V to- The Mornirigv Stef. II V Vn. II. . JHEtlM A n '. liUSH KD DAILY 'ItXCEFT. MONDAYS. .no Year, (by Mall) PotaVakl, f7 00 ix Months. " ' 4 00 rhree Months, - x . , - - 2 00 Two Months," " 1 i ' . . l GO ne Month, 75 To City 8ubsortbers, delivered In any part tf the City, hmn Caim per week. OurJity Agent are not aatuorixed to collect for more than three mssntaa In adranoe. . Kntered at the Poet Omoe at 'Wilmington, N. C, , as Second Class Matter. HORNING EDITION. OVTLI2TJS8. Two companies of the Fourth Cavalry are in pursuit ot hostile Indians in New Mexico. Ayres' tobacco factory at Dnnville, Va., Inrrued, with over 100,000 rounds of tobacco; building and fixtures valued at $20,000. A band of Nihi lists unearthed at SL Petersburg; eight were arrested ; during the fight three officers were wounded. An unknown barque wricked at Holyhead; the crew of twenty- ihrce drowaod. The crop of cottou so far in tight is 6.506,824 bales. A IttU'i-c.irrier arrested for stealing letters in Richmond, Va Public debt reduction Tor March about $9,500,000. President Arthur goes to Florida for rest and recrea tion; lie will travel incog. One huu ilied and fifty persona, driven from home by famine, bare hft County Mayo, Irclaud, for America. A secret society is said to exist amoo ttjf whites of Arizona to ex terminate all 16 CBftle Apache Indians on the San Carlos reservation. Burglars blew open a safe at Rnsbville, Yates county, N. Y.. and stole bpr $30,000 in money, bonds, c. Dtirittg the recent gale on the coast of Great Britain six fishiDg sin:u ks went dowa'an'of forty sailors were .l.uiv ucd. li. & C. Degeuer, comuiis- -iou mirclmnta, New York, in the South A.mer:csiu trade, have failed. New York aifcrketa: Money 5g6 per ceia. ; cot ton quiet at 10 1-1610 5-16c; southern Hour dull and weak at $4 100 75; wheat, ungraded red $1 041 21'; corn, ungraded 02$f8e; rosin Arm at $1 701 75; spirits turpentine tinner at 49Ac. "I Lome, iSweut Hum"" was heard ly telephone from New York to Chicago. Judge Davis is going to California, lie will be joined at St. Louis by some friends. The New York Herald says that Vaixlerbilt's big Jumbo cost &10, 000, and not $50,000, as stated. The New York Sun wishes to sur render in advance. Let it go early ii it. is tired with serving the people. It is thought there will be a sur plus of Homo 7,000,000 iu the British Exchequer, owing to good Liberal management. Arthur's faithful friend Jones, oT Nevada, is alienated and swears he has made hi last visit to the White House. Sorrowful to see! ' Mrs. Oceaner Walker,, aged 70, and her little grandson, Or wood Mil ler, aired ii, were burned side bv side at the same time in Washington. (Jen. Can, Secretary of State in New York, got into a row with his son at a banquet and knocked him down twice and dragged him from 1 1 j place. As we supposed, the late Ool. Cor ley was born in South Carolina, in Colleton county. lie was graduated at West Point in 18o4. He was about 5'J years old. How and by whom the inmates of the Staunton, Va., asylum were poisoned the jury could notdetermine. All they could say wa thatthoy died from lUe effects of the alkaloid of aconite. , Our reference to the carpet-baggers in connection with Kellogg was intended to apply only to those ras cals who preyed upon the South like Chamberlain, and a dozen who might be named. The New York Time evidently thinks Kellogg guilty. It say g: . "The Government, reinforced by Price, the contractor has at last secured the in dictment of him who was Senator and is now a Representative of his adopted State. The pursuers have 'been baffled many times, but they have never lost the tralL" - The Philadelphia Press has a two column article in demand of a reor ganization of the Cabinet. Other papers are striking the same string. It is a poor