t ..." R' TM OF ICAiaUIKHI, r ADVaHC. If rear toy Malty Postage Paid, 7 00. -i . bTu.1.i t. - I F0 OK-f .1 r 'f ...... I Vhree Months, - , g A Two Months, If ' Two NomtJMt;.l.: 1 60 1" m'uui v J 1 V TO To CttySubwrlbon, delivered In any part f the City, ftmn Cmt ner wk. OnrCttv 76 r,,J0ttacji aertheauts tales 1 Agents are not authorised to collect (or more ban three months la advance. VOL. XXXII.-N0. 12. f gILMmGT . n 1 1 m .ftotl; re .lii,T-,i. ' ttaiMj low Tfcno4snlld JfohianQthtn&la c- JiT -TV r k J 1 , Mgeeond ci-a Matt-. MORNING EDmONqr!t OVTJLIXES, aim to lve Urried 1 by from twelTe to f our-;!. The Democrats claim election in Chicago teen thousand majority, The Tcnerai bie Peter Cooper ded at his residence in New York city yeaterdmy. Morse, business manager of the New York manager tol. The National Theatre, at Berlin. . Prussia, destroyed by flr; there was no loss of life. Judge Gresham, of Ind., has beeu appointed Poatmaster General. President Arthur leaves Washington City this morning for Florida; he will be accom panied by Secretary Chandler and others. The stockholders of the C. F. & Y.V. It. 11 Co. met at Fay e tie Til lc and ratified t he bill recently passed by the Legislature; a forra.it transfer of the State's interest in the road was made to President Gray, upon the payment in the tht Treasury of $88- 675 A. J. Crawford, a Deputy U. 8. Marshal, at Atlauta, Ga., charged with makiug false and fraudulent charges, escaped from custody. The Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley adopted resol lit ions endorsing the National Board of Health. Two murderers hung by masked men at Hasting. Neb. The North Carolina Board of Agriculture will make a lull display of State products at the New Kngland Fair, to be held at Boston in Sep tember. An explosion of sewer gas at Baltimore tore up the street, loosened the j foundations of buildings and killed two I children. The Indians raiding Arizona escaped from Forsythe's troops; Black's command is still missing. De Trou- ville, ,- drunken vagabond, killed his wife anri-'fchRfelf, at Washington, D.-C. (Hcen Victoria's recovery froh her recent aceideut U less-rapid than expected. N. Y. markets Money 104 per ceut. ; cotton quiet at 1910ic; southern nonr dull and rather weak at $45 10; Wheat, un graded red $1 051 28; corn, ungraded W66c; rosin steady at $1 701 75; spirits turpentine steady at 4&c Bishop Keane, of Richmond, Va., lia left fr Earope. A very heavy emigration from irt-land is expected this summer. Ah! The cashier in the CHatom House in New York i fdort $9,000 in hi accounts. - The Lord lieutenant of Ireland gets a salary of $100,000 a big tax upon the Irish. MeClure.of tbPfciladIpuia7m?, is said to be perfectly awful -In the free us of (cus words." Rev. Dr. H. Milburn, the eloquent "Wind preacher," has been preaching and lecturing in .Norfolk. John Hovar Payae ypilt bav a monument and a" marble IxMSt 'will -. if . - surmount the shaft.1 Mrs- -3oretran, ...,... M ill have it erected. ,Mtsn Agnes Langtry, niBier-in-law of th actress, has elopel with a young Canadian from Toronto. Freildie still lives to avenge the in sult. ' Twenty-two years ago William Spraguo was elected Oovomof of Rhode Island by 1,628 majority. He was an Independent Republican then. ; ' 1 The venerable and distinguished I Vler Coer U dead He was more than ninety, e belief, ;andj he" fas very rich. He was aGreenbacker in ... - " politics. Philadelphia theatrical goers en joyed a fin treat- Monday night. Salvini and Clara Morris appeared together in "The, Outlaw." Salvini is incomparable, and Miss Morris is the greatest American emotional actress. The Democrat made large gains in Chicago, and .he scenHi; on ejec tion day were disgracef ol. ykefcs is but little donbt that Chicago' fe the worst governed city on the continent and with the nooreSt Dolice. The- .. t Democrats mostimpr&veUagii . n mi Toy ' Mr. J. A. Dalby, Llocal fidjitorof tho Norfolk Landmark and M-rW VV. Degge, editor of the fiuztftoy Gazette, wer about to ngag in, a duel when the latter was arrested and bound aver. The difficulty grew, ortt The - Boston f'pefr jbnpuse system seems to be badly" managed. A sne; ml dated id saOiaIXiIHIoO "C U. Dadlyr fnTwttiMfsa'CHAitbo stand at the close, of the bearing on Friday night, was recalled bV the fktveteor and his erl- tVL c?nti ia a direct ftory. , Ho told v w BllUT.Kinir vn1itin In the Shocking r-nnttlnn tn wtiilk fivaS tit the inmates Wer w tml Mii "furlher testimony 