- - PROPHY-bftGTIC FLUID: A Household Article for Universal for Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, Diphtheria, Sali vation, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small Eradicates "HALASU, Pox, Measles, and all Contagious Diseases, .persons waiting on the Sick should USCit ft-edyl iSesWet Fever lias never been known to Spread Where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The worst cases 01 xsipntnena yield to it. Feveredand Sick Per SMAIX-POX sons refreshed . aad Bed Sores prevent. ed by bathing with Darbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and purified. For Sore Threat it is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Cbafings, ec Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns rdievedhutantly. Scars prevented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. -Wh. F. Sand ford, Eyrie, Ala. and , PITTING of Small Pox PRE VENTED A member of mv fam ily was taken with Small-pox. I used the fluid;; the patient was not Helirimi wn nit- pitted, and was about ine nouse again tn tnree weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park inson, Philadelphia. The physicians here use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollknwkrck. Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and . healed. In cases of Death it should be1 used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas . ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MARION SIMS, M. D., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." Scarlet Fever Cured. Vnnderbllt ITnimniHir m - . j . xmiu. 1 testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Auiandbr H. Stephens, of Georgia Rev. Cras F. Dkbms, D.D., Church of tiic Strangers, N. V.; Jos. LbContb, Columbia, Prof.,University,S C Rev. A. J. Battlk, Prof., Mercer University; ' Rev. Geo. F. Pierce, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERT HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used Internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEDLXN CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. no 10 D&Wly fr sn we toe nrm ch w noJlO THE TESTS OF 40 PROVE BEYOND DOUBT THAT Perry Da vis's PainKiller IS THE GREAT HEALTH KEEPER THE RELIEVER OF DISTRESS THE COMFORTER FOR PAIN THE ENEMY OF DISEASE AND A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY, WHICH SHOULD ALWAYS BE AT HAND. jaa 1 D&Wly nrm ch m dec 31 OTT'S rm J 3 composed of Herbal and JHnc:liigi:iou'3 poH u. ..s, which permeate tlie substance ol tiic ijtinga, expectorates tle act-id nixti- v -iuc collect iu the Bronchial -Tubes, and form i ::thing coatings which relieves (lie Jr i Hation that cuiued the cough. It clcaus-fa -lie lunjsrs of all imparities, streMirtlieiis c'leinwhen enfeebled toy diseasefurigor-, ; . oi.the circulation of the blood, and bl ares the :i?rroussystPm. Slight colds Often end in coninmption. It is dangerous to neglect 1 lie id. Apply the remedy promptly. A 1;at of twenty ytsirs warrants the assertion that no remedy has ever been found that is as prompt initseffeetsasTUTT'S EXPECTORANT. A. siugle dose raises the phlegm, huUIucs i ill iruiuation. find its user speedily cnrBthemo-t 'wtinafe eoash. A pleasant cordial chil dren take it readily. For Cronp it is nvElua!)!o nnd should be in every family. n gc.. MB ast Mottle. ACT DIRECTLY ON THE LIVER. Cures ChllU mid Fcter, 3yspepsia, ibiclc Headache, ItiMous Colic, Constipa tion, Rheumatism, Piles, Palpitation of t Heart, llzzines, Torpid Liver, and female Irregular Jtle t. If you do not 'Ifecl v.?ry vrAp" a single pill stimulates tae-stomnch, icstoretflhejppetite,,niparts vigor to the system. fl NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Va. Tott: Dear Sir-t For ten years I have" teen a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and l'iles. Last spring tout pills were recommended to me; I need thorn bat Trrth. little faith). I am now a well man, have good appetite, digestion ' T.crfsct, regular stoolp, piles gone, and I have rained forty pound 9 sol id flesh. They are worth' tlioir -weight in gold. REV. 11. L. SIMPSON, Leuisrffle, Ky. Ofiice, 3I Murray St., Wew York. ( Ilt. 'tVTT'H IHANtAL ot Csefal v Steceipts KJbtliE ou application. Ju el Dt sa W6 fr nrm Jo 18 HAS BEEN PROVED KIDNEY DSSEAGES.I tuin rvt AtiumXtklA -OtrtM bUUVI1 gcatethat you are a victiHi f TSSUX VO ITOTl H f TATE; 1133 ISMney-WOtt at OBOS, VXBOg-l gluts recommend, lt and it wui speedily over-i come the disease and restore healthy action. I HisC Vor oomplsiBSS poonliarl, kdUirDi to TT-mrr se. stich as natnl, tad weakaasses, Kidney-Wort is unsarpaBsed,! as it will act promptly ana safely . . I xatier Sex. Inconttaftnoe, retention' trfTrrtne.l brlek dnst or ropy depesits, aad dnH -drscgfns I Ipains, all spoomly yield to its ourauve power. 