affair, that is a fact. "Secor" Robeson would like to get back. Arthur ought to bar- him. He would suit Arthur. "Birds of a feather, fce.n On the first Monday in April a justice of the peace and two free holders are to be appointed in each township to assess the Dersonal Dro- perty and land for taxation. The county cotprmssionerB have tho a pointing arid thev oucrht tn.aer.t the best men-men who will -do tfietr duty without fear or favor. There is great need of havim? this irntUrtant work thoroughly and conBeientioaslv done. For years we have hammered away at the inequality of taxation, . .j.,--:. j . 1 : i - i 7 HE VOL. XXXII. NO. 9. nbw aovbsthehknts An Offer. Mttnson Clothing. A. Dvu Price . list Ottkrbourg- Clothing. D. A, Smith Furniture. Bks. White tiung again. French Bboc Rock lime. Y ate s Picture frames, etc. W. U.. DAvia & $ok Shad. J. I. Macxa Assignee's sale. For Rent Furnished house. F. C. PoissoN Mule for sale. J. H. Mallard Hew stock. A. Jbl. Shhier Spring trade. Heinsbrroer To city visitors. G. W. "Williams & Co. Groceries. P. L. Brtdobrs & Co. Groceries. Robt. McDouGALL Beea for sale. Brown & Roddic Inducements. -gAjmraow 4 Allen Latest styles, J. Dyer & Son Gray's patent brace. Meeting Wilmington M. F. Ins. Co. J. W. KiNO--Attention housekeepers. Thos. H. Blount Administrator's sale. Giles & Murchison Hanging baskets. Parker & Taylor House-furnishings. M. M. Katz Spring and summer goods. Meeting Wilmington Cotton Mills Co. F. M. King & Co. Farmer Girl cook. W.E. Springer & Co. Turpentine tools H. M. Bowden & Co. Saddlery goods. G. R. French- & Sons Boots, shoes , etc. P. H. Hatden -Carriages, wagons, etc. Kerchner & Calder Bros. Flour, sugar, bacon, etc. First Sunday after Easter. Day?s length 12 hours and 3G minutes. Judge MoRae was itv the city yesterday. Turner's Almanac says "show ery" for to-day. To-morrow commences a new naval stores year. Showery yesterday, with light ning and thunder. . This would be "All Fools' Day" if it wasn't Sunday. Eggs were retailing yesterday at 15 cents per dozen. Shad retailed yesterday at from 50 cents to $1 per pair. The receipts of cotton at this port yesterday weTe 109 bales. The annual meeting of the Pro duce Exchange takes place on the 10th iast. , 1 Rev. W. T. Joncuj will occupy the pulpit of the First Baptist Church to night. Two fine dwellings are soon to go up in the neighborhood of Third and Nun streets. Rev. Alfred J. Barrow arrived in this city last night, and is the guest of ir. W. H. Green. Dr. Wilson lectures at the Opera House on Tuesday, the 10th inst. Subject: Enjoyment. The foreign exports from Wil mington during the week ending yesterday aggregated $130,190.03. Elder P. D, Gold, of Wilson, will preach at the Primitive Baptist Church this (Sunday) at 11 A. M. The Board of County Commis sioners meet in regular session to-morrow afternoon, at half past 2 o'clock. Vegetables "made quite a show in market yesterday, especially onions, radishes, lettuce and "sich like." - Capt. Charles Murphy assumes the position of overseer of the streets to morrow, vice Capt. Edward Magarigle. The Criminal Court meets at the Court House in this city to-morrow. We understand that the docket is not very heavy. . Cato Waddell was j foreman of the jury of inquest held over the drowned sailor not Cato Bunting, j as jt inadver tantly appeared. The Historical and Scientific Society meets at-Tienken Hall, on Front street, to-morrbw evening. :The public are respectfully invited. The monthly meeting of the visitors of the Ladies' Benevolent Society wilf take place at Hook aisd Ladder Hall (Tuesday, 3rd) at 4i o'clock. A prominent Front street firm has this significant announcement conspicu ously placarded in their store: "We are not employing a clerk to-day." The Board of Aldermen meet in regular