The Mdrnihg-Staf. V- WW. ul'BEttMAttl). ! HUSHED DAILY' KXCaPTJ MONDAYS. rates or BUAsoatraoR, nr adta.hctu . no Year. (Dy Mam Postage Paid. ; ' i 4)x Months, " 4 00 Three Months, " " " ' ' 2 00 Two Months, " "... 1 SO One Month, " 41 , , "" 76 iW To City Subscribers, deUvered'in"any part of the City, Ftttux Cbkts per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than three months in advance. Months. " : Sntered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Claso Matter. MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. - Joe Brady, tried at Dublin for the mur der of Cavendish and Burke, was convicted and sentenced to be hanged on the 14th of May. Business failures ' for the past week number 180; Southern States 41. Striking workmen of the rolling mill at SpringQeld, 111., attacked the .men who luive taken their places and killed one and seriously injured several. Ex-Mayor I)u Bevoise, of Long Island! City, found guilty of the wrongful conversion of $100,- 000 of city bonds. Prohibitionists of Kentucky Lave abandoned the call for a Stale Convention. Total receipts of 1 ntton at all the ports since September 5,- tr.iUY.T bales. Sam Walker, a con- iltMimi-d murderer, died in jail nt Spartan burir. C. of consumption. Alfred (J lirkvr. who murdered fivk companions in ! dorado in 1873 and for several weeks subsisted on their remains, has been tried and convicted at Lake City, Col. I'rince Bismarck's health is less favorable. The importation of American hog pro ducts into Germany is forbidden. An unexpected decline in the price of wheat lias caused heavy losses in London and the provinces and failures are probable. A long aud costly war between France and China is said to be probable; the latter will p.-iiiaps have an European ally. A tiremau killed and an engineer fatally hurt on the Norfolk & Western Railroad; the accident was caused by malicious obstruc tion of the track. The contract for the Yoiktown monument awarded to the llaliowell Granite Co., of Maine, at $66,- 7.12. A verdict of not guilty rendered in the election fraud cases in the U. S. Court at New Orleans, La. New York markets: Money 58 percent.; cot ton Grm at 10i10fc: southern flour quiet and firmly held at $5 006 75; wheat, un graded red $1 071 22; core,, ungraded 5865ic; rosin steady at $1 70l 75; spirits turpentine firm at 481c ! The Barnwell county (S. C.) duellists were Jiot prosecuted hy the Ljr.ind jury. The policemen of Birmingham (Alabama) are paid $50 i a month. They are on a strike for higher vari'S. The Charleston Neics and Courier of Thursday had nothing to say about the yellow fever reports. The Princess Louise will hardly return to the Dominion now that the l vi i am it i' patriots are threatening Lome. Kx-President Davis will not be abb- io attend tin- meeting of the Southern Historical Society at Nash v ilJe on the 21st of April. ( Torh.iui's Washington paper I.iims North Carolina for the I tads in i 8 8 4 . It puts it down as certain, lie laughs best who laughs last. It seems that New Yorkers were much disappoiuted at the compara tively small pile of Peter Cooper. It was thought that he had left many millions more. The cotton bulls were better yes terday. They now claim that the position is strong. But the hears may have something to say before the (juestion is settled. A railroad from Durham via Rox iioro to South Boston, on the Rich mond & Danville Railroad, is now the talk. Person county is to vote in May whether or no $00,000 shall he subscribed. Arthur gave Frank Ilatton, Assis tant Postmaster General, large dis cretion and extraordinary power when he went to Florida to go-a-fishing. lie left commissions signed and left Ilatton to fill in the names. At present Hatton is the big boss. The two last murders in Maine were caused by whiskey.; Where did they get their drinks? They have prohibition, it is said, and still Portland has a saloon for every 155 persons, whilst Bangor has one for every 110 persons. In Frank Leslie's IllustratetLNews paper for April 14th, Mr. Henry George has an article on "The Prob lems of the Times." Other writers will follow on the same subject. The number contains a good wood cut of the late Peter Cooper and Several illustrations concerning hlra. A lovely state of affairs exists at Springfield, Illinois. Wo beg our Northern friends to say no more about "Southern lawlessness." From the news given in our telegraphic columns this morning one would sup pose that Springfield had no govern ment at all. , ' 1 ; : - - - - - - - i vi mi The Moening Star VOL. XXXn.