The Morning Star; WILMINGTON, IT. C. ,j w KDSESDiT momusp, Aran , 00. MORNING EDITION. THE LATEST NEWS. w ar . a a FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. FOREIGN. Proclamation ot Russian Itevolw ., tlonlsts-Tbe Triple Alliance Against France Cabinet Humors from Paris Excitement U the London .Alee marketGermany Queen. TietHar The Britten Parliament Mr. low. ell's Speech attbe Lord Mayor's Ban qaet, See. &c. rBy Cable to the Morning Star.l London. April 3 The Daily News has! advices from St. Petersburg via Berlin, that the revolutionary party ia Russia hs issued a .proclamation announcing that their preparations to meet the coronatidn of the Caar are complete, and that they have every hope of success in fully carry ing out their long-devised plans. The pro clamation contains a warning to all persons that they shall, if valuing their personal safety, keep at a distance from the Czar during the ceremony of coronation. The pronunciamento of the revolutionists con eludes with the words, "We will strike once more for the freedom of Russia." The proclamation is printed in letters of red and is bordered with stripes of the same color. Rome, April 3. A denial comes from official government sources of the state ment that a defensive triple alliance has been entered into with Italy, Germany and Austria on one side and against France on the mother. It is nevertheless very certain that an agreement is in existence, the terms of which are about the same as already out lined, but it has not been put into any formal documentary shape. Paris, April 3. Rumors that Cabinet changes are imminent continue to be cir culated. Las France says that Prime Min ister Ferry has telegraphed to the Minister of Finance, who is at present in Algeria, to curtail his visit and return to France. At the Cabinet Council held to-day, the meeting is represented to have been stormy. Gen. Thibaudin declared that rather than change his decision in regard to Gen. De Gallif et, he would resign his portfolio. Berlin, April 3. The Reichstag assem bled to-day. The President,in his opening address, stated that during the recess of the Chamber a large number of donations for the relief of the flood sufferers along the Rhine had ,been received, and that most of them had come from America. The House adopted a resolution expressing, in the name of the nation, its most heartfelt thanks to those who had so generously re sponded to the appeals for assistance. Pahis, April 3. Five of the ocialists who signed placards calling a public meet ing for the 9th of last month and urging resistance in the event of interference by police, were to-day convicted of having in stigated the riots which occurred on that date, and were sentenced to three years im prisonment each. London, April 3. The Queen has not yet recovered complete health", and still finds discomfort from her recent accident. She is not, however, confined to the palace, and drives out regularly, although unable to walk. Lord Randolph Churchill's letter, as serting the right of Lord Salisbury to the leadership of the Tory party, is a theme of a V m f . mucu comment in parliamentary ana politi cal circles. Lord Salisbury has thought proper to assure Sir Stafford Northcote, conservative leader, that he does not sym pathize with the sentiments conveyed in Lord Churchill's communication to the Times. In the House of Commons this evening, Sir Stafford Northcote rose to ask a ques tion, when he was greeted with prolonged cheers from the Tory side. This is re garded as a strong demonstration that the letter of Lord Randolph Churchill is not approved by the Conservatives. The Lord Mayor's Easter banquet was iven last night in the Mansion House. Mr. Lowell, U. S. Minister, replying to a toast to Foreign Ministers, said that the re lations between -England and America were never more cordial than at the present moment. This assertion was received by the company with earnest marks of ap proval. The failure is announced of C. E. De vanx & Co., merchants, at No. C2 King William street, this city. Their liabilities arc estimated at $400,000. The American steamer Indiana yesterday took the first batch of emigrants forwarded by the British Government to America. The