The M6ramg;5ta& UATiUOr AOVHUTIUHUi '.UC I.' A f 1 1 111 Will. II. BEUNAttl). .UB1.ISHRD DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. ratbh r suAsomimox, in Ahvajraa, ,me Year, (by Mali) Portage Paid 57 00 4 00 e oo iii Montna. i'hrre Months. ionths Two Month, -i tne Month. I GO 75 iW To Clt; ro City Subscribers, delivered in any part Otty, FtvTHH Cum per week. Our City., ,)f the A i'DUtS are not autnortsea to collect for more than three month In advaaoe. stored at the Post Office at Wilmington, N, as Seoond Clasa Matter. t ! ( l XT TXT 1 1? T TT'Tr.XT liIiiN IlNOr JjiJJlllJXN. OVTZjINBS. The Mississippi Hirer Commission, after a careful inspection, are satisfied with he work done for the improvement of the river. The Prussian Ministry have fie ri Jed to take the regulation of church mat ters in their own hands, independent of Rome. The Vatican has abandoned the hope of establishing diplomatic rela tions with England. Total, receipts of cotton at all ports 5.805,752 bales. Thirty-four of the riotous .minors;' at Col- linsvillc, 111., were fined $25 caell. .Inn. Anderson, a convict in the Illinois lenitentiary, was murdered by his cell- m.ite, Michael Moooey. rr-O. Ilenson, (Volnredl murdered at Pelershnr. Va,', )lv ' . " - j crar step-son. The trial of the L indon dybamite conspirators has been lixcd for tiie 11th inst,. i Bi8iiMs fail- o res for the iwist week aggregalwl 15t; Southern States 26". A boiler explo- siou in a saw mill at E&zl Saginaw. Mich., killed three men and seriously injured four or five others. Two aegro murderers hung at Macon, Ga., yesterday. Ko- Ix-rt Henderson, who murdered his wife m ar Oxford, N. C, last November, was hung at that place yesterday. Mrs' Susan E. Dougl&ss, of ' Cumberland Co., IV... cut the throats of her three children uul then killed herself. New York markets: Money 2&3 er cent.; cotton 'piMit at 10j-llc; southern flour firm at $f, 256 87 ; wheat, ungraded red $ 1 05 1 l2ti; corn, ungraded .)lCGc; rosin un changed : spirits turpentiuc dull and lower :it 361c. o Harvard snubbed Cutler.- , It will be old Ben's time next, and then look out. Maj. Nickerson is offering the depositions . of witnesses to sustain In.s divorce, rhe case is being heard iu Philadelphia. The last news from the pedes flrians in the six days walking match is this: At 3 o'clock on Wednesday the score stood: Hughes, 292; Nojre- anac, 23; Hart, 267, and Pancliot, ?G2. It. Our 'bright Richmond contempo rary, the State, thus notes a riew-, jo.stofiicc "overvthe bortler:" ' "Matrimony is the name of a new pb&t otllce in North Carolina. The next should Le named Divorcej to be followed ly mouy. James R. Grant, who slew II. Hives Pollard, in Richmond, Va.,' in !18G9, is dead. Pollard was editor of the Southern Opinion, an extreme paper. The killing grew out of srnue rellections on Grant's sister. ' ! Assistant Poatuiastcr Nail, of Atj lanta, Ga., attempted suicide, mid this deepens the'eoftf ictioii that he48 a de fiiiilter, achared. AdispatchBays: "Postmaster Contey, has dismissed Nail from the office. Conley's term expires in July. He ha3 held tne office for eight years. It is claimed that Bumeroaa dtfaf cations and violations of trust by hi em ploye show that he is not fitted to tope with the wickedness of ordinary human ity. " .Senator Bayard well slates a gk;n principle in the following words: "Taises, of whatever character, ought to be laid highest and so as to take most from those things which people can best do without, but no higher rates should b& laid than will raise the required sum." Yes, thai is it; put the taxes on! the hucuries-rQn those thiusfs "wich' people can best do withont' or to bacco and cigars, on wnUlcoy find beer, for instance. Mr. Bayard totes a level head. ! Canada seems to be going bacfc on its Protection theory. The Parlia ment has passed a law allowing American whistey to come in free' of duty. This is a wrong principle. If it had passed a law to let Arheri can inventions or useful goods dome in free it would have been mure 'like sound economy, but ree whiskey vitiates the : principle of taking luxuries. '- ' ' - ; While the Philadelphia 7Y?5( and Press are so anxiously studying the criminal records in the South jthey perhaps overlook the facts thaf are summarized thus byr our.immeisake, the Washington City JStdr: ,. ' "Within the borders of Pennsylvania jesleraay the sacred peace he Sahbath. '.r disturbed by no less thata threcjmur---lers, revolting in tlieir bloody and wanton -i,nr e fwo men were alain at wed- mgs, and a woman thrust' red-hot bajro, ucch her husband's breast. Beside