monthly session to-morrow night, at which time the re-organization of the police force is expected to take place. There are 20 prisoners in the county jail. 13 for trial by the Criminal Court, 4 for costs, 1 awaiting a hearing on an appeal to the Supreme Court, and 1 be longing to Pender county. . The Register of Deeds issued only two marriage licenses during the past week, both of which were to colored couples. The last one issued to a white cocrJe. was on the 10th of March. A colored youth named Andrew Jones was arrested and lodged in the guard house yesterday afternoon for acting dis orderly on the steps of the telegraph office. His companions made their escape. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1883. The schooner Emma H. Drummond, Capt. Hlggins, was cleared from this port for St. John's, Porto Rido, yesterday, by Messrs. Edward Kidder & Son, with 260,005 feet of lumber, valued at 14,600.81 In a match game of base ball, on the Athletic Club Grounds, yesterday morning, between the "Young Homes," Capt. W. Monroe, and the "Atlantics," Capt. S. Holmes, the former scored 42 and the latter 23. The only case before Mayor Hall yesterday morning was that of a white man from the rural districts, who had a lit tle "sweet turn around" Friday night and planked down a five dollar william for tho privilege. We learn that the joint com mittee from the Board of Aldermen and thm cky butchers have agreed trpon a com promise, and that as a result the butchers 'will go into the new market on the 1st of May and have their stalls rent free until the 1st of October. See fourth page for other local news. Mr. A. A. Miller, Romfield, N. C. says: "My wife has taken Brown's Iron Bitters with excellent effect for nervousness and general debility." t DIED MARTIN. In this city, of consumption, March SOth, at 9 P. M.. Miss FLORBTTA MARTIN, aged SO years. Funeral will take place from the residence of Mrs. Phillis Martin, on 7th, between Nun and Church streets, at 10 o'clock this morning, thence to St. Stephen's Church, thence to Pine Forest Cemetery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Sale at SmiMe, N, C. THE SALE OF LOTS BELONGING TO THE estate of H. Nutt, deceased, will take place on MONDAY. APRIL 2d. 1883, at 1 P. M The steamer Minnehaha will leave here on Monday, 3d inst, at 9 A. M. THOS. H. BLOUNT, Adm'r. CRONLY A MORRIS, ap 1 It Anctioneers. For Rent, FURNISHED HOUSE, CENTRAL TiTiTl I lncatloa: Seven Rooms: Gas, Bath- IMI Room and good Cistern. For fur ther inrormauon appiy to ip 1 3t Notice. rpiIB ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- holders of the WILMINGTON COTTON MILLS will be held at Office ol the Navassa Guano Co , on TUESDAY, 10TH AP:tIL NEXT, at 11 o'fllock a. m. Walter g. Macrae, ap 1 2t 1 10 Treasurer. Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS (Policy-Holders) of the Wilmington M. F. In.nMni. f 'nmnunv will VkA IiaM At. ttlA OffWA of the Company on Second Street, on WEDNESDAY virifrwnJri Anvil dth H fiVlifkT apl it J. K. BROWN, Scc'y. For Sale. QNE BLACK MULE, SEVEN YEARS OLD, weight 1,000 pounds, and guaranteed to be sound . Apply to ap 1 It F. C. F0I8SON. Attention Housekeepers ! IV YOU WANT YOUR LOUNGE, SOFA, PAR lor Set Upholstered; or your Furniture Repaired and Varnished; or If you want your old Mattrees Renovated; or If you want a Hair, Moss. Excel sior, Straw Mattress, or anything' else done in your house in my line, give me a call. JNO. W. KING, ap 1 It Cor. Front and Princess Sts. Bees for Sale. 'pWELVB COLONIES OF STRONG, HEALTHY BEES, all in patent hives. Will be sold cheap. Can be seen at the residence of the undersigned. . j. ROBERT McDOUGALL, apl It 6th, between Princess and Chesnut Sts. Hung Again ! ANEW LT WINDOW SHADES AND WALL Paper Jut in. I am making handsome Awnings for Stores and Windows. Tupbolstering and Paper Hanging and cleaning up house a specialty. Lapktog Glass Plates, Pictures framed In fact anything you want done. Elbow Grease m the lead. BEN WHITE, ap 1 It The Paper Hanger and Awalng Maker. Assignee's Sale. ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry G-ood.8, FANCY GOODS, AND MUXINERY, WILL BE CLOSED OUT STRICT LY AT COST, FOR CASH ONLY ! NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. J. I. MACKS, ap 1 tl - 'W?tf? - -ASSIGNEE. -iqrAWGTNa basket - - v AND FANCY FLOWER POTS. ' V For, sale by . GILES A HTJECHISON, 88 40Mnrch1soii Block, 1 tf ?ru'ut St. The Fanner Girl QOO STOTK ; - ; . -. t Is sold only by apltf V. M. KINO ACQ. III I a a OWN i jSKW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY & TOESDiT, April 2 ani 3. . HILTON NOBLES, Assisted by the youn and rifted Commedlenne and Vocalist, UK NOBLES, and a Dramatic Company of unusual excellence. MONDAY NIGHT will be presented for the first time here, INTERVIEWS, And on TUESDAY NIGHT the popular PIIffiMX. Reserved Seats at Dycis'; price $1. mh 80 2t A. David's Price List I ABOUT 2 000 ALL-WOwL FINEST QUALITY Scoteh Suits in beautiful designs, the regular retail price being $15.0a the choice offered At 912 OO per Salt. ADDITIONAL. About 1S0FINEST QUALITY Silk Mixed Casslmem SsiU, Diagonal Sacks, Frocks and Walking Safta; Retail prices from $iaoo to f X0, At from $15.00 to $20.00 per Suit. The above offering Is bat an Index to the low prices ef oar entire stock. Front whatever dis tance one may come we promise that the differ ence in prices will more than repay the lo&irMt journey. We mean to sell oheap and an exami- n&tlfp wi apTff wiupreveit. A.iwviu, Spring Trade. VyE WOULD "RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of buyers of clothing to the fact that we have secured the best line of CLOTHING for Men, Youths and Children's wear, embracing the latest novelties lor spring iTaae. we nave made it our aim to buy just such goods as the people need,; and, in order to please all, have taken great eare in the selection of this season's Clothing. We would also state that we shall endeavor to sell at very close figures. Our ob ject is to do a larger trade than heretofore. A. 1. BtMUJLK. Reliable Clothiers, ap 1 tf No. 84 Market St. GRAY'S PATENT BRACE, ap 1 tf 8old only by JOHN DYER SON- Hearing Nothing ABOUT ORAN OPEXI2WS THI BFRINO, we bad forgot to mgntfcm oars, which took rloe vesterdav. For the benefit of the few who did not get in, we will have another all this week. Tate a iook at oar vuuTUiau. MUN80N. ap 1 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. STTXES. HA8XB0X A ALLEN, Hatters ap 1 tf Bock Lime, jpoit BUILDING PURPOSES. FRESHLY BURNED. PRICE REDUCED TO $1.15 PER CASK. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGE LOTS AND TO THE TRADE Address FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point, N. C. or O. G. PARSLEY, Jr.. ap 1 tf an tu ft Wilmington. N. e. Just Received. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF VELVET And TChonv Ptatiir Frames Blank Books, suita ble for every branch of business: Paper, Enve lopes. Pens. Inks. Slates. Pencils, Ac. Ac. Straw and Manilla Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags, ap 1 tf , YATES' BOOK STORE. - Chairs.