-NO.-20. Bpmts Turpentine. xoune mrs. wintnron" in Dined for Qoldsboro on 30th mst. Mr. Thomas D. Lvnnh. nf O loru, aeea iM. Is riearT Hp la tho inn nf the gentleman who was so foully murdered . viiuru iwo or tnree years ago. An old nesrro died recentlv near vuanoite. ana between sn nnri sinflhoa been found in naeP.ln hidlAn in irnrinna piaces in nis old cabin, aa we learn from Mr. William A. Davis, of the Oxford Torchlight, lost his chffd recently, and now his mother has just died, in her 63d year. She was a sister of Professor Mangum, of flic University. We tender our sympathies. Goldsboro Messenger: John R bmitn, JiiSq., has bought the old Lowell cotton factory m Johnston county, of the Ldgerton estate, and contemplates putting it in thorough fix for good work. Mr. W. F. Hill, who a few months ao disap peared form this citv under lrcu instances peculiarly distressing tohis friends.has been heard from. He is in Arkansas and claims to be getting along well, and says he will square up all his matters here. - The steel cells for our jail have arrived, and carpenters are' at work placing them in the building. Charlotte . Journal- Observer : George Little, a colored carpenter of Mon roe, dropped dead in Rockingham yester day morning, of heart disease. Mr. Jackson Simpson, a prominent citizen of Union county, died of rheumatism of the heart, last Monday night. He was 65 years old. Mr. Thomas Fincannon, who lived on Mr. W. B. Withers' River View plantation, in this county, died a few days ago from injuries received by a kick from a horse. The animal kicked him in the stomach, producing injuries from which he never rallied. Mr. A. C. Wadsworth, who for the past five or six years has been a citizen of Charlotte, died yesterday about noon. Mr. Wadsworth was at One time Register of Deeds of Lenoir county, where he was born and raised, and was depot agent at Kinston for several years. Fayetteville Observer : Died, near Fayetteville, April 2d, 1883, Mrs. Margaret Julia, wife of J. C. Poe. Esq. She was born in Cumberland (now Harnett) December 2d, 1830. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church for over thirty years. Maj. R. H. Glass, a well-known Virginian editor, who married Miss San ford, of this town, in 1861, will bo a candi date for Postmaster of the next U. 8. House of Representatives. We regret to learn that the valuable grist and saw mill belonging to Col. T. W. Devane, about eleven miles north of Fayetteville, was burned last Saturday night at about mid night, resulting in the total loss of the property. On Saturday evening last, at about dusk, a negro named McEachern and one of Mr. John Buie's teamsters, An derson McKay, became engaged in an al tercation on the road near Mr. Buie's prem ises, which resulted in the serious and per haps fatal wounding of McKay. Elizabeth City JZconomist; To the lovers of antiquity Nag's Head invites to the contemplation of a hoary past. Four gules away, Amadas and Barlow, under the auspices of Sir Walter, first landed on the shore and threw crrer their ballast at Ballast Point. Before Plymouth Rock or Jamestown was known, three hundred years ago, these hardy sailors landed on Roanoke Island. The remains of Indian fortifications, are yet to be seen,-silent wit nesses of that conflict which, commencing then, has gone on without end Away, twelve miles to the north, the ethnologist is invited to the remains of an extinct race of extraordinary physical conformation. Thigh bones of a race that must have ex ceeded in stature any race now known. Heads, bird like in shape, jaws with double front teeth-rthese are sometimes washed out from the bank, near a fort of breast work, indicating the place of burial of the slain in war. The Raleigh News- Observer : Last evening a very large audience of white and colored people gathered at Metropolitan Hall, to hear addressess on the subject of the Albemarle arid Raleigh railroad. Mr. Branch Merrimon, a brother of Hon. A. S. Merrimon, died yesterday at Ashe ville, aged 44 years. For some years he had lived in Baltimore. Yesterday afternoon the enterprising tobacco town of Henderson was visited by one of the severest thunder storms of the season; during its continuance, and while large sales of tobacco were in progress, a bolt of lightning entirely destroyed a large tree within a few feet of the hotel. Col. Ike Young was near by, but not a hair of his head was scorched. It was a wonderful escape. The position of State Geolo gist being a State office