The MdnmitSRqi ?yn? rni.JSHKD DAILyVkXCKPT MONDAYS. ni TKrt OF fDlSCRIRIOML -IK' AjfrVaXCU. t- : 111 Year, (by Mall) Postage Paid .. 17 Oft SIX uufcuo( Yhreo Months, Two Months, " 4 TO 4 00 . 1 60 i no Monw, 76 :?" To City Subscribers, delivered In any part ,,f the City, rrmnnr onam per week, our city Aleuts aro not authorized to oolleot for more i huii three months In advanoe. jPMBBBBMBBBWBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, aa Seooad Class matter, . MORNING EDITION. OVTLINES. A remarkably heavy rain storm began at Council Bluffs, Iowa, at 6 oclock Friday evening; seven -iron bridges and many buildings were swept away; the loss of life is feared to lie large. Thos. Caffrey l he fourth of the Phoenix Park murderers. was hanged yesterday morning, at Dublin. The cotton crop, so far in sight, is (i, 797,242 bales. The Postmaster Gene ral orders postwastens of the first and second rhss to give personal attention to business :uul not abscut themselves without autho rity. The Pope of Rome threatens to write another circular. to the Irish clergy. Nearly one thousand assisted Irish t-ininmls sailed for New York and Boston Thursday. Mexican papers abuse Urn. Diaz for his friendship with Gen. Grant, declaring that the autonomy of the n !ublic will be threatened should Diaz be come President White & Rush, whole sale clothing merchants. New York, failed l..r $137,022. Several court otBcial in Dublin have received letters threatening l hem with vengeance. The U. S Muios Hospital service will continue su tu rvi.Mon of all vessels leaving Cuban ports for I he United States. Alfred Weliel, i l.i union merchant, faijed for 100,000. -Turkey is seeking" a coalition with liussia against British influence in Egypt. New York markets: Money 2i3 ju r cent. ; cotton dull and nominal at 10fr lie; southern, flour steady and quiet at $5 206 87A ; wheat, ungraded red $1 08 1 22 1; corn, ungraded 5666ic; rosin quiet ami steady; spirits turpentine steady at .",6c. One of Forepaugh's elephants got lighting mad and nearly killed a boy, sixteen years old, at Boston. An account says: '"The trunk of the enraged beast was t s ined about the boy '8 waist, and with a iinal twirl the lad was hurled to the ground. The elephant then attempted to gore and trample upon him. Before the attendants could prevent it, with a stroke of one tusk the animal tore open the boy's body. As the brute was. about to finish the work by .stepping upon his victim, the blows of poles, hooks, and clubs distracted his at tention long enough to allow the attendants to pull the unconscious boy beyond reach." The boy was living at last accounts. The change in the vote of seven eastern counties of Virginia is very .noticeable. Democratic majorities this year 3,975. In these counties tov. Cameron beat Maj. Daniel '2,925. Add the anti-Mahone majori ty and the loss to the Mahone tribe is C-,900. Richmond, Va., is quite famous for its rencounters and duels. War rants for the arrest of Messrs. Chas. E. Potts and L. D. Minnegerode Jiave been issued. They were sus pected ,of being about to light a duel. Minnegerode is not to be found. Last Snnday two boys in New York fell into Harlem river and were in danger of being drowned. Five hundred people witnessed it and made no attempt to save them. A richly attired young man rushed in and saved them, although as he went to the river the stupid crowd hooted at him as a "dude." Me refused af terwards to tell who he was. He is said to be Joseph Cook. theoitt; nkw abvertiskmrnth. Cokea Matting. A; Shriek j Cheap shoes. Si. A. Smith Furniture. A. David Reduced