4 h. , v The Morning Star: Y WM. II. BEUNAttl), , ! HUSHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. ,meYear (by Wail) IajPaid,....... $7 00 sis Months. " " 4 no rhree Months, " " "... 2 00 wo mourns, - "... 1 BO f To ty SubscribedUTrto'iiiypart Attonts are not authorized to collect for more limit triMhaa ntAnfhd 4-n awl-nAw. intered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. ft. na oooouu v;iaso aaraer. MORNING EDITION. OJUTLINES. Andy Taylor, one of a gang which cap- 1. 11 red a railroad train in East Tennessee and murdered a sheriff and his deputy, was arrested at Emoona, Ks. Hitebue of the James gang, captured at Jonesboro, Tenn. Mayor Harrisoa, of Chicago, has ordered the polico to close up the dis reputable houses in certain portions of that city. The death of M. Brederman, an oil broker in Paris, caused a panic on the Produce Exchange of that city. A. L. Boulware, of Richmond. Va., has been appointed receiver for the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs property. The t'.tal cotton crop in sight is six mil lion and a half bales. The P. O. De partment has pjaced D. E. Chamberlain, of A thole, Mass., aud the various firms he represents, on the black list. Jesse ('aniptxjll murdered William Saks and "wife near Decatur, Ala. A lire at Crisfield, Mo., burned sixteen houses ; loss $100,000. President Arthur arrived at Jacksonville, Fla., yesterday, and expects to remain until Tuesday; the Tallapoosa is at St. Augustine awaiting his arrival there. AH the prisoners confined in jail at Smith ville, N. C. es caped Friday night. Dillingham & Co , cotton brokers. New Orleans, have failed. Plaisted, 'he Bostou oarsman, is training at Lynchburg, Va. Judge killings, of the U. S. Court at New Orleans, is tired of the election fraud cases, and re fuses to try any more of them. N Y. markets: Money 46 per rent. ; cot ton steady at 10310c; southern flour fair ly active aud firm at $5 006 50; wheat, un graded white $1 05122i; corn, ungraded 5765c; rosin steady at $1 701 75; spirits turpentine quiet and firm at 48c. The Protectionists of Philadelphia have just given "Pig-Iron Kelley," a dinner. They are grateful for fa vors already received and for those in store. The correspondent of the New York Times, in Florida, writing up Arthur, says that in the journey to Florida "there were uo crowds any where north of Jacksonville, except at (ioklsboro, N. C, and at the lat ter place the President did not have time to acknowledge the boisterous demands that he should appear." Ex-Senator Eaton, of Connecticut, says he is not a candidate for the Speakership. A dispatch from New Haven in the N. Y. Times says: "Fie thinks that neither Carlisle, Randall, nor Blackburn will be Speaker, and that a d -irk horse will be chosen. It will depend, Mr. Eaton says, upon bargains about the composition of committees. These have not been made Itecause there aVe so many new Congressmen, who so far are unap proachable." Rev. J. E. Wilson, a colored Pre siding Elder of the Florence District, S. C, Methodist Conference, and a straight-out Republican, was post master at Florence. Tie has been turned out aud a white man named Tim Weston put in his -place. He is a defaulting county treasurer. And this is a specimen of Radical civil service reform and love for the colored voter. Henry D. McDaniel, Democratic nominee for Governor of Georgia, is a native of that State, a graduate of Mercer College, taking first honor, and a lawyer. He served in the late war, was severely wounded in the ab domen, the minnie ball being still in him, was captured and kept in prison the remainder of the war. As he is not a Major or a -Colonel, he must have been a "high private." tb:e city. NEW A QVEKTI 8B1HFNTS. Munson Mentor collars. D. A. Smitii Furniture. W. E. Davis & Son Bhad. J. I. Macks Assignee's sale. Festival and "Mum Party." J. H. Mallard New