1a-m" AilY Ui. I I. , friIOLi:SAJLE JFJUCES: PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for Universal Family Use. For Scarlet and;. Typhoid Fevers; -Diphtheria, Sali vation, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small Pox, Measles, and Eradicates". MALAffiTrV all Contagions Diseases. Persons waiting on the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never been known to spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cored with it after hlack vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. FeveredandSlckPer- SMAXX-POX and PITTING of Small Pox PREVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with sons refreshed and Bed Sores prevent ed by bathing with Darbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and purified. For Sore Throat it is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Chaflngs, etc Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved instantly. Scars prevented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc:-. .- . i used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. -Wn. F. Sand ford, Eyrie, Ala.' Small-pox. . I used the fluid j the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about ' the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park ntsoir, Philadelphia. Diphtheria Prevented. The physicians here use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollenwerck, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. . Cholera prevented. ' Ulcers 'purified and healed. Da cases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MAUI ON SIMS, M. New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." Scarlet Fever Cured. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid- As a disinfectant snd detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Becommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia Rev. Ckas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LbContb, Columbia, Prof.,University,S.C. Rev. A. J. Battle, Prof, Mercer University: Rev. Geo. F. Pibkcb, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally, for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEUJN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. no 10 DAWly fr su we toe nrm eh w no 1 UTT'S KPEGTl Is composed of Herbal and Mucilaginous, prod- , ;-is, which permeate the substance of the !iing, expectorates the acrid matter i. :u.t collects in the Bronchial Tubes, nnd forms u nothing? coating, which relieve the Ir- :itiosi tlmt ciiu.-m the cough. It eleanse3 i Jiclnufsofall impurities, strengthens :;itmwlitn enfeebled by disease, nvigor- c-s Lho circulation of the blood, and braces the rvous system. Slight colds often end In ;isiioption. J tin dangerous to neglect tSicm. Apply the remedy promptly. A t. stof w"ily warrants the assertion that .:aremedy has ever been found that is as prompt initseffeetsasTUTT'S EXPECTORANT, nmgle dose raises the phlegm, subdues i':fl tnini.'iitnn.nud its use speedily cures the most oltinate coiiu-h. A pleasant cordial, chil dren take it. readily, For Croup it is invaluable rind should be in every family. In 2i5e. and $1 Bottles. TUTT'S PILLS ACT DIRECTLY llWrK&iltVEg" Cures t hills and Fewer, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Bilious Col ic ,Constipn tiou, Rheumatism, Piles, Palpitation of the Heart, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, and Vesule Irregularities. If yon do not tfeel very well," a single pill stimulates the stomach, :ea tores the appetite, imparts vigor to the syfetem. A NOTED DIVIilE SATS: iia. Tutt: Hear Sirt For ten years I have "leeu a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and A'iles. Lust spring your pillo were recommended io me ; I uied them (but with little faith). Ian now a well man, have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools, piles gone, snd I have j-nined forty pounds solid flesh. They are worth .lUir weight in cold.' REV. 11. J. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. OfTice. 3 ft lf run-ay St., flew York. TITTT'N jnANTJAL oT Useful ' Receipts i'ltllE oi application. j:l el D su we fr tmn jc 18 OOXJ UDAL, PAJZ1S, 1STS. BAKER'S CHOCOLATES Alter Fitmimm Chocolate, the beat prej.iration of plais ehoeolats for fiun- i!y use. Hater' Breaka Cocoa, from which the excess of ou hat been removed, cadly digested snd admirably ciipted for Invalid. Baker't VamBa Chocolate, as a drink or eaten sa eon fectionery is a de&dotu article I highly recommended by tourists. Baker Jlrmua, invaluable as s diet for chil li rcn- German Sweet Chocolate, s rjoat excellent srtids for a ni . Sold by Grace? eTerrwhere. W. BAKF.B fc GO ZtOTChcttcr, SlOtt. we fr su Jan 3 Ian 3 D&Wly Kainit. Kainit. 300 Tons GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT, Of our own Importation, For sale kw by KERCUNKH A CALDKR BROS. my f. tf Bacon, Flour, Molasses ryQ Boxes Smoked and D. S. SIDES. !200BbIS FLOUlt I A A 'Bbls MOLASSES," Foi Halt) KERCHNERA CALBER BROS. my C tf Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Bbls SUGAR, C, Ex C and Gran... JQQ Bags COFFEE, . . , . JQ Bbls RICE, For sale by ' ' my 6 tf KERCHNER A CALDBR ERn 8. Hay, Corn, Oats. fQQ Bales HAY. 1000BushcORN- , .