the appointee will be a State officer. To be eligible to office in this State under the constitution it ap peares that one must be an elector; and the qualification for suffrage is a twelve months' residence in North Carolina. So no one can be appointed State Geologist unless he has resided in North Carolina twelve months. TIHIIE CITY. NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Munson Ten-cent collars. Lecttjke Rev. Father Ryan. Jas. C. Munds Lithia Water. HErNSBKRGEB Gospel hymns. Geo. F. TnXKY Spring lambs. J. C. Stevenson New butter. E. H. Kino To tobacco dealers. Sudden Death. A colored woman by the name of Lucy Jones, said to have been between 35 and 40 years of age, was found dead in her bed yesterday morning at her home on Market, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Coroner Jacobs was notified and examined the body, but deemed an inquest unneces sary. The cause of death is supposed to have been heart disease. Commissioners of Affidavits. Mr. S. VanAmringe, Clerk of the Su perior Court for (his county, received yes terday from Col. W . L. Saunders, Secre tary of State, a full list of Commissioners of Affidavits for North Carolina in the various States of the Union. The list em braces nearly every State and numbers ninety-six commissioners. Por the Penitentiary. Sheriff Manning left for Raleigh yester day morning, having in his charge . Miles Cooper and Kit Foster, both colored, who were convicted of larceny at the last term of the Criminal Court; the former being under a sentence of five and the latter of two years in the State Penitentiary. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, Loel Dots. Business was rather dull on the wharf yesterday. The moon completes her first quarter this morning. The receipts of cotton at this port yesterday were 90 bales. We had a call yesterday from Mr. Josephus Daniels, of the Wilson Ad vance. There was a 3 2 -pound rock fish in market yesterday afternoon. It was caught in a sturgeon net at the mouth of the Black River. The Iresbytery of Wilmington will have open session to-day Saturday; no public worship in the First Church to-night. A force was busily engaged yesterday in cleaning up and . putting in or der the new market house, so that it will be ready for occupancy on the 1st of May. The work of driving piling for the new warehouse for the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad has been commenced. It will be the size of the one recently completed for the W., C. & A. Railroad. On Saturday last the Dialectic Literary Society of Chapel Hill awarded the Debator's Medal to Thomas Radcllffe, of this city, and tho Philanthropic Society the Decl aimer's Medal to S. C. Smith, of Goldsboro. By the way.we notice that Mr. Radcliffe has arrived home. Mayor's Court. . Daniel Bryce, a white tramp, who was found drunk on the streets, was given twenty-four hours in which to shake the dust of the city off his feet, and if found here after that time he will be "dealt with according to law." Thos. Jefferson, a colored boy, charged with acting very disorderly at the depot of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, on Thursday, and getting off a regular "decla ration of independence," like that of his illustrious namesake, when expostulated with not forgetting to give expression to sundry profane and obscene remarks was ordered to be locked up in the city prison for 20 days. Candis Dunstan, colored, an old ac quaintance in police circles, who was ar rested on a warrant issued at the instance of a number of her colored neighbors on Nixon street, north of the railroad, charged with using bad langua and otherwise act ing in a manner calculated to conflict with the usages of a well regulated community, was ordered to pay a fine of $5 or go below for twenty days. A colored boy charged with disorderly conduct on Market street was made to con tribute $3 to the city treasury. .Father Ryan He Lectures at the Opera House Tuesday Night. Rev. Father Ryan, the "poet priest" and lecturer, author of -the far-famed "Con quered Banner" and other stirring poems, which have won for him a name un perish able in the annals of great poetical writers, is expected to arrivo here Monday evening, and will certainly lecture at the Opera House on Tuesday, the 17th inst. The subject vpou which he will discourse has not yet leen made known, but the public can rest satisfied that it will be one which will in terest and edify his audience,. The lecture -will be for the benefit of the Hibernian