stock. IIeinsbergkr Gospel hymns. E. J. Powers German kainit. Joiin Dyer & SoN-rRead this. Giles. & Murchison Fly fans. 1 Louis J. Poisson Pew for rent. Jackson & Bell Rebate labels. R. M. McIntire Dry goods, etc. F. M. King & Co. Guano horns. A. David Proper ways and means. Otterbourg Capping the climax. Parker & Taylor Refrigerators. A. & I. SnitiER Spring attractions. J. K. McIliienny Soda water, etc. G. W. Williams & Co. Groceries. Mrs. M. C. Powers Dress-making. Card First Baptist chnrch, colored. Cronly & Morris Furniture for sale. R. P. Paddison Stmr. John Dawson. P. L. Bridgers & Co Royster's candy. Lecture Rev. Moses D. HofeD. D. J. J. TIedrick Lace fichus, h'dk'fg, etc. Harrison & Allen Spring styles hats. J. W. Gordon & Bbo. Fire insurance. W. E. Springer & Co. Cotton planters II. M. Bowden & Co. Saddlery goods. P. H. Hayden Carriages, wagons, etc. G. R. French & Sons Boots and shoes. Kerciiner & Calder Bros. Rice, acn, fionr, etc. 4: fe-Snr ' "r VOL. XXXII.-N0. 21. toetl Dots. Third Sunday after Easter. Receipts of cotton yesterday, yi bales. t -Uay's length 13 hours and 10 minutes. Vennor has promised us warmer weather to-day. Eggs were retailing yesterday at 15 cents per dozen. To-day is the anniversary of the great snow storm in 1849. The petition for a Third Ward Market has been numerously signed. Only one case of drunk aud down for Mayor Hall's consideration yes terday morning. A lot of fish were condemned and sent out of the market by the health officers yesterday; After a night of easterly winds and cool weather, ' the weather yesterday was mild and pleasant again. - At last accounts Mr. Jos. A. W orth, of Fayetteville, who has been very sick, was considered much better. The streets and alleys in the lower part of the city got a pretty thorouch washing from the hydrants yesterday. The Wilmington Light Infantry Company will drill every Thursday night for the next three weeks, weather permit ting. There will be no German ser vices in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church this morning, as previously an nounced. We are requested to state that thS Fifth Street M. E. church will be occu pied to-day by ministers of the Presbytery. An important meeting of the Board of County Commissioners is called by Chairman Bagg for to-morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. -- The new machine shops of the Wilmington Weldon Railroad are nearly sufficiently advanced to receive the roof. They will constitute an immene struct ure. Owing to a misapprehension we J were not furnished with a full list of the Magistrates, ' old and new inclusive, as we thougLt. We will publish a correct list on Tuesday. The store No. 8, on North Water street, formerly occupied by Messrs. Petteway & Schulken, is being fitted Hp for jTPtJL Scarborough, who will open gSSeugame of base-ball, playedyesterday afternoon, the "Cham pions," Capt. E. H. Munson, scored 28, and the "Little Buds." Capt. J. Blumen thal, scored 12. The Norwegian barque Frey, Capt. Halvorsen, was cleared from this port for Glasgow, yesterday, by Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son. with 2,411 bar rels of rosin, valuedat $4,163.60. Col. J. O. P. Burnside, Disbur sing Officer of the Post Office Department at Washington, and a nephew of the late Gen. A. E. Burnside, the capturer of New Berne, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Harry "Webb has sent to the Star office a vegetable curiosity a cu cumber about a foot and a half in length, freshly plucked from the vine. It was grown under glass at the residence of Mrs. Webb in this city. We hope Father Ryan will be greeted by a good house Tuesday night. The prospect so far is very favorable, as tickets are being taken very fast. It is only once in a lifetime that one gets a chance to listen to such a man as Father' Ryan. The large brick store on North Water