- QQ Bushels OATS, For sale by my 6 tf KERCHNKR A CALDBB "BRQ8. PTJEGELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, - , Wilmington, H. I- l45rry, rUiJor Kirst Class In all its appointments. Tenna o $;s.00 per day, fgh8tf ,, . The Pamlico Enterprise; STONEWALL fUr I -rCf A FIRST CLASS WEEKLY 'PAPElt, in the GRAIN REGION of the State,, jj Subscription $1.50 a year. Yearly Advertising rates-One Square, $15: Two Squares. t25j Three Squares. $30; quarter ColumnVf; Half Colamn, 0; One Column, $loo; No deviation from above rates. Address, ENTERPRISE. i l8tf Stonewall. N.C. fTh'(3Mhg!Sl;ar:, NGGR6 CAMptiriKIiNO 80NG. iOle Sister Mary drappe4Jier pride, An all at once got sanctified, : An when she fell down for ter pray, She tack -ap wings aa' flew away Oh take oft your coat po sinner man, An pray tef do Lawd as fas' as yer can. Ole Sister Mary, when she riz, Shuck her leg at the rheamatiz,' T ? " An' flew way ober de turnip patch, On her way to lift do heabenly latch. Oh5 git on de ground', po' sinner man, An make a move ter jinexlcjjan,'. t Ole Bruder Ike was full ob sin, An' at 4oXwd would stan ait' grin, , But de debil grabbed him wid a hook, An down below wid him he took. Oh. roll in de san sinful chile, ' An take from your soude debil's bile. ; , .4 r Arkamau) Traveller., STATE GLEANINGS. Tarbqrp Guide ; One. man in Edgecomboiinty had i 150 acres of corn uuui:i waici uunng me late rresliet. Mr, Jacob T. Avera, of Rocky Mount, was again arrested on Saturday last, by Deputy Marshal H. S. Spragina, on three indict ments found by the grand jury at the re cent term of the Federal Court at New Berne. This is a repetition, wc understand, of the old charges and looks mightily like persecution. We regret to see Sheriff Brewer limping about and suffering from his old wound, that has recently begun to give him much pain. This wound was received at the battle of Gettysburg, in which battle? his company (which was Co. E, 26th N. C. Regiment) had 80 men killed and wounded out of 82 that went into the fight. We doubt if any other company in any battle of the war suffered so heavily. Pitteboro Record. Wc have some recollection that leads us to say that Captain (afterwards Colonel) David M. Carter's company (4th N. C.) lost as heavily in proportion at Sev en Pines. Star. Charlotte Journal-Observer : A considerable of a hail storm visited the city yesterday afternoon. . -Immediately upon the appearance of Capt. DeWolfes card declining to run for Mayor against Mr. Maxwell, the Republicans set to work to bring out a candidate and before sun down bad succeeded. They worked on Dr. R. M. Norment pretty heavily during the day and at last the pressure became too strong for him and he yielded to their wishes. Chief of Police McNinch yes terday, received a telegram from Mr. W. J. Roberts, Mayor of Shelby, calling on him to arrest George H. Newhand, an insur ance agent, whowas wanteLin Shelby for swindling. A destructive fire occurred yesterday morning in the town of Gastonia resulting in the total destruction of the brick store house and i&tock of goods of Smyre Brothers. The loss of ; build&ig nd goods will amount to $6,000, but is fully covered by insurance. Mr. E. L. Smyre, a member of the firm, was in the city yes terday morning, baying a fresh stock of goods, when he received a telegram inform ing him. of the burning of his store. Col. C. J. Cacraway, a citizen of Polkton, this State, put an advertisement in the Bal timore dSiin a few days ago wanting a wife. A day or two after the advertisement ap peared, Col. Carraway received a letter from a Baltimore lady, enclosing her pho tograph, with a description of herself, and he was so weir pleased with it all that he concluded to go to Baltimore and see the lady in person, tie went last week and when he returned he brought the lady home with him. bavin? married her a few days after he first saw her in Baltimore. rKKSONAIj. Mr. Arthur has agreed to at tend the Fourth of July celebration at Woodstock, Connecticut. Rev. Theodore Richard, of Sax ony, recently arrived in New York, is now at Bethlehem, Pa. lie comes for the pur pose of making an official visit to all the Moravian congregations in this country. Mrs. Augusta Tabor, the di vorced wife of Colorado's night-shirt-Sena-tor, was given a reception by 200 of the wealthiest and most respectable people of Denverfa few days after her return from a California "tour: Meanwhile, Denver so ciety studiously ignores Mrs. Tabor No. 2. - JameMur4ocli,rwho appeared at the Cincinnati Dramatic Festival after a retirement ef nearly-twenty-five years from the stage, made his entry into dramatic life at the Arch Street "Theatery in this -"sty7 iQ 1829, when he was eighteen years old. He now lives in a little village named after him, near Cincinnati. ... . . Lord Augustus Henry Venable Vernon, sixth Baron of Vernon and Baron of Kinderton, in the Peerage of England, is dead. He was descended from Admiral VernoH the antagonist of William Penn, . and the Venable family of Virginia are of , the same stock. Mount Vernon perpetu- ates the name in Virginia. lachmond State. Talmage, giYes this, little pen--picture of Saoattel 'tfi TildeaYA few days ago I saw in a railway car the sickest-looking man I ever saw . out of bed; his chin and hands afflicted with the worst palsy I ever saw, either