0f the taking up of dead.bodiesr .aniug away. "ere are some records of ne nay n crime in the North a reportea I by telegraph in the Philadelphia , at Kenosha, the city treasurer has ol WOO fled; 19 jf Jnnter recoyered NeSs' TotIc $10,000 of etex , j.Heckman, for, seduction; Philip Ryan, Jr., a Chicago embez- or, arrested for stealing $3,000; x?;t, j Richard' C. Ballard, sent to Qiag N' Y for five Yen or "me of Dighiy; David Kidney sent to the penitentiary of New York fof robbery. Senator Vest, of Missouri, has been talking politics. He thinks McDon ald, of Indiana, stands the best chance for the Democratic nomina tion for the Presidency. " Of Arthur he says: ''At proscAtlanxiucJuied.to think that the race will be between Arthur aad Mc Donald. Arthur is working for the nomi nation. He is all for New York now in regular Van Buren style. He is trying to compromise all around, and the report that be and Conkling ts out of politics, is de voting himself to making money, and is making H fast He can come round all the fat fees of any of the departments, and when a man does that he is on the high road to fortune. &ogan may give Arthur trouble, as he is strong and represents all that is left of Stalwartism." The New York Sun is disgracing itsel D7 retaining' a correspondent who is travelling in the South just to make up false reports and slanderous insinuations. . He calls a certain class in the South before the war "thieves." And still the Sun has thousands of subscribers in the South whilst home papers either languish or are neg lected.' The JSan has never been friendly to the Southern people. The tfew York Financial Chroni cle thinks the present cotton crop is the greatest ever grown and will ex ceed 7,000,000 bales: Total in sight to March 30 .6,806,824 Total to same time in l881-'82 4.986,752 Total to same .time in 1880-"81 5,896,443 Total to same time in 1879 '80 5,325,618 The above shows that the Increase in sight as compared with last year is 1,320,072 bales, as compared with 188 '81 it Is 410.381 bales, and as cepared with 1879-'80 it is 881,206 bales. T " Among the' nearly two hundred graduates at Jefferson Medical Col lege, Philadelphia, there were the following from North Carolina: Ro-. bert IX Moss, DocUon R. Schenck; John A. Stevens, Frank. M. Winches ter; 3Ir. Mosrf got the prue (a case of inatnimejits) for the best original research in the Materia Medica labo ratoxy. On the 1 st of January last the Bell Telephone Company had 13,653 miles of irjt in use, and 249,711 in stmmenta infuse. The net receipts foir last yeaf-0x0' $1,576,031.57, a gain of $575,000 over those of 1881. Its dividends on a capital stock of $7V350,000 were $262,385.56, or nearly Oft per-cent. The fellow Joyce, who so foully murder young Phillips at Hamp ton on last Saturday, a telegraphic account of which appeared in the Stab, is a Northern plug' holding office under, the Federal Government, lati Murdering will be paraded in the North as "another Southern crime. Spirits Turpentine, Mount Airy has thirteen stores. A column editorial from the Stab appears- in the Lexington Dispatch witout credit. joNew" Berne Journal: Five new pu pUs entered the graded school yesterday, making the number enrolled at present 502. Rexboro News: Jerre Sater Oeld," an old and highly respected gentle man, died at his residence near Roxboro, Monday March 26th. - r y p . LLi We ' are giad see - that the Milton Chronicle still Ibres and wo hope it will be a source of profit rto the widow of our deceased friend, the late editor. Ouly.-OTe of thf young men from Wastogtcm came to time, it seems. The irani were loaded with 19 buckshot. The duel was to have come off just over the Uorituck nnew M 5ev Berne -Nut Shell: Shad are' gettfnf down to a reasonable price. They sold at frpnv 40iO fiCLcenU per pair, who1esah5, nrIfrottY25 to 4S each, retail, on Eatuxdaar. iCTrjngiare, fUso ;nB -- Robert; li'Huht, a worthy mer chant f4 Oxf prdi isiead, aged , 66,. ol pa ralysis. He was a great-grandson of John Penn, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independeacey and who lived and died in Granville. :. :Xi ' Sheriff; Hjinteir "picked; up a dnwBveliinarh 'uei" day. H went away short to the amount of Ittfils 4 bad county for persons who T Va rwU without license. Ala- rirrUxr'ottb laU Reri Dry Hinw 1 tdok placi tOMXXiZiSl'X&Tat a4 o.Wock yes- T't' v dnUars a eorn ior nicory iwm. . famtrailroadi depots..; Many thousand feet of walnut now lie at our depot i asvaiting, transportatkm liorth, where it'fsi so scarce - Raleicrh tfewsrOb&rtyf Fbriy eight dVummerslicenses Were Issued from 'the-State TrBsuy4t2ritfg' Mafreh, which tfeougtt S Jrmt $4,600.