i! ' ' ' J Tli tiny 'im " wVnH " ' " - ' ,i i ' ' ' ' The Morning Stan ItATEl Or ADTEnTIfllYOl OsSduar On. Per..:.. ........ II " 1 Two pay,. ....... ...... ,, I J TarIiarv ........." " rivfara, ' One W f " Two wiil, f - TVriaW.wka, i N - One Moot, ) " Two MoBtha, . ' i- Three M ontha, M - RU Montha, - - OmTmt, '.... Ear" Contract AdvarUaetBeats take at tfv TAR ii y win. nDEHNAttn.5 ! HUSHED DAILY ?JSXCKPT MONDAYS. . . . N Vear. (by Malli Postage Paid :..,7 00 ,,j Months, hs, " " " ... i;.-, 4 00 . Three Months, rro Months. ,.. Vnnth. 3 00 1 SO 75. To City Subscribers, delivered In any part ,f the City. Furaan Cim per week. Oar City XXXI. NO. -143. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1883. WHOLE NO. 4848 tionaUty low ratoa. . vfiiis are not auiaoruea w oauect lor more rtian three months in adranoa. Tea Qaos aoQd Ttoaparatt type aaaaa om aaare Horning VOL m'c ra at the Post Offie at Wilmington, K. C, as rtecona uut Mawe. i - MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. ro murderers hung in New York city. Mitchell s candle lactory, Jfront street, nrK mirni: loss XIU.UUU. Kx- -r-i . j T-i j i v. ;praeue. oi naoue xsiaua. recenuv j L . , : IT - 1 . I r.voreeu, uas inrnc jun. vai veil , oi t irginia. lotai net receipts or Mton at all the ports since September 5,- , 1 bv train robbers on the Lattls Kockliail- I ;o.u!. Jicci of hia wounds, and a wounded I , . .1.- t j I .!'HK'iiiAU muuui icwiter; uuo oi lue uauu I ,i robbers has been captured; there were ,ii!v four of them not forty, as telegraph , ,i At Philadelphia a German servant nri mHd a murderous assault upon her mi-rt-s with a hatchet; the cries of her vii-tim brought a policeman who seized the ln fore she had accomplished her pur- no-c. Rt. Rev. Jno." Quralan, Catho- ,ir bishop-of Mobile, died at New Orleans i-tcrd:tv. A steamer from Copenha- to Leitb. foundered at sea; out of 81 ju roos on board, ouly 16 were saved. Sceires of the best farms in Arkansas and Mississippi have been ruined by the over v; the colored people are great sufferers; 1 iss f stock has been heavy. Ray, i b;::iU cashier at Montgomery. Ala., who i ;a;iultetl suicide, was short in his ac- .anis Jl.tWO. Tlie Socialist meeting ; r.-tris was a fiasco." Emperor Wil li ,iin of Germany subscribed 3000 marks :: ll'xxl sufferers in America. New York markets: Money 96 per ent. ; ,;;, n steady at 10 3-16l0 7-16 cents; southern flour quiet and unchanged at $1 o07 00; wheat, ungraded red $1 03 ; 0: corn, ungraded 70 72c; rosin firm .' -?1 70; spirits turpentine stronger Wiggins prophecied that a storm w mih1 occur on February 0th, but it i!n"t. The Haltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Churrli is now holding its 99th session, at Winches- tc Rev. Dr. Isaac L. Nicholsou, liishop elect of Indiana, is a native . f , . tT j - j i ot haltimore. He was ordained on I v iu 17-2 And Billy Sprague has taken unto himself another wife. It will be now in order for Mrs. Kate to get herself another fellow." Mr. Charles Lanman, the artist, publishes an interesting two-column reminiscence of Gov. Stephens in the Washington Post. So many members of the Legisla ture have taken themselves home be cause the pay-days had expired that barely a quorum is left. Premier Gladstone does not look with favor upon a proposition to raise him to the Peerage and send him to the House of Lords. Excellent! After October 1st, 1883, the charge on letters will be two cents instead of three. This is a reform in the right direction. in Mav the life of the late Presi- els daily, except Sundays, 176 miles, is sel dom or never absent from his post of duty. i t r i : 1 1 i. n.,K I lent James oucuanaii wm ue yuu- lished. It is by George Ticknor Cur- J & tis. It will no doubt be an interest- i work. Only 4i) Senators voted on the Railroad Commission. Where were or have they fled the town because thn per diem was exhausted? Wiggins', great s.orn, so far a8 the United States are concerned nas i him fir 1 not put in its appearance May be tke skirmish line was driven in or surrendered at discretion. Mr. Ecclisin is an Irishman. In his his speech in New York on the anniversary of Emmet's birth, he saFd that this country must be forced into a war with England. Well, not if this country "knows itself." Poor Tom Ochiltree cannot draw any spondulics as member of the 48th Congress. He owes the Government some six or eight thousand dollars. When Marshal of Texas T. O. got hort in his accounts. Awful Tom ! We are crowded to-day with Leg islative proceedings. After we get through with that body, which ad journs on Monday, if not earlier, and we have published the "Acts," we