in or outside of a. hospital, exciting the pity and sympathy of all who looked at him. He is one of the candi dates for the presidency." TWINKLINGS. A banana peel is the dynamite of the fruit kingdom, and it always brings down its victim. N. T. Commercial Ad vertiser. "Hey I Rube !" is a slogan of circus men to call all hands to the rescue when threatened by mofe It is only used when the dangerls imminent. Paris, for 2,226,000 inhabitants, iioa torpntv three theatres, six music halls and three Circuses; Vienna, for 1,204,000" inhabitants has seven theatres, one circus and six music halls; Berlin, with 1,300,000 inhabitants, has thirteen theatres, one cir cus and five music? halte. See how the little striker man Improves each shining hour, And ward galoots, and precinct clan, ' All candidates devour Now bock bier flows in gurgling stream Addwn each thirsty throat, And hopeful men on bummers' beam F a convention to?i v . " . -Z-Etitin? Suiiday Tranacrxpt. Boston Globe : ' "A- few days after a baby was born in Newport,. Ky., a gentleman neighbor called in the house, and, on being shown the young one, said: to it : 'How are you; colonel V Jts mother then asked : 'Why do you call it colonel J ; It's a male child, isn't A?', he responded. Yes.' repliedM mother: Well, then, he's coloneL By the : common law pt Kentucky every mate child born in the State tt a fcrJlonel? The inother was great-j ,ly tiekled over the fact that she- was the, mother o a colonel. f- "'; - ? cn.oiwt rihlmna velvet can all 'b 3B X' c til. , ------ - . . , colored to match that new haby using th , Uiamonqwyefib - y vj , H - ' ' - Fji4'rt ' H ! An agreeable lressite 'Oi$t& ,wni gtoD iU falling: has been long, jought ?? SffiftartirW Ipsam, tingulshed for Its ity, fufly Btjpplies this want, f I) , . Y CaaSeIJlDO .irTr. .1 . (T ?JH Mil-'.'. Ss.1 irwwj mrrwv cenirv wot -n mncrvtse ime ar- jjro,wvng qr uw xowwtgwwW JMtery company, and in person manage and oontrvi the Drawings uiemsemee, anautat n"atn art eonauciea wtui no- nesty, fairnets. faodfaUA toward all partus, and we authority nww vte inu ceritncate. vwn. facsimile: iaturet attached, ia ij aaveritsemenUT 1 2 ke. UNPEECEDEUTED' ATTRACTION ! Incorpo1tfetrl!8(S8?or 25 yearsy the Leglsla- Hv an overwhelming nonnla.r -vnta itst fmnnhlnn was made a part-of the present State Constitution adopted UeceinberSJd,. B. 187a, Its Grand. StAgle Number Drawlas will take place monthlj'. It never scales' of post- pones. Look at tne ioilowing Distribution : GRATNH PBOMENADE CONCERT, during which will take tlace the Extraordinary Semi-Annnal Drawing. AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, JUNE 12. . 1883, . Under the personal supervision and .jr -J. manaJcement of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La., and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. rfNotlce. Tickets are Ten Dollars only; Halves 5; Fifths $2; Tenths gl. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OP $150,CX... $150,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OP 50,000. . . 50,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OP 20,000. . . 20,000 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 . . . 80,000 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 5,000 . . . 20,000 20 PRIZES OF 1.000. . . 20,000 50 " 500... 25.000 100 " 300... 30,000 300 " 200. . . 40.000 GOO " 100. . . 00,000 1,000 ' SO... 50,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes ot S300 20.000 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 10.000 100 Approximation Prizes of 75 7.5C0 2,279 Prizes, amounting to. $522,500 Applications for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of tho Company in New Orleans. For lutormatton appry to Jtl. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. La. or 1TI. A. DAUPHIN, my 9 D&W2aw4w we sat LOG ROLLING. TV bile Wretlln:r -with a Fallen Tree a Lumberman Kef elvea Covequential Damages. While on a hunting excursion in the great coal and wood region near Carboadale, Pa., the w iter met William Coil, a lumberman. Accustomed to life and labor in the forest from early manhood, he was a true Knight of the Axe. Many a tree had fallen before his ringing strokes, and fleets of rafts had borne away to market the sawed products. Coil is a character, and if Oscar Wilde is right in saying that all movements in unhinder ed labor are graceful, our friend William, strip ped for his work, and attacking a tree as Richard I. assaulted the heavy dooi s of Front de Bceufs CastlejHjnst have presented a n admirable picture. One day, however but let him tell the story himself, as he told it to me: "I was out in the woods, you know, trying to start a log down a htlL Thinking I could get a better purchase on It from the lower side, I tack led it there with my Jog-roUlng hook and threw my weight on the lever. She started, she did but as luck would have it, before I could get out of the way, she rolled right over me. Tf It hadn't been for a lot of small limbs and brush lying In the road, which lifted her up, she'd crushed me flat. As it was I got up without a broken bone, but with some mighty bad bruises." Then yen were all right," said his auditor. "Not by a blamed sight, stranger. I took cold, rheumatism set In, and, if I hadn't