-tTb receipts- per antrum Trom tne sale or licenses rare rrom $50,000 to $55,000. Mr.' J. J. Benn, agent at Gaston, was robbed on Monday of quite' a sum of money The Btsts Boardof Agriculture,'' now composed of. inuteen memDers,' representing rauy tne Tarious sections of the tState meets here to day this being the first meeting of the Board as reerganized. We hear of two new papers in contemplation at Ra- mth. both dailies. One at them is to De Democratic m name, with, a riew of help ing out the: Kepubtican cause. 1 la the meantime it is well enough to understand that a poBtical syndicate is said to he form ing. -Whether the purpose is to take the job of furnishing nominees for the people to vote for- -or of arranging for the control of the federal patronage when, we elect the President next year w don't kiuw Tn1Mr1 vj Arm 'I knnv til ill UtMin. iaany syndicate at. aH ehopenoV Yetr we nave heard enouza to Ausoect w raoe- pendent of jXX's positive statement. Natur ally we woumamoag tne . last, to aow about it. ..a, ;t .1 Charlotte v Journal- Observer ' : The election of a new pastor, held on Sun day by .the congregation of the Lutheran Church in this city, resulted in the unani mous choice of Eev. T. S. Brown. Just as the nasseneer train which arrived yester day at Z o'clock, was leaving Salisbury, Mr. A. s. .Lewter, the depot agent at mat piace, met with an accident by which he had his arm broken. Mr. M. D. L. Biggenj, fornierly surveyor for this county, had a rough experience in this City Sunday night. While passing by the Richmond & DanviBe freiicht depot he was met lathe darkness by some unknown individual, who knocked him down and robbed him of his money, amounting to five .or six" dollars. The blow that felled him Was struck over the left eye, and must have been made with a club er piece of irfco, from the appearance of the wound. r The- First Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian- Synod of the South met, - according to adjourn ment, in the church of that denomina-, lion ia this city yesterday, at 1Q o'clock A. -' hl. a ae opening senium -was preacueu uy the retirinr moderator, Rev. R: G. Miller, of Fairfieid county. -Just before the adjournment of court at Albemarle, on Saturday lasttae grand jury returned a true bill against Dr. R. A. Anderson for the murder of young Charlie Cox. . It was then agreed by Solicitor Osborne and Mr. Robins, who assists in the prosecution, that the defendant might be bailed out upon habeas corpus, whereupon His Honor Judge Shipp fixed the bail at $10,000, re marking that he did so not because of any opinion of the guilt or Innocence of the de fendant, that he had not invest! rated the case, bat because 6f Dr. Anderson's ability to give the bond.' The bond was imme diately given, .with seventeen of the lead ing citizens of the county as sureties. If KIT ADTKBTISKITIENTS. Thos. F. Bagley Coal. Oheka House Herrmann. Mmssox Handsome suitiags. Dn. E. A.SAitEBSow Forrent! Babk Aibatboss Loan wanted. HBrassxMKsw-BIank, hooksN e9-, Harrison St, 'Allrk Spriag styleT 1 J. B. Fabbab New Home machine. WxtKKs MoBBis-Pommlssioner's sale. 8J YjtyAuKrHos-Incorporation notice. jS; ti FKK3rcH-& Bon Boots and shoes. ttagtatjrsiea tt. ' r Amanda Poilnimwsa"1 amigneor before Justice MiDis, yesterday, charged with wfllfnl trespass Upon the proportyof Susan Jackson. Judgment suspended upon the payment of costs. James Kea, colored, had a hearing on a peace warrant sworn out by the festive damsel known as Mary Eliza Lively, and was required to give bond in the sum of $25 to keep the peace for thirty days, in default of which he was committed to the sheriff. Dick Gause, colored, was arrested under an alias warrant issued by Justice Millis and committed to jail. Dennis Lewis, colored, was arraigned on a peace warrant sworn out by Julia Ford, colored, and was required to pay costs and give bond in the sum of $25 to. keep the peace for thirty days, . Mail Ctberr . Mr. J. A. Summersctt, of Fair Bluff, Columbus county, informs us that a negro entered the poatoffioe at that place Moaday night, whiht ih postmaster was making up the mail, and got away with a registered letter in transit from Conway, S. : C, to some place in Florida.. The negro was caught In1 about twenty tainutes afterwards and confessed, but said there Was no money in the . letter, and -, that another negro prompted him to, ,tha act. "saying 'that, be' ha; letter in the postoaW'- and If be would get it 'for hin, ne would gJve him 1 half ibe money list ffas la it. Therpbher was stTPsdsy afternoon to Wblterilfc jail, He came from lnbertoo Monday aiternooQvaaa mail driver. 