8,, -)BOXJ BY AliT. DBTTGOISTS Trios 91. ocl Deod&Wly . au yro fr nrm oo i Diphtheria Prevented. AFtS EVERY DRUGGIST keeps j Perry Davis sPainKiller f i TUTT'S PILLS 3000 THREE THOUSAND 3000 -IT 'S BOXES : ' Manufactured Tobacco Consistiiuc of Otirwell known and rxjiralar brands of PL Q TWItfT and SMOKINa TOBACCO, v Manufactured this Summer and for sale at EOT TOM PRICES. ' I 4, ' DcYleJ2uld?ai1 8Pcal attention to our CHKAP B HANDS which we claim to be FAR SUPERIOR to other low erodes sold in thlsmartret. MEADOWS A KIDDER, . . Proprietors . dec 19 tf CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS. Morningt ar. -e", tt'X TUB PItBSlDTT ANI TUE COH RESPONDENTS. ' ' The President, singing 1 wellMicl still tmtsidrtfiy pies."!?! i Correspondents, singing j "Dear sir, your words, are hyperbolic: t You know yott had the Mlfcra colic. " ' The President ' "If I've had bilious colic, who Has told 6( it to ivich as you. " Correspondents Jle Baid Bethought perhaps you'd aJt The President ' bJ?ell, but what's a littlecolic Lea ones away upon a frolic r J Clwrus of Correspondents "Behold the triumph of the pen ! ' 'Truth crushed to eartb will rise again !' " rr Louisville Courier- Journal. OCH STATE CONTEiarUBARlES. A. ranril -rrMn OT! I itoIDwmta msnlf 1no t . ma.u ubiiugiaic luguiv nao rarely if ever been offered the young Dem ocrats Of North rini-nlina Miixi fhot tr lu . wM w.AWAAUW iUUU VUGtU J LJj found in this paper over the signature of x'. a., m. xi ta Deneveu to nave oeen concocted in Salisbury, by men who went from the Democratic party, not because the principles and practices of the party were against the public welfare; not be cause the Dartv failed in anv dutv to tho public; but because it - failed to see and honor them. Because the Democratic party did not take them un and nush them into high and lucrative positions. The Repub lican party found them standing around Vinn rtrxr rt-wr frairA til tm 1 Via Xsrt n It- tni 1 . join us and you shall have a chance for! a r..ni i. ti a .1 i n. iun ueujr uuu yiciiij ui iui, uuu over lucy went. Salisbury Watchman. Wise and conservative plans may retrieve all our losses; but foolish and hasty and im prudent action will surely bring defeat. However little of truth there may be in the idea, yet the impression is abroad in the State that the Democratic party is above the people, that it' is controlled by cliques and rings, and that the railroads and other corporations have played too important a part in dictating the policy of the party leaders. We do not hesitate to say that these influences have been greatly over rated: but the mere fact that such an im pression exists ought to be a sufficient inti mation to the party to place itself even above reproach. We remember to have seen somewhere that "the heads of parties, like snakes, are moved by their tails. The leaders of a party have no more authority than is delegated 4o them by the people. Wamington Vazette. TWINKLINGS. The potato crop in Germany lias been an utter failure. More than 300 Americans are reported to be studying art in Paris. Eight Philadelphia artists ex hibit pictures in the Paris Salon this year. Just now the commencement orator is busy shaking his list at bis look ing-glass. Phil. Times. The Salt Lake Tribune predicts, if the Mormons are not seon put down, it will cost a great war and thousands of lives to subdue them. From a sermon hf Dr. Tal- mage : "We want some one to do for in ew York State what Benjamin Butler is doing for Massachusetts. - V- r-r The oldest person in. Norwalk, Conn is a woman ninety-two years of age. She was the sixth wife and is the widow of a man of whom it wis said that no woman need despair of getting ;tt" frasband as long as he lived. ' '- Oliver Wtodell Holmes wrote of the katydid: kytk Thou mindest me or genue ioiks, -Qld gentle folks are they ; Thou sayest an undisputed thing In such a solemn ; jpayiC. takehe'.i Tnmyv- "What dc$3feg ypury prdonki'r' Aunt- It is a form of apology, my dear. For instance, if I wfts to knock up against you by mistake,' I should apologize by saying: I beg youfTadori." Tommy '.'Oh, moth er wouldn't say that ! She'd say : 'Get out, yer young warmint, or I'll fetch ye eich a slap o' the head yer own father won't know ye from a two penny bus.' " London Fan. POLITICAL POINTS. In the account of the funeral of Eliza Pinkston no mention is made of the chief mourners R. B. Hayes and Stanley Matthews. Bait. Day. Will the Administration consent to Mr. Mahone's proposition to assess Fed eral officials in aid of the bending cam paign in his State? Wash. Post, D&m. Until General Chambers is per mitted to have a few official scalps of Re publican: postmaster dangling from his belt, he wiH no more be the genuine Mahone of Mississippi than Sancho Panza was the real governor of an island. Wasli. Post, Dem. .A word to the wise. If Mr. Randall really thinks he can be elected Speaker, why does he not try to organize a protective bolt from the Democratic caucus, which uniting with the Republican minor ity, might "try it on." Louisville Courier- Journal. m m m m SOUTHERN ITEMS. The total debt of New Orleans is $15,504,849. The small-pox cost Montgomery county $6,-70' Of this amount the cost to' the town 61 Christiansburg was $527.41. The cost to this place was about $700. WytheviUe ( Va. Enterprise. Georgians have not yet got over wondering why the recent Democratic State Convention adjourned without making some allusion to the death of Gov. Stephens, the very cause of their assembling. Joseph Jefferson has just left his home in Iberia parish, Louisiana, to ful fil, some professional - engagements. The comedian is greatly beloved by his South ern neighbors,who declare with enthusiasm : "He is just the whitest man that ever lived in thte;doantrj.r' ' i - "Diirability iff '.better, than show." Durability of health is worth more than the wealth of a Vanderbilt, Kidney-Wort 4s man's co-laborer In maintaining health. With healthy, liver, bowels and kidneys, men and women will "always be in good health. If the bowels are torpid, if piles toiment, if the back isfull of. pain, get a package of yKidneTWort gnd be cured without more suffering. t FonndatLatt. An agreeable dressing for the hair, that will stop its iallmgi has &een long; sough for. Parker's Hair "Balsam, distingiiished for its purity, fully supplies this want, f FuniiJure. :- FULL STOCK OF iTKB. MBJMJM Low Priced Formtmw now open and ready for inspection. Please call and examine before ma king purchases. d: A. smith, ap29tf North Front street. Cojnmilss ' -i. " rteal Jl mtv. :i. V r ' v'iU V 2 ' f BT iVtRTT'i; Vtw" ?A' OF A JaJ ynf -X ol'ForeoIosum, -r' at the Deoemt r "lerm, A. D. 188 of the 4. jert r Court of New-HanoTerouiityEtate of ortli Carolfc-na,-l.a.a civil action. 4endliyr i said Court, be t ween James W Ear"iey, "Plaintiir, and John E. JJppitt and AthalieLippitt his wife, and others, Defendants, Ahe Timi eielpued, 'Wilkes Morris, Commissioner appointed Jy said Judgment and decra. wmseUtoyrPuoMuctkn. to the high est bidder. fofca8aatlHDourt House door h) the City of wTlnt&ffoivlsCtoe County and State aforesaid, onJjOl V the 7TB DAY OF MAT! A. D. 1888, at 33 0'cl fc at t certain Lot or Pan eel of LANDiirftnato-an.i. beinfrln the said City of Wumlnan "andNhounded' attd described as follows: Begin&kig in the northern line of Orange Street sixty-three C3 feet rwestwardly from th northwestern lae'r8eJtloi of Front and Orange Streets, and zmxnm thencerwith the saidjaorth ern line of Oranef street to the Oape FeafBiver: theritjrf northwardly-with theBaid Capfl.iearRf veraid, ttOpot ninety-nine (99) feet; t nceast wardly ii Maallal-wttBi (mvw ieefito a point s N 4 a feet from t W rjiline of Fat,. 4st as ttyaoeisottthvfajirfo the beginnlnjri eh f ar art ef ixrt .Noi'Slx (6) and of the one-liait. )ij 3t 4 ijoiinaaif on the south, In Block number feoQuiKiM(r and thirty-eight (138) aooordin? toTnnier'ii Plan of the Town (now Mm m. i m. A 't ' arI & t H hjtt.? 0Rs tJtJmm'r. These Pena . are pecwlly hardened at the point, will not- corrode or rust, and will be found most serviceable and durable. Sample card, with ten different styles of nickel plated pens, eont for trial by mail on receipt of 25 cents. Sole Agents. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., TfEW YORK. an 8 gtawlv tu fr an 2 America Ahead! FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. 182 FOB IT! BUY IT!! TRY frill mh 9 D2taw&W3m frtu These famous Steel Pens combine the .essential Eoafitiee of Elasticity, 'urabiHty.andreolSwan ed toal etyiesof writing'. For sale everywhere. Ivison, Blakenaa, Taylor & Co., N. Y. ang 15 2taw eow tf tn rr I. P. IIALLtNGER, SON & CO., No. 217 market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. - OFFER ALL CLASS OF STEAM VESSELS FOB Sale or Charter, at bargains; several of these suitable for Southern Ports. Specification for building light or heavy draught vessels furnished; contracts made for building. Correspondence solicited. Estimates, superin tendence, &c, Ac, fr tu feb 88 8m GOXJ MEDAL, PA-K.I8, 187s. BAKER'S CHOCOLATES aka Pwumm ChocolaU.the bat prepaaUanof irialnehoeolatefor fam ily u.- Baka' SrtaiaM Ooaoa, from which th need of oil has bea ramoTed.ciMilydi(td and admirably adapted for inralkls. Bakeri Vax&a Otoeolate, aaa drink or eatea at eon fectioeery U a daUcipniarttcl i hlgfafcr reeooHnendMl by toaiMa Itakn't Jiroma, hmtnabta sa diet for chO-dran- Genw Aanl Chmlata, a moattsacgllgntarttelaforftmfliaa. . Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. JIA.'EESa & COb, JoraHciaffr, lftMfc wefrsn Jan 3 1an 3 D&Wly Cotton Brand High Grade Acid -Phosphate. Gibbs & Go's High Grade AMHONIATED-PHOSPHATE. E. J. POWERS, ap 29 D&Wtf WILMINGTON, N. C Cape Fear Mills CELEBRATED pEAfJ. GRITS. HOMINY AND BOLTED MEAL ARE TIIE BEST. Guaranteed fresh and sweet. A few bales of that CHOICE EASTERN HAY still on hand. All goods at lowest pric? and sat-tsfactiou as sured. C, B, WRIGHT 500 HOG-SHEAftS ! NEW CROP Cuba fwlolasses ! NOW LANDING, Ex-Brig Antelope, direct from Matanzas, for sale .it low. ORDERS SOLICTTEto. Jan25tf WORTH A WORTH. Liverpool andLonion anil GlftBe Ins. Co. Claims Paid' in trie United States, S3 1,220,000. Losses promptly adjusted and paid on receipt of proofs, without discount, by JNO. W. GORDON BRO., Agents, ap 29 tf , J84 North Water Sti TUB Battle is Orer ! Tie