party numbered seventy-five and was principally composed of persons who had been evicted from their homes in Conne mara, Ireland. Catania, April 3. A severe shock of earthquake has occurred at Riposto, and the oscillations still continue. Two slight shocks have also been felt in this locality. London, April 3 There is unwonted excitement in the rice market. A firm prominent in the trade, which has exten sive agencies in Burmah, some time since made considerable sales of rice" to arrive, in expectation of getting supplies- from native sources and of receiving large tonnage for England. The natives held off their sup plies, probably on account of being advised of the state of the over-sold English mar ket, and large purchases had to be made in the open market here for the purpose of filling contracts. Rangoon rice has risen ten per cent, within the past week as a consequence, and failures are expected in the trade. The King of Ashantee has relinquished the throne, and the entire coast of Western Africa is in a state of confusion. MISSOURI. The State Legislature and tbe Rail roads Tragedy in a St. Louis Board ing; Home. (By Telegraph to the Morning Star. St. Louis, April 3. The Legislature has passed a bill providing that no railroad company in this State shall advance its freight rates without first giving twenty days' notice of the proposed change by pastinc the new schedule in three conspic uous places on each of its freight and nas- In a house of loose character last night Joe Glenn a dry goods clerk, son of a prominent business man of Carrollton Kv was shot and killed by Alfred Wing, broth', f r ERura8ev Wg. ho was minister ?h?hod?-r duriDS Grant's administration' The shooting was the result of jealousy and was done in the room of a woman bYlonV ng to a good family of CarrolltonT Ky but , who has gone to the bad. jr...out THE ELECTIONS Aweepm Democrat Victories at Chi cago and Madison, Wis. tBy Telegraph to the Morning Star ticket is elected by from 5.000 to 8,000 ml ' ' PENNSYLVAN:- - - '?-JUy?fh Female Students at tneStato Universi ty Fatality at Lancaster.' - (By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Philadelphia. ADril 3. At a meeting of the trustees of the Pennsylvania Uni versity to-day. the committee's report was presented seiung ionn a pian ior me edu cation of women, by which they will re ceive the same course of instruction as male students, but at a different time and place. Female students will also receive degrees on tbe same terms as males. The report will be acted upon at the next meet ing of the Board. Lancaster, April 3. Charles Ruche, aged 55, was Instantly killed to-day by the falling of an elevator, on which he was ascending to the fourth story of the county hospital. The coroner's investigation re vealed the fact that the elevator rope had been cut by some person unknown, with criminal intent. WYOMING. Stock Grocers Association in Session at Cheyenne.- By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Cheyenne. April 3. The tenth annual meeting of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association is now Demgneld. ine report of the Executive committee shows that last year 220,000 head of beef cattle were in spected; an increase of '62,000 head over the previous year. It shows that "herds of breeding cattle are selling 25 per cent. higher than last year, and that $30,000,000 of Scottish and English capital was in vested during the year in Wyoming and the Texas Pan-handle. Drives from the west have ceased, and those from Texas have greatly diminished. THE INDIANS Advices from Arizona Forsythe' - Command Pursuing the Hostile. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Denver, April 3. A dispatch from Separ, JN. M., dated 1st mat., says that Col. Forsythe followed the Indians from the Southern Pacific Railroad crossing to the Chihuahua mountains in Arizona, near Cottonwood Springs The Indians at tacked a wagon cotaining the ranchmen's supplies and wounded two men. after which they took to the hills, where the soldiers were unable to follow their trail. Forsythe win remain mere several days, scouting in tne surrounding country. MISSISSIPPI. meeting of the Sanitary Couucll at Jackson. . By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Jackson. April 3. The fifth annual session of the Sanitary Council of the Mis sissippi Valley convened here this morning at 11 o clock in the House of Representa tives, .torty-five delegates representing 1 our lee n states were in attendance. The session opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Hunter. Governor Robert Lowry then made an address of welcome to the dele gates, which was followed by the regular annual address by President Gustave Dev- ran, of New Orleans. ELECTRIC SPARKS. 