull atmr and for eal al If n TOM riUCEA. We would eaO apodal attenUon to rmt (KkM BRANDS, whlrh w olatm to be EAR aCFEm'" o other low rradee aol4 ta Oils market MEADOWS A KIDDER. prprWir jeo19tf CAPE FEAR TOBAOtXJ OM ENCOUBiGE JIOHE. IHStlTOnOKS Security Af fntt lire. THe Hortk Carolina Hess InmuceCt RALXIGII.N.C THIS COMPANT 30HT1N L'FJTO WBITR f Uoiae at fair rte oa aU sis sen mt lauti property. All ioaaes are re pronpUy adhsrted aad p pldly ralnUit la pablle fa roaAdaooe u taearra H i paid M.. Tlome" ta rapl appeals with (m tn North Carolina. Arents ta all Darts of tne mate. JOHH OATLIKU. Pr WUau W. g. PHIMltowK' af.rury. . PULARKI (WWI-EIL Knr-rTtaor A TK IS fOr A MAWNINO, At' pttf VTU mtatoav. N Atkinson & Ulanning B Insarfine49 noons, BAKE OF KEW HAMOYEJl BflLPM WIlmlBar r Fire, Marine airlift Companics- AjrireraU OMntkl Bepreaeatad Ow ian.orr Malaga Grapes, &c TWO BBLS, VERY KICE XAL4UA UtUt f Jast reeetved. aad Use Uto eoca' tnform our euatoinera that tMa cbo ai1 o1' eats Grape caa be aad el a few wk kr" Kaaaek Appea. Orasayea, 4rape FrolU Baian-Coooa-JIuu. JlwaliaCbetjeu, LeMi. A . At - . u. SoimiK'r" feb 9i it Trat o Ceafeetlonery Mom