street, occupied by Mr. R. W. Hicks, is being put in repair. One corner of the ' building had settled considerably, causing the structure to crack and bulge at that particular spot, so that the whole of that corner of the building had to be taken down and replaced. We learn that the work on the Wilmington, Wrightsville and Onslow Railroad is being pushed steadily on, and it is expected that the road will be graded to the mouth of Bradley's Creek in twenty days, should the weather permit. The rails and cross-ties will soon be here, we are informed, and will be laid as quickly as possible. Dr. Hoge'a Lecture "Tent Life In tne East' and "Modern Chivalry." The official announcement is made this morning of the proposed lectures at the Opera House next week by Rev. Ir. Moses P. Hoge, of Richmond, Va., under the aus pices and for the benefit of the Wilming ton Library Association. On Thursday, the 19th, the subject will be "Tent Life in theEas.t" Subject for the 20th: "Mod ern Chivalry." No extra charge for reserved seats. The lecture will commence at half past 8 o'clock. Dr. Hoge has the reputa tion of being one of the most talented and entertaining lecturers in the country, and we bespeak for him a full house. .mortuary. . There was only one interment a child in Oakdale Cemetery during the week closing yesterday. , ,,, Bellevue Cemetery reports one interment an adult for the week. In Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery there were four Interments three adults and one child for the week. - Wli-rt: j . . . .1 fit in. ' je I : I I f f l WILMINGTON, N. G., SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1883. WILMINGTON PRESBYTERY Proceedings of fourth Day. The Treasurer was directed to pay the Commissioners to the General Assembly $50 each to defray their expenses in going and returning from the General Assembly, Presbytery granted request of Moore's Creek Church to employ Bev. Colin Shaw, and of Clinton and Mt. Olive churches to employ Rev. B. F. Marable. A commission was appointed to install Rev. A. McPadyen as pastor of Mt. Ho- reb Church, viz: Rev. C. M. Payne to pre side and propound the constitutional ques tions ; Rev. J. S. Black to charge the pas tor; and Rev. A. Kirkland to charge the people. Rev. J. M. Rose and Rev. S. H. Isler, with Ruling Elder T.ll Hyman, were ap pointed a committee to prepare a manual for the Presbytery. The Stated Clerk was directed to write to Rev. D. B. Black expressing the sympa thy of the Presbytery for him in his illness. Report on Systematic Benevolence was adopted and a copy ordered to be sent to the General Assembly. Various reports were received and dis posed of. The most interesting discussion was probably on Education. T he reports of Evangelists were highly interesting and encouraging. The prospect of religion in the Presby tery is decidedly more hopeful. Attempted Kraape or a Prisoner. Thomas Jefferson, the colored youth who was sentenced Friday morning to twenty days' confinement in the city prison for acting disorderly at the depot of the W. & W. Railroad, made a desperate effort at escape yesterday morning. It seems the janitor opened the prison door about 7 o'clock to allow the prisoners to receive their breakfast, when Jefferson, with a bucket in his hand, passed out at the door, at one side of which the janitor was stand ing, with the ostensible purpose of getting a bucket of water from the pump in the passage, but after taking a few steps he suddenly dropped the bucket and darted for the door leading into the City Hall yard. The janitor followed in hot pursuit and chased the fugitive out of the yard and down Third street to Miss Hart's school house, between Princess and Market streets, when the. boy, finding himself about to be overhauled, sprung nimbly over the fence and took refuge under the school house. The pursuer was right at his heels, and, before he