- LARGE STOCK OF CANE AND WOOD SEAT Chairs and Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads. Mat tresses, Tables, Bureaus and Washstands Just re ceived and for sale low by D. A. SMITH, Smith Building, ap 1 tf North Front street. An Offer. rpnK NEW FURNITURE STORE OF BEII- RSNS A MUNROE will sell a large stock of Chamber Seta, Parlor Suit&i tMdeboarda, 1.000 Bed -Steads, Mattresses.Loungea, Book-Oases, Matting, Ac., ., Ac, at wholesale or retail 10 per cent, lower than any boose in this State. , ap 1 tf Flour. Flour, Flour. Bbls Datsy FLOUR, 200 d Park Mills do 125 do B11Mi11 ' do dd Butter-Cup do OAA do Monarch do For sale by KERCHNER ft CALDER BRC S. apltf Sugar, Coffee. Rice. rjf Bbls C, Ex. C and Gran. SUGAR. BagsRIO COFFEE, aU grades, rj Bbls and Tea RICE, For sale by. apl tf KERCHNER ft CALDER BROS. Bacon, Lard, Salt. 100 OWa Srao,ted - S- SIDES, 100 Tubs LARD, 3000 SackS 7rVlsjLW, . For tale by ap 1 tf KERCHNER ft CALDXR BR08. Wagons, Carts, &c WILSON ft CHILDS' CELEBRATED WAG GONS, CARTS, TRUCKS. DRAYS, Ac. ' KERCHNER CALDER BROS., ap 1 tf Sole Agents. JPW ADVERTISEMENTS. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and ? orili Front Street. WE WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING INDUCE MENTS FOR THIS WEEK. Ball's Corset. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. By a new and novel arrangement of a series of Fine Coiled Brau Wlqew-aprtflg. which yield readOy to ever ry movement of the wearer, the Most Perfect Fitting and Comfortable Corset ever made is secured. EVERY PAIR IS WARRANTED. 10-4 BOSTON BLEACHED SHEETING 26 1-2 enU Per Yard. NOTTINGHAM LACE FOR CURTAINS From 1 Cent. ' They are our own Importation, and are Fifteen Per Cent below regular prices. . PARSOLS M SUNSHADES. OVER 500 DIFFERENT STYLES TO SELECT FROM. BROWN & RODDICK 5 and 7 North Fro til Street. ap 1 tf Five HundrecT Children's Blouse Suits. IN GRAY AND BLUE. MAMMOTH STOCK FINE CLOTHING-! FOR MEN AND YOWTHS' WEAR. TREMENDOUS LINE Fine Furnishing Goods INCLUDING GAUZE AND LACE UNDERWEAR. 0TTERB0XJRGS HIEFS WEAR DEPOT. Visitors rpo THE CITY ARE INVITED TO THE LIVE BOOK STORES, where every .thing to thelr&ad- vantago will beahown them, giving them in pur chases the benefit of their visit. These Stores are the most attractive places in the city. ASK to be shown there to make your purchases of Pianos. Onrans. or any Musical Instruments. Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles, which will be given you in exchange for Cash and on the most liberal terms. Ask for . " i HETNSBKRGER'S ap 1 tf Live Book and Music Stores. Turpentine Tools, COOPERS' TOOLS, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, Carpenters' Tools, General Hardware of ev ery description. WM. E. SPRINGER ft CO,, Successors to John Dawson ft Co., 19, M ft Sti Market Street, ap 1 tf WUmlnirton. N, C. Country TyjERCIIANTS AND EVERY BODY CAN GET suited in quality and prices from the large stock of SADD'LERY'OOODS, at the New Saddlery and Trunk Uouae of No. 40 Market St. QsrManafaetare and Repair. ap 1 tf Do You Want CARRIAGE, PHAETON OR BUGGY, CART or Wagon, Harness, Saddle or Bridle, call at Factory on Third, between Market and Prinoees Streets. Repairing done with dispatch. ap 1 tf P. H. HA YD EN NINE-TENTHS OF THE SHAD CAUGHT IN this section WE CATCH, which enables us to DEFY COMPETITION. Order from ap I tf W. E. DAVIS ft SON. A NEW STOCK OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, Ac., Ac., junt received from the Manufacturers. Parties m need of any article in my line would do well to rive me a call, as I am now in reoetpt of new stock, and selling at low prices for Cash. Manufacturing and Repairing don at Short Notioe. Call at the old Saddle and Harness Store of J. JL MALLARD, ap 1 tf No. 8 Front St. TAB W50L.E NO. ,..4865 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring tc Summer GOODS. AT 171 . 