shall then.be able to return to our usual variety. The circus business is 'booming." Each season s brings out "new and startling attractions." Here is the latest arrangement for Philadelphia: "Sixteen beautiful girls with long hair are to wear steel armor-and ride as many broncho horses in the street parades, as well as in thp ring". John Richard Green, one of the creatfiRt. Vnst.rvrinal writers' of the Victorian reien, is dead at Meltone, England. His large "History of the English People," covers the whole norio(3 :n fonr vninmfis. Tt isa mas- I: . . . , . , . I terniece. its main defect Deintr its I ' I hrAvit.v Hia ''Short. Historv nf the I J " j - l1 Tt ? a V rvaATlln " 1 ri aha irAlnma 10 a I ""go" vpiv,, u vuo viumv, o wotk or genius. JNever before was so much real history and superb writincr narked in nnerw.tavn volnme. , .... , . r or two volumes of essavs. and edited j ' a most valuable series of works on ancient authors. He was, we think, not more than forty years of age We regard his death as a serious loss to letters. Bob Ingersoll is a very disgusting fellow. In his poor apology to the court for abusing Mr. Merrick he blasphemously declared that "if in sulted by God Almighty at the Day of Judgment, he would resent it." The poet editor of the Augusta Chronicle is led to say: "This is enough to make a devil laugh and an angel weep. -But the man who has no respect for his Maker cannot be expect ed to have any for his professional breth ren. The Charlotte Observer tells of a very similar disease. . A son of Mr. A. M. Wilhelm, of Cabarrus, aged 20, is the victim. It says: "It is a moet peculiar cuse. and the dis ease is what the doctors term 'hyperaethesia.' An ordinary bathing tub can be filled with cold water, and the boy's feet placed there in, and in less than ten minutes the water will be made so hot that one can feel the heat through the staves of the tub. The boy suffers agony as if he had his feet in a bed of coal a all the time, and was carried from his father's house to Salisbury with his feet in a tub of water." Spirits Turpentine. New Berne has a new military company. Asheboro Courier: Mr. D. M. Payne, of Trinity township has a sow that has had 41 pigs in 12 months and 12 days, WanHninh .nda th tn the ranitpn- Randolph sends three to the peniten tiary this time two for three years each and the other for four. . New Berne Journal: Maj. Jno. Hughes and ox-Judge Thomas, counsel for the Midland Railway Company, left for Warrenton yesterday to attend to the re ceiver case which comes up before Judge Phillips again to-day. Whiteville Enterprise: On Monday morning Mr. Gas. Merritt while cutting boxes near town had the misfortune to cut his foot very severely. on Tuesday night the 27th of February, a second raid was made upon the store of the Messrs. Cbadboarn by thieves. It is thought that three or four were engaged in the robbery. They got between $60.00 and $70.00. New Berne l?ut Shell : Three hundred and fifty bushels pea nuts were brought to this city from Onslow county, yesterday and sold to Messrs. Humphry & Howard at $1 35 per bushel. We learn R. "W. King, of Kinston, at one time Collector Of Customs here, died at his home in Kinston yesterday. We did not get par ticulars. Raleigh Visitor: Capt. J. B. Timberlafee, the polite and popular con- Raleigh & Gaston and Seaboard Railroads, has been m tne services oi tne it u. an(i beyond doubt has traveled more miles than any other man in the state. He t rav . ... . . - pr travels over 53:ouo miles or more man twice around the world, annually, and during the twenty-seven years of his offi- cial life has rode on the rail nearly a million Md a half of mile8' . Charlotte Uoserver: Ine nrst commencement of the season will be that V' IBLaj Ovbli. auu Uioi. vu nguuwuoj, iixaj 80th, at 11 o'clock A. M., Rev. T. J. Og- bum, of the JNortn uarouna uonrerance, will preach the annual sermon. Thursday, the 31st, at 2 o'clock P. M., the Literary Address will be delivered by Kemp if. .Bat JLL JtfggJIJ lost a leg and an arm by being knocked down ana run over oy a ireigui, inuunn street crossin in this oity several years ago. John survived his injuries, entered suit for damages against the railroad, and was last spring awarded a verdict of $3,000 dam ages, which was subsequently set aside for cause. Compromised at $1,400. Charlotte Journal: Prof. J. C. Horton and W. F. Wilder, of Chicago, and V. A. Ryan, of New York, arrived here iast Saturday, for the examination of mining property in this section. It is said that at least one score of clergymen at tended the lecture of Dr. Talmage Tuesday night. We know of oae minister