f. Costlveness. kSick HeadwslM, " Chronic Diar rhoea, Jaundice, . Imparity of the Blood, Fever and I Ague, Malaria, and all Diseases rangement of Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED IIVEK. Bad Breath ; Pain in the Side, sometimes the onin is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism; general loss of appetite; Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with, considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patient complains of weariness and debility - nervous, easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it in fact, distrusts every remedy. Several of the above svmptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Liver to have been extensively deranged. It should be used by all persons, old and young, whenever any of the above symptoms appear. Persons Traveling or Living: In Un healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria; Billons attacks, Dizziness, Nau sia, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, bat is no in toxicating beverage. If You have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feet heavy after meals, or sleep I ss at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. t ime and Doctors' Bills will he saved by always keeping the Regulator ln the House! 1 whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly purgative, alterative and tonic can .... er be out of place. The remedy is harmless .irid does not interfere with business or lcasure. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, An 1 h:;s all the power and efficacy of Calomel or y'i"i'ic, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governor's Testimony, mons Liver Regulator has been in use in my f.itjiiiy fur some time, and I am satisfied it. is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Shorter, Governor of Ala. lion. Alexander II. Stephens, of Ga., :is: Have derived some beur-lit trom the use of Summons Live.- Regulator, nr. i w'.J.i to give it a further trial. "The only Thing that never fails to Rj'lieve." I have used many remedies for Dys l psia. Liver Affection and Debility, but never h;ive found anything to benefit me to the extent -Minmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for ucha medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only tiling that never fails to relieve. P. M. Jannkt, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Mason says: From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. JKr-Take only the Genuine, which always hs on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. II. ZEILLN A CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS v PAWly treuwe toe nrm chw hue CELEBRATED UJ S What the great Restorative, Hostetter's Stomach Mirrors will do, mast be gathered from what it has done. It has effected radicar onres in thou sands of cases of dyspepsia, bilious disorders, in termittent fever, nervous affections, general de bility, constipation, sick headache mental de spondency, and the peculiar complaints and dis abilities to which the feeble are so subject. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. hj 1 D&Wlm axm ,gu we fr ap 21 ACCIDENTS HAPPEN EVERY DAY in the Year. Burns, ', Cuts, ; Bruises, i Sprains, PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER j IS THE GREAT REMEDY FOR Scratches, Contusions, Swellings, Scalds, Sores, Dislocations, Felons, Boils, &c. Ac DRUGGISTS KEEP IT EVERYWHERE. Jan 1 DAWly nrm ch m dec 31 TUTTS Is composed of Herbal and Mticilitgrnons prod ucts, which permeate tile substance, of the Lungs, expectorates the acrid matter i iiat collects ia the Bronchial Tubes, and forms a soothing coating, which relieves the Ir ritation, that enures the cough. It cleanses the lanes of all impurities, strengthens them when enfeebled by disease, invigor 'ites the circulation of the blood, and braces the :ervouB system. Slight colds often end In neglect that uo remedy has ever been found that Is as ie t read 11 jr. For Croup It Is invaluable and shoulj be in every family. ' Turns PILL. S ACT DiRECJLY ON THE LiVbFc. Vhllln and Fever, Dyspepsia, I'cmf ' mzzlne. Torpid liver, an v.rrofi f,',1"". R you do not ".feel ; ' a 'Jf ,?le pill stimulates the stomach, . us..m nhe appetite, impitru vigor to the system. 1ISTEJ pIvinr5AYS: now n t,elthen b th litUs faith), I am ':l,.n.we11 an, have rood anrri. ition Sfi?. r 8100B piles gone! and 1 hsv. nV" 8IMP80ST, Lcnill., Ky. jnnn 1 Q T 0.ttv al a. single dose raises the phlegm, subdues i nn:imiiiation. an(j. jts nse speedily cures the most obstinate oiusrh. A nl....