could stow himself away so as to conceal his whereabouts, the iron grip of the janitor was upon him. He offered no resistance realizing the absurdity of the attempt and was marched quietly back to his quarters. A Book For All. We have received from the publishers one of the most valuable works in print "Gaskell's Compendium of Forms." Edu cational, Social. Legal and Commercial. It contains more valuable information on all practical subjects than any work it has been our pleasure to examine. The sale of this work-in Raleigh, Dur ham, Winston, Ashcville, and points in Virginia, has exceeded that of any work ever offered to the public. Prof. L. H. Roberts, general agent for West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, is having wonderful success everywhere. The work' is highly recom mended by the finest bankers, book-keepers and business men of the country. No one can afford to be without a copy of this valuable Work. m m Wife Beating. The house of John Garrason, colored, near the City Hospital grounds, was the scene on Thursday night last of an exciting episode, originating from certain "delicate attentions" on his part towards the wife of his bosom. In other words she gave him some "eass," and he beat her until hercrie of "murder" and "help" alarmed the entire neighborhood and made the denizens of the locality think that there was really a foul murder being committed in their midst. Garrason was subsequently arrested, and yesterday morning the case was heard by Justice Millis, who required the -defendant to pay a fine of $10 and the costs, in default of which he was commit ted to the sheriff. Serious Sickness or a Wilmington La dy fa Savannab. Wo regret to learn that intelligence was received here Friday evening of the serious illness, at Savannah. Georgia, of Mrs. R. B. Wood, of this city. Her husband, Mr. R. B. Wood, Sr., and her son, Dr. Thomas F. Wood, left for Savannah Friday night; Mr. Wood himself getting up out of a sick bed to go the side of his afflicted wife. We learn that Mrs. Wood is afflicted with pneumonia. We hope her sickness may not prove as serious as at first supposed. Tne Rebate Queries Answered. A correspondent at Laurel Hill, N. C, writes: "Will the reduction of eight cents per pound tax on tobacco be allowed merchants who have unbroken packages on hand May the 1st t If so, will the rebate be made in currency or tobacco stamps?" To the first qsery we answer, yes. To the second: Either currency or stamps. (80 says the U. S. Commissioner herd. ) Festival and Blum Party. The ladies of the Lutheran Church have decided to give an ice cream and strawberry festival and "mum party" next Wednesday night at the City Hall. They will also serve supper and will have all things in readiness to wait upon, the public from 7 o'clock on. Their advertisement appears elsewhere. ' ..... . : i RNING War Department, Signal Servlee, l S. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit Of Commerce and Agriculture. COTTON-BELT BULLETIN. April 14, 18835 P.M. AVERAGE. Districts. Max. Min. Rain Temp' Temp. Fall. 78 50 .00 81 , 60 ,00 85 62 .00 85 64 . 00 83 64 .00 88 ' 63 .00 88 66 .00 86 70 . 00 82 63 . 02 88 09 .00 85 66 .27 , 89 69 . 00 Wilmington'. . Charleston. . . . Augusta Savannah Atlanta Montgomery . Mobile New Orleans . . Galveston , Vicksburg Little Rock Memphis Weatber Indications. The following are the indications for to day: For the Middle Atlantic States, warmer, fair weather, followed on Sunday night by local rains, east to south winds, lower ba rometer. For the South Atlantic States, warmer, fair weather, followed on Sunday night by local rains, cast to south winds, and lower barometer in southern portions. For the Eastern Gulf States, increasing cloudiness, local rains, southerly winds shifting to west and north, colder weather higher barometer. For the Western Gulf States, local rains, increasing