Benevolent Society, and the proceeds will be applied to the fund for paying the in debtedness on their new hall. The Committee of Arrangements consists of Col. John L. Cantwell, D. O'Connor, ZEsq., and Mr. T. Donlan. We learn that Col. D. K. McRae will in troduce the distinguished speaker to his au dience. Our citizens will hardly let this oppor- f tunity pass without hearing the man whose patriotic inspirations have so thrilled all ihearts'and lent such additional lustre to the "'Lost Cause." Pull List of Magistrates for New Han over County. The following is a correct list of the Jus tices of the Peace in and for the county of 3few Hanover, including the old appointees aad those recently appointed by the Legis Ixture. The person first named in each township is to serve for four years and the remainder for six years: Wilmington Township Jno. M. Hen derson, W. H. Strauss, Jno. R. Melton, John Cowan, Wm. W. Harriss, Sol. Bear, Edward D. Hall, John S. James, John L. Cantwell, James W. King, Lemuel H. Bowden, Walker Meares, Matthew J. Heyer, D. G. Worth, C. H. Robinson. A. Davis, O. Fennell, Jr., James Madden, J. C. Mil lis, C. A. Price, J. D. Klander. Federal Point Jacob H. Home, John Canaday, Elijah Williams. Masonboro Baron S. Montford, A. J. Johnson, A. B. George. Harnett Charles H. Alexander, Ed. "Wilson Manning, George Harper. Cape Fear Oscar M. Fillyaw, Wm. Cromwell, Jno. E. St. George. City Maps. We find that the map referred to a few days since, in which St. James' street was incorrectly laid down, is only a copy of the city map as prepared by Messrs. James & Brown made by a young! son of the late City Clerk and Treasurer Servoss,' and printed, and that Messrs. James & Brown had nothing to do with the copy, which contains quite a number of errors. The original map prepared by them, which is of large size, framed and hung up in the City Treasurer's office, the County Commission ers' room and other public places, they say is entirely correct. WILMINGTON PRESBYTERY Proceedings of Third Day Rev. Dr. Chapman having resigned as Agent of Foreign Missions, Rev. J. M. Rose was appointed to that post. Rev. A. Kirkland and Ruling Elder John McLaurin were appointed delegates to the General Assembly, as principals, and Rev. Dr. Wilson and Ruling Elder T. B. Hyman as delegates. The Second Presbyterian Church of this citv was chosen as the place, and 7.30 o'clock P. M. of Monday night previous to the meeting of the Synod in November, as the time for the next meeting of the Pres bytery. The Presbytery placed jj, call to the pas torate of the church in Goldsboro in the hands of Rev. John M. Rose. Mr. Rose accepted the call acd arrangements were made for his installation at ,ucb time as will suit the congregation: Rev. S. H. Isler is to preside and propound the constitution al questions; Rev. B. F. Marable to preach and charere the "People: and Rev. Dr. R. H. Chapman to charge the people. On the report of Rev. G. W. McMillan, Agent of Home lissions, there was a very lively discussion, resulting in its approval as amended. Rev. S. H. Isler was directed to visit Orange Presbytery relative to securing cession of territory. Rev. C. M. Payne submitted the Statisti cal Report and also report on the Narrative to the General Assembly; which reports were accepted and approved. Report of Rev. A. Kirkland, agent for Sabbath Schools, was accepted and ap proved. The afternoon was devoted to a discussion on the Concord Overture, with the result of recommending that at present it is not desirable to change the Confession of Faith. Rev. Dr. J. B. Taylor of the Baptist Church, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau of the Lutheran Church, and Rev. D. D. Dodge of the Congregational Church, were cordial ly invited to sit as visiting members. The evening session was occupied with a free discussion of tho Foreign Mission cause, following a report on that subject. Appointments of Wilmington presby tery for sabbath. First Presbyterian Church Rev. J. M. Rose, 11 A. M. ; Rev. A. Kirkland. 8 P. M. Second Presbyterian Church Rev. A. McFadycn, 11 A. M. ; Rev. J. M. Rose, 8 P. M. St. Paul's E. Lutheran Church Rev. S. IL Isler. 11 A. M. ; Rev. K. McDonald, 8 P. M. First Baptist Church Rev. A. Kirkland, 11 A. M.; Rev. Geo. McMillan. 8 P. M. Front Street Methodist Church Rev. B. F. Marable, 11 A. M. : Rev. J. S. Black. 8 P. M. First (colored) Presbyterian Church Rev. K. McDonald, H A. M.; Rev. S. II. Isler. 8 P. M. First Congregational Church Rev. A. McFadyen. 