-t n.l i.it w w v IV gu we n m jo 180 MX UBUiBY. L. J. J. As one who pauses on a rock, The bastion of sprne sea-nymph's home, And feels the ripples round him flock. Then cleaves the foam, And glides through-cool pellucid ways Where creepers kiss each thrilling limb And hears, or thinks he hears, low lavs Of Cherubim; J And marvels at the wondrous scene, The ruins upon ruins hurled. The moving hosts, the darkling sheen. The awful world; - - ' ": V 7 1 Then rises, snatching first some gem, Some token of his sojourn there. And flings a dewy diadem From face and hair, And in the sunlight, with the sigh . Of sea-winds whistling in his ears, Views his found treasure, till his eye Is dim with tears; So, where in lordly sweeping bays. In distant dark retiring nooks. Stretches before my eager gaze This sea of books, I pause, and draw one fervent breath, Then plunge, and seem to pass awav Into deep waters still as death. Yet clear as day; To move by boulders of the Past, By caves where falter dimly pure Gleams of the Future. all the Vast Of Literature; Then to return to life above. From regions where but few have trod, Bearing a gem of larger love To man and God. Blackwood's Magazine for March. OI K STATE rONTEnPOKARIKS, In connection with the divorce statistics from the State of Maine where there is more than one divorce to every ten mar riages it is refreshing tojlearu that he Maine legislature has recently considered favorably a bill to premit the marriage of white persons and negroes. Well, we do not, for our part, object to any white wo man in Maine marrying a negro and as it is usual for negroes to have during the course of one short life as many as a half dozen wives, and as the Maine;, people seem to oppose both those features we do not feel called upon at present to veto the pro ceeding. Kinston Free Press. It seems to be a difficult matter for North Carolina to make any permanent grogress in her system of public schools. It will never be done until those who frame the law have a more intelligent apprecia tion of the needs of the State. Washingt m Gazette. The Democratic party is founded upon great principles. Those principles ought to be avowed and practiced by every man who aspires to position in the party. No one can secure the full strength of the par ty if not in full accord with those princi ples. Mr. Randall, of Pa., ought not to be nominated for Speaker of the next House of Representatives, because he is not in ac cord with the old Democratic doctrine of a tariff for revenue only. Clinton Caucasian. TWINKLINGS. Reporters were not admitted to the Vanderbilt party. One went in dis guised as a cook. Cincinnati Enquirer. Editor Mumford claims that his Plymouth Rock pullets lay Easter eggs with pansies painted on them. Atlantti Constitution. Payne's bones are here, while A. T. Stewart's are not, though the latter dwelt in marble halls, and the other had no sweet home at all. Gath. The Baltimore American has been defendant in forty libel suits during the past fifteen years. Out of about $2,000, 000 damages. claimed, the paper paid about $500. The new operetta "Robinson Crusoe," by Bishop Little john's daughter, Mrs. Jenks, is a very proper piece, the plot involving our dear old Pilgrim Fathers who are supposed to have been wrecked on Crusoe's Island. Two learned but despondent university professors met not long ago at an afternoon coffee and dined sympatheti cally together in a corner. "What a world this would be without coffee," said one. "Yes," replied the other, stirring the fra grant cup in a dejected aspect, "yes, but what a h 1 of a world it is with coffee !" Charles Dudley Warner in the Atlantic. PERSONAL. Gen. Francis A. Walker is to de liver the oration at the opening of the New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics' In stitute Fair at Boston in September next. Prince Gortschakoff, who was an accomplished linguist and a man of great sensitiveness in State affairs, was wont to say that he knew how to hold his tongue in six languages, The Duke of Cambridge's son, Lieutepant Colonel G. W. A. FHz George, has bought a brewery nt Aldershot, which will prove to be much more profitable to the noble family than aristocratic idleness. The Baltimore American says the late Postmaster General Howe was a profound thinker, but as a- speaker was a failure. He is not the first man who has failed by his speech to indicate the pro fundity of his thought. Boston Post. Mr. Carlyle is getting it again. The fresh outburst was caused by the pub lication in London on Saturday of Mrs.Car lyle's letters. A writer in the London Times accuses Carlyle of indifference, neg lect, extreme self-indulgence and mean par simony to Mrs. Carlyle, and also of arousing his wife's jealousy by a protracted flirtation with Lady Ashburton. Philadelphia Times. SOUTHERN ITEMS. . The Mayor of Charleston, W. Va., gets a slary of $50 a year for his ser vices, and he has no perquisites. The Richmond Whig now an nounces that it will not be either a.,,' 'Dem ocrat" or "Republican" in 1884, but will remain simply a "Readjnster." The Tennessee Legislature has passed a law providing that liquor shall not be sold to minors or husbands who are habitual drunkards, without the written consent of parents, guardians, or wives. The people of the South should manifest no enmity toward capital, no op position to the building of railroads and the rapid development of the country, and should indulge in no radical legislation that would prevent investments. Nashville Banner. "Evil dispositions are early shown." Evil tendencies in our systems are to be watched and guarded against, If you find yourself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth, foul, eyes Yellow, kidneys disordered, symptoms of pilestprmenting you, take at once a few doses Sol KidneyWort. It is nature's great assistant Use it as an ad-vahce-guard-doh't wait to get down; sick. Readadv't. t osojooooBosida Popular ''Monthly Drawing OF THE In the City of Louisville, on Monday, April 30, 1883 These Drawings occur on the last day of each month (Sundays excepted). Bepeated adju dication by Federal and State Courts has Placed this Company beyond the controversy of the law, To this Company belongs the sole honor of hav tngr inaugurated the only plan' by which their drawings are proven honest and fair beyond question. N. B, TfflE COMPANY HAS NOW OUT HAND A LARGE CAPITAL RESERVE FUND. READ CAREFULLY THE LIST OF PRIZES FOR THE APRIL DRAWING: 1 Prize $30,000 100 Prizes f 100 each $10,000 1 Prize 10,000 800 Prizes 60 each 10,000 1 Prize...... 