fi' man was arrested and imprisoned i wl unprovoked killing of dman, So cSTpW Itswere m?de in uic city of Philadelr.hl - i'ishop McLar iren. of iWmni trivas niranr Ritchie, a RUnali8t,V svere castigation in his ; annual d i rc8s' IIis conclusion is, follow; , amXl Un, lhis subject it will not'be! ve e!t'em,D?our8elthatit is of the very essence of the liturgical method of :SfT r.r, i -NO. 62. wbwhrty, ith' prescribed ritual, tjiat II10B6 Wtm are annnintMi bl mniotr thArA. laare" agents of the church, and, there- I fore, are not exponents of their individual sense justifies the suspension of literal ofae- CUenee in a sufficient emermnnv. hut the 'uubw ubuibl i no runrie -m rmmmnn WJK5?fiSSiS.!ff; deadlih-when we reflect that ly breaks law biithre Shffw5aSSSS nasawornto-tecp. .1 Frofessor R. T. Greener, the color- I r! ,U,U6UUU) Uw.i..v.v. the address at Danville, Va., Jon 'Decojation Day." He gave the colored people some practical ad vice. We copy a sample: "The men who now whined and croaked about grievances were detadins our dco- PK were making them restless, discontent-; ea, unnappy. itossor ureener said he hazarded the statement that the colored peo ple of the South to-day were better fed, better clothed, better boused than any peasantry in Europe. The! negro, indeed. had some prejudices and wrong notions to rid himself of. He still believed that poli tics, would fill the corn bin, or make to bacco grow, furnish parquette seats, and gam admittance to parlor cars." A dollar of the coinage of 1804 sold at a sale in New Yor for $740. -rt- Spirits Turpentine. Pittsboro .Record. 'The assessors of this township have increased the valua tion of the real estate therein $43,000, ma king it $174,000 instead of $131,000. as heretofore. Greensboro Workman: An unfortunate affair occurred at the Oak Ridge party last night A Mr. Linville, from near Kernersville. while out in the yard received a pistol shot in his head. rhe origin of the shot waa not known at the time, and the extent of the jury is not known.. Weldon Neics: Much of the cotton planted in this section has not come up yet on account of the dry and cool weather, and that which is up has been re tarded in growth by the same cause. We have been requested to announce that a gtand glass ball shooting match will be held in Scotland Neck, N. C, on the 7th' of June. Shooting will commence at 10 o'clock; A. M.; 1st prize, $100; 2d, $50; 3rd $30. Clinton Caucasian : The stock holders of the C. W. & W. Telegraph Company will meet at this place on Thurs day, the 7th of June, for the purpose; of electing officers and attending to other mat ters connected with the enterprise, -j The first shipment of beans,- consisting of 100 boxes, was made Iron this place on last Monday.. Since that, time about 300. boxes additional' have been shipped. At last ac counts of the market they were command ing $2.50 per box. , IT tag ton Jr&i -JbeAi.' Lenoir county boys have nearly all returned from the University. .Lenoir furnished ten, and seven of them were from Kinston. Hob. A. S. Merrimon "opens the balH to day before LaGrange Academy. He is followed to-morrow at Bethel Academy by CapL ,M. CL oble. Fab. ?L Busbee, J Esq., delivers' the address before Kinston I College tth 7th day of Jnne, and Rev. I F. W. Eaaon and Geo. M. Rose. so. i de livers annual addresses before Davis.' High School at LaGrange on tbe same day and wight. ; - -''-'' ; Raleigh Farmer and MecKafyic: It is said the new Commissioner of Internal Revenue1 (Infernally Collected) Walter Evans, Esq., of Kentucky, (Land of 10ld Bourbon") will reduce the collection dis tricts from' 126 to about 90. and lop off (i. e. consolidate with others) two of the North Carolina Districts. "Anything to keen peace in the Party." Without much " "blowing," the incorporators of the Ra leigh. Ridgewav and Petersburg Railroad iuuw umu lAxnacvt uuiu hucio m ISU longer a doubt that one year hence our citizens can go North via Rldgeway land Petersburg. Tarboro Southerner; Mr. Ji A. White, who lives in this county about four miles from Bethel, had his dwelling house consumed by fire on Monday evening of last week. - The members of the. col ored MissionTbry'Baptist church held duite an excited meeting Monday evening of last week which resulted in a fight or two and a resolution censuring their minister, the Rev. George Norvflle, and requesting: him to resign. Though haying iiifljered much from the recent cold the past few days has given now life to cotton! the stands threrngboat-tbis section is good! and in manjr localities exceptionally fine. Wbitekers dot: Farmers are complaining of their cotton dyiAg right much from the cold and dry .spell, although most of (hem say they, haVe a much better stand than last year'.' I 't Elizabeth Ciij Economist : iLet us hava another railroad aloocr the Canal.. It can he built cheaper than , any road in America and will go through an immense ly rich country. There was an at tempt to' fire the office of Dr. White on Friday night. There is evidently some evil-disoosed neroon amour us who -wants to fire the town. Dare, (Manteo), our quiet village was shocked with a sad acci dent on Tuesday. Mrs. Martha Etheridge, wife of Joe Etheridge, was driving along in the vicinity of the Forts, and on her way back the horse was frightened by a flock of partridges flying up before him. iMrs. Etheridge held the horse ,1n check for a half a mile er bo, when the reins broke, then the horse-entering a sharp turn in the road, fell head-lone into the ditch, throw-, ipg the bnggy and her into it also. She was seriousry injured if not fatally. Her arm was broken lust above the elbow, and . her head, face and body was terribly bruised. She walked about 150 yards hold ing her broken arm up and blood gushing from her head and face.' - Raleicrh News- Observer: We re- irret to hear of the serious Illness of Judge .Fred: Philips7; chfidreh at Tarboro. The effect of this may be to cause him to tafce a recess .a few days pf the term of the Supe rior Court -he la holdinff at New Berne. - The, annual meeting of tbe stockhold ers of the Alberharle and Raleigh Railroad waaheld m this city yesterday.- This is the 6 rt meetin tr prfpr held here. There have Sen jssued 10,800 shares of stock, and of these 10,130 were represenieo m ine Tneev Ing. The foflbwing directors were chosen to scrve'durifig the year: H. H. Baltzer, Henry J. Rogers. Alfred Lichenstetn, Wm. ftoessler, AdolphHegewisch. John K. Cree Vey, Simon Sterne' H. H. Robeson, Edwin Scbultz, Charles Unger, Geo. H.' Schinzel, of New York; a. r. Btricaiana ana nm. ii '-a? A .y - ' ' so YfUT.? WILMINGTON, N. C. SJBDAY f O. ' Upebmcb, of Rakdgb, It was I ntrrtA that tuktt .harfAMhtna; UiAiild I oo civeo Nprtb. CsroUnv f. Qll yacancles I whwhareto be createdy'tliereairtatlOn' or iwootim nmr YArtr niiwun innrn. I named. This will jgW this 8tate ouriireo I torm of th feteljM tblrtemk . . - .. J Wm. CaldwBf Mtaster at Alexin, driana, tl; to this city yes- 1 f nigtit before. J aMfciPWavC. Mywa, wfftf of CkO. 43Jfia!K. rt in wifcjr ymHi months of after loCf wearv wasting - aicaness. iter. Ti A T "Hi W . . Wk. fvv , uoiiegc, wi4i aeitrer the e address at th&cotn- mencement exercises of the. Charlotte Pa- male insututeon Monday evening, Jane 11. Rev. TP. Johnston, an aed Presby terian divine, and a man known hi every household ia this and adjoining counties, died at Fort Mill, &, O., on the night of the 29th.. His remain passed through (he city yesterday, for Winston, where they will be interred. The deceased waa in his' 75th year, and was for a long time a mis sionary in. China. Mr. WT It Pharr, a member of the Charlotte bicycle clab, made a fast spin through the country last Tuesday. He rode to the home of Mr. Perry Ferguson, in South Carolina, a dis tance of twenty-three miles, in two hours and a half, and returned to the city before nightfall, pyxing the same time. The roads travelled were in a rough condition. A freurht train on the Western N. O. Railroad waathtowjuiff the track, Tues day, about.' four, hundred; yards west of lick Log. tunnel. It seems that some ma licious person or persons had placed quite a number of spikes on the iron, and, when the train struck them, the engine and three cars were tnrown on tne tracx, aoing con- was soniewhatSruised. The directors Carolina Railroad held a meetine in Salubury lasr Tuesdav ' -T" .li.KtiM la.r Tiiiw1. for the purpose of filling the vacancy caused by the resignation ef Mr. J. R MeMurdo. As a resjult of the meeting, Mr. J. W. Daniel was elected auditor, and Mr. W. A. Turk was elected Assistant General Pas senger and Freight Agent, to -take charge abowt Jnne 15th. The "schedule oo the Western N. C. Railroad will be changed as f ol lows on J me 4th : The train going west will leave Salisbury at 12.30 A. M., arriving at:Vam(8jniByjmOP,M t NBfr AnVERTISSnRNIX. Munson Chfldrens' clothing. Q. North bop Buff slo mcatl -it P. Paddison Laborers wanted. Noticb To contractors and builders, HErNBBEFtaEit McTammany organcttes. The following cases have been disposed of since our last -report : State .TVS. -. ,Bstr, Moore, charged with the sUusder of women. Defendant foand hot guilty'. " j State !1ta; Maty 'WflHSimson, charged with selling liquor .on Sunday. Defendant found guilty. 