8 P. M. riSCATORlJLL POINTS. A Short Story About Lake Trout Thirty-Five Thousand Placed In Wieeautw Lake. We are glad to note a valuable contribu tion recently made to the fish interests of this section. A short time since Hon. Spencer F. Baird, United States Fish Commissioner, wrote to Col. H. B. Short making inquiries as to the area, source of supply, outlet, temperature of water, and depth of Wac camaw Lake his object being to find wa ters in the South suitable for the propaga tion of the Lake trout, one of the gamest fish that ever tackled a fly or swallowed a minnow. Col. Short's reply was so full and satisfactory that Mr. Baird promptly decided that Waccamaw Lake possessedjall the advantages requisite for his purpose. So a very intelligent young man, Mr. L. L. Donnelly, from the government hatchery at Washington, arrived at Flemington a few days ago, having in charge ten large cans containing 35,000 of the Lake trout averaging about two inches in length. The temperature of the water in the cans being 45 degrees and that of the Lake 68 degrees, Mr. Donnelly remarked that it certain death to the young fish to make the change at once. So he placed the cans in reach of the sun's rays, and in three hours the temperature of the water had risen to 63 degrees. The transfer was then made from the cans to the Lake, and Col. Short and Mr. Donnelly were so happy that they immediately "smiled," The Lake trout is one of the finest of the fresh water fish a "joy forever" to the angler and indescribably sweet to the epicure At maturity, which it reaches in about two years, it weigns irom tnree to four pounds. Mr. Donnelly surely understands his business; for of the 35,000 fish with which he started from Washington, only twelve were dead or injured when he reached Waccamaw Lake. Looking After Phosphates. A Raleigh letter in the Richmond Dis patch says : Dr. C. W. Dabney has gone on a tour of inspection to the lower Cape Fear section to examine the phosphate rocks recently discovered there, and to lo cate, if possible, any considerable beds of them that may underlie the country. It will be a grand discovery if he is success ful, because the whole world is being ran sacked for cheap and convenient fertilizers to stimulate production to answer the de mands of the enormous consumption of our growing population. ; Mr. W. H. Hayes, Hillsboro, N.C., says "I can recommend Brown's Iron Bitters as a superior article." f APKIL 14, 1883. War Department, Signal Servlee, Xj S Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the lienent of Commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BELT BULLETIN. April 13, 18835 P.M. AVERAGE. Districts. Max. Min. Rain Temp Temp. FaII. 82 56 .00 86 56 ,00 86 56 .00 87 60 .00 "84 59 .02 85 63 .00 87 . 65 .00 86 71 .00 86 70 .00 85 67 .00 85 65 . 00 84 63 .00 Wilmington . Charleston. . . Augusta Savannah Atlanta . . Montgomery . Mobile New Orleans , Galveston Vicksburg Little Rock. . . Memphis Weather Indications. The following are the indications for to day: For tne MiddJe Atlantic States, warm easterly to southerly winds, lower barome ter, partly cloudy weather, followed by light rains in northern portion. r or tne South Atlantic btates, warmer, fair weather, winds shifting to southeast and southwest in northern portion, slight rise followed by falling barometer in south ern portion and slight rise in barometer. For the eastern Gulf States, fair weather and very warm southerly to westerly winds. i? or tne western liuli States, local rains, partly cloudy weather, warm southerly winds shifting to colder and west winds in west portions and higher temperature. For the Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, increasing cloudiness and light rain, south erly to westerly winds and falling barome ter in northern portions and very warm weather to-morrow, followed by colder weather on Saturday night. Grand Excursion Next month. Arrangements are in progress, under the auspices of Messrs. Berry Gleaves, John L. Maffitt and J. A. Corbett, for a grand all- daylight excursion from Shelby and inter mediate points on the Carolina Central Railroad to -Wilmington; the excursion to take place on the 26th of May, and tickets to be good for one .week. This will allow the excursionists ample time to visit the sounds and seashore, to indulge in a trip to the black fish grounds, and to spend all the' time they may desire in the city, to say nothing of oyster roasts, fish fries, etc. All necessary arrangements for tne comfort and convenience of the excursionists