who came seventy miles to hear the lecture. Hon. Clement Dowd has returned from the Fede ral Capital and is, we are sorry to learn, quite sick at his residence in this city. The free-pass bill got into such a ridiculous shape as will insure, its defeat, it is said. On Monday mo'rning about 3 o'clock, all the improvements on the estate of John F. Little, situated five miles from Wades boro, were destroyed by fire. The property which suffered destruction, consisted of large barns filled with grain and provendar, wagon-houses and cattle, with agricultural implements and wagons. Fayetteville Examiner: Few persons are aware of the extent and impor tance of the new enterprise in. the north eastern suburbs of Fayetteville the Cotton Seed Oil Mills, recently erected and put in operation by the Messrs. Williams and Capt. David Jones. This favorite fish (shad) is beginning to make its appear ance in market, but only in small quanti ties and . at high prices. Increased railroad facilities are nearly in the grasp of the people of this community, and it re quires no keen vision to catch the "silver lining" of the future. Already property is advancing in value, business is extending in all its branches, and Fayetteville promises soon to achieve the prominence to which it is entitled. Mr. T. 8. Lutterloh, Probate Judge, informs us that about 700 deeds were registered during the months of January and D eoruary. 150 oi which, now ever, went to other counties.' In one day, last Monday, 26 deeds were registered. Uoldsboro Messenger : A. negro boy named Jerry, working for CoL W. A. Allen, succeeded last Sunday night in re lieving a fellow servant on the lot ot some thing over twenty dollars, while the latter was at church, and then took the cars for Wilmington. The Iolanthe audience last Tuesday night was the largest of the season. Nearly every station within sixty miles on the Midland, and many on the line of the W. & W. Railroad, were largely represented. The kitchen adjoining the dwelling of Mr. W. is. Joaes, of Green ville, was destroyed, by fire last Saturday mormng. - The dwelling narrowly escaped the flames. Loss about $600. Last Tuesday an intoxicated tramp made his way into the dining room of the Presiding Jiiider, the Kev. Mr. Mann, and proposed to supply the wants of the inner man from the dinner that was being placed upon the table without consulting the pleasure of Mr. Mann, but fortunately for that gentle man he is a man indeed, and found no dif ficulty in protecting his right of property against the onslaught of the tramp. Raleigh News- Observer : Mr. 8. B. Lewis has returned from Texas, where he went to look after matters con cerning the murder of A. M. Lewis, Jr., whose wife and children accompanied him home. Misses Placide .and Rosabel Engelhard are both, we regret to learn, very sick with typhoid pneumonia. They are better, but still very sick. Sunrise prayer meetings are daily held at the Second Baptist church. A revival is in progress at Edenton Street Methodist church. rAt 3 o'clock yesterday, at the First Baptist church, the last services were held over the remains of Mr. Swepson. The following gentlemen were the pall bearers : Judge Thomas Ruffin, Maj. R. S. Tucker, Uol. J. M. Heck, W. H. Pace, JSsq., Hon. D. G. Fowle, CoL Thos. C. Fuller, Col. Alex. B. Andrews, Capt B. P. William son. Mr. M. T. Norfis, Mr. T. H. Briggs. Jr., Mr. A. P. Bryan, Mr. Charles E John son. The remains of Col. Turner ar rived last night from Georgia, under es cort of Lieut, Mullin and Sergeant Jordan, of the Raleigh Light Infantry. The judgment of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the cases of the States of New York and New Hampshire against Louisiana, is of great importance. Had the court given its assent to the scheme at the bottom of the legislation on which those suits were based, North Carolina would have been brought before that court on a demand for the payment of the special tax bonds. But the danger is now happily terminated. The Political Record will be ready for delivery immediately after the adjournment of the Legislature. It will contain near 400 pages in all, and will be bound in half sheet. The price will be $2.00. Persons desiring copies will please send in their names. We desire to call attention to the fact that it is proposed to publish the manuscript prepared by Col. John H. Wheeler, being "Reminiscences and Memoirs of Eninent North Caro- inians." The announcement of the pub lisher is that the manuscript of the book, as left by the author, vi ill be published nothing added and nothing left out. It was the work of more than, thirty years, and the contract for publishing had been almost effected when the author died. THE CITY. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. M un son French fabrics. Wm. H. Green Kalledont. Heensberger Easter cards. I. O. B. B.-T-Resolutions Grand Longe. Sam'l Northrop Travelers insurance. Local Dou. Fair weather is predicted for to day. Receipts of cotton yesterday footed up 338 bales. Not a case for the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. The river is nearly full of tim ber rafts, and we notice a large number of country people on the streets as a conse quence. We regret to hear that Capt. Jos. Bowden is still very sick. He im proved somewhat, but relapsed into his former condition. Thin skims of ice formed in ex posed places Thursday night, and early yesterday morning we noticed the first icicles of the season. The name of James Maddison appeared in the list of Magistrates for Wil mington Township yesterday, when it should have been James Madden. Our Democratic friends will bear in mind that meetings will be held next Wednesday night to nominate candi dates for aldermen from the various wards Junius Bell, colored, mentioned on Saturday, the 3rd inst. as having been missing' from his home in thisiity since the previous Saturday, when he went down the street marketing, has not turned up yet. . Free Delivery Service. We learn that Col. H. W. Hall, of the U. S. Postal Service who was here a few' days ago, left very favorably impressed with Wilmington as a point entitled to the free delivery service.of the U. S. mails, and pve Postmaster Brink to understand that he thought there would be no difficulty in getting the service whenever applied for through him and recommended by him. The main thing now is to induce the num bering of all the streets and houses in the city, which is a necessary pre-requisite to the free delivery service. It would cer tainly be a great convenience to the public. Unmallable Matter. The following unmailable matter re mains in the city postofflce : Miss Alice Register, Whiteville Depot; Mrs. C. A. Hamner, High Point, N. C; Mr. C. R. Swain, Mount Vernon, Ga.; P. W. & Co. Monroe, Mich., Sept. 25, 175. Sirs I have been taking Hop Bitters for inflammation of kidneys and bladder. It has done for me what four . doctors failed to do. The effect of Hop Bitters seemed like magic to me. f W, J CarterJ A Short Discourse on Bivalves and One of Tnelr Peculiarities. From time to time oysters mostly from New River have been brought to this mar ket the thinner portions of which were of a greenish hue, and a great deal of specula tion.has been indulged in as to the cause some inclining Iq the opinion that it was the result of contact with some poisonous substance, and hence that they were dan gerous for food, while others thought it was owing to a sudden metamorphis in their native element, such as a heavy fresh et. We remember that some years ago some superstitious people actually credited the green oyster with producing sore eyes, all because two or three persons were af flicted thus who had been known to par take freely . of the emerald-hued bivalve, A recent number of the Scientific American has an article on the subject, an extract from which we reproduce: "In experi menting on the green, color in Chesapeake Bay oysters, it was found, on drying the substance, that it faded out in time. Prof. Ryder is disposed to believe that it is com posed of an immense number of glandular cells containing chlorophyl, and is due to a vegetable parasite. In this method of col oration oysters would not differ from cer tain mussels, which, as Prof. Leidyhas shown, owe their peculiar green tinge to the same substance." Frenchmen are said to have a partiality for the green oyster," and the supply is en hanced by the fishermen through peculiar methods of their own, one of which is to place the bivalve in the bottom of a water tank, where it gradually becomes of the requisite hue through the absorption of the green, slimy substance which there abounds. Supreme Court. The following appeals from the Fourth District were called and causes disposed of on Wednesday and Thursday, as we learn from the Raleigh News-Observer: A. J. Brannon. assignee, vs. R. W. Har- die, from Cumberland ; argued by G. M. Rose and N. W. Kay for the plaintiff, and Hinsdale & Devereux for the defend ant. S. J. Guy vs. Shadrach Mannuel, from Cumberland; continued by consent. Cheraw and Salisbury Kauroad Company vs. Commissioner of Anson county et als, from Anson; argued by J. A. Lockhart for the plaintiff, and Burwell & Walker and Little & Parsons for the defendant. John Robinson vs. Harden & Gardner, from