prices. E. J. Powbbs Phosphates. Otterbourg Miscellaneous. J. J. EIeprick White goods. E. Van Laer Piano for sale. Munson Gknuquhart suitings. Brown & Roddick New goods. Meeting W.. C. & W. Tel. Co. Kasfrowicz La Africana cigars. Harrison & Aixen Low prices. G. W. Williams & Ck). For sale. R. M. McIntire Dry goods, etc. Parker & Taylor Water coolers. F. M. King & Co. Water coolers. G. W. Williams & Co. Groceries. T. II. Mallard Trunks, bags, etc, 0iles& McucHiSQii' Grain cradles. Biudgrks & Co--Summer beverages. W. E. Davis & Sow Kennebeck ice. G. R. French & Sons Choice goods. W. E. Springek & Co. Grain cradles. II. M. Bowden & Co. Saddlery goods. P. II. IIatden Carriages, wagons, etc Atl'ntjc Coast LiNK-Excarsion tickets II.Brunhild & Buo Wines and liquors -I. W. Gordon & Bro. Fire iaurance. KERcnNER & Calder Bros. Meat, flour, coffee, sugar, etc. , ' lortaary. 101 mere were two inrmAna hMi n hilts m Oakdale Cemetery during the week closing yesterday. One of fl parties died elsewhere and was brought here for bariaL Bellevue Cemetery reported no inter ments for the week. In Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery there were five interments two adults and three children-for the week. HJnr VOL. XXXII.NO. 63. Local Jota. Seoopd Sunday after Trinity. Day's length 14 hours and 21 minutes; Receipts of cotton yesterday 14 bales. .ij. The thermometer registered 63 at 7 P. M. yesterday. The Board, of Assessors had a meeting here yesterday. Yhe magistrates were busy yes terday with trivial cases.. . - - Officer Samuel Howland was reported better yesterday afternoon. Strawberries, three quarts for a quarter yesterday. They continue plenti ful. The Board of Aldermen will meet in regular session to-morrow after- noon. Mr. Thos. R. Purnell, formerly of this city, but now of Raleigh, is here em a visit. Ex-policeman Watkins was re ported no better yesterday. His condition is still considered critical. There will be services at St. John's Church to-day at 11 o'clock. ' Com munion service at 8.15 P. M. Overcoats and fires in June are novelties in Wilmington, but both were called into requisition yesterday. The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses during the past week, of which two "were for white couples. Only one case of drunk and down for the Mayor'B Court yesterday morning, which was appropriately disposed of. Rev. Dr. Wilson has returned from the General Assembly at Louisville, and will fill his pulpit to day.' moraine and evening. Rev. T. D. Pitts was expected to return from Baltimore last night, and to officiate at St. John's Church to-day, morn ing and evening The hour of evening prayer at St. Paul's (Episcopal) Church has been changed from 8 o'clock to 6 o'clock for the summer months. A meeting of the Visitors of the Ladies' Benevolent Society will be held at the Hook & Ladder Hall Tuesday, June 5th,at 5 o'clock P. M. The Board of County Commis sioners will have their regular monthly meeting to-morrow afternoon, commencing at half -past 2 o'clock. . Rev. S. T. Hallman, of Con cord, will preach at St. Paul's Lutheran Church to-day, morning and evening. Both sermons will be in English. The man-trap on the north side of Mulberry, between Front and Second streets, which has so long been a source of uneasiness to those who have an aversion to broken necks, is being filled up. A gentleman says he set his watch a few days ago by the electric fire alarm, thinking it was the city clock striking 12, and never found out his mis take until he heard the cry of fire. Mr. T. .B. Kingsbury has been invited to deliver the Literary Address be