beard of BEN SON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS and used 'em, it's my opinion I should never have made another chip fly. But the Capclne took hold quick, and I'm 'bout as good as new. But there's one thing you kin calkilate on: I shall never wrastle with another log unless I have the ad vantage of the groond. ur. as I told you before, if it hadn't ooen f orthem brushes I'd beea smashed so, you eould 'a sold me for a door mat." The Capclne is the thing for rheumatism. It doesn't keep you waiting. The word CAPCINE is cut in the center of the genuine. Price 25 cents. Seabury & Johnson, l enlists, new xorK. ap 22 D&WOm nrm su we ch 8m oc 22 HAS BEEN PROVED TM SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. Sees a lame bade or disordered urine intll- 4 E ote tlvat you aro a Tiotim P THEN DO NOT El a HESITATE; nso Kidney-Wort at onoo, (arag gista recommend tt)uicl it wil speedily over ooms tlie disease and rC3tore liealtiiy action. ice c- rll ir- yor complaints peculiar! kauivoi m swap Mxraaias pain jweafcsjaoBiKldBey.WortlsmButpaBaad. aa It will act promptly and safely. Eitner Bex. Incontlncnoe, retention orunne, briclt dust or rocy deposits, sad dull dragging pains, all speedily yield to its curative power. O- SOXJ BY XIJa DS.UCKSIST8. price VI. oc IDeodft Wly" awa lr . jirni " ocOt A GREAT MMOAL SDCCjEES MINSTREL SQNQS oLd'and new. Wrnrfv 1 OA of those world-famous PLANTA TION. SONGS and POPULAR MELODIES that have made the fortunes of Minstrel Troupes, and of which Ditsoa ,Co. hold th copyrights of a large number. - ' ' More true, original, pleasing melodfestnay be. found in this volume than in any other extant. Price $2 Boards; $2.50 Cloth. - The Musical Favorite. The MUSICAL PA VORITE eontainbout fifty very musical pieces of mediumTdifficulty, by the mostpopulat oomposers. as; Waldteufel, Blake, Gottschalk, Wilson, Schumann, Aubert, Lamo the, etc., in all 38 compoeers. raoe fa piam; f i ciotn. ? entertaining airs for practice, are WINNER'S f IDEAL. METHODS FOR VIOLIN, FOR GUITAR. FOR PIANO, FOR CABINET ORGAN, FOR CORNET. FOR AOCORDEON, FOR FLAGEOLET, FOR CLARINET, FOR FIFE, FOR BANJO, . FOR FLUTE, FOR BOEHM FLUTE. Price of each. 75 eta. Simple Instructions, and nearly 100 tunes in each. Mailed, postpaid, for retail price. OLIVES DITS0IT & CO., Boston. C. H. DrrSON CO., 867 Broadway, New York, ap 7 DAW tf WedASat je 10 The Lincoln Progress, ; published Saturdays at Lincolntorij ,.Jff.C IS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN LINCOLN County, and las an extensive circulation among the Merchants, ruTsr8 and air: classes ot bnsI" ness men In the'Btetej fj2 . It offers to theMerehants of Wllmkigton a de sirable medium for advertising their tmalmeea throughout Western North Carolina, f , ; , liberal terms will be allowed oh yearly, adver tlsements. Subscription prloe $ 00 per annum 1 ' advance. Addreca F. H. DiLANK. Editor and Proprietor. - tflf 'Our quotations, tt should be understood. " V V i-kriuaV! Tilt ,. n - , III inakla up small orders higher prices haveto be . ranoas. BAGGING Gunny . . . Standard..... .- BACON North Carolina, Hams, 3 B . . .. . - -. . Shoulders, y lb. ............ Sides, choice, 9 lb ... Wsstksii SxoKaD--Hams, ft 8k. Sides, ft.......... Shoulders, fj ft ......... Dar Saltttd Sides, f.ft. ...... Shoulders, j ft BARRELS Spirit Tnrpeutine. 09 & 00 .00 16 15 00 00 00' : 16 11 16 18 00 10 1 85 4 00 1 90 30 9 90 Rfw-nnd "Hand, each 1 80 1 00 0 00 00 7 50 0 00 IS 25 New New York, each New City, eaeliA BEESWAX 9 vv BRICKS Wilmington, V M .... Northern:-. BUTTER North Carolina, V ft Northern, 9 ft... CANDLES 9 ft Sperm e 14 oo 25 35 25 12 15 18 Tallow.. ; UM& ' Adamantine' , 1 & CHEESE f3 ft Northern Fact'y 14 it Dairy, Cream.- 00 State - 10 ft COFFEE ft Java 18 Laguyra 1 Rio 10 CORN MEAL 9 bush., in sacks, 75V VlrgtolaMeal.... COTTON TIES 9 bundle. .-. 1 60 BOMESTICS Sheeting, 4 4, 9 yd 64 - Yarns. bunch 88 fii i 14 10 M 28 14 12H 80 86 75 7 90 pish MacKerei, jmo. i, v toi... io oo EGGS 9 dozen. 00 Mackerel, No. 1, 9 half bbl. . 8 50 Mackerel, No. 2,$bbl 960 Mackerel, No. S, 9 half bbl . 5 00 Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bb. . 8 50 MuDets, 9 bbl 4 00 Mullets, Pork bote 7 00 N.C. Roe Herring, 9 keg.... 8 00 Dry Cod, 97b 5 FERTILIZERS 9 2,000 pounds, French's Carbonate of Lime 7 00 French's Agricultural Lime 8 50 Peruvian Guano, No. 1 57 50 " " No. 2. 36 00 " -n Lobos 00 00 ' Baugh's Phosphate 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer 45 00 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone MeaL 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navassa Guano . . 40 00 Comprete'ManuTe 00 00 Whana's Phosphate 00 00 . Wando Phosphate 00 00 Berger & Butz's Phosphate .. 00 00 .Bxeellenza Cottoa Fertilizer. 65 00 44 20 00 15 10 00 10 00 5 50 9 00 4 25 8 50 4 00 10 7 50 9 00 62 50 87 00 61 00 60 00 50 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 45 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 FLOUR 9 bbl Fine 0 00 5 00 5 50 Northern super. . " w Extra 6 25 Family. 