171. KATZ' 36 Ilarket St. JUST RECEIVED All the Latest Novelties. Dress G-oocLs. Black and Colored Silks, Ottomans Rhadames, Brocades, Surrads Light Shades, Fancy Silks, Satins in alt the New 81iades, Nun's Veil ing, Tamlse, Cashmeres, Mohairs, Beiges, French Buntings. Sateen, Zephyrs, Seersuckers, Percales, Linen Lawns, Ladies' Cloth, Honey-Comb Sucking, Silk Pongees, Ao. WHITE GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. Piques, Marseilles, Embroideries, Laces, Irish Point, the best assortment and greatest variety In the city. COESETS, Hosiery, Glove., Lace Collars, Plssues, Ties, Veiling. Hand kerchief a, Ribbons, Crepes. Housekeeping Goods! Damasks, Spreads, Towels, Napkins. LADIES, MISSES, MEN AND BOYS' GAU8E MERINO UNDERWEAR. Men and Boys' Cassimercs, Linens and Cottonades. Full lines of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS too numerous to mention. Ail at prices so low that will give satisfaction for durability, finality andjckassBrsii. - , Call snd save money by bujla of im:. nyc. Tf a tz, M BAttHBT ST. ap 1 tf We Keep QON8TANTLY ON nAND, FLOUR, all grades, Choice RIO COFFEE, all grades, ' Refined 8UGARS, Standard Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and Golden C, New Crop N. O. and Porto Rico MOLASSES, In Hhds and Barrel. BACON C. R SIDES. Dry Salt C. R. SIDES, LARD, hi Buckets and Tubs. HAY. OATS. CORN, 80DA, STARCH, SOAP, CANDLES, SNUFF, TOBACCO, NAILS, GLUE, HOOP-IRON. BUNGS, Ac., A., Ac, For sale at low prloea G. W. WILLIAMS ft CO., Wholesale Grocers and ap 1 tf Comm'n Merchants, Unprecedented Hush FOR GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. HAMS, HAMS, HAMS, CANVASSED AND UNCANVA88KD, SUGAR-CURED AND OTHERWISE. You will never starve while meat ts to cheap and plentiful. BREAKFAST 8TRIPS, CORNED BKEF, Ac, Ac. BOYSTEB'S CANDY still holds its own three pounds for $1.00 Cheese. Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, CHEESE from Rotterdam, CHEESE from Switzerland, CHEESE from Yankeedom, Sap Sago, NeafchateL Young America, Extra Cream, Ac. Come early and yon will be salted. P. L. Bridgers & Co. ap 1 DAWtf "The Star Shines Out,v SAYS PECK IN POETRY. SO IT DOES, AND tells yon that at PARKER ft TAYLOR you can get anything in the Boose InrnUblng U that you may need at a low price. TolietS. Lapboards. Door. Mats, lo. 11 jATKU OF ADyiXKTlMHfi' Owe qara fHTKfr.m.:t.-.i.i'im Av...l( . ' Three Daya.. .....-... ' r ronr Darar.........i;.... 1 . Flvn Days,.,...,.... ? CTJA VV am a v f j v Two Weeks,.. x ...... r " Three Weeks, -Oos) Month... 4 "i ! " Two Montis,.. ....V- 1 ' Three Months, .,'.....; i SU Months, v M On Year. i y tOosdraot AdrsttlsemenU taken t r Htnly low rates. v , TnnJtnssjsolldJ is I ,- NEW ADVERTISKMKN1U n. CUO.VLl , Aatctlonerr.: BY CRONLY ft MORRIS,! Sale of Beal Estate. B1 T TTjrrUB AND IN PURSUANCE OF" A f CREE of the Superior Court of NeW) It arm v , Oounty, m a oanse there pend h between 1 .orm II. sttoerot, Admwlstrator of the estate of Uenr Nntt, plamtur, and a G. Panuer, Jr., and wis M. P. Taylor and wife, Lonlaa Nott, and ni" defendants, the ondersigned will, on MONDA APRIL, Id. 188S, at one o'clock P. M., expo i sale by public auction, at the Court IImm to In the TOWN OF SMITBTVILLE, oonnty t Brur wick, the following deaertd RSA1, Kin AT One LOT, being Lot No. t tn the )Un of town, boaaded snnth by Bay street, t t RbMt street, north by Moore street, ws by 1 of Dt. frlBka, front ing W feet on Bay reet, -extending back same width no feet. .""- Ons WATER LOT, or SKIRT. Immediate front of Lot No. M, extendmg froin bay sir;, the river, bounded on tho east by IUU tri and on the south bv water lot of Dr. Frlnks.