fore the Smithville High School. Suffering from bronchitis he is compelled to decline this, as he has three other similar invita tions. A warrant was issued yester day for the arrest of a boy by the name of Lloyd Snead, charged with throwing rocks in one of the streets of the city. The au thorities are determined to break up the practice. Mr. W R. Talliaferro was to leave last evening for Orange county, Vir ginia, the home of his father, where he ex pects hereafter to reside. His many friends will regret his departure from -among us, but Ureir besCwishes will follow him to "Old Virginny." In a letter to the Biblical Ee eorder. Rev. Dr. Taylor, Of this city, men tions having made a short address before the Southern Baptist Convention on the work of the Home Mission Board, during which he referred to the death of Rev. Elaa Dodge, and the proposed monument to his memory, at the close of which con tributions amounting to twelve hundred dollars were handed in for the monument, which; has been -forwarded to the Treasurer. Onrttotored Firemen. . At a meeting of Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Co. No.. 8, held Friday evening, the fallowing officers were elected for the ensu ing year: Foreman James Ivory. First Asst. Joshua J. Hill. 'Second As8L James Bland. Treasurer Henry B. Walker. Secretary James W. Green, Jr. Cor. Sec Moses Howe. President Elias Camel. jVice President Nicholas DeBose. Papers of adoption for Harriet Eugenie Meadows was yesterday issued to Mr. Rich- Meadows, of this city, by Judge of Probate Van Amringe. The child in ques tion ia a little waif that waa-left at the house of Mr. Meadows one nighHome weeks ago. It has do doubt fallen into gpod hands, and will be properly cared for. : m. ... WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, $3, TUB STOBM. A Terrific Bala ni Wlad Mrm -terttajr One of the severestrain and wind storms prevailed here yesterday that has been knowi ,Zcr ;mnyf. y?18 We have fre quently had harder blows, but considering the long continuance of- the gale and the immense flood of rain with which it was ac companied, it was a storm long to be re membered. ' The wind, as we learned upon applica tion at the Signal Office, obtained to a ve locity of thirty-eight miles per hour. -The rainfall from 10.10 a. m. to 3 p. m. aggre gated 3.96 inches, and from 3 p. m. Friday to 3 p . m. yesterday it amounted to 4 iaches; which is a very heavy rainfall. We hear of no serious damage done. We understand that none .of the government wires were prostrated. Several trees were uprooted and quite a number of "broken &mhs .were noticed on the streets. There ilSgre also a considerable number of pretty TaA washes in the streets, which were al most impassable in places, the rain fell in such torrents. On Market street the stores were more or less flooded. Mr. Dryfoos, who resides above the store of Dryfoos & Sternberger, sustained considerable damage from leaks, which badly injured his carpets and ether articles, and the plastering of his kitchen also fell. In at Hr. Samson's dry goods store next door, on the west side, the rain beat in between the building and the one adjoining on (he west, breaking through the wall in two or three different places. The wind also lifted the skylight up and let ia a flood of rain; finally throw ing it over and smashing all the glass in it. Fortunately, no damage of importance oc curred to the goods, in consequence of Mr. Draper and his force being there to pre vent it. An immense volume of water poured through the foundry of Messrs. Hart, Bai ley & Co., necessitating the suspension