1 ma companion escaped. A i t- fx- 4ii This great magician will appear with his -r, ) vli marvelous -performances at our- Opera House on next Monday night. We copy tmofotiowiaff tTrttttte-BottoB:. mvefor: 1 curat nau, ana aeugntiuuy enieruuata r larirr'BOlieneeavi Herrmann's ttfiteminr 4 ment is both rich in variety and. rare in quality. The programme of mysteries is ttrvetainetf by- toe extraonamary Teats qt Prince KaUnothin, the Japanese expert, and the . wopderf ul r. poising, in . mid-air of Mile. Addie." ' : We ha "a call eeterday from friend McDiarmid. of the Bobeaonuin, for iHtCWtff W! ,n I which hehas.Peen suffering severely with an affeotion of IhMyes. . - fr SKIN CAlTRE.-rThis is the name of J)r ' Benson's new remedy for Skin diseases, i It is the beat remedy ever discovered for 0 rema, Tetter. Ptmples, fVeeldes, 'BlaeK heads and all -dry, scalljr and rough skin diseases.' Sold by all droggists. t eclJes. , r- i i V.'3K receipts, ot ,01 at, ; his portyesteroay were oafesV.M': " 1 The Board 'of Aldermen have an adjournedmeeting this evening, to com plete unfinished Susinesa. ' -A 'petition 1 is llh' circulation praying the Board , pf Aidnrmeu to estab lish a market ia the This Ward, . J., L. Holmes,' sq.V who has "been very' sick and threatened with pneu- !' monia, la out again, we are glad to see. r rr- The firemen express themselves very mock gratified at the interest mani fested ia!their behalf by tbm Board of Alder-. ... John Love, a Jtfe son.'of Mr JhR. Love, of Kinf's B)utt roa ithe .Cape Feajytjroltt? his kg about 4weweeksagp, but is reported as doiegtl. If A lost' child a 1 wee - darftng' of the feminine gender wai jfouad wander ing 00 the streeU yetterdSj mormlng and restored to Its parents; hy fho peUc,4., Ther Jury to-open South Water. street, between Orange and Aunt are to meet at the Court House, in the 'office of the sheriff, thhr afternoon at 'o'clock. A telegram was received, here yesterday to the effect : that Mr. L. Hansen and wife, of this- city, would eaQ from New York for Earope oav the steamer Werra at 8 P.M. Mr. T. H. Smith had a lot of new Irish potatoes yesterday, .which he got from his garden , in this city. The 4th of April is rather eaijy for them, but. then "things this jsar are not like they used to was," weuave heard it remaxxea. RerC C. M7 Payne' was called to, Winston tasVweekf" to visit his child, suppieett to be Veryeaf' her end The Pmbyterian says: The little one has been an invalid during lis short life, but the friends of the' brother will te relieved to know that the fatal point Of her sufferings is not so near as was feared.' " CrtsalMl Cosnrt. - ' The following eases werethspeeed of by this Court yesterday : ' Sate vs. Edward CfeJvia and Lucy Black, charged with feretaatiee and adultery. Defendants found guilty.1 State . Melton Johnson .' charged with assault and battery. Defendant found not' guilry. ' State r. Mary Bea&hq charged with larceny. Defendant repognized.or ap pearance at the next term of &e Opart. Stale a. Jno. Martin, charged with lar ceny. Witnesses discharged. State da. Henry Ellis, charged with biga my. Uase continued aad witness dis charged. State rs. Geo. Brancr, charged with as sault and battery. Defendant fsund guilty. State. Kit Fosteatf Henrietta Nixon, charged with larceny. Jury' out Two cases of illegal voting and two cases of selling liquor to minors were ' disposed of, the first namedl being found not guilty and the two latter submitting and being required to pay one penny and the costs. WMe Bater J"rr-rese aa sfeat ' rr Trial. r George Bramer, colored, was arrested yesterday morning for committing a violent assault and battery upon his wife; Mary Bramer. The parties five on the old New bern road, In the neighborhood" of Capt. S. M. Noble's plantation. The wife had been in the habit of working out and of di viding her income with her husband. She had been thrown somewhat behindhand lately by the bad weather, and yesterday morning, while husband and wife were sitting in their room. Mary Bramer jumped up and said that one of them must go to work. The husband seemed to take this as an intimation that he was not doing has duty