8Ute vs. Iliram Memtt, changed with. larceny. Defendant found not guilty. State vs. MoHgf Jobason, charged with larceny. Defendant found not guilty. Mr. Marsdea Bellamy, appeared for the defen- dant, who proved a very good character. All motions. and arguments will be beard -, mnrninir u hem th tetantwn f the CoUrt to adjoum hi W o'clock It was a mistake, that XHs Honor pro nounced a verdict -of guiky ki the case of Messrs. J. C, Lumsdett and. Isaac Rhodes, accused of running a lottery. The special verdict of the Jury presented a question of law, which will be argued before His Hon or to-day, Mr. Frank H. Darby appearing for the defendants. ,f.f r,v ,-k Taken SaalfUsUjr ni. OfficerSamuel Howland, a worthy mem ber of the phfion foiwliilaiwalking on his beat on Market between Front and Se cond streets, about 11 o'clock Thursday night, waa suddenly attacked with what at first was thought to be paralysis. Tbfe at tack -was not so serious but that he was able to make his way to the nearest seat, Where he remained) until some of the police men on the adjacent, beats came and took him liome. A physician was sent for, who, af ten a careful tjm&nittion, announced that the trouble was caused by rheumatism. He complained of his left arm, bead, and breast, the arm being useless. At last ac counts he was still in great pain, and in a condition bordering on semi-copscioajsaeaa. RMra Oaart. loan, PaVm w-,lr,nw1 w.a rr.Sanu1 I ' before Justice Millis, yesterday, charged with committing assault and battery apoa Annie Bryan. Defendant waa found guil ty and -judgment ws suspended upoi the payment of posts. ' The same defendant was'Mext arraigned a peace warfaaW awor. out by Annie Bryan, and at the close of the examination be was required to give bond in the sum of $50 to keep the peace until the first Monday in September. Tho bond was furnished and Baker was discharged. Wm. . Stephens and , Johnnie Holmes, charged with an . affray, had a hearing be fore Justice McQuigg, yesterday morning, who suspended judgment on the payment Of COSts! '' f ; Not a Go-oaT DayoT Brisk. H - ' ' Some mote fishing' parties went "lown the river yesterday, but the weather was most too rough for them. One expert dis ciple of old Iaaak Walton didn't get a nibble all day. Some of the crowd "bagged" a few sheephead, however, and bought a sufficient number from others to make np a respectable "catch." . CJ tartan 4c Pwlaf pwell BailreaMI I The morning was warm, and he impru - at LtitHT ntHhi dirattoss of the above- I dentlv made a change in his underclothing. building the jroad was awarded to Capt. It. P. Paddison. We understand that it is the intention of tb contractor to Wgin work . ... . i Monday on both ends of the line, and to push it forward rapidly k) completion. i.oi !. , Lower temperature jesteraay. The alraanab predicts: rain, for to-day. - 1 . : Receipts of cotton yesterday 8 bales. . . Not a olijMtty case for the Mayors Coutt yesterday morning. ; I rirXrar 1?rann naimVit Ka r-j r. "mv- v-v - f - champion flounder at therocks"yesterdy. Ifle iraTIbout tw in length. f feet ia length ;'A gale of wind prevailed at the mouth of the . river yesterday. At Smty h- vjllet attained a, velocity of 35 miles per hour. .-Here it was very threatening all day, . . . The pastor, Rev. Dr. Taylvr, prsached. at the First Baptist Church Thnrsday sht,: after which be adminis tered' . rho evdtaane of baptism to three persons. " In the Criminal Court proceed ings, in our last issue, Eliza Berden ap pears convicted of larceny,, when it shoald have been arnault and battery, s it Was written in copy. A broker on the wharf recom mends pennyroyal for fleas on puppies, but cautions families using tba remedy to lock, their children in a room in the meantime.' He knows how it is himself. We learn that the war again. st dogs is going to be waged more vigordiisly I this year than for some time past. Badge- . iVJ WUlUbB mAJ U fVA U,VKV. fc. less Canines should therefore be ready for the doom that awaits them. The German barque Louise WiehardM, CapL Ehmcke, was cleared from this port for Stettin, Germany, yesterday by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co., with 3,299 barrels of rosin, valued at $5,088.11. We are glad to learn that the festival at the City Hall, Thursday night, under the auspices of the ladies of the Front Street M. . Church, was quite suc cessful, something over $70 having been realized. At the renting of Wnghtsville Banks, yesterday, by Messrs. Cronly & Morris, Messrs. Tietgen