cloudiness, southerly winds shifting to west and north, colder weather, higher barometer. For the Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, ' increasing cloudiness and local rains, warm southerly, shifting to colder easterly and northwesterly winds and bigher barometer in western portions. Tne New Telegraph Line. Mr. F. W. Foster addressed the the mem bers of of the Produce Exchange yesterday on the subject of his proposed telegraphic connection with Clinton, and at the close quite a respectable sum was subscribed. Mr. Foster says if he can get as much more, together with what is subscribed in Clinton, the line will be built and in operation by June. f3T See fourth page for other local news. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mrs.H. C. Powers, JASHIONABLK DRESS-MAKING, East side of Fourth, between Ilanover and Brunswick Sts. apl51t Notice. rpHB STJCAXER JOHN DAWSON WILI, BE off her route, for about two weeks, for repairs. The Freight Business wilt be continued by Flat. jippiyio uAtutx lAjma, Atrent. ap 15 3t R. P. PADDISON. Bebate Labels. rpOBACCO AND CIGAR DEALERS CAN BE X supplied with the required Label oA applica tion. These Labels are printed under direction of Ed. H. King,- U. S. Commissioner, from the authorized firm. JACKSON JS BRLL, Water Power Printer,, ap 15 It Wilmington, N. C. A FESTIVAL AND "M PARTY" WIL BE GIVEN BY THE DORCAS SO CIETY of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, at the City Hall, next Wednesday night, April 18th. Admission 10 Cents. SuDDer Ice ' Cream and Strawberrirs served from 7 o'clock on. su we ap 15 2t Pew For Bent. JEW No. 72 In St. JAM S3 CHURCH. OUTH aisle, midway, opposite window. ap 15-3t LOUIS J. POISSON. For Sale. A VERY HANDSOME CHAMBER SET. IN Solid Black Walnut and Maarble Bedstead. Dress ing Case Bureau, Table sud Chairs, all of extra Marble Finish. For sale at lees than one half of its first cost by CRONLY A MORRIS, ap 10 11 Auctioneers. Lithia Water. 1 A CASES OF THE CELEBRATED JLvr BUFFALO LTTHI A WATER, Just received from the Springs, Ana tor sale ov ap 14 2t JAS. C. MUNDS. Wanted, TO REJTT OR PURCHASE, HOUSE of four or five' rooms and Kitchen, ( In good location. Address ap 13 8t fr su tu BOX 383 P. O. Hats ! Hats ! Springs Styles I HARRISON ALLEN, ap 15 tf Hatters. Coin-Cure. rpRY A BOTTLE OF THE NEVER-FAILING CORN-CURE. It is safe and harmless, and proves enective witnin a boots ipne, ana leaves no scar or soreness. For sale wholesale and retail by - J. H. HARD IN,. apltf Druggist, New Market. Hcnhenny's Becipe, A SPLENDID NICKEL CIGAR, FURS LIME-FRUIT JUICE, A delicioTis Summer Drink, THE BEST SODA-WATER IN THE CITY, At J. K. MoILHENNY'S, ap 15 tf Corner Market aad Front Streets. Artistic Fnrniture ! rTTOE NEW FURNITURE STORE OF BEH- BENDS & MUNROE are now exhibiting a iovln skilled arge stock of Art Furniture. Employing sk iploylng! Mntaldi workmen they are ready to draw spactal designs, and execute the same on short notice. JGSll- mates given. , ap 15 tf ami 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To the Public. TTI7TS, THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRST BAP T t tiat Churok, colored, corner Fifth and Camp bell streets, wish to call the attention of the citi zens or; Wilmington, and the public generally. idu me appeal ior nve nunarea dollars is de cidedly a fraud-. We have not made any such request. That inhuman Gospel butcher, answer ing to the name of A. M. Conway, is trying to deceive ,ine good ana ca&n table people by asking for money to repair our church. We win hold our worship corner Sixth and Campbell streets, known as Rebecca Tent, until we can get possession 01 our property. (Signed) II. J. Whitehead, II. Rkd, J ho Cash, W. Harhis, Hamilton Habgravk, Eu Cukrijc. Daxiel WnxiAxs, Hknry Mm ford S. G. Jihkiks, Murphy Ward. The following are the minutes of the Baptist state