as the head; of the house.and he forth with seized a slat from their bedstead and gave his spouse a severe beating with it. Thecase came up before Justice Gard ner, yesterday niornirig, and the defendant was required to enter Into bond in the sum of $50 for appearance at the present rbf thfe" Criminal Court in default of ick he. was turned over to the sheriff L. ......... aHd committed to Jan. va or ma- CIlettM. A friend writing us from Rose Hil), Duplin county; says, what niay be termed a daring robbery occurred- in that little vil lage 00 Monday night. Mr. D. T. Carr, agent' ther for the Navassa Guano Com- pany of this etiy,. had been out collecting during' the day, -and on his -return late at night, he prottieded, heforatetiring, to' sum up his collections and place the amount in 'L: :4i kl-i- ' r ;L mtm sH wru-rui. Mpo ar .Tuesday morning he fbund that the trunk had bee removed to his sitting-room,' and (lowas.rjoa. There, are greanda toe tbei beikf that the burglar was tboklrig1 OtreUjfn'a windowfifj; the room ' . "'- Zi X- 3 -Ja "" : v ' . t' wnen, wr-,. tair piaceuj uieftuaooej iu wb trank) add that he entered through the dootC which was tlnragntleselt left open oh i-Oor neigbbpTrOfi tbB PrahftriH hvu- thorisadtosay that eourtesiest win bee- V ing meeting o Vtlka'lijuby the various Unesj( to this city. The ' steamboat lines wpaaa,, one-half fare each waytheijWimiingteo A Weldoa Bail road, Wnnrfirroo ColumbU' & Augusta wiu pass dalegatas fr three .ceaU per floie ieach war.' Presbytery niifnts at the Tlrst Ctrareh on Wedaeedar. the lth n at 7 o clock. '" ' SStctaal eel lUs, : ' . 1 JHvWcm-of1 ' Benefit of and'Beportflforl 5 anu Agrkniitu , k - I -.! ..'-'.ft t ii DisTJUcrsv '' 1 -i:'U it: "Max.. Temp 'Mih. :! 'Temp. "T ! .io$5 42 . 47 '48 - 40 , 46. U 44. 59 . 64 54 50 44 i fit Rain: WUmiagtoii..J ..7 66 71 " '7-4 67 70 ,74 , 70 ' 73' 66 71 unarleston. Augusta Savannah Atlanta Montgomery . . Mobife . New Orleanl". . Galveston. Vicksburg.. .. . Little Rockv,. Memphis...... n00; .02 .00 .10 .54 1.88 .17 .60 w82 .00 The following are the . Indications for toJ day,: For the Middle Atlantic States, warmer. southerly to 'westerly winds, increasing cieudfness and rain; with lower barometer. ' 'Bout Aitaans Htatas. warmer. southeast to southwest winds, increasing cloudiness and rain, with lower barometer.' For the Qulf States, warmer, southeast to southwest winds, generally cloudy weather and rain, with lower barometer. For the" Tennessee an3 the Ohio Valley, increasing cloudiness and rain, southerly winds becoming variable in east portion, lower barometer and higher temperature. Seaalae Perk. We note with great pleasure the improve ments now being made by the Seaside Park Improvement Company, of Wrights- ville Sound, at their pleasant resort, and have gathered from its President the fol lowing, information, which will be -of in terest to our readers: The property has been leased by Mr. B. L. Perry, of the Purcell HchtBcy this city, with the privilege of , the. tJompany having the right at an time to sell or - rent lots for private use. and they hope to induce outsiders to build- cottages ed use the hotel in connection with the same. This will do away with all the disadvantages of keeping house on the Sound, and- at the same time allow one all the privacy which he could have at his own home. Parties of high standing in our State have been corresponded with, and it is hoped that Uefurethe summer fairly sets in we wiA have in our midst gentlemen with their families, who own cottages on the- Sound, and hare a common interest with our own people in the Seaside. Two thousand dollars is now being judiciously spent in beautifying the place, and build ing additional accommodations. Two hacks will be run daily to the Sound, one ia the morning and the other asighit. This will no doubt add wonderfully to the convenience of our friends who can only be absent from the city during the day. We are gratified that the Company' have eeixtmeaced hf earnest to make the Sound a resort of eosne note in North Carolina, and we predict for them a, most prosperous futqre. , Out -best wishes attend them. Mayer's Cowrt His Honor, Ulayar Hall, PresfdlBcr. Jesse Johnson snd Julius Potter; two colored boys, charged with acting disorderry h the Opera House Tuesday night, during the. performance by the Milton Nobles iroupe, ior wnicu mey were arrest. eu uj Officer Woebse, were adjudged guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $3 each or