Enemy Roto !! NT NOW LET JHLOOlt AliOtrNDrTHS OLD XX reliable .Norm uarouna oarDor, ov, v,. Prempert, is still at his old tricks, with his two Jfirsc-Ciass assisiauis, oiuaf. mm jYaaio, u 82 Market street, nert dooreasVof Mcnhenney's IhTyc8tori"jBewMre8piBJfu nia numerous 01a ana new ukwu uu parvus, wuu are desirous of getting First-Chus work done, (not only sea captains, commercial agentiueoun try friends and friends from Smith ville), but all are respectfully requested to- give him a trial. Corns, Warts, Ringworms and all other ski ritansuuui attended to. and a radical cure aruaran- teed.. Respectfully, Ac, nov 12 tf U. U. PKKMrBKT. lav i t w Wii-a WHOZESaLJZJpJilCIZh: favour hotattons) alouldr 'understood, Tepresen the wholesale prices generally. .Ia making up small orders higher prices have to be ebarged.'7" - ..... , - - ,4 ji - '."v.i n: : ' - : BAiats&on... A5.:...: 1 r Standard. ............ . , .,- BACON North CaroUna, ' Hams, ft.ji...,, Shoulders. W ' ; - idea ehoioe, fl ft WzsTxair SxoKzn Hams, t. , Sides, V ft.....n?TT!.7...;L Shoulders, J. . . j . . tt . . : v Dbt Saitkd Sides, V B Shoulders, fl B... BARRKTiS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each. 1 tr- NeW'New York, e'aoh 1 New City, each... 0 BEESWAX W .4....: BBICKB Wumington, 7 Northern 0 BUTTER North Carolina, 9 S,- . Nprthern, 8 t)... CANDLES- 5-perm TaHoW ............I -. ' Adamantine . . .. CHEESE jS lb Northern Facfy Dairy, Cream. . State .'.......'.. COFFEE lb Java. .5;:. Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL W bush., in sacks, , ! , Virginia Meal. 77! COTTON TIES bundle l DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4 4, yd Yarns,. bunch FISH Mackerel, No. 1, tfbbl... 1C EGGS W dozen. Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl.. 8 MaokereL No. 2, bbl 0 Mackerel, No. 2, fchalf bb? . 5 Mackerel, No. 8, bbi . ... 8 Mullets, bbl 4 Mullets, Porkbbls.... 1 N. C.; Roe HeTrlng, keg . .. 3 Dry Cod, ;fli FERTILIZERS 2.00 nounas. 755 50 88 fit. French's Carbonate of Lime French's Agricultural Lime Peruvian Guano, No. 1 ". No. 2 ' ' rHoa 7 00 6 SO 57 60 38 00 & 7A0 9 00 62 50 a 37 00 51 00 60 00 90 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 CO 00 60 00 00 00 Baugh's PhostJnate 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer. 45 00 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone MeaL 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navassa Guano 40 00 Complete Manure 00 00 Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Berger A Batz's Phosphate . 00 00 Excel lenza Cotton Fertilizer, 55 00 FLOUR bbl Fine 0 00 Northern Super 0 00 Extra 6 25 " Family 0 50 City Mills Super 5 00 5 00 5 53 6 53 0 00 3 25 C 25 7 00 13 Family u uu ttxtra l'amuy GLUE lb GRAIN bushe). ' Corn, from store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk. Corn, cargo, in bags, " Corn, cargo, Mixed, in bags. Oats, from store Cow Peas 1 HIDES B Green Dry HAY 100 lbs Eastern 1 Western North River 00 & 72 62a C6 61 623 00 V5 63 67 68 65 10 OH 11 25 4 10 00 95 80 1 1 05 90 HOOP C 30N Ton 73 00 83 00 id Northern North Carolina 12 14 14; 00 a ETME barrel. 1 10 1 50 LUMBER City Sawed M ft. , Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank. 15 00 20 00 16 00 IS 00 22 00 15 00 west India Cargoes, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . 18 00 Scantling and Boards, com'n 13 00 uolassigs gallon, New Crop Cuba, in hhds. . . " inbbls.... Porto Rico, In hhds "in bbls Sugar House, in hhds. . .. inbbls Syrup, in bbls NAILS Keg-Cut, lOd basis OILS gallon Kerosene Lard.. 36 00 36 00 00 26 40 3 00 33 40 40 41 00 27 80 3 65 13 1 45 1 00 18 20 22 H 30 1 25 1 10 & 12 10 90 15 00 00 35 15 75 75 60 50 1 Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown Spring.... Turkeys PEANUTS bushel POTATOES bushel Sweet .. Irish, per bbl 8 & 80 3 75 PORK tt bbl. City Mess 22 00 22 CO 17 00 v Prime 16 00 Rump 17 00 RICK Carolina, B.. Rough, bushel. .. RAGS lb Country. City ROPE lb SALT sack Alum. Liverpool, Lisbon. American SUGAR lb Cuba. . . Porto Rico A Coffee B - C ' BxC Crushed SOAP lb Northern 4 8 99 1 05 um 22 80 85 00 75 00 00 00 75 0 00 0 00 9 0 9 m 9 84 8X io 11 5 6M SHINGLES M Contract 5 00 Common 2 00 ' Cypress Saps. 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 STAVES M W. O. Barrel 12 00 R. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW 6 7 00 2 50 5 00 7 50 18 00 10 00 6 15 00 13 50 10 00 8 50 6 60 4 00 TIMBER M feet Ext. Heart (first class yellow pine).. 14 00, 14 50 Prime Shlp'g (first class heart 12 00 Extra Mill good heart) 9 00 Mill Prime 7 50 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 50 WHISKEY gallon Northern 1 00 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL tt Washed 25 Unwashed 21 Burrr 10 & & 5 00 2 50 36 23 IS WILHINOTON ITXONEY IttAIlKKX. Btchange (sight) on New York H discount Baltimore Boston Philadelphia.... Western Cities. Exchange, 30 days, 1 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock 107 First National Bank Stock. 