600 00 Prizes 20 each 12,000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000:1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 20 Prizes 500 10,000 9 Prizes $800 each, Approximation Prizes, $200 9 Prizes 200 each; ' " 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each. " " 900 1,960 Prizes. $112,400 Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets $1.00. 27 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets,, $ 100 Remit Money by Bank Draft In Letter, oi send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICB ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be -sent at our expense. Address all orders, to R. M. BOARD MAN, (Courier Journal Building,) LOUISVILLE, Kentucky. ' febS8eod&w tu th sa FOR THE PERMANENT CURE 0F CONSTIPATION, fn rtffiMl itnlMaa tm iwnalmf 4-n tills AATiT1.ll Mtry as ConsHpatiori, and no remedy has evert. equalled tfe oole Braced .money-wars as at cure. Whatever tna oanue, However o Deunatei the ease, this remedy wul overcome it. WTC Twm tilstressuie com-i rlUCfli plaint is very apt to bel oomplloated wlthconattpation. Kidney-Wort I' strengthens the 'weakened parts end qnioklyl cores all Muds of Piles even when physieians and medicines have before xailed. 13. tgrif you have either or these troubles n prick yrn Mse i ygij,! oc 1 DeodAWly su we fr oct 1 GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKER'S it 'Warranted absolutely pur Cocoa, from which the excess of OH has been removed. It has (Ares times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore for more economi cal. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W, BARER & CO., Dorciester, Mass. 1an 3D&Wlv we fr an Jan 8 The Public is requested carefnMy to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly. "CAPITAL PRIZE, $75.000J Tickets only $5. Shares in proportion. Lonisiana Stale lottery Company. "We do hereby certify that we supervise the ar rangements for all the. Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Cbmpany, and in person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with ho nesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and toe authorize the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached, in its advertisements." Commissioners). Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Lesrls la ta re for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any Siaie. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. ITS-GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. . A SPLENDID . OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. FOURTH GRAND DRAW ING, CLASS J, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY April 10 1888 66tb. Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL. PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions In Fifths In proportion. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $75,000 1 Capital Prize. 25,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 2 Prizes of $6000 12,000. 5 Prizes of 2000 10,000 10 Prizes of 1000 10.000 20 Prizes of 600 10,000 100 Prizes of 200 20,000 300 Prizes of 100 30,000 500 Prizes of 60 25,000 1000 Prizes of 25. : J 25.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to-fcbe office of the Company in New Orleans. For further information, write olearly, giving full addre&s. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter or Money Order by mail. Addressed only to " TO. A. DAUPHIN) New Orleans, Ia. or TO. A. DAUPHIN, 007 Seventh. St., "Washington, D.C. N. B.-r-In the Extraordinary Semi-Annual Draw in g of next Jtxne the Capital Prize will be 8150,000. mh714"DAW2aw4w . we sat , : -. i T Crown of Praise. A COLLECTION OF HYMN TONES,- GOSPEL SONGS, AN THEMS, GLEES AND PART SONGS, For Singing Classes, Choirs and Con ventions. In Patent Character Notes. Price 75 cts., or $7.50 ByAfe&AITNNEY. ... i JM '-f '-'vr.-i:? - , 88 Gleet or Pari Sqng llf flae Hymn Tunes. 20 Gospel Songs anfr 10 '(rw -Anthems, make the attractive repertoire of this first class-book, made 1 by people whose last book sold to the amount of 75,000 copies, a number whioh the pre sent work i? Quite worthy to attain to. The CHARACTER NOTES present no difficulty to those familiar with the ordinary notation, be ing precisely .the same as tther -notes, except in the shape of the bead - - ----- Let Choirs, Sinking Classes, and Singers gene rally tr,lhe CROWN ,OF PRAISE. Specimen Copies sent for 75 cents. ' , Order from- OlJVt ilTS01I & CO., Boston. C.tt.DrrSON&CO., 867 Broadway,. Newfork. m& 24 DAW tf Wed&Sat Je 10 rpHE . NEW ' FURNITURE STORE OB BE1I- RENS-& MUNROB will sell aJarge Stock of GhamberSetvParlor SnitsVeideboS-ds, i-OOOBed-BteadSrlUttresse8.LouBges, Book-eases, Mattingf &c; Ac:, c, at wholesale or retaU If per cent, lower than any house in this State. 