and Canady se cured the fishing privilege for tbe year, commencing the 1 st of June, for $60. and ike Carolina Yacht Club panted the beach, with the privilege of landing . passengers thereon, for $70. The IWaualeaJe. The music ale last night, under the man agement of, Prof. E. Van Laer and Mrs.; M. P, Taylor, scored quite a success. The pieces, both in instrumental and vocal-1 music, were admirable selections, and their rendition' was toxeel teat. A larga and euK ti rated audience were aavembled.and show ed their appreciation by frequent bursts of applausax Especially worthy of mention are the solos of Mrs. Kahn wetter, Mrs. Walters, Mr. N. Meyer and Mr. Grant, who were encored time after time. j The "Wedding March," a piece by piano and orchestra, elicited much merited! ap plause. The programme closed with a quartette by Mrs. Kahnweiler, ' Mrs. Watte rs, and Messrs. Mayer and Grant, and all . of them well sustained the, reputation they bad before .. gained. Every one left well pleased with the per formance, and it is to be hriped that: the concert will be repeated soon. Hsrktr Kaarter Rort Capt. Price, Harbor Master, reports j the following arrivals at this port for the month of May: j AJEERICAN. Steamers. 5 4,223 tonnage. Schooners , 15 4,166 V Total American... 20 8,389 FOREIGN. Barques. . 11 4,042 tonnage. Brigs 2 671 Schooners 1 94 Total foreign. .;14 4.807 i i Total vessels 34 Total tonnage. . . .-. . 13,190 tiraalae TMIral Street. . We .saw at the City ITatl yesterday a chart of the grade of Third street, dnawa by. Col. S. L. Fremont, Surveyor, show- t V. a .jfljy. mwA .noaiAna f nrm lAlrrs& A 6 hii;.. uHvo..v0 ' --v. to Queen street,. Third street south Of Market Is f sat . becoming the handsomest and most fashionable thoroughfare in1 the city. . "Third Avenue," some one remarks! All right; we stand corrected but then we shall next heac of "Fifth Avenue," as we .already have "Oraaga Avenue." Well, there is nothing like getting up in the world. TMe Insaae. WUliam Miller., the colored man who went crazy a f ew day. igo and had lo be 1 sent to the inBaaa AlcparUnent at the Coun ty Poor House, is said to have become) very violent, it being impossible to keep clothing upon hin. . . j Zflphia-BusaeU, ot Pender, a White' woman, who. was admitted to the depart ment few months ago, is in a very bad state, and is not expected to live. 1 ( WtlB AND SlXttlNB. i AT- The Wanderer, StruWng, h rived at Wolgast May 14th. Norwegian barque Err agon, Weber, from London for this port, was spoken Hay tb inlat 45, Ion. 13. ' ' TMe jrUawaag t3adersMlrt. cf sickness followed of course. But Pkmt Davis's Kn,,TtM was used for relief, tS!S rr months of suddenly varying temperature, everybody ought to keep a bottle of this valuable remedy within reach. f ' UNE:2riB83. fur Di it. MjtmI tmrrU. . A-rnsr: Division of Telegramfl and EeporU for the Benefit of CJommerce and Agriculture, COTTOlf-BKLT BVLtVETTN. . June 1. 1888 P.M. Districts. I i wUBumjton.. (.Charleston... Uugusta,.... vannah Atlanta , tgomerv . Mobile New Orleans , Galveston. Vicksburg . Little Rock.. I Mempbte. The following are the indication for to day: For the Middle Atlantic States, fair weather, variable winds, mostly easterly, stationary or lower temperature and pres sure. For' the Sooth Atlantic States, partly ckmdy weather and local rains, wiada mostly easterly, stationary or higher tem perature and pleasure. For the" East Gulf States, fair weather, variable winds, shifting to southerly, sta tionary or higher temperature and sta tionary pressure. ; For the West Qulf States, partly cloudy weather and occasional ram. southerly J wind8 8taiionary or lower temperature and I Tj TlIS 1t( I r For the Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, fair weather, followed by increasing cloudi ness, winds shifting to southerly, stationary or higher temperature and lower pressure. CottOM MSTflBI. The receipts of cotton for the month of May just closed footed up 2,033 bales, as against 1,498 bales for the correspondiDg month last year, showing an increase of 685 balca. The receipts lor tbe crop year from Sept. 1st to date, foot up 126,193 bales, as against 135,541 balca for the corresponding period last year, showing a decrease of 9,348 bales. There 13 no worse enthralment for tor merited man than the exactions of a morbid, nervous condition. The over-taxed brain then gets no rest from tranquil sleep and needs the pacifying influence of Dr. C. "W. Benson's Celery and Chamotoiki Pills f THK OAILH. The malts close and arrive at tho City Poet Office aa follows: " ' v' ' CLOSE, - Northern