Anson. Appeal dismissed, by consent, at the costs of the defendants. S. J. Hinsdale vs. Sarah E. Hawley, ad ministratrix, from Cumberland. Continued by consent. J. U. McLean, administrator, vs. a. a. McLean et als., from Robeson. Argued by T. A. McNeill and Frank McNeill for the plaintiff, and French & Norment for the defendants. D. McK. Carmichael vs. John C. Moore et als., from Robeson. Argued by T. A. McNeill andFrank McNeill for the plain tiff, and Rowland & McLean for the. de fendants. United States District Court. The following comprise a list of jurors drawn by W. H. Shaw, Esq., Clerk of the U. S. District Court, to serve at the term of that Court commencing on Tuesday, the 1st day of May: Neio Hanover County John W. Atkin- son, Jos. Liavis, A. u. tianitins, vvm. Moore. Thos. Evans, Geo. "A. Peck.C.P.Me- bane, Valentine Howe, W. I. Gore. Chas. H.Ganzer, Jno. W.Galloway, G.M.Altaffer, Geo. M. Summerell, D. J. Aaron, Geo. F. Tilley, Walter G. MacRae, B. G. Bates, Patrick Donlan, Elijah Hewlett, F. H. Mitchell, J. A. Holt, W. M. Poisson, H.A. Burr, Wm. H. Catton, J. S. McEacbern, J. H. Price, Jos. W. Taylor, Harry Webb, C. C. Morse, N. F. Parker, John Hooper. Duplin County. 3. Wells Taylor, James Dixon, A. J. Stanford, J. W. McMillan, Robert H. Brown, Burwell Matthews, H. Wright, James Savage, H. Hollings- worth. Thos. H. Hill. Brunswick County. John E. Poyjids, John H. White, John Evans, D. R. Walker, Samuel A. King, John L. Wes- cott, J. R. Levy, J. Dickson MacRae. Wiggins' Storm. Up to the present writing (6 30 P. M.) there have been no positive indications of a storm striking us, though the weather has been very threatening, and intelligence from below represents a heavy gale prevail ing at the mouth of the river. At the Signal Office we were told that there were no indications of any unusual commotion, but that rains were reported to be pretty general. Our noon telegram from the Washington office also Unded to reassure us as to any fears of an immediate visitation on the part of Wiggins' flurry. Magistrate's rnn. John Williams, colored, charged with assault and battery upon Willie Herring, had a bearing before Justice Millis, yester day afternoon, and judgment was suspend ed on the payment of costs. Justice Gardner had before him Joseph Dudley alias Joe Nutt, a strapping-colored youth, charged with assault and battery upon a small white boy. He was found guilty and required to pay a fine of one penny and the costs, failing in which he was sent to jail. Military Matters. Now that the bill to aid the State Guard has become a law, the military spirit will undergo a revival, instead of being effect ually extinguished, which would have been the result had the measure been defeated. The Wilmington Light Infantry will now take a fresh start, and we . shall be greatly disappointed if the membership of the com pany does not become materially strength ened. Desirable recruits are now in order. T. C. Williams, Esq., Areola, N. C, says: ''Brown's Iron Bitters benefitted me greatly when confined to my bed with se rious illness." t Weather Indications. The following are the indications for to day: . For the Middle Atlantic States, warmer, fair weather, followed by local rains, southerly winds and lower pressure. For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather with local rains, winds mostly northerly, stationary or higher tem perature and lower pressure. For the JKast Gulf States, clearing wea ther, winds shifting to northwesterly, and stationary or lower temperature, followed by rising barometer. For the West Gulf States, fair weather, winds shifting to northerly, stationary or lower temperature, followed by rising ba rometer. For the Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, increasing cloudiness with ram, warmer southwest veering to colder northwest winds and falling followed by rising barometer. RIVER AND MARINE. The river was on the rise again when yesterday's boats left Fayetteville. Nor. barque A. M. Schweigaard, Jen sen, hence, arrived at Hamburg. March 7. Xbe Unman Hair How to Preserve and Beautify It. Many persons abuse this delicate and beautiful ornament by burning it with alcoholic washes and plastering it with grease, which has no affinity for the skin, and is not absorbed. Burnett s Cocoa ike, a compound of Cocoanut Oil, etc., is un rivalled as a dressing for the hair is readi ly absorbed, and is peculiarly adapted to its various conditions, preventing its falling off and promoting its healthy growth. Honsekeepers should insist upon obtain ing Burnett's Flavoring Extracts, for they are the best. CITY ITEMS. PERSONAL! TO MEN ONLY ! The Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich., will send Ds. Dn'i Celebrated Electbo-Voltaic Belts and Elxo- tbio Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (youDs or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, amaranteeinz sucedr and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No risk is incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OP AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup Is the prescription of one of the best Female Physician and Narses in the United states, and nas Deen used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of a week old to the adult. It colic, reeulates the bowels, and rives rest, health and comtort to mother and child. We believe it the Best and Surest Remedy in the world, in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRH03A IN CHILDREN, whether arising from teething or any other cause. Fan airections ror using wm accompany eacn Dome, is one genuine unless tne rac-simiie of cljktis & i-ickkis is on tne out side wrapper. Sold bv all Medicine Dealers. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I. O. IS. IS. HT. W. District Grand Lodge, No. 5. At the 16th Annual Convention of this M. W. Grand Lodge, the Committee on Resolutions pre sented the following report, which was unani mously adopted : WiLsajtoTos. N. C, February 8, 1883. To the President and Members of the District Grand Lodge No. 5. I. O. B. B. Brethren : Your Committee on Resolutions takes pleasure in submitting the following, feel ing that is but a slight and inadequate acknowl edgment for appreciated courtesies : Whereas, This Grand Lodge, at its present ses sion, has been the recipient ol the warmest wel. come and most cordial hospitality at the hands of North State Lodge, and by the good people of Wilmington generally. It is therefore Resolved. That the sincere ac knowledgments and grateful thanks of this Grand Lodge in Convention assembled are eminently due, and the same are hereby fraternally ten dered, to brethren of North State Lodge for the geniality of their kind welcome and unbounded measure of their cheering hospitality extended to the members of this body and their friends; the recollection of these bright and Joyous hours will, we arc sure; be ever cherished by all of us In the days-to come. Resolved, further. That our special thanks are due, and herewith tendered, to Brother J. I. Macks; the untiring and efficient Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, for the many kindnesses and fraterna 1 courtesies shown the members of this Grand Body. . Resolved, further. That the thanks of this Body are due T. M. Emerson, Esq... General Passenger Agent of the Atlantio Coast Line, and F. W. Clark, Esq.. -General Passenger Agent Seaboard Air Line, for their liberal and -valuable favors shown, and the kind attention shown by their agent, out brother A. Weill, in facilitating to aid this Body in many ways, as the representative of the Atlantic Coast and Seaboard Air Lines. Resolved, further. That this Grand Body pre sents its thanks to Harmony Circle, to the citi zens of North Carolina's metropolis generally, and to the Press of this city for appreciated cour tesies. Resolved. That the thanks of this Grand Lodire are due, and are hereby tendered. Col. E. R. Brink, postmaster at Wilmington, for his kind ness in furnishing speolal facilities for the recep tion and dispatch of mails from the hall of this Grand Lodge. Resolved, 'mat tnis report oe spread on tne minutes of this Body, and that a con thereof be presented to the Press of this oity. Kespecttuuy submitted, EMLLB NEWMAN, I. REINACH, A. KAISER. D. WINTERNTTZ. L, GRADWOHL. A true copy. -! SEAL. S. B, WOLFE. Secretary. The Travelers' Insurance Company. rjTlE RECORD OF THE BUSINESS DONE BY thij sterling Company is interesting even wen derfnl. Organized in 1884, in eighteen years it has written 800,000 General Accident Policies, and paid 86,000 Accident Losses, or one in ten or all insured. Total Losses Paid $7,900,000. It paid 925.000 in losses in 1882. Daring the two years 1881 and 1888 it wrote 200,685 Accident Policies, and patd 81,303 Accident Losses. Nearly one in ttn of all insured. The amonnt paid in these two years ror Accident Losses was $1,464,880.52, or $2,500 a Day. All this sroes to show that Accidents DO HAP PEN, and that prudent men insure in the TRA VELERS'. In addition to its Accident Business the TRA VELLERS' does a large and steadily growing Life Business, on the LOW RATE, ALL CASH PLAN, no divi dends, no assessments, no disappointments, but so much money fcr so much insurance. SAMUEL NORTHROP, Agent, mh 10 lw Wilmington, N . C. FRENCH FABRICS, Batiste (Black, Blue and Gray), Corkscrew Worsteds, (Green, Black and Bronze). English and Scotch Cassimere Suitings (all shades). The most select stock of Piece - Goods ever shown in this city. MUNSON. mh 10 It Merchant Tailor. Kalledont, i OMETHING NEW, FOR THE TEETH, . Hair Brushesv Combs, Lubin's Powder, Extracts, Medicated candies, 3tc, For sale bv WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist. mh QJtt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fertilizers. Q.IBBS & CO. '8 HIGH GRADE AMMONIA TKD PHOSPHATE, COTTON BRAND man grade ACID PHOSPHATE, OENUINK GERMAN KAINIT, For s&le by E. J. POWERS, Haooeiwor to Cbaa. B. 8mith A Co. feb 17 DAWtf Copartnership Notice. rpHE FIRM HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER X the style of HORNE A HORNE. Laarinburr. M. c, is this day changed to ELLIOTT HORN K, &. w. uorne navmg sold hia interest to Jooeph U, Elliott, of Greensboro. N. C. All liabilities as sumed by Borne Home will be settled by El liot e norne. itespectfunv, o. JOSEPH G. ELLIOTT, JOE. N.HORN E. Laurlnburg, N. C, March 6th, 1881 NOTICE. Having disponed of my Interest In the firm of Home A Home. Laurinbur. N. C. to J. G. Elliott, of Greensboro. N. C. I have no further connection with the business. Wish ing the new firm much success, and hoping they may receive a snare or tne public patronage. l am, respect ruuy, mh 9 8t K. W. HORNE. Take Advantage fY THE COLD SNAP. AND AVOID THE rurh that a warm day brings, by giving your or der for a SPRING SUIT. We are running on full time now. and with grand success. Every garment fits and every customer Is well pleased. A. DAVID, mh 9 tf Merafeant Tailor. Knox's Silk Hats ! Spring Styles ! HARRISON A ALLEN. llatler mh 8 tf 1883. W E SEEK TO ADVERTISE OUR BUSINESS through this city and State, and to show that, bv striving to please our customers, ana exhibiting energy and enterprise, associated with honest dealings and popular prices, we ran reach the high and deserving name of the most popular Tailors and Haberdashers. On Mondav. December 81. we propose to en gage talent to give a performance In the Opera iiouse lor toe special benent or our cuatomera. free, and at the same time give to aeventeen of our customers one or tne following valuable presents : 1st, suit or Finest Clothes made to order. 2d, Elegant China Tea-Set. 3d, Pair of Finest English CasHlmere Pant. 4th, Two (2) 8ults Fine Underwear. 5th, One (1) Diamond Scarf Pin. Cth, Fine Silk Serge Umbrella. 7th, One Box (14 doz.) Balbiiggan Half How. 8th, One Pair Gold Initial Sleeve Bnttonx. th. Half Dozen "Crown" Cuffs. 10th, One Pair Monarch Shirts. lltb. One Dozen "Crown" Collars. 12th, One "Dyers' Choice" Flat Scarf 13th, One Fashionable Walking Cane 14th, One Stylish Lace Windsor Scarf. 15th, One Pair Celebrated Rotulus Suspendcra. 16th, One Elegant Satin Tie. 17th, One Pair Silk Boston Garter. Our customers shall each have an opportunity of receiving any of these valuable presents, as to each and every purchase of goods to the amount of one dollar we present a ticket to the purchaser who will be entitled to a possibility of receiving any of the handsome, valuable and useful art icles. JOHN UYEK A HON, mh 4 tf Tailors and Haberdashers. No Liquors, BUT A STOCK OF A NO. 1 FRESH GROCERIES will be kept at our store. No. 46 market Street, All goods sold by us will be as represented, GOOD GOODS AND SMALL PROFITS will be our motto. Give us a tria and be convinced. 0 87 tf K. J. SqAKBOROPOH A CO. Buggies & Eoad Carts JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OFCAR- RIAGES and BUGGIES; also, HARNESS, SAD DLES and BRIDLES of all kinds, which 1 am selling VERY LOW at the Carriage Foatory on Third, between Market and Princess streets. Repairing of all kinds done at short notloe. mh 4 tf P. II. HATDKN Moshava, CORRUPTION OF THE ENGLISH 'MUST have her', contorted by the Gypsies Into a mash, a fascination. Hence the saying, "Heads of fami lies all have 'a mash' on the Farmer Girl Cook 8tove." mh 4 tf r. M. KINO A CO . Coopers' Tools. E HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF COOP- W ERS' TOOLS, which we offer at lowest cash prices. The makes are the best In this market. uiL.ua MUKCHJOun, 38 A 40 Murchtson Block. mh 4 tf N. Front St. Burnt Out. rpHAT COOK STOVE OF YOURS Call at PARKER A. TAYLOR'S and get a new one. PURE WHITE OIL. mh4tf Vegetable and Flower Seed. IHILADELPHIA WHITE AND RED ONION Sets. I keep only fresh and reliable Seed (no old stock to work off), and am selling them low down. All varieties on hand. Call at J. H. HARDIN'S Drug and Seed Store. feb 25 tf New Market. No Discount