6 50 6 50 9 00 5 25 City Mills Super 5 00 Family 6 00 Extra Familv 00 6 7 25 00 GLUE ft r.4 13 GRAIN ft bushel. corn, from store, Dags.wniic Corn, cargo, in bulk, v Corn, cargo. In bags, " Corn, cargo, Mixed, in bags. Oats, from store Cow Peas 1 72 62 66 or, 626 00 lit G3 67 66 65 10 11 25 05 1 HIDES 9 ft Green 4 Dry " HAY 9 100 fts Eastern 1 00 western North River 80 90 83 00 HOOPt 30N Ton. 78 00 LARD ft Northern North Carolina 12U 144 00 - 14 1 50 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 LIME barrel 1 10 LUMBER City Sawed 9 M rt. sup .gum, resawea jo uu Rough Edge Plank 15 00 west inula cargoes, accora- lng to quality ,.. Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . Scantling and Boards, cow'n 18 00 18 00 12 00 MOLASSES 9 gallon. New Crop cuDa, m anas w " mbbls. 00 40 Porto Rico, In hhds 36 40 " ' in bbls 00 41 Sugar House, In hhds 00 00 " ' lnbbls 26 27 a I.V.I., ATI Hfl oyruu, in uuu. w NAILS 9 Keg Cut, lOdb-.isis.. 3 00 3 C5 OILS gallon Kerosene 12 13 lArd " a Linseed 90 1 00 Rosin 15 18 Tar ., 00 .20 Deck and Soar 00 22 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 85 37 Spring la (5 Turkeys 75 1 25 PEANUTS 9 bushel 75 1 10 POTATOES 9 bushel sweet . . J (t ou Irish. Der bbl a ou wo a m PORK bbl. City Mess -2 00 22 50 rrlme low ia u w Rumn 17 00 18 00 RICE Carolina, ft 494 8 KouerB. w Dusnei o i o RAGS 9 ft Country 14 1 city iva j? ROPE 9 ft 144 22 SALT 9 sack Alum 80 86 Liverpool, vo Lisbon 00 00 American 00 75 SUGAR 9 ft Cuba 0 00 Porto Rico 0 08 A Coffee 9 9; B - 0 9 C " 7 8 Ex C 8i 8 Crushed ; 104 11 SOAP W ft Northern 5 64 SHINGLES fl M Contract 6 00 7 00 Oommon aw su Cypress Saps 4 50 Cvoress Hearts 0 00 STAVES MW. O. Barrel.... 12 00 18 00 10 00 6 15 00 13 50 10 00 8 50 k. o. ttogsneaa w w TALLOW 9 ft 5 TIMBER 9 X feet Ext. Heart (first class yellow pine).. 14 w, 14 oo Prime Shlp'g (first class heart 12 00 Extra Mill (good heart) 9 00 Mill Prime 7 50 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 50 6 SO 4 00 5 00 2 50 86 23 IS WHISKEY 9 gallon Northern 1 00 Nortn Carolina i uu a WOOL ft Washed 25 unwashed. zi Butty 10 WILJUNGTON KKONKY 1HABKET. Xxohange (sight) on New York. M discount Baltimore J4 Boston H Philadelphia. U Western Cities... 4 Exchange. 30 days. 1 9 cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank Block Navassa Guano Company Stock North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons . . . , 107" 90 140 23 10 10 80 4 116 105 Funding, i860 Funding, 1869 New 4s Special Tax W. A W. R. R. Bonds. 7 o. (Gold Interest). Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 Wc Wilminnon. Col. & Augusta R. R. Bonds . . . . 106 . 100 . 100 .1100 Wilmington City Bonds, (New) 6 9o VI wv. ..... New Hanover County Bonds. 6 Wc Wilmington A Weldon R. R. Stock 100 North Carolina R. R. Stock 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock 100 Buckingham Slate Koofing Company ARE NOW PREPARED TO DO PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL SLATE ROOFING, Aa ther-A n.ra no middle men. from the ouarrvto the roof, we are able to do work cheaper than other parties. We are- Practical Quarrymen and Slaters. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Reference given from Ar chlteet of the State of Virginia. we sell Slate or an colors at lowest prices. Anv nerson having Slate Land in North Caroli na or South Carolina will please communicate with us. Principal Office. O. O. THOMAS CO., 142 Sycamore St ATIOJ Old St., mh 16 2m Petersburg, Va. TIIF. CELEBRATED ARRINGTOK GAME FOWLS FOR SALE "jyjpt GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL RE- putation. They nave rought and won a series of the greatest mains ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhibition at Philadelphia In '76, were honored by the Uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with the Di ploma and Medal. I have a variety of Colors and most approved Breeds in the United States. I will 'ship splendid COCKS of fine sine and handsome plumage, per press, j. us. jj.. at irom 4.uu to $e.uu eaen; ENS. 2.50 and 83.00 each: or 7.00 Der Pair: $10.00 per Trio.' I expeet to raise Two Hundred Pairs this Summer, the Finest Games In the World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and. April hatch during the months of August, Sep tember and October, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven jjoii are prrxino. ; Whoever disputes the superiority of my Birds, will please back the assertion with their stamps. write I or wnat you want. Address. J. G. ARRINGTON, ap 6 tf HllHardston, Nash Co.. N. C. Tie Battle is OrerLTte Enemy Ron tci !! AND NOW LET US LOOK AROUND: THE OLD reliable North Carolina Barber, Ac,, H. C. Premnert is still at his old tricks, with h!a two Phut -Class assistants, Stuart and Bvaas, at No. 32 Market street next door east at M nnhannev'a Drag Stove. He would respectfully Invite all his nmnerooa otu umi iitsw ineuas ana patrons, wso are desirous of getting FirsVClass work aone, (not onlv sea caDtains. commamial ajpeata. eonn- "try friends and friends fxom&mittivlUa), hat all are lespecuuiiy requestea to rive aim atrial. Corns, Warts,t .Ringworms and all other akin diseases attended to, and a radical ears guaran teed.' . : ? Respectfully, Ac.. nor 12 tf H. C. PREMPERT. rfliBTATJ! BOABD 07 JDHJCATJON U VOX olraeToil-IM;!DIKBA in the Counties ef Tyrrell, Darej ttyde, Washir ton, Beaufort, Craven. Carteret ones, Oiutow, Duplin, Pender. Brunswick, Bladen, Columbus, Robeson, and