will be made, and the steamer Passport has been engaged to take them down the river. We anticipate a big crowd here on the oc casion. Tne matter is in tne ngnt nanus. Wood and ITIetal Scenery Beautiful Oriental Design.? Sec. We understand that the scenery which is used in the first, second and fourth acts of "Young Mrs. Winthrop" at the Madison Square Theatre, is constructed of wood and brass. The metal was cut by hand in India for Louis C. Tiffany & Co., who imported it. In India, this metal is used for .deco- ratirjg rooms ueaicatea to special ceremo nials. The walls and ceiling of the scene at the Madison Square Theatre contain over two hundred Oriental designs. Its full beauty can only be appreciated by a minute inspection through an opera glass. It shows the kind of house decoration which the more wealthy are now introducing in New York city homes. A duplicate of this will be shown with the company which is soon to appear in this city. The Rebate on Tobacco. Clears, Ac. Under the New Tariff. All dealers having tobacco, cigars, snuff and cigarettes on hand on May 1st can secure the rebate allowed under the new tariff bill upon these articles by application to the proper department at Washington on or before the time above specified. If ap plication be not made by or before that time no rebate can be secured. 1 ne re ductions are as follows: 8 cents per pound on tobacco; 8 cents per pound on snuff; from $6 to $3 per thousand on cigars and cigarettes, and from 1.7o to $1.25 on cigarettes in paper. Jf ull particulars can be had of U. S. Commissioner King, who is in possession of instructions from the Department. Accident on the Black River. We learn that one of the arches of Union Bridge, over Black river, broke in on Wed nesday last, while one of Mr. J. D. Kerr's wagon and teams were crossing it, throw ing mules, driver, wagon and load into the water, which at that point is about ten feet deep. The mules were saved with some damage. The driver, we regret to hear, suffered internal injuries, but to what extent our informant could not say. A greater portion of the load was lost. CITY ITEMS PERSONAL! TO MM ONITI-Thi Voltaic Bri-T Co., Marshall, Mioh., will send Dr. Dts's Cklxbkatkd Klxctbo-Voltaic Bklts awd Klko trio Afpliahcxb on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re storation of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No risk la Incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. A DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having passed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, and becoming con vinced that Mrs. Winsloy's Soothing Syrup was just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly In favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child passed in suff ering.and the parents without sleep. Return ing home the day following, the father found the baby still suffering : and while contemplating an other sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend "to some domestic duties and left the father with the child. During her ab sence he administered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and happy. The mother was delighted with the wonderful change, and al though at first offended at the deception prac ticed upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights nave disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices of the mother. Sold by au Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. WHOLE NO. 4876 DIED, HOWARD. At her residence, In this city, yes irdaj moving, Mrs. 8. K. HOWARD, aged The funeral wm take pUoethfa (Saturda) )morn lng, at 10 o'clock, from St. Paul's Church, oorner of Fourth and Orange streets, thence to Belle- rue Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lithia Water. 1 A CASES OP TUB CELEBRATED BUFFALO LTTIIIA WATER, Just received from the Springs, And for sale by ap 14 2t JAS. C. MUNDS. , c SPRING LAMBS ! SPRING UMIJS ! I have -fveeivedta lot of , SIITT HEAD OF SPRING LAMBS ! Which I will offer FOR SALE TO-DAY AND FOR Til E NEXT WEEK Call and see some of 'Tnr urcjT urrr rnD crirru vrDou 1UDDUU1 Ullljl 1 Ull Ub! lJll IDAHO ; AT GEORGE F. TILLBY'S, ap 14 tf 2d M. bet. Market and Princess. To Manufacturers and Dealers in To bacco, Cigars, Snuff; &c Cape Fear Revenue District. UNDER THE NEW TARIFF BILL WHICH goes into effect May 1st. 1883. a Rebate is al lowed on all Taxes paid on 8tocksof above goods on hand Mav 1st, 1883, which Rebates must be prosecuted Defore tho prooer Department at Washington. Having made arrangements for a prompt prosecution of these cases. I am sup plied with the necessary Treasury blank forms ana instructions, which can be bad on applica tion io E. n. KING, Attorney at Law, ap 14 3t and U. S. Commissioner. pnE FINEST COLLAR IN THE CITY, ALL PURE LINEN (20 -hundred), for ONE DOLLAR per Dozen. Don t pay twenty-nve cents for a single Collar, when you can buy one just as good lOr TBN UKfllB. ALL-WOOL SUITS, of eood aualttv. well-cut and made, only fll.SO. MUNSON. ap 14 It Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Gospel Hymns, A NEW EDITION. NOS. 1, 2. 