IF EVERYBODY DOESN'T KNOW BYTHIS time that the Liverpool A London A Globe Insurance Company pays its losses In full, tt isn't because we havt advertised the fact. Br way of variation, we will Illustrate by the Willard loss of 16th ult. on warehouse and con tents, west side river, which was adjusted at $10,848 50. TheL. A L. A G. paid Its proportion , SL887.70 without discount, as usual. Many Companies discount at seven or eight per cent., but putting the rate at six. (which Is the lowest charged), or one pes cent, for the sixty days and we have Total loss, as adjusted $10,H48 SO Deduct L. A L. A G.'s proportion, paid in run 1,837 to One percent, discount on remaining 19.010 80 equals $90 less in Mr. Willard 's pocket than If he had given ALL bis Insurance to the L. A L. A G. It Is hardly necessary to point the moral. JNO. W. GORDON A BRO.. A rents. mh4tf 24 North Water St. WANTED Information as to the fate of Tho mas Edwards, seaman of the 8. 8. "Florle." or whereabouts of any of the crew. The "Flo rle" Was driven ashore by a Federal cruiser when trying to run the blockade In 1804. Edwards bad been for some years In the English Navy; served last In H.M -18. Nile. Address Mr. John Herod. Chiof Officer of Coast Guard, St. Do gm ails, Car digan, South Wales. England, by whom any ex pense will be refunded. sat wed feb X 8t Positive Bargains fN BLEACHED COTTONS, 10-4 SHEETINGS. Counterpanes, Table Damasks and Towels, White Goods, Hamburg and Irish Point Trimmings; Warner's CoraLma Health, Abdominal and M. M. Corsets. Also the Best One Dollar Hid Glove la the city. feb 4. tf JNO, J. REPRICE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Iolanthe. QR THE PEER AND Till MR I WrmM hf W. S. Gilbert; comjxwMxi by Arthur Sulllr. A m thorlr-M Coprrlf ht Edition. ror Ml t IIEINIBAIU.ER' Easter Cards, t LARGE ASSORTMENT AIX 5EW NE sign. Fringed and not frtngml. HKINKREltUKH-a mh 10 If Live Book a.bd Marie Hams. Strips. Bacon. 1500 Las slY,AR crR 1:11 rVrrKlXU Irnnii Hmall Break fiat Bacon. Drl.nl lw I. Blogna. IWf Tongtiv 500 25 Lba ftw.lr 1 C. IIAV fawn rtC'KLEH all kind. at1 tr Kl'U. BTOTK CANNED 000! Old Go I Java. Iguayra and Bl IHfrtKt ROASTED DAILY, and x.ld lwrr than any er htiuw In the rlly ran J. C. Stevenson, mh 8 U MARKET NTMirr. China Matting! JKW MATTINO JCHT RECEIVED AT THE New Furniture Store of It Ell K END Mt'KMol. 8. K. Cor. Markat and Id M . WllmlnrUm. N V.. The bent quality for tbe prW In U Htjr examine u. tnh 4 U Best Line in the State ! yE CARRY A OREATF.R VARIETY AMI BETTEP. ASSORTMENT ..f BOOTS AND SHOKS Uan any houae In the Mate Buyer will flod It to tb4r a1vntr t' ' ine our lines before jum tmaln? Geo. R. French & Sons, Sfl N FRONT NT Fertilizers. Flour, &c. rQ TONS N I I r.Itt V I A V i.IAMi Iiui. genuine rtl le n n:i ) r irusrt,tee1 now in Store 3SO Barrels Family VIA it li. SO Boxes D. ai nd etnoked It alfJ. J50 Tons (irmitn K AIN1T For ale at low prices r mh 4 lw W II M It A R V A fvi A XEW hTOCK OF SADDLES. PKIDLEH, TRUNK. . Just received from tba Manufaetorera Parties tn nMtd of any artW le In my line wtl do well to rtra ma a rail, as I am now In rlp4 of new stock, and selling at low prWx for (uO Manufacturing and Kpairtng doea at Pttori Notice. Call at tha old Saddla and Ham Store of 4 II MAl.t.AHIl, mh 4 tf No Front W New Stock FPARIlR. CHAMBER AND PINING RrOM FVKNITI Rfc. Received this week ( all and examine ptVrs. mh 4 tf P. A M!T1l Easter Cards. l.AKOK VARIETY OF BRAITlrTL NEW PKMUNt" fall and e there at mh 4 tf TATE' BOOK TtKE. WEIW' HRAI.TD REN EWER. A I.Ytll.lf .ICA Kidney Wort, Seven Barks. Hhaker s i tract of Roots, Brown's Iron Bitters, and all the Imm11u Medicines always on hand Also. Toilet and Fancy Artcles. igara. etr Prescriptions romponnded si snT time PAY w NIGHT. f ( . MILLKK. Atiotheoarr mh 3 tf Comer 4Ui and Nan mm New Walnut Cornice, ALL EXTENTION EAeY T ITT 1 V Wil l, fit any window FANCY MATTINU Good heavv roods, st lust urh pttres a make tliem go. hTECIAL BAHRAIN'S Several pieces of Tab llnissels of lc, to fl t arda In length. REMEMBER, we keep an'eieicant !. k of LACE CURTAIN It Is a pleasure to ahow rarh a stock, HI'IOAI. ATTENTION Is called to tbe riUCEM. it. n. ieivruir.. mh 7 tf Shad! Shad! mh 4 tf W. E. PAVI A KIN. PACIFIC GUANO. Just received and for sale. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GOANO, and DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE. We never have had tha first complaint nf the Fertilisers not bringing a stfltaMa crop. our Country Agents. . febSDAWTw ALEX. UPKUITT A OJ . Chariot. Chariot. rpHE BEST FIVE-CENT CIO AX IN THE OLD NORTH "TATE, At HARMS.' NEW A CtGAH TOJlE. nshttf J