of work by the employes at about half-past 3 o'clock. ' We expect to bear of quite a number of disasters at sea from the storm. Criminal Coart. The following cases have been disposed of since our last report: E. G. Barnitz, for violating the market ordinance, by selling beyond the prescribed limits. Judgment suspended on the pay ment of costs. Eliza Berden, assault and battery ; judg ment suspended on the payment of costs. This defendant, as before stated, was inad vertently mentioned in our paper as being tried for larceny. This was an unfortu- , nate mistake of the printer. No such charge as larceny has ever been brought against her. The charge against her was j assault and battery, as stated above. We hope this is sufficiently explicit, as we will 1 not knowingly do any one an injustice. Mary Williamson, selling liquor on Sun day ; $5 and costs. Lumsden and Rhodes, lottery. A ver diet of guilty entered, and the defendants fined $50 each and costs. Appeal craved and granted. Notice of appeal waived, appearance bond fixed at $25 each, and defendants personally recognized for ap pearance at the February term of the Court. M. A. Giles, called and failed; judgment nisi entered. The Srplnsters' Soud Party.' Notwithstanding it rained in torrents yesterday, the young ladies of the Spinster Club had their Sound party. About fifty members went down in wagonettes, and although they were obliged to stay in the house all day, it is the unanimous verdict of the participants that they had a "lovely time." Saperlor Court. The Superior Court for New Hanover county will convene at the Court House in this city, to-raorow morning, His Honor, Judge A. A. McKoy, presiding. Clerk Van Amringe informs us that there are 124 cases on the civil issue docket ready for trial, and 32 cases on the summons docket. matfjUraSes' Court Virgil Burns, colored, had a hearing be fore Justice McQuigg, yesterday morning, on the charge of failure to list his taxes, The case was dismissed on the payment of costs, and the defendant was committed for the amount. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 7:15 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5.-40 A. H. Raleigh .0:15 P. M. A 5:40 A M. Mails for the W. C. BaOroad, and route supplied therefrom Including A. A N. O. Railroad, at 8 P. K. Jk 5:40 A. H. Southern mails for all points .South, daily 8:00 P, M. Western mails (C C. Rallway( dally (except Sunday) :15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Plelgk 6:15 P. M . Hail for Cheraw and Darlinjrton Bail road &O0P. K. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8:00 P. JL Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Pear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P. M. Fayetteville, via Lum barton, daily, ex cept Sundays 8:15 P. X. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 830 A M. Mails for Easy HOI, Town Creek, Shal ktte and little River, Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 A. M Wrightsville dally at 8,80 A. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern thro' and way mails 730 A. X. Southern mails - 7.80 A. M. Carolina Central Ballroad 9.-00 A M. Mails collected from street boxes from busi ness portion of city at 5 AJL, 11:30 AM. and &S0 P.M; from other parts of the city at 5 P.M. Stamps for sale In small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 7.80 P.M., and oa Sundays from 8:30 to 9M A. X. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8:30 to QX AM. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 19 M., and from 2 to 530 P. X. Money order ana Kegteter Department open same as stamp offioe. Department, Stgaal Servtoa, l. ftVAmy. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit or commerce ana Agriculture. COTTONHBB1.T BTJIjIiBTTH, June 2, 18836 P.M. AVERAGE Districts. Far Max. Min. Rain Temp Temp. Fall. 78 58 .78 83 61 .00 88 65 .11 90 68 .02 85 64 .00 89 60 .03 95 61 .00 89 69 .34 93 73 .00 '88 66 .74 82 59 .26 88 58 .05 Wilmington . Charleston. . . Augusta Savannah . . . Atlanta ...... Montgomery . Mobile New Orleans Galveston. . ; . Vicksburg Little Rock. . Memphis . Weather IaUeatlon. The following are the indications for to day: For the Middle Atlantic States, in creasing cloudiness, occasional rain, south east to southwest winds, slight rise in tem perature and lower barometer. For the. South Atlantic States, occa sional rains, "partly cloudy weather, varia ble winds, lower barometer, and stationary or slight rise in temperature. For the East Gulf States, local rains, southerly to westerly winds, lower barome ter, and stationary or slight fall is tempera ture. For the West Gulf States, local raiaB, partly cloudy weather in the eastern and northern portions, slight rise in tempera ture, southerly winds becoming variable. For the Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, partly cloudy weather and rain, southerly to westerly winds, generally low tempera ture, fallings followed in the west portions by rising barometer. CITY TtKMS PERSONAL 1 TO MSN ONLY I Th Voltaic BkLt Co., Hardball, Mich., will send Da. Dra'a CxxaaATju .Klsctbo-Voltaic Bkltb aju Klxo- tuxo AiruiHCM on trial for thirty days to men (yonaic or old) who are afflicted with Nervo ueouity, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re- ttoration of health a 01 aeaiw ana uianiy vigor. Aaaress as N. B. No risk is incurred, as thirty days above, trial is allowed CURE THAT COLD. Do not suffer your Lunes to become diseased by allowing a cold to con tinue without an effort to cure it. Tnousanas have died premature deaths, the victims of Con- iption, Dy simply neglecting a oon. R. WM. HALL'S BALSAM for the LUNGS will cure Colds, Coughs and Consumption sorer and Quicker than anv other remedr. It acts al most like magic in many cases, and in others, its effect, though alow, is sure if persisted ia accord lng to directions. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE is the Best Salve for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds or Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. Get Henry's Carbolic Salve, as all others aro counterfeits. Price 25 cents. THE " FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OF THE NURSERY. The following is an extract from a letter written to tne German tcejormea Mettengtr, at Chambersbureh. Penn.: A BnrKrACTBxss. Just open the door for ber, and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the Nursery, or tnis we are so sure, that we wui teach our Susy" to say, "A blessing on Mrs. Winslow" tor helping her to survive and escape tne griping, oouciong. ana teething siege. Mrs. Winslow's Sootutns Strut relieves the child from pain, andCoures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums,reduues mflanunation,cureswlnd colic, and carries the infant safely through the teething period. It performs precisely what it Jtrofesaes to perform, every part of it nothing est. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know her only through the preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 2B cents a bottle. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale, rjMIRKE TIMBER WAGONS. IN GOOD CONDITION. Apply to G. W. WILLIAMS tt CO. jeSlw Wanted, J LEAS ANT ROOMS FURNISHED OR UN furnished, with or without board, by two young men, in private house, within five or" six squares of business portion. Address Box 444, P. ()., stating terms and location. Je4 It For Sale, THE ELEGANT NEW CABINET GRAND PIANO (Sohmer maker), used recently at the Concert. This Piano is no doubt the finest Up right in the city, and will be sold low for cash or in instalments. Also several fine Burl Walnut Gabler Pianos. E. VAN LAER, Je 4 it . 409 Red cross St. WILMINGTON, CLINTON & WARSAW TELEGRAPH CO. QUBSCRIBE8S TO THE ABOVE NAMED EN- terprise are requested to meet at Clinton on the 7th of Juue, 188S, for the purpose of organiza tion and making arrangements for the prompt construction of the work. Wilmington subscribers are requested to meet at the office of Wm. L. Smith A Co . on the 5th of June, at 4 p. m., to Insure a full representation or tneir stocK. je 3 2t w. jtuhtjik. Atlantic Coast Line. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Wilmington, N. C, June 1st, 1883. -JXGULAR SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS, good to return until November 1st, 1888, to Vir ginia and North Carolina Summer Resorts,, are now on sale at Coupon Office of this Line. Also Round Trip Tickets, Wilmington to New York at $30.00. T. M. EMXkSON, Je 4 It Geu'l Passenger Agent. Q.-L-I-N-U-Q-U-H-A-R-T BUTTINGS, V-K-N-E-T-I-K-N-N-E SUITINGS, FINE FABRICS IMPORTED STOCK, 0 MADE TO MEASURE. MUNSON, Merchant Tailor. JeSlt , Trunks, rTTOUNKS; JBSGS, BAGS, BAGS. SATCHELS, J. SateheUfSatcbea . A beautiful lot just re public are especially invited to call . aav stek before burtaur. We defy w exoelleuee. beautvaiid prices. A: full One of new -and superior goods. Harness, Bridles and Saddles and everything far short. Ue trade, yoa will find at the eld stand, where will be p.eased to satisfy my customers. i. H. MALLARD, JeStf ' No. 106 Front St. n nn htAth! Aj it -,t AJUJ JUJ 11 - Tninks ceived. TEe and evTWgafi ... Bir ri i . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELliAlTEOIJS Men's and Boys' JUbber Coats. Hen's and BoyV Alpaca Coats. Brown and Blaa Linsm 8niU. White and Percale Slirta. Gauze and Open-Work Underwear. Linen Collars, Any Style, 10 Cents. FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF d-OTHTTTfi IN THE CITY AT GBEATLT DEDUCED PIllCKft during the next thirty days. Orders from the country solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Address LOUIS JT. OTTEBBOUBG, North Front St., if 4 It Wilmington. N. C. Rock Ogmdy Syrup, LEMON SYRUP, RASPBERRY SYRUP, Martinique Lime Fruit Juice ELEGANT SUMMER BEVERAGES. WE SELL BLACK WELL'S DTTRHAH TOBACCO AT FACTORY PRICES. COME TO P. L. Bridgers & Co. for low prices and good artie'es and everything that is tempting to the palate. Je 4 DAWtf Reduced Prices' yyK WILL RECEIVE BY THIS WSEK Steamer a few new pieces of SUmNGS, to fill up our assortment, and in order to keep our Tailors employed we will make up Suits at Reduced Prices. We must cot rid of our stock. Wa moat kaen our hands employed. Think of that and come ana pnee our gooas. We will also make some additions to our stock of Ready-made Goods, aad to-onr Furnishing De partment, and Invite a call from those interested. A. DAVID, Je 4 tf Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Conceded" 'TTOAT HBDRICK SELLS THE HANDSOMEST J- ;Whlte Goods of any other Merchant in the city, and cheap enough to satisfy the moat economical. Just received the handsomest lot of Towels. Handkerchiefs, Lawns, Laees, (floves, etc, ever opened in Wilmington. je 4 U JHO. J. HEX) KICK. Hew Hats ! Lowest Prices ! HARRISON ALLEN. Hatters. Je 3 ti ICE. JeStf W. X. DAVIS A SON. Dry Goods ! Carpets I Mattings ! SOME CHOICE THINGS IN GOOD MATTINGS. JERSEYS, JERSEYS, JERSEYS in Black and Colors. Newport Sashes, Black and Colors. R. n. HcIOTIRE. je4tf Water Coolers! "N VARIETY; ICE CREAM FREEZERS, ICE CBISELS, and a variety of things that will do you good, at PURE WHITE OIL. 23 South Front St. jettf IF rOU WOULD LIKE TO 8EE WHAT CAN BE done In the way of manufactures right at home, drop in and look at our WATER COOLERS with earthern wells. We shall enter them at the Boston Fair. P. M. KING A CO., Je 4 tf Sole Agents Farmer Girl Cook Stove. Corea Hatting, CKAMLSSS, NEVER OFFERED IN THIS MAR- ket before, choicest quality, at the New Furni ture Store of BEH RENDS A MUNROK. Ex amine it. Je 4 U Just Received FRESH LOT OF LA AFRICANA, OUR NEW FIVE CENT CIGARS, AT Je 4 tf KASPROWICr. u sr.. " . I '. . I ' WHOLE NO. 4919 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Received.. BROWN & RODDICK, Xrtli Front Street, Have Just received A Beautiful WOOL FANCY BUNTING, IN ALL THE LEADING COLORS, 16c, worth Sir. Imported Printed Sateens, 35c. and 45c. WITH PLAIN COLORS TO MATCH. THE ABOVE ARE VERY DESIRABLE A CHEA P. PARASOLS. We have Just opened a FULL LINE of the above in Medium and Low Prfces. They are very ma"h cheaper than any thing wc have uliown i this season. GENTS' JEAN DRAWERS. The above are oar own manufacture, and are thoroughly finished and rrlafuK-ed. 02K" a pair, formerly 75e. BROWN & RODDICK. North Front Street. Je 3 tf Excursionists 1 SMITH V1LLE AND ALL OTHERS WI8I1 lng to buy good stylish, and CHEAP SHOES will find It to their advantage to buy of A. SIIKIEIl, lflH Market 6t We are offering our stock of Low Cat Shoe and Slippers at great bargains. Give us a rail. Je4 tf Groceries. Groceries. 100 Bozea Smo- nd D 8 8iiE8 1000 BMa FLOUR' 200 BbU X0LASS8' QQ Bags COFFEE, yp Bbls SUGAR, fQ Bbls RICE, 2Q0 Sacks MEAL, 000 Bush CORN. t000 Bales HAY. J00 Cases LYE. 100 BoxS!1 80AP r0 Boxes CANDY. y Boxes CRACKERS, 00 Cases OYSTERS, 0 Boxes CANDLES. 2j Gross MATCHES, Paper Bag. Twine, Bungs, Glue, Spirit Cask, Hoop Iron, Rivets, Ac, For sale by KERCH NEit A CALDER BROS. JeS tf Cotton Brand High Grade Acid Phosphate. Gibbs & Co's High Grade AIIONIATED PHOSPHATE. E. J. POWERS, WILMINGTON. N. C. Je 3 DAWtf THE Lirerpool and London and Globe Ins. Co. AT THE GREAT CHICAGO FIRE, PAID ALL ITS LOSSES, Over 63,500,000, without discount, and besides gave $t2,M0 to be divided among the sufferers. JNO. W. GORDON A BRO.. A rents, Je 3 tf 111 North Water St. Furniture. FULL STOCK OF FINE, MEDIUM AND Low Priced Furniture now open and ready for Inspection. Please call and examine before ma king purchases. D. A. SMITH. Je 3 tf North Front street. Grain Cradles, JUREKA PATTERN, For sale by GILES A MURCHISON. M aad 40 Moroafaina Block, N. Front St. JeS tf J. Three It-,...... ..... .ir Ppwr , i H..-rive Ltaya,.,, ... si' . te Vk....; . j " M, . Two Weka,...w, . ,........ U - " " ThfMWfnk.w., ..... .. t . " One Mouth.... ... ..,.. - Two MoutLii...... ...... Is l . . - TbreoMouth. J... . MiXodUm,..: , ; " . " One Year !...;.. wi ' IW Contract Adrntfrementa tafcWt pmiJ ' Uonatety low rates. , " . .' : ; - Tea Haet aoSd Nonpareil type makebft ffar " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; H.Brunhild CcBrol IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Of Fine Liquors & Wiupo, AND PROPRIETORS OF Af Southern Star v Rye Whiskey s.4r '' Rtad Certificate of Prof. CHAS. W. DABNEYJf Chemist: "w V 1?"' "RALKiau. N. a. Oct. Tth, tt9. ''. ' "I have examined