other Eastern counties. , BT tne laws or ineowM uk owuvi Hon Is authorized to sell any of these Lands "up On SIX weeas duduu hutci i,ufcuicu. receipt of sealed proposals for such lands. itoara to maae puuiiu suiormiDu". uw . m all of these Lands are for sale. Any person wishing io purchase any of these Lands will forward sealed proposals f or thesarse to the undersigned, to be laid, before the Board lor res consiaeranoa. - r'' JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH, Secretary of State Board of Edncatlon. my 3 6w - BaielgtyN. C. Dental Association. THE NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE North Carolina State Dental Association will be held at MORKHBAD CITY, N. C, commencing TUESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1883. The Dental Profession throughout the State Is cordially Invited, to attend - . The attention of every practitioner of Dentistry is especially cailea to the see reguiatus i n n tlce of Dentistry in North Carolina, passed by the last Legislature (Feb. 1883), requiring every Den tist in the State to obtain a certificate from the State Board of Dental Examiners, which con venes at the same time and place. J. F. GRIFFITH, President. W. H. HOFFMAN, Secretary. my 4 lm Liyerpol and London anil Globe Ins. Co Claims Paid in the United States, Losses promptly adjusted and pld ou receipt of proofs, without discount, by ' JNO. W. GORDON A BRO., Agents, my 6 tf 24 North Water St Endowment Insurance. TATEMENT OF POLICY No. 2885, PAID March 80th, 1888. Age at Issue 88. Payable at age of 50, or at death If prior. i The total, payments In 17 years on $10,000 policy annual premium $539.80. were , 178.00 COMPANY PAID MARCH 80, 1883, The original policy 10,000.00 Dividend additions 4,577.18 Total 14,877-lf Paid in excess of premiums re ceived $5,400.50 rWta In w Inirncimnnr n rt Vwvrr- 4trsa WAV AAflt 1 1113 19 4U I'lTDObUlCUw V BVWUH ss v V yV4 ww H compound interest In addition to 17 years Insur- suits, shown on application to M. 8. WILLARD, Agent, my 6 tf Mutual Life Ins. Co., of New York. N. C. BDSIKESS DIRECTORYfor 1883, SOON TO BE ISSUED, CTn EDITION 17TH YEAS OF PUBLICATION, Will contain over 60,000 NAMES, and Is In tended to bo the FULLEST AND MOST RELIA BLE REFERENCE BOOK over published for North Carolina. The Bnsiness and Professional Men of every County, City and Village will be recorded and classified for convenient reference. Price fS.OO. ap 25 tf Cape Fear Mills CELEBRATED J) EARL GRITS, HOMINY AND BOLTED MEAL ARE THE BEST. Guaranteed fresh and sweet. A few bales of that CHOICE EASTERN HAY still on hand. All goods at lowest prices and satisfaction as sured. C. B. WRIGHT ADEIAN & V0LLEBS OFFER FOR SALE ij Hhds New Crop Cuba MOLASSES, Hhds Porto Rico MOLASSES, PA Bbls N. O. MOLASSES. DJ different grades, OK. Bbls SYRUP, 2QQ Bags COFFEE, Rio, Laguyra and Java, 2 PjQ Bbls SUGAR,'all grades, O.A Boxes and bbls CRACKERS ZOU and CAKES, Firkins and Tubs BUTTER, Q Tcs best refined LARD, 0 Cases best refined LARD in Tins, Palls and Tubs best refined LARD, 1250 Blla FLOUR- from SuPcr to Fancv 2QQ Bbls Irish POTATOES, '25 TTjKNirs 200 Boxes TOBACCO, all grades, JJ0 Thousand CIGARS, " RICE, SALT, 80AP. Ac, Ac. ap8tf Tobacco. "yyE HAVE FULL LINES OF TOBACCO, which we are selling EIGHT CENTS under prices prior to May 1st. Also a very large stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS a', bottom figures. myCtf . WORTU A WotfTI . Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital. $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid in, S3 00,000 Surplus Fond, S5O,00C DIRECTORS: W. I. GORE, C. M. 8TKDMAH a W. WILLIAM ISAAC BATES. DONALD XcRAK. J AS. A. LEAK, H. VOLLER8, P. RHEINETKIl R. R. BRIDGERS. S. tt BORDEN. J. W. ATKINSON. ' ISAAC BATES. President O. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President. S. D. WaiXAoa. Cashier. , aaffSMi i , - ' - .... i i 3000 THREE THOUSAND 3000 BOXES " " Hannfactured Tobacco . Ctonslstln of Our well known and popular brands of PL O TWIST and SMOKING TOBACCO, Manufactured this Summer sad for sale at BOT TOM PRICES. We would call special attention io bar CHEAP BRANDS, which we olaim to be FAR SUPERIOR to other low grades sold in this market -. MEADOWS, KIDDER, Proprietors ' "dec 19 tf CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS. f Eailroid Co; ' Change of SehednUv ' VN AND AFTER APRIL 89, 13, ATS.30 P. rssMBMr Tnuu on um wumurwi wn doa Railroad wfll ran as fellows: . ,t. . i . -. . Xy Ual mmA Kxcproae Trmlas, Dally- lfaa. 4T Worth suUI 4 Soatk. Leave Wnrnmjrton, Front Bt. Depot, at ) A. K. Arrire at WeWoa.; - .j....l.etir. M. Leer Weldon... WP.lt Arrtve at WUmlnaTton. Front St. Denot, . P. M, Vast Tasouea Xn.ASO PAsanasa TaAUt Dan.t Leave "Weldon. M 6,10 P. M. Arrire as Wilmington. Front Rt. Depot, 10.66 r. M. itam. in PASscifsn Tbuim lUrer Noj 46 Neara. Leave WUntaftoa t. p. m. Arrive at Weldon 4.00 A. M, Tala Na 40 South will stop only at Rooky Mount, W ilson, uouuooro ana jisgnoua. Trains oo Tarboro Branoh Road Leave Rocky Woant for Tarboro at T AM. and ai5 p. M. DaUy. Rataralng. leave Tarboro at M A.M. and 10 P.M. Dally. Tram on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Hal If as for Scotland Neek at S.M P. M. Ketara lag leaves Scotland Neok at 7 A. M. DaUy. Train No. 47 makes elose connection at Weldoa for all point North Dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally exeept Sunday via Bay Line. . . ireia No. ft ram daily and makes elose con nection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. . All trains run solid between Wumtnrton and Washington, and have Pullman Palaos Sleepers attached. 