90 Navassa Guano Company Stock 140 North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons 23 Funding, 1866 10 Funding, 1868 10 New 4s 80 Spoci&I T&x ... 4 W. A W. R. R. Bonds, 7 c. (Gold Interest)!" 116 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 o 105 Wilmington, Col. & Augusta R, R. Bonds ... 106 Wilmington City Bonds, (New) S-c 100 " " 8c 100 New Hanover County Bonds. 6 c 1100 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina R. R. Stock 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 100 Saturday, April 2883. rpO-DAY MY STOCK OF GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE is very tempting. Everybody should call find get prices and try the Goods. 2,000 J.bs Choice North Carolina Hams, Sugar-Cured Hams, Strips and Shoulders, Fulton Market Beef, Pig Pork and Dried Beef, Eggs, and Poultry, alive and dressed, in great abundance. Old Gov't Java, Laguayra and Rio Coffees fresh ly roasted under my own supervision and it is done right. The very best and purest 8UGARS that are made . (such as E. J. Motre & Cot are making their pure Candies out of, which ihey are selling at 20o and 25c per pound).: We retail these Sugars at "hard-pan" prices. No. 1 Mackerel. New made Gilt-Edge Butter. Old Gilt-Edge Butter, very nice, at 30 cents per pound. Call and make your purchases of J. C. Stevenson, ap28tf MARKET STREET. THE CELEBRATED ARMMTON GAME FOILS FOB SALE jyY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL Re putation. They have fought and won a series of, the greatest mains ever (ought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia la '76, were honored by the Uhi--ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Di ploma and Medal. I have a variety of Colors and most approved Breeds in the United States. I will 'ship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, per Express, C. O. D.. at from $4.00 to $0.00 each; HENS, $2.60 and $8.00 each; or $7.00 per Pair: $10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games in the World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and April hatch during the months of August, Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio. -' . Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds, will please back the assertion with their stamps. Write for what you waht. Address, J. G. ARRINGTON, ap6tf HlUiardston, Nash Co., N. C. ;Ttie i.ipa ..nitig Gtar PUBLISHED DAILY ADD 7EEXLY " ';; .Si, '''. 1 efi DAILY STAR, One Tear, postage paid, . $7 00 " SU Month. ' 4 00 Three Months" " ....... $00 " Two Months, " 1 60 " , One Mocthi , " 75 WEEKLY STAR,' One Year, postage paid . . .$100 " . " Six Months, " " .... 100 Three Months " " 50 H0TICES OF THE PBESS : The Sraa Is decidedly one of the beat papers tn ute create, as Dngni ana newsy as ever. vng uie to It.: J30em Press. The wumington Stab has entered en its twelfth year as good a paper as any people should want. Charlotte Democrat. The Wumington Stab has entered on its twelfth year. As a daily Journal of news tt stands "up neacu- vonoora j&ouur. The Wumington 8tab has entered its twenty- mm voiume. inere is no better paper puDllsbea in )he State. Lenoir Tovic The Wilmington Star has entered upon Its fhlr- teeuui year, it is one oi ine oesc papers m we State. Warrenton Oasstu. The Wilmington Stab has entered its thirteenth year. It has become one of the leading papersiof me soma.-vxjora uorcmujai. The Wumington Stab is not only one of the best edited papers in the State, but for freshness of news ana typograpicai appearance cannot be oeaien. jatucson ueponer. The Wilmington Stab is one of the very best ta pers in the South, in every department from typo- grapny up to eaitoruu aDinty ana uaepenaence. Petersburg ( Va.) Index-Appeal. Altnough at the head of the press in this State in all that makes a paper valuable to tho reader, still it continues to improve. It to a Stab of the first magnitude. May its lustre never wane. j ne jree rriu uaviux. The Wilmington CN. C.) Mouimro Stab is a mod el newspaper. Indeed, we think we do not exag gerate its merits when we say it is the newsiest (secular) paper published iu the South. Richmond ( Fa.) Religious Herald. The Wilmington Stab has now entered upon its thirteenth year and twenty-fifth volume. One of the best conducted and edited papers in the South ana, as a JNortn uaronnian, we are proud or it. Tarboro Southerner. The Stab is so well and favorably known in this section of the State, that we can say nothing of wmcn its tnousanas ot readers ao nov already know. It is in every respect one of the best dai lies in the soutn. .ooeKntan. That magnificent beaming Stab has completed its twenty-second volume. It is one of the most brilliant, erudite and sparkling dailies south of the I'otomao. The system tn the get up of the pa per surpasses them all. Tarboro aouturner. The Wilmington Stab has entered on Its twelfth year. It is a most excellent newspaper, well ed ited, a compendium of all the news of the day, and an honor to its city, to North Carolina and to North Carolina Journalism. Charlotte Observer. The Wilmington Stab is now taking the regular midnight Associated rresa reporta, aaa has be sides increased the amount of its reading matter. The Stab is an excellent paper. Its prosperity Is not surprising since it is so deserving. Chariot's Observer. The Times cannot say a word too good for the Wilmington Stab. It has Just reached one of its many birthdays. As a newspaper it is a favorite with the State press and is sought after by the people. Long and prosperous life to it. Reids- vtue limes. Why is it that all the papers with the name of aiar are sucn Drient little journals? 