'The strike of the brick layers at Chicago is pracucany enaea, me employers con ceding the demands of the workmen for $4 and $4.50 per day. One hundred and twenty heads of French Canadian families, expatriated from an in dustrial centre in Massachusetts, have ar rived at Winnepeg, B. C. Their families will follow in the autumn. Eight hundred spar-makers, employed by Mundell & Co.'. Philadelphia, have re sumed work with the understanding that if business does not improve in four weeks wages will be reduced 10 per cent. In the Star Route trial yesterday the cross-examination of Dorsey was continued ano was directed almost entirely to state ments in Rerdell's testimony. Witness continued his point-blank denials at every thing Rerdell said, and counter-accusation against Rerdell. Beaufort Telephone: Wreck Point Cove is the name of the new harbor which nature has constructed within a dozen miles of Beaufort. The whal ing crew at Shackelford's Banks struck a bonanza on Friday last. A school of black- fish or cow-fish, averaging about 10 feet in lengm, came insiae me naroor and were chased ashore on the banks, ten of them being caught. The blubber was soon stripped from them and the process of manufacture of oil commenced. Beware ofllmltatlons. The delicate odor of Floreston Cologne is entirely novel LiOOK tor signature of ntscocK ob jo., js. x., on each bottle, f CITY ITEMS PERSONAL ! TO MEN ONLY ! The, Voltaic Brxt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Da. Dxa's niT.lBuiinm TP pi wnirt ir. . , u . -n Mam .Ml .1 lJ- Ulj 1 &1V DJU.TB JlHD X.LXO- t&io Atflukcu on trial for thirty days to men M , " "lu wuu " anuciea wrta jservous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re- D-jiouuu ui uotviiu uuu uiamy vigor. Aucire 88 as fiFT?' -B-TNorlsktelncurred. as thirty days ATwrrm to vnTmrpa a at nltrht and broken of your ret by a sick child Buffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth ? " " ocuvi a.u uued aim kci. a do rue or Mrs. ing. Its value Is Incalculable. It will reiieve the noor little nfFfrr ImmaHlotalir r,i It, mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures usoukw. kuu umrruuea, regujates tne stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole svstem. Mks. Wikslow's Soothing Strut for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest ""-r"'" miw uujwuuu auu nurses in tne unl- tov. uiorao,auu Biur bio uy au aruggists through out the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Spring Come A train. The weather here Is now at last 8prlng-like, but away down South the Crescent City journalists are complaining of excessive heat, and the buzz tf tha rriAcirmtfi. a. i i . . r. i.vjuii,w wuiycw Luuiu lu aurna mat sum mer IS SLt hftrrl Who laaHfn nffnl. Jln J y11? was the "shiner In the last, and who .v Trxf '""uiuiue man m we nnxt. Monthly (the 155) Grand Drawing of The Louisiana State lit.tArV At. TCow nlaattu A A !1 . i i cmjn i "'ioouo, vju apru mil, wnen SE5??.? scattered among the holders of the ii i "uiveiB.cosnne' rive uoiiars each, of which all information may be had on application to M A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. The sole super vision is under Gen'ls G. T. Beauregard of La and Jubal A. Early of Va. In June the First Cap ital Prize will be $150 000, which should satisfy the avarice of any moderate person. Rosadalls. R,??4DaLIS, i8 a Kreat remedy for Scrofula, and all taints and diseases of the Blood. It is not a secret medicine, but is well known to payRicians very many of whom regularly prescribe it in their practice It is a strenotheninff medicine, enrich li10? and hnildlng up the system. It io"1,6 l ?u time8 ad seasons, but especially In the Spring and Fall, when the sud den changes in the weather disturb the functions foVobwngyfemr:aDd todnc d1- Bead the Moon's Creek, N. C, Jan. 17. 