tfarojra ntalla, fast. . , 7.16 P. M. SteW.t!1?f.,!..Wai '."w t.'m.' a US 5:40 A.M. A. M. (aha tout ie N. tritrtet sunpned Ukerefrom tneludlnc AwdHf. X laafH-iiS.w . jtfc Mu a 54 A. M. Soothern tacQa for all points Boata. aMy sat r M. Western mails (C. p. RaUwayt daily (except Snnday) 0:15 P.M. All points between Hamlet and Ealeh-h t M P. M. Mall for Che raw and Darlington Rail road 8M P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Cb&rfeetoa 8:00 P. M. FayetterUle, and officea on Cape Fear Iver. Tneadaw and Fridays 1:09 P. M. S.y.H.rilk, wia I .nirh., (fJ eX- oeot Sundays 6:15 P. M. OaalawG. H. and httermod Wte oflloas, ; l xneaaays ana rnaays sw a. M. Smith villo mails, by ataamboat, dally ' i (except Sundars) ..:....:. ,Si 8:30 A. H. Mails fer Easy IHB, Town Creak, 'Rhal- T loU and little RlTer, Tmeadmys and . Fridays. 6:00 A. M Wrlghtavnio dairy at...' 8,aoA. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. . Northern thro and way mails 7 JO A. M. Soothern matta 70 A.M. Carolina Central Railroad ShOO A. M. Mails collected from street boxes from busi ness portion xf city at 5 A.M., 11 JO A.M. and M0 P.M.; fsora other parts of the city at 5 P.M. Stamps for sale In smal quantities at jseaeral delivery when stamp offioe is closed. General delivery opn from 7 A-M. to 7-30 P.M., and on Sundays from 830 to 9-M A. M. Carriers delivery open oa Snnday from 6:80 to 90 A.M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 19 M., and from 9 to 5:30 P. M. Money order and Register DepartmeBt open same as stamp omoe. ' CITT ITBHt PERSONAL I TO MEN ONLY I To Voltaic Bbxt Co., Marshall. Mich., will send Da. Drais CW.IlKt' irairXLJ5evnoTbx4 aic Bblts and tuo tbis AmfJiaKpss tm trial fur Uilrty days to l (TonnVor old who are - afHfcted with Ner ii men Nervosa DebUitv. Lost VHalHv and Manhood, and kind of tronbian, anaran I aol o wpoedy aadj oomplena re storation of health and manly vhror. Address aa above. N. B. No risk Is laourrod, aa thirty days trial U allowed. 18 TOUB BLOOtt PURE? Now Uda Is an Int Dortant Question, for without Dur. and whole some idood there eaa be no perfect health, and withowroo neann ura m a mere ooraenana a waste. For Impure blood the best medicine knOSSn Is ROSADAX4H. It is the rraat .Southern itimetried d M-ue Remedy, and mar be Im plicitly rened on wnen every thins; else fails. Take ft ia the Sprina; time eapeoUlly, for the ba nnre secretions of the blood incident to that sea son of the yean and take It at all times for Can oar. Scrofula, Xirer Oomplalnta, Weakneas,BoUs, Tumork, gwelhnjts, Skin Diseases, Malaria and the thosaaad Uki that some from tapsre blood. Talking about the Liver, we presume that 111 temper Is more often canned ay a disordered liver than anything; else. To Insure a eheerf al disposition take ftoSAD AXIS the Great Soothern Remedy, which will remove the prime cause, and restore the mind to Its natural equilibrium. THE FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OF THE NTJR8EMY. The followtof; is an extract from a lettarwrttten to the Arms Reformed Mtttenoer. Ud "mTTwt VS prove toe. American Florence ,rifratmjrnie or toe Nnrserr. Of tkls we are so sure, that we wul teaosoar "8esr,'to say, "A bleasina; on Mrs. naiow" i or nerpmg ner to anrvrre ana escape aTtohuc. colsrwnar. and teetainar sters. Mas. WiKsiowa BooTsme bxaor reUevea the child from pain, andloarea dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the ausa,rednees lnlammatlon,coreswtod oolio, and carries the. infant safely Uiroajm tbe ' teeth ma: peried. It performs preoawly what It profesass to perform, every part of it nothing; Iesa. We have never seen arra. WhsAow know her only throtudi the preparation of her "Soethina: Syrup for Children IWthlnn." If we had the power we weoki make her, aa she M, a physical sarioarto the Infant raeev hold by all drujrjrlsta. 25 cents a bottle. NEW APyEBTISKMENTS. THE KcTAIHANY ORGANETTES M XL0PKAN9 ANBf AUTOMATIC ORGANS. The McTammany pranette enables any one, whether nnderatandlng moalc or not, to play any desired melody or barmeny, sacrod or secular, from tbe moat plaintive dirge to tbe moat livery dahoe music. . Sold at rednced prices from 18 00, $10.00 and 14.00, with 16 feet of Moslc. . For sale only at .,,"'' HETNSBDtGIB'8 ' Je 2 tf 1 live Book and Maalo Stores. AVERAGE - i Max. Min. Rain Temp Temp. Fall. - 1- , , 81 63 .36 86 63 .38 89 - ' '66 .06 90 66 .00 83' ' 57 .00 85 6 .01 87 62 .01 88 68 .03 91 70 .00 86 62 .00 78 51 .00 77 63 .00 WHOLE NO. 4918 1- NEW. AOTKRTI8EMKNT8. TO COHTBACTQBS AND BUILDERS. pBOPOSAXS WIIX BX RKCEIVKn BY THE adenteed. mi tka 0. of the rareUm nie Va umtmeUutog Contpmmj, , JTayetUvlUe, N. C for h0dlnn a Ootton Tafltory. 