1 - ap l tr Breams Cocoa - ml -,v,-.. 3 . H.BrutlhildBro. Wholesale Xiquor Dealers, AND PROPRIETORS Cliaiiipibn Cigar Fact'y ' ' V-' WIUtllWGXON, N. C. Just received by Bark Erna,' fromTJVERPOOL, 50 Casks Bass Ale and Qrilness Extra For eign Stout Porter and Ginger Ale, which we ' offer to Dealers and Consumers. Our sales in Dticr Montebello, are increasing daily, and our Southern Star Rye Whiskeys ' are taking like wild-fire, and we simply . refer to annexed certificate of Prof. Charles W. Dabney, Stat Chemist of North Carolina, for recommendation : . . . "Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 7th, 1883. "I have examined carefully and thoroughly analyzed a sample of whiskey, certified to be a fair sample of the brand, known as "Southern Star," manufactured by Messrs. H. Brunhild A Bro., of Wilmington, N. C, and find it a remarka bly pure and strong whiskey, free from all adul terations and fraudulent additions usually made in whiskey. "Chas. W. Dabhet, Jr., Chemist." We have iri'transitv 'dfreot from Prance, 100 CASES OF CHAMPAGNE, Pints and Quarts, something elegant and of magnificent bouquet. Call on us if you desire PURE and RELIABLE LIQUORS and WINKS. Which we can sell eithor in bond or free, at Custom House or at our Store. mh 4 tf Buffalo Lithia Water TAKES THE PLACE OF THE SURGEON'S KNIFE FOR STONE OF THE BLADDER. ITS VALUE ' tN B RIGHT'S DISEASE, THE GOUTY DIATHESIS. Ac. Stonb in thk Bladder (Uric Acid), Stmitoms or B right's Disease. Case of Mrs. stated by Dr. David E Smith, of Brbnxvlilfi Westchester, N. Y. "Mrs. was subject to severe attacks of Gout, consequence- of ah inherited Gouty Dia thesis, -followed after: some time by Stone in the Bladder. The limbs were very (Edematous, o much Bo as to pit . readily on pressure with the fingerJ leaving ah indentation long after its remo val , The Urine- was-loaded with Urates and 25 percent. Allxrmtn: ;-and -the microscope revealed Caite,8howlng-unniifetakably,a8 1 thought, BrighVs Disease of thf Kidmen. I prescribed the Buffalo Lithia Water,8prtmrNo. 3, which afforded prompt relief in Xh&'Gouty Affection, and resulted, in a few weeks, in the passage of a Stone five-eighths of an inch long, bygone-fourth of an inch in diam eter. Under the eouUpTied use of the water the Urine has been relieved of Albuminous Impregna tion, and restored to. anormal condition; no Casts can be dicovered.'-the (Edematous condition of the limbs ' has been relieved, and the general health of the patient to a great extent restored." Stone in the Bijlddkk, Phosphatic. A Case stated by Dr. Rl a Hardy, Hookerton, Y 5reene Q., U- C. "My son, a yodngiaan,T suffered from Stone in ihejBladaer, of a mixed character, consisting chiefly ef Calcium, Carbonate and Ptwrphatt. Af ter persistent use of all remedies indicated in the ease without benefit, I put him upon Buffalo Lithia, Spring No. 2, the use of which, for some six weeks, resulted. in the passage, at short Inter vals, of Gravel, of small size, and at times of par ticles of Sand, followed, sometimes afterwar s, by the discharge, of a Stone weighing 13 grains, the largest, I am confident, I ever knew to pass tbroutrnthe Urethra), virtually ending his trou bles, since which time any' Unpleasant rinptom has been relieved by the use of the water for a short time Its action in this case has been in deed wonderful." Uric Acid Gravel. A Case stated by Dr. Hasford Walker, of George town, D. C. "Mr. George C. Congdon. of this place, suffer ing from Uric Acid Gravel, has been un er treat ment for some time past. He had as many as six separate attacks (all of them of very great sever ity), between June the 28th and July toe 16th, a space of eighteen days. He declined in strength and flesh rapidly, and to such an extent as to ex cite serious appreheDBioas as to the result. Ha ving exhausted -the most-approved remedies of Materia Medico, without beneficial results, I pre scribed for him, as a last i esort, Buffalo Lithia Water, Spring No. 8.! with the happiest effeots. In a very short time after beginning its use, he passed a Calculus of about six grains in weight, has not been troubled since, and is now. to all appearances, entirely well." Stone or the Bladder Oithic Acid), and Hkm- . - ORBHAUE TBOX THE BLADDER. Dr. J."B. Jones, Charlotte, N. C, Member Medical Society of N. C. "In a caseW Stone in the Bladder, composed of alternate concentric layers of Calcareous Matter and LUMc Add., attended with alarming Hemor rhage from the Bladder, I prescribed the Buffalo Lithia Water, 8rrlng No. 2, waich arrested the formation of Stone, and diminished both the fre quency and violence of the Hemorrhage." Water in cases of one dozen half gallon bot tles, $5.00 per case at the Springs. Springs pamphlet sent to any address. THOMA8 F. GOODE, Proprietor, feb 22 tf Buffalo Lithia Springs. Va. Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate Under Decree of Foreclosure. IN PURSUANCE OF A JUDGMENT AND DE cree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, rendered at she December term, A. D. 1882. of, said Courtin a-certain oivil action there in pending between the Bank of New Hanover as Plaintiff.