1881 I have suffered 37 years with Liver complaint Rheumatism, sick Headache and dteordered Stomach. I was at one time raving distracted Sf in7th&ndB half cazy wfth pahf My nVor doctor and he attended me 9 months. He said he could do me do good I felt Jm he laws of death. Anotherhyslclan Pa1dSfmnAand do.tof monthTl oottle of l'ADATteAlm 840 mo. but one Wnfe&tOT than J- H. WALKER. Chairs.' LARGE STOCK pFCAHB AND WOOD SEAT 8S COMMERCIAL:. WiliMliJttTUH MAKliN:!. .STAR OFFICE. Aprils. 6 P. If' SPIRITS TURPENTTNE-The market was dull at 45i cents per gallon, with 6 ma u -eaiea reported later at 40 cents. ROSIN Market firm at tl 80 for Strained and fl 3.T for Good Strained. offered. TAR Market steady at $1 60 per bbl. of 280 lbs, with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady at $1 60 for Hard and $2 75 for Soft. Sales at quotations. Later we hear of a sale of 50 bbls. at $1 75 for Hard and $2 95 for Soft. COTTON Market dull; with no sales to report, 9f cents for Middling being con sidered by buyers a fair basis. The fol lowing were the official quotations: Ordinary cents 19 lb tiooa uramary tj Low Middling 8 15-16 Middling... 9 7-16 Good Middling. 91 . PEANUTS Sales at 7580 cents for Ordinary, 8090 cents for Prime and 95c $ 1 05 for Extra Prime and $1 051 10 per bushel for Fancy. Market quiet. RECEIFTK. Cotton 149 bales Spirits Tuipentine. 53 casks Rosin 887 bbls' Tar 309 bbls Crude Turpentine 79 bbls OOITIKSXIC! ITTAIIKKT. IBy Telegraph to the Morning Htar.l Financial. New Yonx. April 8 Evening. Ster ling exchange 481. Governments frcneral- ly unchanged : new fives 112i bid : new four and a half per cents 113; new four per cents lli; new tnree per cents 113 bid. Monej- 815 per cent. State bonds feature less. Commercial Cotton easier, with sales of 213 bales; up lands 10 1-lGc; Orleans 10 5-16c; consoli dated net receipts 15,606; exports to Great Britain 9,103 bales, to the continent 11,063 bales. Southern flour dull; common to fair extra $4 005 10; good to choice do $ 5 156 75. Wheat No. 2 sprine nomi nal; ungraded red $1 041 24J; ungraded wni.e $1 uai 24; jxo. a red $1 21i 1 2U; No. 2 red April $1 19ai 191. Corn unsettled and lc lower, closing weak at inside rates; ungraded 6266ic; No. 2, 651664c; April 65166rC. Oats opened iic higher but closed with the advance lost ; No. 2, 54c. Coffee a shade higher and quiet; No. 2 Rio bags April $7 65; on spot Xiao. Sugar steady and unchanged; cen trifugal 7 l-16c; fair to good refining 701 7ic; renned steady: u 7fc; extra C 747c; white extra C vjc; yellow C 7i(a7ic: off A 718c; moulded A 8c; standard A 8ic; coniectioners A Bfc; cut-loat 9c: crushed 9ic:powdered 819c ; granulated 8 11-16 tc; cudcsuc. Molasses dull and unchanged. Rice quiet and firm. Rosin steady at $1 70 i 70. spirits turpentine dull ; weak at 4ic. rorK very quiet, with prices more or less nominal; new mess on spot 419 250119 50: options neglected; middles quiet. Lard casn steady, owing to the absence of ad vices from Chicago; prime steam on spot ii ou; April ii 53. f reights to Liver pool steady ; cotton per steamer 3-1 6d ; wheat per steamer 2d. Cotton Net receipts 1,658 bales; gross receipts d. yo Dales. .Futures closed steady. with sales of 121,000 bales at the following quotations: April 9.839.85c; May 10.02c; June 10. C6ai 0.07c: July 10.27ai0.28c: August 1U.3810.3C; September 10.18 1U.15C; October 9.899.91c; November 9.80c; December 9.809.82c; January 9.90 9.93c. Baltimore. April 3. Flour firm and unchanged ; Howard street and western super $3 774 00; extra 4 00: do family $5 005 85; city mills superfine 3 37 & 4 00; extra $4 250 50; Rio brands $6 00 o;j3. . Wheat southern quiet a steady: western steady and very dull: southern red f l 171 ao; amber f 1 301 23; No. 1 Maryland $1 21 asked; No. 2 western winter red on spot $1 18! 18i. Corn southern quiet and steady; western lower and dull; southern white 61 64c; yellow oarjoc uats dun and easy; southern 51 54c; western white 5: 53c; mixed 49 50c: Pennsylvania 5153c. Provisions unchanged and firm. Mess pork 120 00. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides packed 8llc. Bacon shoulders 94c : ciear rii) sides iac; hams I4i5c Lard- reiined lajc. Coffee firm; Rio cargoes, or dinary to fair 8i91c. Sugar steadv: A boh ojc. y nisKey sieaoy at x l 181 19. Freights unchanged and dull. T. L.OUI8, April 3. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat unsettled and lower No. 2 red fall $1 08J cash; 1 081 April. jorn inactive ano lower: 47ian481 cash- 48ic April. Oats strong and higher: 43 & 44c cash ; 40c July. Pork firm at $18 371 casu. oscon nrm long clear $10 62 short rib $10 75; short clear $11 00. Lard nominal. Whiskey steadv at $1 15 Savannah, Ga., April 3. Rosin pales " quiet ana siramea nrm; sales of 50 bbls. spirits turpentine nominal at 45ic for regulars; no sales. Charlkstok, April 3. Spirits turnen- tine quiet at 45 cents. Rosin unchnncmH -atramea ana gooa siramea f 1 8U1 35. COTTON MARKETS. By Telegraph to the MornlnK Star. . 3 l 1 . . . . . April 3. Galveston, weak at 9c nt receipts 1,127 bales; Norfolk, steadv at 9fto net receipts 1,117 bales; Baltimore, dull ai tu cei receipts ra oaies; iwston, quiet at lOic net receipts 718 bales: PhilaH!. phia, dull at lOic net receipts 1,303 bales; Savannah, dull at 9 7-16c net receipts 1,164 bales; New Orleans, dull at 94c net reueipuj ,o Daies; Mooiie, dull and easy at 91c net receipts 173 bales; Memphis quiet at 9c net receipts 855 bales: Au gusta, quiet at 9c net receipts 191 bales; viianesion, sieaay ana demand lair at 9c iici receipts oio uaies. FOREIGN nAKKETM: fBv Cable to the Morning Star.l Liverpool. Anril 3. 5 P. M.f!ottnn Uplands, 1 m c. Mav and June deli 5 39-64d; August and September delivery 5 47-64d. Futures ouiet. Common rosin 5s5s 3d. London, April 3.-4 P. M. Spirits tur pentine 40s. Savannah Rice Market. Savannah News, April 2. The market was ouiet. with nriro firm and unchanged. The sales were 20 bar rels. We quote as follows: Broken 8J 4c; Common 415c; Fair 5J5fc; Good 5151c; Prime-616c; Choice nominal; Rough Country' lots $1 101 15; Tide Water $1 201 45. New York Rlee Mark et. New York J ournal of Commerce. April 2 - lyrhere is a fair demand in a jobbing way at firm prices. ; Quotations: Carolina and Louisiana common to fair at 4(&51c good to prime at 5f6ic; choice at 617c: Rangoon at 55ic duty paid, 212fc in vs .1 ' Messrs. A. CI. TAHHm Xr r t J.LtJ Sr-T1 Wse !arK truantiUes bf Brown's Iron Bitten and it tion " " " - '' ' - " t MARINE. Port: Ainaxiac-lirll 4. 5.41A.M. Jsl(t 6.25 P. M. 50.1 Even. 8.01 Even. 12h. 44m. BmitaTlIW. ?i. DaViS'S?1? ARRIVED. J H:urt; -Worth, Fayetteraie. Worth & Worth r ' J : " Stmr Bladen, Skinner, Willis; CreekC S LOW & Co.- ul'V, yrv.ijiii ' . Stmr Minnehaha, Biijbey, Smithville, Master. - J' Schr . Joseph, Redd, . 369 tons, Halleck, Perth ; Amboy. N J, twith40a 'tbos stel rails to W, C & A R.R;IyesseI to Geo Har riss&Co. ...wsfr-.r ; BLEARED. I ; Steamer John .Dawsqn, Paddison, Point Caswell, Master. tstmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, , Worth & Worth" Stmr Bladen, 8kinner Willis Creek, CS Love & Co. Steamer Minnehaha. Blsbey, Smithville. Master. - " - MARINE DIRECTORY. Llat of Vessels to tbe Port of Wilming ton, N.C., April 4, 1883. This list does not embrace vessels nnder 00 tonl BARQUES. ; Saga (Nor.), 415 tons, Larsen, CP Mebane Abel (Nor,), 353 tons, Oudahl," Heide & Co Cometen (Swed., 495 tons, Olsen,. - Heide&Co Frey (Nor.), 281 tons, Halvorsen, Heide&Co Margarethe (Dan.), 186 tons, Hansen, Heide & Co Albatross (Ger.). 818 tons, Siebe, E Peschau & Westermann Erna (Ger.), 582 tons, Voss, E Peschau & Westermann Atlantic (Ger.), 399 tons, Schering, E Peschau & Westermann SCHOONERS. Mary L Dunn, 179 tonsHindon, K G Barker & Co Millie Trim, 180 tons, Barber. EG Barker & Co Alice Hearn, 847 tons, Pennewell, '' Geo Harms & Co John R Fell, 355 tons, Loveland, Geo Harriss & Co Curtis Ackcrley. 