uommutee: report or Tint executive board. Wilmington, N. C, June 16th, 1882. We, the Executive Board of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, with the Executive Board of the Kenaos ville Association, met this morning at 11.80 o'clock, and after a candid and oraverfnl cnn1nrAt.inn nt thA hnM ratnut Rev. A. M. Conway, and the testimony of the members of the Flrat Baptist Church, Wilmington, unanimously aeoiaea mat tne said charges were fully sustained: and acooi rdlng to the evidence se of administration in Rev. A. M. Conway's course tne ousinese meetings of said church is wholly unsoriDtural and founded nnon no Bantlst nrinci- ples. and that he has caused members to be ex pelled contrary to Baptist usage, and thereby led the church into error and confusion, and caused said church to tee oat of Gospel order. Aad we do hereby unanimously ana mhesttattngly eon-: uemn sucn a course 01 administration as un scriptural and a departure from BaDtist faith. We furthermore recommend and advise the said First Baptist Church of Wilmington as fol lows: 1. That the members and officers ofsaldchuroh who have been unlawfully expelled, be recog- mzea as mem Ders ana officers or good standing in said church. 2. That the said church, in order that it mav be retained and reootmized in the Association and Convention, dismiss Rev. A. M. Conway as pastor 01 saia cnurcn. 3. And that we do also herebv withdraw the band of fellowship from Rev. A. M. Conwav and said First Baptist church untill said church shall so reform as to be recognized by the sister Baptist uuurcnes. N. F. Roberts. Chairman: C. Johnson. C. B. Gibbs. Thos. Parker. W. C. Cowan. C. Larkins. H. T. Smith, G. H, White, Z. Haughton, R. I. Walden j. i-erry, wm. a. ureen, secretary. report of committee on grievances. We, your Committee on Grievances, having leara .Dotn sides or the question pertain ns to Rev. A. M. Conwav and th First. Rant 1st Church of Wilmington, do approve of the action of the Executive Board in withdrawing the right hand of fellowship from Rev. A. M. Conway and his followers of Wilmington, and do recognize the party recommended lathe Executive Board's report; and we do furthermore recommend that itev. A. Jft. Conway and his followers be expelled from this Convention, having been expelled from the Kenans ville Association. We, your committee, do furthermore recom- mena mat itev. A. Ureen and Thomas Parker be recognized as ministers in good standing. M. C. Ransom, P. T. Young, A. B. Fleming, S. M. Jones, W. R. Mason, W. T. II. Woodwsrd, F. ft. ho well, uommittee. ap 15 It Gospel Hymns, NEW EDITION. NOS. 1, 2. 3 AND 4 COM- bined in one Book. SPIRITUAL SONGS, with Music, for use in So cial Meetings. Selected and arranged by Rev. Charles S. Robinson, p. D. THE SERVICE OF SONG, for BaptUt Churehes. New and enlarged edition. Just received and for sale at HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Music Stores, ap 15 tf Cargo of Genuine German Kainit, MY OWN IMPORTATION. Just arrived and for sale by E. J. POWERS. ap 13 D&Wtf A. & I. SHRIEK. Attractions for this Spring. pERFECT FITTING AND CORRECT STYLES of CLOTHING, for Men, Youths, Boys and Chil dren, at the LOWEST PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. A. & I. SHRIEK, Reliable Clothiers, No. 34 Market St. ap 15 tf Lirerpool and London aM Globe Ins.. Co. Claims Paid in the United States, Losses promptly adjusted and paid on receipt of proofs, without discount, by JNO. W. GORDON A BRO.. Agents, ap 15 tf 24 North Water St. Handsome Lace FicimsXt Handkerchiefs. pUSCHINGS, ELEGANT EMBROIDERIES. A f ull stock of White Goods, new and cheap. THE Bargain of the season In 5.000 yards of Percale at 6 cents per yard, wortn 10 eents. apisti ditu. i. iicajiuua.. In Thirty Years' EXPERIENCE IN THE CLOTHING AND FUR nlaain business In this city, we never knew before of a COLLAR, so fine in quality