go be low for ten days. Hannah Sneed and 'Jane I lines, charged with disorderly conduct on Fourth street, near Castle, on Tuesday night last, were re quired to pay a fine of $3 each or be locked up for ten days. . Drew $15,0OO. Ticket No. 8,564 drew the $15,000 prize ia the last monthly draw iog of The Loui siana gtste Lottery, and the Allen town pa per say that tne tic kalis DeW by J. Allen Schaeffer, a bookseller and a well known business man on Seventh street, that city, who invested a dollar in the scheme, t brak ing sever to hear ..from it again. Mr. Schaeffer received ins first information through the uewspupeis, which published the numbers wianing' prizes on Wednesday. The Item says: This is probably the best investment he ever made. We have heard of no one. yet who . begrudges kim the bo nanza he has suddenly acquired, only most rennle recret that thev are not Drivileced to enjoy utkeortune . Schaeffer has persaverarAoa Struggiea is ma ousmess, frequently against adverse circumstances, but he kept pushing along and succeeded In building up a prosperous trade, which, with a little fhore capital, will be placed on a very substantial basis." It is probable that the good luck of the AUeatown man will have the effect of stir ring up the interest in the ijouistana State Lottery already felt in this vicinity. We frequently bear of small gains, aad these have kept alive' the desire on the part ol nur.. to invest. , Such a prize as that I drawn bv Mr. Scnaeffer will inve a new i fiz pmeM. Whatever may be the oblectionabie Drinciples of a lottery, what ever f man wins en a Louisiana State Lot tery ticket he is assure to get It ia full as the .cask on a good check on a . good bank, Jgfaton IPuXFrje Vwfi Mare l(k ( . Schaeffer, book 1 man 7 who made the big hit in The Louisiana State Lottery the other day, got his money yesterday per Central Express Company. It wasn't much of a-package; -' the amount consisting of threes five i thoeSaal dollar - bills. -Jdr. Schaeffer wiU -oootiane in bustness; sod says ke.wilLjxot-.sUoWjhis good fortune to spoil him on" bit. , dn. the contrary, he other1 tottery tisket, kbd to pet sit his ener To fr-usb your teeth whh SOZODONT, jXooneyfttXUdeepfmerae (4 Jfor soon they'll cmmble ioldecay. , 'And soon jou"U'crj?Oh, lack-a-day, That I had never changed my course, f giessad all his fortune into Ute. ouMnesB pHEAr forcaju uk vius saijin. which thwfar hehas naamfc euc- gyALMENT plan, at oessW or alsmali Deanclne; through, hard t t.t hkTN9BEROERs irtytkl-i-AUentown .(ib.T Chronicle bnd . apftU r , Llragook and Music B to res. fvUX Vl k. " ' -. -Ii ' . : ' . ' ' M' : ! nil 1 1 1 1 i i 11 mi! 1. 1 : ' , 5 tn vurr.) . llftefeettth left FayetlevWhut" Ibcre 'now' 'about t : IT - ? a Uu.i. a&l. - Li u. l. ii twwxtyre oTthrryccVon fTi&oaht V? tX: -. BmW,UVmgl,air of : the r steads JflAw,'ThAl(' goa'shoV at a h-wOetuffcsy to 'Saturday. It rwka a fine' gbbl and .Was skou flying iW tanceoC soma 75 yards. ' Mr. Qmithshot from the deck of the steamer. "Lao"' is a very "bad1 ciUzen when you out him be- hmd arifle ot a shot-gtfa. Mr. A. A. MiUer JRseaftsld, N. C. says: "My wife hai taken Brown's Iron P.ittrrn with excellent 'ttffeet for rrtYonnrn and general dbUtt,.,. , f ., f- XlfVWAtO tlx JUrmhaU, KlcaJ -WiU send a DnM LaaaATKS XLaorau-VeiVAiD Bxlt aWd Kuo. razoAjmxtKCM on trial sur thirty 4ra-ta (roan or old)wba are afClctM with Mei DabUitr Lost YUUtj, axl affahojl.ai kli axlJf nhaaa-mA kind at srvooa toeatlooof health mm laaal vlar AddreM Abort. If . Ko rUk is incurred, as thfrty days troaiHM, (nsrai soratlono(a ahova. H. BJ--5 troabtoa, smarantaainisiMMtrV anf eomllet r- trtml la alUw4 rri; u atrSSanS'broKof joat ft CJaLckehUd jufferiaK aad crykiff with pafa of caUUtc teeth T xi w, nmu at. once ana jrei a dour or MUM. Wikslow's SooraiMe Sraup for obUdraa taeth xu, . a.i uo ib luvaiuuiaoitj. it wiu mie vo toe poor little sufferer linmadlatoly. . Banead upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoBa,i regulates the stomach Atui VuiwaT. nnwm hIaJ aI... - M-.. . . u.