303 tons, Nichols, Geo Harriss & Co Etta M Barter, 273 tons, Barter, EG Barker Co Florence N Tower, 150 tons, Wilson. E G Barker & Co Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marvel of parity, More ecnnomtml strength and wholesomeness. than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In nnm. petition with the multitude of low test, short weiffiit, aium or pnospnate powaers. etna only in ana. Royal Bakxns Powdkr Co.. 10C Wall st New York. nor 9 It nrm too or frm 4p nov 9 "The Star Shines Out," SAYS PECK IN POETRY. SO IT DOES, AND tells yon that at PARKER A taytjir-s mii can get anything In the House Fornljhing Line that you may need at a low prioe. . Toilet Sets, Lapuoarun, uoor aiu, ice uniseis, Brooms, Lamps, Kerosene I Stoves, Cooking 8 totes, all prices and grades. PURE WHITE OIL. an 1 Just Received. ELEOANT ASSORTMENT OF VELVET and Ebony Picture Frames; Blank Books, suita ble for every branch of business : Paper. Enve lopes. Pens. Inks, slates. Pencils j and Manilla Wrapping Paper-and Paper Bags. P i " XATJSS' BOOK STORE. A. David's Price List! ABOUT 2 000 ALL-WOOL FINEST QUALITY Scotch Suits in beautiful deslirna. th roio retail price being $15.03, the choice offered At $12 OO per Salt. ADDITIONAL. About 1.5TJ0 FINEST ott a t.ttv Silk Mixed Cassimere Suits, Diagonal Sacks. Frocks and Walkinsc Suits. Retail nrii 118 00 to J23.00, At from 915.00 to $? 0.00 per Salt. The above offerlnar is but an lndm ia th in prices of 'our entire stock. From whatever dis tance one may come we oromiaethat Hifr-. ence in Drices will more tha.n mbst tVia i Journey. We mean to sell cheap and an exami nation wm prove it. A.DAVID ap l u -mmm The Clothier. Flour. Flour. Flour. 250 200 125 125 200 ap 1 tf Bbls Daisy FLOUR. do do do do Park Mills Bell Mills Butter-Cup v Monarch do do do do For sale by KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Sugar, Coffee, Eice. 7 Bbls C, Ex. C and Gran. SUGAR. 125 I'aK8RI0 COFFEE, all grades, iJFy Bbls and Tcs RICE, For mIa h l ap l tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Bacon; Lard Salt. 100 BXeS m,kd and D- s- SIDES, J QQ Tubs LAIO), 3000Sack8LivrpooIlSAI''ir' Vttr ba.1a hv a p 1 tf KERCHNER A CA LDER BROS. Wagons, Carts, &c. ; WO& CHILDS' CELEBRATED WAG ONS. CARTS Tprnrft no i vo T. - oriAtf KERCHNER A CALDER BR08., &pltf .y..' ... Sole, Agents. Paas' Easter Egs and Diamond Dyes- pHE BEST FIVE-CENT CIGAR IN THE CITY, At j: H. HARDIN'S Drug and Seed Store, 1 Karket. mh 18 tf A MEW STOCK rtilnn'r1??'- , . doweUtoriVemr-n"0 of new stock. andselUriS"" fX1 M anuf acturln . rT " "if Store of and Harness H. MALLARD, ' , No. 8 Front St. apl tf f BROWN;&S0lpiCK $ and T onh front Street. . WK WitL OFFER THE FOLLOWING1 INDUCE- ':.' .'JtfENTS FOHfTHIS WEEK. Ball's Corset. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. By a new ! 9ia6yjU arrangement of a series of Fine Coiled Brass Wire. Springs, vhlch yield readily to eve- - .: '. '." ry movement of the wearer, the Most Perfect .. Fitting and Comfortable Corset ever made is ' V' '- i secured.. EVERY PAIR 18 WARRANTED. IN BOSTON BLEACHED SHEETING 26 1-3 Cent a Per Yard. H0TTIN8HAH LACE FOE CURTAINS From 15 Cents. They are oar own importation, and are Fifteen Per Cent below regular prices. PAESOLS anl SUNSHADES. OVER 500 DIFFERENT STYLES TO SELECT FROM. BROWN & RODDICK. 5 and 7 North Front Street. ap 1 tf Unprecedented Bush FOR GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. II A MS, II A MS, HAMS, CANVASSED AND ITNCANVA8SED, SUGAJR-CUEED AND OTHERWISE. , Yon wll never starve while meat is so cheap and pUatif aL BREAKFAST 8TRIP8, CORNED BEEF, 4r BOTSTEB'S CANDY still holds its own three pounds for $1.00 Cheese. Clieeso, Cbeese, Cheese, CHEESE from Rotterdam. CHEESE from Switzerland, CBEESE from Yankeedom, Sap Sago, Nenfohatel, Young America, Extra Cream, Ac. Curne early and you will be suited. P. L. Bridgers & Co. ap 1 DAWtf Spring Trade. "yyB WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of buyers of clothing to the fact that we have secured the best line of CLOTHING for Men, Youths and Children's wear, embracing tbe latest novelties for Spring' Trade. We have made It our aim to buy fust such goods as the TWnri1 A VIAAI t nMA 4a nloaaa nil Vt t ira takes great care in tbe selection of this season ' ll AVI nr s . . . .m . . viuLumir. we wouia aiso state uii we snau enaeavorto sell at very close figures. Our ob ject in to do a larger trade than heretofore. A. A I. SHRIEK, Reliable Clothiers, apltf No. 84 Market St. Fertilizers. Q.IBBS A CO.'S HIGH GRADE AMMONIATED PH08PHATE, COTTON BRAND HIGH GRADE ' ACID PHOSPHATE GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT, For sale by E. J. POWERS, Successor to Cbaa. E. Smith A Co. feb 17 DAWtf About Candy. WHY IS OUR HOME-MADE CANDY LIKE our new Mayor t Because It is the same it always was, and needs no introduction to the !t- Irena of Wilmington. It has been sold for over iweniy-nve years Dy jr. M. A. and 8. G. N., who . nope to sell it to our customers a leetle while longer, At 8. G. NORTHROP,8 anger, mh 81 tf Frnlt and Oonfectionerr Storen. 