ALL rTJEE LINEN sola at umk imjllak rsw do zen. Knouire for the MENTOR, only at MUNBON8 ap 15 It Gents' Furnisher. Bat Manfl of Yours, -w-- trn rrra rrnrff u 'tf rrtTTWri TOTT T nr A VT. buy a REFRIGERATOR, with Water-Cooler attachments a new style, complete in all Its ar rangements, and kept only by us. Water-Coolers of different kinds, Poroelalne-lined and Galvan ized. Prices low. Wire Dish Covers, Round and Oval. PURE WHITE OIL. ap 15 tf PARKER M TAYLOR. Fly Pans. TE ARE AGAIN tS THE FIELD WITH THIS HOUSEHOLD COMFORT. Call and buy one. GILES MURCmSON, 38 St 40 Murchison Block. N. Front St ap 15 tf Cotton Planters. rpHB CELEBRATED ECLIPSE COTTON PLAN TERS now In stock. Send order at once for prompt delivery. WM. E. SPRINGER A CO., Bueoesaors to John Dawaoa A Co.; . 19, 21 23 Market Street, ap 15 tf Wilmington. N. C. WHOLE NO. 4877 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Assignee's Sale. 0" "FT A H3tSrS ENTIRE STOCK OF 3Djt:y G-oods, FANCY GOODS, AND MILLINERY, WILL BE CLOSED OUT STRICT LY AT COST, TTOT? P A QTT OlSJTV? I x Vlt Vvi VklXl 7 Ly 1 J 1 . NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. J: I. MACKS, ap 15 It ASSIGNEE. Capping the Climax ! AND Clothing the People ! OTTERBOURG IS LEADING THE MARCH THIS SEA8ON, as Is his general custom. BEAUTY, 8TYLE and DU RABILITY are the three features that predomi nate In the make-up of his extensive line of FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING, and LIBERALITY IN ALL DEALINGS Is standing motto. Ills BIG SPECIALTY IN SUITS at $ 10.00, S10.00, $10.00 BEST FLANNEL and CASSIMERE SUITS at 12 50, S12.50, $12.00. CHILDREN'S BLUE BLOUSES from $2 50 up. MEFS WEAR DEPOT, 22, 24, 2G and 28, NoM Front Street, Wilmington, N, C. Dry Goods. Carpets. TR HAVE JUST OPENED AN ASSORTMENT TV PARASOLS AND SUN-SHADES. Will be pleased to show and give prices. SUMMER SILKS, In great variety of styles. JERSEY JACKETS, Black. Brown, Naw-Red. $1.00 to $0.00. They are selling very fast. NEW COLLARS AND NECKWEAR. BLACK GOODS in endless variety. it. m. irioivniiE. ap 15 tf PROPER WAYS AND MEANS! T'HERE ARE SO MANY HANDSOME THINGS X In our SPRING CLOTHING STOCK that one Is almost bewildered In attempting to make a sclec - lion. OUR REPUTATION for fair dealing is an established fact, so by placing perrect confi dence In us we will direct vou in the proper path. OUR ALL-WOOL BUSINESS SUITS at $10.00, $11.00 and $12.00 reouire no help at our hand: a child can select any garment In these lines, as they are warranted, but in higher priced gar ments our taste and knowledge will be of good service. A. davil. The Clothier. All orders by mall promptly attended to. ap id tr Bice. Bice. Bice. 5QQ Lbs Choice SEED RICE, 25 Bbls Cho,ce RICE- 10 do do For sale by KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. ap 15 tf Bacon, Lard, Molasses. 5Q Boxes Smoked and D. S. SIDES. Tubs LARD, Ki , Hhds and Bbls CUBA MOLASSES. For sale by KERCHNER CALDER BROS. ap 18 tf Hour, Sugar, Coffee. 200 Bbl8 FLOUS a11 grades, ij Bbls Golden C and Gran. SUGAR. ! n C Bags COFFEE, For sale by KERCHNER CALDER BROS. ap 15 tf Country MERCHANTS AND EVERY BODY CAN GET 1TX suited In quality and prtoes from the large stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at the New Saddlery and Trunk House of H. M. BOWDKN A CO.. mo. 4w maraec Ml. $arManufacture and Repair. aplStf A NEW STOCK fY SADDLES, BRIDLES. TRUNKS, C., C, KJ Just received from the Manufacturers. Parties in need of any artiole In my line would do well to give me a call, as I am now in receipt of new stock, and selling at low prices for Cash. Manufacturing and Repairing done at Short Notice. Call at the old Saddle and Harness Store of J. U- MALLARD, ap 15 tf no. 8 Front St. f Do You Want A CARRIAGE, PILETON OB BUGGY, CART or Wagon, Harness, Saddle or Bridle, call at Factory on mini, between xarxet ana mnoeas Streets. Repairing done with dispatch. ap 15tf P. H. HA YD EN Ftirniture A T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. COUMTBH Merchants and others are requested to examine stock fully 1 stock and prices before baying. AU goods care - packed and promptly snippea. ap 15 tf North Front street. ' RiZ3 K.J One Square Oae Day,. ...... :. ,T Two Par,.. " ... . . frDaye........., f . .j : . . Five iar.t... .......