-aad;TbomasH. MoKoy and wife as De fendants, vthe undersigned, Commissioner ap pointed by said decree, will sell by publio auc tion, for cash, at the Court House door, in the City of Wilmington, on FRIDAY, the 20th of April, 1883, at 12 M., all that certain LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and being in the City of Wilmington aforesaid, on the east side of the Cape Fear river, and bounded and described as follows, viz.: One undivided fifth Dart of the following tract: Beginning at a point on the east side of said river, being the northwestern corner of a timber pen, said corner being south of the old limits or the town of Wilmington.but within the present limits of the City of Wttmington aforesaid, and running thence north 85deg. east to the western line of Front street In said city, which line at the dis tance of seven (7) chains from its beginning on the river, passes fourteen (14) links south of a dram or run confined by timber, which flows on the south side of the lot formerly occupied by John Booster as a distillery of turpentine; thence rrom the-point in the western .line of Front street, where said first line strikes said street, southwardly with said line of said street twenty eight (28) poles to the run of Watch Branch; thence up the run of said branch to the eastern line of Fourth street in said city: thence south wardly with the eastern line or Fourth street thirty-one (81) poles; thence south 85 deg.. east forty (40) poles to a stake; thence north 20 deg. east forty-one (flpnoles to the northern line of the entire tract of land, lof which the piece here by intended to be deecrwed -forms a part), which was conveyed by Piatt. Dickinson to Edward B. Dudley, by deed of partition bearing date the 29th day of June A: D.1827, and duly registered in the records of the county of New Hanover aforesaid; thence running east with said north ern line of said tract last referred to about three hundred (300) poles to a stone marked B. B. D., or where such a stone formerly stood, being the northeastern corner of said entire tract of iand; thence south sixty-eight (68) poles to a stone marked E. B. D. and P. K. D., being the north eastern corner of the tract of land conveyed by Edward B. Dudley to Piatt K. Dickinson, by deed dated June 29th, A. D. 1827, and registered in the records of said oounty of New Hanover in Book "S," page 727; thence westwardly with the northern line of the tract of land last referred to four hundred and fifty-nine (459) poles to a stone marked P. K. D. and K. B. D. at the corner of a Wharf; thence west 10 deg. south to the north western eorher of the tract of land last referred to, and thence northward 'y up the channel of the river six hundred and eighty (680) feet to the Beginning, being one of the tracts of land con veyed by Henry B. Hewitt and wife to the said Thomas H. McKoy and others, by deed dated April 26th, 1870, and registered in the records of New Hanover county in Book "Z. Z." page 166. w . . JOHN L. W008TER, mh 21 80d t-y - Commissioner. Patricio. Patricio. VpHE FINEST W V ITUJCNT CIGAR EVER SOLD in Wummgtoa. 'Try one and you wtB smoke ' . . t- - " . : - - ....... them always. A large lot just reserved at '' ootltf KASFROWIC2 jniOIiESAIcErRICIZ3. . i "Oar . Quotations. It should bs understood.' represent the wholesale priees generally. Ia making up small Orders htir :ner pn prices have to be OBanrea. ' articles. BAGGING Gunny .' ... Standard BACON North Carolina, Hams, y(... Shoulders, f) to Sides, choice, vlb Westers Sxoked Hams, V . . Sides, V Shoulders, fi Dar Salted Sides, V lb Shoulders, ft B BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each New New York, eaoh New City, eaoh BEESWAX J lb BRICKS Wilmington, V M Northern BUTTER North Carolina, V - Northern. W lb ratoss. 85 25 CANDLES ft lb Sperm. Tallow 11J4 12 15 Adamantine. 12 A vwusaiz v id nortnern Fact'y 14 Dairy, Cream 15 State 10 14 28 14 12 80 65 ,7s 1 10 COFFEE 9 to Java 18 & Laguyra is & Rio 9 a CORN MEAL bush., in sacks, 75 & Virginia Meal.... 80 a COTTON TIES ft bundle 1 60 & BOMESTICS 8heeting, 4 4, f yd 7 & Yarns, bunch 1 00 a FISH Mackerel, No. 1, ft bbl... M 00 20 00 EGGS dozen. 12UO 15 Mackerel, No. 1, 9 half bbl.. 8 60 & 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl - 9 60 lo 00 Maokerel, No. 2, n half bbl . 5 00 & & 60 5 00 8 50 Mackerel. No. 8. 99 bbi. . 9 00 8 50 4 00 10 Mullets, K bbl 4 00 en & Mullets, Pork bbls N. C. Roe Herring, V keg Dry Cod, sj.b FERTILIZERS f) 2,000 pounds. French's Carbonate of Lime i W 3 00 5 7 00 8 50 7 50 9 00 French's Agricultural Lime & Peruvian Guano. No. 1 57 50 62 50 87 00 51 00 60 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 K0.5! wj ou " " Loboa 00 00 Baugh'g Phosphate 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer 45 00 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navassa Guano 40 00 Complete Manure 00 00 Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Berger is Butz's Phosphate .. 