4uun r. ui rw, GeBeral BupX T. U. EMERSON, Oenl Pmsseager Agent. ap 87 tf WILMINGTON, COL'MBIA & ADGUSTA Railroad Co. Omn o Qinna SnFr, I WlhaUngton. N. C April Stah. IBU. i Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER APRIL C9TH, 18SS. AT TJ A M.. the foUowlng Passenger Schedule will be run on this road: RIGHT EXPBES TRAINS tDallyV- ffoa. 48 vat and 4T But. Leave Wilmington '. 9.M P. M. Leave Florence s.M A M. Arrive at C, O. A. Junction . A. U. Arrive at Columbia A. M. Leave ColumbU W OO P. M. Leave C.C.4A. Junction 10 P. M. Ijttni Dlnrnnee 1.50A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 6.80 A M. Nieur Mail in pAssaitesa ThAnf, Dailv, No. 40 WlM. Leave WUmlngtea .11.10 P.M. Arrive atFtorenos- 2.45 A. M. Mail ajtd Passksuis Tun Dailt No. 45 East. Leave Florenoe W P. M. Arrive at WUnrington 9.08 P. M. Train 49 stops at all Stations. Wn sflatnria nnlr at Fleminjrton. Whltevtlle. Fair Bluff and Markm. , Daaanmn frw rVilnmbla tul all rtolnta nn I A a R. R.7C-, A A. R. R. SUttons, Aikes Junction, and all points beyond, should take 44 Night Ex presa Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. , Gen'l Supt T. M. EMKRSON. Gen'l PMSsenger Agent. ap 27 tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Omci or ScrrsnrrsTrDKSTT, KKnrrnDnT, I i, N. C, Nov. 12, 188t Wilmington, Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV'R IX, 1882. THE FOI lowing SobedulewUl be operated on this Rail road: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY. I T ... UPflaw. tvtsvs . ..0.15 P. M. . .7.40 A. M. f Arrive at Charlotte at . . . T m...AAva. .a 7 W P Isf j o l kJomw vuai rw.aso m . - HO- f Arrive at Wilmington at 9.00 A. M. Trains Noa 1 and 9 stoo at regular stations only, and Points designated ta Wis Company's Time Table. Train No. I Dally except Bunaay. Do. No. 9 do do Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EI PRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte s. A M. Arrire at Shelby W.W P. M. Leave Shelby P. Ml Arrh-e at Charlotte &.40 P. M Trams No. 1 and 9 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A Trains to aad from Raleigh, and at Charlotte with Shelby Division Train. Tarougn Bleeping usrs oetween wumingwn and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 foi Statesvllle. Stations West ern N. C. R. R., AshvUle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lasts and all points Southwest. 1a. u. iiunin, Suoarlntendect F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. nov la-tr New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. 53TEAMZE8 WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK Krery WEDNESDAY snd SATUItDAY at o'clock P. M. REGULATOR Ratnrtlsy. Msrch H. BEN FACTOR " March SI. REGULATOR " April 7. BENEFACTOR " April 14. REGULATOR April 21. BENEFACTOR ' April. tVThrough Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina For Freight or Passage apply to XII ON ASK. BONO, Superintendent, . Wilmington, N C Tho. fi. Ecer, Prelght Agent, New York W. f. Clysle A Co., General Agents, mh 18-tf C Broadway. New York. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Roonas, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILD PNG, WllsBlacton, It. C. Fire, Mariic aiFLifc Compaiiics. Agirreate Capital Reprsesatsd Over 1100600.600 JDST THE PAPER THE PEOPLE.WAHT ED.OLDUAITS T7ESTEEIT SEITTIHEL (EsUblkhed 1X1) Should be Bead at Krery Fireside la Western North Carolina. Full of News, Fun, General In formal loo and Something to Interest Kvervbody. SEND SO CENTS AND TRY IT THREE MOTTTHB. WrN8TON.N.i. ssWsajs5liV THE-SUlf zrzxxi TOE SUNg first lm Ulo.be treOifut and u ful; Its seoond, to write, an nU'rtalnla -rr of thetlntM la which we live. It prints, on average, saore thaa a snlUloM ooples a wees, t otrealatioB Is now larger than ever tw'or. ut . eripttoat Dsilt (4 pagest, by. mail, sir a month, or .SO a yean Svav(S acMr), $l.Srtrrjrear: WtrtTS tiaras), 1 per iar. DONT OBDKn BAND or OrcheKrsl In Irs na rots, or M wrtoeAOnncj of any kind, before w for rt-t prions to a Ll.K S iHJli W OMTIf . 4 V Lafs y 1 m plaoa, Nw York. Aa h ollaot B Bat rvtos I krl. 1S.401 ISMt B flat t:.-. nrt- now used bvi UbrU,' SO fuJo X flat Alto tlrma-. bone. 9 O. hatv.o.DM with lrl' ADVZJrTTKXR by ddrain AM T. KOV-' KLL A OO., 10 aprooe Street, New York, rn learn toe exact oost of any proposed tin f A 1 .'. VKRTIHTNU m American itswvtapra. Ill yage yasnphilet. 