- " Two- Weeks,. .......... ....- f Three Weeks.:... One Month, .......,....,r 1 0j " Two Months,. ............. " Three Months, ". SlxMontha. , ..-..' u " One Year, ...I U..;vlaw MT Contract AdverUaameaU lakes at propor tionately low rate. ... -. s .'.' ; Ten Baea solid WonpaeflrTpepakaoeqa' ' new ADVERfiiit3iiSn:o LECTUBES. 0 nPHEREV. MOSES D. HOGE. D. D Of RICl : MOND. Virginia, will lecture for the . benefit of . the Library Association, at the Opera Ho, 0 ."-S- THURSDAY and FRIDAY, April 18th SUdTOlV: , , Subject for the 191 h, ' TENT LIFE IN THE EAST." ' . 7 m Subject (or the tot h, . . "MODERN CHIVALRY." . ' 4 , . Lectures to commence at RV o'clock & K. V1 ' ' Admission Fifty Cents. No extra aerge, tor Reserved Seats, which will be for sale fct Tbyetn' on Wednesday, 18th, Thursday, ma, aa Friday 30th. nao Eead This! "yiy E HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE JOffLQTQ. the No. 121 CUFFS, a Cuff that we nave 4oU 1 for 50 cents per Pair, and Is the beet CutT fYra;r made, whlob we will sell at 25 oents per pair for Not. 11. UK and 12, And sties 1) and lOtt',, for 35 cents per Pair. This Is the greateai bar . gain ever offered in Furnishing Good V?e -bought 1C0 dozen from the Manufacturers, whd . have closed out 'their business. Bayiag tbein ; very low enables us to offer them at this greatly - " t reduced princ. The sale has begun and those In. . need of these goods will call early on , JOHN DYEK A SON, ap 15 tf Tailors and Haberdasher.. WE FIN BOYSTEB'S CANDY 1 EXCEEDINGLY POPULAR AT THREE I'()IIS FOIL. tl.OO. A large supply Jnst received by Express. CVnue early for what yon want. Elegant French Prunes; IN TWO POUND JAWS. Dried Fruit. PEACHES. APPLES AND PRUNES. t Cheese. NKUFCIIATEL, CREAM AND ENGLISH DAIRY DUTCH-HEAD AND PINE-APPI VALENCIA ORANGES AND LEMONS. A SELECT STOCK OF FINE WISES, WIIISIaEYf, Ac. Especially for family use. 1 P, L. Bridgers & Qo, ap 15 DAWtf 17 Jr., N this section WB CATCH, which enables ur -, to DEFY COMPETITION. Order from , ' :'4" ap 15 tf W. E. DAVIS A BON. '- Comfortable and tiasjr ( QUR HAND-MAPE SOFT BOTTOM -imOEa. J for LADIES' WEAR. Just the thing for tender " feet. For GENTLEMEN we offer tho BEST CLASS OF CU8TOM-WORE -neat of style, durable In stock, and quperlor In workmanship, It will pay you to call on Geo. B. French & Sons 89 N. FRONT ST. -TIAVO niHTHIlIUTORS OR -'HORNS.M VJT Write for prices to the Trade.j. F. M KINU A CO.. Wilmington. N. O. Sole Agents Fanner Girl Cook Stove. a 16 tf j Bock lime, pOR BUILDING PURPOSES. FRESHLY BURNED. . 1PR1CE REDUCED TO $1.1 S PER CASE!. J I LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGE LOTH AUD. ' S TO THE TRADE. . " " i Addrew FRENCH BROM., iwxwy roini, . t"j .t. or O. G. PARS LET, Jr. A ap 1 tf su tu fr Wilmington. N. C. Flour, Bacon, Lard. 1200 Bblj 17xUH,an KTd' 100 00X61 Da 8- ftnd 8mkd c- RlDEa 150 Tab" atd BucKet4 c,Kto LABD, For sale low by " ap is tf o. w. Williams 00. . : ': ' , ,. .f 1 Molasses, Sugar, Cofico. 1 A A Bhds and Bbls N. O. and lUU Porto Ktoo MOLASSES, I rQ Bbls Refined SUGARS, ail gradsa. jnA Sacks Choice RIO COFFEE, f For sale low by O. W. WILLIAMS A CO. 'ap 15 tf Soap Lye, Potash 150 Bore soa-f- 200 Cac9 LTB 7r Cases Can and Ball POTASH, 1 For sale low bv a w. WILUAMS A CO. apistf Hay. Corn, Oats. AA Bales Choice TIMOTHY IT AT, AAA Buan jrnro imw For ale.lowlfr v4 'M apisu I A i -T u 'r r la W i Jf 11 1 rt 1 1 a - ! - V 7-. ' - r. j 4.

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