4ta9l feet, two o- rteahWrti, Towar at the end of aald build- nC ixxuiiew, amine BeuniK. Ainn m nrtrrHotiw, S&(SleetJ tw stortaa kih. The btUldlnir Tr MM Of MIOS WM mOTTT IOV wQ atlOM. roon iaMMTNeainu un. naj osUona oan bo am at tta offlCB of Plana and atvatfl of aald iWpanr foadatlonaiw la Fayattevule, m. O. Stone for on the rrotuMl. M. CAMPBELL. rrmidil Je t St Q. BRADY, Treairarpr. -t " Wanted, HtTMDKKD ULBORKR.H, TO WORK bs th CLINTON rOINT CAfiWELT. RAILROAD. Good tafM and prompt par. R. P. TADDLSOII. Hevtowooy. Buffalo Head. AS AN ADDITION TO BOD A WATKR, BOOT BSKR, Ac we have a delicious Bcrerar of Buffalo Mead, a (treat Ilaalth Drink. ouoUa and rerreaninr, largely nsed at tbe North. Nioa Mixed Candle, always on hand, SS cdnt per pound; Are pound for a dollar, At 8.O. NOKTHItOP'Sl Jo 8 tf- Frutt and Confectionery Stortf . We Contend THAT OUR BOYS AND CHTLDKKNfl, LIKK oar MEN'S CLOTHJNQ, U made bnttcr and will wear longer than the ireneraltty of Roady aaade xooda. Bvpeclal attention Ut riven to the retting up of Shapes and Stylish Fit. Tm this by purchaains at MUNSON 8; Je 8 It Clothtcr and Werchant Tailor. Wi1mincrt.QT1 & Weldon E. E. Company, SECRETARY A TRKASTTRXTVS OFFICE, WILMINGTON, N.C., May , iw. TN FTTRSUANCB OF A RESOLUTION ADOJT- ed by the Directors of tho Wnmrnrton A Weljlon Rail Road Company, at a mectfar held this T. a SPECIAL MKETiyo of the Btorkholdera of aaidCompaay win be held In the City of Wtl- mlnjrton, at the Office of the Company, at 11 o'clock A. M , on TUTJRSDAY. thetlUTDAYOP JUNE NEXT, "to take into consideration thi lo cating and bntldlnr of a Railroad from same otat.on the said WUmtnrton A Weldoa Ralliiad sovth or Wlliion to Flore Doe, & C. on tho Wtl mlnrton, Columbia A Aurnsta Railroad, or same point east thereof on aald road: and snoti farWirr action In this matter as tha aakl Stoakaxders as sembled In meeting may cowtkler proper." J. W. TI1OMPH0N. rny a tdm ftmiwtary. Fnrniture. FULL STOCK OF PTNE. MEDIUM j ND Low IMced Pnrnltare now open and read for InapeottoaL Please can and examine before ma- ktnir purchasea. D. A. SMITH, my 27 tf North Frr nt si reat. Grain Cradles, JVREBA PATTERN, , , Ptor'aala by OlUta & MUMC1ILSON. ; 38 and 40 Marchlson block! N. Frontt. 1 my 27 U Oar Columbia CooH IS THE MOST . DESIRABLE 8TOVE KYKK offered In this market extra heavy and very low la price. Tbe Mew Eoonomist Qil rtova beats tbe world. Call and see tho Arctic Ro frUrerator U baa no equal. Hold only by PARKER A TAT LO ri PURE WUTTK OIL. 83 South Front tit. my S7 tf Corn Cnre. A NOTIIXR SUPPLY OP THE NEVERrFAIL' J.A. INO CORN CUBE just repaired. .ni ana try a onue. i J. ii. HARDIN. DrorKiat, new Markjrt jel tf Dry Groods, 1 Carpets. Mattings, Lace Curtains, Oil Cloths, all widthp. R, Bf. nrlrVTlRt-. Jeltf 1TOBBT" HATS I HARRISON ALLEN. , t my 31 U Halt.ra ADRIAN & V0LLERS OFFER FOR SALE 75 Dads New Crop Cuba MOLASSES, rtn nhd llPortoRloW MOLASSES, PA Bbls N. O MOLAS5ES. dllTwrsit (rrndea. BbU SYRUP, 2QQ Bas COFFEE, Rio, Lacuyra aad Jar a. 2Q hai SUOAE, all KTsdea, OKt Boxes and bbls CRACKERS &U) ond CAKEX, Firkins and Tubs BUTTRR, Tea best reflned LARD, 50 Cases best refined LARD In Tina. 2 JjQ. PUs and Tabs bHt refined LA ID. 1230 nj0i' trom f,nP,r t Fanrf. 100 Bblj,lrUh POTATOES, BbU TURNTPB, 200 Boxe" TOBACXX1, an (rrades. 150 TboQBd claARS " RICE, SALT. SOAP. Ac. Ac. ap8t CORSETS. OROLINB CORflETB. ATX. Rim An extra locur walated Corset at 75c. Also a fnll aapply of oar se-Cent Cnraet, the heat In the city for the price. A haadsome stoek of Bilk and lisle Thread Gloves. Black aad Colored La e Mttta. Wash Leather Jersey Gloves reduced to II 00. my rati JNO. J. HKDRICK. I iMTl.. ..! PDarnara. - owNa, t wmu, m.:.,,, m Tar Waaa.. .,... . OmJIobUl... Ilw - SUKoBU.rt...!,..,.;.. . r Oootract AdrllMntMia t k Moattoly km raUa t.',' ' " .", TeaBavaaolVl Motar1ltr.' ' 'r NKW AnVKUTiaKAlUN J. Jft. nONI.V, Auctioneer. nrcxoLYa morbin. -.' ' Sale ofEealEstar- jjy vnrruB and in iksuakV ? a t k- ctm of Um BairtorOaartof NwTTaArff c i;n- tr. in araoM tar poDdirur ixt yrn ivu H Dloant, AanlnUtrator of llnniY Null m and O. O. Frly. Jr., and wU; M. r. TH,ir . Wtfa, and ttthmfj D.f.ndanU, lk amt.ri l- ' I attk Onart IIodm door in ih (v r v .. I wlnrtnn. ottwmm for by rbHo AiWm.U- wiu,on tmujii.iVNirui, inwL at ia 6 "T. o mi : That ralaaala V7nARF LOT. hrlu idl faal pmr ; of Lot t In Work tM, lytn bl wr fiorxu H ikr . 