6188,211.788.58 JJAS BEEN FAID BY THE MU UAL LIFE Insurance Co., of New York, to its FoUoy holders since organization. S12,848,835.24 WAS LITIGATED DURING THE YE ART Cost per $1,000 at age 25, annually or Semi-annually. TT. . . ... 7 or Quarterly ." . . $16.01 . ... S CO 4.84 M. 8. WTLLARD, Agent. mh 25 tf NrNE-TENTHS'OF THE SHAD CAUGHT IN thta section WE CATCH, which enable n J to DEFY COMPETITION. Order front " 9 Plf W. R DAVIS A SON. Turpentine Tools, COOPERS' TOOLS, BLACKSMITHS ' TOOLS, Carpenters' Tools, .General Hardware of ev ery description. WM. K. SPRINGER A CO.. Sacoesaors to John Dawaon A Co. . 19,81 A S3 Market Street, Pltf Wilmington, N. C. Country TU - ERCHANtt ANDEVTrTTT Bonr f!ATi n. fA : 7- wlity and prices faam the forge stock wtiMBT GOODS.' at the Kew Saddlery and T?iUik.Hooot H. M. BOWDEN A CO-TV' eawv.-.' , -LiL ' No. 4 Market fit. . frManafactura and Repair, - ap 1 tf . pring Qprri m e r GOODS, AT m. KATZ' 36 Market St. JUST RECEIVED All the Latest Novelties. Dress GroocLs. Black and Colored Silks, Ottomans Rbadames, Brocades, Surrads Light Shades, Fancy Silks, Satins in all the New 8hades, Nun's Veil ing, Tamise, Cashmeres, Mohairs, Beiges, French Buntings. Sateens, Zephyrs, Seersuckers, Percales, Linen Lawns, Ladles' Cloth, Honey-Comb Sucking, 3k Pongees, Ac. WHITE GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. Piques, Marseilles, Embroideries, Laces, Irish Point, the best assortment and greatest variety in the city. OOIRSIETS, Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Collars, Fissues, Ties, Veilings, Handkerchiefs. Ribbons, Crepes. Housekeeping Goods !i Damasks, Spreads, Towels, Napkins. LADIES, MISSES, MEN AND BOYS' OAUSE MERINO UNDERWEAR. Men and Boys' Cassimeres, Linens and Cottonades. Full lines of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS too numerous to mention. All at prices so low that will give satisfaction for durability, onallty and cheapness. Call and save money by buying of IMI JsK. KATZ, 36 MARKET ST. ap 1 tf GRAY S PATENT BRACE, ap 1 tf Sold only by JOHN DYER A SON.' Fresh Goods. HAMS, SHOULDERS, SMOKED TONGUE. Ful ton Market Beef. Pi Pork. Nos. 1. a and 3 Mackerel, 8ouced Tripe and lie's Feet, Split and Green Dried Peas. Beans. Pearl Barlev and Batro. Oat Meal. Buckwheat, Rye and Graham Flour, Bird and Garden Seed, Swiss and Sap Satro Cheese, at Lowest Market Prices, at 26 A 28 Smith Front St. mh 22 tf L. VOLLERS. Recent Arrival. "yniTE GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, Linen Table Goods, Handkerchiefs, Ladies and Children's Hosiery In (rreat variety at low prices. mh 25 tf JNO J. IIEDRICK. Clinton & Point Caswell Railroad. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED till 12 o'clock M.. of tho 18th dav of ADril. 1883, for the Grading and Track-Laying of the Clinton A Point CmwrII Railroad. Soeciflcations ana ironies may be seen by applying to R. P i-aoaison, romt csweii. .render uounty rah 10 lm F. W. KERCHNER, Pres't. Pocket-Books, FULL LINE AT LOWEST PRICES. Hair-Brushes, Combs, Extracts, Soaps, Puff-Boxes, Toota-Brushes. Mirrors, Ac. WILLIAM IL GREEN, mh25tf Dmpgist. A Fev Nice Toilet Articles. COLGATE'8 VIOLET WATER, HAIK BKUBHK3, MIKKOKS, TOOTH SOAPS, POMADES, Ac, In great variety at J. K. VcTTJnCVNV'S mh 25 tf Corner Market and Front Streets. An Attractive Stock ! "YyiTHIN A FEW DAYS WE HOPE TO MAKE a display of many New Things, and every department win be supplied with "such desirable gooods as we can find In New York to suit the tastes and requirements of our cus tomers. R. 91. fticIIVTIRE. "Review" eopy mhestf Atkinson & Manning's Imuran c Roomi ; BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILD INQ, Rre, Mariie and ;Ltre ComipaiiiK. Asrp