carefully aad Okhtwm My ' -analysed a sample of whUkey, ertlnmltoWu.v fair tarn pie of the brand, known "rtoolhrra , , r Star," manufactured by Meaara. II. BruaMId A . ' Bro., of Wilmington, N. C., and find It a remark -bly pure and strong whiskey, free from all artel 'V' terattnn and fraadnlent addttkmn amialty Dilute . ' - , in whiskey. "Clii W. Dimit. J. Chamtat '. IN TRANSIT DIRECT. A Ccrgo of East Ale, Guinness' Extra Brown Stout, and Cochran & Cantrill'i Ginger Ale. Hicks & Brunhild Bros, M A NUFACTt'RERS OF THE I1EMT A FTNErT ' BRIOIIT AND DARK CHEWINO TOBACCOS. - " IN ALL SHAI ES AND &1ZX8. Hood for sample and Quotation. 4 Bacon, Lard, Flour..; 1 00 Box'" D' an'1 8mo' r' R KrDiw' j00 Tab Refined LARD, 1200 Bbl" rU)Vn' a" rraJ'"' For sale low h Jc SU a. W. WILI .1.1 A MB A (X). Coffee, Sugar, Molasses 2K( Hacks Cholm RIO COFFER, tl ' . 0 BMm nelae.1 SUGAR., sit gr4w3' ; 1 HVH A DlI Porto Kloo MVIm. For sale low by . - 3tf O . W W1LLIAIIH JkXf Snuff and Tobacco." 00 DuKUKWISO TOBACCO, all gra4 s. J- Rail Road Mill SNUFF, In 1 os Para'a,'' 1 l-o Can. In Calre and Weaaanda,". I For aale low by JeSU ti. W. WILLIAMS A m. f Trucks, Mules, &c. 2 Gool Second Hand Homo TRUCK H, 1 d do TIMI'.KK WAGONS, J Flno Yonng alt I.E. For sale low by O W. wriXlAMs A tO. Jo S If CIUVO. PORTKAITH. THESE PORTRAITS A Jilt VERY POPULAR, " tah; natural and life-like exprraalon, and made ' ' t from any kind of mall pic tor or life. Frtonds ) . OKIN T. THOMAS. ArltoC - V f Pra.. Mto1looT-r lllnatMfY'Ml Live Ikx.k Muilo More, P u Run mra Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! I WOULD RKSPECTFULLY NOTIFY THE CI ' tlzeni of Wtlmlnglnn and the ntihlln genc -rafty. that I hare laid In a FULL hUPJ'Lt tif ' CHOICE ICE, and am now fully prmiared to fU orders to all points on Railroads and lilmra, and V hope to arc tire a roaannahle ahare ol (tatronage. ' r B. II. J. AH RUNS, lrnprletor . j ap 30 3m fri no we New loe Ilffuaa. i 1 , ! Bock Lime, 1 )K BUILDING PURPOHEf ' ' ' i FRESHLY IimrNED; I PUirE REDUCED TO 1 1 .1 & I'KR t'AHK. V LII1KKAL DIHCOITNT FOR I.AIMK LOTH AND". ., TO THE TRADE. . ' ' Addrcwi FRENCH BROS., iUm ky Point, N. r. i or O. O. PARSLEY. Jr., ap 1 tf an to fr Wilmington, H. C, THE McTAMMANY ORQANETTtS, jyjELOrEANH AND AtTOMATIO ORG ANA v The McTammany Orranrtte enables any on,"- whether nndemtandlng moalr or not, lo ptaaoy , desired melody or liarmonr, asrrod rr aeculaf, from I ho moat plaintive iltrpr to thr niol flvoly - . dance mualn. ' 1 W Sold at red need pricra from tH"0. flO.OO'atid1 $14 00, with 10 feet of Mualu. . V For nale only At - II KINSn ERG Kit's . . Jettf IJ to Book and MualoU tores, c" . Choice Goods, .m' Geo. R. French & Sons.) on Noirrn front street, ' ' Offer to the public tho boat and largest atook Af BOOTS. snOES AND SLIPPEIW to be found tml I the State. Onr facllltlra for purrhaatng at lowest rates are iraperior to moat of the trade, and W can therefore give goods at leas price thsn others. Call and aeejna. Jellf Country JERCILiNTS AND EVERY BODY CAN niTT suited In quality and prVoa from the larr UvV of SADDLERY GOO DM, at the Fw H add lory and Trunk House of H. M. DOWDICN Ofl.. No. 40 Mark fcc"' MTTf anufacture and Repair. Grain Cradles, - piSHING TACKLE, FLT TRAPS, CMOPERS' Tools, Flrst-Claa nardwar. 5 WM. A SnUNOKX A Ot.. Suooesaon to Jon Dewan (kt., . , It. 11 A Market airwU Jo S tf Wllmtoigtosi, N, il DoTou Want A CARRIAGE, rTLKTOS OR BUOOT, CART I or Wagon, narueaa. Saddle or Bridle, call ! Factory on Third streets. Not. 1. Hi RUg don. with dlapah. n nAY0EN. n inriteu mi inn rxuninf nowtjT von wef K. ' , ! l T. 'J ,V:f