00 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 55 00 FLOUR ft bbl Fine 0 00 Northern Super 0 00 4 50 5 00 6 00 7 00 5 25 6 00 7 00 IS 80 icxtra ip w " Family 6 50 & City Milis Super 500 & Family 5 75 0k Extra Family 00 GLUE f lb i: GRAIN $ bushel. Corn, from store, bags, white 75 0 Corn, cargo, In bulk, " 66 Corn, cargo, in bags. " 70 & Corn, cargo, Mixed, in bags. 67J& Oats, from store 65 6 0 70 00 6M uow Peas s HIDES f) lb Green 4 Dry 10 HAY ft 100 lbs-Eastern 1 00 Western 95 North River 80 HOOP IRON W Ton. 8 800 1 11 1 25 1 05 90 90 00 LARD lb Northern 12X North Carolina 00 14 14 LIME W barrel LUMBER City Sawed M It. Ship Stuff, resawed Rouen Ed re Plank 1 10 18 00 1 50 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 15 00 West India Canroes. accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . 18 00 Scantling and Boards, com'n 12 00 MOLASSES eallon. New Crop Cuba, in hhds " In bbls Porto Rico, in hhds " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds " ' in bbls 8yrup, in bbls NAILS $ Keg-Cut, lOd basis. . OILS W gallon Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, srrown 00 43 00 00 26 00 40 00 12 10 90 15 00 00 Spring.... 15 Turkeys 75 PEANUTS sj bushel 75 POTATOES 9 bushel Sweet . . 60 Irish, per bbl 3 50 PORK fJ bbl. City Mess 20 00 rrune io w Rump - 17 00 RICE Carolina, W to . . Rough, ft bushel... RAGS ft lb Country. City ROPE ft to SALT ft sack Alum . Liverpool, . 4K 90 LiSDon w o uu American 00 75 SUGAR ft lb Cuba 0 0 00 Porto "Rico 0 & 00 A Coffee 0 10 B ' 0 & 9 C " 7X 9 ExC 9 O 9) Crushed 10&a 11 SOAP ft to Northern 5 6J 8HLNGLES ft M Contract 5 00 7 00 Common 200 a 250 Cypress Saps 4 50 & 5 00 Cypress Hearts 000 & 750 STAVES ft M W. O. BarreL. . . 12 00 & 18 00 R. O. Hogshead 00 00 10 00 TALLOW ft lb & 6 TIMBER ft M feet Ext. Heart (first class yellow pine). .14 00, 14 50 15 00 Prime Ship'g (first class heart 13 00 & 13 50 Extra Mill (good heart). 9 00 & 10 00 Mill Prime 7 50 & 8 50 Common Mill 5 00 & 650 Inferiorto Ordinary 350 & 400 WHISKEY ft gallon Northern I 00 6 00 ' North Carolina 100 & 250 WOOL ft to Washed 25 36 Unwashed 21 25 Burrv ... 10 15 WIXllIINQTON 1TION E V ITI ARK ET . Exchange (stzbt) on New York. discount- Baltimore ' Boston Philadelphia... Western Cities Rxchanee. 30 days. 1 W cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 107; First National Bank Sloe. wj Navassa Guano Company 8tock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 23 Funding, 1866 10 Funding, 1868 10 New 4s 80 Special Tax 4 W. A W. R. R. Bonds, 7 fte. (Gold Interest). 11 Carolina Central K. K. uonas, o wo 105 106 Wilmington, Col. A Augusta . K. K. . Bonds . Wilmington C.ty Bonds, (New) 6 fto 'p " " 8o 100 100 New Hanover County Bonds. 6 flc 100 Wilmington A Weldon R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina R. R. 8took 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 100 Fresh Arrivals, QHOICE WATER-MILL MEAL, CORN and EASTERN HAY, Dry Salt and Smoked SIDES, Dry Salt and Smoked SHOULDERS. Heavy MESS PORK, North Carolina LARD, North Carolina HAMS, All grades GOOD FLOUR, AT CLOSE PRICES. HALL & PEARSALL. mh 27. D&W tf , N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, KLLZABETHTON. BLADEN COUNTY, N. C Offioe Ud slalrs. in Brick building occupied by RinaldiACo. s Special attention to uiauns. ueuecsions on urns of 1100 and Howards made for Flve;Per Cent, if without Buit. Drawing Deeds, Mort WKsrw. Jkn a STMwIaltV n6 DAW tf Buckingham Slate Eoofing Company ARE NOW PREPARED TO DO PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL SLATE ROOFING, As there are no middle men, from the quarry to the roof, we are able to do work cheaper than other-parties. We are Practical Quarrymen and Slaters. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Reference given from Ar cbitect of the State of Virginia. We sell Slate of all colors at lowest prloes. Any person having Slate Land in North Caroli na, or South Carolina will please communicate with us. Principal Office, O. O- THOMAS S CO., 142 Sycamore St. 1101 Old St., mh 162m Petersburg, a. Administrator's Notice. . THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUALIFIED, this day as Administrator of Emanuel H am ine, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and all persons having claims against said estate to present them tq the undersigned, dnlv verified acoordiar to law, on or before the 19th day of March. A. D, -1884, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. w . II RICHARD CHAPMAN. Admr of Emanuel Hatnrne. March 19th, 1883. tu th sa mh 20 eodCt lQ&l 12tf 10 Q 12 oo a it 16 5 12H 15 & 16 16Hi 10 119&I 12m csSf io 1 75 & 1 80 1 90 O 2 00 0 00 0 1 90 00 O 26 7 60 & 9 tO 0 00 & 14 00 18 S 25 25 Q 18 Gt ;Wilmiiigtoii & Weldon t?Bailroad Co. Orrtos o Gem'i, BorsanrrBrosirr. t WUmlnston. N. C. Nov. 1. lft2 ( Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV. 6, 1882, AT 6.40 A. M., Passenger Trains on the Wilmington A Wel don Railroad wQl run as follows: Day Mall and Express Trains, latly No. 4T North and 48 Sontb. Leave Wilmington. Front St. Depot, at 6.40 A. M. Arrive at Weldon i 18.40 P. M. Leave Weldon. j.- a. 30 p. M. Arrive at Wilmington. Front 8t. Depot, 9.80 P. M. Fast Thbousk Maii. axd Passknseb Tattjoj Daiiv I Nos. 43 North and 40 SouUlSSSSSS Leivo Wilmington, Front 8t. Depot, at 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Weldon l.io A. M. Leave Weldon. 