-. w.wi juii-d niuu miuu, mjkvwiB u ilia, reduces inflammaliom. and atrM tona and iuivt to the whole svstem. Hm. wixbtxtw's 8oothin Btkvt tor children teething Is pleasant to the taste, and m the prescrtpt'.on of one of the oldest and best female phygfetana and norsea in tbeUnf ted 8tates,axid W f or sale by all dramrtsts tbrouirh ont the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Rent, rtnmisHED nousc on mason- BORO SOUND; 10 rooms, two- kit chens, two fine wells, largei stable and carrlaffe-house,larre boatrhousa batblmr-house 30 feet square; bath lrur at all times of Ude: also several Boats for sale; every thins la complete order. The most desirable residence on the coast; would suit two families. Apply to ap jw DR. g. A. ANDERSON. About 50 Tons Q.EORGE'8 CREEK COAL, FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, Also. STOVE aikd ORATB COAL. AT BOTTOM PRICES. ap 5 It THOS. F. BAQLEY. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE. QOME, EVERT LADY IN THE CTTT, AND 8IE this BTazi&e Star. Ton can know it superiority of excellence by its own merits. Runs lhrht, is quite noiseless, sclf-settinit needle, one hole to thread the shuttle. Mrs. ANNIE BTJRCn lathe City Agent; residence nett door to Capt. Cum miags. on Second St., between Nun and Churoh. She will take pleasure in jrtvinjr any information In regard to this celebrated Sewins; Machine. Kespectmuv, J. B. FARRAR. (What is life ?) ap5 It . , 1 . i . $35 OO. anted to loan the st'm of about three Thousand five hundred dollars (10 per eeat. mom or lass. as the Vessel may need), to be secured by . Bottomry and Respon dentia Boad. for GERMAN BARK ALBATROSS. of Stettin, now hi distress at this Port, and bound from Charleston. S. G-ior II &m burr. Ger many, with a carro of Rosin tp pay for necessa ry Costs of Repairs, Port Charfes and Erpensee. Sealed Bids for said Loan, with the Marine Pre mium riven In per.CGUU.to be forwarded before is o'clock. Monday next, the 9th instant, under address. 'Herman Bark Albatross Bid for Bot tomry Loan; care Imperial German Consulate, wianmcton, ri. u." ah Bids win be opened at Noon, Monday next, the ninth instant, and the i Xowest Bidder, on payment of the required sum luvnAitu u&9J, Master of German Rsrk Albatross E. PESCHXU A W ESTEEM ANN, Arebtt German Bark AlbatrosH. VytlmlaKtonj N. April 4, 18b. ap 6 4t i . Commissioner's Sale or Real Es tate under Octree of Forerlo snre. BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A Judgment of Foreclosure, rendered at the Deoember Term. A. D. 1883. of the SuDerior Court of New Hanover County, State of North Caroli na, in aoiru action peadinr in said court, be tween James W. Banner. Plaintiff, and John I. ut ana Amelia upnitt bis wire, and otbers. Defendants, the ' undersigned. Wilkes Morris. Commissioner appointed, by said Judgment and decree, -wiu seu rl Public Auction, tothehia-h est bidder, for cash, at the Quart House d oor In the City of Wllminrton, in the County and State aforesaid, on MONDASC, the TTH DAY OF MAT, A. D. 1888, at IS o'clock M , a certain Lot or Par celof LAND, situate and being in the said City of Wllminrton, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning m the northern line of Oraae 8treet sixty-three (887 feet westwsrdly from the northwestern intersection of Front and Oraaxe rsect tar th Streets, and runnin. - thence with the said norti- era line of Orange strs thence northwardly wfth the said Cape Fear W- i treat ta the fna Fear River: ver a distance of nine tv:nine (99) feet: thence east - wardly in a line parallel with Orange Street to a point sixty-three (08) feet, from the western line of Front Btreetr and thence southwardly to the beginning, ana Daing a part of Lot No. su (6) ana of the one-halt 04) rot -adjoining It on the south, in Block pamber oca hundred and thirty-eight Lf"r,&norinown,nnw i ThlsADrllfth iss ' I ap&Dts WILKES MORRIS, Comra'r. gTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER CO., SUPERIOR COURT. The Plan of Incorporation of a corporation, to be known as The WlUsiugton Turpentine Manu facturing Company, having been this day filed in this office, and the requisite amount of stock baring been subscribed for, notice Is therefore given to the persona signing sawi pianoi lncorpo- ration, that a meeting of the corporators and subscribers will be held on Thursday, April Soth, lSSS, at SHxTBToCk P. M.rnrthS Wry of Wilming ton, for the pnrpose of organizing ofiosrs, eto. i . v AnAaiurivi&, Clerk Superior Court. apfl 4t 51S19 88 Blank Books. -pOCKET-BOOKS. INKS. MuCILAGE, GOLD Pen, Pencils. Stationery of every variety and style. Every article In the line nefestary to car ry on any basintsa, Mereantlloor gthei w m can be rouna at THE LI ViS BCOK STORES. fiionos and Organs, Handsbme Cheviots. ERGXS, D1AGONAIA ' ': ': 'J ' ' 11 ttArrrrFL MixTtfRi Tmmed and mad.ta.th. VEHYjmrrsTYJ Two good Coat Hand wanted. ap 5 it rNKW advektishlil: -4 1 - ' o?r. mOHT J!tCT KOIVOAT. V - ' . -i.., n k, t k. m t- rv rv- ma woMwiairortta, iMlr UMBpaay ot specialty Art iu. . Daaotlral aad accoinrHahl . ... .''ATIiLEv ADDIE, tn sr warral aWp, tTTTgTTTOimra i; AIR. Also, la hr ufo-Ua ilotuTvn "mn TTrwjrjt trl m ' '-Tfni QODDC9S OT IIBE. Thu. fstnons 'fanamss ' Prior AW AT A ' i ' , MOuKIR, eeniria to the .Mlktda of J (OSKIR, Marfa to (ha Klktda of Ju, pEUwowm imnrBi:.inv , Wl fl Mt Of U'nr'nl. H aim, the WObdxkxul. sfiwf lUirrv; IIOWAXAi ad DABOW. wko wlil (Wa raiaarkabla aaprBatral BlfetatkDbj MlU.u 0neral admtViloa GO cent a. tteaerred nr td SI.' Sale NNrnd setts beirtna tn Dyers'. . '-'' -ap NOBBT 'V jr. I, ' ' ap8 if Ukf r 'l;', l.M Comfortab VmTR HAND MADE SOFT "BOTTOMlflllt for LAII&8' WAR. Just the thirna for Ur. feet. , '.-l'- ..'. . ForflKNTLKMKN w offer the B ESt'cL OF CTJRTOM -WORE neat of. aie.d'urabW stock, and superior Lb aorksaanship, j 5 ?t It will pay yo to call on . ". u ti' Geo. B. French &-8ijn - 39 N. FRONT ST. ." I 3000 THREE IHOUSiND.SOO, BOXES Ulannf aotnred Tpbacc OoOSttlBKf .V f ' Our well known and popular brands' ot f L TWIST and SMOKING TOBACCO, . Manufactured this Sinniaer snd. for sal at 1 TOM PRICE 1 ' f We-weuld callapeclal aUyinMou to or CY!" BRANDS. Which we claim to be FAR SUPKl to other low grades sold m this market. . . MEADOWS 4s JUDDER," ' Proprietor rdeo 19 U CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WOKi. Needed Groceries.;" 1000 LB' CHOICE, NORTH CAU0L1N Hams, Sides and Shoulders, .y- - 1500 6uar Curd Dams and Blf Bologna, Dried Beef and m. ToltgA). i 20 Ualf Bbl" Mok"e, Nob' 8 and JJQ Bbla Sqgar, Confeo. A. GrapatatV White, Extra (' and C, ; f, i Pickles, English and American, In-Buck eir Caves and Barrels. . t ' Canned Salmon, Lobster. Mackerel, Oyster Peaches, Pears, Tomatoes, Peas, Okra and Towr. toes, Lima Beans, and many others. " - , ' The Justly celebrated "Bride" Floor Is the her In the market and atray reliable. ' "" s,.'1-.'. I receive every day ooasignments of CLiokmui, Eggs, Peas, Bacon and other Country Produce, and can suppl v my customers from first bands. -Call and see my goods and prices. v , 5 J. C. Stevenson, ap tf MARKET STREKT..' Plymoutli Pnlpit,;.; WEEKLY PUBLICATION OF ' SERMONS preached by Henry Ward Beeeher, In Plytndtiti? Church, Brookl klyn. For sale at ' W KRIS' NEWS CIGAR STOBE, HA ap.3tf Frost Street. Do You Want X CARRIAGE, PHOTON OR BUGGTj CART or Wagon, Harness, Saddle or Bridle, call at Factory on Third, between Market and Prlnoecs 8trets. Repairing done wltb dispatch. '' '"' apltf P. U. HATDEN . " TTAfffO TVTRTWTIITT'mWH OB ' TBTTlf IHCTS ' sr "aw - it JT Price S6 cents each. Liberal disooont on do-' ! ten lots. y. M KIND Wilmington, K. C. ; ' . Sole Agents Farmer Girl Cook Stove, ap S tf i j Chairs. - . ;J LARG E STOCK OFCANE AND WOOD SEAT Abie's. Bureau, and Wh; Chairs and Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads, Mst- raahstaiMs last re D. A. MM mi. . - oetved and for sale low by Smith Baudtnrj . ap 1 tf North Front street. , A. David's Price List!; 1 - . ABOUT S 000 ALL-WOOL FINEST QUALITY Seotoh Suits in beautiful designs, the regular retail price bemg 913.ua, tne cnoioe onerea .. AC SIS 00 ler Salt. ADDITIONAL. About l.SSOFINTJn'QUs LTTV Silk Mixed Cassimere HulU, Dlaronal He oka, Frocks and Walking Suits. Rets 11 prices from 18 00 to f 25.00, ....... At fra S1E.00 f SSO.oeer llt" ; The above offering is hut an Index to lbs Jew ' prices of our entire stock. From whatever Jl- . tanee one may 00 me we promise that tbe duTev enoe In priees will more than repay the longest . Journey. We mean to aell cheap and an examl-' nation win provo it. A. DAVlu, , - apltf , Tbe Clothier. ".The Star Shines Out.V: SAYS PECK IN POETRY. SO IT DOES. AMDr tells ro that at PARKER TAYLOR'S Tot " can get earthing in the House FarnUhhtg Line. saax vou mav neea at a urw- wi. . Lap boards. Door r MaU, Ioe Chisels. Brooms. ifstovee, Cooking Motes, all , fPUREWniTEOlU I1 ' Lamps, Kerosene prVes and grades. Jnst Eeceived. 7r AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF VELVET; and Ebony Picture Frame: Blank Books, sutta-. Vie for every branch of Imsloeas t Psnar, Enve- t L T iXlttk. Mate. Pencils, icAe.- Straw; W-m, Pen. Inks. Mate, rennis. ana siauiiia rmm jriZ7xCr. -u-nua Jh Mudlla Wrap-tag Papef 'and LFaowBarS, apltf a au a mm m Paas' Easter Eos ni Diamo-i Djss.i .THK BE?T FTVE CENT CIGAR IN THE crtT. aw - mi. Drug and Seed Store. ?, : ' . Wew JO'arSet fl , mh M tf .1-.,