-. One LOT. bemr Tot Mo. H pisn of paid tnw bounded snath by Moore street, east by lihe street, north by Nnaa street and west by Mra. X. C. Carr's lot, fronting as feet on Moore street and extending back same width KO feet. . . Ons LOT, being part of Lot No. 88 in said 'plan, fronting 00 feet on Moore street, and nmuHiK back northwardly along Howe street of the same width 185 feet. One LOT, being part of Lot No. 37 In saWt "plan. Immediately ad jotnina the last mentioned Jet M the west, fronting 66 feet on Moore street. snt running back northwardly of same width 185 feet . One LOT, being part of said Lot No. 7 anl 3S, beginning In western line of ilowe street JS. feet north from Moore street, running thence northwardly on Howe street 00 feet, and extend ing back from Howe street westwardly. of the same width 189 feet. " One LOT, belntr part of said Lot No. M, front lug 66 feet on Nash street, and runnmg back southwardly along Howe street of the same width 135 feet. V - One LOT, being part of said Lot No. 17, 1m mediately adjoining the last mentioned lot v west, fronting 00 feet on Nash street, and run ning back northwardly, of same width 183 feet. ' , And. ON TUESDAY, APRIL Sd, US, afrit J o'clock M., at the Court House door. In Ahc CITY OF WILMINGTON, tne anderrhrned. In pursuance of said decree, will expose for sale by public auction the following- deaorlbed JIEAI.I ESTATE, to wit: . " A tract of LAND, situate in Bladen- county,,' known as "Sleepy Hollow." Beginning on thef south side of Cape Feat- Hlver, at Thos. J Robin-1 son's lower corner, running thence with Kobln-i son's line south Si deg-. west 185 80-100 chains 10 back line of the Siajrletary 1,000 acres survey, 1 thence sonth 67 des east, with line of saM survey 1 48 10-100 chain., then north 25 de. east with line tf 1 the Dunham land 98 80-100 chains to, the river, ! and with river to begtnalng. containing about i M44 acres, excepting a small tract of sbont V, acres, being a belt 8 acres in width on the east-' ern side of said main tract from the main road South to the soath line, which was sold ftf laid Henry Nutt to James Phillips. On said main tract la a Dwelling- House of 8 rooms, and Several out houses and small cabins. . Another tract, situate in aald Bladen county, In and on both sides of Goodman Swamp, con -talning about 158 acres. Bejrinnlng at The, i. Robinson's corner In Jas. Robinson s Hoe, run nine south 43 deg., east M 30-100 cbalfTs to itsko -lu Bart ram Robinson's line, thence south fiS deg... wests 10-100 chains, then south 67 dec., west chains, thence north 11 deg-., east 4 chains, then -north 45 deg.. west 43 chains, the tee north 47 de(r. east to bejrlnnlng. . Also the following- LOTS OF LAND, situate m the CITY OF WILMINGTON : :. One LOT, beginning In southern line of Ctmp' bell street 100 feet west of Third street . running thence west with Campbell street to feet, then south 132 feet then east 50 feet, then to begin- nlng. On which aald Lot Is a Dwelling House :' and out. houses. . - -'. One LOT, Immediately adjoining last men tloned Lot on the we.t. fronting 40 feet on Csmp j bell street, and running- back of same width 132' feet, being part Lot 1 and 8 lu Block rSX . . One LOT, beginning in eastern line of Front ; street 83 feet nor h from Red Cross street, and y runs north Sit feet, then east 85 feet, then south U feet, then west to beginning being part Lot 5 in. Block S33. . One IAYT, immediately ad loin Ing- last men- -tloned Lot on the south, front Ins 8.1 rest oa Front ' street, and extending- back along Ked Cro street the same width 8A feci, part Lot 5 Block C3, . T .. - , One LOT, bcginnlBg In nortfjern line of EkI Cross street 89 feet east from Front street, and runs east 40 feet, then north 132 feet, then west 40 feet, then south to beginning, being part Lots . ' 4 and Bin Block 832. One LOT, Immediately adjoining last.fnHV', Jooed Lot on the east, fronting 40- feet on Xled Cross street, and running back northwardly the ". . same, width 183 feet, being part UU 4 and ft In ktbet ffi, on which U a substantia! Brick Build- mir One undivided foorts) Interest In the eastern , half of Lot No. 2, In Block 190, on which Lot is a Dwelling Honse and out -ho uses. , ' One LOT. beginning In western line" of Front , street 88 feet south from Mnlberry street, and : runs south 88 feet, then west 100 feet, then north ' . 