6.10 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 10.55 P. M. Mail aitd Pabsevseb TaArna Dailt Nos. 45 North akd 42 South. Leave Wilmington 9.80 P.M. Arrive at Weldon 4.00 A. M. Leave Weldon 1.20 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7.02 A. M. Tain No. 40 Sonth wul stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 12 M. and f.15 P. M. Dally. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9 00 A. M. and 8 P. M. Daily. . . .. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifaxjor Scotland Neck at 6.80 P. M. Return ing leaves Scotland Neck at 10 A. M. .Daily. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and dailyexoept Sunday via Bay Line. fTrain No. 43 runs daOy and makes dose con nection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. No. 47 makes close connection for Tarboro. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. ,, JOHN F. DIVINE General Sup't. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Passenger Atrent. nov 8 tf WILMINGTON COL'MBIAS AUGUSTA Railroad Co. OmcE or Genebal 8rrr'T, I WUmlnfrton, N. C, Nov. 1st, 1882. f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV. 6TH, J882, AT 6.40 A. M., the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS THAINS (Dally) Nos. 48 West and'4T East. Leave Wilmington 9.50 P. M. Leave Florence 2.56 A. M. Arrive at C, C. A A. Junction 6.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 10.00 P. M. Leave (X.C. A A. Junction 10.20 P M. Leave Florence 1.50 A.' M. Arrive at Wilmington 6.20 A. M. NfoHT Mail aitoPaminoib Traih, Dailt, No. 40 West, and Dat Mail and Pabsenser Thau, No. 43 East. Leave Wilmington 11.10 P. M. Arrive at Florence 2.45 A. M. Leave Florence 12.56 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 5.25 P. M. Mail and Passenger Trains Dailt Nob. 42 West and 45 East. Leave Wilmington 7.25 A. M. Arrive at Florence 11.30 A. M. Leave Florence 4.50 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 9.05 P. M. Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton. Whltevllle, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. A C. R. R., C, A A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Ex press. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Antrusta on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, nov 8 tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO Omciof ScPEanrrENDENT, Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 12. 1882. 1 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV'B 13, 1882. THE FOL lowing Schedulewtll be operated on this Rail road: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. . I Leave Wilmington at Arrive at Charlotte at .6.15 P.M .7.40 A. M I Leave Charlotte at 7.65 P. M wo- ( Arrive at Wilmington at 9.00 A. M. Trains Nos; 1 and 2 stop at regular stations omy, ana roints aesignatea m me (company i ime lauie. Train No. 1 Daily except Sunday Do. No. 2 do do Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, MAIL. RX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Shelbv 12.20 P. M. Leave Shelby 1.40 P. M! Arrive at Charlotte 6.40 P. M Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Raleigh, and at Charlotte with Shelbv Division Train. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Kaieign ana cnariorte. Take Train No. 1 foi Statesvllle, Stations West ern N. C. R. R.. Ash vllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, At lanta ana an points sontnwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent, nov 12-tf New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. ST&ULEBS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 o'clock P. M. REGULATOR Saturday, March 94. BEN FACTOR " March 81. REGULATOR April 7. BENEFACTOR. " April 14. REGULATOR April 21. BENEFACTOR April E8. rw Thronc-h Bills Ladlnc and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to THOiriASJ B. BOND, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. Tbm. u. Kger, KreUrbt Agent, New York W. f. Clyde 4c Co., General Agents, mh 18-tf Broadway, New York. He Battle is Oyer! Tie Enemy Routed !! A rx StrrxXI r IBM TYa T AATT A DnkTTtffTi. TWO ftf T reliable North Carolina Barber, Ao., H. C. Prempert, is still at his old tricks, with bis two First-class ----"- Stuart and Evans. at No. Drug Store. ' He would respectf ullv invite all bis numerous old and sew friends and patrons, who are a es irons oi ireuuia r - (not only ses captains, rxmeTrfAl sjren t,co an- are rey aed to. a. ra ru-ran-tood. Respectfully. -lflrr novi.tr " 1 NKW ADVKIIT131IMKNT8. THE SUN BTRRTDODV . . L1KE1 IT. o u. win im immui nna una iul; ttsreoond, to write an entertaining aUsory or the times in which we live. It prints, on an ' average, more than a million copies a week. Its circulation is now larger than ever before. Sub script Von: Dailt (4 page), by mall. . a nipnth. or $0.0 a year; Susoat it pages). .. itnw nmoT mt in. Klxir at; tf In vaonQ. cmaM ih ui wont klad ud C tog,' MnSIjtbar Mn ur4. IKmvI.w utnmm U mj faith m nimnn, in( I anil an Two BOTTLES KM I IKS. ""r iibviibiTUiTiuiiaii dla to aaf BOWrar. Olva Bspraa k4 p. O itidnai. ! T. A. BLOCCM, In rrt Sc. X.w Trt TlVOBCKS. No publicity; residents of any J-'. wtate. Desertion. Non Supnort. Adrtoa and GQ . applloatlons for stamp. W. 1L LEE. Att'T. ttXS i B way, N. Y: . 1 , ii ' . 