3 AND 4 COM- bined In one Book. SPIRITUAL SONGS, with Music, for use In So cial Meetings. Selected and arranged by Rev. Charles S. Robinson. D. D. THE SERVICE OF SONG, for Baptist Churches. New and enlarged edition. Just received and for sale at HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Music Stores. ap 14 tf NEW BUTTER! MARTIN'S GILT-EDGE! RICH & FRAGRANT. FIRST OF THE SEASON. JUST ARRIVED. Baker's Broma, Cocoa and Chocolate. North Carolina Hams. Sides. Shoulders, Sujrar- Cured Hams, Strips, Tongues, Ac. The "Pride" Flour is tho BEST In tho city. The "Mount Hope" Flour can't lie beat for sec ond grade. Coffees Roasted Daily. Live and Dressed Chickens always on hand. 500 Dozen Eggs, 15c per dozen retail. Call and fill your orders for Groceries with J. G. Stevenson, ap 14 tf MARKET STREET. Wanted, TO RENT OR PURCHASE, HOUSE of four or five rooms and Kitchen, in good location. Address ' f r su tu BOX 383 P. O. ap 13 3t Druggist Wanted. A YOUNG MAN THOROUGHLY COMPETENT. Must be of good habits. Address, with refer ences, stating qualifications. ap 13 2t Tarborough, N. C. Novelties., A LL THE LATEST STYLES AND NOVEL- TIES in Ladies, Hisses and Children's Slippers. Also, an elegant assortment of Low-Cot Sboes for Hen and Boys' Wear. Prices Low and Quality Guaranteed, A. 8HRIER. ap 13 tf 28 Market Street. ATOTTCE. Pursuant to a Special Act passed at Xl the last session of the Legislature, "ToAu- thorlze the County of Bladen to Ascertain and Settle its Floating Debt," we. the undersigned RoamI of Anritt will meet at Ellxabethtown. on Tuesday, May 8th, 18K3, for the purpose of reoely- tn and xiun nine Claims uniusi me i-uuuij. Persons deslrincr their claims settled will meet us at that time and place. J. M. BENSON. ap7 4t sat nac NEWTON ROBINSON. The War TTOAT A TlAVTD IS MAKING ON HIGH X PRICES Is attracting universal attention. THE GREAT BARGAINS which we advertised last week are slowly but surely disappearing. We have only about ONE HUNDRED 8UITS left oftfee original Five Hundred, which we are selling at $10 and $12 per Suit, positively one-half tbelr real value. 00 ALL-WOOL PANTS, at $2.40. $2.73 and Ml rnnd value at 15.00 and $6.00. These Specialties are guaranteed as represent ed, or tne money win oe rerunaea oy A.. It A. V lit, ap 13 tf The Clothier. Hardware to the Front JJORSE SHOES AND NAILS BY THE POUND. Three corner Files, flat and round; Fishing Poles and Fishing Lines. nnnka CVtrka uul imnA Heine Twine. Book-Horn Handle and Barlow Blades. I keep tbe very best Barlows erer """ur,K ap a tr Mli! f RATES OV AXITSnTXSIIIOl bee'square One Dmyr.;V.,,..V....'..;'' $f W Z ' H twoDmys... - ' " H Z Three Dan, t W T. Z J2ay- ... W ' Fire Days, 4 S M z " oewee i .: . ::..".: m " Two Wee?, eo Three Weeka, - to ' " OneMoeth, t 10 M Two Months, 18 00 " Thrt Months, M .MM 8U Months, ,. MM : One Tear, tO 0 W Contract Advertisement taken at proper-. tton&tely low rates. v . i Ten lines solid Kmn&wii tr r,.v Mm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LIE CTTJEE5' AT THE OPERA HOUSE, BT - REV. FATHER RYAN, tbe Poet Priest ON TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 17TD, AT CTCUL Tickets 50 cents Reserved Scats 25 conU ex tra, which can bo obtained at Dyers', J. L. CANTWELL. . D. O'CONNEIL T. DONLAN, Rct. copy. Committee. ap 14 2t sat tu THE MEDIO A L the: hedical. IS THE BEST AND FINEST CORSET for the mo- ney ever offered in this or any other market, and guaranteed by the manufacturer that It cannot be excelled in quality and durability at the price ($2.60). ana offers RfiO reward to whoever Drodu-' ces any thing to excel it. COHSKT8. We have largely increased our stock of COR SETS, intending to make a specially of thmjnd guarantee to show the largest and fullest line in the citv. Amonir them we mention a few of spe cial merit : TI1K MATERNA, something new, f2.S5 THE NORMA. Imported worn, l.W THE SARATOGA, imported woven, 1 i THE BROADWAY, extra strong. 