8lrt and ta. lUrar, fnUn w fot n ma ; Wyr. - , , A LOT. behv nart Lot Ho f In fkbvk 1 )1 r. rlnninit In aotith tin of Malherrr Htrwt f . i " from FWKit Htmrt. and ran. wt a)i M bnfTT tiV( fMC then aouth 183 fM thtm t hh fct, then north to ur1onlnr wltbniirtlirorr Om LOT, balnc part of raid Lot Ko. L iw aajouiin aau Lot oa u.a nine In cant unm of Bortb WaUr llrL tt t- outb from from Mulbrrrf trrt, aatd mn Ihtw n m ft. ranalnr bact fiwvfl'f f tu wWlh feet, with prtr1ta over f 1 1 aJi. y .. i LOT. tmaMHllatfliv a1ktritn Ua. n.... oath On iiommi UttosUM aoatn, fronUng ta tmM, ,n Hri u Water Street and runnlnr bark raatwar.1l I a. aamn width 00 tft, with tHrUer ov.r said a )y. One LOT. Brrlnnlnr In wnl un. of rrM Street S3 fret aonth from Malhrrry Street, a-l runs iwuth S3 feet, then wet K ft, then nwrlb n feet, then to Iterinnlnr, part W No. L la Bloek 190. . Terms, on third oaah. aalanna la aad iJ months: purchaaers to ativw tbelr aoiea drawing M per cent. Interest from day of sal, for Iba ti. ferred paymenU. Title rvaorvad onlli whw) iA. Iurcnwe mnnt ispaiu. THOS. n. niOUNT. my 6 U II 90 f3 8 Admlalslralor . NEW STILES OF CANDIES. ; . IT" VERY WREK WE ADD ROM KNEW frTTlX' of CANDY lo our rrtall coanlor, kflThrrio o- , known tr tli. t ra1 Wr ll jo.r aUaatUnJat ' f " ' "i prment to " " j ALMOND CKKAM I'AHTK f JELLY PASTE, : PEANUT CARAMELS, ' FANCY COC OA, UKKAAI BAR. LARGE VARIETY OP DON RONS. ' " Ir addition to above we are kaepln plnif a fnfl.. trade. vanery oi otn.rrfxxli inovn to Ihm OUR NEW ORLEANS M OLA N ES TA TYX , " TCRKI8II ALMOKD PAHTK, " Cl'BA HONEY OO Mil dcsrrT. imorlaj mention. ' AU of these Arte jrood we am nrlllaa at S5 ns per poand.and with otlirr aHortmeiits ore pounds or il .uu. Tlie retail Irnda can Itc inr1Ud ttltnlh f&a STICK CANDY ercr offered m this tnarlatat Northern prices. - j , E. J. MOORE & COMv my i. ii Choice Goods. Creo. R. French & Bon's ON NOrrTTl FRONT KTREHT, Offer to Ihe p"lill-the l.-nl and larrest atoek ROOTS, SHOES AM) M.I ITERS lo he fr.tMid Is - f UioStalo Our fm lllllf fn tuirrliaslnral hrweit . rate afraieilr t nl r.f the iradr, ml W . can tnrorore jn vp r'wum al im price than alberta Call and sceln wtyt? tf ' A t t "r. i , 1 IIE LATENESS OF THE SKAHON IETKb? mlons us to cIom oat our entire tok rt tliit -8piinc Clothing: at prions whlrh must cfTdet a lecdy clearanoe No such barralns hsvaavir ' before bwn offered In the history of tbeilH.ulAT- -.trad. The axtods are all of Uila arasoa'a ntanu-. f adore, and represent tho cholocst Unas In Vh.. nsarket. . . A Ltx-WOOL CASS. AND CHEVIOT BOrrRr.' , fa.OO ir Mult- marked down from f 1K.O0. 10 and lis.oo: tl 1 .00 per Suit marked down from I3 tA' , 00 and 113.00; . ' Sia.ftOicr Kult marked down from 115 Iff ana rid Boys and Ctilldrrn's Hull 2 V). it M and ti CO -marked down from fSOo, 4 no ami f!t eo. A. UAVID, ,'. Tim (lAimi-r . ' mfS tf Irawinu Takes place tuksdat . JUNE lSTn. Tlfketa One. Two. Five aod Tan, Dollars. For partlcnlars address Powt Oftloe Boi tt. Wtt mlagton. N. ). my n tf . , Shelby Eicnreionisls Attention ! , J AM 8EI.LIN0 OFT MY ENTIRE STOCK OF HARDWARE, to make room 1r IrnproVetM'ale . and Nrw Ft k ir bonp. my T tf Call tiilc k ami buy before. 7n a. rycKv ' 82,000 Each. rpflK FOLLOW I NO LIFE INSURANCE IKHJ- 1 (IKS, for fi,in ra h. I am oil a l tl. saaae llnr. and on the inmp life, wi-r pnl'l Frlwaary Mt r Mutual Llfp of New Y..rk rvmtMMV y Hem ", Malna'. g,000 00 M W i.eue oo t.iffO 'pa Anv.unl of Policy I fl.OM oft Dlrtilmd In addition I.RT on Am 'I paid by Companies S.lftfl CO Ami paid to Comiwnlr by awnred ... . 1 Cl no Am't received over col 1 1 WIS 00 fru iw M. S WTliASn, At, Mulnal Life Ins Co. of NW Ylrk. my 2lf Country ,L JERCnNTS AND EVERY CODY CAN GET r suited In qnallty and prices froln the larrw eVAea of 8ADPLKKY MMIH. at the New Nddt.ry n4 Trunk liouea of II. M. ItOWDKN t0., . No. Market kl, . EaVMaanfactur. and Repair. ny Tt U , I1LACK WALNIT Furnituto J QOLID WALNUT. HONEST WORK 'AT Tfir k J New , Furniture Stop, of LJaihK.Mroat WI N ROK.H E. Cor. Market and sd tm. Niwia reived by a class of furnltaralookln Ilk. WaJi.i.i. wnleh Is sctaally white ptee, veneered wtth r nnt all around. The atKive Arm never baaaot ' this stnff, does not offer It now and nrwr w t i sell it. rWjuaro deallnn arc their sttctalUes.. . . myWtf Slate Mantels, IREEXERH. COOLERS, ! E BOXEM. KEFRJOSV RATOR8, Prcsrrrlna; KeUles, Kralt Cans, AcJ . F. M. KINO A OOW Bole A rent" Celebrated Fanner t.lrl Cmik hUtrm, , myrrtf I r ; flrntn i:rnflTrS- jusHiNOTAcKLr. fly TnAi-s. ooorEaav Tools, First Cbvia Hardware. ' WM. K. HPRfNOKR A tXt., , Saceeasors to Jobs Itaweos A Co.. . 19, A tl Market lr"t. ' my7tf MUmlatos.N,afl. Three Days, ( 1 . Vwr ...... r m ' .