1 1 - ' i . .', ADVERTISEBS by addrsulnc GEO. P. ROW ELL A CO., 10 Spruce Ptrect, New York, so lsarn the asaot oostof any proposed line of AI VERTlHINttlnAsMricanaewBpapers. W OO page PaiHhleU te. mh 81 DAWim , A Word to Our Eeaders When you read of a medicine that wUl cure all " diseases, beware of IL for every scienttno physi cian on earth knows bow fallacious such slate--ments are- Bat when yon lead of a medicine compounded by a regular physician and surgeon of big standing, that claims to rare only a cer tain disease, and f urnine htrh proof that tt does this, you can safely try it, and with the assurance that it will cure you. DR. V. R. STONE, late physician and surgeon of the U.S.A., has placed ' before the publio ajpveparatlon called . , A 111 Til A 1 which no doubt Is the greatest scientific prepa . ration yet discovered for the ears of dyspepwla. In all lu forms, and refers to thousands of ladles and gentlemen of the highest respectability that . nave oeen curea or eases pronounoea Incurable by tho best physicians in the country. The fol lowing references should be sumotent to convince the most sceptical. Mr. Albert Howard, of the Howard Watch and Clock Co.. 114 Tremont street, Boston; Frank C. Hmlnk. business manager Reading Iron Works, Reading, Pa.; Moses Thompson, Tboriow. p. A W. R. R.: Miss Kate 8. Vlllard. Seminole, H, C; Capt. Geo. M. Weymouth, BaTsnnah, Oa.; Clar renoe 8. Conn o rat. Savannah, Oa. Tbey furntsli the best of references from every State In the Union when required. Write then at i Levant St., Philadelphia, Pa. All first olass druggists hsTe It. Price 75 cts per bottle after January lit, 188H. mh lg DAWiv nih iw A Common-sense Remedy. SALIC YLICA. IVo more Illicumatlam, Gout or curnljrtft. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Core Guaranteed. 1 Five yars ettabllstud and never known to fail in a tingle case, acute or chronic Refer to all promi nent physicians and druggists for the standiny of Sallcylicn. SECRET t THE ONLY DISOLVER OF THK POIHONOUB URIC ACID EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF RHKU MATIO AND OOUTY PATIENTS. SALIC YLICA Is known as a common-sense remedy, because tt strikes directly at the eause of Rheumatism. Gout and Neuralgia, while so many so-called specifics and nupposod panaoeas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists tlmt outward applications, such aa rubbing with olli, ointments, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases, which are the reault of the poisoning of the blood with Urio Acid. HAL.ICY1.ICA works with marvelous effect on this acid and so removes the disorder. It Is now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of America and Europe. Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 per cent cures In three days. ItElTI 1231 IIEIl that HA LIC YLICA is a certain cure for It benmaUsm, Gout, and Neuralgia. The most Intense pains are subdued almost tn-dantly. Qlve It a trial. Uellcf guaranteed or money re funded. Thousands ot testimonials sent on application 1 a Itox. e llozcs for . Hent free by mall on receipt of money. ASK YOUR DRUCKJI8T FOR IT. But do not bo deluded Into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "Just as good :" Insist on the (renal no with the name of WASIIUl'RKE Ac CO., on each bos, which Is guaranteed chemically pure under our signature, an-lndlspenslble requisite to insure success in the treat ment. Take no other, or send to us. WASIinUIlNK Ac CO., Proprietors, 287 Broadway, cor. Reade 8t New York. Fcr sale by 3. II. HARDIN and F. C. MILLER, deo 2 Dflm Lowell Machine Shop. Lowell, Mass. " MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COTTON MACHINERY Of most Approved Patterns and with Reoent Improvement. Paper Machinery ALSO TURBINE WHEELS. Shafting and Gearing, Hydraulic Presses and Pumps, Elevators, &c. PLAN POH COTTON ANTCPAPKK MILL L. niLDRETII, Sup't. LOWELL, MASS WM A HUhKK, Trees., U8 SUte Strnet. Boston run tf Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital. Cash Capital paid in Snrplm Fond, $1,000,000 $300,000 S50.CKH DIUKCTOUS w. I. OOKK, G. W. WILLIAMx DONALD McRAK H. VOLLERH. B. It. BTUDOEK.S. J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BAT KM. I AH. A. LEAK, P RHEINfeTEIN K n. BORDKN. ISAAC BATE8. PresJdsnt U. W. WILLIAMS. Vice President, 8. I) W aijcb. Csshlnr. sag 20-t PURCELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WllmlnKton, N. C. IS. L.. Ierry Proprietor First Class In all Its appomtmests. Terms o fS.OO per dsv. t eh t tf ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security- Against Fire. The North Carolina Home InsHrance Co. RALEIGH. N. C. rvtnra svwi . w rmui W I f ITS ITHfTK TVl X Moles at fair rates on all clasps of insurable Prj3llowim era promptly adlaated and paid. Tbj pneal with cotifldenoe to Insurers " ot proprtT In Norm carouna. AgenU in an pans or vom oi. JOllNOATLINO. President. W. 8. PRIMItOSKrWtary. TTKNfeVc r-. . WUrolnrtoD. W. P. The Pamlico Enterprise nrivrvil.L If. C. nMT CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, published ffi7AtN RBOION of ths Stste. A Hubscriptlon SI .w ; s yr- T fbr. nU-On Square.. 1 5i A w ATTi .T7w,l n - k :.V.1 a i iwi var Tesrly Aavensnns 8ubscrtirtfUa rear. leay 5SSHS!tXK SMS WNo .-frsboV. ratM. s ir i I' . r.. i 7 S : , r.

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