Capital topratenleV Orer $t(n,orjo.aoo Julius Samson, 4S. MARKET STUEETT- S WE SHALL LEAVE FOR NEW YORK in a few days to purchase our SPRING- STOCK, AND HAVING PROMISED MANY (THTOMRI;.. TO TAKE SPECIAL ORDERS, they will please to bring them fo th aim, once. We shall centlnue to sell the balance of w, j, on hand at greatly reduced prices until the n..,v stock arrives JU1MI S SANSON, Marker m mh 5 tf We Keep QONSTANTLT OX HAND, FLOUR, all grade. Choice RIO COFFEK. nil rrsde... Refined SUGARS, Standard Granulated. Standard A, Extra C and Oolilcn '. New Crop N. O. and Porto Rico MOLASSES, In nhds ami BaireN ' BACON C. R. SIDES, Dry 8alt C. R. SIDES. LARD, in Buckets and Tulw. HAY. OATS. CORN. SODA, STARCH. SOAP. CANDLES. SNUFF. TOBACc n NAILS. GLUE, HOOP-IRON. BUNGS, Ac, Ac. Ac. For sale at low prices O. W. WILLlAM.s ,v ( . Wholesale Grocer ai ap 1 tf Coram'n Mercliantx, Lirerpool and London and Blolc Ins. Co. Claims Paid in the United States. 31,220,000. Losses promptly adjusted and p .ill ii of proofs, without discount, by JNO. W. GORDON A BRO., Agent mh 25 tf 34 North Wiiter .v K ENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. VK' tine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Plnkham's Vr.ia! Compound, Kidney-Wort, Iron Hitters, A . Also, a full line of Chemicals and Drugs, S:. Fancy Articles, Ciiars, Ao iTcscnptions nlled at all hours, day and n.-lr F. C. MlLLRit, German l)niifrlnl. mh 23 tf Corner 4th and N un m Molasses. TKW CROP CUBA AND PORTO RICO, In Hogsheads, Tierces and Bn ;. For sale by ADRIAN A VOLLERS. mh ia tf Butter, Lard and Meat. Kegs and Tubs BUTTER, 200 do d0 LAU1)' 225 IkTe MEAT, Boxes CHEESE, For sale by mh 11 tf ADHIAN A VOLLKKs Bungs, Nails, &c. 2j Bbls BUNGS, 2Q Kegs NAILS, 5QQ Bundles HOOP IRON. 25 Bbls GLUE, For sale by ADRIAN A VOI.I.KIis mh 11 tf Sugar, Coffee, Flour. FULL STOCK ON HAND. For sale by ADRIAN A VOLLKKS;. Wholesale Grocer, mh tl tf 8. K. cor. Front aad Dock M- JJANGINO BASKETS AND FANCY FLOWKH I'mi For sale by GILES A MTJRCH1SON, 98 A 40 MurehUon Block . N. Front M. ap 1 tf REMARKABLE v tXetter from a Traveller. Kaksas Crrr. Mo., Sent 90, iw. I think It a duty I owe to humanity t. say what your remedy baa done for m One year ago I contracted a bad case i ! blood dlseaae, and not knowing the reult of such troubles, I allowed it to run on f i some time, but finally applied to the be-t physician in this city, who treated me foi six months. Iu that time I took over ffm pills of protolodlde of mercury, VI grain each, and had run down In weight from 210 to 157 pounds, and was confined U my bed with Mercurial Hheumatlsm.acnri 'en able to turn myself In bed. BetngatrHvii ing man, some of the fraternity fouml nw in this deDlorable oondltlon. and remm mended me to try your specific, as they knew of been several o a e that had Icurcd hy U U!f I corn meuced the use of it with very 1 1 1 1 1 -faith, and in leu than three weeks w.i able to take my place on tbe road Tl sores and ooppor-colored spots gradualU disappeared, and to-day I have not a oi or spot on my person, and rov welcht I Z17 pounda. being more than it ever I do not wish you to publish my name, hm 5 on may show this letter to any wh. oubt the merit of 8. 8. H . for I know it is a sure cure. Yours truly. J H. '; Some thirty Tears arc there lived ii Montgomery, Ala., a young man who w.'i terrlbly afflicted. After being treated f" a long time by the medical profession t this town with no benefit, he comment l takings. S. 8. After persistently takiw: It two months he waa cured. Being h qualnted with him for twenty years there after. I can testify that the disease nev t made Its return. J. W. Buror, J. P., Hot Springs. Ark. If you doubt, come to see us, and will CURE YOC, or charge nothing! Writ for particulars and a copy of the llttl book, "Ifeaaaga to the Unfortunate Suffer Ing." Ask any Druggist as to our standing 9"1 ,000 ERWABD will be paid t any CbemJat who will find, on analysis i 100 bottle of B. 8. 8., one particle of Met cury, Iodide of Potassium, or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Pr prietora. Atlanta. Oa. Prle of SaaaU ftlae, $1 oo Irfinr Slae, - l 1 ft SOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS dot SI ly oh a m