1 e. myl PaWtm FOE 3 A TIES, VERY CHEAP! ' - -' h TUB MACHINERY OF A COTTON SPlN N1NUJI1I1.L, S,TOO Spln.Ues, wllha llt prrparatlrm, all In good ramdltlon. Ha lnn ; spinning As to yarn. Caa he snt Address LONOkTKETU. NORKIH A , v sp 94 Ira Cllftoa, Delsware Va., Pcsna BiiiMo lAitMa . Watori TAKES THE FLA CI OF ,;"! THE BURGEON'S KNIFE FOB CTOHl OF TBS , BLADDER. . , V- ITS VALUE IN BRIGHTS DTI EASE, ' TTI E OOUTT DIATHESTS, . , V mTFFALO UTUIA WATER SUITflANTS TUK SURG BOB'S KNIFE I STONE OF TUB BLADDER. Case of D, 4. B. Welstllng. Mlddletowa, fa-. t "A ststea by bimseir. . ' "Exoerlenos In Its use la Stone of the Maids. In my own person, enables me to attt the im- derful efBearr of the Buffalo Llthla Wstsr th tW' '. painful malady. After having beea long subact-; ed to sufferings, the Intensity of WhWih canr C be described. I bsve under uie junoenoe of ibis , , water pa ed (I am eonfldsat 1 ara ntts Oxt ' bounds of truth), at laaft aa onr of OBkmii (Crio AekU, some of which weighed as mack as ' 1 four grahu, affording Inexpressible- raTVf, sod leartng me In a oondttloa of cossriasaMv aae ' andtvtmfort. I am now naasias onlr oeoaajou- ally small C'alrull, and thov are not attended vf t the Intense suffering which their peMsre has . heretofore occasioned. On ooo oeeaatoo Ir-Ssawd , thlrty-flve Catoalltn forty-eight bmra, .TWasr--pMMra.no ot this Caleolus Muolel lndlos.1 u mlstakably. I think, that tbey wrre all Htrl , nent particles or ono lanre tairuias aestrTa by the action of the water by maasM of solsU and disintegration. At my advanced period ' & Ufe (I am seventy -seven years and li months f aral. and In rny feeble general health, a nrrtoaf Ofwratlos was not to he thnught of, aad the sta ter seems 1 1 bare accomplished all tliat snoU aa '. operatlos. If successful, oould have done,", ; ' " Sroirs im nis Blardbs (Umo Acta), Hrsrwr '( ' BntanVs Drssssa, "!.', Case of Mrs , stated by Dr David Jt Smith, ? of Bronxvulo, Westchester, M. Y. . , "Mrs. - was subjoct to sevara attacks of Oout. a eonseaoence of an Inherited tosfr tAfjrii, followed af Lar srane time lit Sltme In the madder. The limbs wrre very lKimnmi, so much so as to nit madllT on Dress are with Hi finger, lesvtng an Indentation long After Uarenw TaL -Tbe Urine was loaded with Vralee and 95 per ent. Alottmm, snd the microscope rsvaaind (MM.MKwiBgenviMrLaKarT.asi ttoirmvwi t HMStt nf tt KiAiH 1 tir orlfced bm Ballala Llthla Water.Sprtng No. 2, klnhalltiedcd prusitpt rallflf In Lhe Govt Alfrc(un. and rwulted. In a - few weeks. Id the passage of a 'aaatra-sns-atssi .) . of an inch losr, ay one-fourth of an tae ta Un- eter. I'nder the enntinned usa of tle atr iaa Urxne has been rSneyeU of Vrumiruus Jrrff- -tkm. aad restored to normal ondnloai to , ean be dlsoovered, taa UCUemtainme rnfidlUoa nf the limbs has born, rolievnd, aad too general ', health of the patient to a great si tent resiorad."." - Stows is ms BLAnnsa, rwosrsiArsa. A Cams stated by Dr. R! S. flardy, Hoetajrum, Co, N. v. Mr son. a young man. suffered from tffone la be Itlnddrr, of a tnUd ckarnslrr, oonalstlna chiefly of CViZctwm, Carftnnate and IttrmpKale. Af-. ter persistent ase or an rrmcoMs wmiimiki in the case without benefit, 1 put htm pon Buffalo Llthla, Spring Mo. 9. theusoof which, for soma vals. Of (rrtrri, of small sis, and at times) of par- ttolasof Sand, followed, aoneUmas a fcerwan ,' -by the discharge of a tilonm weighing 19 grahiS. , . the Lanrost, 1 am confident, I ever knew to ta,4 through the Urethra), virtually ending hU tma- ? i blea. since whloh time any anplaasaat srmpumi has been relieved by the use of the water far a - ' short time. IU acUun in this case has beea la- t. deed wonderful." .'. ,, Water la esses of one doers half gallon bot tles, S.V00 per case at the Springs. springs open June 1st. , Springs pamphlet sent to any address. . T1IOMAM V OOoDK. lroprUtor. ,1 sp 10 tf Buffalo Llthla Springs, - Lowell Machine Shop; - Lowell, Mass. r V " sfANUFACTURERS OF EVXRY DEHCRirTlON ." . of y-.r C0TT0N MACHIHEBY ' Of most A pprovad "v Patterns and with Recent Impreyatneeta. ' Paper Machinery, r ALSO ' ..; TURBINE WEEEIA , . , 8hifling and OssriB, Hydrmulli . . Pretaes and Pumps, V Elevston, dec PIANH FOR COTTON ANICAPKR MIX4-S.;' C L. HILDRETTl, Snpl, , LOWELL. MASS: . ' WM. A. BURKE. Traaa., ' , mh I U 99 StaU Street, Bostaa v KOLID SHOT AOAIAST BLOOD poisoro: Atlasta, Ga.. April XT, 1(131. In I was the victim of a terrible Blood Pfrf. . son, snd after bring treated by three Phrstciatis was confined to my bed. vol able to rate my haad , to my head spitting up clots of blood and ra dueed In weight fmm IKS to lai fwtanda I than began the nae of SWIFT'S SPECIFIC aad m ' than three months I was rotlraly wr II, wets-bed 1M, and have never had asymptom of st fiwiase , ' since. U It bad not been for Swift's rpwlfto 1 believe I would hsve been ta my grave. iolix v.ersnop.. " Tried not Iprinfi Tws Yrars Wllk oat Relief. Mercurial Rheumatism mads ms s cripple. Af ter trying Hot Springs two V"r. and the Merrw ' . ryand Potash Uwalaoent until 1 was a sksnsi . .fc.L . v.l. 1 ,. mmm ll mmam to take a course of 8. S. S. After Uktag throe bottles my spps bgs " P'W n4 gained Sesb rapidly. W bra I had taken twe ra bottles I felt ss well as 1 erer did. Itkinow t-w months since I took S. Id. My lalth aad atn- tits are good, aad I am anio to aiina vn w bast ns 1 1 can got. Hot springs. Jan. 1, isas. HAS. f.na. mns RIWARDrDI bepaidtosriy fj-?" ,,, mA ...lw1a lib hnttlnS tPIUUU' of S S 8.. one Particle of Mercury, Iodide of Pr tasainm, any rTnT'KOriO CO- f Drawer 9. Atlanta, Oa." t 1 Our little Book mailed fme to aprltrmau. I mi eh s m smV n ' V I I 1 t . 1 i A . .

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