'ine w umimr- ton (N. C.) Stab, the Washington Star, the Fred- ertcksburg star, New York Star, for example. There must be something in a name after alL uxenmona ( va.) state. The Wilmington Stab, we are pleased to notice. still continues on the hieh road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the verv hest of onr excn&nees. ana consider It the peer of any journal published in the South. isxjora f ree ixmce The mobkikg Stab, one of the best dames we know, and as a newspaper, in our opinion, the very best, has entered upon its twelfth year. In every particular the Stab comes fully up to the mark as the principle dally In our chief commer cial city. Long may it twinkle. Alamance Glean er. The Wumington Stab has entered upon its 12th volume, and we are pleased to notice still contin ues ou the"road to success. We esteem the Stab very highly, regarding it as one of the very best newspapers that comes to this office. Its news columns are always a little fuller than those of any other of our exchanges, and its editorial de aortment is conducted with much ability. Mor- oaiuon itiaae. Humble in its beginnings, as was inseparable' from an enterprise begun amid the wreck of for tune that attended the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, the Stab has steadily "waxed" un til it now-beams resplendent in the full glow of a constantly brightening prosperity. As a newspa per it has few equals, and no superior, for appro priate selection ana luaicious arrangement, aaa we are proud to rank it among our most accepta- cie exenanges. ttiueooro Jteeoraer. The Wilmington Moaimro Stab has entered up on the tnirteentn year or its existence, ana we take this opportunity to congratulate it upon Its prosperity and deserved popularity. The remark able success of the Stab is due to its strict atten tlon to business. The boast of the Stab (rightful ly too) is that it always has the news, and this is the first thing in journalism. Otherwise the pa per Is all that the term of "good newspaper" im plies, and its corpsof editors and reporters are thoroughly educated newspaper men. May the healthy, moral Influence of the Stab never be re tarded, and may its genial enterprising proprie tor enjoy many more nappy years of usefulness- WKOsooro Messenger. ADRIAN & V0LLEES OFFER FOR SALE rjf Hhds New Crop Cuba MOLASSES, Q Hhds Porto Rico MOLASSES, V TIKla XT f UnT QQTO OU different grades, 2 Bbls SYRUP, OA A Bags COFFEE, Rio, Laguyra and Java, Bbls SUGAR, all grades, orn Boxes and bbls CRACKERS JLDXJ and CAKES, Firkins and Tube BUTTER, Tea best refined LARD, f0 Cases best refined LARD in Tins, 2?j0 Palls and Tubs bent refined LARD, J2Jj0 Bbls FLOUR, from Super to Fancy, 200 Bbls Irish POTATOES, 2 Bbls TURNIPS, 200 Boxes TOBACCO, all grades, 0 Thousand CIGARS, " RICE, SALT, SOAP. Sec, Ac. ap8tf PTJRCELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Wilmington, IV. C. B. L.. Perry, Proprietor First Class In all Its appointments. Terms o $3.00 per day. feb 8 tf Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital. Cash Capital paid in, Surplus Fond, $1,000,000 $300,000 $50,00C DIRECTORS : W. I. GORE, C. M. 8TKDMAN G. W. WILLIAMS ISAAC BATES, DONALD McRAE. JAS. A. LEAK. H. VOLLER3, F. RHEENSTKT R. R. BRTDGERS. E. B. BORDEN, J. W. ATKINSON, ISAAC BATES. President G. W. WILLIAMS. Vloe President. 8. D. Walla cr. Cashier. aogSO-t- TheFamUcoEnteirise STONEWALL, N. Ci A FIRST CLASS WBEKLY PAPER, published in the GRAIN REGION of the State. Subscription $1.60 a year. Yearly Advertising rates One Square, $15: Two Souares, $26; Three Squares. $30; Quarter Column, 145; Half Colamn, $00; One Column. $100. No deviation from above rates. Address. ENTERPRISE. 1y 8 tf Stonewall. N. C. iTmiTfrrton :.&761d6xt : Eaurcad-Co. r i Omciw Qxi'L'HrruimntnT. i .W0mlntoiLN.OwAprUS8.1Sta.f n nrr- nrIx, ; ' Cliaiie of Bchedule, ON ASTl AFTER APRIL 89. 13, ATI p. nL Pamentfer Train on th wiimfnr a w. doa Railroad will run as follows: , Da? naif and Expren Train,'' Bally 4 PToa. 47 rtortto and 4S ftonth. ' ' ' . ! Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at &4Q A, M. Arrive at Weldon 140 P. M. Leave Weldon. S M P. tt. Arrive at Wilmington. Front St. Depot, 9.80 p. M. FastTkbousk Mail aitd PiMnm Tmaix Dalx no. u ooutb. Leave Weldon. 8.10 P. M. Arrive at WUjBuhgton.Troat St. Depot, 10.56 p. M. Man, a an PAasnteca . Traih Daily No. 45 NoBTa. , Leave WUmtngton 9.80 P. M. Arrive at Weldon COO A. M. TAhv No. 40 South will stop only at ftockv Mount, WUsoo, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at f A.M. and 6.H P. M. Dalir. Ketumlng, leave Tarboro at 4.50 A.M. and 10 P.M. Muy. Train on Scotland .Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8,59 p. M. Retura tng leaves Scotland Neck at 7 A. M. Daily. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North Dally. All rail via Richmond. and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Tram No. 45 runs dafly and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains ran solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. ' JOHN F. DIVINE, 3eneral HupX T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. ap27tf WILMINGTON, CQL'MBIA & ADGDSTA Railroad Go. . Orrica or Gxbxbal But', 1 Wilmington. N. C, April 88th, 188S. ( Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER APRIL 29TH, 1883, AT 7.S5 A. M.. the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS TUAIN8 (Daily) Tloa. 48 Wed an4 4T Batt. Leave Wilmington 9.50 P.M. Leave Florence 2.55 A. M. Arrive at C C. A A. Junction 8.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 8.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 10.00 P. M. Leave O.C.4A. Junction 10.90 P. M. Leave Florence 1.50 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 6.20 A. M. Nioht Mail akd Passbvokb Tbain, Dailt, No. 40 Wkwt. Leave Wilmington 11.10 P. M. Arrive at Florence 2.45 A. M. Mail ahd Passknsxb Tbain Dailt No. 45 East. Leave Florence 4.60 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 9.05 P. M. Train 45 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemington. White vllle. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passenirers for Columbia and all ootnta on O. & C. R. R., C., 4A.R.R Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Ex press. separate ruuman Sleepers ror Charleston ana for Augusta on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHN F. DrVXNK, Gen'l 8up't T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. ap 27 tf CABOriNA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. OrTTCl Or Bl'riBINTSNDKIfT, BINTBNbKlfT, I l.N. C, Nov. 12, 1882. ) Wilmington, Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV'B 13, 1882, THE FOL lowing Scbednlewlll be operated on this Rail road: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY. I Leave Wumington at 6.15 P. M. 1 Arrive at Charlotte at 7.40 A. M. I Leave Charlotte at. 7.65 P. M. f Arrive at Wilmington at 9.00 A.M. No. 1 No. 2. Trains Nos. 1 and t stop at regular stations only, and Points designated In the Company'! Time Table. Train No. 1 Dally except Sunday. Do. No. 8 do do Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION. PA88ERGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally exoept Sundays. Leave Charlotte 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Shelby 12 20 P. M. Leave Shelby 1.40 P. Ml Arrive at Charlotte 8.40 P. M Trains No, 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Raleigh. and at Charlotte with Shelby Division Train. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 foi Statesvllle, Stations West ern N. C. R. R., Ashvllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. Lj. V. JUHBS, Superintendent F. W. CLARK. General Passenger Agent. nov 12-tf New York and WQmingtoii Steamship Line. 33TEAMER8 WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Brery WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 o'clock P. M. REGULATOR Saturday, ..ttarch&l. BEN FACTOR " March 31. REGULATOR " April 7. BENEFACTOR " April 14. REGULATOR " April 21. BENEFACTOR " April 28. tarrhrourh Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points tn North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to THOMAS K. BOND, Superintendent, Wumington, N. (' The. O. Beer, Freight Agent, New York XV. P. Clyde 4k Co., General Agents, mh 18-f 85 Broadway. New York. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Room, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, WUMiartoa, tf. c. Fire, Marine -and Lire Companies. AggregaU Capital Represented Over tlOO.OOO.000 JUST THE PAPER THE PEOPLE WANT WESTER17 BE17TII7EL (Eatabilahed 185J.) Should be Bead at Every Fireside In Western North Carolina. Fall of News, 'Pun, General laformattoa and Something to Interest Everybody. SEND 50 CENTS AND TRY IT THREE MONTHS. WINSTON, N. '. THE5SU1I 'KE2fr. TTHSUR'S first aim g to be truthrol -.. 1 tnu hs eeoond, to write an entertainer of the times la which we live. It prtia. t-.i i average, sanre tbaa a miUlon ooples a wk . t elreulatioa ta bow larger than ever kfor. -oriptloo; Dailt (4 pagesk by mall.- M-. r'poBWl or ae.CO i'yenrr ftimaYt f Vt.avpvyean wmiT (S pfvmh flpt . L W. IKULAHD, itsbTbiher. w York ( ' v EHFlfT OB DEO BANX'OT-OrrhefrtJ 3 etruments,or M uatoal i. of any kind, before for net prices to A Ll-i DOD WORTH. 4TUK1" pUee, New tfork. J oeirent B flat Fteu i mr HS.SOf Bert U flat f net, now used bp Ut ru a Bole f Oat Attm Tr.. boa. $ao. . . . ' Hent C. O. H.. W0O lege of trial . . 