88 feet, then sa.Mo beginning, bolng part Lot I in , ' Block 190. , ' - . One LOT, beginning at southwest corner of Front and Mulberry streets, and runs south on ' Front street 88 feet,then west 100 feet, then north -. to Mulberry street, and with Mulberry to begin'"' ninr, being part Lot 1 In Block 190. - :, One LOT, beginning In southern line of Mulber- -ry street 100 feet west of Front street, running - thence west on Mulberry street 81 H feet, and ex tending back southwardly the same Width 64 ' feet, being part Lot 1 In Block 190. . , One LOT.lmmad lately adjoining last mentioned. Lot on the west, fronting 21 U feet on Mulberry ; street, and running back southwardly the asm ,n width 66 feet, being part Lot 1 la Block 190. . One LOT, immediately ad kilning last mentioned -Lot on the west, fronting snVs feet on Malbsrrv street, and rnnnlng baok the same width south Y wardly 66 feet, being part Lot 1 in Block 190. ..' . One LOT, immediately adjoining last mentioned , ' , ! Lot ou the west, fronting 84tt feet on Mnlberry " street, and running back the same width south- wardly 132 feet, being part Lots 1 and 9 In Block V 100. - . .. One LOT, immediately adjoining last mentioned . Lot on the west, fronting 4)4 feet on Mulberry street, and running back tbe same width south-, -f wardly 18S feet, being part Lots 1 and S In Block .7 ' 1 90. h, One LOT, beginning at southeast corner of Mslr berry and North Water st reet., and runs south on " North Water Ktreet 22 feet, tbenoe east JOOfeet, i thence North to Mulberry street and with MuU berry to beginning, being part Lot 1 In Block J90. , One LOT, immediately adjoining last mentioned Lot on the south, fronting 88 feet on North Water , ' street, and running back eastward ly tbe samo - width 100 feet, being part Lot 1 in Block 100. One IJT, immediately adjoining last ment ioaed, , Lot on the south, fronting 22 feet on North Water--, street, and running back of same width east'' wardly 100 feet, being part Ixt 1 In Block 190. ' . - A l.o that valuable WHARF property, known as T the Nutt Wharf, with Brlrk OfTloe and Frame .v Warehouses thereon, fronting 184 feet on North J " Water street, and running back about aw feet to ' tbe river, comprising all of Lots 1 and in Block 190. which Is west of North Wster street. The right Is reserved of selling this Wharf oroerty ' either as a whole, or In two sepsrate Lots, with s. t frontage each of 06 feet on North Water street Terms, one-third cash, balance In 6 and If nun,, - from day of sale: purchasers to give their notes. -drawing 8 per cent. Interest for the deferred . -payment.. Title reserved until whole of pur; 5 chase money la paid. r Plats of the pro pert y can be Inspected at oiliest - ' . of Cronly ft Morris, who will furnish any In forma-- tlon desired. THOS. n. BLOUNT, w K mh 1 6t 1 10 20 25 ap 1 , Admlnharatof.J : . Fine, DnraUe. Free-Hani Porti. v;u JN ORDKH.TO INTRODUCE MY W0Bjj,,r;' . tbe people of North Carolina, I will make LiT('" v prices introductory for three months. , , -'-,. I have only one grade. In which I strive to 00m pete with the finest Artists In this country, who get for such Crayons nearly twtoe tbe amount I ' - , ask for mine, and I invite ACTUAL COMPARI SON before my work Is accepted. Prices, Ac. on application. '- Friends are especially invited to call and. ex- -amine my work. , Studio over Heinsberger's Live Book and Music Store. ' r ORTN T. THOMAS. . , Crayon A rlt ReferenoeWEdltorof Star. su we mbSStf . . 7 Nothing Like leather ! We show many New Styles of Boots, Shoes & SlipperSj For Ladles and Genu Wear. . NOVELTIES In the Trade for lasts' and .- All the f Chudran call sad s4 as. Geo. B. French & SonpSl 89 N. FRONT PT. ' : a J7' , 7 ' 7"'-'

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