1 (W And ten other styles too numerous to mention. We hope to receive a call, as we are satisfied we can suit the moH fastidious. JULIUS SAMSON, ap 12 tf 43. Market fit Buffalo Lithia Water TAKES THE PLACE OK ':" THE SURGEON'S KNIFE FOR STONE OF TIIR- B LADDER. L . ITS VALUE IN BRIGHT'S DISEASE. TI1E , GOUTY DIATHESIS, Ac. BUFFALO LITHIA WATER SUPPLANTS THE SURGEON'S KNIFE IN STONE OF THE BLADDER. Case of Dr. J. B. Wclstllng. Mlddlctown, Pa- stated by himself. ' 'Experience In Its use In Stone of the Bladder. In my own person, enables me to attest the won- derful efficacy of the Buffalo Lithia Water In this painful malady. After having been long subject ed to sufferings, tho Intensity of which cannot be described. I have under the Influenoe or this water passed (I am confident I am within the bounds of truth), at least an ounce of Calculi (Uiic Acid), some of which welglMtd as muoh aa four rralns. affordlnar Inexpressible relief, and leaving me In a condition of comparative ease : ally small Calculi, and they are not attended Mr the Intense suffering which their passage has heretofore occasioned. On one occasion I passed thirty-five Calculi in forty-elirht hours. The ap pearance of this Calculus Nuclei Indicates un mistakably. I think, that they were .all compo nent particles of one large Calculus destroyed by tho action of tho water by means of solution and disintegration. At my advanced period of life (I am seventy-seven years and six months of age), and In my feeble general health, a snrrical operation was not to be thought of, and the wa ter seems tt have accomplished all that snob an operation, if successful, oould have dono." Stone in tiii Bladder (Uric Acid), Symptoms or Bbioht's Disease. Case of Mrs. stated by Dr. David E Smith, of Brbnxvllle. Westchester, N. Y. "Mrs. was subject to severe attacks of ffoitt. a consequence of an Inherited (Hmltf JMa- lheif, followed after some time by Nton in tbe Bladder. The limbs were very (KdmMUm. so much so as to pit readily on pressure with the finger, leaving an indentation long after its remo val. The i rtnt was loaaea wiin urau ana m r cent. AUnimrn, and the microscope revealed ( 'aCf .snowing i mougm, jmoni i JHjtfant of the KUlney. I prescribed the Buffalo Lithia Water.SprlnK No. 8, which afforded prompt relief in the (Jouty AJTection, and resulted, in of an Inch ong, by one-fourth of an Inch in diam eter. Under the continued use of the water the Urine has been relieved of AUmmiwut Imprtona- (ion. and restored to a normal condition; no Vatti can be discovered, the (Edematous condition of the limbs has been relieved, and the general health of the patient to a great extent restored." Stone in toe Bladder, PnosruATio. l Case stated by Dr. B. 8. Hardy, Hookerton, Greene Co., N. C. "My son. a young man, suffered from Stone In Jhe Bladder, of a mired character, consisting chiefly of Calcium, Carbonate una rnospHats. Al ter persistent use of all remedies Indicated In the cane without benefit. I put him upon Buffalo Lithia. Snrinir No. 2. the use of which, for some six weeks, resulted in the passage, at snort inter vals, of Gravel, or small size, and at times or par" tides of Sand, followed, sometimes afterwan s. by the discharge of a Stone weighing IS grains. the largest, I am confident, I ever knew to pass through the Urethra), virtually ending his trou bles, since which time any unpleasant symptom has been relieved by the use of the water for a short time. Its action In this case has been In deed wonderful." Water In cases of one dozen bnlf gallon bot tles, $5.00 per case at the Springs. Norlnirs open June 1st. Springs pamphlet sent to any address. THOMA F GOoDE, Proprietor. ap 10 tf Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. Dry Goods. c AiiPKTS. MATTINGS. Beautiful RUGS and MATS. ulte an assortment shown. SUMMER SILKS. A larre variety of Styles and Colors, and yon will find the prices right. JERSEY JACKETS, To arrivo to-day (Thursday) by Express. II. RI. IrtelNTIItrc. Many thlnsrs new. which you can see, but csn ap 12 tf not he here enumerated. Fishing Tackle. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND, And for sale by GILES A MURCHLSON, 88 A 40 Morchlson Block, N. Front Hi- ap 11 tf Comfortable and Easy, UR HAND MADE SOFT BOTTOM SHOES, LADIES' WEAR. Jist tbe thing tot tender feet. For GENTLEMEN we offer the BEST CLASS OF CCTSTOM-WORI-neat of style, durable la stock, and superior in workmanship. It will py rou to call on Geo. B. French & Son j M V. FRONT, 9T. . : ' . - - i