'L , . A DVERTWER8 by addreastnr GEO. F. ItOV 1XLL CO., 10 Spraoe Straet. Hew Yer k, learn the exact cost of any proposed Jlne f f ! VERTlKlNWln American newspapers. r 1 i0 Buffalo LitMa Water TAKES THE PLACE 0Ff ' ' THE SURGEON'S KKIKH FOR 8TONR OF fJiC BLADDER. . ' v . . ITS VALUE IN BRIO HT II DISEASE,' THE GOUTY DIATHESIS. A.- Vs "( EUTFAIX) LITI1IA WATER SUPPTANTrl TilH SURGEON'S KNIFE IN STONE tF THE BLADDER. " 'v V Case of Dr. J. B. Welstlrag. MtddletotoC Fa. stated by himself. J "Experience In its use la Stone of thefnaJMef, In my own person, enables me to atpxae fea won derful efficacv of the Buffalo Utbla WaUf Hi Ula painful malady. After baring been lole uiJeot fed to sufferings, the Intensity of whwih annot be described. I have under the tnfloeaee of this water passed (I am confident I am wllhta the -bounds of truth), at least an ounce Of Caieull (Uric Acid), some of whioh weighed as tnnob aa ' four grains, affording Inexpressible relief, nl leaving sse in a oondltion of oosBparatlr mam and comfort. I am now passing only oooaUin ally small Calculi, and they are not attended by : the Intense suffering which their passage has heretofore occasioned. On one Occasion In aimed '. thirty-five Calculi in forty -eight bourn." Toeap-, pearance of this Calculus Nuclei Indicates eiH mlstakably. I think, that they were all cotnpo-' nent particles of one large iMJcmlua deatroyetf by the action of the water by means of solution ' and disintegration. At my advanced period of ; life (t am seventy-seven years aad six anonUis Of age), and in my feeble general health, a aergical operation was not to be thought of, and the wa , ter seems t " have accompltHbeI all that Jincb an operation, If successful, could have doae.' u ' Stoks ih tjii BLADDsa (Uric Ann), 8 yarrows gtr Briuut's DissAsa Case of Mrx . stated by or. David smith. , or uronxnue. westcnester, n. X.,' ; "Mm m-. . uhlArl 11 MTHM AlfAnit ft Govt, a conacouence of an Inherited Ooutv iHn- I thesis, followed after some time by fUone In the Madder. The limbs were verv (Edematmis, so , much so as to pit readily on pressure with the finger, tearing an indentation long after tu remo val. The Vrine was loaded with traAv and 1ft percent. Albumen, and the microscope revealed. OMk,sbow1ng unmlntakab'.y.as I thous ht,ifrlr instant of the Kidneys. I prescriledlhe Buffalo'- Lit hla Water.Sprtng No. C, a hlch afforded prompt relief In the (outp AfrcUon, and reaalted, tn a' few weeks, in the passage of a fctone flve-elghths , of an inch long, by one-fourth of an loch in dlam- ' eter. Under the continued use of the water the Urine has been relieved of Ummimrms mpregna-' tion. and restored to a normal oondltion; no Casts can be discovered, the CKdemaums oadlllon of the limbs has been relieved, and the general -health of the patient to ajrreat extent restored.' Stone m the BiAhDxn, Pbospbatic, A Case stated by Dr. B. 8. Hardy, HdtffrrtOB, Greene Co., N. C. ' "My son, a young man, suffered from Strm in' jhe Bladder, of a mird character, oonSlstloar . chiefly of Calcium, Carbonate and Joephate. Af ter persistent use of all remedies indicated la, the case without benefit, I put him upon Buffalo ' Lithla, Spring No. 8, the uso of whloo. foe some six weeks, resulted in the passage, at shorf Inter-' vals, of Oravel, of small stee, aad at time of pajv tides of Hand, followed, aometiraee efterwar. a, ' by the discharge of a Stone weighing It grataa, , the largest, I am confident, I ever knew to pans , through the Urethra), virtually ending histron . bles. since which time any unpleasant symptom, has been relieved by the use of the water for a ' short time Its action In this case has beea In deed wonderful." t i i" .V m Water In cases of one dozen half pal Ion lint ties, tS.CO per case at the Springs. ,': springs open June 1st. ; . , Springs pamphlet sent. to any address. TIIOMAH FGOiDE, Proprietor, ap 10 tf Buffalo Lithla Springs, Va. " ' ; ' v" Patricio. Patricio. ; ; rUS FTNEST FIVE CENT ClGAR rVlRSOLX"f In Wilmington. Try one and you will latoote I hem always. A large lot Just received, at " , net 10 tf KAHPRfrWirB, Lowell Machino Shop, Lowell, Mass. V.C : MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCIUPTUIN ; OF COTTON MACHINERY . Of most ApproTOd Patterns and with Reoant Improvemeatft Paper IVIacbinej ALSO . ' TURBINE WHEELS. , Shafting and Gearing, Hydraulic Pretoet and Puinpi. .1, ' Elevatora, c. . 'i I PLANS FOR COTTON ANDCPATEH KILLS. C I.. niLDRETn, Brm't. lowelU; WM. A. BURKE, Treea, 1 -' . r 8 Mute Street, BoetM mh 3 tf 3 o 5 : W fc rjr f ..-,. GQ O w GQ w GQ o It you dobt,oometo seeu,and we will CURE YOU, or charge nothing Write for the Utile , -book, free. Ask any druggist aa to our stand lor. OT-l,OOOnKWAllIwillbepald to' any Chemist who win find, on analysts of 100 bottles of 8. S. 8., oae particle of Mer- ; . cury, Iodide of Potassium, or any Mineral 4 urBcmc CO.. Pro- " prtotors, Atlanta, Oa. Prlee ot Vaaall Slae, - II OO Eara Btaev - - 1 , SOLD BT ALL DBTJO GISTS." nov tl ly ch s m pcv. rj i 7 i : 'f V'1 V I rt i i 7 l .wJ;.-.. V.- . . - ' v- . . - ..."

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